ref: aaf26de8edab0c814463c24674c8a6f04c2a80f4
dir: /maps/DragonsDenB1F.asm/
DragonsDenB1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x18c890 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x18c89d, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x18c89e, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x18c89f ; 0x18c89d UnknownScript_0x18c89d: ; 0x18c89d end ; 0x18c89e UnknownScript_0x18c89e: ; 0x18c89e end ; 0x18c89f UnknownScript_0x18c89f: ; 0x18c89f checkevent EVENT_BEAT_RIVAL_IN_MT_MOON iftrue UnknownScript_0x18c8a8 disappear $4 return ; 0x18c8a8 UnknownScript_0x18c8a8: ; 0x18c8a8 checkcode $b if_equal TUESDAY, UnknownScript_0x18c8b5 if_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x18c8b5 disappear $4 return ; 0x18c8b5 UnknownScript_0x18c8b5: ; 0x18c8b5 appear $4 return ; 0x18c8b8 UnknownScript_0x18c8b8: ; 0x18c8b8 appear $3 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18c9b8 pause 30 loadmovesprites showemote $0, $0, 15 spriteface $0, $2 playmusic $005d applymovement $3, MovementData_0x18c9ae loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18c9bf keeptextopen giveitem TM_24, $1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18c8f4 itemtotext TM_24, $0 2writetext UnknownText_0x18c9fb playsound $0001 waitbutton itemnotify setevent EVENT_GOT_TM24_DRAGONBREATH 2writetext UnknownText_0x18ca0d keeptextopen 2writetext UnknownText_0x18caf1 closetext loadmovesprites 2jump UnknownScript_0x18c8f9 ; 0x18c8f4 UnknownScript_0x18c8f4: ; 0x18c8f4 2writetext UnknownText_0x18ca8b closetext loadmovesprites UnknownScript_0x18c8f9: ; 0x18c8f9 applymovement $3, MovementData_0x18c9b3 special $006a pause 30 special $003d disappear $3 dotrigger $0 end ; 0x18c90a TrainerCooltrainermDarin: ; 0x18c90a ; bit/flag number dw $5bd ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERM, DARIN ; text when seen dw CooltrainermDarinSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainermDarinBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainermDarinScript ; 0x18c916 CooltrainermDarinScript: ; 0x18c916 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cd82 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18c91e TrainerCooltrainerfCara: ; 0x18c91e ; bit/flag number dw $5be ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERF, CARA ; text when seen dw CooltrainerfCaraSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainerfCaraBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainerfCaraScript ; 0x18c92a CooltrainerfCaraScript: ; 0x18c92a talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18ce11 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18c932 TrainerTwinsLeaandpia1: ; 0x18c932 ; bit/flag number dw $5bf ; trainer group && trainer id db TWINS, LEAANDPIA1 ; text when seen dw TwinsLeaandpia1SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw TwinsLeaandpia1BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw TwinsLeaandpia1Script ; 0x18c93e TwinsLeaandpia1Script: ; 0x18c93e talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18ced3 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18c946 TrainerTwinsLeaandpia2: ; 0x18c946 ; bit/flag number dw $5bf ; trainer group && trainer id db TWINS, LEAANDPIA1 ; text when seen dw TwinsLeaandpia2SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw TwinsLeaandpia2BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw TwinsLeaandpia2Script ; 0x18c952 TwinsLeaandpia2Script: ; 0x18c952 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cf0f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18c95a