ref: 6e5876377f93f0801c8de54954d40994d5f06d6e
parent: ed2063276a3ca79ed8c2486c5e64c3d688165c80
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Sat Sep 7 11:30:07 EDT 2013
split out std scripts from main.asm
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/std_scripts.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2619 @@
+StdScripts: ; bc000
+ dbw BANK(PokeCenterNurseScript), PokeCenterNurseScript
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc162), UnknownScript_0xbc162
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc166), UnknownScript_0xbc166
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc16a), UnknownScript_0xbc16a
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc16e), UnknownScript_0xbc16e
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc172), UnknownScript_0xbc172
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc176), UnknownScript_0xbc176
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc17a), UnknownScript_0xbc17a
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc185), UnknownScript_0xbc185
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc189), UnknownScript_0xbc189
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc191), UnknownScript_0xbc191
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc195), UnknownScript_0xbc195
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc19d), UnknownScript_0xbc19d
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1a5), UnknownScript_0xbc1a5
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1b8), UnknownScript_0xbc1b8
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1bc), UnknownScript_0xbc1bc
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1c0), UnknownScript_0xbc1c0
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1c4), UnknownScript_0xbc1c4
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc23e), UnknownScript_0xbc23e
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc242), UnknownScript_0xbc242
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1af), UnknownScript_0xbc1af
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1c8), UnknownScript_0xbc1c8
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc25c), UnknownScript_0xbc25c
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc274), UnknownScript_0xbc274
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc3db), UnknownScript_0xbc3db
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc574), UnknownScript_0xbc574
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc62d), UnknownScript_0xbc62d
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc6e6), UnknownScript_0xbc6e6
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc6f0), UnknownScript_0xbc6f0
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc7ce), UnknownScript_0xbc7ce
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc8ac), UnknownScript_0xbc8ac
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc98a), UnknownScript_0xbc98a
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbca47), UnknownScript_0xbca47
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbca8f), UnknownScript_0xbca8f
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcb0a), UnknownScript_0xbcb0a
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcb35), UnknownScript_0xbcb35
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcb7f), UnknownScript_0xbcb7f
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcbc9), UnknownScript_0xbcbc9
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcbd3), UnknownScript_0xbcbd3
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcc2d), UnknownScript_0xbcc2d
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcc87), UnknownScript_0xbcc87
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcce1), UnknownScript_0xbcce1
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcd30), UnknownScript_0xbcd30
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcd5a), UnknownScript_0xbcd5a
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcd93), UnknownScript_0xbcd93
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcda0), UnknownScript_0xbcda0
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdaa), UnknownScript_0xbcdaa
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdb9), UnknownScript_0xbcdb9
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdc3), UnknownScript_0xbcdc3
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1a9), UnknownScript_0xbc1a9
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdcd), UnknownScript_0xbcdcd
+ dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbce7f), UnknownScript_0xbce7f
+; bc09c
+PokeCenterNurseScript: ; bc09c
+; Talking to a nurse in a Pokemon Center
+ loadfont
+; The nurse has different text for:
+; Morn
+ checktime $1
+ iftrue .morn
+; Day
+ checktime $2
+ iftrue .day
+; Nite
+ checktime $4
+ iftrue .nite
+; If somehow it's not a time of day at all, we skip the introduction
+ 2jump .heal
+; Different text if we're in the com center
+ checkbit1 $032a
+ iftrue .morn_comcenter
+; Good morning! Welcome to ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b0000), UnknownText_0x1b0000
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .heal
+; Good morning! This is the ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b008a), UnknownText_0x1b008a
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .heal
+; Different text if we're in the com center
+ checkbit1 $032a
+ iftrue .day_comcenter
+; Hello! Welcome to ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b002b), UnknownText_0x1b002b
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .heal
+; Hello! This is the ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b00d6), UnknownText_0x1b00d6
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .heal
+; Different text if we're in the com center
+ checkbit1 $032a
+ iftrue .nite_comcenter
+; Good evening! You're out late. ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b004f), UnknownText_0x1b004f
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .heal
+; Good to see you working so late. ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b011b), UnknownText_0x1b011b
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .heal
+; If we come back, don't welcome us to the com center again
+ clearbit1 $032a
+; Ask if you want to heal
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b017a), UnknownText_0x1b017a
+ yesorno
+ iffalse .end
+; Go ahead and heal
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b01bd), UnknownText_0x1b01bd
+ pause 20
+ special $009d
+; Turn to the machine
+ spriteface $fe, $2
+ pause 10
+ special $001b
+ playmusic $0000
+ writebyte $0
+ special $003e
+ pause 30
+ special $003d
+ spriteface $fe, $0
+ pause 10
+; Has Elm already phoned you about Pokerus?
+ checkphonecall
+ iftrue .done
+; Has Pokerus already been found in the Pokecenter?
+ checkbit2 $000d
+ iftrue .done
+; Check for Pokerus
+ special $004e ; SPECIAL_CHECKPOKERUS
+ iftrue .pokerus
+; Thank you for waiting. ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b01d7), UnknownText_0x1b01d7
+ pause 20
+; We hope to see you again.
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b020b), UnknownText_0x1b020b
+; Curtsy
+ spriteface $fe, $1
+ pause 10
+ spriteface $fe, $0
+ pause 10
+; And we're out
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; Different text for com center (excludes 'in a Pokemon Center')
+; Since flag $32a is cleared when healing,
+; this text is never actually seen
+ checkbit1 $032a
+ iftrue .pokerus_comcenter
+; Your Pokemon appear to be infected ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b0241), UnknownText_0x1b0241
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ 2jump .endpokerus
+; Your Pokemon appear to be infected ...
+ 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b02d6), UnknownText_0x1b02d6
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+; Don't tell us about Pokerus again
+ setbit2 $000d
+; Trigger Elm's Pokerus phone call
+ specialphonecall $0001
+ end
+; bc162
+UnknownScript_0xbc162: ; 0xbc162
+ 3jumptext $6c, $435a
+; 0xbc166
+UnknownScript_0xbc166: ; 0xbc166
+ 3jumptext $6c, $4378
+; 0xbc16a
+UnknownScript_0xbc16a: ; 0xbc16a
+ 3jumptext $6c, $43a3
+; 0xbc16e
+UnknownScript_0xbc16e: ; 0xbc16e
+ 3jumptext $6c, $43d9
+; 0xbc172
+UnknownScript_0xbc172: ; 0xbc172
+ 3jumptext $6c, $4448
+; 0xbc176
+UnknownScript_0xbc176: ; 0xbc176
+ 3jumptext $6c, $4472
+; 0xbc17a
+UnknownScript_0xbc17a: ; 0xbc17a
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $6c, $448d
+ closetext
+ special $0026
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbc185
+UnknownScript_0xbc185: ; 0xbc185
+ 3jumptext $6c, $44a0
+; 0xbc189
+UnknownScript_0xbc189: ; 0xbc189
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $6c, $44be
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbc191
+UnknownScript_0xbc191: ; 0xbc191
+ 3jumptext $6c, $44c9
+; 0xbc195
+UnknownScript_0xbc195: ; 0xbc195
+ loadfont
+ writebyte $0
+ special $0028
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbc19d
+UnknownScript_0xbc19d: ; 0xbc19d
+ loadfont
+ writebyte $4
+ special $0028
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbc1a5
+UnknownScript_0xbc1a5: ; 0xbc1a5
+ 3jumptext $6c, $4526
+; 0xbc1a9
+UnknownScript_0xbc1a9: ; 0xbc1a9
+ loadfont
+ special $001c
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbc1af
+UnknownScript_0xbc1af: ; 0xbc1af
+ playsound $0008
+ pause 15
+ playsound $0027
+ end
+; 0xbc1b8
+UnknownScript_0xbc1b8: ; 0xbc1b8
+ 3jump BANK(UnknownScript_0xcd4b), UnknownScript_0xcd4b
+; 0xbc1bc
+UnknownScript_0xbc1bc: ; 0xbc1bc
+ 3jump BANK(UnknownScript_0xcf5d), UnknownScript_0xcf5d
+; 0xbc1c0
+UnknownScript_0xbc1c0: ; 0xbc1c0
+ 3jumptext $6c, $457f
+; 0xbc1c4
+UnknownScript_0xbc1c4: ; 0xbc1c4
+ 3jumptext $6c, $459c
+; 0xbc1c8
+UnknownScript_0xbc1c8: ; 0xbc1c8
+ checkcode $b
+ if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbc1e7
+ if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbc1ec
+ if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0xbc1f1
+ if_equal $4, UnknownScript_0xbc1f6
+ if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0xbc1fb
+ if_equal $6, UnknownScript_0xbc200
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc205, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc1e7
+UnknownScript_0xbc1e7: ; 0xbc1e7
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc20c, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc1ec
+UnknownScript_0xbc1ec: ; 0xbc1ec
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc213, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc1f1
+UnknownScript_0xbc1f1: ; 0xbc1f1
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc21b, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc1f6
+UnknownScript_0xbc1f6: ; 0xbc1f6
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc225, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc1fb
+UnknownScript_0xbc1fb: ; 0xbc1fb
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc22e, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc200
+UnknownScript_0xbc200: ; 0xbc200
+ stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc235, $0
+ end
+; 0xbc205
+UnknownRawText_0xbc205: ; bc205
+ db "SUNDAY@"
+; bc20c
+UnknownRawText_0xbc20c: ; bc20c
+ db "MONDAY@"
+; bc213
+UnknownRawText_0xbc213: ; bc213
+ db "TUESDAY@"
+; bc21b
+UnknownRawText_0xbc21b: ; bc21b
+; bc225
+UnknownRawText_0xbc225: ; bc225
+ db "THURSDAY@"
+; bc22e
+UnknownRawText_0xbc22e: ; bc22e
+ db "FRIDAY@"
+; bc235
+UnknownRawText_0xbc235: ; bc235
+ db "SATURDAY@"
+; bc23e
+UnknownScript_0xbc23e: ; 0xbc23e
+ clearbit1 $06cd
+ end
+; 0xbc242
+UnknownScript_0xbc242: ; 0xbc242
+ setbit2 $0013
+ setbit1 $06cf
+ setbit1 $06d1
+ clearbit1 $06ce
+ clearbit1 $0025
+ setbit1 $0756
+ specialphonecall $0004
+ end
+; 0xbc25c
+UnknownScript_0xbc25c: ; 0xbc25c
+ special $0034
+ 2call UnknownScript_0xbc380
+ setbit1 $0747
+ clearbit1 $0748
+ setbit1 $02d2
+ applymovement $0, MovementData_0xbcea1
+UnknownScript_0xbc274: ; bc274
+ clearbit2 $0011
+ clearbit1 $02d2
+ clearbit1 $0313
+ clearbit1 $0314
+ clearbit1 $0315
+ clearbit1 $0316
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $6c, $45bf
+ closetext
+ special $0014
+ RAM2MEM $0
+ if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbc31e
+ if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbc332
+ if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0xbc343
+ 3writetext $6c, $4681
+ keeptextopen
+ waitbutton
+ verbosegiveitem BERRY, 1
+ iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc375
+ 3writetext $6c, $46b7
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump $42b6
+; 0xbc2b1
+UnknownScript_0xbc2b1: ; 0xbc2b1
+ 3writetext $6c, $465b
+ keeptextopen
+ checkbit1 $0308
+ iffalse $42c4
+ 3writetext $6c, $46d9
+ closetext
+ special $0017
+ special $0015
+ if_equal $0, $42d4
+ if_equal $2, $42d4
+ 3writetext $6c, $470d
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ dotrigger $0
+ setbit1 $0716
+ setbit1 $0717
+ setbit1 $0718
+ setbit1 $0719
+ setbit1 $071a
+ setbit1 $071b
+ setbit1 $071c
+ setbit1 $071d
+ setbit1 $071e
+ setbit1 $071f
+ setbit1 $0720
+ setbit1 $0721
+ setbit1 $0722
+ setbit1 $0723
+ setbit1 $0724
+ setbit1 $0725
+ setbit1 $0726
+ setbit1 $0727
+ setbit1 $0728
+ setbit1 $0729
+ setbit2 $0051
+ special $003c
+ end
+; 0xbc31e
+UnknownScript_0xbc31e: ; 0xbc31e
+ setbit1 $0000
+ itemtotext SUN_STONE, $1
+ 3writetext $6c, $4621
+ closetext
+ verbosegiveitem SUN_STONE, 1
+ iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc354
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
+; 0xbc332
+UnknownScript_0xbc332: ; 0xbc332
+ itemtotext EVERSTONE, $1
+ 3writetext $6c, $4621
+ closetext
+ verbosegiveitem EVERSTONE, 1
+ iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc35f
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
+; 0xbc343
+UnknownScript_0xbc343: ; 0xbc343
+ itemtotext GOLD_BERRY, $1
+ 3writetext $6c, $4621
+ closetext
+ verbosegiveitem GOLD_BERRY, 1
+ iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc36a
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
+; 0xbc354
+UnknownScript_0xbc354: ; 0xbc354
+ 3writetext $6c, $48cc
+ keeptextopen
+ setbit1 $0313
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
+; 0xbc35f
+UnknownScript_0xbc35f: ; 0xbc35f
+ 3writetext $6c, $48cc
+ keeptextopen
+ setbit1 $0314
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
+; 0xbc36a
+UnknownScript_0xbc36a: ; 0xbc36a
+ 3writetext $6c, $48cc
+ keeptextopen
+ setbit1 $0315
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
+; 0xbc375
+UnknownScript_0xbc375: ; 0xbc375
+ 3writetext $6c, $48cc
+ keeptextopen
+ setbit1 $0316
+ 2jump $42a9
+; 0xbc380
+UnknownScript_0xbc380: ; 0xbc380
+ checkbit1 $0716
+ iftrue .skip1
+ clearbit1 $0720
+ checkbit1 $0717
+ iftrue .skip2
+ clearbit1 $0721
+ checkbit1 $0718
+ iftrue .skip3
+ clearbit1 $0722
+ checkbit1 $0719
+ iftrue .skip4
+ clearbit1 $0723
+ checkbit1 $071a
+ iftrue .skip5
+ clearbit1 $0724
+ checkbit1 $071b
+ iftrue .skip6
+ clearbit1 $0725
+ checkbit1 $071c
+ iftrue .skip7
+ clearbit1 $0726
+ checkbit1 $071d
+ iftrue .skip8
+ clearbit1 $0727
+ checkbit1 $071e
+ iftrue .skip9
+ clearbit1 $0728
+ checkbit1 $071f
+ iftrue .skip10
+ clearbit1 $0729
+ end
+; 0xbc3db
+UnknownScript_0xbc3db: ; 0xbc3db
+ setbit1 $06cb
+ setbit1 $06ce
+ setbit1 $06cd
+ setbit1 $06d0
+ setbit1 $06f3
+ setbit1 $06e9
+ setbit1 $06f4
+ setbit1 $06d5
+ setbit1 $06de
+ setbit1 $06dd
+ setbit1 $06df
+ setbit1 $06c0
+ setbit1 $06e4
+ setbit1 $0025
+ setbit1 $06be
+ setbit1 $06bf
+ setbit1 $06c1
+ setbit1 $06f9
+ setbit1 $06fd
+ setbit1 $06ff
+ setbit1 $0700
+ setbit1 $0702
+ setbit1 $0703
+ setbit1 $0704
+ setbit1 $070d
+ setbit1 $070e
+ setbit1 $070f
+ setbit1 $0710
+ setbit1 $0715
+ setbit1 $0716
+ setbit1 $0717
+ setbit1 $0718
+ setbit1 $0719
+ setbit1 $071a
+ setbit1 $071b
+ setbit1 $071c
+ setbit1 $071d
+ setbit1 $071e
+ setbit1 $071f
+ setbit1 $0720
+ setbit1 $0721
+ setbit1 $0722
+ setbit1 $0723
+ setbit1 $0724
+ setbit1 $0725
+ setbit1 $0726
+ setbit1 $0727
+ setbit1 $0728
+ setbit1 $0729
+ setbit1 $072c
+ setbit1 $072f
+ setbit1 $072d
+ setbit1 $0735
+ setbit1 $0736
+ setbit1 $073c
+ setbit1 $073d
+ setbit1 $0741
+ setbit1 $0742
+ setbit1 $0743
+ setbit1 $0744
+ setbit1 $02a4
+ setbit1 $02af
+ setbit1 $0749
+ setbit1 $06d3
