ref: 518dd46ca16c79736511289069d2525635ed52e4
parent: 8e83eb1b320b008593aed43f492c462245bd9ade
author: Rangi <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jan 24 16:27:23 EST 2018
data/text/X_text.asm is redundant
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
home.o \
main.o \
wram.o \
-data/text/common_text.o \
+data/text/common.o \
data/maps/maps.o \
data/pokemon/dex_entries.o \
data/pokemon/egg_moves.o \
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/text/battle.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1293 @@
+BattleText_PlayerPickedUpPayDayMoney: ; 0x80730
+ text "<PLAYER> picked up"
+ line "¥@"
+ deciram wPayDayMoney, 3, 6
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80746
+WildPokemonAppearedText: ; 0x80746
+ text "Wild @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "appeared!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8075c
+HookedPokemonAttackedText: ; 0x8075c
+ text "The hooked"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ cont "attacked!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80778
+PokemonFellFromTreeText: ; 0x80778
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text " fell"
+ line "out of the tree!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80793
+WildCelebiAppearedText: ; 0x80793
+ text "Wild @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "appeared!"
+ prompt
+; 0x807a9
+WantsToBattleText:: ; 0x807a9
+ text "<ENEMY>"
+ line "wants to battle!"
+ prompt
+; 0x807bd
+BattleText_WildFled: ; 0x807bd
+ text "Wild @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "fled!"
+ prompt
+; 0x807cf
+BattleText_EnemyFled: ; 0x807cf
+ text "Enemy @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "fled!"
+ prompt
+; 0x807e2
+HurtByPoisonText: ; 0x807e2
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "is hurt by poison!"
+ prompt
+; 0x807f8
+HurtByBurnText: ; 0x807f8
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "hurt by its burn!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8080e
+LeechSeedSapsText: ; 0x8080e
+ text "LEECH SEED saps"
+ line "<USER>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80822
+HasANightmareText: ; 0x80822
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "has a NIGHTMARE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80836
+HurtByCurseText: ; 0x80836
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "hurt by the CURSE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8084d
+SandstormHitsText: ; 0x8084d
+ text "The SANDSTORM hits"
+ line "<USER>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80864
+PerishCountText: ; 0x80864
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "PERISH count is @"
+ deciram wd265, 1, 1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80880
+BattleText_TargetRecoveredWithItem: ; 0x80880
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "recovered with"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+; 0x80899
+BattleText_UserRecoveredPPUsing: ; 0x80899
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "recovered PP using"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+; 0x808b6
+BattleText_TargetWasHitByFutureSight: ; 0x808b6
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was hit by FUTURE"
+ cont "SIGHT!"
+ prompt
+; 0x808d2
+BattleText_SafeguardFaded: ; 0x808d2
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "SAFEGUARD faded!"
+ prompt
+; 0x808e7
+BattleText_PkmnLightScreenFell: ; 0x808e7
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " #MON's"
+ line "LIGHT SCREEN fell!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80905
+BattleText_PkmnReflectFaded: ; 0x80905
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " #MON's"
+ line "REFLECT faded!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8091f
+BattleText_RainContinuesToFall: ; 0x8091f
+ text "Rain continues to"
+ line "fall."
+ prompt
+; 0x80938
+BattleText_TheSunlightIsStrong: ; 0x80938
+ text "The sunlight is"
+ line "strong."
+ prompt
+; 0x80951
+BattleText_TheSandstormRages: ; 0x80951
+ text "The SANDSTORM"
+ line "rages."
+ prompt
+; 0x80967
+BattleText_TheRainStopped: ; 0x80967
+ text "The rain stopped."
+ prompt
+; 0x8097a
+BattleText_TheSunlightFaded: ; 0x8097a
+ text "The sunlight"
+ line "faded."
+ prompt
+; 0x8098f
+BattleText_TheSandstormSubsided: ; 0x8098f
+ text "The SANDSTORM"
+ line "subsided."
+ prompt
+; 0x809a8
+BattleText_EnemyPkmnFainted: ; 0x809a8
+ text "Enemy @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "fainted!"
+ prompt
+; 0x809be
+ text "<PLAYER> got ¥@"
+ deciram wBattleReward, 3, 6
+ text_start
+ line "for winning!"
+ prompt
+BattleText_EnemyWasDefeated: ; 0x809da
+ text "<ENEMY>"
+ line "was defeated!"
+ prompt
+; 0x809eb
+TiedAgainstText: ; 0x809eb
+ text "Tied against"
+ line "<ENEMY>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x809fc
+ text "<PLAYER> got ¥@"
+ deciram wBattleReward, 3, 6
+ text_start
+ line "for winning!"
+ cont "Sent some to MOM!"
+ prompt
+ text "Sent half to MOM!"
+ prompt
+ text "Sent all to MOM!"
+ prompt
+BattleText_0x80a4f: ; 0x80a4f
+ text "<RIVAL>: Huh? I"
+ line "should've chosen"
+ cont "your #MON!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80a75
+BattleText_PkmnFainted: ; 0x80a75
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "fainted!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80a83
+BattleText_UseNextMon: ; 0x80a83
+ text "Use next #MON?"
+ done
+; 0x80a93
+BattleText_0x80a93: ; 0x80a93
+ text "<RIVAL>: Yes!"
+ line "I guess I chose a"
+ cont "good #MON!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80ab9
+LostAgainstText: ; 0x80ab9
+ text "Lost against"
+ line "<ENEMY>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80aca
+BattleText_EnemyIsAboutToUseWillPlayerChangePkmn: ; 0x80aca
+ text "<ENEMY>"
+ line "is about to use"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text "."
+ para "Will <PLAYER>"
+ line "change #MON?"
+ done
+; 0x80af8
+BattleText_EnemySentOut: ; 0x80af8
+ text "<ENEMY>"
+ line "sent out"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text "!"
+ done
+; 0x80b0b
+BattleText_TheresNoWillToBattle: ; 0x80b0b
+ text "There's no will to"
+ line "battle!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80b26
+BattleText_AnEGGCantBattle: ; 0x80b26
+ text "An EGG can't"
+ line "battle!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80b3b
+BattleText_CantEscape2: ; 0x80b3b
+ text "Can't escape!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80b49
+BattleText_TheresNoEscapeFromTrainerBattle: ; 0x80b49
+ text "No! There's no"
+ line "running from a"
+ cont "trainer battle!"
+ prompt
+BattleText_GotAwaySafely: ; 0x80b77
+ text "Got away safely!"
+ prompt
+BattleText_UserFledUsingAStringBuffer1: ; 0x80b89
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "fled using a"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80ba0
+BattleText_CantEscape: ; 0x80ba0
+ text "Can't escape!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80bae
+BattleText_UserHurtBySpikes: ; 0x80bae
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "hurt by SPIKES!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80bc2
+RecoveredUsingText: ; 0x80bc2
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "recovered using a"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80bde
+BattleText_UsersStringBuffer1Activated: ; 0x80bde
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ cont "activated!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80bf3
+BattleText_ItemsCantBeUsedHere: ; 0x80bf3
+ text "Items can't be"
+ line "used here."
+ prompt
+; 0x80c0d
+BattleText_PkmnIsAlreadyOut: ; 0x80c0d
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "is already out."
+ prompt
+; 0x80c22
+BattleText_PkmnCantBeRecalled: ; 0x80c22
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "can't be recalled!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80c39
+BattleText_TheresNoPPLeftForThisMove: ; 0x80c39
+ text "There's no PP left"
+ line "for this move!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80c5b
+BattleText_TheMoveIsDisabled: ; 0x80c5b
+ text "The move is"
+ line "DISABLED!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80c72
+BattleText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft: ; 0x80c72
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "has no moves left!"
+ done
+; 0x80c8a
+BattleText_TargetsEncoreEnded: ; 0x80c8a
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "ENCORE ended!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80c9c
+BattleText_StringBuffer1GrewToLevel: ; 0x80c9c
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " grew to"
+ line "level @"
+ deciram CurPartyLevel, 1, 3
+ text "!@"
+ sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
+ db "@@"
+; 0x80cb9
+BattleText_WildPkmnIsEating: ; 0x80cba
+ text "Wild @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "is eating!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80cd1
+BattleText_WildPkmnIsAngry: ; 0x80cd1
+ text "Wild @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "is angry!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80ce7
+FastAsleepText: ; 0x80ce7
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "is fast asleep!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80cfa
+WokeUpText: ; 0x80cfa
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "woke up!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d06
+FrozenSolidText: ; 0x80d06
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "is frozen solid!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d1a
+FlinchedText: ; 0x80d1a
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "flinched!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d27
+MustRechargeText: ; 0x80d27
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "must recharge!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d39
+DisabledNoMoreText: ; 0x80d39
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "disabled no more!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d4f
+IsConfusedText: ; 0x80d4f
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "is confused!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d5f
+HurtItselfText: ; 0x80d5f
+ text "It hurt itself in"
+ line "its confusion!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d81
+ConfusedNoMoreText: ; 0x80d81
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "confused no more!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80d97
+BecameConfusedText: ; 0x80d97
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "became confused!"
+ prompt
+; ItemHealedConfusion
+BattleText_ItemHealedConfusion: ; ItemHealedConfusion
+ text "A @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " rid"
+ line "<TARGET>"
+ cont "of its confusion."
+ prompt
+; 0x80dcc
+AlreadyConfusedText: ; 0x80dcc
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "already confused!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80de2
+BattleText_UsersHurtByStringBuffer1: ; 0x80de2
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "hurt by"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80df5
+BattleText_UserWasReleasedFromStringBuffer1: ; 0x80df5
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "was released from"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e11
+UsedBindText: ; 0x80e11
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "used BIND on"
+ cont "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e24
+WhirlpoolTrapText: ; 0x80e24
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was trapped!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e34
+FireSpinTrapText: ; 0x80e34
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was trapped!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e44
+WrappedByText: ; 0x80e44
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was WRAPPED by"
+ cont "<USER>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e59
+ClampedByText: ; 0x80e59
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was CLAMPED by"
+ cont "<USER>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e6e
+StoringEnergyText: ; 0x80e6e
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "is storing energy!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e84
+UnleashedEnergyText: ; 0x80e84
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "unleashed energy!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80e99
+HungOnText: ; 0x80e99
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "hung on with"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80eb0
+EnduredText: ; 0x80eb0
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "ENDURED the hit!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80ec4
+InLoveWithText: ; 0x80ec4
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "is in love with"
+ cont "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80eda
+InfatuationText: ; 0x80eda
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "infatuation kept"
+ cont "it from attacking!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f02
+DisabledMoveText: ; 0x80f02
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " is"
+ cont "DISABLED!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f19
+LoafingAroundText: ; 0x80f19
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text " is"
+ line "loafing around."
+ prompt
+; 0x80f31
+BeganToNapText: ; 0x80f31
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text " began"
+ line "to nap!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f44
+WontObeyText: ; 0x80f44
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text " won't"
+ line "obey!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f54
+TurnedAwayText: ; 0x80f54
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text " turned"
+ line "away!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f66
+IgnoredOrdersText: ; 0x80f66
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text " ignored"
+ line "orders!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f7b
+IgnoredSleepingText: ; 0x80f7b
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text " ignored"
+ line "orders…sleeping!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80f99
+NoPPLeftText: ; 0x80f99
+ text "But no PP is left"
+ line "for the move!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80fba
+HasNoPPLeftText: ; 0x80fba
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "has no PP left for"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x80fd7
+WentToSleepText: ; 0x80fd7
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "went to sleep!"
+ done
+; 0x80fe9
+RestedText: ; 0x80fe9
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "fell asleep and"
+ cont "became healthy!"
+ done
+; 0x8100c
+RegainedHealthText: ; 0x8100c
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "regained health!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81020
+AttackMissedText: ; 0x81020
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "attack missed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81033
+AttackMissed2Text: ; 0x81033
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "attack missed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81046
+CrashedText: ; 0x81046
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "kept going and"
+ cont "crashed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81061
+UnaffectedText: ; 0x81061
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "unaffected!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81071
+DoesntAffectText: ; 0x81071
+ text "It doesn't affect"
+ line "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81086
+CriticalHitText: ; 0x81086
+ text "A critical hit!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81097
+OneHitKOText: ; 0x81097
+ text "It's a one-hit KO!"
+ prompt
+; 0x810aa
+SuperEffectiveText: ; 0x810aa
+ text "It's super-"
+ line "effective!"
+ prompt
+; 0x810c1
+NotVeryEffectiveText: ; 0x810c1
+ text "It's not very"
+ line "effective…"
+ prompt
+; 0x810da
+TookDownWithItText: ; 0x810da
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "took down with it,"
+ cont "<USER>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x810f3
+RageBuildingText: ; 0x810f3
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "RAGE is building!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81109
+GotAnEncoreText: ; 0x81109
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "got an ENCORE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8111b
+SharedPainText: ; 0x8111b
+ text "The battlers"
+ line "shared pain!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81136
+TookAimText: ; 0x81136
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "took aim!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81143
+SketchedText: ; 0x81143
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "SKETCHED"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81156
+DestinyBondEffectText: ; 0x81156
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "trying to take its"
+ cont "opponent with it!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8117f
+SpiteEffectText: ; 0x8117f
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " was"
+ cont "reduced by @"
+ deciram wd265, 1, 1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x811a0
+BellChimedText: ; 0x811a0
+ text "A bell chimed!"
+ line ""
+ prompt
+; 0x811b1
+FellAsleepText: ; 0x811b1
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "fell asleep!"
+ prompt
+; 0x811c1
+AlreadyAsleepText: ; 0x811c1
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "already asleep!"
+ prompt
+; 0x811d5
+WasPoisonedText: ; 0x811d5
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was poisoned!"
+ prompt
+; 0x811e6
+BadlyPoisonedText: ; 0x811e6
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "badly poisoned!"
+ prompt
+; 0x811fa
+AlreadyPoisonedText: ; 0x811fa
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "already poisoned!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81210
+SuckedHealthText: ; 0x81210
+ text "Sucked health from"
+ line "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81227
+DreamEatenText: ; 0x81227
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "dream was eaten!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8123c
+WasBurnedText: ; 0x8123c
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was burned!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8124b
+DefrostedOpponentText: ; 0x8124b
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was defrosted!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8125d
+WasFrozenText: ; 0x8125d
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was frozen solid!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81272
+WontRiseAnymoreText: ; 0x81272
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " won't"
+ cont "rise anymore!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8128f
+WontDropAnymoreText: ; 0x8128f
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " won't"
+ cont "drop anymore!"
+ prompt
+; 0x812ac
+FledFromBattleText:: ; 0x812ac
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "fled from battle!"
+ prompt
+; 0x812c1
+FledInFearText: ; 0x812c1
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "fled in fear!"
+ prompt
+; 0x812d2
+BlownAwayText: ; 0x812d2
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was blown away!"
+ prompt
+; 0x812e5
+PlayerHitTimesText: ; 0x812e5
+ text "Hit @"
+ deciram PlayerDamageTaken, 1, 1
+ text " times!"
+ prompt
+; 0x812f8
+EnemyHitTimesText: ; 0x812f8
+ text "Hit @"
+ deciram EnemyDamageTaken, 1, 1
+ text " times!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8130b
+MistText: ; 0x8130b
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "shrouded in MIST!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81321
+ProtectedByMistText: ; 0x81321
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "protected by MIST."
+ prompt
+; 0x81338
+GettingPumpedText: ; 0x81338
+ interpret_data
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "getting pumped!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8134d
+RecoilText: ; 0x8134d
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "hit with recoil!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81362
+MadeSubstituteText: ; 0x81362
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "made a SUBSTITUTE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81378
+HasSubstituteText: ; 0x81378
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "has a SUBSTITUTE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8138d
+TooWeakSubText: ; 0x8138d
+ text "Too weak to make"
+ line "a SUBSTITUTE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x813ad
+SubTookDamageText: ; 0x813ad
+ text "The SUBSTITUTE"
+ line "took damage for"
+ cont "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x813d0
+SubFadedText: ; 0x813d0
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "SUBSTITUTE faded!"
+ prompt
+; 0x813e6
+LearnedMoveText: ; 0x813e6
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "learned"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x813f8
+WasSeededText: ; 0x813f8
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "was seeded!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81407
+EvadedText: ; 0x81407
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "evaded the attack!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8141d
+WasDisabledText: ; 0x8141d
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " was"
+ cont "DISABLED!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81435
+CoinsScatteredText: ; 0x81435
+ text "Coins scattered"
+ line "everywhere!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81452
+TransformedTypeText: ; 0x81452
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "transformed into"
+ cont "the @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "-type!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81476
+EliminatedStatsText: ; 0x81476
+ text "All stat changes"
+ line "were eliminated!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81499
+TransformedText: ; 0x81499
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "TRANSFORMED into"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x814b4
+LightScreenEffectText: ; 0x814b4
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "SPCL.DEF rose!"
+ prompt
+; 0x814c7
+ReflectEffectText: ; 0x814c7
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "DEFENSE rose!"
+ prompt
+; 0x814d9
+NothingHappenedText: ; 0x814d9
+ text "But nothing"
+ line "happened."
+ prompt
+; 0x814f0
+ButItFailedText: ; 0x814f0
+ text "But it failed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81500
+ItFailedText: ; 0x81500
+ text "It failed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8150c
+DidntAffect1Text: ; 0x8150c
+ text "It didn't affect"
+ line "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81520
+DidntAffect2Text: ; 0x81520
+ text "It didn't affect"
+ line "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81534
+HPIsFullText: ; 0x81534
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "HP is full!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81544
+DraggedOutText: ; 0x81544
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "was dragged out!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81558
+ParalyzedText: ; 0x81558
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "paralyzed! Maybe"
+ cont "it can't attack!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8157d
+FullyParalyzedText: ; 0x8157d
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "fully paralyzed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81592
+AlreadyParalyzedText: ; 0x81592
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "already paralyzed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x815a9
+ProtectedByText: ; 0x815a9
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "protected by"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x815c1
+MirrorMoveFailedText: ; 0x815c1
+ text "The MIRROR MOVE"
+ next "failed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x815da
+StoleText: ; 0x815da
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "stole @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ cont "from its foe!"
+ prompt
+; 0x815f7
+CantEscapeNowText: ; 0x815f7
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "can't escape now!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8160b
+StartedNightmareText: ; 0x8160b
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "started to have a"
+ cont "NIGHTMARE!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8162b
+WasDefrostedText: ; 0x8162b
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "was defrosted!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8163d
+PutACurseText: ; 0x8163d
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "cut its own HP and"
+ para "put a CURSE on"
+ line "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81665
+ProtectedItselfText: ; 0x81665
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "PROTECTED itself!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8167a
+ProtectingItselfText: ; 0x8167a
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "PROTECTING itself!"
+ done
+; 0x81691
+SpikesText: ; 0x81691
+ text "SPIKES scattered"
+ line "all around"
+ cont "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x816b1
+IdentifiedText: ; 0x816b1
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "identified"
+ cont "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x816c2
+StartPerishText: ; 0x816c2
+ text "Both #MON will"
+ line "faint in 3 turns!"
