ref: 4b9563d026fd4ccf651df8a99fdb354127f681d5
parent: 3848af8e0eca20ea16225ed9afd43e92b1c27654
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Thu Mar 13 07:31:17 EDT 2014
Field effect data and sound effects.
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -71188,12 +71188,12 @@
call DelayFrame
jr Function8c673
- ld hl, $46a1
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c6a1
ld a, [TimeOfDayPal] ; $d841
- and $3
- cp $3
+ and 3
+ cp 3
jr nz, .asm_8c648
- ld hl, $46a9
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c6a9
ld a, [rSVBK] ; $ff00+$70
push af
@@ -71243,16 +71243,33 @@
; 8c6a1 (23:46a1)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c6a1,$8c6b1 - $8c6a1
+Unknown_8c6a1: ; 8c6a1
+ RGB 31, 18, 29
+ RGB 31, 11, 15
+ RGB 31, 05, 05
+ RGB 07, 07, 07
+; 8c6a9
+Unknown_8c6a9: ; 8c6a9
+ RGB 31, 18, 29
+ RGB 31, 05, 05
+ RGB 31, 05, 05
+ RGB 31, 05, 05
+; 8c6b1
; known jump sources: 8c5fa (23:45fa)
Function8c6b1: ; 8c6b1 (23:46b1)
ld a, [OtherTrainerClass] ; $d22f
- ld de, $46b8
+ ld de, Unknown_8c6b8
; 8c6b8 (23:46b8)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c6b8,$8c6d8 - $8c6b8
+Unknown_8c6b8: ; 8c6b8
+ db $03, $c0, $0f, $f0, $3c, $3c, $30, $0c
+ db $60, $06, $63, $c6, $c6, $63, $fc, $3f
+ db $fc, $3f, $c6, $63, $63, $c6, $60, $06
+ db $30, $0c, $3c, $3c, $0f, $f0, $03, $c0
+; 8c6d8
Function8c6d8: ; 8c6d8
ld a, [rSVBK]
@@ -71299,14 +71316,14 @@
Function8c70c: ; 8c70c (23:470c)
ld e, a
ld a, d
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $4728
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c728
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld e, [hl]
inc hl
ld d, [hl]
- ld hl, $0
+ ld hl, 0
srl a
jr nc, .asm_8c720
@@ -71319,12 +71336,19 @@
; 8c728 (23:4728)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c728,$8c768 - $8c728
+Unknown_8c728: ; 8c728
+; Another sine wave?
+x set 0
+ rept $20
+ dw (sin(x) + (sin(x) & $ff)) >> 8 ; round up
+x set x + $100 * $40000
+ endr
+; 8c768
; no known jump sources
Function8c768: ; 8c768 (23:4768)
callba Function5602
- ld de, $4792
+ ld de, Unknown_8c792
ld a, [de]
cp $ff
@@ -71351,7 +71375,18 @@
; 8c792 (23:4792)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c792,$8c7b7 - $8c792
+Unknown_8c792: ; 8c792
+ dbbw 4, 2, $c548 ; (8, 8)
+ dbbw 6, 4, $c533 ; (7, 7)
+ dbbw 8, 6, $c51e ; (6, 6)
+ dbbw 10, 8, $c509 ; (5, 5)
+ dbbw 12, 10, $c4f4 ; (4, 4)
+ dbbw 14, 12, $c4df ; (3, 3)
+ dbbw 16, 14, $c4ca ; (2, 2)
+ dbbw 18, 16, $c4b5 ; (1, 1)
+ dbbw 20, 18, $c4a0 ; (0, 0)
+ db $ff
+; 8c7b7
; known jump sources: 8c784 (23:4784)
Function8c7b7: ; 8c7b7 (23:47b7)
@@ -71372,11 +71407,18 @@
; 8c7c9 (23:47c9)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c7c9,$8c7d4 - $8c7c9
+Function8c7c9: ; 8c7c9
+ ld a, $1
+ ld [hBGMapMode], a
+ call WaitBGMap
+ xor a
+ ld [hBGMapMode], a
+ ret
+; 8c7d4
Function8c7d4: ; 8c7d4
call WaitSFX
- ld de, $0053
+ ld de, SFX_SURF
call PlaySFX
call WaitSFX
@@ -71397,13 +71439,13 @@
Function8c80a: ; 8c80a
callba Function8cf53
- ld de, $49cc
+ ld de, GFX_8c9cc
ld hl, VTiles1
- ld bc, $2304
+ lb bc, BANK(GFX_8c9cc), 4
call Request2bpp
- ld de, $4893
+ ld de, HeadbuttTreeGFX
ld hl, $8840
- ld bc, $2308
+ lb bc, BANK(HeadbuttTreeGFX), 8
call Request2bpp
call Function8cad3
ld a, $1b