PokeBallScript_0x18c95a: ; 0x18c95a giveitem DRAGON_FANG, $1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18c970 disappear $2 loadfont itemtotext DRAGON_FANG, $0 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cf41 playsound $0001 waitbutton itemnotify loadmovesprites end ; 0x18c970 UnknownScript_0x18c970: ; 0x18c970 loadfont itemtotext DRAGON_FANG, $0 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cf41 keeptextopen 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cf51 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18c97e SilverScript_0x18c97e: ; 0x18c97e playmusic $001f faceplayer loadfont checkevent $0000 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18c995 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cc83 closetext loadmovesprites setevent $0000 special $003d end ; 0x18c995 UnknownScript_0x18c995: ; 0x18c995 2writetext UnknownText_0x18cd2d closetext loadmovesprites special $003d end ; 0x18c99e MapDragonsDenB1FSignpost0Script: ; 0x18c99e jumptext UnknownText_0x18cc2e ; 0x18c9a1 ItemFragment_0x18c9a1: ; 0x18c9a1 db CALCIUM, 1 ; 0x18c9a3 ItemFragment_0x18c9a3: ; 0x18c9a3 db MAX_ELIXER, 1 ; 0x18c9a5 MapDragonsDenB1FSignpostItem1: ; 0x18c9a5 dw $00a0 db REVIVE ; 0x18c9a8 MapDragonsDenB1FSignpostItem2: ; 0x18c9a8 dw $00a1 db MAX_POTION ; 0x18c9ab MapDragonsDenB1FSignpostItem3: ; 0x18c9ab dw $00a2 db MAX_ELIXER ; 0x18c9ae MovementData_0x18c9ae: ; 0x18c9ae slow_step_right slow_step_right slow_step_right slow_step_right step_end ; 0x18c9b3 MovementData_0x18c9b3: ; 0x18c9b3 slow_step_left slow_step_left slow_step_left slow_step_left step_end ; 0x18c9b8 UnknownText_0x18c9b8: ; 0x18c9b8 db $0, "Wait!", $57 ; 0x18c9bf UnknownText_0x18c9bf: ; 0x18c9bf db $0, "CLAIR: I'm sorry", $4f db "about this.", $51 db "Here, take this as", $4f db "my apology.", $57 ; 0x18c9fb UnknownText_0x18c9fb: ; 0x18c9fb db $0, $52, " received", $4f db "TM24.", $57 ; 0x18ca0d UnknownText_0x18ca0d: ; 0x18ca0d db $0, "That contains", $4f db "DRAGONBREATH.", $51 db "No, it doesn't", $4f db "have anything to", $55 db "do with my breath.", $51 db "If you don't want", $4f db "it, you don't have", $55 db "to take it.", $57 ; 0x18ca8b UnknownText_0x18ca8b: ; 0x18ca8b db $0, "Oh? You don't have", $4f db "any room for this.", $51 db "I'm going back to", $4f db "the GYM, so make", $51 db "room, then come", $4f db "see me there.", $57 ; 0x18caf1 UnknownText_0x18caf1: ; 0x18caf1 db $0, "CLAIR: What's the", $4f db "matter? Aren't you", $51 db "going on to the", $4f db "#MON LEAGUE?", $51 db "Do you know how to", $4f db "get there?", $51 db "From here, go to", $4f db "NEW BARK TOWN.", $51 db "Then SURF east to", $4f db "#MON LEAGUE.", $51 db "The route there is", $4f db "very tough.", $51 db "Don't you dare", $4f db "lose at the #-", $55 db "MON LEAGUE!", $51 db "If you do, I'll", $4f db "feel even worse", $51 db "about having lost", $4f db "to you!", $51 db "Give it everything", $4f db "you've got.", $57 ; 0x18cc2e UnknownText_0x18cc2e: ; 0x18cc2e db $0, "DRAGON SHRINE", $51 db "A shrine honoring", $4f db "the dragon #MON", $51 db "said to have lived", $4f db "in DRAGON'S DEN.", $57 ; 0x18cc83 UnknownText_0x18cc83: ; 0x18cc83 db $0, "…", $4f db "What? ", $52, "?", $51 db "…No, I won't", $4f db "battle you now…", $51 db "My #MON aren't", $4f db "ready to beat you.", $51 db "I can't push them", $4f db "too hard now.", $51 db "I have to be dis-", $4f db "ciplined to become", $51 db "the greatest #-", $4f db "MON trainer…", $57 ; 0x18cd2d UnknownText_0x18cd2d: ; 0x18cd2d db $0, "…", $51 db "Whew…", $51 db "Learn to stay out", $4f db "of my way…", $57 ; 0x18cd53 CooltrainermDarinSeenText: ; 0x18cd53 db $0, "You! How dare you", $4f db "enter uninvited!", $57 ; 0x18cd77 CooltrainermDarinBeatenText: ; 0x18cd77 db $0, "S-strong!", $57 ; 0x18cd82 UnknownText_0x18cd82: ; 0x18cd82 db $0, "The SHRINE ahead", $4f db "is home to the", $51 db "MASTER of our", $4f db "dragon-user clan.", $51 db "You're not allowed", $4f db "to just go in!", $57 ; 0x18cde4 CooltrainerfCaraSeenText: ; 0x18cde4 db $0, "You shouldn't be", $4f db "in here!", $57 ; 0x18cdfe CooltrainerfCaraBeatenText: ; 0x18cdfe db $0, "Oh yikes, I lost!", $57 ; 0x18ce11 UnknownText_0x18ce11: ; 0x18ce11 db $0, "Soon I'm going to", $4f db "get permission", $51 db "from our MASTER to", $4f db "use dragons.", $51 db "When I do, I'm", $4f db "going to become an", $51 db "admirable dragon", $4f db "trainer and gain", $51 db "our MASTER's", $4f db "approval.", $57 ; 0x18ceab TwinsLeaandpia1SeenText: ; 0x18ceab db $0, "It's a stranger we", $4f db "don't know.", $57 ; 0x18cec9 TwinsLeaandpia1BeatenText: ; 0x18cec9 db $0, "Ouchies.", $57 ; 0x18ced3 UnknownText_0x18ced3: ; 0x18ced3 db $0, "It was like having", $4f db "to battle LANCE.", $57 ; 0x18cef8 TwinsLeaandpia2SeenText: ; 0x18cef8 db $0, "Who are you?", $57 ; 0x18cf06 TwinsLeaandpia2BeatenText: ; 0x18cf06 db $0, "Meanie.", $57 ; 0x18cf0f UnknownText_0x18cf0f: ; 0x18cf0f db $0, "We'll tell on you.", $51 db "MASTER will be", $4f db "angry with you.", $57 ; 0x18cf41 UnknownText_0x18cf41: ; 0x18cf41 db $0, $52, " found", $4f db "@" text_from_ram $d099 db $0, "!", $57 ; 0x18cf51 UnknownText_0x18cf51: ; 0x18cf51 db $0, "But ", $52, " can't", $4f db "carry any more", $55 db "items.", $57 ; 0x18cf73 DragonsDenB1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x18cf73 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $3, $14, 3, GROUP_DRAGONS_DEN_1F, MAP_DRAGONS_DEN_1F warp_def $1d, $13, 1, GROUP_DRAGON_SHRINE, MAP_DRAGON_SHRINE ; xy triggers db 1 xy_trigger 1, $1e, $13, $0, UnknownScript_0x18c8b8, $0, $0 ; signposts db 4 signpost 24, 18, $0, MapDragonsDenB1FSignpost0Script signpost 29, 33, $7, MapDragonsDenB1FSignpostItem1 signpost 17, 21, $7, MapDragonsDenB1FSignpostItem2 signpost 15, 31, $7, MapDragonsDenB1FSignpostItem3 ; people-events db 9 person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 20, 39, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, PokeBallScript_0x18c95a, $06a8 person_event SPRITE_CLAIR, 34, 18, $7, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, ObjectEvent, $06d8 person_event SPRITE_SILVER, 27, 24, $2, $22, 255, 255, $0, 0, SilverScript_0x18c97e, $06c6 person_event SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_M, 12, 24, $7, $0, 255, 255, $82, 4, TrainerCooltrainermDarin, $ffff person_event SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_F, 12, 12, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerCooltrainerfCara, $ffff person_event SPRITE_TWIN, 21, 8, $9, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, $4932, $ffff person_event SPRITE_TWIN, 22, 8, $9, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, TrainerTwinsLeaandpia2, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 8, 34, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x18c9a1, $07bf person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 24, 9, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x18c9a3, $07c0 ; 0x18d014