+ prompt
+; 0x816e4
+SandstormBrewedText: ; 0x816e4
+ text "A SANDSTORM"
+ line "brewed!"
+ prompt
+; 0x816f9
+BracedItselfText: ; 0x816f9
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "braced itself!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8170b
+FellInLoveText: ; 0x8170b
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "fell in love!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8171c
+CoveredByVeilText: ; 0x8171c
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "covered by a veil!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81733
+SafeguardProtectText: ; 0x81733
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "is protected by"
+ cont "SAFEGUARD!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81751
+MagnitudeText: ; 0x81751
+ text "Magnitude @"
+ deciram wd265, 1, 1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81764
+ReleasedByText: ; 0x81764
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "was released by"
+ cont "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8177a
+ShedLeechSeedText: ; 0x8177a
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "shed LEECH SEED!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8178e
+BlewSpikesText: ; 0x8178e
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "blew away SPIKES!"
+ prompt
+; 0x817a3
+DownpourText: ; 0x817a3
+ text "A downpour"
+ line "started!"
+ prompt
+; 0x817b8
+SunGotBrightText: ; 0x817b8
+ text "The sunlight got"
+ line "bright!"
+ prompt
+; 0x817d2
+BellyDrumText: ; 0x817d2
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "cut its HP and"
+ cont "maximized ATTACK!"
+ prompt
+; 0x817f6
+CopiedStatsText: ; 0x817f6
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "copied the stat"
+ para "changes of"
+ line "<TARGET>!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81817
+ForesawAttackText: ; 0x81817
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "foresaw an attack!"
+ prompt
+; 0x8182d
+BeatUpAttackText: ; 0x8182d
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ line "attack!"
+ done
+; 0x8183b
+RefusedGiftText: ; 0x8183b
+ text "<TARGET>"
+ line "refused the gift!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81850
+IgnoredOrders2Text: ; 0x81850
+ text "<USER>"
+ line "ignored orders!"
+ prompt
+; 0x81863
+BattleText_LinkErrorBattleCanceled: ; 0x81863
+ text "Link error…"
+ para "The battle has"
+ line "been canceled…"
+ prompt
+; 0x8188e
+BattleText_0x8188e: ; 0x8188e
+ text "There is no time"
+ line "left today!"
+ done
+; 0x818ac
--- a/data/text/battle_text.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1293 +1,0 @@
-BattleText_PlayerPickedUpPayDayMoney: ; 0x80730
- text "<PLAYER> picked up"
- line "¥@"
- deciram wPayDayMoney, 3, 6
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80746
-WildPokemonAppearedText: ; 0x80746
- text "Wild @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "appeared!"
- prompt
-; 0x8075c
-HookedPokemonAttackedText: ; 0x8075c
- text "The hooked"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- cont "attacked!"
- prompt
-; 0x80778
-PokemonFellFromTreeText: ; 0x80778
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text " fell"
- line "out of the tree!"
- prompt
-; 0x80793
-WildCelebiAppearedText: ; 0x80793
- text "Wild @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "appeared!"
- prompt
-; 0x807a9
-WantsToBattleText:: ; 0x807a9
- text "<ENEMY>"
- line "wants to battle!"
- prompt
-; 0x807bd
-BattleText_WildFled: ; 0x807bd
- text "Wild @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "fled!"
- prompt
-; 0x807cf
-BattleText_EnemyFled: ; 0x807cf
- text "Enemy @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "fled!"
- prompt
-; 0x807e2
-HurtByPoisonText: ; 0x807e2
- text "<USER>"
- line "is hurt by poison!"
- prompt
-; 0x807f8
-HurtByBurnText: ; 0x807f8
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "hurt by its burn!"
- prompt
-; 0x8080e
-LeechSeedSapsText: ; 0x8080e
- text "LEECH SEED saps"
- line "<USER>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80822
-HasANightmareText: ; 0x80822
- text "<USER>"
- line "has a NIGHTMARE!"
- prompt
-; 0x80836
-HurtByCurseText: ; 0x80836
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "hurt by the CURSE!"
- prompt
-; 0x8084d
-SandstormHitsText: ; 0x8084d
- text "The SANDSTORM hits"
- line "<USER>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80864
-PerishCountText: ; 0x80864
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "PERISH count is @"
- deciram wd265, 1, 1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80880
-BattleText_TargetRecoveredWithItem: ; 0x80880
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "recovered with"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
-; 0x80899
-BattleText_UserRecoveredPPUsing: ; 0x80899
- text "<USER>"
- line "recovered PP using"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
-; 0x808b6
-BattleText_TargetWasHitByFutureSight: ; 0x808b6
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was hit by FUTURE"
- cont "SIGHT!"
- prompt
-; 0x808d2
-BattleText_SafeguardFaded: ; 0x808d2
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "SAFEGUARD faded!"
- prompt
-; 0x808e7
-BattleText_PkmnLightScreenFell: ; 0x808e7
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " #MON's"
- line "LIGHT SCREEN fell!"
- prompt
-; 0x80905
-BattleText_PkmnReflectFaded: ; 0x80905
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " #MON's"
- line "REFLECT faded!"
- prompt
-; 0x8091f
-BattleText_RainContinuesToFall: ; 0x8091f
- text "Rain continues to"
- line "fall."
- prompt
-; 0x80938
-BattleText_TheSunlightIsStrong: ; 0x80938
- text "The sunlight is"
- line "strong."
- prompt
-; 0x80951
-BattleText_TheSandstormRages: ; 0x80951
- text "The SANDSTORM"
- line "rages."
- prompt
-; 0x80967
-BattleText_TheRainStopped: ; 0x80967
- text "The rain stopped."
- prompt
-; 0x8097a
-BattleText_TheSunlightFaded: ; 0x8097a
- text "The sunlight"
- line "faded."
- prompt
-; 0x8098f
-BattleText_TheSandstormSubsided: ; 0x8098f
- text "The SANDSTORM"
- line "subsided."
- prompt
-; 0x809a8
-BattleText_EnemyPkmnFainted: ; 0x809a8
- text "Enemy @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "fainted!"
- prompt
-; 0x809be
- text "<PLAYER> got ¥@"
- deciram wBattleReward, 3, 6
- text_start
- line "for winning!"
- prompt
-BattleText_EnemyWasDefeated: ; 0x809da
- text "<ENEMY>"
- line "was defeated!"
- prompt
-; 0x809eb
-TiedAgainstText: ; 0x809eb
- text "Tied against"
- line "<ENEMY>!"
- prompt
-; 0x809fc
- text "<PLAYER> got ¥@"
- deciram wBattleReward, 3, 6
- text_start
- line "for winning!"
- cont "Sent some to MOM!"
- prompt
- text "Sent half to MOM!"
- prompt
- text "Sent all to MOM!"
- prompt
-BattleText_0x80a4f: ; 0x80a4f
- text "<RIVAL>: Huh? I"
- line "should've chosen"
- cont "your #MON!"
- prompt
-; 0x80a75
-BattleText_PkmnFainted: ; 0x80a75
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text_start
- line "fainted!"
- prompt
-; 0x80a83
-BattleText_UseNextMon: ; 0x80a83
- text "Use next #MON?"
- done
-; 0x80a93
-BattleText_0x80a93: ; 0x80a93
- text "<RIVAL>: Yes!"
- line "I guess I chose a"
- cont "good #MON!"
- prompt
-; 0x80ab9
-LostAgainstText: ; 0x80ab9
- text "Lost against"
- line "<ENEMY>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80aca
-BattleText_EnemyIsAboutToUseWillPlayerChangePkmn: ; 0x80aca
- text "<ENEMY>"
- line "is about to use"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text "."
- para "Will <PLAYER>"
- line "change #MON?"
- done
-; 0x80af8
-BattleText_EnemySentOut: ; 0x80af8
- text "<ENEMY>"
- line "sent out"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text "!"
- done
-; 0x80b0b
-BattleText_TheresNoWillToBattle: ; 0x80b0b
- text "There's no will to"
- line "battle!"
- prompt
-; 0x80b26
-BattleText_AnEGGCantBattle: ; 0x80b26
- text "An EGG can't"
- line "battle!"
- prompt
-; 0x80b3b
-BattleText_CantEscape2: ; 0x80b3b
- text "Can't escape!"
- prompt
-; 0x80b49
-BattleText_TheresNoEscapeFromTrainerBattle: ; 0x80b49
- text "No! There's no"
- line "running from a"
- cont "trainer battle!"
- prompt
-BattleText_GotAwaySafely: ; 0x80b77
- text "Got away safely!"
- prompt
-BattleText_UserFledUsingAStringBuffer1: ; 0x80b89
- text "<USER>"
- line "fled using a"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80ba0
-BattleText_CantEscape: ; 0x80ba0
- text "Can't escape!"
- prompt
-; 0x80bae
-BattleText_UserHurtBySpikes: ; 0x80bae
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "hurt by SPIKES!"
- prompt
-; 0x80bc2
-RecoveredUsingText: ; 0x80bc2
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "recovered using a"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80bde
-BattleText_UsersStringBuffer1Activated: ; 0x80bde
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- cont "activated!"
- prompt
-; 0x80bf3
-BattleText_ItemsCantBeUsedHere: ; 0x80bf3
- text "Items can't be"
- line "used here."
- prompt
-; 0x80c0d
-BattleText_PkmnIsAlreadyOut: ; 0x80c0d
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text_start
- line "is already out."
- prompt
-; 0x80c22
-BattleText_PkmnCantBeRecalled: ; 0x80c22
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text_start
- line "can't be recalled!"
- prompt
-; 0x80c39
-BattleText_TheresNoPPLeftForThisMove: ; 0x80c39
- text "There's no PP left"
- line "for this move!"
- prompt
-; 0x80c5b
-BattleText_TheMoveIsDisabled: ; 0x80c5b
- text "The move is"
- line "DISABLED!"
- prompt
-; 0x80c72
-BattleText_PkmnHasNoMovesLeft: ; 0x80c72
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text_start
- line "has no moves left!"
- done
-; 0x80c8a
-BattleText_TargetsEncoreEnded: ; 0x80c8a
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "ENCORE ended!"
- prompt
-; 0x80c9c
-BattleText_StringBuffer1GrewToLevel: ; 0x80c9c
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " grew to"
- line "level @"
- deciram CurPartyLevel, 1, 3
- text "!@"
- sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
- db "@@"
-; 0x80cb9
-BattleText_WildPkmnIsEating: ; 0x80cba
- text "Wild @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "is eating!"
- prompt
-; 0x80cd1
-BattleText_WildPkmnIsAngry: ; 0x80cd1
- text "Wild @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "is angry!"
- prompt
-; 0x80ce7
-FastAsleepText: ; 0x80ce7
- text "<USER>"
- line "is fast asleep!"
- prompt
-; 0x80cfa
-WokeUpText: ; 0x80cfa
- text "<USER>"
- line "woke up!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d06
-FrozenSolidText: ; 0x80d06
- text "<USER>"
- line "is frozen solid!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d1a
-FlinchedText: ; 0x80d1a
- text "<USER>"
- line "flinched!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d27
-MustRechargeText: ; 0x80d27
- text "<USER>"
- line "must recharge!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d39
-DisabledNoMoreText: ; 0x80d39
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "disabled no more!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d4f
-IsConfusedText: ; 0x80d4f
- text "<USER>"
- line "is confused!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d5f
-HurtItselfText: ; 0x80d5f
- text "It hurt itself in"
- line "its confusion!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d81
-ConfusedNoMoreText: ; 0x80d81
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "confused no more!"
- prompt
-; 0x80d97
-BecameConfusedText: ; 0x80d97
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "became confused!"
- prompt
-; ItemHealedConfusion
-BattleText_ItemHealedConfusion: ; ItemHealedConfusion
- text "A @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " rid"
- line "<TARGET>"
- cont "of its confusion."
- prompt
-; 0x80dcc
-AlreadyConfusedText: ; 0x80dcc
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "already confused!"
- prompt
-; 0x80de2
-BattleText_UsersHurtByStringBuffer1: ; 0x80de2
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "hurt by"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80df5
-BattleText_UserWasReleasedFromStringBuffer1: ; 0x80df5
- text "<USER>"
- line "was released from"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e11
-UsedBindText: ; 0x80e11
- text "<USER>"
- line "used BIND on"
- cont "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e24
-WhirlpoolTrapText: ; 0x80e24
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was trapped!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e34
-FireSpinTrapText: ; 0x80e34
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was trapped!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e44
-WrappedByText: ; 0x80e44
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was WRAPPED by"
- cont "<USER>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e59
-ClampedByText: ; 0x80e59
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was CLAMPED by"
- cont "<USER>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e6e
-StoringEnergyText: ; 0x80e6e
- text "<USER>"
- line "is storing energy!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e84
-UnleashedEnergyText: ; 0x80e84
- text "<USER>"
- line "unleashed energy!"
- prompt
-; 0x80e99
-HungOnText: ; 0x80e99
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "hung on with"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80eb0
-EnduredText: ; 0x80eb0
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "ENDURED the hit!"
- prompt
-; 0x80ec4
-InLoveWithText: ; 0x80ec4
- text "<USER>"
- line "is in love with"
- cont "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x80eda
-InfatuationText: ; 0x80eda
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "infatuation kept"
- cont "it from attacking!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f02
-DisabledMoveText: ; 0x80f02
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " is"
- cont "DISABLED!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f19
-LoafingAroundText: ; 0x80f19
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text " is"
- line "loafing around."
- prompt
-; 0x80f31
-BeganToNapText: ; 0x80f31
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text " began"
- line "to nap!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f44
-WontObeyText: ; 0x80f44
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text " won't"
- line "obey!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f54
-TurnedAwayText: ; 0x80f54
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text " turned"
- line "away!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f66
-IgnoredOrdersText: ; 0x80f66
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text " ignored"
- line "orders!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f7b
-IgnoredSleepingText: ; 0x80f7b
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text " ignored"
- line "orders…sleeping!"
- prompt
-; 0x80f99
-NoPPLeftText: ; 0x80f99
- text "But no PP is left"
- line "for the move!"
- prompt
-; 0x80fba
-HasNoPPLeftText: ; 0x80fba
- text "<USER>"
- line "has no PP left for"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x80fd7
-WentToSleepText: ; 0x80fd7
- text "<USER>"
- line "went to sleep!"
- done
-; 0x80fe9
-RestedText: ; 0x80fe9
- text "<USER>"
- line "fell asleep and"
- cont "became healthy!"
- done
-; 0x8100c
-RegainedHealthText: ; 0x8100c
- text "<USER>"
- line "regained health!"
- prompt
-; 0x81020
-AttackMissedText: ; 0x81020
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "attack missed!"
- prompt
-; 0x81033
-AttackMissed2Text: ; 0x81033
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "attack missed!"
- prompt
-; 0x81046
-CrashedText: ; 0x81046
- text "<USER>"
- line "kept going and"
- cont "crashed!"
- prompt
-; 0x81061
-UnaffectedText: ; 0x81061
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "unaffected!"
- prompt
-; 0x81071
-DoesntAffectText: ; 0x81071
- text "It doesn't affect"
- line "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x81086
-CriticalHitText: ; 0x81086
- text "A critical hit!"
- prompt
-; 0x81097
-OneHitKOText: ; 0x81097
- text "It's a one-hit KO!"
- prompt
-; 0x810aa
-SuperEffectiveText: ; 0x810aa
- text "It's super-"
- line "effective!"
- prompt
-; 0x810c1
-NotVeryEffectiveText: ; 0x810c1
- text "It's not very"
- line "effective…"
- prompt
-; 0x810da
-TookDownWithItText: ; 0x810da
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "took down with it,"
- cont "<USER>!"
- prompt
-; 0x810f3
-RageBuildingText: ; 0x810f3
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "RAGE is building!"
- prompt
-; 0x81109
-GotAnEncoreText: ; 0x81109
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "got an ENCORE!"
- prompt
-; 0x8111b
-SharedPainText: ; 0x8111b
- text "The battlers"
- line "shared pain!"
- prompt
-; 0x81136
-TookAimText: ; 0x81136
- text "<USER>"
- line "took aim!"
- prompt
-; 0x81143
-SketchedText: ; 0x81143
- text "<USER>"
- line "SKETCHED"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x81156
-DestinyBondEffectText: ; 0x81156
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "trying to take its"
- cont "opponent with it!"
- prompt
-; 0x8117f
-SpiteEffectText: ; 0x8117f
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " was"
- cont "reduced by @"
- deciram wd265, 1, 1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x811a0
-BellChimedText: ; 0x811a0
- text "A bell chimed!"
- line ""
- prompt
-; 0x811b1
-FellAsleepText: ; 0x811b1
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "fell asleep!"
- prompt
-; 0x811c1
-AlreadyAsleepText: ; 0x811c1
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "already asleep!"
- prompt
-; 0x811d5
-WasPoisonedText: ; 0x811d5
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was poisoned!"
- prompt
-; 0x811e6
-BadlyPoisonedText: ; 0x811e6
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "badly poisoned!"
- prompt
-; 0x811fa
-AlreadyPoisonedText: ; 0x811fa
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "already poisoned!"
- prompt
-; 0x81210
-SuckedHealthText: ; 0x81210
- text "Sucked health from"
- line "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x81227
-DreamEatenText: ; 0x81227
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "dream was eaten!"
- prompt
-; 0x8123c
-WasBurnedText: ; 0x8123c
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was burned!"
- prompt
-; 0x8124b
-DefrostedOpponentText: ; 0x8124b
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was defrosted!"
- prompt
-; 0x8125d
-WasFrozenText: ; 0x8125d
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was frozen solid!"
- prompt
-; 0x81272
-WontRiseAnymoreText: ; 0x81272
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " won't"
- cont "rise anymore!"
- prompt
-; 0x8128f
-WontDropAnymoreText: ; 0x8128f
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " won't"
- cont "drop anymore!"
- prompt
-; 0x812ac
-FledFromBattleText:: ; 0x812ac
- text "<USER>"
- line "fled from battle!"
- prompt
-; 0x812c1
-FledInFearText: ; 0x812c1
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "fled in fear!"
- prompt
-; 0x812d2
-BlownAwayText: ; 0x812d2
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was blown away!"
- prompt
-; 0x812e5
-PlayerHitTimesText: ; 0x812e5
- text "Hit @"
- deciram PlayerDamageTaken, 1, 1
- text " times!"
- prompt
-; 0x812f8
-EnemyHitTimesText: ; 0x812f8
- text "Hit @"
- deciram EnemyDamageTaken, 1, 1
- text " times!"
- prompt
-; 0x8130b
-MistText: ; 0x8130b
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "shrouded in MIST!"
- prompt
-; 0x81321
-ProtectedByMistText: ; 0x81321
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "protected by MIST."
- prompt
-; 0x81338
-GettingPumpedText: ; 0x81338
- interpret_data
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "getting pumped!"
- prompt
-; 0x8134d
-RecoilText: ; 0x8134d
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "hit with recoil!"
