ref: 12c82550674e1282a987dc0477dd6a34db0bed28
parent: 70a83f811f311e2611154d2d6236f39001eaf674
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Mon Feb 25 21:29:12 EST 2013
jython bindings to vba-linux/vba-closure (vba-rr) A bunch of functions and tools to run vba-clojure (a fork of vba-rerecording specifically for compiling on Linux, bound to the JVM through JNI).
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/
@@ -1,0 +1,388 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+vba-clojure (but really it's jython/python/jvm)
+This is jython, not python. Use jython to run this file. Before running this
+file, some of the dependencies need to be constructed. These can be obtained
+from the vba-clojure project.
+ hg clone
+ cd vba-clojure/java/
+ ant all
+ cd ..
+ autoreconf -i
+ ./configure
+ make
+ sudo make install
+Make sure vba-clojure bindings are in $CLASSPATH:
+ export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:java/dist/gb-bindings.jar
+Make sure vba-clojure is available within "java.library.path":
+ sudo ln -s \
+ $HOME/local/vba-clojure/vba-clojure/src/clojure/.libs/ \
+ /usr/lib/jni/
+Also make sure VisualBoyAdvance.cfg is somewhere in the $PATH for VBA to find.
+A default configuration is provided in vba-clojure under src/.
+Usage (in jython, not python):
+ import vba
+ # activate the laser beam
+ vba.load_rom("/path/to/baserom.gbc")
+ # make the emulator eat some instructions
+ vba.nstep(300)
+ # save the state because we're paranoid
+ copyrights = vba.get_state()
+ # or ...
+ vba.save_state("copyrights")
+ # >>> vba.load_state("copyrights") == copyrights
+ # True
+ # play for a while, then press F12
+ # let's save the game again
+ vba.save_state("unknown-delete-me")
+ # and let's go back to the other state
+ vba.set_state(copyrights)
+ # or why not the other way around?
+ vba.set_state(vba.load_state("unknown-delete-me"))
+ registers = vba.get_registers()
+ [ ] set a specific register
+ [ ] get a specific register
+ [ ] write value at address
+ [ ] breakpoints
+ [ ] vgm stuff
+ [ ] gbz80disasm integration
+ [ ] pokecrystal.extras integration
+import os
+import sys
+from array import array
+# for _check_java_library_path
+from java.lang import System
+# for passing states to the emulator
+from java.nio import ByteBuffer
+# For getRegisters and other times we have to pass a java int array to a
+# function.
+import jarray
+# load in the vba-clojure bindings
+import as Gb
+# load the vba-clojure library
+# by default we assume the user has things in their $HOME
+home = os.path.expanduser("~") # or System.getProperty("user.home")
+# and that the pokecrystal project folder is in there somewhere
+project_path = os.path.join(home, os.path.join("code", "pokecrystal"))
+# save states are in ~/code/pokecrystal/save-states/
+save_state_path = os.path.join(project_path, "save-states")
+# where is your rom?
+rom_path = os.path.join(project_path, "baserom.gbc")
+def _check_java_library_path():
+ """
+ Returns the value of java.library.path. The vba-clojure library must be
+ compiled and linked from this location.
+ """
+ return System.getProperty("java.library.path")
+class RomList(list):
+ """
+ Simple wrapper to prevent a giant rom from being shown on screen.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Simplifies this object so that the output doesn't overflow stdout.
+ """
+ return "RomList(too long)"
+button_masks = {
+ "a": 0x0001,
+ "b": 0x0002,
+ "r": 0x0010,
+ "l": 0x0020,
+ "u": 0x0040,
+ "d": 0x0080,
+ "select": 0x0004,
+ "start": 0x0008,
+ "restart": 0x0800,
+ "listen": -1, # what?
+# useful for directly stating what to press
+a, b, r, l, u, d, select, start, restart = "a", "b", "r", "l", "u", "d", "select", "start", "restart"
+def button_combiner(buttons):
+ """
+ Combines multiple button presses into an integer. This is used when sending
+ a keypress to the emulator.
+ """
+ result = 0
+ # String inputs need to be cleaned up so that "start" doesn't get
+ # recognized as "s" and "t" etc..
+ if isinstance(buttons, str):
+ if "restart" in buttons:
+ buttons.replace("restart", "")
+ result |= button_masks["restart"]
+ if "start" in buttons:
+ buttons.replace("start", "")
+ result |= button_masks["start"]
+ if "select" in buttons:
+ buttons.replace("select", "")
+ result |= button_masks["select"]
+ for each in buttons:
+ result |= button_masks[each]
+ print "button: " + str(result)
+ return result
+def load_rom(path=None):
+ """
+ Starts the emulator with a certain ROM. Defaults to rom_path if no
+ parameters are given.
+ """
+ if path == None:
+ path = rom_path
+ try:
+ root = load_state("root")
+ except:
+ # "root.sav" is required because if you create it in the future, you
+ # will have to shutdown the emulator and possibly lose your state. Some
+ # functions require there to be at least one root state available to do
+ # computations between two states.
+ sys.stderr.write("ERROR: unable to read \"root.sav\", please run"
+ " generate_root() or get_root() to make an initial save.\n")
+ Gb.startEmulator(path)
+def shutdown():
+ """
+ Stops the emulator. Closes the window. The "opposite" of this is the
+ load_rom function.
+ """
+ Gb.shutdown()
+def step():
+ """
+ Advances the emulator forward by one step.
