ref: 22ac1dfaf0824b5530da6d754615833710eb86d2
parent: 95ac2a8da6d1ae361b56b7d23ee1aff20c5e79bf
author: padz <[email protected]>
date: Fri Nov 2 20:45:14 EDT 2012
disasm bank3a, map audio ram, implement musscripts
--- a/constants.asm
+++ b/constants.asm
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
db \1 << 4 + \2
+bigdw: MACRO
+ dw ((\1)/$100) + (((\1)&$ff)*$100)
callab: MACRO
ld hl, \1
ld a, BANK(\1)
@@ -3188,7 +3192,8 @@
NOTE_16 EQU $0f
octave: MACRO
- db $d0 + \1
+; $d0-$d7
+ db $d8 - \1
notetype: MACRO
db $d8
@@ -3201,8 +3206,7 @@
tempo: MACRO
db $da
- db \1
- db \2
+ bigdw \1
dutycycle: MACRO
db $db
@@ -3251,7 +3255,7 @@
tone: MACRO
db $e6
- dw \1
+ bigdw \1
unknownmusic0xe7: MACRO
db $e7
@@ -3263,11 +3267,11 @@
globaltempo : MACRO
db $e9
- dw \1
+ bigdw \1
restartchannel: MACRO
db $ea
- dw \1
+ bigdw \1
newsong: MACRO
db $eb
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -74346,7 +74346,7 @@
SoundRestart: ; e8000
; restart sound operation
-; clear all relevant registers
+; clear all relevant hardware registers & wram
push hl
push de
push bc
@@ -74362,7 +74362,7 @@
ld hl, $ff10 ; sound channel registers
ld e, $04 ; number of channels
-; sound channel 1 2 3 4
+; sound channel 1 2 3 4
xor a
ld [hli], a ; $ff10, $ff15, $ff1a, $ff1f ; sweep = 0
@@ -74376,8 +74376,8 @@
dec e
jr nz, .clearsound
- ld hl, $c101 ; start of channel data
- ld de, $01bf ; length ($ * 8 channels)
+ ld hl, Channel1 ; start of channel data
+ ld de, $01bf ; length of area to clear (entire sound wram area)
.clearchannels ; clear $c101-$c2bf
xor a
ld [hli], a
@@ -74395,45 +74395,2251 @@
; e803d
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e803d,$e8051 - $e803d
+MusicFadeRestart: ; e803d
+; restart but keep the music id to fade in to
+ ld a, [MusicFadeIDHi]
+ push af
+ ld a, [MusicFadeIDLo]
+ push af
+ call SoundRestart
+ pop af
+ ld [MusicFadeIDLo], a
+ pop af
+ ld [MusicFadeIDHi], a
+ ret
+; e8051
MusicOn: ; e8051
ld a, $01
- ld [$c100], a
+ ld [MusicPlaying], a
; e8057
MusicOff: ; e8057
xor a
- ld [$c100], a
+ ld [MusicPlaying], a
; e805c
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e805c,$e8b11 - $e805c
+UpdateSound: ; e805c
+; called once per frame
+ ; no use updating audio if it's not playing
+ ld a, [MusicPlaying]
+ and a
+ ret z
+ ; start at ch1
+ xor a
+ ld [CurChannel], a ; just
+ ld [SoundOutput], a ; off
+ ld bc, Channel1
+ ; is the channel active?
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jp z, .nextchannel
+ ; check time left in the current note
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteDuration - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ cp a, $02 ; 1 or 0?
+ jr c, .noteover
+ dec [hl]
+ jr .asm_e8093
+ ; reset vibrato delay
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoDelay - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoDelayCount - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; turn vibrato off for now
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 1, [hl]
+ ; get next note
+ call ParseMusic
+ ;
+ call Functione84f9
+ ; duty cycle
+ ld hl, Channel1DutyCycle - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$c292], a
+ ; intensity
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$c293], a
+ ; frequency
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$c294], a
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld [$c295], a
+ ;
+ call Functione8466 ; handle vibrato and other things
+ call HandleNoise
+ ; turn off music when playing sfx?
+ ld a, [SFXPriority]
+ and a
+ jr z, .next
+ ; are we in a sfx channel right now?
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ cp a, $04
+ jr nc, .next
+ ; are any sfx channels active?
+ ; if so, mute
+ ld hl, $c1cc ; Channel5Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .restnote
+ ld hl, $c1fe ; Channel6Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .restnote
+ ld hl, $c230 ; Channel7Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .restnote
+ ld hl, $c262 ; Channel8Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr z, .next
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 5, [hl] ; Rest
+ ; are we in a sfx channel right now?
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ cp a, $04 ; sfx
+ jr nc, .asm_e80ee
+ ld hl, $00cb
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e80fc
+ call UpdateChannels
+ ld hl, Channel1Tracks - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [SoundOutput]
+ or [hl]
+ ld [SoundOutput], a
+ ; clear note flags
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ xor a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; next channel
+ ld hl, Channel2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld c, l
+ ld b, h
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ inc a
+ ld [CurChannel], a
+ cp a, $08 ; are we done?
+ jp nz, .loop ; do it all again
+ ; writing to hardware registers?
+ call Functione8307
+ ; fade music in/out
+ call FadeMusic
+ ; write volume to hardware register
+ ld a, [Volume]
+ ld [$ff00+$24], a
+ ; write SO on/off to hardware register
+ ld a, [SoundOutput]
+ ld [$ff00+$25], a
+ ret
+; e8125
+UpdateChannels: ; e8125
+ ld hl, .ChannelFnPtrs
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ and a, $07
+ add a
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, $00
+ add hl, de
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ jp [hl]
+ dw .Channel1
+ dw .Channel2
+ dw .Channel3
+ dw .Channel4
+; sfx ch ptrs are identical to music chs
+; ..except 5
+ dw .Channel5
+ dw .Channel6
+ dw .Channel7
+ dw .Channel8
+ ld a, [$c2a6]
+ bit 7, a
+ ret nz
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 3, [hl]
+ jr z, .asm_e8159
+ ;
+ ld a, [SoundInput]
+ ld [$ff00+$10], a
+ bit 5, [hl] ; rest
+ jr nz, .ch1rest
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e81a2
+ bit 1, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e816b
+ bit 6, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e8184
+ jr .asm_e8175
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$13], a
+ ld a, [$c295]
+ ld [$ff00+$14], a
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ ret z
+ ld a, [$c292]
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, [$ff00+$11]
+ and a, $3f ; sound length
+ or d
+ ld [$ff00+$11], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$c292]
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, [$ff00+$11]
+ and a, $3f ; sound length
+ or d
+ ld [$ff00+$11], a
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$13], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$ff00+$26]
+ and a, %10001110 ; ch1 off
+ ld [$ff00+$26], a
+ ld hl, $ff10
+ call ClearChannel
+ ret
+ ld hl, $c292
+ ld a, $3f ; sound length
+ or [hl]
+ ld [$ff00+$11], a
+ ld a, [$c293]
+ ld [$ff00+$12], a
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$13], a
+ ld a, [$c295]
+ or a, $80
+ ld [$ff00+$14], a
+ ret
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 5, [hl] ; rest
+ jr nz, .ch2rest
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e8204
+ bit 6, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e81e6
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ ret z
+ ld a, [$c292]
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, [$ff00+$16]
+ and a, $3f ; sound length
+ or d
+ ld [$ff00+$16], a
+ ret
+.asm_e81db ; unused
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$18], a
+ ld a, [$c295]
+ ld [$ff00+$19], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$c292]
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, [$ff00+$16]
+ and a, $3f ; sound length
+ or d
+ ld [$ff00+$16], a
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$18], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$ff00+$26]
+ and a, %10001101 ; ch2 off
+ ld [$ff00+$26], a
+ ld hl, $ff15
+ call ClearChannel
+ ret
+ ld hl, $c292
+ ld a, $3f ; sound length
+ or [hl]
+ ld [$ff00+$16], a
+ ld a, [$c293]
+ ld [$ff00+$17], a
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$18], a
+ ld a, [$c295]
+ or a, $80 ; initial (restart)
+ ld [$ff00+$19], a
+ ret
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 5, [hl] ; rest
+ jr nz, .ch3rest
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e824d
+ bit 6, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e823a
+ ret
+.asm_e822f ; unused
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$1d], a
+ ld a, [$c295]
+ ld [$ff00+$1e], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$1d], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$ff00+$26]
+ and a, %10001011 ; ch3 off
+ ld [$ff00+$26], a
+ ld hl, $ff1a
+ call ClearChannel
+ ret
+ ld a, $3f
+ ld [$ff00+$1b], a
+ xor a
+ ld [$ff00+$1a], a
+ call .asm_e8268
+ ld a, $80
+ ld [$ff00+$1a], a
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$1d], a
+ ld a, [$c295]
+ or a, $80
+ ld [$ff00+$1e], a
+ ret
+ push hl
+ ld a, [$c293]
+ and a, $0f ; only 0-9 are valid
+ ld l, a
+ ld h, $00
+ ; hl << 4
+ ; each wavepattern is $0f bytes long
+ ; so seeking is done in $10s
+ add hl, hl
+ add hl, hl
+ add hl, hl
+ add hl, hl
+ ld de, WaveSamples
+ add hl, de
+ ; load wavepattern into $ff30-$ff3f
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$30], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$31], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$32], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$33], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$34], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$35], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$36], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$37], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$38], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$39], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$3a], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$3b], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$3c], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$3d], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$3e], a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$3f], a
+ pop hl
+ ld a, [$c293]
+ and a, $f0
+ sla a
+ ld [$ff00+$1c], a
+ ret
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 5, [hl] ; rest
+ jr nz, .ch4rest
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr nz, .asm_e82d4
+ ret
+.asm_e82c1 ; unused
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$22], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [$ff00+$26]
+ and a, %10000111 ; ch4 off
+ ld [$ff00+$26], a
+ ld hl, $ff1f
+ call ClearChannel
+ ret
+ ld a, $3f ; sound length
+ ld [$ff00+$20], a
+ ld a, [$c293]
+ ld [$ff00+$21], a
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld [$ff00+$22], a
+ ld a, $80
+ ld [$ff00+$23], a
+ ret
+; e82e7
+_CheckSFX: ; e82e7
+; return carry if any sfx channels are active
+ ld hl, $c1cc ; Channel5Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .sfxon
+ ld hl, $c1fe ; Channel6Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .sfxon
+ ld hl, $c230 ; Channel7Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .sfxon
+ ld hl, $c262 ; Channel8Flags
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .sfxon
+ and a
+ ret
+ scf
+ ret
+; e8307
+Functione8307: ; e8307
+; what is $c2a6?
+ ld a, [$c2a6]
+ bit 7, a
+ ret z
+ and a, $7f
+ ld d, a
+ call _CheckSFX
+ jr c, .asm_e8335
+ and a
+ jr z, .asm_e8323
+ cp a, $10
+ jr z, .asm_e831e
+ jr .asm_e8335
+ ld hl, Tablee8354
+ jr .updatehw
+ ld hl, Tablee8350
+ xor a
+ ld [$ff00+$10], a ; sweep off
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$11], a ; sound length / duty cycle
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$12], a ; ch1 volume envelope
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$13], a ; ch1 frequency lo
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [$ff00+$14], a ; ch1 frequency hi
+ ld a, d
+ inc a
+ cp a, $1e
+ jr c, .asm_e833c
+ xor a
+ or a, $80
+ ld [$c2a6], a
+ ; is hw ch1 on?
+ ld a, [SoundOutput]
+ and a, $11
+ ret nz
+ ; if not, turn it on
+ ld a, [SoundOutput]
+ or a, $11
+ ld [SoundOutput], a
+ ret
+; e8350
+Tablee8350: ; e8350
+ db $80 ; duty 50%
+ db $e2 ; volume $e, envelope decrease sweep 2
+ db $50 ; frequency: $750
+ db $87 ; restart sound
+; e8354
+Tablee8354: ; e8354
+ db $80 ; duty 50%
+ db $e2 ; volume $e, envelope decrease sweep 2
+ db $ee ; frequency: $6ee
+ db $86 ; restart sound
+; e8358
+FadeMusic: ; e8358
+; fade music if applicable
+; usage:
+; write to MusicFade
+; song fades out at the given rate
+; load song id in MusicFadeID
+; fade new song in
+; notes:
+; max # frames per volume level is $3f
+ ; fading?
+ ld a, [MusicFade]
+ and a
+ ret z
+ ; has the count ended?
+ ld a, [MusicFadeCount]
+ and a
+ jr z, .update
+ ; count down
+ dec a
+ ld [MusicFadeCount], a
+ ret
+ ld a, [MusicFade]
+ ld d, a
+ ; get new count
+ and a, $3f
+ ld [MusicFadeCount], a
+ ; get SO1 volume
+ ld a, [Volume]
+ and a, $07
+ ; which way are we fading?
+ bit 7, d
+ jr nz, .fadein
+ ; fading out
+ and a
+ jr z, .novolume
+ dec a
+ jr .updatevolume
+ ; make sure volume is off
+ xor a
+ ld [Volume], a
+ ; did we just get on a bike?
+ ld a, [PlayerState]
+ cp a, $01 ; bicycle
+ jr z, .bicycle
+ push bc
+ ; restart sound
+ call MusicFadeRestart
+ ; get new song id
+ ld a, [MusicFadeIDLo]
+ and a
+ jr z, .quit ; this assumes there are fewer than 256 songs!
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, [MusicFadeIDHi]
+ ld d, a
+ ; load new song
+ call LoadMusic
+ ; cleanup
+ pop bc
+ ; stop fading
+ xor a
+ ld [MusicFade], a
+ ret
+ push bc
+ ; restart sound
+ call MusicFadeRestart
+ ; this turns the volume up
+ ; turn it back down
+ xor a
+ ld [Volume], a
+ ; get new song id
+ ld a, [MusicFadeIDLo]
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, [MusicFadeIDHi]
+ ld d, a
+ ; load new song
+ call LoadMusic
+ pop bc
+ ; fade in
+ ld hl, MusicFade
+ set 7, [hl]
+ ret
+ ; are we done?
+ cp a, $07
+ jr nc, .maxvolume
+ ; inc volume
+ inc a
+ jr .updatevolume
+ ; we're done
+ xor a
+ ld [MusicFade], a
+ ret
+ ; hi = lo
+ ld d, a
+ swap a
+ or d
+ ld [Volume], a
+ ret
+; e83d1
+LoadNote: ; e83d1
+ ; check mute??
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 1, [hl]
+ ret z
+ ; get note duration
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteDuration - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld hl, $c297 ; ????
+ sub [hl]
+ jr nc, .ok
+ ld a, $01
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; get frequency
+ ld hl, Channel1Frequency - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $0021
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, e
+ sub [hl]
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, d
+ sbc a, $00
+ ld d, a
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $0022
+ add hl, bc
+ sub [hl]
+ jr nc, .asm_e8420
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags3 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 1, [hl]
+ ; get frequency
+ ld hl, Channel1Frequency - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $0021
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ sub e
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, d
+ sbc a, $00
+ ld d, a
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $0022
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ sub d
+ ld d, a
+ jr .asm_e843e
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags3 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 1, [hl]
+ ; get frequency
+ ld hl, Channel1Frequency - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $0021
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, e
+ sub [hl]
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, d
+ sbc a, $00
+ ld d, a
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $0022
+ add hl, bc
+ sub [hl]
+ ld d, a
+ push bc
+ ld hl, $c297
+ ld b, $00 ; loop count
+ inc b
+ ld a, e
+ sub [hl]
+ ld e, a
+ jr nc, .loop
+ ld a, d
+ and a
+ jr z, .quit
+ dec d
+ jr .loop
+ ld a, e ; result
+ add [hl]
+ ld d, b ; loop count
+ ; ????
+ pop bc
+ ld hl, $0023
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], d
+ ld hl, $0024
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; clear ????
+ ld hl, $0025
+ add hl, bc
+ xor a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e8466
+Functione8466: ; e8466
+; handle vibrato and other things
+; unknowns: $c292, $c294
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 2, [hl]
+ jr z, .next
+ ld hl, $001c
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ rlca
+ rlca
+ ld [hl], a
+ and a, $c0
+ ld [$c292], a
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 0, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr z, .vibrato
+ ld hl, $0027
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ld hl, $c294
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ add hl, de
+ ld e, l
+ ld d, h
+ ld hl, $c294
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; is vibrato on?
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 0, [hl] ; vibrato
+ jr z, .quit
+ ; is vibrato active for this note yet?
+ ; is the delay over?
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoDelayCount - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a
+ jr nz, .subexit
+ ; is the extent nonzero?
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoExtent - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a
+ jr z, .quit
+ ; save it for later
+ ld d, a
+ ; is it time to toggle vibrato up/down?
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoRate - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a, $0f ; count
+ jr z, .toggle
+ dec [hl]
+ jr .quit
+ ; refresh count
+ ld a, [hl]
+ swap [hl]
+ or [hl]
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; ????