- prompt
-; 0x81362
-MadeSubstituteText: ; 0x81362
- text "<USER>"
- line "made a SUBSTITUTE!"
- prompt
-; 0x81378
-HasSubstituteText: ; 0x81378
- text "<USER>"
- line "has a SUBSTITUTE!"
- prompt
-; 0x8138d
-TooWeakSubText: ; 0x8138d
- text "Too weak to make"
- line "a SUBSTITUTE!"
- prompt
-; 0x813ad
-SubTookDamageText: ; 0x813ad
- text "The SUBSTITUTE"
- line "took damage for"
- cont "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x813d0
-SubFadedText: ; 0x813d0
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "SUBSTITUTE faded!"
- prompt
-; 0x813e6
-LearnedMoveText: ; 0x813e6
- text "<USER>"
- line "learned"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x813f8
-WasSeededText: ; 0x813f8
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "was seeded!"
- prompt
-; 0x81407
-EvadedText: ; 0x81407
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "evaded the attack!"
- prompt
-; 0x8141d
-WasDisabledText: ; 0x8141d
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " was"
- cont "DISABLED!"
- prompt
-; 0x81435
-CoinsScatteredText: ; 0x81435
- text "Coins scattered"
- line "everywhere!"
- prompt
-; 0x81452
-TransformedTypeText: ; 0x81452
- text "<USER>"
- line "transformed into"
- cont "the @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "-type!"
- prompt
-; 0x81476
-EliminatedStatsText: ; 0x81476
- text "All stat changes"
- line "were eliminated!"
- prompt
-; 0x81499
-TransformedText: ; 0x81499
- text "<USER>"
- line "TRANSFORMED into"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x814b4
-LightScreenEffectText: ; 0x814b4
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "SPCL.DEF rose!"
- prompt
-; 0x814c7
-ReflectEffectText: ; 0x814c7
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "DEFENSE rose!"
- prompt
-; 0x814d9
-NothingHappenedText: ; 0x814d9
- text "But nothing"
- line "happened."
- prompt
-; 0x814f0
-ButItFailedText: ; 0x814f0
- text "But it failed!"
- prompt
-; 0x81500
-ItFailedText: ; 0x81500
- text "It failed!"
- prompt
-; 0x8150c
-DidntAffect1Text: ; 0x8150c
- text "It didn't affect"
- line "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x81520
-DidntAffect2Text: ; 0x81520
- text "It didn't affect"
- line "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x81534
-HPIsFullText: ; 0x81534
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "HP is full!"
- prompt
-; 0x81544
-DraggedOutText: ; 0x81544
- text "<USER>"
- line "was dragged out!"
- prompt
-; 0x81558
-ParalyzedText: ; 0x81558
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "paralyzed! Maybe"
- cont "it can't attack!"
- prompt
-; 0x8157d
-FullyParalyzedText: ; 0x8157d
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "fully paralyzed!"
- prompt
-; 0x81592
-AlreadyParalyzedText: ; 0x81592
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "already paralyzed!"
- prompt
-; 0x815a9
-ProtectedByText: ; 0x815a9
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "protected by"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x815c1
-MirrorMoveFailedText: ; 0x815c1
- text "The MIRROR MOVE"
- next "failed!"
- prompt
-; 0x815da
-StoleText: ; 0x815da
- text "<USER>"
- line "stole @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- cont "from its foe!"
- prompt
-; 0x815f7
-CantEscapeNowText: ; 0x815f7
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "can't escape now!"
- prompt
-; 0x8160b
-StartedNightmareText: ; 0x8160b
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "started to have a"
- cont "NIGHTMARE!"
- prompt
-; 0x8162b
-WasDefrostedText: ; 0x8162b
- text "<USER>"
- line "was defrosted!"
- prompt
-; 0x8163d
-PutACurseText: ; 0x8163d
- text "<USER>"
- line "cut its own HP and"
- para "put a CURSE on"
- line "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x81665
-ProtectedItselfText: ; 0x81665
- text "<USER>"
- line "PROTECTED itself!"
- prompt
-; 0x8167a
-ProtectingItselfText: ; 0x8167a
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "PROTECTING itself!"
- done
-; 0x81691
-SpikesText: ; 0x81691
- text "SPIKES scattered"
- line "all around"
- cont "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x816b1
-IdentifiedText: ; 0x816b1
- text "<USER>"
- line "identified"
- cont "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x816c2
-StartPerishText: ; 0x816c2
- text "Both #MON will"
- line "faint in 3 turns!"
- prompt
-; 0x816e4
-SandstormBrewedText: ; 0x816e4
- text "A SANDSTORM"
- line "brewed!"
- prompt
-; 0x816f9
-BracedItselfText: ; 0x816f9
- text "<USER>"
- line "braced itself!"
- prompt
-; 0x8170b
-FellInLoveText: ; 0x8170b
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "fell in love!"
- prompt
-; 0x8171c
-CoveredByVeilText: ; 0x8171c
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "covered by a veil!"
- prompt
-; 0x81733
-SafeguardProtectText: ; 0x81733
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "is protected by"
- cont "SAFEGUARD!"
- prompt
-; 0x81751
-MagnitudeText: ; 0x81751
- text "Magnitude @"
- deciram wd265, 1, 1
- text "!"
- prompt
-; 0x81764
-ReleasedByText: ; 0x81764
- text "<USER>"
- line "was released by"
- cont "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x8177a
-ShedLeechSeedText: ; 0x8177a
- text "<USER>"
- line "shed LEECH SEED!"
- prompt
-; 0x8178e
-BlewSpikesText: ; 0x8178e
- text "<USER>"
- line "blew away SPIKES!"
- prompt
-; 0x817a3
-DownpourText: ; 0x817a3
- text "A downpour"
- line "started!"
- prompt
-; 0x817b8
-SunGotBrightText: ; 0x817b8
- text "The sunlight got"
- line "bright!"
- prompt
-; 0x817d2
-BellyDrumText: ; 0x817d2
- text "<USER>"
- line "cut its HP and"
- cont "maximized ATTACK!"
- prompt
-; 0x817f6
-CopiedStatsText: ; 0x817f6
- text "<USER>"
- line "copied the stat"
- para "changes of"
- line "<TARGET>!"
- prompt
-; 0x81817
-ForesawAttackText: ; 0x81817
- text "<USER>"
- line "foresaw an attack!"
- prompt
-; 0x8182d
-BeatUpAttackText: ; 0x8182d
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- line "attack!"
- done
-; 0x8183b
-RefusedGiftText: ; 0x8183b
- text "<TARGET>"
- line "refused the gift!"
- prompt
-; 0x81850
-IgnoredOrders2Text: ; 0x81850
- text "<USER>"
- line "ignored orders!"
- prompt
-; 0x81863
-BattleText_LinkErrorBattleCanceled: ; 0x81863
- text "Link error…"
- para "The battle has"
- line "been canceled…"
- prompt
-; 0x8188e
-BattleText_0x8188e: ; 0x8188e
- text "There is no time"
- line "left today!"
- done
-; 0x818ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/text/common.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+INCLUDE "constants.asm"
+INCLUDE "data/text/common_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "data/text/common_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "data/text/common_3.asm"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/text/common_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1848 @@
+ text "It's a fruit-"
+ line "bearing tree."
+ done
+ text "Hey! It's"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "Obtained"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "But the PACK is"
+ line "full…"
+ done
+ text "There's nothing"
+ line "here…"
+ done
+ text "Which APRICORN"
+ line "should I use?"
+ done
+ text "How many should I"
+ line "make?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "recovered @"
+ deciram wd1f3, 2, 3
+ text "HP!"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ line "cured of poison."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ line "rid of paralysis."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ line "burn was healed."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "was defrosted."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "woke up."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ line "health returned."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "is revitalized."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " grew to"
+ line "level @"
+ deciram CurPartyLevel, 1, 3
+ text "!@"
+ sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " came"
+ line "to its senses."
+ done
+ text "Please enter any"
+ line "four-digit number."
+ done
+ text "Enter the same"
+ line "number to confirm."
+ done
+ text "That's not the"
+ line "same number."
+ done
+ text "Your PASSCODE has"
+ line "been set."
+ para "Enter this number"
+ line "next time to open"
+ cont "the CARD FOLDER."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "0000 is invalid!"
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Enter the CARD"
+ done
+ text "Incorrect"
+ line "PASSCODE!"
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "CARD FOLDER open.@@"
+ text "<……><……><……><……><……><……>"
+ line "<……><……><……><……><……><……>"
+ para "Zzz… Hm? Wha…?"
+ line "You woke me up!"
+ para "Will you check the"
+ line "clock for me?"
+ prompt
+ text "What time is it?"
+ done
+ text "What?@@"
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "How many minutes?"
+ done
+ text "Whoa!@@"
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ line "I overslept!"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ line "Yikes! I over-"
+ cont "slept!"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ line "No wonder it's so"
+ cont "dark!"
+ done
+ text "What day is it?"
+ done
+ text ", is it?"
+ done
+ text "There is nothing"
+ line "connected."
+ done
+ text "Check cell phone"
+ line "adapter."
+ done
+ text "Check CDMA"
+ line "adapter."
+ done
+ text "Check DOCOMO PHS"
+ line "adapter."
+ done
+ text "Check DDI PHS"
+ line "adapter."
+ done
+ text "Check unlimited"
+ line "battle mobile"
+ cont "adapter."
+ done
+ text "The password is:"
+ line ""
+ done
+ text "Is this OK?"
+ done
+ text "Enter the"
+ line "ID no."
+ done
+ text "Enter the"
+ line "amount."
+ done
+ text "There's nothing to"
+ line "choose."
+ prompt
+ text "Which side do you"
+ line "want to put it on?"
+ done
+ text "Which side do you"
+ line "want to put away?"
+ done
+ text "Put away the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "There's nothing to"
+ line "put away."
+ prompt
+ text "Set up the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "Put away the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text_start
+ para "and set up the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer4
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "That's already set"
+ line "up."
+ prompt
+ text "It's the TOWN MAP."
+ done
+ text "It's a poster of a"
+ line "cute PIKACHU."
+ done
+ text "It's a poster of a"
+ line "cute CLEFAIRY."
+ done
+ text "It's a poster of a"
+ line "cute JIGGLYPUFF."
+ done
+ text "It's an adorable"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "A giant doll! It's"
+ line "fluffy and cuddly."
+ done
+ text "Hi, <PLAYER>!"
+ line "How are you?"
+ prompt
+ text "I found a useful"
+ line "item shopping, so"
+ prompt
+ text "I bought it with"
+ line "your money. Sorry!"
+ prompt
+ text "It's in your PC."
+ line "You'll like it!"
+ done
+ text "While shopping"
+ line "today, I saw this"
+ cont "adorable doll, so"
+ prompt
+ text "It's in your room."
+ line "You'll love it!"
+ done
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
+ text " was"
+ line "sent to @"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_start
+ done
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
+ text " bids"
+ line "farewell to"
+ done
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Take good care of"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "For @"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
+ text ","
+ done
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
+ text " sends"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
+ text " will"
+ line "trade @"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ db "@@"
+ text "for @"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
+ text " will"
+ line "trade @"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
+ db "@@"
+ text "for @"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
+ text " trade…"
+ done
+ text "Take good care of"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
+ text " trade…"
+ done
+ text "Take good care of"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
+ text " came"
+ line "back!"
+ done
+; Oak's Pokémon Talk
+ text_start
+ line "MARY: PROF.OAK'S"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "#MON TALK!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "With me, MARY!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "OAK: @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ db "@@"
+ text_start
+ line "may be seen around"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "MARY: @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "sweet and adorably"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "wiggly and slickly"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "aptly named and"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "undeniably kind of"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "so, so unbearably"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "wow, impressively"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "almost poisonously"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "ooh, so sensually"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "so mischievously"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "so very topically"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "sure addictively"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "looks in water is"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "evolution must be"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "provocatively"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "so flipped out and"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "heart-meltingly"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "cute."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "weird."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "pleasant."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "bold, sort of."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "frightening."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "suave & debonair!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "powerful."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "exciting."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "groovy!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "inspiring."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "friendly."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "hot, hot, hot!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "stimulating."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "guarded."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "lovely."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "speedy."
+ done
+ text "#MON"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ db "@@"
+; Pokémon Music Channel / Pokémusic
+ text_start
+ line "BEN: #MON MUSIC"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "CHANNEL!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "It's me, DJ BEN!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "FERN: #MUSIC!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "With DJ FERN!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Today's @"
+ current_day
+ text ","
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "so let us jam to"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "so chill out to"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "#MON March!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "#MON Lullaby!"
+ done
+; Lucky Channel
+ text_start
+ line "REED: Yeehaw! How"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "y'all doin' now?"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Whether you're up"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "or way down low,"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "don't you miss the"
+ done
+ text_start
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "This week's Lucky"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Number is @"
+ interpret_data
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "I'll repeat that!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Match it and go to"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "the RADIO TOWER!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "…Repeating myself"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "gets to be a drag…"
+ done
+; Places and People
+ text_start
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Brought to you by"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "me, DJ LILY!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ db "@@"
+ text_start
+ line "is cute."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is sort of lazy."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is always happy."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is quite noisy."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is precocious."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is somewhat bold."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is too picky!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is sort of OK."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is just so-so."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is actually great."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is just my type."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is so cool, no?"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is inspiring!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is kind of weird."
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is right for me?"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "is definitely odd!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ db "@@"
+ text_start
+ line "… …Ahem, we are"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "TEAM ROCKET!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "After three years"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "of preparation, we"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "have risen again"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "from the ashes!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "GIOVANNI! @"
+ interpret_data
+ text "Can you"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "hear?@"
+ interpret_data
+ text " We did it!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ interpret_data
+ text "Where is our boss?"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ interpret_data
+ text "Is he listening?"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "BUENA: BUENA here!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Today's password!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Let me think… It's"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Don't forget it!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "I'm in GOLDENROD's"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "RADIO TOWER!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "BUENA: Oh my…"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "It's midnight! I"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "have to shut down!"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "Thanks for tuning"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "in to the end! But"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "don't stay up too"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "late! Presented to"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line "you by DJ BUENA!"
+ done
+ text "I'm outta here!"
+ done
+ text "…"
+ done
+ text_start
+ line ""
+ done
+ text "<ENEMY>"
+ line "withdrew"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+ text "<ENEMY>"
+ line "used @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text_start
+ cont "on @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+ text "That can't be used"
+ line "right now."
+ prompt
+ text "That item can't be"
+ line "put in the PACK."
+ done
+ text "The @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "was put in the"
+ cont "PACK."
+ done
+ text "Remaining Time"
+ done
+ text "Your #MON's HP"
+ line "was healed."
+ prompt
+ text "Warping…"
+ done
+ text "Which number"
+ line "should be changed?"
+ done
+ text "Will you play with"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "You need two #-"
+ line "MON for breeding."
+ prompt
+ text "Breeding is not"
+ line "possible."
+ prompt
+ text "The compatibility"
+ line "is @"
+ deciram wd265, 1, 3
+ text "."
+ cont "Should they breed?"
+ done
+ text "There is no EGG."
+ line ""
+ prompt
+ text "It's going to"
+ line "hatch!"
+ prompt
+ text "Test event"
+ line "@"
+ deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "Start!"
+ done
+ text "End!"
+ done
+ text "For a boy!"
+ done
+ text "For a girl!"
+ done
+ text "This doesn't"
+ line "concern a boy!"
+ done
+ text "The BOX is full!"
+ done
+ text "A new CARD arrived"
+ line "from @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Put this CARD in"
+ line "the CARD FOLDER?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "'s CARD was"
+ line "listed as no.@"
+ deciram StringBuffer1, 1, 2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "Starting link."
+ done
+ text "Link terminated."
+ done
+ text "Closing link."
+ done
+ text "Clear the time"
+ line "limit?"
+ done
+ text "The time limit was"
+ line "cleared."
+ done
+ text "Pick which packet"
+ line "as an error?"
+ done
+ text "Trading @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text_start
+ line "for @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "…"
+ done
+ text "Obtained the"
+ done
+ text "Which floor?"
+ done
+ para "Time's up!"
+ done
+ text "ANNOUNCER: The"
+ line "Contest is over!"
+ done
+ text "REPEL's effect"
+ line "wore off."
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> found"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "But <PLAYER> has"
+ line "no space left…"
+ done
+ text "I just saw some"
+ line "rare @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " in"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ para "I'll call you if I"
+ line "see another rare"
+ cont "#MON, OK?"
+ prompt
+ line "DON'T TURN OFF!"
+ done
+ text_from_ram PlayerName
+ text " received"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!@"
+ sound_item
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "You have no coins."
+ prompt
+ text "You don't have a"
+ line "COIN CASE."
+ prompt
+ text "OK, connect the"
+ line "Game Link Cable."
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> traded"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " for"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text ".@@"
+ sound_dex_fanfare_80_109
+ interpret_data
+ db "@@"
+ text "I collect #MON."
+ line "Do you have"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ para "Want to trade it"
+ line "for my @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "You don't want to"
+ line "trade? Aww…"
+ done
+ text "Huh? That's not"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text ". "
+ cont "What a letdown…"
+ done
+ text "Yay! I got myself"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ cont "Thanks!"
+ done
+ text "Hi, how's my old"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " doing?"
+ done
+ text "Hi, I'm looking"
+ line "for this #MON."
+ para "If you have"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text ", would"
+ para "you trade it for"
+ line "my @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "one either?"
+ para "Gee, that's really"
+ line "disappointing…"
+ done
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "? That's"
+ cont "too bad, then."
+ done
+ text "Great! Thank you!"
+ para "I finally got"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Hi! The @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text_start
+ line "you traded me is"
+ cont "doing great!"
+ done
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text "'s cute,"
+ line "but I don't have"
+ para "it. Do you have"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ para "Want to trade it"
+ line "for my @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "You don't want to"
+ line "trade? Oh, darn…"
+ done
+ text "That's not"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ para "Please trade with"
+ line "me if you get one."
+ done
+ text "Wow! Thank you!"
+ line "I always wanted"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "How is that"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " I"
+ cont "traded you doing?"
+ para "Your @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text "'s"
+ line "so cute!"
+ done
+ text "Uh? What happened?"
+ done
+ text "Trading is so odd…"
+ para "I still have a lot"
+ line "to learn about it."
+ done
+ text "Wow, that's a cute"
+ line "#MON."
+ para "Where did you get"
+ line "it?"
+ para "…"
+ para "So, you're leaving"
+ line "on an adventure…"
+ para "OK!"
+ line "I'll help too."
+ para "But what can I do"
+ line "for you?"
+ para "I know! I'll save"
+ line "money for you."
+ para "On a long journey,"
+ line "money's important."
+ para "Do you want me to"
+ line "save your money?"
+ done
+ text "OK, I'll take care"
+ line "of your money."
+ para "<……><……><……>"
+ prompt
+ text "Be careful."
+ para "#MON are your"
+ line "friends. You need"
+ cont "to work as a team."
+ para "Now, go on!"
+ done
+ text "Hi! Welcome home!"
+ line "You're trying very"
+ cont "hard, I see."
