shithub: werc

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ref: 45c89027b58b3502fb11060def8bdc57bfdff400
parent: 58ce8d856e6d57dad0da86570a0a26ae3145b9dd
parent: 4eec25284bd2a333cb84762b4eeb60fb413c1018
author: sl <[email protected]>
date: Sun Feb 1 14:23:55 EST 2009


--- a/apps/blagh/app.rc
+++ b/apps/blagh/app.rc
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
 fn blagh_body {
     for(p in `{get_post_list $blagh_root^$blagh_dirs}) {
-        l=`{echo -n $p|sed 's!'$sitedir^$req_path'!!'}
-        sed '1s!.*![&]('$l')!' < $p/ | $formatter 
-    }
+        l=`{echo -n $p|sed 's!'$sitedir^$req_path'./([0-9]+/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9])(.*)!\1 ./\1\2!'}
+        sed '1s!.*![&]('^$l(2)^') ('^$l(1)^')!' < $p/ 
+    } | $formatter 
 fn get_post_list {
--- a/apps/bridge/app.rc
+++ b/apps/bridge/app.rc
@@ -1,30 +1,98 @@
 comment_file_types=(md html)
+fn conf_enable_comments {
+    if(~ $1 -n) {
+        allow_new_user_comments=yes
+        shift
+    }
+    enable_comments=yes
+    groups_allowed_comments=$*
 fn bridge_init {
-    if(! ~ $#enable_comments 0 && ! ~ `{ls $local_path.$comment_file_types >[2]/dev/null|wc -l} 0) {
-        ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/foot.tpl
-        if(get_post_args comment_text) {
-            d=`{date -n} # FIXME Obvious race
-            d=$local_path^'_werc/comments/'^$d/
+    if(~ $#enable_comments 1) {
+        cdir=$sitedir$req_path'_werc/comments'
+        if(test -d $cdir)
+            ll_add handlers_body_foot display_comments $cdir
-            u=$logged_user
-            if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
-                get_post_args comment_user_name comment_user_password
-                # XXX Should do this too if user not in required group
-                if(! login_user $comment_user_name $comment_user_password) {
-                    u=$comment_user_name':'$comment_user_password
-                    d=$d^'_pending'
-                }
-                if not
-                    u = $logged_user
-            }
+        if({ check_user $groups_allowed_comments || {~ $#logged_user 0 && ! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0} } && ! ~ `{ls $local_path.$comment_file_types >[2]/dev/null|wc -l} 0) {
+            ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/foot.tpl
+            if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST && mk_new_comment $cdir)
+                post_redirect $base_url^$post_arg_document_uri
+            if not
+                saved_comment_text=$post_arg_comment_text
+        }
+    }
-            umask 002
-            if(mkdir -m 775 -p $d) { # Rudimentary perm checking
-                echo $u > $d/user
-                echo $comment_text > $d/body
+fn validate_new_user {
+    usr=$1; pass=$2; pass2=$3
+    _status=()
+    if(~ $"usr '' || ! echo $usr |sed 1q|grep -s '^'$allowed_user_chars'+$')
+        _status='Requested user name is invalid, must match: '^$allowed_user_chars^'+'
+    if not if(test -d etc/users/$usr)
+        _status='Sorry, user name '''^$usr^''' already taken, please pick a different one.'
+    if(~ $"pass '' || ! ~ $"pass $"pass2)
+        _status=($_status 'Provided passwords don''t match.')
+    status=$_status
+fn mk_new_comment {
+    _status=()
+    dir=$1
+    if(~ $"post_arg_comment_text '')
+        _status='Provide a comment!'
+    if not if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
+        if(! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0) {
+            if(validate_new_user $"post_arg_comment_user $post_arg_comment_passwd $post_arg_comment_passwd2) {
+                u=$post_arg_comment_user':'$post_arg_comment_passwd
+                dir=$cdir^'_pending'
+                # XXX: This doesn't work because we then do a redirect. 
+                notify_notes='Saved comment and registration info, they will be enabled when approved by an admin.'
+            if not
+                _status=$status
+        if not
+            _status='You need to log in to comment.'
+    if not if(check_user $groups_allowed_comments)
+        u=$logged_user
+    if not
+        _status='You are not a memeber of a group allowed to comment.'