+ ld a, [$c294]
+ ld e, a
+ ; toggle vibrato up/down
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags3 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 0, [hl] ; vibrato up/down
+ jr z, .down
+; up
+ ; vibrato down
+ res 0, [hl]
+ ; get the delay
+ ld a, d
+ and a, $0f ; lo
+ ;
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, e
+ sub d
+ jr nc, .asm_e84ef
+ ld a, $00
+ jr .asm_e84ef
+ ; vibrato up
+ set 0, [hl]
+ ; get the delay
+ ld a, d
+ and a, $f0 ; hi
+ swap a ; move it to lo
+ ;
+ add e
+ jr nc, .asm_e84ef
+ ld a, $ff
+ ld [$c294], a
+ ;
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 6, [hl]
+ ret
+; e84f9
+Functione84f9: ; e84f9
+ ; quit if ????
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 1, [hl]
+ ret z
+ ; de = Frequency
+ ld hl, Channel1Frequency - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ;
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags3 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 1, [hl]
+ jr z, .next
+ ;
+ ld hl, $0023
+ add hl, bc
+ ld l, [hl]
+ ld h, $00
+ add hl, de
+ ld d, h
+ ld e, l
+ ; get ????
+ ld hl, $0024
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ; add it to ????
+ ld hl, $0025
+ add hl, bc
+ add [hl]
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld a, $00
+ adc e
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, $00
+ adc d
+ ld d, a
+ ;
+ ld hl, $0022
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ cp d
+ jp c, .quit1
+ jr nz, .quit2
+ ld hl, $0021
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ cp e
+ jp c, .quit1
+ jr .quit2
+ ld a, e
+ ld hl, $0023
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ sub e
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, d
+ sbc a, $00
+ ld d, a
+ ld hl, $0024
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ add a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld a, e
+ sbc a, $00
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, d
+ sbc a, $00
+ ld d,a
+ ld hl, $0022
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, d
+ cp [hl]
+ jr c, .quit1
+ jr nz, .quit2
+ ld hl, $0021
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, e
+ cp [hl]
+ jr nc, .quit2
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 1, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags3 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 1, [hl]
+ ret
+ ld hl, Channel1Frequency - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 1, [hl]
+ set 0, [hl]
+ ret
+; e858c
+HandleNoise: ; e858c
+ ; is noise sampling on?
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 4, [hl] ; noise sampling
+ ret z
+ ; are we in a sfx channel?
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ bit 2, a ; sfx
+ jr nz, .next
+ ; is ch8 on? (noise)
+ ld hl, $c262 ; Channel8Flags
+ bit 0, [hl] ; on?
+ jr z, .next
+ ; is ch8 playing noise?
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ ret nz ; quit if so
+ ;
+ ld a, [$c2a2]
+ and a
+ jr z, ReadNoiseSample
+ dec a
+ ld [$c2a2], a
+ ret
+; e85af
+ReadNoiseSample: ; e85af
+; sample struct:
+; [wx] [yy] [zz]
+; w: ? either 2 or 3
+; x: ? 0-7
+; zzyy: pointer to sample data
+; NOTE: these seem to have $4000 added to them later
+ ; de = NoiseSampleAddress
+ ld hl, NoiseSampleAddress
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; is it empty?
+ ld a, e
+ or d
+ jr z, .quit
+ ; get the noise sample
+ ld a, [de]
+ inc de
+ ; are we done?
+ cp a, $ff
+ jr z, .quit
+ ;
+ and a, $0f ; bottom nybble
+ inc a
+ ld [$c2a2], a
+ ld a, [de]
+ inc de
+ ld [$c293], a
+ ld a, [de]
+ inc de
+ ld [$c294], a
+ xor a
+ ld [$c295], a
+ ;
+ ld hl, NoiseSampleAddress
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 4, [hl]
+ ret
+ ret
+; e85e1
+ParseMusic: ; e85e1
+; parses until a note is read or the song is ended
+ call GetMusicByte ; store next byte in a
+ cp a, $ff ; is the song over?
+ jr z, .readff
+ cp a, $d0 ; is it a note?
+ jr c, .readnote
+ ; then it's a command
+ call ParseCommand
+ jr ParseMusic ; start over
+; CurMusicByte contains current note
+; special notes
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 3, [hl]
+ jp nz, Functione8698
+ bit 5, [hl]
+ jp nz, Functione8698
+ bit 4, [hl] ; noise sample
+ jp nz, GetNoiseSample
+; normal note
+ ; set note duration (bottom nybble)
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ and a, $0f
+ call SetNoteDuration
+ ; get note pitch (top nybble)
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ swap a
+ and a, $0f
+ jr z, .rest ; pitch $0 -> rest
+ ; update pitch
+ ld hl, Channel1Pitch - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; store pitch in e
+ ld e, a
+ ; store octave in d
+ ld hl, Channel1Octave - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; update frequency
+ call GetFrequency
+ ld hl, Channel1Frequency - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 4, [hl]
+ jp LoadNote
+; note = rest
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 5, [hl] ; Rest
+ ret
+; $ff is reached in music data
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 1, [hl] ; in a subroutine?
+ jr nz, .readcommand ; execute
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ cp a, $04 ; channels 0-3?
+ jr nc, .asm_e8651
+ ; ????
+ ld hl, $00cb
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr nz, .ok
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 5, [hl]
+ call nz, RestoreVolume
+ ; end music
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ cp a, $04 ; channel 5?
+ jr nz, .ok
+ ; ????
+ xor a
+ ld [$ff00+$10], a ; sweep = 0
+; stop playing
+ ; turn channel off
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 0, [hl]
+ ; note = rest
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 5, [hl]
+ ; clear music id & bank
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicID - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ xor a
+ ld [hli], a ; id hi
+ ld [hli], a ; id lo
+ ld [hli], a ; bank
+ ret
+; e8679
+RestoreVolume: ; e8679
+ ; ch5 only
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ cp a, $04
+ ret nz
+ xor a
+ ld hl, $c222
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld hl, $c286
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld a, [LastVolume]
+ ld [Volume], a
+ xor a
+ ld [LastVolume], a
+ ld [SFXPriority], a
+ ret
+; e8698
+Functione8698: ; e8698
+ ; turn noise sampling on
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 4, [hl] ; noise sample
+ ; update note duration
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ call SetNoteDuration ; top nybble doesnt matter?
+ ; update intensity from next param
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1Intensity - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; update lo frequency from next param
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1FrequencyLo - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; are we on the last channel? (noise sampling)
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ and a, $03
+ cp a, $03
+ ret z
+ ; update hi frequency from next param
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1FrequencyHi - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e86c5
+GetNoiseSample: ; e86c5
+; load ptr to sample header in NoiseSampleAddress
+ ; are we on the last channel?
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ and a, $03
+ cp a, $03
+ ; ret if not
+ ret nz
+ ; update note duration
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ and a, $0f
+ call SetNoteDuration
+ ; check current channel
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ bit 2, a ; are we in a sfx channel?
+ jr nz, .sfx
+ ld hl, $c262 ; Channel8Flags
+ bit 0, [hl] ; is ch8 on? (noise)
+ ret nz
+ ld a, [MusicNoiseSampleSet]
+ jr .next
+ ld a, [SFXNoiseSampleSet]
+ ; load noise sample set id into de
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, $00
+ ; load ptr to noise sample set in hl
+ ld hl, NoiseSampleSetsPointers
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ ; get pitch
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ swap a
+ ; non-rest note?
+ and a, $0f
+ ret z
+ ; use 'pitch' to seek noise sample set
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, $00
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ ; load sample pointer into NoiseSampleAddress
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [NoiseSampleAddressLo], a
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld [NoiseSampleAddressHi], a
+ ; clear ????
+ xor a
+ ld [$c2a2], a
+ ret
+; e870f
+ParseCommand ; e870f
+ ; reload command
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ ; get command #
+ sub a, $d0 ; first command
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, $00
+ ; seek command pointer
+ ld hl, MusicCommands
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ ; jump to the new pointer
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ jp [hl]
+; e8720
+MusicCommands: ; e8720
+; pointer to each command in order
+ ; octaves
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 8
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 7
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 6
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 5
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 4
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 3
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 2
+ dw MusicD0 ; octave 1
+ dw MusicD8 ; note length + intensity
+ dw MusicD9 ; set starting octave
+ dw MusicDA ; tempo
+ dw MusicDB ; duty cycle
+ dw MusicDC ; intensity
+ dw MusicDD ; update sound status
+ dw MusicDE ; ???? + duty cycle
+ dw MusicDF ;
+ dw MusicE0 ;
+ dw MusicE1 ; vibrato
+ dw MusicE2 ;
+ dw MusicE3 ; music noise sampling
+ dw MusicE4 ; force panning
+ dw MusicE5 ; volume
+ dw MusicE6 ; tune
+ dw MusicE7 ;
+ dw MusicE8 ;
+ dw MusicE9 ; global tempo
+ dw MusicEA ; restart current channel from header
+ dw MusicEB ; new song
+ dw MusicEC ; sfx priority on
+ dw MusicED ; sfx priority off
+ dw MusicEE ;
+ dw MusicEF ; stereo panning
+ dw MusicF0 ; sfx noise sampling
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF1 ; nothing
+ dw MusicF9 ;
+ dw MusicFA ;
+ dw MusicFB ;
+ dw MusicFC ; jump
+ dw MusicFD ; loop
+ dw MusicFE ; call
+ dw MusicFF ; return
+; e8780
+MusicF1: ; e8780
+ ret
+; e8781
+MusicFF: ; e8781
+; called when $ff is encountered w/ subroutine flag set
+; end music stream
+; return to caller of the subroutine
+ ; reset subroutine flag
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 1, [hl]
+ ; copy LastMusicAddress to MusicAddress
+ ld hl, Channel1LastMusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ret
+; e8796
+MusicFE: ; e8796
+; call music stream (subroutine)
+; parameters: ll hh ; pointer to subroutine
+ ; get pointer from next 2 bytes
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ push de
+ ; copy MusicAddress to LastMusicAddress
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1LastMusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; load pointer into MusicAddress
+ pop de
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; set subroutine flag
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 1, [hl]
+ ret
+; e87bc
+MusicFC: ; e87bc
+; jump
+; parameters: ll hh ; pointer
+ ; get pointer from next 2 bytes
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ret
+; e87cc
+MusicFD: ; e87cc
+; loops xx - 1 times
+; 00: infinite
+; params: 3
+; xx ll hh
+; xx : loop count
+; ll hh : pointer
+ ; get loop count
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 2, [hl] ; has the loop been initiated?
+ jr nz, .checkloop
+ and a ; loop counter 0 = infinite
+ jr z, .loop
+ ; initiate loop
+ dec a
+ set 2, [hl] ; set loop flag
+ ld hl, Channel1LoopCount - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a ; store loop counter
+ ld hl, Channel1LoopCount - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a ; are we done?
+ jr z, .endloop
+ dec [hl]
+ ; get pointer
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ ; load new pointer into MusicAddress
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ret
+ ; reset loop flag
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 2, [hl]
+ ; skip to next command
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ inc de ; skip
+ inc de ; pointer
+ ld [hl], d
+ dec hl
+ ld [hl], e
+ ret
+; e880e
+MusicFA: ; e880e
+; set condition for a jump
+; used with FB
+; params: 1
+; xx ; condition
+ ; set condition
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1Condition - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e8817
+MusicFB: ; e8817
+; conditional jump
+; used with FA
+; params: 3
+; xx: condition
+; ll hh: pointer
+; check condition
+ ; a = condition
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ; if existing condition matches, jump to new address
+ ld hl, Channel1Condition - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ cp [hl]
+ jr z, .jump
+; skip to next command
+ ; get address
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; skip pointer
+ inc de
+ inc de
+ ; update address
+ ld [hl], d
+ dec hl
+ ld [hl], e
+ ret
+; jump to the new address
+ ; get pointer
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ ; update pointer in MusicAddress
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ret
+; e883e
+MusicEE; e883e
+; conditional jump
+; checks a byte in ram corresponding to the current channel
+; doesn't seem to be set by any commands
+; params: 2
+; ll hh ; pointer
+; if ????, jump
+ ; get channel
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ and a, $03 ; ch0-3
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, $00
+ ; hl = $c2b8 + channel id
+ ld hl, $c2b8
+ add hl, de
+ ; if set, jump
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a
+ jr nz, .jump
+; skip to next command
+ ; get address
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; skip pointer
+ inc de
+ inc de
+ ; update address
+ ld [hl], d
+ dec hl
+ ld [hl], e
+ ret
+ ; reset jump flag
+ ld [hl], $00
+ ; de = pointer
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ ; update address
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ret
+; e886d
+MusicF9: ; e886d
+; sets some flag
+; seems to be unused
+; params: 0
+ ld a, $01
+ ld [$c2b5], a
+ ret
+; e8873
+MusicE2: ; e8873
+; seems to have been dummied out
+; params: 1
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, $002c
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 3, [hl]
+ ret
+; e8882
+MusicE1: ; e8882
+; vibrato
+; params: 2
+; 1: [xx]
+ ; delay in frames
+; 2: [yz]
+ ; y: extent
+ ; z: rate (# frames per cycle)
+ ; set vibrato flag?
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 0, [hl]
+ ; start at lower frequency (extent is positive)
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags3 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ res 0, [hl]
+ ; get delay
+ call GetMusicByte
+; update delay
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoDelay - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+; update delay count
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoDelayCount - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+; update extent
+; this is split into halves only to get added back together at the last second
+ ; get extent/rate
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoExtent - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld d, a
+ ; get top nybble
+ and a, $f0
+ swap a
+ srl a ; halve
+ ld e, a
+ adc a, $00 ; round up
+ swap a
+ or e
+ ld [hl], a
+; update rate
+ ld hl, Channel1VibratoRate - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ; get bottom nybble
+ ld a, d
+ and a, $0f
+ ld d, a
+ swap a
+ or d
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e88bd
+MusicE0: ; e88bd
+; ????
+; params: 2
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld [$c297], a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ and a, $0f
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, d
+ swap a
+ and a, $0f
+ ld d, a
+ call GetFrequency
+ ld hl, $0021
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ ld hl, $0022
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], d
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 1, [hl]
+ ret
+; e88e4
+MusicE6: ; e88e4
+; tone
+; params: 2
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 4, [hl]
+ ld hl, $0028
+ add hl, bc
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld [hld], a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e88f7
+MusicE7: ; e88f7
+; shrug
+; params: 1
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 6, [hl]
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, $0029
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e8906
+MusicDE: ; e8906
+; ???? + duty cycle
+; params: 1
+ ;
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 2, [hl] ; duty cycle
+ ;
+ call GetMusicByte
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ ld hl, $001c
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; update duty cycle
+ and a, $c0 ; only uses top 2 bits
+ ld hl, Channel1DutyCycle - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e891e
+MusicE8: ; e891e
+; shrug
+; params: 1
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 5, [hl]
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, $002a
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e892d
+MusicDF: ; e892d
+; toggle something
+; params: none
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 3, [hl]
+ jr z, .on
+ res 3, [hl]
+ ret
+ set 3, [hl]
+ ret
+; e893b
+MusicE3: ; e893b
+; toggle music noise sampling
+; can't be used as a straight toggle since the param is not read from on->off
+; params:
+; noise on: 1
+; noise off: 0
+ ; check if noise sampling is on
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr z, .on
+ ; turn noise sampling off
+ res 4, [hl]
+ ret
+ ; turn noise sampling on
+ set 4, [hl]
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld [MusicNoiseSampleSet], a
+ ret
+; e894f
+MusicF0: ; e894f
+; toggle sfx noise sampling
+; params:
+; on: 1
+; off: 0
+ ; check if noise sampling is on
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ bit 4, [hl]
+ jr z, .on
+ ; turn noise sampling off
+ res 4, [hl]
+ ret
+ ; turn noise sampling on
+ set 4, [hl]
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld [SFXNoiseSampleSet], a
+ ret
+; e8963
+MusicD8: ; e8963
+; note length
+; # frames per 16th note
+; intensity: see MusicDC
+; params: 2
+ ; note length
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, $002d
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ and a, $03
+ cp a, $03
+ ret z
+ ; intensity
+ call MusicDC
+ ret
+; e8977
+MusicDD: ; e8977
+; update sound status
+; params: 1
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld [SoundInput], a
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteFlags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 3, [hl]
+ ret
+; e8984
+MusicDB: ; e8984
+; duty cycle
+; params: 1
+ call GetMusicByte
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ and a, $c0
+ ld hl, Channel1DutyCycle - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e8991
+MusicDC: ; e8991
+; intensity
+; params: 1
+; hi: pressure
+; lo: velocity
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1Intensity - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e899a
+MusicDA: ; e899a
+; global tempo
+; params: 2
+; de: tempo
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call SetGlobalTempo
+ ret
+; e89a6
+MusicD0: ; e89a6
+; used by d0-d7
+; set octave based on lo nybble of the command
+ ld hl, Channel1Octave - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte] ; get current command
+ and a, $07
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e89b1
+MusicD9: ; e89b1
+; set starting octave
+; this forces all notes up by the starting octave
+; params: 1
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1StartingOctave - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e89ba
+MusicEF: ; e89ba
+; stereo panning
+; params: 1
+ ; stereo on?
