shithub: pokecrystal

Download patch

ref: 67d38da5b01173d2a78a3e083aff505f40276f2e
parent: 794410352fd92ccf06974763e4b3be0b807641ab
author: IIMarckus <[email protected]>
date: Thu Dec 17 08:03:36 EST 2015

text/common.asm is only for std scripts.

--- a/engine/std_scripts.asm
+++ b/engine/std_scripts.asm
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
 	iftrue .morn_comcenter
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b0000
+	farwritetext NurseMornText
 	jump .ok
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b008a
+	farwritetext PokeComNurseMornText
 	jump .ok
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
 	iftrue .day_comcenter
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b002b
+	farwritetext NurseDayText
 	jump .ok
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b00d6
+	farwritetext PokeComNurseDayText
 	jump .ok
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
 	iftrue .nite_comcenter
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b004f
+	farwritetext NurseNiteText
 	jump .ok
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b011b
+	farwritetext PokeComNurseNiteText
 	jump .ok
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@
 	; only do this once
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b017a
+	farwritetext NurseAskHealText
 	iffalse .done
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b01bd
+	farwritetext NurseTakePokemonText
 	pause 20
 	special Mobile_HealParty
 	spriteface LAST_TALKED, LEFT
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@
 	iftrue .pokerus
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b01d7
+	farwritetext NurseReturnPokemonText
 	pause 20
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b020b
+	farwritetext NurseGoodbyeText
 	spriteface LAST_TALKED, UP
 	pause 10
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@
 	iftrue .pokerus_comcenter
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b0241
+	farwritetext NursePokerusText
 	jump .pokerus_done
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b02d6
+	farwritetext PokeComNursePokerusText
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
 ; 0xbc354
 BugContestResults_NoRoomForSunStone ; 0xbc354
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b08cc
+	farwritetext BugContestPrizeNoRoomText
 	jump BugContestResults_ReturnAfterWinnersPrize
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
 ; 0xbc35f
 BugContestResults_NoRoomForEverstone ; 0xbc35f
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b08cc
+	farwritetext BugContestPrizeNoRoomText
 	jump BugContestResults_ReturnAfterWinnersPrize
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
 ; 0xbc36a
 BugContestResults_NoRoomForGoldBerry ; 0xbc36a
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b08cc
+	farwritetext BugContestPrizeNoRoomText
 	jump BugContestResults_ReturnAfterWinnersPrize
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
 ; 0xbc375
 BugContestResults_NoRoomForBerry ; 0xbc375
-	farwritetext UnknownText_0x1b08cc
+	farwritetext BugContestPrizeNoRoomText
 	jump BugContestResults_DidNotWin
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -24360,7 +24360,7 @@
 SECTION "Common Text 1", ROMX, BANK[$6C]
-INCLUDE "text/common.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/stdtext.asm"
 INCLUDE "text/phone/jack_overworld.asm"
 INCLUDE "text/phone/beverly_overworld.asm"
 INCLUDE "text/phone/huey_overworld.asm"
--- a/text/common.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +1,0 @@
-UnknownText_0x1b0000: ; 0x1b0000
-	text "Good morning!"
-	line "Welcome to our"
-	cont "#MON CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b002b
-UnknownText_0x1b002b: ; 0x1b002b
-	text "Hello!"
-	line "Welcome to our"
-	cont "#MON CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b004f
-UnknownText_0x1b004f: ; 0x1b004f
-	text "Good evening!"
-	line "You're out late."
-	para "Welcome to our"
-	line "#MON CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b008a
-UnknownText_0x1b008a: ; 0x1b008a
-	text "Good morning!"
-	para "This is the #-"
-	para "CENTER--or the"
-	line "#COM CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b00d6
-UnknownText_0x1b00d6: ; 0x1b00d6
-	text "Hello!"
-	para "This is the #-"
-	para "CENTER--or the"
-	line "#COM CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b011b
-UnknownText_0x1b011b: ; 0x1b011b
-	text "Good to see you"
-	line "working so late."
-	para "This is the #-"
-	para "CENTER--or the"
-	line "#COM CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b017a
-UnknownText_0x1b017a: ; 0x1b017a
-	text "We can heal your"
-	line "#MON to perfect"
-	cont "health."
