shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 5feb5fd208d68a3d8f4d0ce4d925512a8fbe3b97
parent: 14567c2beeeb9272bcd98dfc68e0729ac3b3929e
parent: 5521aa5ce0ad5249ff0d369dd33b4f63cd804b73
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Wed May 15 08:09:31 EDT 2013

Merge pull request #137 from yenatch/master

gbz80disasm reads wram/gbhw/hram and spaces blocks of asm

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -6,16 +6,15 @@
 from ctypes import c_int8
 import random
 import json
+from wram import *
 # New versions of json don't have read anymore.
 if not hasattr(json, "read"): = json.loads
-from romstr import RomStr
 def load_rom(filename="../baserom.gbc"):
     global rom
-    rom = RomStr.load(filename=filename)
+    rom = bytearray(open(filename,'rb').read())
     return rom
 spacing = "\t"
@@ -543,10 +542,11 @@
 del line
 end_08_scripts_with = [
+0xc9, #ret
+0xd9, #reti
 0xe9, #jp hl
 #0xc3, #jp
 ##0x18, #jr
-0xc9, #ret
 ###0xda, 0xe9, 0xd2, 0xc2, 0xca, 0xc3, 0x38, 0x30, 0x20, 0x28, 0x18, 0xd8, 0xd0, 0xc0, 0xc8, 0xc9
 relative_jumps = [0x38, 0x30, 0x20, 0x28, 0x18, 0xc3, 0xda, 0xc2]
@@ -565,27 +565,20 @@
 def find_label(local_address, bank_id=0):
-    global all_labels
     # keep an integer
     if type(local_address) == str:
-        local_address1 = int(local_address.replace("$", "0x"), 16)
-    else: local_address1 = local_address
+        local_address = int(local_address.replace("$", "0x"), 16)
-    # turn local_address into an integer
-    if type(local_address) == str:
-        if "0x" in local_address:
-            local_address = local_address.replace("0x", "$")
-        elif "$" in local_address:
-            local_address = local_address.replace("$", "")
-    if type(local_address) == str:
-        local_address = int(local_address, 16)
-    for label_entry in all_labels:
-        if label_entry["address"] == local_address:
-            if label_entry["bank"] == bank_id or (local_address1 < 0x8000 and (label_entry["bank"] == 0 or label_entry["bank"] == 1)):
-                return label_entry["label"]
+    if local_address < 0x8000:
+        for label_entry in all_labels:
+            if label_entry["address"] == local_address:
+                if label_entry["bank"] == bank_id or label_entry["bank"] == 0:
+                    return label_entry["label"]
+    if local_address in wram_labels.keys():
+        return wram_labels[local_address][-1]
+    for constants in [gbhw_constants, hram_constants]:
+        if local_address in constants.keys():
+            return constants[local_address]
     return None
 def asm_label(address):
@@ -608,9 +601,7 @@
-    bank_id = 0
-    if original_offset > 0x8000:
-        bank_id = original_offset / 0x4000
+    bank_id = original_offset / 0x4000
     if debug: print "bank id is: " + str(bank_id)
     last_hl_address = None #for when we're scanning the main map script
@@ -630,7 +621,7 @@
     output = ""
     keep_reading = True
     while offset <= end_address and keep_reading:
-        current_byte = ord(rom[offset])
+        current_byte = rom[offset]
         is_data = False
         maybe_byte = current_byte
@@ -645,6 +636,7 @@
         if offset in byte_labels.keys():
             line_label = byte_labels[offset]["name"]
             byte_labels[offset]["usage"] += 1
+            output += "\n"
             line_label = asm_label(offset)
             byte_labels[offset] = {}
@@ -655,13 +647,13 @@
         #find out if there's a two byte key like this
         temp_maybe = maybe_byte
-        temp_maybe += ( ord(rom[offset+1]) << 8)
-        if temp_maybe in opt_table.keys() and ord(rom[offset+1])!=0:
+        temp_maybe += ( rom[offset+1] << 8)
+        if temp_maybe in opt_table.keys() and rom[offset+1]!=0:
             opstr = opt_table[temp_maybe][0].lower()
             if "x" in opstr:
                 for x in range(0, opstr.count("x")):
-                    insertion = ord(rom[offset + 1])
+                    insertion = rom[offset + 1]
                     insertion = "$" + hex(insertion)[2:]
                     opstr = opstr[:opstr.find("x")].lower() + insertion + opstr[opstr.find("x")+1:].lower()
@@ -670,8 +662,8 @@
                     offset += 1
             if "?" in opstr:
                 for y in range(0, opstr.count("?")):
-                    byte1 = ord(rom[offset + 1])
-                    byte2 = ord(rom[offset + 2])
+                    byte1 = rom[offset + 1]
+                    byte2 = rom[offset + 2]
                     number = byte1
                     number += byte2 << 8;
