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ref: 9c17b1f6a1f89e33f80be2efacacbc3ce4380561
parent: d03ee98d63748ba0e2225be221b45a250c8c5741
author: Simon Howard <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 27 19:40:40 EDT 2015

Remove old DOS source files.

These are leftover files that were kept around for posterity in the
heretic/ and hexen/ directories, that contained system-specific DOS
code used in the DOS versions of the games. There's no real reason
to keep these files around any more and it's confusing having them
around: some people who have tried to compile the code have
mistakenly tried to include these files in compilation.

--- a/src/heretic/
+++ b/src/heretic/
@@ -53,10 +53,6 @@
 sounds.c               sounds.h                      \
 s_sound.c              s_sound.h
-EXTRA_DIST=                                          \
-i_sound.c                                            \
 deh_ammo.c                                 \
 deh_frame.c                                \
--- a/src/heretic/i_ibm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1642 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
-// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
-// Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// I_IBM.C
-#include <dos.h>
-#include <conio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <graph.h>
-#include "doomdef.h"
-#include "r_local.h"
-#include "dmx.h"
-#include "v_video.h"
-// Macros
-#define DPMI_INT 0x31
-//#define NOKBD
-//#define NOTIMER
-// Public Data
-int DisplayTicker = 0;
-// Code
-void main(int argc, char **argv)
-    myargc = argc;
-    myargv = argv;
-    D_DoomMain();
-void I_StartupNet(void);
-void I_ShutdownNet(void);
-void I_ReadExternDriver(void);
-typedef struct
-    unsigned edi, esi, ebp, reserved, ebx, edx, ecx, eax;
-    unsigned short flags, es, ds, fs, gs, ip, cs, sp, ss;
-} dpmiregs_t;
-extern dpmiregs_t dpmiregs;
-void I_ReadMouse(void);
-void I_InitDiskFlash(void);
-extern int usemouse, usejoystick;
-extern void **lumpcache;
-#define SC_INDEX                0x3C4
-#define SC_RESET                0
-#define SC_CLOCK                1
-#define SC_MAPMASK              2
-#define SC_CHARMAP              3
-#define SC_MEMMODE              4
-#define CRTC_INDEX              0x3D4
-#define CRTC_H_TOTAL    0
-#define CRTC_H_DISPEND  1
-#define CRTC_H_BLANK    2
-#define CRTC_H_ENDBLANK 3
-#define CRTC_H_RETRACE  4
-#define CRTC_V_TOTAL    6
-#define CRTC_OVERFLOW   7
-#define CRTC_ROWSCAN    8
-#define CRTC_CURSOREND  11
-#define CRTC_STARTHIGH  12
-#define CRTC_STARTLOW   13
-#define CRTC_CURSORLOW  15
-#define CRTC_V_RETRACE  16
-#define CRTC_V_DISPEND  18
-#define CRTC_OFFSET             19
-#define CRTC_UNDERLINE  20
-#define CRTC_V_BLANK    21
-#define CRTC_V_ENDBLANK 22
-#define CRTC_MODE               23
-#define GC_INDEX                0x3CE
-#define GC_SETRESET             0
-#define GC_DATAROTATE   3
-#define GC_READMAP              4
-#define GC_MODE                 5
-#define GC_BITMASK              8
-#define ATR_INDEX               0x3c0
-#define ATR_MODE                16
-#define ATR_OVERSCAN    17
-#define ATR_PELPAN              19
-#define STATUS_REGISTER_1    0x3da
-#define PEL_WRITE_ADR   0x3c8
-#define PEL_READ_ADR    0x3c7
-#define PEL_DATA                0x3c9
-#define PEL_MASK                0x3c6
-boolean grmode;
-// joystick vars
-boolean joystickpresent;
-extern unsigned joystickx, joysticky;
-boolean I_ReadJoystick(void);   // returns false if not connected
-#define VBLCOUNTER              34000   // hardware tics to a frame
-#define TIMERINT 8
-#define KEYBOARDINT 9
-#define CRTCOFF (_inbyte(STATUS_REGISTER_1)&1)
-#define CLI     _disable()
-#define STI     _enable()
-#define _outbyte(x,y) (outp(x,y))
-#define _outhword(x,y) (outpw(x,y))
-#define _inbyte(x) (inp(x))
-#define _inhword(x) (inpw(x))
-#define MOUSEB1 1
-#define MOUSEB2 2
-#define MOUSEB3 4
-boolean mousepresent;
-//static  int tsm_ID = -1; // tsm init flag
-int ticcount;
-// REGS stuff used for int calls
-union REGS regs;
-struct SREGS segregs;
-boolean novideo;                // if true, stay in text mode for debugging
-#define KBDQUESIZE 32
-byte keyboardque[KBDQUESIZE];
-int kbdtail, kbdhead;
-#define KEY_LSHIFT      0xfe
-#define KEY_INS         (0x80+0x52)
-#define KEY_DEL         (0x80+0x53)
-#define KEY_PGUP        (0x80+0x49)
-#define KEY_PGDN        (0x80+0x51)
-#define KEY_HOME        (0x80+0x47)
-#define KEY_END         (0x80+0x4f)
-#define SC_RSHIFT       0x36
-#define SC_LSHIFT       0x2a
-byte scantokey[128] = {
-//  0           1       2       3       4       5       6       7
-//  8           9       A       B       C       D       E       F
-    0, 27, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6',
-    '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', KEY_BACKSPACE, 9,     // 0
-    'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i',
-    'o', 'p', '[', ']', 13, KEY_RCTRL, 'a', 's',        // 1
-    'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';',
-    39, '`', KEY_LSHIFT, 92, 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v',        // 2
-    'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/', KEY_RSHIFT, '*',
-    KEY_RALT, ' ', 0, KEY_F1, KEY_F2, KEY_F3, KEY_F4, KEY_F5,   // 3
-    KEY_F6, KEY_F7, KEY_F8, KEY_F9, KEY_F10, 0, 0, KEY_HOME,
-    KEY_F12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,       // 5
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     // 6
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0      // 7
-// FUNC I_GetTime
-// Returns time in 1/35th second tics.
-int I_GetTime(void)
-#ifdef NOTIMER
-    ticcount++;
-    return (ticcount);
-// PROC I_ColorBorder
-void I_ColorBorder(void)
-    int i;
-    I_WaitVBL(1);
-    _outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-    {
-        _outbyte(PEL_DATA, 63);
-    }
-// PROC I_UnColorBorder
-void I_UnColorBorder(void)
-    int i;
-    I_WaitVBL(1);
-    _outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-    {
-        _outbyte(PEL_DATA, 0);
-    }
-								USER INPUT
-// PROC I_WaitVBL
-void I_WaitVBL(int vbls)
-    int i;
-    int old;
-    int stat;
-    if (novideo)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    while (vbls--)
-    {
-        do
-        {
-            stat = inp(STATUS_REGISTER_1);
-            if (stat & 8)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        while (1);
-        do
-        {
-            stat = inp(STATUS_REGISTER_1);
-            if ((stat & 8) == 0)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        while (1);
-    }
-// PROC I_SetPalette
-// Palette source must use 8 bit RGB elements.
-void I_SetPalette(byte * palette)
-    int i;
-    if (novideo)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    I_WaitVBL(1);
-    _outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 768; i++)
-    {
-        _outbyte(PEL_DATA, (gammatable[usegamma][*palette++]) >> 2);
-    }
-byte *pcscreen, *destscreen, *destview;
-= I_Update
-int UpdateState;
-extern int screenblocks;
-void I_Update(void)
-    int i;
-    byte *dest;
-    int tics;
-    static int lasttic;
-// blit screen to video
-    if (DisplayTicker)
-    {
-        if (screenblocks > 9 || UpdateState & (I_FULLSCRN | I_MESSAGES))
-        {
-            dest = (byte *) screen;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            dest = (byte *) pcscreen;
-        }
-        tics = ticcount - lasttic;
-        lasttic = ticcount;
-        if (tics > 20)
-        {
-            tics = 20;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < tics; i++)
-        {
-            *dest = 0xff;
-            dest += 2;
-        }
-        for (i = tics; i < 20; i++)
-        {
-            *dest = 0x00;
-            dest += 2;
-        }
-    }
-    if (UpdateState == I_NOUPDATE)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_FULLSCRN)
-    {
-        memcpy(pcscreen, screen, SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT);
-        UpdateState = I_NOUPDATE;       // clear out all draw types
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_FULLVIEW)
-    {
-        if (UpdateState & I_MESSAGES && screenblocks > 7)
-        {
-            for (i = 0; i <
-                 (viewwindowy + viewheight) * SCREENWIDTH; i += SCREENWIDTH)
-            {
-                memcpy(pcscreen + i, screen + i, SCREENWIDTH);
-            }
-            UpdateState &= ~(I_FULLVIEW | I_MESSAGES);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for (i = viewwindowy * SCREENWIDTH + viewwindowx; i <
-                 (viewwindowy + viewheight) * SCREENWIDTH; i += SCREENWIDTH)
-            {
-                memcpy(pcscreen + i, screen + i, viewwidth);
-            }
-            UpdateState &= ~I_FULLVIEW;
-        }
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_STATBAR)
-    {
-        memcpy(pcscreen + SCREENWIDTH * (SCREENHEIGHT - SBARHEIGHT),
-               screen + SCREENWIDTH * (SCREENHEIGHT - SBARHEIGHT),
-               SCREENWIDTH * SBARHEIGHT);
-        UpdateState &= ~I_STATBAR;
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_MESSAGES)
-    {
-        memcpy(pcscreen, screen, SCREENWIDTH * 28);
-        UpdateState &= ~I_MESSAGES;
-    }
-//  memcpy(pcscreen, screen, SCREENHEIGHT*SCREENWIDTH);
-// PROC I_InitGraphics
-void I_InitGraphics(void)
-    if (novideo)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    grmode = true;
- = 0x13;
-    int386(0x10, (const union REGS *) &regs, &regs);
-    pcscreen = destscreen = (byte *) 0xa0000;
-    I_SetPalette(W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL", PU_CACHE));
-    I_InitDiskFlash();
-// PROC I_ShutdownGraphics
-void I_ShutdownGraphics(void)
-    if (*(byte *) 0x449 == 0x13)        // don't reset mode if it didn't get set
-    {
- = 3;
-        int386(0x10, &regs, &regs);     // back to text mode
-    }
-// PROC I_ReadScreen
-// Reads the screen currently displayed into a linear buffer.