+ ld a, [Options]
+ bit 5, a ; stereo
+ jr nz, MusicE4
+ ; skip param
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ret
+; e89c5
+MusicE4: ; e89c5
+; force panning
+; params: 1
+ call SetLRTracks
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld hl, Channel1Tracks - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ and [hl]
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e89d2
+MusicE5: ; e89d2
+; set volume
+; params: 1
+; see Volume
+ ; read param even if it's not used
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ; is the song fading?
+ ld a, [MusicFade]
+ and a
+ ret nz
+ ; reload param
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ ; set volume
+ ld [Volume], a
+ ret
+; e89e1
+MusicE9: ; e89e1
+; set global tempo to current channel tempo +- param
+; params: 1 signed
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ ; check sign
+ cp a, $80
+ jr nc, .negative
+ ld d, $00
+ jr .ok
+ ld d, $ff
+ ld hl, Channel1Tempo - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ add hl, de
+ ld e, l
+ ld d, h
+ call SetGlobalTempo
+ ret
+; e89fd
+MusicEC: ; e89fd
+; turn sfx priority on
+; params: none
+ ld a, $01
+ ld [SFXPriority], a
+ ret
+; e8a03
+MusicED: ; e8a03
+; turn sfx priority off
+; params: none
+ xor a
+ ld [SFXPriority], a
+ ret
+; e8a08
+MusicEA: ; e8a08
+; restart current channel from channel header (same bank)
+; params: 2 (5)
+; ll hh: pointer to new channel header
+; header format: 0x yy zz
+; x: channel # (0-3)
+; zzyy: pointer to new music data
+ ; update music id
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicID - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [MusicIDLo], a
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld [MusicIDHi], a
+ ; update music bank
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicBank - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld [MusicBank], a
+ ; get pointer to new channel header
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld l, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld h, a
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ push bc ; save current channel
+ call LoadChannel
+ call StartChannel
+ pop bc ; restore current channel
+ ret
+; e8a30
+MusicEB: ; e8a30
+; new song
+; params: 2
+; de: song id
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld e, a
+ call GetMusicByte
+ ld d, a
+ push bc
+ call LoadMusic
+ pop bc
+ ret
+; e8a3e
+GetMusicByte: ; e8a3e
+; returns byte from current address in a
+; advances to next byte in music data
+; input: bc = start of current channel
+ push hl
+ push de
+ ; load address into de
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; load bank into a
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicBank - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ; get byte
+ call LoadMusicByte ; load data into CurMusicByte
+ inc de ; advance to next byte for next time this is called
+ ; update channeldata address
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicAddress - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, e
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; cleanup
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ; store channeldata in a
+ ld a, [CurMusicByte]
+ ret
+; e8a5d
+GetFrequency: ; e8a5d
+; generate frequency
+; input:
+; d: octave
+; e: pitch
+; output:
+; de: frequency
+; get octave
+ ; get starting octave
+ ld hl, Channel1StartingOctave - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ swap a ; hi nybble
+ and a, $0f
+ ; add current octave
+ add d
+ push af ; we'll use this later
+ ; get starting octave
+ ld hl, Channel1StartingOctave - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a, $0f ; lo nybble
+ ;
+ ld l, a ; ok
+ ld d, $00
+ ld h, d
+ add hl, de ; add current pitch
+ add hl, hl ; skip 2 bytes for each
+ ld de, FrequencyTable
+ add hl, de
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; get our octave
+ pop af
+ ; [7 - octave] loops
+ cp a, $07
+ jr nc, .ok
+ ; sra de
+ sra d
+ rr e
+ inc a
+ jr .loop
+ ld a, d
+ and a, $07 ; top 3 bits for frequency (11 total)
+ ld d, a
+ ret
+; e8a8d
+SetNoteDuration: ; e8a8d
+; input: a = note duration in 16ths
+ ; store delay units in de
+ inc a
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, $00
+ ; store NoteLength in a
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteLength - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ; multiply NoteLength by delay units
+ ld l, $00 ; just multiply
+ call MultiplySimple
+ ld a, l ; % $100
+ ; store Tempo in de
+ ld hl, Channel1Tempo - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+ ; add ???? to the next result
+ ld hl, $0016
+ add hl, bc
+ ld l, [hl]
+ ; multiply Tempo by last result (NoteLength * delay % $100)
+ call MultiplySimple
+ ; copy result to de
+ ld e, l
+ ld d, h
+ ; store result in ????
+ ld hl, $0016
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ ; store result in NoteDuration
+ ld hl, Channel1NoteDuration - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], d
+ ret
+; e8ab8
+MultiplySimple: ; e8ab8
+; multiplies a and de
+; adds the result to l
+; stores the result in hl
+ ld h, $00
+ ; halve a
+ srl a
+ ; is there a remainder?
+ jr nc, .skip
+ ; add it to the result
+ add hl, de
+ ; add de, de
+ sla e
+ rl d
+ ; are we done?
+ and a
+ jr nz, .loop
+ ret
+; e8ac7
+SetGlobalTempo: ; e8ac7
+ push bc ; save current channel
+ ; are we dealing with music or sfx?
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ cp a, $04
+ jr nc, .sfxchannels
+ ld bc, Channel1
+ call SetTempo
+ ld bc, Channel2
+ call SetTempo
+ ld bc, Channel3
+ call SetTempo
+ ld bc, Channel4
+ call SetTempo
+ jr .end
+ ld bc, Channel5
+ call SetTempo
+ ld bc, Channel6
+ call SetTempo
+ ld bc, Channel7
+ call SetTempo
+ ld bc, Channel8
+ call SetTempo
+ pop bc ; restore current channel
+ ret
+; e8b03
+SetTempo: ; e8b03
+; input:
+; de: note length
+ ; update Tempo
+ ld hl, Channel1Tempo - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; clear ????
+ xor a
+ ld hl, $0016
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+; e8b11
StartChannel: ; e8b11
call SetLRTracks
- ld hl, $0003
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
add hl, bc
- set 0, [hl] ; channel on
+ set 0, [hl] ; turn channel on
; e8b1b
SetLRTracks: ; e8b1b
-; input:
-; bc = Channels ($c101)
+; set tracks for a the current channel to default
; seems to be redundant since this is overwritten by stereo data later
push de
+ ; store current channel in de
ld a, [CurChannel]
- and a, $03 ; bit 0-1
+ and a, $03
ld e, a
ld d, $00
- call GetLRTracks ; hl = mono / stereo table
- add hl, de ; + channel #
- ld a, [hl] ; get result
+ ; get this channel's lr tracks
+ call GetLRTracks
+ add hl, de ; de = channel 0-3
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ; load lr tracks into Tracks
ld hl, Channel1Tracks - Channel1
add hl, bc
- ld [hl], a ; set tracks
+ ld [hl], a
pop de
; e8b30
@@ -74454,7 +76660,7 @@
ld e, [hl]
inc hl
ld d, [hl] ; music header address
- call FarLoadMusicByte ; store first byte of music header in [a]
+ call FarLoadMusicByte ; store first byte of music header in a
and a, $03 ; get number of channels
@@ -74473,23 +76679,116 @@
ld [$c2b9], a
ld [$c2ba], a
ld [$c2bb], a
- ld [$c2a0], a
- ld [$c2a1], a
+ ld [NoiseSampleAddressLo], a
+ ld [NoiseSampleAddressHi], a
ld [$c2a2], a
- ld [$c2a4], a
+ ld [MusicNoiseSampleSet], a
call MusicOn
; e8b79
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e8b79,$e8c04 - $e8b79
+PlayCry: ; e8b79
+; input: de = cry id
+ call MusicOff
+ ; load cry id
+ ld hl, MusicID
+ ld [hl], e
+ inc hl
+ ld [hl], d
+ ; seek pointer table
+ ld hl, Cries
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ ; get bank
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld [MusicBank], a
+ ; get address
+ ld e, [hl]
+ inc hl
+ ld d, [hl]
+; read cry header
+ ; get byte at bank:address
+ call FarLoadMusicByte
+ ; get top 2 bits (# chs)
+ rlca
+ rlca
+ and a, $03
+ inc a ; ch count -> loop count
+ push af
+ call LoadChannel
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 5, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags2 - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ set 4, [hl]
+ ld hl, $0027
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [$c2b0]
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld a, [$c2b1]
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; are we on the last channel? (music & sfx)
+ ld a, [CurChannel]
+ and a, $03
+ cp a, $03
+ jr nc, .start
+ ; update tempo
+ ld hl, Channel1Tempo - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [$c2b2]
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld a, [$c2b3]
+ ld [hl], a
+ call StartChannel
+ ld a, [$c2bc]
+ and a
+ jr z, .next
+; play cry from the side of the monster it's coming from (stereo only)
+; outside of battles cries play on both tracks
+ ; is stereo on?
+ ld a, [Options]
+ bit 5, a ; stereo
+ jr z, .next
+ ; and [Tracks], [CryTracks]
+ ld hl, Channel1Tracks - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld hl, CryTracks
+ and a, [hl]
+ ld hl, Channel1Tracks - Channel1
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ pop af
+ dec a
+ jr nz, .loop
+ ; save current volume
+ ld a, [LastVolume]
+ and a
+ jr nz, .end
+ ld a, [Volume]
+ ld [LastVolume], a
+ ; cries have max volume
+ ld a, $77
+ ld [Volume], a
+ ld a, $01 ; stop playing music
+ ld [SFXPriority], a
+ call MusicOn
+ ret
+; e8c04
LoadSFX: ; e8c04
; clear channels if they aren't already
call MusicOff
- ld hl, $c1cc ; ch5 on
- bit 0, [hl]
+ ld hl, $c1cc ; Channel5Flags
+ bit 0, [hl] ; ch5 on?
jr z, .ch6
- res 0, [hl]
+ res 0, [hl] ; turn it off
xor a
ld [$ff00+$11], a ; length/wavepattern = 0
ld a, $08
@@ -74499,13 +76798,13 @@
ld a, $80
ld [$ff00+$14], a ; restart sound (freq hi = 0)
xor a
- ld [$c29c], a ; ????
+ ld [SoundInput], a ; global sound off
ld [$ff00+$10], a ; sweep = 0
- ld hl, $c1fe ; ch6 on
+ ld hl, $c1fe ; ch6 on?
bit 0, [hl]
jr z, .ch7
- res 0, [hl]
+ res 0, [hl] ; turn it off
xor a
ld [$ff00+$16], a ; length/wavepattern = 0
ld a, $08
@@ -74515,10 +76814,10 @@
ld a, $80
ld [$ff00+$19], a ; restart sound (freq hi = 0)
- ld hl, $c230 ; ch7 on
+ ld hl, $c230 ; ch7 on?
bit 0, [hl]
jr z, .ch8
- res 0, [hl]
+ res 0, [hl] ; turn it off
xor a
ld [$ff00+$1a], a ; sound mode #3 off
ld [$ff00+$1b], a ; length/wavepattern = 0
@@ -74529,10 +76828,10 @@
ld a, $80
ld [$ff00+$1e], a ; restart sound (freq hi = 0)
- ld hl, $c262 ; ch8 on
+ ld hl, $c262 ; ch8 on?
bit 0, [hl]
jr z, .chscleared
- res 0, [hl]
+ res 0, [hl] ; turn it off
xor a
ld [$ff00+$20], a ; length/wavepattern = 0
ld a, $08
@@ -74542,8 +76841,8 @@
ld a, $80
ld [$ff00+$23], a ; restart sound (freq hi = 0)
xor a
- ld [$c2a0], a
- ld [$c2a1], a
+ ld [NoiseSampleAddressLo], a
+ ld [NoiseSampleAddressHi], a
; start reading sfx header for # chs
ld hl, MusicID
@@ -74554,22 +76853,25 @@
add hl, de ; three
add hl, de ; byte
add hl, de ; pointers
+ ; get bank
ld a, [hli]
- ld [MusicBank], a ; get bank
- ld e, [hl] ; get address
+ ld [MusicBank], a
+ ; get address
+ ld e, [hl]
inc hl
ld d, [hl]
- call FarLoadMusicByte ; get # channels
- rlca
- rlca
- and a, $03 ; bit 0-1
+ ; get # channels
+ call FarLoadMusicByte
+ rlca ; top 2
+ rlca ; bits
+ and a, $03
inc a ; # channels -> # loops
push af
call LoadChannel ; bc = current channel
- ld hl, $0003
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
add hl, bc
- set 3, [hl] ; not sure what bit 3 does
+ set 3, [hl]
call StartChannel
pop af
dec a
@@ -74576,14 +76878,16 @@
jr nz, .startchannels
call MusicOn
xor a
- ld [$c2b6], a
+ ld [SFXPriority], a
; e8ca6
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e8ca6,$e8d1b - $e8ca6
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $e8ca6, $e8d1b - $e8ca6
LoadChannel: ; e8d1b
; prep channel for use
+; input:
+; de:
; get pointer to current channel
call FarLoadMusicByte
inc de
@@ -74597,7 +76901,7 @@
ld c, [hl]
inc hl
ld b, [hl] ; bc = channel pointer
- ld hl, $0003
+ ld hl, Channel1Flags - Channel1
add hl, bc
res 0, [hl] ; channel off
call ChannelInit
@@ -74626,29 +76930,32 @@
; e8d5b
ChannelInit: ; e8d5b
-; make sure channel is clean
+; make sure channel is cleared
; set default tempo and note length in case nothing is loaded
; input:
; bc = channel struct pointer
push de
xor a
- ld hl, $0000
+ ; get channel struct location and length
+ ld hl, Channel1MusicID - Channel1 ; start
add hl, bc
ld e, Channel2 - Channel1 ; channel struct length
-; clear channel struct
+ ; clear channel
ld [hli], a
dec e
jr nz, .loop
+ ; set tempo to default ($100)
ld hl, Channel1Tempo - Channel1
add hl, bc
xor a
ld [hli], a
inc a
- ld [hl], a ; default note length $100
+ ld [hl], a
+ ; set note length to default ($01) (fast)
ld hl, Channel1NoteLength - Channel1
add hl, bc
- ld [hl], a ; default tempo $01 (fast)
+ ld [hl], a
pop de
; e8d76
@@ -74655,9 +76962,9 @@
FarLoadMusicByte: ; e8d76
; input:
-; de = address of current spot in music header
+; de = current music address
; output:
-; a
+; a = CurMusicByte
ld a, [MusicBank]
call LoadMusicByte
ld a, [CurMusicByte]
@@ -74664,8 +76971,352 @@
; e8d80
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e8d80,$e8fc2 - $e8d80
+FrequencyTable: ; e8d80
+ dw $0000 ; filler
+ dw $f82c
+ dw $f89d
+ dw $f907
+ dw $f96b
+ dw $f9ca
+ dw $fa23
+ dw $fa77
+ dw $fac7
+ dw $fb12
+ dw $fb58
+ dw $fb9b
+ dw $fbda
+ dw $fc16
+ dw $fc4e
+ dw $fc83
+ dw $fcb5
+ dw $fce5
+ dw $fd11
+ dw $fd3b
+ dw $fd63
+ dw $fd89
+ dw $fdac
+ dw $fdcd
+ dw $fded
+; e8db2
+WaveSamples: ; e8db2
+ ; these are streams of 32 4-bit values used as wavepatterns
+ ; nothing interesting here!
