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ref: b3678129fd7bed6c3287ab682819b075e8bf495a
parent: 1f87d0ba3cedbf2a1244d1d6687f46ab8e992946
author: Simon Howard <[email protected]>
date: Mon May 11 20:54:41 EDT 2015

Replace AES implementation with the Linux one.

The old AES implementation was from GnuPG, which is GPLv3 and not
compatible with Chocolate Doom's GPLv2 license. Switch to the
implementation of AES found inside the Linux kernel instead.

This fixes #479, #507.

--- a/src/aes_prng.c
+++ b/src/aes_prng.c
@@ -20,920 +20,868 @@
 // effective PRNG (see: Empirical Evidence concerning AES, Hellekalek
 // & Wegenkittl, 2003).
-// The AES implementation is from GnuPG. Original copyright notice is
-// below.
+// AES implementation is taken from the Linux kernel's AES
+// implementation, found in crypto/aes_generic.c. It has been hacked
+// up to work independently.
-/* Rijndael (AES) for GnuPG
- *	Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "aes_prng.h"
+#include "doomtype.h"
+#include "i_swap.h"
+ * Cryptographic API.
- * This file is part of GnuPG.
+ * AES Cipher Algorithm.
- * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * Based on Brian Gladman's code.
+ *
+ * Linux developers:
+ *  Alexander Kjeldaas <[email protected]>
+ *  Herbert Valerio Riedel <[email protected]>
+ *  Kyle McMartin <[email protected]>
+ *  Adam J. Richter <[email protected]> (conversion to 2.5 API).
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  * (at your option) any later version.
- * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, Dr Brian Gladman <[email protected]>, Worcester, UK.
+ * All rights reserved.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <>.
- *******************************************************************
- * The code here is based on the optimized implementation taken from
- * on Oct 2, 2000,
- * which carries this notice:
- *------------------------------------------
- * rijndael-alg-fst.c   v2.3   April '2000
- * Optimised ANSI C code
+ * The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
+ * form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
- * authors: v1.0: Antoon Bosselaers
- *          v2.0: Vincent Rijmen
- *          v2.3: Paulo Barreto
+ *   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
+ *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * This code is placed in the public domain.
- *------------------------------------------
+ *   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
+ *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ *      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
+ *
+ *   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
+ *      built using this software without specific written permission.
+ *
+ * ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
+ * may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
+ * in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
+ * and/or fitness for purpose.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for memcmp() */
-#include "aes_prng.h"
-#include "doomtype.h"
-#include "i_system.h"
+#define AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE        16
+#define AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE        32
+#define AES_KEYSIZE_128         16
+#define AES_KEYSIZE_192         24
+#define AES_KEYSIZE_256         32
+#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE          16
+#define AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH       (15 * 16)
+#define AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH_U32   (AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH / sizeof(uint32_t))
-#define MAXKC			(256/32)
-#define MAXROUNDS		14
+ * Please ensure that the first two fields are 16-byte aligned
+ * relative to the start of the structure, i.e., don't move them!
+ */
 typedef struct
-    int  ROUNDS;                   /* key-length-dependent number of rounds */
-    uint32_t keySched[MAXROUNDS+1][4];	/* key schedule		*/
-} RIJNDAEL_context;
+    uint32_t key_enc[AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH_U32];
+    uint32_t key_dec[AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH_U32];
+    uint32_t key_length;
+} aes_context_t;
-static const byte S[256] =
+static inline uint8_t get_byte(const uint32_t x, const unsigned n)
-    99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197,
-    48,   1, 103,  43, 254, 215, 171, 118,
-    202, 130, 201, 125, 250,  89,  71, 240,
-    173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192,
-    183, 253, 147,  38,  54,  63, 247, 204,
-    52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216,  49,  21,
-    4, 199,  35, 195,  24, 150,   5, 154,
-    7,  18, 128, 226, 235,  39, 178, 117,
-    9, 131,  44,  26,  27, 110,  90, 160,
-    82,  59, 214, 179,  41, 227,  47, 132,
-    83, 209,   0, 237,  32, 252, 177,  91,
-    106, 203, 190,  57,  74,  76,  88, 207,
-    208, 239, 170, 251,  67,  77,  51, 133,
-    69, 249,   2, 127,  80,  60, 159, 168,
-    81, 163,  64, 143, 146, 157,  56, 245,
-    188, 182, 218,  33,  16, 255, 243, 210,
-    205,  12,  19, 236,  95, 151,  68,  23,
-    196, 167, 126,  61, 100,  93,  25, 115,
-    96, 129,  79, 220,  34,  42, 144, 136,
-    70, 238, 184,  20, 222,  94,  11, 219,
-    224,  50,  58,  10,  73,   6,  36,  92,
-    194, 211, 172,  98, 145, 149, 228, 121,
-    231, 200,  55, 109, 141, 213,  78, 169,
-    108,  86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174,   8,
-    186, 120,  37,  46,  28, 166, 180, 198,
-    232, 221, 116,  31,  75, 189, 139, 138,
-    112,  62, 181, 102,  72,   3, 246,  14,
-    97,  53,  87, 185, 134, 193,  29, 158,
-    225, 248, 152,  17, 105, 217, 142, 148,
-    155,  30, 135, 233, 206,  85,  40, 223,
-    140, 161, 137,  13, 191, 230,  66, 104,
-    65, 153,  45,  15, 176,  84, 187,  22
+    return x >> (n << 3);
+static const uint32_t rco_tab[10] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54 };
+static const uint32_t crypto_ft_tab[4][256] = {
+    {
+        0xa56363c6, 0x847c7cf8, 0x997777ee, 0x8d7b7bf6,
+        0x0df2f2ff, 0xbd6b6bd6, 0xb16f6fde, 0x54c5c591,
+        0x50303060, 0x03010102, 0xa96767ce, 0x7d2b2b56,
+        0x19fefee7, 0x62d7d7b5, 0xe6abab4d, 0x9a7676ec,
+        0x45caca8f, 0x9d82821f, 0x40c9c989, 0x877d7dfa,
+        0x15fafaef, 0xeb5959b2, 0xc947478e, 0x0bf0f0fb,
+        0xecadad41, 0x67d4d4b3, 0xfda2a25f, 0xeaafaf45,
+        0xbf9c9c23, 0xf7a4a453, 0x967272e4, 0x5bc0c09b,
+        0xc2b7b775, 0x1cfdfde1, 0xae93933d, 0x6a26264c,
+        0x5a36366c, 0x413f3f7e, 0x02f7f7f5, 0x4fcccc83,
+        0x5c343468, 0xf4a5a551, 0x34e5e5d1, 0x08f1f1f9,
+        0x937171e2, 0x73d8d8ab, 0x53313162, 0x3f15152a,
+        0x0c040408, 0x52c7c795, 0x65232346, 0x5ec3c39d,
+        0x28181830, 0xa1969637, 0x0f05050a, 0xb59a9a2f,
+        0x0907070e, 0x36121224, 0x9b80801b, 0x3de2e2df,
+        0x26ebebcd, 0x6927274e, 0xcdb2b27f, 0x9f7575ea,
+        0x1b090912, 0x9e83831d, 0x742c2c58, 0x2e1a1a34,
+        0x2d1b1b36, 0xb26e6edc, 0xee5a5ab4, 0xfba0a05b,
+        0xf65252a4, 0x4d3b3b76, 0x61d6d6b7, 0xceb3b37d,
+        0x7b292952, 0x3ee3e3dd, 0x712f2f5e, 0x97848413,
+        0xf55353a6, 0x68d1d1b9, 0x00000000, 0x2cededc1,
+        0x60202040, 0x1ffcfce3, 0xc8b1b179, 0xed5b5bb6,
+        0xbe6a6ad4, 0x46cbcb8d, 0xd9bebe67, 0x4b393972,
+        0xde4a4a94, 0xd44c4c98, 0xe85858b0, 0x4acfcf85,
+        0x6bd0d0bb, 0x2aefefc5, 0xe5aaaa4f, 0x16fbfbed,
+        0xc5434386, 0xd74d4d9a, 0x55333366, 0x94858511,
+        0xcf45458a, 0x10f9f9e9, 0x06020204, 0x817f7ffe,
+        0xf05050a0, 0x443c3c78, 0xba9f9f25, 0xe3a8a84b,
+        0xf35151a2, 0xfea3a35d, 0xc0404080, 0x8a8f8f05,
+        0xad92923f, 0xbc9d9d21, 0x48383870, 0x04f5f5f1,
+        0xdfbcbc63, 0xc1b6b677, 0x75dadaaf, 0x63212142,
+        0x30101020, 0x1affffe5, 0x0ef3f3fd, 0x6dd2d2bf,
+        0x4ccdcd81, 0x140c0c18, 0x35131326, 0x2fececc3,
+        0xe15f5fbe, 0xa2979735, 0xcc444488, 0x3917172e,
+        0x57c4c493, 0xf2a7a755, 0x827e7efc, 0x473d3d7a,
+        0xac6464c8, 0xe75d5dba, 0x2b191932, 0x957373e6,
+        0xa06060c0, 0x98818119, 0xd14f4f9e, 0x7fdcdca3,
+        0x66222244, 0x7e2a2a54, 0xab90903b, 0x8388880b,
+        0xca46468c, 0x29eeeec7, 0xd3b8b86b, 0x3c141428,
+        0x79dedea7, 0xe25e5ebc, 0x1d0b0b16, 0x76dbdbad,
+        0x3be0e0db, 0x56323264, 0x4e3a3a74, 0x1e0a0a14,
+        0xdb494992, 0x0a06060c, 0x6c242448, 0xe45c5cb8,
+        0x5dc2c29f, 0x6ed3d3bd, 0xefacac43, 0xa66262c4,
+        0xa8919139, 0xa4959531, 0x37e4e4d3, 0x8b7979f2,
+        0x32e7e7d5, 0x43c8c88b, 0x5937376e, 0xb76d6dda,
+        0x8c8d8d01, 0x64d5d5b1, 0xd24e4e9c, 0xe0a9a949,
+        0xb46c6cd8, 0xfa5656ac, 0x07f4f4f3, 0x25eaeacf,
+        0xaf6565ca, 0x8e7a7af4, 0xe9aeae47, 0x18080810,
+        0xd5baba6f, 0x887878f0, 0x6f25254a, 0x722e2e5c,
+        0x241c1c38, 0xf1a6a657, 0xc7b4b473, 0x51c6c697,
+        0x23e8e8cb, 0x7cdddda1, 0x9c7474e8, 0x211f1f3e,
+        0xdd4b4b96, 0xdcbdbd61, 0x868b8b0d, 0x858a8a0f,
+        0x907070e0, 0x423e3e7c, 0xc4b5b571, 0xaa6666cc,
+        0xd8484890, 0x05030306, 0x01f6f6f7, 0x120e0e1c,
+        0xa36161c2, 0x5f35356a, 0xf95757ae, 0xd0b9b969,
+        0x91868617, 0x58c1c199, 0x271d1d3a, 0xb99e9e27,
+        0x38e1e1d9, 0x13f8f8eb, 0xb398982b, 0x33111122,
+        0xbb6969d2, 0x70d9d9a9, 0x898e8e07, 0xa7949433,
+        0xb69b9b2d, 0x221e1e3c, 0x92878715, 0x20e9e9c9,
+        0x49cece87, 0xff5555aa, 0x78282850, 0x7adfdfa5,
+        0x8f8c8c03, 0xf8a1a159, 0x80898909, 0x170d0d1a,
+        0xdabfbf65, 0x31e6e6d7, 0xc6424284, 0xb86868d0,
+        0xc3414182, 0xb0999929, 0x772d2d5a, 0x110f0f1e,
+        0xcbb0b07b, 0xfc5454a8, 0xd6bbbb6d, 0x3a16162c,
+    }, {
+        0x6363c6a5, 0x7c7cf884, 0x7777ee99, 0x7b7bf68d,