-void I_ReadScreen(byte * scr)
-    memcpy(scr, screen, SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT);
-= I_StartTic
-// called by D_DoomLoop
-// called before processing each tic in a frame
-// can call D_PostEvent
-// asyncronous interrupt functions should maintain private ques that are
-// read by the syncronous functions to be converted into events
-void   I_StartTic (void)
-	int             k;
-	event_t ev;
-	I_ReadMouse ();
-// keyboard events
-	while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-	{
-		k = keyboardque[kbdtail&(KBDQUESIZE-1)];
-//      if (k==14)
-//              I_Error ("exited");
-		kbdtail++;
-		// extended keyboard shift key bullshit
-		if ( (k&0x7f)==KEY_RSHIFT )
-		{
-			if ( keyboardque[(kbdtail-2)&(KBDQUESIZE-1)]==0xe0 )
-				continue;
-			k &= 0x80;
-			k |= KEY_RSHIFT;
-		}
-		if (k==0xe0)
-			continue;               // special / pause keys
-		if (keyboardque[(kbdtail-2)&(KBDQUESIZE-1)] == 0xe1)
-			continue;                               // pause key bullshit
-		if (k==0xc5 && keyboardque[(kbdtail-2)&(KBDQUESIZE-1)] == 0x9d)
-		{
-			ev.type = ev_keydown;
-			ev.data1 = KEY_PAUSE;
-			D_PostEvent (&ev);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (k&0x80)
-			ev.type = ev_keyup;
-		else
-			ev.type = ev_keydown;
-		k &= 0x7f;
-		ev.data1 = k;
-		//ev.data1 = scantokey[k];
-		D_PostEvent (&ev);
-	}
-#define SC_UPARROW              0x48
-#define SC_DOWNARROW    0x50
-#define SC_LEFTARROW            0x4b
-#define SC_RIGHTARROW   0x4d
-void I_StartTic(void)
-    int k;
-    event_t ev;
-    I_ReadMouse();
-// keyboard events
-    while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-    {
-        k = keyboardque[kbdtail & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)];
-        kbdtail++;
-        // extended keyboard shift key bullshit
-        if ((k & 0x7f) == SC_LSHIFT || (k & 0x7f) == SC_RSHIFT)
-        {
-            if (keyboardque[(kbdtail - 2) & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] == 0xe0)
-                continue;
-            k &= 0x80;
-            k |= SC_RSHIFT;
-        }
-        if (k == 0xe0)
-            continue;           // special / pause keys
-        if (keyboardque[(kbdtail - 2) & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] == 0xe1)
-            continue;           // pause key bullshit
-        if (k == 0xc5
-            && keyboardque[(kbdtail - 2) & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] == 0x9d)
-        {
-            ev.type = ev_keydown;
-            ev.data1 = KEY_PAUSE;
-            D_PostEvent(&ev);
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (k & 0x80)
-            ev.type = ev_keyup;
-        else
-            ev.type = ev_keydown;
-        k &= 0x7f;
-        switch (k)
-        {
-            case SC_UPARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_UPARROW;
-                break;
-            case SC_DOWNARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_DOWNARROW;
-                break;
-            case SC_LEFTARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_LEFTARROW;
-                break;
-            case SC_RIGHTARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_RIGHTARROW;
-                break;
-            default:
-                ev.data1 = scantokey[k];
-                break;
-        }
-        D_PostEvent(&ev);
-    }
-void I_ReadKeys(void)
-    int k;
-    event_t ev;
-    while (1)
-    {
-        while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-        {
-            k = keyboardque[kbdtail & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)];
-            kbdtail++;
-            printf("0x%x\n", k);
-            if (k == 1)
-                I_Quit();
-        }
-    }
-= I_StartFrame
-void I_StartFrame(void)
-    I_JoystickEvents();
-    I_ReadExternDriver();
-void I_ColorBlack(int r, int g, int b)
-    _outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    _outbyte(PEL_DATA, r);
-    _outbyte(PEL_DATA, g);
-    _outbyte(PEL_DATA, b);
-= I_TimerISR
-int I_TimerISR(void)
-    ticcount++;
-    return 0;
-void (__interrupt __far * oldkeyboardisr) () = NULL;
-int lastpress;
-= I_KeyboardISR
-void __interrupt I_KeyboardISR(void)
-// Get the scan code
-    keyboardque[kbdhead & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] = lastpress = _inbyte(0x60);
-    kbdhead++;
-// acknowledge the interrupt
-    _outbyte(0x20, 0x20);
-= I_StartupKeyboard
-void I_StartupKeyboard(void)
-#ifndef NOKBD
-    oldkeyboardisr = _dos_getvect(KEYBOARDINT);
-    _dos_setvect(0x8000 | KEYBOARDINT, I_KeyboardISR);
-//I_ReadKeys ();
-void I_ShutdownKeyboard(void)
-    if (oldkeyboardisr)
-        _dos_setvect(KEYBOARDINT, oldkeyboardisr);
-    *(short *) 0x41c = *(short *) 0x41a;        // clear bios key buffer
-							MOUSE
-int I_ResetMouse(void)
- = 0;              // reset
-    int386(0x33, &regs, &regs);
-    return;
-= StartupMouse
-void I_StartupCyberMan(void);
-void I_StartupMouse(void)
-    int (far * function) ();
-    //
-    // General mouse detection
-    //
-    mousepresent = 0;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nomouse") || !usemouse)
-        return;
-    if (I_ResetMouse() != 0xffff)
-    {
-        tprintf("Mouse: not present ", 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    tprintf("Mouse: detected ", 0);
-    mousepresent = 1;
-    I_StartupCyberMan();
-= ShutdownMouse
-void I_ShutdownMouse(void)
-    if (!mousepresent)
-        return;
-    I_ResetMouse();
-= I_ReadMouse
-void I_ReadMouse(void)
-    event_t ev;
-// mouse events
-    if (!mousepresent)
-        return;
-    ev.type = ev_mouse;
-    memset(&dpmiregs, 0, sizeof(dpmiregs));
-    dpmiregs.eax = 3;           // read buttons / position
-    DPMIInt(0x33);
-    ev.data1 = dpmiregs.ebx;
-    dpmiregs.eax = 11;          // read counters
-    DPMIInt(0x33);
-    ev.data2 = (short) dpmiregs.ecx;
-    ev.data3 = -(short) dpmiregs.edx;
-    D_PostEvent(&ev);
-int joyxl, joyxh, joyyl, joyyh;
-boolean WaitJoyButton(void)
-    int oldbuttons, buttons;
-    oldbuttons = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        I_WaitVBL(1);
-        buttons = ((inp(0x201) >> 4) & 1) ^ 1;
-        if (buttons != oldbuttons)
-        {
-            oldbuttons = buttons;
-            continue;
-        }
-        if ((lastpress & 0x7f) == 1)
-        {
-            joystickpresent = false;
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    while (!buttons);
-    do
-    {
-        I_WaitVBL(1);
-        buttons = ((inp(0x201) >> 4) & 1) ^ 1;
-        if (buttons != oldbuttons)
-        {
-            oldbuttons = buttons;
-            continue;
-        }
-        if ((lastpress & 0x7f) == 1)
-        {
-            joystickpresent = false;
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    while (buttons);
-    return true;
-= I_StartupJoystick
-int basejoyx, basejoyy;
-void I_StartupJoystick(void)
-    int buttons;
-    int count;
-    int centerx, centery;
-    joystickpresent = 0;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nojoy") || !usejoystick)
-        return;
-    if (!I_ReadJoystick())
-    {
-        joystickpresent = false;
-        tprintf("joystick not found ", 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    printf("joystick found\n");
-    joystickpresent = true;
-    printf("CENTER the joystick and press button 1:");
-    if (!WaitJoyButton())
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    centerx = joystickx;
-    centery = joysticky;
-    printf
-        ("\nPush the joystick to the UPPER LEFT corner and press button 1:");
-    if (!WaitJoyButton())
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    joyxl = (centerx + joystickx) / 2;
-    joyyl = (centerx + joysticky) / 2;
-    printf
-        ("\nPush the joystick to the LOWER RIGHT corner and press button 1:");
-    if (!WaitJoyButton())
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    joyxh = (centerx + joystickx) / 2;
-    joyyh = (centery + joysticky) / 2;
-    printf("\n");
-= I_JoystickEvents
-void I_JoystickEvents(void)
-    event_t ev;
-// joystick events
-    if (!joystickpresent)
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    ev.type = ev_joystick;
-    ev.data1 = ((inp(0x201) >> 4) & 15) ^ 15;
-    if (joystickx < joyxl)
-        ev.data2 = -1;
-    else if (joystickx > joyxh)
-        ev.data2 = 1;
-    else
-        ev.data2 = 0;
-    if (joysticky < joyyl)
-        ev.data3 = -1;
-    else if (joysticky > joyyh)
-        ev.data3 = 1;
-    else
-        ev.data3 = 0;
-    D_PostEvent(&ev);
-#define REALSTACKSIZE   1024
-dpmiregs_t dpmiregs;
-unsigned realstackseg;
-void I_DivException(void);
-int I_SetDivException(void);
-void DPMIFarCall(void)
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x301;
-    regs.w.bx = 0;
- = 0;
-    regs.x.edi = (unsigned) &dpmiregs;
- = segregs.ds;
-    int386x(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs, &segregs);
-void DPMIInt(int i)
- = realstackseg;
-    dpmiregs.sp = REALSTACKSIZE - 4;
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x300;
-    regs.w.bx = i;
- = 0;
-    regs.x.edi = (unsigned) &dpmiregs;
- = segregs.ds;
-    int386x(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs, &segregs);
-= I_StartupDPMI
-void I_StartupDPMI(void)
-    extern char __begtext;
-    extern char ___argc;
-    int n, d;
-// allocate a decent stack for real mode ISRs
-    realstackseg = (int) I_AllocLow(1024) >> 4;
-// lock the entire program down
-//      _dpmi_lockregion (&__begtext, &___argc - &__begtext);
-// catch divide by 0 exception
-#if 0
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x0203;         // DPMI set processor exception handler vector
-    regs.w.bx = 0;              // int 0
- = segregs.cs;
-    regs.x.edx = (int) &I_DivException;
-    printf("%x : %x\n",, regs.x.edx);
-    int386(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs);
-#if 0
-    n = I_SetDivException();
-    printf("return: %i\n", n);
-    n = 100;
-    d = 0;
-    printf("100 / 0 = %i\n", n / d);
-    exit(1);
-void (__interrupt __far * oldtimerisr) ();
-void IO_ColorBlack(int r, int g, int b)
-    _outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    _outbyte(PEL_DATA, r);
-    _outbyte(PEL_DATA, g);
-    _outbyte(PEL_DATA, b);
-= IO_TimerISR
-//void __interrupt IO_TimerISR (void)
-void __interrupt __far IO_TimerISR(void)
-    ticcount++;
-    _outbyte(0x20, 0x20);       // Ack the interrupt
-= IO_SetTimer0
-= Sets system timer 0 to the specified speed
-void IO_SetTimer0(int speed)
-    if (speed > 0 && speed < 150)
-        I_Error("INT_SetTimer0: %i is a bad value", speed);
-    _outbyte(0x43, 0x36);       // Change timer 0
-    _outbyte(0x40, speed);
-    _outbyte(0x40, speed >> 8);
-= IO_StartupTimer
-void IO_StartupTimer(void)
-    oldtimerisr = _dos_getvect(TIMERINT);
-    _dos_setvect(0x8000 | TIMERINT, IO_TimerISR);
-    IO_SetTimer0(VBLCOUNTER);
-void IO_ShutdownTimer(void)
-    if (oldtimerisr)
-    {
-        IO_SetTimer0(0);        // back to 18.4 ips
-        _dos_setvect(TIMERINT, oldtimerisr);
-    }
-= I_Init
-= hook interrupts and set graphics mode
-void I_Init(void)
-    extern void I_StartupTimer(void);
-    novideo = M_CheckParm("novideo");
-    tprintf("I_StartupDPMI", 1);
-    I_StartupDPMI();
-    tprintf("I_StartupMouse ", 1);
-    I_StartupMouse();
-//      tprintf("I_StartupJoystick ",1);
-//      I_StartupJoystick();
-//      tprintf("I_StartupKeyboard ",1);
-//      I_StartupKeyboard();
-= I_Shutdown
-= return to default system state
-void I_Shutdown(void)
-    I_ShutdownGraphics();
-    IO_ShutdownTimer();
-    S_ShutDown();
-    I_ShutdownMouse();
-    I_ShutdownKeyboard();
-    IO_SetTimer0(0);
-= I_Error
-void I_Error(char *error, ...)