@@ -71418,7 +71460,7 @@
ld a, $20
ld [$cf64], a
call WaitSFX
- ld de, $006d
call PlaySFX
ld hl, $cf64
@@ -71442,15 +71484,17 @@
ld bc, $0010
xor a
call ByteFill
- ld de, $4200
+ ld de, Font
ld hl, VTiles1
- ld bc, $3e0c
+ lb bc, BANK(Font), $c
call Get1bpp
call Functione4a
; 8c893
+HeadbuttTreeGFX: ; 8c893
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c893, $8c913 - $8c893
+; 8c913
Function8c913: ; 8c913
xor a
@@ -71459,8 +71503,8 @@
and $c
srl a
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $4938
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c938
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
@@ -71478,7 +71522,12 @@
; 8c938
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c938, $8c940 - $8c938
+Unknown_8c938: ; 8c938
+ dw $c570 ; ( 8, 10)
+ dw $c520 ; ( 8, 6)
+ dw $c546 ; ( 6, 8)
+ dw $c54a ; (10, 8)
+; 8c940
Function8c940: ; 8c940
ld a, e
@@ -71486,7 +71535,7 @@
ld [$cf63], a
call Function8c96d
call WaitSFX
- ld de, $001e
call PlaySFX
ld a, [$cf63]
@@ -71505,19 +71554,25 @@
Function8c96d: ; 8c96d
callab Function8cf53
- ld de, $49cc
+ ld de, GFX_8c9cc
ld hl, VTiles1
- ld bc, $2304
+ lb bc, BANK(GFX_8c9cc), 4
call Request2bpp
- ld de, $498c
+ ld de, CutTreeGFX
ld hl, $8840
- ld bc, $2304
+ lb bc, BANK(CutTreeGFX), 4
call Request2bpp
; 8c98c
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c98c,$8ca0c - $8c98c
+CutTreeGFX: ; c898c
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c98c, $8c9cc - $8c98c
+; c89cc
+GFX_8c9cc: ; 8c9cc
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $8c9cc, $8ca0c - $8c9cc
+; 8ca0c
Function8ca0c: ; 8ca0c
ld a, [$cf63]
ld e, a
@@ -71628,7 +71683,7 @@
and $c
add e
ld e, a
- ld hl, $4ab3
+ ld hl, Unknown_8cab3
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld e, [hl]
@@ -71637,7 +71692,24 @@
; 8cab3 (23:4ab3)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8cab3,$8cad3 - $8cab3
+Unknown_8cab3: ; 8cab3
+ db $58, $60
+ db $48, $60
+ db $58, $70
+ db $48, $70
+ db $58, $40
+ db $48, $40
+ db $58, $50
+ db $48, $50
+ db $38, $60
+ db $48, $60
+ db $38, $50
+ db $48, $50
+ db $58, $60
+ db $68, $60
+ db $58, $50
+ db $68, $50
+; 8cad3
; known jump sources: 8ca23 (23:4a23)
Function8cad3: ; 8cad3 (23:4ad3)
@@ -71645,8 +71717,8 @@
and $c
srl a
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $4ae5
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, Unknown_8cae5
add hl, de
ld e, [hl]
inc hl
@@ -71654,7 +71726,12 @@
; 8cae5 (23:4ae5)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8cae5,$8caed - $8cae5
+Unknown_8cae5: ; 8cae5
+ db $50, $68
+ db $50, $48
+ db $40, $58
+ db $60, $58
+; 8caed
Function8caed: ; 8caed
call DelayFrame
@@ -71756,7 +71833,7 @@
ld a, [CurPartyMon] ; $d109
ld hl, PartySpecies ; $dcd8
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
+ ld d, 0
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
ld [$d265], a
@@ -71778,7 +71855,7 @@
ret c
and $7
ret nz
- ld de, $18
+ ld de, SFX_FLY
call PlaySFX
@@ -87981,13 +88058,13 @@
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fb434, $fb449 - $fb434
Functionfb449:: ; fb449
- ld de, $4200
+ ld de, Font
ld hl, VTiles1
ld bc, Function3e80
ld a, [rLCDC]
bit 7, a
jp z, Copy1bpp
- ld de, $4200
+ ld de, Font
ld hl, VTiles1
ld bc, $3e20
call Functionddc