+    if(~ $#_status 0) {
+        umask 002
+        dir=$dir'/'`{date -n} # FIXME Obvious race
+        mkdir -m 775 -p $dir &&
+            echo $u > $dir/user &&
+            echo $current_date_time > $dir/posted &&
+            echo $post_arg_comment_text > $dir/body
+        _s=$status
+        if(! ~ $"_s '') {
+           dprint 'ERROR XXX: Could not create comment: ' $_s 
+            _status='Could not post comment due internal error, sorry.'
+        }
+    }
+    notify_errors=$_status
+    status=$_status
+fn display_comments {
+    echo '<hr /><h2>Comments</h2>'
+    for(c in `{ls $*/}) {
+        if(test -s $c/body) {
+            ifs=() { echo '<div class="comment"><h5>By: <i>'`{cat $c/user}'</i></b> ('`{cat $c/posted}')</h5>'}
+            cat $c/body | escape_html | sed 's,$,<br />,'
+            echo '<hr /></div>'
+        }
+     }
--- a/apps/bridge/foot.tpl
+++ b/apps/bridge/foot.tpl
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
-% cdir = $local_path^'_werc/comments'
-% if(test -d $cdir) { 
-    <hr /><h2>Comments</h2>
-%    for(c in `{ls $cdir/}) {
-        <div><b>By: <i> 
-%           cat $c/user
-            </i></b>
-            <br />
-%           cat $c/body | escape_html | sed 's,$,<br />,'
-        <hr /></div>
-%    }
-% }
 <hr />
+% notices_handler
+% # XXX should post to bridge_post or similar
 <form action="" method="post">
-    <textarea name="comment_text" id="comment_text" cols="80" rows="16"></textarea>
+    <textarea name="comment_text" id="comment_text" cols="80" rows="16">%($"saved_comment_text%)</textarea>
     <br />
+    <input type="hidden" name="document_uri" value="%($req_path%)" />
     <input type="submit" name="post_comment" value="Post a comment" />
-% if(! check_user) {
-    <label>User: <input type="text" name="comment_user_name" value="" /></label>
-    <label>Password: <input type="password" name="comment_user_password" value="" /></label>
-    <div style="font-size: 70%">If you are not registered enter your desired user/password and your account will be created when your comment is approved.</div>
+% if(~ $#logged_user 0 && ! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0) {
+    <label>New user name:
+        <input type="text" name="comment_user" value="%($"post_arg_comment_user%)" />
+    </label>
+    <label>Password:
+        <input type="password" name="comment_passwd" value="" />
+    </label>
+    <label>Repeat password:
+        <input type="password" name="comment_passwd2" value="" />
+    </label>
+    <div style="font-size: 70%">
+    Enter your desired user name/password and after your comment has been reviewed by an addmin it will be posted and your account will be enabled. If you are already registered please <a href="/_users/login">login</a> before posting.
+    </div>
 % }
--- a/bin/cgilib.rc
+++ b/bin/cgilib.rc
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-# Useful CGI functions
+# Useful CGI stuff
 fn dprint { echo $* >[1=2] }
-fn dprintvars { { for(v in $*) { echo -n $v^'#'^$#$v^'=' $$v '; '  }; echo } >[1=2] }
+fn dprintv { { for(v in $*) { echo -n $v^'#'^$#$v^'=' $$v '; '  }; echo } >[1=2] }
 fn escape_html { sed 's/&/\&amp;/g; s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g' $* }
 fn http_redirect {
+    if(~ $1 http:* https:*)
+        t=$1
+    if not if(~ $1 /*)
+        t=$"base_url^$1
+    if not
+        t=$"base_url^$"req_path^$1
     echo 'Status: '^$2^'
-Location: '^$1^'
+Location: '^$t^'
@@ -19,14 +21,7 @@
 fn perm_redirect { http_redirect $1 '301 Moved Permanantly' }
 fn post_redirect { http_redirect $1 '303 See Other' }
-fn static_file {
-    echo 'Content-Type: '`{select_mime $1}
-    echo
-    cat $1
-    exit
 # Note: should check if content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded?
 fn load_post_args {
     if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST && ~ $#post_args 0) {
@@ -111,23 +106,7 @@
-fn crop_text {
-    ellipsis='...'
