shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 7ccb6d91e62fdb1e2857da87e16ececceb52c519
parent: ef20124213e77852e2433dee42ec1a08f4fd1de0
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Tue Dec 17 20:11:06 EST 2013

split out the battle engine into battle/core.asm

--- /dev/null
+++ b/battle/core.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,9479 @@
+; Core components of the battle engine.
+Function3c000: ; 3c000
+	xor a
+	ld [$c664], a
+	ld [$c6fc], a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	inc a
+	ld [$d264], a
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
+	ld bc, $002f
+	ld d, $3
+	inc d
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3c021
+	add hl, bc
+	jr .asm_3c019
+	ld a, d
+	ld [$d430], a
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c031
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $2
+	db $28
+	db $1b
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3c047
+	xor a
+	ld [$c718], a
+	call Function3d834
+	call Function3d867
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3d4e1
+	ld c, $28
+	call DelayFrames
+	call Function309d
+	call Function3d873
+	ld a, d
+	and a
+	jp z, LostBattle
+	call Function30b4
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $2
+	jp z, Function3c0e2
+	cp $3
+	jp z, Function3c0e2
+	xor a
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	call Function3d887
+	jr nz, .asm_3c076
+	ld hl, CurPartyMon
+	inc [hl]
+	jr .asm_3c06b
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [$c71a], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	inc a
+	ld hl, PartyCount
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a
+	ld hl, $c505
+	ld a, $9
+	call Function3d490
+	call Function309d
+	call Function3d57a
+	call Function3da0d
+	call Function3dab1
+	call Function3f26d
+	call Function3dbde
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3db5f
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3dc23
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c0df
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $2
+	jr nz, .asm_3c0df
+	xor a
+	ld [$c718], a
+	call Function3d834
+	call Function3d867
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3d4e1
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3dc23
+	jp Function3c12f
+; 3c0e2
+Function3c0e2: ; 3c0e2
+	jp Function3e139
+; 3c0e5
+Function3c0e5: ; 3c0e5
+	call Function30b4
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	add $2
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	ld hl, $47bd
+	jr z, .asm_3c115
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	ld hl, $47cf
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr nc, .asm_3c115
+	ld hl, $cd2a
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3c118
+	ld hl, $5863
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function3ceec
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr c, .asm_3c126
+	ld de, SFX_RUN
+	call PlaySFX
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld a, 1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ret
+; 3c12f
+Function3c12f: ; 3c12f
+	call Function3c1bf
+	call Function3c3f5
+	jp c, .asm_3c1be
+	xor a
+	ld [$c710], a
+	ld [$c711], a
+	ld [$d264], a
+	ld [$c73f], a
+	ld [$c740], a
+	ld [CurDamage], a
+	ld [$d257], a
+	call Function3c27c
+	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
+	callba AIChooseMove
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr nz, .asm_3c174
+	callba Function100da5
+	callba Function100641
+	callba Function100dd8
+	jp c, .asm_3c1be
+	call Function3c410
+	jr c, .asm_3c18a
+	call Function3e139
+	jr c, .asm_3c1be
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
+	ld a, [$d232]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
+	call Function3c434
+	jr nz, .asm_3c179
+	call Function3c300
+	jr c, .asm_3c1be
+	call Function3c314
+	jr c, .asm_3c19e
+	call Function3c5fe
+	jr .asm_3c1a1
+	call Function3c664
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr c, .asm_3c1be
+	ld a, [$d232]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
+	call Function3c1d6
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
+	jp Function3c12f
+	ret
+; 3c1bf
+Function3c1bf: ; 3c1bf
+	ret
+; 3c1c0
+Function3c1c0: ; 3c1c0
+	ld a, $5
+	call GetSRAMBank
+	ld hl, $a89b
+	inc [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1d2
+	dec hl
+	inc [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3c1d2
+	dec [hl]
+	inc hl
+	dec [hl]
+	call CloseSRAM
+	ret
+; 3c1d6
+Function3c1d6: ; 3c1d6
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c1fe
+	call Function3c23c
+	ret c
+	call Function3ca26
+	call Function3c23c
+	ret c
+	call HandleWeather
+	call Function3c23c
+	ret c
+	call Function3c874
+	call Function3c23c
+	ret c
+	call Function3c801
+	call Function3c23c
+	ret c
+	jr .asm_3c21e
+	call Function3c25c
+	ret c
+	call Function3ca26
+	call Function3c25c
+	ret c
+	call HandleWeather
+	call Function3c25c
+	ret c
+	call Function3c874
+	call Function3c25c
+	ret c
+	call Function3c801
+	call Function3c25c
+	ret c
+	call Function3c8eb
+	call Function3c93c
+	call Function3ca8f
+	call Function3cafb
+	call Function3cb36
+	call Function3de97
+	call Function3dcf9
+	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
+	call Function309d
+	jp Function3c4df
+; 3c23c
+Function3c23c: ; 3c23c
+	call Function3c710
+	jr nz, .asm_3c24a
+	call Function3d14e
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c25a
+	call Function3c70b
+	jr nz, .asm_3c258
+	call Function3cd55
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c25a
+	and a
+	ret
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3c25c
+Function3c25c: ; 3c25c
+	call Function3c70b
+	jr nz, .asm_3c26a
+	call Function3cd55
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c27a
+	call Function3c710
+	jr nz, .asm_3c278
+	call Function3d14e
+	ld a, [BattleEnded]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c27a
+	and a
+	ret
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3c27c
+Function3c27c: ; 3c27c
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c287
+	call .asm_3c28a
+	jr .asm_3c296
+	call .asm_3c296
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld de, PartyMon1Item
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld b, a
+	jr .asm_3c2a0
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld de, OTPartyMon1Item
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	ld b, a
+	push de
+	push bc
+	callab GetUserItem
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	sub $98
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	ret nz
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld a, b
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, $2
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	push af
+	set 7, [hl]
+	ld a, $c
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	push hl
+	push af
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [AttackMissed], a
+	ld [EffectFailed], a
+	callba BattleCommand77
+	pop af
+	pop hl
+	ld [hl], a
+	call GetItemName
+	ld hl, $4bde
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	callab BattleCommand8c
+	pop af
+	bit 7, a
+	ret nz
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld de, $0103
+	call Function3ee0f
+	call Function3c8e4
+	ld hl, $4d97
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3c300
+Function3c300: ; 3c300
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c30d
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	cp $f
+	jr z, .asm_3c30f
+	and a
+	ret
+	call Function3c0e5
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3c314
+Function3c314: ; 3c314
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c35b
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	cp $e
+	jr z, .asm_3c35b
+	cp $d
+	jr z, .asm_3c35b
+	sub $4
+	jr c, .asm_3c35b
+	ld a, [$d0ec]
+	cp $2
+	jr nz, .asm_3c34c
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3c341
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp $80
+	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
+	jp Function3c3f3
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp $80
+	jp c, Function3c3f3
+	jp .asm_3c3f1
+	callab Function3846c
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3dc23
+	jp Function3c3f3
+	ld a, [$d0ec]
+	and a
+	jp nz, .asm_3c3f1
+	call Function3c5b4
+	jr z, .asm_3c36d
+	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
+	jp Function3c3f3
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	callab GetUserItem
+	push bc
+	callab GetOpponentItem
+	pop de
+	ld a, d
+	cp $4a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c391
+	ld a, b
+	cp $4a
+	jr z, .asm_3c39f
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp e
+	jr nc, .asm_3c3c5
+	jp .asm_3c3f1
+	ld a, b
+	cp $4a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c3c5
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp c
+	jr nc, .asm_3c3c5
+	jp Function3c3f3
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3c3b5
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp c
+	jp c, Function3c3f3
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp e
+	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
+	jr .asm_3c3c5
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp e
+	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp c
+	jp c, Function3c3f3
+	jr .asm_3c3c5
+	ld de, BattleMonSpd
+	ld hl, EnemyMonSpd
+	ld c, $2
+	call StringCmp
+	jr z, .asm_3c3d8
+	jp nc, .asm_3c3f1
+	jp Function3c3f3
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3c3e9
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp $80
+	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
+	jp Function3c3f3
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp $80
+	jp c, Function3c3f3
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3c3f3
+Function3c3f3: ; 3c3f3
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3c3f5
+Function3c3f5: ; 3c3f5
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $6
+	jr nz, .asm_3c40e
+	ld a, [$dc79]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c40e
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	add $2
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	scf
+	ret
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3c410
+Function3c410: ; 3c410
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus4]
+	and $20
+	jp nz, Function3c432
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus3
+	res 3, [hl]
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
+	res 3, [hl]
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $12
+	jp nz, Function3c432
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
+	bit 6, [hl]
+	jp nz, Function3c432
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3c432
+Function3c432: ; 3c432
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3c434
+Function3c434: ; 3c434
+	call Function3c410
+	jp c, .asm_3c4ba
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3c449
+	ld a, [LastPlayerMove]
+	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
+	jr .asm_3c47c
+	ld a, [$d0ec]
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3c4ce
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c4b5
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus3]
+	and $1
+	jr nz, .asm_3c4ba
+	xor a
+	ld [$d235], a
+	inc a
+	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
+	call Function3e4bc
+	push af
+	call Function30b4
+	call UpdateBattleHuds
+	ld a, [CurPlayerMove]
+	cp $a5
+	jr z, .asm_3c476
+	call PlayClickSFX
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	pop af
+	ret nz
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	callab UpdateMoveData
+	xor a
+	ld [$c732], a
+	ld a, [PlayerMoveEffect]
+	cp $77
+	jr z, .asm_3c494
+	xor a
+	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld a, [PlayerMoveEffect]
+	cp $51
+	jr z, .asm_3c4a4
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
+	res 6, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ld [$c72b], a
+	ld a, [PlayerMoveEffect]
+	cp $6f
+	jr z, .asm_3c4c9
+	cp $74
+	jr z, .asm_3c4c9
+	xor a
+	ld [$c679], a
+	jr .asm_3c4c9
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
+	res 0, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld [$c679], a
+	ld [$c72b], a
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
+	res 6, [hl]
+	call Function3e7c1
+	xor a
+	ret
+	xor a
+	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld [$c679], a
+	ld [$c72b], a
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
+	res 6, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3c4df
+Function3c4df: ; 3c4df
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c4ea
+	call .asm_3c4ed
+	jr .asm_3c518
+	call .asm_3c518
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	ret z
+	ld a, [PlayerEncoreCount]
+	dec a
+	ld [PlayerEncoreCount], a
+	jr z, .asm_3c50a
+	ld hl, BattleMonPPMove1
+	ld a, [CurMoveNum]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $3f
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
+	res 4, [hl]
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld hl, $4c8a
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	ret z
+	ld a, [EnemyEncoreCount]
+	dec a
+	ld [EnemyEncoreCount], a
+	jr z, .asm_3c535
+	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
+	ld a, [CurEnemyMoveNum]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $3f
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
+	res 4, [hl]
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld hl, $4c8a
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3c543
+Function3c543: ; 3c543
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .Stay
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
+	bit 7, a
+	jr nz, .Stay
+	ld a, [$c731]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .Stay
+	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
+	and 1 << FRZ | SLP
+	jr nz, .Stay
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld de, 1
+	ld hl, .Always
+	call IsInArray
+	jr c, .Flee
+	call BattleRandom
+	ld b, a
+	cp $80
+	jr nc, .Stay
+	push bc
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld de, 1
+	ld hl, .Often
+	call IsInArray
+	pop bc
+	jr c, .Flee
+	ld a, b
+	cp $1a
+	jr nc, .Stay
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld de, 1
+	ld hl, .Sometimes
+	call IsInArray
+	jr c, .Flee
+	and a
+	ret
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3c59a
+	db MR__MIME
+	db EEVEE
+	db UNOWN
+	db $ff
+	db $ff
+	db ENTEI
+	db $ff
+; 3c5b4
+Function3c5b4: ; 3c5b4
+	ld a, [CurPlayerMove]
+	call GetMovePriority
+	ld b, a
+	push bc
+	ld a, [CurEnemyMove]
+	call GetMovePriority
+	pop bc
+	cp b
+	ret
+; 3c5c5
+GetMovePriority: ; 3c5c5
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, 0
+	ret z
+	call Function3c5ec
+	ld hl, .data_3c5df
+	ld a, [hli]
+	cp b
+	jr z, .asm_3c5dd
+	inc hl
+	cp $ff
+	jr nz, .loop
+	ld a, 1
+	ret
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3c5df
+	db EFFECT_PROTECT,      3
+	db EFFECT_ENDURE,       3
+	db EFFECT_COUNTER,      0
+	db $ff
+; 3c5ec
+Function3c5ec: ; 3c5ec
+	ld a, b
+	dec a
+	ld hl, $5afc
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call AddNTimes
+	ld a, $10
+	call GetFarByte
+	ld b, a
+	ret
+; 3c5fe
+Function3c5fe: ; 3c5fe
+	call Function309d
+	call Function3c543
+	jp c, Function3c0e5
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c70f], a
+	callab Function38000
+	jr c, .asm_3c62f
+	call Function3c6de
+	call Function3d2e0
+	ret c
+	ld a, [$d232]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	call Function3c710
+	jp z, Function3d14e
+	call Function3c70b
+	jp z, Function3cd55
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3c716
+	jp z, Function3cd55
+	call RefreshBattleHuds
+	call Function3c6cf
+	call Function3d2e0
+	ret c
+	ld a, [$d232]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	call Function3c70b
+	jp z, Function3cd55
+	call Function3c710
+	jp z, Function3d14e
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3c716
+	jp z, Function3d14e
+	call RefreshBattleHuds
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ret
+; 3c664
+Function3c664: ; 3c664
+	xor a
+	ld [$c70f], a
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	callab Function38000
+	push af
+	call Function3c6cf
+	pop bc
+	ld a, [$d232]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	call Function3d2e0
+	ret c
+	call Function3c70b
+	jp z, Function3cd55
+	call Function3c710
+	jp z, Function3d14e
+	push bc
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3c716
+	pop bc
+	jp z, Function3d14e
+	push bc
+	call RefreshBattleHuds
+	pop af
+	jr c, .asm_3c6be
+	call Function309d
+	call Function3c543
+	jp c, Function3c0e5
+	call Function3c6de
+	call Function3d2e0
+	ret c
+	ld a, [$d232]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	call Function3c710
+	jp z, Function3d14e
+	call Function3c70b
+	jp z, Function3cd55
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3c716
+	jp z, Function3cd55
+	call RefreshBattleHuds
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ret
+; 3c6cf
+Function3c6cf: ; 3c6cf
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3c6fe
+	callab DoPlayerTurn
+	jp Function3c6ed
+; 3c6de
+Function3c6de: ; 3c6de
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3c6fe
+	callab DoEnemyTurn
+	jp Function3c6ed
+; 3c6ed
+Function3c6ed: ; 3c6ed
+	ld a, $5
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	res 2, [hl]
+	res 5, [hl]
+	ld a, $9
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	res 6, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3c6fe
+Function3c6fe: ; 3c6fe
+	ld a, $4
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	res 6, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3c706
+Function3c706: ; 3c706
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, Function3c710
+Function3c70b: ; 3c70b
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	jr asm_3c713
+Function3c710: ; 3c710
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	ret
+; 3c716
+Function3c716: ; 3c716
+	call Function3c706
+	ret z
+	ld a, $a
+	call GetBattleVar
+	and $18
+	jr z, .asm_3c768
+	ld hl, $47e2
+	ld de, $0106
+	and $10
+	jr z, .asm_3c733
+	ld hl, $47f8
+	ld de, $0105
+	push de
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	pop de
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	call Function3ee0f
+	call GetEighthMaxHP
+	ld de, $c674
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c74d
+	ld de, $c67c
+	ld a, $4
+	call GetBattleVar
+	bit 0, a
+	jr z, .asm_3c765
+	call Function3cc76
+	ld a, [de]
+	inc a
+	ld [de], a
+	ld hl, $0000
+	add hl, bc
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c75f
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	call Function3cc3f
+	call Function3c706
+	jp z, .asm_3c7f7
+	ld a, $3
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	bit 7, [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3c7a1
+	call Function3c8e4
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld de, $0107
+	ld a, $7
+	call GetBattleVar
+	and $60
+	call z, Function3ee0f
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call GetEighthMaxHP
+	call Function3cc3f
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call Function3ccef
+	ld hl, $480e
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function3c706
+	jr z, .asm_3c7f7
+	ld a, $0
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	bit 0, [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3c7c5
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld de, $010c
+	call Function3ee0f
+	call GetQuarterMaxHP
+	call Function3cc3f
+	ld hl, $4822
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function3c706
+	jr z, .asm_3c7f7
+	ld a, $0
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	bit 1, [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3c7e9
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld de, $010c
+	call Function3ee0f
+	call GetQuarterMaxHP
+	call Function3cc3f
+	ld hl, $4836
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c7f4
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	ret nz
+	call RefreshBattleHuds
+	ld c, $14
+	call DelayFrames
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3c801
+Function3c801: ; 3c801
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c813
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call .asm_3c81c
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jp .asm_3c81c
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call .asm_3c81c
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld hl, PlayerPerishCount
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c827
+	ld hl, EnemyPerishCount
+	ld a, $0
+	call GetBattleVar
+	bit 4, a
+	ret z
+	dec [hl]
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	push af
+	ld hl, $4864
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	pop af
+	ret nz
+	ld a, $0
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	res 4, [hl]
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c85c
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, PartyMon1CurHP
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ret
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ret
+; 3c874
+Function3c874: ; 3c874
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c886
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call .asm_3c88f
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jp .asm_3c88f
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call .asm_3c88f
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld hl, $c730
+	ld de, $c72e
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c8a0
+	ld hl, $c731
+	ld de, $c72f
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld a, $3
+	call GetBattleVar
+	bit 4, a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
+	call GetMoveName
+	dec [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3c8de
+	ld a, $2
+	call GetBattleVar
+	and $60
+	jr nz, .asm_3c8d3
+	call Function3c8e4
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld [FXAnimIDHi], a
+	ld a, $37
+	call Predef
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call Function3cc76
+	call Function3cc3f
+	ld hl, $4de2
+	jr .asm_3c8e1
+	ld hl, $4df5
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3c8e4
+Function3c8e4: ; 3c8e4
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	xor $1
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ret
+; 3c8eb
+Function3c8eb: ; 3c8eb
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c8fd
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call .asm_3c906
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jp .asm_3c906
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call .asm_3c906
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	callab GetUserItem
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	call GetItemName
+	ld a, b
+	cp $3
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c922
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3c92d
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp c
+	ret z
+	call Function3cc76
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call Function3ccef
+	ld hl, $4880
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3c93c
+Function3c93c: ; 3c93c
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c94e
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call .asm_3c957
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jp .asm_3c957
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call .asm_3c957
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	callab GetUserItem
+	ld a, b
+	cp $6
+	jr nz, .asm_3c9ae
+	ld hl, PartyMon1PP
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Move1
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c99b
+	ld de, $c739
+	ld hl, $c735
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3c99b
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1PPMove1
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Move1
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld c, $0
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c9ae
+	ld a, [de]
+	and $3f
+	jr z, .asm_3c9af
+	inc hl
+	inc de
+	inc c
+	ld a, c
+	cp $4
+	jr nz, .asm_3c99d
+	ret
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp $a6
+	ld b, $1
+	jr z, .asm_3c9b8
+	ld b, $5
+	ld a, [de]
+	add b
+	ld [de], a
+	push bc
+	push bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	ld de, BattleMonItem
+	ld hl, BattleMonPPMove1
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3c9d2
+	ld de, EnemyMonItem
+	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
+	inc de
+	pop bc
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	push hl
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	add hl, bc
+	pop de
+	pop bc
+	ld a, [$d265]
+	cp [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3c9f5
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
+	jr z, .asm_3c9ee
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3c9f5
+	ld a, [de]
+	add b
+	ld [de], a
+	callab GetUserItem
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	call Function3df12
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3ca12
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3ca14
+	call Function3df1f
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	call GetItemName
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call Function3ddc8
+	call Function3c8e4
+	ld hl, $4899
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3ca26
+Function3ca26: ; 3ca26
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3ca38
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call .asm_3ca41
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jp .asm_3ca41
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call .asm_3ca41
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld hl, $c71d
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3ca4c
+	ld hl, $c71e
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	dec a
+	ld [hl], a
+	cp $1
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, $48b6
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld a, $10
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	push af
+	ld a, $f8
+	ld [hl], a
+	callab UpdateMoveData
+	xor a
+	ld [AttackMissed], a
+	ld [AlreadyDisobeyed], a
+	ld a, $a
+	ld [TypeModifier], a
+	callab DoMove
+	xor a
+	ld [CurDamage], a
+	ld [$d257], a
+	ld a, $10
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	pop af
+	ld [hl], a
+	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
+	jp UpdateEnemyMonInParty
+; 3ca8f
+Function3ca8f: ; 3ca8f
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3ca9a
+	call .asm_3ca9d
+	jr .asm_3cac9
+	call .asm_3cac9
+	ld a, [BattleMonStatus]
+	bit 5, a
+	ret z
+	ld a, [$c73f]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp $19
+	ret nc
+	xor a
+	ld [BattleMonStatus], a
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Status
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld [hl], $0
+	call UpdateBattleHuds
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld hl, $524b
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
+	bit 5, a
+	ret z
+	ld a, [$c740]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp $19
+	ret nc
+	xor a
+	ld [EnemyMonStatus], a
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3caef
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld [hl], $0
+	call UpdateBattleHuds
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld hl, $524b
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3cafb
+Function3cafb: ; 3cafb
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3cb06
+	call .asm_3cb09
+	jr .asm_3cb1c
+	call .asm_3cb1c
+	ld a, [PlayerScreens]
+	bit 2, a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $c701
+	dec [hl]
+	ret nz
+	res 2, a
+	ld [PlayerScreens], a
+	xor a
+	jr .asm_3cb2e
+	ld a, [EnemyScreens]
+	bit 2, a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $c705
+	dec [hl]
+	ret nz
+	res 2, a
+	ld [EnemyScreens], a
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ld hl, $48d2
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3cb36
+Function3cb36: ; 3cb36
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp 1
+	jr z, .Both
+	call .CheckPlayer
+	jr .CheckEnemy
+	call .CheckEnemy
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld de, .Your
+	call .asm_3cb6f
+	ld hl, PlayerScreens
+	ld de, PlayerLightScreenCount
+	jr .FadeScreens
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld de, .Enemy
+	call .asm_3cb6f
+	ld hl, EnemyScreens
+	ld de, EnemyLightScreenCount
+	call nz, FadeLightScreen
+	call nz, FadeReflect
+	ret
+	ld hl, StringBuffer1
+	jp CopyName2
+; 3cb75
+	db "Your@"
+	db "Enemy@"
+; 3cb80
+FadeLightScreen: ; 3cb80
+	ld a, [de]
+	dec a
+	ld [de], a
+	ret nz
+	push hl
+	push de
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x808e7
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3cb91
+FadeReflect: ; 3cb91
+	inc de
+	ld a, [de]
+	dec a
+	ld [de], a
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80905
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3cb9e
+HandleWeather: ; 3cb9e
+	ld a, [Weather]
+	cp 0
+	ret z
+	ld hl, WeatherCount
+	dec [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3cc13
+	ld hl, .WeatherMessages
+	call .asm_3cc1e
+	ld a, [Weather]
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp 1
+	jr z, .asm_3cbc7
+; Player first
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call .asm_3cbd0
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jr .asm_3cbd0
+; Enemy first
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call .asm_3cbd0
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call GetBattleVar
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, BattleMonType1
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3cbe3
+	ld hl, EnemyMonType1
+	ld a, [hli]
+	cp ROCK
+	ret z
+	ret z
+	cp STEEL
+	ret z
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp ROCK
+	ret z
+	ret z
+	cp STEEL
+	ret z
+	call Function3c8e4
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld de, $010b
+	call Function3ee17
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call GetEighthMaxHP
+	call Function3cc3f
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x8084d
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+	ld hl, .WeatherEndedMessages
+	call .asm_3cc1e
+	xor a
+	ld [Weather], a
+	ret
+	ld a, [Weather]
+	dec a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3cc2d
+	dw BattleText_0x8091f
+	dw BattleText_0x80938
+	dw BattleText_0x80951
+	dw BattleText_0x80967
+	dw BattleText_0x8097a
+	dw BattleText_0x8098f
+; 3cc39
+Function3cc39: ; 3cc39
+	call Function3cc45
+	jp Function3cd3c
+; 3cc3f
+Function3cc3f: ; 3cc3f
+	call Function3cc45
+	jp Function3cd36
+; 3cc45
+Function3cc45: ; 3cc45
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3cc50
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	inc hl
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d1ec], a
+	sub c
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld [$d1ee], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d1ed], a
+	sbc b
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [$d1ef], a
+	ret nc
+	ld a, [$d1ec]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [$d1ed]
+	ld b, a
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [$d1ee], a
+	ld [$d1ef], a
+	ret
+; 3cc76
+Function3cc76: ; 3cc76
+	call GetQuarterMaxHP
+	srl c
+	srl c
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3cc82
+	inc c
+	ret
+; 3cc83
+GetEighthMaxHP: ; 3cc83
+; output: bc
+	call GetQuarterMaxHP
+; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp
+; halve result
+	srl c
+; round up
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	jr nz, .end
+	inc c
+	ret
+; 3cc8e
+GetQuarterMaxHP: ; 3cc8e
+; output: bc
+	call GetMaxHP
+; quarter result
+	srl b
+	rr c
+	srl b
+	rr c
+; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp
+; round up
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	jr nz, .end
+	inc c
+	ret
+; 3cc9f
+GetHalfMaxHP: ; 3cc9f
+; output: bc
+	call GetMaxHP
+; halve reslut
+	srl b
+	rr c
+; floor = 1
+	ld a, c
+	or b
+	jr nz, .end
+	inc c
+	ret
+; 3ccac
+GetMaxHP: ; 3ccac
+; output: bc, Buffer1-2
+; player
+	ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP
+; whose turn?
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .gethp
+; enemy
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [Buffer2], a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [Buffer1], a
+	ld c, a
+	ret
+; 3ccc2
+Function3ccc2: ; 3ccc2
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3cccd
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld c, a
+	srl b
+	rr c
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [Buffer2], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [Buffer1], a
+	ret
+; 3ccde
+Function3ccde: ; 3ccde
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP + 1
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3cce9
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHP + 1
+	ld a, c
+	sub [hl]
+	dec hl
+	ld a, b
+	sbc [hl]
+	ret
+; 3ccef
+Function3ccef: ; 3ccef
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3ccfa
+	ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [Buffer2], a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld [Buffer1], a
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d1ec], a
+	add c
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld [$d1ee], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d1ed], a
+	adc b
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [$d1ef], a
+	ld a, [Buffer1]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sub c
+	ld a, [Buffer2]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc b
+	jr c, .asm_3cd2d
+	ld a, b
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [$d1ef], a
+	ld a, c
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [$d1ee], a
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call Function3cd36
+	jp Function3c8e4
+; 3cd36
+Function3cd36: ; 3cd36
+	call Function3cd3c
+	jp UpdateBattleHuds
+; 3cd3c
+Function3cd3c: ; 3cd3c
+	ld hl, $c55e
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	ld a, $1
+	jr z, .asm_3cd4a
+	ld hl, $c4ca
+	xor a
+	push bc
+	ld [$d10a], a
+	ld a, $b
+	call Predef
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3cd55
+Function3cd55: ; 3cd55
+	call Function3cf14
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	call z, Function3cef1
+	xor a
+	ld [$c6f7], a
+	call Function3ce01
+	call Function3d873
+	ld a, d
+	and a
+	jp z, LostBattle
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	call nz, Function3df48
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld c, $3c
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3cd8c
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ret
+	call Function3cf35
+	jp z, Function3cfa4
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3cdba
+	call Function3d1f8
+	jr nc, .asm_3cda4
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ret
+	call Function3d227
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jp c, Function3c0e5
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	call Function3cf4a
+	jp z, Function3c0e5
+	jr asm_3cdca
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	call Function3cf4a
+	jp z, Function3c0e5
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ret
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3cde6
+	call ClearSprites
+	ld hl, $c4a1
+	ld bc, $040a
+	call ClearBox
+	call Function3d2b3
+	ld a, $1
+	call asm_3cf78
+	jr .asm_3cdfc
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	push af
+	ld a, $1
+	call asm_3cf78
+	call ClearSprites
+	call Function309d
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	call Function3d2b3
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ret
+; 3ce01
+Function3ce01: ; 3ce01
+	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3ce16
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
+	res 2, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ld hl, EnemyDamageTaken
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	call Function3d834
+	call Function3dc18
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3ce2f
+	jr .asm_3ce37
+	call Function3ceec
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c6fd], a
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3ce47
+	ld a, [$c6f7]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3ce47
+	call Function3d1aa
+	call Function3d873
+	ld a, d
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	call z, Function3d0ea
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	call Function3ceaa
+	jr z, .asm_3ce72
+	ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats
+	ld b, $7
+	srl [hl]
+	inc hl
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ce6c
+	ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats
+	ld de, $c720
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call CopyBytes
+	xor a
+	ld [$c71f], a
+	call Function3ee3b
+	call Function3ceaa
+	ret z
+	ld a, [$c664]
+	push af
+	ld a, d
+	ld [$c664], a
+	ld hl, $c720
+	ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c71f], a
+	call Function3ee3b
+	pop af
+	ld [$c664], a
+	ret
+; 3ceaa
+Function3ceaa: ; 3ceaa
+	ld a, [PartyCount]
+	ld b, a
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Species
+	ld c, $1
+	ld d, $0
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	ld bc, $0022
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	jr z, .asm_3ced1
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	ld bc, $0001
+	add hl, bc
+	pop bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	pop hl
+	cp $39
+	jr nz, .asm_3ced1
+	ld a, d
+	or c
+	ld d, a
+	sla c
+	push de
+	ld de, $0030
+	add hl, de
+	pop de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ceb5
+	ld a, d
+	ld e, $0
+	ld b, $6
+	srl a
+	jr nc, .asm_3cee6
+	inc e
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3cee1
+	ld a, e
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3ceec
+Function3ceec: ; 3ceec
+	xor a
+	ld [Danger], a
+	ret
+; 3cef1
+Function3cef1: ; 3cef1
+	call Function3ceec
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld a, $f0
+	ld [CryTracks], a
+	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
+	call Function37b6
+	call Function3d43b
+	ld hl, $c535
+	ld bc, $050b
+	call ClearBox
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80a75
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3cf14
+Function3cf14: ; 3cf14
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld de, SFX_KINESIS
+	call PlaySFX
+	call Function3d432
+	ld de, SFX_UNKNOWN_2A
+	call PlaySFX
+	hlcoord 1, 0
+	ld bc, $040a
+	call ClearBox
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x809a8
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3cf35
+Function3cf35: ; 3cf35
+	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
+	ld b, a
+	xor a
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
+	ld de, $0030
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	dec hl
+	add hl, de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3cf40
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3cf4a
+Function3cf4a: ; 3cf4a
+	ld hl, EnemyHPPal
+	ld e, $30
+	call Function3e12e
+	call WaitBGMap
+	callba Function2c012
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3cf6d
+	call Function3e8e4
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	cp $f
+	ret z
+	call Function30b4
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	ld a, $0
+	jr nz, asm_3cf78
+	inc a
+	ret
+	push af
+	xor a
+	ld [$c718], a
+	call Function3d834
+	call Function3d867
+	call Function3dc18
+	pop af
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3cf8f
+	call Function3d4e1
+	jr .asm_3cf92
+	call asm_3d517
+	call Function3d57a
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3dc23
+	xor a
+	ld [EnemyMoveAnimation], a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	inc a
+	ret
+; 3cfa4
+Function3cfa4: ; 3cfa4
+	call Function3ceec
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c6fd], a
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	ld a, b
+	call z, Function3d0ea
+	callab Function39939
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x809da
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr z, .asm_3cff5
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d006
+	call Function3ebd8
+	ld c, $28
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $1
+	jr nz, .asm_3cfe8
+	ld a, $2
+	call Predef
+	ld a, [$c2cc]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3cff2
+	call Function3718
+	jp Function3d02b
+	call Function3ebd8
+	ld c, $28
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld c, $4
+	callba Function4ea0a
+	ret
+	call Function3ebd8
+	ld c, $28
+	call DelayFrames
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	ld c, $3
+	callba Function11c000
+	call Functiona80
+	ld hl, $c6ec
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	ret nz
+	call ClearTileMap
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	ret
+; 3d02b
+Function3d02b: ; 3d02b
+	ld a, [$c73d]
+	and a
+	call nz, Function3d099
+	call Function3d0b1
+	push af
+	ld a, $0
+	jr nc, .asm_3d044
+	ld a, [$d854]
+	and $7
+	cp $3
+	jr nz, .asm_3d044
+	inc a
+	ld b, a
+	ld c, $4
+	ld a, b
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d052
+	call Function3d081
+	dec c
+	dec b
+	jr .asm_3d047
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d05c
+	call Function3d08d
+	dec c
+	jr .asm_3d052
+	call Function3d099
+	call Function3d099
+	pop af
+	jr nc, .asm_3d07b
+	ld a, [$d854]
+	and $7
+	jr z, .asm_3d07b
+	ld hl, SentToMomTexts
+	dec a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x809be
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3d081
+Function3d081: ; 3d081
+	push bc
+	ld hl, $c688
+	ld de, $d853
+	call Function3d0be
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3d08d
+Function3d08d: ; 3d08d
+	push bc
+	ld hl, $c688
+	ld de, $d850
+	call Function3d0be
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3d099
+Function3d099: ; 3d099
+	ld hl, $c688
+	sla [hl]
+	dec hl
+	rl [hl]
+	dec hl
+	rl [hl]
+	ret nc
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ret
+; 3d0ab
+SentToMomTexts: ; 3d0ab
+	dw BattleText_0x809fc
+	dw BattleText_0x80a2a
+	dw BattleText_0x80a3d
+; 3d0b1
+Function3d0b1: ; 3d0b1
+	ld hl, $d853
+	ld a, [hld]
+	cp $3f
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sbc $42
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc $f
+	ret
+; 3d0be
+Function3d0be: ; 3d0be
+	ld c, $3
+	and a
+	push de
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	callba Function106008
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	ld a, [de]
+	adc [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	dec de
+	dec hl
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3d0ce
+	pop hl
+	ld a, [hld]
+	cp $3f
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sbc $42
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc $f
+	ret c
+	ld [hl], $f
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], $42
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], $3f
+	ret
+; 3d0ea
+Function3d0ea: ; 3d0ea
+	push de
+	ld de, MUSIC_NONE
+	call PlayMusic
+	call DelayFrame
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d113
+	push de
+	call Function3ceaa
+	pop de
+	jr nz, .asm_3d11e
+	ld hl, $c6ec
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d11e
+	ld a, [$c664]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d121
+	jr .asm_3d11e
+	call IsJohtoGymLeader
+	jr c, .asm_3d11e
+	call PlayMusic
+	pop de
+	ret
+; 3d123
+; These functions check if the current opponent is a gym leader or one of a
+; few other special trainers.
+; Note: KantoGymLeaders is a subset of JohtoGymLeaders. If you wish to
+; differentiate between the two, call IsKantoGymLeader first.
+; The Lance and Red entries are unused for music checks; those trainers are
+; accounted for elsewhere.