@@ -695,7 +687,7 @@
             #type = -1 when it's the E op
             #if op_code_type != -1:
-            if   op_code_type == 0 and ord(rom[offset]) == op_code_byte:
+            if   op_code_type == 0 and rom[offset] == op_code_byte:
                 op_str = op_code[0].lower()
                 output += spacing + op_code[0].lower() #+ " ; " + hex(offset)
@@ -703,18 +695,18 @@
                 offset += 1
                 current_byte_number += 1
-            elif op_code_type == 1 and ord(rom[offset]) == op_code_byte:
+            elif op_code_type == 1 and rom[offset] == op_code_byte:
                 oplen = len(op_code[0])
                 opstr = copy(op_code[0])
                 xes = op_code[0].count("x")
                 include_comment = False
                 for x in range(0, xes):
-                    insertion = ord(rom[offset + 1])
+                    insertion = rom[offset + 1]
                     insertion = "$" + hex(insertion)[2:]
                     if current_byte == 0x18 or current_byte==0x20 or current_byte in relative_jumps: #jr or jr nz
                         #generate a label for the byte we're jumping to
-                        target_address = offset + 2 + c_int8(ord(rom[offset + 1])).value
+                        target_address = offset + 2 + c_int8(rom[offset + 1]).value
                         if target_address in byte_labels.keys():
                             byte_labels[target_address]["usage"] = 1 + byte_labels[target_address]["usage"]
                             line_label2 = byte_labels[target_address]["name"]
@@ -726,29 +718,34 @@
                             byte_labels[target_address]["definition"] = False
                         insertion = line_label2.lower()
-                        include_comment = True
+                        if has_outstanding_labels(byte_labels) and all_outstanding_labels_are_reverse(byte_labels, offset):
+                            include_comment = True
                     elif current_byte == 0x3e:
-                        last_a_address = ord(rom[offset + 1])
+                        last_a_address = rom[offset + 1]
                     opstr = opstr[:opstr.find("x")].lower() + insertion + opstr[opstr.find("x")+1:].lower()
                     # because the $ff00+$ff syntax is silly
-                    if opstr.count("$") > 0 and "+" in opstr:
-                        first_orig = opstr.split("$")[1].split("+")[0]
-                        first_num = "0x"+first_orig
-                        first_val = int(first_num, 16)
-                        second_orig = opstr.split("+$")[1].split("]")[0]
-                        second_num = "0x"+second_orig
-                        second_val = int(second_num, 16)
-                        combined_val = "$" + hex(first_val + second_val)[2:]
-                        replacetron = "[$"+first_orig+"+$"+second_orig+"]"
-                        opstr = opstr.replace(replacetron, "["+combined_val+"]")
+                    if opstr.count("$") > 1 and "+" in opstr:
+                        first_orig = opstr[opstr.find("$"):opstr.find("+")]
+                        first_val = eval(first_orig.replace("$","0x"))
+                        second_orig = opstr[opstr.find("+$")+1:opstr.find("]")]
+                        second_val = eval(second_orig.replace("$","0x"))
+                        combined_val = "$%.4x" % (first_val + second_val)
+                        result = find_label(combined_val, bank_id)
+                        if result != None:
+                            combined_val = result
+                        replacetron = "[%s+%s]" % (first_orig, second_orig)
+                        opstr = opstr.replace(replacetron, "[%s]" % combined_val)
                     output += spacing + opstr
                     if include_comment:
                         output += " ; " + hex(offset)
                         if current_byte in relative_jumps:
-                            output += " $" + hex(ord(rom[offset + 1]))[2:]
+                            output += " $" + hex(rom[offset + 1])[2:]
                     output += "\n"
                     current_byte_number += 1
@@ -758,22 +755,21 @@
                 current_byte_number += 1
                 offset += 1
                 include_comment = False
-            elif op_code_type == 2 and ord(rom[offset]) == op_code_byte:
+            elif op_code_type == 2 and rom[offset] == op_code_byte:
                 oplen = len(op_code[0])
                 opstr = copy(op_code[0])
                 qes = op_code[0].count("?")