-    if(~ $#* 2)
-        ellipsis=$2
-    awk -v max'='^$"1^' ' -v 'ellipsis='$ellipsis '
-    {
-        nc += 1 + length;
-        if(nc > max) {
-            print substr($0, 1, nc - max) ellipsis
-            exit
-        }
-        print
-    }' 
 # Cookies
 fn set_cookie {
     # TODO: should check input values more carefully
@@ -143,6 +122,14 @@
     { for(c in $co) echo $c } | sed -n 's/^ ?'$1'=//p' 
+fn static_file {
+    echo 'Content-Type: '`{select_mime $1}
+    echo
+    cat $1
+    exit
 fn select_mime {
     if(~ $1 *.css)
@@ -163,6 +150,7 @@
 # Generic rc programming helpers
+# Manage nested lists
 fn ll_add {
@@ -169,122 +157,23 @@
     $1=( $$1 $_l )
-# Werc-specific functions
+fn crop_text {
+    ellipsis='...'
+    if(~ $#* 2)
+        ellipsis=$2
-fn get_lib_file {
-    if(! ~ $#sitedir 0 && test -f $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1)
-        echo -n $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1
-    if not if(! ~ $#masterSite 0 && test -f $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1)
-        echo -n $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1
-    if not if(test -f lib/$1)
-        echo -n lib/$1
-    if not if(~ $#* 2)
-        echo -n $2
-    if not
-        status='Can''t find lib file: '$1
-fn template { awk -f bin/template.awk $* | rc $rcargs }
-# Auth code
-# Cookie format: WERC_USER: name:timestamp:hash(name.timestamp.password)
-# login_user can't be used from a template because it sets a cookie 
-fn login_user {
-    # Note: we set the cookie even if it is already there.
-    if(get_user $*)
-        set_cookie werc_user $"logged_user^':0:'^$"logged_password
-# Check loggin status, if called with group arg we check membership too
-fn check_user {
-    get_user
-    _status=$status
-    if(! ~ $#_status 0 )
-        _status=(Not logged in: $"_status)
-    if not if(! ~ $#* 0 && ! grep -s '^'^$logged_user^'$' etc/groups/$*) {
-        dprint NOT IN GROUP
-        _status=(User $logged_user not in groups $*)
-    }
-    status=$_status
-# If not logged in, try to get user login info from POST or from cookie
-fn get_user {
-    if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
-        if(~ $#* 2) {
-            user_name=$1 
-            user_password=$2
+    awk -v max'='^$"1^' ' -v 'ellipsis='$ellipsis '
+    {
+        nc += 1 + length;
+        if(nc > max) {
+            print substr($0, 1, nc - max) ellipsis
+            exit
-        if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST)
-            get_post_args user_name user_password
-        if(~ $#user_name 0) { 
-            ifs=':' { cu=`{get_cookie werc_user|tr -d $NEW_LINE} }
-            if(! ~ $#cu 0) {
-                user_name=$cu(1) 
-                user_password=$cu(3)
-            }
-        }
-        auth_user $user_name $user_password
-    }
-    if not
-        status=()
+        print
+    }' 
-# Check if user_name and user_password represent a valid user account
-# If valid, 'log in' by setting logged_user
-fn auth_user {
-    user_name=$1
-    user_password=$2
-    pfile='etc/users/'^$"user_name^'/password'
-    if(~ $#user_name 0 || ~ $#user_password 0)
-        status=('Auth: missing user name or pass: '^$"user_name^' / '^$"user_password)
-    if not if(! test -f $pfile)
-        status=('Auth: cant find '^$pfile)
-    if not if(! ~ $user_password `{cat $pfile})
-        status=('Auth: Pass '$user_password' doesnt match '^`{cat $pfile})
-    if not {
-        logged_user=$user_name
-        logged_password=$user_password
-        dprint Auth: success
-        status=()
-    }
-fn user_controls {
-    echo User: $"logged_user
-# .md '(meta-)data' extract
-fn get_md_file_attr {
-    sed -n '/^\* '$2': /p; /^\* '$2': /q; /^$/q' < $1
-#app_blog_methods = ( _post index.rss )
-#fn app_blog__post {
-#    echo
-#app_blog___default {
