shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 869de91bd55f9bbd764744e7918476584ce5d768
parent: a4235e11bfe379f410f07aaab3b8a887a5d917ed
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Mon Jun 17 14:19:45 EDT 2013

LostBattle and HalveMoney

--- a/battle_constants.asm
+++ b/battle_constants.asm
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 ; battle types
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -6983,8 +6983,35 @@
 	db "- ? ! ♂ ♀ / . , &"
 	db "lower  DEL   END "
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $11e5d, $125cd - $11e5d
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $11e5d, $12513 - $11e5d
+HalveMoney: ; 12513
+; Empty function...
+	ld a, $41
+	ld hl, $60c7
+	rst FarCall
+; Halve the player's money.
+	ld hl, Money
+	ld a, [hl]
+	srl a
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	rra
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld a, [hl]
+	rra
+	ld [hl], a
+	ret
+; 12527
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $12527, $125cd - $12527
 OpenMenu: ; 0x125cd
 	call $1fbf
 	ld de, SFX_MENU
@@ -9383,7 +9410,112 @@
 	db BLUE
 	db $ff
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3d14e, $3ddc2 - $3d14e
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3d14e, $3d38e - $3d14e
+LostBattle: ; 3d38e
+	ld a, 1
+	ld [BattleEnded], a
+	ld a, [$cfc0]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d3bd
+	ld a, [BattleType]
+	jr nz, .asm_3d3e3
+; Remove the enemy from the screen.
+	hlcoord 0, 0
+	ld bc, $0815
+	call ClearBox
+	call $6bd8
+	ld c, 40
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld a, [$c2cc]
+	bit 0, a
+	jr nz, .asm_3d3bc
+	call $3718
+	ret
+; Remove the enemy from the screen.
+	hlcoord 0, 0
+	ld bc, $0815
+	call ClearBox
+	call $6bd8
+	ld c, 40
+	call DelayFrames
+	call $6dd1
+	ld c, 2
+	ld a, $47
+	ld hl, $4000
+	rst FarCall
+	call $0a80
+	call ClearTileMap
+	call WhiteBGMap
+	ret
+	ld a, [InLinkBattle]
+	and a
+	jr nz, .LostLinkBattle
+; Greyscale
+	ld b, 0
+	call GetSGBLayout
+	call $32f9
+	jr .end
+	call UpdateEnemyMonInParty
+	call $4f35
+	jr nz, .asm_3d40a
+	ld hl, TiedAgainstText
+	ld a, [$d0ee]
+	and $c0
+	add 2
+	ld [$d0ee], a
+	jr .asm_3d412
+	ld hl, LostAgainstText
+	call $52f1
+	jr z, .asm_3d417
+	call FarBattleTextBox
+	scf
+	ret
+; Remove the enemy from the screen.
+	hlcoord 0, 0
+	ld bc, $0815
+	call ClearBox
+	call $6bd8
+	ld c, 40
+	call DelayFrames
+	ld c, $3
+	ld a, $13
+	ld hl, $6a0a
+	rst FarCall
+	scf
+	ret
+; 3d432
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $3d432, $3ddc2 - $3d432
 	ld hl, RecoveredUsingText
 	jp $3ad5
--- a/text/battle.asm
+++ b/text/battle.asm
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 	db "was defeated!", $58
 ; 0x809eb
-BattleText_0x809eb: ; 0x809eb
+TiedAgainstText: ; 0x809eb
 	db $0, "Tied against", $4f
 	db $3f, "!", $58
 ; 0x809fc
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 	db "good #MON!", $58
 ; 0x80ab9
-BattleText_0x80ab9: ; 0x80ab9
+LostAgainstText: ; 0x80ab9
 	db $0, "Lost against", $4f
 	db $3f, "!", $58
 ; 0x80aca
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -778,6 +778,11 @@
 	ds 1
+SECTION "battle",BSS[$c734]
+BattleEnded: ; c734
+	ds 1
 SECTION "overworldmap",BSS[$c800]
 OverworldMap: ; c800
 	ds 1300