+ para "I've kept your"
+ line "room tidy."
+ para "Or is this about"
+ line "your money?"
+ done
+ text "What do you want"
+ line "to do?"
+ done
+ text "How much do you"
+ line "want to save?"
+ done
+ text "How much do you"
+ line "want to take?"
+ done
+ text "Do you want to"
+ line "save some money?"
+ done
+ text "You haven't saved"
+ line "that much."
+ prompt
+ text "You can't take"
+ line "that much."
+ prompt
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "that much."
+ prompt
+ text "You can't save"
+ line "that much."
+ prompt
+ text "OK, I'll save your"
+ line "money. Trust me!"
+ para "<PLAYER>, stick"
+ line "with it!"
+ done
+ text "Your money's safe"
+ line "here! Get going!"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER>, don't"
+ line "give up!"
+ done
+ text "Just do what"
+ line "you can."
+ done
+ text_start
+ done
+ text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
+ line "MAN. Want me to"
+ cont "raise a #MON?"
+ done
+ text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
+ line "MAN. Do you know"
+ cont "about EGGS?"
+ para "I was raising"
+ line "#MON with my"
+ cont "wife, you see."
+ para "We were shocked to"
+ line "find an EGG!"
+ para "How incredible is"
+ line "that?"
+ para "So, want me to"
+ line "raise a #MON?"
+ done
+ text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
+ line "LADY."
+ para "Should I raise a"
+ line "#MON for you?"
+ done
+ text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
+ line "LADY. Do you know"
+ cont "about EGGS?"
+ para "My husband and I"
+ line "were raising some"
+ cont "#MON, you see."
+ para "We were shocked to"
+ line "find an EGG!"
+ para "How incredible"
+ line "could that be?"
+ para "Should I raise a"
+ line "#MON for you?"
+ done
+ text "What should I"
+ line "raise for you?"
+ prompt
+ text "Oh? But you have"
+ line "just one #MON."
+ prompt
+ text "Sorry, but I can't"
+ line "accept an EGG."
+ prompt
+ text "Remove MAIL before"
+ line "you come see me."
+ prompt
+ text "If you give me"
+ line "that, what will"
+ cont "you battle with?"
+ prompt
+ text "OK. I'll raise"
+ line "your @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "Come back for it"
+ line "later."
+ done
+ text "Are we geniuses or"
+ line "what? Want to see"
+ cont "your @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "Your @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "has grown a lot."
+ para "By level, it's"
+ line "grown by @"
+ deciram StringBuffer2 + 1, 1, 3
+ text "."
+ para "If you want your"
+ line "#MON back, it"
+ cont "will cost ¥@"
+ deciram StringBuffer2 + 2, 3, 4
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Perfect! Here's"
+ line "your #MON."
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> got back"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "Huh? Back already?"
+ line "Your @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ para "needs a little"
+ line "more time with us."
+ para "If you want your"
+ line "#MON back, it"
+ cont "will cost ¥100."
+ done
+ text "You have no room"
+ line "for it."
+ prompt
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "enough money."
+ prompt
+ text "Oh, fine then."
+ prompt
+ text "Come again."
+ done
+ text "Not yet…"
+ done
+ text "Ah, it's you!"
+ para "We were raising"
+ line "your #MON, and"
+ para "my goodness, were"
+ line "we surprised!"
+ para "Your #MON had"
+ line "an EGG!"
+ para "We don't know how"
+ line "it got there, but"
+ para "your #MON had"
+ line "it. You want it?"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> received"
+ line "the EGG!"
+ done
+ text "Take good care of"
+ line "it."
+ done
+ text "Well then, I'll"
+ line "keep it. Thanks!"
+ done
+ text "You have no room"
+ line "in your party."
+ cont "Come back later."
+ done
+ text "Which #MON"
+ line "should I photo-"
+ cont "graph?"
+ prompt
+ text "All righty. Hold"
+ line "still for a bit."
+ prompt
+ text "Presto! All done."
+ line "Come again, OK?"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/text/common_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1540 @@
+ text "Oh, no picture?"
+ line "Come again, OK?"
+ done
+ text "An EGG? My talent"
+ line "is worth more…"
+ done
+ text "Hello, hello! I'm"
+ line "the NAME RATER."
+ para "I rate the names"
+ line "of #MON."
+ para "Would you like me"
+ line "to rate names?"
+ done
+ text "Which #MON's"
+ line "nickname should I"
+ cont "rate for you?"
+ prompt
+ text "Hm… @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "…"
+ line "That's a fairly"
+ cont "decent name."
+ para "But, how about a"
+ line "slightly better"
+ cont "nickname?"
+ para "Want me to give it"
+ line "a better name?"
+ done
+ text "All right. What"
+ line "name should we"
+ cont "give it, then?"
+ prompt
+ text "That's a better"
+ line "name than before!"
+ para "Well done!"
+ done
+ text "OK, then. Come"
+ line "again sometime."
+ done
+ text "Hm… @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ line "What a great name!"
+ cont "It's perfect."
+ para "Treat @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "with loving care."
+ done
+ text "Whoa… That's just"
+ line "an EGG."
+ done
+ text "It might look the"
+ line "same as before,"
+ para "but this new name"
+ line "is much better!"
+ para "Well done!"
+ done
+ text "All right. This"
+ line "#MON is now"
+ cont "named @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " gained@@"
+ text_start
+ line "a boosted"
+ cont "@"
+ deciram StringBuffer2, 2, 4
+ text " EXP. Points!"
+ prompt
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ deciram StringBuffer2, 2, 4
+ text " EXP. Points!"
+ prompt
+ text "Go! @@"
+ text "Do it! @@"
+ text "Go for it,"
+ line "@@"
+ text "Your foe's weak!"
+ line "Get'm, @@"
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text_from_ram BattleMonNick
+ text ",@@"
+ text " that's"
+ line "enough! Come back!@@"
+ text " OK!"
+ line "Come back!@@"
+ text " good!"
+ line "Come back!@@"
+ text " come"
+ line "back!"
+ done
+ text "Booted up a TM."
+ prompt
+ text "Booted up an HM."
+ prompt
+ text "It contained"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ para "Teach @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text_start
+ line "to a #MON?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " is"
+ line "not compatible"
+ cont "with @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ para "It can't learn"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "You have no room"
+ line "for any more"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "S."
+ prompt
+ text "You received"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+ text "The link has been"
+ line "cancelled."
+ prompt
+ text "Communication"
+ line "error."
+ prompt
+ text "Must retrieve GIFT"
+ line "at #MON CENTER."
+ prompt
+ text "Your friend isn't"
+ line "ready."
+ prompt
+ text "Sorry--only five"
+ line "GIFTS a day."
+ prompt
+ text "Sorry. One GIFT"
+ line "a day per person."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wMysteryGiftPartnerName
+ text " sent"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wMysteryGiftPartnerName
+ text " sent"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ cont "to @"
+ text_from_ram wMysteryGiftPlayerName
+ text "'s home."
+ prompt
+ text "Received"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wc850
+ text "'s CARD."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wc850
+ text "'s CARD was"
+ line "listed as no.@"
+ deciram wd265, 1, 2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "The CARD was not"
+ line "registered."
+ prompt
+ text "The link has been"
+ line "cancelled."
+ prompt
+ text "Communication"
+ line "error."
+ prompt
+ text "Sorry! A new BADGE"
+ line "is required."
+ prompt
+ text "Can't use that"
+ line "here."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "CUT!"
+ prompt
+ text "There's nothing to"
+ line "CUT here."
+ prompt
+ text "A blinding FLASH"
+ line "lights the area!@"
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "SURF!"
+ done
+ text "You can't SURF"
+ line "here."
+ prompt
+ text "You're already"
+ line "SURFING."
+ prompt
+ text "The water is calm."
+ line "Want to SURF?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "WATERFALL!"
+ done
+ text "Wow, it's a huge"
+ line "waterfall."
+ done
+ text "Do you want to use"
+ line "WATERFALL?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "DIG!"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> used an"
+ line "ESCAPE ROPE."
+ done
+ text "Can't use that"
+ line "here."
+ done
+ text "Return to the last"
+ line "#MON CENTER."
+ done
+ text "Can't use that"
+ line "here."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "A #MON is using"
+ line "STRENGTH already."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "STRENGTH!"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " can"
+ line "move boulders."
+ prompt
+ text "A #MON may be"
+ line "able to move this."
+ para "Want to use"
+ line "STRENGTH?"
+ done
+ text "Boulders may now"
+ line "be moved!"
+ done
+ text "A #MON may be"
+ line "able to move this."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "WHIRLPOOL!"
+ prompt
+ text "It's a vicious"
+ line "whirlpool!"
+ para "A #MON may be"
+ line "able to pass it."
+ done
+ text "A whirlpool is in"
+ line "the way."
+ para "Want to use"
+ line "WHIRLPOOL?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " did a"
+ line "HEADBUTT!"
+ prompt
+ text "Nope. Nothing…"
+ done
+ text "A #MON could be"
+ line "in this tree."
+ para "Want to HEADBUTT"
+ line "it?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " used"
+ line "ROCK SMASH!"
+ prompt
+ text "Maybe a #MON"
+ line "can break this."
+ done
+ text "This rock looks"
+ line "breakable."
+ para "Want to use ROCK"
+ line "SMASH?"
+ done
+ text "Oh!"
+ line "A bite!"
+ prompt
+ text "Not even a nibble!"
+ prompt
+ text "Looks like there's"
+ line "nothing here."
+ prompt
+ text "You can't get off"
+ line "here!"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> got on the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> got off"
+ line "the @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "This tree can be"
+ line "CUT!"
+ para "Want to use CUT?"
+ done
+ text "This tree can be"
+ line "CUT!"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> found"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "But <PLAYER> can't"
+ line "carry any more"
+ cont "items."
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> is out of"
+ line "useable #MON!"
+ para "<PLAYER> whited"
+ line "out!"
+ done
+ text "Yes! ITEMFINDER"
+ line "indicates there's"
+ cont "an item nearby."
+ prompt
+ text "Nope! ITEMFINDER"
+ line "isn't responding."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text_start
+ line "fainted!"
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> is out of"
+ line "useable #MON!"
+ para "<PLAYER> whited"
+ line "out!"
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text " used"
+ line "SWEET SCENT!"
+ done
+ text "Looks like there's"
+ line "nothing here…"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> sprinkled"
+ line "water."
+ para "But nothing"
+ line "happened…"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER>'s #MON"
+ line "were all healed!"
+ done
+ text "An EGG can't hold"
+ line "an item."
+ prompt
+ text "No items."
+ done
+ text "Throw away how"
+ line "many?"
+ done
+ text "Throw away @"
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)?"
+ done
+ text "Threw away"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)."
+ prompt
+ text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
+ line "This isn't the"
+ cont "time to use that!"
+ prompt
+ text "You don't have a"
+ line "#MON!"
+ prompt
+ text "Registered the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "You can't register"
+ line "that item."
+ prompt
+ text "Where should this"
+ line "be moved to?"
+ done
+ text_start
+ done
+ text "You can't use it"
+ line "in a battle."
+ prompt
+ text "Are you a boy?"
+ line "Or are you a girl?"
+ done
+ text "<USER>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ db "@@"
+ interpret_data
+ text "<SCROLL>went way up!"
+ prompt
+ text " went up!"
+ prompt
+ text "<TARGET>'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ db "@@"
+ interpret_data
+ text "<SCROLL>sharply fell!"
+ prompt
+ text " fell!"
+ prompt
+ text "<USER>@@"
+ text_start
+ line "made a whirlwind!"
+ prompt
+ text_start
+ line "took in sunlight!"
+ prompt
+ text_start
+ line "lowered its head!"
+ prompt
+ text_start
+ line "is glowing!"
+ prompt
+ text_start
+ line "flew up high!"
+ prompt
+ text_start
+ line "dug a hole!"
+ prompt
+ text "<USER>@@"
+ text_start
+ line "used @@"
+ text_start
+ line "used @@"
+ text "instead,"
+ cont "@@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ db "@@"
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "Huh?"
+ para "@@"
+ text_start
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " came"
+ line "out of its EGG!@"
+ sound_caught_mon
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "Give a nickname to"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "It's @"
+ text_from_ram wBreedMon2Nick
+ text_start
+ line "that was left with"
+ cont "the DAY-CARE LADY."
+ done
+ text "It's @"
+ text_from_ram wBreedMon1
+ text_start
+ line "that was left with"
+ cont "the DAY-CARE MAN."
+ done
+ text "It's brimming with"
+ line "energy."
+ prompt
+ text "It has no interest"
+ line "in @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "It appears to care"
+ line "for @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "It's friendly with"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "It shows interest"
+ line "in @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "There's no MAIL"
+ line "here."
+ prompt
+ text "The cleared MAIL"
+ line "was put away."
+ prompt
+ text "The PACK is full."
+ prompt
+ text "The MAIL's message"
+ line "will be lost. OK?"
+ done
+ text "It's already hold-"
+ line "ing an item."
+ prompt
+ text "An EGG can't hold"
+ line "any MAIL."
+ prompt
+ text "The MAIL was moved"
+ line "from the MAILBOX."
+ prompt
+ text "Yes"
+ prompt
+ text "No"
+ prompt
+ deciram wcf64, 1, 3
+ text " @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "Animation type @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ db "@@"
+ text "#MON number?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " was"
+ line "sent to BILL's PC."
+ prompt
+ text "You gotta have"
+ line "#MON to call!"
+ prompt
+ text "What?"
+ done
+ text "There is a #MON"
+ line "holding MAIL."
+ para "Please remove the"
+ line "MAIL."
+ prompt
+ text "You don't have a"
+ line "single #MON!"
+ prompt
+ text "You can't deposit"
+ line "your last #MON!"
+ prompt
+ text "You can't take any"
+ line "more #MON."
+ prompt
+ text "Caught @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+ text "Switch #MON?"
+ done
+ text "You already caught"
+ line "a @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "This Bug-Catching"
+ line "Contest winner is@"
+ interpret_data
+ text "…"
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram wBugContestWinnerName
+ text ","
+ line "who caught a"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!@@"
+ text_start
+ para "The winning score"
+ line "was @"
+ deciram wBugContestFirstPlaceScore, 2, 3
+ text " points!"
+ prompt
+ text "Placing second was"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wBugContestWinnerName
+ text ","
+ para "who caught a"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!@@"
+ text_start
+ para "The score was"
+ line "@"
+ deciram wBugContestSecondPlaceScore, 2, 3
+ text " points!"
+ prompt
+ text "Placing third was"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wBugContestWinnerName
+ text ","
+ para "who caught a"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!@@"
+ text_start
+ para "The score was"
+ line "@"
+ deciram wBugContestThirdPlaceScore, 2, 3
+ text " points!"
+ prompt
+ text "Let me measure"
+ line "that MAGIKARP."
+ para "…Hm, it measures"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " caught by"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wMagikarpRecordHoldersName
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "Congratulations!"
+ para "We have a match"
+ line "with the ID number"
+ para "of @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " in"
+ line "your party."
+ prompt
+ text "Congratulations!"
+ para "We have a match"
+ line "with the ID number"
+ para "of @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " in"
+ line "your PC BOX."
+ prompt
+ text "Give a nickname to"
+ line "the @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " you"
+ cont "received?"
+ done
+ text "Bzzzzt! You must"
+ line "have a #MON to"
+ cont "use this!"
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> turned on"
+ line "the PC."
+ prompt
+ text "What do you want"
+ line "to do?"
+ done
+ text "How many do you"
+ line "want to withdraw?"
+ done
+ text "Withdrew @"
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)."
+ prompt
+ text "There's no room"
+ line "for more items."
+ prompt
+ text "No items here!"
+ prompt
+ text "How many do you"
+ line "want to deposit?"
+ done
+ text "Deposited @"
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)."
+ prompt
+ text "There's no room to"
+ line "store items."
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> turned on"
+ line "the PC."
+ prompt
+ text "Access whose PC?"
+ done
+ text "BILL's PC"
+ line "accessed."
+ para "#MON Storage"
+ line "System opened."
+ prompt
+ text "Accessed own PC."
+ para "Item Storage"
+ line "System opened."
+ prompt
+ text "PROF.OAK's PC"
+ line "accessed."
+ para "#DEX Rating"
+ line "System opened."
+ prompt
+ text "…"
+ line "Link closed…"
+ done
+ text "Want to get your"
+ line "#DEX rated?"
+ done
+ text "Current #DEX"
+ line "completion level:"
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text " #MON seen"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer4
+ text " #MON owned"
+ para "PROF.OAK's"
+ line "Rating:"
+ done
+ text "Look for #MON"
+ line "in grassy areas!"
+ done
+ text "Good. I see you"
+ line "understand how to"
+ cont "use # BALLS."
+ done
+ text "You're getting"
+ line "good at this."
+ para "But you have a"
+ line "long way to go."
+ done
+ text "You need to fill"
+ line "up the #DEX."
+ para "Catch different"
+ line "kinds of #MON!"
+ done
+ text "You're trying--I"
+ line "can see that."
+ para "Your #DEX is"
+ line "coming together."
+ done
+ text "To evolve, some"
+ line "#MON grow,"
+ para "others use the"
+ line "effects of STONES."
+ done
+ text "Have you gotten a"
+ line "fishing ROD? You"
+ para "can catch #MON"
+ line "by fishing."
+ done
+ text "Excellent! You"
+ line "seem to like col-"
+ cont "lecting things!"
+ done
+ text "Some #MON only"
+ line "appear during"
+ para "certain times of"
+ line "the day."
+ done
+ text "Your #DEX is"
+ line "filling up. Keep"
+ cont "up the good work!"
+ done
+ text "I'm impressed."
+ line "You're evolving"
+ para "#MON, not just"
+ line "catching them."
+ done
+ text "Have you met KURT?"
+ line "His custom BALLS"
+ cont "should help."
+ done
+ text "Wow. You've found"
+ line "more #MON than"
+ para "the last #DEX"
+ line "research project."
+ done
+ text "Are you trading"
+ line "your #MON?"
+ para "It's tough to do"
+ line "this alone!"
+ done
+ text "Wow! You've hit"
+ line "200! Your #DEX"
+ cont "is looking great!"
+ done
+ text "You've found so"
+ line "many #MON!"
+ para "You've really"
+ line "helped my studies!"
+ done
+ text "Magnificent! You"
+ line "could become a"
+ para "#MON professor"
+ line "right now!"
+ done
+ text "Your #DEX is"
+ line "amazing! You're"
+ para "ready to turn"
+ line "professional!"
+ done
+ text "Whoa! A perfect"
+ line "#DEX! I've"
+ para "dreamt about this!"
+ line "Congratulations!"
+ done
+ text "The link to PROF."
+ line "OAK's PC closed."
+ done
+ text "Triple-theme"
+ line "trainer ranking!"
+ para "The SAVE file you"
+ line "just sent might"
+ cont "make the rankings!"
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "There is no"
+ line "ranking data."
+ para "Link to obtain"
+ line "ranking data."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text " , yeah!"
