shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 78d93a6246f6389f89c6363495ecf97b2fc79ea8
parent: d9dbc1370197f6cc08b249bd8729f8ca8be60f7f
author: Colton G. Rushton <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 21 16:48:28 EDT 2022

urlencode special characters like 'é' in documentation link anchors (#976)

--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -16,42 +16,42 @@
 ## Contents
 - [Multi-player battle engine](#multi-player-battle-engine)
-  - [Perish Song and Spikes can leave a Pokémon with 0 HP and not faint](#perish-song-and-spikes-can-leave-a-pokémon-with-0-hp-and-not-faint)
+  - [Perish Song and Spikes can leave a Pokémon with 0 HP and not faint](#perish-song-and-spikes-can-leave-a-pok%C3%A9mon-with-0-hp-and-not-faint)
   - [Thick Club and Light Ball can make (Special) Attack wrap around above 1024](#thick-club-and-light-ball-can-make-special-attack-wrap-around-above-1024)
   - [Metal Powder can increase damage taken with boosted (Special) Defense](#metal-powder-can-increase-damage-taken-with-boosted-special-defense)
   - [Reflect and Light Screen can make (Special) Defense wrap around above 1024](#reflect-and-light-screen-can-make-special-defense-wrap-around-above-1024)
   - [Moves with a 100% secondary effect chance will not trigger it in 1/256 uses](#moves-with-a-100-secondary-effect-chance-will-not-trigger-it-in-1256-uses)
   - [Belly Drum sharply boosts Attack even with under 50% HP](#belly-drum-sharply-boosts-attack-even-with-under-50-hp)
-  - [Berserk Gene's confusion lasts for 256 turns or the previous Pokémon's confusion count](#berserk-genes-confusion-lasts-for-256-turns-or-the-previous-pokémons-confusion-count)
+  - [Berserk Gene's confusion lasts for 256 turns or the previous Pokémon's confusion count](#berserk-genes-confusion-lasts-for-256-turns-or-the-previous-pok%C3%A9mons-confusion-count)
   - [Confusion damage is affected by type-boosting items and Explosion/Self-Destruct doubling](#confusion-damage-is-affected-by-type-boosting-items-and-explosionself-destruct-doubling)
   - [Moves that lower Defense can do so after breaking a Substitute](#moves-that-lower-defense-can-do-so-after-breaking-a-substitute)
   - [Counter and Mirror Coat still work if the opponent uses an item](#counter-and-mirror-coat-still-work-if-the-opponent-uses-an-item)
   - [A Disabled but PP Up–enhanced move may not trigger Struggle](#a-disabled-but-pp-upenhanced-move-may-not-trigger-struggle)
-  - [A Pokémon that fainted from Pursuit will have its old status condition when revived](#a-pokémon-that-fainted-from-pursuit-will-have-its-old-status-condition-when-revived)
+  - [A Pokémon that fainted from Pursuit will have its old status condition when revived](#a-pok%C3%A9mon-that-fainted-from-pursuit-will-have-its-old-status-condition-when-revived)
   - [Lock-On and Mind Reader don't always bypass Fly and Dig](#lock-on-and-mind-reader-dont-always-bypass-fly-and-dig)
   - [Beat Up can desynchronize link battles](#beat-up-can-desynchronize-link-battles)
-  - [Beat Up works incorrectly with only one Pokémon in the party](#beat-up-works-incorrectly-with-only-one-pokémon-in-the-party)
+  - [Beat Up works incorrectly with only one Pokémon in the party](#beat-up-works-incorrectly-with-only-one-pok%C3%A9mon-in-the-party)
   - [Beat Up may fail to raise Substitute](#beat-up-may-fail-to-raise-substitute)
   - [Beat Up may trigger King's Rock even if it failed](#beat-up-may-trigger-kings-rock-even-if-it-failed)
   - [Present damage is incorrect in link battles](#present-damage-is-incorrect-in-link-battles)
   - [Return and Frustration deal no damage when the user's happiness is low or high, respectively](#return-and-frustration-deal-no-damage-when-the-users-happiness-is-low-or-high-respectively)
   - [Dragon Scale, not Dragon Fang, boosts Dragon-type moves](#dragon-scale-not-dragon-fang-boosts-dragon-type-moves)
-  - [Switching out or switching against a Pokémon with max HP below 4 freezes the game](#switching-out-or-switching-against-a-pokémon-with-max-HP-below-4-freezes-the-game)
+  - [Switching out or switching against a Pokémon with max HP below 4 freezes the game](#switching-out-or-switching-against-a-pok%C3%A9mon-with-max-HP-below-4-freezes-the-game)
   - [Moves that do damage and increase your stats do not increase stats after a KO](#moves-that-do-damage-and-increase-your-stats-do-not-increase-stats-after-a-ko)
   - [HP bar animation is slow for high HP](#hp-bar-animation-is-slow-for-high-hp)
   - [HP bar animation off-by-one error for low HP](#hp-bar-animation-off-by-one-error-for-low-hp)
 - [Single-player battle engine](#single-player-battle-engine)