-    union REGS regs;
-    va_list argptr;
-    D_QuitNetGame();
-    I_Shutdown();
-    va_start(argptr, error);
-    regs.x.eax = 0x3;
-    int386(0x10, &regs, &regs);
-    vprintf(error, argptr);
-    va_end(argptr);
-    printf("\n");
-    exit(1);
-// I_Quit
-// Shuts down net game, saves defaults, prints the exit text message,
-// goes to text mode, and exits.
-void I_Quit(void)
-    byte *scr;
-    char *lumpName;
-    int r;
-    D_QuitNetGame();
-    M_SaveDefaults();
-    scr = (byte *) W_CacheLumpName("ENDTEXT", PU_CACHE);
-    I_Shutdown();
-    memcpy((void *) 0xb8000, scr, 80 * 25 * 2);
- = 0x0200;
- = 0;
-    regs.h.dl = 0;
-    regs.h.dh = 23;
-    int386(0x10, (const union REGS *) &regs, &regs);    // Set text pos
-    _settextposition(24, 1);
-    exit(0);
-= I_ZoneBase
-byte *I_ZoneBase(int *size)
-    int meminfo[32];
-    int heap;
-    int i;
-    int block;
-    byte *ptr;
-    memset(meminfo, 0, sizeof(meminfo));
-    segread(&segregs);
- = segregs.ds;
- = 0x500;          // get memory info
-    regs.x.edi = (int) &meminfo;
-    int386x(0x31, &regs, &regs, &segregs);
-    heap = meminfo[0];
-    printf("DPMI memory: 0x%x, ", heap);
-    do
-    {
-        heap -= 0x10000;        // leave 64k alone
-        if (heap > 0x800000)
-            heap = 0x800000;
-        ptr = malloc(heap);
-    }
-    while (!ptr);
-    printf("0x%x allocated for zone\n", heap);
-    if (heap < 0x180000)
-        I_Error("Insufficient DPMI memory!");
-#if 0
- = 0x501;          // allocate linear block
-    regs.w.bx = heap >> 16;
- = heap & 0xffff;
-    int386(0x31, &regs, &regs);
-    if (regs.w.cflag)
-        I_Error("Couldn't allocate DPMI memory!");
-    block = ( << 16) + regs.w.di;
-    *size = heap;
-    return ptr;
-void I_InitDiskFlash(void)
-#if 0
-    void *pic;
-    byte *temp;
-    pic = W_CacheLumpName("STDISK", PU_CACHE);
-    temp = destscreen;
-    destscreen = (byte *) 0xac000;
-    V_DrawPatchDirect(SCREENWIDTH - 16, SCREENHEIGHT - 16, 0, pic);
-    destscreen = temp;
-// draw disk icon
-void I_BeginRead(void)
-#if 0
-    byte *src, *dest;
-    int y;
-    if (!grmode)
-        return;
-// write through all planes
-    outp(SC_INDEX, SC_MAPMASK);
-    outp(SC_INDEX + 1, 15);
-// set write mode 1
-    outp(GC_INDEX, GC_MODE);
-    outp(GC_INDEX + 1, inp(GC_INDEX + 1) | 1);
-// copy to backup
-    src = currentscreen + 184 * 80 + 304 / 4;
-    dest = (byte *) 0xac000 + 184 * 80 + 288 / 4;
-    for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
-    {
-        dest[0] = src[0];
-        dest[1] = src[1];
-        dest[2] = src[2];
-        dest[3] = src[3];
-        src += 80;
-        dest += 80;
-    }
-// copy disk over
-    dest = currentscreen + 184 * 80 + 304 / 4;
-    src = (byte *) 0xac000 + 184 * 80 + 304 / 4;
-    for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
-    {
-        dest[0] = src[0];
-        dest[1] = src[1];
-        dest[2] = src[2];
-        dest[3] = src[3];
-        src += 80;
-        dest += 80;
-    }
-// set write mode 0
-    outp(GC_INDEX, GC_MODE);
-    outp(GC_INDEX + 1, inp(GC_INDEX + 1) & ~1);
-// erase disk icon
-void I_EndRead(void)
-#if 0
-    byte *src, *dest;
-    int y;
-    if (!grmode)
-        return;
-// write through all planes
-    outp(SC_INDEX, SC_MAPMASK);
-    outp(SC_INDEX + 1, 15);
-// set write mode 1
-    outp(GC_INDEX, GC_MODE);
-    outp(GC_INDEX + 1, inp(GC_INDEX + 1) | 1);
-// copy disk over
-    dest = currentscreen + 184 * 80 + 304 / 4;
-    src = (byte *) 0xac000 + 184 * 80 + 288 / 4;
-    for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
-    {
-        dest[0] = src[0];
-        dest[1] = src[1];
-        dest[2] = src[2];
-        dest[3] = src[3];
-        src += 80;
-        dest += 80;
-    }
-// set write mode 0
-    outp(GC_INDEX, GC_MODE);
-    outp(GC_INDEX + 1, inp(GC_INDEX + 1) & ~1);
-= I_AllocLow
-byte *I_AllocLow(int length)
-    byte *mem;
-    // DPMI call 100h allocates DOS memory
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x0100;         // DPMI allocate DOS memory
-    regs.w.bx = (length + 15) / 16;
-    int386(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs);
-//      segment =;
-//   selector = regs.w.dx;
-    if (regs.w.cflag != 0)
-        I_Error("I_AllocLow: DOS alloc of %i failed, %i free",
-                length, regs.w.bx * 16);
-    mem = (void *) ((regs.x.eax & 0xFFFF) << 4);
-    memset(mem, 0, length);
-    return mem;
-typedef struct
-	char    priv[508];
-   } doomdata_t;
-#define DOOMCOM_ID              0x12345678l
-typedef struct
-	long    id;
-	short   intnum;                 // DOOM executes an int to execute commands
-// communication between DOOM and the driver
-	short   command;                // CMD_SEND or CMD_GET
-	short   remotenode;             // dest for send, set by get (-1 = no packet)
-	short   datalength;             // bytes in doomdata to be sent
-// info common to all nodes
-	short   numnodes;               // console is allways node 0
-	short   ticdup;                 // 1 = no duplication, 2-5 = dup for slow nets
-	short   extratics;              // 1 = send a backup tic in every packet
-	short   deathmatch;             // 1 = deathmatch
-	short   savegame;               // -1 = new game, 0-5 = load savegame
-	short   episode;                // 1-3
-	short   map;                    // 1-9
-	short   skill;                  // 1-5
-// info specific to this node
-	short   consoleplayer;
-	short   numplayers;
-	short   angleoffset;    // 1 = left, 0 = center, -1 = right
-	short   drone;                  // 1 = drone
-// packet data to be sent
-	doomdata_t      data;
-   } doomcom_t;
-extern doomcom_t *doomcom;
-= I_InitNetwork
-void I_InitNetwork(void)
-    int i;
-    i = M_CheckParm("-net");
-    if (!i)
-    {
-        //
-        // single player game
-        //
-        doomcom = malloc(sizeof(*doomcom));
-        memset(doomcom, 0, sizeof(*doomcom));
-        netgame = false;
-        doomcom->id = DOOMCOM_ID;
-        doomcom->numplayers = doomcom->numnodes = 1;
-        doomcom->deathmatch = false;
-        doomcom->consoleplayer = 0;
-        doomcom->ticdup = 1;
-        doomcom->extratics = 0;
-        return;
-    }
-    netgame = true;
-    doomcom = (doomcom_t *) atoi(myargv[i + 1]);
-    doomcom->skill = startskill;
-    doomcom->episode = startepisode;
-    doomcom->map = startmap;
-    doomcom->deathmatch = deathmatch;
-void I_NetCmd(void)
-    if (!netgame)
-        I_Error("I_NetCmd when not in netgame");
-    DPMIInt(doomcom->intnum);
-int i_Vector;
-externdata_t *i_ExternData;
-boolean useexterndriver;
-// I_CheckExternDriver
-//              Checks to see if a vector, and an address for an external driver
-//                      have been passed.
-void I_CheckExternDriver(void)
-    int i;
-    if (!(i = M_CheckParm("-externdriver")))
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    i_ExternData = (externdata_t *) atoi(myargv[i + 1]);
-    i_Vector = i_ExternData->vector;
-    useexterndriver = true;
-// I_ReadExternDriver
-//              calls the external interrupt, which should then update i_ExternDriver
-void I_ReadExternDriver(void)
-    event_t ev;
-    if (useexterndriver)
-    {
-        DPMIInt(i_Vector);
-    }
--- a/src/heretic/i_sound.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
-// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
-// Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "doomdef.h"
-#include "dmx.h"
-#include "sounds.h"
-#include "i_sound.h"
-#include "v_video.h"
-= I_StartupTimer
-int tsm_ID = -1;
-void I_StartupTimer(void)
-#ifndef NOTIMER
-    extern int I_TimerISR(void);
-    tprintf("I_StartupTimer()\n", 0);
-    // installs master timer.  Must be done before StartupTimer()!
-    TSM_Install(SND_TICRATE);
-    tsm_ID = TSM_NewService(I_TimerISR, 35, 255, 0);    // max priority
-    if (tsm_ID == -1)
-    {
-        I_Error("Can't register 35 Hz timer w/ DMX library");
-    }
-void I_ShutdownTimer(void)
-    TSM_DelService(tsm_ID);
-    TSM_Remove();
- *
- *                           SOUND HEADER & DATA
- *
- *
- */
-// sound information
-#if 0
-const char *dnames[] = { "None",
-    "PC_Speaker",
-    "Adlib",
-    "Sound_Blaster",
-    "ProAudio_Spectrum16",
-    "Gravis_Ultrasound",
-    "MPU",
-    "AWE32"
-const char snd_prefixen[] = { 'P', 'P', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'S', 'M',
-    'M', 'M', 'S'
-int snd_Channels;
-int snd_DesiredMusicDevice, snd_DesiredSfxDevice;
-int snd_MusicDevice,            // current music card # (index to dmxCodes)
-  snd_SfxDevice,                // current sfx card # (index to dmxCodes)
-  snd_MaxVolume,                // maximum volume for sound
-  snd_MusicVolume;              // maximum volume for music
-int dmxCodes[NUM_SCARDS];       // the dmx code for a given card
-int snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma;   // sound blaster variables
-int snd_Mport;                  // midi variables
-extern boolean snd_MusicAvail,  // whether music is available
-  snd_SfxAvail;                 // whether sfx are available
-void I_PauseSong(int handle)
-    MUS_PauseSong(handle);
-void I_ResumeSong(int handle)
-    MUS_ResumeSong(handle);
-void I_SetMusicVolume(int volume)
-    MUS_SetMasterVolume(volume * 8);
-//  snd_MusicVolume = volume;
-void I_SetSfxVolume(int volume)
-    snd_MaxVolume = volume;     // THROW AWAY?
