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ref: 1bf12455e4ad9cb9a0fde0d1ac5fa29a48c63590
parent: 23445ba4beed3e02f21f0cb348036c236743454d
author: mid-kid <[email protected]>
date: Sat Nov 18 12:28:12 EST 2017

SelfDestruct -> Selfdestruct

Just keeping things consistent. Nobody's going to write SELF_DESTRUCT.
Kind of subjective, and we could do it the other way around, if anybody
really cares.

--- a/battle/effect_command_pointers.asm
+++ b/battle/effect_command_pointers.asm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	dw BattleCommand_BurnTarget ; 3608c
 	dw BattleCommand_FreezeTarget ; 36102
 	dw BattleCommand_ParalyzeTarget ; 36165
-	dw BattleCommand_SelfDestruct ; 37380
+	dw BattleCommand_Selfdestruct ; 37380
 	dw BattleCommand_MirrorMove ; 373c9
 	dw BattleCommand_StatUp ; 361e4
 	dw BattleCommand_StatDown ; 362e3
--- a/battle/effect_commands.asm
+++ b/battle/effect_commands.asm
@@ -8605,8 +8605,8 @@
 ; 37380
-BattleCommand_SelfDestruct: ; 37380
-	callba TrainerRankings_SelfDestruct
+BattleCommand_Selfdestruct: ; 37380
+	callba TrainerRankings_Selfdestruct
 	ld [wNumHits], a
 	ld c, 3
--- a/constants/sram_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/sram_constants.asm
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 sTrainerRankingColosseumWins      EQU $a063
 sTrainerRankingColosseumLosses    EQU $a066
 sTrainerRankingColosseumDraws     EQU $a069
-sTrainerRankingSelfDestruct       EQU $a06c
+sTrainerRankingSelfdestruct       EQU $a06c
 sTrainerRankingCurrentSlotsStreak EQU $a06f
 sTrainerRankingLongestSlotsStreak EQU $a071
 sTrainerRankingTotalSlotsPayouts  EQU $a073
--- a/misc/mobile_41.asm
+++ b/misc/mobile_41.asm
@@ -381,13 +381,13 @@
 	jr TrainerRankings_Increment3Byte
 ; 10610d
-; Counts uses of both SelfDestruct and Explosion.
-TrainerRankings_SelfDestruct: mobile ; 10610d
+; Counts uses of both Selfdestruct and Explosion.
+TrainerRankings_Selfdestruct: mobile ; 10610d
 	; Only counts if it’s the player’s turn
 	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
 	and a
 	ret nz
-	ld hl, sTrainerRankingSelfDestruct
+	ld hl, sTrainerRankingSelfdestruct
 	jr TrainerRankings_Increment3Byte
 ; 106117