-#    if (~ $blog)
-#    call_app blogpost
-## --
-#app_blogpost_methods = ( comment  _edit )
-#fn app_blogpost_comment {
-#    call_app comments
-## --
-#app_comments_methods = ( _post _edit )
-#fn app_comments___default {
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/corehandlers.rc
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+# Werc builtin handlers
+fn nav_tree {
+    if(! ~ $#sideBarNavTitle 0)
+        echo '<p class="sideBarTitle">'$"sideBarNavTitle':</p>'
+    # Ignore stderr, last path element might be a file that doesn't exist (eg., foo for
+    # /./ to deal with p9p's ls failure to follow dir symlinks otherwise
+    ls -F $sitedir/./$req_paths_list >[2]/dev/null \
+        | sed 's!^'$sitedir'!!; '$dirfilter'/\/[^_.\/][^\/]*(\.(md|txt|html)|\/)$/!d; '$dirclean \
+        | sort -u | awk -F/ ' 
+    function p(x, y, s) { for(i=0; i < x-y; i+=1) print s }
+    { 
+        d = ""
+        if(match($0, "/$"))
+            d = "/"
+        sub("/$", "") # Strip trailing / for dirs so NF is consistent 
+        p(NF, lNF, "<ul class=\"side-bar\">")
+        p(lNF, NF, "</ul>")
+        lNF = NF
+        bname = $NF d
+        path = $0 d
+        gsub("_", " ", bname)
+        if(index(ENVIRON["req_path"] "/", path) == 1)
+            print "<li><a href=\"" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">&raquo;<i> " bname "</i></a>"
+        else 
+            print "<li><a href=\"" path "\">&rsaquo; " bname "</a></li>"
+    }
+    END { p(lNF, 0, "</ul>") }'
+fn md_handler { $formatter < $1 }
+fn tpl_handler { template $* }
+fn html_handler {
+    # body states: 0 = no <body> found, 2 = after <body>, 1 = after <body></body>, -1 = after </body>
+    awk 'gsub(".*<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>", "") > 0 {body=2}
+        gsub("</ *[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>.*", "") > 0 {print; body=body-1}
+        body==2 {print}
+        body==0 {buf=buf "\n" $0}
+        END {if(body<=0) {print buf}}' < $1
+fn txt_handler {
+    # Note: Words are not broken, even if they are way beyond 82 chars long
+    echo '<pre>'
+    sed 's/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g' < $1 | fmt -l 82 -j
+    echo '</pre>'
+fn dir_listing_handler {
+    d=`{basename -d $1}
+    if(~ $#d 0)
+        d='/'
+    echo $d|sed 's,.*//,,g; s,/$,,; s,/, / ,g; s,.*,<h1 class="dir-list-head">&</h1> <ul class="dir-list">,'
+    # Symlinks suck: '/.' forces ls to list the linked dir if $d is a symlink.
+    ls -F $dir_listing_ls_opts $sitedir$d/. | sed $dirfilter$dirclean' s,.*/([^/]+/?)$,<li><a href="\1">\1</a></li>,'
+    echo '</ul>'
+fn notices_handler {
+    for(type in notify_errors notify_notes notify_success)
+        for(n in $$type)
+            echo '<div class="'$type'"><b>'$"n'</b></div>'
+fn setup_handlers {
+    if(test -f $
+        handler_body_main=(md_handler $
+    if not if(test -f $local_path.tpl)
+        handler_body_main=(tpl_handler $local_path.tpl)
+    if not if(test -f $local_path.html)
+        handler_body_main=(html_handler $local_path.html)
+    # Global tpl (eg sitemap.tpl), should take precedence over txt handler!
+    if not if(test -f lib^$req_path^.tpl)
+        handler_body_main=(tpl_handler lib^$req_path^.tpl)
+    if not if(test -f $local_path.txt)
+        handler_body_main=(txt_handler $local_path.txt)
+    # XXX Should check that $enabled_apps exist in $werc_apps?
+    # XXX Should split init of apps that provide main handler (eg., blog) and apps that don't (eg., comments)?
+    if(! ~ $#enabled_apps 0)
+        for(a in $enabled_apps)
+            $a^'_init'
+    if(! ~ $#handler_body_main 0)
+        { } # We are done
+    # Dir listing
+    if not if(~ $local_path */index)
+        handler_body_main=(dir_listing_handler $req_path)
+    # Canonize explicit .html urls, the web server might handle this first!