- *
- *                              SONG API
- *
- */
-int I_RegisterSong(void *data)
-    int rc = MUS_RegisterSong(data);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        printf("MUS_Reg() returned %d\n", rc);
-    return rc;
-void I_UnRegisterSong(int handle)
-    int rc = MUS_UnregisterSong(handle);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        printf("MUS_Unreg() returned %d\n", rc);
-int I_QrySongPlaying(int handle)
-    int rc = MUS_QrySongPlaying(handle);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        printf("MUS_QrySP() returned %d\n", rc);
-    return rc;
-// Stops a song.  MUST be called before I_UnregisterSong().
-void I_StopSong(int handle)
-    int rc;
-    rc = MUS_StopSong(handle);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        printf("MUS_StopSong() returned %d\n", rc);
-    // Fucking kluge pause
-    {
-        int s;
-        extern volatile int ticcount;
-        for (s = ticcount; ticcount - s < 10;);
-    }
-void I_PlaySong(int handle, boolean looping)
-    int rc;
-    rc = MUS_ChainSong(handle, looping ? handle : -1);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        printf("MUS_ChainSong() returned %d\n", rc);
-    rc = MUS_PlaySong(handle, snd_MusicVolume);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        printf("MUS_PlaySong() returned %d\n", rc);
- *
- *                                 SOUND FX API
- *
- */
-// Gets lump nums of the named sound.  Returns pointer which will be
-// passed to I_StartSound() when you want to start an SFX.  Must be
-// sure to pass this to UngetSoundEffect() so that they can be
-// freed!
-int I_GetSfxLumpNum(sfxinfo_t * sound)
-    char namebuf[9];
-    if (sound->name == 0)
-        return 0;
-    if (sound->link)
-        sound = sound->link;
-//  M_snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "d%c%s",
-//             snd_prefixen[snd_SfxDevice], sound->name);
-    return W_GetNumForName(sound->name);
-int I_StartSound(int id, void *data, int vol, int sep, int pitch,
-                 int priority)
-  // hacks out certain PC sounds
-  if (snd_SfxDevice == PC
-	&& (data == S_sfx[sfx_posact].data
-	||  data == S_sfx[sfx_bgact].data
-	||  data == S_sfx[sfx_dmact].data
-	||  data == S_sfx[sfx_dmpain].data
-	||  data == S_sfx[sfx_popain].data
-	||  data == S_sfx[sfx_sawidl].data)) return -1;
-  else
-		*/
-    return SFX_PlayPatch(data, pitch, sep, vol, 0, 0);
-void I_StopSound(int handle)
-//  extern volatile long gDmaCount;
-//  long waittocount;
-    SFX_StopPatch(handle);
-//  waittocount = gDmaCount + 2;
-//  while (gDmaCount < waittocount) ;
-int I_SoundIsPlaying(int handle)
-    return SFX_Playing(handle);
-void I_UpdateSoundParams(int handle, int vol, int sep, int pitch)
-    SFX_SetOrigin(handle, pitch, sep, vol);
- *
- *                                                      SOUND STARTUP STUFF
- *
- *
- */
-// Why PC's Suck, Reason #8712
-void I_sndArbitrateCards(void)
-    char tmp[160];
-    boolean gus, adlib, pc, sb, midi;
-    int i, rc, mputype, p, opltype, wait, dmxlump;
-//  snd_MaxVolume = 127;
-    //Damn you, Dave Taylor!
-    snd_MusicDevice = snd_DesiredMusicDevice;
-    snd_SfxDevice = snd_DesiredSfxDevice;
-    // check command-line parameters- overrides config file
-    //
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nosound"))
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_SfxDevice = snd_none;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nosfx"))
-        snd_SfxDevice = snd_none;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nomusic"))
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_none;
-    if (snd_MusicDevice > snd_MPU && snd_MusicDevice <= snd_MPU3)
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_MPU;
-    if (snd_MusicDevice == snd_SB)
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_Adlib;
-    if (snd_MusicDevice == snd_PAS)
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_Adlib;
-    // figure out what i've got to initialize
-    //
-    gus = snd_MusicDevice == snd_GUS || snd_SfxDevice == snd_GUS;
-    sb = snd_SfxDevice == snd_SB || snd_MusicDevice == snd_SB;
-    adlib = snd_MusicDevice == snd_Adlib;
-    pc = snd_SfxDevice == snd_PC;
-    midi = snd_MusicDevice == snd_MPU;
-    // initialize whatever i've got
-    //
-    if (gus)
-    {
-        if (GF1_Detect())
-            tprintf("Dude.  The GUS ain't responding.\n", 1);
-        else
-        {
-            dmxlump = W_GetNumForName("dmxgus");
-            GF1_SetMap(W_CacheLumpNum(dmxlump, PU_CACHE),
-                       lumpinfo[dmxlump].size);
-        }
-    }
-    if (sb)
-    {
-        if (debugmode)
-        {
-            M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "cfg p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n",
-                       snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-            tprintf(tmp, 0);
-        }
-        if (SB_Detect(&snd_SBport, &snd_SBirq, &snd_SBdma, 0))
-        {
-            M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),
-                       "SB isn't responding at p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n",
-                       snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-            tprintf(tmp, 0);
-        }
-        else
-            SB_SetCard(snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-        if (debugmode)
-        {
-            M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "SB_Detect returned p=0x%x,i=%d,d=%d\n",
-                       snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-            tprintf(tmp, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    if (adlib)
-    {
-        if (AL_Detect(&wait, 0))
-            tprintf("Dude.  The Adlib isn't responding.\n", 1);
-        else
-            AL_SetCard(wait, W_CacheLumpName("genmidi", PU_STATIC));
-    }
-    if (midi)
-    {
-        if (debugmode)
-        {
-            M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "cfg p=0x%x\n", snd_Mport);
-            tprintf(tmp, 0);
-        }
-        if (MPU_Detect(&snd_Mport, &i))
-        {
-            M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),
-                       "The MPU-401 isn't reponding @ p=0x%x.\n", snd_Mport);
-            tprintf(tmp, 0);
-        }
-        else
-            MPU_SetCard(snd_Mport);
-    }
-// inits all sound stuff
-void I_StartupSound(void)
-    char tmp[80];
-    int rc, i;
-    if (debugmode)
-        tprintf("I_StartupSound: Hope you hear a pop.\n", 1);
-    // initialize dmxCodes[]
-    dmxCodes[0] = 0;
-    dmxCodes[snd_PC] = AHW_PC_SPEAKER;
-    dmxCodes[snd_Adlib] = AHW_ADLIB;
-    dmxCodes[snd_SB] = AHW_SOUND_BLASTER;
-    dmxCodes[snd_PAS] = AHW_MEDIA_VISION;
-    dmxCodes[snd_GUS] = AHW_ULTRA_SOUND;
-    dmxCodes[snd_MPU] = AHW_MPU_401;
-    dmxCodes[snd_AWE] = AHW_AWE32;
-    // inits sound library timer stuff
-    I_StartupTimer();
-    // pick the sound cards i'm going to use
-    //
-    I_sndArbitrateCards();
-    if (debugmode)
-    {
-        M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "  Music device #%d & dmxCode=%d",
-                   snd_MusicDevice, dmxCodes[snd_MusicDevice]);
-        tprintf(tmp, 0);
-        M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),  "  Sfx device #%d & dmxCode=%d\n",
-                   snd_SfxDevice, dmxCodes[snd_SfxDevice]);
-        tprintf(tmp, 0);
-    }
-    // inits DMX sound library
-    tprintf("  calling DMX_Init", 0);
-    rc = DMX_Init(SND_TICRATE, SND_MAXSONGS, dmxCodes[snd_MusicDevice],
-                  dmxCodes[snd_SfxDevice]);
-    if (debugmode)
-    {
-        M_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "  DMX_Init() returned %d", rc);
-        tprintf(tmp, 0);
-    }
-// shuts down all sound stuff
-void I_ShutdownSound(void)
-    DMX_DeInit();
-    I_ShutdownTimer();
-void I_SetChannels(int channels)
-    WAV_PlayMode(channels, SND_SAMPLERATE);
--- a/src/hexen/
+++ b/src/hexen/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 g_game.c                              \
                     h2def.h           \
 h2_main.c                             \
-                    i_header.h        \
 info.c              info.h            \
 in_lude.c                             \
 m_misc.c                              \
@@ -59,9 +58,5 @@
 sv_save.c                             \
                     textdefs.h        \
-EXTRA_DIST=                           \
-i_ibm.c                               \
--- a/src/hexen/i_header.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
-// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
-// Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-#ifndef __I_HEADER_H__
-#define __I_HEADER_H__
-#include "h2def.h"
-#define	FREQ_LOW		0x40
-#define FREQ_NORM		0x80
-#define FREQ_HIGH		0xff
-void I_SetMasterVolume(int volume);
-void I_TurnOffSfx(void);
-void I_TurnOnSfx(void);
-void I_TurnOffMusic(void);
-void I_TurnOnMusic(void);
-//  MUSIC I/O
-int I_RegisterSong(void *songdata);
-// called by anything that wants to register a song lump with the sound lib
-// calls Paul's function of the similar name to register music only.
-// note that the song data is the same for any sound card and is paul's
-// MUS format.  Returns a handle which will be passed to all other music
-// functions.
-void I_UnregisterSong(int handle);
-// called by anything which is finished with a song and no longer needs
-// the sound library to be aware of it.  All songs should be stopped
-// before calling this, but it will double check and stop it if necessary.
-void I_LoopSong(int handle);
-// called by anything that wishes to start music.
-// plays a song, and when the song is done, starts playing it again in
-// an endless loop.  the start is faded in over three seconds.
-void I_FadeOutSong(int handle, int fotime);
-// called by anything that wishes to stop music.
-// fades out the song over <fotime> milliseconds.
-void I_StopSong(int handle);
-// called by anything that wishes to stop music.
-// stops a song abruptly.
-//  SFX I/O
-void *I_GetSoundEffect(char *soundname);
-// called by routines which wish to play a sound effect at some later
-// time.  Pass it the lump name of a sound effect WITHOUT the sfx
-// prefix.  This means the maximum name length is 7 letters/digits.
-// The prefixes for different sound cards are 'S','M','A', and 'P'.
-// They refer to the card type.  The routine will cache in the
-// appropriate sound effect when it is played.
-void I_UngetSoundEffect(void *soundset);
-// called by routines which wish to no longer use the sounds at all
-// frees up the associated structure.  It stops any currently playing
-// sound effects.
