shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 6fddb8ba85cff55599c53736f5780db01e98f745
parent: 3453e7ce9c71c73664b061af9b77346b608b9013
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Tue Mar 4 16:41:30 EST 2014

Use struct macros for audio channels in wram.

--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -57,38 +57,14 @@
-SECTION "tiles0",VRAM[$8000],BANK[0]
-SECTION "tiles1",VRAM[$8800],BANK[0]
-SECTION "tiles2",VRAM[$9000],BANK[0]
-SECTION "bgmap0",VRAM[$9800],BANK[0]
-SECTION "bgmap1",VRAM[$9C00],BANK[0]
+channel_struct: MACRO
+; Addresses are Channel1 ($c101).
-SECTION "WRAMBank0",WRAM0[$c000]
-SECTION "stack",WRAM0[$c0ff]
-Stack:: ; c0ff
-	ds -$100
-SECTION "audio",WRAM0[$c100]
-MusicPlaying:: ; c100
-; nonzero if playing
-	ds 1
-Channel1MusicID:: ; c101
+\1MusicID:: ; c101
 	ds 2
-Channel1MusicBank:: ; c103
+\1MusicBank:: ; c103
 	ds 1
-Channel1Flags:: ; c104
+\1Flags:: ; c104
 ; 0: on/off
 ; 1: subroutine
 ; 2: 
@@ -98,7 +74,7 @@
 ; 6: 
 ; 7: 
 	ds 1
-Channel1Flags2:: ; c105
+\1Flags2:: ; c105
 ; 0: vibrato on/off
 ; 1: 
 ; 2: duty cycle on/off
@@ -108,7 +84,7 @@
 ; 6: 
 ; 7: 
 	ds 1
-Channel1Flags3:: ; c106
+\1Flags3:: ; c106
 ; 0: vibrato up/down
 ; 1: 
 ; 2: 
@@ -118,13 +94,13 @@
 ; 6: 
 ; 7: 
 	ds 1
-Channel1MusicAddress:: ; c107
+\1MusicAddress:: ; c107
 	ds 2
-Channel1LastMusicAddress:: ; c109
+\1LastMusicAddress:: ; c109
 	ds 2
 ; could have been meant as a third-level address
 	ds 2
-Channel1NoteFlags:: ; c10d
+\1NoteFlags:: ; c10d
 ; 0: 
 ; 1: 
 ; 2: 
@@ -134,10 +110,10 @@
 ; 6: 
 ; 7: 
 	ds 1
-Channel1Condition:: ; c10e
+\1Condition:: ; c10e
 ; used for conditional jumps
 	ds 1
-Channel1DutyCycle:: ; c10f
+\1DutyCycle:: ; c10f
 ; uses top 2 bits only
 ;	0: 12.5%
 ;	1: 25%
@@ -144,17 +120,17 @@
 ;	2: 50%
 ;	3: 75%
 	ds 1
-Channel1Intensity:: ; c110
+\1Intensity:: ; c110
 ;	hi: pressure
 ;   lo: velocity
 	ds 1
 ; 11 bits
-Channel1FrequencyLo:: ; c111
+\1FrequencyLo:: ; c111
 	ds 1
-Channel1FrequencyHi:: ; c112
+\1FrequencyHi:: ; c112
 	ds 1
-Channel1Pitch:: ; c113
+\1Pitch:: ; c113
 ; 0: rest
 ; 1: C
 ; 2: C#
@@ -169,15 +145,15 @@
 ; b: A#
 ; c: B
 	ds 1
-Channel1Octave:: ; c114
+\1Octave:: ; c114
 ; 0: highest
 ; 7: lowest
 	ds 1
-Channel1StartingOctave:: ; c115
+\1StartingOctave:: ; c115
 ; raises existing octaves by this value
 ; used for repeating phrases in a higher octave to save space
 	ds 1
-Channel1NoteDuration:: ; c116
+\1NoteDuration:: ; c116
 ; number of frames remaining in the current note
 	ds 1
 ; c117
@@ -184,11 +160,11 @@
 	ds 1
 ; c118
 	ds 1
-Channel1LoopCount:: ; c119
+\1LoopCount:: ; c119
 	ds 1
-Channel1Tempo:: ; c11a
+\1Tempo:: ; c11a
 	ds 2
-Channel1Tracks:: ; c11c
+\1Tracks:: ; c11c
 ; hi: l
 ; lo: r
 	ds 1
@@ -195,18 +171,18 @@
 ; c11d
 	ds 1
-Channel1VibratoDelayCount:: ; c11e
+\1VibratoDelayCount:: ; c11e
 ; initialized at the value in VibratoDelay
 ; decrements each frame
 ; at 0, vibrato starts
 	ds 1
-Channel1VibratoDelay:: ; c11f
+\1VibratoDelay:: ; c11f
 ; number of frames a note plays until vibrato starts
 	ds 1
-Channel1VibratoExtent:: ; c120
+\1VibratoExtent:: ; c120
 ; difference in 
 	ds 1
-Channel1VibratoRate:: ; c121
+\1VibratoRate:: ; c121
 ; counts down from a max of 15 frames
 ; over which the pitch is alternated
 ; hi: init frames
@@ -225,12 +201,12 @@
 	ds 1
 ; c127
 	ds 1
-Channel1CryPitch:: ; c128
+\1CryPitch:: ; c128
 	ds 1
-Channel1CryEcho:: ; c129
+\1CryEcho:: ; c129
 	ds 1
 	ds 4
-Channel1NoteLength:: ; c12e
+\1NoteLength:: ; c12e
 ; # frames per 16th note
 	ds 1
 ; c12f
@@ -241,24 +217,52 @@
 	ds 1
 ; c132
 	ds 1
-; end
+SECTION "tiles0",VRAM[$8000],BANK[0]
+SECTION "tiles1",VRAM[$8800],BANK[0]
+SECTION "tiles2",VRAM[$9000],BANK[0]
+SECTION "bgmap0",VRAM[$9800],BANK[0]
+SECTION "bgmap1",VRAM[$9C00],BANK[0]
+SECTION "WRAMBank0",WRAM0[$c000]
+SECTION "stack",WRAM0[$c0ff]
+Stack:: ; c0ff
+	ds -$100
+SECTION "audio",WRAM0[$c100]
+MusicPlaying:: ; c100
+; nonzero if playing
+	ds 1
+Channel1:: ; c101
+	channel_struct Channel1
 Channel2:: ; c133
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel2
 Channel3:: ; c165
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel3
 Channel4:: ; c197
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel4
 Channel5:: ; c1c9
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel5
 Channel6:: ; c1fb
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel6
 Channel7:: ; c22d
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel7
 Channel8:: ; c25f
-	ds 50
+	channel_struct Channel8
 ; c291
 	ds 1