+IsKantoGymLeader: ; 0x3d123
+	ld hl, KantoGymLeaders
+	jr IsGymLeaderCommon
+IsJohtoGymLeader: ; 0x3d128
+	ld hl, JohtoGymLeaders
+	push de
+	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
+	ld de, $0001
+	call IsInArray
+	pop de
+	ret
+; 0x3d137
+	db BUGSY
+	db MORTY
+	db PRYCE
+	db CHUCK
+	db CLAIR
+	db WILL
+	db BRUNO
+	db KAREN
+	db KOGA
+; fallthrough
+; these two entries are unused
+	db RED
+; fallthrough
+	db BROCK
+	db MISTY
+	db ERIKA
+	db BLUE
+	db $ff
+Function3d14e: ; 3d14e
+	call Function3cef1
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	call z, Function3cf14
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c6f7], a
+	call Function3d1aa
+	call Function3d873
+	ld a, d
+	and a
+	jp z, LostBattle
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d185
+	call Function3ce01
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d17f
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ret
+	call Function3cf35
+	jp z, Function3cfa4
+	call Function3d1f8
+	jr nc, .asm_3d190
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ret
+	call Function3d227
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jp c, Function3c0e5
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	call Function3cf4a
+	jp z, Function3c0e5
+	jp asm_3cdca
+; 3d1aa
+Function3d1aa: ; 3d1aa
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld c, a
+	ld hl, $c664
+	ld b, $0
+	ld a, $3
+	call Predef
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus3
+	res 2, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ld [Danger], a
+	ld hl, PlayerDamageTaken
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [BattleMonStatus], a
+	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
+	ld c, $6
+	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
+	add $1e
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
+	cp b
+	jr c, .asm_3d1dc
+	ld c, $8
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	callab ChangeHappiness
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	add $1
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	ld a, [$c6f7]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ret
+; 3d1f8
+Function3d1f8: ; 3d1f8
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	and a
+	dec a
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80a83
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	lb bc, 1, 7
+	call PlaceYesNoBox
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	jr c, .asm_3d217
+	and a
+	ret
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3d20a
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Spd
+	ld de, EnemyMonSpd
+	jp Function3d8b3
+; 3d227
+Function3d227: ; 3d227
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function1d6e
+	call Function3d2f7
+	call Function3d362
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d241
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	call Function3e8e4
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr c, .asm_3d251
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d26c
+	call ClearSprites
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	call Function3eda6
+	call Function1c07
+	call Function309d
+	call WaitBGMap
+	call ClearSGB
+	call Function32f9
+	xor a
+	ld c, a
+	ret
+	call ClearSprites
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [$c71a], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	call Function3d581
+	call Function3da0d
+	call Function3dab1
+	call ClearPalettes
+	call DelayFrame
+	call Function3eda6
+	call Function1c17
+	call ClearSGB
+	call Function32f9
+	call Function3f26d
+	call Function3dbde
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3db5f
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3dc23
+	ld a, $1
+	and a
+	ld c, a
+	ret
+; 3d2b3
+Function3d2b3: ; 3d2b3
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [$c71a], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	call Function3d581
+	call Function3da0d
+	call Function3dab1
+	call Function3f26d
+	call Function3dbde
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3db5f
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	jp Function3dc23
+; 3d2e0
+Function3d2e0: ; 3d2e0
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	cp $4
+	jr nz, .asm_3d2ef
+	ld a, [$cd2b]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d2ef
+	scf
+	ret
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3d2f1
+Function3d2f1: ; 3d2f1
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	cp $4
+	ret
+; 3d2f7
+Function3d2f7: ; 3d2f7
+	call WhiteBGMap
+Function3d2fa: ; 3d2fa
+	callba Function5004f
+	callba Function50405
+	callba Function8e85
+	callba Function503e0
+	ret
+; 3d313
+Function3d313: ; 3d313
+	callba WritePartyMenuTilemap
+	callba PrintPartyMenuText
+	call WaitBGMap
+	call Function32f9
+	call DelayFrame
+	ret
+; 3d329
+Function3d329: ; 3d329
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr z, .asm_3d335
+	callba PartyMenuSelect
+	ret
+	callba Function100cb5
+	ret
+; 3d33c
+Function3d33c: ; 3d33c
+	ld a, $2
+	ld [PartyMenuActionText], a
+	call Function3d313
+	call Function3d329
+	ret c
+	call Function3d887
+	jr z, .asm_3d33c
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3d34f
+Function3d34f: ; 3d34f
+	ld hl, CurBattleMon
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	cp [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d360
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c0d
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	scf
+	ret
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3d362
+Function3d362: ; 3d362
+	call Function3d33c
+	ret nc
+	call Function3d2e0
+	ret c
+	ld de, SFX_WRONG
+	call PlaySFX
+	call WaitSFX
+	jr .asm_3d362
+; 3d375
+Function3d375: ; 3d375
+	call Function3d33c
+	ret c
+	call Function3d34f
+	jr c, .asm_3d375
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3d380
+Function3d380: ; 3d380
+	call Function3d362
+	call Function3d2e0
+	ret c
+	call Function3d34f
+	jr c, .asm_3d380
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3d38e
+LostBattle: ; 3d38e
+	ld a, 1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d3bd
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d3e3
+; Remove the enemy from the screen.
+	hlcoord 0, 0
+	ld bc, $0815
+	call ClearBox
+	call Function3ebd8
+	ld c, 40
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld a, [$c2cc]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d3bc
+	call Function3718
+	ret
+; Remove the enemy from the screen.
+	hlcoord 0, 0
+	ld bc, $0815
+	call ClearBox
+	call Function3ebd8
+	ld c, 40
+	call DelayFrames
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	ld c, 2
+	callba Function11c000
+	call Functiona80
+	call ClearTileMap
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	ret
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .LostLinkBattle
+; Greyscale
+	ld b, 0
+	call GetSGBLayout
+	call Function32f9
+	jr .end
+	call UpdateEnemyMonInParty
+	call Function3cf35
+	jr nz, .asm_3d40a
+	ld hl, TiedAgainstText
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	add 2
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	jr .asm_3d412
+	ld hl, LostAgainstText
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr z, .asm_3d417
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	scf
+	ret
+; Remove the enemy from the screen.
+	hlcoord 0, 0
+	ld bc, $0815
+	call ClearBox
+	call Function3ebd8
+	ld c, 40
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld c, $3
+	callba Function4ea0a
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3d432
+Function3d432: ; 3d432
+	ld hl, $c510
+	ld de, $c524
+	jp Function3d444
+; 3d43b
+Function3d43b: ; 3d43b
+	ld hl, $c569
+	ld de, $c57d
+	jp Function3d444
+; 3d444
+Function3d444: ; 3d444
+	ld a, [$cfbe]
+	push af
+	set 6, a
+	ld [$cfbe], a
+	ld b, $7
+	push bc
+	push de
+	push hl
+	ld b, $6
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	push de
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call CopyBytes
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ld bc, -20
+	add hl, bc
+	push hl
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	add hl, bc
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3d454
+	ld bc, 20
+	add hl, bc
+	ld de, .Spaces
+	call PlaceString
+	ld c, 2
+	call DelayFrames
+	pop hl
+	pop de
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3d44f
+	pop af
+	ld [$cfbe], a
+	ret
+; 3d488
+	db "       @"
+; 3d490
+Function3d490: ; 3d490
+	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
+	ld c, a
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	ld b, $7
+	push hl
+	call Function3d4ae
+	pop hl
+	ld de, 20
+	add hl, de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3d497
+	ld c, 2
+	call DelayFrames
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3d493
+	ret
+; 3d4ae
+Function3d4ae: ; 3d4ae
+	ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
+	ld c, a
+	cp $8
+	jr nz, .asm_3d4bc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [hld], a
+	dec hl
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3d4b5
+	ret
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld [hli], a
+	inc hl
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3d4bc
+	ret
+; 3d4c3
+Function3d4c3: ; 3d4c3
+	call Function3d557
+	ld a, [$c718]
+	dec a
+	ld b, a
+	call Function3d6ca
+	call Function3d7a0
+	call Function3d834
+	call Function3d867
+	call Function3d7c7
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3d57a
+	ret
+; 3d4e1
+Function3d4e1: ; 3d4e1
+	call Function3d714
+	jr nc, asm_3d517
+	call Function3d557
+	call Function3d533
+	jr c, .asm_3d4f1
+	call Function3d599
+	call Function3d6ca
+	call Function3d74b
+	push af
+	call Function3d7a0
+	call Function3d7b8
+	call Function3d7c7
+	pop af
+	ret c
+	xor a
+	ld [$c664], a
+	ld [$c6fc], a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	inc a
+	ld [$c711], a
+	call Function309d
+	jp Function3e3ad
+	call Function3d557
+	call Function3d533
+	jr c, .asm_3d522
+	call Function3d599
+	call Function3d6ca
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c711], a
+	call Function3d7a0
+	call Function3d7b8
+	jp Function3d7c7
+; 3d533
+Function3d533: ; 3d533
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d541
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	sub $4
+	ld b, a
+	jr .asm_3d555
+	ld a, [$c718]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d54b
+	dec a
+	ld b, a
+	jr .asm_3d555
+	ld a, [$d264]
+	and a
+	ld b, $0
+	jr nz, .asm_3d555
+	and a
+	ret
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3d557
+Function3d557: ; 3d557
+	xor a
+	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastEnemyMove], a
+	ld [CurEnemyMove], a
+	dec a
+	ld [$c6e6], a
+	xor a
+	ld [$c730], a
+	ld hl, $c4b2
+	ld a, $8
+	call Function3d490
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	jp Function1d6e
+; 3d57a
+Function3d57a: ; 3d57a
+	xor a
+	ld [$c664], a
+	ld [$c6fc], a
+Function3d581: ; 3d581
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld c, a
+	ld hl, $c664
+	ld b, $1
+	push bc
+	ld a, $3
+	call Predef
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, $c6fc
+	ld a, $3
+	jp Predef
+; 3d599
+Function3d599: ; 3d599
+	ld b, $ff
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [Buffer1], a
+	ld [Buffer2], a
+	ld hl, Buffer1
+	sla [hl]
+	inc hl
+	sla [hl]
+	inc b
+	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
+	cp b
+	jp z, Function3d672
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	cp b
+	jr z, .asm_3d5d0
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
+	push bc
+	ld a, b
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	or c
+	pop bc
+	jr z, .asm_3d5d0
+	call Function3d5d7
+	call Function3d618
+	jr .asm_3d5a3
+	ld hl, Buffer2
+	set 0, [hl]
+	jr .asm_3d5a3
+; 3d5d7
+Function3d5d7: ; 3d5d7
+	push bc
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Move1
+	ld a, b
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	pop bc
+	ld e, $5
+	dec e
+	jr z, .asm_3d617
+	ld a, [hli]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d617
+	push hl
+	push de
+	push bc
+	dec a
+	ld hl, $5afb
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call AddNTimes
+	ld de, EnemyMoveAnimation
+	ld a, $10
+	call FarCopyBytes
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	callab Function0x347c8
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ld a, [$d265]
+	cp $b
+	jr c, .asm_3d5e2
+	ld hl, Buffer1
+	set 0, [hl]
+	ret
+	ret
+; 3d618
+Function3d618: ; 3d618
+	push bc
+	ld hl, OTPartyCount
+	ld a, b
+	inc a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	dec a
+	ld hl, $542b
+	ld bc, $0020
+	call AddNTimes
+	ld de, EnemyMonType1
+	ld bc, $0002
+	ld a, $14
+	call FarCopyBytes
+	ld a, [BattleMonType1]
+	ld [PlayerMoveType], a
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	callab Function0x347c8
+	ld a, [$d265]
+	cp $b
+	jr nc, .asm_3d663
+	ld a, [BattleMonType2]
+	ld [PlayerMoveType], a
+	callab Function0x347c8
+	ld a, [$d265]
+	cp $b
+	jr nc, .asm_3d663
+	pop bc
+	ret
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, Buffer1
+	bit 0, [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d66f
+	inc hl
+	set 0, [hl]
+	ret
+	res 0, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3d672
+Function3d672: ; 3d672
+	ld hl, Buffer1
+	sla [hl]
+	inc hl
+	sla [hl]
+	jr nc, .asm_3d672
+	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
+	ld b, a
+	ld c, [hl]
+	sla c
+	jr nc, .asm_3d68a
+	dec b
+	jr z, .asm_3d6a7
+	jr .asm_3d681
+	ld a, [Buffer1]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d69a
+	ld b, $ff
+	ld c, a
+	inc b
+	sla c
+	jr nc, .asm_3d693
+	jr .asm_3d6c9
+	ld b, $ff
+	ld a, [Buffer2]
+	ld c, a
+	inc b
+	sla c
+	jr c, .asm_3d6a0
+	jr .asm_3d6c9
+	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
+	ld b, a
+	call BattleRandom
+	and $7
+	cp b
+	jr nc, .asm_3d6a7
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	cp b
+	jr z, .asm_3d6a7
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
+	push bc
+	ld a, b
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	pop bc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	or c
+	jr z, .asm_3d6a7
+	ret
+; 3d6ca
+Function3d6ca: ; 3d6ca
+	ld a, b
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Level
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	inc a
+	ld hl, OTPartyCount
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	call LoadEnemyMon
+	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
+	cp $c9
+	jr nz, .asm_3d708
+	ld a, [$def4]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d708
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, $2d
+	call Predef
+	ld a, [UnownLetter]
+	ld [$def4], a
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [$c6ea], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$c6eb], a
+	ret
+; 3d714
+Function3d714: ; 3d714
+	ld a, [$d264]
+	dec a
+	jp z, .asm_3d749
+	ld a, [PartyCount]
+	dec a
+	jp z, .asm_3d749
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jp nz, .asm_3d749
+	ld a, [Options]
+	bit 6, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d749
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	push af
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	callba Functione538
+	pop bc
+	ld a, b
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	jr c, .asm_3d749
+	scf
+	ret
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3d74b
+Function3d74b: ; 3d74b
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	push af
+	callab Function39939
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80aca
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	lb bc, 1, 7
+	call PlaceYesNoBox
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d79a
+	call Function3d2f7
+	call Function3d375
+	jr c, .asm_3d791
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [$c71a], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	call ClearPalettes
+	call DelayFrame
+	call Function3eda6
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	xor a
+	ld [CurEnemyMove], a
+	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
+	and a
+	ret
+	call ClearPalettes
+	call DelayFrame
+	call Function3eda6
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3d7a0
+Function3d7a0: ; 3d7a0
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call Function1c07
+	call ClearSprites
+	ld hl, $c4a1
+	ld bc, $040a
+	call ClearBox
+	call WaitBGMap
+	jp Function3ee27
+; 3d7b8
+Function3d7b8: ; 3d7b8
+	callab Function39939
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80af8
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	jp WaitBGMap
+; 3d7c7
+Function3d7c7: ; 3d7c7
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [MonType], a
+	ld a, $1f
+	call Predef
+	call Function3f47c
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld [$c689], a
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld de, $0101
+	call Function3ee17
+	call Function3da79
+	jr nc, .asm_3d800
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c689], a
+	ld de, $0101
+	call Function3ee17
+	ld bc, TempMonSpecies
+	callba Function4e53f
+	jr c, .asm_3d82c
+	callba CheckBattleScene
+	jr c, .asm_3d821
+	ld hl, $c4ac
+	ld d, $0
+	ld e, $0
+	ld a, $47
+	call Predef
+	jr .asm_3d82c
+	ld a, $f
+	ld [CryTracks], a
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	call Function37b6
+	call Function3e036
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ret
+; 3d834
+Function3d834: ; 3d834
+	xor a
+	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastEnemyMove], a
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus1
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [EnemyDisableCount], a
+	ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld [$c681], a
+	ld [$c72c], a
+	ld [EnemyDisabledMove], a
+	ld [$c6fa], a
+	ld [$c730], a
+	ld [$c731], a
+	ld [EnemyTurnsTaken], a
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
+	res 7, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3d867
+Function3d867: ; 3d867
+	ld a, $7
+	ld b, $8
+	ld hl, EnemyAtkLevel
+	ld [hli], a
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3d86e
+	ret
+; 3d873
+Function3d873: ; 3d873
+	ld a, [PartyCount]
+	ld e, a
+	xor a
+	ld hl, PartyMon1CurHP
+	ld bc, $002f
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	add hl, bc
+	dec e
+	jr nz, .asm_3d87e
+	ld d, a
+	ret
+; 3d887
+Function3d887: ; 3d887
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld hl, PartyMon1CurHP
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [$d264]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d8b1
+	ld hl, PartySpecies
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp EGG
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b26
+	jr z, .asm_3d8ae
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b0b
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3d8b3
+Function3d8b3: ; 3d8b3
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $2
+	jp z, .asm_3d9a2
+	cp $6
+	jp z, .asm_3d9a2
+	cp $9
+	jp z, .asm_3d98d
+	cp $b
+	jp z, .asm_3d98d
+	cp $7
+	jp z, .asm_3d98d
+	cp $c
+	jp z, .asm_3d98d
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jp nz, .asm_3d9a2
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jp nz, .asm_3d992
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 7, a
+	jp nz, .asm_3d98d
+	ld a, [$c730]
+	and a
+	jp nz, .asm_3d98d
+	push hl
+	push de
+	ld a, [BattleMonItem]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	ld b, a
+	callab GetItem
+	ld a, b
+	cp $48
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	jr nz, .asm_3d916
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call GetItemName
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b89
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	jp .asm_3d9a2
+	ld a, [$d267]
+	inc a
+	ld [$d267], a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, [de]
+	inc de
+	ld [$ffb1], a
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld [$ffb2], a
+	call Function30b4
+	ld de, $ffb5
+	ld hl, $ffb1
+	ld c, $2
+	call StringCmp
+	jr nc, .asm_3d9a2
+	xor a
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld a, $20
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld [hProduct], a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld a, [$ffb1]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb2]
+	srl b
+	rr a
+	srl b
+	rr a
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3d9a2
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld b, $2
+	call Divide
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d9a2
+	ld a, [$d267]
+	ld c, a
+	dec c
+	jr z, .asm_3d97a
+	ld b, $1e
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	add b
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	jr c, .asm_3d9a2
+	jr .asm_3d96c
+	call BattleRandom
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	cp b
+	jr nc, .asm_3d9a2
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b3b
+	jr .asm_3d995
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80ba0
+	jr .asm_3d995
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b49
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d266], a
+	call Function309d
+	and a
+	ret
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	ld a, $2
+	jr z, .asm_3d9cf
+	call Function309d
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	ld a, $f
+	ld [CurMoveNum], a
+	xor a
+	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
+	call Function3e8e4
+	call Function30b4
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr c, .asm_3d9f5
+; Got away safely
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	cp $f
+	ld a, $2
+	jr z, .asm_3d9cf
+	dec a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	add b
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	call Function3ceec
+	push de
+	ld de, SFX_RUN
+	call WaitPlaySFX
+	pop de
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b77
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call WaitSFX
+	call Function309d
+	scf
+	ret
+	call Function3ceec
+	ld hl, $cd2a
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3da05
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x81863
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call WaitSFX
+	call Function309d
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3da0d
+Function3da0d: ; 3da0d
+	ld a, $0
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld de, BattleMonSpecies
+	ld bc, $0006
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld bc, $000f
+	add hl, bc
+	ld de, BattleMonAtkDefDV
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call CopyBytes
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	ld de, BattleMonLevel
+	ld bc, $0011
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
+	ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld a, [BaseType1]
+	ld [BattleMonType1], a
+	ld a, [BaseType2]
+	ld [BattleMonType2], a
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Nickname
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	call SkipNames
+	ld de, BattleMonNick
+	ld bc, $000b
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, BattleMonAtk
+	ld de, PlayerStats
+	ld bc, $000a
+	call CopyBytes
+	call Function3ec2c
+	call BadgeStatBoosts
+	ret
+; 3da74
+Function3da74: ; 3da74
+	call Function3da85
+	jr asm_3da7c
+Function3da79: ; 3da79
+	call Function3da97
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	callab CheckShininess
+	ret
+; 3da85
+Function3da85: ; 3da85
+	ld hl, BattleMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, PartyMon1DVs
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	jp GetPartyLocation
+; 3da97
+Function3da97: ; 3da97
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $c6f2
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1AtkDefDV
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	jp GetPartyLocation
+; 3dab1
+Function3dab1: ; 3dab1
+	ld a, $7
+	ld b, $8
+	ld hl, PlayerAtkLevel
+	ld [hli], a
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3dab8
+	ret
+; 3dabd
+Function3dabd: ; 3dabd
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Species
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld de, EnemyMonSpecies
+	ld bc, $0006
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld bc, $000f
+	add hl, bc
+	ld de, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call CopyBytes
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	ld de, EnemyMonLevel
+	ld bc, $0011
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Nickname
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	call SkipNames
+	ld de, EnemyMonNick
+	ld bc, $000b
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtk
+	ld de, EnemyStats
+	ld bc, $000a
+	call CopyBytes
+	call Function3ec30
+	ld hl, BaseType1
+	ld de, EnemyMonType1
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	ld hl, BaseHP
+	ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats
+	ld b, $5
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3db25
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurOTMon], a
+	ret
+; 3db32
+Function3db32: ; 3db32
+	call ClearSprites
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [$c71a], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	call Function3d581
+	call Function3da0d
+	call Function3dab1
+	call Function3dbde
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3db5f
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	ret
+; 3db5f
+Function3db5f: ; 3db5f
+	ld hl, BattleMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, $2d
+	call Predef
+	ld hl, $c505
+	ld b, $7
+	ld c, $8
+	call ClearBox
+	call WaitBGMap
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call Function3f43d
+	xor a
+	ld [$ffad], a
+	ld [$d0d2], a
+	ld [CurMoveNum], a
+	ld [TypeModifier], a
+	ld [PlayerMoveAnimation], a
+	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastPlayerMove], a
+	call Function3e4a8
+	call Function3ee27
+	xor a
+	ld [$c731], a
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld [$c689], a
+	ld de, $0101
+	call Function3ee17
+	call Function3da74
+	jr nc, .asm_3dbbc
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c689], a
+	ld de, $0101
+	call Function3ee17
+	ld a, $0
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	callba Function4e53f
+	jr c, .asm_3dbd6
+	ld a, $f0
+	ld [CryTracks], a
+	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
+	call Function37b6
+	call Function3df48
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ret
+; 3dbde
+Function3dbde: ; 3dbde
+	xor a
+	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
+	ld [LastPlayerMove], a
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, PlayerUsedMoves
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld [PlayerDisableCount], a
+	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld [$c679], a
+	ld [$c72b], a
+	ld [DisabledMove], a
+	ld [$c6fe], a
+	ld [$c731], a
+	ld [$c730], a
+	ld [PlayerTurnsTaken], a
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
+	res 7, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3dc18
+Function3dc18: ; 3dc18
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
+	res 7, [hl]
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus1
+	res 7, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3dc23
+Function3dc23: ; 3dc23
+	ld hl, PlayerScreens
+	ld de, BattleMonType1
+	ld bc, Function3df48
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3dc3a
+	ld hl, EnemyScreens
+	ld de, EnemyMonType1
+	ld bc, Function3e036
+	bit 0, [hl]
+	ret z
+	ld a, [de]
+	cp $2
+	ret z
+	inc de
+	ld a, [de]
+	cp $2
+	ret z
+	push bc
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80bae
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call GetEighthMaxHP
+	call Function3cc39
+	pop hl
+	call Function3dc5a
+	jp WaitBGMap
+; 3dc5a
+Function3dc5a: ; 3dc5a
+	jp [hl]
+; 3dc5b
+Function3dc5b: ; 3dc5b
+	ld a, $10
+	call GetBattleVar
+	ld b, a
+	call Function3c5ec
+	ld a, b
+	cp $80
+	jr nz, .asm_3dce4
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	push af
+	ld hl, DoPlayerTurn
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3dc7e
+	ld hl, DoEnemyTurn
+	ld a, [$c71a]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	ld a, BANK(DoPlayerTurn)
+	rst FarCall
+	ld a, $10
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [hl], a
+	pop af
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3dcc0
+	ld a, [$c71a]
+	call Function399f
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3dce4
+	ld a, $f0
+	ld [CryTracks], a
+	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
+	call Function37b6
+	ld a, [$c71a]
+	ld c, a
+	ld hl, $c664
+	ld b, $0
+	ld a, $3
+	call Predef
+	call Function3d43b
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80a75
+	jr .asm_3dcdf
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3dce4
+	ld de, SFX_KINESIS
+	call PlaySFX
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld de, SFX_UNKNOWN_2A
+	call PlaySFX
+	call WaitSFX
+	call Function3d432
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x809a8
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	scf
+	ret
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3dce6
+Function3dce6: ; 3dce6
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	push af
+	xor a
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld de, $0102
+	call Function3ee17
+	pop af
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ret
+; 3dcf9
+Function3dcf9: ; 3dcf9
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3dd17
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3dd2f
+	call Function3dde9
+	call Function3de51
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3dd2f
+	call Function3dde9
+	jp Function3de51
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3dd2f
+	call Function3dde9
+	call Function3de51
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3dd2f
+	call Function3dde9
+	jp Function3de51
+; 3dd2f
+Function3dd2f: ; 3dd2f
+	callab GetOpponentItem
+	ld a, b
+	cp $1
+	ret nz
+	ld de, EnemyMonHPLo
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3dd4a
+	ld de, $c63d
+	ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP
+	push bc
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld [$d1ec], a
+	add a
+	ld c, a
+	dec de
+	ld a, [de]
+	inc de
+	ld [$d1ed], a
+	adc a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, b
+	cp [hl]
+	ld a, c
+	pop bc
+	jr z, .asm_3dd62
+	jr c, .asm_3dd66
+	ret
+	inc hl
+	cp [hl]
+	dec hl
+	ret nc
+	call Function3ddc8
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [Buffer2], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [Buffer1], a
+	ld a, [de]
+	add c
+	ld [$d1ee], a
+	ld c, a
+	dec de
+	ld a, [de]
+	adc $0
+	ld [$d1ef], a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	cp c
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc b
+	jr nc, .asm_3dd8d
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [$d1ef], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d1ee], a
+	ld a, [$d1ef]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [$d1ee]
+	ld [de], a
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	ld [$d10a], a
+	and a
+	ld hl, $c4ca
+	jr z, .asm_3dda4
+	ld hl, $c55e
+	ld [$d10a], a
+	ld a, $b
+	call Predef
+	call RefreshBattleHuds
+	callab GetOpponentItem
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	call GetItemName
+	callab Function27192
+	ld hl, RecoveredUsingText
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3ddc8
+Function3ddc8: ; 3ddc8
+	push hl
+	push de
+	push bc
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	ld a, $69
+	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
+	call Function3c8e4
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld [FXAnimIDHi], a
+	ld a, $37
+	call Predef
+	call Function3c8e4
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3dde9
+Function3dde9: ; 3dde9
+	callab GetOpponentItem
+	ld hl, .Statuses
+	ld a, [hli]
+	cp $ff
+	ret z
+	inc hl
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ddf2
+	dec hl
+	ld b, [hl]
+	ld a, $b
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	and b
+	ret z
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	push bc
+	call UpdateOpponentInParty
+	pop bc
+	ld a, $9
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	and [hl]
+	res 0, [hl]
+	ld a, $5
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	and [hl]
+	res 0, [hl]
+	ld a, b
+	cp $7f
+	jr nz, .asm_3de26
+	ld a, $7
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	res 7, [hl]
+	ld hl, Function0x365fd
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3de31
+	ld hl, Function0x365d7
+	call Function3c8e4
+	ld a, BANK(Function0x365fd)
+	rst FarCall
+	call Function3c8e4
+	call Function3ddc8
+	call Function3ddac
+	ld a, $1
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3de44
+.Statuses ; 3de44
+	db HELD_HEAL_STATUS, 1 << PSN | 1 << FRZ | 1 << BRN | SLP | 1 << PAR
+	db $ff
+; 3de51
+Function3de51: ; 3de51
+	ld a, $7
+	call GetBattleVar
+	bit 7, a
+	ret z
+	callab GetOpponentItem
+	ld a, b
+	cp $10
+	jr z, .asm_3de67
+	cp $f
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	ld a, $7
+	call _GetBattleVar
+	res 7, [hl]
+	call GetItemName
+	call Function3ddc8
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80dab
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3de90
+	call Function3df1f
+	xor a
+	ld [bc], a
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	ret z
+	ld [hl], $0
+	ret
+	call Function3df12
+	xor a
+	ld [bc], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ret
+; 3de97
+Function3de97: ; 3de97
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3dea3
+	call Function3dea9
+	jp Function3deb1
+	call Function3deb1
+	jp Function3dea9
+; 3dea9
+Function3dea9: ; 3dea9
+	call Function3df12
+	ld a, $0
+	jp Function3deb6
+; 3deb1
+Function3deb1: ; 3deb1
+	call Function3df1f
+	ld a, $1
+Function3deb6: ; 3deb6
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	push de
+	push bc
+	ld a, [bc]
+	ld b, a
+	callab GetItem
+	ld hl, .data_3defc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	cp $ff
+	jr z, .asm_3def9
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3dec7
+	pop bc
+	ld a, [bc]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	push bc
+	dec hl
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, BANK(BattleCommand70)
+	rst FarCall
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	ld a, [FailedMessage]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	xor a
+	ld [bc], a
+	ld [de], a
+	call GetItemName
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80bde
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	callab BattleCommand8c
+	ret
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	ret
+; 3defc
+	dbw $1f, BattleCommand70
+	dbw $20, BattleCommand71
+	dbw $21, BattleCommand72
+	dbw $22, BattleCommand73
+	dbw $23, BattleCommand74
+	dbw $24, BattleCommand75
+	dbw $25, BattleCommand76
+	db $ff
+; 3df12
+Function3df12: ; 3df12
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Item
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld bc, BattleMonItem
+	ret
+; 3df1f
+Function3df1f: ; 3df1f
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld bc, EnemyMonItem
+	ret
+; 3df2c
+Function3df2c: ; 3df2c
+	push hl
+	push de
+	push bc
+	call DrawPlayerHUD
+	ld hl, PlayerHPPal
+	call SetHPPal
+	call CheckDanger
+	call Function3e043
+	ld hl, EnemyHPPal
+	call SetHPPal
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3df48
+Function3df48: ; 3df48
+	push hl
+	push de
+	push bc
+	call DrawPlayerHUD
+	call UpdatePlayerHPPal
+	call CheckDanger
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3df58
+DrawPlayerHUD: ; 3df58
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+; Clear the area
+	hlcoord 9, 7
+	ld bc, $050b
+	call ClearBox
+	callba DrawPlayerExpBar
+	hlcoord 18, 9
+	ld [hl], $73 ; vertical bar
+	call PrintPlayerHUD
+; HP bar
+	hlcoord 10, 9
+	xor a
+	ld [MonType], a
+	call Predef
+; Exp bar
+	push de
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Exp + 2
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	hlcoord 10, 11
+	ld a, [TempMonLevel]
+	ld b, a
+	call FillInExpBar
+	pop de
+	ret
+; 3df98
+UpdatePlayerHPPal: ; 3df98
+	ld hl, PlayerHPPal
+	jp Function3e12e
+; 3df9e
+CheckDanger: ; 3df9e
+	ld hl, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3dfb2
+	ld a, [$c6fd]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3dfbe
+	ld a, [PlayerHPPal]
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3dfb9
+	ld hl, Danger
+	res 7, [hl]
+	jr .asm_3dfbe
+	ld hl, Danger
+	set 7, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3dfbf
+PrintPlayerHUD: ; 3dfbf
+	ld de, BattleMonNick
+	hlcoord 10, 7
+	call Function3e138
+	call PlaceString
+	push bc
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld hl, PartyMon1DVs
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld de, TempMonDVs
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	ld hl, BattleMonLevel
+	ld de, TempMonLevel
+	ld bc, $0011
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Species
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	pop hl
+	dec hl
+	ld a, $3
+	ld [MonType], a
+	callab GetGender
+	ld a, $7f
+	jr c, .asm_3e013
+	ld a, $ef
+	jr nz, .asm_3e013
+	ld a, $f5
+	ld hl, $c551
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, $c54e
+	push af
+	push hl
+	ld de, BattleMonStatus
+	ld a, $21
+	call Predef
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	ret nz
+	ld a, b
+	cp $7f
+	jr nz, .asm_3e02d
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
+	ld [TempMonLevel], a
+	jp PrintLevel
+; 3e036
+Function3e036: ; 3e036
+	push hl
+	push de
+	push bc
+	call Function3e043
+	call Function3e127
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3e043
+Function3e043: ; 3e043
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld hl, $c4a1
+	ld bc, $040b
+	call ClearBox
+	callba Function2c0c5
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld de, EnemyMonNick
+	ld hl, $c4a1
+	call Function3e138
+	call PlaceString
+	ld h, b
+	ld l, c
+	dec hl
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
+	ld de, TempMonDVs
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	jr z, .asm_3e080
+	ld hl, $c6f2