-void I_StartSound(channel_t * c, int vol, int sep, int pitch, int priority);
-// Starts a sound in a particular sound channel
-void I_UpdateSoundParams(channel_t * c, int vol, int sep, int pitch);
-// Updates the volume, separation, and pitch of a sound channel
-void I_StopSound(channel_t * c);
-// Stops a sound channel
-int I_SoundIsPlaying(channel_t * c);
-// called by S_*()'s to see if a channel is still playing.  Returns 0
-// if no longer playing, 1 if playing.
--- a/src/hexen/i_ibm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1837 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
-// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
-// Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-#include <dos.h>
-#include <conio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <graph.h>
-#include "h2def.h"
-#include "i_system.h"
-#include "m_argv.h"
-#include "r_local.h"
-#include "p_local.h"            // for P_AproxDistance
-#include "sounds.h"
-#include "i_sound.h"
-#include "st_start.h"
-#include "dmx.h"
-#include "dpmiapi.h"
-// Macros
-#define DPMI_INT 0x31
-#define SEQ_ADDR 0x3C4
-#define SEQ_DATA 0x3C5
-#define REG_MAPMASK 0x02
-#define MASK_PLANE0 0x01
-#define MASK_PLANE1 0x02
-#define MASK_PLANE2 0x04
-#define MASK_PLANE3 0x08
-#define P0OFFSET 38400*0
-#define P1OFFSET 38400*1
-#define P2OFFSET 38400*2
-#define P3OFFSET 38400*3
-#define VID_INT 0x10
-#define VB_SYNC {while(!(inp(0x3da)&8)); while(inp(0x3da)&8);}
-#define BITPLANE(p) (outp(SEQ_ADDR,REG_MAPMASK),outp(SEQ_DATA,(p)))
-//#define NOKBD
-//#define NOTIMER
-// Public Data
-int DisplayTicker = 0;
-// Code
-void main(int argc, char **argv)
-    myargc = argc;
-    myargv = argv;
-    H2_Main();
-void I_StartupNet(void);
-void I_ShutdownNet(void);
-void I_ReadExternDriver(void);
-typedef struct
-    unsigned edi, esi, ebp, reserved, ebx, edx, ecx, eax;
-    unsigned short flags, es, ds, fs, gs, ip, cs, sp, ss;
-} dpmiregs_t;
-extern dpmiregs_t dpmiregs;
-void I_ReadMouse(void);
-extern int usemouse, usejoystick;
-extern void **lumpcache;
-int i_Vector;
-externdata_t *i_ExternData;
-boolean useexterndriver;
-// I_UpdateCDMusic
-// Updates playing time for current track, and restarts the track, if
-// needed
-void I_UpdateCDMusic(void)
-    extern boolean MenuActive;
-    if (MusicPaused || i_CDMusicLength < 0 || (paused && !MenuActive))
-    {                           // Non-looping song/song paused
-        return;
-    }
-    i_CDMusicLength -= gametic - oldTic;
-    oldTic = gametic;
-    if (i_CDMusicLength <= 0)
-    {
-        S_StartSong(gamemap, true);
-    }
-#define SC_INDEX                0x3C4
-#define SC_RESET                0
-#define SC_CLOCK                1
-#define SC_MAPMASK              2
-#define SC_CHARMAP              3
-#define SC_MEMMODE              4
-#define CRTC_INDEX              0x3D4
-#define CRTC_H_TOTAL    0
-#define CRTC_H_DISPEND  1
-#define CRTC_H_BLANK    2
-#define CRTC_H_ENDBLANK 3
-#define CRTC_H_RETRACE  4
-#define CRTC_V_TOTAL    6
-#define CRTC_OVERFLOW   7
-#define CRTC_ROWSCAN    8
-#define CRTC_CURSOREND  11
-#define CRTC_STARTHIGH  12
-#define CRTC_STARTLOW   13
-#define CRTC_CURSORLOW  15
-#define CRTC_V_RETRACE  16
-#define CRTC_V_DISPEND  18
-#define CRTC_OFFSET             19
-#define CRTC_UNDERLINE  20
-#define CRTC_V_BLANK    21
-#define CRTC_V_ENDBLANK 22
-#define CRTC_MODE               23
-#define GC_INDEX                0x3CE
-#define GC_SETRESET             0
-#define GC_DATAROTATE   3
-#define GC_READMAP              4
-#define GC_MODE                 5
-#define GC_BITMASK              8
-#define ATR_INDEX               0x3c0
-#define ATR_MODE                16
-#define ATR_OVERSCAN    17
-#define ATR_PELPAN              19
-#define STATUS_REGISTER_1    0x3da
-#define PEL_WRITE_ADR   0x3c8
-#define PEL_READ_ADR    0x3c7
-#define PEL_DATA                0x3c9
-#define PEL_MASK                0x3c6
-// boolean grmode;
-// joystick vars
-boolean joystickpresent;
-extern unsigned joystickx, joysticky;
-boolean I_ReadJoystick(void);   // returns false if not connected
-#define VBLCOUNTER              34000   // hardware tics to a frame
-#define TIMERINT 8
-#define KEYBOARDINT 9
-#define CRTCOFF (_inbyte(STATUS_REGISTER_1)&1)
-#define CLI     _disable()
-#define STI     _enable()
-#define _outbyte(x,y) (outp(x,y))
-#define _outhword(x,y) (outpw(x,y))
-#define _inbyte(x) (inp(x))
-#define _inhword(x) (inpw(x))
-#define MOUSEB1 1
-#define MOUSEB2 2
-#define MOUSEB3 4
-boolean mousepresent;
-//static  int tsm_ID = -1; // tsm init flag
-int ticcount;
-// REGS stuff used for int calls
-union REGS regs;
-struct SREGS segregs;
-boolean novideo;                // if true, stay in text mode for debugging
-#define KBDQUESIZE 32
-byte keyboardque[KBDQUESIZE];
-int kbdtail, kbdhead;
-#define KEY_LSHIFT      0xfe
-#define KEY_INS         (0x80+0x52)
-#define KEY_DEL         (0x80+0x53)
-#define KEY_PGUP        (0x80+0x49)
-#define KEY_PGDN        (0x80+0x51)
-#define KEY_HOME        (0x80+0x47)
-#define KEY_END         (0x80+0x4f)
-#define SC_RSHIFT       0x36
-#define SC_LSHIFT       0x2a
-byte scantokey[128] = {
-//  0           1       2       3       4       5       6       7
-//  8           9       A       B       C       D       E       F
-    0, 27, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6',
-    '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', KEY_BACKSPACE, 9,     // 0
-    'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i',
-    'o', 'p', '[', ']', 13, KEY_RCTRL, 'a', 's',        // 1
-    'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';',
-    39, '`', KEY_LSHIFT, 92, 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v',        // 2
-    'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/', KEY_RSHIFT, '*',
-    KEY_RALT, ' ', 0, KEY_F1, KEY_F2, KEY_F3, KEY_F4, KEY_F5,   // 3
-    KEY_F6, KEY_F7, KEY_F8, KEY_F9, KEY_F10, 0, 0, KEY_HOME,
-    KEY_F12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,       // 5
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     // 6
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0      // 7
-// FUNC I_GetTime
-// Returns time in 1/35th second tics.
-int I_GetTime(void)
-#ifdef NOTIMER
-    ticcount++;
-    return (ticcount);
-// PROC I_ColorBorder
-void I_ColorBorder(void)
-	int i;
-	I_WaitVBL(1);
-	_outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-	for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-	{
-		_outbyte(PEL_DATA, 63);
-	}
-// PROC I_UnColorBorder
-void I_UnColorBorder(void)
-	int i;
-	I_WaitVBL(1);
-	_outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-	for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-	{
-		_outbyte(PEL_DATA, 0);
-	}
-								USER INPUT
-// PROC I_WaitVBL
-void I_WaitVBL(int vbls)
-    int stat;
-    if (novideo)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    while (vbls--)
-    {
-        do
-        {
-            stat = inp(STATUS_REGISTER_1);
-            if (stat & 8)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        while (1);
-        do
-        {
-            stat = inp(STATUS_REGISTER_1);
-            if ((stat & 8) == 0)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        while (1);
-    }
-// PROC I_SetPalette
-// Palette source must use 8 bit RGB elements.
-void I_SetPalette(byte * palette)
-    int i;
-    if (novideo)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    I_WaitVBL(1);
-    _outbyte(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 768; i++)
-    {
-        _outbyte(PEL_DATA, (gammatable[usegamma][*palette++]) >> 2);
-    }
-byte *pcscreen, *destscreen, *destview;
-= I_Update
-int UpdateState;
-extern int screenblocks;
-void I_Update(void)
-    int i;
-    byte *dest;
-    int tics;
-    static int lasttic;
-// blit screen to video
-    if (DisplayTicker)
-    {
-        if (screenblocks > 9 || UpdateState & (I_FULLSCRN | I_MESSAGES))
-        {
-            dest = (byte *) screen;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            dest = (byte *) pcscreen;
-        }
-        tics = ticcount - lasttic;
-        lasttic = ticcount;
-        if (tics > 20)
-        {
-            tics = 20;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < tics; i++)
-        {
-            *dest = 0xff;
-            dest += 2;
-        }
-        for (i = tics; i < 20; i++)
-        {
-            *dest = 0x00;
-            dest += 2;
-        }
-    }
-    //memset(pcscreen, 255, SCREENHEIGHT*SCREENWIDTH);
-    if (UpdateState == I_NOUPDATE)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_FULLSCRN)
-    {
-        memcpy(pcscreen, screen, SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT);
-        UpdateState = I_NOUPDATE;       // clear out all draw types
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_FULLVIEW)
-    {
-        if (UpdateState & I_MESSAGES && screenblocks > 7)
-        {
-            for (i = 0; i <
-                 (viewwindowy + viewheight) * SCREENWIDTH; i += SCREENWIDTH)
-            {
-                memcpy(pcscreen + i, screen + i, SCREENWIDTH);
-            }
-            UpdateState &= ~(I_FULLVIEW | I_MESSAGES);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for (i = viewwindowy * SCREENWIDTH + viewwindowx; i <
-                 (viewwindowy + viewheight) * SCREENWIDTH; i += SCREENWIDTH)
-            {
-                memcpy(pcscreen + i, screen + i, viewwidth);
-            }
-            UpdateState &= ~I_FULLVIEW;
-        }
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_STATBAR)
-    {
-        memcpy(pcscreen + SCREENWIDTH * (SCREENHEIGHT - SBARHEIGHT),
-               screen + SCREENWIDTH * (SCREENHEIGHT - SBARHEIGHT),
-               SCREENWIDTH * SBARHEIGHT);
-        UpdateState &= ~I_STATBAR;
-    }
-    if (UpdateState & I_MESSAGES)
-    {
-        memcpy(pcscreen, screen, SCREENWIDTH * 28);
-        UpdateState &= ~I_MESSAGES;
-    }
-//  memcpy(pcscreen, screen, SCREENHEIGHT*SCREENWIDTH);
-// PROC I_InitGraphics
-void I_InitGraphics(void)
-    if (novideo)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    //grmode = true;
- = 0x13;
-    int386(0x10, (const union REGS *) &regs, &regs);
-    pcscreen = destscreen = (byte *) 0xa0000;
-    I_SetPalette(W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL", PU_CACHE));
-// PROC I_ShutdownGraphics
-void I_ShutdownGraphics(void)
-    byte mode;
-    // don't reset mode if it didn't get set
-    mode = *(byte *) 0x449;
-    if (mode == 0x12 || mode == 0x13)
-    {
- = 3;
-        int386(0x10, &regs, &regs);     // back to text mode
-    }
-// PROC I_ReadScreen
-// Reads the screen currently displayed into a linear buffer.