-	para "Shall we heal your"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-; 0x1b01bd
-UnknownText_0x1b01bd: ; 0x1b01bd
-	text "OK, may I see your"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-; 0x1b01d7
-UnknownText_0x1b01d7: ; 0x1b01d7
-	text "Thank you for"
-	line "waiting."
-	para "Your #MON are"
-	line "fully healed."
-	done
-; 0x1b020b
-UnknownText_0x1b020b: ; 0x1b020b
-	text "We hope to see you"
-	line "again."
-	done
-; 0x1b0226
-UnknownText_0x1b0226: ; 0x1b0226
-	text "We hope to see you"
-	line "again."
-	done
-; 0x1b0241
-UnknownText_0x1b0241: ; 0x1b0241
-	text "Your #MON"
-	line "appear to be"
-	para "infected by tiny"
-	line "life forms."
-	para "Your #MON are"
-	line "healthy and seem"
-	cont "to be fine."
-	para "But we can't tell"
-	line "you anything more"
-	para "at a #MON"
-	line "CENTER."
-	done
-; 0x1b02d6
-UnknownText_0x1b02d6: ; 0x1b02d6
-	text "Your #MON"
-	line "appear to be"
-	para "infected by tiny"
-	line "life forms."
-	para "Your #MON are"
-	line "healthy and seem"
-	cont "to be fine."
-	para "But we can't tell"
-	line "you anything more."
-	done
-; 0x1b035a
-	text "It's full of"
-	line "difficult books."
-	done
-	text "A whole collection"
-	line "of #MON picture"
-	cont "books!"
-	done
-	text "#MON magazines…"
-	line "#MON PAL,"
-	para "#MON HANDBOOK,"
-	line "#MON GRAPH…"
-	done
-	para "Steal #MON for"
-	line "profit!"
-	para "Exploit #MON"
-	line "for profit!"
-	para "All #MON exist"
-	line "for the glory of"
-	cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
-	done
-	text "What is this?"
-	para "Oh, it's an"
-	line "incense burner!"
-	done
-	text "Lots of #MON"
-	line "merchandise!"
-	done
-	text "It's the TOWN MAP."
-	done
-	text "My reflection!"
-	line "Lookin' good!"
-	done
-	text "It's a TV."
-	done
-	text "#MON JOURNAL"
-	line "HOME PAGE…"
-	para "It hasn't been"
-	line "updated…"
-	done
-UnknownText_0x1b04f9: ; 0x1b04f9
-	text "#MON RADIO!"
-	para "Call in with your"
-	line "requests now!"
-	done
-; 0x1b0526
-	text "There's nothing in"
-	line "here…"
-	done
-UnknownText_0x1b053f: ; 0x1b053f
-	text "A #MON may be"
-	line "able to move this."
-	done
-; 0x1b0561
-UnknownText_0x1b0561: ; 0x1b0561
-	text "Maybe a #MON"
-	line "can break this."
-	done
-; 0x1b057f
-	text "Heal Your #MON!"
-	line "#MON CENTER"
-	done
-	text "For All Your"
-	line "#MON Needs"
-	para "#MON MART"
-	done
-ContestResults_ReadyToJudgeText: ; 0x1b05bf
-	text "We will now judge"
-	line "the #MON you've"
-	cont "caught."
-	para $56
-	line $56
-	para "We have chosen the"
-	line "winners!"
-	para "Are you ready for"
-	line "this?"
-	done
-; 0x1b0621
-ContestResults_PlayerWonAPrizeText: ; 0x1b0621
-	text "<PLAYER>, the No.@"
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
-	text ""
-	line "finisher, wins"
-	cont "@"
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
-	text "!"
-	done
-; 0x1b0648
-ReceivedItemText: ; 0x1b0648
-	text "<PLAYER> received"
-	line "@"
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
-	text "."
-	done
-; 0x1b065b
-ContestResults_JoinUsNextTimeText: ; 0x1b065b
-	text "Please join us for"
-	line "the next Contest!"
-	done
-; 0x1b0681
-ContestResults_ConsolationPrizeText: ; 0x1b0681
-	text "Everyone else gets"
-	line "a BERRY as a con-"
-	cont "solation prize!"
-	done
-; 0x1b06b7
-ContestResults_DidNotWinText: ; 0x1b06b7
-	text "We hope you do"
-	line "better next time."
-	done
-; 0x1b06d9
-ContestResults_ReturnPartyText: ; 0x1b06d9
-	text "We'll return the"
-	line "#MON we kept"
-	para "for you."