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	ld a, $3
+	ld [MonType], a
+	callab GetGender
+	ld a, $7f
+	jr c, .asm_3e09a
+	ld a, $ef
+	jr nz, .asm_3e09a
+	ld a, $f5
+	ld hl, $c4bd
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, $c4ba
+	push af
+	push hl
+	ld de, EnemyMonStatus
+	ld a, $21
+	call Predef
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	jr nz, .asm_3e0be
+	ld a, b
+	cp $7f
+	jr nz, .asm_3e0b5
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
+	ld [TempMonLevel], a
+	call PrintLevel
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	or [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3e0d1
+	ld c, a
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, $6
+	jp .asm_3e11a
+	xor a
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld a, $30
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld a, b
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e105
+	ld a, [hMultiplier]
+	srl b
+	rr a
+	srl b
+	rr a
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld b, a
+	srl b
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	rr a
+	srl b
+	rr a
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, b
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld [hProduct], a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld a, $2
+	ld b, a
+	call Divide
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld e, a
+	ld a, $6
+	ld d, a
+	ld c, a
+	xor a
+	ld [$d10a], a
+	ld hl, $c4ca
+	ld b, $0
+	call DrawHPBar
+	ret
+; 3e127
+Function3e127: ; 3e127
+	ld hl, EnemyHPPal
+	call Function3e12e
+	ret
+; 3e12e
+Function3e12e: ; 3e12e
+	ld b, [hl]
+	call SetHPPal
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp b
+	ret z
+	jp Function3ee27
+; 3e138
+Function3e138: ; 3e138
+	ret
+; 3e139
+Function3e139: ; 3e139
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call Function30bf
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3e156
+	cp $3
+	jr z, .asm_3e156
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call UpdateBattleHuds
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $6
+	jr nz, .asm_3e165
+	callba Function24f13
+	jr .asm_3e175
+	ld a, [InputType]
+	or a
+	jr z, .asm_3e171
+	callba Function1de294
+	call Function3e19b
+	ret c
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld a, [$d0d2]
+	cp $1
+	jp z, Function3e192
+	cp $3
+	jp z, Function3e1c7
+	cp $2
+	jp z, Function3e28d
+	cp $4
+	jp z, Function3e489
+	jr .asm_3e156
+; 3e192
+Function3e192: ; 3e192
+	xor a
+	ld [$d267], a
+	call Function30b4
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3e19b
+Function3e19b: ; 3e19b
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr z, .asm_3e1a8
+	callba Function24ef2
+	and a
+	ret
+	callba Function100b12
+	ld a, [$cd2b]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $cd2a
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3e1c5
+	ld hl, $5863
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld c, $3c
+	call DelayFrames
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3e1c7
+Function3e1c7: ; 3e1c7
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jp nz, Function3e22b
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	and a
+	jp nz, Function3e22b
+	call Function1d6e
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $3
+	jr z, .asm_3e1f1
+	cp $6
+	jr z, .asm_3e201
+	callba Function10493
+	ld a, [$d0ec]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e20d
+	jr .asm_3e209
+	callba Function107bb
+	ld a, $5
+	ld [CurItem], a
+	call DoItemEffect
+	jr .asm_3e209
+	ld a, $b1
+	ld [CurItem], a
+	call DoItemEffect
+	call Function3e234
+	ret
+	call ClearPalettes
+	call DelayFrame
+	call Function3ed9f
+	call Function3f43d
+	call Function3f47c
+	call Function1c07
+	call WaitBGMap
+	call Function3ee27
+	call Function309d
+	jp Function3e139
+; 3e22b
+Function3e22b: ; 3e22b
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80bf3
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	jp Function3e139
+; 3e234
+Function3e234: ; 3e234
+	ld a, [$c64e]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e279
+	callab CheckItemPocket
+	ld a, [$d142]
+	cp $3
+	jr z, .asm_3e24a
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call Function3ed9f
+	call ClearSprites
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	cp $3
+	jr z, .asm_3e25d
+	call Function3f43d
+	call Function3f47c
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	call Function1c07
+	call Function3df2c
+	call WaitBGMap
+	call Function309d
+	call Function1fbf
+	call Function3ee27
+	and a
+	ret
+	xor a
+	ld [$c64e], a
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	call Function1fbf
+	call Function32f9
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3e28d
+Function3e28d: ; 3e28d
+	call Function1d6e
+	call Function1c07
+	call Function1d6e
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	call Function3d2fa
+	xor a
+	ld [PartyMenuActionText], a
+	call Function3d313
+	call Function3d329
+	jr c, .asm_3e2da
+	callba Function8ea4a
+	call Function3e2f5
+	jr c, .asm_3e2c8
+	call Function1bee
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	cp $1
+	jp z, Function3e358
+	cp $2
+	jr z, .asm_3e2cf
+	cp $3
+	jr z, .asm_3e2da
+	jr .asm_3e2a8
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr c, .asm_3e2da
+	jr Function3e299
+	call Function3e308
+	call Function3d2e0
+	jr c, .asm_3e2da
+	jp Function3e290
+	call ClearSprites
+	call ClearPalettes
+	call DelayFrame
+	call Function3eda6
+	call Function1c17
+	call Function309d
+	call ClearSGB
+	call Function32f9
+	jp Function3e139
+; 3e2f5
+Function3e2f5: ; 3e2f5
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr z, .asm_3e301
+	callba Function24e99
+	ret
+	callba Function100d22
+	ret
+; 3e308
+Function3e308: ; 3e308
+	call DisableLCD
+	ld hl, $9310
+	ld de, VTiles0
+	ld bc, $0110
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, VTiles2
+	ld de, $8110
+	ld bc, $0310
+	call CopyBytes
+	call EnableLCD
+	call ClearSprites
+	call LowVolume
+	xor a
+	ld [MonType], a
+	callba Function4dc7b
+	call MaxVolume
+	call DisableLCD
+	ld hl, VTiles0
+	ld de, $9310
+	ld bc, $0110
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, $8110
+	ld de, VTiles2
+	ld bc, $0310
+	call CopyBytes
+	call EnableLCD
+	ret
+; 3e358
+Function3e358: ; 3e358
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld d, a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	cp d
+	jr nz, .asm_3e36b
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c0d
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	jp Function3e299
+	ld a, [$c730]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e378
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 7, a
+	jr z, .asm_3e381
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c22
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	jp Function3e299
+	call Function3d887
+	jp z, Function3e299
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [$c71a], a
+	ld a, $2
+	ld [$d0ec], a
+	call ClearPalettes
+	call DelayFrame
+	call ClearSprites
+	call Function3eda6
+	call Function1c17
+	call ClearSGB
+	call Function32f9
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	; fallthrough
+; 3e3ad
+Function3e3ad: ; 3e3ad
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c710], a
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e3c1
+	call Function1d6e
+	call Function3e8e4
+	call Function1c17
+	call Function3e7c1
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e3cf
+	call Function3e40b
+	and a
+	ret
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	cp $e
+	jp z, .asm_3e3ca
+	cp $d
+	jp z, .asm_3e3ca
+	cp $4
+	jp c, .asm_3e3ca
+	cp $f
+	jr nz, .asm_3e3e9
+	call Function3c0e5
+	ret
+	ld a, [$ffcb]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3e3f7
+	call Function3e40b
+	call Function3e3ff
+	and a
+	ret
+	call Function3e3ff
+	call Function3e40b
+	and a
+	ret
+; 3e3ff
+Function3e3ff: ; 3e3ff
+	callab Function3846c
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	jp Function3dc23
+; 3e40b
+Function3e40b: ; 3e40b
+	call Function3f2f4
+	ld c, $32
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
+	res 6, [hl]
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	call Function3dc5b
+	jr c, .asm_3e423
+	call Function3dce6
+	ld hl, $c535
+	ld bc, $050b
+	call ClearBox
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	call Function3d581
+	call Function3da0d
+	call Function3dab1
+	call Function3f26d
+	call Function3dbde
+	call Function3dc18
+	call Function3db5f
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	call Function3dc23
+	ld a, $2
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	ret
+; 3e459
+Function3e459: ; 3e459
+	ld c, $32
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld hl, $c535
+	ld bc, $050b
+	call ClearBox
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurBattleMon], a
+	call Function3d581
+	call Function3da0d
+	xor a
+	ld [$d265], a
+	call Function3ecab
+	call Function3db5f
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	jp Function3dc23
+; 3e489
+Function3e489: ; 3e489
+	call Function30b4
+	ld a, $3
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	ld hl, BattleMonSpd
+	ld de, EnemyMonSpd
+	call Function3d8b3
+	ld a, $0
+	ld [$d266], a
+	ret c
+	ld a, [$d0ec]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	jp Function3e139
+; 3e4a8
+Function3e4a8: ; 3e4a8
+	ld a, [BattleMonItem]
+	ld b, a
+	callab GetItem
+	ld a, b
+	cp $4c
+	ret nz
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$c73d], a
+	ret
+; 3e4bc
+Function3e4bc: ; 3e4bc
+	call Function3d2f1
+	jr nz, .asm_3e4c8
+	callba Function100b9f
+	ret
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3e4e2
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3e4dd
+	call Function3e786
+	ret z
+	ld hl, BattleMonMove1
+	jr .asm_3e4e2
+	ld a, $2
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld de, $d25e
+	ld bc, $0004
+	call CopyBytes
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld hl, $c594
+	ld b, $4
+	ld c, $e
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	cp $2
+	jr nz, .asm_3e503
+	ld hl, $c544
+	ld b, $4
+	ld c, $e
+	call TextBox
+	ld hl, $c5aa
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	cp $2
+	jr nz, .asm_3e513
+	ld hl, $c55a
+	ld a, $14
+	ld [Buffer1], a
+	ld a, $20
+	call Predef
+	ld b, $5
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	cp $2
+	ld a, $d
+	jr nz, .asm_3e52c
+	ld b, $5
+	ld a, $9
+	ld [$cfa1], a
+	ld a, b
+	ld [$cfa2], a
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	cp $1
+	jr z, .asm_3e53e
+	ld a, [CurMoveNum]
+	inc a
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$cfaa], a
+	ld a, [$d0eb]
+	inc a
+	ld [$cfa3], a
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$cfa4], a
+	ld c, $2c
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	dec a
+	ld b, $c1
+	jr z, .asm_3e569
+	dec a
+	ld b, $c3
+	jr z, .asm_3e569
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e569
+	ld b, $c7
+	ld a, b
+	ld [$cfa8], a
+	ld a, c
+	ld [$cfa5], a
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfa6], a
+	ld a, $10
+	ld [$cfa7], a
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e58e
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e5a3
+	ld hl, $c5c3
+	ld de, .string_3e61c
+	call PlaceString
+	jr .asm_3e5a3
+	call MoveInfoBox
+	ld a, [$d0e3]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e5a3
+	ld hl, $c5a9
+	ld bc, $0014
+	dec a
+	call AddNTimes
+	ld [hl], $ec
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call Function1bd3
+	bit 6, a
+	jp nz, .asm_3e61d
+	bit 7, a
+	jp nz, .asm_3e62e
+	bit 2, a
+	jp nz, Function3e643
+	bit 1, a
+	push af
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0e3], a
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	dec a
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$d235]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e5d0
+	pop af
+	ret
+	dec a
+	ld a, b
+	ld [CurMoveNum], a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e5d9
+	pop af
+	ret
+	pop af
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, BattleMonPPMove1
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $3f
+	jr z, .asm_3e610
+	ld a, [PlayerDisableCount]
+	swap a
+	and $f
+	dec a
+	cp c
+	jr z, .asm_3e60b
+	ld a, [$c6e1]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e606
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	ld hl, BattleMonMove1
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
+	xor a
+	ret
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c5b
+	jr .asm_3e613
+	ld hl, Function3cc39
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function30b4
+	jp Function3e4bc
+; 3e61c
+.string_3e61c ; 3e61c
+	db "@"
+; 3e61d
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	and a
+	jp nz, .asm_3e57a
+	ld a, [$d0eb]
+	inc a
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	jp .asm_3e57a
+; 3e62e
+.asm_3e62e: ; 3e62e
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$d0eb]
+	inc a
+	inc a
+	cp b
+	jp nz, .asm_3e57a
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$cfa9], a
+	jp .asm_3e57a
+; 3e643
+Function3e643: ; 3e643
+	ld a, [$d0e3]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e6bf
+	ld hl, BattleMonMoves
+	call .asm_3e6a5
+	ld hl, BattleMonPP
+	call .asm_3e6a5
+	ld hl, PlayerDisableCount
+	ld a, [hl]
+	swap a
+	and $f
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3e671
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $f
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$d0e3]
+	swap a
+	add b
+	ld [hl], a
+	jr .asm_3e682
+	ld a, [$d0e3]
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3e682
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $f
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	swap a
+	add b
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e69e
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Moves
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	push hl
+	call .asm_3e6a5
+	pop hl
+	ld bc, $0015
+	add hl, bc
+	call .asm_3e6a5
+	xor a
+	ld [$d0e3], a
+	jp Function3e4bc
+	push hl
+	ld a, [$d0e3]
+	dec a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	pop hl
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	dec a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld b, [hl]
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, b
+	ld [de], a
+	ret
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	ld [$d0e3], a
+	jp Function3e4bc
+; 3e6c8
+MoveInfoBox: ; 3e6c8
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	hlcoord 0, 8
+	ld b, 3
+	ld c, 9
+	call TextBox
+	call MobileTextBorder
+	ld a, [PlayerDisableCount]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e6f4
+	swap a
+	and $f
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3e6f4
+	hlcoord 1, 10
+	ld de, .Disabled
+	call PlaceString
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, $cfa9
+	dec [hl]
+	call SetPlayerTurn
+	ld hl, BattleMonMoves
+	ld a, [$cfa9]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	ld a, WILDMON
+	ld [MonType], a
+	callab Functionf8ec
+	ld hl, $cfa9
+	ld c, [hl]
+	inc [hl]
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, BattleMonPP
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $3f
+	ld [StringBuffer1], a
+	call Function3e75f
+	hlcoord 1, 9
+	ld de, .Type
+	call PlaceString
+	hlcoord 7, 11
+	ld [hl], "/"
+	callab UpdateMoveData
+	ld a, [PlayerMoveAnimation]
+	ld b, a
+	hlcoord 2, 10
+	call Predef
+	ret
+; 3e74f
+	db "Disabled!@"
+	db "TYPE/@"
+; 3e75f
+Function3e75f: ; 3e75f
+	hlcoord 5, 11
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	cp $4
+	jr c, .asm_3e76c
+	hlcoord 5, 11
+	push hl
+	ld de, StringBuffer1
+	ld bc, $0102
+	call PrintNum
+	pop hl
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], "/"
+	inc hl
+	ld de, $d265
+	ld bc, $0102
+	call PrintNum
+	ret
+; 3e786
+Function3e786: ; 3e786
+	ld a, STRUGGLE
+	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
+	ld a, [PlayerDisableCount]
+	and a
+	ld hl, BattleMonPP
+	jr nz, .asm_3e79f
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	and $3f
+	ret nz
+	jr .asm_3e7b4
+	swap a
+	and $f
+	ld b, a
+	ld d, $5
+	xor a
+	dec d
+	jr z, .asm_3e7b2
+	ld c, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	dec b
+	jr z, .asm_3e7a7
+	or c
+	jr .asm_3e7a7
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c72
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld c, 60
+	call DelayFrames
+	xor a
+	ret
+; 3e7c1
+Function3e7c1: ; 3e7c1
+	ld a, [$c711]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e817
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	ld a, [$d0ec]
+	and a
+	call z, Function3e8e4
+	call Function30b4
+	ld a, [$d430]
+	cp $e
+	jp z, .asm_3e8bd
+	cp $d
+	jp z, .asm_3e82c
+	cp $4
+	jp nc, Function3e8c1
+	ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus1]
+	bit 6, a
+	jp nz, .asm_3e882
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus3]
+	and $13
+	jp nz, .asm_3e882
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	ld a, [LastEnemyMove]
+	jp nz, .asm_3e87f
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	jp .asm_3e87f
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3e824
+	ld a, [LastEnemyMove]
+	jp .asm_3e87f
+	call Function3e8d1
+	jp nz, Function3e8c1
+	jr .asm_3e830
+	ld a, $ff
+	jr .asm_3e87f
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
+	ld de, EnemyMonPPMove1
+	ld b, $4
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	jp z, .asm_3e8bd
+	ld a, [EnemyDisabledMove]
+	cp [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3e848
+	ld a, [de]
+	and $3f
+	jr nz, .asm_3e84f
+	inc hl
+	inc de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3e838
+	jr .asm_3e8bd
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .asm_3e882
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
+	call BattleRandom
+	and $3
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [EnemyDisableCount]
+	swap a
+	and $f
+	dec a
+	cp c
+	jr z, .asm_3e855
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3e855
+	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
+	add hl, bc
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $3f
+	jr z, .asm_3e855
+	ld a, c
+	ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a
+	ld a, b
+	ld [CurEnemyMove], a
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	callab UpdateMoveData
+	call Function3e8d1
+	jr nz, .asm_3e894
+	xor a
+	ld [$c733], a
+	ld a, [EnemyMoveEffect]
+	cp $77
+	jr z, .asm_3e89f
+	xor a
+	ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld a, [EnemyMoveEffect]
+	cp $51
+	jr z, .asm_3e8af
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus4
+	res 6, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ld [$c72c], a
+	ld a, [EnemyMoveEffect]
+	cp $6f
+	ret z
+	cp $74
+	ret z
+	xor a
+	ld [$c681], a
+	ret
+	ld a, $a5
+	jr .asm_3e87f
+; 3e8c1
+Function3e8c1: ; 3e8c1
+	xor a
+	ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a
+	ld [$c681], a
+	ld [$c72c], a
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus4
+	res 6, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3e8d1
+Function3e8d1: ; 3e8d1
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus4]
+	and $20
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus3
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and $13
+	ret nz
+	ld hl, EnemySubStatus1
+	bit 6, [hl]
+	ret
+; 3e8e4
+Function3e8e4: ; 3e8e4
+	callba Function100a09
+	ret
+; 3e8eb
+LoadEnemyMon: ; 3e8eb
+; Initialize enemy monster parameters
+; To do this we pull the species from TempEnemyMonSpecies
+; Notes:
+;   BattleRandom is used to ensure sync between Game Boys
+; Clear the whole EnemyMon struct
+	xor a
+	ld hl, EnemyMonSpecies
+	ld bc, EnemyMonEnd - EnemyMon
+	call ByteFill
+; We don't need to be here if we're in a link battle
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jp nz, Function3dabd
+	ld a, [$cfc0] ; ????
+	bit 0, a
+	jp nz, Function3dabd
+; Make sure everything knows what species we're working with
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [EnemyMonSpecies], a
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+; Grab the BaseData for this species
+	call GetBaseData
+; Let's get the item:
+; Is the item predetermined?
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .WildItem
+; If we're in a trainer battle, the item is in the party struct
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item
+	call GetPartyLocation ; bc = PartyMon[CurPartyMon] - PartyMons
+	ld a, [hl]
+	jr .UpdateItem
+; In a wild battle, we pull from the item slots in BaseData
+; Force Item1
+; Used for Ho-Oh, Lugia and Snorlax encounters
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	ld a, [BaseItems]
+	jr z, .UpdateItem
+; Failing that, it's all up to chance
+;  Effective chances:
+;    75% None
+;    23% Item1
+;     2% Item2
+; 25% chance of getting an item
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp a, $c0
+	ld a, NO_ITEM
+	jr c, .UpdateItem
+; From there, an 8% chance for Item2
+	call BattleRandom
+	cp a, $14 ; 8% of 25% = 2% Item2
+	ld a, [BaseItems]
+	jr nc, .UpdateItem
+	ld a, [BaseItems+1]
+	ld [EnemyMonItem], a
+; Initialize DVs
+; If we're in a trainer battle, DVs are predetermined
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .InitDVs
+; ????
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	jr z, .InitDVs
+; Unknown
+	ld hl, $c6f2
+	ld de, EnemyMonDVs
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	jp .Happiness
+; Trainer DVs
+; All trainers have preset DVs, determined by class
+; See GetTrainerDVs for more on that
+	callba GetTrainerDVs
+; These are the DVs we'll use if we're actually in a trainer battle
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .UpdateDVs
+; Wild DVs
+; Here's where the fun starts
+; Roaming monsters (Entei, Raikou) work differently
+; They have their own structs, which are shorter than normal
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .NotRoaming
+; Grab HP
+	call GetRoamMonHP
+	ld a, [hl]
+; Check if the HP has been initialized
+	and a
+; We'll do something with the result in a minute
+	push af
+; Grab DVs
+	call GetRoamMonDVs
+	inc hl
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, [hl]
+; Get back the result of our check
+	pop af
+; If the RoamMon struct has already been initialized, we're done
+	jr nz, .UpdateDVs
+; If it hasn't, we need to initialize the DVs
+; (HP is initialized at the end of the battle)
+	call GetRoamMonDVs
+	inc hl
+	call BattleRandom
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld c, a
+	call BattleRandom
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld b, a
+; We're done with DVs
+	jr .UpdateDVs
+; Register a contains BattleType
+; Forced shiny battle type
+; Used by Red Gyarados at Lake of Rage
+	jr nz, .GenerateDVs
+	ld b, ATKDEFDV_SHINY ; $ea
+	ld c, SPDSPCDV_SHINY ; $aa
+	jr .UpdateDVs
+; Generate new random DVs
+	call BattleRandom
+	ld b, a
+	call BattleRandom
+	ld c, a
+; Input DVs in register bc
+	ld hl, EnemyMonDVs
+	ld a, b
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], c
+; We've still got more to do if we're dealing with a wild monster
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .Happiness
+; Species-specfic:
+; Unown
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	cp a, UNOWN
+	jr nz, .Magikarp
+; Get letter based on DVs
+	ld hl, EnemyMonDVs
+	call Predef
+; Can't use any letters that haven't been unlocked
+; If combined with forced shiny battletype, causes an infinite loop
+	call CheckUnownLetter
+	jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again
+; Skimming this part recommended
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	cp a, MAGIKARP
+	jr nz, .Happiness
+; Get Magikarp's length
+	ld de, EnemyMonDVs
+	ld bc, PlayerID
+	callab CalcMagikarpLength
+; We're clear if the length is < 1536
+	ld a, [MagikarpLength]
+	cp a, $06 ; $600 = 1536
+	jr nz, .CheckMagikarpArea
+; 5% chance of skipping size checks
+	call Random
+	cp a, $0c ; / $100
+	jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea
+; Try again if > 1614
+	ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1]
+	cp a, $50
+	jr nc, .GenerateDVs
+; 20% chance of skipping this check
+	call Random
+	cp a, $32 ; / $100
+	jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea
+; Try again if > 1598
+	ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1]
+	cp a, $40
+	jr nc, .GenerateDVs
+; The z checks are supposed to be nz
+; Instead, all maps in GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE (mahogany area)
+; and routes 20 and 44 are treated as Lake of Rage
+; This also means Lake of Rage Magikarp can be smaller than ones
+; caught elsewhere rather than the other way around
+; Intended behavior enforces a minimum size at Lake of Rage
+; The real behavior prevents size flooring in the Lake of Rage area
+	ld a, [MapGroup]
+	jr z, .Happiness
+	ld a, [MapNumber]
+	jr z, .Happiness
+; 40% chance of not flooring
+	call Random
+	cp a, $64 ; / $100
+	jr c, .Happiness
+; Floor at length 1024
+	ld a, [MagikarpLength]
+	cp a, 1024 >> 8
+	jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again
+; Finally done with DVs
+; Set happiness
+	ld [EnemyMonHappiness], a
+; Set level
+	ld a, [CurPartyLevel]
+	ld [EnemyMonLevel], a
+; Fill stats
+	ld de, EnemyMonMaxHP
+	ld b, $00
+	ld hl, $d201 ; ?
+	call Predef
+; If we're in a trainer battle,
+; get the rest of the parameters from the party struct
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	jr z, .OpponentParty
+; If we're in a wild battle, check wild-specific stuff
+	and a
+	jr z, .TreeMon
+; ????
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	jp nz, .Moves
+; If we're headbutting trees, some monsters enter battle asleep
+	call CheckSleepingTreeMon
+	ld a, 7 ; Asleep for 7 turns
+	jr c, .UpdateStatus
+; Otherwise, no status
+	xor a
+	ld hl, EnemyMonStatus
+	ld [hli], a
+; Unused byte
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+; Full HP...
+	ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHPHi]
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHPLo]
+	ld [hl], a
+; ...unless it's a RoamMon
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .Moves
+; Grab HP
+	call GetRoamMonHP
+	ld a, [hl]
+; Check if it's been initialized again
+	and a
+	jr z, .InitRoamHP
+; Update from the struct if it has
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [EnemyMonHPLo], a
+	jr .Moves
+; HP only uses the lo byte in the RoamMon struct since
+; Raikou/Entei/Suicune will have < 256 hp at level 40
+	ld a, [EnemyMonHPLo]
+	ld [hl], a
+	jr .Moves
+; Get HP from the party struct
+	ld hl, (PartyMon1CurHP + 1) - PartyMon1 + OTPartyMon1
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld [EnemyMonHPLo], a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld [EnemyMonHPHi], a
+; Make sure everything knows which monster the opponent is using
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld [CurOTMon], a
+; Get status from the party struct
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [hl] ; OTPartyMonStatus
+	ld [EnemyMonStatus], a
+; ????
+	ld hl, BaseType1
+	ld de, EnemyMonType1
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+; Get moves
+	ld de, EnemyMonMoves
+; Are we in a trainer battle?
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	jr nz, .WildMoves
+; Then copy moves from the party struct
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld bc, NUM_MOVES
+	call CopyBytes
+	jr .PP
+; Clear EnemyMonMoves
+	xor a
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+; Make sure the predef knows this isn't a partymon
+	ld [MagikarpLength], a
+; Fill moves based on level
+	call Predef
+; Trainer battle?
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	jr z, .TrainerPP
+; Fill wild PP
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMoves
+	ld de, EnemyMonPP
+	call Predef
+	jr .Finish
+; Copy PP from the party struct
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1PP
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld de, EnemyMonPP
+	ld bc, NUM_MOVES
+	call CopyBytes
+; Only the first five base stats are copied...
+	ld hl, BaseStats
+	ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats
+	ld b, BaseSpecialDefense - BaseStats
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .loop
+	ld a, [BaseCatchRate]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [BaseExp]
+	ld [de], a
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	call GetPokemonName
+; Did we catch it?
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	and a
+	ret z
+; Update enemy nick
+	ld hl, StringBuffer1
+	ld de, EnemyMonNick
+	call CopyBytes
+; Caught this mon
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	dec a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 1 ; set
+	ld hl, PokedexSeen
+	call Predef
+	ld hl, EnemyMonStats
+	ld de, EnemyStats
+	ld bc, EnemyMonStatsEnd - EnemyMonStats
+	call CopyBytes
+	ret
+; 3eb38
+CheckSleepingTreeMon: ; 3eb38
+; Return carry if species is in the list
+; for the current time of day
+; Don't do anything if this isn't a tree encounter
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .NotSleeping
+; Get list for the time of day
+	ld hl, .Morn
+	ld a, [TimeOfDay]
+	cp a, DAY
+	jr c, .Check
+	ld hl, .Day
+	jr z, .Check
+	ld hl, .Nite
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld de, 1 ; length of species id
+	call IsInArray
+; If it's a match, the opponent is asleep
+	ret c
+	and a
+	ret
+	db EKANS
+	db AIPOM
+	db $ff ; end
+	db $ff ; end
+	db $ff ; end
+; 3eb75
+CheckUnownLetter: ; 3eb75
+; Return carry if the Unown letter hasn't been unlocked yet
+	ld a, [UnlockedUnowns]
+	ld c, a
+	ld de, 0
+; Don't check this set unless it's been unlocked
+	srl c
+	jr nc, .next
+; Is our letter in the set?
+	ld hl, .LetterSets
+	add hl, de
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	push de
+	ld a, [UnownLetter]
+	ld de, 1
+	push bc
+	call IsInArray
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	jr c, .match
+; Make sure we haven't gone past the end of the table
+	inc e
+	inc e
+	ld a, e
+	cp a, .Set1 - .LetterSets
+	jr c, .loop
+; Hasn't been unlocked, or the letter is invalid
+	scf
+	ret
+; Valid letter
+	and a
+	ret
+	dw .Set1
+	dw .Set2
+	dw .Set3
+	dw .Set4
+	;  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K
+	db 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, $ff
+	;  L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
+	db 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, $ff
+	;  S   T   U   V   W
+	db 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, $ff
+	;  X   Y   Z
+	db 24, 25, 26, $ff
+; 3ebc7
+Function3ebc7: ; 3ebc7
+	push bc
+	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
+	ld [BattleMonLevel], a
+	ld a, b
+	ld [EnemyMonLevel], a
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3ebd8
+Function3ebd8: ; 3ebd8
+	xor a
+	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
+	call Function3ee27
+	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
+	ld [TrainerClass], a
+	ld de, VTiles2
+	callab Function5120d
+	ld hl, $c4b3
+	ld c, $0
+	inc c
+	ld a, c
+	cp $7
+	ret z
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld [hBGMapThird], a
+	ld d, $0
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	call Function3ec1a
+	inc hl
+	ld a, $7
+	add d
+	ld d, a
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3ec01
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld c, $4
+	call DelayFrames
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	dec hl
+	jr .asm_3ebf3
+; 3ec1a
+Function3ec1a: ; 3ec1a
+	push hl
+	push de
+	push bc
+	ld e, $7
+	ld [hl], d
+	ld bc, $0014
+	add hl, bc
+	inc d
+	dec e
+	jr nz, .asm_3ec1f
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3ec2c
+Function3ec2c: ; 3ec2c
+	ld a, 1
+	jr Function3ec31
+; 3ec30
+Function3ec30: ; 3ec30
+	xor a
+; 3ec31
+Function3ec31: ; 3ec31
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	call Function3ec39
+	jp Function3ec76
+; 3ec39
+Function3ec39: ; 3ec39
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3ec5a
+	ld a, [BattleMonStatus]
+	and $40
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $c645
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	ld [hli], a
+	or b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ec58
+	ld b, $1
+	ld [hl], b
+	ret
+	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
+	and $40
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $d21f
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	ld [hli], a
+	or b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ec74
+	ld b, $1
+	ld [hl], b
+	ret
+; 3ec76
+Function3ec76: ; 3ec76
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3ec93
+	ld a, [BattleMonStatus]
+	and $10
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $c641
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	ld [hli], a
+	or b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ec91
+	ld b, $1
+	ld [hl], b
+	ret
+	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
+	and $10
+	ret z
+	ld hl, $d21b
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	ld [hli], a
+	or b
+	jr nz, .asm_3eca9
+	ld b, $1
+	ld [hl], b
+	ret
+; 3ecab
+Function3ecab: ; 3ecab
+	ld c, 0
+	call Function3ecb7
+	inc c
+	ld a, c
+	cp 5
+	jr nz, .asm_3ecad
+	ret
+; 3ecb7
+Function3ecb7: ; 3ecb7
+	push bc
+	push bc
+	ld a, [$d265]
+	and a
+	ld a, c
+	ld hl, BattleMonAtk
+	ld de, PlayerStats
+	ld bc, PlayerAtkLevel
+	jr z, .asm_3ecd2
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtk
+	ld de, EnemyStats
+	ld bc, EnemyAtkLevel
+	add c
+	ld c, a
+	jr nc, .asm_3ecd7
+	inc b
+	ld a, [bc]
+	pop bc
+	ld b, a
+	push bc
+	sla c
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, c
+	add e
+	ld e, a
+	jr nc, .asm_3ece6
+	inc d
+	pop bc
+	push hl
+	ld hl, .StatLevelMultipliers
+	dec b
+	sla b
+	ld c, b
+	ld b, 0
+	add hl, bc
+	xor a
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld b, $4
+	call Divide
+	pop hl
+; Cap at 999.
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	sub 999 % $100
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	sbc 999 / $100
+	jp c, .asm_3ed1e
+	ld a, 999 / $100
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, 999 % $100
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld [hl], a
+	or b
+	jr nz, .asm_3ed29
+	inc [hl]
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3ed2b
+;	      /
+	db 25, 100 ; 25%
+	db 28, 100 ; 28%
+	db 33, 100 ; 33%
+	db 40, 100 ; 40%
+	db 50, 100 ; 50%
+	db 66, 100 ; 66%
+	db  1,  1 ; 100%
+	db 15, 10 ; 150%
+	db  2,  1 ; 200%
+	db 25, 10 ; 250%
+	db  3,  1 ; 300%
+	db 35, 10 ; 350%
+	db  4,  1 ; 400%
+; 3ed45
+BadgeStatBoosts: ; 3ed45
+; Raise BattleMon stats depending on which badges have been obtained.
+; Every other badge boosts a stat, starting from the first.
+; 	ZephyrBadge:  Attack
+; 	PlainBadge:   Speed
+; 	MineralBadge: Defense
+; 	GlacierBadge: Special Attack
+; 	RisingBadge:  Special Defense
+; The boosted stats are in order, except PlainBadge and MineralBadge's boosts are swapped.
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [JohtoBadges]
+; Swap badges 3 (PlainBadge) and 5 (MineralBadge).
+	ld d, a
+	and %00000100
+	add a
+	add a
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, d
+	and %00010000
+	rrca
+	rrca
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, d
+	and %11101011
+	or b
+	or c
+	ld b, a
+	ld hl, BattleMonAtk
+	ld c, 4
+	ld a, b
+	srl b
+	call c, BoostStat
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+; Check every other badge.
+	srl b
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .CheckBadge
+; And the last one (RisingBadge) too.
+	srl a
+	call c, BoostStat
+	ret
+; 3ed7c
+BoostStat: ; 3ed7c
+; Raise stat at hl by 1/8.
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld d, a
+	ld e, [hl]
+	srl d
+	rr e
+	srl d
+	rr e
+	srl d
+	rr e
+	ld a, [hl]
+	add e
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	adc d
+	ld [hli], a
+; Cap at 999.
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sub 999 % $100
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc 999 / $100
+	ret c
+	ld a, 999 / $100
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, 999 % $100
+	ld [hld], a
+	ret
+; 3ed9f
+Function3ed9f: ; 3ed9f
+	callab Functionfb4f2
+	ret
+; 3eda6
+Function3eda6: ; 3eda6
+	callab Functionfb50d
+	ret
+; 3edad
+Function3edad: ; 3edad
+	ld de, $4ac0
+	ld hl, $96c0
+	ld bc, $3e04
+	call Get1bpp
+	ld de, $4ae0
+	ld hl, $9730
+	ld bc, $3e06
+	call Get1bpp
+	ld de, $4b10
+	ld hl, $9550
+	ld bc, $3e08
+	jp Get2bpp
+; 3edd1
+EmptyBattleTextBox: ; 3edd1
+	ld hl, .empty
+	jp BattleTextBox
+	db "@"
+; 3edd8
+_BattleRandom: ; 3edd8
+; If the normal RNG is used in a link battle it'll desync.
+; To circumvent this a shared PRNG is used instead.
+; But if we're in a non-link battle we're safe to use it
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jp z, Random
+; The PRNG operates in streams of 10 values.
+; Which value are we trying to pull?
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	ld a, [LinkBattleRNCount]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, LinkBattleRNs
+	add hl, bc
+	inc a
+	ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a
+; If we haven't hit the end yet, we're good
+	cp 10 - 1 ; Exclude last value. See the closing comment
+	ld a, [hl]
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	ret c
+; If we have, we have to generate new pseudorandom data
+; Instead of having multiple PRNGs, ten seeds are used
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	push af
+; Reset count to 0
+	xor a
+	ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a
+	ld hl, LinkBattleRNs
+	ld b, 10 ; number of seeds
+; Generate next number in the sequence for each seed
+; The algorithm takes the form *5 + 1 % 256
+	; get last #
+	ld a, [hl]
+	; a * 5 + 1
+	ld c, a
+	add a
+	add a
+	add c
+	inc a
+	; update #
+	ld [hli], a
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .loop
+; This has the side effect of pulling the last value first,
+; then wrapping around. As a result, when we check to see if
+; we've reached the end, we check the one before it.