+    if not if(~ $local_path *.html && test -f $local_path)
+        perm_redirect `{ echo $req_path|sed 's/.html$//' }
+    # Fallback static file handler
+    if not if(test -f $local_path)
+        static_file $local_path
+    if not if(~ $req_path /pub/* && test -f .$req_path)
+        static_file .$req_path
+    # File not found
+    if not {
+        handler_body_main=(tpl_handler `{get_lib_file 404.tpl})
+        echo 'Status: 404 Not Found'
+    }
+fn run_handlers { for(h in $*) run_handler $$h }
+fn run_handler { $*(1) $*(2-) }
--- a/bin/werc.rc
+++ b/bin/werc.rc
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 . ./cgilib.rc
+. ./werclib.rc
+. ./wercconf.rc
+. ./corehandlers.rc
 cd ..
@@ -6,121 +9,9 @@
 # Expected input: ls -F style, $sitedir/path/to/files/
 #          <ls -F+x><symlink hack><Useless?><hiden files  >
-dirfilter='s/\*$//; s,/+\./+,/,g; s,^\./,,; /\/[._][^\/]/d; /'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'/d; /^\/(robots|sitemap)\.txt$|\/index\.(md|html|txt|tpl)$/d; /_werc\/?$/d; '
+dirfilter='s/\*$//; s,/+\./+,/,g; s,^\./,,; /\/[._][^\/]/d; /'$forbidden_uri_chars'/d; /^\/(robots|sitemap)\.txt$|\/index\.(md|html|txt|tpl)$/d; /_werc\/?$/d; '
 dirclean=' s/\.(md|html|txt)$//; '
-# To be used from config files
-fn hide_paths {
-    for(i in $*)
-       dirfilter=$dirfilter^'/^'$i'$/d; '
-# Sidebar 
-fn nav_tree {
-    if(! ~ $#sideBarNavTitle 0)
-        echo '<p class="sideBarTitle">'$"sideBarNavTitle':</p>'
-    # Ignore stderr, last path element might be a file that doesn't exist (eg., foo for
-    # /./ to deal with p9p's ls failure to follow dir symlinks otherwise
-    ls -F $sitedir/./$req_paths_list >[2]/dev/null \
-        | sed 's!^'$sitedir'!!; '^$dirfilter^'/\/[^_.\/][^\/]*(\.(md|txt|html)|\/)$/!d; '^$dirclean \
-        | sort -u | awk -F/ ' 
-    function p(x, y, s) { for(i=0; i < x-y; i+=1) print s }
-    { 
-        d = ""
-        if(match($0, "/$"))
-            d = "/"
-        sub("/$", "") # Strip trailing / for dirs so NF is consistent 
-        p(NF, lNF, "<ul class=\"side-bar\">")
-        p(lNF, NF, "</ul>")
-        lNF = NF
-        bname = $NF d
-        path = $0 d
-        gsub("_", " ", bname)
-        if(index(ENVIRON["req_path"] "/", path) == 1)
-            print "<li><a href=\"" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">&raquo;<i> " bname "</i></a>"
-        else 
-            print "<li><a href=\"" path "\">&rsaquo; " bname "</a></li>"
-    }
-    END { p(lNF, 0, "</ul>") }'
-# Handlers
-fn md_handler { $formatter < $1 }
-fn tpl_handler { template $* }
-fn html_handler {
-    # body states: 0 = no <body> found, 2 = after <body>, 1 = after <body></body>, -1 = after </body>
-    awk 'gsub(".*<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>", "") > 0 {body=2}
-        gsub("</ *[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>.*", "") > 0 {print; body=body-1}
-        body==2 {print}
-        body==0 {buf=buf "\n" $0}
-        END {if(body<=0) {print buf}}' < $1
-fn txt_handler {
-    # Note: Words are not broken, even if they are way beyond 82 chars long
-    echo '<pre>' `{ sed 's/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g' < $1 | fmt -l 82 -j } '</pre>'
-fn dir_listing_handler {
-    d=`{basename -d $1}
-    if(~ $#d 0)
-        d='/'
-    echo $d|sed 's,.*//,,g; s,/$,,; s,/, / ,g; s,.*,<h1 class="dir-list-head">&</h1> <ul class="dir-list">,'
-    # Symlinks suck: '/.' forces ls to list the linked dir if $d is a symlink.