                 for x in range(0, qes):
-                    byte1 = ord(rom[offset + 1])
-                    byte2 = ord(rom[offset + 2])
+                    byte1 = rom[offset + 1]
+                    byte2 = rom[offset + 2]
                     number = byte1
-                    number += byte2 << 8;
+                    number += byte2 << 8
                     insertion = "$%.4x" % (number)
-                    if maybe_byte in call_commands or current_byte in relative_unconditional_jumps or current_byte in relative_jumps:
-                        result = find_label(insertion, bank_id)
-                        if result != None:
-                            insertion = result
+                    result = find_label(insertion, bank_id)
+                    if result != None:
+                        insertion = result
                     opstr = opstr[:opstr.find("?")].lower() + insertion + opstr[opstr.find("?")+1:].lower()
                     output += spacing + opstr #+ " ; " + hex(offset)
@@ -804,7 +800,7 @@
             #stop reading at a jump, relative jump or return
             if current_byte in end_08_scripts_with:
-                if not has_outstanding_labels(byte_labels) and all_outstanding_labels_are_reverse(byte_labels, offset):
+                if not has_outstanding_labels(byte_labels) or all_outstanding_labels_are_reverse(byte_labels, offset):
                     keep_reading = False
                     is_data = False #cleanup
@@ -816,7 +812,7 @@
                 keep_reading = True
         #if is_data and keep_reading:
-            output += spacing + "db $" + hex(ord(rom[offset]))[2:] #+ " ; " + hex(offset)
+            output += spacing + "db $" + hex(rom[offset])[2:] #+ " ; " + hex(offset)
             output += "\n"
             offset += 1
             current_byte_number += 1
@@ -826,6 +822,9 @@
         #offset += 1
         #current_byte_number += 1
+        if current_byte in relative_unconditional_jumps + end_08_scripts_with:
+            output += "\n"
         first_loop = False
     #clean up unused labels
@@ -834,6 +833,9 @@
         label_line = byte_labels[label_line]
         if label_line["usage"] == 0:
             output = output.replace((label_line["name"] + "\n").lower(), "")
+    #tone down excessive spacing
+    output = output.replace("\n\n\n","\n\n")
     #add the offset of the final location
     if include_last_address:
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# RGBDS BSS section and constant parsing.
+def read_bss_sections(bss):
+	sections = []
+	section = {}
+	address = None
+	if type(bss) is not list: bss = bss.split('\n')
+	for line in bss:
+		line = line.lstrip()
+		if 'SECTION' in line:
+			if section: sections.append(section) # last section
+			address = eval(line[line.find('[')+1:line.find(']')].replace('$','0x'))
+			section = {
+				'name': line.split('"')[1],
+				#'type': line.split(',')[1].split('[')[0].strip(),
+				'start': address,
+				'labels': [],
+			}
+		elif ':' in line:
+			# the only labels that don't use :s so far are enders,
+			# which we typically don't want to end up in the output
+			label = line[:line.find(':')]
+			if ';' not in label:
+				section['labels'] += [{'label': label, 'address': address, 'length': 0}]
+		elif line[:3] == 'ds ':
+			length = eval(line[3:line.find(';')].replace('$','0x'))
+			address += length
+			if section['labels']:
+				section['labels'][-1]['length'] += length
+	sections.append(section)
+	return sections
+wram_sections = read_bss_sections(open('../wram.asm', 'r').readlines())
+def make_wram_labels():
+	wram_labels = {}
+	for section in wram_sections:
+		for label in section['labels']:
+			if label['address'] not in wram_labels.keys():
+				wram_labels[label['address']] = []
+			wram_labels[label['address']] += [label['label']]
+	return wram_labels
+wram_labels = make_wram_labels()
+def constants_to_dict(constants):
+	return dict((eval(constant[constant.find('EQU')+3:constant.find(';')].replace('$','0x')), constant[:constant.find('EQU')].strip()) for constant in constants)