+	pop af
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	ret
+; 3ee0f
+Function3ee0f: ; 3ee0f
+	call GetBattleVar
+	ret nz
+; 3ee17
+Function3ee17: ; 3ee17
+	ld a, e
+	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
+	ld a, d
+	ld [FXAnimIDHi], a
+	call WaitBGMap
+	ld a, $37
+	jp Predef
+; 3ee27
+Function3ee27: ; 3ee27
+	push af
+	push bc
+	push de
+	push hl
+	ld b, $1
+	call GetSGBLayout
+	call Function32f9
+	call DelayFrame
+	pop hl
+	pop de
+	pop bc
+	pop af
+	ret
+; 3ee3b
+Function3ee3b: ; 3ee3b
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	bit 0, a
+	ret nz
+	call Function3f0d4
+	xor a
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	ld bc, PartyMon1Species
+	ld hl, $0022
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jp z, .asm_3f0b9
+	push bc
+	ld hl, $c664
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $2
+	ld d, $0
+	ld a, $3
+	call Predef
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	pop bc
+	jp z, .asm_3f0b9
+	ld hl, $000c
+	add hl, bc
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	ld hl, EnemyMonType2
+	push bc
+	ld c, $5
+	inc hl
+	ld a, [de]
+	add [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	jr nc, .asm_3ee89
+	dec de
+	ld a, [de]
+	inc a
+	jr z, .asm_3eea4
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	ld a, $1c
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	jr z, .asm_3eea9
+	ld a, [de]
+	add [hl]
+	ld [de], a
+	jr nc, .asm_3eea9
+	dec de
+	ld a, [de]
+	inc a
+	jr z, .asm_3eea4
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	jr .asm_3eea9
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	inc de
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3ee7c
+	xor a
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, [EnemyMonBaseExp]
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	ld a, $7
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld b, $4
+	call Divide
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, $0006
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [PlayerID]
+	cp [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3eedd
+	inc hl
+	ld a, [$d47c]
+	cp [hl]
+	ld a, $0
+	jr z, .asm_3eee2
+	call Function3f106
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [$d088], a
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	call nz, Function3f106
+	push bc
+	ld a, $1
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp $7e
+	call z, Function3f106
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld [$d087], a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld [StringBuffer2], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld hl, PartyMon1Nickname
+	call GetNick
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f11b
+	call BattleTextBox
+	ld a, [$d087]
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, [StringBuffer2]
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	pop bc
+	call Function3f136
+	push bc
+	call Function309d
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, $000a
+	add hl, bc
+	ld d, [hl]
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	add d
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld d, [hl]
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	adc d
+	ld [hl], a
+	jr nc, .asm_3ef3d
+	dec hl
+	inc [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3ef3d
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, $0
+	ld hl, PartySpecies
+	add hl, de
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	push bc
+	ld d, $64
+	callab Function50e47
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, $000a
+	add hl, bc
+	push bc
+	ld a, [hMultiplicand]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld d, a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sub d
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sbc c
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc b
+	jr c, .asm_3ef74
+	ld a, b
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, c
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, d
+	ld [hld], a
+	xor a
+	ld [MonType], a
+	ld a, $1f
+	call Predef
+	callab Function50e1b
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, $001f
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp $64
+	jp nc, .asm_3f0b9
+	cp d
+	jp z, .asm_3f0b9
+	ld [$c719], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyLevel]
+	push af
+	ld a, d
+	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, $0000
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	ld [$d265], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld hl, $0025
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, [hl]
+	push de
+	ld hl, $0024
+	add hl, bc
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	ld hl, $000a
+	add hl, bc
+	push bc
+	ld b, $1
+	ld a, $c
+	call Predef
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	ld hl, $0025
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sub e
+	ld e, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc d
+	ld d, a
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [hl]
+	add e
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	adc d
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld d, a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	cp d
+	jr nz, .asm_3f035
+	ld de, BattleMonHP
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [de], a
+	ld de, BattleMonMaxHP
+	push bc
+	ld bc, $000c
+	call CopyBytes
+	pop bc
+	ld hl, $001f
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [BattleMonLevel], a
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
+	bit 3, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3f012
+	ld hl, $0026
+	add hl, bc
+	ld de, PlayerStats
+	ld bc, $000a
+	call CopyBytes
+	xor a
+	ld [$d265], a
+	call Function3ecab
+	callab Function3ec2c
+	callab BadgeStatBoosts
+	callab Function3df48
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	callba Function2709e
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	cp b
+	jr z, .asm_3f057
+	call PlaySFX
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c9c
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function309d
+	xor a
+	ld [MonType], a
+	ld a, $1f
+	call Predef
+	ld hl, $c4a9
+	ld b, $a
+	ld c, $9
+	call TextBox
+	ld hl, $c4bf
+	ld bc, $0004
+	ld a, $28
+	call Predef
+	ld c, $1e
+	call DelayFrames
+	call Functiona80
+	call Function30b4
+	xor a
+	ld [MonType], a
+	ld a, [CurSpecies]
+	ld [$d265], a
+	ld a, [CurPartyLevel]
+	push af
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [$c719]
+	ld b, a
+	inc b
+	ld a, b
+	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
+	push bc
+	ld a, $1a
+	call Predef
+	pop bc
+	ld a, b
+	cp c
+	jr nz, .asm_3f093
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
+	ld hl, EvolvableFlags
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, $1
+	ld a, $3
+	call Predef
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
+	ld a, [PartyCount]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
+	inc a
+	cp b
+	jr z, .asm_3f0d1
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	ld a, $0
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	jp .asm_3ee50
+	jp Function3d57a
+; 3f0d4
+Function3f0d4: ; 3f0d4
+	ld a, [$c664]
+	ld b, a
+	ld c, $6
+	ld d, $0
+	xor a
+	srl b
+	adc d
+	ld d, a
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3f0dc
+	cp $2
+	ret c
+	ld [$d265], a
+	ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats
+	ld c, $7
+	xor a
+	ld [hProduct], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld a, [$d265]
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld b, $2
+	call Divide
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld [hli], a
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3f0ef
+	ret
+; 3f106
+Function3f106: ; 3f106
+	push bc
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld c, a
+	srl b
+	rr c
+	add c
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	adc b
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3f11b
+UnknownText_0x3f11b: ; 3f11b
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c029c
+	start_asm
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f131
+	ld a, [$d088] ; IsTradedMon
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f12c
+	ret
+; 3f12c
+UnknownText_0x3f12c: ; 3f12c
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02a9
+	db "@"
+; 3f131
+UnknownText_0x3f131: ; 3f131
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02c9
+	db "@"
+; 3f136
+Function3f136: ; 3f136
+	push bc
+	ld hl, CurPartyMon
+	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
+	cp [hl]
+	jp nz, .asm_3f219
+	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
+	jp nc, .asm_3f219
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld [$d004], a
+	push af
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld [$d003], a
+	push af
+	xor a
+	ld [DefaultFlypoint], a
+	xor a
+	ld [MonType], a
+	ld a, $1f
+	call Predef
+	ld a, [TempMonLevel]
+	ld b, a
+	ld e, a
+	push de
+	ld de, $d118
+	call Function3f39c
+	push bc
+	ld hl, $d118
+	ld a, [$d004]
+	add [hl]
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [$d003]
+	adc [hl]
+	ld [hld], a
+	jr nc, .asm_3f186
+	inc [hl]
+	jr nz, .asm_3f186
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld d, $64
+	callab Function50e47
+	ld a, [hMultiplicand]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb5]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld d, a
+	ld hl, $d118
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sub d
+	ld a, [hld]
+	sbc c
+	ld a, [hl]
+	sbc b
+	jr c, .asm_3f1a8
+	ld a, b
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, c
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, d
+	ld [hld], a
+	callab Function50e1b
+	ld a, d
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	ld d, a
+	cp e
+	jr nc, .asm_3f1b7
+	ld a, e
+	ld d, a
+	ld a, e
+	cp $64
+	jr nc, .asm_3f1ff
+	cp d
+	jr z, .asm_3f1ff
+	inc a
+	ld [TempMonLevel], a
+	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
+	ld [BattleMonLevel], a
+	push de
+	call Function3f21b
+	ld c, $40
+	call Function3f22c
+	call PrintPlayerHUD
+	ld hl, BattleMonNick
+	ld de, StringBuffer1
+	ld bc, $000b
+	call CopyBytes
+	call Function3dfe
+	call PlaySFX
+	callba Function8e79d
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c9c
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	pop de
+	inc e
+	ld b, $0
+	jr .asm_3f1b7
+	push bc
+	ld b, d
+	ld de, $d118
+	call Function3f39c
+	ld a, b
+	pop bc
+	ld c, a
+	call Function3f21b
+	call Function3f22c
+	call Function3dfe
+	pop af
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	pop af
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3f21b
+Function3f21b: ; 3f21b
+	push bc
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld de, SFX_EXP_BAR
+	call PlaySFX
+	ld c, 10
+	call DelayFrames
+	pop bc
+	ret
+; 3f22c
+Function3f22c: ; 3f22c
+	ld d, $3
+	dec b
+	inc b
+	push bc
+	push de
+	ld hl, $c58d
+	call Function3f41c
+	pop de
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld c, d
+	call DelayFrames
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	pop bc
+	ld a, c
+	cp b
+	jr z, .asm_3f268
+	inc b
+	push bc
+	push de
+	ld hl, $c58d
+	call Function3f41c
+	pop de
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld c, d
+	call DelayFrames
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	dec d
+	jr nz, .asm_3f263
+	ld d, $1
+	pop bc
+	ld a, c
+	cp b
+	jr nz, .asm_3f22f
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ret
+; 3f26d
+Function3f26d: ; 3f26d
+; SendOutMonText?
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f27c
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d1
+	ld a, [$d264]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3f2ce
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d1
+	jr z, .asm_3f2ce
+	xor a
+	ld [hMultiplicand], a
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [$c6ea], a
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$c6eb], a
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	ld a, $19
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld b, [hl]
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	ld a, b
+	ld b, $4
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Divide
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d1
+	cp $46
+	jr nc, .asm_3f2ce
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d8
+	cp $28
+	jr nc, .asm_3f2ce
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2df
+	cp $a
+	jr nc, .asm_3f2ce
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2e6
+	jp BattleTextBox
+; 3f2d1
+UnknownText_0x3f2d1: ; 3f2d1
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02df
+	start_asm
+	jr Function3f2eb
+; 3f2d6
+UnknownText_0x3f2d8: ; 3f2d8
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02e6
+	start_asm
+	jr Function3f2eb
+; 3f2dd
+UnknownText_0x3f2df: ; 3f2df
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02f0
+	start_asm
+	jr Function3f2eb
+; 3f2e4
+UnknownText_0x3f2e6: ; 3f2e6
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02fe
+	start_asm
+; 3f2eb
+Function3f2eb: ; 3f2eb
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2ef
+	ret
+; 3f2ef
+UnknownText_0x3f2ef: ; 3f2ef
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0317
+	db "@"
+; 3f2f4
+Function3f2f4: ; 3f2f4
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2fa
+	jp BattleTextBox
+; 3f2fa
+UnknownText_0x3f2fa: ; 3f2fa
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c031d
+	start_asm
+; 3f2ff
+Function3f2ff: ; 3f2ff
+	push de
+	push bc
+	ld hl, EnemyMonHPLo
+	ld de, $c6eb
+	ld b, [hl]
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [de]
+	sub b
+	ld [$ffb6], a
+	dec de
+	ld b, [hl]
+	ld a, [de]
+	sbc b
+	ld [$ffb5], a
+	ld a, $19
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld b, [hl]
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	srl a
+	rr b
+	ld a, b
+	ld b, $4
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Divide
+	pop bc
+	pop de
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f348
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f35b
+	cp $1e
+	ret c
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f34d
+	cp $46
+	ret c
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f352
+	ret
+; 3f348
+UnknownText_0x3f348: ; 3f348
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0324
+	db "@"
+; 3f34d
+UnknownText_0x3f34d: ; 3f34d
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0340
+	db "@"
+; 3f352
+UnknownText_0x3f352: ; 3f352
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0352
+	db "@"
+; 3f357
+Function3f357: ; 3f357
+	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f35b
+	ret
+; 3f35b
+UnknownText_0x3f35b: ; 3f35b
+	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0366
+	db "@"
+; 3f360
+Function3f360: ; 3f360
+	ld hl, $c6f0
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f36d
+	dec [hl]
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80cba
+	jr .asm_3f388
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	dec [hl]
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80cd1
+	jr nz, .asm_3f388
+	push hl
+	ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld a, [BaseCatchRate]
+	ld [EnemyMonCatchRate], a
+	pop hl
+	push hl
+	call Function30b4
+	pop hl
+	jp StdBattleTextBox
+; 3f390
+FillInExpBar: ; 3f390
+	push hl
+	call Function3f39c
+	pop hl
+	ld de, $0007
+	add hl, de
+	jp Function3f41c
+; 3f39c
+Function3f39c: ; 3f39c
+	push de
+	ld d, b
+	push de
+	callab Function50e47
+	pop de
+	ld hl, hMultiplicand
+	ld a, [hli]
+	push af
+	ld a, [hli]
+	push af
+	ld a, [hl]
+	push af
+	inc d
+	callab Function50e47
+	ld hl, $ffb6
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$ffba], a
+	pop bc
+	sub b
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [$ffb9], a
+	pop bc
+	sbc b
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ld [hMathBuffer], a
+	pop bc
+	sbc b
+	ld [hl], a
+	pop de
+	ld hl, $ffb5
+	ld a, [hli]
+	push af
+	ld a, [hl]
+	push af
+	ld a, [de]
+	dec de
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [$ffba]
+	sub c
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [de]
+	dec de
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [$ffb9]
+	sbc b
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, [de]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hMathBuffer]
+	sbc c
+	ld [hld], a
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld a, $40
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	call Multiply
+	pop af
+	ld c, a
+	pop af
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, b
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f40c
+	srl b
+	rr c
+	ld hl, hProduct
+	srl [hl]
+	inc hl
+	rr [hl]
+	inc hl
+	rr [hl]
+	inc hl
+	rr [hl]
+	jr .asm_3f3f4
+	ld a, c
+	ld [hMultiplier], a
+	ld b, $4
+	call Divide
+	ld a, [$ffb6]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, $40
+	sub b
+	ld b, a
+	ret
+; 3f41c
+Function3f41c: ; 3f41c
+	ld c, $8
+	ld a, b
+	sub $8
+	jr c, .asm_3f42c
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, $6a
+	ld [hld], a
+	dec c
+	jr z, .asm_3f43c
+	jr .asm_3f41e
+	add $8
+	jr z, .asm_3f434
+	add $54
+	jr .asm_3f436
+	ld a, $62
+	ld [hld], a
+	ld a, $62
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3f434
+	ret
+; 3f43d
+Function3f43d: ; 3f43d
+	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus4]
+	bit 4, a
+	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_DD
+	jr nz, asm_3f46f
+Function3f447: ; 3f447
+	ld a, [$c6fe]
+	and a
+	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_E2
+	jr nz, asm_3f46f
+	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
+	push af
+	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ld hl, BattleMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, $2d
+	call Predef
+	ld de, $9310
+	ld a, $3d
+	call Predef
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ret
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	push af
+	xor a
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ld a, BANK(BattleAnimCommands)
+	rst FarCall
+	pop af
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ret
+; 3f47c
+Function3f47c: ; 3f47c
+	ld a, [EnemySubStatus4]
+	bit 4, a
+	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_DD
+	jr nz, asm_3f4b4
+Function3f486: ; 3f486
+	ld a, [$c6fa]
+	and a
+	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_E2
+	jr nz, asm_3f4b4
+	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
+	push af
+	ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld [CurSpecies], a
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	call GetBaseData
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, $2d
+	call Predef
+	ld de, VTiles2
+	ld a, $3e
+	call Predef
+	pop af
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ret
+	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
+	push af
+	call SetEnemyTurn
+	ld a, BANK(BattleAnimCommands)
+	rst FarCall
+	pop af
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ret
+; 3f4c1
+StartBattle: ; 3f4c1
+	ld a, [PartyCount]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld a, [TimeOfDayPal]
+	push af
+	call Function3f4dd
+	call Function3c000
+	call Function3f69e
+	pop af
+	ld [TimeOfDayPal], a
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3f4d9
+Function3f4d9: ; 3f4d9
+	call Function3c000
+	ret
+; 3f4dd
+Function3f4dd: ; 3f4dd
+	callba Function106050
+	call Function3f54e
+	xor a
+	ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a
+	ld [$d0d2], a
+	xor a
+	ld [$ffde], a
+	callba PlayBattleMusic
+	callba Function2ee18
+	callba Function2ee2f
+	call Function2ed3
+	callba ClearBattleRAM
+	call Function3f55e
+	call Function3f568
+	ld b, $0
+	call GetSGBLayout
+	ld hl, rLCDC
+	res 6, [hl]
+	call Function3fb6c
+	call BattleStartMessage
+	ld hl, rLCDC
+	set 6, [hl]
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	call EmptyBattleTextBox
+	hlcoord 9, 7
+	ld bc, 5 << 8 + 11
+	call ClearBox
+	hlcoord 1, 0
+	ld bc, 4 << 8 + 10
+	call ClearBox
+	call ClearSprites
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	cp $1
+	call z, Function3e036
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ret
+; 3f54e
+Function3f54e: ; 3f54e
+	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3f55a
+	ld a, [$d22e]
+	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
+	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
+	ret
+; 3f55e
+Function3f55e: ; 3f55e
+	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
+	and a
+	jp nz, Function3f594
+	jp Function3f607
+; 3f568
+Function3f568: ; 3f568
+	ld a, [rSVBK]
+	push af
+	ld a, $6
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ld hl, $d000
+	ld bc, VBlank5
+	ld a, $2
+	call ByteFill
+	ld a, [rVBK]
+	push af
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [rVBK], a
+	ld de, $d000
+	ld hl, VBGMap0
+	ld bc, $0f40
+	call Request2bpp
+	pop af
+	ld [rVBK], a
+	pop af
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ret
+; 3f594
+Function3f594: ; 3f594
+	ld [TrainerClass], a
+	callba Function10606a
+	xor a
+	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
+	callab Function3957b
+	callab Function39771
+	ld a, [TrainerClass]
+	cp $9
+	jr nz, .asm_3f5b8
+	xor a
+	ld [OTPartyMon1Item], a
+	ld de, VTiles2
+	callab Function5120d
+	xor a
+	ld [$ffad], a
+	dec a
+	ld [$c6e6], a
+	ld hl, $c4ac
+	ld bc, $0707
+	ld a, $13
+	call Predef
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [CurOTMon], a
+	ld a, $2
+	ld [IsInBattle], a
+	call IsJohtoGymLeader
+	jr nc, .asm_3f606
+	xor a
+	ld [CurPartyMon], a
+	ld a, [PartyCount]
+	ld b, a
+	push bc
+	ld a, $22
+	call GetPartyParamLocation
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3f5fc
+	ld c, $4
+	callab ChangeHappiness
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr z, .asm_3f606
+	ld hl, CurPartyMon
+	inc [hl]
+	jr .asm_3f5ea
+	ret
+; 3f607
+Function3f607: ; 3f607
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [IsInBattle], a
+	callba Function10605d
+	call LoadEnemyMon
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
+	ld de, $c735
+	ld bc, $0004
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
+	ld de, $c739
+	ld bc, $0004
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
+	ld a, $2d
+	call Predef
+	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
+	cp $c9
+	jr nz, .asm_3f648
+	ld a, [$def4]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .asm_3f648
+	ld a, [UnownLetter]
+	ld [$def4], a
+	ld de, VTiles2
+	ld a, $3e
+	call Predef
+	xor a
+	ld [TrainerClass], a
+	ld [$ffad], a
+	ld hl, $c4ac
+	ld bc, $0707
+	ld a, $13
+	call Predef
+	ret
+; 3f662
+Function3f662: ; 3f662
+	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
+	ld de, $d25e
+	ld b, $4
+	ld a, [de]
+	inc de
+	ld [hli], a
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f690
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	push hl
+	dec a
+	ld hl, $5b00
+	ld bc, $0007
+	call AddNTimes
+	ld a, $10
+	call GetFarByte
+	pop hl
+	ld bc, $0005
+	add hl, bc
+	ld [hl], a
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3f66a
+	ret
+	xor a
+	ld [hli], a
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	ld bc, $0005
+	add hl, bc
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3f68e
+	ret
+; 3f69e
+Function3f69e: ; 3f69e
+	call Function3f6a5
+	call Function3f6d0
+	ret
+; 3f6a5
+Function3f6a5: ; 3f6a5
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f6b7
+	call Function3f759
+	ld c, $96
+	call DelayFrames
+	call Function3f77c
+	ret
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $f
+	ret nz
+	call Function3f71d
+	xor a
+	ld [$d1e9], a
+	ld a, $1c
+	call Predef
+	callba Function2ed44
+	ret
+; 3f6d0
+Function3f6d0: ; 3f6d0
+	call Function3f998
+	xor a
+	ld [Danger], a
+	ld [IsInBattle], a
+	ld [BattleType], a
+	ld [AttackMissed], a
+	ld [$d22e], a
+	ld [OtherTrainerClass], a
+	ld [$d266], a
+	ld [$d267], a
+	ld [$d232], a
+	ld [$d0d8], a
+	ld [$d0da], a
+	ld [$d0d9], a
+	ld [$d0d2], a
+	ld [CurMoveNum], a
+	ld [$d0db], a
+	ld [$d0d6], a
+	ld [$d0e4], a
+	ld [$d0e0], a
+	ld [$d0df], a
+	ld [$d0e1], a
+	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
+	ld b, $18
+	ld [hli], a
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3f715
+	call WaitSFX
+	ret
+; 3f71d
+Function3f71d: ; 3f71d
+	ld hl, $c6ec
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	ret z
+	ld a, [$c73d]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f73d
+	ld hl, $c6ee
+	sla [hl]
+	dec hl
+	rl [hl]
+	dec hl
+	rl [hl]
+	jr nc, .asm_3f73d
+	ld a, $ff
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ld hl, $c6ee
+	ld de, $d850
+	call Function3d0be
+	ld hl, BattleText_0x80730
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	bit 0, a
+	ret z
+	call ClearTileMap
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	ret
+; 3f759
+Function3f759: ; 3f759
+	callba Function1060df
+	callba Function106187
+	ld a, [CurOTMon]
+	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status
+	call GetPartyLocation
+	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
+	ld [hl], a
+	call ClearTileMap
+	callba Function2c1b2
+	ret
+; 3f77c
+Function3f77c: ; 3f77c
+	callba Function3d2e0
+	jp c, Function3f80f
+	call Function3f830
+	jr nz, .asm_3f797
+	ld hl, $cd2a
+	bit 4, [hl]
+	jr z, .asm_3f797
+	callba Function2b930
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $f
+	cp $1
+	jr c, .asm_3f7ad
+	jr z, .asm_3f7b8
+	callba Function106107
+	ld de, .Draw
+	jr .asm_3f7c3
+	callba Function1060fb
+	ld de, .Win
+	jr .asm_3f7c3
+	callba Function106101
+	ld de, .Lose
+	jr .asm_3f7c3
+	ld hl, $c546
+	call PlaceString
+	callba Function106187
+	ld c, $c8
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld a, $1
+	call GetSRAMBank
+	call Function3fa42
+	call Function3f85f
+	call CloseSRAM
+	call Function3f830
+	jr z, .asm_3f7ee
+	call Functiona80
+	call ClearTileMap
+	ret
+	ld c, $c8
+	call DelayFrames
+	call ClearTileMap
+	ret
+; 3f7f7
+	db "YOU WIN@"
+	db "YOU LOSE@"
+	db "  DRAW@"
+; 3f80f
+Function3f80f: ; 3f80f
+	ld hl, $c546
+	ld de, .Invalid
+	call PlaceString
+	ld c, $c8
+	call DelayFrames
+	call ClearTileMap
+	ret
+; 3f821
+; 3f830
+Function3f830: ; 3f830
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	cp $4
+	ret
+; 3f836
+Function3f836: ; 3f836
+	ld a, $1
+	call GetSRAMBank
+	call Function3f85f
+	call CloseSRAM
+	ld hl, AttrMap
+	xor a
+	ld bc, $0168
+	call ByteFill
+	call Function3200
+	ld b, $8
+	call GetSGBLayout
+	call Function32f9
+	ld c, $8
+	call DelayFrames
+	call Functiona80
+	ret
+; 3f85f
+Function3f85f: ; 3f85f
+	call ClearTileMap
+	call ClearSprites
+	call .asm_3f8e0
+	ld hl, $c540
+	ld b, $5
+	ld de, $b268
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	push de
+	ld a, [de]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f8c9
+	ld a, [$d4b4]
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3f8c9
+	push hl
+	push hl
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
+	ld bc, $000a
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld a, $50
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld bc, $0006
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
+	pop hl
+	call PlaceString
+	pop hl
+	ld de, $001a
+	add hl, de
+	push hl
+	ld de, $d00d
+	ld bc, $0204
+	call PrintNum
+	pop hl
+	ld de, $0005
+	add hl, de
+	push hl
+	ld de, $d00f
+	ld bc, $0204
+	call PrintNum
+	pop hl
+	ld de, $0005
+	add hl, de
+	ld de, $d011
+	ld bc, $0204
+	call PrintNum
+	jr .asm_3f8cf
+	ld de, .Format
+	call PlaceString
+	pop hl
+	ld bc, $0012
+	add hl, bc
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	pop hl
+	ld bc, $0028
+	add hl, bc
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3f870
+	ret
+	ld hl, $c4a1
+	ld de, .Record
+	call PlaceString
+	ld hl, $c518
+	ld de, .Result
+	call PlaceString
+	ld hl, $c4c8
+	ld de, .Total
+	call PlaceString
+	ld hl, $c4f6
+	ld de, $b260
+	call .asm_3f92b
+	jr c, .asm_3f92a
+	ld bc, $0204
+	call PrintNum
+	ld hl, $c4fb
+	ld de, $b262
+	call .asm_3f92b
+	ld bc, $0204
+	call PrintNum
+	ld hl, $c500
+	ld de, $b264
+	call .asm_3f92b
+	ld bc, $0204
+	call PrintNum
+	ret
+	ld a, [$d4b4]
+	and a
+	ret nz
+	ld de, .Scores
+	call PlaceString
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3f938
+	db "   0    0    0@"
+; 3f947
+.Format ; 3f947
+	db "  ---  ", $22, "         -    -    -@"
+.Record ; 3f964
+	db $52, "'s RECORD@"
+.Result ; 3f96e
+.Total ; 3f983
+; 3f998
+Function3f998: ; 3f998
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .asm_3f9c4
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $f
+	jr z, .asm_3f9af
+	call GetRoamMonHP
+	ld a, [EnemyMonHPLo]
+	ld [hl], a
+	jr .asm_3f9ca
+	call GetRoamMonHP
+	ld [hl], $0
+	call GetRoamMonMapGroup
+	ld [hl], $ff
+	call GetRoamMonMapNumber
+	ld [hl], $ff
+	call GetRoamMonSpecies
+	ld [hl], $0
+	ret
+	call BattleRandom
+	and $f
+	ret nz
+	callab Function2a30d
+	ret
+; 3f9d1
+GetRoamMonMapGroup: ; 3f9d1
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon1MapGroup
+	ret z
+	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon2MapGroup
+	ret z
+	ld hl, RoamMon3MapGroup
+	ret
+; 3f9e9
+GetRoamMonMapNumber: ; 3f9e9
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon1MapNumber
+	ret z
+	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon2MapNumber
+	ret z
+	ld hl, RoamMon3MapNumber
+	ret
+; 3fa01
+GetRoamMonHP: ; 3fa01
+; output: hl = RoamMonCurHP
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon1CurHP
+	ret z
+	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon2CurHP
+	ret z
+	ld hl, RoamMon3CurHP
+	ret
+; 3fa19
+GetRoamMonDVs: ; 3fa19
+; output: hl = RoamMonDVs
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon1DVs
+	ret z
+	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
+	cp b
+	ld hl, RoamMon2DVs
+	ret z
+	ld hl, RoamMon3DVs
+	ret
+; 3fa31
+GetRoamMonSpecies: ; 3fa31
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	ld hl, RoamMon1Species
+	cp [hl]
+	ret z
+	ld hl, RoamMon2Species
+	cp [hl]
+	ret z
+	ld hl, RoamMon3Species
+	ret
+; 3fa42
+Function3fa42: ; 3fa42
+	ld hl, $d276
+	ld de, StringBuffer1
+	ld bc, $0002
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, $d26b
+	ld bc, $000a
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, $b254
+	call Function3faa0
+	ld hl, $b266
+	ld d, $5
+	push hl
+	inc hl
+	inc hl
+	ld a, [hl]
+	dec hl
+	dec hl
+	and a
+	jr z, .asm_3fa85
+	push de
+	ld bc, $000c
+	ld de, StringBuffer1
+	call CompareLong
+	pop de
+	pop hl
+	jr c, .asm_3fa99
+	ld bc, $0012
+	add hl, bc
+	dec d
+	jr nz, .asm_3fa62
+	ld bc, $ffee
+	add hl, bc
+	push hl
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	ld hl, StringBuffer1
+	ld bc, $000c
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld b, $6
+	xor a
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3fa93
+	pop hl
+	call Function3faa0
+	call Function3fac8
+	ret
+; 3faa0
+Function3faa0: ; 3faa0
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $f
+	cp $1
+	ld bc, $000d
+	jr c, .asm_3fab4
+	ld bc, $000f
+	jr z, .asm_3fab4
+	ld bc, $0011
+	add hl, bc
+	call Function3fabe
+	ret nc
+	inc [hl]
+	ret nz
+	dec hl
+	inc [hl]
+	ret
+; 3fabe
+Function3fabe: ; 3fabe
+	dec hl
+	ld a, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	cp $27
+	ret c
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp $f
+	ret
+; 3fac8
+Function3fac8: ; 3fac8
+	ld b, $5
+	ld hl, $b277
+	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
+	push bc
+	push de
+	push hl
+	call Function3fb54
+	pop hl
+	ld a, e
+	pop de
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, b
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld a, c
+	ld [de], a
+	inc de
+	ld bc, $0012
+	add hl, bc
+	pop bc
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3fad0
+	ld b, $0
+	ld c, $1
+	ld a, b
+	add b
+	add b
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, $0
+	ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
+	add hl, de
+	push hl
+	ld a, c
+	add c
+	add c
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, $0
+	ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
+	add hl, de
+	ld d, h
+	ld e, l
+	pop hl
+	push bc
+	ld c, $3
+	call StringCmp
+	pop bc
+	jr z, .asm_3fb10
+	jr nc, .asm_3fb1f
+	inc c
+	ld a, c
+	cp $5
+	jr nz, .asm_3faed
+	inc b
+	ld c, b
+	inc c
+	ld a, b
+	cp $4
+	jr nz, .asm_3faed
+	ret
+	push bc
+	ld a, b
+	ld bc, $0012
+	ld hl, $b266
+	call AddNTimes
+	push hl
+	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
+	ld bc, $0012
+	call CopyBytes
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	push hl
+	ld a, c
+	ld bc, $0012
+	ld hl, $b266
+	call AddNTimes
+	pop de
+	push hl
+	ld bc, $0012
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
+	ld bc, $0012
+	pop de
+	call CopyBytes
+	ret
+; 3fb54
+Function3fb54: ; 3fb54
+	ld e, $0
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	ld b, a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	add c
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hld]
+	adc b
+	ld b, a
+	jr nc, .asm_3fb63
+	inc e
+	ld a, [hld]
+	add c
+	ld c, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	adc b
+	ld b, a
+	ret nc
+	inc e
+	ret
+; 3fb6c
+Function3fb6c: ; 3fb6c
+	call Function3fbf8
+	ld hl, $c590
+	ld b, $4
+	ld c, $12
+	call TextBox
+	callba MobileTextBorder
+	ld hl, $c505
+	ld bc, $0307
+	call ClearBox
+	call Functione51
+	call Function3ed9f
+	call Function3fbd6
+	xor a
+	ld [$ffde], a
+	ld [hSCY], a
+	ld a, $90
+	ld [hWY], a
+	ld [rWY], a
+	call WaitBGMap
+	xor a
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	callba Function4e980
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hBGMapMode], a
+	ld a, $31
+	ld [$ffad], a
+	ld hl, $c51a
+	ld bc, $0606
+	ld a, $13
+	call Predef
+	xor a
+	ld [hWY], a
+	ld [rWY], a
+	call WaitBGMap
+	call HideSprites
+	ld b, $1
+	call GetSGBLayout
+	call Function32f9
+	ld a, $90
+	ld [hWY], a
+	xor a
+	ld [hSCX], a
+	ret
+; 3fbd6
+Function3fbd6: ; 3fbd6
+	ld a, [rSVBK]
+	push af
+	ld a, $6
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ld hl, $d000
+	ld bc, VBlank5
+	ld a, $7f
+	call ByteFill
+	ld de, $d000
+	ld hl, VBGMap0
+	ld bc, $0f40
+	call Request2bpp
+	pop af
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ret
+; 3fbf8
+Function3fbf8: ; 3fbf8
+	call GetBattleBackpic
+	call Function3fc30
+	ret
+; 3fbff
+GetBattleBackpic: ; 3fbff
+; Load the player character's backpic (6x6) into VRAM starting from $9310.
+; Special exception for Dude.
+	ld b, BANK(DudeBackpic)
+	ld hl, DudeBackpic
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr z, .Decompress
+; What gender are we?
+	ld a, [$d45b]
+	bit 2, a
+	jr nz, .Chris
+	ld a, [PlayerGender]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr z, .Chris
+; It's a girl.
+	callba GetKrisBackpic
+	ret
+; It's a boy.