-    ls -F $dir_listing_ls_opts $sitedir$d/. | sed $dirfilter$dirclean' s,.*/([^/]+/?)$,<li><a href="\1">\1</a></li>,'
-    echo '</ul>'
-fn setup_handlers {
-    if(test -f $
-        handler_body_main=(md_handler $
-    if not if(test -f $local_path.tpl)
-        handler_body_main=(tpl_handler $local_path.tpl)
-    if not if(test -f $local_path.html)
-        handler_body_main=(html_handler $local_path.html)
-    # Global tpl (eg sitemap.tpl), should take precedence over txt handler!
-    if not if(test -f lib^$req_path^.tpl)
-        handler_body_main=(tpl_handler lib^$req_path^.tpl)
-    if not if(test -f $local_path.txt)
-        handler_body_main=(txt_handler $local_path.txt)
-    # XXX Should check that $enabled_apps exist in $werc_apps?
-    # XXX Should split init of apps that provide main handler (eg., blog) and apps that don't (eg., comments)?
-    if(! ~ $#enabled_apps 0)
-        for(a in $enabled_apps)
-            $a^'_init'
-    if(! ~ $#handler_body_main 0)
-        { } # We are done
-    # Dir listing
-    if not if(~ $local_path */index)
-        handler_body_main=(dir_listing_handler $req_path)
-    # Canonize explicit .html urls, the web server might handle this first!
-    if not if(~ $local_path *.html && test -f $local_path)
-        perm_redirect `{ echo $req_path|sed 's/.html$//' }
-    # Fallback static file handler
-    if not if(test -f $local_path)
-        static_file $local_path
-    if not if(~ $req_path /pub/* && test -f .$req_path)
-        static_file .$req_path
-    # File not found
-    if not {
-        handler_body_main=(tpl_handler `{get_lib_file 404.tpl})
-        echo 'Status: 404 Not Found'
-    }
-fn run_handlers { for(h in $*) run_handler $$h }
-fn run_handler { $*(1) $*(2-) }
 # Careful, the proper p9p path might not be set until initrc.local is sourced
 path=(. $PLAN9/bin ./bin/ /bin/ /usr/bin) 
@@ -130,18 +21,9 @@
 werc_apps=( apps/* )
-for(i in siteTitle siteSubTitle pageTitle extraHeaders)
-    $i = ''
-# TODO: Per-req variables should move after initrc loading.
-master_template=`{get_lib_file default_master.tpl}
+ . ./etc/initrc
-. ./etc/initrc
 if(test -f etc/initrc.local)
     . ./etc/initrc.local
@@ -148,71 +30,83 @@
 for(a in $werc_apps)
     . ./$a/app.rc
-# Parse request URL
-# NOTE: $REQUEST_URI is not officially in CGI 1.1, but seems to be de-facto
-req_path=`{echo -n $REQUEST_URI | sed 's/\?.*//; s/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'//g; s/\.\.*/./g; 1q'}
-ifs='/' { args=`{echo -n $req_path} }
+fn werc_exec_request {
+    site=$SERVER_NAME
+    base_url=http://$site
+    sitedir=$sitesdir/$site
+    master_template=`{get_lib_file default_master.tpl}
+    current_date_time=`{date}
-# Hack: preload post data so we can access it from templates where cgi's stdin is not accesible
-    load_post_args
-    login_user
+    # Note: $REQUEST_URI is not officially in CGI 1.1, but seems to be de-facto
+    req_path=`{echo -n $REQUEST_URI | sed 's/\?.*//; s!//+!/!g; s/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'//g; s/\.\.*/./g; 1q'}
+    local_path=$sitedir$req_path
+    ifs='/' { args=`{echo -n $req_path} }
-if(! ~ $#args 0)
-    pageTitle=`{ echo $args|sed -e 's/ / - /g' -e 's/_/ /g' }
+    # Preload post args for templates where cgi's stdin is not accessible
+        load_post_args
+        login_user
+    }
-if(~ $req_path */index)
-    perm_redirect `{echo $req_path | sed 's,/index$,/,'}
+    if(~ $req_path */index)
+        perm_redirect `{echo $req_path | sed 's,/index$,/,'}
-if(~ $local_path */) {
-    if(test -d $local_path)
-        local_path=$local_path^'index'
-    if not # XXX: This redir might step on apps with synthetic dirs.
-        perm_redirect `{echo $req_path|sed 's,/+$,,'}
-if not if(test -d $local_path)
-    perm_redirect $req_path^'/'
+    if(~ $local_path */) {
+        if(test -d $local_path)
+            local_path=$local_path^'index'
+        if not # XXX: This redir might step on apps with synthetic dirs.