-  - [A Transformed Pokémon can use Sketch and learn otherwise unobtainable moves](#a-transformed-pokémon-can-use-sketch-and-learn-otherwise-unobtainable-moves)
-  - [Catching a Transformed Pokémon always catches a Ditto](#catching-a-transformed-pokémon-always-catches-a-ditto)
-  - [Experience underflow for level 1 Pokémon with Medium-Slow growth rate](#experience-underflow-for-level-1-pokémon-with-medium-slow-growth-rate)
-  - [The Dude's catching tutorial may crash if his Poké Ball can't be used](#the-dudes-catching-tutorial-may-crash-if-his-poké-ball-cant-be-used)
+  - [A Transformed Pokémon can use Sketch and learn otherwise unobtainable moves](#a-transformed-pok%C3%A9mon-can-use-sketch-and-learn-otherwise-unobtainable-moves)
+  - [Catching a Transformed Pokémon always catches a Ditto](#catching-a-transformed-pok%C3%A9mon-always-catches-a-ditto)
+  - [Experience underflow for level 1 Pokémon with Medium-Slow growth rate](#experience-underflow-for-level-1-pok%C3%A9mon-with-medium-slow-growth-rate)
+  - [The Dude's catching tutorial may crash if his Poké Ball can't be used](#the-dudes-catching-tutorial-may-crash-if-his-pok%C3%A9-ball-cant-be-used)
   - [BRN/PSN/PAR do not affect catch rate](#brnpsnpar-do-not-affect-catch-rate)
   - [Moon Ball does not boost catch rate](#moon-ball-does-not-boost-catch-rate)
   - [Love Ball boosts catch rate for the wrong gender](#love-ball-boosts-catch-rate-for-the-wrong-gender)
-  - [Fast Ball only boosts catch rate for three Pokémon](#fast-ball-only-boosts-catch-rate-for-three-pokémon)
-  - [Heavy Ball uses wrong weight value for three Pokémon](#heavy-ball-uses-wrong-weight-value-for-three-pokémon)
+  - [Fast Ball only boosts catch rate for three Pokémon](#fast-ball-only-boosts-catch-rate-for-three-pok%C3%A9mon)
+  - [Heavy Ball uses wrong weight value for three Pokémon](#heavy-ball-uses-wrong-weight-value-for-three-pok%C3%A9mon)
   - [Glacier Badge may not boost Special Defense depending on the value of Special Attack](#glacier-badge-may-not-boost-special-defense-depending-on-the-value-of-special-attack)
-  - ["Smart" AI encourages Mean Look if its own Pokémon is badly poisoned](#smart-ai-encourages-mean-look-if-its-own-pokémon-is-badly-poisoned)
+  - ["Smart" AI encourages Mean Look if its own Pokémon is badly poisoned](#smart-ai-encourages-mean-look-if-its-own-pok%C3%A9mon-is-badly-poisoned)
   - ["Smart" AI discourages Conversion2 after the first turn](#smart-ai-discourages-conversion2-after-the-first-turn)
   - ["Smart" AI does not encourage Solar Beam, Flame Wheel, or Moonlight during Sunny Day](#smart-ai-does-not-encourage-solar-beam-flame-wheel-or-moonlight-during-sunny-day)
   - [AI does not discourage Future Sight when it's already been used](#ai-does-not-discourage-future-sight-when-its-already-been-used)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   - [AI makes a false assumption about `CheckTypeMatchup`](#ai-makes-a-false-assumption-about-checktypematchup)
   - [AI use of Full Heal or Full Restore does not cure Nightmare status](#ai-use-of-full-heal-or-full-restore-does-not-cure-nightmare-status)
   - [AI use of Full Heal does not cure confusion status](#ai-use-of-full-heal-does-not-cure-confusion-status)
-  - [Wild Pokémon can always Teleport regardless of level difference](#wild-pokémon-can-always-teleport-regardless-of-level-difference)
+  - [Wild Pokémon can always Teleport regardless of level difference](#wild-pok%C3%A9mon-can-always-teleport-regardless-of-level-difference)
   - [`RIVAL2` has lower DVs than `RIVAL1`](#rival2-has-lower-dvs-than-rival1)
   - [`HELD_CATCH_CHANCE` has no effect](#held_catch_chance-has-no-effect)
   - [Credits sequence changes move selection menu behavior](#credits-sequence-changes-move-selection-menu-behavior)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   - [`LoadMetatiles` wraps around past 128 blocks](#loadmetatiles-wraps-around-past-128-blocks)
   - [Surfing directly across a map connection does not load the new map](#surfing-directly-across-a-map-connection-does-not-load-the-new-map)
   - [Swimming NPCs aren't limited by their movement radius](#swimming-npcs-arent-limited-by-their-movement-radius)
-  - [Pokémon deposited in the Day-Care might lose experience](#pokémon-deposited-in-the-day-care-might-lose-experience)
+  - [Pokémon deposited in the Day-Care might lose experience](#pok%C3%A9mon-deposited-in-the-day-care-might-lose-experience)
 - [Graphics](#graphics)
   - [In-battle “`…`” ellipsis is too high](#in-battle--ellipsis-is-too-high)
   - [Two tiles in the `port` tileset are drawn incorrectly](#two-tiles-in-the-port-tileset-are-drawn-incorrectly)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   - [Slot machine payout sound effects cut each other off](#slot-machine-payout-sound-effects-cut-each-other-off)