+        0xf2f2ff0d, 0x6b6bd6bd, 0x6f6fdeb1, 0xc5c59154,
+        0x30306050, 0x01010203, 0x6767cea9, 0x2b2b567d,
+        0xfefee719, 0xd7d7b562, 0xabab4de6, 0x7676ec9a,
+        0xcaca8f45, 0x82821f9d, 0xc9c98940, 0x7d7dfa87,
+        0xfafaef15, 0x5959b2eb, 0x47478ec9, 0xf0f0fb0b,
+        0xadad41ec, 0xd4d4b367, 0xa2a25ffd, 0xafaf45ea,
+        0x9c9c23bf, 0xa4a453f7, 0x7272e496, 0xc0c09b5b,
+        0xb7b775c2, 0xfdfde11c, 0x93933dae, 0x26264c6a,
+        0x36366c5a, 0x3f3f7e41, 0xf7f7f502, 0xcccc834f,
+        0x3434685c, 0xa5a551f4, 0xe5e5d134, 0xf1f1f908,
+        0x7171e293, 0xd8d8ab73, 0x31316253, 0x15152a3f,
+        0x0404080c, 0xc7c79552, 0x23234665, 0xc3c39d5e,
+        0x18183028, 0x969637a1, 0x05050a0f, 0x9a9a2fb5,
+        0x07070e09, 0x12122436, 0x80801b9b, 0xe2e2df3d,
+        0xebebcd26, 0x27274e69, 0xb2b27fcd, 0x7575ea9f,
+        0x0909121b, 0x83831d9e, 0x2c2c5874, 0x1a1a342e,
+        0x1b1b362d, 0x6e6edcb2, 0x5a5ab4ee, 0xa0a05bfb,
+        0x5252a4f6, 0x3b3b764d, 0xd6d6b761, 0xb3b37dce,
+        0x2929527b, 0xe3e3dd3e, 0x2f2f5e71, 0x84841397,
+        0x5353a6f5, 0xd1d1b968, 0x00000000, 0xededc12c,
+        0x20204060, 0xfcfce31f, 0xb1b179c8, 0x5b5bb6ed,
+        0x6a6ad4be, 0xcbcb8d46, 0xbebe67d9, 0x3939724b,
+        0x4a4a94de, 0x4c4c98d4, 0x5858b0e8, 0xcfcf854a,
+        0xd0d0bb6b, 0xefefc52a, 0xaaaa4fe5, 0xfbfbed16,
+        0x434386c5, 0x4d4d9ad7, 0x33336655, 0x85851194,
+        0x45458acf, 0xf9f9e910, 0x02020406, 0x7f7ffe81,
+        0x5050a0f0, 0x3c3c7844, 0x9f9f25ba, 0xa8a84be3,
+        0x5151a2f3, 0xa3a35dfe, 0x404080c0, 0x8f8f058a,
+        0x92923fad, 0x9d9d21bc, 0x38387048, 0xf5f5f104,
+        0xbcbc63df, 0xb6b677c1, 0xdadaaf75, 0x21214263,
+        0x10102030, 0xffffe51a, 0xf3f3fd0e, 0xd2d2bf6d,
+        0xcdcd814c, 0x0c0c1814, 0x13132635, 0xececc32f,
+        0x5f5fbee1, 0x979735a2, 0x444488cc, 0x17172e39,
+        0xc4c49357, 0xa7a755f2, 0x7e7efc82, 0x3d3d7a47,
+        0x6464c8ac, 0x5d5dbae7, 0x1919322b, 0x7373e695,
+        0x6060c0a0, 0x81811998, 0x4f4f9ed1, 0xdcdca37f,
+        0x22224466, 0x2a2a547e, 0x90903bab, 0x88880b83,
+        0x46468cca, 0xeeeec729, 0xb8b86bd3, 0x1414283c,
+        0xdedea779, 0x5e5ebce2, 0x0b0b161d, 0xdbdbad76,
+        0xe0e0db3b, 0x32326456, 0x3a3a744e, 0x0a0a141e,
+        0x494992db, 0x06060c0a, 0x2424486c, 0x5c5cb8e4,
+        0xc2c29f5d, 0xd3d3bd6e, 0xacac43ef, 0x6262c4a6,
+        0x919139a8, 0x959531a4, 0xe4e4d337, 0x7979f28b,
+        0xe7e7d532, 0xc8c88b43, 0x37376e59, 0x6d6ddab7,
+        0x8d8d018c, 0xd5d5b164, 0x4e4e9cd2, 0xa9a949e0,
+        0x6c6cd8b4, 0x5656acfa, 0xf4f4f307, 0xeaeacf25,
+        0x6565caaf, 0x7a7af48e, 0xaeae47e9, 0x08081018,
+        0xbaba6fd5, 0x7878f088, 0x25254a6f, 0x2e2e5c72,
+        0x1c1c3824, 0xa6a657f1, 0xb4b473c7, 0xc6c69751,
+        0xe8e8cb23, 0xdddda17c, 0x7474e89c, 0x1f1f3e21,
+        0x4b4b96dd, 0xbdbd61dc, 0x8b8b0d86, 0x8a8a0f85,
+        0x7070e090, 0x3e3e7c42, 0xb5b571c4, 0x6666ccaa,
+        0x484890d8, 0x03030605, 0xf6f6f701, 0x0e0e1c12,
+        0x6161c2a3, 0x35356a5f, 0x5757aef9, 0xb9b969d0,
+        0x86861791, 0xc1c19958, 0x1d1d3a27, 0x9e9e27b9,
+        0xe1e1d938, 0xf8f8eb13, 0x98982bb3, 0x11112233,
+        0x6969d2bb, 0xd9d9a970, 0x8e8e0789, 0x949433a7,
+        0x9b9b2db6, 0x1e1e3c22, 0x87871592, 0xe9e9c920,
+        0xcece8749, 0x5555aaff, 0x28285078, 0xdfdfa57a,
+        0x8c8c038f, 0xa1a159f8, 0x89890980, 0x0d0d1a17,
+        0xbfbf65da, 0xe6e6d731, 0x424284c6, 0x6868d0b8,
+        0x414182c3, 0x999929b0, 0x2d2d5a77, 0x0f0f1e11,
+        0xb0b07bcb, 0x5454a8fc, 0xbbbb6dd6, 0x16162c3a,
+    }, {
+        0x63c6a563, 0x7cf8847c, 0x77ee9977, 0x7bf68d7b,
+        0xf2ff0df2, 0x6bd6bd6b, 0x6fdeb16f, 0xc59154c5,
+        0x30605030, 0x01020301, 0x67cea967, 0x2b567d2b,
+        0xfee719fe, 0xd7b562d7, 0xab4de6ab, 0x76ec9a76,
+        0xca8f45ca, 0x821f9d82, 0xc98940c9, 0x7dfa877d,
+        0xfaef15fa, 0x59b2eb59, 0x478ec947, 0xf0fb0bf0,
+        0xad41ecad, 0xd4b367d4, 0xa25ffda2, 0xaf45eaaf,
+        0x9c23bf9c, 0xa453f7a4, 0x72e49672, 0xc09b5bc0,
+        0xb775c2b7, 0xfde11cfd, 0x933dae93, 0x264c6a26,
+        0x366c5a36, 0x3f7e413f, 0xf7f502f7, 0xcc834fcc,
+        0x34685c34, 0xa551f4a5, 0xe5d134e5, 0xf1f908f1,
+        0x71e29371, 0xd8ab73d8, 0x31625331, 0x152a3f15,
+        0x04080c04, 0xc79552c7, 0x23466523, 0xc39d5ec3,
+        0x18302818, 0x9637a196, 0x050a0f05, 0x9a2fb59a,
+        0x070e0907, 0x12243612, 0x801b9b80, 0xe2df3de2,
+        0xebcd26eb, 0x274e6927, 0xb27fcdb2, 0x75ea9f75,
+        0x09121b09, 0x831d9e83, 0x2c58742c, 0x1a342e1a,
+        0x1b362d1b, 0x6edcb26e, 0x5ab4ee5a, 0xa05bfba0,
+        0x52a4f652, 0x3b764d3b, 0xd6b761d6, 0xb37dceb3,
+        0x29527b29, 0xe3dd3ee3, 0x2f5e712f, 0x84139784,
+        0x53a6f553, 0xd1b968d1, 0x00000000, 0xedc12ced,
+        0x20406020, 0xfce31ffc, 0xb179c8b1, 0x5bb6ed5b,
+        0x6ad4be6a, 0xcb8d46cb, 0xbe67d9be, 0x39724b39,
+        0x4a94de4a, 0x4c98d44c, 0x58b0e858, 0xcf854acf,
+        0xd0bb6bd0, 0xefc52aef, 0xaa4fe5aa, 0xfbed16fb,
+        0x4386c543, 0x4d9ad74d, 0x33665533, 0x85119485,
+        0x458acf45, 0xf9e910f9, 0x02040602, 0x7ffe817f,
+        0x50a0f050, 0x3c78443c, 0x9f25ba9f, 0xa84be3a8,
+        0x51a2f351, 0xa35dfea3, 0x4080c040, 0x8f058a8f,
+        0x923fad92, 0x9d21bc9d, 0x38704838, 0xf5f104f5,
+        0xbc63dfbc, 0xb677c1b6, 0xdaaf75da, 0x21426321,
+        0x10203010, 0xffe51aff, 0xf3fd0ef3, 0xd2bf6dd2,
+        0xcd814ccd, 0x0c18140c, 0x13263513, 0xecc32fec,
+        0x5fbee15f, 0x9735a297, 0x4488cc44, 0x172e3917,
+        0xc49357c4, 0xa755f2a7, 0x7efc827e, 0x3d7a473d,
+        0x64c8ac64, 0x5dbae75d, 0x19322b19, 0x73e69573,
+        0x60c0a060, 0x81199881, 0x4f9ed14f, 0xdca37fdc,
+        0x22446622, 0x2a547e2a, 0x903bab90, 0x880b8388,
+        0x468cca46, 0xeec729ee, 0xb86bd3b8, 0x14283c14,
+        0xdea779de, 0x5ebce25e, 0x0b161d0b, 0xdbad76db,
+        0xe0db3be0, 0x32645632, 0x3a744e3a, 0x0a141e0a,
+        0x4992db49, 0x060c0a06, 0x24486c24, 0x5cb8e45c,
+        0xc29f5dc2, 0xd3bd6ed3, 0xac43efac, 0x62c4a662,
+        0x9139a891, 0x9531a495, 0xe4d337e4, 0x79f28b79,
+        0xe7d532e7, 0xc88b43c8, 0x376e5937, 0x6ddab76d,
+        0x8d018c8d, 0xd5b164d5, 0x4e9cd24e, 0xa949e0a9,
+        0x6cd8b46c, 0x56acfa56, 0xf4f307f4, 0xeacf25ea,
+        0x65caaf65, 0x7af48e7a, 0xae47e9ae, 0x08101808,
+        0xba6fd5ba, 0x78f08878, 0x254a6f25, 0x2e5c722e,
+        0x1c38241c, 0xa657f1a6, 0xb473c7b4, 0xc69751c6,
+        0xe8cb23e8, 0xdda17cdd, 0x74e89c74, 0x1f3e211f,
+        0x4b96dd4b, 0xbd61dcbd, 0x8b0d868b, 0x8a0f858a,
+        0x70e09070, 0x3e7c423e, 0xb571c4b5, 0x66ccaa66,
+        0x4890d848, 0x03060503, 0xf6f701f6, 0x0e1c120e,
+        0x61c2a361, 0x356a5f35, 0x57aef957, 0xb969d0b9,
+        0x86179186, 0xc19958c1, 0x1d3a271d, 0x9e27b99e,
+        0xe1d938e1, 0xf8eb13f8, 0x982bb398, 0x11223311,
+        0x69d2bb69, 0xd9a970d9, 0x8e07898e, 0x9433a794,
+        0x9b2db69b, 0x1e3c221e, 0x87159287, 0xe9c920e9,
+        0xce8749ce, 0x55aaff55, 0x28507828, 0xdfa57adf,
+        0x8c038f8c, 0xa159f8a1, 0x89098089, 0x0d1a170d,
+        0xbf65dabf, 0xe6d731e6, 0x4284c642, 0x68d0b868,
+        0x4182c341, 0x9929b099, 0x2d5a772d, 0x0f1e110f,
+        0xb07bcbb0, 0x54a8fc54, 0xbb6dd6bb, 0x162c3a16,
+    }, {
+        0xc6a56363, 0xf8847c7c, 0xee997777, 0xf68d7b7b,
+        0xff0df2f2, 0xd6bd6b6b, 0xdeb16f6f, 0x9154c5c5,
+        0x60503030, 0x02030101, 0xcea96767, 0x567d2b2b,
+        0xe719fefe, 0xb562d7d7, 0x4de6abab, 0xec9a7676,
+        0x8f45caca, 0x1f9d8282, 0x8940c9c9, 0xfa877d7d,
+        0xef15fafa, 0xb2eb5959, 0x8ec94747, 0xfb0bf0f0,
+        0x41ecadad, 0xb367d4d4, 0x5ffda2a2, 0x45eaafaf,
+        0x23bf9c9c, 0x53f7a4a4, 0xe4967272, 0x9b5bc0c0,
+        0x75c2b7b7, 0xe11cfdfd, 0x3dae9393, 0x4c6a2626,
+        0x6c5a3636, 0x7e413f3f, 0xf502f7f7, 0x834fcccc,
+        0x685c3434, 0x51f4a5a5, 0xd134e5e5, 0xf908f1f1,
+        0xe2937171, 0xab73d8d8, 0x62533131, 0x2a3f1515,
+        0x080c0404, 0x9552c7c7, 0x46652323, 0x9d5ec3c3,
+        0x30281818, 0x37a19696, 0x0a0f0505, 0x2fb59a9a,
+        0x0e090707, 0x24361212, 0x1b9b8080, 0xdf3de2e2,
+        0xcd26ebeb, 0x4e692727, 0x7fcdb2b2, 0xea9f7575,
+        0x121b0909, 0x1d9e8383, 0x58742c2c, 0x342e1a1a,
+        0x362d1b1b, 0xdcb26e6e, 0xb4ee5a5a, 0x5bfba0a0,
+        0xa4f65252, 0x764d3b3b, 0xb761d6d6, 0x7dceb3b3,
+        0x527b2929, 0xdd3ee3e3, 0x5e712f2f, 0x13978484,
+        0xa6f55353, 0xb968d1d1, 0x00000000, 0xc12ceded,
+        0x40602020, 0xe31ffcfc, 0x79c8b1b1, 0xb6ed5b5b,
+        0xd4be6a6a, 0x8d46cbcb, 0x67d9bebe, 0x724b3939,
+        0x94de4a4a, 0x98d44c4c, 0xb0e85858, 0x854acfcf,
+        0xbb6bd0d0, 0xc52aefef, 0x4fe5aaaa, 0xed16fbfb,
+        0x86c54343, 0x9ad74d4d, 0x66553333, 0x11948585,
+        0x8acf4545, 0xe910f9f9, 0x04060202, 0xfe817f7f,
+        0xa0f05050, 0x78443c3c, 0x25ba9f9f, 0x4be3a8a8,
+        0xa2f35151, 0x5dfea3a3, 0x80c04040, 0x058a8f8f,
+        0x3fad9292, 0x21bc9d9d, 0x70483838, 0xf104f5f5,
+        0x63dfbcbc, 0x77c1b6b6, 0xaf75dada, 0x42632121,
+        0x20301010, 0xe51affff, 0xfd0ef3f3, 0xbf6dd2d2,
+        0x814ccdcd, 0x18140c0c, 0x26351313, 0xc32fecec,
+        0xbee15f5f, 0x35a29797, 0x88cc4444, 0x2e391717,
+        0x9357c4c4, 0x55f2a7a7, 0xfc827e7e, 0x7a473d3d,
+        0xc8ac6464, 0xbae75d5d, 0x322b1919, 0xe6957373,
+        0xc0a06060, 0x19988181, 0x9ed14f4f, 0xa37fdcdc,
+        0x44662222, 0x547e2a2a, 0x3bab9090, 0x0b838888,
+        0x8cca4646, 0xc729eeee, 0x6bd3b8b8, 0x283c1414,
+        0xa779dede, 0xbce25e5e, 0x161d0b0b, 0xad76dbdb,
+        0xdb3be0e0, 0x64563232, 0x744e3a3a, 0x141e0a0a,
+        0x92db4949, 0x0c0a0606, 0x486c2424, 0xb8e45c5c,
+        0x9f5dc2c2, 0xbd6ed3d3, 0x43efacac, 0xc4a66262,
+        0x39a89191, 0x31a49595, 0xd337e4e4, 0xf28b7979,
+        0xd532e7e7, 0x8b43c8c8, 0x6e593737, 0xdab76d6d,