+ db $02, $46, $8a, $ce, $ff, $fe, $ed, $dc, $cb, $a9, $87, $65, $44, $33, $22, $11
+ db $02, $46, $8a, $ce, $ef, $ff, $fe, $ee, $dd, $cb, $a9, $87, $65, $43, $22, $11
+ db $13, $69, $bd, $ee, $ee, $ff, $ff, $ed, $de, $ff, $ff, $ee, $ee, $db, $96, $31
+ db $02, $46, $8a, $cd, $ef, $fe, $de, $ff, $ee, $dc, $ba, $98, $76, $54, $32, $10
+ db $01, $23, $45, $67, $8a, $cd, $ee, $f7, $7f, $ee, $dc, $a8, $76, $54, $32, $10
+ db $00, $11, $22, $33, $44, $33, $22, $11, $ff, $ee, $cc, $aa, $88, $aa, $cc, $ee
+ db $02, $46, $8a, $ce, $cb, $a9, $87, $65, $ff, $fe, $ed, $dc, $44, $33, $22, $11
+ db $c0, $a9, $87, $f5, $ff, $fe, $ed, $dc, $44, $33, $22, $f1, $02, $46, $8a, $ce
+ db $44, $33, $22, $1f, $00, $46, $8a, $ce, $f8, $fe, $ed, $dc, $cb, $a9, $87, $65
+ db $11, $00, $00, $08, $00, $13, $57, $9a, $b4, $ba, $a9, $98, $87, $65, $43, $21
+; e8e52
+NoiseSampleSetsPointers: ; e8e52
+ dw NoiseSampleSets0
+ dw NoiseSampleSets1
+ dw NoiseSampleSets2
+ dw NoiseSampleSets3
+ dw NoiseSampleSets4
+ dw NoiseSampleSets5
+; e8e5e
+NoiseSampleSets0: ; e8e5e
+ dw NoiseSampleSet00 ; rest
+ dw NoiseSampleSet01 ; c
+ dw NoiseSampleSet02 ; c#
+ dw NoiseSampleSet03 ; d
+ dw NoiseSampleSet04 ; d#
+ dw NoiseSampleSet05 ; e
+ dw NoiseSampleSet06 ; f
+ dw NoiseSampleSet07 ; f#
+ dw NoiseSampleSet08 ; g
+ dw NoiseSampleSet09 ; g#
+ dw NoiseSampleSet10 ; a
+ dw NoiseSampleSet11 ; a#
+ dw NoiseSampleSet12 ; b
+NoiseSampleSets1: ; e8e78
+ dw NoiseSampleSet00
+ dw NoiseSampleSet08
+ dw NoiseSampleSet09
+ dw NoiseSampleSet10
+ dw NoiseSampleSet11
+ dw NoiseSampleSet12
+ dw NoiseSampleSet13
+ dw NoiseSampleSet14
+ dw NoiseSampleSet15
+ dw NoiseSampleSet16
+ dw NoiseSampleSet17
+ dw NoiseSampleSet18
+ dw NoiseSampleSet19
+NoiseSampleSets2: ; e8e92
+ dw NoiseSampleSet00
+ dw NoiseSampleSet01
+ dw NoiseSampleSet17
+ dw NoiseSampleSet18
+ dw NoiseSampleSet19
+ dw NoiseSampleSet05
+ dw NoiseSampleSet06
+ dw NoiseSampleSet07
+ dw NoiseSampleSet08
+ dw NoiseSampleSet09
+ dw NoiseSampleSet10
+ dw NoiseSampleSet11
+ dw NoiseSampleSet12
+NoiseSampleSets3: ; e8eac
+ dw NoiseSampleSet21
+ dw NoiseSampleSet22
+ dw NoiseSampleSet23
+ dw NoiseSampleSet24
+ dw NoiseSampleSet25
+ dw NoiseSampleSet26
+ dw NoiseSampleSet20
+ dw NoiseSampleSet27
+ dw NoiseSampleSet28
+ dw NoiseSampleSet29
+ dw NoiseSampleSet21
+ dw NoiseSampleSet37
+ dw NoiseSampleSet34
+NoiseSampleSets4: ; e8ec6
+ dw NoiseSampleSet21
+ dw NoiseSampleSet20
+ dw NoiseSampleSet23
+ dw NoiseSampleSet24
+ dw NoiseSampleSet25
+ dw NoiseSampleSet33
+ dw NoiseSampleSet26
+ dw NoiseSampleSet35
+ dw NoiseSampleSet31
+ dw NoiseSampleSet32
+ dw NoiseSampleSet36
+ dw NoiseSampleSet37
+ dw NoiseSampleSet30
+NoiseSampleSets5: ; e8ee0
+ dw NoiseSampleSet00
+ dw NoiseSampleSet17
+ dw NoiseSampleSet18
+ dw NoiseSampleSet19
+ dw NoiseSampleSet27
+ dw NoiseSampleSet28
+ dw NoiseSampleSet29
+ dw NoiseSampleSet05
+ dw NoiseSampleSet06
+ dw NoiseSampleSet30
+ dw NoiseSampleSet24
+ dw NoiseSampleSet23
+ dw NoiseSampleSet37
+; e8efa
+NoiseSampleSet00: ; e8efa
+; unused
+ db $20, $11, $00
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8efe
+NoiseSampleSet01: ; e8efe
+ db $20, $c1, $33
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f02
+NoiseSampleSet02: ; e8f02
+ db $20, $b1, $33
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f06
+NoiseSampleSet03: ; e8f06
+ db $20, $a1, $33
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f0a
+NoiseSampleSet04: ; e8f0a
+ db $20, $81, $33
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f0e
+NoiseSampleSet05: ; e8f0e
+ db $27, $84, $37
+ db $26, $84, $36
+ db $25, $83, $35
+ db $24, $83, $34
+ db $23, $82, $33
+ db $22, $81, $32
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f21
+NoiseSampleSet06: ; e8f21
+ db $20, $51, $2a
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f25
+NoiseSampleSet07: ; e8f25
+ db $21, $41, $2b
+ db $20, $61, $2a
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f2c
+NoiseSampleSet08: ; e8f2c
+ db $20, $81, $10
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f30
+NoiseSampleSet09: ; e8f30
+ db $20, $82, $23
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f34
+NoiseSampleSet10: ; e8f34
+ db $20, $82, $25
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f38
+NoiseSampleSet11: ; e8f38
+ db $20, $82, $26
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f3c
+NoiseSampleSet12: ; e8f3c
+ db $20, $a1, $10
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f40
+NoiseSampleSet13: ; e8f40
+ db $20, $a2, $11
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f44
+NoiseSampleSet14: ; e8f44
+ db $20, $a2, $50
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f48
+NoiseSampleSet15: ; e8f48
+ db $20, $a1, $18
+ db $20, $31, $33
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f4f
+NoiseSampleSet16: ; e8f4f
+ db $22, $91, $28
+ db $20, $71, $18
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f56
+NoiseSampleSet17: ; e8f56
+ db $20, $91, $22
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f5a
+NoiseSampleSet18: ; e8f5a
+ db $20, $71, $22
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f5e
+NoiseSampleSet19: ; e8f5e
+ db $20, $61, $22
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f62
+NoiseSampleSet20: ; e8f62
+ db $20, $11, $11
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f66
+NoiseSampleSet21: ; e8f66
+ db $ff
+; e8f67
+NoiseSampleSet22: ; e8f67
+ db $20, $91, $33
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f6b
+NoiseSampleSet23: ; e8f6b
+ db $20, $51, $32
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f6f
+NoiseSampleSet24: ; e8f6f
+ db $20, $81, $31
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f73
+NoiseSampleSet25: ; e8f73
+ db $20, $88, $6b
+ db $20, $71, $00
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f7a
+NoiseSampleSet26: ; e8f7a
+ db $30, $91, $18
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f7e
+NoiseSampleSet27: ; e8f7e
+ db $27, $92, $10
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f82
+NoiseSampleSet28: ; e8f82
+ db $33, $91, $00
+ db $33, $11, $00
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f89
+NoiseSampleSet29: ; e8f89
+ db $33, $91, $11
+ db $33, $11, $00
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f90
+NoiseSampleSet30: ; e8f90
+ db $33, $88, $15
+ db $20, $65, $12
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f97
+NoiseSampleSet31: ; e8f97
+ db $33, $51, $21
+ db $33, $11, $11
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8f9e
+NoiseSampleSet32: ; e8f9e
+ db $33, $51, $50
+ db $33, $11, $11
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8fa5
+NoiseSampleSet33: ; e8fa5
+ db $20, $a1, $31
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8fa9
+NoiseSampleSet34: ; e8fa9
+ db $20, $84, $12
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8fad
+NoiseSampleSet35: ; e8fad
+ db $33, $81, $00
+ db $33, $11, $00
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8fb4
+NoiseSampleSet36: ; e8fb4
+ db $33, $81, $21
+ db $33, $11, $11
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8fbb
+NoiseSampleSet37: ; e8fbb
+ db $20, $a8, $6b
+ db $20, $71, $00
+ db $ff ; end
+; e8fc2
GetLRTracks: ; e8fc2
; gets the default sound l/r channels
; stores mono/stereo table in hl
@@ -74682,15 +77333,14 @@
MonoTracks: ; e8fd1
; bit corresponds to track #
-; top nybble: right channel
-; bottom nybble: left channel
+; hi: left channel
+; lo: right channel
db $11, $22, $44, $88
; e8fd5
StereoTracks: ; e8fd5
-; seems to be wrong
-; figure out what this is actually for
-; might be default then clears one nybble based on song id
+; made redundant
+; seems to be modified on a per-song basis
db $11, $22, $44, $88
; e8fd9
@@ -74707,16 +77357,50 @@
dw Channel8
; e8fe9
-; identical in function to SoundRestart but cleaner
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e8fe9,$e900a - $e8fe9
+ClearChannels: ; e8fe9
+; runs ClearChannel for all 4 channels
+; doesn't seem to be used, but functionally identical to SoundRestart
+ ld hl, $ff24
+ xor a
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld a, $80
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld hl, $ff10
+ ld e, $04
+ call ClearChannel
+ dec e
+ jr nz, .loop
+ ret
+; e8ffe
+ClearChannel: ; e8ffe
+; input: hl = beginning hw sound register ($ff10, $ff15, $ff1a, $ff1f)
+; output: 00 00 80 00 80
+; sound channel 1 2 3 4
+ xor a
+ ld [hli], a ; $ff10, $ff15, $ff1a, $ff1f ; sweep = 0
+ ld [hli], a ; $ff11, $ff16, $ff1b, $ff20 ; length/wavepattern = 0
+ ld a, $08
+ ld [hli], a ; $ff12, $ff17, $ff1c, $ff21 ; envelope = 0
+ xor a
+ ld [hli], a ; $ff13, $ff18, $ff1d, $ff22 ; frequency lo = 0
+ ld a, $80
+ ld [hli], a ; $ff14, $ff19, $ff1e, $ff23 ; restart sound (freq hi = 0)
+ ret
+; e900a
PlayTrainerEncounterMusic: ; e900a
; input: e = trainer type
- ; turn music off for one frame
+ ; turn fade off
xor a
- ld [MusicFade], a ; $00 = infinite
+ ld [MusicFade], a
+ ; play nothing for one frame
push de
- ld de, $0000
+ ld de, $0000 ; id: Music_Nothing
call StartMusic
call DelayFrame
; play new song
@@ -74805,9 +77489,8 @@
; e906e
Music: ; e906e
-; bank, address
- dbw BANK(NoMusic), NoMusic
- dbw $3a, $7808
+ dbw BANK(Music_Nothing), Music_Nothing ; 0xe91a3
+ dbw BANK(Music_TitleScreen), Music_TitleScreen ; 0xeb808
dbw $3b, $4000
dbw $3b, $42ca
dbw $3b, $4506
@@ -74829,7 +77512,7 @@
dbw $3c, $45bf
dbw $3d, $4000
dbw $3d, $435b
- dbw $3a, $7eab
+ dbw BANK(Music_TrainerVictory), Music_TrainerVictory ; 0xebeab
dbw $3d, $4518
dbw $3d, $462c
dbw $3d, $4815
@@ -74852,23 +77535,23 @@
dbw $3b, $7c01
dbw $3b, $72d0
dbw $3c, $4000
- dbw $3a, $650d
- dbw $3a, $69c1
- dbw $3a, $574f
- dbw $3a, $5b6f
- dbw $3a, $6040
- dbw $3a, $62be
+ dbw BANK(Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle), Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle ; 0xea50d
+ dbw BANK(Music_ChampionBattle), Music_ChampionBattle ; 0xea9c1
+ dbw BANK(Music_RivalBattle), Music_RivalBattle ; 0xe974f
+ dbw BANK(Music_RocketBattle), Music_RocketBattle ; 0xe9b6f
+ dbw BANK(Music_ElmsLab), Music_ElmsLab ; 0xea040
+ dbw BANK(Music_DarkCave), Music_DarkCave
dbw $3c, $4386
- dbw $3a, $54e9
- dbw $3a, $6d99
+ dbw BANK(Music_Route36), Music_Route36 ; 0xe94e9
+ dbw BANK(Music_SSAqua), Music_SSAqua ; 0xead99
dbw $3d, $66c3
dbw $3b, $6e3e
dbw $3d, $74a2
- dbw $3a, $7de1
+ dbw BANK(Music_LookPokemaniac), Music_LookPokemaniac ; 0xebde1
dbw $3b, $635e
- dbw $3a, $72d3
- dbw $3a, $7453
- dbw $3a, $7676
+ dbw BANK(Music_NewBarkTown), Music_NewBarkTown ; 0xeb2d3
+ dbw BANK(Music_GoldenrodCity), Music_GoldenrodCity ; 0xeb453
+ dbw BANK(Music_VermilionCity), Music_VermilionCity ; 0xeb676
dbw $3b, $645f
dbw $3d, $7b13
dbw $3d, $6811
@@ -74891,7 +77574,7 @@
dbw $3d, $7055
dbw $3d, $7308
dbw $3d, $78fd
- dbw $3a, $7d9e
+ dbw BANK(Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior), Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior ; 0xebd9e
dbw $3d, $766d
dbw $3b, $79bc
dbw $3b, $7b3e
@@ -74911,21 +77594,92 @@
dbw $5e, $561d
; e91a3
-NoMusic: ; e91a3
-; (nothing)
- dbw $c0, NoMusic_Ch0
- dbw $01, NoMusic_Ch1
- dbw $02, NoMusic_Ch2
- dbw $03, NoMusic_Ch3
-NoMusic_Ch3: ; e91af
- db $ff ; end
-; e91b0
+Music_Nothing: ; 0xe91a3
+ dbw $c0, Music_Nothing_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_Nothing_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_Nothing_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_Nothing_Ch4
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e91b0,$e927c-$e91b0
+Music_Nothing_Ch1: ; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch2: ; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch3: ; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch4: ; 0xe91af
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xe91b0
+Cries: ; e91b0
+; 3-byte pointers
+ dbw $3c, $747d
+ dbw $3c, $7486
+ dbw $3c, $748f
+ dbw $3c, $7498
+ dbw $3c, $74a1
+ dbw $3c, $74aa
+ dbw $3c, $74b3
+ dbw $3c, $74bc
+ dbw $3c, $74c5
+ dbw $3c, $74ce
+ dbw $3c, $74d7
+ dbw $3c, $74e0
+ dbw $3c, $74e9
+ dbw $3c, $74f2
+ dbw $3c, $74fb
+ dbw $3c, $7504
+ dbw $3c, $750d
+ dbw $3c, $7516
+ dbw $3c, $751f
+ dbw $3c, $7528
+ dbw $3c, $7531
+ dbw $3c, $753a
+ dbw $3c, $7543
+ dbw $3c, $754c
+ dbw $3c, $7555
+ dbw $3c, $755e
+ dbw $3c, $7567
+ dbw $3c, $7570
+ dbw $3c, $7579
+ dbw $3c, $7582
+ dbw $3c, $758b
+ dbw $3c, $7594
+ dbw $3c, $759d
+ dbw $3c, $75a6
+ dbw $3c, $75af
+ dbw $3c, $75b8
+ dbw $3c, $75c1
+ dbw $3c, $75ca
+ dbw $3c, $6d81
+ dbw $3c, $6d96
+ dbw $3c, $6d8a
+ dbw $3c, $6dde
+ dbw $3c, $6d9f
+ dbw $3c, $6dc0
+ dbw $3c, $6d90
+ dbw $3c, $6da8
+ dbw $3c, $6db1
+ dbw $3c, $6db7
+ dbw $3c, $6dc6
+ dbw $3c, $6dcf
+ dbw $3c, $6e35
+ dbw $3c, $6dd8
+ dbw $3c, $6e3e
+ dbw $3c, $6de7
+ dbw $3c, $6ded
+ dbw $3c, $6e6b
+ dbw $3c, $6df6
+ dbw $3c, $6e74
+ dbw $3c, $6e08
+ dbw $3c, $6e11
+ dbw $3c, $6e1a
+ dbw $3c, $6e23
+ dbw $3c, $6e2c
+ dbw $3c, $6e62
+ dbw $3c, $6e47
+ dbw $3c, $6e50
+ dbw $3c, $6e59
+ dbw $3c, $6dff
+; e927c
SFX: ; e927c
dbw $3c, $4b3f ; dex fanfare 50-79
dbw $3c, $4c2f ; item
@@ -75136,7 +77890,7243 @@
dbw $5e, $59cb ; twinkle
; e94e9
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e94e9,$ebfc3 - $e94e9
+Music_Route36: ; 0xe94e9
+ dbw $c0, Music_Route36_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_Route36_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_Route36_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_Route36_Ch4
+; 0xe94f5
+Music_Route36_Ch1: ; 0xe94f5
+ tempo $0090
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0001
+ vibrato $10, $15
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $b3
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $15
+ note $60
+ note $50
+ intensity $b5
+ note $67
+ intensity $b3
+ note $65
+ note $b0
+ note $a0
+ intensity $5d
+ note $b3
+ intensity $b5
+ note $63
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $41
+ note $b3
+ note $a3
+ note $81
+ note $b3
+ note $63
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $b3
+ note $a3
+ octave 4
+ note $43
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b6
+ octave 4
+ note $69
+ intensity $b5
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $43
+ note $33
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ intensity $b4
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $95
+ octave 3
+ note $35
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $35
+ note $53
+ intensity $b5
+ note $35
+ note $a5
+ note $83
+ intensity $a5
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $75
+ note $53
+ note $35
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ intensity $b5
+ note $75
+ note $55
+ note $23
+ note $35
+ note $a5
+ note $83
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $75
+ note $33
+ note $15
+ note $85
+ note $11
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $15
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $35
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ note $a5
+ note $35
+ stereopanning $0f
+ intensity $b5
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ loopchannel $00, $5517 ; end
+; 0xe95af
+Music_Route36_Ch2: ; 0xe95af
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $10, $36
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $10
+ note $60
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a7
+ note $13
+ intensity $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $a0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ intensity $c7
+ note $67
+ octave 3
+ note $83
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $19
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $82
+ intensity $c2
+ note $40
+ intensity $c7
+ note $4b
+ note $19
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $40
+ note $60
+ intensity $c7
+ note $8b
+ note $a9
+ intensity $c4
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ octave 5
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $b2
+ note $a0
+ intensity $c7
+ note $87
+ note $b3
+ intensity $b0
+ note $af
+ intensity $b7
+ note $af
+ stereopanning $0f
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 3
+ note $a5
+ note $85
+ note $73
+ note $55
+ note $75
+ note $83
+ intensity $b3
+ note $a1
+ note $70
+ note $a0
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $3b
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $30
+ note $70
+ intensity $a7
+ note $ab
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a5
+ note $85
+ note $73
+ note $c5
+ note $a5
+ note $83
+ intensity $c3
+ note $a1
+ note $70
+ note $a0
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $3b
+ intensity $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $30
+ note $70
+ intensity $c7
+ note $ab
+ intensity $c2
+ note $81
+ note $50
+ note $80
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ intensity $b7
+ note $19
+ intensity $c5
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $50
+ note $80
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $17
+ note $23
+ stereopanning $ff
+ note $35
+ note $a5
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ intensity $b0
+ note $33
+ intensity $b7
+ note $37
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 3
+ note $70
+ note $80
+ note $a0
+ note $c0
+ loopchannel $00, $55ce ; end
+; 0xe966b
+Music_Route36_Ch3: ; 0xe966b
+ notetype $0c, $25
+ octave 3
+ note $60
+ note $02
+ note $60
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $63
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $63
+ note $11
+ note $63
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $83
+ note $41
+ note $83
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ note $41
+ note $63
+ note $11
+ note $63
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $83
+ note $41
+ note $83
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ note $41
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $b3
+ note $81
+ note $b3
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $51
+ note $83
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $51
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $51
+ note $83
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $51
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $11
+ note $83
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $83
+ note $11
+ note $83
+ note $11
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $a5
+ octave 4
+ note $73
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $12
+ note $50
+ note $75
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ loopchannel $00, $5684 ; end
+; 0xe9709
+Music_Route36_Ch4: ; 0xe9709
+ togglenoise
+ db $01
+ notetype $0c, $fe
+ note $34
+ note $57
+ callchannel $5741
+ callchannel $5734
+ callchannel $573b
+ callchannel $5734
+ callchannel $5741
+ loopchannel $02, $5713
+ note $b3
+ note $a1
+ note $63
+ note $c0
+ note $c0
+ note $a3
+ loopchannel $0b, $5723
+ callchannel $5741
+ loopchannel $00, $5713 ; end
+; 0xe9734
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9734,$e974f - $e9734
+Music_RivalBattle: ; 0xe974f
+ dbw $80, Music_RivalBattle_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_RivalBattle_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_RivalBattle_Ch3
+; 0xe9758
+Music_RivalBattle_Ch1: ; 0xe9758
+ tempo $0066
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0002
+ vibrato $08, $15
+ notetype $0c, $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $b3
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b9
+ intensity $b2
+ note $71
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ intensity $b7
+ note $25
+ note $53
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b5
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $25
+ intensity $b2
+ note $43
+ loopchannel $03, $5777
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $23
+ intensity $b7
+ note $29
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $95
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c5
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ loopchannel $03, $578f
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $c3
+ intensity $4d
+ note $c9
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b5
+ note $75
+ note $43
+ note $63
+ note $73
+ note $91
+ note $b5
+ intensity $b2
+ note $60
+ note $40
+ note $20
+ note $40
+ intensity $b7
+ note $63
+ intensity $b2
+ note $90
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $70
+ intensity $b7
+ note $93
+ intensity $b6
+ note $91
+ note $b1
+ note $c1
+ note $b1
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ note $75
+ note $b3