+	ld b, BANK(ChrisBackpic)
+	ld hl, ChrisBackpic
+	ld de, $9310
+	ld c, $31
+	call Predef
+	ret
+; 3fc30
+Function3fc30: ; 3fc30
+	ld a, [rSVBK]
+	push af
+	ld a, $6
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ld hl, VTiles0
+	ld de, $9310
+	ld a, [hROMBank]
+	ld b, a
+	ld c, $31
+	call Get2bpp
+	pop af
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	call Function3fc5b
+	ld a, $31
+	ld [$ffad], a
+	ld hl, $c51a
+	ld bc, $0606
+	ld a, $13
+	call Predef
+	ret
+; 3fc5b
+Function3fc5b: ; 3fc5b
+	ld hl, Sprites
+	xor a
+	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
+	ld b, $6
+	ld e, $a8
+	ld c, $3
+	ld d, $40
+	ld [hl], d
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], e
+	inc hl
+	ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
+	ld [hli], a
+	inc a
+	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
+	ld a, $1
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, d
+	add $8
+	ld d, a
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .asm_3fc69
+	ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
+	add $3
+	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
+	ld a, e
+	add $8
+	ld e, a
+	dec b
+	jr nz, .asm_3fc65
+	ret
+; 3fc8b
+BattleStartMessage: ; 3fc8b
+	ld a, [IsInBattle]
+	dec a
+	jr z, .asm_3fcaa
+	ld de, SFX_SHINE
+	call PlaySFX
+	call WaitSFX
+	ld c, 20
+	call DelayFrames
+	callba Function39939
+	ld hl, WantsToBattleText
+	jr .asm_3fd0e
+	call Function3da79
+	jr nc, .asm_3fcc2
+	xor a
+	ld [$cfca], a
+	ld a, 1
+	ld [hBattleTurn], a
+	ld a, 1
+	ld [$c689], a
+	ld de, $0101
+	call Function3ee17
+	callba CheckSleepingTreeMon
+	jr c, .asm_3fceb
+	callba CheckBattleScene
+	jr c, .asm_3fce0
+	hlcoord 12, 0
+	ld d, $0
+	ld e, $1
+	ld a, $47
+	call Predef
+	jr .asm_3fceb
+	ld a, $0f
+	ld [CryTracks], a
+	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
+	call Function37b6
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .asm_3fcfd
+	callba Function106086
+	ld hl, HookedPokemonAttackedText
+	jr .asm_3fd0e
+	ld hl, PokemonFellFromTreeText
+	jr z, .asm_3fd0e
+	ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText2
+	cp $b
+	jr z, .asm_3fd0e
+	ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText
+	push hl
+	callba Function2c000
+	pop hl
+	call StdBattleTextBox
+	call Function3f830
+	ret nz
+	ld c, $2
+	callba Function4ea0a
+	ret
+; 3fd26
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -38424,9488 +38424,11 @@
-Function3c000: ; 3c000
-	xor a
-	ld [$c664], a
-	ld [$c6fc], a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	inc a
-	ld [$d264], a
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
-	ld bc, $002f
-	ld d, $3
-	inc d
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3c021
-	add hl, bc
-	jr .asm_3c019
+INCLUDE "battle/core.asm"
-	ld a, d
-	ld [$d430], a
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c031
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $2
-	db $28
-	db $1b
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3c047
-	xor a
-	ld [$c718], a
-	call Function3d834
-	call Function3d867
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3d4e1
-	ld c, $28
-	call DelayFrames
-	call Function309d
-	call Function3d873
-	ld a, d
-	and a
-	jp z, LostBattle
-	call Function30b4
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $2
-	jp z, Function3c0e2
-	cp $3
-	jp z, Function3c0e2
-	xor a
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	call Function3d887
-	jr nz, .asm_3c076
-	ld hl, CurPartyMon
-	inc [hl]
-	jr .asm_3c06b
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [$c71a], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	inc a
-	ld hl, PartyCount
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a
-	ld hl, $c505
-	ld a, $9
-	call Function3d490
-	call Function309d
-	call Function3d57a
-	call Function3da0d
-	call Function3dab1
-	call Function3f26d
-	call Function3dbde
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3db5f
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3dc23
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c0df
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_3c0df
-	xor a
-	ld [$c718], a
-	call Function3d834
-	call Function3d867
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3d4e1
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3dc23
-	jp Function3c12f
-; 3c0e2
-Function3c0e2: ; 3c0e2
-	jp Function3e139
-; 3c0e5
-Function3c0e5: ; 3c0e5
-	call Function30b4
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	add $2
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	ld hl, $47bd
-	jr z, .asm_3c115
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	ld hl, $47cf
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr nc, .asm_3c115
-	ld hl, $cd2a
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3c118
-	ld hl, $5863
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function3ceec
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr c, .asm_3c126
-	ld de, SFX_RUN
-	call PlaySFX
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld a, 1
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ret
-; 3c12f
-Function3c12f: ; 3c12f
-	call Function3c1bf
-	call Function3c3f5
-	jp c, .asm_3c1be
-	xor a
-	ld [$c710], a
-	ld [$c711], a
-	ld [$d264], a
-	ld [$c73f], a
-	ld [$c740], a
-	ld [CurDamage], a
-	ld [$d257], a
-	call Function3c27c
-	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
-	callba AIChooseMove
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr nz, .asm_3c174
-	callba Function100da5
-	callba Function100641
-	callba Function100dd8
-	jp c, .asm_3c1be
-	call Function3c410
-	jr c, .asm_3c18a
-	call Function3e139
-	jr c, .asm_3c1be
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
-	ld a, [$d232]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
-	call Function3c434
-	jr nz, .asm_3c179
-	call Function3c300
-	jr c, .asm_3c1be
-	call Function3c314
-	jr c, .asm_3c19e
-	call Function3c5fe
-	jr .asm_3c1a1
-	call Function3c664
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr c, .asm_3c1be
-	ld a, [$d232]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
-	call Function3c1d6
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1be
-	jp Function3c12f
-	ret
-; 3c1bf
-Function3c1bf: ; 3c1bf
-	ret
-; 3c1c0
-Function3c1c0: ; 3c1c0
-	ld a, $5
-	call GetSRAMBank
-	ld hl, $a89b
-	inc [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1d2
-	dec hl
-	inc [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3c1d2
-	dec [hl]
-	inc hl
-	dec [hl]
-	call CloseSRAM
-	ret
-; 3c1d6
-Function3c1d6: ; 3c1d6
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c1fe
-	call Function3c23c
-	ret c
-	call Function3ca26
-	call Function3c23c
-	ret c
-	call HandleWeather
-	call Function3c23c
-	ret c
-	call Function3c874
-	call Function3c23c
-	ret c
-	call Function3c801
-	call Function3c23c
-	ret c
-	jr .asm_3c21e
-	call Function3c25c
-	ret c
-	call Function3ca26
-	call Function3c25c
-	ret c
-	call HandleWeather
-	call Function3c25c
-	ret c
-	call Function3c874
-	call Function3c25c
-	ret c
-	call Function3c801
-	call Function3c25c
-	ret c
-	call Function3c8eb
-	call Function3c93c
-	call Function3ca8f
-	call Function3cafb
-	call Function3cb36
-	call Function3de97
-	call Function3dcf9
-	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
-	call Function309d
-	jp Function3c4df
-; 3c23c
-Function3c23c: ; 3c23c
-	call Function3c710
-	jr nz, .asm_3c24a
-	call Function3d14e
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c25a
-	call Function3c70b
-	jr nz, .asm_3c258
-	call Function3cd55
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c25a
-	and a
-	ret
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3c25c
-Function3c25c: ; 3c25c
-	call Function3c70b
-	jr nz, .asm_3c26a
-	call Function3cd55
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c27a
-	call Function3c710
-	jr nz, .asm_3c278
-	call Function3d14e
-	ld a, [BattleEnded]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c27a
-	and a
-	ret
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3c27c
-Function3c27c: ; 3c27c
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c287
-	call .asm_3c28a
-	jr .asm_3c296
-	call .asm_3c296
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld de, PartyMon1Item
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld b, a
-	jr .asm_3c2a0
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld de, OTPartyMon1Item
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	ld b, a
-	push de
-	push bc
-	callab GetUserItem
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	sub $98
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	ret nz
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld a, b
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, $2
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	push af
-	set 7, [hl]
-	ld a, $c
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	push hl
-	push af
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [AttackMissed], a
-	ld [EffectFailed], a
-	callba BattleCommand77
-	pop af
-	pop hl
-	ld [hl], a
-	call GetItemName
-	ld hl, $4bde
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	callab BattleCommand8c
-	pop af
-	bit 7, a
-	ret nz
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld de, $0103
-	call Function3ee0f
-	call Function3c8e4
-	ld hl, $4d97
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3c300
-Function3c300: ; 3c300
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c30d
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	cp $f
-	jr z, .asm_3c30f
-	and a
-	ret
-	call Function3c0e5
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3c314
-Function3c314: ; 3c314
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c35b
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	cp $e
-	jr z, .asm_3c35b
-	cp $d
-	jr z, .asm_3c35b
-	sub $4
-	jr c, .asm_3c35b
-	ld a, [$d0ec]
-	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_3c34c
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3c341
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp $80
-	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
-	jp Function3c3f3
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp $80
-	jp c, Function3c3f3
-	jp .asm_3c3f1
-	callab Function3846c
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3dc23
-	jp Function3c3f3
-	ld a, [$d0ec]
-	and a
-	jp nz, .asm_3c3f1
-	call Function3c5b4
-	jr z, .asm_3c36d
-	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
-	jp Function3c3f3
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	callab GetUserItem
-	push bc
-	callab GetOpponentItem
-	pop de
-	ld a, d
-	cp $4a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c391
-	ld a, b
-	cp $4a
-	jr z, .asm_3c39f
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp e
-	jr nc, .asm_3c3c5
-	jp .asm_3c3f1
-	ld a, b
-	cp $4a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c3c5
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp c
-	jr nc, .asm_3c3c5
-	jp Function3c3f3
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3c3b5
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp c
-	jp c, Function3c3f3
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp e
-	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
-	jr .asm_3c3c5
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp e
-	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp c
-	jp c, Function3c3f3
-	jr .asm_3c3c5
-	ld de, BattleMonSpd
-	ld hl, EnemyMonSpd
-	ld c, $2
-	call StringCmp
-	jr z, .asm_3c3d8
-	jp nc, .asm_3c3f1
-	jp Function3c3f3
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3c3e9
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp $80
-	jp c, .asm_3c3f1
-	jp Function3c3f3
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp $80
-	jp c, Function3c3f3
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3c3f3
-Function3c3f3: ; 3c3f3
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3c3f5
-Function3c3f5: ; 3c3f5
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $6
-	jr nz, .asm_3c40e
-	ld a, [$dc79]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c40e
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	add $2
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	scf
-	ret
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3c410
-Function3c410: ; 3c410
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus4]
-	and $20
-	jp nz, Function3c432
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus3
-	res 3, [hl]
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
-	res 3, [hl]
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $12
-	jp nz, Function3c432
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
-	bit 6, [hl]
-	jp nz, Function3c432
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3c432
-Function3c432: ; 3c432
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3c434
-Function3c434: ; 3c434
-	call Function3c410
-	jp c, .asm_3c4ba
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3c449
-	ld a, [LastPlayerMove]
-	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
-	jr .asm_3c47c
-	ld a, [$d0ec]
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3c4ce
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c4b5
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus3]
-	and $1
-	jr nz, .asm_3c4ba
-	xor a
-	ld [$d235], a
-	inc a
-	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
-	call Function3e4bc
-	push af
-	call Function30b4
-	call UpdateBattleHuds
-	ld a, [CurPlayerMove]
-	cp $a5
-	jr z, .asm_3c476
-	call PlayClickSFX
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	pop af
-	ret nz
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	callab UpdateMoveData
-	xor a
-	ld [$c732], a
-	ld a, [PlayerMoveEffect]
-	cp $77
-	jr z, .asm_3c494
-	xor a
-	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld a, [PlayerMoveEffect]
-	cp $51
-	jr z, .asm_3c4a4
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
-	res 6, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ld [$c72b], a
-	ld a, [PlayerMoveEffect]
-	cp $6f
-	jr z, .asm_3c4c9
-	cp $74
-	jr z, .asm_3c4c9
-	xor a
-	ld [$c679], a
-	jr .asm_3c4c9
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
-	res 0, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld [$c679], a
-	ld [$c72b], a
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
-	res 6, [hl]
-	call Function3e7c1
-	xor a
-	ret
-	xor a
-	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld [$c679], a
-	ld [$c72b], a
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
-	res 6, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3c4df
-Function3c4df: ; 3c4df
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c4ea
-	call .asm_3c4ed
-	jr .asm_3c518
-	call .asm_3c518
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	ret z
-	ld a, [PlayerEncoreCount]
-	dec a
-	ld [PlayerEncoreCount], a
-	jr z, .asm_3c50a
-	ld hl, BattleMonPPMove1
-	ld a, [CurMoveNum]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $3f
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
-	res 4, [hl]
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld hl, $4c8a
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	ret z
-	ld a, [EnemyEncoreCount]
-	dec a
-	ld [EnemyEncoreCount], a
-	jr z, .asm_3c535
-	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
-	ld a, [CurEnemyMoveNum]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $3f
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
-	res 4, [hl]
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld hl, $4c8a
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3c543
-Function3c543: ; 3c543
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .Stay
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
-	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .Stay
-	ld a, [$c731]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .Stay
-	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
-	and 1 << FRZ | SLP
-	jr nz, .Stay
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld de, 1
-	ld hl, .Always
-	call IsInArray
-	jr c, .Flee
-	call BattleRandom
-	ld b, a
-	cp $80
-	jr nc, .Stay
-	push bc
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld de, 1
-	ld hl, .Often
-	call IsInArray
-	pop bc
-	jr c, .Flee
-	ld a, b
-	cp $1a
-	jr nc, .Stay
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld de, 1
-	ld hl, .Sometimes
-	call IsInArray
-	jr c, .Flee
-	and a
-	ret
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3c59a
-	db MR__MIME
-	db EEVEE
-	db UNOWN
-	db $ff
-	db $ff
-	db ENTEI
-	db $ff
-; 3c5b4
-Function3c5b4: ; 3c5b4
-	ld a, [CurPlayerMove]
-	call GetMovePriority
-	ld b, a
-	push bc
-	ld a, [CurEnemyMove]
-	call GetMovePriority
-	pop bc
-	cp b
-	ret
-; 3c5c5
-GetMovePriority: ; 3c5c5
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, 0
-	ret z
-	call Function3c5ec
-	ld hl, .data_3c5df
-	ld a, [hli]
-	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_3c5dd
-	inc hl
-	cp $ff
-	jr nz, .loop
-	ld a, 1
-	ret
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3c5df
-	db EFFECT_PROTECT,      3
-	db EFFECT_ENDURE,       3
-	db EFFECT_COUNTER,      0
-	db $ff
-; 3c5ec
-Function3c5ec: ; 3c5ec
-	ld a, b
-	dec a
-	ld hl, $5afc
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call AddNTimes
-	ld a, $10
-	call GetFarByte
-	ld b, a
-	ret
-; 3c5fe
-Function3c5fe: ; 3c5fe
-	call Function309d
-	call Function3c543
-	jp c, Function3c0e5
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c70f], a
-	callab Function38000
-	jr c, .asm_3c62f
-	call Function3c6de
-	call Function3d2e0
-	ret c
-	ld a, [$d232]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	call Function3c710
-	jp z, Function3d14e
-	call Function3c70b
-	jp z, Function3cd55
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3c716
-	jp z, Function3cd55
-	call RefreshBattleHuds
-	call Function3c6cf
-	call Function3d2e0
-	ret c
-	ld a, [$d232]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	call Function3c70b
-	jp z, Function3cd55
-	call Function3c710
-	jp z, Function3d14e
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3c716
-	jp z, Function3d14e
-	call RefreshBattleHuds
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ret
-; 3c664
-Function3c664: ; 3c664
-	xor a
-	ld [$c70f], a
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	callab Function38000
-	push af
-	call Function3c6cf
-	pop bc
-	ld a, [$d232]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	call Function3d2e0
-	ret c
-	call Function3c70b
-	jp z, Function3cd55
-	call Function3c710
-	jp z, Function3d14e
-	push bc
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3c716
-	pop bc
-	jp z, Function3d14e
-	push bc
-	call RefreshBattleHuds
-	pop af
-	jr c, .asm_3c6be
-	call Function309d
-	call Function3c543
-	jp c, Function3c0e5
-	call Function3c6de
-	call Function3d2e0
-	ret c
-	ld a, [$d232]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	call Function3c710
-	jp z, Function3d14e
-	call Function3c70b
-	jp z, Function3cd55
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3c716
-	jp z, Function3cd55
-	call RefreshBattleHuds
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ret
-; 3c6cf
-Function3c6cf: ; 3c6cf
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3c6fe
-	callab DoPlayerTurn
-	jp Function3c6ed
-; 3c6de
-Function3c6de: ; 3c6de
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3c6fe
-	callab DoEnemyTurn
-	jp Function3c6ed
-; 3c6ed
-Function3c6ed: ; 3c6ed
-	ld a, $5
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	res 2, [hl]
-	res 5, [hl]
-	ld a, $9
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	res 6, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3c6fe
-Function3c6fe: ; 3c6fe
-	ld a, $4
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	res 6, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3c706
-Function3c706: ; 3c706
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, Function3c710
-Function3c70b: ; 3c70b
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	jr asm_3c713
-Function3c710: ; 3c710
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	ret
-; 3c716
-Function3c716: ; 3c716
-	call Function3c706
-	ret z
-	ld a, $a
-	call GetBattleVar
-	and $18
-	jr z, .asm_3c768
-	ld hl, $47e2
-	ld de, $0106
-	and $10
-	jr z, .asm_3c733
-	ld hl, $47f8
-	ld de, $0105
-	push de
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	pop de
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	call Function3ee0f
-	call GetEighthMaxHP
-	ld de, $c674
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c74d
-	ld de, $c67c
-	ld a, $4
-	call GetBattleVar
-	bit 0, a
-	jr z, .asm_3c765
-	call Function3cc76
-	ld a, [de]
-	inc a
-	ld [de], a
-	ld hl, $0000
-	add hl, bc
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c75f
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	call Function3cc3f
-	call Function3c706
-	jp z, .asm_3c7f7
-	ld a, $3
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	bit 7, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3c7a1
-	call Function3c8e4
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld de, $0107
-	ld a, $7
-	call GetBattleVar
-	and $60
-	call z, Function3ee0f
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call GetEighthMaxHP
-	call Function3cc3f
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call Function3ccef
-	ld hl, $480e
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function3c706
-	jr z, .asm_3c7f7
-	ld a, $0
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3c7c5
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld de, $010c
-	call Function3ee0f
-	call GetQuarterMaxHP
-	call Function3cc3f
-	ld hl, $4822
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function3c706
-	jr z, .asm_3c7f7
-	ld a, $0
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	bit 1, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3c7e9
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld de, $010c
-	call Function3ee0f
-	call GetQuarterMaxHP
-	call Function3cc3f
-	ld hl, $4836
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c7f4
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	ret nz
-	call RefreshBattleHuds
-	ld c, $14
-	call DelayFrames
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3c801
-Function3c801: ; 3c801
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c813
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call .asm_3c81c
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jp .asm_3c81c
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call .asm_3c81c
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld hl, PlayerPerishCount
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c827
-	ld hl, EnemyPerishCount
-	ld a, $0
-	call GetBattleVar
-	bit 4, a
-	ret z
-	dec [hl]
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	push af
-	ld hl, $4864
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	pop af
-	ret nz
-	ld a, $0
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	res 4, [hl]
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c85c
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, PartyMon1CurHP
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ret
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ret
-; 3c874
-Function3c874: ; 3c874
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c886
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call .asm_3c88f
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jp .asm_3c88f
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call .asm_3c88f
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld hl, $c730
-	ld de, $c72e
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c8a0
-	ld hl, $c731
-	ld de, $c72f
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld a, $3
-	call GetBattleVar
-	bit 4, a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
-	call GetMoveName
-	dec [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3c8de
-	ld a, $2
-	call GetBattleVar
-	and $60
-	jr nz, .asm_3c8d3
-	call Function3c8e4
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld [FXAnimIDHi], a
-	ld a, $37
-	call Predef
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call Function3cc76
-	call Function3cc3f
-	ld hl, $4de2
-	jr .asm_3c8e1
-	ld hl, $4df5
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3c8e4
-Function3c8e4: ; 3c8e4
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	xor $1
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ret
-; 3c8eb
-Function3c8eb: ; 3c8eb
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c8fd
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call .asm_3c906
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jp .asm_3c906
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call .asm_3c906
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	callab GetUserItem
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	call GetItemName
-	ld a, b
-	cp $3
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c922
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3c92d
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp c
-	ret z
-	call Function3cc76
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call Function3ccef
-	ld hl, $4880
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3c93c
-Function3c93c: ; 3c93c
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c94e
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call .asm_3c957
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jp .asm_3c957
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call .asm_3c957
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	callab GetUserItem
-	ld a, b
-	cp $6
-	jr nz, .asm_3c9ae
-	ld hl, PartyMon1PP
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Move1
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c99b
-	ld de, $c739
-	ld hl, $c735
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3c99b
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1PPMove1
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Move1
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld c, $0
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c9ae
-	ld a, [de]
-	and $3f
-	jr z, .asm_3c9af
-	inc hl
-	inc de
-	inc c
-	ld a, c
-	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_3c99d
-	ret
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $a6
-	ld b, $1
-	jr z, .asm_3c9b8
-	ld b, $5
-	ld a, [de]
-	add b
-	ld [de], a
-	push bc
-	push bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	ld de, BattleMonItem
-	ld hl, BattleMonPPMove1
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3c9d2
-	ld de, EnemyMonItem
-	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
-	inc de
-	pop bc
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	push hl
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	add hl, bc
-	pop de
-	pop bc
-	ld a, [$d265]
-	cp [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3c9f5
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
-	jr z, .asm_3c9ee
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3c9f5
-	ld a, [de]
-	add b
-	ld [de], a
-	callab GetUserItem
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	call Function3df12
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3ca12
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3ca14
-	call Function3df1f
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	call GetItemName
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call Function3ddc8
-	call Function3c8e4
-	ld hl, $4899
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3ca26
-Function3ca26: ; 3ca26
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3ca38
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call .asm_3ca41
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jp .asm_3ca41
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call .asm_3ca41
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld hl, $c71d
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3ca4c
-	ld hl, $c71e
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	dec a
-	ld [hl], a
-	cp $1
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, $48b6
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld a, $10
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	push af
-	ld a, $f8
-	ld [hl], a
-	callab UpdateMoveData
-	xor a
-	ld [AttackMissed], a
-	ld [AlreadyDisobeyed], a
-	ld a, $a
-	ld [TypeModifier], a
-	callab DoMove
-	xor a
-	ld [CurDamage], a
-	ld [$d257], a
-	ld a, $10
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	pop af
-	ld [hl], a
-	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
-	jp UpdateEnemyMonInParty
-; 3ca8f
-Function3ca8f: ; 3ca8f
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3ca9a
-	call .asm_3ca9d
-	jr .asm_3cac9
-	call .asm_3cac9
-	ld a, [BattleMonStatus]
-	bit 5, a
-	ret z
-	ld a, [$c73f]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp $19
-	ret nc
-	xor a
-	ld [BattleMonStatus], a
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Status
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld [hl], $0
-	call UpdateBattleHuds
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld hl, $524b
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
-	bit 5, a
-	ret z
-	ld a, [$c740]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp $19
-	ret nc
-	xor a
-	ld [EnemyMonStatus], a
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3caef
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld [hl], $0
-	call UpdateBattleHuds
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld hl, $524b
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3cafb
-Function3cafb: ; 3cafb
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3cb06
-	call .asm_3cb09
-	jr .asm_3cb1c
-	call .asm_3cb1c
-	ld a, [PlayerScreens]
-	bit 2, a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $c701
-	dec [hl]
-	ret nz
-	res 2, a
-	ld [PlayerScreens], a
-	xor a
-	jr .asm_3cb2e
-	ld a, [EnemyScreens]
-	bit 2, a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $c705
-	dec [hl]
-	ret nz
-	res 2, a
-	ld [EnemyScreens], a
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ld hl, $48d2
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3cb36
-Function3cb36: ; 3cb36
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp 1
-	jr z, .Both
-	call .CheckPlayer
-	jr .CheckEnemy
-	call .CheckEnemy
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld de, .Your
-	call .asm_3cb6f
-	ld hl, PlayerScreens
-	ld de, PlayerLightScreenCount
-	jr .FadeScreens
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld de, .Enemy
-	call .asm_3cb6f
-	ld hl, EnemyScreens
-	ld de, EnemyLightScreenCount
-	call nz, FadeLightScreen
-	call nz, FadeReflect
-	ret
-	ld hl, StringBuffer1
-	jp CopyName2
-; 3cb75
-	db "Your@"
-	db "Enemy@"
-; 3cb80
-FadeLightScreen: ; 3cb80
-	ld a, [de]
-	dec a
-	ld [de], a
-	ret nz
-	push hl
-	push de
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x808e7
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3cb91
-FadeReflect: ; 3cb91
-	inc de
-	ld a, [de]
-	dec a
-	ld [de], a
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80905
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3cb9e
-HandleWeather: ; 3cb9e
-	ld a, [Weather]
-	cp 0
-	ret z
-	ld hl, WeatherCount
-	dec [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3cc13
-	ld hl, .WeatherMessages
-	call .asm_3cc1e
-	ld a, [Weather]
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp 1
-	jr z, .asm_3cbc7
-; Player first
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call .asm_3cbd0
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jr .asm_3cbd0
-; Enemy first
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call .asm_3cbd0
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call GetBattleVar
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, BattleMonType1
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3cbe3
-	ld hl, EnemyMonType1
-	ld a, [hli]
-	cp ROCK
-	ret z
-	ret z
-	cp STEEL
-	ret z
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp ROCK
-	ret z
-	ret z
-	cp STEEL
-	ret z
-	call Function3c8e4
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld de, $010b
-	call Function3ee17
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call GetEighthMaxHP
-	call Function3cc3f
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x8084d
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-	ld hl, .WeatherEndedMessages
-	call .asm_3cc1e
-	xor a
-	ld [Weather], a
-	ret
-	ld a, [Weather]
-	dec a
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3cc2d
-	dw BattleText_0x8091f
-	dw BattleText_0x80938
-	dw BattleText_0x80951
-	dw BattleText_0x80967
-	dw BattleText_0x8097a
-	dw BattleText_0x8098f
-; 3cc39
-Function3cc39: ; 3cc39
-	call Function3cc45
-	jp Function3cd3c
-; 3cc3f
-Function3cc3f: ; 3cc3f
-	call Function3cc45
-	jp Function3cd36
-; 3cc45
-Function3cc45: ; 3cc45
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3cc50
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	inc hl
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d1ec], a
-	sub c
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld [$d1ee], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d1ed], a
-	sbc b
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [$d1ef], a
-	ret nc
-	ld a, [$d1ec]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [$d1ed]
-	ld b, a
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [$d1ee], a
-	ld [$d1ef], a
-	ret
-; 3cc76
-Function3cc76: ; 3cc76
-	call GetQuarterMaxHP
-	srl c
-	srl c
-	ld a, c
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3cc82
-	inc c
-	ret
-; 3cc83
-GetEighthMaxHP: ; 3cc83
-; output: bc
-	call GetQuarterMaxHP
-; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp
-; halve result
-	srl c
-; round up
-	ld a, c
-	and a
-	jr nz, .end
-	inc c
-	ret
-; 3cc8e
-GetQuarterMaxHP: ; 3cc8e
-; output: bc
-	call GetMaxHP
-; quarter result
-	srl b
-	rr c
-	srl b
-	rr c
-; assumes nothing can have 1024 or more hp
-; round up
-	ld a, c
-	and a
-	jr nz, .end
-	inc c
-	ret
-; 3cc9f
-GetHalfMaxHP: ; 3cc9f
-; output: bc
-	call GetMaxHP
-; halve reslut
-	srl b
-	rr c
-; floor = 1
-	ld a, c
-	or b
-	jr nz, .end
-	inc c
-	ret
-; 3ccac
-GetMaxHP: ; 3ccac
-; output: bc, Buffer1-2
-; player
-	ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP
-; whose turn?
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .gethp
-; enemy
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [Buffer2], a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [Buffer1], a
-	ld c, a
-	ret
-; 3ccc2
-Function3ccc2: ; 3ccc2
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3cccd
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld c, a
-	srl b
-	rr c
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [Buffer2], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [Buffer1], a
-	ret
-; 3ccde
-Function3ccde: ; 3ccde
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP + 1
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3cce9
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHP + 1
-	ld a, c
-	sub [hl]
-	dec hl
-	ld a, b
-	sbc [hl]
-	ret
-; 3ccef
-Function3ccef: ; 3ccef
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHP
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3ccfa
-	ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [Buffer2], a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld [Buffer1], a
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d1ec], a
-	add c
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld [$d1ee], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d1ed], a
-	adc b
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [$d1ef], a
-	ld a, [Buffer1]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sub c
-	ld a, [Buffer2]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc b
-	jr c, .asm_3cd2d
-	ld a, b
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [$d1ef], a
-	ld a, c
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [$d1ee], a
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call Function3cd36
-	jp Function3c8e4
-; 3cd36
-Function3cd36: ; 3cd36
-	call Function3cd3c
-	jp UpdateBattleHuds
-; 3cd3c
-Function3cd3c: ; 3cd3c
-	ld hl, $c55e
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	ld a, $1
-	jr z, .asm_3cd4a
-	ld hl, $c4ca
-	xor a
-	push bc
-	ld [$d10a], a
-	ld a, $b
-	call Predef
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3cd55
-Function3cd55: ; 3cd55
-	call Function3cf14
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	call z, Function3cef1
-	xor a
-	ld [$c6f7], a
-	call Function3ce01
-	call Function3d873
-	ld a, d
-	and a
-	jp z, LostBattle
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	call nz, Function3df48
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld c, $3c
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3cd8c
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ret
-	call Function3cf35
-	jp z, Function3cfa4
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3cdba
-	call Function3d1f8
-	jr nc, .asm_3cda4
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ret
-	call Function3d227
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jp c, Function3c0e5
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	call Function3cf4a
-	jp z, Function3c0e5
-	jr asm_3cdca
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	call Function3cf4a
-	jp z, Function3c0e5
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ret
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3cde6
-	call ClearSprites
-	ld hl, $c4a1
-	ld bc, $040a
-	call ClearBox
-	call Function3d2b3
-	ld a, $1
-	call asm_3cf78
-	jr .asm_3cdfc
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	push af
-	ld a, $1
-	call asm_3cf78
-	call ClearSprites
-	call Function309d
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	call Function3d2b3
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ret
-; 3ce01
-Function3ce01: ; 3ce01
-	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3ce16
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3
-	res 2, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ld hl, EnemyDamageTaken
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	call Function3d834
-	call Function3dc18
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3ce2f
-	jr .asm_3ce37
-	call Function3ceec
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c6fd], a
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3ce47
-	ld a, [$c6f7]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3ce47
-	call Function3d1aa
-	call Function3d873
-	ld a, d
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	call z, Function3d0ea
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	call Function3ceaa
-	jr z, .asm_3ce72
-	ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats
-	ld b, $7
-	srl [hl]
-	inc hl
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ce6c
-	ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats
-	ld de, $c720
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call CopyBytes
-	xor a
-	ld [$c71f], a
-	call Function3ee3b
-	call Function3ceaa
-	ret z
-	ld a, [$c664]
-	push af
-	ld a, d
-	ld [$c664], a
-	ld hl, $c720
-	ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c71f], a
-	call Function3ee3b
-	pop af
-	ld [$c664], a
-	ret
-; 3ceaa
-Function3ceaa: ; 3ceaa
-	ld a, [PartyCount]
-	ld b, a
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Species
-	ld c, $1
-	ld d, $0
-	push hl
-	push bc
-	ld bc, $0022
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	pop bc
-	pop hl
-	jr z, .asm_3ced1
-	push hl
-	push bc
-	ld bc, $0001
-	add hl, bc
-	pop bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	pop hl
-	cp $39
-	jr nz, .asm_3ced1
-	ld a, d
-	or c
-	ld d, a
-	sla c
-	push de
-	ld de, $0030
-	add hl, de
-	pop de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ceb5
-	ld a, d
-	ld e, $0
-	ld b, $6
-	srl a
-	jr nc, .asm_3cee6
-	inc e
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3cee1
-	ld a, e
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3ceec
-Function3ceec: ; 3ceec
-	xor a
-	ld [Danger], a
-	ret
-; 3cef1
-Function3cef1: ; 3cef1
-	call Function3ceec
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld a, $f0
-	ld [CryTracks], a
-	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
-	call Function37b6
-	call Function3d43b
-	ld hl, $c535
-	ld bc, $050b
-	call ClearBox
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80a75
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3cf14
-Function3cf14: ; 3cf14
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld de, SFX_KINESIS
-	call PlaySFX
-	call Function3d432
-	ld de, SFX_UNKNOWN_2A
-	call PlaySFX
-	hlcoord 1, 0
-	ld bc, $040a
-	call ClearBox
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x809a8
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3cf35
-Function3cf35: ; 3cf35
-	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
-	ld b, a
-	xor a
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
-	ld de, $0030
-	or [hl]
-	inc hl
-	or [hl]
-	dec hl
-	add hl, de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3cf40
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3cf4a
-Function3cf4a: ; 3cf4a
-	ld hl, EnemyHPPal
-	ld e, $30
-	call Function3e12e
-	call WaitBGMap
-	callba Function2c012
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3cf6d
-	call Function3e8e4
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	cp $f
-	ret z
-	call Function30b4
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	ld a, $0
-	jr nz, asm_3cf78
-	inc a
-	ret
-	push af
-	xor a
-	ld [$c718], a
-	call Function3d834
-	call Function3d867
-	call Function3dc18
-	pop af
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3cf8f
-	call Function3d4e1
-	jr .asm_3cf92
-	call asm_3d517
-	call Function3d57a
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3dc23
-	xor a
-	ld [EnemyMoveAnimation], a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	inc a
-	ret
-; 3cfa4
-Function3cfa4: ; 3cfa4
-	call Function3ceec
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c6fd], a
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	ld a, b
-	call z, Function3d0ea
-	callab Function39939
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x809da
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr z, .asm_3cff5
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [$cfc0]
-	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d006
-	call Function3ebd8
-	ld c, $28
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_3cfe8
-	ld a, $2
-	call Predef
-	ld a, [$c2cc]
-	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3cff2
-	call Function3718
-	jp Function3d02b
-	call Function3ebd8
-	ld c, $28
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld c, $4
-	callba Function4ea0a
-	ret
-	call Function3ebd8
-	ld c, $28
-	call DelayFrames
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	ld c, $3
-	callba Function11c000
-	call Functiona80
-	ld hl, $c6ec
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	inc hl
-	or [hl]
-	ret nz
-	call ClearTileMap
-	call WhiteBGMap
-	ret
-; 3d02b
-Function3d02b: ; 3d02b
-	ld a, [$c73d]
-	and a
-	call nz, Function3d099
-	call Function3d0b1
-	push af
-	ld a, $0
-	jr nc, .asm_3d044
-	ld a, [$d854]
-	and $7
-	cp $3
-	jr nz, .asm_3d044
-	inc a
-	ld b, a
-	ld c, $4
-	ld a, b
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d052
-	call Function3d081
-	dec c
-	dec b
-	jr .asm_3d047
-	ld a, c
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d05c
-	call Function3d08d
-	dec c
-	jr .asm_3d052
-	call Function3d099
-	call Function3d099
-	pop af
-	jr nc, .asm_3d07b
-	ld a, [$d854]
-	and $7
-	jr z, .asm_3d07b
-	ld hl, SentToMomTexts
-	dec a
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x809be
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3d081
-Function3d081: ; 3d081
-	push bc
-	ld hl, $c688
-	ld de, $d853
-	call Function3d0be
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3d08d
-Function3d08d: ; 3d08d
-	push bc
-	ld hl, $c688
-	ld de, $d850
-	call Function3d0be
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3d099
-Function3d099: ; 3d099
-	ld hl, $c688
-	sla [hl]
-	dec hl
-	rl [hl]
-	dec hl
-	rl [hl]
-	ret nc
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ret
-; 3d0ab
-SentToMomTexts: ; 3d0ab
-	dw BattleText_0x809fc
-	dw BattleText_0x80a2a
-	dw BattleText_0x80a3d
-; 3d0b1
-Function3d0b1: ; 3d0b1
-	ld hl, $d853
-	ld a, [hld]
-	cp $3f
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sbc $42
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc $f
-	ret
-; 3d0be
-Function3d0be: ; 3d0be
-	ld c, $3
-	and a
-	push de
-	push hl
-	push bc
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	callba Function106008
-	pop bc
-	pop hl
-	ld a, [de]
-	adc [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	dec de
-	dec hl
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3d0ce
-	pop hl
-	ld a, [hld]
-	cp $3f
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sbc $42
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc $f
-	ret c
-	ld [hl], $f
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], $42
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], $3f
-	ret
-; 3d0ea
-Function3d0ea: ; 3d0ea
-	push de
-	ld de, MUSIC_NONE
-	call PlayMusic
-	call DelayFrame
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d113
-	push de
-	call Function3ceaa
-	pop de
-	jr nz, .asm_3d11e
-	ld hl, $c6ec
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3d11e
-	ld a, [$c664]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d121
-	jr .asm_3d11e
-	call IsJohtoGymLeader
-	jr c, .asm_3d11e
-	call PlayMusic
-	pop de
-	ret
-; 3d123
-; These functions check if the current opponent is a gym leader or one of a
-; few other special trainers.
-; Note: KantoGymLeaders is a subset of JohtoGymLeaders. If you wish to
-; differentiate between the two, call IsKantoGymLeader first.
-; The Lance and Red entries are unused for music checks; those trainers are
-; accounted for elsewhere.