+        0x018c8d8d, 0xb164d5d5, 0x9cd24e4e, 0x49e0a9a9,
+        0xd8b46c6c, 0xacfa5656, 0xf307f4f4, 0xcf25eaea,
+        0xcaaf6565, 0xf48e7a7a, 0x47e9aeae, 0x10180808,
+        0x6fd5baba, 0xf0887878, 0x4a6f2525, 0x5c722e2e,
+        0x38241c1c, 0x57f1a6a6, 0x73c7b4b4, 0x9751c6c6,
+        0xcb23e8e8, 0xa17cdddd, 0xe89c7474, 0x3e211f1f,
+        0x96dd4b4b, 0x61dcbdbd, 0x0d868b8b, 0x0f858a8a,
+        0xe0907070, 0x7c423e3e, 0x71c4b5b5, 0xccaa6666,
+        0x90d84848, 0x06050303, 0xf701f6f6, 0x1c120e0e,
+        0xc2a36161, 0x6a5f3535, 0xaef95757, 0x69d0b9b9,
+        0x17918686, 0x9958c1c1, 0x3a271d1d, 0x27b99e9e,
+        0xd938e1e1, 0xeb13f8f8, 0x2bb39898, 0x22331111,
+        0xd2bb6969, 0xa970d9d9, 0x07898e8e, 0x33a79494,
+        0x2db69b9b, 0x3c221e1e, 0x15928787, 0xc920e9e9,
+        0x8749cece, 0xaaff5555, 0x50782828, 0xa57adfdf,
+        0x038f8c8c, 0x59f8a1a1, 0x09808989, 0x1a170d0d,
+        0x65dabfbf, 0xd731e6e6, 0x84c64242, 0xd0b86868,
+        0x82c34141, 0x29b09999, 0x5a772d2d, 0x1e110f0f,
+        0x7bcbb0b0, 0xa8fc5454, 0x6dd6bbbb, 0x2c3a1616,
+    }
+static const uint32_t crypto_fl_tab[4][256] = {
+    {
+        0x00000063, 0x0000007c, 0x00000077, 0x0000007b,
+        0x000000f2, 0x0000006b, 0x0000006f, 0x000000c5,
+        0x00000030, 0x00000001, 0x00000067, 0x0000002b,
+        0x000000fe, 0x000000d7, 0x000000ab, 0x00000076,
+        0x000000ca, 0x00000082, 0x000000c9, 0x0000007d,
+        0x000000fa, 0x00000059, 0x00000047, 0x000000f0,
+        0x000000ad, 0x000000d4, 0x000000a2, 0x000000af,
+        0x0000009c, 0x000000a4, 0x00000072, 0x000000c0,
+        0x000000b7, 0x000000fd, 0x00000093, 0x00000026,
+        0x00000036, 0x0000003f, 0x000000f7, 0x000000cc,
+        0x00000034, 0x000000a5, 0x000000e5, 0x000000f1,
+        0x00000071, 0x000000d8, 0x00000031, 0x00000015,
+        0x00000004, 0x000000c7, 0x00000023, 0x000000c3,
+        0x00000018, 0x00000096, 0x00000005, 0x0000009a,
+        0x00000007, 0x00000012, 0x00000080, 0x000000e2,
+        0x000000eb, 0x00000027, 0x000000b2, 0x00000075,
+        0x00000009, 0x00000083, 0x0000002c, 0x0000001a,
+        0x0000001b, 0x0000006e, 0x0000005a, 0x000000a0,
+        0x00000052, 0x0000003b, 0x000000d6, 0x000000b3,
+        0x00000029, 0x000000e3, 0x0000002f, 0x00000084,
+        0x00000053, 0x000000d1, 0x00000000, 0x000000ed,
+        0x00000020, 0x000000fc, 0x000000b1, 0x0000005b,
+        0x0000006a, 0x000000cb, 0x000000be, 0x00000039,
+        0x0000004a, 0x0000004c, 0x00000058, 0x000000cf,
+        0x000000d0, 0x000000ef, 0x000000aa, 0x000000fb,
+        0x00000043, 0x0000004d, 0x00000033, 0x00000085,
+        0x00000045, 0x000000f9, 0x00000002, 0x0000007f,
+        0x00000050, 0x0000003c, 0x0000009f, 0x000000a8,
+        0x00000051, 0x000000a3, 0x00000040, 0x0000008f,
+        0x00000092, 0x0000009d, 0x00000038, 0x000000f5,
+        0x000000bc, 0x000000b6, 0x000000da, 0x00000021,
+        0x00000010, 0x000000ff, 0x000000f3, 0x000000d2,
+        0x000000cd, 0x0000000c, 0x00000013, 0x000000ec,
+        0x0000005f, 0x00000097, 0x00000044, 0x00000017,
+        0x000000c4, 0x000000a7, 0x0000007e, 0x0000003d,
+        0x00000064, 0x0000005d, 0x00000019, 0x00000073,
+        0x00000060, 0x00000081, 0x0000004f, 0x000000dc,
+        0x00000022, 0x0000002a, 0x00000090, 0x00000088,
+        0x00000046, 0x000000ee, 0x000000b8, 0x00000014,
+        0x000000de, 0x0000005e, 0x0000000b, 0x000000db,
+        0x000000e0, 0x00000032, 0x0000003a, 0x0000000a,
+        0x00000049, 0x00000006, 0x00000024, 0x0000005c,
+        0x000000c2, 0x000000d3, 0x000000ac, 0x00000062,
+        0x00000091, 0x00000095, 0x000000e4, 0x00000079,
+        0x000000e7, 0x000000c8, 0x00000037, 0x0000006d,
+        0x0000008d, 0x000000d5, 0x0000004e, 0x000000a9,
+        0x0000006c, 0x00000056, 0x000000f4, 0x000000ea,
+        0x00000065, 0x0000007a, 0x000000ae, 0x00000008,
+        0x000000ba, 0x00000078, 0x00000025, 0x0000002e,
+        0x0000001c, 0x000000a6, 0x000000b4, 0x000000c6,
+        0x000000e8, 0x000000dd, 0x00000074, 0x0000001f,
+        0x0000004b, 0x000000bd, 0x0000008b, 0x0000008a,
+        0x00000070, 0x0000003e, 0x000000b5, 0x00000066,
+        0x00000048, 0x00000003, 0x000000f6, 0x0000000e,
+        0x00000061, 0x00000035, 0x00000057, 0x000000b9,
+        0x00000086, 0x000000c1, 0x0000001d, 0x0000009e,
+        0x000000e1, 0x000000f8, 0x00000098, 0x00000011,
+        0x00000069, 0x000000d9, 0x0000008e, 0x00000094,
+        0x0000009b, 0x0000001e, 0x00000087, 0x000000e9,
+        0x000000ce, 0x00000055, 0x00000028, 0x000000df,
+        0x0000008c, 0x000000a1, 0x00000089, 0x0000000d,
+        0x000000bf, 0x000000e6, 0x00000042, 0x00000068,
+        0x00000041, 0x00000099, 0x0000002d, 0x0000000f,
+        0x000000b0, 0x00000054, 0x000000bb, 0x00000016,
+    }, {
+        0x00006300, 0x00007c00, 0x00007700, 0x00007b00,
+        0x0000f200, 0x00006b00, 0x00006f00, 0x0000c500,
+        0x00003000, 0x00000100, 0x00006700, 0x00002b00,
+        0x0000fe00, 0x0000d700, 0x0000ab00, 0x00007600,
+        0x0000ca00, 0x00008200, 0x0000c900, 0x00007d00,
+        0x0000fa00, 0x00005900, 0x00004700, 0x0000f000,
+        0x0000ad00, 0x0000d400, 0x0000a200, 0x0000af00,
+        0x00009c00, 0x0000a400, 0x00007200, 0x0000c000,
+        0x0000b700, 0x0000fd00, 0x00009300, 0x00002600,
+        0x00003600, 0x00003f00, 0x0000f700, 0x0000cc00,
+        0x00003400, 0x0000a500, 0x0000e500, 0x0000f100,
+        0x00007100, 0x0000d800, 0x00003100, 0x00001500,
+        0x00000400, 0x0000c700, 0x00002300, 0x0000c300,
+        0x00001800, 0x00009600, 0x00000500, 0x00009a00,
+        0x00000700, 0x00001200, 0x00008000, 0x0000e200,
+        0x0000eb00, 0x00002700, 0x0000b200, 0x00007500,
+        0x00000900, 0x00008300, 0x00002c00, 0x00001a00,
+        0x00001b00, 0x00006e00, 0x00005a00, 0x0000a000,
+        0x00005200, 0x00003b00, 0x0000d600, 0x0000b300,
+        0x00002900, 0x0000e300, 0x00002f00, 0x00008400,
+        0x00005300, 0x0000d100, 0x00000000, 0x0000ed00,
+        0x00002000, 0x0000fc00, 0x0000b100, 0x00005b00,
+        0x00006a00, 0x0000cb00, 0x0000be00, 0x00003900,
+        0x00004a00, 0x00004c00, 0x00005800, 0x0000cf00,
+        0x0000d000, 0x0000ef00, 0x0000aa00, 0x0000fb00,
+        0x00004300, 0x00004d00, 0x00003300, 0x00008500,
+        0x00004500, 0x0000f900, 0x00000200, 0x00007f00,
+        0x00005000, 0x00003c00, 0x00009f00, 0x0000a800,
+        0x00005100, 0x0000a300, 0x00004000, 0x00008f00,
+        0x00009200, 0x00009d00, 0x00003800, 0x0000f500,
+        0x0000bc00, 0x0000b600, 0x0000da00, 0x00002100,
+        0x00001000, 0x0000ff00, 0x0000f300, 0x0000d200,
+        0x0000cd00, 0x00000c00, 0x00001300, 0x0000ec00,
+        0x00005f00, 0x00009700, 0x00004400, 0x00001700,
+        0x0000c400, 0x0000a700, 0x00007e00, 0x00003d00,
+        0x00006400, 0x00005d00, 0x00001900, 0x00007300,
+        0x00006000, 0x00008100, 0x00004f00, 0x0000dc00,
+        0x00002200, 0x00002a00, 0x00009000, 0x00008800,
+        0x00004600, 0x0000ee00, 0x0000b800, 0x00001400,
+        0x0000de00, 0x00005e00, 0x00000b00, 0x0000db00,
+        0x0000e000, 0x00003200, 0x00003a00, 0x00000a00,
+        0x00004900, 0x00000600, 0x00002400, 0x00005c00,
+        0x0000c200, 0x0000d300, 0x0000ac00, 0x00006200,
+        0x00009100, 0x00009500, 0x0000e400, 0x00007900,
+        0x0000e700, 0x0000c800, 0x00003700, 0x00006d00,
+        0x00008d00, 0x0000d500, 0x00004e00, 0x0000a900,
+        0x00006c00, 0x00005600, 0x0000f400, 0x0000ea00,
+        0x00006500, 0x00007a00, 0x0000ae00, 0x00000800,
+        0x0000ba00, 0x00007800, 0x00002500, 0x00002e00,
+        0x00001c00, 0x0000a600, 0x0000b400, 0x0000c600,
+        0x0000e800, 0x0000dd00, 0x00007400, 0x00001f00,
+        0x00004b00, 0x0000bd00, 0x00008b00, 0x00008a00,
+        0x00007000, 0x00003e00, 0x0000b500, 0x00006600,
+        0x00004800, 0x00000300, 0x0000f600, 0x00000e00,
+        0x00006100, 0x00003500, 0x00005700, 0x0000b900,
+        0x00008600, 0x0000c100, 0x00001d00, 0x00009e00,
+        0x0000e100, 0x0000f800, 0x00009800, 0x00001100,
+        0x00006900, 0x0000d900, 0x00008e00, 0x00009400,
+        0x00009b00, 0x00001e00, 0x00008700, 0x0000e900,
+        0x0000ce00, 0x00005500, 0x00002800, 0x0000df00,
+        0x00008c00, 0x0000a100, 0x00008900, 0x00000d00,
+        0x0000bf00, 0x0000e600, 0x00004200, 0x00006800,
+        0x00004100, 0x00009900, 0x00002d00, 0x00000f00,
+        0x0000b000, 0x00005400, 0x0000bb00, 0x00001600,
+    }, {
+        0x00630000, 0x007c0000, 0x00770000, 0x007b0000,
+        0x00f20000, 0x006b0000, 0x006f0000, 0x00c50000,
+        0x00300000, 0x00010000, 0x00670000, 0x002b0000,
+        0x00fe0000, 0x00d70000, 0x00ab0000, 0x00760000,
+        0x00ca0000, 0x00820000, 0x00c90000, 0x007d0000,
+        0x00fa0000, 0x00590000, 0x00470000, 0x00f00000,
+        0x00ad0000, 0x00d40000, 0x00a20000, 0x00af0000,
+        0x009c0000, 0x00a40000, 0x00720000, 0x00c00000,
+        0x00b70000, 0x00fd0000, 0x00930000, 0x00260000,
+        0x00360000, 0x003f0000, 0x00f70000, 0x00cc0000,
+        0x00340000, 0x00a50000, 0x00e50000, 0x00f10000,
+        0x00710000, 0x00d80000, 0x00310000, 0x00150000,
+        0x00040000, 0x00c70000, 0x00230000, 0x00c30000,
+        0x00180000, 0x00960000, 0x00050000, 0x009a0000,
+        0x00070000, 0x00120000, 0x00800000, 0x00e20000,
+        0x00eb0000, 0x00270000, 0x00b20000, 0x00750000,
+        0x00090000, 0x00830000, 0x002c0000, 0x001a0000,
+        0x001b0000, 0x006e0000, 0x005a0000, 0x00a00000,
+        0x00520000, 0x003b0000, 0x00d60000, 0x00b30000,
+        0x00290000, 0x00e30000, 0x002f0000, 0x00840000,
+        0x00530000, 0x00d10000, 0x00000000, 0x00ed0000,
+        0x00200000, 0x00fc0000, 0x00b10000, 0x005b0000,
+        0x006a0000, 0x00cb0000, 0x00be0000, 0x00390000,