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ note $b1
+ note $95
+ note $65
+ octave 4
+ note $25
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ intensity $b5
+ note $21
+ note $61
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $61
+ note $91
+ intensity $b7
+ note $79
+ intensity $b4
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ intensity $b7
+ note $63
+ note $43
+ note $21
+ note $45
+ intensity $a0
+ note $67
+ intensity $a7
+ note $67
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ intensity $a7
+ note $b7
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $79
+ intensity $b5
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $61
+ note $91
+ intensity $a0
+ note $bf
+ intensity $a7
+ note $bf
+ intensity $a0
+ note $c7
+ intensity $a7
+ note $c3
+ intensity $b7
+ note $93
+ intensity $b5
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $71
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $51
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ loopchannel $02, $5837
+ intensity $94
+ octave 3
+ note $47
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $87
+ note $67
+ intensity $96
+ octave 2
+ note $97
+ note $b7
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $27
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $47
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $87
+ note $67
+ octave 3
+ note $97
+ note $b7
+ note $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $27
+ intensity $a0
+ note $47
+ intensity $a7
+ note $47
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 3
+ note $87
+ intensity $a7
+ note $87
+ intensity $b7
+ note $47
+ note $27
+ note $43
+ note $23
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $23
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 2
+ note $b5
+ octave 3
+ note $25
+ note $43
+ note $55
+ note $45
+ note $23
+ note $95
+ note $55
+ note $43
+ note $25
+ note $45
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $95
+ note $c5
+ octave 3
+ note $23
+ note $35
+ note $25
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $75
+ note $35
+ note $23
+ octave 2
+ note $c5
+ octave 3
+ note $29
+ loopchannel $00, $57a6 ; end
+; 0xe98af
+Music_RivalBattle_Ch2: ; 0xe98af
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $08, $36
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $0c, $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ note $b0
+ note $a0
+ note $b0
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ note $80
+ note $90
+ note $80
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ octave 2
+ note $c0
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $45
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $75
+ intensity $c2
+ note $93
+ intensity $c2
+ note $45
+ intensity $c7
+ note $75
+ intensity $c2
+ note $93
+ loopchannel $02, $58ea
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $73
+ intensity $c7
+ note $77
+ intensity $a2
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ intensity $c2
+ note $25
+ intensity $c7
+ note $55
+ intensity $c2
+ note $73
+ loopchannel $03, $5903
+ intensity $c2
+ note $21
+ note $53
+ intensity $b0
+ note $53
+ intensity $b7
+ note $55
+ callchannel $59e0
+ intensity $b0
+ note $97
+ intensity $b7
+ note $97
+ callchannel $59e0
+ intensity $4e
+ note $97
+ intensity $b7
+ note $97
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 3
+ note $c9
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c5
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 4
+ note $27
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ intensity $b0
+ note $b9
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b5
+ intensity $2f
+ note $49
+ intensity $b7
+ note $45
+ intensity $b0
+ note $c9
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c5
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $27
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 4
+ note $4f
+ intensity $b7
+ note $4f
+ intensity $b0
+ note $53
+ intensity $b7
+ note $55
+ intensity $c7
+ note $51
+ note $91
+ note $c1
+ octave 5
+ note $27
+ octave 4
+ note $c7
+ intensity $b0
+ note $b9
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b5
+ intensity $b0
+ note $a9
+ intensity $b7
+ note $a5
+ intensity $b0
+ note $99
+ intensity $b7
+ note $95
+ intensity $b0
+ note $89
+ intensity $b7
+ note $85
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 3
+ note $87
+ note $47
+ note $b7
+ note $97
+ intensity $a6
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $27
+ note $47
+ note $67
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $87
+ note $47
+ note $b7
+ note $97
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $27
+ note $47
+ note $67
+ intensity $b0
+ note $8f
+ note $4f
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ note $b7
+ note $97
+ intensity $c7
+ note $67
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $25
+ intensity $c2
+ note $43
+ loopchannel $03, $59a6
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ intensity $b7
+ note $25
+ intensity $9a
+ note $23
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $95
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c5
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ loopchannel $03, $59c1
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $c3
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c5
+ intensity $6a
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ loopchannel $00, $591a ; end
+; 0xe99e0
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e99e0,$e99fb - $e99e0
+Music_RivalBattle_Ch3: ; 0xe99fb
+ notetype $0c, $19
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $b1
+ note $01
+ note $b9
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ note $01
+ note $25
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ note $73
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ loopchannel $04, $5a0c
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $53
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ loopchannel $03, $5a17
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $51
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ callchannel $5b47
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ callchannel $5b50
+ note $21
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ callchannel $5b47
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ callchannel $5b50
+ note $21
+ note $91
+ loopchannel $04, $5a66
+ callchannel $5b5c
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $04, $5a71
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ callchannel $5b5c
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ callchannel $5b65
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ callchannel $5b65
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ loopchannel $04, $5ab3
+ note $41
+ note $a1
+ loopchannel $04, $5ab9
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ loopchannel $04, $5abf
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ loopchannel $0c, $5ac5
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ loopchannel $04, $5acb
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ loopchannel $04, $5ad3
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $c1
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ note $91
+ note $87
+ note $47
+ note $b7
+ note $87
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $27
+ note $47
+ note $67
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ loopchannel $07, $5b10
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ loopchannel $06, $5b1a
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $91
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ loopchannel $07, $5b28
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $91
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ loopchannel $04, $5b32
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ note $91
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $63
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ loopchannel $00, $5a30 ; end
+; 0xe9b47
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9b47,$e9b6f - $e9b47
+Music_RocketBattle: ; 0xe9b6f
+ dbw $80, Music_RocketBattle_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_RocketBattle_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_RocketBattle_Ch3
+; 0xe9b78
+Music_RocketBattle_Ch1: ; 0xe9b78
+ tempo $0065
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0002
+ vibrato $10, $15
+ notetype $0c, $b2
+ octave 4
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ note $b0
+ note $a0
+ note $b0
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ note $80
+ note $90
+ note $80
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ octave 2
+ note $c0
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $15
+ note $13
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $33
+ loopchannel $03, $5bad
+ intensity $b2
+ note $15
+ note $15
+ intensity $b7
+ note $33
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 4
+ note $55
+ note $53
+ note $81
+ intensity $b7
+ note $63
+ loopchannel $03, $5bc1
+ intensity $b2
+ note $55
+ note $53
+ intensity $b7
+ note $31
+ note $43
+ intensity $b3
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $b1
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ intensity $b5
+ note $83
+ intensity $b3
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ intensity $b5
+ note $43
+ intensity $b3
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ intensity $b5
+ note $83
+ intensity $b3
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ intensity $b5
+ note $63
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ intensity $b5
+ note $33
+ note $13
+ note $33
+ note $51
+ intensity $b2
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ intensity $b7
+ note $a3
+ intensity $b5
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $63
+ note $33
+ note $13
+ note $33
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $55
+ note $33
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $b3
+ note $a5
+ note $83
+ note $51
+ note $63
+ note $55
+ note $35
+ note $43
+ intensity $a0
+ note $57
+ intensity $a7
+ note $57
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 2
+ note $a7
+ note $87
+ note $a7
+ note $b7
+ note $a7
+ note $87
+ note $a7
+ octave 3
+ note $27
+ note $37
+ note $27
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ note $a7
+ octave 3
+ note $37
+ note $27
+ note $37
+ note $57
+ octave 2
+ note $b5
+ octave 3
+ note $35
+ note $13
+ intensity $b5
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ intensity $b2
+ note $55
+ note $55
+ note $53
+ note $55
+ note $53
+ intensity $b7
+ note $81
+ note $63
+ intensity $b2
+ note $55
+ note $53
+ intensity $b7
+ note $81
+ note $63
+ intensity $b2
+ note $55
+ octave 4
+ note $30
+ note $40
+ intensity $a0
+ note $57
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $65
+ note $63
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b1
+ note $83
+ intensity $b2
+ note $65
+ note $63
+ intensity $b7
+ note $a1
+ note $83
+ loopchannel $02, $5cc5
+ intensity $b2
+ note $65
+ octave 4
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ intensity $a0
+ note $67
+ intensity $b3
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ note $a3
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ intensity $b3
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $b3
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ intensity $b3
+ note $51
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $11
+ intensity $b7
+ note $43
+ intensity $a0
+ note $53
+ intensity $a7
+ note $55
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 3
+ note $95
+ intensity $b3
+ note $11
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ intensity $b5
+ note $33
+ intensity $b3
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ intensity $b5
+ note $43
+ intensity $b3
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $00, $5c02 ; end
+; 0xe9d3e
+Music_RocketBattle_Ch2: ; 0xe9d3e
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $08, $36
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $0c, $b2
+ octave 4
+ note $a3
+ note $b3
+ note $c3
+ octave 5
+ note $10
+ intensity $82
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 5
+ note $20
+ intensity $92
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 5
+ note $30
+ intensity $a2
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 5
+ note $40
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 5
+ note $50
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $a5
+ note $a3
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ loopchannel $03, $5d7b
+ intensity $c2
+ note $a5
+ note $a5
+ intensity $4a
+ note $93
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $a5
+ note $a3
+ octave 5
+ note $11
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $b3
+ loopchannel $03, $5d91
+ intensity $c2
+ note $a5
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c7
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ callchannel $5ea0
+ intensity $b0
+ note $6f
+ intensity $b7
+ note $6f
+ callchannel $5ea0
+ intensity $b0
+ note $67
+ intensity $b7
+ note $67
+ intensity $b0
+ note $b7
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ intensity $c2
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ intensity $b0
+ note $15
+ intensity $b7
+ note $13
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ intensity $c2
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ intensity $b0
+ note $33
+ intensity $b7
+ note $35
+ intensity $4f
+ note $a5
+ intensity $a0
+ note $85
+ note $63
+ note $55
+ note $65
+ note $83
+ note $a5
+ note $b5
+ note $93
+ note $a5
+ intensity $a7
+ note $a9
+ intensity $3f
+ octave 3
+ note $37
+ intensity $b7
+ note $37
+ intensity $3f
+ note $27
+ intensity $b7
+ note $27
+ intensity $3f
+ note $37
+ intensity $b7
+ note $37
+ intensity $3f
+ note $57
+ intensity $b7
+ note $57
+ intensity $4e
+ note $67
+ intensity $a0
+ note $67
+ note $5f
+ note $6f
+ note $af
+ intensity $3f
+ note $6f
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $37
+ note $27
+ intensity $b0
+ note $57
+ intensity $b7
+ note $57
+ intensity $3c
+ note $a5
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a9
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $a5
+ note $a5
+ note $a3
+ note $a5
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $a5
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $a5
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $90
+ note $a7
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $13
+ loopchannel $03, $5e5a
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $a0
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a5
+ note $85
+ note $a3
+ note $b5
+ octave 5
+ note $35
+ octave 4
+ note $b3
+ note $a5
+ note $85
+ intensity $c5
+ note $a3
+ intensity $b0
+ note $a7
+ intensity $b7
+ note $a7
+ intensity $c6
+ octave 3
+ note $a5
+ note $95
+ note $53
+ note $a5
+ note $95
+ note $53
+ intensity $b0
+ note $67
+ intensity $b7
+ note $67
+ intensity $3d
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b7
+ loopchannel $00, $5db1 ; end
+; 0xe9ea0
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9ea0,$e9eaa -$e9ea0
+Music_RocketBattle_Ch3: ; 0xe9eaa
+ notetype $0c, $19
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ note $b1
+ callchannel $5fe6
+ loopchannel $03, $5ecc
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ callchannel $5fe6
+ loopchannel $03, $5edf
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ callchannel $5ff3
+ callchannel $6010
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ callchannel $601d
+ callchannel $5ff3
+ callchannel $6010
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ callchannel $602a
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $05, $5f25
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ callchannel $602a
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ callchannel $602a
+ callchannel $602a
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $07, $5f4e
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $04, $5f6a
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ loopchannel $0d, $5f7c
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $53
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ loopchannel $04, $5f8c
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $b3
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $07, $5f9e
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ loopchannel $05, $5fa8
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ callchannel $6033
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ callchannel $6010
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ callchannel $6033
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ callchannel $5ff3
+ callchannel $6010
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ callchannel $601d
+ loopchannel $00, $5efe ; end
+; 0xe9fe6
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9fe6,$ea040 -$e9fe6
+Music_ElmsLab: ; 0xea040
+ dbw $c0, Music_ElmsLab_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_ElmsLab_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_ElmsLab_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_ElmsLab_Ch4
+; 0xea04c
+Music_ElmsLab_Ch1: ; 0xea04c
+ tempo $0090
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0001
+ vibrato $10, $15
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $c1
+ intensity $b6
+ octave 3
+ note $17
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ octave 3
+ note $17
+ note $63
+ note $63
+ note $67
+ note $a3
+ note $a3
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ intensity $b5
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ intensity $b4
+ note $67
+ intensity $b5
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ intensity $b7
+ note $67
+ intensity $b5
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ intensity $b2
+ note $83
+ intensity $b5
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b7
+ note $63
+ intensity $b5
+ note $13
+ intensity $b7
+ note $37
+ intensity $b4
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ intensity $b7
+ note $57
+ intensity $b4
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ intensity $b7
+ note $67
+ intensity $b4
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b2
+ note $83
+ intensity $b4
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ intensity $b2
+ note $85
+ intensity $b7
+ note $63
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $63
+ note $31
+ note $b3
+ note $a3
+ intensity $b4
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ intensity $b2
+ note $a5
+ intensity $b7
+ note $53
+ note $b1
+ note $55
+ intensity $b3
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ intensity $b2
+ note $55
+ intensity $b4
+ note $63
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b7
+ note $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $53
+ note $33
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $33
+ note $43
+ note $53
+ intensity $b4
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b2
+ note $61
+ note $63
+ loopchannel $00, $6075 ; end
+; 0xea128
+Music_ElmsLab_Ch2: ; 0xea128
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $10, $26
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ intensity $c5
+ octave 4
+ note $17
+ intensity $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $51
+ intensity $c2
+ note $65
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $17
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $11
+ stereopanning $ff
+ intensity $c6
+ octave 4
+ note $65
+ intensity $c2
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a5
+ intensity $c2
+ note $61
+ intensity $c7
+ note $17
+ intensity $c7
+ note $35
+ intensity $c3
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ intensity $c7
+ note $65
+ intensity $c3
+ note $11
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $a9
+ intensity $c3
+ note $b1
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ intensity $c5
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ intensity $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ note $51
+ intensity $c4
+ note $33
+ note $15
+ intensity $c2
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ intensity $c2
+ note $83
+ intensity $c6
+ note $13
+ note $33
+ intensity $c4
+ note $55
+ intensity $c3