-	line "Here you go!"
-	done
-; 0x1b070d
-ContestResults_PartyFullText: ; 0x1b070d
-	text "Your party's full,"
-	line "so the #MON was"
-	para "sent to your BOX"
-	line "in BILL's PC."
-	done
-; 0x1b074e
-GymStatue_CityGymText: ; 0x1b074e
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
-	text ""
-	line "#MON GYM"
-	done
-; 0x1b075c
-GymStatue_WinningTrainersText: ; 0x1b075c
-	text "LEADER: @"
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
-	text ""
-	line "<PLAYER>"
-	done
-; 0x1b077f
-CoinVendor_WelcomeText: ; 0x1b077f
-	text "Welcome to the"
-	line "GAME CORNER."
-	done
-; 0x1b079c
-CoinVendor_NoCoinCaseText: ; 0x1b079c
-	text "Do you need game"
-	line "coins?"
-	para "Oh, you don't have"
-	line "a COIN CASE for"
-	cont "your coins."
-	done
-; 0x1b07e3
-CoinVendor_IntroText: ; 0x1b07e3
-	text "Do you need some"
-	line "game coins?"
-	para "It costs ¥1000 for"
-	line "50 coins. Do you"
-	cont "want some?"
-	done
-; 0x1b0830
-CoinVendor_Buy50CoinsText: ; 0x1b0830
-	text "Thank you!"
-	line "Here are 50 coins."
-	done
-; 0x1b084f
-CoinVendor_Buy500CoinsText: ; 0x1b084f
-	text "Thank you! Here"
-	line "are 500 coins."
-	done
-; 0x1b086f
-CoinVendor_NotEnoughMoneyText: ; 0x1b086f
-	text "You don't have"
-	line "enough money."
-	done
-; 0x1b088c
-CoinVendor_CoinCaseFullText: ; 0x1b088c
-	text "Whoops! Your COIN"
-	line "CASE is full."
-	done
-; 0x1b08ad
-CoinVendor_CancelText: ; 0x1b08ad
-	text "No coins for you?"
-	line "Come again!"
-	done
-; 0x1b08cc
-UnknownText_0x1b08cc: ; 0x1b08cc
-	text "Oh? Your PACK is"
-	line "full."
-	para "We'll keep this"
-	line "for you today, so"
-	para "come back when you"
-	line "make room for it."
-	done
-; 0x1b092a
-	text "Wow! You and your"
-	line "#MON are really"
-	cont "close!"
-	done
-	text "#MON get more"
-	line "friendly if you"
-	para "spend time with"
-	line "them."
-	done
-	text "You haven't tamed"
-	line "your #MON."
-	para "If you aren't"
-	line "nice, it'll pout."
-	done
-	text "<PLAYER> registered"
-	line "@"
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
-	text "'s number."
-	done
-	text "<PLAYER> registered"
-	line "@"
-	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
-	text "'s number."
-	done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/stdtext.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,388 @@
+	text "Good morning!"
+	line "Welcome to our"
+	cont "#MON CENTER."
+	done
+	text "Hello!"
+	line "Welcome to our"
+	cont "#MON CENTER."
+	done
+	text "Good evening!"
+	line "You're out late."
+	para "Welcome to our"
+	line "#MON CENTER."
+	done
+	text "Good morning!"
+	para "This is the #-"
+	para "CENTER--or the"
+	line "#COM CENTER."
+	done
+	text "Hello!"
+	para "This is the #-"
+	para "CENTER--or the"
+	line "#COM CENTER."
+	done
+	text "Good to see you"
+	line "working so late."
+	para "This is the #-"
+	para "CENTER--or the"
+	line "#COM CENTER."
+	done
+	text "We can heal your"
+	line "#MON to perfect"
+	cont "health."
+	para "Shall we heal your"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+	text "OK, may I see your"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+	text "Thank you for"
+	line "waiting."
+	para "Your #MON are"
+	line "fully healed."
+	done
+	text "We hope to see you"
+	line "again."
+	done
+; not used
+	text "We hope to see you"
+	line "again."
+	done
+	text "Your #MON"
+	line "appear to be"
+	para "infected by tiny"
+	line "life forms."
+	para "Your #MON are"
+	line "healthy and seem"
+	cont "to be fine."