+        0x004a0000, 0x004c0000, 0x00580000, 0x00cf0000,
+        0x00d00000, 0x00ef0000, 0x00aa0000, 0x00fb0000,
+        0x00430000, 0x004d0000, 0x00330000, 0x00850000,
+        0x00450000, 0x00f90000, 0x00020000, 0x007f0000,
+        0x00500000, 0x003c0000, 0x009f0000, 0x00a80000,
+        0x00510000, 0x00a30000, 0x00400000, 0x008f0000,
+        0x00920000, 0x009d0000, 0x00380000, 0x00f50000,
+        0x00bc0000, 0x00b60000, 0x00da0000, 0x00210000,
+        0x00100000, 0x00ff0000, 0x00f30000, 0x00d20000,
+        0x00cd0000, 0x000c0000, 0x00130000, 0x00ec0000,
+        0x005f0000, 0x00970000, 0x00440000, 0x00170000,
+        0x00c40000, 0x00a70000, 0x007e0000, 0x003d0000,
+        0x00640000, 0x005d0000, 0x00190000, 0x00730000,
+        0x00600000, 0x00810000, 0x004f0000, 0x00dc0000,
+        0x00220000, 0x002a0000, 0x00900000, 0x00880000,
+        0x00460000, 0x00ee0000, 0x00b80000, 0x00140000,
+        0x00de0000, 0x005e0000, 0x000b0000, 0x00db0000,
+        0x00e00000, 0x00320000, 0x003a0000, 0x000a0000,
+        0x00490000, 0x00060000, 0x00240000, 0x005c0000,
+        0x00c20000, 0x00d30000, 0x00ac0000, 0x00620000,
+        0x00910000, 0x00950000, 0x00e40000, 0x00790000,
+        0x00e70000, 0x00c80000, 0x00370000, 0x006d0000,
+        0x008d0000, 0x00d50000, 0x004e0000, 0x00a90000,
+        0x006c0000, 0x00560000, 0x00f40000, 0x00ea0000,
+        0x00650000, 0x007a0000, 0x00ae0000, 0x00080000,
+        0x00ba0000, 0x00780000, 0x00250000, 0x002e0000,
+        0x001c0000, 0x00a60000, 0x00b40000, 0x00c60000,
+        0x00e80000, 0x00dd0000, 0x00740000, 0x001f0000,
+        0x004b0000, 0x00bd0000, 0x008b0000, 0x008a0000,
+        0x00700000, 0x003e0000, 0x00b50000, 0x00660000,
+        0x00480000, 0x00030000, 0x00f60000, 0x000e0000,
+        0x00610000, 0x00350000, 0x00570000, 0x00b90000,
+        0x00860000, 0x00c10000, 0x001d0000, 0x009e0000,
+        0x00e10000, 0x00f80000, 0x00980000, 0x00110000,
+        0x00690000, 0x00d90000, 0x008e0000, 0x00940000,
+        0x009b0000, 0x001e0000, 0x00870000, 0x00e90000,
+        0x00ce0000, 0x00550000, 0x00280000, 0x00df0000,
+        0x008c0000, 0x00a10000, 0x00890000, 0x000d0000,
+        0x00bf0000, 0x00e60000, 0x00420000, 0x00680000,
+        0x00410000, 0x00990000, 0x002d0000, 0x000f0000,
+        0x00b00000, 0x00540000, 0x00bb0000, 0x00160000,
+    }, {
+        0x63000000, 0x7c000000, 0x77000000, 0x7b000000,
+        0xf2000000, 0x6b000000, 0x6f000000, 0xc5000000,
+        0x30000000, 0x01000000, 0x67000000, 0x2b000000,
+        0xfe000000, 0xd7000000, 0xab000000, 0x76000000,
+        0xca000000, 0x82000000, 0xc9000000, 0x7d000000,
+        0xfa000000, 0x59000000, 0x47000000, 0xf0000000,
+        0xad000000, 0xd4000000, 0xa2000000, 0xaf000000,
+        0x9c000000, 0xa4000000, 0x72000000, 0xc0000000,
+        0xb7000000, 0xfd000000, 0x93000000, 0x26000000,
+        0x36000000, 0x3f000000, 0xf7000000, 0xcc000000,
+        0x34000000, 0xa5000000, 0xe5000000, 0xf1000000,
+        0x71000000, 0xd8000000, 0x31000000, 0x15000000,
+        0x04000000, 0xc7000000, 0x23000000, 0xc3000000,
+        0x18000000, 0x96000000, 0x05000000, 0x9a000000,
+        0x07000000, 0x12000000, 0x80000000, 0xe2000000,
+        0xeb000000, 0x27000000, 0xb2000000, 0x75000000,
+        0x09000000, 0x83000000, 0x2c000000, 0x1a000000,
+        0x1b000000, 0x6e000000, 0x5a000000, 0xa0000000,
+        0x52000000, 0x3b000000, 0xd6000000, 0xb3000000,
+        0x29000000, 0xe3000000, 0x2f000000, 0x84000000,
+        0x53000000, 0xd1000000, 0x00000000, 0xed000000,
+        0x20000000, 0xfc000000, 0xb1000000, 0x5b000000,
+        0x6a000000, 0xcb000000, 0xbe000000, 0x39000000,
+        0x4a000000, 0x4c000000, 0x58000000, 0xcf000000,
+        0xd0000000, 0xef000000, 0xaa000000, 0xfb000000,
+        0x43000000, 0x4d000000, 0x33000000, 0x85000000,
+        0x45000000, 0xf9000000, 0x02000000, 0x7f000000,
+        0x50000000, 0x3c000000, 0x9f000000, 0xa8000000,
+        0x51000000, 0xa3000000, 0x40000000, 0x8f000000,
+        0x92000000, 0x9d000000, 0x38000000, 0xf5000000,
+        0xbc000000, 0xb6000000, 0xda000000, 0x21000000,
+        0x10000000, 0xff000000, 0xf3000000, 0xd2000000,
+        0xcd000000, 0x0c000000, 0x13000000, 0xec000000,
+        0x5f000000, 0x97000000, 0x44000000, 0x17000000,
+        0xc4000000, 0xa7000000, 0x7e000000, 0x3d000000,
+        0x64000000, 0x5d000000, 0x19000000, 0x73000000,
+        0x60000000, 0x81000000, 0x4f000000, 0xdc000000,
+        0x22000000, 0x2a000000, 0x90000000, 0x88000000,
+        0x46000000, 0xee000000, 0xb8000000, 0x14000000,
+        0xde000000, 0x5e000000, 0x0b000000, 0xdb000000,
+        0xe0000000, 0x32000000, 0x3a000000, 0x0a000000,
+        0x49000000, 0x06000000, 0x24000000, 0x5c000000,
+        0xc2000000, 0xd3000000, 0xac000000, 0x62000000,
+        0x91000000, 0x95000000, 0xe4000000, 0x79000000,
+        0xe7000000, 0xc8000000, 0x37000000, 0x6d000000,
+        0x8d000000, 0xd5000000, 0x4e000000, 0xa9000000,
+        0x6c000000, 0x56000000, 0xf4000000, 0xea000000,
+        0x65000000, 0x7a000000, 0xae000000, 0x08000000,
+        0xba000000, 0x78000000, 0x25000000, 0x2e000000,
+        0x1c000000, 0xa6000000, 0xb4000000, 0xc6000000,
+        0xe8000000, 0xdd000000, 0x74000000, 0x1f000000,
+        0x4b000000, 0xbd000000, 0x8b000000, 0x8a000000,
+        0x70000000, 0x3e000000, 0xb5000000, 0x66000000,
+        0x48000000, 0x03000000, 0xf6000000, 0x0e000000,
+        0x61000000, 0x35000000, 0x57000000, 0xb9000000,
+        0x86000000, 0xc1000000, 0x1d000000, 0x9e000000,
+        0xe1000000, 0xf8000000, 0x98000000, 0x11000000,
+        0x69000000, 0xd9000000, 0x8e000000, 0x94000000,
+        0x9b000000, 0x1e000000, 0x87000000, 0xe9000000,
+        0xce000000, 0x55000000, 0x28000000, 0xdf000000,
+        0x8c000000, 0xa1000000, 0x89000000, 0x0d000000,
+        0xbf000000, 0xe6000000, 0x42000000, 0x68000000,
+        0x41000000, 0x99000000, 0x2d000000, 0x0f000000,
+        0xb0000000, 0x54000000, 0xbb000000, 0x16000000,
+    }
+/* initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key */
-static const byte T1[256][4] =
+static uint32_t aes_ror32(uint32_t word, unsigned int shift)
-    { 0xc6,0x63,0x63,0xa5 }, { 0xf8,0x7c,0x7c,0x84 },
-    { 0xee,0x77,0x77,0x99 }, { 0xf6,0x7b,0x7b,0x8d },
-    { 0xff,0xf2,0xf2,0x0d }, { 0xd6,0x6b,0x6b,0xbd },
-    { 0xde,0x6f,0x6f,0xb1 }, { 0x91,0xc5,0xc5,0x54 },
-    { 0x60,0x30,0x30,0x50 }, { 0x02,0x01,0x01,0x03 },
-    { 0xce,0x67,0x67,0xa9 }, { 0x56,0x2b,0x2b,0x7d },
-    { 0xe7,0xfe,0xfe,0x19 }, { 0xb5,0xd7,0xd7,0x62 },
-    { 0x4d,0xab,0xab,0xe6 }, { 0xec,0x76,0x76,0x9a },
-    { 0x8f,0xca,0xca,0x45 }, { 0x1f,0x82,0x82,0x9d },
-    { 0x89,0xc9,0xc9,0x40 }, { 0xfa,0x7d,0x7d,0x87 },
-    { 0xef,0xfa,0xfa,0x15 }, { 0xb2,0x59,0x59,0xeb },
-    { 0x8e,0x47,0x47,0xc9 }, { 0xfb,0xf0,0xf0,0x0b },
-    { 0x41,0xad,0xad,0xec }, { 0xb3,0xd4,0xd4,0x67 },
-    { 0x5f,0xa2,0xa2,0xfd }, { 0x45,0xaf,0xaf,0xea },
-    { 0x23,0x9c,0x9c,0xbf }, { 0x53,0xa4,0xa4,0xf7 },
-    { 0xe4,0x72,0x72,0x96 }, { 0x9b,0xc0,0xc0,0x5b },
-    { 0x75,0xb7,0xb7,0xc2 }, { 0xe1,0xfd,0xfd,0x1c },
-    { 0x3d,0x93,0x93,0xae }, { 0x4c,0x26,0x26,0x6a },
-    { 0x6c,0x36,0x36,0x5a }, { 0x7e,0x3f,0x3f,0x41 },
-    { 0xf5,0xf7,0xf7,0x02 }, { 0x83,0xcc,0xcc,0x4f },
-    { 0x68,0x34,0x34,0x5c }, { 0x51,0xa5,0xa5,0xf4 },
-    { 0xd1,0xe5,0xe5,0x34 }, { 0xf9,0xf1,0xf1,0x08 },
-    { 0xe2,0x71,0x71,0x93 }, { 0xab,0xd8,0xd8,0x73 },
-    { 0x62,0x31,0x31,0x53 }, { 0x2a,0x15,0x15,0x3f },
-    { 0x08,0x04,0x04,0x0c }, { 0x95,0xc7,0xc7,0x52 },
-    { 0x46,0x23,0x23,0x65 }, { 0x9d,0xc3,0xc3,0x5e },
-    { 0x30,0x18,0x18,0x28 }, { 0x37,0x96,0x96,0xa1 },
-    { 0x0a,0x05,0x05,0x0f }, { 0x2f,0x9a,0x9a,0xb5 },
-    { 0x0e,0x07,0x07,0x09 }, { 0x24,0x12,0x12,0x36 },
-    { 0x1b,0x80,0x80,0x9b }, { 0xdf,0xe2,0xe2,0x3d },
-    { 0xcd,0xeb,0xeb,0x26 }, { 0x4e,0x27,0x27,0x69 },
-    { 0x7f,0xb2,0xb2,0xcd }, { 0xea,0x75,0x75,0x9f },
-    { 0x12,0x09,0x09,0x1b }, { 0x1d,0x83,0x83,0x9e },
-    { 0x58,0x2c,0x2c,0x74 }, { 0x34,0x1a,0x1a,0x2e },
-    { 0x36,0x1b,0x1b,0x2d }, { 0xdc,0x6e,0x6e,0xb2 },
-    { 0xb4,0x5a,0x5a,0xee }, { 0x5b,0xa0,0xa0,0xfb },
-    { 0xa4,0x52,0x52,0xf6 }, { 0x76,0x3b,0x3b,0x4d },
-    { 0xb7,0xd6,0xd6,0x61 }, { 0x7d,0xb3,0xb3,0xce },
-    { 0x52,0x29,0x29,0x7b }, { 0xdd,0xe3,0xe3,0x3e },
-    { 0x5e,0x2f,0x2f,0x71 }, { 0x13,0x84,0x84,0x97 },
-    { 0xa6,0x53,0x53,0xf5 }, { 0xb9,0xd1,0xd1,0x68 },
-    { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, { 0xc1,0xed,0xed,0x2c },
-    { 0x40,0x20,0x20,0x60 }, { 0xe3,0xfc,0xfc,0x1f },
-    { 0x79,0xb1,0xb1,0xc8 }, { 0xb6,0x5b,0x5b,0xed },
-    { 0xd4,0x6a,0x6a,0xbe }, { 0x8d,0xcb,0xcb,0x46 },
-    { 0x67,0xbe,0xbe,0xd9 }, { 0x72,0x39,0x39,0x4b },
-    { 0x94,0x4a,0x4a,0xde }, { 0x98,0x4c,0x4c,0xd4 },
-    { 0xb0,0x58,0x58,0xe8 }, { 0x85,0xcf,0xcf,0x4a },
-    { 0xbb,0xd0,0xd0,0x6b }, { 0xc5,0xef,0xef,0x2a },
-    { 0x4f,0xaa,0xaa,0xe5 }, { 0xed,0xfb,0xfb,0x16 },
-    { 0x86,0x43,0x43,0xc5 }, { 0x9a,0x4d,0x4d,0xd7 },
-    { 0x66,0x33,0x33,0x55 }, { 0x11,0x85,0x85,0x94 },
-    { 0x8a,0x45,0x45,0xcf }, { 0xe9,0xf9,0xf9,0x10 },
-    { 0x04,0x02,0x02,0x06 }, { 0xfe,0x7f,0x7f,0x81 },
-    { 0xa0,0x50,0x50,0xf0 }, { 0x78,0x3c,0x3c,0x44 },
-    { 0x25,0x9f,0x9f,0xba }, { 0x4b,0xa8,0xa8,0xe3 },
-    { 0xa2,0x51,0x51,0xf3 }, { 0x5d,0xa3,0xa3,0xfe },
-    { 0x80,0x40,0x40,0xc0 }, { 0x05,0x8f,0x8f,0x8a },
-    { 0x3f,0x92,0x92,0xad }, { 0x21,0x9d,0x9d,0xbc },
-    { 0x70,0x38,0x38,0x48 }, { 0xf1,0xf5,0xf5,0x04 },
-    { 0x63,0xbc,0xbc,0xdf }, { 0x77,0xb6,0xb6,0xc1 },
-    { 0xaf,0xda,0xda,0x75 }, { 0x42,0x21,0x21,0x63 },
-    { 0x20,0x10,0x10,0x30 }, { 0xe5,0xff,0xff,0x1a },
-    { 0xfd,0xf3,0xf3,0x0e }, { 0xbf,0xd2,0xd2,0x6d },
-    { 0x81,0xcd,0xcd,0x4c }, { 0x18,0x0c,0x0c,0x14 },