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c3
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ note $80
+ note $61
+ intensity $c7
+ note $3a
+ intensity $c3
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ intensity $c7
+ note $83
+ intensity $c3
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $60
+ note $31
+ intensity $c7
+ note $1a
+ intensity $c4
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c4
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $b0
+ octave 5
+ note $11
+ note $34
+ intensity $c3
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ intensity $c7
+ note $13
+ octave 4
+ note $b3
+ note $a3
+ note $83
+ octave 5
+ note $13
+ octave 4
+ note $b3
+ note $a3
+ note $83
+ intensity $b0
+ note $67
+ intensity $a0
+ note $67
+ intensity $a7
+ note $69
+ intensity $c2
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ loopchannel $00, $614f ; end
+; 0xea1fd
+Music_ElmsLab_Ch3: ; 0xea1fd
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $25
+ note $07
+ note $0d
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $b1
+ note $31
+ note $b1
+ note $61
+ note $b1
+ note $31
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $01
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ note $83
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $31
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $31
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $13
+ note $33
+ note $53
+ note $83
+ note $53
+ note $63
+ note $73
+ note $83
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ loopchannel $00, $6216 ; end
+; 0xea2b1
+Music_ElmsLab_Ch4: ; 0xea2b1
+ stereopanning $f0
+ togglenoise
+ db $00
+ notetype $0c, $0f
+ note $01
+ note $83
+ loopchannel $00, $62b9 ; end
+; 0xea2be
+Music_DarkCave: ; 0xea2be
+ dbw $c0, Music_DarkCave_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_DarkCave_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_DarkCave_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_DarkCave_Ch4
+; 0xea2ca
+Music_DarkCave_Ch1: ; 0xea2ca
+ tempo $0080
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0001
+ vibrato $11, $15
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $a7
+ note $0f
+ loopchannel $04, $62dc
+ octave 3
+ note $4f
+ note $3f
+ note $2f
+ note $1f
+ intensity $a3
+ callchannel $6333
+ loopchannel $03, $62e8
+ intensity $b7
+ note $97
+ note $47
+ note $87
+ note $37
+ note $67
+ note $27
+ note $47
+ note $87
+ note $97
+ note $47
+ note $87
+ note $37
+ note $67
+ note $27
+ note $47
+ note $17
+ intensity $a3
+ callchannel $6333
+ loopchannel $02, $6303
+ note $0f
+ note $07
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 2
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ octave 3
+ note $4f
+ note $07
+ octave 2
+ note $91
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ octave 3
+ note $4f
+ note $81
+ note $05
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ note $8f
+ note $61
+ note $05
+ note $91
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ intensity $a3
+ callchannel $6333
+ loopchannel $02, $6328
+ loopchannel $00, $62e8 ; end
+; 0xea333
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea333,$ea36a - $ea333
+Music_DarkCave_Ch2: ; 0xea36a
+ dutycycle $01
+ vibrato $12, $36
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $a7
+ note $0f
+ loopchannel $04, $6374
+ octave 3
+ note $8f
+ note $bf
+ note $6f
+ note $8f
+ note $0f
+ loopchannel $04, $637e
+ note $07
+ stereopanning $ff
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 5
+ note $17
+ intensity $c4
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $b1
+ note $83
+ note $b1
+ octave 5
+ note $33
+ intensity $b0
+ note $23
+ intensity $b7
+ note $2b
+ intensity $59
+ note $17
+ intensity $c7
+ note $17
+ note $07
+ intensity $c7
+ note $17
+ intensity $c4
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ octave 5
+ note $33
+ intensity $c7
+ note $2b
+ intensity $c3
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ intensity $b0
+ note $49
+ intensity $b7
+ note $45
+ stereopanning $0f
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 4
+ note $63
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $43
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $33
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $27
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $17
+ note $63
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $43
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $33
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ intensity $b0
+ note $17
+ intensity $b7
+ note $17
+ intensity $c7
+ stereopanning $ff
+ note $07
+ octave 5
+ note $17
+ intensity $c4
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $b1
+ note $83
+ note $b1
+ octave 5
+ note $33
+ intensity $49
+ note $27
+ intensity $c7
+ note $27
+ intensity $b0
+ note $17
+ intensity $b7
+ note $17
+ note $07
+ intensity $c7
+ note $17
+ intensity $c4
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ octave 5
+ note $33
+ intensity $b0
+ note $27
+ intensity $b7
+ note $27
+ intensity $b0
+ note $17
+ intensity $b7
+ note $17
+ intensity $c7
+ note $0f
+ stereopanning $0f
+ note $07
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $23
+ note $1f
+ note $07
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ note $23
+ note $1f
+ intensity $c2
+ note $47
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $23
+ note $1f
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ intensity $c4
+ note $2f
+ note $03
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 5
+ note $4f
+ note $3f
+ note $6f
+ note $4f
+ loopchannel $00, $637e ; end
+; 0xea46e
+Music_DarkCave_Ch3: ; 0xea46e
+ notetype $0c, $27
+ callchannel $64ce
+ loopchannel $02, $6471
+ callchannel $64ce
+ loopchannel $07, $6478
+ callchannel $64c3
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $81
+ note $43
+ note $81
+ note $43
+ note $61
+ note $01
+ octave 2
+ note $bb
+ callchannel $64c3
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $81
+ note $43
+ note $81
+ note $43
+ note $61
+ note $01
+ octave 2
+ note $b3
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ note $23
+ callchannel $64a7
+ callchannel $64a7
+ loopchannel $00, $6478 ; end
+; 0xea4a7
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea4a7,$ea4ea - $ea4a7
+Music_DarkCave_Ch4: ; 0xea4ea
+ togglenoise
+ db $03
+ notetype $0c, $ef
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xea4f0
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea4f0,$ea50d - $ea4f0
+Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle: ; 0xea50d
+ dbw $80, Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch3
+; 0xea516
+Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch1: ; 0xea516
+ tempo $0065
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0002
+ vibrato $12, $15
+ notetype $0c, $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $b0
+ note $a0
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ loopchannel $04, $6526
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ octave 2
+ note $b0
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ loopchannel $03, $652f
+ intensity $4b
+ note $23
+ intensity $b2
+ note $35
+ note $45
+ note $13
+ note $65
+ note $35
+ note $43
+ note $35
+ note $45
+ note $13
+ note $65
+ note $85
+ intensity $b7
+ note $13
+ intensity $b2
+ note $85
+ note $95
+ note $63
+ note $95
+ note $65
+ note $93
+ note $85
+ note $95
+ note $63
+ note $95
+ octave 4
+ note $15
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $61
+ intensity $b5
+ note $35
+ note $85
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ note $83
+ note $63
+ note $83
+ intensity $b7
+ note $9b
+ intensity $b2
+ note $83
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $2b
+ intensity $b2
+ note $13
+ intensity $b5
+ octave 3
+ note $35
+ note $85
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ note $83
+ note $63
+ note $83
+ intensity $b7
+ note $97
+ note $87
+ note $67
+ note $47
+ intensity $70
+ note $17
+ intensity $77
+ note $17
+ intensity $b4
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $65
+ note $81
+ note $43
+ intensity $77
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c5
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $b5
+ note $b1
+ note $93
+ intensity $c7
+ note $87
+ note $63
+ note $51
+ note $21
+ intensity $a0
+ note $17
+ intensity $a7
+ note $17
+ intensity $b2
+ note $65
+ note $63
+ note $51
+ note $63
+ note $65
+ note $65
+ note $61
+ note $91
+ note $55
+ note $53
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $21
+ note $15
+ note $15
+ note $13
+ note $65
+ note $61
+ note $91
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $91
+ note $61
+ note $13
+ note $65
+ note $51
+ note $91
+ note $51
+ note $83
+ note $53
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $85
+ note $83
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $15
+ note $15
+ note $13
+ note $25
+ note $25
+ note $23
+ note $35
+ note $35
+ note $33
+ note $45
+ note $45
+ note $43
+ intensity $80
+ note $8f
+ intensity $90
+ note $9f
+ intensity $a0
+ note $a7
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ intensity $b0
+ note $b7
+ note $c1
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ intensity $b7
+ note $17
+ note $23
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $93
+ note $43
+ note $93
+ note $43
+ note $43
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ octave 4
+ note $43
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ note $97
+ note $a3
+ note $93
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $a1
+ note $41
+ note $81
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ note $93
+ note $23
+ note $93
+ note $23
+ note $c7
+ note $a7
+ note $97
+ note $77
+ intensity $b4
+ note $a3
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $53
+ intensity $92
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $b2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c2
+ note $4f
+ intensity $50
+ octave 3
+ note $1f
+ note $6f
+ note $5f
+ intensity $97
+ note $49
+ intensity $b4
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ loopchannel $00, $655d ; end
+; 0xea65f
+Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch2: ; 0xea65f
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $08, $36
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $0c, $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $50
+ note $b0
+ loopchannel $04, $666a
+ note $70
+ note $60
+ note $70
+ note $b0
+ loopchannel $04, $6673
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ note $83
+ octave 4
+ note $35
+ octave 3
+ note $a5
+ note $b3
+ note $a5
+ note $b5
+ note $83
+ octave 4
+ note $35
+ note $45
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 3
+ note $43
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $43
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $81
+ notetype $0c, $92
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $31
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $43
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $81
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $91
+ intensity $92
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $71
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 3
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ intensity $c7
+ note $27
+ intensity $c4
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ intensity $b0
+ note $65
+ intensity $b7
+ note $65
+ intensity $c2
+ note $43
+ intensity $b0
+ note $95
+ intensity $b7
+ note $95
+ intensity $c2
+ note $63
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ intensity $c7
+ note $27
+ intensity $c4
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ intensity $b0
+ note $2f
+ intensity $b7
+ note $2f
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 3
+ note $65
+ note $45
+ note $63
+ intensity $c6
+ octave 4
+ note $15
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 3
+ note $25
+ note $15
+ note $23
+ intensity $c6
+ octave 4
+ note $25
+ note $15
+ note $23
+ intensity $3c
+ note $19
+ intensity $b7
+ note $15
+ intensity $b0
+ note $57
+ intensity $b7
+ note $57
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 3
+ note $2f
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $25
+ note $41
+ note $1f
+ note $5f
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 5
+ note $23
+ intensity $a7
+ octave 5
+ note $2b
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $b7
+ octave 5
+ note $25
+ note $41
+ intensity $a0
+ note $17
+ intensity $a7
+ note $17
+ intensity $3e
+ note $55
+ intensity $a6
+ note $59
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $65
+ note $65
+ note $63
+ note $75
+ note $75
+ note $73
+ note $85
+ note $85
+ note $83
+ note $95
+ note $95
+ note $93
+ intensity $90
+ octave 4
+ note $1f
+ intensity $a0
+ note $2f
+ intensity $b0
+ note $3f
+ intensity $b7
+ note $47
+ intensity $4c
+ note $45
+ intensity $c2
+ note $70
+ note $80
+ intensity $c7
+ note $97
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ note $93
+ octave 5
+ note $13
+ octave 4
+ note $a3
+ note $93
+ octave 5
+ note $43
+ octave 4
+ note $93
+ octave 5
+ note $43
+ octave 4
+ note $93
+ octave 5
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ note $47
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $51
+ note $43
+ note $93
+ note $53
+ note $23
+ note $93
+ note $23
+ note $93
+ note $23
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $47
+ note $27
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ note $a7
+ octave 4
+ note $43
+ note $93
+ note $53
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c0
+ note $97
+ intensity $c7
+ note $97
+ intensity $c2
+ note $9f
+ intensity $80
+ octave 3
+ note $6f
+ octave 4
+ note $1f
+ octave 3
+ note $cf
+ note $8f
+ loopchannel $00, $66ee ; end
+; 0xea7f4
+Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch3: ; 0xea7f4
+ notetype $0c, $19
+ octave 4
+ note $60
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $60
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $60
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ octave 4
+ note $60
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $71
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 4
+ note $90
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $93
+ callchannel $6952
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $91
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $73
+ callchannel $6952
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $91
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $91
+ callchannel $6963
+ callchannel $6963
+ callchannel $696a
+ note $21
+ note $91
+ note $21
+ note $91
+ note $21
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ callchannel $6963
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $81
+ callchannel $696a
+ callchannel $696a
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ callchannel $6971
+ callchannel $696a
+ callchannel $6978
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $91
+ note $61
+ callchannel $6971
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ callchannel $696a
+ callchannel $6978
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ note $91
+ callchannel $6971
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $51
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ callchannel $696a
+ callchannel $6978
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ callchannel $6971
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $61
+ note $81
+ callchannel $6983
+ note $01
+ callchannel $6990
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ callchannel $699c
+ note $01
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ callchannel $6983
+ note $81
+ callchannel $6990
+ note $91
+ callchannel $699c
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $33
+ callchannel $69a9
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $a1
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ callchannel $69a9
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ callchannel $69b1
+ note $21
+ note $71
+ note $21
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $a1
+ note $21
+ note $81
+ callchannel $69b1
+ note $21
+ note $71
+ note $21
+ note $71
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $a1
+ callchannel $69a9
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $a1
+ note $41
+ note $c1
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $91
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $71
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ callchannel $69b8
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ callchannel $69b8
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ loopchannel $00, $683f ; end
+; 0xea952
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea952,$ea9c1 - $ea952
+Music_ChampionBattle: ; 0xea9c1
+ dbw $80, Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3
+; 0xea9ca
+Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1: ; 0xea9ca
+ tempo $0062
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0002
+ vibrato $12, $15
+ notetype $0c, $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ note $b7
+ note $b7
+ note $b3
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c3
+ callchannel $6aee
+ octave 3
+ note $43
+ loopchannel $02, $69e2
+ callchannel $6aee
+ octave 3
+ note $53
+ callchannel $6afc
+ loopchannel $03, $69f0
+ callchannel $6b06
+ callchannel $6afc
+ loopchannel $07, $69fa
+ callchannel $6b06
+ intensity $b2
+ note $b1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $43
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $53
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $73
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $93
+ intensity $a0
+ note $b7
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $cb
+ intensity $b2
+ note $b0
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $20
+ callchannel $6b0f
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $73
+ intensity $b2
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $93
+ loopchannel $02, $6a3d
+ intensity $b2
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c3
+ callchannel $6b0f
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $73
+ intensity $b2
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $93
+ intensity $b2
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c3
+ intensity $b2
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $53
+ callchannel $6b24
+ note $c3
+ note $93
+ callchannel $6b24
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $33
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ octave 2
+ note $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $77
+ octave 2
+ note $77
+ intensity $60
+ note $cf
+ intensity $70
+ note $cf
+ intensity $80
+ octave 3
+ note $2f
+ intensity $a0
+ note $4f
+ intensity $b4
+ octave 4
+ note $73
+ note $63
+ note $53
+ note $43
+ note $33
+ note $23
+ note $73
+ note $73
+ note $73
+ note $63
+ note $53
+ note $43
+ note $71
+ note $91
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $73
+ note $73
+ note $0f
+ intensity $90
+ octave 3
+ note $77
+ intensity $b4
+ note $53
+ note $53
+ intensity $90
+ note $4f
+ note $2f
+ intensity $b2
+ octave 2
+ note $b1
+ note $b1
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $43
+ loopchannel $04, $6ab1
+ intensity $b2
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ intensity $b7
+ note $43
+ loopchannel $02, $6abe
+ intensity $b2
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ intensity $b7
+ note $73
+ intensity $b2
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ intensity $b7
+ note $93
+ callchannel $6b31
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $b7
+ note $c3
+ callchannel $6b31
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ loopchannel $00, $6a35 ; end
+; 0xeaaee
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eaaee,$eab4a - $eaaee
+Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2: ; 0xeab4a
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $08, $36
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $0c, $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $47
+ note $47
+ note $47
+ note $43
+ intensity $c7
+ note $33
+ callchannel $6c4f
+ note $b3
+ callchannel $6c4f
+ note $c3
+ callchannel $6c4f
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ callchannel $6c5c