+ setbit1 $074d
+ setbit1 $0712
+ setbit1 $0713
+ setbit1 $0711
+ setbit1 $06d4
+ setbit1 $0304
+ setbit1 $0307
+ setbit1 $06d8
+ setbit1 $06c3
+ setbit1 $06c2
+ setbit1 $06c6
+ setbit1 $075f
+ setbit1 $0731
+ setbit1 $074a
+ setbit1 $0762
+ setbit1 $0738
+ setbit1 $073a
+ setbit1 $073b
+ setbit1 $0733
+ setbit1 $073f
+ setbit1 $078d
+ setbit1 $0766
+ setbit1 $0768
+ setbit1 $0769
+ setbit1 $076a
+ setbit1 $078e
+ setbit1 $078f
+ setbit1 $0790
+ setbit1 $0791
+ setbit1 $0793
+ setbit1 $07a4
+ setbit1 $07a4
+ setbit1 $07a5
+ setbit1 $06ec
+ setbit1 $06ed
+ setbit1 $06f0
+ setbit1 $07a9
+ setbit1 $07aa
+ setbit1 $06c8
+ setbit1 $07ac
+ setbit1 $07ad
+ setbit1 $07b5
+ setbit1 $07b6
+ setbit1 $07c5
+ setbit1 $07b7
+ setbit1 $07b0
+ setbit1 $07af
+ setbit1 $07ae
+ setbit1 $07cf
+ setbit2 $000e
+ setbit2 $0017
+ variablesprite $4, $52
+ variablesprite $5, $4
+ variablesprite $6, $35
+ variablesprite $7, $a
+ variablesprite $8, $a
+ variablesprite $9, $a
+ variablesprite $a, $a
+ variablesprite $b, $28
+ variablesprite $c, $28
+ setbit1 $00fb
+ setbit1 $076d
+ setbit1 $076c
+ setbit1 $076e
+ setbit1 $076f
+ setbit1 $0773
+ setbit1 $0776
+ setbit1 $0777
+ setbit1 $0779
+ setbit1 $0772
+ setbit1 $077b
+ setbit1 $0036
+ return
+; 0xbc574
+UnknownScript_0xbc574: ; 0xbc574
+ special $005d
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0xbc5c9
+ if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc5ce
+ if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc5d3
+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc5d8
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc5dd
+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc5e2
+ if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc5e7
+ if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc5ec
+ if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc5f1
+ if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc5f6
+ if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc5fb
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc600
+ if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc605
+ if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc60a
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc60f
+ if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc614
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc619
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc61e
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc623
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc628
+UnknownScript_0xbc5c9: ; bc5c9
+ 3writetext $6c, $49fe
+ end
+; 0xbc5ce
+UnknownScript_0xbc5ce: ; 0xbc5ce
+ 3writetext $6c, $4d9f
+ end
+; 0xbc5d3
+UnknownScript_0xbc5d3: ; 0xbc5d3
+ 3writetext $6c, $502e
+ end
+; 0xbc5d8
+UnknownScript_0xbc5d8: ; 0xbc5d8
+ 3writetext $6c, $542d
+ end
+; 0xbc5dd
+UnknownScript_0xbc5dd: ; 0xbc5dd
+ 3writetext $6c, $5800
+ end
+; 0xbc5e2
+UnknownScript_0xbc5e2: ; 0xbc5e2
+ 3writetext $6c, $5a71
+ end
+; 0xbc5e7
+UnknownScript_0xbc5e7: ; 0xbc5e7
+ 3writetext $6c, $5cd5
+ end
+; 0xbc5ec
+UnknownScript_0xbc5ec: ; 0xbc5ec
+ 3writetext $29, $4000
+ end
+; 0xbc5f1
+UnknownScript_0xbc5f1: ; 0xbc5f1
+ 3writetext $29, $41c0
+ end
+; 0xbc5f6
+UnknownScript_0xbc5f6: ; 0xbc5f6
+ 3writetext $29, $4642
+ end
+; 0xbc5fb
+UnknownScript_0xbc5fb: ; 0xbc5fb
+ 3writetext $29, $4829
+ end
+; 0xbc600
+UnknownScript_0xbc600: ; 0xbc600
+ 3writetext $29, $4a31
+ end
+; 0xbc605
+UnknownScript_0xbc605: ; 0xbc605
+ 3writetext $29, $4ed4
+ end
+; 0xbc60a
+UnknownScript_0xbc60a: ; 0xbc60a
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+ end
+; 0xbc60f
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+; 0xbc614
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+; 0xbc619
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+; 0xbc61e
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+; 0xbc623
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+; 0xbc628
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+; 0xbc62d
+UnknownScript_0xbc62d: ; 0xbc62d
+ special $005d
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+ if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0xbc682
+ if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc687
+ if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc68c
+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc691
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc696
+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc69b
+ if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc6a0
+ if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc6a5
+ if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc6aa
+ if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc6af
+ if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc6b4
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc6b9
+ if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc6be
+ if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc6c3
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc6c8
+ if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc6cd
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc6d2
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc6d7
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc6dc
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc6e1
+UnknownScript_0xbc682: ; bc682
+ 3writetext $6c, $4a82
+ end
+; 0xbc687
+UnknownScript_0xbc687: ; 0xbc687
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+; 0xbc68c
+UnknownScript_0xbc68c: ; 0xbc68c
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+; 0xbc691
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+; 0xbc696
+UnknownScript_0xbc696: ; 0xbc696
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+; 0xbc69b
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+; 0xbc6a0
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+; 0xbc6a5
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+; 0xbc6aa
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+; 0xbc6af
+UnknownScript_0xbc6af: ; 0xbc6af
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+; 0xbc6b4
+UnknownScript_0xbc6b4: ; 0xbc6b4
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+; 0xbc6b9
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+; 0xbc6be
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+; 0xbc6c3
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+; 0xbc6c8
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+; 0xbc6cd
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+; 0xbc6d2
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+; 0xbc6d7
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+; 0xbc6dc
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+; 0xbc6e1
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+ end
+; 0xbc6e6
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+ end
+; 0xbc6f0
+UnknownScript_0xbc6f0: ; 0xbc6f0
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+ if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc750
+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc757
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc75e
+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc765
+ if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc76c
+ if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc773
+ if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc77a
+ if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc781
+ if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc788
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc78f
+ if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc796
+ if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc79d
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc7a4
+ if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc7ab
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc7b2
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc7b9
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc7c0
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc7c7
+ 3writetext $6c, $4adb
+ closetext
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+ end
+; 0xbc749
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc750
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc757
+UnknownScript_0xbc757: ; 0xbc757
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc75e
+UnknownScript_0xbc75e: ; 0xbc75e
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+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
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+; 0xbc765
+UnknownScript_0xbc765: ; 0xbc765
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc76c
+UnknownScript_0xbc76c: ; 0xbc76c
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+; 0xbc773
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc77a
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc781
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc788
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc78f
+UnknownScript_0xbc78f: ; 0xbc78f
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc796
+UnknownScript_0xbc796: ; 0xbc796
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc79d
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+ closetext
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+ end
+; 0xbc7a4
+UnknownScript_0xbc7a4: ; 0xbc7a4
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc7ab
+UnknownScript_0xbc7ab: ; 0xbc7ab
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc7b2
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc7b9
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+; 0xbc7c0
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+; 0xbc7c7
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+; 0xbc7ce
+UnknownScript_0xbc7ce: ; 0xbc7ce
+ checkcode $17
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+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc835
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc83c
+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc843
+ if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc84a
+ if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc851
+ if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc858
+ if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc85f
+ if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc866
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc86d
+ if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc874
+ if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc87b
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc882
+ if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc889
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc890
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc897
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc89e
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc8a5
+ 3writetext $6c, $4afd
+ closetext
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+ end
+; 0xbc827
+UnknownScript_0xbc827: ; 0xbc827
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+; 0xbc82e
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc835
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc83c
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc843
+UnknownScript_0xbc843: ; 0xbc843
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc84a
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+; 0xbc851
+UnknownScript_0xbc851: ; 0xbc851
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc858
+UnknownScript_0xbc858: ; 0xbc858
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc85f
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+; 0xbc866
+UnknownScript_0xbc866: ; 0xbc866
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc86d
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc874
+UnknownScript_0xbc874: ; 0xbc874
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc87b
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc882
+UnknownScript_0xbc882: ; 0xbc882
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc889
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc890
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc897
+UnknownScript_0xbc897: ; 0xbc897
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc89e
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc8a5
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+ closetext
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+ end
+; 0xbc8ac
+UnknownScript_0xbc8ac: ; 0xbc8ac
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $5, $48fe
+ if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc905
+ if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc90c
+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc913
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc91a
+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc921
+ if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc928
+ if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc92f
+ if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc936
+ if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc93d
+ if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc944
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc94b
+ if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc952
+ if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc959
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc960
+ if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc967
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc96e
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc975
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc97c
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc983
+ 3writetext $6c, $4b42
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbc905
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc90c
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+; 0xbc913
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc91a
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc921
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc928
+UnknownScript_0xbc928: ; 0xbc928
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+; 0xbc92f
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+; 0xbc936
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc93d
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc944
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc94b
+UnknownScript_0xbc94b: ; 0xbc94b
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc952
+UnknownScript_0xbc952: ; 0xbc952
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc959
+UnknownScript_0xbc959: ; 0xbc959
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc960
+UnknownScript_0xbc960: ; 0xbc960
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc967
+UnknownScript_0xbc967: ; 0xbc967
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc96e
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc975
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc97c
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc983
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc98a
+UnknownScript_0xbc98a: ; 0xbc98a
+ checkcode $17
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+ if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc9d7
+ if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc9de
+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc9e5
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc9ec
+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc9f3
+ if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc9fa
+ if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbca01
+ if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbca08
+ if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbca0f
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbca16
+ if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbca1d
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbca24
+ if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbca2b
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbca32
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbca39
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbca40
+ 3writetext $6c, $4b75
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
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+; 0xbc9d7
+UnknownScript_0xbc9d7: ; 0xbc9d7
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc9de
