ref: 9af74f1efa74b5562930c03549ab16d6e658c310
dir: /maps/RedsHouse1F.asm/
RedsHouse1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x19ae9c ; trigger count db 1 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x19aea2, $0000 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x19aea2 UnknownScript_0x19aea2: ; 0x19aea2 end ; 0x19aea3 RedsMomScript_0x19aea3: ; 0x19aea3 faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_MET_REDS_MOM iftrue UnknownScript_0x19aeb4 2writetext UnknownText_0x19aec0 closetext loadmovesprites setevent EVENT_MET_REDS_MOM end ; 0x19aeb4 UnknownScript_0x19aeb4: ; 0x19aeb4 2writetext UnknownText_0x19af81 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x19aeba MapRedsHouse1FSignpost2Script: ; 0x19aeba jumptext UnknownText_0x19afe8 ; 0x19aebd MapRedsHouse1FSignpost1Script: ; 0x19aebd jumpstd $0002 ; 0x19aec0 UnknownText_0x19aec0: ; 0x19aec0 db $0, "Hi!", $51 db "RED's been away", $4f db "for a long time.", $51 db "He hasn't called", $4f db "either, so I have", $51 db "no idea where he", $4f db "is or what he's", $55 db "been doing.", $51 db "They say that no", $4f db "word is proof that", $51 db "he's doing fine,", $4f db "but I do worry", $55 db "about him.", $57 ; 0x19af81 UnknownText_0x19af81: ; 0x19af81 db $0, "I worry about RED", $4f db "getting hurt or", $51 db "sick, but he's a", $4f db "boy. I'm proud", $51 db "that he is doing", $4f db "what he wants to", $51 db "do.", $57 ; 0x19afe8 UnknownText_0x19afe8: ; 0x19afe8 db $0, "They have programs", $4f db "that aren't shown", $55 db "in JOHTO…", $57 ; 0x19b017 RedsHouse1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x19b017 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $7, $2, 1, GROUP_PALLET_TOWN, MAP_PALLET_TOWN warp_def $7, $3, 1, GROUP_PALLET_TOWN, MAP_PALLET_TOWN warp_def $0, $7, 1, GROUP_REDS_HOUSE_2F, MAP_REDS_HOUSE_2F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 3 signpost 1, 0, $0, MapRedsHouse1FSignpost1Script signpost 1, 1, $0, MapRedsHouse1FSignpost1Script signpost 1, 2, $0, MapRedsHouse1FSignpost2Script ; people-events db 1 person_event SPRITE_REDS_MOM, 7, 9, $8, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, RedsMomScript_0x19aea3, $ffff ; 0x19b048