+	para "But we can't tell"
+	line "you anything more"
+	para "at a #MON"
+	line "CENTER."
+	done
+	text "Your #MON"
+	line "appear to be"
+	para "infected by tiny"
+	line "life forms."
+	para "Your #MON are"
+	line "healthy and seem"
+	cont "to be fine."
+	para "But we can't tell"
+	line "you anything more."
+	done
+	text "It's full of"
+	line "difficult books."
+	done
+	text "A whole collection"
+	line "of #MON picture"
+	cont "books!"
+	done
+	text "#MON magazines…"
+	line "#MON PAL,"
+	para "#MON HANDBOOK,"
+	line "#MON GRAPH…"
+	done
+	para "Steal #MON for"
+	line "profit!"
+	para "Exploit #MON"
+	line "for profit!"
+	para "All #MON exist"
+	line "for the glory of"
+	cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
+	done
+	text "What is this?"
+	para "Oh, it's an"
+	line "incense burner!"
+	done
+	text "Lots of #MON"
+	line "merchandise!"
+	done
+	text "It's the TOWN MAP."
+	done
+	text "My reflection!"
+	line "Lookin' good!"
+	done
+	text "It's a TV."
+	done
+	text "#MON JOURNAL"
+	line "HOME PAGE…"
+	para "It hasn't been"
+	line "updated…"
+	done
+; not used
+	text "#MON RADIO!"
+	para "Call in with your"
+	line "requests now!"
+	done
+	text "There's nothing in"
+	line "here…"
+	done
+; not used
+	text "A #MON may be"
+	line "able to move this."
+	done
+; not used
+	text "Maybe a #MON"
+	line "can break this."
+	done
+	text "Heal Your #MON!"
+	line "#MON CENTER"
+	done
+	text "For All Your"
+	line "#MON Needs"
+	para "#MON MART"
+	done
+	text "We will now judge"
+	line "the #MON you've"
+	cont "caught."
+	para $56
+	line $56
+	para "We have chosen the"
+	line "winners!"
+	para "Are you ready for"
+	line "this?"
+	done
+	text "<PLAYER>, the No.@"
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+	text ""
+	line "finisher, wins"
+	cont "@"
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
+	text "!"
+	done
+	text "<PLAYER> received"
+	line "@"
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
+	text "."
+	done
+	text "Please join us for"
+	line "the next Contest!"
+	done
+	text "Everyone else gets"
+	line "a BERRY as a con-"
+	cont "solation prize!"
+	done
+	text "We hope you do"
+	line "better next time."
+	done
+	text "We'll return the"
+	line "#MON we kept"
+	para "for you."
+	line "Here you go!"
+	done
+	text "Your party's full,"
+	line "so the #MON was"
+	para "sent to your BOX"
+	line "in BILL's PC."
+	done
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+	text ""
+	line "#MON GYM"
+	done
+	text "LEADER: @"
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer4
+	text ""
+	line "<PLAYER>"
+	done
+	text "Welcome to the"
+	line "GAME CORNER."
+	done
+	text "Do you need game"
+	line "coins?"
+	para "Oh, you don't have"
+	line "a COIN CASE for"
+	cont "your coins."
+	done
+	text "Do you need some"
+	line "game coins?"
+	para "It costs ¥1000 for"
+	line "50 coins. Do you"
+	cont "want some?"
+	done
+	text "Thank you!"
+	line "Here are 50 coins."
+	done
+	text "Thank you! Here"
+	line "are 500 coins."
+	done
+	text "You don't have"
+	line "enough money."
+	done
+	text "Whoops! Your COIN"
+	line "CASE is full."
+	done
+	text "No coins for you?"
+	line "Come again!"
+	done
+	text "Oh? Your PACK is"
+	line "full."
+	para "We'll keep this"
+	line "for you today, so"
+	para "come back when you"
+	line "make room for it."
+	done
+	text "Wow! You and your"
+	line "#MON are really"
+	cont "close!"
+	done
+	text "#MON get more"
+	line "friendly if you"
+	para "spend time with"
+	line "them."
+	done
+	text "You haven't tamed"
+	line "your #MON."
+	para "If you aren't"
+	line "nice, it'll pout."
+	done
+	text "<PLAYER> registered"
+	line "@"
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+	text "'s number."
+	done
+	text "<PLAYER> registered"
+	line "@"
+	text_from_ram StringBuffer3
+	text "'s number."
+	done