+UnknownScript_0xbc9de: ; 0xbc9de
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc9e5
+UnknownScript_0xbc9e5: ; 0xbc9e5
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc9ec
+UnknownScript_0xbc9ec: ; 0xbc9ec
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc9f3
+UnknownScript_0xbc9f3: ; 0xbc9f3
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbc9fa
+UnknownScript_0xbc9fa: ; 0xbc9fa
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+; 0xbca01
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca08
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+; 0xbca0f
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca16
+UnknownScript_0xbca16: ; 0xbca16
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca1d
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+; 0xbca24
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca2b
+UnknownScript_0xbca2b: ; 0xbca2b
+ 3writetext $29, $571e
+ closetext
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+; 0xbca32
+UnknownScript_0xbca32: ; 0xbca32
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca39
+UnknownScript_0xbca39: ; 0xbca39
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca40
+UnknownScript_0xbca40: ; 0xbca40
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbca47
+UnknownScript_0xbca47: ; 0xbca47
+ checkcode $17
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+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbca71
+ if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbca77
+ if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbca7d
+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbca83
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbca89
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+; 0xbca6b
+UnknownScript_0xbca6b: ; 0xbca6b
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+; 0xbca71
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+; 0xbca77
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+; 0xbca7d
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+; 0xbca83
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+; 0xbca89
+UnknownScript_0xbca89: ; 0xbca89
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+; 0xbca8f
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+ checkcode $17
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+ if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbcac4
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+ if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbcad2
+ if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbcad9
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+ if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbcaf5
+ if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbcafc
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbcb03
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+ closetext
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+; 0xbcac4
+UnknownScript_0xbcac4: ; 0xbcac4
+ 3writetext $6c, $564d
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcacb
+UnknownScript_0xbcacb: ; 0xbcacb
+ 3writetext $6c, $5978
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcad2
+UnknownScript_0xbcad2: ; 0xbcad2
+ 3writetext $6c, $5c91
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcad9
+UnknownScript_0xbcad9: ; 0xbcad9
+ 3writetext $29, $4c47
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcae0
+UnknownScript_0xbcae0: ; 0xbcae0
+ 3writetext $29, $52a0
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcae7
+UnknownScript_0xbcae7: ; 0xbcae7
+ 3writetext $29, $5513
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcaee
+UnknownScript_0xbcaee: ; 0xbcaee
+ 3writetext $29, $5aff
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcaf5
+UnknownScript_0xbcaf5: ; 0xbcaf5
+ 3writetext $29, $5d9a
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcafc
+UnknownScript_0xbcafc: ; 0xbcafc
+ 3writetext $29, $5faa
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcb03
+UnknownScript_0xbcb03: ; 0xbcb03
+ 3writetext $29, $61c9
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcb0a
+UnknownScript_0xbcb0a: ; 0xbcb0a
+ loadfont
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $7, $4b1d
+ if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbcb23
+ if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbcb29
+ if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbcb2f
+ 3writetext $6c, $4f2f
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcb23
+UnknownScript_0xbcb23: ; 0xbcb23
+ 3writetext $6c, $59be
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcb29
+UnknownScript_0xbcb29: ; 0xbcb29
+ 3writetext $29, $5b3f
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcb2f
+UnknownScript_0xbcb2f: ; 0xbcb2f
+ 3writetext $29, $6200
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcb35
+UnknownScript_0xbcb35: ; 0xbcb35
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4b57
+ if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcb5c
+ if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcb61
+ if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcb66
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcb6b
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcb70
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcb75
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcb7a
+ 3writetext $6c, $4bb6
+ end
+; 0xbcb5c
+UnknownScript_0xbcb5c: ; 0xbcb5c
+ 3writetext $6c, $5239
+ end
+; 0xbcb61
+UnknownScript_0xbcb61: ; 0xbcb61
+ 3writetext $6c, $5690
+ end
+; 0xbcb66
+UnknownScript_0xbcb66: ; 0xbcb66
+ 3writetext $6c, $5ebe
+ end
+; 0xbcb6b
+UnknownScript_0xbcb6b: ; 0xbcb6b
+ 3writetext $29, $4405
+ end
+; 0xbcb70
+UnknownScript_0xbcb70: ; 0xbcb70
+ 3writetext $29, $4c8c
+ end
+; 0xbcb75
+UnknownScript_0xbcb75: ; 0xbcb75
+ 3writetext $29, $574a
+ end
+; 0xbcb7a
+UnknownScript_0xbcb7a: ; 0xbcb7a
+ 3writetext $29, $6295
+ end
+; 0xbcb7f
+UnknownScript_0xbcb7f: ; 0xbcb7f
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4ba1
+ if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcba6
+ if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcbab
+ if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcbb0
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcbb5
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcbba
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcbbf
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcbc4
+ 3writetext $6c, $4c37
+ end
+; 0xbcba6
+UnknownScript_0xbcba6: ; 0xbcba6
+ 3writetext $6c, $5314
+ end
+; 0xbcbab
+UnknownScript_0xbcbab: ; 0xbcbab
+ 3writetext $6c, $5710
+ end
+; 0xbcbb0
+UnknownScript_0xbcbb0: ; 0xbcbb0
+ 3writetext $6c, $5f4e
+ end
+; 0xbcbb5
+UnknownScript_0xbcbb5: ; 0xbcbb5
+ 3writetext $29, $44db
+ end
+; 0xbcbba
+UnknownScript_0xbcbba: ; 0xbcbba
+ 3writetext $29, $4d36
+ end
+; 0xbcbbf
+UnknownScript_0xbcbbf: ; 0xbcbbf
+ 3writetext $29, $57e3
+ end
+; 0xbcbc4
+UnknownScript_0xbcbc4: ; 0xbcbc4
+ 3writetext $29, $6316
+ end
+; 0xbcbc9
+UnknownScript_0xbcbc9: ; 0xbcbc9
+ 3writetext $6c, $49e1
+ playsound $0093
+ waitbutton
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcbd3
+UnknownScript_0xbcbd3: ; 0xbcbd3
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4bf5
+ if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcbfc
+ if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcc03
+ if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcc0a
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcc11
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcc18
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcc1f
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcc26
+ 3writetext $6c, $4c9b
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcbfc
+UnknownScript_0xbcbfc: ; 0xbcbfc
+ 3writetext $6c, $5392
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc03
+UnknownScript_0xbcc03: ; 0xbcc03
+ 3writetext $6c, $5755
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc0a
+UnknownScript_0xbcc0a: ; 0xbcc0a
+ 3writetext $6c, $5faa
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc11
+UnknownScript_0xbcc11: ; 0xbcc11
+ 3writetext $29, $451d
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc18
+UnknownScript_0xbcc18: ; 0xbcc18
+ 3writetext $29, $4d72
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc1f
+UnknownScript_0xbcc1f: ; 0xbcc1f
+ 3writetext $29, $5820
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc26
+UnknownScript_0xbcc26: ; 0xbcc26
+ 3writetext $29, $6359
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc2d
+UnknownScript_0xbcc2d: ; 0xbcc2d
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4c4f
+ if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcc56
+ if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcc5d
+ if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcc64
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcc6b
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcc72
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcc79
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcc80
+ 3writetext $6c, $4ce0
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc56
+UnknownScript_0xbcc56: ; 0xbcc56
+ 3writetext $6c, $53af
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc5d
+UnknownScript_0xbcc5d: ; 0xbcc5d
+ 3writetext $6c, $578a
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc64
+UnknownScript_0xbcc64: ; 0xbcc64
+ 3writetext $6c, $5fdd
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc6b
+UnknownScript_0xbcc6b: ; 0xbcc6b
+ 3writetext $29, $4542
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc72
+UnknownScript_0xbcc72: ; 0xbcc72
+ 3writetext $29, $4dcd
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc79
+UnknownScript_0xbcc79: ; 0xbcc79
+ 3writetext $29, $5842
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc80
+UnknownScript_0xbcc80: ; 0xbcc80
+ 3writetext $29, $638c
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcc87
+UnknownScript_0xbcc87: ; 0xbcc87
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4ca9
+ if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbccb0
+ if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbccb7
+ if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbccbe
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbccc5
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcccc
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbccd3
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbccda
+ 3writetext $6c, $4d0b
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbccb0
+UnknownScript_0xbccb0: ; 0xbccb0
+ 3writetext $6c, $53e4
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbccb7
+UnknownScript_0xbccb7: ; 0xbccb7
+ 3writetext $6c, $57ba
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbccbe
+UnknownScript_0xbccbe: ; 0xbccbe
+ 3writetext $6c, $5ffa
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbccc5
+UnknownScript_0xbccc5: ; 0xbccc5
+ 3writetext $29, $4573
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcccc
+UnknownScript_0xbcccc: ; 0xbcccc
+ 3writetext $29, $4e01
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbccd3
+UnknownScript_0xbccd3: ; 0xbccd3
+ 3writetext $29, $5881
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbccda
+UnknownScript_0xbccda: ; 0xbccda
+ 3writetext $29, $63cc
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcce1
+UnknownScript_0xbcce1: ; 0xbcce1
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $c, $4cff
+ if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcd06
+ if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcd0d
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcd14
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcd1b
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcd22
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcd29
+ 3writetext $6c, $5409
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd06
+UnknownScript_0xbcd06: ; 0xbcd06
+ 3writetext $6c, $57de
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd0d
+UnknownScript_0xbcd0d: ; 0xbcd0d
+ 3writetext $6c, $601f
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd14
+UnknownScript_0xbcd14: ; 0xbcd14
+ 3writetext $29, $4595
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd1b
+UnknownScript_0xbcd1b: ; 0xbcd1b
+ 3writetext $29, $4e21
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd22
+UnknownScript_0xbcd22: ; 0xbcd22
+ 3writetext $29, $58a3
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd29
+UnknownScript_0xbcd29: ; 0xbcd29
+ 3writetext $29, $63f1
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd30
+UnknownScript_0xbcd30: ; 0xbcd30
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4d42
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcd48
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcd4e
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcd54
+ 3writetext $6c, $4d2c
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcd48
+UnknownScript_0xbcd48: ; 0xbcd48
+ 3writetext $29, $45c9
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcd4e
+UnknownScript_0xbcd4e: ; 0xbcd4e
+ 3writetext $29, $4e4c
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcd54
+UnknownScript_0xbcd54: ; 0xbcd54
+ 3writetext $29, $58d5
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcd5a
+UnknownScript_0xbcd5a: ; 0xbcd5a
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $6, $4d70
+ if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcd77
+ if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcd7e
+ if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcd85
+ if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcd8c
+ 3writetext $6c, $4d69
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd77
+UnknownScript_0xbcd77: ; 0xbcd77
+ 3writetext $29, $4603
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd7e
+UnknownScript_0xbcd7e: ; 0xbcd7e
+ 3writetext $29, $4e8f
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd85
+UnknownScript_0xbcd85: ; 0xbcd85
+ 3writetext $29, $5914
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd8c
+UnknownScript_0xbcd8c: ; 0xbcd8c
+ 3writetext $29, $6411
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcd93
+UnknownScript_0xbcd93: ; 0xbcd93
+ checkcode $17
+ if_equal $24, $4d99
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $29, $6454
+ keeptextopen
+ end
+; 0xbcda0
+UnknownScript_0xbcda0: ; 0xbcda0
+ mapnametotext $0
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $6c, $474e
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcdaa
+UnknownScript_0xbcdaa: ; 0xbcdaa
+ mapnametotext $0
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $6c, $474e
+ keeptextopen
+ 3writetext $6c, $475c
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcdb9
+UnknownScript_0xbcdb9: ; 0xbcdb9
+ waitbutton
+ 3writetext $6c, $4648
+ playsound $0001
+ waitbutton
+ end
+; 0xbcdc3
+UnknownScript_0xbcdc3: ; 0xbcdc3
+ waitbutton
+ 3writetext $6c, $4648
+ playsound $0096
+ waitbutton
+ end
+; 0xbcdcd
+UnknownScript_0xbcdcd: ; 0xbcdcd
+ faceplayer
+ loadfont
+ 3writetext $6c, $477f
+ keeptextopen
+ checkitem COIN_CASE
+ iftrue UnknownScript_0xbcde0
+ 3writetext $6c, $479c
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcde0
+UnknownScript_0xbcde0: ; 0xbcde0
+ 3writetext $6c, $47e3
+ special $0050
+ loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0xbce54
+ interpretmenu2
+ writebackup
+ if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbcdf7
+ if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbce1b
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbce4d
+; 0xbcdf7
+UnknownScript_0xbcdf7: ; 0xbcdf7
+ checkcoins 9949
+ if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbce46
+ checkmoney $0, 1000
+ if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbce3f
+ givecoins 50
+ takemoney $0, 1000
+ waitbutton
+ playsound $0022
+ 3writetext $6c, $4830
+ closetext
+ 2jump $4de4
+; 0xbce1b
+UnknownScript_0xbce1b: ; 0xbce1b
+ checkcoins 9499
+ if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbce46
+ checkmoney $0, 10000
+ if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbce3f
+ givecoins 500
+ takemoney $0, 10000
+ waitbutton
+ playsound $0022
+ 3writetext $6c, $484f
+ closetext
+ 2jump $4de4
+; 0xbce3f
+UnknownScript_0xbce3f: ; 0xbce3f
+ 3writetext $6c, $486f
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbce46