-void I_ReadScreen(byte *scr)
-	memcpy(scr, screen, SCREENWIDTH*SCREENHEIGHT);
-= I_StartTic
-// called by D_DoomLoop
-// called before processing each tic in a frame
-// can call D_PostEvent
-// asyncronous interrupt functions should maintain private ques that are
-// read by the syncronous functions to be converted into events
-void   I_StartTic (void)
-	int             k;
-	event_t ev;
-	I_ReadMouse ();
-// keyboard events
-	while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-	{
-		k = keyboardque[kbdtail&(KBDQUESIZE-1)];
-//      if (k==14)
-//              I_Error ("exited");
-		kbdtail++;
-		// extended keyboard shift key bullshit
-		if ( (k&0x7f)==KEY_RSHIFT )
-		{
-			if ( keyboardque[(kbdtail-2)&(KBDQUESIZE-1)]==0xe0 )
-				continue;
-			k &= 0x80;
-			k |= KEY_RSHIFT;
-		}
-		if (k==0xe0)
-			continue;               // special / pause keys
-		if (keyboardque[(kbdtail-2)&(KBDQUESIZE-1)] == 0xe1)
-			continue;                               // pause key bullshit
-		if (k==0xc5 && keyboardque[(kbdtail-2)&(KBDQUESIZE-1)] == 0x9d)
-		{
-			ev.type = ev_keydown;
-			ev.data1 = KEY_PAUSE;
-			D_PostEvent (&ev);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (k&0x80)
-			ev.type = ev_keyup;
-		else
-			ev.type = ev_keydown;
-		k &= 0x7f;
-		ev.data1 = k;
-		//ev.data1 = scantokey[k];
-		D_PostEvent (&ev);
-	}
-#define SC_UPARROW              0x48
-#define SC_DOWNARROW    0x50
-#define SC_LEFTARROW            0x4b
-#define SC_RIGHTARROW   0x4d
-void I_StartTic(void)
-    int k;
-    event_t ev;
-    I_ReadMouse();
-// keyboard events
-    while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-    {
-        k = keyboardque[kbdtail & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)];
-        kbdtail++;
-        // extended keyboard shift key bullshit
-        if ((k & 0x7f) == SC_LSHIFT || (k & 0x7f) == SC_RSHIFT)
-        {
-            if (keyboardque[(kbdtail - 2) & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] == 0xe0)
-                continue;
-            k &= 0x80;
-            k |= SC_RSHIFT;
-        }
-        if (k == 0xe0)
-            continue;           // special / pause keys
-        if (keyboardque[(kbdtail - 2) & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] == 0xe1)
-            continue;           // pause key bullshit
-        if (k == 0xc5
-            && keyboardque[(kbdtail - 2) & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] == 0x9d)
-        {
-            ev.type = ev_keydown;
-            ev.data1 = KEY_PAUSE;
-            H2_PostEvent(&ev);
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (k & 0x80)
-            ev.type = ev_keyup;
-        else
-            ev.type = ev_keydown;
-        k &= 0x7f;
-        switch (k)
-        {
-            case SC_UPARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_UPARROW;
-                break;
-            case SC_DOWNARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_DOWNARROW;
-                break;
-            case SC_LEFTARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_LEFTARROW;
-                break;
-            case SC_RIGHTARROW:
-                ev.data1 = KEY_RIGHTARROW;
-                break;
-            default:
-                ev.data1 = scantokey[k];
-                break;
-        }
-        H2_PostEvent(&ev);
-    }
-void   I_ReadKeys (void)
-	int             k;
-	while (1)
-	{
-	   while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-	   {
-		   k = keyboardque[kbdtail&(KBDQUESIZE-1)];
-		   kbdtail++;
-		   printf ("0x%x\n",k);
-		   if (k == 1)
-			   I_Quit ();
-	   }
-	}
-= I_StartFrame
-void I_StartFrame(void)
-    I_JoystickEvents();
-    if (useexterndriver)
-    {
-        DPMIInt(i_Vector);
-    }
-void I_ColorBlack (int r, int g, int b)
-_outbyte (PEL_WRITE_ADR,0);
-= I_TimerISR
-int I_TimerISR(void)
-    ticcount++;
-    return 0;
-void (__interrupt __far * oldkeyboardisr) () = NULL;
-int lastpress;
-= I_KeyboardISR
-void __interrupt I_KeyboardISR(void)
-// Get the scan code
-    keyboardque[kbdhead & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)] = lastpress = _inbyte(0x60);
-    kbdhead++;
-// acknowledge the interrupt
-    _outbyte(0x20, 0x20);
-= I_StartupKeyboard
-void I_StartupKeyboard(void)
-#ifndef NOKBD
-    oldkeyboardisr = _dos_getvect(KEYBOARDINT);
-    _dos_setvect(0x8000 | KEYBOARDINT, I_KeyboardISR);
-//I_ReadKeys ();
-void I_ShutdownKeyboard(void)
-    if (oldkeyboardisr)
-        _dos_setvect(KEYBOARDINT, oldkeyboardisr);
-    *(short *) 0x41c = *(short *) 0x41a;        // clear bios key buffer
-							MOUSE
-int I_ResetMouse(void)
- = 0;              // reset
-    int386(0x33, &regs, &regs);
-    return;
-= StartupMouse
-void I_StartupCyberMan(void);
-void I_StartupMouse(void)
-    //
-    // General mouse detection
-    //
-    mousepresent = 0;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nomouse") || !usemouse)
-        return;
-    if (I_ResetMouse() != 0xffff)
-    {
-        ST_Message("Mouse: not present\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    ST_Message("Mouse: detected\n");
-    mousepresent = 1;
-    I_StartupCyberMan();
-= ShutdownMouse
-void I_ShutdownMouse(void)
-    if (!mousepresent)
-        return;
-    I_ResetMouse();
-= I_ReadMouse
-void I_ReadMouse(void)
-    event_t ev;
-// mouse events
-    if (!mousepresent)
-        return;
-    ev.type = ev_mouse;
-    memset(&dpmiregs, 0, sizeof(dpmiregs));
-    dpmiregs.eax = 3;           // read buttons / position
-    DPMIInt(0x33);
-    ev.data1 = dpmiregs.ebx;
-    dpmiregs.eax = 11;          // read counters
-    DPMIInt(0x33);
-    ev.data2 = (short) dpmiregs.ecx;
-    ev.data3 = -(short) dpmiregs.edx;
-    H2_PostEvent(&ev);
-int joyxl, joyxh, joyyl, joyyh;
-boolean WaitJoyButton(void)
-    int oldbuttons, buttons;
-    oldbuttons = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        I_WaitVBL(1);
-        buttons = ((inp(0x201) >> 4) & 1) ^ 1;
-        if (buttons != oldbuttons)
-        {
-            oldbuttons = buttons;
-            continue;
-        }
-        if ((lastpress & 0x7f) == 1)
-        {
-            joystickpresent = false;
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    while (!buttons);
-    do
-    {
-        I_WaitVBL(1);
-        buttons = ((inp(0x201) >> 4) & 1) ^ 1;
-        if (buttons != oldbuttons)
-        {
-            oldbuttons = buttons;
-            continue;
-        }
-        if ((lastpress & 0x7f) == 1)
-        {
-            joystickpresent = false;
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    while (buttons);
-    return true;
-= I_StartupJoystick
-int basejoyx, basejoyy;
-void I_StartupJoystick(void)
-    int centerx, centery;
-    joystickpresent = 0;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nojoy") || !usejoystick)
-        return;
-    if (!I_ReadJoystick())
-    {
-        joystickpresent = false;
-        ST_Message("joystick not found\n ");
-        return;
-    }
-    ST_Message("joystick found\n");
-    joystickpresent = true;
-    ST_RealMessage("CENTER the joystick and press button 1:");
-    if (!WaitJoyButton())
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    centerx = joystickx;
-    centery = joysticky;
-    ST_RealMessage
-        ("\nPush the joystick to the UPPER LEFT corner and press button 1:");
-    if (!WaitJoyButton())
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    joyxl = (centerx + joystickx) / 2;
-    joyyl = (centerx + joysticky) / 2;
-    ST_RealMessage
-        ("\nPush the joystick to the LOWER RIGHT corner and press button 1:");
-    if (!WaitJoyButton())
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    joyxh = (centerx + joystickx) / 2;
-    joyyh = (centery + joysticky) / 2;
-    ST_RealMessage("\n");
-= I_JoystickEvents
-void I_JoystickEvents(void)
-    event_t ev;
-// joystick events
-    if (!joystickpresent)
-        return;
-    I_ReadJoystick();
-    ev.type = ev_joystick;
-    ev.data1 = ((inp(0x201) >> 4) & 15) ^ 15;
-    if (joystickx < joyxl)
-        ev.data2 = -1;
-    else if (joystickx > joyxh)
-        ev.data2 = 1;
-    else
-        ev.data2 = 0;
-    if (joysticky < joyyl)
-        ev.data3 = -1;
-    else if (joysticky > joyyh)
-        ev.data3 = 1;
-    else
-        ev.data3 = 0;
-    H2_PostEvent(&ev);
-#define REALSTACKSIZE   1024
-dpmiregs_t dpmiregs;
-unsigned realstackseg;
-void I_DivException(void);
-int I_SetDivException(void);
-void DPMIFarCall (void)
-	segread (&segregs);
- = 0x301;
-	regs.w.bx = 0;
- = 0;
-	regs.x.edi = (unsigned)&dpmiregs;
- = segregs.ds;
-	int386x( DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs, &segregs );
-void DPMIInt(int i)
- = realstackseg;
-    dpmiregs.sp = REALSTACKSIZE - 4;
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x300;
-    regs.w.bx = i;
- = 0;
-    regs.x.edi = (unsigned) &dpmiregs;
- = segregs.ds;
-    int386x(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs, &segregs);
-= I_StartupDPMI
-void I_StartupDPMI(void)
-//      extern char __begtext;
-//      extern char ___argc;
-//      int     n,d;
-// allocate a decent stack for real mode ISRs
-    realstackseg = (int) I_AllocLow(1024) >> 4;
-// lock the entire program down
-//      _dpmi_lockregion (&__begtext, &___argc - &__begtext);
-// catch divide by 0 exception
-#if 0
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x0203;         // DPMI set processor exception handler vector
-    regs.w.bx = 0;              // int 0
- = segregs.cs;
-    regs.x.edx = (int) &I_DivException;
-    printf("%x : %x\n",, regs.x.edx);
-    int386(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs);
-#if 0
-    n = I_SetDivException();
-    printf("return: %i\n", n);
-    n = 100;
-    d = 0;
-    printf("100 / 0 = %i\n", n / d);
-    exit(1);
-void (__interrupt __far * oldtimerisr) ();
-void IO_ColorBlack (int r, int g, int b)
-_outbyte (PEL_WRITE_ADR,0);
-= IO_TimerISR
-//void __interrupt IO_TimerISR (void)
-void __interrupt __far IO_TimerISR(void)
-    ticcount++;
-    _outbyte(0x20, 0x20);       // Ack the interrupt
-= IO_SetTimer0
-= Sets system timer 0 to the specified speed
-void IO_SetTimer0(int speed)
-    if (speed > 0 && speed < 150)
-        I_Error("INT_SetTimer0: %i is a bad value", speed);
-    _outbyte(0x43, 0x36);       // Change timer 0
-    _outbyte(0x40, speed);
-    _outbyte(0x40, speed >> 8);
-= IO_StartupTimer
-void IO_StartupTimer (void)
-	oldtimerisr = _dos_getvect(TIMERINT);
-	_dos_setvect (0x8000 | TIMERINT, IO_TimerISR);
-	IO_SetTimer0 (VBLCOUNTER);
-void IO_ShutdownTimer(void)
-    if (oldtimerisr)
-    {
-        IO_SetTimer0(0);        // back to 18.4 ips
-        _dos_setvect(TIMERINT, oldtimerisr);
-    }
-= I_Init
-= hook interrupts and set graphics mode
-void I_Init(void)
-    extern void I_StartupTimer(void);
-    novideo = M_CheckParm("novideo");
-    ST_Message("  I_StartupDPMI\n");
-    I_StartupDPMI();
-    ST_Message("  I_StartupMouse ");
-    I_StartupMouse();
-//      tprintf("I_StartupJoystick ",1);
-//      I_StartupJoystick();
-//      tprintf("I_StartupKeyboard ",1);
-//      I_StartupKeyboard();
-    ST_Message("  S_Init... ");
-    S_Init();
-    //IO_StartupTimer();
-    S_Start();
-= I_Shutdown
-= return to default system state
-void I_Shutdown(void)
-    I_ShutdownGraphics();
-    IO_ShutdownTimer();
-    S_ShutDown();
-    I_ShutdownMouse();
-    I_ShutdownKeyboard();
-    IO_SetTimer0(0);
-= I_Error
-void I_Error(char *error, ...)