+ done
+ text "Darn…"
+ done
+ text "Would you like to"
+ line "end the Contest?"
+ done
+ text "Toss out how many"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)?"
+ done
+ text "Throw away @"
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text_start
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)?"
+ done
+ text "Discarded"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "(S)."
+ prompt
+ text "That's too impor-"
+ line "tant to toss out!"
+ prompt
+ text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
+ line "This isn't the"
+ cont "time to use that!"
+ done
+ text "Took @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " and"
+ para "made it hold"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "Made @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text_start
+ line "hold @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "Please remove the"
+ line "MAIL first."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " isn't"
+ line "holding anything."
+ prompt
+ text "Item storage space"
+ line "full."
+ prompt
+ text "Took @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text_start
+ line "from @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " is"
+ line "already holding"
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ line "Switch items?"
+ done
+ text "This item can't be"
+ line "held."
+ prompt
+ text "The MAIL will lose"
+ line "its message. OK?"
+ done
+ text "MAIL detached from"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "There's no space"
+ line "for removing MAIL."
+ prompt
+ text "Send the removed"
+ line "MAIL to your PC?"
+ done
+ text "Your PC's MAILBOX"
+ line "is full."
+ prompt
+ text "The MAIL was sent"
+ line "to your PC."
+ prompt
+ text "Not enough HP!"
+ prompt
+ text "An item in your"
+ line "PACK may be"
+ para "registered for use"
+ line "on SELECT Button."
+ done
+ text "Hello! Sorry to"
+ line "keep you waiting!"
+ para "Welcome to the"
+ line "world of #MON!"
+ para "My name is OAK."
+ para "People call me the"
+ line "#MON PROF."
+ prompt
+ text "This world is in-"
+ line "habited by crea-"
+ cont "tures that we call"
+ cont "#MON.@@"
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "People and #MON"
+ line "live together by"
+ para "supporting each"
+ line "other."
+ para "Some people play"
+ line "with #MON, some"
+ cont "battle with them."
+ prompt
+ text "But we don't know"
+ line "everything about"
+ cont "#MON yet."
+ para "There are still"
+ line "many mysteries to"
+ cont "solve."
+ para "That's why I study"
+ line "#MON every day."
+ prompt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/text/common_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1508 @@
+ text "Now, what did you"
+ line "say your name was?"
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER>, are you"
+ line "ready?"
+ para "Your very own"
+ line "#MON story is"
+ cont "about to unfold."
+ para "You'll face fun"
+ line "times and tough"
+ cont "challenges."
+ para "A world of dreams"
+ line "and adventures"
+ para "with #MON"
+ line "awaits! Let's go!"
+ para "I'll be seeing you"
+ line "later!"
+ done
+ text "The clock's time"
+ line "may be wrong."
+ para "Please reset the"
+ line "time."
+ prompt
+ text "Set with the"
+ line "Control Pad."
+ para "Confirm: A Button"
+ line "Cancel: B Button"
+ done
+ text "Is this OK?"
+ done
+ text "The clock has been"
+ line "reset."
+ done
+ text "Too much time has"
+ line "elapsed. Please"
+ cont "try again."
+ prompt
+ text "If you trade that"
+ line "#MON, you won't"
+ cont "be able to battle."
+ prompt
+ text "Your friend's"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " appears"
+ cont "to be abnormal!"
+ prompt
+ text "Trade @"
+ text_from_ram wd004
+ text_start
+ line "for @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "To enter a mobile"
+ line "battle, you must"
+ para "pick a team of"
+ line "three #MON."
+ para "Is that OK?"
+ done
+ text "Need more info on"
+ line "mobile battles?"
+ done
+ text "For a mobile"
+ line "battle, choose"
+ cont "three #MON."
+ para "The maximum daily"
+ line "play time is ten"
+ para "minutes for each"
+ line "linked player."
+ para "If a battle isn't"
+ line "finished within"
+ para "the time limit,"
+ line "the player with"
+ para "the fewest fainted"
+ line "#MON wins."
+ para "If tied, the team"
+ line "that lost the"
+ para "least amount of HP"
+ line "wins."
+ done
+ text "Today's remaining"
+ line "time is @"
+ deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
+ text " min."
+ para "Would you like to"
+ line "battle?"
+ done
+ text "There are only @"
+ deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
+ text_start
+ line "min. left today."
+ para "Want a quick"
+ line "battle?"
+ done
+ text "There is only"
+ line "1 min. left today!"
+ para "Want to rush"
+ line "through a battle?"
+ done
+ text "There is less than"
+ line "1 min. left today!"
+ para "Please try again"
+ line "tomorrow."
+ done
+ text "Try again using"
+ line "the same settings?"
+ done
+ text "There is less than"
+ line "1 min. left today!"
+ done
+ text "No time left for"
+ line "linking today."
+ done
+ text "Pick three #MON"
+ line "for battle."
+ done
+ text "Today's remaining"
+ line "time is @"
+ deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
+ text " min."
+ done
+ text "Would you like to"
+ line "save the game?"
+ done
+ line "OFF THE POWER."
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> saved"
+ line "the game."
+ done
+ text "There is already a"
+ line "save file. Is it"
+ cont "OK to overwrite?"
+ done
+ text "There is another"
+ line "save file. Is it"
+ cont "OK to overwrite?"
+ done
+ text "The save file is"
+ line "corrupted!"
+ prompt
+ text "When you change a"
+ line "#MON BOX, data"
+ cont "will be saved. OK?"
+ done
+ text "Each time you move"
+ line "a #MON, data"
+ cont "will be saved. OK?"
+ done
+ text "The window save"
+ line "area was exceeded."
+ done
+ text "No windows avail-"
+ line "able for popping."
+ done
+ text "Corrupted event!"
+ prompt
+ text "Object event"
+ done
+ text "BG event"
+ done
+ text "Coordinates event"
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> received"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer4
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> put the"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " in"
+ cont "the @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "The @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+ text_start
+ line "is full…"
+ prompt
+ text "I see all."
+ line "I know all…"
+ para "Certainly, I know"
+ line "of your #MON!"
+ done
+ text "Whaaaat? I can't"
+ line "tell a thing!"
+ para "How could I not"
+ line "know of this?"
+ done
+ text "Hm… I see you met"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text " here:"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLocation
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+ text "The time was"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerTimeOfDay
+ text "!"
+ para "Its level was @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLevelString
+ text "!"
+ para "Am I good or what?"
+ prompt
+ text "Hm… @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text_start
+ line "came from @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerOTName
+ text_start
+ cont "in a trade?"
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLocation
+ text_start
+ line "was where @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerOTName
+ text_start
+ cont "met @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text "!"
+ prompt
+ text "What!? Incredible!"
+ para "I don't understand"
+ line "how, but it is"
+ para "incredible!"
+ line "You are special."
+ para "I can't tell where"
+ line "you met it, but it"
+ cont "was at level @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLevelString
+ text "."
+ para "Am I good or what?"
+ prompt
+ text "Hey!"
+ para "That's an EGG!"
+ para "You can't say that"
+ line "you've met it yet…"
+ done
+ text "Fufufu! I saw that"
+ line "you'd do nothing!"
+ done
+ text "Incidentally…"
+ para "It would be wise"
+ line "to raise your"
+ para "#MON with a"
+ line "little more care."
+ done
+ text "Incidentally…"
+ para "It seems to have"
+ line "grown a little."
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text " seems"
+ line "to be becoming"
+ cont "more confident."
+ done
+ text "Incidentally…"
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text " has"
+ line "grown. It's gained"
+ cont "much strength."
+ done
+ text "Incidentally…"
+ para "It certainly has"
+ line "grown mighty!"
+ para "This @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text_start
+ line "must have come"
+ para "through numerous"
+ line "#MON battles."
+ para "It looks brimming"
+ line "with confidence."
+ done
+ text "Incidentally…"
+ para "I'm impressed by"
+ line "your dedication."
+ para "It's been a long"
+ line "time since I've"
+ para "seen a #MON as"
+ line "mighty as this"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text "."
+ para "I'm sure that"
+ line "seeing @"
+ text_from_ram wSeerNickname
+ text_start
+ para "in battle would"
+ line "excite anyone."
+ done
+ text "Congratulations!"
+ line "Your @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ db "@@"
+ text_start
+ para "evolved into"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "!"
+ done
+ text "Huh? @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text_start
+ line "stopped evolving!"
+ prompt
+ text "What? @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text_start
+ line "is evolving!"
+ done
+ text "How many?"
+ done
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text " @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)"
+ line "will be ¥@"
+ deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Hello, dear."
+ para "I sell inexpensive"
+ line "herbal medicine."
+ para "They're good, but"
+ line "a trifle bitter."
+ para "Your #MON may"
+ line "not like them."
+ para "Hehehehe…"
+ done
+ text "How many?"
+ done
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text " @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)"
+ line "will be ¥@"
+ deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Thank you, dear."
+ line "Hehehehe…"
+ done
+ text "Oh? Your PACK is"
+ line "full, dear."
+ done
+ text "Hehehe… You don't"
+ line "have the money."
+ done
+ text "Come again, dear."
+ line "Hehehehe…"
+ done
+ text "Hiya! Care to see"
+ line "some bargains?"
+ para "I sell rare items"
+ line "that nobody else"
+ para "carries--but only"
+ line "one of each item."
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " costs"
+ line "¥@"
+ deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+ text ". Want it?"
+ done
+ text "Thanks."
+ done
+ text "Uh-oh, your PACK"
+ line "is chock-full."
+ done
+ text "You bought that"
+ line "already. I'm all"
+ cont "sold out of it."
+ done
+ text "Uh-oh, you're"
+ line "short on funds."
+ done
+ text "Come by again"
+ line "sometime."
+ done
+ text "What's up? Need"
+ line "some medicine?"
+ done
+ text "How many?"
+ done
+ deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
+ text " @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)"
+ line "will cost ¥@"
+ deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "Thanks much!"
+ done
+ text "You don't have any"
+ line "more space."
+ done
+ text "Huh? That's not"
+ line "enough money."
+ done
+ text "All right."
+ line "See you around."
+ done
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "anything to sell."
+ prompt
+ text "How many?"
+ done
+ text "I can pay you"
+ line "¥@"
+ deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+ text "."
+ para "Is that OK?"
+ done
+ text "Welcome! How may I"
+ line "help you?"
+ done
+ text "Here you are."
+ line "Thank you!"
+ done
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "enough money."
+ done
+ text "You can't carry"
+ line "any more items."
+ done
+ text "Sorry, I can't buy"
+ line "that from you."
+ prompt
+ text "Please come again!"
+ done
+ text "Can I do anything"
+ line "else for you?"
+ done
+ text "Got ¥@"
+ deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+ text " for"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "(S)."
+ done
+ text "Bet how many"
+ line "coins?"
+ done
+ text "Start!"
+ done
+ text "Not enough"
+ line "coins."
+ prompt
+ text "Darn… Ran out of"
+ line "coins…"
+ done
+ text "Play again?"
+ done
+ text "lined up!"
+ line "Won @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " coins!"
+ done
+ text "Darn!"
+ done
+ text "Data for use in"
+ line "the MOBILE STADIUM"
+ para "of the N64 #MON"
+ line "STADIUM 2 can be"
+ cont "read here."
+ para "Read the data?"
+ done
+ text "Data transfer is"
+ line "complete."
+ para "We hope you enjoy"
+ para "battles in the N64"
+ line "#MON STADIUM 2."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Clock time unknown"
+ done
+ text "Delete the saved"
+ done
+ text "Deleted the LOG-IN"
+ line "PASSWORD."
+ done
+ text "Pick three #MON"
+ line "for battle."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wMobileParticipant1Nickname
+ text ","
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram wMobileParticipant2Nickname
+ text " and"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram wMobileParticipant3Nickname
+ text "."
+ para "Use these three?"
+ done
+ text "Only three #MON"
+ line "may enter."
+ prompt
+ text "The CARD FOLDER"
+ line "stores your and"
+ para "your friends'"
+ line "CARDS."
+ para "A CARD contains"
+ line "information like"
+ para "the person's name,"
+ line "phone number and"
+ cont "profile."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "This is your CARD."
+ para "Once you've"
+ line "entered your phone"
+ para "number, you can"
+ line "trade CARDS with"
+ cont "your friends."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "If you have your"
+ line "friend's CARD, you"
+ para "can use it to make"
+ line "a call from a"
+ para "mobile phone on"
+ line "the 2nd floor of a"
+ cont "#MON CENTER."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "To safely store"
+ line "your collection of"
+ para "CARDS, you must"
+ line "set a PASSCODE for"
+ cont "your CARD FOLDER."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "If the CARD FOLDER"
+ line "is deleted, all"
+ para "its CARDS and the"
+ line "PASSCODE will also"
+ cont "be deleted."
+ para "Beware--a deleted"
+ line "CARD FOLDER can't"
+ cont "be restored."
+ para "Want to delete"
+ line "your CARD FOLDER?"
+ done
+ text "Are you sure you"
+ line "want to delete it?"
+ done
+ text "The CARD FOLDER"
+ line "has been deleted."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "There is an older"
+ line "CARD FOLDER from a"
+ cont "previous journey."
+ para "Do you want to"
+ line "open it?"
+ done
+ text "Delete the old"
+ line "CARD FOLDER?"
+ done
+ text "Finish registering"
+ line "CARDS?"
+ done
+ text "Huh? Sorry, wrong"
+ line "number!"
+ done
+ text "Click!"
+ done
+ text "<……>"
+ done
+ text "That number is out"
+ line "of the area."
+ done
+ text "Just go talk to"
+ line "that person!"
+ done
+ text "Thank you!"
+ done
+ text " :"
+ done
+ text "Password OK."
+ line "Select CONTINUE &"
+ cont "reset settings."
+ prompt
+ text "Wrong password!"
+ prompt
+ text "Reset the clock?"
+ done
+ text "Please enter the"
+ line "password."
+ done
+ text "Clear all save"
+ line "data?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " learned"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "!@"
+ sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "Which move should"
+ next "be forgotten?"
+ done
+ text "Stop learning"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text_start
+ line "did not learn"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " is"
+ line "trying to learn"
+ cont "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ para "But @"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text_start
+ line "can't learn more"
+ cont "than four moves."
+ para "Delete an older"
+ line "move to make room"
+ cont "for @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "1, 2 and…@"
+ interpret_data
+ db "@@"
+ text " Poof!@"
+ interpret_data
+ text_start
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " forgot"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "."
+ para "And…"
+ prompt
+ text "HM moves can't be"
+ line "forgotten now."
+ prompt
+ text "Play with three"
+ line "coins?"
+ done
+ text "Not enough coins…"
+ prompt
+ text "Choose a card."
+ done
+ text "Place your bet."
+ done
+ text "Want to play"
+ line "again?"
+ done
+ text "The cards have"
+ line "been shuffled."
+ prompt
+ text "Yeah!"
+ done
+ text "Darn…"
+ done
+ current_day
+ db "@@"
+ text "<……>"
+ done
+ text "You're out of the"
+ line "service area."
+ prompt
+ text "Whom do you want"
+ line "to call?"
+ done
+ text "Press any button"
+ line "to exit."
+ done
+ text "Delete this stored"
+ line "phone number?"
+ done
+ text "Which prize would"
+ line "you like?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ line "Is that right?"
+ done
+ text "Here you go!"
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "enough points."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "You have no room"
+ line "for it."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Oh. Please come"
+ line "back again!"
+ done
+ text "Excuse me!"
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Excuse me."
+ line "You're not ready."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Please return when"
+ line "you're ready."
+ done
+ text "You need at least"
+ line "three #MON."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Sorry, an EGG"
+ line "doesn't qualify."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "Only three #MON"
+ line "may be entered."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "The @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " #MON"
+ line "must all be"
+ cont "different kinds."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "The @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " #MON"
+ line "must not hold the"
+ cont "same items."
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "You can't take an"
+ line "EGG!"
+ para ""
+ done
+ text "It dodged the"
+ line "thrown BALL!"
+ para "This #MON"
+ line "can't be caught!"
+ prompt
+ text "You missed the"
+ line "#MON!"
+ prompt
+ text "Oh no! The #MON"
+ line "broke free!"
+ prompt
+ text "Aww! It appeared"
+ line "to be caught!"
+ prompt
+ text "Aargh!"
+ line "Almost had it!"
+ prompt
+ text "Shoot! It was so"
+ line "close too!"
+ prompt
+ text "Gotcha! @"
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text_start
+ line "was caught!@"
+ sound_caught_mon
+ db "@@"
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
+ text " was"
+ line "sent to BILL's PC."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
+ text "'s data"
+ line "was newly added to"
+ cont "the #DEX.@"
+ sound_slot_machine_start
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "Give a nickname to"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "'s"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text " rose."
+ prompt
+ text "That can't be used"
+ line "on this #MON."
+ prompt
+ text "The REPEL used"
+ line "earlier is still"
+ cont "in effect."
+ prompt
+ text "Played the #"
+ line "FLUTE."
+ para "Now, that's a"
+ line "catchy tune!"
+ prompt
+ text "All sleeping"
+ line "#MON woke up."
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> played the"
+ line "# FLUTE.@"
+ text_waitbutton
+ db "@@"
+ text "You now have"
+ line "@"
+ deciram wBlueCardBalance, 1, 2
+ text " points."
+ done
+ text "Coins:"
+ line "@"
+ deciram Coins, 2, 4
+ db "@@"
+ text "Raise the PP of"
+ line "which move?"
+ done
+ text "Restore the PP of"
+ line "which move?"
+ done
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "'s PP"
+ line "is maxed out."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "'s PP"
+ line "increased."
+ prompt
+ text "PP was restored."
+ prompt
+ text "There was a trophy"
+ line "inside!@"
+ sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
+ text_start
+ para "@"
+ text_from_ram PlayerName
+ text " sent the"
+ line "trophy home."
+ prompt
+ text "It looks bitter…"
+ prompt
+ text "That can't be used"
+ line "on an EGG."
+ prompt
+ text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
+ line "This isn't the"
+ cont "time to use that!"
+ prompt
+ text "That belongs to"
+ line "someone else!"
+ prompt
+ text "It won't have any"
+ line "effect."
+ prompt
+ text "The trainer"
+ line "blocked the BALL!"
+ prompt
+ text "Don't be a thief!"
+ prompt
+ text "Cycling isn't"
+ line "allowed here."
+ prompt
+ text "Can't get on your"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " now."
+ prompt
+ text "The #MON BOX"
+ line "is full. That"
+ cont "can't be used now."
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> used the@"
+ text_low
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ done
+ text "<PLAYER> got on the@"
+ text_low
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "<PLAYER> got off@"
+ text_low
+ text "the @"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text " knows"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer2
+ text "."
+ prompt
+ text "That #MON knows"
+ line "only one move."
+ done
+ text "Oh, make it forget"
+ line "@"
+ text_from_ram StringBuffer1
+ text "?"
+ done
+ text "Done! Your #MON"
+ line "forgot the move."
+ done
+ text "An EGG doesn't"
+ line "know any moves!"
+ done
+ text "No? Come visit me"
+ line "again."