+UnknownScript_0xbce46: ; 0xbce46
+ 3writetext $6c, $488c
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbce4d
+UnknownScript_0xbce4d: ; 0xbce4d
+ 3writetext $6c, $48ad
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbce54
+MenuDataHeader_0xbce54: ; 0xbce54
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 04, 00 ; start coords
+ db 11, 15 ; end coords
+ dw MenuData2_0xbce5c
+ db 1 ; default option
+; 0xbce5c
+MenuData2_0xbce5c: ; 0xbce5c
+ db $80 ; flags
+ db 3 ; items
+ db " 50 : ¥1000@"
+ db "500 : ¥10000@"
+ db "CANCEL@"
+; 0xbce7f
+UnknownScript_0xbce7f: ; 0xbce7f
+ faceplayer
+ loadfont
+ special $0059
+ if_greater_than $32, UnknownScript_0xbce9a
+ if_greater_than $96, UnknownScript_0xbce93
+ 3writetext $6c, $492a
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbce93
+UnknownScript_0xbce93: ; 0xbce93
+ 3writetext $6c, $4954
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbce9a
+UnknownScript_0xbce9a: ; 0xbce9a
+ 3writetext $6c, $4989
+ closetext
+ loadmovesprites
+ end
+; 0xbcea1
+MovementData_0xbcea1: ; bcea1
+ step_right
+ step_down
+ turn_head_up
+ step_end
+; bcea5
+UnusedPhoneScript: ; 0xbcea5
+ 3writetext BANK(UnusedPhoneText), UnusedPhoneText
+ end
+MomPhoneScript: ; 0xbceaa
+ checkbit1 $0040
+ iftrue .bcec5
+ checkbit1 $0041 ; if dude talked to you, then you left home without talking to mom
+ iftrue MomPhoneLectureScript
+ checkbit1 $001f
+ iftrue MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript
+ checkbit1 $001a
+ iftrue MomPhoneNoPokedexScript
+ 2jump MomPhoneNoPokemonScript
+.bcec5 ; 0xbcec5
+ checkbit1 $0007
+ iftrue MomPhoneHangUpScript
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneGreetingText), MomPhoneGreetingText
+ keeptextopen
+ mapnametotext $0
+ checkcode $f
+ if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbcee7
+ if_equal $2, $4f27
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf2f
+UnknownScript_0xbcedf: ; 0xbcedf
+ 3writetext $6d, $4021
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
+UnknownScript_0xbcee7: ; 0xbcee7
+ checkcode $c
+ if_equal GROUP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, .newbark
+ if_equal GROUP_CHERRYGROVE_CITY, .cherrygrove
+ if_equal GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, .violet
+ if_equal GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, .azalea
+ if_equal GROUP_GOLDENROD_CITY, .goldenrod
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneGenericAreaText), MomPhoneGenericAreaText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
+.newbark ; 0xbcf05
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNewBarkText), MomPhoneNewBarkText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
+.cherrygrove ; 0xbcf0d
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneCherrygroveText), MomPhoneCherrygroveText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
+.violet ; 0xbcf15
+ displaylocation $7 ; sprout tower
+ 3call $3, UnknownScript_0xbcedf
+.azalea ; 0xbcf1b
+ displaylocation $d ; slowpoke well
+ 3call $3, UnknownScript_0xbcedf
+.goldenrod ; 0xbcf21
+ displaylocation $11 ; radio tower
+ 3call $3, UnknownScript_0xbcedf
+ 3writetext $6d, $411c
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
+UnknownScript_0xbcf2f: ; 0xbcf2f
+ 3writetext $6d, $4150
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
+UnknownScript_0xbcf37: ; 0xbcf37
+ checkbit2 $0008
+ iffalse UnknownScript_0xbcf49
+ checkmoney $1, 0
+ if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbcf55
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf63
+UnknownScript_0xbcf49: ; 0xbcf49
+ checkmoney $1, 0
+ if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbcf79
+ 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf6e
+UnknownScript_0xbcf55: ; 0xbcf55
+ readmoney $1, $0
+ 3writetext $6d, $41a7
+ yesorno
+ iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
+ 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
+UnknownScript_0xbcf63: ; 0xbcf63
+ 3writetext $6d, $41ea
+ yesorno
+ iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
+ 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
+UnknownScript_0xbcf6e: ; 0xbcf6e
+ 3writetext $6d, $420d
+ yesorno
+ iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
+ 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
+UnknownScript_0xbcf79: ; 0xbcf79
+ readmoney $1, $0
+ 3writetext $6d, $4249
+ yesorno
+ iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
+ 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
+MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript: ; 0xbcf87
+ setbit2 $0008
+ 3writetext $6d, $4289
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump MomPhoneHangUpScript
+MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript: ; 0xbcf92
+ clearbit2 $0008
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText), MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump MomPhoneHangUpScript
+MomPhoneHangUpScript: ; 0xbcf9d
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneHangUpText), MomPhoneHangUpText
+ end
+MomPhoneNoPokemonScript: ; 0xbcfa2
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoPokemonText), MomPhoneNoPokemonText
+ end
+MomPhoneNoPokedexScript: ; 0xbcfa7
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoPokedexText), MomPhoneNoPokedexText
+ end
+MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript: ; 0xbcfac
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoGymQuestText), MomPhoneNoGymQuestText
+ end
+MomPhoneLectureScript: ; 0xbcfb1
+ setbit1 $0040
+ setbit2 $0009
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneLectureText), MomPhoneLectureText
+ yesorno
+ iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
+ 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
+BillPhoneScript1: ; 0xbcfc5
+ checktime $2
+ iftrue .daygreet
+ checktime $4
+ iftrue .nitegreet
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneMornGreetingText), BillPhoneMornGreetingText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .main
+.daygreet ; 0xbcfd7
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneDayGreetingText), BillPhoneDayGreetingText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .main
+.nitegreet ; 0xbcfdf
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNiteGreetingText), BillPhoneNiteGreetingText
+ keeptextopen
+ 2jump .main
+.main ; 0xbcfe7
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneGeneriText), BillPhoneGeneriText
+ keeptextopen
+ checkcode $10
+ RAM2MEM $0
+ if_equal $0, .full
+ if_greater_than $6, .nearlyfull
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNotFullText), BillPhoneNotFullText
+ end
+.nearlyfull ; 0xbcffd
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNearlyFullText), BillPhoneNearlyFullText
+ end
+.full ; 0xbd002
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneFullText), BillPhoneFullText
+ end
+BillPhoneScript2: ; 0xbd007
+ 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNewlyFullText), BillPhoneNewlyFullText
+ closetext
+ end
+ElmPhoneScript1: ; 0xbd00d
+ checkcode $14
+ if_equal $1, .pokerus
+ checkbit1 $0055
+ iftrue .discovery
+ checkbit1 $002d
+ iffalse .next
+ checkbit1 $0054
+ iftrue .egghatched
+ checkbit1 $002d
+ iftrue .eggunhatched
+ checkbit1 $0701
+ iftrue .assistant
+ checkbit1 $001f
+ iftrue .checkingegg
+ checkbit1 $0043
+ iftrue .stolen
+ checkbit1 $001e
+ iftrue .sawmrpokemon
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneStartText), ElmPhoneStartText
+ end
+.sawmrpokemon ; 0xbd048
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText), ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText
+ end
+.stolen ; 0xbd04d
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokemonStolenText), ElmPhonePokemonStolenText
+ end
+.checkingegg ; 0xbd052
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneCheckingEggText), ElmPhoneCheckingEggText
+ end
+.assistant ; 0xbd057
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneAssistantText), ElmPhoneAssistantText
+ end
+.eggunhatched ; 0xbd05c
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggUnhatchedText), ElmPhoneEggUnhatchedText
+ end
+.egghatched ; 0xbd061
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggHatchedText), ElmPhoneEggHatchedText
+ setbit1 $0077
+ end
+.discovery ; 0xbd069
+ random $2
+ if_equal $0, .nextdiscovery
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDiscovery1Text), ElmPhoneDiscovery1Text
+ end
+.nextdiscovery ; 0xbd074
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDiscovery2Text), ElmPhoneDiscovery2Text
+ end
+.pokerus ; 0xbd079
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokerusText), ElmPhonePokerusText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ end
+ElmPhoneScript2: ; 0xbd081
+ checkcode $14
+ if_equal $2, .disaster
+ if_equal $3, .assistant
+ if_equal $4, .rocket
+ if_equal $5, .gift
+ if_equal $8, .gift
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokerusText), ElmPhonePokerusText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ end
+.disaster ; 0xbd09f
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDisasterText), ElmPhoneDisasterText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ setbit1 $0043
+ end
+.assistant ; 0xbd0aa
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggAssistantText), ElmPhoneEggAssistantText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ clearbit1 $0700
+ setbit1 $0701
+ end
+.rocket ; 0xbd0b8
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneRocketText), ElmPhoneRocketText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ end
+ ; 0xbd0c0
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneGiftText), ElmPhoneGiftText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ end
+.unused ; 0xbd0c8
+ 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneUnusedText), ElmPhoneUnusedText
+ specialphonecall $0000
+ end
+; bd0d0
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -72838,2625 +72838,7 @@
-StdScripts: ; bc000
- dbw BANK(PokeCenterNurseScript), PokeCenterNurseScript
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc162), UnknownScript_0xbc162
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc166), UnknownScript_0xbc166
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc16a), UnknownScript_0xbc16a
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc16e), UnknownScript_0xbc16e
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc172), UnknownScript_0xbc172
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc176), UnknownScript_0xbc176
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc17a), UnknownScript_0xbc17a
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc185), UnknownScript_0xbc185
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc189), UnknownScript_0xbc189
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc191), UnknownScript_0xbc191
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc195), UnknownScript_0xbc195
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc19d), UnknownScript_0xbc19d
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1a5), UnknownScript_0xbc1a5
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1b8), UnknownScript_0xbc1b8
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1bc), UnknownScript_0xbc1bc
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1c0), UnknownScript_0xbc1c0
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1c4), UnknownScript_0xbc1c4
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc23e), UnknownScript_0xbc23e
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc242), UnknownScript_0xbc242
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1af), UnknownScript_0xbc1af
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1c8), UnknownScript_0xbc1c8
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc25c), UnknownScript_0xbc25c
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc274), UnknownScript_0xbc274
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc3db), UnknownScript_0xbc3db
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc574), UnknownScript_0xbc574
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc62d), UnknownScript_0xbc62d
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc6e6), UnknownScript_0xbc6e6
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc6f0), UnknownScript_0xbc6f0
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc7ce), UnknownScript_0xbc7ce
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc8ac), UnknownScript_0xbc8ac
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc98a), UnknownScript_0xbc98a
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbca47), UnknownScript_0xbca47
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbca8f), UnknownScript_0xbca8f
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcb0a), UnknownScript_0xbcb0a
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcb35), UnknownScript_0xbcb35
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcb7f), UnknownScript_0xbcb7f
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcbc9), UnknownScript_0xbcbc9
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcbd3), UnknownScript_0xbcbd3
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcc2d), UnknownScript_0xbcc2d
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcc87), UnknownScript_0xbcc87
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcce1), UnknownScript_0xbcce1
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcd30), UnknownScript_0xbcd30
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcd5a), UnknownScript_0xbcd5a
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcd93), UnknownScript_0xbcd93
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcda0), UnknownScript_0xbcda0
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdaa), UnknownScript_0xbcdaa
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdb9), UnknownScript_0xbcdb9
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdc3), UnknownScript_0xbcdc3
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbc1a9), UnknownScript_0xbc1a9
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbcdcd), UnknownScript_0xbcdcd
- dbw BANK(UnknownScript_0xbce7f), UnknownScript_0xbce7f
-; bc09c
-PokeCenterNurseScript: ; bc09c
-; Talking to a nurse in a Pokemon Center
- loadfont
-; The nurse has different text for:
-; Morn
- checktime $1
- iftrue .morn
-; Day
- checktime $2
- iftrue .day
-; Nite
- checktime $4
- iftrue .nite
-; If somehow it's not a time of day at all, we skip the introduction
- 2jump .heal
-; Different text if we're in the com center
- checkbit1 $032a
- iftrue .morn_comcenter
-; Good morning! Welcome to ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b0000), UnknownText_0x1b0000
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .heal
-; Good morning! This is the ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b008a), UnknownText_0x1b008a
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .heal
-; Different text if we're in the com center
- checkbit1 $032a
- iftrue .day_comcenter
-; Hello! Welcome to ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b002b), UnknownText_0x1b002b
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .heal
-; Hello! This is the ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b00d6), UnknownText_0x1b00d6
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .heal
-; Different text if we're in the com center
- checkbit1 $032a
- iftrue .nite_comcenter
-; Good evening! You're out late. ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b004f), UnknownText_0x1b004f
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .heal
-; Good to see you working so late. ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b011b), UnknownText_0x1b011b
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .heal
-; If we come back, don't welcome us to the com center again
- clearbit1 $032a
-; Ask if you want to heal
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b017a), UnknownText_0x1b017a
- yesorno
- iffalse .end
-; Go ahead and heal
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b01bd), UnknownText_0x1b01bd
- pause 20
- special $009d
-; Turn to the machine
- spriteface $fe, $2
- pause 10
- special $001b
- playmusic $0000
- writebyte $0
- special $003e
- pause 30
- special $003d
- spriteface $fe, $0
- pause 10
-; Has Elm already phoned you about Pokerus?
