ref: 48db6daef9741aafaf0ff339c01f9e7920089f8e
dir: /battle/effects/metronome.asm/
BattleCommand34: ; 37418 ; metronome call Function0x372d8 call Function0x34548 jr nz, .asm_3742b ld a, [$c689] push af call BattleCommand0a pop af ld [$c689], a .asm_3742b call Function0x37e36 .GetMove call BattleRandom ; No invalid moves. cp NUM_ATTACKS + 1 jr nc, .GetMove ; None of the moves in MetronomeExcepts. push af ld de, 1 ld hl, MetronomeExcepts call IsInArray pop bc jr c, .GetMove ; No moves the user already has. ld a, b call CheckUserMove jr z, .GetMove ld a, BATTLE_VARS_MOVE call _GetBattleVar ld [hl], b call UpdateMoveData jp ResetTurn ; 37454 MetronomeExcepts: ; 37454 db NO_MOVE db METRONOME db STRUGGLE db SKETCH db MIMIC db COUNTER db MIRROR_COAT db PROTECT db DETECT db ENDURE db DESTINY_BOND db SLEEP_TALK db THIEF db -1 ; 37462