+ done
+ text "Which move should"
+ line "it forget, then?"
+ prompt
+ text "Um… Oh, yes, I'm"
+ line "the MOVE DELETER."
+ para "I can make #MON"
+ line "forget moves."
+ para "Shall I make a"
+ line "#MON forget?"
+ done
+ text "Which #MON?"
+ prompt
+ text " DST,"
+ line "is that OK?"
+ done
+ text ","
+ line "is that OK?"
+ done
+ text "Do you want to"
+ line "switch to Daylight"
+ cont "Saving Time?"
+ done
+ text "I set the clock"
+ line "forward by one"
+ cont "hour."
+ prompt
+ text "Is Daylight Saving"
+ line "Time over?"
+ done
+ text "I put the clock"
+ line "back one hour."
+ prompt
+ text "Do you want to"
+ line "adjust your clock"
+ para "for Daylight"
+ line "Saving Time?"
+ done
+ text "I lost the in-"
+ line "struction booklet"
+ cont "for the #GEAR."
+ para "Come back again in"
+ line "a while."
+ prompt
--- a/data/text/common_text.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-INCLUDE "constants.asm"
-INCLUDE "data/text/common_text_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "data/text/common_text_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "data/text/common_text_3.asm"
--- a/data/text/common_text_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1848 +1,0 @@
- text "It's a fruit-"
- line "bearing tree."
- done
- text "Hey! It's"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "!"
- done
- text "Obtained"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "!"
- done
- text "But the PACK is"
- line "full…"
- done
- text "There's nothing"
- line "here…"
- done
- text "Which APRICORN"
- line "should I use?"
- done
- text "How many should I"
- line "make?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "recovered @"
- deciram wd1f3, 2, 3
- text "HP!"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- line "cured of poison."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- line "rid of paralysis."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- line "burn was healed."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "was defrosted."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "woke up."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- line "health returned."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "is revitalized."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " grew to"
- line "level @"
- deciram CurPartyLevel, 1, 3
- text "!@"
- sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " came"
- line "to its senses."
- done
- text "Please enter any"
- line "four-digit number."
- done
- text "Enter the same"
- line "number to confirm."
- done
- text "That's not the"
- line "same number."
- done
- text "Your PASSCODE has"
- line "been set."
- para "Enter this number"
- line "next time to open"
- cont "the CARD FOLDER."
- para ""
- done
- text "0000 is invalid!"
- para ""
- done
- text "Enter the CARD"
- done
- text "Incorrect"
- line "PASSCODE!"
- para ""
- done
- text "CARD FOLDER open.@@"
- text "<……><……><……><……><……><……>"
- line "<……><……><……><……><……><……>"
- para "Zzz… Hm? Wha…?"
- line "You woke me up!"
- para "Will you check the"
- line "clock for me?"
- prompt
- text "What time is it?"
- done
- text "What?@@"
- text "?"
- done
- text "How many minutes?"
- done
- text "Whoa!@@"
- text "?"
- done
- text "!"
- line "I overslept!"
- done
- text "!"
- line "Yikes! I over-"
- cont "slept!"
- done
- text "!"
- line "No wonder it's so"
- cont "dark!"
- done
- text "What day is it?"
- done
- text ", is it?"
- done
- text "There is nothing"
- line "connected."
- done
- text "Check cell phone"
- line "adapter."
- done
- text "Check CDMA"
- line "adapter."
- done
- text "Check DOCOMO PHS"
- line "adapter."
- done
- text "Check DDI PHS"
- line "adapter."
- done
- text "Check unlimited"
- line "battle mobile"
- cont "adapter."
- done
- text "The password is:"
- line ""
- done
- text "Is this OK?"
- done
- text "Enter the"
- line "ID no."
- done
- text "Enter the"
- line "amount."
- done
- text "There's nothing to"
- line "choose."
- prompt
- text "Which side do you"
- line "want to put it on?"
- done
- text "Which side do you"
- line "want to put away?"
- done
- text "Put away the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "."
- prompt
- text "There's nothing to"
- line "put away."
- prompt
- text "Set up the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "."
- prompt
- text "Put away the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text_start
- para "and set up the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer4
- text "."
- prompt
- text "That's already set"
- line "up."
- prompt
- text "It's the TOWN MAP."
- done
- text "It's a poster of a"
- line "cute PIKACHU."
- done
- text "It's a poster of a"
- line "cute CLEFAIRY."
- done
- text "It's a poster of a"
- line "cute JIGGLYPUFF."
- done
- text "It's an adorable"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "."
- done
- text "A giant doll! It's"
- line "fluffy and cuddly."
- done
- text "Hi, <PLAYER>!"
- line "How are you?"
- prompt
- text "I found a useful"
- line "item shopping, so"
- prompt
- text "I bought it with"
- line "your money. Sorry!"
- prompt
- text "It's in your PC."
- line "You'll like it!"
- done
- text "While shopping"
- line "today, I saw this"
- cont "adorable doll, so"
- prompt
- text "It's in your room."
- line "You'll love it!"
- done
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
- text " was"
- line "sent to @"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
- text "."
- done
- text_start
- done
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
- text " bids"
- line "farewell to"
- done
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text "Take good care of"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text "For @"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
- text ","
- done
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
- text " sends"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
- text " will"
- line "trade @"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- db "@@"
- text "for @"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
- text " will"
- line "trade @"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
- db "@@"
- text "for @"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSenderName
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
- text " trade…"
- done
- text "Take good care of"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
- text " trade…"
- done
- text "Take good care of"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text "."
- done
- text_from_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName
- text " came"
- line "back!"
- done
-; Oak's Pokémon Talk
- text_start
- line "MARY: PROF.OAK'S"
- done
- text_start
- line "#MON TALK!"
- done
- text_start
- line "With me, MARY!"
- done
- text_start
- line "OAK: @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- db "@@"
- text_start
- line "may be seen around"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- done
- text_start
- line "MARY: @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- done
- text_start
- line "sweet and adorably"
- done
- text_start
- line "wiggly and slickly"
- done
- text_start
- line "aptly named and"
- done
- text_start
- line "undeniably kind of"
- done
- text_start
- line "so, so unbearably"
- done
- text_start
- line "wow, impressively"
- done
- text_start
- line "almost poisonously"
- done
- text_start
- line "ooh, so sensually"
- done
- text_start
- line "so mischievously"
- done
- text_start
- line "so very topically"
- done
- text_start
- line "sure addictively"
- done
- text_start
- line "looks in water is"
- done
- text_start
- line "evolution must be"
- done
- text_start
- line "provocatively"
- done
- text_start
- line "so flipped out and"
- done
- text_start
- line "heart-meltingly"
- done
- text_start
- line "cute."
- done
- text_start
- line "weird."
- done
- text_start
- line "pleasant."
- done
- text_start
- line "bold, sort of."
- done
- text_start
- line "frightening."
- done
- text_start
- line "suave & debonair!"
- done
- text_start
- line "powerful."
- done
- text_start
- line "exciting."
- done
- text_start
- line "groovy!"
- done
- text_start
- line "inspiring."
- done
- text_start
- line "friendly."
- done
- text_start
- line "hot, hot, hot!"
- done
- text_start
- line "stimulating."
- done
- text_start
- line "guarded."
- done
- text_start
- line "lovely."
- done
- text_start
- line "speedy."
- done
- text "#MON"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- db "@@"
-; Pokémon Music Channel / Pokémusic
- text_start
- line "BEN: #MON MUSIC"
- done
- text_start
- line "CHANNEL!"
- done
- text_start
- line "It's me, DJ BEN!"
- done
- text_start
- line "FERN: #MUSIC!"
- done
- text_start
- line "With DJ FERN!"
- done
- text_start
- line "Today's @"
- current_day
- text ","
- done
- text_start
- line "so let us jam to"
- done
- text_start
- line "so chill out to"
- done
- text_start
- line "#MON March!"
- done
- text_start
- line "#MON Lullaby!"
- done
-; Lucky Channel
- text_start
- line "REED: Yeehaw! How"
- done
- text_start
- line "y'all doin' now?"
- done
- text_start
- line "Whether you're up"
- done
- text_start
- line "or way down low,"
- done
- text_start
- line "don't you miss the"
- done
- text_start
- done
- text_start
- line "This week's Lucky"
- done
- text_start
- line "Number is @"
- interpret_data
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- done
- text_start
- line "I'll repeat that!"
- done
- text_start
- line "Match it and go to"
- done
- text_start
- line "the RADIO TOWER!"
- done
- text_start
- line "…Repeating myself"
- done
- text_start
- line "gets to be a drag…"
- done
-; Places and People
- text_start
- done
- text_start
- line "Brought to you by"
- done
- text_start
- line "me, DJ LILY!"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- db "@@"
- text_start
- line "is cute."
- done
- text_start
- line "is sort of lazy."
- done
- text_start
- line "is always happy."
- done
- text_start
- line "is quite noisy."
- done
- text_start
- line "is precocious."
- done
- text_start
- line "is somewhat bold."
- done
- text_start
- line "is too picky!"
- done
- text_start
- line "is sort of OK."
- done
- text_start
- line "is just so-so."
- done
- text_start
- line "is actually great."
- done
- text_start
- line "is just my type."
- done
- text_start
- line "is so cool, no?"
- done
- text_start
- line "is inspiring!"
- done
- text_start
- line "is kind of weird."
- done
- text_start
- line "is right for me?"
- done
- text_start
- line "is definitely odd!"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- db "@@"
- text_start
- line "… …Ahem, we are"
- done
- text_start
- line "TEAM ROCKET!"
- done
- text_start
- line "After three years"
- done
- text_start
- line "of preparation, we"
- done
- text_start
- line "have risen again"
- done
- text_start
- line "from the ashes!"
- done
- text_start
- line "GIOVANNI! @"
- interpret_data
- text "Can you"
- done
- text_start
- line "hear?@"
- interpret_data
- text " We did it!"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- interpret_data
- text "Where is our boss?"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- interpret_data
- text "Is he listening?"
- done
- text_start
- line "BUENA: BUENA here!"
- done
- text_start
- line "Today's password!"
- done
- text_start
- line "Let me think… It's"
- done
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- done
- text_start
- line "Don't forget it!"
- done
- text_start
- line "I'm in GOLDENROD's"
- done
- text_start
- line "RADIO TOWER!"
- done
- text_start
- line "BUENA: Oh my…"
- done
- text_start
- line "It's midnight! I"
- done
- text_start
- line "have to shut down!"
- done
- text_start
- line "Thanks for tuning"
- done
- text_start
- line "in to the end! But"
- done
- text_start
- line "don't stay up too"
- done
- text_start
- line "late! Presented to"
- done
- text_start
- line "you by DJ BUENA!"
- done
- text "I'm outta here!"
- done
- text "…"
- done
- text_start
- line ""
- done
- text "<ENEMY>"
- line "withdrew"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text "!"
- prompt
- text "<ENEMY>"
- line "used @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text_start
- cont "on @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text "!"
- prompt
- text "That can't be used"
- line "right now."
- prompt
- text "That item can't be"
- line "put in the PACK."
- done
- text "The @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "was put in the"
- cont "PACK."
- done
- text "Remaining Time"
- done
- text "Your #MON's HP"
- line "was healed."
- prompt
- text "Warping…"
- done
- text "Which number"
- line "should be changed?"
- done
- text "Will you play with"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "?"
- done
- text "You need two #-"
- line "MON for breeding."
- prompt
- text "Breeding is not"
- line "possible."
- prompt
- text "The compatibility"
- line "is @"
- deciram wd265, 1, 3
- text "."
- cont "Should they breed?"
- done
- text "There is no EGG."
- line ""
- prompt
- text "It's going to"
- line "hatch!"
- prompt
- text "Test event"
- line "@"
- deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
- text "?"
- done
- text "Start!"
- done
- text "End!"
- done
- text "For a boy!"
- done
- text "For a girl!"
- done
- text "This doesn't"
- line "concern a boy!"
- done
- text "The BOX is full!"
- done
- text "A new CARD arrived"
- line "from @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- done
- text "Put this CARD in"
- line "the CARD FOLDER?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "'s CARD was"
- line "listed as no.@"
- deciram StringBuffer1, 1, 2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "Starting link."
- done
- text "Link terminated."
- done
- text "Closing link."
- done
- text "Clear the time"
- line "limit?"
- done
- text "The time limit was"
- line "cleared."
- done
- text "Pick which packet"
- line "as an error?"
- done
- text "Trading @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text_start
- line "for @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "…"
- done
- text "Obtained the"
- done
- text "Which floor?"
- done
- para "Time's up!"
- done
- text "ANNOUNCER: The"
- line "Contest is over!"
- done
- text "REPEL's effect"
- line "wore off."
- done
- text "<PLAYER> found"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "!"
- done
- text "But <PLAYER> has"
- line "no space left…"
- done
- text "I just saw some"
- line "rare @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " in"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- para "I'll call you if I"
- line "see another rare"
- cont "#MON, OK?"
- prompt
- line "DON'T TURN OFF!"
- done
- text_from_ram PlayerName
- text " received"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!@"
- sound_item
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "You have no coins."
- prompt
- text "You don't have a"
- line "COIN CASE."
- prompt
- text "OK, connect the"
- line "Game Link Cable."
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> traded"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " for"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text ".@@"
- sound_dex_fanfare_80_109
- interpret_data
- db "@@"
- text "I collect #MON."
- line "Do you have"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- para "Want to trade it"
- line "for my @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "?"
- done
- text "You don't want to"
- line "trade? Aww…"
- done
- text "Huh? That's not"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text ". "
- cont "What a letdown…"
- done
- text "Yay! I got myself"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- cont "Thanks!"
- done
- text "Hi, how's my old"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " doing?"
- done
- text "Hi, I'm looking"
- line "for this #MON."
- para "If you have"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text ", would"
- para "you trade it for"
- line "my @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "?"
- done
- text "You don't have"
- line "one either?"
- para "Gee, that's really"
- line "disappointing…"
- done
- text "You don't have"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "? That's"
- cont "too bad, then."
- done
- text "Great! Thank you!"
- para "I finally got"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- done
- text "Hi! The @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text_start
- line "you traded me is"
- cont "doing great!"
- done
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text "'s cute,"
- line "but I don't have"
- para "it. Do you have"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- para "Want to trade it"
- line "for my @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "?"
- done
- text "You don't want to"
- line "trade? Oh, darn…"
- done
- text "That's not"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- para "Please trade with"
- line "me if you get one."
- done
- text "Wow! Thank you!"
- line "I always wanted"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text "!"
- done
- text "How is that"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " I"
- cont "traded you doing?"
- para "Your @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text "'s"
- line "so cute!"
- done
- text "Uh? What happened?"
- done
- text "Trading is so odd…"
- para "I still have a lot"
- line "to learn about it."
- done
- text "Wow, that's a cute"
- line "#MON."
- para "Where did you get"
- line "it?"
- para "…"
- para "So, you're leaving"
- line "on an adventure…"
- para "OK!"
- line "I'll help too."
- para "But what can I do"
- line "for you?"
- para "I know! I'll save"
- line "money for you."
- para "On a long journey,"
- line "money's important."
- para "Do you want me to"
- line "save your money?"
- done
- text "OK, I'll take care"
- line "of your money."
- para "<……><……><……>"
- prompt
- text "Be careful."
- para "#MON are your"
- line "friends. You need"
- cont "to work as a team."
- para "Now, go on!"
- done
- text "Hi! Welcome home!"
- line "You're trying very"
- cont "hard, I see."
- para "I've kept your"
- line "room tidy."
- para "Or is this about"
- line "your money?"
- done
- text "What do you want"
- line "to do?"
- done
- text "How much do you"
- line "want to save?"
- done
- text "How much do you"
- line "want to take?"
- done
- text "Do you want to"
- line "save some money?"
- done
- text "You haven't saved"
- line "that much."
- prompt
- text "You can't take"
- line "that much."
- prompt
- text "You don't have"
- line "that much."
- prompt
- text "You can't save"
- line "that much."
- prompt
- text "OK, I'll save your"
- line "money. Trust me!"
- para "<PLAYER>, stick"
- line "with it!"
- done
- text "Your money's safe"
- line "here! Get going!"
- done
- text "<PLAYER>, don't"
- line "give up!"
- done
- text "Just do what"
- line "you can."
- done
- text_start
- done
- text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
- line "MAN. Want me to"
- cont "raise a #MON?"
- done
- text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
- line "MAN. Do you know"
- cont "about EGGS?"
- para "I was raising"
- line "#MON with my"
- cont "wife, you see."
- para "We were shocked to"
- line "find an EGG!"
- para "How incredible is"
- line "that?"
- para "So, want me to"
- line "raise a #MON?"
- done
- text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
- line "LADY."
- para "Should I raise a"
- line "#MON for you?"
- done
- text "I'm the DAY-CARE"
- line "LADY. Do you know"
- cont "about EGGS?"
- para "My husband and I"
- line "were raising some"
- cont "#MON, you see."
- para "We were shocked to"
- line "find an EGG!"
- para "How incredible"
- line "could that be?"
- para "Should I raise a"
- line "#MON for you?"
- done
- text "What should I"
- line "raise for you?"
- prompt
- text "Oh? But you have"
- line "just one #MON."
- prompt
- text "Sorry, but I can't"
- line "accept an EGG."
- prompt
- text "Remove MAIL before"
- line "you come see me."
- prompt
- text "If you give me"
- line "that, what will"
- cont "you battle with?"
- prompt
- text "OK. I'll raise"
- line "your @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "Come back for it"
- line "later."
- done
- text "Are we geniuses or"
- line "what? Want to see"
- cont "your @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- done
- text "Your @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "has grown a lot."
- para "By level, it's"
- line "grown by @"
- deciram StringBuffer2 + 1, 1, 3
- text "."
- para "If you want your"
- line "#MON back, it"
- cont "will cost ¥@"
- deciram StringBuffer2 + 2, 3, 4
- text "."
- done
- text "Perfect! Here's"
- line "your #MON."
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> got back"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "Huh? Back already?"
- line "Your @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- para "needs a little"
- line "more time with us."
- para "If you want your"
- line "#MON back, it"
- cont "will cost ¥100."
- done
- text "You have no room"
- line "for it."
- prompt
- text "You don't have"
- line "enough money."
- prompt
- text "Oh, fine then."
- prompt
- text "Come again."
- done
- text "Not yet…"
- done
- text "Ah, it's you!"
- para "We were raising"
- line "your #MON, and"
- para "my goodness, were"
- line "we surprised!"
- para "Your #MON had"
- line "an EGG!"
- para "We don't know how"
- line "it got there, but"
- para "your #MON had"
- line "it. You want it?"
- done
- text "<PLAYER> received"
- line "the EGG!"
- done
- text "Take good care of"
- line "it."
- done
- text "Well then, I'll"
- line "keep it. Thanks!"
- done
- text "You have no room"
- line "in your party."
- cont "Come back later."
- done
- text "Which #MON"
- line "should I photo-"
- cont "graph?"
- prompt
- text "All righty. Hold"
- line "still for a bit."