- checkphonecall
- iftrue .done
-; Has Pokerus already been found in the Pokecenter?
- checkbit2 $000d
- iftrue .done
-; Check for Pokerus
- special $004e ; SPECIAL_CHECKPOKERUS
- iftrue .pokerus
-; Thank you for waiting. ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b01d7), UnknownText_0x1b01d7
- pause 20
-; We hope to see you again.
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b020b), UnknownText_0x1b020b
-; Curtsy
- spriteface $fe, $1
- pause 10
- spriteface $fe, $0
- pause 10
-; And we're out
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; Different text for com center (excludes 'in a Pokemon Center')
-; Since flag $32a is cleared when healing,
-; this text is never actually seen
- checkbit1 $032a
- iftrue .pokerus_comcenter
-; Your Pokemon appear to be infected ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b0241), UnknownText_0x1b0241
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- 2jump .endpokerus
-; Your Pokemon appear to be infected ...
- 3writetext BANK(UnknownText_0x1b02d6), UnknownText_0x1b02d6
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
-; Don't tell us about Pokerus again
- setbit2 $000d
-; Trigger Elm's Pokerus phone call
- specialphonecall $0001
- end
-; bc162
-UnknownScript_0xbc162: ; 0xbc162
- 3jumptext $6c, $435a
-; 0xbc166
-UnknownScript_0xbc166: ; 0xbc166
- 3jumptext $6c, $4378
-; 0xbc16a
-UnknownScript_0xbc16a: ; 0xbc16a
- 3jumptext $6c, $43a3
-; 0xbc16e
-UnknownScript_0xbc16e: ; 0xbc16e
- 3jumptext $6c, $43d9
-; 0xbc172
-UnknownScript_0xbc172: ; 0xbc172
- 3jumptext $6c, $4448
-; 0xbc176
-UnknownScript_0xbc176: ; 0xbc176
- 3jumptext $6c, $4472
-; 0xbc17a
-UnknownScript_0xbc17a: ; 0xbc17a
- loadfont
- 3writetext $6c, $448d
- closetext
- special $0026
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc185
-UnknownScript_0xbc185: ; 0xbc185
- 3jumptext $6c, $44a0
-; 0xbc189
-UnknownScript_0xbc189: ; 0xbc189
- loadfont
- 3writetext $6c, $44be
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc191
-UnknownScript_0xbc191: ; 0xbc191
- 3jumptext $6c, $44c9
-; 0xbc195
-UnknownScript_0xbc195: ; 0xbc195
- loadfont
- writebyte $0
- special $0028
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc19d
-UnknownScript_0xbc19d: ; 0xbc19d
- loadfont
- writebyte $4
- special $0028
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc1a5
-UnknownScript_0xbc1a5: ; 0xbc1a5
- 3jumptext $6c, $4526
-; 0xbc1a9
-UnknownScript_0xbc1a9: ; 0xbc1a9
- loadfont
- special $001c
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc1af
-UnknownScript_0xbc1af: ; 0xbc1af
- playsound $0008
- pause 15
- playsound $0027
- end
-; 0xbc1b8
-UnknownScript_0xbc1b8: ; 0xbc1b8
- 3jump BANK(UnknownScript_0xcd4b), UnknownScript_0xcd4b
-; 0xbc1bc
-UnknownScript_0xbc1bc: ; 0xbc1bc
- 3jump BANK(UnknownScript_0xcf5d), UnknownScript_0xcf5d
-; 0xbc1c0
-UnknownScript_0xbc1c0: ; 0xbc1c0
- 3jumptext $6c, $457f
-; 0xbc1c4
-UnknownScript_0xbc1c4: ; 0xbc1c4
- 3jumptext $6c, $459c
-; 0xbc1c8
-UnknownScript_0xbc1c8: ; 0xbc1c8
- checkcode $b
- if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbc1e7
- if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbc1ec
- if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0xbc1f1
- if_equal $4, UnknownScript_0xbc1f6
- if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0xbc1fb
- if_equal $6, UnknownScript_0xbc200
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc205, $0
- end
-; 0xbc1e7
-UnknownScript_0xbc1e7: ; 0xbc1e7
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc20c, $0
- end
-; 0xbc1ec
-UnknownScript_0xbc1ec: ; 0xbc1ec
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc213, $0
- end
-; 0xbc1f1
-UnknownScript_0xbc1f1: ; 0xbc1f1
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc21b, $0
- end
-; 0xbc1f6
-UnknownScript_0xbc1f6: ; 0xbc1f6
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc225, $0
- end
-; 0xbc1fb
-UnknownScript_0xbc1fb: ; 0xbc1fb
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc22e, $0
- end
-; 0xbc200
-UnknownScript_0xbc200: ; 0xbc200
- stringtotext UnknownRawText_0xbc235, $0
- end
-; 0xbc205
-UnknownRawText_0xbc205: ; bc205
- db "SUNDAY@"
-; bc20c
-UnknownRawText_0xbc20c: ; bc20c
- db "MONDAY@"
-; bc213
-UnknownRawText_0xbc213: ; bc213
- db "TUESDAY@"
-; bc21b
-UnknownRawText_0xbc21b: ; bc21b
-; bc225
-UnknownRawText_0xbc225: ; bc225
- db "THURSDAY@"
-; bc22e
-UnknownRawText_0xbc22e: ; bc22e
- db "FRIDAY@"
-; bc235
-UnknownRawText_0xbc235: ; bc235
- db "SATURDAY@"
-; bc23e
-UnknownScript_0xbc23e: ; 0xbc23e
- clearbit1 $06cd
- end
-; 0xbc242
-UnknownScript_0xbc242: ; 0xbc242
- setbit2 $0013
- setbit1 $06cf
- setbit1 $06d1
- clearbit1 $06ce
- clearbit1 $0025
- setbit1 $0756
- specialphonecall $0004
- end
-; 0xbc25c
-UnknownScript_0xbc25c: ; 0xbc25c
- special $0034
- 2call UnknownScript_0xbc380
- setbit1 $0747
- clearbit1 $0748
- setbit1 $02d2
- applymovement $0, MovementData_0xbcea1
-UnknownScript_0xbc274: ; bc274
- clearbit2 $0011
- clearbit1 $02d2
- clearbit1 $0313
- clearbit1 $0314
- clearbit1 $0315
- clearbit1 $0316
- loadfont
- 3writetext $6c, $45bf
- closetext
- special $0014
- RAM2MEM $0
- if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbc31e
- if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbc332
- if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0xbc343
- 3writetext $6c, $4681
- keeptextopen
- waitbutton
- verbosegiveitem BERRY, 1
- iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc375
- 3writetext $6c, $46b7
- keeptextopen
- 2jump $42b6
-; 0xbc2b1
-UnknownScript_0xbc2b1: ; 0xbc2b1
- 3writetext $6c, $465b
- keeptextopen
- checkbit1 $0308
- iffalse $42c4
- 3writetext $6c, $46d9
- closetext
- special $0017
- special $0015
- if_equal $0, $42d4
- if_equal $2, $42d4
- 3writetext $6c, $470d
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- dotrigger $0
- setbit1 $0716
- setbit1 $0717
- setbit1 $0718
- setbit1 $0719
- setbit1 $071a
- setbit1 $071b
- setbit1 $071c
- setbit1 $071d
- setbit1 $071e
- setbit1 $071f
- setbit1 $0720
- setbit1 $0721
- setbit1 $0722
- setbit1 $0723
- setbit1 $0724
- setbit1 $0725
- setbit1 $0726
- setbit1 $0727
- setbit1 $0728
- setbit1 $0729
- setbit2 $0051
- special $003c
- end
-; 0xbc31e
-UnknownScript_0xbc31e: ; 0xbc31e
- setbit1 $0000
- itemtotext SUN_STONE, $1
- 3writetext $6c, $4621
- closetext
- verbosegiveitem SUN_STONE, 1
- iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc354
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
-; 0xbc332
-UnknownScript_0xbc332: ; 0xbc332
- itemtotext EVERSTONE, $1
- 3writetext $6c, $4621
- closetext
- verbosegiveitem EVERSTONE, 1
- iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc35f
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
-; 0xbc343
-UnknownScript_0xbc343: ; 0xbc343
- itemtotext GOLD_BERRY, $1
- 3writetext $6c, $4621
- closetext
- verbosegiveitem GOLD_BERRY, 1
- iffalse UnknownScript_0xbc36a
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
-; 0xbc354
-UnknownScript_0xbc354: ; 0xbc354
- 3writetext $6c, $48cc
- keeptextopen
- setbit1 $0313
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
-; 0xbc35f
-UnknownScript_0xbc35f: ; 0xbc35f
- 3writetext $6c, $48cc
- keeptextopen
- setbit1 $0314
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
-; 0xbc36a
-UnknownScript_0xbc36a: ; 0xbc36a
- 3writetext $6c, $48cc
- keeptextopen
- setbit1 $0315
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbc2b1
-; 0xbc375
-UnknownScript_0xbc375: ; 0xbc375
- 3writetext $6c, $48cc
- keeptextopen
- setbit1 $0316
- 2jump $42a9
-; 0xbc380
-UnknownScript_0xbc380: ; 0xbc380
- checkbit1 $0716
- iftrue .skip1
- clearbit1 $0720
- checkbit1 $0717
- iftrue .skip2
- clearbit1 $0721
- checkbit1 $0718
- iftrue .skip3
- clearbit1 $0722
- checkbit1 $0719
- iftrue .skip4
- clearbit1 $0723
- checkbit1 $071a
- iftrue .skip5
- clearbit1 $0724
- checkbit1 $071b
- iftrue .skip6
- clearbit1 $0725
- checkbit1 $071c
- iftrue .skip7
- clearbit1 $0726
- checkbit1 $071d
- iftrue .skip8
- clearbit1 $0727
- checkbit1 $071e
- iftrue .skip9
- clearbit1 $0728
- checkbit1 $071f
- iftrue .skip10
- clearbit1 $0729
- end
-; 0xbc3db
-UnknownScript_0xbc3db: ; 0xbc3db
- setbit1 $06cb
- setbit1 $06ce
- setbit1 $06cd
- setbit1 $06d0
- setbit1 $06f3
- setbit1 $06e9
- setbit1 $06f4
- setbit1 $06d5
- setbit1 $06de
- setbit1 $06dd
- setbit1 $06df
- setbit1 $06c0
- setbit1 $06e4
- setbit1 $0025
- setbit1 $06be
- setbit1 $06bf
- setbit1 $06c1
- setbit1 $06f9
- setbit1 $06fd
- setbit1 $06ff
- setbit1 $0700
- setbit1 $0702
- setbit1 $0703
- setbit1 $0704
- setbit1 $070d
- setbit1 $070e
- setbit1 $070f
- setbit1 $0710
- setbit1 $0715
- setbit1 $0716
- setbit1 $0717
- setbit1 $0718
- setbit1 $0719
- setbit1 $071a
- setbit1 $071b
- setbit1 $071c
- setbit1 $071d
- setbit1 $071e
- setbit1 $071f
- setbit1 $0720
- setbit1 $0721
- setbit1 $0722
- setbit1 $0723
- setbit1 $0724
- setbit1 $0725
- setbit1 $0726
- setbit1 $0727
- setbit1 $0728
- setbit1 $0729
- setbit1 $072c
- setbit1 $072f
- setbit1 $072d
- setbit1 $0735
- setbit1 $0736
- setbit1 $073c
- setbit1 $073d
- setbit1 $0741
- setbit1 $0742
- setbit1 $0743
- setbit1 $0744
- setbit1 $02a4
- setbit1 $02af
- setbit1 $0749
- setbit1 $06d3
- setbit1 $074d
- setbit1 $0712
- setbit1 $0713
- setbit1 $0711
- setbit1 $06d4
- setbit1 $0304
- setbit1 $0307
- setbit1 $06d8
- setbit1 $06c3
- setbit1 $06c2
- setbit1 $06c6
- setbit1 $075f
- setbit1 $0731
- setbit1 $074a
- setbit1 $0762
- setbit1 $0738
- setbit1 $073a
- setbit1 $073b
- setbit1 $0733
- setbit1 $073f
- setbit1 $078d
- setbit1 $0766
- setbit1 $0768
- setbit1 $0769
- setbit1 $076a
- setbit1 $078e
- setbit1 $078f
- setbit1 $0790
- setbit1 $0791
- setbit1 $0793
- setbit1 $07a4
- setbit1 $07a4
- setbit1 $07a5
- setbit1 $06ec
- setbit1 $06ed
- setbit1 $06f0
- setbit1 $07a9
- setbit1 $07aa
- setbit1 $06c8
- setbit1 $07ac
- setbit1 $07ad
- setbit1 $07b5
- setbit1 $07b6
- setbit1 $07c5
- setbit1 $07b7
- setbit1 $07b0
- setbit1 $07af
- setbit1 $07ae
- setbit1 $07cf
- setbit2 $000e
- setbit2 $0017
- variablesprite $4, $52
- variablesprite $5, $4
- variablesprite $6, $35
- variablesprite $7, $a
- variablesprite $8, $a
- variablesprite $9, $a
- variablesprite $a, $a
- variablesprite $b, $28
- variablesprite $c, $28
- setbit1 $00fb
- setbit1 $076d
- setbit1 $076c
- setbit1 $076e
- setbit1 $076f
- setbit1 $0773
- setbit1 $0776
- setbit1 $0777
- setbit1 $0779
- setbit1 $0772
- setbit1 $077b
- setbit1 $0036
- return
-; 0xbc574
-UnknownScript_0xbc574: ; 0xbc574
- special $005d
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0xbc5c9
- if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc5ce
- if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc5d3
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc5d8
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc5dd
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc5e2
- if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc5e7
- if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc5ec
- if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc5f1
- if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc5f6
- if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc5fb
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc600
- if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc605
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc60a
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc60f
- if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc614
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc619
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc61e
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc623
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc628
-UnknownScript_0xbc5c9: ; bc5c9
- 3writetext $6c, $49fe
- end
-; 0xbc5ce
-UnknownScript_0xbc5ce: ; 0xbc5ce
- 3writetext $6c, $4d9f
- end
-; 0xbc5d3
-UnknownScript_0xbc5d3: ; 0xbc5d3
- 3writetext $6c, $502e
- end
-; 0xbc5d8
-UnknownScript_0xbc5d8: ; 0xbc5d8
- 3writetext $6c, $542d
- end
-; 0xbc5dd
-UnknownScript_0xbc5dd: ; 0xbc5dd
- 3writetext $6c, $5800
- end
-; 0xbc5e2
-UnknownScript_0xbc5e2: ; 0xbc5e2
- 3writetext $6c, $5a71
- end
-; 0xbc5e7
-UnknownScript_0xbc5e7: ; 0xbc5e7
- 3writetext $6c, $5cd5
- end
-; 0xbc5ec
-UnknownScript_0xbc5ec: ; 0xbc5ec
- 3writetext $29, $4000
- end
-; 0xbc5f1
-UnknownScript_0xbc5f1: ; 0xbc5f1
- 3writetext $29, $41c0
- end
-; 0xbc5f6
-UnknownScript_0xbc5f6: ; 0xbc5f6
- 3writetext $29, $4642
- end
-; 0xbc5fb
-UnknownScript_0xbc5fb: ; 0xbc5fb
- 3writetext $29, $4829
- end
-; 0xbc600
-UnknownScript_0xbc600: ; 0xbc600
- 3writetext $29, $4a31
- end
-; 0xbc605
-UnknownScript_0xbc605: ; 0xbc605
- 3writetext $29, $4ed4
- end
-; 0xbc60a
-UnknownScript_0xbc60a: ; 0xbc60a
- 3writetext $29, $50d5
- end
-; 0xbc60f
-UnknownScript_0xbc60f: ; 0xbc60f
- 3writetext $29, $52e2
- end
-; 0xbc614
-UnknownScript_0xbc614: ; 0xbc614
- 3writetext $29, $5545
- end
-; 0xbc619
-UnknownScript_0xbc619: ; 0xbc619
- 3writetext $29, $5937
- end
-; 0xbc61e
-UnknownScript_0xbc61e: ; 0xbc61e
- 3writetext $29, $5bc4
- end
-; 0xbc623
-UnknownScript_0xbc623: ; 0xbc623
- 3writetext $29, $5dc6
- end
-; 0xbc628
-UnknownScript_0xbc628: ; 0xbc628
- 3writetext $29, $600c
- end
-; 0xbc62d
-UnknownScript_0xbc62d: ; 0xbc62d
- special $005d
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $5, UnknownScript_0xbc682
- if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc687
- if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc68c
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc691
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc696
