ref: 5206ac6836fa3f4d80b9c7046ec682b4a4c0072a
parent: 9b4ebe940023ef346593db9612ab29fc522eb767
author: Idain <[email protected]>
date: Sun Mar 20 16:43:10 EDT 2022
Document Day Care Exp bug (#895)
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -62,10 +62,11 @@
- [`RIVAL2` has lower DVs than `RIVAL1`](#rival2-has-lower-dvs-than-rival1)
- [`HELD_CATCH_CHANCE` has no effect](#held_catch_chance-has-no-effect)
- [Credits sequence changes move selection menu behavior](#credits-sequence-changes-move-selection-menu-behavior)
-- [Overworld engine](#overworld-engine)
+- [Game engine](#game-engine)
- [`LoadMetatiles` wraps around past 128 blocks](#loadmetatiles-wraps-around-past-128-blocks)
- [Surfing directly across a map connection does not load the new map](#surfing-directly-across-a-map-connection-does-not-load-the-new-map)
- [Swimming NPCs aren't limited by their movement radius](#swimming-npcs-arent-limited-by-their-movement-radius)
+ - [Pokémon deposited in the Day-Care might lose experience](#pokémon-deposited-in-the-day-care-might-lose-experience)
- [Graphics](#graphics)
- [In-battle “`…`” ellipsis is too high](#in-battle--ellipsis-is-too-high)
- [Two tiles in the `port` tileset are drawn incorrectly](#two-tiles-in-the-port-tileset-are-drawn-incorrectly)
@@ -1559,7 +1560,7 @@
-## Overworld engine
+## Game engine
### `LoadMetatiles` wraps around past 128 blocks
@@ -1669,6 +1670,57 @@
bit NOCLIP_TILES_F, [hl] ; lost, uncomment next line to fix
- ; jr nz, .noclip_tiles
+ jr nz, .noclip_tiles
+### Pokémon deposited in the Day-Care might lose experience
+This happens because when a Pokémon is withdrawn from the Day-Care, its Exp. Points are reset to the minimum required for its level. This means that if it hasn't gained any levels, it may lose experience.
+**Fix**: Edit `RetrieveBreedmon` in [engine/pokemon/move_mon.asm](
+ RetrieveBreedmon:
+ ...
+ ld a, [wPartyCount]
+ dec a
+ ld [wCurPartyMon], a
+ farcall HealPartyMon
+- ld a, [wCurPartyLevel]
+- ld d, a
++ ; Check if there's an exp overflow
++ ld d, MAX_LEVEL
+ callfar CalcExpAtLevel
+ pop bc
+- ld hl, MON_EXP
++ ld hl, MON_EXP + 2
+ add hl, bc
+ ldh a, [hMultiplicand]
+- ld [hli], a
++ ld b, a
+ ldh a, [hMultiplicand + 1]
+- ld [hli], a
++ ld c, a
+ ldh a, [hMultiplicand + 2]
++ ld d, a
++ ld a, [hld]
++ sub d
++ ld a, [hld]
++ sbc c
++ ld a, [hl]
++ sbc b
++ jr c, .not_max_exp
++ ld a, b
++ ld [hli], a
++ ld a, c
++ ld [hli], a
++ ld a, d
+ ld [hl], a
+ and a
+ ret