+def scrape_constants(text):
+	if type(text) is not list:
+		text = text.split('\n')
+	return constants_to_dict([line for line in text if 'EQU' in line[:line.find(';')]])
+hram_constants = scrape_constants(open('../hram.asm','r').readlines())
+gbhw_constants = scrape_constants(open('../gbhw.asm','r').readlines())
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@
 	cp $15
 	jp z, $117b
 	cp $4f
-	jp z, Char4f
+	jp z, Char4F
 	cp $4e
 	jp z, $12a7
 	cp $16
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@
 	cp $4c
 	jp z, $1337
 	cp $4b
-	jp z, $131f
+	jp z, Char4B
 	cp $51 ; Player name
 	jp z, $12f2
 	cp $49
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@
 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $117b, $1203 - $117b
+Char5D: ; 1203
 	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
 	push de
 	and a
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@
 	jr .asm_126a ; 0x120c $5c
 	ld de, Char5AText ; Enemy
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	ld h, b
 	ld l, c
 	ld de, $c616
@@ -1419,11 +1419,11 @@
 	cp $2a
 	jr z, .asm_1248 ; 0x122b $1b
 	ld de, $c656
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	ld h, b
 	ld l, c
 	ld de, $12a2
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	push bc
 	ld hl, $5939
 	ld a, $e
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@
 	jr .asm_126a ; 0x1250 $18
 	push de
 	ld de, PlayerName
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	ld h, b
 	ld l, c
 	ld a, [$d472]
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@
 	ld de, $12a6
 	jr .asm_126a ; 0x1268 $0
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	ld h, b
 	ld l, c
 	pop de
@@ -1473,36 +1473,63 @@
 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $129c, $12ea - $129c
-Char4f: ; 12ea
+Char4F: ; 12ea
 	pop hl
-	ld hl, $c5e1
+	hlcoord 1, 16
 	push hl
 	jp NextChar
 ; 0x12f2
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12f2, $1345 - $12f2
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12f2, $131f - $12f2
-Char55: ; $1345
+Char4B: ; 131f
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	or a
+	jr nz, .asm_1328
+	call $13c7
+	call $13b6
 	push de
-	ld de, $1354
+	call $aaf
+	pop de
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	or a
+	call z, $13cd
+	push de
+	call $138c
+	call $138c
+	hlcoord 1, 16
+	pop de
+	jp NextChar
+; 1345
+Char55: ; 1345
+	push de
+	ld de, .text_1354
 	ld b, h
 	ld c, l
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	ld h, b
 	ld l, c
 	pop de
 	jp NextChar
-; 0x1354
-; ???
-	ld c, e
-	ld d, b
+	db $4b, "@"
+; 1356
-Char5F: ; 0x1356
+Char5F: ; 1356
 ; ends a Pokédex entry
-	ld [hl],"."
+	ld [hl], "."
 	pop hl
+; 135a
 INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $135a, $15d8 - $135a
@@ -17859,7 +17886,7 @@
 	call $1cfd
 	ld hl, $c550
 	ld de, YesNo117ccc
-	call $1078
+	call PlaceString
 	ld hl, $c54f
 	ld a, "▶"
 	ld [hl], a
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -314,26 +314,19 @@
     asm        = ""
     comment    = None
     in_quotes  = False
-    in_comment = False
     # token either belongs to the line or to the comment
     for token in l:
-        if in_comment:
+        if comment:
             comment += token
-        elif in_quotes and token != "\"":
+        else:
+            if not in_quotes:
+                if token == ";":
+                    comment = ";"
+                    continue
+            if token == "\"":
+                in_quotes = not in_quotes
             asm += token
-        elif in_quotes and token == "\"":
-            in_quotes = False
-            asm += token
-        elif not in_quotes and token == "\"":
-            in_quotes = True
-            asm += token
-        elif not in_quotes and token != "\"":
-            if token == ";":
-                in_comment = True
-                comment = ";"
-            else:
-                asm += token
     return asm, comment
 def quote_translator(asm):