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc69b
- if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc6a0
- if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc6a5
- if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc6aa
- if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc6af
- if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc6b4
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc6b9
- if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc6be
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc6c3
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc6c8
- if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc6cd
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc6d2
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc6d7
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc6dc
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc6e1
-UnknownScript_0xbc682: ; bc682
- 3writetext $6c, $4a82
- end
-; 0xbc687
-UnknownScript_0xbc687: ; 0xbc687
- 3writetext $6c, $4e2c
- end
-; 0xbc68c
-UnknownScript_0xbc68c: ; 0xbc68c
- 3writetext $6c, $50d3
- end
-; 0xbc691
-UnknownScript_0xbc691: ; 0xbc691
- 3writetext $6c, $54e4
- end
-; 0xbc696
-UnknownScript_0xbc696: ; 0xbc696
- 3writetext $6c, $587b
- end
-; 0xbc69b
-UnknownScript_0xbc69b: ; 0xbc69b
- 3writetext $6c, $5b1d
- end
-; 0xbc6a0
-UnknownScript_0xbc6a0: ; 0xbc6a0
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- end
-; 0xbc6a5
-UnknownScript_0xbc6a5: ; 0xbc6a5
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- end
-; 0xbc6aa
-UnknownScript_0xbc6aa: ; 0xbc6aa
- 3writetext $29, $426a
- end
-; 0xbc6af
-UnknownScript_0xbc6af: ; 0xbc6af
- 3writetext $29, $470b
- end
-; 0xbc6b4
-UnknownScript_0xbc6b4: ; 0xbc6b4
- 3writetext $29, $48fc
- end
-; 0xbc6b9
-UnknownScript_0xbc6b9: ; 0xbc6b9
- 3writetext $29, $4b03
- end
-; 0xbc6be
-UnknownScript_0xbc6be: ; 0xbc6be
- 3writetext $29, $4fc8
- end
-; 0xbc6c3
-UnknownScript_0xbc6c3: ; 0xbc6c3
- 3writetext $29, $5175
- end
-; 0xbc6c8
-UnknownScript_0xbc6c8: ; 0xbc6c8
- 3writetext $29, $5383
- end
-; 0xbc6cd
-UnknownScript_0xbc6cd: ; 0xbc6cd
- 3writetext $29, $5621
- end
-; 0xbc6d2
-UnknownScript_0xbc6d2: ; 0xbc6d2
- 3writetext $29, $59bc
- end
-; 0xbc6d7
-UnknownScript_0xbc6d7: ; 0xbc6d7
- 3writetext $29, $5c4b
- end
-; 0xbc6dc
-UnknownScript_0xbc6dc: ; 0xbc6dc
- 3writetext $29, $5e63
- end
-; 0xbc6e1
-UnknownScript_0xbc6e1: ; 0xbc6e1
- 3writetext $29, $6076
- end
-; 0xbc6e6
-UnknownScript_0xbc6e6: ; 0xbc6e6
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- playsound $0093
- waitbutton
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbc6f0
-UnknownScript_0xbc6f0: ; 0xbc6f0
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $5, $4742
- if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc749
- if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc750
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc757
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc75e
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc765
- if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc76c
- if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc773
- if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc77a
- if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc781
- if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc788
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc78f
- if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc796
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc79d
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc7a4
- if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc7ab
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc7b2
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc7b9
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc7c0
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc7c7
- 3writetext $6c, $4adb
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc749
-UnknownScript_0xbc749: ; 0xbc749
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc750
-UnknownScript_0xbc750: ; 0xbc750
- 3writetext $6c, $5136
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc757
-UnknownScript_0xbc757: ; 0xbc757
- 3writetext $6c, $5553
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc75e
-UnknownScript_0xbc75e: ; 0xbc75e
- 3writetext $6c, $58d7
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc765
-UnknownScript_0xbc765: ; 0xbc765
- 3writetext $6c, $5b8e
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc76c
-UnknownScript_0xbc76c: ; 0xbc76c
- 3writetext $6c, $5db9
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc773
-UnknownScript_0xbc773: ; 0xbc773
- 3writetext $29, $40f8
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc77a
-UnknownScript_0xbc77a: ; 0xbc77a
- 3writetext $29, $42ab
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc781
-UnknownScript_0xbc781: ; 0xbc781
- 3writetext $29, $4730
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc788
-UnknownScript_0xbc788: ; 0xbc788
- 3writetext $29, $494d
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc78f
-UnknownScript_0xbc78f: ; 0xbc78f
- 3writetext $29, $4b47
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc796
-UnknownScript_0xbc796: ; 0xbc796
- 3writetext $29, $502e
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc79d
-UnknownScript_0xbc79d: ; 0xbc79d
- 3writetext $29, $51ac
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7a4
-UnknownScript_0xbc7a4: ; 0xbc7a4
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7ab
-UnknownScript_0xbc7ab: ; 0xbc7ab
- 3writetext $29, $5666
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7b2
-UnknownScript_0xbc7b2: ; 0xbc7b2
- 3writetext $29, $5a28
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7b9
-UnknownScript_0xbc7b9: ; 0xbc7b9
- 3writetext $29, $5c8e
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7c0
-UnknownScript_0xbc7c0: ; 0xbc7c0
- 3writetext $29, $5ea8
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7c7
-UnknownScript_0xbc7c7: ; 0xbc7c7
- 3writetext $29, $60b5
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc7ce
-UnknownScript_0xbc7ce: ; 0xbc7ce
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $5, $4820
- if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc827
- if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc82e
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc835
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc83c
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc843
- if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc84a
- if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc851
- if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc858
- if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc85f
- if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc866
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc86d
- if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc874
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc87b
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc882
- if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc889
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc890
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc897
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc89e
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc8a5
- 3writetext $6c, $4afd
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc827
-UnknownScript_0xbc827: ; 0xbc827
- 3writetext $6c, $4ea2
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc82e
-UnknownScript_0xbc82e: ; 0xbc82e
- 3writetext $6c, $517b
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc835
-UnknownScript_0xbc835: ; 0xbc835
- 3writetext $6c, $5584
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc83c
-UnknownScript_0xbc83c: ; 0xbc83c
- 3writetext $6c, $5908
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc843
-UnknownScript_0xbc843: ; 0xbc843
- 3writetext $6c, $5bd2
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc84a
-UnknownScript_0xbc84a: ; 0xbc84a
- 3writetext $6c, $5df4
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc851
-UnknownScript_0xbc851: ; 0xbc851
- 3writetext $29, $4126
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc858
-UnknownScript_0xbc858: ; 0xbc858
- 3writetext $29, $42f2
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc85f
-UnknownScript_0xbc85f: ; 0xbc85f
- 3writetext $29, $4794
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc866
-UnknownScript_0xbc866: ; 0xbc866
- 3writetext $29, $498a
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc86d
-UnknownScript_0xbc86d: ; 0xbc86d
- 3writetext $29, $4b87
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc874
-UnknownScript_0xbc874: ; 0xbc874
- 3writetext $29, $505f
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc87b
-UnknownScript_0xbc87b: ; 0xbc87b
- 3writetext $29, $51ee
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc882
-UnknownScript_0xbc882: ; 0xbc882
- 3writetext $29, $5412
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc889
-UnknownScript_0xbc889: ; 0xbc889
- 3writetext $29, $56b6
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc890
-UnknownScript_0xbc890: ; 0xbc890
- 3writetext $29, $5a5a
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc897
-UnknownScript_0xbc897: ; 0xbc897
- 3writetext $29, $5cc5
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc89e
-UnknownScript_0xbc89e: ; 0xbc89e
- 3writetext $29, $5ed6
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc8a5
-UnknownScript_0xbc8a5: ; 0xbc8a5
- 3writetext $29, $60e2
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc8ac
-UnknownScript_0xbc8ac: ; 0xbc8ac
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $5, $48fe
- if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc905
- if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc90c
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc913
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc91a
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc921
- if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc928
- if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbc92f
- if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbc936
- if_equal $16, UnknownScript_0xbc93d
- if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbc944
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbc94b
- if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbc952
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbc959
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbc960
- if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbc967
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbc96e
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbc975
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbc97c
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbc983
- 3writetext $6c, $4b42
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc905
-UnknownScript_0xbc905: ; 0xbc905
- 3writetext $6c, $4ebc
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc90c
-UnknownScript_0xbc90c: ; 0xbc90c
- 3writetext $6c, $51c4
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc913
-UnknownScript_0xbc913: ; 0xbc913
- 3writetext $6c, $55b6
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc91a
-UnknownScript_0xbc91a: ; 0xbc91a
- 3writetext $6c, $5936
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc921
-UnknownScript_0xbc921: ; 0xbc921
- 3writetext $6c, $5c06
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc928
-UnknownScript_0xbc928: ; 0xbc928
- 3writetext $6c, $5e50
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc92f
-UnknownScript_0xbc92f: ; 0xbc92f
- 3writetext $29, $4158
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc936
-UnknownScript_0xbc936: ; 0xbc936
- 3writetext $29, $434a
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc93d
-UnknownScript_0xbc93d: ; 0xbc93d
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc944
-UnknownScript_0xbc944: ; 0xbc944
- 3writetext $29, $49bd
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc94b
-UnknownScript_0xbc94b: ; 0xbc94b
- 3writetext $29, $4bcd
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc952
-UnknownScript_0xbc952: ; 0xbc952
- 3writetext $29, $508c
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc959
-UnknownScript_0xbc959: ; 0xbc959
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc960
-UnknownScript_0xbc960: ; 0xbc960
- 3writetext $29, $5446
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc967
-UnknownScript_0xbc967: ; 0xbc967
- 3writetext $29, $56e2
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc96e
-UnknownScript_0xbc96e: ; 0xbc96e
- 3writetext $29, $5aa6
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc975
-UnknownScript_0xbc975: ; 0xbc975
- 3writetext $29, $5cfa
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc97c
-UnknownScript_0xbc97c: ; 0xbc97c
- 3writetext $29, $5f06
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc983
-UnknownScript_0xbc983: ; 0xbc983
- 3writetext $29, $6144
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc98a
-UnknownScript_0xbc98a: ; 0xbc98a
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $5, $49d0
- if_equal $7, UnknownScript_0xbc9d7
- if_equal $b, UnknownScript_0xbc9de
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbc9e5
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbc9ec
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbc9f3
- if_equal $11, UnknownScript_0xbc9fa