-IsKantoGymLeader: ; 0x3d123
-	ld hl, KantoGymLeaders
-	jr IsGymLeaderCommon
-IsJohtoGymLeader: ; 0x3d128
-	ld hl, JohtoGymLeaders
-	push de
-	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
-	ld de, $0001
-	call IsInArray
-	pop de
-	ret
-; 0x3d137
-	db BUGSY
-	db MORTY
-	db PRYCE
-	db CHUCK
-	db CLAIR
-	db WILL
-	db BRUNO
-	db KAREN
-	db KOGA
-; fallthrough
-; these two entries are unused
-	db RED
-; fallthrough
-	db BROCK
-	db MISTY
-	db ERIKA
-	db BLUE
-	db $ff
-Function3d14e: ; 3d14e
-	call Function3cef1
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	call z, Function3cf14
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c6f7], a
-	call Function3d1aa
-	call Function3d873
-	ld a, d
-	and a
-	jp z, LostBattle
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3d185
-	call Function3ce01
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d17f
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ret
-	call Function3cf35
-	jp z, Function3cfa4
-	call Function3d1f8
-	jr nc, .asm_3d190
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ret
-	call Function3d227
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jp c, Function3c0e5
-	ld a, c
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	call Function3cf4a
-	jp z, Function3c0e5
-	jp asm_3cdca
-; 3d1aa
-Function3d1aa: ; 3d1aa
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld c, a
-	ld hl, $c664
-	ld b, $0
-	ld a, $3
-	call Predef
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus3
-	res 2, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ld [Danger], a
-	ld hl, PlayerDamageTaken
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [BattleMonStatus], a
-	call UpdateBattleMonInParty
-	ld c, $6
-	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
-	add $1e
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
-	cp b
-	jr c, .asm_3d1dc
-	ld c, $8
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	callab ChangeHappiness
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	add $1
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	ld a, [$c6f7]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ret
-; 3d1f8
-Function3d1f8: ; 3d1f8
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	and a
-	dec a
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80a83
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	lb bc, 1, 7
-	call PlaceYesNoBox
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	jr c, .asm_3d217
-	and a
-	ret
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3d20a
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Spd
-	ld de, EnemyMonSpd
-	jp Function3d8b3
-; 3d227
-Function3d227: ; 3d227
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function1d6e
-	call Function3d2f7
-	call Function3d362
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d241
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	call Function3e8e4
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr c, .asm_3d251
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3d26c
-	call ClearSprites
-	call WhiteBGMap
-	call Function3eda6
-	call Function1c07
-	call Function309d
-	call WaitBGMap
-	call ClearSGB
-	call Function32f9
-	xor a
-	ld c, a
-	ret
-	call ClearSprites
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [$c71a], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	call Function3d581
-	call Function3da0d
-	call Function3dab1
-	call ClearPalettes
-	call DelayFrame
-	call Function3eda6
-	call Function1c17
-	call ClearSGB
-	call Function32f9
-	call Function3f26d
-	call Function3dbde
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3db5f
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3dc23
-	ld a, $1
-	and a
-	ld c, a
-	ret
-; 3d2b3
-Function3d2b3: ; 3d2b3
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [$c71a], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	call Function3d581
-	call Function3da0d
-	call Function3dab1
-	call Function3f26d
-	call Function3dbde
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3db5f
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	jp Function3dc23
-; 3d2e0
-Function3d2e0: ; 3d2e0
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_3d2ef
-	ld a, [$cd2b]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d2ef
-	scf
-	ret
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3d2f1
-Function3d2f1: ; 3d2f1
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	cp $4
-	ret
-; 3d2f7
-Function3d2f7: ; 3d2f7
-	call WhiteBGMap
-Function3d2fa: ; 3d2fa
-	callba Function5004f
-	callba Function50405
-	callba Function8e85
-	callba Function503e0
-	ret
-; 3d313
-Function3d313: ; 3d313
-	callba WritePartyMenuTilemap
-	callba PrintPartyMenuText
-	call WaitBGMap
-	call Function32f9
-	call DelayFrame
-	ret
-; 3d329
-Function3d329: ; 3d329
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr z, .asm_3d335
-	callba PartyMenuSelect
-	ret
-	callba Function100cb5
-	ret
-; 3d33c
-Function3d33c: ; 3d33c
-	ld a, $2
-	ld [PartyMenuActionText], a
-	call Function3d313
-	call Function3d329
-	ret c
-	call Function3d887
-	jr z, .asm_3d33c
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3d34f
-Function3d34f: ; 3d34f
-	ld hl, CurBattleMon
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	cp [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3d360
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c0d
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	scf
-	ret
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3d362
-Function3d362: ; 3d362
-	call Function3d33c
-	ret nc
-	call Function3d2e0
-	ret c
-	ld de, SFX_WRONG
-	call PlaySFX
-	call WaitSFX
-	jr .asm_3d362
-; 3d375
-Function3d375: ; 3d375
-	call Function3d33c
-	ret c
-	call Function3d34f
-	jr c, .asm_3d375
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3d380
-Function3d380: ; 3d380
-	call Function3d362
-	call Function3d2e0
-	ret c
-	call Function3d34f
-	jr c, .asm_3d380
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3d38e
-LostBattle: ; 3d38e
-	ld a, 1
-	ld [BattleEnded], a
-	ld a, [$cfc0]
-	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d3bd
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr nz, .asm_3d3e3
-; Remove the enemy from the screen.
-	hlcoord 0, 0
-	ld bc, $0815
-	call ClearBox
-	call Function3ebd8
-	ld c, 40
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld a, [$c2cc]
-	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d3bc
-	call Function3718
-	ret
-; Remove the enemy from the screen.
-	hlcoord 0, 0
-	ld bc, $0815
-	call ClearBox
-	call Function3ebd8
-	ld c, 40
-	call DelayFrames
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	ld c, 2
-	callba Function11c000
-	call Functiona80
-	call ClearTileMap
-	call WhiteBGMap
-	ret
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .LostLinkBattle
-; Greyscale
-	ld b, 0
-	call GetSGBLayout
-	call Function32f9
-	jr .end
-	call UpdateEnemyMonInParty
-	call Function3cf35
-	jr nz, .asm_3d40a
-	ld hl, TiedAgainstText
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	add 2
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	jr .asm_3d412
-	ld hl, LostAgainstText
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr z, .asm_3d417
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	scf
-	ret
-; Remove the enemy from the screen.
-	hlcoord 0, 0
-	ld bc, $0815
-	call ClearBox
-	call Function3ebd8
-	ld c, 40
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld c, $3
-	callba Function4ea0a
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3d432
-Function3d432: ; 3d432
-	ld hl, $c510
-	ld de, $c524
-	jp Function3d444
-; 3d43b
-Function3d43b: ; 3d43b
-	ld hl, $c569
-	ld de, $c57d
-	jp Function3d444
-; 3d444
-Function3d444: ; 3d444
-	ld a, [$cfbe]
-	push af
-	set 6, a
-	ld [$cfbe], a
-	ld b, $7
-	push bc
-	push de
-	push hl
-	ld b, $6
-	push bc
-	push hl
-	push de
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call CopyBytes
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ld bc, -20
-	add hl, bc
-	push hl
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	add hl, bc
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3d454
-	ld bc, 20
-	add hl, bc
-	ld de, .Spaces
-	call PlaceString
-	ld c, 2
-	call DelayFrames
-	pop hl
-	pop de
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3d44f
-	pop af
-	ld [$cfbe], a
-	ret
-; 3d488
-	db "       @"
-; 3d490
-Function3d490: ; 3d490
-	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
-	ld c, a
-	push bc
-	push hl
-	ld b, $7
-	push hl
-	call Function3d4ae
-	pop hl
-	ld de, 20
-	add hl, de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3d497
-	ld c, 2
-	call DelayFrames
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3d493
-	ret
-; 3d4ae
-Function3d4ae: ; 3d4ae
-	ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
-	ld c, a
-	cp $8
-	jr nz, .asm_3d4bc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [hld], a
-	dec hl
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3d4b5
-	ret
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld [hli], a
-	inc hl
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3d4bc
-	ret
-; 3d4c3
-Function3d4c3: ; 3d4c3
-	call Function3d557
-	ld a, [$c718]
-	dec a
-	ld b, a
-	call Function3d6ca
-	call Function3d7a0
-	call Function3d834
-	call Function3d867
-	call Function3d7c7
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3d57a
-	ret
-; 3d4e1
-Function3d4e1: ; 3d4e1
-	call Function3d714
-	jr nc, asm_3d517
-	call Function3d557
-	call Function3d533
-	jr c, .asm_3d4f1
-	call Function3d599
-	call Function3d6ca
-	call Function3d74b
-	push af
-	call Function3d7a0
-	call Function3d7b8
-	call Function3d7c7
-	pop af
-	ret c
-	xor a
-	ld [$c664], a
-	ld [$c6fc], a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	inc a
-	ld [$c711], a
-	call Function309d
-	jp Function3e3ad
-	call Function3d557
-	call Function3d533
-	jr c, .asm_3d522
-	call Function3d599
-	call Function3d6ca
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c711], a
-	call Function3d7a0
-	call Function3d7b8
-	jp Function3d7c7
-; 3d533
-Function3d533: ; 3d533
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d541
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	sub $4
-	ld b, a
-	jr .asm_3d555
-	ld a, [$c718]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d54b
-	dec a
-	ld b, a
-	jr .asm_3d555
-	ld a, [$d264]
-	and a
-	ld b, $0
-	jr nz, .asm_3d555
-	and a
-	ret
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3d557
-Function3d557: ; 3d557
-	xor a
-	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastEnemyMove], a
-	ld [CurEnemyMove], a
-	dec a
-	ld [$c6e6], a
-	xor a
-	ld [$c730], a
-	ld hl, $c4b2
-	ld a, $8
-	call Function3d490
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	jp Function1d6e
-; 3d57a
-Function3d57a: ; 3d57a
-	xor a
-	ld [$c664], a
-	ld [$c6fc], a
-Function3d581: ; 3d581
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld c, a
-	ld hl, $c664
-	ld b, $1
-	push bc
-	ld a, $3
-	call Predef
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, $c6fc
-	ld a, $3
-	jp Predef
-; 3d599
-Function3d599: ; 3d599
-	ld b, $ff
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [Buffer1], a
-	ld [Buffer2], a
-	ld hl, Buffer1
-	sla [hl]
-	inc hl
-	sla [hl]
-	inc b
-	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
-	cp b
-	jp z, Function3d672
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_3d5d0
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
-	push bc
-	ld a, b
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	or c
-	pop bc
-	jr z, .asm_3d5d0
-	call Function3d5d7
-	call Function3d618
-	jr .asm_3d5a3
-	ld hl, Buffer2
-	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_3d5a3
-; 3d5d7
-Function3d5d7: ; 3d5d7
-	push bc
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Move1
-	ld a, b
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	pop bc
-	ld e, $5
-	dec e
-	jr z, .asm_3d617
-	ld a, [hli]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d617
-	push hl
-	push de
-	push bc
-	dec a
-	ld hl, $5afb
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call AddNTimes
-	ld de, EnemyMoveAnimation
-	ld a, $10
-	call FarCopyBytes
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	callab Function0x347c8
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ld a, [$d265]
-	cp $b
-	jr c, .asm_3d5e2
-	ld hl, Buffer1
-	set 0, [hl]
-	ret
-	ret
-; 3d618
-Function3d618: ; 3d618
-	push bc
-	ld hl, OTPartyCount
-	ld a, b
-	inc a
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	dec a
-	ld hl, $542b
-	ld bc, $0020
-	call AddNTimes
-	ld de, EnemyMonType1
-	ld bc, $0002
-	ld a, $14
-	call FarCopyBytes
-	ld a, [BattleMonType1]
-	ld [PlayerMoveType], a
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	callab Function0x347c8
-	ld a, [$d265]
-	cp $b
-	jr nc, .asm_3d663
-	ld a, [BattleMonType2]
-	ld [PlayerMoveType], a
-	callab Function0x347c8
-	ld a, [$d265]
-	cp $b
-	jr nc, .asm_3d663
-	pop bc
-	ret
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, Buffer1
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3d66f
-	inc hl
-	set 0, [hl]
-	ret
-	res 0, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3d672
-Function3d672: ; 3d672
-	ld hl, Buffer1
-	sla [hl]
-	inc hl
-	sla [hl]
-	jr nc, .asm_3d672
-	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
-	ld b, a
-	ld c, [hl]
-	sla c
-	jr nc, .asm_3d68a
-	dec b
-	jr z, .asm_3d6a7
-	jr .asm_3d681
-	ld a, [Buffer1]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d69a
-	ld b, $ff
-	ld c, a
-	inc b
-	sla c
-	jr nc, .asm_3d693
-	jr .asm_3d6c9
-	ld b, $ff
-	ld a, [Buffer2]
-	ld c, a
-	inc b
-	sla c
-	jr c, .asm_3d6a0
-	jr .asm_3d6c9
-	ld a, [OTPartyCount]
-	ld b, a
-	call BattleRandom
-	and $7
-	cp b
-	jr nc, .asm_3d6a7
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_3d6a7
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1CurHP
-	push bc
-	ld a, b
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	pop bc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	or c
-	jr z, .asm_3d6a7
-	ret
-; 3d6ca
-Function3d6ca: ; 3d6ca
-	ld a, b
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Level
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	inc a
-	ld hl, OTPartyCount
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	call LoadEnemyMon
-	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
-	cp $c9
-	jr nz, .asm_3d708
-	ld a, [$def4]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d708
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, $2d
-	call Predef
-	ld a, [UnownLetter]
-	ld [$def4], a
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [$c6ea], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$c6eb], a
-	ret
-; 3d714
-Function3d714: ; 3d714
-	ld a, [$d264]
-	dec a
-	jp z, .asm_3d749
-	ld a, [PartyCount]
-	dec a
-	jp z, .asm_3d749
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jp nz, .asm_3d749
-	ld a, [Options]
-	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d749
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	push af
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	callba Functione538
-	pop bc
-	ld a, b
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	jr c, .asm_3d749
-	scf
-	ret
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3d74b
-Function3d74b: ; 3d74b
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	push af
-	callab Function39939
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80aca
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	lb bc, 1, 7
-	call PlaceYesNoBox
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d79a
-	call Function3d2f7
-	call Function3d375
-	jr c, .asm_3d791
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [$c71a], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	call ClearPalettes
-	call DelayFrame
-	call Function3eda6
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	xor a
-	ld [CurEnemyMove], a
-	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
-	and a
-	ret
-	call ClearPalettes
-	call DelayFrame
-	call Function3eda6
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3d7a0
-Function3d7a0: ; 3d7a0
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call Function1c07
-	call ClearSprites
-	ld hl, $c4a1
-	ld bc, $040a
-	call ClearBox
-	call WaitBGMap
-	jp Function3ee27
-; 3d7b8
-Function3d7b8: ; 3d7b8
-	callab Function39939
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80af8
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	jp WaitBGMap
-; 3d7c7
-Function3d7c7: ; 3d7c7
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [MonType], a
-	ld a, $1f
-	call Predef
-	call Function3f47c
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld [$c689], a
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld de, $0101
-	call Function3ee17
-	call Function3da79
-	jr nc, .asm_3d800
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c689], a
-	ld de, $0101
-	call Function3ee17
-	ld bc, TempMonSpecies
-	callba Function4e53f
-	jr c, .asm_3d82c
-	callba CheckBattleScene
-	jr c, .asm_3d821
-	ld hl, $c4ac
-	ld d, $0
-	ld e, $0
-	ld a, $47
-	call Predef
-	jr .asm_3d82c
-	ld a, $f
-	ld [CryTracks], a
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	call Function37b6
-	call Function3e036
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ret
-; 3d834
-Function3d834: ; 3d834
-	xor a
-	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastEnemyMove], a
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus1
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [EnemyDisableCount], a
-	ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld [$c681], a
-	ld [$c72c], a
-	ld [EnemyDisabledMove], a
-	ld [$c6fa], a
-	ld [$c730], a
-	ld [$c731], a
-	ld [EnemyTurnsTaken], a
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5
-	res 7, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3d867
-Function3d867: ; 3d867
-	ld a, $7
-	ld b, $8
-	ld hl, EnemyAtkLevel
-	ld [hli], a
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3d86e
-	ret
-; 3d873
-Function3d873: ; 3d873
-	ld a, [PartyCount]
-	ld e, a
-	xor a
-	ld hl, PartyMon1CurHP
-	ld bc, $002f
-	or [hl]
-	inc hl
-	or [hl]
-	add hl, bc
-	dec e
-	jr nz, .asm_3d87e
-	ld d, a
-	ret
-; 3d887
-Function3d887: ; 3d887
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld hl, PartyMon1CurHP
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [$d264]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d8b1
-	ld hl, PartySpecies
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp EGG
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b26
-	jr z, .asm_3d8ae
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b0b
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3d8b3
-Function3d8b3: ; 3d8b3
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $2
-	jp z, .asm_3d9a2
-	cp $6
-	jp z, .asm_3d9a2
-	cp $9
-	jp z, .asm_3d98d
-	cp $b
-	jp z, .asm_3d98d
-	cp $7
-	jp z, .asm_3d98d
-	cp $c
-	jp z, .asm_3d98d
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jp nz, .asm_3d9a2
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jp nz, .asm_3d992
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 7, a
-	jp nz, .asm_3d98d
-	ld a, [$c730]
-	and a
-	jp nz, .asm_3d98d
-	push hl
-	push de
-	ld a, [BattleMonItem]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	ld b, a
-	callab GetItem
-	ld a, b
-	cp $48
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	jr nz, .asm_3d916
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call GetItemName
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b89
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	jp .asm_3d9a2
-	ld a, [$d267]
-	inc a
-	ld [$d267], a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, [de]
-	inc de
-	ld [$ffb1], a
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld [$ffb2], a
-	call Function30b4
-	ld de, $ffb5
-	ld hl, $ffb1
-	ld c, $2
-	call StringCmp
-	jr nc, .asm_3d9a2
-	xor a
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld a, $20
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld [hProduct], a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld a, [$ffb1]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb2]
-	srl b
-	rr a
-	srl b
-	rr a
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3d9a2
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld b, $2
-	call Divide
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3d9a2
-	ld a, [$d267]
-	ld c, a
-	dec c
-	jr z, .asm_3d97a
-	ld b, $1e
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	add b
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	jr c, .asm_3d9a2
-	jr .asm_3d96c
-	call BattleRandom
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	cp b
-	jr nc, .asm_3d9a2
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b3b
-	jr .asm_3d995
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80ba0
-	jr .asm_3d995
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b49
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d266], a
-	call Function309d
-	and a
-	ret
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	ld a, $2
-	jr z, .asm_3d9cf
-	call Function309d
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	ld a, $f
-	ld [CurMoveNum], a
-	xor a
-	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
-	call Function3e8e4
-	call Function30b4
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr c, .asm_3d9f5
-; Got away safely
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	cp $f
-	ld a, $2
-	jr z, .asm_3d9cf
-	dec a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	add b
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	call Function3ceec
-	push de
-	ld de, SFX_RUN
-	call WaitPlaySFX
-	pop de
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80b77
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call WaitSFX
-	call Function309d
-	scf
-	ret
-	call Function3ceec
-	ld hl, $cd2a
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3da05
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x81863
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call WaitSFX
-	call Function309d
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3da0d
-Function3da0d: ; 3da0d
-	ld a, $0
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld de, BattleMonSpecies
-	ld bc, $0006
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld bc, $000f
-	add hl, bc
-	ld de, BattleMonAtkDefDV
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call CopyBytes
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	ld de, BattleMonLevel
-	ld bc, $0011
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
-	ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld a, [BaseType1]
-	ld [BattleMonType1], a
-	ld a, [BaseType2]
-	ld [BattleMonType2], a
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Nickname
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	call SkipNames
-	ld de, BattleMonNick
-	ld bc, $000b
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, BattleMonAtk
-	ld de, PlayerStats
-	ld bc, $000a
-	call CopyBytes
-	call Function3ec2c
-	call BadgeStatBoosts
-	ret
-; 3da74
-Function3da74: ; 3da74
-	call Function3da85
-	jr asm_3da7c
-Function3da79: ; 3da79
-	call Function3da97
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	callab CheckShininess
-	ret
-; 3da85
-Function3da85: ; 3da85
-	ld hl, BattleMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, PartyMon1DVs
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	jp GetPartyLocation
-; 3da97
-Function3da97: ; 3da97
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $c6f2
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1AtkDefDV
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	jp GetPartyLocation
-; 3dab1
-Function3dab1: ; 3dab1
-	ld a, $7
-	ld b, $8
-	ld hl, PlayerAtkLevel
-	ld [hli], a
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3dab8
-	ret
-; 3dabd
-Function3dabd: ; 3dabd
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Species
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld de, EnemyMonSpecies
-	ld bc, $0006
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld bc, $000f
-	add hl, bc
-	ld de, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call CopyBytes
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	ld de, EnemyMonLevel
-	ld bc, $0011
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Nickname
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	call SkipNames
-	ld de, EnemyMonNick
-	ld bc, $000b
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtk
-	ld de, EnemyStats
-	ld bc, $000a
-	call CopyBytes
-	call Function3ec30
-	ld hl, BaseType1
-	ld de, EnemyMonType1
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	ld hl, BaseHP
-	ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats
-	ld b, $5
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3db25
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurOTMon], a
-	ret
-; 3db32
-Function3db32: ; 3db32
-	call ClearSprites
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [$c71a], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	call Function3d581
-	call Function3da0d
-	call Function3dab1
-	call Function3dbde
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3db5f
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	ret
-; 3db5f
-Function3db5f: ; 3db5f
-	ld hl, BattleMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, $2d
-	call Predef
-	ld hl, $c505
-	ld b, $7
-	ld c, $8
-	call ClearBox
-	call WaitBGMap
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call Function3f43d
-	xor a
-	ld [$ffad], a
-	ld [$d0d2], a
-	ld [CurMoveNum], a
-	ld [TypeModifier], a
-	ld [PlayerMoveAnimation], a
-	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastPlayerMove], a
-	call Function3e4a8
-	call Function3ee27
-	xor a
-	ld [$c731], a
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld [$c689], a
-	ld de, $0101
-	call Function3ee17
-	call Function3da74
-	jr nc, .asm_3dbbc
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c689], a
-	ld de, $0101
-	call Function3ee17
-	ld a, $0
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	callba Function4e53f
-	jr c, .asm_3dbd6
-	ld a, $f0
-	ld [CryTracks], a
-	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
-	call Function37b6
-	call Function3df48
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ret
-; 3dbde
-Function3dbde: ; 3dbde
-	xor a
-	ld [LastEnemyCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastPlayerCounterMove], a
-	ld [LastPlayerMove], a
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, PlayerUsedMoves
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld [PlayerDisableCount], a
-	ld [PlayerFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld [$c679], a
-	ld [$c72b], a
-	ld [DisabledMove], a
-	ld [$c6fe], a
-	ld [$c731], a
-	ld [$c730], a
-	ld [PlayerTurnsTaken], a
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
-	res 7, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3dc18
-Function3dc18: ; 3dc18
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
-	res 7, [hl]
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus1
-	res 7, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3dc23
-Function3dc23: ; 3dc23
-	ld hl, PlayerScreens
-	ld de, BattleMonType1
-	ld bc, Function3df48
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3dc3a
-	ld hl, EnemyScreens
-	ld de, EnemyMonType1
-	ld bc, Function3e036
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	ret z
-	ld a, [de]
-	cp $2
-	ret z
-	inc de
-	ld a, [de]
-	cp $2
-	ret z
-	push bc
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80bae
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call GetEighthMaxHP
-	call Function3cc39
-	pop hl
-	call Function3dc5a
-	jp WaitBGMap
-; 3dc5a
-Function3dc5a: ; 3dc5a
-	jp [hl]
-; 3dc5b
-Function3dc5b: ; 3dc5b
-	ld a, $10
-	call GetBattleVar
-	ld b, a
-	call Function3c5ec
-	ld a, b
-	cp $80
-	jr nz, .asm_3dce4
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	push af
-	ld hl, DoPlayerTurn
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3dc7e
-	ld hl, DoEnemyTurn
-	ld a, [$c71a]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	ld a, BANK(DoPlayerTurn)
-	rst FarCall
-	ld a, $10
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [hl], a
-	pop af
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3dcc0
-	ld a, [$c71a]
-	call Function399f
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3dce4
-	ld a, $f0
-	ld [CryTracks], a
-	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
-	call Function37b6
-	ld a, [$c71a]
-	ld c, a
-	ld hl, $c664
-	ld b, $0
-	ld a, $3
-	call Predef
-	call Function3d43b
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80a75
-	jr .asm_3dcdf
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3dce4
-	ld de, SFX_KINESIS
-	call PlaySFX
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld de, SFX_UNKNOWN_2A
-	call PlaySFX
-	call WaitSFX
-	call Function3d432
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x809a8
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	scf
-	ret
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3dce6
-Function3dce6: ; 3dce6
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	push af
-	xor a
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld de, $0102
-	call Function3ee17
-	pop af
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ret
-; 3dcf9
-Function3dcf9: ; 3dcf9
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3dd17
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3dd2f
-	call Function3dde9
-	call Function3de51
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3dd2f
-	call Function3dde9
-	jp Function3de51
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3dd2f
-	call Function3dde9
-	call Function3de51
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3dd2f
-	call Function3dde9
-	jp Function3de51
-; 3dd2f
-Function3dd2f: ; 3dd2f
-	callab GetOpponentItem
-	ld a, b
-	cp $1
-	ret nz
-	ld de, EnemyMonHPLo
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3dd4a
-	ld de, $c63d
-	ld hl, BattleMonMaxHP
-	push bc
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld [$d1ec], a
-	add a
-	ld c, a
-	dec de
-	ld a, [de]
-	inc de
-	ld [$d1ed], a
-	adc a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, b
-	cp [hl]
-	ld a, c
-	pop bc
-	jr z, .asm_3dd62
-	jr c, .asm_3dd66
-	ret
-	inc hl
-	cp [hl]
-	dec hl
-	ret nc
-	call Function3ddc8
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [Buffer2], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [Buffer1], a
-	ld a, [de]
-	add c
-	ld [$d1ee], a
-	ld c, a
-	dec de
-	ld a, [de]
-	adc $0
-	ld [$d1ef], a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	cp c
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc b
-	jr nc, .asm_3dd8d
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [$d1ef], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d1ee], a
-	ld a, [$d1ef]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [$d1ee]
-	ld [de], a
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	ld [$d10a], a
-	and a
-	ld hl, $c4ca
-	jr z, .asm_3dda4
-	ld hl, $c55e
-	ld [$d10a], a
-	ld a, $b
-	call Predef
-	call RefreshBattleHuds
-	callab GetOpponentItem
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	call GetItemName
-	callab Function27192
-	ld hl, RecoveredUsingText
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3ddc8
-Function3ddc8: ; 3ddc8
-	push hl
-	push de
-	push bc
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	ld a, $69
-	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
-	call Function3c8e4
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld [FXAnimIDHi], a
-	ld a, $37
-	call Predef
-	call Function3c8e4
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3dde9
-Function3dde9: ; 3dde9
-	callab GetOpponentItem
-	ld hl, .Statuses
-	ld a, [hli]
-	cp $ff
-	ret z
-	inc hl
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ddf2
-	dec hl
-	ld b, [hl]
-	ld a, $b
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	and b
-	ret z
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	push bc
-	call UpdateOpponentInParty
-	pop bc
-	ld a, $9
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	and [hl]
-	res 0, [hl]
-	ld a, $5
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	and [hl]
-	res 0, [hl]
-	ld a, b
-	cp $7f
-	jr nz, .asm_3de26
-	ld a, $7
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	res 7, [hl]
-	ld hl, Function0x365fd
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3de31
-	ld hl, Function0x365d7
-	call Function3c8e4
-	ld a, BANK(Function0x365fd)
-	rst FarCall
-	call Function3c8e4
-	call Function3ddc8
-	call Function3ddac
-	ld a, $1
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3de44
-.Statuses ; 3de44
-	db HELD_HEAL_STATUS, 1 << PSN | 1 << FRZ | 1 << BRN | SLP | 1 << PAR
-	db $ff
-; 3de51
-Function3de51: ; 3de51
-	ld a, $7
-	call GetBattleVar
-	bit 7, a
-	ret z
-	callab GetOpponentItem
-	ld a, b
-	cp $10
-	jr z, .asm_3de67
-	cp $f
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	ld a, $7
-	call _GetBattleVar
-	res 7, [hl]
-	call GetItemName
-	call Function3ddc8
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80dab
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3de90
-	call Function3df1f
-	xor a
-	ld [bc], a
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	ret z
-	ld [hl], $0
-	ret
-	call Function3df12
-	xor a
-	ld [bc], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ret
-; 3de97
-Function3de97: ; 3de97
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3dea3
-	call Function3dea9
-	jp Function3deb1
-	call Function3deb1
-	jp Function3dea9
-; 3dea9
-Function3dea9: ; 3dea9
-	call Function3df12
-	ld a, $0
-	jp Function3deb6
-; 3deb1
-Function3deb1: ; 3deb1
-	call Function3df1f
-	ld a, $1
-Function3deb6: ; 3deb6
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	push de
-	push bc
-	ld a, [bc]
-	ld b, a
-	callab GetItem
-	ld hl, .data_3defc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	cp $ff
-	jr z, .asm_3def9
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3dec7
-	pop bc
-	ld a, [bc]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	push bc
-	dec hl
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, BANK(BattleCommand70)
-	rst FarCall
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	ld a, [FailedMessage]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	xor a
-	ld [bc], a
-	ld [de], a
-	call GetItemName
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80bde
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	callab BattleCommand8c
-	ret
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	ret
-; 3defc
-	dbw $1f, BattleCommand70
-	dbw $20, BattleCommand71
-	dbw $21, BattleCommand72
-	dbw $22, BattleCommand73
-	dbw $23, BattleCommand74
-	dbw $24, BattleCommand75
-	dbw $25, BattleCommand76
-	db $ff
-; 3df12
-Function3df12: ; 3df12
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Item
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld bc, BattleMonItem
-	ret
-; 3df1f
-Function3df1f: ; 3df1f
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld bc, EnemyMonItem
-	ret
-; 3df2c
-Function3df2c: ; 3df2c
-	push hl
-	push de
-	push bc
-	call DrawPlayerHUD
-	ld hl, PlayerHPPal
-	call SetHPPal
-	call CheckDanger
-	call Function3e043
-	ld hl, EnemyHPPal
-	call SetHPPal
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3df48
-Function3df48: ; 3df48
-	push hl
-	push de
-	push bc
-	call DrawPlayerHUD
-	call UpdatePlayerHPPal
-	call CheckDanger
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3df58
-DrawPlayerHUD: ; 3df58
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-; Clear the area
-	hlcoord 9, 7
-	ld bc, $050b
-	call ClearBox
-	callba DrawPlayerExpBar
-	hlcoord 18, 9
-	ld [hl], $73 ; vertical bar
-	call PrintPlayerHUD
-; HP bar
-	hlcoord 10, 9
-	xor a
-	ld [MonType], a
-	call Predef
-; Exp bar
-	push de
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Exp + 2
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	hlcoord 10, 11
-	ld a, [TempMonLevel]
-	ld b, a
-	call FillInExpBar
-	pop de
-	ret
-; 3df98
-UpdatePlayerHPPal: ; 3df98
-	ld hl, PlayerHPPal
-	jp Function3e12e
-; 3df9e
-CheckDanger: ; 3df9e
-	ld hl, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3dfb2
-	ld a, [$c6fd]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3dfbe
-	ld a, [PlayerHPPal]
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3dfb9
-	ld hl, Danger
-	res 7, [hl]
-	jr .asm_3dfbe
-	ld hl, Danger
-	set 7, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3dfbf
-PrintPlayerHUD: ; 3dfbf
-	ld de, BattleMonNick
-	hlcoord 10, 7
-	call Function3e138
-	call PlaceString
-	push bc
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld hl, PartyMon1DVs
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld de, TempMonDVs
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	ld hl, BattleMonLevel
-	ld de, TempMonLevel
-	ld bc, $0011
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Species
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	pop hl
-	dec hl
-	ld a, $3
-	ld [MonType], a
-	callab GetGender
-	ld a, $7f
-	jr c, .asm_3e013
-	ld a, $ef
-	jr nz, .asm_3e013
-	ld a, $f5
-	ld hl, $c551
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, $c54e
-	push af
-	push hl
-	ld de, BattleMonStatus
-	ld a, $21
-	call Predef
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	ret nz
-	ld a, b
-	cp $7f
-	jr nz, .asm_3e02d
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
-	ld [TempMonLevel], a
-	jp PrintLevel
-; 3e036
-Function3e036: ; 3e036
-	push hl
-	push de
-	push bc
-	call Function3e043
-	call Function3e127
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3e043
-Function3e043: ; 3e043
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld hl, $c4a1
-	ld bc, $040b
-	call ClearBox
-	callba Function2c0c5
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld de, EnemyMonNick
-	ld hl, $c4a1
-	call Function3e138
-	call PlaceString
-	ld h, b
-	ld l, c
-	dec hl
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