-    union REGS regs;
-    va_list argptr;
-    D_QuitNetGame();
-    I_Shutdown();
-    va_start(argptr, error);
-    regs.x.eax = 0x3;
-    int386(0x10, &regs, &regs);
-    vprintf(error, argptr);
-    va_end(argptr);
-    printf("\n");
-    exit(1);
-// I_Quit
-// Shuts down net game, saves defaults, prints the exit text message,
-// goes to text mode, and exits.
-void I_Quit(void)
-    D_QuitNetGame();
-    M_SaveDefaults();
-    I_Shutdown();
-//      scr = (byte *)W_CacheLumpName("ENDTEXT", PU_CACHE);
-	memcpy((void *)0xb8000, scr, 80*25*2);
- = 0x0200;
- = 0;
-	regs.h.dl = 0;
-	regs.h.dh = 23;
-	int386(0x10, (const union REGS *)&regs, &regs); // Set text pos
-	_settextposition(24, 1);
-    printf("\nHexen: Beyond Heretic\n");
-    exit(0);
-= I_ZoneBase
-byte *I_ZoneBase(int *size)
-    int meminfo[32];
-    int heap;
-    byte *ptr;
-    memset(meminfo, 0, sizeof(meminfo));
-    segread(&segregs);
- = segregs.ds;
- = 0x500;          // get memory info
-    regs.x.edi = (int) &meminfo;
-    int386x(0x31, &regs, &regs, &segregs);
-    heap = meminfo[0];
-    ST_Message("  DPMI memory: 0x%x, ", heap);
-    ST_Message("Maxzone: 0x%x\n", maxzone);
-    do
-    {
-        heap -= 0x10000;        // leave 64k alone
-        if (heap > maxzone)
-            heap = maxzone;
-        ptr = malloc(heap);
-    }
-    while (!ptr);
-    ST_Message("  0x%x allocated for zone, ", heap);
-    ST_Message("ZoneBase: 0x%X\n", (int) ptr);
-    if (heap < 0x180000)
-        I_Error("  Insufficient DPMI memory!");
-#if 0
- = 0x501;          // allocate linear block
-    regs.w.bx = heap >> 16;
- = heap & 0xffff;
-    int386(0x31, &regs, &regs);
-    if (regs.w.cflag)
-        I_Error("  Couldn't allocate DPMI memory!");
-    block = ( << 16) + regs.w.di;
-    *size = heap;
-    return ptr;
-= I_AllocLow
-byte *I_AllocLow(int length)
-    byte *mem;
-    // DPMI call 100h allocates DOS memory
-    segread(&segregs);
- = 0x0100;         // DPMI allocate DOS memory
-    regs.w.bx = (length + 15) / 16;
-    int386(DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs);
-//      segment =;
-//   selector = regs.w.dx;
-    if (regs.w.cflag != 0)
-        I_Error("I_AllocLow: DOS alloc of %i failed, %i free",
-                length, regs.w.bx * 16);
-    mem = (void *) ((regs.x.eax & 0xFFFF) << 4);
-    memset(mem, 0, length);
-    return mem;
-typedef struct
-	char    priv[508];
-   } doomdata_t;
-#define DOOMCOM_ID              0x12345678l
-typedef struct
-	long    id;
-	short   intnum;                 // DOOM executes an int to execute commands
-// communication between DOOM and the driver
-	short   command;                // CMD_SEND or CMD_GET
-	short   remotenode;             // dest for send, set by get (-1 = no packet)
-	short   datalength;             // bytes in doomdata to be sent
-// info common to all nodes
-	short   numnodes;               // console is allways node 0
-	short   ticdup;                 // 1 = no duplication, 2-5 = dup for slow nets
-	short   extratics;              // 1 = send a backup tic in every packet
-	short   deathmatch;             // 1 = deathmatch
-	short   savegame;               // -1 = new game, 0-5 = load savegame
-	short   episode;                // 1-3
-	short   map;                    // 1-9
-	short   skill;                  // 1-5
-// info specific to this node
-	short   consoleplayer;
-	short   numplayers;
-	short   angleoffset;    // 1 = left, 0 = center, -1 = right
-	short   drone;                  // 1 = drone
-// packet data to be sent
-	doomdata_t      data;
-   } doomcom_t;
-extern doomcom_t *doomcom;
-= I_InitNetwork
-void I_InitNetwork(void)
-    int i;
-    i = M_CheckParm("-net");
-    if (!i)
-    {
-        //
-        // single player game
-        //
-        doomcom = malloc(sizeof(*doomcom));
-        memset(doomcom, 0, sizeof(*doomcom));
-        netgame = false;
-        doomcom->id = DOOMCOM_ID;
-        doomcom->numplayers = doomcom->numnodes = 1;
-        doomcom->deathmatch = false;
-        doomcom->consoleplayer = 0;
-        doomcom->ticdup = 1;
-        doomcom->extratics = 0;
-        return;
-    }
-    netgame = true;
-    doomcom = (doomcom_t *) atoi(myargv[i + 1]);
-    doomcom->skill = startskill;
-    doomcom->episode = startepisode;
-    doomcom->map = startmap;
-    doomcom->deathmatch = deathmatch;
-void I_NetCmd(void)
-    if (!netgame)
-        I_Error("I_NetCmd when not in netgame");
-    DPMIInt(doomcom->intnum);
-// I_CheckExternDriver
-//              Checks to see if a vector, and an address for an external driver
-//                      have been passed.
-void I_CheckExternDriver(void)
-    int i;
-    if (!(i = M_CheckParm("-externdriver")))
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    i_ExternData = (externdata_t *) atoi(myargv[i + 1]);
-    i_Vector = i_ExternData->vector;
-    useexterndriver = true;
-// Hi-Res (mode 12) stuff
-// SetVideoModeHR - Set video mode to 640x480x16
-void SetVideoModeHR(void)
-    union REGS regs;
-    regs.x.eax = 0x12;
-    int386(VID_INT, &regs, &regs);
-// ClearScreenHR - Clear the screen to color 0
-void ClearScreenHR(void)
-    memset((char *) 0xa0000, 0, 38400);
-// SlamHR - copy 4-plane buffer to screen
-void SlamHR(char *buffer)
-    memcpy((char *) 0xA0000, buffer + P0OFFSET, 38400);
-    memcpy((char *) 0xA0000, buffer + P1OFFSET, 38400);
-    memcpy((char *) 0xA0000, buffer + P2OFFSET, 38400);
-    memcpy((char *) 0xA0000, buffer + P3OFFSET, 38400);
-// SlamHR - copy 4-plane buffer to screen
-// X and Width should be a multiple of 8
-// src should be 4 planes of block size, back to back
-void SlamBlockHR(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src)
-    int srcwid = w >> 3;
-    char *dest = ((char *) 0xA0000) + (y * (640 / 8)) + (x >> 3);
-    char *dst;
-    int i;
-    VB_SYNC;
-    dst = dest;
-    for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
-    {
-        memcpy(dst, src, srcwid);
-        dst += 640 / 8;
-        src += srcwid;
-    }
-    dst = dest;
-    for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
-    {
-        memcpy(dst, src, srcwid);
-        dst += 640 / 8;
-        src += srcwid;
-    }
-    dst = dest;
-    for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
-    {
-        memcpy(dst, src, srcwid);
-        dst += 640 / 8;
-        src += srcwid;
-    }
-    dst = dest;
-    for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
-    {
-        memcpy(dst, src, srcwid);
-        dst += 640 / 8;
-        src += srcwid;
-    }
-// InitPaletteHR
-void InitPaletteHR(void)
-    int i;
-    union REGS regs;
-    // Set palette registers to point into color registers
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-        regs.x.eax = (0x10 << 8) | 0x00;
-        regs.x.ebx = (i << 8) | i;
-        int386(VID_INT, &regs, &regs);
-    }
-// SetPaletteHR - Set the HR palette
-void SetPaletteHR(byte * palette)
-    int i;
-    VB_SYNC;
-    outp(PEL_WRITE_ADR, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16 * 3; i++)
-    {
-        outp(PEL_DATA, (*palette++));
-    }
-// GetPaletteHR - Get the HR palette
-void GetPaletteHR(byte * palette)
-    int i;
-    outp(PEL_READ_ADR, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16 * 3; i++)
-    {
-        *palette++ = inp(PEL_DATA);
-    }
-// FadeToPaletteHR
-void FadeToPaletteHR(byte * palette)
-    int i, j;
-    int steps = 140;            // two-seconds
-    byte basep[16 * 3];
-    byte work[16 * 3];
-    int delta;
-    GetPaletteHR(basep);
-    for (i = 0; i < steps; i++)
-    {
-        for (j = 0; j < 16 * 3; j++)
-        {
-            delta = palette[j] - basep[j];
-            work[j] = basep[j] + delta * i / steps;
-        }
-        SetPaletteHR(work);
-    }
-    SetPaletteHR(palette);
-// FadeToBlackHR - Fades the palette out to black
-void FadeToBlackHR(void)
-	char work[16*3];
-	char base[16*3];
-	int i,j,steps=70;
-	GetPaletteHR(base);
-	for (i=0; i<steps; i++)
-	{
-		for (j=0; j<16*3; j++)
-		{
-			work[j] = base[j]-(base[j]*i/steps);
-		}
-		SetPaletteHR(work);
-	}
-	memset(work,0,16*3);
-	SetPaletteHR(work);
-// BlackPaletteHR - Instantly blacks out the palette
-void BlackPaletteHR(void)
-    char blackpal[16 * 3];
-    memset(blackpal, 0, 16 * 3);
-    SetPaletteHR(blackpal);
-// I_StartupReadKeys
-void I_StartupReadKeys(void)
-    int k;
-    while (kbdtail < kbdhead)
-    {
-        k = keyboardque[kbdtail & (KBDQUESIZE - 1)];
-        kbdtail++;
-        if (k == 1)
-            I_Quit();
-    }
--- a/src/hexen/i_sound.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
-// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
-// Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "h2def.h"
-#include "i_system.h"
-#include "m_argv.h"
-#include "dmx.h"
-#include "sounds.h"
-#include "i_sound.h"
-= I_StartupTimer
-int tsm_ID = -1;
-void I_StartupTimer(void)
-#ifndef NOTIMER
-    extern int I_TimerISR(void);
-    ST_Message("  I_StartupTimer()\n");
-    // installs master timer.  Must be done before StartupTimer()!