- if_equal $13, UnknownScript_0xbca01
- if_equal $14, UnknownScript_0xbca08
- if_equal $17, UnknownScript_0xbca0f
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbca16
- if_equal $1b, UnknownScript_0xbca1d
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbca24
- if_equal $1e, UnknownScript_0xbca2b
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbca32
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbca39
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbca40
- 3writetext $6c, $4b75
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc9d7
-UnknownScript_0xbc9d7: ; 0xbc9d7
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc9de
-UnknownScript_0xbc9de: ; 0xbc9de
- 3writetext $6c, $51fe
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc9e5
-UnknownScript_0xbc9e5: ; 0xbc9e5
- 3writetext $6c, $55d5
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc9ec
-UnknownScript_0xbc9ec: ; 0xbc9ec
- 3writetext $6c, $5954
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc9f3
-UnknownScript_0xbc9f3: ; 0xbc9f3
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbc9fa
-UnknownScript_0xbc9fa: ; 0xbc9fa
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca01
-UnknownScript_0xbca01: ; 0xbca01
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca08
-UnknownScript_0xbca08: ; 0xbca08
- 3writetext $29, $4382
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca0f
-UnknownScript_0xbca0f: ; 0xbca0f
- 3writetext $29, $49fc
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca16
-UnknownScript_0xbca16: ; 0xbca16
- 3writetext $29, $4bec
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca1d
-UnknownScript_0xbca1d: ; 0xbca1d
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- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca24
-UnknownScript_0xbca24: ; 0xbca24
- 3writetext $29, $548c
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca2b
-UnknownScript_0xbca2b: ; 0xbca2b
- 3writetext $29, $571e
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca32
-UnknownScript_0xbca32: ; 0xbca32
- 3writetext $29, $5ada
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca39
-UnknownScript_0xbca39: ; 0xbca39
- 3writetext $29, $5d1d
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca40
-UnknownScript_0xbca40: ; 0xbca40
- 3writetext $29, $6175
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbca47
-UnknownScript_0xbca47: ; 0xbca47
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $d, $4a65
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbca6b
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbca71
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbca77
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbca7d
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbca83
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbca89
- 3writetext $6c, $5607
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca6b
-UnknownScript_0xbca6b: ; 0xbca6b
- 3writetext $6c, $5c57
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca71
-UnknownScript_0xbca71: ; 0xbca71
- 3writetext $29, $4c24
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca77
-UnknownScript_0xbca77: ; 0xbca77
- 3writetext $29, $523a
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca7d
-UnknownScript_0xbca7d: ; 0xbca7d
- 3writetext $29, $54e3
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca83
-UnknownScript_0xbca83: ; 0xbca83
- 3writetext $29, $5d4d
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca89
-UnknownScript_0xbca89: ; 0xbca89
- 3writetext $29, $5f37
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbca8f
-UnknownScript_0xbca8f: ; 0xbca8f
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $7, $4abd
- if_equal $d, UnknownScript_0xbcac4
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbcacb
- if_equal $10, UnknownScript_0xbcad2
- if_equal $18, UnknownScript_0xbcad9
- if_equal $1c, UnknownScript_0xbcae0
- if_equal $1d, UnknownScript_0xbcae7
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbcaee
- if_equal $21, UnknownScript_0xbcaf5
- if_equal $22, UnknownScript_0xbcafc
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbcb03
- 3writetext $6c, $4eff
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcac4
-UnknownScript_0xbcac4: ; 0xbcac4
- 3writetext $6c, $564d
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcacb
-UnknownScript_0xbcacb: ; 0xbcacb
- 3writetext $6c, $5978
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcad2
-UnknownScript_0xbcad2: ; 0xbcad2
- 3writetext $6c, $5c91
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcad9
-UnknownScript_0xbcad9: ; 0xbcad9
- 3writetext $29, $4c47
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcae0
-UnknownScript_0xbcae0: ; 0xbcae0
- 3writetext $29, $52a0
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcae7
-UnknownScript_0xbcae7: ; 0xbcae7
- 3writetext $29, $5513
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcaee
-UnknownScript_0xbcaee: ; 0xbcaee
- 3writetext $29, $5aff
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcaf5
-UnknownScript_0xbcaf5: ; 0xbcaf5
- 3writetext $29, $5d9a
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcafc
-UnknownScript_0xbcafc: ; 0xbcafc
- 3writetext $29, $5faa
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcb03
-UnknownScript_0xbcb03: ; 0xbcb03
- 3writetext $29, $61c9
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcb0a
-UnknownScript_0xbcb0a: ; 0xbcb0a
- loadfont
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $7, $4b1d
- if_equal $f, UnknownScript_0xbcb23
- if_equal $20, UnknownScript_0xbcb29
- if_equal $23, UnknownScript_0xbcb2f
- 3writetext $6c, $4f2f
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcb23
-UnknownScript_0xbcb23: ; 0xbcb23
- 3writetext $6c, $59be
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcb29
-UnknownScript_0xbcb29: ; 0xbcb29
- 3writetext $29, $5b3f
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcb2f
-UnknownScript_0xbcb2f: ; 0xbcb2f
- 3writetext $29, $6200
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcb35
-UnknownScript_0xbcb35: ; 0xbcb35
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4b57
- if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcb5c
- if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcb61
- if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcb66
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcb6b
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcb70
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcb75
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcb7a
- 3writetext $6c, $4bb6
- end
-; 0xbcb5c
-UnknownScript_0xbcb5c: ; 0xbcb5c
- 3writetext $6c, $5239
- end
-; 0xbcb61
-UnknownScript_0xbcb61: ; 0xbcb61
- 3writetext $6c, $5690
- end
-; 0xbcb66
-UnknownScript_0xbcb66: ; 0xbcb66
- 3writetext $6c, $5ebe
- end
-; 0xbcb6b
-UnknownScript_0xbcb6b: ; 0xbcb6b
- 3writetext $29, $4405
- end
-; 0xbcb70
-UnknownScript_0xbcb70: ; 0xbcb70
- 3writetext $29, $4c8c
- end
-; 0xbcb75
-UnknownScript_0xbcb75: ; 0xbcb75
- 3writetext $29, $574a
- end
-; 0xbcb7a
-UnknownScript_0xbcb7a: ; 0xbcb7a
- 3writetext $29, $6295
- end
-; 0xbcb7f
-UnknownScript_0xbcb7f: ; 0xbcb7f
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4ba1
- if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcba6
- if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcbab
- if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcbb0
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcbb5
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcbba
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcbbf
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcbc4
- 3writetext $6c, $4c37
- end
-; 0xbcba6
-UnknownScript_0xbcba6: ; 0xbcba6
- 3writetext $6c, $5314
- end
-; 0xbcbab
-UnknownScript_0xbcbab: ; 0xbcbab
- 3writetext $6c, $5710
- end
-; 0xbcbb0
-UnknownScript_0xbcbb0: ; 0xbcbb0
- 3writetext $6c, $5f4e
- end
-; 0xbcbb5
-UnknownScript_0xbcbb5: ; 0xbcbb5
- 3writetext $29, $44db
- end
-; 0xbcbba
-UnknownScript_0xbcbba: ; 0xbcbba
- 3writetext $29, $4d36
- end
-; 0xbcbbf
-UnknownScript_0xbcbbf: ; 0xbcbbf
- 3writetext $29, $57e3
- end
-; 0xbcbc4
-UnknownScript_0xbcbc4: ; 0xbcbc4
- 3writetext $29, $6316
- end
-; 0xbcbc9
-UnknownScript_0xbcbc9: ; 0xbcbc9
- 3writetext $6c, $49e1
- playsound $0093
- waitbutton
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcbd3
-UnknownScript_0xbcbd3: ; 0xbcbd3
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4bf5
- if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcbfc
- if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcc03
- if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcc0a
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcc11
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcc18
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcc1f
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcc26
- 3writetext $6c, $4c9b
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcbfc
-UnknownScript_0xbcbfc: ; 0xbcbfc
- 3writetext $6c, $5392
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc03
-UnknownScript_0xbcc03: ; 0xbcc03
- 3writetext $6c, $5755
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc0a
-UnknownScript_0xbcc0a: ; 0xbcc0a
- 3writetext $6c, $5faa
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc11
-UnknownScript_0xbcc11: ; 0xbcc11
- 3writetext $29, $451d
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc18
-UnknownScript_0xbcc18: ; 0xbcc18
- 3writetext $29, $4d72
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc1f
-UnknownScript_0xbcc1f: ; 0xbcc1f
- 3writetext $29, $5820
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc26
-UnknownScript_0xbcc26: ; 0xbcc26
- 3writetext $29, $6359
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc2d
-UnknownScript_0xbcc2d: ; 0xbcc2d
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4c4f
- if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbcc56
- if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcc5d
- if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcc64
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcc6b
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcc72
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcc79
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcc80
- 3writetext $6c, $4ce0
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc56
-UnknownScript_0xbcc56: ; 0xbcc56
- 3writetext $6c, $53af
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc5d
-UnknownScript_0xbcc5d: ; 0xbcc5d
- 3writetext $6c, $578a
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc64
-UnknownScript_0xbcc64: ; 0xbcc64
- 3writetext $6c, $5fdd
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc6b
-UnknownScript_0xbcc6b: ; 0xbcc6b
- 3writetext $29, $4542
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc72
-UnknownScript_0xbcc72: ; 0xbcc72
- 3writetext $29, $4dcd
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc79
-UnknownScript_0xbcc79: ; 0xbcc79
- 3writetext $29, $5842
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc80
-UnknownScript_0xbcc80: ; 0xbcc80
- 3writetext $29, $638c
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcc87
-UnknownScript_0xbcc87: ; 0xbcc87
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4ca9
- if_equal $c, UnknownScript_0xbccb0
- if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbccb7
- if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbccbe
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbccc5
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcccc
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbccd3
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbccda
- 3writetext $6c, $4d0b
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbccb0
-UnknownScript_0xbccb0: ; 0xbccb0
- 3writetext $6c, $53e4
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbccb7
-UnknownScript_0xbccb7: ; 0xbccb7
- 3writetext $6c, $57ba
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbccbe
-UnknownScript_0xbccbe: ; 0xbccbe
- 3writetext $6c, $5ffa
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbccc5
-UnknownScript_0xbccc5: ; 0xbccc5
- 3writetext $29, $4573
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcccc
-UnknownScript_0xbcccc: ; 0xbcccc
- 3writetext $29, $4e01
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbccd3
-UnknownScript_0xbccd3: ; 0xbccd3
- 3writetext $29, $5881
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbccda
-UnknownScript_0xbccda: ; 0xbccda
- 3writetext $29, $63cc
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcce1
-UnknownScript_0xbcce1: ; 0xbcce1
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $c, $4cff
- if_equal $e, UnknownScript_0xbcd06
- if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0xbcd0d
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcd14
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcd1b
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcd22
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcd29
- 3writetext $6c, $5409
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd06
-UnknownScript_0xbcd06: ; 0xbcd06
- 3writetext $6c, $57de
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd0d
-UnknownScript_0xbcd0d: ; 0xbcd0d
- 3writetext $6c, $601f
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd14
-UnknownScript_0xbcd14: ; 0xbcd14
- 3writetext $29, $4595
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd1b
-UnknownScript_0xbcd1b: ; 0xbcd1b
- 3writetext $29, $4e21
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd22