-	ld de, TempMonDVs
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	jr z, .asm_3e080
-	ld hl, $c6f2
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	ld a, $3
-	ld [MonType], a
-	callab GetGender
-	ld a, $7f
-	jr c, .asm_3e09a
-	ld a, $ef
-	jr nz, .asm_3e09a
-	ld a, $f5
-	ld hl, $c4bd
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, $c4ba
-	push af
-	push hl
-	ld de, EnemyMonStatus
-	ld a, $21
-	call Predef
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	jr nz, .asm_3e0be
-	ld a, b
-	cp $7f
-	jr nz, .asm_3e0b5
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
-	ld [TempMonLevel], a
-	call PrintLevel
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	or [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3e0d1
-	ld c, a
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, $6
-	jp .asm_3e11a
-	xor a
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld a, $30
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld a, b
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e105
-	ld a, [hMultiplier]
-	srl b
-	rr a
-	srl b
-	rr a
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld b, a
-	srl b
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	rr a
-	srl b
-	rr a
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, b
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld [hProduct], a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld a, $2
-	ld b, a
-	call Divide
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld e, a
-	ld a, $6
-	ld d, a
-	ld c, a
-	xor a
-	ld [$d10a], a
-	ld hl, $c4ca
-	ld b, $0
-	call DrawHPBar
-	ret
-; 3e127
-Function3e127: ; 3e127
-	ld hl, EnemyHPPal
-	call Function3e12e
-	ret
-; 3e12e
-Function3e12e: ; 3e12e
-	ld b, [hl]
-	call SetHPPal
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp b
-	ret z
-	jp Function3ee27
-; 3e138
-Function3e138: ; 3e138
-	ret
-; 3e139
-Function3e139: ; 3e139
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call Function30bf
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3e156
-	cp $3
-	jr z, .asm_3e156
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call UpdateBattleHuds
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $6
-	jr nz, .asm_3e165
-	callba Function24f13
-	jr .asm_3e175
-	ld a, [InputType]
-	or a
-	jr z, .asm_3e171
-	callba Function1de294
-	call Function3e19b
-	ret c
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld a, [$d0d2]
-	cp $1
-	jp z, Function3e192
-	cp $3
-	jp z, Function3e1c7
-	cp $2
-	jp z, Function3e28d
-	cp $4
-	jp z, Function3e489
-	jr .asm_3e156
-; 3e192
-Function3e192: ; 3e192
-	xor a
-	ld [$d267], a
-	call Function30b4
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3e19b
-Function3e19b: ; 3e19b
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr z, .asm_3e1a8
-	callba Function24ef2
-	and a
-	ret
-	callba Function100b12
-	ld a, [$cd2b]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $cd2a
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3e1c5
-	ld hl, $5863
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld c, $3c
-	call DelayFrames
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3e1c7
-Function3e1c7: ; 3e1c7
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jp nz, Function3e22b
-	ld a, [$cfc0]
-	and a
-	jp nz, Function3e22b
-	call Function1d6e
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $3
-	jr z, .asm_3e1f1
-	cp $6
-	jr z, .asm_3e201
-	callba Function10493
-	ld a, [$d0ec]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e20d
-	jr .asm_3e209
-	callba Function107bb
-	ld a, $5
-	ld [CurItem], a
-	call DoItemEffect
-	jr .asm_3e209
-	ld a, $b1
-	ld [CurItem], a
-	call DoItemEffect
-	call Function3e234
-	ret
-	call ClearPalettes
-	call DelayFrame
-	call Function3ed9f
-	call Function3f43d
-	call Function3f47c
-	call Function1c07
-	call WaitBGMap
-	call Function3ee27
-	call Function309d
-	jp Function3e139
-; 3e22b
-Function3e22b: ; 3e22b
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80bf3
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	jp Function3e139
-; 3e234
-Function3e234: ; 3e234
-	ld a, [$c64e]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e279
-	callab CheckItemPocket
-	ld a, [$d142]
-	cp $3
-	jr z, .asm_3e24a
-	call WhiteBGMap
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call Function3ed9f
-	call ClearSprites
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	cp $3
-	jr z, .asm_3e25d
-	call Function3f43d
-	call Function3f47c
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	call Function1c07
-	call Function3df2c
-	call WaitBGMap
-	call Function309d
-	call Function1fbf
-	call Function3ee27
-	and a
-	ret
-	xor a
-	ld [$c64e], a
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $c0
-	ld [$d0ee], a
-	call Function1fbf
-	call Function32f9
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3e28d
-Function3e28d: ; 3e28d
-	call Function1d6e
-	call Function1c07
-	call Function1d6e
-	call WhiteBGMap
-	call Function3d2fa
-	xor a
-	ld [PartyMenuActionText], a
-	call Function3d313
-	call Function3d329
-	jr c, .asm_3e2da
-	callba Function8ea4a
-	call Function3e2f5
-	jr c, .asm_3e2c8
-	call Function1bee
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	cp $1
-	jp z, Function3e358
-	cp $2
-	jr z, .asm_3e2cf
-	cp $3
-	jr z, .asm_3e2da
-	jr .asm_3e2a8
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr c, .asm_3e2da
-	jr Function3e299
-	call Function3e308
-	call Function3d2e0
-	jr c, .asm_3e2da
-	jp Function3e290
-	call ClearSprites
-	call ClearPalettes
-	call DelayFrame
-	call Function3eda6
-	call Function1c17
-	call Function309d
-	call ClearSGB
-	call Function32f9
-	jp Function3e139
-; 3e2f5
-Function3e2f5: ; 3e2f5
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr z, .asm_3e301
-	callba Function24e99
-	ret
-	callba Function100d22
-	ret
-; 3e308
-Function3e308: ; 3e308
-	call DisableLCD
-	ld hl, $9310
-	ld de, VTiles0
-	ld bc, $0110
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, VTiles2
-	ld de, $8110
-	ld bc, $0310
-	call CopyBytes
-	call EnableLCD
-	call ClearSprites
-	call LowVolume
-	xor a
-	ld [MonType], a
-	callba Function4dc7b
-	call MaxVolume
-	call DisableLCD
-	ld hl, VTiles0
-	ld de, $9310
-	ld bc, $0110
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, $8110
-	ld de, VTiles2
-	ld bc, $0310
-	call CopyBytes
-	call EnableLCD
-	ret
-; 3e358
-Function3e358: ; 3e358
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld d, a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	cp d
-	jr nz, .asm_3e36b
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c0d
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	jp Function3e299
-	ld a, [$c730]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e378
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_3e381
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c22
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	jp Function3e299
-	call Function3d887
-	jp z, Function3e299
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [$c71a], a
-	ld a, $2
-	ld [$d0ec], a
-	call ClearPalettes
-	call DelayFrame
-	call ClearSprites
-	call Function3eda6
-	call Function1c17
-	call ClearSGB
-	call Function32f9
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	; fallthrough
-; 3e3ad
-Function3e3ad: ; 3e3ad
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c710], a
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e3c1
-	call Function1d6e
-	call Function3e8e4
-	call Function1c17
-	call Function3e7c1
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e3cf
-	call Function3e40b
-	and a
-	ret
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	cp $e
-	jp z, .asm_3e3ca
-	cp $d
-	jp z, .asm_3e3ca
-	cp $4
-	jp c, .asm_3e3ca
-	cp $f
-	jr nz, .asm_3e3e9
-	call Function3c0e5
-	ret
-	ld a, [$ffcb]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3e3f7
-	call Function3e40b
-	call Function3e3ff
-	and a
-	ret
-	call Function3e3ff
-	call Function3e40b
-	and a
-	ret
-; 3e3ff
-Function3e3ff: ; 3e3ff
-	callab Function3846c
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	jp Function3dc23
-; 3e40b
-Function3e40b: ; 3e40b
-	call Function3f2f4
-	ld c, $32
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4
-	res 6, [hl]
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	call Function3dc5b
-	jr c, .asm_3e423
-	call Function3dce6
-	ld hl, $c535
-	ld bc, $050b
-	call ClearBox
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	call Function3d581
-	call Function3da0d
-	call Function3dab1
-	call Function3f26d
-	call Function3dbde
-	call Function3dc18
-	call Function3db5f
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	call Function3dc23
-	ld a, $2
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	ret
-; 3e459
-Function3e459: ; 3e459
-	ld c, $32
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld hl, $c535
-	ld bc, $050b
-	call ClearBox
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurBattleMon], a
-	call Function3d581
-	call Function3da0d
-	xor a
-	ld [$d265], a
-	call Function3ecab
-	call Function3db5f
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	jp Function3dc23
-; 3e489
-Function3e489: ; 3e489
-	call Function30b4
-	ld a, $3
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	ld hl, BattleMonSpd
-	ld de, EnemyMonSpd
-	call Function3d8b3
-	ld a, $0
-	ld [$d266], a
-	ret c
-	ld a, [$d0ec]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	jp Function3e139
-; 3e4a8
-Function3e4a8: ; 3e4a8
-	ld a, [BattleMonItem]
-	ld b, a
-	callab GetItem
-	ld a, b
-	cp $4c
-	ret nz
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$c73d], a
-	ret
-; 3e4bc
-Function3e4bc: ; 3e4bc
-	call Function3d2f1
-	jr nz, .asm_3e4c8
-	callba Function100b9f
-	ret
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3e4e2
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3e4dd
-	call Function3e786
-	ret z
-	ld hl, BattleMonMove1
-	jr .asm_3e4e2
-	ld a, $2
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld de, $d25e
-	ld bc, $0004
-	call CopyBytes
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld hl, $c594
-	ld b, $4
-	ld c, $e
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_3e503
-	ld hl, $c544
-	ld b, $4
-	ld c, $e
-	call TextBox
-	ld hl, $c5aa
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_3e513
-	ld hl, $c55a
-	ld a, $14
-	ld [Buffer1], a
-	ld a, $20
-	call Predef
-	ld b, $5
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	cp $2
-	ld a, $d
-	jr nz, .asm_3e52c
-	ld b, $5
-	ld a, $9
-	ld [$cfa1], a
-	ld a, b
-	ld [$cfa2], a
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_3e53e
-	ld a, [CurMoveNum]
-	inc a
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$cfaa], a
-	ld a, [$d0eb]
-	inc a
-	ld [$cfa3], a
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$cfa4], a
-	ld c, $2c
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	dec a
-	ld b, $c1
-	jr z, .asm_3e569
-	dec a
-	ld b, $c3
-	jr z, .asm_3e569
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e569
-	ld b, $c7
-	ld a, b
-	ld [$cfa8], a
-	ld a, c
-	ld [$cfa5], a
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfa6], a
-	ld a, $10
-	ld [$cfa7], a
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e58e
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e5a3
-	ld hl, $c5c3
-	ld de, .string_3e61c
-	call PlaceString
-	jr .asm_3e5a3
-	call MoveInfoBox
-	ld a, [$d0e3]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e5a3
-	ld hl, $c5a9
-	ld bc, $0014
-	dec a
-	call AddNTimes
-	ld [hl], $ec
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call Function1bd3
-	bit 6, a
-	jp nz, .asm_3e61d
-	bit 7, a
-	jp nz, .asm_3e62e
-	bit 2, a
-	jp nz, Function3e643
-	bit 1, a
-	push af
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0e3], a
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	dec a
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$d235]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e5d0
-	pop af
-	ret
-	dec a
-	ld a, b
-	ld [CurMoveNum], a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e5d9
-	pop af
-	ret
-	pop af
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, BattleMonPPMove1
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $3f
-	jr z, .asm_3e610
-	ld a, [PlayerDisableCount]
-	swap a
-	and $f
-	dec a
-	cp c
-	jr z, .asm_3e60b
-	ld a, [$c6e1]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e606
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	ld hl, BattleMonMove1
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
-	xor a
-	ret
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c5b
-	jr .asm_3e613
-	ld hl, Function3cc39
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function30b4
-	jp Function3e4bc
-; 3e61c
-.string_3e61c ; 3e61c
-	db "@"
-; 3e61d
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	and a
-	jp nz, .asm_3e57a
-	ld a, [$d0eb]
-	inc a
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	jp .asm_3e57a
-; 3e62e
-.asm_3e62e: ; 3e62e
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$d0eb]
-	inc a
-	inc a
-	cp b
-	jp nz, .asm_3e57a
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$cfa9], a
-	jp .asm_3e57a
-; 3e643
-Function3e643: ; 3e643
-	ld a, [$d0e3]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e6bf
-	ld hl, BattleMonMoves
-	call .asm_3e6a5
-	ld hl, BattleMonPP
-	call .asm_3e6a5
-	ld hl, PlayerDisableCount
-	ld a, [hl]
-	swap a
-	and $f
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3e671
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $f
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$d0e3]
-	swap a
-	add b
-	ld [hl], a
-	jr .asm_3e682
-	ld a, [$d0e3]
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3e682
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $f
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	swap a
-	add b
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e69e
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Moves
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	push hl
-	call .asm_3e6a5
-	pop hl
-	ld bc, $0015
-	add hl, bc
-	call .asm_3e6a5
-	xor a
-	ld [$d0e3], a
-	jp Function3e4bc
-	push hl
-	ld a, [$d0e3]
-	dec a
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	pop hl
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	dec a
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld b, [hl]
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, b
-	ld [de], a
-	ret
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	ld [$d0e3], a
-	jp Function3e4bc
-; 3e6c8
-MoveInfoBox: ; 3e6c8
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	hlcoord 0, 8
-	ld b, 3
-	ld c, 9
-	call TextBox
-	call MobileTextBorder
-	ld a, [PlayerDisableCount]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e6f4
-	swap a
-	and $f
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3e6f4
-	hlcoord 1, 10
-	ld de, .Disabled
-	call PlaceString
-	jr .done
-	ld hl, $cfa9
-	dec [hl]
-	call SetPlayerTurn
-	ld hl, BattleMonMoves
-	ld a, [$cfa9]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	ld a, WILDMON
-	ld [MonType], a
-	callab Functionf8ec
-	ld hl, $cfa9
-	ld c, [hl]
-	inc [hl]
-	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, BattleMonPP
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $3f
-	ld [StringBuffer1], a
-	call Function3e75f
-	hlcoord 1, 9
-	ld de, .Type
-	call PlaceString
-	hlcoord 7, 11
-	ld [hl], "/"
-	callab UpdateMoveData
-	ld a, [PlayerMoveAnimation]
-	ld b, a
-	hlcoord 2, 10
-	call Predef
-	ret
-; 3e74f
-	db "Disabled!@"
-	db "TYPE/@"
-; 3e75f
-Function3e75f: ; 3e75f
-	hlcoord 5, 11
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	cp $4
-	jr c, .asm_3e76c
-	hlcoord 5, 11
-	push hl
-	ld de, StringBuffer1
-	ld bc, $0102
-	call PrintNum
-	pop hl
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], "/"
-	inc hl
-	ld de, $d265
-	ld bc, $0102
-	call PrintNum
-	ret
-; 3e786
-Function3e786: ; 3e786
-	ld a, STRUGGLE
-	ld [CurPlayerMove], a
-	ld a, [PlayerDisableCount]
-	and a
-	ld hl, BattleMonPP
-	jr nz, .asm_3e79f
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	inc hl
-	or [hl]
-	inc hl
-	or [hl]
-	and $3f
-	ret nz
-	jr .asm_3e7b4
-	swap a
-	and $f
-	ld b, a
-	ld d, $5
-	xor a
-	dec d
-	jr z, .asm_3e7b2
-	ld c, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	dec b
-	jr z, .asm_3e7a7
-	or c
-	jr .asm_3e7a7
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c72
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld c, 60
-	call DelayFrames
-	xor a
-	ret
-; 3e7c1
-Function3e7c1: ; 3e7c1
-	ld a, [$c711]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e817
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	ld a, [$d0ec]
-	and a
-	call z, Function3e8e4
-	call Function30b4
-	ld a, [$d430]
-	cp $e
-	jp z, .asm_3e8bd
-	cp $d
-	jp z, .asm_3e82c
-	cp $4
-	jp nc, Function3e8c1
-	ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus1]
-	bit 6, a
-	jp nz, .asm_3e882
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus3]
-	and $13
-	jp nz, .asm_3e882
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	ld a, [LastEnemyMove]
-	jp nz, .asm_3e87f
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	jp .asm_3e87f
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus5
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3e824
-	ld a, [LastEnemyMove]
-	jp .asm_3e87f
-	call Function3e8d1
-	jp nz, Function3e8c1
-	jr .asm_3e830
-	ld a, $ff
-	jr .asm_3e87f
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
-	ld de, EnemyMonPPMove1
-	ld b, $4
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	jp z, .asm_3e8bd
-	ld a, [EnemyDisabledMove]
-	cp [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3e848
-	ld a, [de]
-	and $3f
-	jr nz, .asm_3e84f
-	inc hl
-	inc de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3e838
-	jr .asm_3e8bd
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e882
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
-	call BattleRandom
-	and $3
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [EnemyDisableCount]
-	swap a
-	and $f
-	dec a
-	cp c
-	jr z, .asm_3e855
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3e855
-	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
-	add hl, bc
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $3f
-	jr z, .asm_3e855
-	ld a, c
-	ld [CurEnemyMoveNum], a
-	ld a, b
-	ld [CurEnemyMove], a
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	callab UpdateMoveData
-	call Function3e8d1
-	jr nz, .asm_3e894
-	xor a
-	ld [$c733], a
-	ld a, [EnemyMoveEffect]
-	cp $77
-	jr z, .asm_3e89f
-	xor a
-	ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld a, [EnemyMoveEffect]
-	cp $51
-	jr z, .asm_3e8af
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus4
-	res 6, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ld [$c72c], a
-	ld a, [EnemyMoveEffect]
-	cp $6f
-	ret z
-	cp $74
-	ret z
-	xor a
-	ld [$c681], a
-	ret
-	ld a, $a5
-	jr .asm_3e87f
-; 3e8c1
-Function3e8c1: ; 3e8c1
-	xor a
-	ld [EnemyFuryCutterCount], a
-	ld [$c681], a
-	ld [$c72c], a
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus4
-	res 6, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3e8d1
-Function3e8d1: ; 3e8d1
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus4]
-	and $20
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus3
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and $13
-	ret nz
-	ld hl, EnemySubStatus1
-	bit 6, [hl]
-	ret
-; 3e8e4
-Function3e8e4: ; 3e8e4
-	callba Function100a09
-	ret
-; 3e8eb
-LoadEnemyMon: ; 3e8eb
-; Initialize enemy monster parameters
-; To do this we pull the species from TempEnemyMonSpecies
-; Notes:
-;   BattleRandom is used to ensure sync between Game Boys
-; Clear the whole EnemyMon struct
-	xor a
-	ld hl, EnemyMonSpecies
-	ld bc, EnemyMonEnd - EnemyMon
-	call ByteFill
-; We don't need to be here if we're in a link battle
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jp nz, Function3dabd
-	ld a, [$cfc0] ; ????
-	bit 0, a
-	jp nz, Function3dabd
-; Make sure everything knows what species we're working with
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [EnemyMonSpecies], a
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-; Grab the BaseData for this species
-	call GetBaseData
-; Let's get the item:
-; Is the item predetermined?
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .WildItem
-; If we're in a trainer battle, the item is in the party struct
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Item
-	call GetPartyLocation ; bc = PartyMon[CurPartyMon] - PartyMons
-	ld a, [hl]
-	jr .UpdateItem
-; In a wild battle, we pull from the item slots in BaseData
-; Force Item1
-; Used for Ho-Oh, Lugia and Snorlax encounters
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	ld a, [BaseItems]
-	jr z, .UpdateItem
-; Failing that, it's all up to chance
-;  Effective chances:
-;    75% None
-;    23% Item1
-;     2% Item2
-; 25% chance of getting an item
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp a, $c0
-	ld a, NO_ITEM
-	jr c, .UpdateItem
-; From there, an 8% chance for Item2
-	call BattleRandom
-	cp a, $14 ; 8% of 25% = 2% Item2
-	ld a, [BaseItems]
-	jr nc, .UpdateItem
-	ld a, [BaseItems+1]
-	ld [EnemyMonItem], a
-; Initialize DVs
-; If we're in a trainer battle, DVs are predetermined
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .InitDVs
-; ????
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	jr z, .InitDVs
-; Unknown
-	ld hl, $c6f2
-	ld de, EnemyMonDVs
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	jp .Happiness
-; Trainer DVs
-; All trainers have preset DVs, determined by class
-; See GetTrainerDVs for more on that
-	callba GetTrainerDVs
-; These are the DVs we'll use if we're actually in a trainer battle
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .UpdateDVs
-; Wild DVs
-; Here's where the fun starts
-; Roaming monsters (Entei, Raikou) work differently
-; They have their own structs, which are shorter than normal
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr nz, .NotRoaming
-; Grab HP
-	call GetRoamMonHP
-	ld a, [hl]
-; Check if the HP has been initialized
-	and a
-; We'll do something with the result in a minute
-	push af
-; Grab DVs
-	call GetRoamMonDVs
-	inc hl
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, [hl]
-; Get back the result of our check
-	pop af
-; If the RoamMon struct has already been initialized, we're done
-	jr nz, .UpdateDVs
-; If it hasn't, we need to initialize the DVs
-; (HP is initialized at the end of the battle)
-	call GetRoamMonDVs
-	inc hl
-	call BattleRandom
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld c, a
-	call BattleRandom
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld b, a
-; We're done with DVs
-	jr .UpdateDVs
-; Register a contains BattleType
-; Forced shiny battle type
-; Used by Red Gyarados at Lake of Rage
-	jr nz, .GenerateDVs
-	ld b, ATKDEFDV_SHINY ; $ea
-	ld c, SPDSPCDV_SHINY ; $aa
-	jr .UpdateDVs
-; Generate new random DVs
-	call BattleRandom
-	ld b, a
-	call BattleRandom
-	ld c, a
-; Input DVs in register bc
-	ld hl, EnemyMonDVs
-	ld a, b
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], c
-; We've still got more to do if we're dealing with a wild monster
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .Happiness
-; Species-specfic:
-; Unown
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	cp a, UNOWN
-	jr nz, .Magikarp
-; Get letter based on DVs
-	ld hl, EnemyMonDVs
-	call Predef
-; Can't use any letters that haven't been unlocked
-; If combined with forced shiny battletype, causes an infinite loop
-	call CheckUnownLetter
-	jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again
-; Skimming this part recommended
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	cp a, MAGIKARP
-	jr nz, .Happiness
-; Get Magikarp's length
-	ld de, EnemyMonDVs
-	ld bc, PlayerID
-	callab CalcMagikarpLength
-; We're clear if the length is < 1536
-	ld a, [MagikarpLength]
-	cp a, $06 ; $600 = 1536
-	jr nz, .CheckMagikarpArea
-; 5% chance of skipping size checks
-	call Random
-	cp a, $0c ; / $100
-	jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea
-; Try again if > 1614
-	ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1]
-	cp a, $50
-	jr nc, .GenerateDVs
-; 20% chance of skipping this check
-	call Random
-	cp a, $32 ; / $100
-	jr c, .CheckMagikarpArea
-; Try again if > 1598
-	ld a, [MagikarpLength + 1]
-	cp a, $40
-	jr nc, .GenerateDVs
-; The z checks are supposed to be nz
-; Instead, all maps in GROUP_LAKE_OF_RAGE (mahogany area)
-; and routes 20 and 44 are treated as Lake of Rage
-; This also means Lake of Rage Magikarp can be smaller than ones
-; caught elsewhere rather than the other way around
-; Intended behavior enforces a minimum size at Lake of Rage
-; The real behavior prevents size flooring in the Lake of Rage area
-	ld a, [MapGroup]
-	jr z, .Happiness
-	ld a, [MapNumber]
-	jr z, .Happiness
-; 40% chance of not flooring
-	call Random
-	cp a, $64 ; / $100
-	jr c, .Happiness
-; Floor at length 1024
-	ld a, [MagikarpLength]
-	cp a, 1024 >> 8
-	jr c, .GenerateDVs ; try again
-; Finally done with DVs
-; Set happiness
-	ld [EnemyMonHappiness], a
-; Set level
-	ld a, [CurPartyLevel]
-	ld [EnemyMonLevel], a
-; Fill stats
-	ld de, EnemyMonMaxHP
-	ld b, $00
-	ld hl, $d201 ; ?
-	call Predef
-; If we're in a trainer battle,
-; get the rest of the parameters from the party struct
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	jr z, .OpponentParty
-; If we're in a wild battle, check wild-specific stuff
-	and a
-	jr z, .TreeMon
-; ????
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	jp nz, .Moves
-; If we're headbutting trees, some monsters enter battle asleep
-	call CheckSleepingTreeMon
-	ld a, 7 ; Asleep for 7 turns
-	jr c, .UpdateStatus
-; Otherwise, no status
-	xor a
-	ld hl, EnemyMonStatus
-	ld [hli], a
-; Unused byte
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-; Full HP...
-	ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHPHi]
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, [EnemyMonMaxHPLo]
-	ld [hl], a
-; ...unless it's a RoamMon
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr nz, .Moves
-; Grab HP
-	call GetRoamMonHP
-	ld a, [hl]
-; Check if it's been initialized again
-	and a
-	jr z, .InitRoamHP
-; Update from the struct if it has
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [EnemyMonHPLo], a
-	jr .Moves
-; HP only uses the lo byte in the RoamMon struct since
-; Raikou/Entei/Suicune will have < 256 hp at level 40
-	ld a, [EnemyMonHPLo]
-	ld [hl], a
-	jr .Moves
-; Get HP from the party struct
-	ld hl, (PartyMon1CurHP + 1) - PartyMon1 + OTPartyMon1
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld [EnemyMonHPLo], a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld [EnemyMonHPHi], a
-; Make sure everything knows which monster the opponent is using
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld [CurOTMon], a
-; Get status from the party struct
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [hl] ; OTPartyMonStatus
-	ld [EnemyMonStatus], a
-; ????
-	ld hl, BaseType1
-	ld de, EnemyMonType1
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-; Get moves
-	ld de, EnemyMonMoves
-; Are we in a trainer battle?
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	jr nz, .WildMoves
-; Then copy moves from the party struct
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld bc, NUM_MOVES
-	call CopyBytes
-	jr .PP
-; Clear EnemyMonMoves
-	xor a
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-; Make sure the predef knows this isn't a partymon
-	ld [MagikarpLength], a
-; Fill moves based on level
-	call Predef
-; Trainer battle?
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	jr z, .TrainerPP
-; Fill wild PP
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMoves
-	ld de, EnemyMonPP
-	call Predef
-	jr .Finish
-; Copy PP from the party struct
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1PP
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld de, EnemyMonPP
-	ld bc, NUM_MOVES
-	call CopyBytes
-; Only the first five base stats are copied...
-	ld hl, BaseStats
-	ld de, EnemyMonBaseStats
-	ld b, BaseSpecialDefense - BaseStats
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .loop
-	ld a, [BaseCatchRate]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [BaseExp]
-	ld [de], a
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	call GetPokemonName
-; Did we catch it?
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	and a
-	ret z
-; Update enemy nick
-	ld hl, StringBuffer1
-	ld de, EnemyMonNick
-	call CopyBytes
-; Caught this mon
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	dec a
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 1 ; set
-	ld hl, PokedexSeen
-	call Predef
-	ld hl, EnemyMonStats
-	ld de, EnemyStats
-	ld bc, EnemyMonStatsEnd - EnemyMonStats
-	call CopyBytes
-	ret
-; 3eb38
-CheckSleepingTreeMon: ; 3eb38
-; Return carry if species is in the list
-; for the current time of day
-; Don't do anything if this isn't a tree encounter
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr nz, .NotSleeping
-; Get list for the time of day
-	ld hl, .Morn
-	ld a, [TimeOfDay]
-	cp a, DAY
-	jr c, .Check
-	ld hl, .Day
-	jr z, .Check
-	ld hl, .Nite
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld de, 1 ; length of species id
-	call IsInArray
-; If it's a match, the opponent is asleep
-	ret c
-	and a
-	ret
-	db EKANS
-	db AIPOM
-	db $ff ; end
-	db $ff ; end
-	db $ff ; end
-; 3eb75
-CheckUnownLetter: ; 3eb75
-; Return carry if the Unown letter hasn't been unlocked yet
-	ld a, [UnlockedUnowns]
-	ld c, a
-	ld de, 0
-; Don't check this set unless it's been unlocked
-	srl c
-	jr nc, .next
-; Is our letter in the set?
-	ld hl, .LetterSets
-	add hl, de
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	push de
-	ld a, [UnownLetter]
-	ld de, 1
-	push bc
-	call IsInArray
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	jr c, .match
-; Make sure we haven't gone past the end of the table
-	inc e
-	inc e
-	ld a, e
-	cp a, .Set1 - .LetterSets
-	jr c, .loop
-; Hasn't been unlocked, or the letter is invalid
-	scf
-	ret
-; Valid letter
-	and a
-	ret
-	dw .Set1
-	dw .Set2
-	dw .Set3
-	dw .Set4
-	;  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K
-	db 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, $ff
-	;  L   M   N   O   P   Q   R
-	db 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, $ff
-	;  S   T   U   V   W
-	db 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, $ff
-	;  X   Y   Z
-	db 24, 25, 26, $ff
-; 3ebc7
-Function3ebc7: ; 3ebc7
-	push bc
-	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
-	ld [BattleMonLevel], a
-	ld a, b
-	ld [EnemyMonLevel], a
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3ebd8
-Function3ebd8: ; 3ebd8
-	xor a
-	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
-	call Function3ee27
-	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
-	ld [TrainerClass], a
-	ld de, VTiles2
-	callab Function5120d
-	ld hl, $c4b3
-	ld c, $0
-	inc c
-	ld a, c
-	cp $7
-	ret z
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld [hBGMapThird], a
-	ld d, $0
-	push bc
-	push hl
-	call Function3ec1a
-	inc hl
-	ld a, $7
-	add d
-	ld d, a
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3ec01
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld c, $4
-	call DelayFrames
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	dec hl
-	jr .asm_3ebf3
-; 3ec1a
-Function3ec1a: ; 3ec1a
-	push hl
-	push de
-	push bc
-	ld e, $7
-	ld [hl], d
-	ld bc, $0014
-	add hl, bc
-	inc d
-	dec e
-	jr nz, .asm_3ec1f
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3ec2c
-Function3ec2c: ; 3ec2c
-	ld a, 1
-	jr Function3ec31
-; 3ec30
-Function3ec30: ; 3ec30
-	xor a
-; 3ec31
-Function3ec31: ; 3ec31
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	call Function3ec39
-	jp Function3ec76
-; 3ec39
-Function3ec39: ; 3ec39
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3ec5a
-	ld a, [BattleMonStatus]
-	and $40
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $c645
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	ld [hli], a
-	or b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ec58
-	ld b, $1
-	ld [hl], b
-	ret
-	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
-	and $40
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $d21f
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	ld [hli], a
-	or b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ec74
-	ld b, $1
-	ld [hl], b
-	ret
-; 3ec76
-Function3ec76: ; 3ec76
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3ec93
-	ld a, [BattleMonStatus]
-	and $10
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $c641
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	ld [hli], a
-	or b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ec91
-	ld b, $1
-	ld [hl], b
-	ret
-	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
-	and $10
-	ret z
-	ld hl, $d21b
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	ld [hli], a
-	or b
-	jr nz, .asm_3eca9
-	ld b, $1
-	ld [hl], b
-	ret
-; 3ecab
-Function3ecab: ; 3ecab
-	ld c, 0
-	call Function3ecb7
-	inc c
-	ld a, c
-	cp 5
-	jr nz, .asm_3ecad
-	ret
-; 3ecb7
-Function3ecb7: ; 3ecb7
-	push bc
-	push bc
-	ld a, [$d265]
-	and a
-	ld a, c
-	ld hl, BattleMonAtk
-	ld de, PlayerStats
-	ld bc, PlayerAtkLevel
-	jr z, .asm_3ecd2
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtk
-	ld de, EnemyStats
-	ld bc, EnemyAtkLevel
-	add c
-	ld c, a
-	jr nc, .asm_3ecd7
-	inc b
-	ld a, [bc]
-	pop bc
-	ld b, a
-	push bc
-	sla c
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, c
-	add e
-	ld e, a
-	jr nc, .asm_3ece6
-	inc d
-	pop bc
-	push hl
-	ld hl, .StatLevelMultipliers
-	dec b
-	sla b
-	ld c, b
-	ld b, 0
-	add hl, bc
-	xor a
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld b, $4
-	call Divide
-	pop hl
-; Cap at 999.
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	sub 999 % $100
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	sbc 999 / $100
-	jp c, .asm_3ed1e
-	ld a, 999 / $100
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, 999 % $100
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld [hl], a
-	or b
-	jr nz, .asm_3ed29
-	inc [hl]
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3ed2b
-;	      /
-	db 25, 100 ; 25%
-	db 28, 100 ; 28%
-	db 33, 100 ; 33%
-	db 40, 100 ; 40%
-	db 50, 100 ; 50%
-	db 66, 100 ; 66%
-	db  1,  1 ; 100%
-	db 15, 10 ; 150%
-	db  2,  1 ; 200%
-	db 25, 10 ; 250%
-	db  3,  1 ; 300%
-	db 35, 10 ; 350%
-	db  4,  1 ; 400%
-; 3ed45
-BadgeStatBoosts: ; 3ed45
-; Raise BattleMon stats depending on which badges have been obtained.
-; Every other badge boosts a stat, starting from the first.
-; 	ZephyrBadge:  Attack
-; 	PlainBadge:   Speed
-; 	MineralBadge: Defense
-; 	GlacierBadge: Special Attack
-; 	RisingBadge:  Special Defense
-; The boosted stats are in order, except PlainBadge and MineralBadge's boosts are swapped.
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [$cfc0]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [JohtoBadges]
-; Swap badges 3 (PlainBadge) and 5 (MineralBadge).
-	ld d, a
-	and %00000100
-	add a
-	add a
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, d
-	and %00010000
-	rrca
-	rrca
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, d
-	and %11101011
-	or b
-	or c
-	ld b, a
-	ld hl, BattleMonAtk
-	ld c, 4
-	ld a, b
-	srl b
-	call c, BoostStat
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-; Check every other badge.
-	srl b
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .CheckBadge
-; And the last one (RisingBadge) too.
-	srl a
-	call c, BoostStat
-	ret
-; 3ed7c
-BoostStat: ; 3ed7c
-; Raise stat at hl by 1/8.
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld d, a
-	ld e, [hl]
-	srl d
-	rr e
-	srl d
-	rr e
-	srl d
-	rr e
-	ld a, [hl]
-	add e
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	adc d
-	ld [hli], a
-; Cap at 999.
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sub 999 % $100
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc 999 / $100
-	ret c
-	ld a, 999 / $100
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, 999 % $100
-	ld [hld], a
-	ret
-; 3ed9f
-Function3ed9f: ; 3ed9f
-	callab Functionfb4f2
-	ret
-; 3eda6
-Function3eda6: ; 3eda6
-	callab Functionfb50d
-	ret
-; 3edad
-Function3edad: ; 3edad
-	ld de, $4ac0
-	ld hl, $96c0
-	ld bc, $3e04
-	call Get1bpp
-	ld de, $4ae0
-	ld hl, $9730
-	ld bc, $3e06
-	call Get1bpp
-	ld de, $4b10
-	ld hl, $9550
-	ld bc, $3e08
-	jp Get2bpp
-; 3edd1
-EmptyBattleTextBox: ; 3edd1
-	ld hl, .empty
-	jp BattleTextBox
-	db "@"
-; 3edd8
-_BattleRandom: ; 3edd8
-; If the normal RNG is used in a link battle it'll desync.
-; To circumvent this a shared PRNG is used instead.
-; But if we're in a non-link battle we're safe to use it
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jp z, Random
-; The PRNG operates in streams of 10 values.
-; Which value are we trying to pull?
-	push hl
-	push bc
-	ld a, [LinkBattleRNCount]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, LinkBattleRNs
-	add hl, bc
-	inc a
-	ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a
-; If we haven't hit the end yet, we're good
-	cp 10 - 1 ; Exclude last value. See the closing comment
-	ld a, [hl]
-	pop bc
-	pop hl
-	ret c
-; If we have, we have to generate new pseudorandom data
-; Instead of having multiple PRNGs, ten seeds are used
-	push hl
-	push bc
-	push af
-; Reset count to 0
-	xor a
-	ld [LinkBattleRNCount], a
-	ld hl, LinkBattleRNs
-	ld b, 10 ; number of seeds
-; Generate next number in the sequence for each seed
-; The algorithm takes the form *5 + 1 % 256
-	; get last #
-	ld a, [hl]
-	; a * 5 + 1
-	ld c, a
-	add a
-	add a
-	add c
-	inc a
-	; update #
-	ld [hli], a
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .loop
-; This has the side effect of pulling the last value first,
-; then wrapping around. As a result, when we check to see if
-; we've reached the end, we check the one before it.