-    { 0x26,0x13,0x13,0x35 }, { 0xc3,0xec,0xec,0x2f },
-    { 0xbe,0x5f,0x5f,0xe1 }, { 0x35,0x97,0x97,0xa2 },
-    { 0x88,0x44,0x44,0xcc }, { 0x2e,0x17,0x17,0x39 },
-    { 0x93,0xc4,0xc4,0x57 }, { 0x55,0xa7,0xa7,0xf2 },
-    { 0xfc,0x7e,0x7e,0x82 }, { 0x7a,0x3d,0x3d,0x47 },
-    { 0xc8,0x64,0x64,0xac }, { 0xba,0x5d,0x5d,0xe7 },
-    { 0x32,0x19,0x19,0x2b }, { 0xe6,0x73,0x73,0x95 },
-    { 0xc0,0x60,0x60,0xa0 }, { 0x19,0x81,0x81,0x98 },
-    { 0x9e,0x4f,0x4f,0xd1 }, { 0xa3,0xdc,0xdc,0x7f },
-    { 0x44,0x22,0x22,0x66 }, { 0x54,0x2a,0x2a,0x7e },
-    { 0x3b,0x90,0x90,0xab }, { 0x0b,0x88,0x88,0x83 },
-    { 0x8c,0x46,0x46,0xca }, { 0xc7,0xee,0xee,0x29 },
-    { 0x6b,0xb8,0xb8,0xd3 }, { 0x28,0x14,0x14,0x3c },
-    { 0xa7,0xde,0xde,0x79 }, { 0xbc,0x5e,0x5e,0xe2 },
-    { 0x16,0x0b,0x0b,0x1d }, { 0xad,0xdb,0xdb,0x76 },
-    { 0xdb,0xe0,0xe0,0x3b }, { 0x64,0x32,0x32,0x56 },
-    { 0x74,0x3a,0x3a,0x4e }, { 0x14,0x0a,0x0a,0x1e },
-    { 0x92,0x49,0x49,0xdb }, { 0x0c,0x06,0x06,0x0a },
-    { 0x48,0x24,0x24,0x6c }, { 0xb8,0x5c,0x5c,0xe4 },
-    { 0x9f,0xc2,0xc2,0x5d }, { 0xbd,0xd3,0xd3,0x6e },
-    { 0x43,0xac,0xac,0xef }, { 0xc4,0x62,0x62,0xa6 },
-    { 0x39,0x91,0x91,0xa8 }, { 0x31,0x95,0x95,0xa4 },
-    { 0xd3,0xe4,0xe4,0x37 }, { 0xf2,0x79,0x79,0x8b },
-    { 0xd5,0xe7,0xe7,0x32 }, { 0x8b,0xc8,0xc8,0x43 },
-    { 0x6e,0x37,0x37,0x59 }, { 0xda,0x6d,0x6d,0xb7 },
-    { 0x01,0x8d,0x8d,0x8c }, { 0xb1,0xd5,0xd5,0x64 },
-    { 0x9c,0x4e,0x4e,0xd2 }, { 0x49,0xa9,0xa9,0xe0 },
-    { 0xd8,0x6c,0x6c,0xb4 }, { 0xac,0x56,0x56,0xfa },
-    { 0xf3,0xf4,0xf4,0x07 }, { 0xcf,0xea,0xea,0x25 },
-    { 0xca,0x65,0x65,0xaf }, { 0xf4,0x7a,0x7a,0x8e },
-    { 0x47,0xae,0xae,0xe9 }, { 0x10,0x08,0x08,0x18 },
-    { 0x6f,0xba,0xba,0xd5 }, { 0xf0,0x78,0x78,0x88 },
-    { 0x4a,0x25,0x25,0x6f }, { 0x5c,0x2e,0x2e,0x72 },
-    { 0x38,0x1c,0x1c,0x24 }, { 0x57,0xa6,0xa6,0xf1 },
-    { 0x73,0xb4,0xb4,0xc7 }, { 0x97,0xc6,0xc6,0x51 },
-    { 0xcb,0xe8,0xe8,0x23 }, { 0xa1,0xdd,0xdd,0x7c },
-    { 0xe8,0x74,0x74,0x9c }, { 0x3e,0x1f,0x1f,0x21 },
-    { 0x96,0x4b,0x4b,0xdd }, { 0x61,0xbd,0xbd,0xdc },
-    { 0x0d,0x8b,0x8b,0x86 }, { 0x0f,0x8a,0x8a,0x85 },
-    { 0xe0,0x70,0x70,0x90 }, { 0x7c,0x3e,0x3e,0x42 },
-    { 0x71,0xb5,0xb5,0xc4 }, { 0xcc,0x66,0x66,0xaa },
-    { 0x90,0x48,0x48,0xd8 }, { 0x06,0x03,0x03,0x05 },
-    { 0xf7,0xf6,0xf6,0x01 }, { 0x1c,0x0e,0x0e,0x12 },
-    { 0xc2,0x61,0x61,0xa3 }, { 0x6a,0x35,0x35,0x5f },
-    { 0xae,0x57,0x57,0xf9 }, { 0x69,0xb9,0xb9,0xd0 },
-    { 0x17,0x86,0x86,0x91 }, { 0x99,0xc1,0xc1,0x58 },
-    { 0x3a,0x1d,0x1d,0x27 }, { 0x27,0x9e,0x9e,0xb9 },
-    { 0xd9,0xe1,0xe1,0x38 }, { 0xeb,0xf8,0xf8,0x13 },
-    { 0x2b,0x98,0x98,0xb3 }, { 0x22,0x11,0x11,0x33 },
-    { 0xd2,0x69,0x69,0xbb }, { 0xa9,0xd9,0xd9,0x70 },
-    { 0x07,0x8e,0x8e,0x89 }, { 0x33,0x94,0x94,0xa7 },
-    { 0x2d,0x9b,0x9b,0xb6 }, { 0x3c,0x1e,0x1e,0x22 },
-    { 0x15,0x87,0x87,0x92 }, { 0xc9,0xe9,0xe9,0x20 },
-    { 0x87,0xce,0xce,0x49 }, { 0xaa,0x55,0x55,0xff },
-    { 0x50,0x28,0x28,0x78 }, { 0xa5,0xdf,0xdf,0x7a },
-    { 0x03,0x8c,0x8c,0x8f }, { 0x59,0xa1,0xa1,0xf8 },
-    { 0x09,0x89,0x89,0x80 }, { 0x1a,0x0d,0x0d,0x17 },
-    { 0x65,0xbf,0xbf,0xda }, { 0xd7,0xe6,0xe6,0x31 },
-    { 0x84,0x42,0x42,0xc6 }, { 0xd0,0x68,0x68,0xb8 },
-    { 0x82,0x41,0x41,0xc3 }, { 0x29,0x99,0x99,0xb0 },
-    { 0x5a,0x2d,0x2d,0x77 }, { 0x1e,0x0f,0x0f,0x11 },
-    { 0x7b,0xb0,0xb0,0xcb }, { 0xa8,0x54,0x54,0xfc },
-    { 0x6d,0xbb,0xbb,0xd6 }, { 0x2c,0x16,0x16,0x3a }
+    return (word >> shift) | (word << (32 - shift));
-static const byte T2[256][4] =
-    { 0xa5,0xc6,0x63,0x63 }, { 0x84,0xf8,0x7c,0x7c },
-    { 0x99,0xee,0x77,0x77 }, { 0x8d,0xf6,0x7b,0x7b },
-    { 0x0d,0xff,0xf2,0xf2 }, { 0xbd,0xd6,0x6b,0x6b },
-    { 0xb1,0xde,0x6f,0x6f }, { 0x54,0x91,0xc5,0xc5 },
-    { 0x50,0x60,0x30,0x30 }, { 0x03,0x02,0x01,0x01 },
-    { 0xa9,0xce,0x67,0x67 }, { 0x7d,0x56,0x2b,0x2b },
-    { 0x19,0xe7,0xfe,0xfe }, { 0x62,0xb5,0xd7,0xd7 },
-    { 0xe6,0x4d,0xab,0xab }, { 0x9a,0xec,0x76,0x76 },
-    { 0x45,0x8f,0xca,0xca }, { 0x9d,0x1f,0x82,0x82 },
-    { 0x40,0x89,0xc9,0xc9 }, { 0x87,0xfa,0x7d,0x7d },
-    { 0x15,0xef,0xfa,0xfa }, { 0xeb,0xb2,0x59,0x59 },
-    { 0xc9,0x8e,0x47,0x47 }, { 0x0b,0xfb,0xf0,0xf0 },
-    { 0xec,0x41,0xad,0xad }, { 0x67,0xb3,0xd4,0xd4 },
-    { 0xfd,0x5f,0xa2,0xa2 }, { 0xea,0x45,0xaf,0xaf },
-    { 0xbf,0x23,0x9c,0x9c }, { 0xf7,0x53,0xa4,0xa4 },
-    { 0x96,0xe4,0x72,0x72 }, { 0x5b,0x9b,0xc0,0xc0 },
-    { 0xc2,0x75,0xb7,0xb7 }, { 0x1c,0xe1,0xfd,0xfd },
-    { 0xae,0x3d,0x93,0x93 }, { 0x6a,0x4c,0x26,0x26 },
-    { 0x5a,0x6c,0x36,0x36 }, { 0x41,0x7e,0x3f,0x3f },
-    { 0x02,0xf5,0xf7,0xf7 }, { 0x4f,0x83,0xcc,0xcc },
-    { 0x5c,0x68,0x34,0x34 }, { 0xf4,0x51,0xa5,0xa5 },
-    { 0x34,0xd1,0xe5,0xe5 }, { 0x08,0xf9,0xf1,0xf1 },
-    { 0x93,0xe2,0x71,0x71 }, { 0x73,0xab,0xd8,0xd8 },
-    { 0x53,0x62,0x31,0x31 }, { 0x3f,0x2a,0x15,0x15 },
-    { 0x0c,0x08,0x04,0x04 }, { 0x52,0x95,0xc7,0xc7 },
-    { 0x65,0x46,0x23,0x23 }, { 0x5e,0x9d,0xc3,0xc3 },
-    { 0x28,0x30,0x18,0x18 }, { 0xa1,0x37,0x96,0x96 },
-    { 0x0f,0x0a,0x05,0x05 }, { 0xb5,0x2f,0x9a,0x9a },
-    { 0x09,0x0e,0x07,0x07 }, { 0x36,0x24,0x12,0x12 },
-    { 0x9b,0x1b,0x80,0x80 }, { 0x3d,0xdf,0xe2,0xe2 },
-    { 0x26,0xcd,0xeb,0xeb }, { 0x69,0x4e,0x27,0x27 },
-    { 0xcd,0x7f,0xb2,0xb2 }, { 0x9f,0xea,0x75,0x75 },
-    { 0x1b,0x12,0x09,0x09 }, { 0x9e,0x1d,0x83,0x83 },
-    { 0x74,0x58,0x2c,0x2c }, { 0x2e,0x34,0x1a,0x1a },
-    { 0x2d,0x36,0x1b,0x1b }, { 0xb2,0xdc,0x6e,0x6e },
-    { 0xee,0xb4,0x5a,0x5a }, { 0xfb,0x5b,0xa0,0xa0 },
-    { 0xf6,0xa4,0x52,0x52 }, { 0x4d,0x76,0x3b,0x3b },
-    { 0x61,0xb7,0xd6,0xd6 }, { 0xce,0x7d,0xb3,0xb3 },
-    { 0x7b,0x52,0x29,0x29 }, { 0x3e,0xdd,0xe3,0xe3 },
-    { 0x71,0x5e,0x2f,0x2f }, { 0x97,0x13,0x84,0x84 },
-    { 0xf5,0xa6,0x53,0x53 }, { 0x68,0xb9,0xd1,0xd1 },
-    { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, { 0x2c,0xc1,0xed,0xed },
-    { 0x60,0x40,0x20,0x20 }, { 0x1f,0xe3,0xfc,0xfc },
-    { 0xc8,0x79,0xb1,0xb1 }, { 0xed,0xb6,0x5b,0x5b },
-    { 0xbe,0xd4,0x6a,0x6a }, { 0x46,0x8d,0xcb,0xcb },
-    { 0xd9,0x67,0xbe,0xbe }, { 0x4b,0x72,0x39,0x39 },
-    { 0xde,0x94,0x4a,0x4a }, { 0xd4,0x98,0x4c,0x4c },
-    { 0xe8,0xb0,0x58,0x58 }, { 0x4a,0x85,0xcf,0xcf },
-    { 0x6b,0xbb,0xd0,0xd0 }, { 0x2a,0xc5,0xef,0xef },
-    { 0xe5,0x4f,0xaa,0xaa }, { 0x16,0xed,0xfb,0xfb },
-    { 0xc5,0x86,0x43,0x43 }, { 0xd7,0x9a,0x4d,0x4d },
-    { 0x55,0x66,0x33,0x33 }, { 0x94,0x11,0x85,0x85 },
-    { 0xcf,0x8a,0x45,0x45 }, { 0x10,0xe9,0xf9,0xf9 },
-    { 0x06,0x04,0x02,0x02 }, { 0x81,0xfe,0x7f,0x7f },
-    { 0xf0,0xa0,0x50,0x50 }, { 0x44,0x78,0x3c,0x3c },
-    { 0xba,0x25,0x9f,0x9f }, { 0xe3,0x4b,0xa8,0xa8 },
-    { 0xf3,0xa2,0x51,0x51 }, { 0xfe,0x5d,0xa3,0xa3 },
-    { 0xc0,0x80,0x40,0x40 }, { 0x8a,0x05,0x8f,0x8f },
-    { 0xad,0x3f,0x92,0x92 }, { 0xbc,0x21,0x9d,0x9d },
-    { 0x48,0x70,0x38,0x38 }, { 0x04,0xf1,0xf5,0xf5 },
-    { 0xdf,0x63,0xbc,0xbc }, { 0xc1,0x77,0xb6,0xb6 },
-    { 0x75,0xaf,0xda,0xda }, { 0x63,0x42,0x21,0x21 },
-    { 0x30,0x20,0x10,0x10 }, { 0x1a,0xe5,0xff,0xff },
-    { 0x0e,0xfd,0xf3,0xf3 }, { 0x6d,0xbf,0xd2,0xd2 },
-    { 0x4c,0x81,0xcd,0xcd }, { 0x14,0x18,0x0c,0x0c },
-    { 0x35,0x26,0x13,0x13 }, { 0x2f,0xc3,0xec,0xec },
-    { 0xe1,0xbe,0x5f,0x5f }, { 0xa2,0x35,0x97,0x97 },
-    { 0xcc,0x88,0x44,0x44 }, { 0x39,0x2e,0x17,0x17 },
-    { 0x57,0x93,0xc4,0xc4 }, { 0xf2,0x55,0xa7,0xa7 },
-    { 0x82,0xfc,0x7e,0x7e }, { 0x47,0x7a,0x3d,0x3d },
-    { 0xac,0xc8,0x64,0x64 }, { 0xe7,0xba,0x5d,0x5d },
-    { 0x2b,0x32,0x19,0x19 }, { 0x95,0xe6,0x73,0x73 },
-    { 0xa0,0xc0,0x60,0x60 }, { 0x98,0x19,0x81,0x81 },
-    { 0xd1,0x9e,0x4f,0x4f }, { 0x7f,0xa3,0xdc,0xdc },
-    { 0x66,0x44,0x22,0x22 }, { 0x7e,0x54,0x2a,0x2a },
-    { 0xab,0x3b,0x90,0x90 }, { 0x83,0x0b,0x88,0x88 },
-    { 0xca,0x8c,0x46,0x46 }, { 0x29,0xc7,0xee,0xee },
-    { 0xd3,0x6b,0xb8,0xb8 }, { 0x3c,0x28,0x14,0x14 },
-    { 0x79,0xa7,0xde,0xde }, { 0xe2,0xbc,0x5e,0x5e },
-    { 0x1d,0x16,0x0b,0x0b }, { 0x76,0xad,0xdb,0xdb },
-    { 0x3b,0xdb,0xe0,0xe0 }, { 0x56,0x64,0x32,0x32 },
-    { 0x4e,0x74,0x3a,0x3a }, { 0x1e,0x14,0x0a,0x0a },
-    { 0xdb,0x92,0x49,0x49 }, { 0x0a,0x0c,0x06,0x06 },
-    { 0x6c,0x48,0x24,0x24 }, { 0xe4,0xb8,0x5c,0x5c },
-    { 0x5d,0x9f,0xc2,0xc2 }, { 0x6e,0xbd,0xd3,0xd3 },
-    { 0xef,0x43,0xac,0xac }, { 0xa6,0xc4,0x62,0x62 },
-    { 0xa8,0x39,0x91,0x91 }, { 0xa4,0x31,0x95,0x95 },
-    { 0x37,0xd3,0xe4,0xe4 }, { 0x8b,0xf2,0x79,0x79 },
-    { 0x32,0xd5,0xe7,0xe7 }, { 0x43,0x8b,0xc8,0xc8 },
-    { 0x59,0x6e,0x37,0x37 }, { 0xb7,0xda,0x6d,0x6d },
-    { 0x8c,0x01,0x8d,0x8d }, { 0x64,0xb1,0xd5,0xd5 },
-    { 0xd2,0x9c,0x4e,0x4e }, { 0xe0,0x49,0xa9,0xa9 },
-    { 0xb4,0xd8,0x6c,0x6c }, { 0xfa,0xac,0x56,0x56 },
-    { 0x07,0xf3,0xf4,0xf4 }, { 0x25,0xcf,0xea,0xea },
-    { 0xaf,0xca,0x65,0x65 }, { 0x8e,0xf4,0x7a,0x7a },
-    { 0xe9,0x47,0xae,0xae }, { 0x18,0x10,0x08,0x08 },
-    { 0xd5,0x6f,0xba,0xba }, { 0x88,0xf0,0x78,0x78 },
-    { 0x6f,0x4a,0x25,0x25 }, { 0x72,0x5c,0x2e,0x2e },
-    { 0x24,0x38,0x1c,0x1c }, { 0xf1,0x57,0xa6,0xa6 },
-    { 0xc7,0x73,0xb4,0xb4 }, { 0x51,0x97,0xc6,0xc6 },
-    { 0x23,0xcb,0xe8,0xe8 }, { 0x7c,0xa1,0xdd,0xdd },
-    { 0x9c,0xe8,0x74,0x74 }, { 0x21,0x3e,0x1f,0x1f },
-    { 0xdd,0x96,0x4b,0x4b }, { 0xdc,0x61,0xbd,0xbd },
-    { 0x86,0x0d,0x8b,0x8b }, { 0x85,0x0f,0x8a,0x8a },
-    { 0x90,0xe0,0x70,0x70 }, { 0x42,0x7c,0x3e,0x3e },
-    { 0xc4,0x71,0xb5,0xb5 }, { 0xaa,0xcc,0x66,0x66 },
-    { 0xd8,0x90,0x48,0x48 }, { 0x05,0x06,0x03,0x03 },
-    { 0x01,0xf7,0xf6,0xf6 }, { 0x12,0x1c,0x0e,0x0e },
-    { 0xa3,0xc2,0x61,0x61 }, { 0x5f,0x6a,0x35,0x35 },
-    { 0xf9,0xae,0x57,0x57 }, { 0xd0,0x69,0xb9,0xb9 },
-    { 0x91,0x17,0x86,0x86 }, { 0x58,0x99,0xc1,0xc1 },
-    { 0x27,0x3a,0x1d,0x1d }, { 0xb9,0x27,0x9e,0x9e },