-UnknownScript_0xbcd22: ; 0xbcd22
- 3writetext $29, $58a3
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd29
-UnknownScript_0xbcd29: ; 0xbcd29
- 3writetext $29, $63f1
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd30
-UnknownScript_0xbcd30: ; 0xbcd30
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4d42
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcd48
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcd4e
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcd54
- 3writetext $6c, $4d2c
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcd48
-UnknownScript_0xbcd48: ; 0xbcd48
- 3writetext $29, $45c9
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcd4e
-UnknownScript_0xbcd4e: ; 0xbcd4e
- 3writetext $29, $4e4c
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcd54
-UnknownScript_0xbcd54: ; 0xbcd54
- 3writetext $29, $58d5
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcd5a
-UnknownScript_0xbcd5a: ; 0xbcd5a
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $6, $4d70
- if_equal $15, UnknownScript_0xbcd77
- if_equal $1a, UnknownScript_0xbcd7e
- if_equal $1f, UnknownScript_0xbcd85
- if_equal $24, UnknownScript_0xbcd8c
- 3writetext $6c, $4d69
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd77
-UnknownScript_0xbcd77: ; 0xbcd77
- 3writetext $29, $4603
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd7e
-UnknownScript_0xbcd7e: ; 0xbcd7e
- 3writetext $29, $4e8f
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd85
-UnknownScript_0xbcd85: ; 0xbcd85
- 3writetext $29, $5914
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd8c
-UnknownScript_0xbcd8c: ; 0xbcd8c
- 3writetext $29, $6411
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcd93
-UnknownScript_0xbcd93: ; 0xbcd93
- checkcode $17
- if_equal $24, $4d99
- loadfont
- 3writetext $29, $6454
- keeptextopen
- end
-; 0xbcda0
-UnknownScript_0xbcda0: ; 0xbcda0
- mapnametotext $0
- loadfont
- 3writetext $6c, $474e
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcdaa
-UnknownScript_0xbcdaa: ; 0xbcdaa
- mapnametotext $0
- loadfont
- 3writetext $6c, $474e
- keeptextopen
- 3writetext $6c, $475c
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcdb9
-UnknownScript_0xbcdb9: ; 0xbcdb9
- waitbutton
- 3writetext $6c, $4648
- playsound $0001
- waitbutton
- end
-; 0xbcdc3
-UnknownScript_0xbcdc3: ; 0xbcdc3
- waitbutton
- 3writetext $6c, $4648
- playsound $0096
- waitbutton
- end
-; 0xbcdcd
-UnknownScript_0xbcdcd: ; 0xbcdcd
- faceplayer
- loadfont
- 3writetext $6c, $477f
- keeptextopen
- checkitem COIN_CASE
- iftrue UnknownScript_0xbcde0
- 3writetext $6c, $479c
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcde0
-UnknownScript_0xbcde0: ; 0xbcde0
- 3writetext $6c, $47e3
- special $0050
- loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0xbce54
- interpretmenu2
- writebackup
- if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbcdf7
- if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbce1b
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbce4d
-; 0xbcdf7
-UnknownScript_0xbcdf7: ; 0xbcdf7
- checkcoins 9949
- if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbce46
- checkmoney $0, 1000
- if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbce3f
- givecoins 50
- takemoney $0, 1000
- waitbutton
- playsound $0022
- 3writetext $6c, $4830
- closetext
- 2jump $4de4
-; 0xbce1b
-UnknownScript_0xbce1b: ; 0xbce1b
- checkcoins 9499
- if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbce46
- checkmoney $0, 10000
- if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0xbce3f
- givecoins 500
- takemoney $0, 10000
- waitbutton
- playsound $0022
- 3writetext $6c, $484f
- closetext
- 2jump $4de4
-; 0xbce3f
-UnknownScript_0xbce3f: ; 0xbce3f
- 3writetext $6c, $486f
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbce46
-UnknownScript_0xbce46: ; 0xbce46
- 3writetext $6c, $488c
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbce4d
-UnknownScript_0xbce4d: ; 0xbce4d
- 3writetext $6c, $48ad
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbce54
-MenuDataHeader_0xbce54: ; 0xbce54
- db $40 ; flags
- db 04, 00 ; start coords
- db 11, 15 ; end coords
- dw MenuData2_0xbce5c
- db 1 ; default option
-; 0xbce5c
-MenuData2_0xbce5c: ; 0xbce5c
- db $80 ; flags
- db 3 ; items
- db " 50 : ¥1000@"
- db "500 : ¥10000@"
- db "CANCEL@"
-; 0xbce7f
-UnknownScript_0xbce7f: ; 0xbce7f
- faceplayer
- loadfont
- special $0059
- if_greater_than $32, UnknownScript_0xbce9a
- if_greater_than $96, UnknownScript_0xbce93
- 3writetext $6c, $492a
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbce93
-UnknownScript_0xbce93: ; 0xbce93
- 3writetext $6c, $4954
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbce9a
-UnknownScript_0xbce9a: ; 0xbce9a
- 3writetext $6c, $4989
- closetext
- loadmovesprites
- end
-; 0xbcea1
-MovementData_0xbcea1: ; bcea1
- step_right
- step_down
- turn_head_up
- step_end
-; bcea5
-UnusedPhoneScript: ; 0xbcea5
- 3writetext BANK(UnusedPhoneText), UnusedPhoneText
- end
-MomPhoneScript: ; 0xbceaa
- checkbit1 $0040
- iftrue .bcec5
- checkbit1 $0041 ; if dude talked to you, then you left home without talking to mom
- iftrue MomPhoneLectureScript
- checkbit1 $001f
- iftrue MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript
- checkbit1 $001a
- iftrue MomPhoneNoPokedexScript
- 2jump MomPhoneNoPokemonScript
-.bcec5 ; 0xbcec5
- checkbit1 $0007
- iftrue MomPhoneHangUpScript
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneGreetingText), MomPhoneGreetingText
- keeptextopen
- mapnametotext $0
- checkcode $f
- if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0xbcee7
- if_equal $2, $4f27
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf2f
-UnknownScript_0xbcedf: ; 0xbcedf
- 3writetext $6d, $4021
- keeptextopen
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
-UnknownScript_0xbcee7: ; 0xbcee7
- checkcode $c
- if_equal GROUP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, .newbark
- if_equal GROUP_CHERRYGROVE_CITY, .cherrygrove
- if_equal GROUP_VIOLET_CITY, .violet
- if_equal GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, .azalea
- if_equal GROUP_GOLDENROD_CITY, .goldenrod
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneGenericAreaText), MomPhoneGenericAreaText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
-.newbark ; 0xbcf05
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNewBarkText), MomPhoneNewBarkText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
-.cherrygrove ; 0xbcf0d
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneCherrygroveText), MomPhoneCherrygroveText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
-.violet ; 0xbcf15
- displaylocation $7 ; sprout tower
- 3call $3, UnknownScript_0xbcedf
-.azalea ; 0xbcf1b
- displaylocation $d ; slowpoke well
- 3call $3, UnknownScript_0xbcedf
-.goldenrod ; 0xbcf21
- displaylocation $11 ; radio tower
- 3call $3, UnknownScript_0xbcedf
- 3writetext $6d, $411c
- keeptextopen
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
-UnknownScript_0xbcf2f: ; 0xbcf2f
- 3writetext $6d, $4150
- keeptextopen
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf37
-UnknownScript_0xbcf37: ; 0xbcf37
- checkbit2 $0008
- iffalse UnknownScript_0xbcf49
- checkmoney $1, 0
- if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbcf55
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf63
-UnknownScript_0xbcf49: ; 0xbcf49
- checkmoney $1, 0
- if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0xbcf79
- 2jump UnknownScript_0xbcf6e
-UnknownScript_0xbcf55: ; 0xbcf55
- readmoney $1, $0
- 3writetext $6d, $41a7
- yesorno
- iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
- 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
-UnknownScript_0xbcf63: ; 0xbcf63
- 3writetext $6d, $41ea
- yesorno
- iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
- 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
-UnknownScript_0xbcf6e: ; 0xbcf6e
- 3writetext $6d, $420d
- yesorno
- iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
- 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
-UnknownScript_0xbcf79: ; 0xbcf79
- readmoney $1, $0
- 3writetext $6d, $4249
- yesorno
- iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
- 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
-MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript: ; 0xbcf87
- setbit2 $0008
- 3writetext $6d, $4289
- keeptextopen
- 2jump MomPhoneHangUpScript
-MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript: ; 0xbcf92
- clearbit2 $0008
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText), MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump MomPhoneHangUpScript
-MomPhoneHangUpScript: ; 0xbcf9d
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneHangUpText), MomPhoneHangUpText
- end
-MomPhoneNoPokemonScript: ; 0xbcfa2
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoPokemonText), MomPhoneNoPokemonText
- end
-MomPhoneNoPokedexScript: ; 0xbcfa7
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoPokedexText), MomPhoneNoPokedexText
- end
-MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript: ; 0xbcfac
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneNoGymQuestText), MomPhoneNoGymQuestText
- end
-MomPhoneLectureScript: ; 0xbcfb1
- setbit1 $0040
- setbit2 $0009
- specialphonecall $0000
- 3writetext BANK(MomPhoneLectureText), MomPhoneLectureText
- yesorno
- iftrue MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
- 2jump MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
-BillPhoneScript1: ; 0xbcfc5
- checktime $2
- iftrue .daygreet
- checktime $4
- iftrue .nitegreet
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneMornGreetingText), BillPhoneMornGreetingText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .main
-.daygreet ; 0xbcfd7
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneDayGreetingText), BillPhoneDayGreetingText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .main
-.nitegreet ; 0xbcfdf
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNiteGreetingText), BillPhoneNiteGreetingText
- keeptextopen
- 2jump .main
-.main ; 0xbcfe7
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneGeneriText), BillPhoneGeneriText
- keeptextopen
- checkcode $10
- RAM2MEM $0
- if_equal $0, .full
- if_greater_than $6, .nearlyfull
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNotFullText), BillPhoneNotFullText
- end
-.nearlyfull ; 0xbcffd
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNearlyFullText), BillPhoneNearlyFullText
- end
-.full ; 0xbd002
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneFullText), BillPhoneFullText
- end
-BillPhoneScript2: ; 0xbd007
- 3writetext BANK(BillPhoneNewlyFullText), BillPhoneNewlyFullText
- closetext
- end
-ElmPhoneScript1: ; 0xbd00d
- checkcode $14
- if_equal $1, .pokerus
- checkbit1 $0055
- iftrue .discovery
- checkbit1 $002d
- iffalse .next
- checkbit1 $0054
- iftrue .egghatched
- checkbit1 $002d
- iftrue .eggunhatched
- checkbit1 $0701
- iftrue .assistant
- checkbit1 $001f
- iftrue .checkingegg
- checkbit1 $0043
- iftrue .stolen
- checkbit1 $001e
- iftrue .sawmrpokemon
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneStartText), ElmPhoneStartText
- end
-.sawmrpokemon ; 0xbd048
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText), ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText
- end
-.stolen ; 0xbd04d
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokemonStolenText), ElmPhonePokemonStolenText
- end
-.checkingegg ; 0xbd052
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneCheckingEggText), ElmPhoneCheckingEggText
- end
-.assistant ; 0xbd057
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneAssistantText), ElmPhoneAssistantText
- end
-.eggunhatched ; 0xbd05c
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggUnhatchedText), ElmPhoneEggUnhatchedText
- end
-.egghatched ; 0xbd061
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggHatchedText), ElmPhoneEggHatchedText
- setbit1 $0077
- end
-.discovery ; 0xbd069
- random $2
- if_equal $0, .nextdiscovery
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDiscovery1Text), ElmPhoneDiscovery1Text
- end
-.nextdiscovery ; 0xbd074
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDiscovery2Text), ElmPhoneDiscovery2Text
- end
-.pokerus ; 0xbd079
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokerusText), ElmPhonePokerusText
- specialphonecall $0000
- end
-ElmPhoneScript2: ; 0xbd081
- checkcode $14
- if_equal $2, .disaster
- if_equal $3, .assistant
- if_equal $4, .rocket
- if_equal $5, .gift
- if_equal $8, .gift
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhonePokerusText), ElmPhonePokerusText
- specialphonecall $0000
- end
-.disaster ; 0xbd09f
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneDisasterText), ElmPhoneDisasterText
- specialphonecall $0000
- setbit1 $0043
- end
-.assistant ; 0xbd0aa
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneEggAssistantText), ElmPhoneEggAssistantText
- specialphonecall $0000
- clearbit1 $0700
- setbit1 $0701
- end
-.rocket ; 0xbd0b8
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneRocketText), ElmPhoneRocketText
- specialphonecall $0000
- end
- ; 0xbd0c0
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneGiftText), ElmPhoneGiftText
- specialphonecall $0000
- end
-.unused ; 0xbd0c8
- 3writetext BANK(ElmPhoneUnusedText), ElmPhoneUnusedText
- specialphonecall $0000
- end
-; bd0d0
+INCLUDE "engine/std_scripts.asm"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $bd0d0, $be699-$bd0d0