- prompt
- text "Presto! All done."
- line "Come again, OK?"
- done
--- a/data/text/common_text_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1540 +1,0 @@
- text "Oh, no picture?"
- line "Come again, OK?"
- done
- text "An EGG? My talent"
- line "is worth more…"
- done
- text "Hello, hello! I'm"
- line "the NAME RATER."
- para "I rate the names"
- line "of #MON."
- para "Would you like me"
- line "to rate names?"
- done
- text "Which #MON's"
- line "nickname should I"
- cont "rate for you?"
- prompt
- text "Hm… @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "…"
- line "That's a fairly"
- cont "decent name."
- para "But, how about a"
- line "slightly better"
- cont "nickname?"
- para "Want me to give it"
- line "a better name?"
- done
- text "All right. What"
- line "name should we"
- cont "give it, then?"
- prompt
- text "That's a better"
- line "name than before!"
- para "Well done!"
- done
- text "OK, then. Come"
- line "again sometime."
- done
- text "Hm… @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- line "What a great name!"
- cont "It's perfect."
- para "Treat @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "with loving care."
- done
- text "Whoa… That's just"
- line "an EGG."
- done
- text "It might look the"
- line "same as before,"
- para "but this new name"
- line "is much better!"
- para "Well done!"
- done
- text "All right. This"
- line "#MON is now"
- cont "named @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " gained@@"
- text_start
- line "a boosted"
- cont "@"
- deciram StringBuffer2, 2, 4
- text " EXP. Points!"
- prompt
- text_start
- line "@"
- deciram StringBuffer2, 2, 4
- text " EXP. Points!"
- prompt
- text "Go! @@"
- text "Do it! @@"
- text "Go for it,"
- line "@@"
- text "Your foe's weak!"
- line "Get'm, @@"
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text "!"
- done
- text_from_ram BattleMonNick
- text ",@@"
- text " that's"
- line "enough! Come back!@@"
- text " OK!"
- line "Come back!@@"
- text " good!"
- line "Come back!@@"
- text " come"
- line "back!"
- done
- text "Booted up a TM."
- prompt
- text "Booted up an HM."
- prompt
- text "It contained"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- para "Teach @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text_start
- line "to a #MON?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " is"
- line "not compatible"
- cont "with @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- para "It can't learn"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "You have no room"
- line "for any more"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "S."
- prompt
- text "You received"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
- text "The link has been"
- line "cancelled."
- prompt
- text "Communication"
- line "error."
- prompt
- text "Must retrieve GIFT"
- line "at #MON CENTER."
- prompt
- text "Your friend isn't"
- line "ready."
- prompt
- text "Sorry--only five"
- line "GIFTS a day."
- prompt
- text "Sorry. One GIFT"
- line "a day per person."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wMysteryGiftPartnerName
- text " sent"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wMysteryGiftPartnerName
- text " sent"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- cont "to @"
- text_from_ram wMysteryGiftPlayerName
- text "'s home."
- prompt
- text "Received"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wc850
- text "'s CARD."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wc850
- text "'s CARD was"
- line "listed as no.@"
- deciram wd265, 1, 2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "The CARD was not"
- line "registered."
- prompt
- text "The link has been"
- line "cancelled."
- prompt
- text "Communication"
- line "error."
- prompt
- text "Sorry! A new BADGE"
- line "is required."
- prompt
- text "Can't use that"
- line "here."
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "CUT!"
- prompt
- text "There's nothing to"
- line "CUT here."
- prompt
- text "A blinding FLASH"
- line "lights the area!@"
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "SURF!"
- done
- text "You can't SURF"
- line "here."
- prompt
- text "You're already"
- line "SURFING."
- prompt
- text "The water is calm."
- line "Want to SURF?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "WATERFALL!"
- done
- text "Wow, it's a huge"
- line "waterfall."
- done
- text "Do you want to use"
- line "WATERFALL?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "DIG!"
- done
- text "<PLAYER> used an"
- line "ESCAPE ROPE."
- done
- text "Can't use that"
- line "here."
- done
- text "Return to the last"
- line "#MON CENTER."
- done
- text "Can't use that"
- line "here."
- para ""
- done
- text "A #MON is using"
- line "STRENGTH already."
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "STRENGTH!"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " can"
- line "move boulders."
- prompt
- text "A #MON may be"
- line "able to move this."
- para "Want to use"
- line "STRENGTH?"
- done
- text "Boulders may now"
- line "be moved!"
- done
- text "A #MON may be"
- line "able to move this."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "WHIRLPOOL!"
- prompt
- text "It's a vicious"
- line "whirlpool!"
- para "A #MON may be"
- line "able to pass it."
- done
- text "A whirlpool is in"
- line "the way."
- para "Want to use"
- line "WHIRLPOOL?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " did a"
- line "HEADBUTT!"
- prompt
- text "Nope. Nothing…"
- done
- text "A #MON could be"
- line "in this tree."
- para "Want to HEADBUTT"
- line "it?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " used"
- line "ROCK SMASH!"
- prompt
- text "Maybe a #MON"
- line "can break this."
- done
- text "This rock looks"
- line "breakable."
- para "Want to use ROCK"
- line "SMASH?"
- done
- text "Oh!"
- line "A bite!"
- prompt
- text "Not even a nibble!"
- prompt
- text "Looks like there's"
- line "nothing here."
- prompt
- text "You can't get off"
- line "here!"
- done
- text "<PLAYER> got on the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- done
- text "<PLAYER> got off"
- line "the @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- done
- text "This tree can be"
- line "CUT!"
- para "Want to use CUT?"
- done
- text "This tree can be"
- line "CUT!"
- done
- text "<PLAYER> found"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "!"
- done
- text "But <PLAYER> can't"
- line "carry any more"
- cont "items."
- done
- text "<PLAYER> is out of"
- line "useable #MON!"
- para "<PLAYER> whited"
- line "out!"
- done
- text "Yes! ITEMFINDER"
- line "indicates there's"
- cont "an item nearby."
- prompt
- text "Nope! ITEMFINDER"
- line "isn't responding."
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text_start
- line "fainted!"
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> is out of"
- line "useable #MON!"
- para "<PLAYER> whited"
- line "out!"
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text " used"
- line "SWEET SCENT!"
- done
- text "Looks like there's"
- line "nothing here…"
- done
- text "<PLAYER> sprinkled"
- line "water."
- para "But nothing"
- line "happened…"
- done
- text "<PLAYER>'s #MON"
- line "were all healed!"
- done
- text "An EGG can't hold"
- line "an item."
- prompt
- text "No items."
- done
- text "Throw away how"
- line "many?"
- done
- text "Throw away @"
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)?"
- done
- text "Threw away"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)."
- prompt
- text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
- line "This isn't the"
- cont "time to use that!"
- prompt
- text "You don't have a"
- line "#MON!"
- prompt
- text "Registered the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "You can't register"
- line "that item."
- prompt
- text "Where should this"
- line "be moved to?"
- done
- text_start
- done
- text "You can't use it"
- line "in a battle."
- prompt
- text "Are you a boy?"
- line "Or are you a girl?"
- done
- text "<USER>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- db "@@"
- interpret_data
- text "<SCROLL>went way up!"
- prompt
- text " went up!"
- prompt
- text "<TARGET>'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- db "@@"
- interpret_data
- text "<SCROLL>sharply fell!"
- prompt
- text " fell!"
- prompt
- text "<USER>@@"
- text_start
- line "made a whirlwind!"
- prompt
- text_start
- line "took in sunlight!"
- prompt
- text_start
- line "lowered its head!"
- prompt
- text_start
- line "is glowing!"
- prompt
- text_start
- line "flew up high!"
- prompt
- text_start
- line "dug a hole!"
- prompt
- text "<USER>@@"
- text_start
- line "used @@"
- text_start
- line "used @@"
- text "instead,"
- cont "@@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- db "@@"
- text "!"
- done
- text "!"
- done
- text "!"
- done
- text "!"
- done
- text "!"
- done
- text "Huh?"
- para "@@"
- text_start
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " came"
- line "out of its EGG!@"
- sound_caught_mon
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "Give a nickname to"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- done
- text "It's @"
- text_from_ram wBreedMon2Nick
- text_start
- line "that was left with"
- cont "the DAY-CARE LADY."
- done
- text "It's @"
- text_from_ram wBreedMon1
- text_start
- line "that was left with"
- cont "the DAY-CARE MAN."
- done
- text "It's brimming with"
- line "energy."
- prompt
- text "It has no interest"
- line "in @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "It appears to care"
- line "for @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "It's friendly with"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "It shows interest"
- line "in @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "There's no MAIL"
- line "here."
- prompt
- text "The cleared MAIL"
- line "was put away."
- prompt
- text "The PACK is full."
- prompt
- text "The MAIL's message"
- line "will be lost. OK?"
- done
- text "It's already hold-"
- line "ing an item."
- prompt
- text "An EGG can't hold"
- line "any MAIL."
- prompt
- text "The MAIL was moved"
- line "from the MAILBOX."
- prompt
- text "Yes"
- prompt
- text "No"
- prompt
- deciram wcf64, 1, 3
- text " @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "Animation type @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- db "@@"
- text "#MON number?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " was"
- line "sent to BILL's PC."
- prompt
- text "You gotta have"
- line "#MON to call!"
- prompt
- text "What?"
- done
- text "There is a #MON"
- line "holding MAIL."
- para "Please remove the"
- line "MAIL."
- prompt
- text "You don't have a"
- line "single #MON!"
- prompt
- text "You can't deposit"
- line "your last #MON!"
- prompt
- text "You can't take any"
- line "more #MON."
- prompt
- text "Caught @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- prompt
- text "Switch #MON?"
- done
- text "You already caught"
- line "a @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "This Bug-Catching"
- line "Contest winner is@"
- interpret_data
- text "…"
- para "@"
- text_from_ram wBugContestWinnerName
- text ","
- line "who caught a"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!@@"
- text_start
- para "The winning score"
- line "was @"
- deciram wBugContestFirstPlaceScore, 2, 3
- text " points!"
- prompt
- text "Placing second was"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wBugContestWinnerName
- text ","
- para "who caught a"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!@@"
- text_start
- para "The score was"
- line "@"
- deciram wBugContestSecondPlaceScore, 2, 3
- text " points!"
- prompt
- text "Placing third was"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wBugContestWinnerName
- text ","
- para "who caught a"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!@@"
- text_start
- para "The score was"
- line "@"
- deciram wBugContestThirdPlaceScore, 2, 3
- text " points!"
- prompt
- text "Let me measure"
- line "that MAGIKARP."
- para "…Hm, it measures"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- para "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " caught by"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wMagikarpRecordHoldersName
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "Congratulations!"
- para "We have a match"
- line "with the ID number"
- para "of @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " in"
- line "your party."
- prompt
- text "Congratulations!"
- para "We have a match"
- line "with the ID number"
- para "of @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " in"
- line "your PC BOX."
- prompt
- text "Give a nickname to"
- line "the @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " you"
- cont "received?"
- done
- text "Bzzzzt! You must"
- line "have a #MON to"
- cont "use this!"
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> turned on"
- line "the PC."
- prompt
- text "What do you want"
- line "to do?"
- done
- text "How many do you"
- line "want to withdraw?"
- done
- text "Withdrew @"
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)."
- prompt
- text "There's no room"
- line "for more items."
- prompt
- text "No items here!"
- prompt
- text "How many do you"
- line "want to deposit?"
- done
- text "Deposited @"
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)."
- prompt
- text "There's no room to"
- line "store items."
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> turned on"
- line "the PC."
- prompt
- text "Access whose PC?"
- done
- text "BILL's PC"
- line "accessed."
- para "#MON Storage"
- line "System opened."
- prompt
- text "Accessed own PC."
- para "Item Storage"
- line "System opened."
- prompt
- text "PROF.OAK's PC"
- line "accessed."
- para "#DEX Rating"
- line "System opened."
- prompt
- text "…"
- line "Link closed…"
- done
- text "Want to get your"
- line "#DEX rated?"
- done
- text "Current #DEX"
- line "completion level:"
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text " #MON seen"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer4
- text " #MON owned"
- para "PROF.OAK's"
- line "Rating:"
- done
- text "Look for #MON"
- line "in grassy areas!"
- done
- text "Good. I see you"
- line "understand how to"
- cont "use # BALLS."
- done
- text "You're getting"
- line "good at this."
- para "But you have a"
- line "long way to go."
- done
- text "You need to fill"
- line "up the #DEX."
- para "Catch different"
- line "kinds of #MON!"
- done
- text "You're trying--I"
- line "can see that."
- para "Your #DEX is"
- line "coming together."
- done
- text "To evolve, some"
- line "#MON grow,"
- para "others use the"
- line "effects of STONES."
- done
- text "Have you gotten a"
- line "fishing ROD? You"
- para "can catch #MON"
- line "by fishing."
- done
- text "Excellent! You"
- line "seem to like col-"
- cont "lecting things!"
- done
- text "Some #MON only"
- line "appear during"
- para "certain times of"
- line "the day."
- done
- text "Your #DEX is"
- line "filling up. Keep"
- cont "up the good work!"
- done
- text "I'm impressed."
- line "You're evolving"
- para "#MON, not just"
- line "catching them."
- done
- text "Have you met KURT?"
- line "His custom BALLS"
- cont "should help."
- done
- text "Wow. You've found"
- line "more #MON than"
- para "the last #DEX"
- line "research project."
- done
- text "Are you trading"
- line "your #MON?"
- para "It's tough to do"
- line "this alone!"
- done
- text "Wow! You've hit"
- line "200! Your #DEX"
- cont "is looking great!"
- done
- text "You've found so"
- line "many #MON!"
- para "You've really"
- line "helped my studies!"
- done
- text "Magnificent! You"
- line "could become a"
- para "#MON professor"
- line "right now!"
- done
- text "Your #DEX is"
- line "amazing! You're"
- para "ready to turn"
- line "professional!"
- done
- text "Whoa! A perfect"
- line "#DEX! I've"
- para "dreamt about this!"
- line "Congratulations!"
- done
- text "The link to PROF."
- line "OAK's PC closed."
- done
- text "Triple-theme"
- line "trainer ranking!"
- para "The SAVE file you"
- line "just sent might"
- cont "make the rankings!"
- para ""
- done
- text "There is no"
- line "ranking data."
- para "Link to obtain"
- line "ranking data."
- para ""
- done
- text " , yeah!"
- done
- text "Darn…"
- done
- text "Would you like to"
- line "end the Contest?"
- done
- text "Toss out how many"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)?"
- done
- text "Throw away @"
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text_start
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)?"
- done
- text "Discarded"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "(S)."
- prompt
- text "That's too impor-"
- line "tant to toss out!"
- prompt
- text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
- line "This isn't the"
- cont "time to use that!"
- done
- text "Took @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " and"
- para "made it hold"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "Made @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text_start
- line "hold @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "Please remove the"
- line "MAIL first."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " isn't"
- line "holding anything."
- prompt
- text "Item storage space"
- line "full."
- prompt
- text "Took @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text_start
- line "from @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text "."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " is"
- line "already holding"
- para "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- line "Switch items?"
- done
- text "This item can't be"
- line "held."
- prompt
- text "The MAIL will lose"
- line "its message. OK?"
- done
- text "MAIL detached from"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- prompt
- text "There's no space"
- line "for removing MAIL."
- prompt
- text "Send the removed"
- line "MAIL to your PC?"
- done
- text "Your PC's MAILBOX"
- line "is full."
- prompt
- text "The MAIL was sent"
- line "to your PC."
- prompt
- text "Not enough HP!"
- prompt
- text "An item in your"
- line "PACK may be"
- para "registered for use"
- line "on SELECT Button."
- done
- text "Hello! Sorry to"
- line "keep you waiting!"
- para "Welcome to the"
- line "world of #MON!"
- para "My name is OAK."
- para "People call me the"
- line "#MON PROF."
- prompt
- text "This world is in-"
- line "habited by crea-"
- cont "tures that we call"
- cont "#MON.@@"
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "People and #MON"
- line "live together by"
- para "supporting each"
- line "other."
- para "Some people play"
- line "with #MON, some"
- cont "battle with them."
- prompt
- text "But we don't know"
- line "everything about"
- cont "#MON yet."
- para "There are still"
- line "many mysteries to"
- cont "solve."
- para "That's why I study"
- line "#MON every day."
- prompt
--- a/data/text/common_text_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1508 +1,0 @@
- text "Now, what did you"
- line "say your name was?"
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER>, are you"
- line "ready?"
- para "Your very own"
- line "#MON story is"
- cont "about to unfold."
- para "You'll face fun"
- line "times and tough"
- cont "challenges."
- para "A world of dreams"
- line "and adventures"
- para "with #MON"
- line "awaits! Let's go!"
- para "I'll be seeing you"
- line "later!"
- done
- text "The clock's time"
- line "may be wrong."
- para "Please reset the"
- line "time."
- prompt
- text "Set with the"
- line "Control Pad."
- para "Confirm: A Button"
- line "Cancel: B Button"
- done
- text "Is this OK?"
- done
- text "The clock has been"
- line "reset."
- done
- text "Too much time has"
- line "elapsed. Please"
- cont "try again."
- prompt
- text "If you trade that"
- line "#MON, you won't"
- cont "be able to battle."
- prompt
- text "Your friend's"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " appears"
- cont "to be abnormal!"
- prompt
- text "Trade @"
- text_from_ram wd004
- text_start
- line "for @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- done
- text "To enter a mobile"
- line "battle, you must"
- para "pick a team of"
- line "three #MON."
- para "Is that OK?"
- done
- text "Need more info on"
- line "mobile battles?"
- done
- text "For a mobile"
- line "battle, choose"
- cont "three #MON."
- para "The maximum daily"
- line "play time is ten"
- para "minutes for each"
- line "linked player."
- para "If a battle isn't"
- line "finished within"
- para "the time limit,"
- line "the player with"
- para "the fewest fainted"
- line "#MON wins."
- para "If tied, the team"
- line "that lost the"
- para "least amount of HP"
- line "wins."
- done
- text "Today's remaining"
- line "time is @"
- deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
- text " min."
- para "Would you like to"
- line "battle?"
- done
- text "There are only @"
- deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
- text_start
- line "min. left today."
- para "Want a quick"
- line "battle?"
- done
- text "There is only"
- line "1 min. left today!"
- para "Want to rush"
- line "through a battle?"
- done
- text "There is less than"
- line "1 min. left today!"
- para "Please try again"
- line "tomorrow."
- done
- text "Try again using"
- line "the same settings?"
- done
- text "There is less than"
- line "1 min. left today!"
- done
- text "No time left for"
- line "linking today."
- done
- text "Pick three #MON"
- line "for battle."
- done
- text "Today's remaining"
- line "time is @"
- deciram StringBuffer2, 1, 2
- text " min."
- done
- text "Would you like to"
- line "save the game?"
- done
- line "OFF THE POWER."
- done
- text "<PLAYER> saved"
- line "the game."
- done
- text "There is already a"
- line "save file. Is it"
- cont "OK to overwrite?"