+ note $33
+ callchannel $6c5c
+ note $63
+ callchannel $6c5c
+ note $33
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ note $47
+ octave 3
+ note $47
+ octave 4
+ note $57
+ intensity $3c
+ note $57
+ intensity $c5
+ note $45
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $23
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $57
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $91
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $91
+ note $91
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ intensity $c5
+ note $45
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $23
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ note $b1
+ note $c1
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $57
+ note $97
+ note $57
+ note $c7
+ callchannel $6c79
+ note $53
+ note $53
+ callchannel $6c79
+ note $73
+ note $73
+ intensity $c7
+ note $47
+ octave 3
+ note $47
+ octave 4
+ note $27
+ octave 3
+ note $27
+ intensity $b0
+ note $4f
+ note $4f
+ note $6f
+ note $7f
+ intensity $c4
+ octave 5
+ note $43
+ note $33
+ note $23
+ note $13
+ note $41
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $c3
+ note $c3
+ loopchannel $02, $6bef
+ intensity $b0
+ octave 3
+ note $4f
+ note $cf
+ note $bf
+ note $9f
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ note $c3
+ intensity $c2
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ intensity $b0
+ note $47
+ note $57
+ note $77
+ note $57
+ note $47
+ note $57
+ note $77
+ note $97
+ loopchannel $00, $6b9d ; end
+; 0xeac4f
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eac4f,$eac85 - $eac4f
+Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3: ; 0xeac85
+ notetype $0c, $14
+ octave 3
+ note $40
+ note $06
+ loopchannel $03, $6c88
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ note $53
+ callchannel $6d61
+ callchannel $6d61
+ callchannel $6d61
+ callchannel $6d6f
+ note $33
+ callchannel $6d6f
+ note $a3
+ callchannel $6d6f
+ note $33
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $b3
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $b3
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $c3
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ note $40
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ note $47
+ octave 3
+ note $47
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ note $71
+ note $b1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ loopchannel $08, $6cc6
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ loopchannel $05, $6ccc
+ note $51
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $c1
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ loopchannel $08, $6cda
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ loopchannel $08, $6ce0
+ callchannel $6d83
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ callchannel $6d83
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ note $41
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ note $47
+ note $c7
+ note $47
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ loopchannel $10, $6d05
+ callchannel $6d8e
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ note $51
+ callchannel $6d8e
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ loopchannel $04, $6d1d
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ loopchannel $05, $6d24
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $41
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $01
+ note $41
+ note $01
+ note $51
+ note $c1
+ loopchannel $05, $6d32
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ note $51
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $41
+ note $91
+ loopchannel $08, $6d40
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ loopchannel $07, $6d46
+ note $c1
+ note $b1
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $41
+ loopchannel $07, $6d4e
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ note $b1
+ note $91
+ loopchannel $00, $6cc6 ; end
+; 0xead61
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ead61,$ead99 - $ead61
+Music_SSAqua: ; 0xead99
+ dbw $c0, Music_SSAqua_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_SSAqua_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_SSAqua_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_SSAqua_Ch4
+; 0xeada5
+Music_SSAqua_Ch1: ; 0xeada5
+ tempo $0075
+ volume $77
+ stereopanning $0f
+ tone $0001
+ vibrato $12, $33
+ dutycycle $02
+ notetype $06, $97
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ octave 2
+ note $8f
+ note $07
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ note $81
+ note $89
+ note $03
+ notetype $06, $97
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $8f
+ note $07
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ note $81
+ note $87
+ note $07
+ dutycycle $01
+ intensity $61
+ callchannel $6ff5
+ octave 5
+ note $80
+ octave 4
+ note $c0
+ note $a0
+ note $80
+ octave 5
+ note $80
+ octave 4
+ note $c0
+ note $a0
+ note $80
+ octave 5
+ note $80
+ octave 4
+ note $c0
+ note $a0
+ note $80
+ octave 5
+ note $80
+ octave 4
+ note $c0
+ note $a0
+ note $80
+ callchannel $6ff5
+ callchannel $703e
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ intensity $97
+ note $0d
+ notetype $06, $97
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $b0
+ note $00
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ intensity $95
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $50
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $50
+ note $10
+ octave 3
+ note $50
+ note $10
+ note $50
+ note $80
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $50
+ note $80
+ octave 5
+ note $10
+ octave 4
+ note $55
+ note $31
+ note $10
+ note $30
+ note $70
+ note $a0
+ octave 5
+ note $10
+ note $30
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $70
+ dutycycle $02
+ intensity $97
+ note $87
+ note $77
+ note $57
+ note $37
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ note $b1
+ note $01
+ note $c0
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $71
+ intensity $75
+ octave 5
+ note $a3
+ note $73
+ note $33
+ octave 4
+ note $b1
+ notetype $06, $97
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $b0
+ note $00
+ intensity $97
+ note $8f
+ note $af
+ note $c3
+ note $03
+ note $c3
+ note $03
+ octave 4
+ note $57
+ note $87
+ note $70
+ vibrato $00, $00
+ intensity $88
+ note $89
+ vibrato $02, $23
+ intensity $87
+ note $88
+ vibrato $08, $33
+ note $13
+ note $53
+ note $13
+ note $3b
+ note $7b
+ note $07
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ note $06
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $87
+ note $70
+ note $30
+ octave 3
+ note $a0
+ octave 4
+ note $30
+ octave 3
+ note $a0
+ note $70
+ note $30
+ octave 2
+ note $a0
+ note $c0
+ octave 3
+ note $30
+ note $70
+ note $a0
+ note $30
+ note $70
+ note $a0
+ octave 4
+ note $30
+ note $70
+ note $06
+ note $0f
+ note $01
+ note $51
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $50
+ notetype $06, $97
+ note $00
+ note $10
+ note $23
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ note $01
+ note $a2
+ note $00
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ loopchannel $00, $6dbc ; end
+; 0xeaeca
+Music_SSAqua_Ch2: ; 0xeaeca
+ stereopanning $f0
+ dutycycle $02
+ vibrato $08, $33
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ note $01
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ dutycycle $01
+ intensity $61
+ callchannel $6ff5
+ callchannel $703e
+ dutycycle $02
+ intensity $d7
+ callchannel $6fe0
+ note $c0
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $85
+ note $80
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ note $50
+ forceoctave $0c
+ callchannel $6fe0
+ forceoctave $00
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 4
+ note $85
+ note $01
+ dutycycle $03
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ callchannel $6f88
+ note $83
+ note $03
+ note $87
+ note $a7
+ note $c7
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ octave 5
+ note $19
+ note $31
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $81
+ note $c5
+ note $a5
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ callchannel $6f88
+ note $83
+ note $03
+ note $87
+ note $a7
+ note $c7
+ octave 5
+ note $40
+ vibrato $00, $00
+ intensity $98
+ note $59
+ vibrato $04, $23
+ intensity $97
+ note $58
+ vibrato $08, $23
+ note $33
+ note $13
+ octave 4
+ note $83
+ note $cb
+ note $ab
+ note $03
+ dutycycle $00
+ note $c1
+ note $a1
+ callchannel $6fd5
+ notetype $06, $b7
+ note $90
+ note $aa
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ note $8b
+ note $03
+ note $03
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ note $01
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ note $af
+ note $bb
+ note $c1
+ note $a1
+ callchannel $6fd5
+ notetype $06, $b7
+ note $90
+ note $aa
+ note $c3
+ note $8b
+ note $03
+ note $03
+ octave 5
+ note $13
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ note $11
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $b0
+ note $c3
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ note $83
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $77
+ note $87
+ note $a7
+ note $07
+ loopchannel $00, $6ed5 ; end
+; 0xeaf88
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eaf88, $eb056 - $eaf88
+Music_SSAqua_Ch3: ; 0xeb056
+ stereopanning $ff
+ vibrato $08, $34
+ notetype $06, $15
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $8f
+ note $07
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ notetype $0c, $15
+ note $81
+ note $89
+ note $03
+ notetype $06, $15
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $8f
+ note $07
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ notetype $0c, $15
+ note $81
+ note $87
+ note $c0
+ octave 3
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $80
+ note $30
+ note $80
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $50
+ callchannel $714d
+ callchannel $714d
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ loopchannel $04, $708d
+ callchannel $7172
+ callchannel $7172
+ callchannel $7230
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $50
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $30
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $41
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $70
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $70
+ note $02
+ callchannel $7230
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $50
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $70
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ loopchannel $00, $7063 ; end
+; 0xeb14d
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb14d, $eb249 - $eb14d
+Music_SSAqua_Ch4: ; 0xeb249
+ togglenoise
+ db $03
+ notetype $0c, $01
+ note $90
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $90
+ note $80
+ loopchannel $0c, $724e
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72bb
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72bb
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72bb
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72c7
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72bb
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72ae
+ callchannel $72c7
+ loopchannel $00, $724e ; end
+; 0xeb2ae
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb2ae,$eb2d3 - $eb2ae
+Music_NewBarkTown: ; 0xeb2d3
+ dbw $80, Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_NewBarkTown_Ch3
+; 0xeb2dc
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb2dc, $eb2dd - $eb2dc
+Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1: ; 0xeb2dd
+ tempo $00bb
+ volume $77
+ stereopanning $0f
+ vibrato $12, $23
+ notetype $0c, $87
+ note $03
+ dutycycle $00
+ callchannel $7349
+ octave 3
+ note $20
+ note $00
+ octave 2
+ note $a0
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ dutycycle $02
+ intensity $82
+ note $50
+ note $70
+ note $50
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ octave 2
+ note $c0
+ note $a0
+ note $80
+ dutycycle $00
+ intensity $87
+ callchannel $7349
+ octave 3
+ note $20
+ note $00
+ octave 2
+ note $a0
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $51
+ dutycycle $02
+ intensity $82
+ note $20
+ note $00
+ octave 2
+ note $a0
+ octave 3
+ note $20
+ note $50
+ note $80
+ note $a0
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ note $50
+ note $a0
+ dutycycle $01
+ intensity $5e
+ callchannel $737c
+ callchannel $737c
+ callchannel $737c
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $73
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $51
+ note $83
+ note $a3
+ note $c1
+ intensity $87
+ loopchannel $00, $72eb ; end
+; 0xeb349
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb349, $eb38d - $eb349
+Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2: ; 0xeb38d
+ stereopanning $ff
+ vibrato $12, $23
+ notetype $06, $a7
+ note $07
+ dutycycle $02
+ notetype $06, $a7
+ callchannel $73bf
+ callchannel $73bf
+ callchannel $73f2
+ intensity $87
+ octave 5
+ note $c5
+ note $a5
+ intensity $77
+ octave 6
+ note $33
+ note $2f
+ callchannel $73f2
+ intensity $87
+ octave 5
+ note $c5
+ note $a5
+ intensity $77
+ octave 6
+ note $33
+ note $5f
+ loopchannel $00, $7396 ; end
+; 0xeb3bf
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb3bf, $eb400 - $eb3bf
+Music_NewBarkTown_Ch3: ; 0xeb400
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $10
+ octave 5
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ vibrato $16, $23
+ note $73
+ note $a3
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $75
+ note $31
+ octave 4
+ note $a5
+ note $80
+ note $a0
+ note $c3
+ octave 5
+ note $33
+ note $51
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ note $31
+ note $55
+ note $71
+ note $53
+ note $01
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ note $73
+ note $a3
+ note $b1
+ note $a1
+ note $81
+ note $b1
+ note $a5
+ octave 6
+ note $21
+ note $35
+ octave 5
+ note $50
+ note $70
+ note $85
+ note $a1
+ note $c7
+ note $a5
+ note $80
+ note $70
+ note $53
+ note $03
+ intensity $25
+ vibrato $12, $53
+ octave 2
+ note $8f
+ note $af
+ note $8f
+ note $af
+ note $8f
+ note $af
+ note $8f
+ note $ad
+ intensity $10
+ vibrato $16, $23
+ octave 5
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ loopchannel $00, $7408 ; end
+; 0xeb453
+Music_GoldenrodCity: ; 0xeb453
+ dbw $c0, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4
+; 0xeb45f
+Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1: ; 0xeb45f
+ stereopanning $0f
+ tempo $00b0
+ volume $77
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ dutycycle $00
+ callchannel $74a9
+ octave 3
+ note $90
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $40
+ note $70
+ note $40
+ note $70
+ note $90
+ octave 5
+ note $10
+ intensity $71
+ dutycycle $00
+ callchannel $74d1
+ intensity $77
+ note $41
+ note $61
+ note $71
+ note $93
+ intensity $71
+ callchannel $74d1
+ note $40
+ note $70
+ intensity $77
+ octave 5
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $41
+ dutycycle $02
+ intensity $97
+ callchannel $74a9
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ octave 4
+ note $11
+ loopchannel $00, $746d ; end
+; 0xeb4a9
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb4a9, $eb519 - $eb4a9
+Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2: ; 0xeb519
+ stereopanning $f0
+ vibrato $12, $23
+ dutycycle $02
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ intensity $97
+ callchannel $7555
+ octave 4
+ note $61
+ note $71
+ note $91
+ note $61
+ note $47
+ callchannel $7555
+ note $91
+ note $b1
+ octave 5
+ note $11
+ note $21
+ note $47
+ dutycycle $02
+ intensity $77
+ callchannel $7572
+ octave 4
+ note $91
+ note $b1
+ note $c1
+ octave 5
+ note $13
+ dutycycle $03
+ intensity $77
+ callchannel $7572
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $21
+ note $11
+ octave 4
+ note $91
+ loopchannel $00, $7523 ; end
+; 0xeb555
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb555, $eb584 - $eb555
+Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3: ; 0xeb584
+ stereopanning $ff
+ vibrato $08, $23
+ notetype $0c, $25
+ callchannel $75aa
+ callchannel $75aa
+ callchannel $75d2
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ note $40
+ note $80
+ note $90
+ note $41
+ callchannel $75d2
+ note $00
+ octave 3
+ note $91
+ note $71
+ note $41
+ octave 2
+ note $91
+ loopchannel $00, $758c ; end
+; 0xeb5aa
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb5aa, $eb606 - $eb5aa
+Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4: ; 0xeb606
+ togglenoise
+ db $03
+ notetype $0c, $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ note $07
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $71
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ loopchannel $03, $7613
+ callchannel $7663
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $71
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $71
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $31
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $71
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $71
+ callchannel $766d
+ note $31
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $41
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ loopchannel $03, $7650
+ callchannel $7663
+ loopchannel $00, $7613 ; end
+; 0xeb663
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb663, $eb676 - $eb663
+Music_VermilionCity: ; 0xeb676
+ dbw $80, Music_VermilionCity_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_VermilionCity_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_VermilionCity_Ch3
+; 0xeb67f
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb67f, $eb680 - $eb67f
+Music_VermilionCity_Ch1: ; 0xeb680
+ stereopanning $0f
+ tempo $00b0
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $02
+ notetype $0c, $65
+ octave 4
+ note $c3
+ note $93
+ note $73
+ note $53
+ note $33
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ note $a1
+ note $c0
+ octave 4
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ note $90
+ note $c0
+ octave 5
+ note $30
+ vibrato $10, $23
+ dutycycle $01
+ notetype $0c, $85
+ callchannel $76f9
+ note $63
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $23
+ note $53
+ callchannel $76f9
+ callchannel $7701
+ dutycycle $02
+ notetype $0c, $85
+ callchannel $76f9
+ note $63
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $50
+ note $20
+ octave 3
+ note $a0
+ note $50
+ octave 4
+ note $20
+ octave 3
+ note $a0
+ note $50
+ note $10
+ callchannel $76f9
+ callchannel $7701
+ intensity $93
+ dutycycle $00
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ callchannel $770c
+ callchannel $770c
+ intensity $87
+ dutycycle $02
+ octave 4
+ note $37
+ octave 3
+ note $97
+ note $57
+ note $c7
+ note $a3
+ note $93
+ note $73
+ note $53
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $93
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ loopchannel $00, $76a0 ; end
+; 0xeb6f9
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb6f9, $eb721 - $eb6f9
+Music_VermilionCity_Ch2: ; 0xeb721
+ stereopanning $ff
+ dutycycle $03
+ notetype $0c, $77
+ vibrato $10, $23
+ octave 5
+ note $53
+ note $33
+ octave 4
+ note $c3
+ note $93
+ note $73
+ note $53
+ note $73
+ note $93
+ notetype $0c, $97
+ callchannel $7768
+ note $91
+ callchannel $7768
+ note $51
+ intensity $b7
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $23
+ note $33
+ note $53
+ callchannel $777e
+ callchannel $777e
+ note $75
+ note $50
+ note $70
+ note $57
+ note $a5
+ note $90
+ note $a0
+ note $97
+ note $9d
+ notetype $06, $57
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $50
+ note $90
+ note $c0
+ notetype $0c, $87
+ octave 5
+ note $5f
+ loopchannel $00, $7735 ; end
+; 0xeb768
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb768, $eb785 - $eb768
+Music_VermilionCity_Ch3: ; 0xeb785
+ stereopanning $f0
+ vibrato $22, $23
+ notetype $0c, $25
+ octave 2
+ note $53
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $53
+ note $c3
+ note $33
+ note $53
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ note $90
+ note $70
+ note $50
+ note $30
+ octave 2
+ note $c0
+ notetype $0c, $22
+ callchannel $77de
+ octave 5
+ note $a5
+ intensity $24
+ note $50
+ note $90
+ callchannel $77de
+ note $a7
+ intensity $14
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ note $23
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $a3
