shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 2e74d969f700f7eda40a84a75dfe8b4183d09683
parent: cc0d5d4c8bb9721f8ab0354d87c8f6d848dbe23b
author: IIMarckus <[email protected]>
date: Wed Sep 9 11:05:19 EDT 2015

Fix typos in comments.

--- a/battle/effect_commands.asm
+++ b/battle/effect_commands.asm
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
 	cp $80
 	jr nc, .not_confused
-	; clear confussion-dependent substatus
+	; clear confusion-dependent substatus
 	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
 	ld a, [hl]
--- a/macros/event.asm
+++ b/macros/event.asm
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@
 	db name_command
 	db \1 ; type
 	db \2 ; id
-	db \3 ; mempry
+	db \3 ; memory
 	enum wait_command
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -1887,10 +1887,9 @@
 ; 66cf
 .textcommands ; 66cf
-; table definining which characters
-; are actually text commands
+; table defining which characters are actually text commands
 ; format:
-;       >=   <
+	;   ≥    <
 	db $00, $05
 	db $14, $19
 	db $1d, $26
@@ -36819,7 +36818,7 @@
 	ld hl, TrainerClassAttributes + 3
 	; If we have a battle in BattleTower just load the Attributes of the first TrainerClass (Falkner)
-	; so we have always the same AI, regardless of the loaded cass of trainer
+	; so we have always the same AI, regardless of the loaded class of trainer
 	ld a, [InBattleTowerBattle]
 	bit 0, a
 	jr nz, .asm_4412f
@@ -83115,7 +83114,7 @@
 GetOptionPointer: ; e42d6
-	ld a, [wcf63] ;load the cusror position to a
+	ld a, [wcf63] ;load the cursor position to a
 	ld e, a ;copy it to de
 	ld d, 0
 	ld hl, .Pointers