+            perm_redirect `{echo $req_path|sed 's,/+$,,'}
+    }
+    if not if(test -d $local_path)
+        perm_redirect $base_url^$req_path^'/'
-cd $sitedir
-req_paths_list='/' # Note: req_paths_list doesn't include 'stnythetic' dirs.
-conf_wd='/' # Used in config files to know where we are in the document tree.
-if(test -f _werc/config)
-    . _werc/config
-for(i in $args) {
-    conf_wd=$conf_wd^$i
-    req_paths_list=($req_paths_list $conf_wd)
-    if(test -d $i) {
-        conf_wd=$conf_wd^'/'
-        cd $i
-        if(test -f _werc/config)
-            . _werc/config
+    if(! ~ $#args 0)
+        pageTitle=`{ echo $args|sed -e 's/ / - /g' -e 's/_/ /g' }
+    cd $sitedir
+    req_paths_list='/' # Note: req_paths_list doesn't include 'stnythetic' dirs.
+    conf_wd='/' # Used in config files to know where we are in the document tree.
+    if(test -f _werc/config)
+        . _werc/config
+    for(i in $args) {
+        conf_wd=$conf_wd^$i
+        req_paths_list=($req_paths_list $conf_wd)
+        if(test -d $i) {
+            conf_wd=$conf_wd'/'
+            cd $i
+            if(test -f _werc/config)
+                . _werc/config
+        }
-cd $werc_root
+    cd $werc_root
-# Redirections and other preprocessing
-if(~ $#redirectPermanent 1) {
-    perm_redirect $"redirectPermanent
-if not if(~ $#redirectPermanent 2) {
-    from='http://'^$SERVER_NAME^$req_path
-    to=`{echo $from|sed 's@'^$redirectPermanent(1)^'@'^$redirectPermanent(2)^'@'}
-    if(! ~ $to $from)
-        perm_redirect $to
+    f=();t=()
+    for(i in $perm_redir_patterns) {
+        if(~ $#f 0)
+            f=$i
+        if not {
+            t=$i
+            from=$base_url^$req_path
+            to=`{ echo $from | sed 's!'$f'!'$t'!' }
+            if(! ~ $to $from)
+                perm_redirect $to
+            f=() 
+        } 
+    }
-# Set Page title
-if(~ $pageTitle '')
-    pageTitle=$siteTitle^' '^$siteSubTitle
-if not
-    pageTitle=$"pageTitle^' | '^$"siteTitle^' '^$"siteSubTitle
+    # Set Page title
+    if(~ $"pageTitle '')
+        pageTitle=$"siteTitle' '$"siteSubTitle
+    if not
+        pageTitle=$"pageTitle' | '$"siteTitle' '$"siteSubTitle
+    setup_handlers
-if(! ~ $#debug 0)
-    dprint '  '$"SERVER_NAME^$"REQUEST_URI' - '$"HTTP_USER_AGENT' - '$"REQUEST_METHOD' - '$"handler_body_main - $"master_template
+    if(! ~ $#debug 0)
+        dprint $"SERVER_NAME^$"REQUEST_URI - $"HTTP_USER_AGENT - $"REQUEST_METHOD - $"handler_body_main - $"master_template
-template $headers $master_template | awk_buffer
-echo $res_tail
+    template $headers $master_template #| awk_buffer
+    echo $res_tail
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wercconf.rc
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+# To be used from config files
+fn conf_perm_redirect {
+    if(~ $#* 1)
+        perm_redirect $1
+    if not
+        perm_redir_patterns=($perm_redir_patterns $1 $2)
+fn conf_hide_paths {
+    for(i in $*)
+       dirfilter=$dirfilter^'/^'$i'$/d; '
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/werclib.rc
@@ -1,0 +1,117 @@
+fn get_lib_file {
+    if(! ~ $#sitedir 0 && test -f $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1)
+        echo -n $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1
+    if not if(! ~ $#masterSite 0 && test -f $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1)
+        echo -n $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1
+    if not if(test -f lib/$1)
+        echo -n lib/$1
+    if not if(~ $#* 2)
+        echo -n $2
+    if not
+        status='Can''t find lib file: '$1
+fn template { awk -f bin/template.awk $* | rc $rcargs }
+# Auth code
+# Cookie format: WERC_USER: name:timestamp:hash(name.timestamp.password)
+# login_user can't be used from a template because it sets a cookie 
+fn login_user {
+    # Note: we set the cookie even if it is already there.