-    { 0x38,0xd9,0xe1,0xe1 }, { 0x13,0xeb,0xf8,0xf8 },
-    { 0xb3,0x2b,0x98,0x98 }, { 0x33,0x22,0x11,0x11 },
-    { 0xbb,0xd2,0x69,0x69 }, { 0x70,0xa9,0xd9,0xd9 },
-    { 0x89,0x07,0x8e,0x8e }, { 0xa7,0x33,0x94,0x94 },
-    { 0xb6,0x2d,0x9b,0x9b }, { 0x22,0x3c,0x1e,0x1e },
-    { 0x92,0x15,0x87,0x87 }, { 0x20,0xc9,0xe9,0xe9 },
-    { 0x49,0x87,0xce,0xce }, { 0xff,0xaa,0x55,0x55 },
-    { 0x78,0x50,0x28,0x28 }, { 0x7a,0xa5,0xdf,0xdf },
-    { 0x8f,0x03,0x8c,0x8c }, { 0xf8,0x59,0xa1,0xa1 },
-    { 0x80,0x09,0x89,0x89 }, { 0x17,0x1a,0x0d,0x0d },
-    { 0xda,0x65,0xbf,0xbf }, { 0x31,0xd7,0xe6,0xe6 },
-    { 0xc6,0x84,0x42,0x42 }, { 0xb8,0xd0,0x68,0x68 },
-    { 0xc3,0x82,0x41,0x41 }, { 0xb0,0x29,0x99,0x99 },
-    { 0x77,0x5a,0x2d,0x2d }, { 0x11,0x1e,0x0f,0x0f },
-    { 0xcb,0x7b,0xb0,0xb0 }, { 0xfc,0xa8,0x54,0x54 },
-    { 0xd6,0x6d,0xbb,0xbb }, { 0x3a,0x2c,0x16,0x16 }
+#define cpu_to_le32(x) SDL_SwapLE32(x)
+#define le32_to_cpu(x) SDL_SwapLE32(x)
-static const byte T3[256][4] =
-    { 0x63,0xa5,0xc6,0x63 }, { 0x7c,0x84,0xf8,0x7c },
-    { 0x77,0x99,0xee,0x77 }, { 0x7b,0x8d,0xf6,0x7b },
-    { 0xf2,0x0d,0xff,0xf2 }, { 0x6b,0xbd,0xd6,0x6b },
-    { 0x6f,0xb1,0xde,0x6f }, { 0xc5,0x54,0x91,0xc5 },
-    { 0x30,0x50,0x60,0x30 }, { 0x01,0x03,0x02,0x01 },
-    { 0x67,0xa9,0xce,0x67 }, { 0x2b,0x7d,0x56,0x2b },
-    { 0xfe,0x19,0xe7,0xfe }, { 0xd7,0x62,0xb5,0xd7 },
-    { 0xab,0xe6,0x4d,0xab }, { 0x76,0x9a,0xec,0x76 },
-    { 0xca,0x45,0x8f,0xca }, { 0x82,0x9d,0x1f,0x82 },
-    { 0xc9,0x40,0x89,0xc9 }, { 0x7d,0x87,0xfa,0x7d },
-    { 0xfa,0x15,0xef,0xfa }, { 0x59,0xeb,0xb2,0x59 },
-    { 0x47,0xc9,0x8e,0x47 }, { 0xf0,0x0b,0xfb,0xf0 },
-    { 0xad,0xec,0x41,0xad }, { 0xd4,0x67,0xb3,0xd4 },
-    { 0xa2,0xfd,0x5f,0xa2 }, { 0xaf,0xea,0x45,0xaf },
-    { 0x9c,0xbf,0x23,0x9c }, { 0xa4,0xf7,0x53,0xa4 },
-    { 0x72,0x96,0xe4,0x72 }, { 0xc0,0x5b,0x9b,0xc0 },
-    { 0xb7,0xc2,0x75,0xb7 }, { 0xfd,0x1c,0xe1,0xfd },
-    { 0x93,0xae,0x3d,0x93 }, { 0x26,0x6a,0x4c,0x26 },
-    { 0x36,0x5a,0x6c,0x36 }, { 0x3f,0x41,0x7e,0x3f },
-    { 0xf7,0x02,0xf5,0xf7 }, { 0xcc,0x4f,0x83,0xcc },
-    { 0x34,0x5c,0x68,0x34 }, { 0xa5,0xf4,0x51,0xa5 },
-    { 0xe5,0x34,0xd1,0xe5 }, { 0xf1,0x08,0xf9,0xf1 },
-    { 0x71,0x93,0xe2,0x71 }, { 0xd8,0x73,0xab,0xd8 },
-    { 0x31,0x53,0x62,0x31 }, { 0x15,0x3f,0x2a,0x15 },
-    { 0x04,0x0c,0x08,0x04 }, { 0xc7,0x52,0x95,0xc7 },
-    { 0x23,0x65,0x46,0x23 }, { 0xc3,0x5e,0x9d,0xc3 },
-    { 0x18,0x28,0x30,0x18 }, { 0x96,0xa1,0x37,0x96 },
-    { 0x05,0x0f,0x0a,0x05 }, { 0x9a,0xb5,0x2f,0x9a },
-    { 0x07,0x09,0x0e,0x07 }, { 0x12,0x36,0x24,0x12 },
-    { 0x80,0x9b,0x1b,0x80 }, { 0xe2,0x3d,0xdf,0xe2 },
-    { 0xeb,0x26,0xcd,0xeb }, { 0x27,0x69,0x4e,0x27 },
-    { 0xb2,0xcd,0x7f,0xb2 }, { 0x75,0x9f,0xea,0x75 },
-    { 0x09,0x1b,0x12,0x09 }, { 0x83,0x9e,0x1d,0x83 },
-    { 0x2c,0x74,0x58,0x2c }, { 0x1a,0x2e,0x34,0x1a },
-    { 0x1b,0x2d,0x36,0x1b }, { 0x6e,0xb2,0xdc,0x6e },
-    { 0x5a,0xee,0xb4,0x5a }, { 0xa0,0xfb,0x5b,0xa0 },
-    { 0x52,0xf6,0xa4,0x52 }, { 0x3b,0x4d,0x76,0x3b },
-    { 0xd6,0x61,0xb7,0xd6 }, { 0xb3,0xce,0x7d,0xb3 },
-    { 0x29,0x7b,0x52,0x29 }, { 0xe3,0x3e,0xdd,0xe3 },
-    { 0x2f,0x71,0x5e,0x2f }, { 0x84,0x97,0x13,0x84 },
-    { 0x53,0xf5,0xa6,0x53 }, { 0xd1,0x68,0xb9,0xd1 },
-    { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, { 0xed,0x2c,0xc1,0xed },
-    { 0x20,0x60,0x40,0x20 }, { 0xfc,0x1f,0xe3,0xfc },
-    { 0xb1,0xc8,0x79,0xb1 }, { 0x5b,0xed,0xb6,0x5b },
-    { 0x6a,0xbe,0xd4,0x6a }, { 0xcb,0x46,0x8d,0xcb },
-    { 0xbe,0xd9,0x67,0xbe }, { 0x39,0x4b,0x72,0x39 },
-    { 0x4a,0xde,0x94,0x4a }, { 0x4c,0xd4,0x98,0x4c },
-    { 0x58,0xe8,0xb0,0x58 }, { 0xcf,0x4a,0x85,0xcf },
-    { 0xd0,0x6b,0xbb,0xd0 }, { 0xef,0x2a,0xc5,0xef },
-    { 0xaa,0xe5,0x4f,0xaa }, { 0xfb,0x16,0xed,0xfb },
-    { 0x43,0xc5,0x86,0x43 }, { 0x4d,0xd7,0x9a,0x4d },
-    { 0x33,0x55,0x66,0x33 }, { 0x85,0x94,0x11,0x85 },
-    { 0x45,0xcf,0x8a,0x45 }, { 0xf9,0x10,0xe9,0xf9 },
-    { 0x02,0x06,0x04,0x02 }, { 0x7f,0x81,0xfe,0x7f },
-    { 0x50,0xf0,0xa0,0x50 }, { 0x3c,0x44,0x78,0x3c },
-    { 0x9f,0xba,0x25,0x9f }, { 0xa8,0xe3,0x4b,0xa8 },
-    { 0x51,0xf3,0xa2,0x51 }, { 0xa3,0xfe,0x5d,0xa3 },
-    { 0x40,0xc0,0x80,0x40 }, { 0x8f,0x8a,0x05,0x8f },
-    { 0x92,0xad,0x3f,0x92 }, { 0x9d,0xbc,0x21,0x9d },
-    { 0x38,0x48,0x70,0x38 }, { 0xf5,0x04,0xf1,0xf5 },
-    { 0xbc,0xdf,0x63,0xbc }, { 0xb6,0xc1,0x77,0xb6 },
-    { 0xda,0x75,0xaf,0xda }, { 0x21,0x63,0x42,0x21 },
-    { 0x10,0x30,0x20,0x10 }, { 0xff,0x1a,0xe5,0xff },
-    { 0xf3,0x0e,0xfd,0xf3 }, { 0xd2,0x6d,0xbf,0xd2 },
-    { 0xcd,0x4c,0x81,0xcd }, { 0x0c,0x14,0x18,0x0c },
-    { 0x13,0x35,0x26,0x13 }, { 0xec,0x2f,0xc3,0xec },
-    { 0x5f,0xe1,0xbe,0x5f }, { 0x97,0xa2,0x35,0x97 },
-    { 0x44,0xcc,0x88,0x44 }, { 0x17,0x39,0x2e,0x17 },
-    { 0xc4,0x57,0x93,0xc4 }, { 0xa7,0xf2,0x55,0xa7 },
-    { 0x7e,0x82,0xfc,0x7e }, { 0x3d,0x47,0x7a,0x3d },
-    { 0x64,0xac,0xc8,0x64 }, { 0x5d,0xe7,0xba,0x5d },
-    { 0x19,0x2b,0x32,0x19 }, { 0x73,0x95,0xe6,0x73 },
-    { 0x60,0xa0,0xc0,0x60 }, { 0x81,0x98,0x19,0x81 },
-    { 0x4f,0xd1,0x9e,0x4f }, { 0xdc,0x7f,0xa3,0xdc },
-    { 0x22,0x66,0x44,0x22 }, { 0x2a,0x7e,0x54,0x2a },
-    { 0x90,0xab,0x3b,0x90 }, { 0x88,0x83,0x0b,0x88 },
-    { 0x46,0xca,0x8c,0x46 }, { 0xee,0x29,0xc7,0xee },
-    { 0xb8,0xd3,0x6b,0xb8 }, { 0x14,0x3c,0x28,0x14 },
-    { 0xde,0x79,0xa7,0xde }, { 0x5e,0xe2,0xbc,0x5e },
-    { 0x0b,0x1d,0x16,0x0b }, { 0xdb,0x76,0xad,0xdb },
-    { 0xe0,0x3b,0xdb,0xe0 }, { 0x32,0x56,0x64,0x32 },
-    { 0x3a,0x4e,0x74,0x3a }, { 0x0a,0x1e,0x14,0x0a },
-    { 0x49,0xdb,0x92,0x49 }, { 0x06,0x0a,0x0c,0x06 },
-    { 0x24,0x6c,0x48,0x24 }, { 0x5c,0xe4,0xb8,0x5c },
-    { 0xc2,0x5d,0x9f,0xc2 }, { 0xd3,0x6e,0xbd,0xd3 },
-    { 0xac,0xef,0x43,0xac }, { 0x62,0xa6,0xc4,0x62 },
-    { 0x91,0xa8,0x39,0x91 }, { 0x95,0xa4,0x31,0x95 },
-    { 0xe4,0x37,0xd3,0xe4 }, { 0x79,0x8b,0xf2,0x79 },
-    { 0xe7,0x32,0xd5,0xe7 }, { 0xc8,0x43,0x8b,0xc8 },
-    { 0x37,0x59,0x6e,0x37 }, { 0x6d,0xb7,0xda,0x6d },
-    { 0x8d,0x8c,0x01,0x8d }, { 0xd5,0x64,0xb1,0xd5 },
-    { 0x4e,0xd2,0x9c,0x4e }, { 0xa9,0xe0,0x49,0xa9 },
-    { 0x6c,0xb4,0xd8,0x6c }, { 0x56,0xfa,0xac,0x56 },
-    { 0xf4,0x07,0xf3,0xf4 }, { 0xea,0x25,0xcf,0xea },
-    { 0x65,0xaf,0xca,0x65 }, { 0x7a,0x8e,0xf4,0x7a },
-    { 0xae,0xe9,0x47,0xae }, { 0x08,0x18,0x10,0x08 },
-    { 0xba,0xd5,0x6f,0xba }, { 0x78,0x88,0xf0,0x78 },
-    { 0x25,0x6f,0x4a,0x25 }, { 0x2e,0x72,0x5c,0x2e },
-    { 0x1c,0x24,0x38,0x1c }, { 0xa6,0xf1,0x57,0xa6 },
-    { 0xb4,0xc7,0x73,0xb4 }, { 0xc6,0x51,0x97,0xc6 },
-    { 0xe8,0x23,0xcb,0xe8 }, { 0xdd,0x7c,0xa1,0xdd },
-    { 0x74,0x9c,0xe8,0x74 }, { 0x1f,0x21,0x3e,0x1f },
-    { 0x4b,0xdd,0x96,0x4b }, { 0xbd,0xdc,0x61,0xbd },
-    { 0x8b,0x86,0x0d,0x8b }, { 0x8a,0x85,0x0f,0x8a },
-    { 0x70,0x90,0xe0,0x70 }, { 0x3e,0x42,0x7c,0x3e },
-    { 0xb5,0xc4,0x71,0xb5 }, { 0x66,0xaa,0xcc,0x66 },
-    { 0x48,0xd8,0x90,0x48 }, { 0x03,0x05,0x06,0x03 },
-    { 0xf6,0x01,0xf7,0xf6 }, { 0x0e,0x12,0x1c,0x0e },
-    { 0x61,0xa3,0xc2,0x61 }, { 0x35,0x5f,0x6a,0x35 },
-    { 0x57,0xf9,0xae,0x57 }, { 0xb9,0xd0,0x69,0xb9 },
-    { 0x86,0x91,0x17,0x86 }, { 0xc1,0x58,0x99,0xc1 },
-    { 0x1d,0x27,0x3a,0x1d }, { 0x9e,0xb9,0x27,0x9e },
-    { 0xe1,0x38,0xd9,0xe1 }, { 0xf8,0x13,0xeb,0xf8 },
-    { 0x98,0xb3,0x2b,0x98 }, { 0x11,0x33,0x22,0x11 },
-    { 0x69,0xbb,0xd2,0x69 }, { 0xd9,0x70,0xa9,0xd9 },
-    { 0x8e,0x89,0x07,0x8e }, { 0x94,0xa7,0x33,0x94 },
-    { 0x9b,0xb6,0x2d,0x9b }, { 0x1e,0x22,0x3c,0x1e },
-    { 0x87,0x92,0x15,0x87 }, { 0xe9,0x20,0xc9,0xe9 },
-    { 0xce,0x49,0x87,0xce }, { 0x55,0xff,0xaa,0x55 },
-    { 0x28,0x78,0x50,0x28 }, { 0xdf,0x7a,0xa5,0xdf },
-    { 0x8c,0x8f,0x03,0x8c }, { 0xa1,0xf8,0x59,0xa1 },
-    { 0x89,0x80,0x09,0x89 }, { 0x0d,0x17,0x1a,0x0d },
-    { 0xbf,0xda,0x65,0xbf }, { 0xe6,0x31,0xd7,0xe6 },
-    { 0x42,0xc6,0x84,0x42 }, { 0x68,0xb8,0xd0,0x68 },
-    { 0x41,0xc3,0x82,0x41 }, { 0x99,0xb0,0x29,0x99 },
-    { 0x2d,0x77,0x5a,0x2d }, { 0x0f,0x11,0x1e,0x0f },
-    { 0xb0,0xcb,0x7b,0xb0 }, { 0x54,0xfc,0xa8,0x54 },
-    { 0xbb,0xd6,0x6d,0xbb }, { 0x16,0x3a,0x2c,0x16 }
+#define star_x(x) (((x) & 0x7f7f7f7f) << 1) ^ ((((x) & 0x80808080) >> 7) * 0x1b)
-static const byte T4[256][4] =
-    { 0x63,0x63,0xa5,0xc6 }, { 0x7c,0x7c,0x84,0xf8 },
-    { 0x77,0x77,0x99,0xee }, { 0x7b,0x7b,0x8d,0xf6 },
-    { 0xf2,0xf2,0x0d,0xff }, { 0x6b,0x6b,0xbd,0xd6 },
-    { 0x6f,0x6f,0xb1,0xde }, { 0xc5,0xc5,0x54,0x91 },
-    { 0x30,0x30,0x50,0x60 }, { 0x01,0x01,0x03,0x02 },
-    { 0x67,0x67,0xa9,0xce }, { 0x2b,0x2b,0x7d,0x56 },
-    { 0xfe,0xfe,0x19,0xe7 }, { 0xd7,0xd7,0x62,0xb5 },
-    { 0xab,0xab,0xe6,0x4d }, { 0x76,0x76,0x9a,0xec },
-    { 0xca,0xca,0x45,0x8f }, { 0x82,0x82,0x9d,0x1f },
-    { 0xc9,0xc9,0x40,0x89 }, { 0x7d,0x7d,0x87,0xfa },
-    { 0xfa,0xfa,0x15,0xef }, { 0x59,0x59,0xeb,0xb2 },
-    { 0x47,0x47,0xc9,0x8e }, { 0xf0,0xf0,0x0b,0xfb },
-    { 0xad,0xad,0xec,0x41 }, { 0xd4,0xd4,0x67,0xb3 },
-    { 0xa2,0xa2,0xfd,0x5f }, { 0xaf,0xaf,0xea,0x45 },
-    { 0x9c,0x9c,0xbf,0x23 }, { 0xa4,0xa4,0xf7,0x53 },
-    { 0x72,0x72,0x96,0xe4 }, { 0xc0,0xc0,0x5b,0x9b },
-    { 0xb7,0xb7,0xc2,0x75 }, { 0xfd,0xfd,0x1c,0xe1 },
-    { 0x93,0x93,0xae,0x3d }, { 0x26,0x26,0x6a,0x4c },
-    { 0x36,0x36,0x5a,0x6c }, { 0x3f,0x3f,0x41,0x7e },
-    { 0xf7,0xf7,0x02,0xf5 }, { 0xcc,0xcc,0x4f,0x83 },
-    { 0x34,0x34,0x5c,0x68 }, { 0xa5,0xa5,0xf4,0x51 },
-    { 0xe5,0xe5,0x34,0xd1 }, { 0xf1,0xf1,0x08,0xf9 },
-    { 0x71,0x71,0x93,0xe2 }, { 0xd8,0xd8,0x73,0xab },
-    { 0x31,0x31,0x53,0x62 }, { 0x15,0x15,0x3f,0x2a },
-    { 0x04,0x04,0x0c,0x08 }, { 0xc7,0xc7,0x52,0x95 },
-    { 0x23,0x23,0x65,0x46 }, { 0xc3,0xc3,0x5e,0x9d },
-    { 0x18,0x18,0x28,0x30 }, { 0x96,0x96,0xa1,0x37 },
-    { 0x05,0x05,0x0f,0x0a }, { 0x9a,0x9a,0xb5,0x2f },
-    { 0x07,0x07,0x09,0x0e }, { 0x12,0x12,0x36,0x24 },
-    { 0x80,0x80,0x9b,0x1b }, { 0xe2,0xe2,0x3d,0xdf },