-    TSM_Install(SND_TICRATE);
-    tsm_ID = TSM_NewService(I_TimerISR, 35, 255, 0);    // max priority
-    if (tsm_ID == -1)
-    {
-        I_Error("Can't register 35 Hz timer w/ DMX library");
-    }
-void I_ShutdownTimer(void)
-    TSM_DelService(tsm_ID);
-    TSM_Remove();
- *
- *                           SOUND HEADER & DATA
- *
- *
- */
-// sound information
-#if 0
-const char *dnames[] = { "None",
-    "PC_Speaker",
-    "Adlib",
-    "Sound_Blaster",
-    "ProAudio_Spectrum16",
-    "Gravis_Ultrasound",
-    "MPU",
-    "AWE32"
-const char snd_prefixen[] = { 'P', 'P', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'S', 'M',
-    'M', 'M', 'S'
-int snd_Channels;
-int snd_DesiredMusicDevice, snd_DesiredSfxDevice;
-int snd_MusicDevice,            // current music card # (index to dmxCodes)
-  snd_SfxDevice,                // current sfx card # (index to dmxCodes)
-  snd_MaxVolume,                // maximum volume for sound
-  snd_MusicVolume;              // maximum volume for music
-int dmxCodes[NUM_SCARDS];       // the dmx code for a given card
-int snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma;   // sound blaster variables
-int snd_Mport;                  // midi variables
-extern boolean snd_MusicAvail,  // whether music is available
-  snd_SfxAvail;                 // whether sfx are available
-void I_PauseSong(int handle)
-    MUS_PauseSong(handle);
-void I_ResumeSong(int handle)
-    MUS_ResumeSong(handle);
-void I_SetMusicVolume(int volume)
-    MUS_SetMasterVolume(volume * 8);
-//  snd_MusicVolume = volume;
-void I_SetSfxVolume(int volume)
-    snd_MaxVolume = volume;     // THROW AWAY?
- *
- *                              SONG API
- *
- */
-int I_RegisterSong(void *data)
-    int rc = MUS_RegisterSong(data);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        ST_Message("    MUS_Reg() returned %d\n", rc);
-    return rc;
-void I_UnRegisterSong(int handle)
-    int rc = MUS_UnregisterSong(handle);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        ST_Message("    MUS_Unreg() returned %d\n", rc);
-int I_QrySongPlaying(int handle)
-    int rc = MUS_QrySongPlaying(handle);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        ST_Message("    MUS_QrySP() returned %d\n", rc);
-    return rc;
-// Stops a song.  MUST be called before I_UnregisterSong().
-void I_StopSong(int handle)
-    int rc;
-    rc = MUS_StopSong(handle);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        ST_Message("    MUS_StopSong() returned %d\n", rc);
-  // Fucking kluge pause
-  {
-	int s;
-	extern volatile int ticcount;
-	for (s=ticcount ; ticcount - s < 10 ; );
-  }
-void I_PlaySong(int handle, boolean looping)
-    int rc;
-    rc = MUS_ChainSong(handle, looping ? handle : -1);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        ST_Message("    MUS_ChainSong() returned %d\n", rc);
-    rc = MUS_PlaySong(handle, snd_MusicVolume);
-#ifdef SNDDEBUG
-    if (rc < 0)
-        ST_Message("    MUS_PlaySong() returned %d\n", rc);
- *
- *                                 SOUND FX API
- *
- */
-// Gets lump nums of the named sound.  Returns pointer which will be
-// passed to I_StartSound() when you want to start an SFX.  Must be
-// sure to pass this to UngetSoundEffect() so that they can be
-// freed!
-int I_GetSfxLumpNum(sfxinfo_t * sound)
-    return W_GetNumForName(sound->lumpname);
-int I_StartSound(int id, void *data, int vol, int sep, int pitch,
-                 int priority)
-    return SFX_PlayPatch(data, pitch, sep, vol, 0, 0);
-void I_StopSound(int handle)
-//  extern volatile long gDmaCount;
-//  long waittocount;
-    SFX_StopPatch(handle);
-//  waittocount = gDmaCount + 2;
-//  while (gDmaCount < waittocount) ;
-int I_SoundIsPlaying(int handle)
-    return SFX_Playing(handle);
-void I_UpdateSoundParams(int handle, int vol, int sep, int pitch)
-    SFX_SetOrigin(handle, pitch, sep, vol);
- *
- *                                                      SOUND STARTUP STUFF
- *
- *
- */
-// Why PC's Suck, Reason #8712
-void I_sndArbitrateCards(void)
-    char tmp[160];
-    boolean gus, adlib, pc, sb, midi;
-    int i, rc, mputype, p, opltype, wait, dmxlump;
-    snd_MusicDevice = snd_DesiredMusicDevice;
-    snd_SfxDevice = snd_DesiredSfxDevice;
-    // check command-line parameters- overrides config file
-    //
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nosound"))
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_SfxDevice = snd_none;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nosfx"))
-        snd_SfxDevice = snd_none;
-    if (M_CheckParm("-nomusic"))
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_none;
-    if (snd_MusicDevice > snd_MPU && snd_MusicDevice <= snd_MPU3)
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_MPU;
-    if (snd_MusicDevice == snd_SB)
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_Adlib;
-    if (snd_MusicDevice == snd_PAS)
-        snd_MusicDevice = snd_Adlib;
-    // figure out what i've got to initialize
-    //
-    gus = snd_MusicDevice == snd_GUS || snd_SfxDevice == snd_GUS;
-    sb = snd_SfxDevice == snd_SB || snd_MusicDevice == snd_SB;
-    adlib = snd_MusicDevice == snd_Adlib;
-    pc = snd_SfxDevice == snd_PC;
-    midi = snd_MusicDevice == snd_MPU;
-    // initialize whatever i've got
-    //
-    if (gus)
-    {
-        if (GF1_Detect())
-            ST_Message("    Dude.  The GUS ain't responding.\n");
-        else
-        {
-            dmxlump = W_GetNumForName("dmxgus");
-            GF1_SetMap(W_CacheLumpNum(dmxlump, PU_CACHE),
-                       lumpinfo[dmxlump].size);
-        }
-    }
-    if (sb)
-    {
-        if (debugmode)
-        {
-            ST_Message("  Sound cfg p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n",
-                       snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-        }
-        if (SB_Detect(&snd_SBport, &snd_SBirq, &snd_SBdma, 0))
-        {
-            ST_Message("    SB isn't responding at p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n",
-                       snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-        }
-        else
-            SB_SetCard(snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-        if (debugmode)
-        {
-            ST_Message("    SB_Detect returned p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n",
-                       snd_SBport, snd_SBirq, snd_SBdma);
-        }
-    }
-    if (adlib)
-    {
-        if (AL_Detect(&wait, 0))
-        {
-            ST_Message("    Dude.  The Adlib isn't responding.\n");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            AL_SetCard(wait, W_CacheLumpName("genmidi", PU_STATIC));
-        }
-    }
-    if (midi)
-    {
-        if (debugmode)
-        {
-            ST_Message("    cfg p=0x%x\n", snd_Mport);
-        }
-        if (MPU_Detect(&snd_Mport, &i))
-        {
-            ST_Message("    The MPU-401 isn't reponding @ p=0x%x.\n",
-                       snd_Mport);
-        }
-        else
-            MPU_SetCard(snd_Mport);
-    }
-// inits all sound stuff
-void I_StartupSound(void)
-    int rc, i;
-    if (debugmode)
-        ST_Message("I_StartupSound: Hope you hear a pop.\n");
-    // initialize dmxCodes[]
-    dmxCodes[0] = 0;
-    dmxCodes[snd_PC] = AHW_PC_SPEAKER;
-    dmxCodes[snd_Adlib] = AHW_ADLIB;
-    dmxCodes[snd_SB] = AHW_SOUND_BLASTER;
-    dmxCodes[snd_PAS] = AHW_MEDIA_VISION;
-    dmxCodes[snd_GUS] = AHW_ULTRA_SOUND;
-    dmxCodes[snd_MPU] = AHW_MPU_401;
-    dmxCodes[snd_MPU2] = AHW_MPU_401;
-    dmxCodes[snd_MPU3] = AHW_MPU_401;
-    dmxCodes[snd_AWE] = AHW_AWE32;
-    dmxCodes[snd_CDMUSIC] = 0;
-    // inits sound library timer stuff
-    I_StartupTimer();
-    // pick the sound cards i'm going to use
-    //
-    I_sndArbitrateCards();
-    if (debugmode)
-    {
-        ST_Message("    Music device #%d & dmxCode=%d,", snd_MusicDevice,
-                   dmxCodes[snd_MusicDevice]);
-        ST_Message(" Sfx device #%d & dmxCode=%d\n", snd_SfxDevice,
-                   dmxCodes[snd_SfxDevice]);
-    }
-    // inits DMX sound library
-    ST_Message("    Calling DMX_Init...");
-    rc = DMX_Init(SND_TICRATE, SND_MAXSONGS, dmxCodes[snd_MusicDevice],
-                  dmxCodes[snd_SfxDevice]);
-    if (debugmode)
-    {
-        ST_Message(" DMX_Init() returned %d\n", rc);
-    }
-// shuts down all sound stuff
-void I_ShutdownSound(void)
-    DMX_DeInit();
-    I_ShutdownTimer();
-void I_SetChannels(int channels)
-    WAV_PlayMode(channels, SND_SAMPLERATE);