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $03
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ callchannel $77f5
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ note $31
+ callchannel $77f5
+ intensity $25
+ octave 3
+ note $57
+ octave 4
+ note $57
+ octave 3
+ note $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $57
+ octave 2
+ note $5f
+ octave 3
+ note $5d
+ intensity $22
+ octave 5
+ note $50
+ note $90
+ loopchannel $00, $779e ; end
+; 0xeb7de
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb7de, $eb808 - $eb7de
+Music_TitleScreen: ; 0xeb808
+ dbw $c0, Music_TitleScreen_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_TitleScreen_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_TitleScreen_Ch3
+ dbw $03, Music_TitleScreen_Ch4
+; 0xeb814
+Music_TitleScreen_Ch1: ; 0xeb814
+ tempo $0086
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $03
+ tone $0002
+ vibrato $10, $12
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $a7
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 3
+ note $03
+ intensity $a7
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $01
+ note $a0
+ note $c7
+ note $83
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ note $01
+ note $30
+ note $57
+ note $13
+ octave 2
+ note $c0
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ note $a3
+ note $a0
+ note $01
+ note $c0
+ octave 3
+ note $15
+ note $53
+ note $71
+ stereopanning $ff
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ stereopanning $f0
+ octave 3
+ note $34
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $15
+ note $65
+ note $13
+ note $35
+ intensity $b7
+ note $40
+ note $50
+ note $65
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ note $13
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $38
+ octave 2
+ note $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $35
+ octave 2
+ note $c5
+ octave 3
+ note $12
+ note $35
+ note $52
+ note $53
+ note $53
+ note $13
+ notetype $08, $a0
+ octave 2
+ note $c5
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ note $c5
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ octave 3
+ note $63
+ note $53
+ note $13
+ notetype $08, $a0
+ note $35
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ note $35
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $12
+ note $32
+ note $38
+ octave 2
+ note $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $35
+ octave 2
+ note $c5
+ octave 3
+ note $18
+ note $68
+ note $15
+ note $38
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ note $40
+ note $50
+ note $65
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ note $13
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $38
+ octave 2
+ note $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $38
+ notetype $08, $b7
+ note $82
+ note $a3
+ note $83
+ note $63
+ note $65
+ note $55
+ note $38
+ note $62
+ note $82
+ note $35
+ note $82
+ notetype $08, $54
+ octave 2
+ note $82
+ note $c2
+ notetype $08, $94
+ octave 3
+ note $32
+ note $82
+ tempo $0088
+ notetype $08, $b4
+ note $62
+ note $a2
+ notetype $08, $d4
+ octave 4
+ note $12
+ note $62
+ tempo $008a
+ notetype $08, $b4
+ note $38
+ note $18
+ octave 3
+ note $b5
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ note $60
+ note $50
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ note $63
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $63
+ note $55
+ octave 3
+ note $81
+ notetype $08, $b7
+ note $a3
+ note $83
+ note $63
+ note $8b
+ octave 4
+ note $15
+ tempo $0088
+ note $25
+ tempo $0086
+ callchannel $796d
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $23
+ callchannel $796d
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $23
+ callchannel $796d
+ octave 3
+ note $53
+ note $53
+ note $13
+ notetype $0c, $a0
+ note $35
+ notetype $0c, $a7
+ note $39
+ intensity $a0
+ note $17
+ intensity $a7
+ note $17
+ intensity $a0
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ intensity $a7
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $17
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $37
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $17
+ note $67
+ note $a7
+ note $85
+ note $80
+ note $70
+ note $67
+ note $57
+ intensity $a0
+ note $3f
+ intensity $a7
+ note $3f
+ intensity $a3
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $04
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ notetype $08, $b2
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $71
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 1
+ note $80
+ note $0a
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xeb96d
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb96d,$eb984 - $eb96d
+Music_TitleScreen_Ch2: ; 0xeb984
+ dutycycle $03
+ vibrato $14, $12
+ notetype $0c, $c7
+ intensity $a4
+ octave 1
+ note $80
+ octave 2
+ note $30
+ note $80
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $c0
+ note $01
+ note $a0
+ intensity $b0
+ note $85
+ intensity $b7
+ note $85
+ note $0f
+ note $0f
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $01
+ note $30
+ note $57
+ note $71
+ note $50
+ note $70
+ octave 3
+ note $85
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $37
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $97
+ octave 2
+ note $a3
+ note $63
+ stereopanning $ff
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $65
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $97
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ stereopanning $0f
+ intensity $a3
+ octave 4
+ note $33
+ note $31
+ note $13
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ stereopanning $ff
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $85
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $37
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $97
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $63
+ note $a1
+ stereopanning $ff
+ notetype $08, $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ note $3b
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $08, $b7
+ octave 2
+ note $a8
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $c7
+ note $80
+ note $a0
+ note $c5
+ note $50
+ note $70
+ note $83
+ notetype $0c, $4b
+ note $a3
+ stereopanning $ff
+ notetype $0c, $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $85
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $37
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $97
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $65
+ stereopanning $ff
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $65
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ stereopanning $f0
+ intensity $97
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $a5
+ note $c5
+ note $81
+ notetype $08, $c7
+ note $63
+ note $83
+ note $63
+ stereopanning $ff
+ octave 3
+ note $88
+ note $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $3b
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $08, $a7
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ note $13
+ note $33
+ stereopanning $ff
+ notetype $08, $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $63
+ note $53
+ note $63
+ note $88
+ note $b2
+ notetype $0c, $b0
+ note $87
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ note $87
+ intensity $c6
+ note $a3
+ intensity $5d
+ note $a3
+ intensity $c7
+ note $b5
+ intensity $c3
+ note $61
+ intensity $c7
+ note $67
+ intensity $a7
+ octave 3
+ note $b7
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 4
+ note $b3
+ note $c3
+ octave 5
+ note $15
+ intensity $c3
+ octave 4
+ note $81
+ intensity $c7
+ note $87
+ intensity $a7
+ octave 3
+ note $57
+ intensity $c7
+ octave 5
+ note $13
+ note $23
+ tone $0001
+ stereopanning $0f
+ callchannel $7ae7
+ note $23
+ callchannel $7ae7
+ note $23
+ callchannel $7ae7
+ octave 4
+ note $a3
+ stereopanning $ff
+ tone $0000
+ notetype $0c, $b0
+ octave 3
+ note $c5
+ notetype $0c, $b7
+ note $c9
+ intensity $c7
+ note $a7
+ note $65
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ note $87
+ note $67
+ note $a7
+ intensity $b0
+ note $87
+ intensity $b7
+ note $87
+ intensity $c7
+ note $67
+ octave 4
+ note $65
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ octave 2
+ note $c7
+ octave 3
+ note $17
+ note $a5
+ note $60
+ note $a0
+ intensity $b0
+ note $8f
+ intensity $b7
+ note $8f
+ intensity $c2
+ octave 4
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $04
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ intensity $90
+ note $83
+ notetype $08, $c2
+ octave 3
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $71
+ notetype $0c, $c7
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $0a
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xebae7
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebae7,$ebb01 - $ebae7
+Music_TitleScreen_Ch3: ; 0xebb01
+ stereopanning $0f
+ vibrato $10, $14
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ octave 3
+ octave 3
+ note $03
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ note $81
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $61
+ note $10
+ octave 1
+ note $c0
+ octave 2
+ note $10
+ note $00
+ note $61
+ note $10
+ note $00
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $81
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ note $81
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $a1
+ note $60
+ note $50
+ note $60
+ note $00
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ note $81
+ note $83
+ note $c1
+ note $a3
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ octave 2
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c1
+ note $81
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ octave 3
+ note $33
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $83
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a3
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ octave 2
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ note $c3
+ note $81
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $81
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $81
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $35
+ octave 2
+ note $b5
+ octave 3
+ note $63
+ note $b5
+ note $65
+ note $33
+ note $55
+ note $15
+ note $53
+ octave 4
+ note $15
+ octave 3
+ note $85
+ note $53
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ stereopanning $ff
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ tone $0000
+ octave 4
+ note $a1
+ octave 5
+ note $31
+ note $a5
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ note $30
+ note $01
+ note $50
+ note $73
+ notetype $08, $16
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $23
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ octave 4
+ note $a1
+ octave 5
+ note $31
+ note $a5
+ note $81
+ note $71
+ note $c0
+ note $01
+ note $a0
+ note $a3
+ notetype $08, $16
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $23
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ note $30
+ note $00
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ octave 4
+ note $a1
+ octave 5
+ note $31
+ note $85
+ note $51
+ note $81
+ note $70
+ note $50
+ note $35
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $08, $16
+ octave 3
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ note $8f
+ note $6f
+ note $87
+ note $35
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ note $61
+ note $6b
+ note $50
+ note $40
+ note $37
+ note $87
+ note $67
+ note $a7
+ note $87
+ note $35
+ note $30
+ note $50
+ note $6f
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $04
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $04
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 2
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $04
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ notetype $08, $16
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $61
+ note $a1
+ notetype $0c, $16
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ octave 1
+ note $80
+ note $0a
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xebc5c
+Music_TitleScreen_Ch4: ; 0xebc5c
+ togglenoise
+ db $05
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $03
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $15
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $12
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $13
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ notetype $06, $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ notetype $0c, $fe
+ note $77
+ note $7d
+ callchannel $7d81
+ callchannel $7d81
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ notetype $06, $20
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ notetype $0c, $fe
+ note $77
+ note $7d
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ callchannel $7d81
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ callchannel $7d77
+ callchannel $7d81
+ callchannel $7d81
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ notetype $06, $20
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ notetype $0c, $fe
+ note $77
+ note $7d
+ callchannel $7d81
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $61
+ note $41
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ note $41
+ note $41
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $11
+ notetype $06, $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ notetype $0c, $a1
+ note $43
+ note $a3
+ note $41
+ note $a3
+ note $a1
+ note $43
+ note $a3
+ note $41
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $43
+ note $a3
+ note $41
+ note $a3
+ note $a3
+ note $a3
+ note $a1
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ callchannel $7d8b
+ callchannel $7d93
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ notetype $0c, $fe
+ note $8b
+ note $7d
+ callchannel $7d93
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ notetype $0c, $fe
+ note $8b
+ note $7d
+ callchannel $7d93
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ notetype $0c, $9f
+ note $0f
+ loopchannel $06, $7d40
+ note $0b
+ notetype $06, $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ notetype $0c, $13
+ note $15
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $15
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $15
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ note $13
+ notetype $08, $11
+ note $11
+ note $11
+ notetype $06, $20
+ note $20
+ note $30
+ note $30
+ note $20
+ note $20
+ note $10
+ note $10
+ notetype $0c, $13
+ note $c3
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xebd77
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebd77,$ebd9e - $ebd77
+Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior: ; 0xebd9e
+ dbw $80, Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch3
+; 0xebda7
+Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch1: ; 0xebda7
+ tempo $00e0
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $00
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $0c, $44
+ note $00
+ loopchannel $00, $7dc2 ; end
+; 0xebdb8
+Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch2: ; 0xebdb8
+ tone $0002
+ dutycycle $00
+ stereopanning $0f
+ notetype $0c, $a4
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ note $41
+ note $11
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $13
+ octave 3
+ note $b3
+ loopchannel $00, $7dc2 ; end
+; 0xebdd4
+Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch3: ; 0xebdd4
+ notetype $0c, $10
+ octave 2
+ note $91
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $51
+ note $09
+ loopchannel $00, $7dd7 ; end
+; 0xebde1
+Music_LookPokemaniac: ; 0xebde1
+ dbw $80, Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3
+; 0xebdea
+Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1: ; 0xebdea
+ stereopanning $0f
+ tempo $0090
+ volume $77
+ vibrato $02, $33
+ tone $0002
+ notetype $0c, $b3
+ note $07
+ note $03
+ octave 3
+ note $b0
+ note $02
+ note $b0
+ note $02
+ loopchannel $04, $7dfb
+ note $03
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ note $80
+ note $02
+ loopchannel $04, $7dfb
+ loopchannel $00, $7dfb ; end
+; 0xebe12
+Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2: ; 0xebe12
+ stereopanning $ff
+ vibrato $02, $33
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $0c, $b3
+ octave 2
+ note $a0
+ note $70
+ note $40
+ note $10
+ octave 1
+ note $a3
+ octave 2
+ note $11
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $70
+ note $02
+ note $a0
+ note $02
+ octave 1
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ note $02
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ loopchannel $02, $7e24
+ octave 1
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $40
+ note $02
+ note $70
+ note $02
+ octave 1
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ octave 2
+ note $a0
+ note $02
+ octave 3
+ note $10
+ note $02
+ loopchannel $02, $7e38
+ loopchannel $00, $7e24 ; end
+; 0xebe51
+Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3: ; 0xebe51
+ stereopanning $f0
+ vibrato $06, $33
+ notetype $0c, $15
+ octave 4
+ note $10
+ note $40
+ note $70
+ note $a0
+ octave 5
+ note $13
+ intensity $10
+ callchannel $7e70
+ intensity $14
+ callchannel $7e70
+ intensity $10
+ loopchannel $00, $7e62 ; end
+; 0xebe70
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebe70,$ebeab - $ebe70
+Music_TrainerVictory: ; 0xebeab
+ dbw $80, Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1
+ dbw $01, Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2
+ dbw $02, Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3
+; 0xebeb4
+Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1: ; 0xebeb4
+ tempo $0078
+ volume $77
+ dutycycle $02
+ tone $0001
+ notetype $08, $b1
+ octave 4
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ note $81
+ intensity $b6
+ note $ab
+ stereopanning $0f
+ intensity $72
+ callchannel $7f11
+ intensity $51
+ note $21
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ note $c1
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ intensity $72
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ note $55
+ loopchannel $02, $7ecd
+ callchannel $7f11
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ note $61
+ note $a5
+ note $b1
+ note $01
+ note $81
+ note $b5
+ intensity $72
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ loopchannel $03, $7ef2
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 4
+ note $21
+ octave 3
+ note $c1
+ note $a1
+ loopchannel $03, $7f01
+ note $51
+ note $71
+ note $81
+ loopchannel $00, $7ecd ; end
+; 0xebf11
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebf11, $ebf1b - $ebf11
+Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2: ; 0xebf1b
+ vibrato $12, $34
+ dutycycle $03
+ notetype $08, $d1
+ octave 4
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $a1
+ note $c1
+ octave 5
+ note $21
+ intensity $d6
+ note $3b
+ stereopanning $f0
+ notetype $08, $82
+ callchannel $7f56
+ note $71
+ note $01
+ note $81
+ note $a5
+ note $51
+ note $01
+ note $71
+ note $85
+ loopchannel $02, $7f30
+ callchannel $7f56
+ note $61
+ note $01
+ note $11
+ note $65
+ note $81
+ note $01
+ note $31
+ note $85
+ notetype $0c, $88
+ note $7f
+ note $5f
+ loopchannel $00, $7f30 ; end
+; 0xebf56
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $ebf56, $ebf64 - $ebf56
+Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3: ; 0xebf64
+ notetype $08, $25
+ octave 3
+ note $85
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $80
+ note $00
+ note $75
+ note $31
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $c1
+ callchannel $7fb1
+ octave 3
+ note $21
+ note $01
+ note $21
+ note $a1
+ note $71
+ note $21
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ note $01
+ octave 3
+ note $a0
+ note $00
+ note $a5
+ loopchannel $02, $7f74
+ callchannel $7fb1
+ octave 3
+ note $11
+ note $01
+ note $11
+ note $a1
+ note $61
+ note $11
+ note $31
+ note $01
+ note $31
+ octave 4
+ note $31
+ octave 3
+ note $b1
+ note $81
+ note $31
+ note $71
+ note $a1
+ octave 4
+ note $3b
+ octave 3
+ note $a1
+ note $71
+ note $31
+ octave 2
+ note $a1
+ octave 3
+ note $31
+ note $51
+ note $ab
+ note $81
+ note $51
+ note $21
+ loopchannel $00, $7f74 ; end
+; 0xebfb1
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebfb1,$ebfc3 - $ebfb1
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -72,9 +72,12 @@
; hi: pressure
; lo: velocity
ds 1
-Channel1Frequency: ; c111
; 11 bits
- ds 2
+Channel1FrequencyLo: ; c111
+ ds 1
+Channel1FrequencyHi: ; c112
+ ds 1
Channel1Pitch: ; c113
; 0: rest
; 1: C