-    { 0xeb,0xeb,0x26,0xcd }, { 0x27,0x27,0x69,0x4e },
-    { 0xb2,0xb2,0xcd,0x7f }, { 0x75,0x75,0x9f,0xea },
-    { 0x09,0x09,0x1b,0x12 }, { 0x83,0x83,0x9e,0x1d },
-    { 0x2c,0x2c,0x74,0x58 }, { 0x1a,0x1a,0x2e,0x34 },
-    { 0x1b,0x1b,0x2d,0x36 }, { 0x6e,0x6e,0xb2,0xdc },
-    { 0x5a,0x5a,0xee,0xb4 }, { 0xa0,0xa0,0xfb,0x5b },
-    { 0x52,0x52,0xf6,0xa4 }, { 0x3b,0x3b,0x4d,0x76 },
-    { 0xd6,0xd6,0x61,0xb7 }, { 0xb3,0xb3,0xce,0x7d },
-    { 0x29,0x29,0x7b,0x52 }, { 0xe3,0xe3,0x3e,0xdd },
-    { 0x2f,0x2f,0x71,0x5e }, { 0x84,0x84,0x97,0x13 },
-    { 0x53,0x53,0xf5,0xa6 }, { 0xd1,0xd1,0x68,0xb9 },
-    { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, { 0xed,0xed,0x2c,0xc1 },
-    { 0x20,0x20,0x60,0x40 }, { 0xfc,0xfc,0x1f,0xe3 },
-    { 0xb1,0xb1,0xc8,0x79 }, { 0x5b,0x5b,0xed,0xb6 },
-    { 0x6a,0x6a,0xbe,0xd4 }, { 0xcb,0xcb,0x46,0x8d },
-    { 0xbe,0xbe,0xd9,0x67 }, { 0x39,0x39,0x4b,0x72 },
-    { 0x4a,0x4a,0xde,0x94 }, { 0x4c,0x4c,0xd4,0x98 },
-    { 0x58,0x58,0xe8,0xb0 }, { 0xcf,0xcf,0x4a,0x85 },
-    { 0xd0,0xd0,0x6b,0xbb }, { 0xef,0xef,0x2a,0xc5 },
-    { 0xaa,0xaa,0xe5,0x4f }, { 0xfb,0xfb,0x16,0xed },
-    { 0x43,0x43,0xc5,0x86 }, { 0x4d,0x4d,0xd7,0x9a },
-    { 0x33,0x33,0x55,0x66 }, { 0x85,0x85,0x94,0x11 },
-    { 0x45,0x45,0xcf,0x8a }, { 0xf9,0xf9,0x10,0xe9 },
-    { 0x02,0x02,0x06,0x04 }, { 0x7f,0x7f,0x81,0xfe },
-    { 0x50,0x50,0xf0,0xa0 }, { 0x3c,0x3c,0x44,0x78 },
-    { 0x9f,0x9f,0xba,0x25 }, { 0xa8,0xa8,0xe3,0x4b },
-    { 0x51,0x51,0xf3,0xa2 }, { 0xa3,0xa3,0xfe,0x5d },
-    { 0x40,0x40,0xc0,0x80 }, { 0x8f,0x8f,0x8a,0x05 },
-    { 0x92,0x92,0xad,0x3f }, { 0x9d,0x9d,0xbc,0x21 },
-    { 0x38,0x38,0x48,0x70 }, { 0xf5,0xf5,0x04,0xf1 },
-    { 0xbc,0xbc,0xdf,0x63 }, { 0xb6,0xb6,0xc1,0x77 },
-    { 0xda,0xda,0x75,0xaf }, { 0x21,0x21,0x63,0x42 },
-    { 0x10,0x10,0x30,0x20 }, { 0xff,0xff,0x1a,0xe5 },
-    { 0xf3,0xf3,0x0e,0xfd }, { 0xd2,0xd2,0x6d,0xbf },
-    { 0xcd,0xcd,0x4c,0x81 }, { 0x0c,0x0c,0x14,0x18 },
-    { 0x13,0x13,0x35,0x26 }, { 0xec,0xec,0x2f,0xc3 },
-    { 0x5f,0x5f,0xe1,0xbe }, { 0x97,0x97,0xa2,0x35 },
-    { 0x44,0x44,0xcc,0x88 }, { 0x17,0x17,0x39,0x2e },
-    { 0xc4,0xc4,0x57,0x93 }, { 0xa7,0xa7,0xf2,0x55 },
-    { 0x7e,0x7e,0x82,0xfc }, { 0x3d,0x3d,0x47,0x7a },
-    { 0x64,0x64,0xac,0xc8 }, { 0x5d,0x5d,0xe7,0xba },
-    { 0x19,0x19,0x2b,0x32 }, { 0x73,0x73,0x95,0xe6 },
-    { 0x60,0x60,0xa0,0xc0 }, { 0x81,0x81,0x98,0x19 },
-    { 0x4f,0x4f,0xd1,0x9e }, { 0xdc,0xdc,0x7f,0xa3 },
-    { 0x22,0x22,0x66,0x44 }, { 0x2a,0x2a,0x7e,0x54 },
-    { 0x90,0x90,0xab,0x3b }, { 0x88,0x88,0x83,0x0b },
-    { 0x46,0x46,0xca,0x8c }, { 0xee,0xee,0x29,0xc7 },
-    { 0xb8,0xb8,0xd3,0x6b }, { 0x14,0x14,0x3c,0x28 },
-    { 0xde,0xde,0x79,0xa7 }, { 0x5e,0x5e,0xe2,0xbc },
-    { 0x0b,0x0b,0x1d,0x16 }, { 0xdb,0xdb,0x76,0xad },
-    { 0xe0,0xe0,0x3b,0xdb }, { 0x32,0x32,0x56,0x64 },
-    { 0x3a,0x3a,0x4e,0x74 }, { 0x0a,0x0a,0x1e,0x14 },
-    { 0x49,0x49,0xdb,0x92 }, { 0x06,0x06,0x0a,0x0c },
-    { 0x24,0x24,0x6c,0x48 }, { 0x5c,0x5c,0xe4,0xb8 },
-    { 0xc2,0xc2,0x5d,0x9f }, { 0xd3,0xd3,0x6e,0xbd },
-    { 0xac,0xac,0xef,0x43 }, { 0x62,0x62,0xa6,0xc4 },
-    { 0x91,0x91,0xa8,0x39 }, { 0x95,0x95,0xa4,0x31 },
-    { 0xe4,0xe4,0x37,0xd3 }, { 0x79,0x79,0x8b,0xf2 },
-    { 0xe7,0xe7,0x32,0xd5 }, { 0xc8,0xc8,0x43,0x8b },
-    { 0x37,0x37,0x59,0x6e }, { 0x6d,0x6d,0xb7,0xda },
-    { 0x8d,0x8d,0x8c,0x01 }, { 0xd5,0xd5,0x64,0xb1 },
-    { 0x4e,0x4e,0xd2,0x9c }, { 0xa9,0xa9,0xe0,0x49 },
-    { 0x6c,0x6c,0xb4,0xd8 }, { 0x56,0x56,0xfa,0xac },
-    { 0xf4,0xf4,0x07,0xf3 }, { 0xea,0xea,0x25,0xcf },
-    { 0x65,0x65,0xaf,0xca }, { 0x7a,0x7a,0x8e,0xf4 },
-    { 0xae,0xae,0xe9,0x47 }, { 0x08,0x08,0x18,0x10 },
-    { 0xba,0xba,0xd5,0x6f }, { 0x78,0x78,0x88,0xf0 },
-    { 0x25,0x25,0x6f,0x4a }, { 0x2e,0x2e,0x72,0x5c },
-    { 0x1c,0x1c,0x24,0x38 }, { 0xa6,0xa6,0xf1,0x57 },
-    { 0xb4,0xb4,0xc7,0x73 }, { 0xc6,0xc6,0x51,0x97 },
-    { 0xe8,0xe8,0x23,0xcb }, { 0xdd,0xdd,0x7c,0xa1 },
-    { 0x74,0x74,0x9c,0xe8 }, { 0x1f,0x1f,0x21,0x3e },
-    { 0x4b,0x4b,0xdd,0x96 }, { 0xbd,0xbd,0xdc,0x61 },
-    { 0x8b,0x8b,0x86,0x0d }, { 0x8a,0x8a,0x85,0x0f },
-    { 0x70,0x70,0x90,0xe0 }, { 0x3e,0x3e,0x42,0x7c },
-    { 0xb5,0xb5,0xc4,0x71 }, { 0x66,0x66,0xaa,0xcc },
-    { 0x48,0x48,0xd8,0x90 }, { 0x03,0x03,0x05,0x06 },
-    { 0xf6,0xf6,0x01,0xf7 }, { 0x0e,0x0e,0x12,0x1c },
-    { 0x61,0x61,0xa3,0xc2 }, { 0x35,0x35,0x5f,0x6a },
-    { 0x57,0x57,0xf9,0xae }, { 0xb9,0xb9,0xd0,0x69 },
-    { 0x86,0x86,0x91,0x17 }, { 0xc1,0xc1,0x58,0x99 },
-    { 0x1d,0x1d,0x27,0x3a }, { 0x9e,0x9e,0xb9,0x27 },
-    { 0xe1,0xe1,0x38,0xd9 }, { 0xf8,0xf8,0x13,0xeb },
-    { 0x98,0x98,0xb3,0x2b }, { 0x11,0x11,0x33,0x22 },
-    { 0x69,0x69,0xbb,0xd2 }, { 0xd9,0xd9,0x70,0xa9 },
-    { 0x8e,0x8e,0x89,0x07 }, { 0x94,0x94,0xa7,0x33 },
-    { 0x9b,0x9b,0xb6,0x2d }, { 0x1e,0x1e,0x22,0x3c },
-    { 0x87,0x87,0x92,0x15 }, { 0xe9,0xe9,0x20,0xc9 },
-    { 0xce,0xce,0x49,0x87 }, { 0x55,0x55,0xff,0xaa },
-    { 0x28,0x28,0x78,0x50 }, { 0xdf,0xdf,0x7a,0xa5 },
-    { 0x8c,0x8c,0x8f,0x03 }, { 0xa1,0xa1,0xf8,0x59 },
-    { 0x89,0x89,0x80,0x09 }, { 0x0d,0x0d,0x17,0x1a },
-    { 0xbf,0xbf,0xda,0x65 }, { 0xe6,0xe6,0x31,0xd7 },
-    { 0x42,0x42,0xc6,0x84 }, { 0x68,0x68,0xb8,0xd0 },
-    { 0x41,0x41,0xc3,0x82 }, { 0x99,0x99,0xb0,0x29 },
-    { 0x2d,0x2d,0x77,0x5a }, { 0x0f,0x0f,0x11,0x1e },
-    { 0xb0,0xb0,0xcb,0x7b }, { 0x54,0x54,0xfc,0xa8 },
-    { 0xbb,0xbb,0xd6,0x6d }, { 0x16,0x16,0x3a,0x2c }
+#define imix_col(y, x)  do {        \
+    u       = star_x(x);        \
+    v       = star_x(u);        \
+    w       = star_x(v);        \
+    t       = w ^ (x);          \
+    (y)     = u ^ v ^ w;        \
+    (y)     ^= aes_ror32(u ^ t, 8) ^    \
+        aes_ror32(v ^ t, 16) ^      \
+        aes_ror32(t, 24);       \
+} while (0)
-static const uint32_t rcon[30] =
-    0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c,
-    0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35,
-    0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91
+#define ls_box(x)           \
+    crypto_fl_tab[0][get_byte(x, 0)] ^  \
+    crypto_fl_tab[1][get_byte(x, 1)] ^  \
+    crypto_fl_tab[2][get_byte(x, 2)] ^  \
+    crypto_fl_tab[3][get_byte(x, 3)]
-static char *AES_SelfTest(void);
+#define loop4(i)    do {        \
+    t = aes_ror32(t, 8);        \
+    t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i];     \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 4] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 1];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 5] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 2];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 6] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 3];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 7] = t;        \
+} while (0)
-/* Perform the key setup.
+#define loop6(i)    do {        \
+    t = aes_ror32(t, 8);        \
+    t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i];     \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 6] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 1];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 7] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 2];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 8] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 3];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 9] = t;        \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 4];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 10] = t;       \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 5];       \
+    ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 11] = t;       \
+} while (0)
+#define loop8tophalf(i) do {            \
+    t = aes_ror32(t, 8);            \
+    t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i];         \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i];               \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 8] = t;            \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 1];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 9] = t;            \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 2];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 10] = t;           \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 3];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 11] = t;           \
+} while (0)
+#define loop8(i)    do {                \
+    loop8tophalf(i);                \
+    t  = ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 4] ^ ls_box(t);       \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 12] = t;           \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 5];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 13] = t;           \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 6];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 14] = t;           \
+    t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 7];           \
+    ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 15] = t;           \
+} while (0)
+ * AES_ExpandKey - Expands the AES key as described in FIPS-197
+ * @ctx:    The location where the computed key will be stored.
+ * @in_key:     The supplied key.
+ * @key_len:    The length of the supplied key.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success. The function fails only if an invalid key size (or
+ * pointer) is supplied.
+ * The expanded key size is 240 bytes (max of 14 rounds with a unique 16 bytes
+ * key schedule plus a 16 bytes key which is used before the first round).
+ * The decryption key is prepared for the "Equivalent Inverse Cipher" as
+ * described in FIPS-197. The first slot (16 bytes) of each key (enc or dec) is
+ * for the initial combination, the second slot for the first round and so on.