+    if(get_user $*)
+        set_cookie werc_user $"logged_user^':0:'^$"logged_password
+# Check login status, if called with group arg we check membership too
+fn check_user {
+    get_user
+    _status=$status
+    if(! ~ $"_status '')
+        _status=(Not logged in: $"_status)
+    if not if(! ~ $#* 0 && ! grep -s '^'^$logged_user^'$' etc/groups/$* etc/groups/admin) {
+        dprint NOT IN GROUP
+        _status=(User $logged_user not in groups $*)
+    }
+    status=$_status
+# If not logged in, try to get user login info from POST or from cookie
+fn get_user {
+    if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
+        if(~ $#* 2) {
+            user_name=$1 
+            user_password=$2
+        }
+        if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST)
+            get_post_args user_name user_password
+        if(~ $#user_name 0) { 
+            ifs=':' { cu=`{get_cookie werc_user|tr -d $NEW_LINE} }
+            if(! ~ $#cu 0) {
+                user_name=$cu(1) 
+                user_password=$cu(3)
+            }
+        }
+        auth_user $user_name $user_password
+    }
+    if not
+        status=()
+# Check if user_name and user_password represent a valid user account
+# If valid, 'log in' by setting logged_user
+fn auth_user {
+    user_name=$1
+    user_password=$2
+    pfile='etc/users/'^$"user_name^'/password'
+    if(~ $#user_name 0 || ~ $#user_password 0)
+        status=('Auth: missing user name or pass: '^$"user_name^' / '^$"user_password)
+    if not if(! test -f $pfile)
+        status=('Auth: cant find '^$pfile)
+    if not if(! ~ $user_password `{cat $pfile})
+        status=('Auth: Pass '$user_password' doesnt match '^`{cat $pfile})
+    if not {
+        logged_user=$user_name
+        logged_password=$user_password
+        dprint Auth: success
+        status=()
+    }
+fn user_controls {
+    echo User: $"logged_user
+# .md '(meta-)data' extract
+fn get_md_file_attr {
+    sed -n '/^\* '$2': /p; /^\* '$2': /q; /^$/q' < $1
+#app_blog_methods = ( _post index.rss )
+#fn app_blog__post {
+#    echo
+#app_blog___default {
+#    if (~ $blog)
+#    call_app blogpost
+## --
+#app_blogpost_methods = ( comment  _edit )
+#fn app_blogpost_comment {
+#    call_app comments
+## --
+#app_comments_methods = ( _post _edit )
+#fn app_comments___default {
--- a/lib/_users/login.tpl
+++ b/lib/_users/login.tpl
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 % }
 % if not {
-%        echo 'Login failed!'
-<form method="POST">
-    <label>User name: <input type="text" name="user_name" /></label><br />
+%        echo '<div class="notify_errors">Login failed!</div>'
+<form method="POST" style="text-align: right; float: left;">
+    <label>User name: <input type="text" name="user_name" value="%($"post_arg_user_name%)"/></label><br />
     <lavel>User password: <input type="password" name="user_password" /></label><br />
     <input name="s" type="submit" value="Login" />
--- a/lib/headers.tpl
+++ b/lib/headers.tpl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 % if(! ~ $#h 0)
 %   cat $h
-    %($extraHeaders%)
+    %($"extraHeaders%)
--- a/pub/style/style.css
+++ b/pub/style/style.css
@@ -334,6 +334,18 @@
 .doNotDisplay { display: none; }
+.notify_success { padding: .8em; margin-bottom: 1em; border: 2px solid #ddd; }
+.notify_errors { background: #FBE3E4; color: #8a1f11; border-color: #FBC2C4; }
+.notify_notes { background: #FFF6BF; color: #514721; border-color: #FFD324; }
+.notify_success { background: #E6EFC2; color: #264409; border-color: #C6D880; }
+.notify_errors a { color: #8a1f11; }
+.notify_notes a { color: #514721; }
+.notify_success a { color: #264409; }
 /* # Page/Handler specific # */
 h1.dir-list-head, ul.dir-list {
   text-transform: capitalize;
--- a/sites/
+++ b/sites/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 siteSubTitle=' Bringing minimalism and sanity to the web'
 enabled_apps=($enabled_apps hello dirdir )