-	pop af
-	pop bc
-	pop hl
-	ret
-; 3ee0f
-Function3ee0f: ; 3ee0f
-	call GetBattleVar
-	ret nz
-; 3ee17
-Function3ee17: ; 3ee17
-	ld a, e
-	ld [FXAnimIDLo], a
-	ld a, d
-	ld [FXAnimIDHi], a
-	call WaitBGMap
-	ld a, $37
-	jp Predef
-; 3ee27
-Function3ee27: ; 3ee27
-	push af
-	push bc
-	push de
-	push hl
-	ld b, $1
-	call GetSGBLayout
-	call Function32f9
-	call DelayFrame
-	pop hl
-	pop de
-	pop bc
-	pop af
-	ret
-; 3ee3b
-Function3ee3b: ; 3ee3b
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [$cfc0]
-	bit 0, a
-	ret nz
-	call Function3f0d4
-	xor a
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	ld bc, PartyMon1Species
-	ld hl, $0022
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jp z, .asm_3f0b9
-	push bc
-	ld hl, $c664
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $2
-	ld d, $0
-	ld a, $3
-	call Predef
-	ld a, c
-	and a
-	pop bc
-	jp z, .asm_3f0b9
-	ld hl, $000c
-	add hl, bc
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	ld hl, EnemyMonType2
-	push bc
-	ld c, $5
-	inc hl
-	ld a, [de]
-	add [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	jr nc, .asm_3ee89
-	dec de
-	ld a, [de]
-	inc a
-	jr z, .asm_3eea4
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	push hl
-	push bc
-	ld a, $1c
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	pop bc
-	pop hl
-	jr z, .asm_3eea9
-	ld a, [de]
-	add [hl]
-	ld [de], a
-	jr nc, .asm_3eea9
-	dec de
-	ld a, [de]
-	inc a
-	jr z, .asm_3eea4
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	jr .asm_3eea9
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	inc de
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3ee7c
-	xor a
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, [EnemyMonBaseExp]
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, [EnemyMonLevel]
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	ld a, $7
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld b, $4
-	call Divide
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, $0006
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [PlayerID]
-	cp [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3eedd
-	inc hl
-	ld a, [$d47c]
-	cp [hl]
-	ld a, $0
-	jr z, .asm_3eee2
-	call Function3f106
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [$d088], a
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	call nz, Function3f106
-	push bc
-	ld a, $1
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $7e
-	call z, Function3f106
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld [$d087], a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld [StringBuffer2], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld hl, PartyMon1Nickname
-	call GetNick
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f11b
-	call BattleTextBox
-	ld a, [$d087]
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, [StringBuffer2]
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	pop bc
-	call Function3f136
-	push bc
-	call Function309d
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, $000a
-	add hl, bc
-	ld d, [hl]
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	add d
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld d, [hl]
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	adc d
-	ld [hl], a
-	jr nc, .asm_3ef3d
-	dec hl
-	inc [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3ef3d
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, $0
-	ld hl, PartySpecies
-	add hl, de
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	push bc
-	ld d, $64
-	callab Function50e47
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, $000a
-	add hl, bc
-	push bc
-	ld a, [hMultiplicand]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld d, a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sub d
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sbc c
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc b
-	jr c, .asm_3ef74
-	ld a, b
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, c
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, d
-	ld [hld], a
-	xor a
-	ld [MonType], a
-	ld a, $1f
-	call Predef
-	callab Function50e1b
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, $001f
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $64
-	jp nc, .asm_3f0b9
-	cp d
-	jp z, .asm_3f0b9
-	ld [$c719], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyLevel]
-	push af
-	ld a, d
-	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, $0000
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	ld [$d265], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld hl, $0025
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, [hl]
-	push de
-	ld hl, $0024
-	add hl, bc
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	ld hl, $000a
-	add hl, bc
-	push bc
-	ld b, $1
-	ld a, $c
-	call Predef
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	ld hl, $0025
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sub e
-	ld e, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc d
-	ld d, a
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [hl]
-	add e
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	adc d
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld d, a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	cp d
-	jr nz, .asm_3f035
-	ld de, BattleMonHP
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [de], a
-	ld de, BattleMonMaxHP
-	push bc
-	ld bc, $000c
-	call CopyBytes
-	pop bc
-	ld hl, $001f
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [BattleMonLevel], a
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5]
-	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3f012
-	ld hl, $0026
-	add hl, bc
-	ld de, PlayerStats
-	ld bc, $000a
-	call CopyBytes
-	xor a
-	ld [$d265], a
-	call Function3ecab
-	callab Function3ec2c
-	callab BadgeStatBoosts
-	callab Function3df48
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	callba Function2709e
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_3f057
-	call PlaySFX
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c9c
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function309d
-	xor a
-	ld [MonType], a
-	ld a, $1f
-	call Predef
-	ld hl, $c4a9
-	ld b, $a
-	ld c, $9
-	call TextBox
-	ld hl, $c4bf
-	ld bc, $0004
-	ld a, $28
-	call Predef
-	ld c, $1e
-	call DelayFrames
-	call Functiona80
-	call Function30b4
-	xor a
-	ld [MonType], a
-	ld a, [CurSpecies]
-	ld [$d265], a
-	ld a, [CurPartyLevel]
-	push af
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [$c719]
-	ld b, a
-	inc b
-	ld a, b
-	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
-	push bc
-	ld a, $1a
-	call Predef
-	pop bc
-	ld a, b
-	cp c
-	jr nz, .asm_3f093
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
-	ld hl, EvolvableFlags
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	ld c, a
-	ld b, $1
-	ld a, $3
-	call Predef
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
-	ld a, [PartyCount]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [CurPartyMon]
-	inc a
-	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_3f0d1
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	ld a, $0
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	jp .asm_3ee50
-	jp Function3d57a
-; 3f0d4
-Function3f0d4: ; 3f0d4
-	ld a, [$c664]
-	ld b, a
-	ld c, $6
-	ld d, $0
-	xor a
-	srl b
-	adc d
-	ld d, a
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3f0dc
-	cp $2
-	ret c
-	ld [$d265], a
-	ld hl, EnemyMonBaseStats
-	ld c, $7
-	xor a
-	ld [hProduct], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld a, [$d265]
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld b, $2
-	call Divide
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld [hli], a
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3f0ef
-	ret
-; 3f106
-Function3f106: ; 3f106
-	push bc
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld c, a
-	srl b
-	rr c
-	add c
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	adc b
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3f11b
-UnknownText_0x3f11b: ; 3f11b
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c029c
-	start_asm
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f131
-	ld a, [$d088] ; IsTradedMon
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f12c
-	ret
-; 3f12c
-UnknownText_0x3f12c: ; 3f12c
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02a9
-	db "@"
-; 3f131
-UnknownText_0x3f131: ; 3f131
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02c9
-	db "@"
-; 3f136
-Function3f136: ; 3f136
-	push bc
-	ld hl, CurPartyMon
-	ld a, [CurBattleMon]
-	cp [hl]
-	jp nz, .asm_3f219
-	ld a, [BattleMonLevel]
-	jp nc, .asm_3f219
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld [$d004], a
-	push af
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld [$d003], a
-	push af
-	xor a
-	ld [DefaultFlypoint], a
-	xor a
-	ld [MonType], a
-	ld a, $1f
-	call Predef
-	ld a, [TempMonLevel]
-	ld b, a
-	ld e, a
-	push de
-	ld de, $d118
-	call Function3f39c
-	push bc
-	ld hl, $d118
-	ld a, [$d004]
-	add [hl]
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [$d003]
-	adc [hl]
-	ld [hld], a
-	jr nc, .asm_3f186
-	inc [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_3f186
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld d, $64
-	callab Function50e47
-	ld a, [hMultiplicand]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb5]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld d, a
-	ld hl, $d118
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sub d
-	ld a, [hld]
-	sbc c
-	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc b
-	jr c, .asm_3f1a8
-	ld a, b
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, c
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, d
-	ld [hld], a
-	callab Function50e1b
-	ld a, d
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	ld d, a
-	cp e
-	jr nc, .asm_3f1b7
-	ld a, e
-	ld d, a
-	ld a, e
-	cp $64
-	jr nc, .asm_3f1ff
-	cp d
-	jr z, .asm_3f1ff
-	inc a
-	ld [TempMonLevel], a
-	ld [CurPartyLevel], a
-	ld [BattleMonLevel], a
-	push de
-	call Function3f21b
-	ld c, $40
-	call Function3f22c
-	call PrintPlayerHUD
-	ld hl, BattleMonNick
-	ld de, StringBuffer1
-	ld bc, $000b
-	call CopyBytes
-	call Function3dfe
-	call PlaySFX
-	callba Function8e79d
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80c9c
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	pop de
-	inc e
-	ld b, $0
-	jr .asm_3f1b7
-	push bc
-	ld b, d
-	ld de, $d118
-	call Function3f39c
-	ld a, b
-	pop bc
-	ld c, a
-	call Function3f21b
-	call Function3f22c
-	call Function3dfe
-	pop af
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	pop af
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3f21b
-Function3f21b: ; 3f21b
-	push bc
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld de, SFX_EXP_BAR
-	call PlaySFX
-	ld c, 10
-	call DelayFrames
-	pop bc
-	ret
-; 3f22c
-Function3f22c: ; 3f22c
-	ld d, $3
-	dec b
-	inc b
-	push bc
-	push de
-	ld hl, $c58d
-	call Function3f41c
-	pop de
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld c, d
-	call DelayFrames
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	pop bc
-	ld a, c
-	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_3f268
-	inc b
-	push bc
-	push de
-	ld hl, $c58d
-	call Function3f41c
-	pop de
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld c, d
-	call DelayFrames
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	dec d
-	jr nz, .asm_3f263
-	ld d, $1
-	pop bc
-	ld a, c
-	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_3f22f
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ret
-; 3f26d
-Function3f26d: ; 3f26d
-; SendOutMonText?
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f27c
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d1
-	ld a, [$d264]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3f2ce
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d1
-	jr z, .asm_3f2ce
-	xor a
-	ld [hMultiplicand], a
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [$c6ea], a
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$c6eb], a
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	ld a, $19
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld b, [hl]
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	ld a, b
-	ld b, $4
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Divide
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d1
-	cp $46
-	jr nc, .asm_3f2ce
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2d8
-	cp $28
-	jr nc, .asm_3f2ce
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2df
-	cp $a
-	jr nc, .asm_3f2ce
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2e6
-	jp BattleTextBox
-; 3f2d1
-UnknownText_0x3f2d1: ; 3f2d1
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02df
-	start_asm
-	jr Function3f2eb
-; 3f2d6
-UnknownText_0x3f2d8: ; 3f2d8
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02e6
-	start_asm
-	jr Function3f2eb
-; 3f2dd
-UnknownText_0x3f2df: ; 3f2df
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02f0
-	start_asm
-	jr Function3f2eb
-; 3f2e4
-UnknownText_0x3f2e6: ; 3f2e6
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c02fe
-	start_asm
-; 3f2eb
-Function3f2eb: ; 3f2eb
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2ef
-	ret
-; 3f2ef
-UnknownText_0x3f2ef: ; 3f2ef
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0317
-	db "@"
-; 3f2f4
-Function3f2f4: ; 3f2f4
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f2fa
-	jp BattleTextBox
-; 3f2fa
-UnknownText_0x3f2fa: ; 3f2fa
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c031d
-	start_asm
-; 3f2ff
-Function3f2ff: ; 3f2ff
-	push de
-	push bc
-	ld hl, EnemyMonHPLo
-	ld de, $c6eb
-	ld b, [hl]
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [de]
-	sub b
-	ld [$ffb6], a
-	dec de
-	ld b, [hl]
-	ld a, [de]
-	sbc b
-	ld [$ffb5], a
-	ld a, $19
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMaxHPHi
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld b, [hl]
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	srl a
-	rr b
-	ld a, b
-	ld b, $4
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Divide
-	pop bc
-	pop de
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f348
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f35b
-	cp $1e
-	ret c
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f34d
-	cp $46
-	ret c
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f352
-	ret
-; 3f348
-UnknownText_0x3f348: ; 3f348
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0324
-	db "@"
-; 3f34d
-UnknownText_0x3f34d: ; 3f34d
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0340
-	db "@"
-; 3f352
-UnknownText_0x3f352: ; 3f352
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0352
-	db "@"
-; 3f357
-Function3f357: ; 3f357
-	ld hl, UnknownText_0x3f35b
-	ret
-; 3f35b
-UnknownText_0x3f35b: ; 3f35b
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1c0366
-	db "@"
-; 3f360
-Function3f360: ; 3f360
-	ld hl, $c6f0
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f36d
-	dec [hl]
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80cba
-	jr .asm_3f388
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [hl]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	dec [hl]
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80cd1
-	jr nz, .asm_3f388
-	push hl
-	ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld a, [BaseCatchRate]
-	ld [EnemyMonCatchRate], a
-	pop hl
-	push hl
-	call Function30b4
-	pop hl
-	jp StdBattleTextBox
-; 3f390
-FillInExpBar: ; 3f390
-	push hl
-	call Function3f39c
-	pop hl
-	ld de, $0007
-	add hl, de
-	jp Function3f41c
-; 3f39c
-Function3f39c: ; 3f39c
-	push de
-	ld d, b
-	push de
-	callab Function50e47
-	pop de
-	ld hl, hMultiplicand
-	ld a, [hli]
-	push af
-	ld a, [hli]
-	push af
-	ld a, [hl]
-	push af
-	inc d
-	callab Function50e47
-	ld hl, $ffb6
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$ffba], a
-	pop bc
-	sub b
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [$ffb9], a
-	pop bc
-	sbc b
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [hMathBuffer], a
-	pop bc
-	sbc b
-	ld [hl], a
-	pop de
-	ld hl, $ffb5
-	ld a, [hli]
-	push af
-	ld a, [hl]
-	push af
-	ld a, [de]
-	dec de
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [$ffba]
-	sub c
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [de]
-	dec de
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [$ffb9]
-	sbc b
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, [de]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hMathBuffer]
-	sbc c
-	ld [hld], a
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, $40
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	call Multiply
-	pop af
-	ld c, a
-	pop af
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, b
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f40c
-	srl b
-	rr c
-	ld hl, hProduct
-	srl [hl]
-	inc hl
-	rr [hl]
-	inc hl
-	rr [hl]
-	inc hl
-	rr [hl]
-	jr .asm_3f3f4
-	ld a, c
-	ld [hMultiplier], a
-	ld b, $4
-	call Divide
-	ld a, [$ffb6]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, $40
-	sub b
-	ld b, a
-	ret
-; 3f41c
-Function3f41c: ; 3f41c
-	ld c, $8
-	ld a, b
-	sub $8
-	jr c, .asm_3f42c
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, $6a
-	ld [hld], a
-	dec c
-	jr z, .asm_3f43c
-	jr .asm_3f41e
-	add $8
-	jr z, .asm_3f434
-	add $54
-	jr .asm_3f436
-	ld a, $62
-	ld [hld], a
-	ld a, $62
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3f434
-	ret
-; 3f43d
-Function3f43d: ; 3f43d
-	ld a, [PlayerSubStatus4]
-	bit 4, a
-	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_DD
-	jr nz, asm_3f46f
-Function3f447: ; 3f447
-	ld a, [$c6fe]
-	and a
-	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_E2
-	jr nz, asm_3f46f
-	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
-	push af
-	ld a, [BattleMonSpecies]
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ld hl, BattleMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, $2d
-	call Predef
-	ld de, $9310
-	ld a, $3d
-	call Predef
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ret
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	push af
-	xor a
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ld a, BANK(BattleAnimCommands)
-	rst FarCall
-	pop af
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ret
-; 3f47c
-Function3f47c: ; 3f47c
-	ld a, [EnemySubStatus4]
-	bit 4, a
-	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_DD
-	jr nz, asm_3f4b4
-Function3f486: ; 3f486
-	ld a, [$c6fa]
-	and a
-	ld hl, BattleAnimCmd_E2
-	jr nz, asm_3f4b4
-	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
-	push af
-	ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld [CurSpecies], a
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	call GetBaseData
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, $2d
-	call Predef
-	ld de, VTiles2
-	ld a, $3e
-	call Predef
-	pop af
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ret
-	ld a, [hBattleTurn]
-	push af
-	call SetEnemyTurn
-	ld a, BANK(BattleAnimCommands)
-	rst FarCall
-	pop af
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ret
-; 3f4c1
-StartBattle: ; 3f4c1
-	ld a, [PartyCount]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld a, [TimeOfDayPal]
-	push af
-	call Function3f4dd
-	call Function3c000
-	call Function3f69e
-	pop af
-	ld [TimeOfDayPal], a
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3f4d9
-Function3f4d9: ; 3f4d9
-	call Function3c000
-	ret
-; 3f4dd
-Function3f4dd: ; 3f4dd
-	callba Function106050
-	call Function3f54e
-	xor a
-	ld [TempBattleMonSpecies], a
-	ld [$d0d2], a
-	xor a
-	ld [$ffde], a
-	callba PlayBattleMusic
-	callba Function2ee18
-	callba Function2ee2f
-	call Function2ed3
-	callba ClearBattleRAM
-	call Function3f55e
-	call Function3f568
-	ld b, $0
-	call GetSGBLayout
-	ld hl, rLCDC
-	res 6, [hl]
-	call Function3fb6c
-	call BattleStartMessage
-	ld hl, rLCDC
-	set 6, [hl]
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	call EmptyBattleTextBox
-	hlcoord 9, 7
-	ld bc, 5 << 8 + 11
-	call ClearBox
-	hlcoord 1, 0
-	ld bc, 4 << 8 + 10
-	call ClearBox
-	call ClearSprites
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	cp $1
-	call z, Function3e036
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ret
-; 3f54e
-Function3f54e: ; 3f54e
-	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3f55a
-	ld a, [$d22e]
-	ld [CurPartySpecies], a
-	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
-	ret
-; 3f55e
-Function3f55e: ; 3f55e
-	ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
-	and a
-	jp nz, Function3f594
-	jp Function3f607
-; 3f568
-Function3f568: ; 3f568
-	ld a, [rSVBK]
-	push af
-	ld a, $6
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ld hl, $d000
-	ld bc, VBlank5
-	ld a, $2
-	call ByteFill
-	ld a, [rVBK]
-	push af
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [rVBK], a
-	ld de, $d000
-	ld hl, VBGMap0
-	ld bc, $0f40
-	call Request2bpp
-	pop af
-	ld [rVBK], a
-	pop af
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ret
-; 3f594
-Function3f594: ; 3f594
-	ld [TrainerClass], a
-	callba Function10606a
-	xor a
-	ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a
-	callab Function3957b
-	callab Function39771
-	ld a, [TrainerClass]
-	cp $9
-	jr nz, .asm_3f5b8
-	xor a
-	ld [OTPartyMon1Item], a
-	ld de, VTiles2
-	callab Function5120d
-	xor a
-	ld [$ffad], a
-	dec a
-	ld [$c6e6], a
-	ld hl, $c4ac
-	ld bc, $0707
-	ld a, $13
-	call Predef
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [CurOTMon], a
-	ld a, $2
-	ld [IsInBattle], a
-	call IsJohtoGymLeader
-	jr nc, .asm_3f606
-	xor a
-	ld [CurPartyMon], a
-	ld a, [PartyCount]
-	ld b, a
-	push bc
-	ld a, $22
-	call GetPartyParamLocation
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3f5fc
-	ld c, $4
-	callab ChangeHappiness
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr z, .asm_3f606
-	ld hl, CurPartyMon
-	inc [hl]
-	jr .asm_3f5ea
-	ret
-; 3f607
-Function3f607: ; 3f607
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [IsInBattle], a
-	callba Function10605d
-	call LoadEnemyMon
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
-	ld de, $c735
-	ld bc, $0004
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, EnemyMonPPMove1
-	ld de, $c739
-	ld bc, $0004
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, EnemyMonAtkDefDV
-	ld a, $2d
-	call Predef
-	ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
-	cp $c9
-	jr nz, .asm_3f648
-	ld a, [$def4]
-	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_3f648
-	ld a, [UnownLetter]
-	ld [$def4], a
-	ld de, VTiles2
-	ld a, $3e
-	call Predef
-	xor a
-	ld [TrainerClass], a
-	ld [$ffad], a
-	ld hl, $c4ac
-	ld bc, $0707
-	ld a, $13
-	call Predef
-	ret
-; 3f662
-Function3f662: ; 3f662
-	ld hl, EnemyMonMove1
-	ld de, $d25e
-	ld b, $4
-	ld a, [de]
-	inc de
-	ld [hli], a
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f690
-	push bc
-	push hl
-	push hl
-	dec a
-	ld hl, $5b00
-	ld bc, $0007
-	call AddNTimes
-	ld a, $10
-	call GetFarByte
-	pop hl
-	ld bc, $0005
-	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3f66a
-	ret
-	xor a
-	ld [hli], a
-	push bc
-	push hl
-	ld bc, $0005
-	add hl, bc
-	xor a
-	ld [hl], a
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3f68e
-	ret
-; 3f69e
-Function3f69e: ; 3f69e
-	call Function3f6a5
-	call Function3f6d0
-	ret
-; 3f6a5
-Function3f6a5: ; 3f6a5
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f6b7
-	call Function3f759
-	ld c, $96
-	call DelayFrames
-	call Function3f77c
-	ret
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $f
-	ret nz
-	call Function3f71d
-	xor a
-	ld [$d1e9], a
-	ld a, $1c
-	call Predef
-	callba Function2ed44
-	ret
-; 3f6d0
-Function3f6d0: ; 3f6d0
-	call Function3f998
-	xor a
-	ld [Danger], a
-	ld [IsInBattle], a
-	ld [BattleType], a
-	ld [AttackMissed], a
-	ld [$d22e], a
-	ld [OtherTrainerClass], a
-	ld [$d266], a
-	ld [$d267], a
-	ld [$d232], a
-	ld [$d0d8], a
-	ld [$d0da], a
-	ld [$d0d9], a
-	ld [$d0d2], a
-	ld [CurMoveNum], a
-	ld [$d0db], a
-	ld [$d0d6], a
-	ld [$d0e4], a
-	ld [$d0e0], a
-	ld [$d0df], a
-	ld [$d0e1], a
-	ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1
-	ld b, $18
-	ld [hli], a
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3f715
-	call WaitSFX
-	ret
-; 3f71d
-Function3f71d: ; 3f71d
-	ld hl, $c6ec
-	ld a, [hli]
-	or [hl]
-	inc hl
-	or [hl]
-	ret z
-	ld a, [$c73d]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f73d
-	ld hl, $c6ee
-	sla [hl]
-	dec hl
-	rl [hl]
-	dec hl
-	rl [hl]
-	jr nc, .asm_3f73d
-	ld a, $ff
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, $c6ee
-	ld de, $d850
-	call Function3d0be
-	ld hl, BattleText_0x80730
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	ld a, [$cfc0]
-	bit 0, a
-	ret z
-	call ClearTileMap
-	call WhiteBGMap
-	ret
-; 3f759
-Function3f759: ; 3f759
-	callba Function1060df
-	callba Function106187
-	ld a, [CurOTMon]
-	ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status
-	call GetPartyLocation
-	ld a, [EnemyMonStatus]
-	ld [hl], a
-	call ClearTileMap
-	callba Function2c1b2
-	ret
-; 3f77c
-Function3f77c: ; 3f77c
-	callba Function3d2e0
-	jp c, Function3f80f
-	call Function3f830
-	jr nz, .asm_3f797
-	ld hl, $cd2a
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_3f797
-	callba Function2b930
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $f
-	cp $1
-	jr c, .asm_3f7ad
-	jr z, .asm_3f7b8
-	callba Function106107
-	ld de, .Draw
-	jr .asm_3f7c3
-	callba Function1060fb
-	ld de, .Win
-	jr .asm_3f7c3
-	callba Function106101
-	ld de, .Lose
-	jr .asm_3f7c3
-	ld hl, $c546
-	call PlaceString
-	callba Function106187
-	ld c, $c8
-	call DelayFrames
-	ld a, $1
-	call GetSRAMBank
-	call Function3fa42
-	call Function3f85f
-	call CloseSRAM
-	call Function3f830
-	jr z, .asm_3f7ee
-	call Functiona80
-	call ClearTileMap
-	ret
-	ld c, $c8
-	call DelayFrames
-	call ClearTileMap
-	ret
-; 3f7f7
-	db "YOU WIN@"
-	db "YOU LOSE@"
-	db "  DRAW@"
-; 3f80f
-Function3f80f: ; 3f80f
-	ld hl, $c546
-	ld de, .Invalid
-	call PlaceString
-	ld c, $c8
-	call DelayFrames
-	call ClearTileMap
-	ret
-; 3f821
-; 3f830
-Function3f830: ; 3f830
-	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
-	cp $4
-	ret
-; 3f836
-Function3f836: ; 3f836
-	ld a, $1
-	call GetSRAMBank
-	call Function3f85f
-	call CloseSRAM
-	ld hl, AttrMap
-	xor a
-	ld bc, $0168
-	call ByteFill
-	call Function3200
-	ld b, $8
-	call GetSGBLayout
-	call Function32f9
-	ld c, $8
-	call DelayFrames
-	call Functiona80
-	ret
-; 3f85f
-Function3f85f: ; 3f85f
-	call ClearTileMap
-	call ClearSprites
-	call .asm_3f8e0
-	ld hl, $c540
-	ld b, $5
-	ld de, $b268
-	push bc
-	push hl
-	push de
-	ld a, [de]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f8c9
-	ld a, [$d4b4]
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3f8c9
-	push hl
-	push hl
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
-	ld bc, $000a
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld a, $50
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld bc, $0006
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
-	pop hl
-	call PlaceString
-	pop hl
-	ld de, $001a
-	add hl, de
-	push hl
-	ld de, $d00d
-	ld bc, $0204
-	call PrintNum
-	pop hl
-	ld de, $0005
-	add hl, de
-	push hl
-	ld de, $d00f
-	ld bc, $0204
-	call PrintNum
-	pop hl
-	ld de, $0005
-	add hl, de
-	ld de, $d011
-	ld bc, $0204
-	call PrintNum
-	jr .asm_3f8cf
-	ld de, .Format
-	call PlaceString
-	pop hl
-	ld bc, $0012
-	add hl, bc
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	pop hl
-	ld bc, $0028
-	add hl, bc
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3f870
-	ret
-	ld hl, $c4a1
-	ld de, .Record
-	call PlaceString
-	ld hl, $c518
-	ld de, .Result
-	call PlaceString
-	ld hl, $c4c8
-	ld de, .Total
-	call PlaceString
-	ld hl, $c4f6
-	ld de, $b260
-	call .asm_3f92b
-	jr c, .asm_3f92a
-	ld bc, $0204
-	call PrintNum
-	ld hl, $c4fb
-	ld de, $b262
-	call .asm_3f92b
-	ld bc, $0204
-	call PrintNum
-	ld hl, $c500
-	ld de, $b264
-	call .asm_3f92b
-	ld bc, $0204
-	call PrintNum
-	ret
-	ld a, [$d4b4]
-	and a
-	ret nz
-	ld de, .Scores
-	call PlaceString
-	scf
-	ret
-; 3f938
-	db "   0    0    0@"
-; 3f947
-.Format ; 3f947
-	db "  ---  ", $22, "         -    -    -@"
-.Record ; 3f964
-	db $52, "'s RECORD@"
-.Result ; 3f96e
-.Total ; 3f983
-; 3f998
-Function3f998: ; 3f998
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr nz, .asm_3f9c4
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $f
-	jr z, .asm_3f9af
-	call GetRoamMonHP
-	ld a, [EnemyMonHPLo]
-	ld [hl], a
-	jr .asm_3f9ca
-	call GetRoamMonHP
-	ld [hl], $0
-	call GetRoamMonMapGroup
-	ld [hl], $ff
-	call GetRoamMonMapNumber
-	ld [hl], $ff
-	call GetRoamMonSpecies
-	ld [hl], $0
-	ret
-	call BattleRandom
-	and $f
-	ret nz
-	callab Function2a30d
-	ret
-; 3f9d1
-GetRoamMonMapGroup: ; 3f9d1
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon1MapGroup
-	ret z
-	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon2MapGroup
-	ret z
-	ld hl, RoamMon3MapGroup
-	ret
-; 3f9e9
-GetRoamMonMapNumber: ; 3f9e9
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon1MapNumber
-	ret z
-	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon2MapNumber
-	ret z
-	ld hl, RoamMon3MapNumber
-	ret
-; 3fa01
-GetRoamMonHP: ; 3fa01
-; output: hl = RoamMonCurHP
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon1CurHP
-	ret z
-	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon2CurHP
-	ret z
-	ld hl, RoamMon3CurHP
-	ret
-; 3fa19
-GetRoamMonDVs: ; 3fa19
-; output: hl = RoamMonDVs
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [RoamMon1Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon1DVs
-	ret z
-	ld a, [RoamMon2Species]
-	cp b
-	ld hl, RoamMon2DVs
-	ret z
-	ld hl, RoamMon3DVs
-	ret
-; 3fa31
-GetRoamMonSpecies: ; 3fa31
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	ld hl, RoamMon1Species
-	cp [hl]
-	ret z
-	ld hl, RoamMon2Species
-	cp [hl]
-	ret z
-	ld hl, RoamMon3Species
-	ret
-; 3fa42
-Function3fa42: ; 3fa42
-	ld hl, $d276
-	ld de, StringBuffer1
-	ld bc, $0002
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, $d26b
-	ld bc, $000a
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, $b254
-	call Function3faa0
-	ld hl, $b266
-	ld d, $5
-	push hl
-	inc hl
-	inc hl
-	ld a, [hl]
-	dec hl
-	dec hl
-	and a
-	jr z, .asm_3fa85
-	push de
-	ld bc, $000c
-	ld de, StringBuffer1
-	call CompareLong
-	pop de
-	pop hl
-	jr c, .asm_3fa99
-	ld bc, $0012
-	add hl, bc
-	dec d
-	jr nz, .asm_3fa62
-	ld bc, $ffee
-	add hl, bc
-	push hl
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	ld hl, StringBuffer1
-	ld bc, $000c
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld b, $6
-	xor a
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3fa93
-	pop hl
-	call Function3faa0
-	call Function3fac8
-	ret
-; 3faa0
-Function3faa0: ; 3faa0
-	ld a, [$d0ee]
-	and $f
-	cp $1
-	ld bc, $000d
-	jr c, .asm_3fab4
-	ld bc, $000f
-	jr z, .asm_3fab4
-	ld bc, $0011
-	add hl, bc
-	call Function3fabe
-	ret nc
-	inc [hl]
-	ret nz
-	dec hl
-	inc [hl]
-	ret
-; 3fabe
-Function3fabe: ; 3fabe
-	dec hl
-	ld a, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	cp $27
-	ret c
-	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $f
-	ret
-; 3fac8
-Function3fac8: ; 3fac8
-	ld b, $5
-	ld hl, $b277
-	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
-	push bc
-	push de
-	push hl
-	call Function3fb54
-	pop hl
-	ld a, e
-	pop de
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, b
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld a, c
-	ld [de], a
-	inc de
-	ld bc, $0012
-	add hl, bc
-	pop bc
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3fad0
-	ld b, $0
-	ld c, $1
-	ld a, b
-	add b
-	add b
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, $0
-	ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
-	add hl, de
-	push hl
-	ld a, c
-	add c
-	add c
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, $0
-	ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
-	add hl, de
-	ld d, h
-	ld e, l
-	pop hl
-	push bc
-	ld c, $3
-	call StringCmp
-	pop bc
-	jr z, .asm_3fb10
-	jr nc, .asm_3fb1f
-	inc c
-	ld a, c
-	cp $5
-	jr nz, .asm_3faed
-	inc b
-	ld c, b
-	inc c
-	ld a, b
-	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_3faed
-	ret
-	push bc
-	ld a, b
-	ld bc, $0012
-	ld hl, $b266
-	call AddNTimes
-	push hl
-	ld de, DefaultFlypoint
-	ld bc, $0012
-	call CopyBytes
-	pop hl
-	pop bc
-	push hl
-	ld a, c
-	ld bc, $0012
-	ld hl, $b266
-	call AddNTimes
-	pop de
-	push hl
-	ld bc, $0012
-	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
-	ld bc, $0012
-	pop de
-	call CopyBytes
-	ret
-; 3fb54
-Function3fb54: ; 3fb54
-	ld e, $0
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	ld b, a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	add c
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hld]
-	adc b
-	ld b, a
-	jr nc, .asm_3fb63
-	inc e
-	ld a, [hld]
-	add c
-	ld c, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	adc b
-	ld b, a
-	ret nc
-	inc e
-	ret
-; 3fb6c
-Function3fb6c: ; 3fb6c
-	call Function3fbf8
-	ld hl, $c590
-	ld b, $4
-	ld c, $12
-	call TextBox
-	callba MobileTextBorder
-	ld hl, $c505
-	ld bc, $0307
-	call ClearBox
-	call Functione51
-	call Function3ed9f
-	call Function3fbd6
-	xor a
-	ld [$ffde], a
-	ld [hSCY], a
-	ld a, $90
-	ld [hWY], a
-	ld [rWY], a
-	call WaitBGMap
-	xor a
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	callba Function4e980
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hBGMapMode], a
-	ld a, $31
-	ld [$ffad], a
-	ld hl, $c51a
-	ld bc, $0606
-	ld a, $13
-	call Predef
-	xor a
-	ld [hWY], a
-	ld [rWY], a
-	call WaitBGMap
-	call HideSprites
-	ld b, $1
-	call GetSGBLayout
-	call Function32f9
-	ld a, $90
-	ld [hWY], a
-	xor a
-	ld [hSCX], a
-	ret
-; 3fbd6
-Function3fbd6: ; 3fbd6
-	ld a, [rSVBK]
-	push af
-	ld a, $6
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ld hl, $d000
-	ld bc, VBlank5
-	ld a, $7f
-	call ByteFill
-	ld de, $d000
-	ld hl, VBGMap0
-	ld bc, $0f40
-	call Request2bpp
-	pop af
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ret
-; 3fbf8
-Function3fbf8: ; 3fbf8
-	call GetBattleBackpic
-	call Function3fc30
-	ret
-; 3fbff
-GetBattleBackpic: ; 3fbff
-; Load the player character's backpic (6x6) into VRAM starting from $9310.
-; Special exception for Dude.
-	ld b, BANK(DudeBackpic)
-	ld hl, DudeBackpic
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr z, .Decompress
-; What gender are we?
-	ld a, [$d45b]
-	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .Chris
-	ld a, [PlayerGender]
-	bit 0, a
-	jr z, .Chris
-; It's a girl.
-	callba GetKrisBackpic
-	ret
-; It's a boy.
-	ld b, BANK(ChrisBackpic)
-	ld hl, ChrisBackpic
-	ld de, $9310
-	ld c, $31
-	call Predef
-	ret
-; 3fc30
-Function3fc30: ; 3fc30
-	ld a, [rSVBK]
-	push af
-	ld a, $6
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ld hl, VTiles0
-	ld de, $9310
-	ld a, [hROMBank]
-	ld b, a
-	ld c, $31
-	call Get2bpp
-	pop af
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	call Function3fc5b
-	ld a, $31
-	ld [$ffad], a
-	ld hl, $c51a
-	ld bc, $0606
-	ld a, $13
-	call Predef
-	ret
-; 3fc5b
-Function3fc5b: ; 3fc5b
-	ld hl, Sprites
-	xor a
-	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
-	ld b, $6
-	ld e, $a8
-	ld c, $3
-	ld d, $40
-	ld [hl], d
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], e
-	inc hl
-	ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
-	ld [hli], a
-	inc a
-	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
-	ld a, $1
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, d
-	add $8
-	ld d, a
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_3fc69
-	ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
-	add $3
-	ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
-	ld a, e
-	add $8
-	ld e, a
-	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_3fc65
-	ret
-; 3fc8b
-BattleStartMessage: ; 3fc8b
-	ld a, [IsInBattle]
-	dec a
-	jr z, .asm_3fcaa
-	ld de, SFX_SHINE
-	call PlaySFX
-	call WaitSFX
-	ld c, 20
-	call DelayFrames
-	callba Function39939
-	ld hl, WantsToBattleText
-	jr .asm_3fd0e
-	call Function3da79
-	jr nc, .asm_3fcc2
-	xor a
-	ld [$cfca], a
-	ld a, 1
-	ld [hBattleTurn], a
-	ld a, 1
-	ld [$c689], a
-	ld de, $0101
-	call Function3ee17
-	callba CheckSleepingTreeMon
-	jr c, .asm_3fceb
-	callba CheckBattleScene
-	jr c, .asm_3fce0
-	hlcoord 12, 0
-	ld d, $0
-	ld e, $1
-	ld a, $47
-	call Predef
-	jr .asm_3fceb
-	ld a, $0f
-	ld [CryTracks], a
-	ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies]
-	call Function37b6
-	ld a, [BattleType]
-	jr nz, .asm_3fcfd
-	callba Function106086
-	ld hl, HookedPokemonAttackedText
-	jr .asm_3fd0e
-	ld hl, PokemonFellFromTreeText
-	jr z, .asm_3fd0e
-	ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText2
-	cp $b
-	jr z, .asm_3fd0e
-	ld hl, WildPokemonAppearedText
-	push hl
-	callba Function2c000
-	pop hl
-	call StdBattleTextBox
-	call Function3f830
-	ret nz
-	ld c, $2
-	callba Function4ea0a
-	ret
-; 3fd26
 	dw $0000 ; padding
 BattleCommandPointers: ; 3fd28
 INCLUDE "battle/effect_command_pointers.asm"