shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 6f49b01c4b8ec37f5321dd11835780eaa3211542
parent: 424300a803330b4a1406bed0493a87fef720019f
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Sat May 19 20:02:43 EDT 2012

make better trainer names

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 except ImportError:
     import unittest
+# for capwords
+import string
 # Check for things we need in unittest.
 if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'setUpClass'):
     print "The unittest2 module or Python 2.7 is required to run this script."
@@ -1684,8 +1687,9 @@
 class TrainerIdParam(SingleByteParam):
     #raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
+    #def to_asm(self):
+    #    pass
 class TrainerGroupParam(SingleByteParam):
     #raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
@@ -3615,6 +3619,18 @@
             return self.parent.group_name + "_" + str(self.trainer_id)
+    def make_constant_name(self):
+        if hasattr(self, "seed_constant_name"):
+            seed = self.seed_constant_name
+        else:
+            seed =
+        return string.capwords(seed).\
+               replace("@", "").\
+               replace(" & ", "AND").\
+               replace(" ", "").\
+               replace(".", "_").\
+               upper()
     def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()):
         if recompute or self.dependencies == None:
             self.dependencies = []
@@ -3874,6 +3890,42 @@
     output += "total trainers: " + str(total)
     return output
+def make_trainer_group_name_trainer_ids(debug=True):
+    """ Edits trainer_group_names and sets the trainer names.
+    For instance, "AMY & MAY" becomes "AMY_AND_MAY1" and "AMY_AND_MAY2"
+    This should only be used after TrainerGroupTable.parse has been called.
+    """
+    assert trainer_group_table != None, "TrainerGroupTable must be called before setting the trainer names"
+    if debug:
+        print "starting to make trainer names and give ids to repeated trainer names"
+    i = 1 
+    for header in trainer_group_table.headers:
+        trainer_names = [] # (name, trainer_header)
+        dupes = set()
+        group_id = i 
+        group_name = header.group_name
+        for trainer_header in header.individual_trainer_headers:
+            if in [x[0] for x in trainer_names]:
+                dupes.add(
+            trainer_names.append([, trainer_header])
+        # now fix trainers with duplicate names by appending an id
+        if len(dupes) > 0:
+            for dupe in dupes:
+                culprits = [trainer_header for trainer_header in header.individual_trainer_headers if == dupe]
+                for (id, culprit) in enumerate(culprits):
+                    culprit.seed_constant_name ="@", "") + str(id+1)
+                    culprit.constant_name = culprit.make_constant_name()
+        # now add the trainer names to trainer_group_names
+        trainer_group_names[i]["trainer_names"] = [theader.make_constant_name() for theader in header.individual_trainer_headers]
+    if debug:
+        print "done improving trainer names"
 class PeopleEvent(Command):
     size = people_event_byte_size
     macro_name = "person_event"
@@ -7958,6 +8010,9 @@
     # and parse the main TrainerGroupTable once we know the max number of trainers
     global trainer_group_table
     trainer_group_table = TrainerGroupTable()
+    # improve duplicate trainer names
+    make_trainer_group_name_trainer_ids()
 #just a helpful alias