   - [Team Rocket battle music is not used for Executives or Scientists](#team-rocket-battle-music-is-not-used-for-executives-or-scientists)
   - [No bump noise if standing on tile `$3E`](#no-bump-noise-if-standing-on-tile-3e)
-  - [Playing Entei's Pokédex cry can distort Raikou's and Suicune's](#playing-enteis-pokédex-cry-can-distort-raikous-and-suicunes)
+  - [Playing Entei's Pokédex cry can distort Raikou's and Suicune's](#playing-enteis-pok%C3%A9dex-cry-can-distort-raikous-and-suicunes)
 - [Text](#text)
   - [Five-digit experience gain is printed incorrectly](#five-digit-experience-gain-is-printed-incorrectly)
   - [Only the first three evolution entries can have Stone compatibility reported correctly](#only-the-first-three-evolution-entries-can-have-stone-compatibility-reported-correctly)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
   - [Saves corrupted by mid-save shutoff are not handled](#saves-corrupted-by-mid-save-shutoff-are-not-handled)
   - [`ScriptCall` can overflow `wScriptStack` and crash](#scriptcall-can-overflow-wscriptstack-and-crash)
   - [`LoadSpriteGFX` does not limit the capacity of `UsedSprites`](#loadspritegfx-does-not-limit-the-capacity-of-usedsprites)
-  - [`ChooseWildEncounter` doesn't really validate the wild Pokémon species](#choosewildencounter-doesnt-really-validate-the-wild-pokémon-species)
+  - [`ChooseWildEncounter` doesn't really validate the wild Pokémon species](#choosewildencounter-doesnt-really-validate-the-wild-pok%C3%A9mon-species)
   - [`TryObjectEvent` arbitrary code execution](#tryobjectevent-arbitrary-code-execution)
   - [`ReadObjectEvents` overflows into `wObjectMasks`](#readobjectevents-overflows-into-wobjectmasks)
   - [`ClearWRAM` only clears WRAM bank 1](#clearwram-only-clears-wram-bank-1)
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Design Flaws
-These are parts of the code that do not work *incorrectly*, like [bugs and glitches](, but that clearly exist just to work around a problem. In other words, with a slightly different design, the code would not need to exist at all. Design flaws may be exceptions to a usual rule, such as "tables of pointers in different banks use `dba`" ([one exception](#pic-banks-are-offset-by-pics_fix), [and another](#pokédex-entry-banks-are-derived-from-their-species-ids)) or "graphics used as a unit are stored and loaded contiguously" ([a notable exception](#footprints-are-split-into-top-and-bottom-halves)).
+These are parts of the code that do not work *incorrectly*, like [bugs and glitches](, but that clearly exist just to work around a problem. In other words, with a slightly different design, the code would not need to exist at all. Design flaws may be exceptions to a usual rule, such as "tables of pointers in different banks use `dba`" ([one exception](#pic-banks-are-offset-by-pics_fix), [and another](#pok%C3%A9dex-entry-banks-are-derived-from-their-species-ids)) or "graphics used as a unit are stored and loaded contiguously" ([a notable exception](#footprints-are-split-into-top-and-bottom-halves)).
 ## Contents
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 - [Footprints are split into top and bottom halves](#footprints-are-split-into-top-and-bottom-halves)
 - [Music IDs $64 and $80 or above have special behavior](#music-ids-64-and-80-or-above-have-special-behavior)
 - [`ITEM_C3` and `ITEM_DC` break up the continuous sequence of TM items](#item_c3-and-item_dc-break-up-the-continuous-sequence-of-tm-items)
-- [Pokédex entry banks are derived from their species IDs](#pokédex-entry-banks-are-derived-from-their-species-ids)
+- [Pokédex entry banks are derived from their species IDs](#pok%C3%A9dex-entry-banks-are-derived-from-their-species-ids)
 - [The 6-bit caught level can only record up to level 63](#the-6-bit-caught-level-can-only-record-up-to-level-63)
 - [Identical sine wave code and data is repeated five times](#identical-sine-wave-code-and-data-is-repeated-five-times)
 - [`GetForestTreeFrame` works, but it's still bad](#getforesttreeframe-works-but-its-still-bad)
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 import sys
 import re
 from collections import namedtuple
+from urllib.parse import quote
 toc_name = 'Contents'
 valid_toc_headings = {'## TOC', '##TOC'}
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
 	anchor = re.sub(punctuation_regexp, '', anchor) # remove punctuation
 	anchor = anchor.replace(' ', '-')               # replace spaces with dash
 	anchor = re.sub(specialchar_regexp, '', anchor) # remove misc special chars
+	anchor = quote(anchor)                          # url encode
 	return anchor
 def get_toc_index(lines):