+ """
+ Gb.step()
+def nstep(steplimit):
+ """
+ Step the game forward by a certain number of instructions.
+ """
+ for counter in range(0, steplimit):
+ Gb.step()
+def step_until_capture():
+ """
+ Loop step() until SDLK_F12 is detected.
+ """
+ Gb.stepUntilCapture()
+# just some aliases for step_until_capture
+run = go = step_until_capture
+def _create_byte_buffer(data):
+ """
+ Converts data into a ByteBuffer. This is useful for interfacing with the Gb
+ class.
+ """
+ buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(len(data))
+ if isinstance(data[0], int):
+ for byte in data:
+ buf.put(byte)
+ else:
+ for byte in data:
+ buf.put(ord(byte))
+ return buf
+def set_state(state, do_step=False):
+ """
+ Injects the given state into the emulator. Use do_step if you want to call
+ step(), which also allows SDL to render the latest frame. Note that the
+ default is to not step, and that the screen (if it is enabled) will appear
+ as if it still has the last state loaded. This is normal.
+ """
+ Gb.loadState(_create_byte_buffer(state))
+ if do_step:
+ step()
+def get_state():
+ """
+ Retrieves the current state of the emulator.
+ """
+ buf = Gb.saveState()
+ state = [buf.get(x) for x in range(0, buf.capacity())]
+ arr = array("b")
+ arr.extend(state)
+ return arr.tostring() # instead of state
+def save_state(name, state=None, override=False):
+ """
+ Saves the given state to save_state_path. The file format must be ".sav"
+ (and this will be appended to your string if necessary).
+ """
+ if state == None:
+ state = get_state()
+ if len(name) < 4 or name[-4:] != ".sav":
+ name += ".sav"
+ save_path = os.path.join(save_state_path, name)
+ if not override and os.path.exists(save_path):
+ raise Exception("oops, save state path already exists: " + str(save_path))
+ else:
+ # convert the state into a reasonable output
+ data = array('b')
+ data.extend(state)
+ output = data.tostring()
+ file_handler = open(save_path, "wb")
+ file_handler.write(output)
+ file_handler.close()
+def load_state(name):
+ """
+ Reads a state from file based on name. Looks in save_state_path for a file
+ with this name (".sav" is optional).
+ """
+ save_path = os.path.join(save_state_path, name)
+ if not os.path.exists(save_path):
+ if len(name) < 4 or name[-4:] != ".sav":
+ name += ".sav"
+ save_path = os.path.join(save_state_path, name)
+ file_handler = open(save_path, "rb")
+ state =
+ file_handler.close()
+ return state
+def generate_root():
+ """
+ Restarts the emulator and saves the initial state to "root.sav".
+ """
+ shutdown()
+ load_rom()
+ root = get_state()
+ save_state("root", state=root, override=True)
+ return root
+def get_root():
+ """
+ Loads the root state, or restarts the emulator and creates a new root
+ state.
+ """
+ try:
+ root = load_state("root")
+ except:
+ root = generate_root()
+def get_registers():
+ """
+ Returns a list of current register values.
+ """
+ register_array = jarray.zeros(Gb.NUM_REGISTERS, "i")
+ Gb.getRegisters(register_array)
+ return list(register_array)
+def get_rom():
+ """
+ Returns the ROM in bytes.. in a string.
+ """
+ rom_array = jarray.zeros(Gb.ROM_SIZE, "i")
+ Gb.getROM(rom_array)
+ return RomList(rom_array)
+def get_ram():
+ """
+ Returns the RAM in bytes in a string.
+ """
+ ram_array = jarray.zeros(Gb.RAM_SIZE, "i")
+ Gb.getRAM(ram_array)
+ return RomList(ram_array)
+def say_hello():
+ """
+ Test that the VBA/GB bindings are working.
+ """
+ Gb.sayHello()
+def get_memory():
+ """
+ Returns memory in bytes in a string.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("dunno how to calculate memory size")
+ # memory_size = ...
+ memory = jarray.zeros(memory_size, "i")
+ Gb.getMemory(memory)
+ return RomList(memory)
+def get_pixels():
+ """
+ Returns a list of pixels on the screen display. Broken, probably. Use
+ screenshot() instead.
+ """
+ sys.stderr.write("ERROR: seems to be broken on VBA's end? Good luck. Use"
+ " screenshot() instead.\n")
+ pixels = jarray.zeros(size, "i")
+ Gb.getPixels(pixels)
+ return RomList(pixels)
+def screenshot(filename, literal=False):
+ """
+ Saves a PNG screenshot to the file at filename. Use literal if you want to
+ store it in the current directory. Default is to save it to screenshots/
+ under the project.
+ """
+ screenshots_path = os.path.join(project_path, "screenshots/")
+ filename = os.path.join(screenshots_path, filename)
+ if len(filename) < 4 or filename[-4:] != ".png":
+ filename += ".png"
+ Gb.nwritePNG(filename)
+ print "Screenshot saved to: " + str(filename)
+save_png = screenshot
+def read_memory(address):
+ """
+ Read an integer at an address.
+ """
+ return Gb.readMemory(address)
+def press(buttons, steplimit=1):
+ """
+ Press a button. Use steplimit to say for how many steps you want to press
+ the button (try leaving it at the default, 1).
+ """
+ if hasattr(buttons, "__len__"):
+ number = button_combiner(buttons)
+ elif isinstance(buttons, int):
+ number = buttons
+ else:
+ number = buttons
+ for step_counter in range(0, steplimit):
+ Gb.step(number)