-static boolean AES_SetKey(RIJNDAEL_context *ctx, const byte *key,
-                          const unsigned keylen)
+static int AES_ExpandKey(aes_context_t *ctx, const uint8_t *in_key,
+                         unsigned int key_len)
-    int ROUNDS;
-    byte k[MAXKC][4];
-    int i,j, r, t, rconpointer = 0;
-    byte tk[MAXKC][4];
-    int KC;
+    const uint32_t *key = (const uint32_t *)in_key;
+    uint32_t i, t, u, v, w, j;
-    if( keylen == 128/8 )
-    {
-        ROUNDS = 10;
-        KC = 4;
-    }
-    else if ( keylen == 192/8 )
-    {
-        ROUNDS = 12;
-        KC = 6;
-    }
-    else if ( keylen == 256/8 )
-    {
-        ROUNDS = 14;
-        KC = 8;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	return false;
-    }
+    if (key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_128 && key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_192 &&
+        key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_256)
+        return -1;
-    ctx->ROUNDS = ROUNDS;
+    ctx->key_length = key_len;
-    for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++)
-    {
-        k[i >> 2][i & 3] = key[i];
-    }
-#define W (ctx->keySched)
+    ctx->key_dec[key_len + 24] = ctx->key_enc[0] = le32_to_cpu(key[0]);
+    ctx->key_dec[key_len + 25] = ctx->key_enc[1] = le32_to_cpu(key[1]);
+    ctx->key_dec[key_len + 26] = ctx->key_enc[2] = le32_to_cpu(key[2]);
+    ctx->key_dec[key_len + 27] = ctx->key_enc[3] = le32_to_cpu(key[3]);
-    for (j = KC-1; j >= 0; j--)
-    {
-        *((uint32_t*)tk[j]) = *((uint32_t*)k[j]);
-    }
-    r = 0;
-    t = 0;
-    /* copy values into round key array */
-    for (j = 0; (j < KC) && (r < ROUNDS + 1); )
-    {
-        for (; (j < KC) && (t < 4); j++, t++)
-        {
-            W[r][t] = *((uint32_t*)tk[j]);
-        }
-        if (t == 4)
-        {
-            r++;
-            t = 0;
-        }
-    }
+    switch (key_len) {
+        case AES_KEYSIZE_128:
+            t = ctx->key_enc[3];
+            for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+                loop4(i);
+            break;
-    while (r < ROUNDS + 1)
-    {
-        /* while not enough round key material calculated */
-        /* calculate new values */
-        tk[0][0] ^= S[tk[KC-1][1]];
-        tk[0][1] ^= S[tk[KC-1][2]];
-        tk[0][2] ^= S[tk[KC-1][3]];
-        tk[0][3] ^= S[tk[KC-1][0]];
-        tk[0][0] ^= rcon[rconpointer++];
+        case AES_KEYSIZE_192:
+            ctx->key_enc[4] = le32_to_cpu(key[4]);
+            t = ctx->key_enc[5] = le32_to_cpu(key[5]);
+            for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+                loop6(i);
+            break;
-        if (KC != 8)
-        {
-            for (j = 1; j < KC; j++)
-            {
-                *((uint32_t*)tk[j]) ^= *((uint32_t*)tk[j-1]);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for (j = 1; j < KC/2; j++)
-            {
-                *((uint32_t*)tk[j]) ^= *((uint32_t*)tk[j-1]);
-            }
-            tk[KC/2][0] ^= S[tk[KC/2 - 1][0]];
-            tk[KC/2][1] ^= S[tk[KC/2 - 1][1]];
-            tk[KC/2][2] ^= S[tk[KC/2 - 1][2]];
-            tk[KC/2][3] ^= S[tk[KC/2 - 1][3]];
-            for (j = KC/2 + 1; j < KC; j++)
-            {
-                *((uint32_t*)tk[j]) ^= *((uint32_t*)tk[j-1]);
-            }
-        }
-        /* copy values into round key array */
-        for (j = 0; (j < KC) && (r < ROUNDS + 1); )
-        {
-            for (; (j < KC) && (t < 4); j++, t++)
-            {
-                W[r][t] = *((uint32_t*)tk[j]);
-            }
-            if (t == 4)
-            {
-                r++;
-                t = 0;
-            }
-        }
+        case AES_KEYSIZE_256:
+            ctx->key_enc[4] = le32_to_cpu(key[4]);
+            ctx->key_enc[5] = le32_to_cpu(key[5]);
+            ctx->key_enc[6] = le32_to_cpu(key[6]);
+            t = ctx->key_enc[7] = le32_to_cpu(key[7]);
+            for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+                loop8(i);
+            loop8tophalf(i);
+            break;
-#undef W
-    return true;
+    ctx->key_dec[0] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 24];
+    ctx->key_dec[1] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 25];
+    ctx->key_dec[2] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 26];
+    ctx->key_dec[3] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 27];
+    for (i = 4; i < key_len + 24; ++i) {
+        j = key_len + 24 - (i & ~3) + (i & 3);
+        imix_col(ctx->key_dec[j], ctx->key_enc[i]);
+    }
+    return 0;
-/* Encrypt one block.  A and B need to be aligned on a 4 byte
-   boundary.  A and B may be the same. */
-static void AES_EncryptAligned(const RIJNDAEL_context *ctx,
-                               byte *b, const byte *a)
+ * AES_SetKey - Set the AES key.
+ * @ctx:        AES context struct.
+ * @in_key:     The input key.
+ * @key_len:    The size of the key.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, on failure -1 is returned.
+ * The function uses AES_ExpandKey() to expand the key.
+ */
+static int AES_SetKey(aes_context_t *ctx, const uint8_t *in_key,
+                      unsigned int key_len)
-#define rk (ctx->keySched)
-    int ROUNDS = ctx->ROUNDS;
-    int r;
-    union
-    {
-        uint32_t u32;
-        byte b[4];
-    } temp[4];
+    int ret;
-    temp[0].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(a   )) ^ rk[0][0];
-    temp[1].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(a+ 4)) ^ rk[0][1];
-    temp[2].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(a+ 8)) ^ rk[0][2];
-    temp[3].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(a+12)) ^ rk[0][3];
-    *((uint32_t*)(b    )) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[0].b[0]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[1].b[1]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[2].b[2]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[3].b[3]]));
-    *((uint32_t*)(b + 4)) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[1].b[0]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[2].b[1]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[3].b[2]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[0].b[3]]));
-    *((uint32_t*)(b + 8)) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[2].b[0]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[3].b[1]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[0].b[2]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[1].b[3]]));
-    *((uint32_t*)(b +12)) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[3].b[0]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[0].b[1]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[1].b[2]])
-                           ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[2].b[3]]));
+    ret = AES_ExpandKey(ctx, in_key, key_len);
+    if (!ret)
+        return 0;
-    for (r = 1; r < ROUNDS-1; r++)
-    {
-        temp[0].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b   )) ^ rk[r][0];
-        temp[1].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b+ 4)) ^ rk[r][1];
-        temp[2].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b+ 8)) ^ rk[r][2];
-        temp[3].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b+12)) ^ rk[r][3];
-        *((uint32_t*)(b    )) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[0].b[0]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[1].b[1]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[2].b[2]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[3].b[3]]));
-        *((uint32_t*)(b + 4)) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[1].b[0]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[2].b[1]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[3].b[2]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[0].b[3]]));
-        *((uint32_t*)(b + 8)) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[2].b[0]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[3].b[1]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[0].b[2]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[1].b[3]]));
-        *((uint32_t*)(b +12)) = (*((uint32_t*)T1[temp[3].b[0]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T2[temp[0].b[1]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T3[temp[1].b[2]])
-                               ^ *((uint32_t*)T4[temp[2].b[3]]));
-    }
-    /* Last round is special. */
-    temp[0].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b   )) ^ rk[ROUNDS-1][0];
-    temp[1].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b+ 4)) ^ rk[ROUNDS-1][1];
-    temp[2].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b+ 8)) ^ rk[ROUNDS-1][2];
-    temp[3].u32 = *((uint32_t*)(b+12)) ^ rk[ROUNDS-1][3];
-    b[ 0] = T1[temp[0].b[0]][1];
-    b[ 1] = T1[temp[1].b[1]][1];
-    b[ 2] = T1[temp[2].b[2]][1];
-    b[ 3] = T1[temp[3].b[3]][1];
-    b[ 4] = T1[temp[1].b[0]][1];
-    b[ 5] = T1[temp[2].b[1]][1];
-    b[ 6] = T1[temp[3].b[2]][1];
-    b[ 7] = T1[temp[0].b[3]][1];
-    b[ 8] = T1[temp[2].b[0]][1];
-    b[ 9] = T1[temp[3].b[1]][1];
-    b[10] = T1[temp[0].b[2]][1];
-    b[11] = T1[temp[1].b[3]][1];
-    b[12] = T1[temp[3].b[0]][1];
-    b[13] = T1[temp[0].b[1]][1];
-    b[14] = T1[temp[1].b[2]][1];
-    b[15] = T1[temp[2].b[3]][1];
-    *((uint32_t*)(b   )) ^= rk[ROUNDS][0];
-    *((uint32_t*)(b+ 4)) ^= rk[ROUNDS][1];
-    *((uint32_t*)(b+ 8)) ^= rk[ROUNDS][2];
-    *((uint32_t*)(b+12)) ^= rk[ROUNDS][3];
-#undef rk
+    return -1;
-static void AES_Encrypt(const RIJNDAEL_context *ctx,
-                        byte *bx, const byte *ax)
-    /* BX and AX are not necessary correctly aligned.  Thus we need to
-       copy them here. */
-    uint32_t a[4];
-    uint32_t b[4];
+/* encrypt a block of text */
+#define f_rn(bo, bi, n, k)      do {                \
+    bo[n] = crypto_ft_tab[0][get_byte(bi[n], 0)] ^              \
+        crypto_ft_tab[1][get_byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3], 1)] ^        \
+        crypto_ft_tab[2][get_byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3], 2)] ^        \
+        crypto_ft_tab[3][get_byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3], 3)] ^ *(k + n);  \
+} while (0)
-    memcpy(a, ax, 16);
-    AES_EncryptAligned(ctx, (byte *) b, (byte *) a);
-    memcpy(bx, b, 16);
+#define f_nround(bo, bi, k)     do {\
+    f_rn(bo, bi, 0, k);     \
+    f_rn(bo, bi, 1, k);     \
+    f_rn(bo, bi, 2, k);     \
+    f_rn(bo, bi, 3, k);     \
+    k += 4;         \
+} while (0)
-/* Test a single encryption and decryption with each key size. */
+#define f_rl(bo, bi, n, k)      do {                \
+    bo[n] = crypto_fl_tab[0][get_byte(bi[n], 0)] ^              \
+        crypto_fl_tab[1][get_byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3], 1)] ^        \
+        crypto_fl_tab[2][get_byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3], 2)] ^        \
+        crypto_fl_tab[3][get_byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3], 3)] ^ *(k + n);  \
+} while (0)
-static char *AES_SelfTest(void)
+#define f_lround(bo, bi, k)     do {\
+    f_rl(bo, bi, 0, k);     \
+    f_rl(bo, bi, 1, k);     \
+    f_rl(bo, bi, 2, k);     \
+    f_rl(bo, bi, 3, k);     \
+} while (0)
+static void AES_Encrypt(aes_context_t *ctx, uint8_t *out,
+                        const uint8_t *in)
-    RIJNDAEL_context ctx;
-    byte scratch[16];
+    const uint32_t *src = (const uint32_t *)in;
+    uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)out;
+    uint32_t b0[4], b1[4];
+    const uint32_t *kp = ctx->key_enc + 4;
+    const int key_len = ctx->key_length;
-    /* The test vectors are from the AES supplied ones; more or less
-     * randomly taken from ecb_tbl.txt (I=42,81,14)
-     */
-    static const byte plaintext[16] = {
-       0x01,0x4B,0xAF,0x22,0x78,0xA6,0x9D,0x33,
-       0x1D,0x51,0x80,0x10,0x36,0x43,0xE9,0x9A
-    };
-    static const byte key[16] = {
-        0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xED,0xEE,0xEF,0xF0,
-        0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA
-    };
-    static const byte ciphertext[16] = {
-        0x67,0x43,0xC3,0xD1,0x51,0x9A,0xB4,0xF2,
-        0xCD,0x9A,0x78,0xAB,0x09,0xA5,0x11,0xBD
-    };
+    b0[0] = le32_to_cpu(src[0]) ^ ctx->key_enc[0];
+    b0[1] = le32_to_cpu(src[1]) ^ ctx->key_enc[1];
+    b0[2] = le32_to_cpu(src[2]) ^ ctx->key_enc[2];
+    b0[3] = le32_to_cpu(src[3]) ^ ctx->key_enc[3];
-    static const byte plaintext_192[16] = {
-        0x76,0x77,0x74,0x75,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,
-        0xF8,0xF9,0xE6,0xE7,0x77,0x70,0x71,0x72
-    };
-    static const byte key_192[24] = {
-        0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,
-        0x0E,0x0F,0x10,0x11,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,
-        0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x1B,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,0x20
-    };
-    static const byte ciphertext_192[16] = {
-        0x5D,0x1E,0xF2,0x0D,0xCE,0xD6,0xBC,0xBC,
-        0x12,0x13,0x1A,0xC7,0xC5,0x47,0x88,0xAA
-    };
+    if (key_len > 24) {
+        f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+        f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
+    }
-    static const byte plaintext_256[16] = {
-        0x06,0x9A,0x00,0x7F,0xC7,0x6A,0x45,0x9F,
-        0x98,0xBA,0xF9,0x17,0xFE,0xDF,0x95,0x21
-    };
-    static const byte key_256[32] = {
-        0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F,0x10,
-        0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1A,
-        0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,
-        0x26,0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2B,0x2C,0x2D,0x2E
-    };
-    static const byte ciphertext_256[16] = {
-        0x08,0x0E,0x95,0x17,0xEB,0x16,0x77,0x71,
-        0x9A,0xCF,0x72,0x80,0x86,0x04,0x0A,0xE3
-    };
+    if (key_len > 16) {
+        f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+        f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
+    }
-    AES_SetKey(&ctx, key, sizeof(key));
-    AES_Encrypt(&ctx, scratch, plaintext);
-    if (memcmp (scratch, ciphertext, sizeof (ciphertext)))
-        return "Rijndael-128 test encryption failed.";
+    f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+    f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
+    f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+    f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
+    f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+    f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
+    f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+    f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
+    f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
+    f_lround(b0, b1, kp);
-    AES_SetKey(&ctx, key_192, sizeof(key_192));
-    AES_Encrypt(&ctx, scratch, plaintext_192);
-    if (memcmp (scratch, ciphertext_192, sizeof (ciphertext_192)))
-        return "Rijndael-192 test encryption failed.";
-    AES_SetKey(&ctx, key_256, sizeof(key_256));
-    AES_Encrypt(&ctx, scratch, plaintext_256);
-    if (memcmp (scratch, ciphertext_256, sizeof (ciphertext_256)))
-        return "Rijndael-256 test encryption failed.";
-    return NULL;
+    dst[0] = cpu_to_le32(b0[0]);
+    dst[1] = cpu_to_le32(b0[1]);
+    dst[2] = cpu_to_le32(b0[2]);
+    dst[3] = cpu_to_le32(b0[3]);
-#ifndef TEST
 static boolean prng_enabled = false;
-static RIJNDAEL_context prng_context;
+static aes_context_t prng_context;
 static uint32_t prng_input_counter;
 static uint32_t prng_values[4];
 static unsigned int prng_value_index = 0;
@@ -942,15 +890,6 @@
 void PRNG_Start(prng_seed_t key)
-    char *errormsg;
-    errormsg = AES_SelfTest();
-    if (errormsg != NULL)
-    {
-        I_Error("Failed to initialize PRNG: %s", errormsg);
-    }
     AES_SetKey(&prng_context, key, sizeof(prng_seed_t));
     prng_value_index = 4;
     prng_input_counter = 0;
@@ -1015,25 +954,3 @@
     return result;
-#else /* #ifndef TEST */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    char *errormsg;
-    errormsg = AES_SelfTest();
-    if (errormsg == NULL)
-    {
-        printf("AES Self test passed.\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "AES self test failed: %s\n", errormsg);
-        return 1;
-    }