- done
- text "There is another"
- line "save file. Is it"
- cont "OK to overwrite?"
- done
- text "The save file is"
- line "corrupted!"
- prompt
- text "When you change a"
- line "#MON BOX, data"
- cont "will be saved. OK?"
- done
- text "Each time you move"
- line "a #MON, data"
- cont "will be saved. OK?"
- done
- text "The window save"
- line "area was exceeded."
- done
- text "No windows avail-"
- line "able for popping."
- done
- text "Corrupted event!"
- prompt
- text "Object event"
- done
- text "BG event"
- done
- text "Coordinates event"
- done
- text "<PLAYER> received"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer4
- text "."
- done
- text "<PLAYER> put the"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " in"
- cont "the @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text "."
- prompt
- text "The @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer3
- text_start
- line "is full…"
- prompt
- text "I see all."
- line "I know all…"
- para "Certainly, I know"
- line "of your #MON!"
- done
- text "Whaaaat? I can't"
- line "tell a thing!"
- para "How could I not"
- line "know of this?"
- done
- text "Hm… I see you met"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text " here:"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLocation
- text "!"
- prompt
- text "The time was"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerTimeOfDay
- text "!"
- para "Its level was @"
- text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLevelString
- text "!"
- para "Am I good or what?"
- prompt
- text "Hm… @"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text_start
- line "came from @"
- text_from_ram wSeerOTName
- text_start
- cont "in a trade?"
- para "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLocation
- text_start
- line "was where @"
- text_from_ram wSeerOTName
- text_start
- cont "met @"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text "!"
- prompt
- text "What!? Incredible!"
- para "I don't understand"
- line "how, but it is"
- para "incredible!"
- line "You are special."
- para "I can't tell where"
- line "you met it, but it"
- cont "was at level @"
- text_from_ram wSeerCaughtLevelString
- text "."
- para "Am I good or what?"
- prompt
- text "Hey!"
- para "That's an EGG!"
- para "You can't say that"
- line "you've met it yet…"
- done
- text "Fufufu! I saw that"
- line "you'd do nothing!"
- done
- text "Incidentally…"
- para "It would be wise"
- line "to raise your"
- para "#MON with a"
- line "little more care."
- done
- text "Incidentally…"
- para "It seems to have"
- line "grown a little."
- para "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text " seems"
- line "to be becoming"
- cont "more confident."
- done
- text "Incidentally…"
- para "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text " has"
- line "grown. It's gained"
- cont "much strength."
- done
- text "Incidentally…"
- para "It certainly has"
- line "grown mighty!"
- para "This @"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text_start
- line "must have come"
- para "through numerous"
- line "#MON battles."
- para "It looks brimming"
- line "with confidence."
- done
- text "Incidentally…"
- para "I'm impressed by"
- line "your dedication."
- para "It's been a long"
- line "time since I've"
- para "seen a #MON as"
- line "mighty as this"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text "."
- para "I'm sure that"
- line "seeing @"
- text_from_ram wSeerNickname
- text_start
- para "in battle would"
- line "excite anyone."
- done
- text "Congratulations!"
- line "Your @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- db "@@"
- text_start
- para "evolved into"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "!"
- done
- text "Huh? @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text_start
- line "stopped evolving!"
- prompt
- text "What? @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text_start
- line "is evolving!"
- done
- text "How many?"
- done
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text " @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)"
- line "will be ¥@"
- deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
- text "."
- done
- text "Hello, dear."
- para "I sell inexpensive"
- line "herbal medicine."
- para "They're good, but"
- line "a trifle bitter."
- para "Your #MON may"
- line "not like them."
- para "Hehehehe…"
- done
- text "How many?"
- done
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text " @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)"
- line "will be ¥@"
- deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
- text "."
- done
- text "Thank you, dear."
- line "Hehehehe…"
- done
- text "Oh? Your PACK is"
- line "full, dear."
- done
- text "Hehehe… You don't"
- line "have the money."
- done
- text "Come again, dear."
- line "Hehehehe…"
- done
- text "Hiya! Care to see"
- line "some bargains?"
- para "I sell rare items"
- line "that nobody else"
- para "carries--but only"
- line "one of each item."
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " costs"
- line "¥@"
- deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
- text ". Want it?"
- done
- text "Thanks."
- done
- text "Uh-oh, your PACK"
- line "is chock-full."
- done
- text "You bought that"
- line "already. I'm all"
- cont "sold out of it."
- done
- text "Uh-oh, you're"
- line "short on funds."
- done
- text "Come by again"
- line "sometime."
- done
- text "What's up? Need"
- line "some medicine?"
- done
- text "How many?"
- done
- deciram wItemQuantityChangeBuffer, 1, 2
- text " @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)"
- line "will cost ¥@"
- deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
- text "."
- done
- text "Thanks much!"
- done
- text "You don't have any"
- line "more space."
- done
- text "Huh? That's not"
- line "enough money."
- done
- text "All right."
- line "See you around."
- done
- text "You don't have"
- line "anything to sell."
- prompt
- text "How many?"
- done
- text "I can pay you"
- line "¥@"
- deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
- text "."
- para "Is that OK?"
- done
- text "Welcome! How may I"
- line "help you?"
- done
- text "Here you are."
- line "Thank you!"
- done
- text "You don't have"
- line "enough money."
- done
- text "You can't carry"
- line "any more items."
- done
- text "Sorry, I can't buy"
- line "that from you."
- prompt
- text "Please come again!"
- done
- text "Can I do anything"
- line "else for you?"
- done
- text "Got ¥@"
- deciram hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
- text " for"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "(S)."
- done
- text "Bet how many"
- line "coins?"
- done
- text "Start!"
- done
- text "Not enough"
- line "coins."
- prompt
- text "Darn… Ran out of"
- line "coins…"
- done
- text "Play again?"
- done
- text "lined up!"
- line "Won @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " coins!"
- done
- text "Darn!"
- done
- text "Data for use in"
- line "the MOBILE STADIUM"
- para "of the N64 #MON"
- line "STADIUM 2 can be"
- cont "read here."
- para "Read the data?"
- done
- text "Data transfer is"
- line "complete."
- para "We hope you enjoy"
- para "battles in the N64"
- line "#MON STADIUM 2."
- para ""
- done
- text "Clock time unknown"
- done
- text "Delete the saved"
- done
- text "Deleted the LOG-IN"
- line "PASSWORD."
- done
- text "Pick three #MON"
- line "for battle."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wMobileParticipant1Nickname
- text ","
- line "@"
- text_from_ram wMobileParticipant2Nickname
- text " and"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram wMobileParticipant3Nickname
- text "."
- para "Use these three?"
- done
- text "Only three #MON"
- line "may enter."
- prompt
- text "The CARD FOLDER"
- line "stores your and"
- para "your friends'"
- line "CARDS."
- para "A CARD contains"
- line "information like"
- para "the person's name,"
- line "phone number and"
- cont "profile."
- para ""
- done
- text "This is your CARD."
- para "Once you've"
- line "entered your phone"
- para "number, you can"
- line "trade CARDS with"
- cont "your friends."
- para ""
- done
- text "If you have your"
- line "friend's CARD, you"
- para "can use it to make"
- line "a call from a"
- para "mobile phone on"
- line "the 2nd floor of a"
- cont "#MON CENTER."
- para ""
- done
- text "To safely store"
- line "your collection of"
- para "CARDS, you must"
- line "set a PASSCODE for"
- cont "your CARD FOLDER."
- para ""
- done
- text "If the CARD FOLDER"
- line "is deleted, all"
- para "its CARDS and the"
- line "PASSCODE will also"
- cont "be deleted."
- para "Beware--a deleted"
- line "CARD FOLDER can't"
- cont "be restored."
- para "Want to delete"
- line "your CARD FOLDER?"
- done
- text "Are you sure you"
- line "want to delete it?"
- done
- text "The CARD FOLDER"
- line "has been deleted."
- para ""
- done
- text "There is an older"
- line "CARD FOLDER from a"
- cont "previous journey."
- para "Do you want to"
- line "open it?"
- done
- text "Delete the old"
- line "CARD FOLDER?"
- done
- text "Finish registering"
- line "CARDS?"
- done
- text "Huh? Sorry, wrong"
- line "number!"
- done
- text "Click!"
- done
- text "<……>"
- done
- text "That number is out"
- line "of the area."
- done
- text "Just go talk to"
- line "that person!"
- done
- text "Thank you!"
- done
- text " :"
- done
- text "Password OK."
- line "Select CONTINUE &"
- cont "reset settings."
- prompt
- text "Wrong password!"
- prompt
- text "Reset the clock?"
- done
- text "Please enter the"
- line "password."
- done
- text "Clear all save"
- line "data?"
- done
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " learned"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "!@"
- sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "Which move should"
- next "be forgotten?"
- done
- text "Stop learning"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "?"
- done
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text_start
- line "did not learn"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " is"
- line "trying to learn"
- cont "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- para "But @"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text_start
- line "can't learn more"
- cont "than four moves."
- para "Delete an older"
- line "move to make room"
- cont "for @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "?"
- done
- text "1, 2 and…@"
- interpret_data
- db "@@"
- text " Poof!@"
- interpret_data
- text_start
- para "@"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " forgot"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "."
- para "And…"
- prompt
- text "HM moves can't be"
- line "forgotten now."
- prompt
- text "Play with three"
- line "coins?"
- done
- text "Not enough coins…"
- prompt
- text "Choose a card."
- done
- text "Place your bet."
- done
- text "Want to play"
- line "again?"
- done
- text "The cards have"
- line "been shuffled."
- prompt
- text "Yeah!"
- done
- text "Darn…"
- done
- current_day
- db "@@"
- text "<……>"
- done
- text "You're out of the"
- line "service area."
- prompt
- text "Whom do you want"
- line "to call?"
- done
- text "Press any button"
- line "to exit."
- done
- text "Delete this stored"
- line "phone number?"
- done
- text "Which prize would"
- line "you like?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- line "Is that right?"
- done
- text "Here you go!"
- para ""
- done
- text "You don't have"
- line "enough points."
- para ""
- done
- text "You have no room"
- line "for it."
- para ""
- done
- text "Oh. Please come"
- line "back again!"
- done
- text "Excuse me!"
- para ""
- done
- text "Excuse me."
- line "You're not ready."
- para ""
- done
- text "Please return when"
- line "you're ready."
- done
- text "You need at least"
- line "three #MON."
- para ""
- done
- text "Sorry, an EGG"
- line "doesn't qualify."
- para ""
- done
- text "Only three #MON"
- line "may be entered."
- para ""
- done
- text "The @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " #MON"
- line "must all be"
- cont "different kinds."
- para ""
- done
- text "The @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " #MON"
- line "must not hold the"
- cont "same items."
- para ""
- done
- text "You can't take an"
- line "EGG!"
- para ""
- done
- text "It dodged the"
- line "thrown BALL!"
- para "This #MON"
- line "can't be caught!"
- prompt
- text "You missed the"
- line "#MON!"
- prompt
- text "Oh no! The #MON"
- line "broke free!"
- prompt
- text "Aww! It appeared"
- line "to be caught!"
- prompt
- text "Aargh!"
- line "Almost had it!"
- prompt
- text "Shoot! It was so"
- line "close too!"
- prompt
- text "Gotcha! @"
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text_start
- line "was caught!@"
- sound_caught_mon
- db "@@"
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text_from_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer
- text " was"
- line "sent to BILL's PC."
- prompt
- text_from_ram EnemyMonNick
- text "'s data"
- line "was newly added to"
- cont "the #DEX.@"
- sound_slot_machine_start
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "Give a nickname to"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "'s"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text " rose."
- prompt
- text "That can't be used"
- line "on this #MON."
- prompt
- text "The REPEL used"
- line "earlier is still"
- cont "in effect."
- prompt
- text "Played the #"
- line "FLUTE."
- para "Now, that's a"
- line "catchy tune!"
- prompt
- text "All sleeping"
- line "#MON woke up."
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> played the"
- line "# FLUTE.@"
- text_waitbutton
- db "@@"
- text "You now have"
- line "@"
- deciram wBlueCardBalance, 1, 2
- text " points."
- done
- text "Coins:"
- line "@"
- deciram Coins, 2, 4
- db "@@"
- text "Raise the PP of"
- line "which move?"
- done
- text "Restore the PP of"
- line "which move?"
- done
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "'s PP"
- line "is maxed out."
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "'s PP"
- line "increased."
- prompt
- text "PP was restored."
- prompt
- text "There was a trophy"
- line "inside!@"
- sound_dex_fanfare_50_79
- text_start
- para "@"
- text_from_ram PlayerName
- text " sent the"
- line "trophy home."
- prompt
- text "It looks bitter…"
- prompt
- text "That can't be used"
- line "on an EGG."
- prompt
- text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
- line "This isn't the"
- cont "time to use that!"
- prompt
- text "That belongs to"
- line "someone else!"
- prompt
- text "It won't have any"
- line "effect."
- prompt
- text "The trainer"
- line "blocked the BALL!"
- prompt
- text "Don't be a thief!"
- prompt
- text "Cycling isn't"
- line "allowed here."
- prompt
- text "Can't get on your"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " now."
- prompt
- text "The #MON BOX"
- line "is full. That"
- cont "can't be used now."
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> used the@"
- text_low
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- done
- text "<PLAYER> got on the@"
- text_low
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "<PLAYER> got off@"
- text_low
- text "the @"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text " knows"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer2
- text "."
- prompt
- text "That #MON knows"
- line "only one move."
- done
- text "Oh, make it forget"
- line "@"
- text_from_ram StringBuffer1
- text "?"
- done
- text "Done! Your #MON"
- line "forgot the move."
- done
- text "An EGG doesn't"
- line "know any moves!"
- done
- text "No? Come visit me"
- line "again."
- done
- text "Which move should"
- line "it forget, then?"
- prompt
- text "Um… Oh, yes, I'm"
- line "the MOVE DELETER."
- para "I can make #MON"
- line "forget moves."
- para "Shall I make a"
- line "#MON forget?"
- done
- text "Which #MON?"
- prompt
- text " DST,"
- line "is that OK?"
- done
- text ","
- line "is that OK?"
- done
- text "Do you want to"
- line "switch to Daylight"
- cont "Saving Time?"
- done
- text "I set the clock"
- line "forward by one"
- cont "hour."
- prompt
- text "Is Daylight Saving"
- line "Time over?"
- done
- text "I put the clock"
- line "back one hour."
- prompt
- text "Do you want to"
- line "adjust your clock"
- para "for Daylight"
- line "Saving Time?"
- done
- text "I lost the in-"
- line "struction booklet"
- cont "for the #GEAR."
- para "Come back again in"
- line "a while."
- prompt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/text/unused_sweet_honey.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+; Sweet Honey is a feature that was scrapped before development.
+; It was later implemented in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
+; Sweet Honey was probably reworked into Sweet Scent.
+; A map in the final game has a Butterfree and a woman who gives
+; the Sweet Scent TM.
+; Most of these texts seem to be associated with a single NPC.
+; The last text is associated with a second NPC, probably a Butterfree.
+UnusedSweetHoneyText: ; 0x5578a
+ text "My #MON is an"
+ line "expert at collect-"
+ cont "ing SWEET HONEY."
+ para "I'll share some"
+ line "with you."
+ done
+UnusedSweetHoneyBagFullText: ; 0x557d6
+ text "I want to give you"
+ line "some SWEET HONEY,"
+ para "but you have no"
+ line "room for it."
+ done
+UnusedSweetHoneyGiveText: ; 0x55819
+ text "Here you go! Have"
+ line "some SWEET HONEY!"
+ done
+UnusedGotSweetHoneyText: ; 0x5583e
+ text "<PLAYER> received"
+ line "SWEET HONEY."
+ done
+UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText1: ; 0x55856
+ text "My little brother"
+ line "takes SWEET HONEY"
+ para "and goes somewhere"
+ line "with it."
+ para "I wonder what he's"
+ line "up to?"
+ done
+UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText2: ; 0x558b1
+ text "Did you put SWEET"
+ line "HONEY on a tree?"
+ para "What happened to"
+ line "it?"
+ done
+UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText3: ; 0x558ea
+ text "Did you put SWEET"
+ line "HONEY on a tree?"
+ para "It takes about a"
+ line "day for #MON to"
+ cont "be drawn to it."
+ done
+UnusedSweetHoneyButterfreeText: ; 0x5593f
+ text "BUTTERFREE: Freeh!"
+ done
--- a/data/text/unused_sweet_honey_text.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +1,0 @@
-; Sweet Honey is a feature that was scrapped before development.
-; It was later implemented in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
-; Sweet Honey was probably reworked into Sweet Scent.
-; A map in the final game has a Butterfree and a woman who gives
-; the Sweet Scent TM.
-; Most of these texts seem to be associated with a single NPC.
-; The last text is associated with a second NPC, probably a Butterfree.
-UnusedSweetHoneyText: ; 0x5578a
- text "My #MON is an"
- line "expert at collect-"
- cont "ing SWEET HONEY."
- para "I'll share some"
- line "with you."
- done
-UnusedSweetHoneyBagFullText: ; 0x557d6
- text "I want to give you"
- line "some SWEET HONEY,"
- para "but you have no"
- line "room for it."
- done
-UnusedSweetHoneyGiveText: ; 0x55819
- text "Here you go! Have"
- line "some SWEET HONEY!"
- done
-UnusedGotSweetHoneyText: ; 0x5583e
- text "<PLAYER> received"
- line "SWEET HONEY."
- done
-UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText1: ; 0x55856
- text "My little brother"
- line "takes SWEET HONEY"
- para "and goes somewhere"
- line "with it."
- para "I wonder what he's"
- line "up to?"
- done
-UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText2: ; 0x558b1
- text "Did you put SWEET"
- line "HONEY on a tree?"
- para "What happened to"
- line "it?"
- done
-UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText3: ; 0x558ea
- text "Did you put SWEET"
- line "HONEY on a tree?"
- para "It takes about a"
- line "day for #MON to"
- cont "be drawn to it."
- done
-UnusedSweetHoneyButterfreeText: ; 0x5593f
- text "BUTTERFREE: Freeh!"
- done
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
INCLUDE "engine/player_movement.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/engine_flags.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/variables.asm"
-INCLUDE "data/text/battle_text.asm"
+INCLUDE "data/text/battle.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/debug.asm"
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
INCLUDE "mobile/mobile_5f.asm"
-SECTION "Common Text 1", ROMX
+SECTION "Phone Text 2", ROMX
INCLUDE "data/text/std_text.asm"
INCLUDE "data/phone/text/jack_overworld.asm"
--- a/maps/GoldenrodNameRater.asm
+++ b/maps/GoldenrodNameRater.asm
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
jumpstd radio2
-INCLUDE "data/text/unused_sweet_honey_text.asm"
+INCLUDE "data/text/unused_sweet_honey.asm"
; filler
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
ROMX $6b
"Map Scripts 24"
ROMX $6c
- "Common Text 1"
+ "Phone Text 2"
"Map Scripts 25"
ROMX $6d
"Special Phone Text"