ref: aaf26de8edab0c814463c24674c8a6f04c2a80f4
dir: /maps/WillsRoom.asm/
WillsRoom_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x1804b9 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x1804c6, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x1804ca, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 1, UnknownScript_0x1804cb ; 0x1804c6 UnknownScript_0x1804c6: ; 0x1804c6 priorityjump UnknownScript_0x1804e0 end ; 0x1804ca UnknownScript_0x1804ca: ; 0x1804ca end ; 0x1804cb UnknownScript_0x1804cb: ; 0x1804cb checkevent $0309 iffalse UnknownScript_0x1804d5 changeblock $4, $e, $2a UnknownScript_0x1804d5: ; 0x1804d5 checkevent EVENT_WILLS_ROOM_EXIT_OPEN iffalse UnknownScript_0x1804df changeblock $4, $2, $16 UnknownScript_0x1804df: ; 0x1804df return ; 0x1804e0 UnknownScript_0x1804e0: ; 0x1804e0 applymovement $0, MovementData_0x18052c refreshscreen $86 playsound $001b earthquake 80 changeblock $4, $e, $2a reloadmappart loadmovesprites dotrigger $1 setevent $0309 waitbutton end ; 0x1804f8 WillScript_0x1804f8: ; 0x1804f8 faceplayer loadfont checkevent $05b8 iftrue UnknownScript_0x180526 2writetext UnknownText_0x180531 closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext UnknownText_0x18062c, $0000 loadtrainer WILL, 1 startbattle returnafterbattle setevent $05b8 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x180644 closetext loadmovesprites playsound $001f changeblock $4, $2, $16 reloadmappart loadmovesprites setevent EVENT_WILLS_ROOM_EXIT_OPEN waitbutton end ; 0x180526 UnknownScript_0x180526: ; 0x180526 2writetext UnknownText_0x180644 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18052c MovementData_0x18052c: ; 0x18052c step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end ; 0x180531 UnknownText_0x180531: ; 0x180531 db $0, "Welcome to #MON", $4f db "LEAGUE, ", $52, ".", $51 db "Allow me to intro-", $4f db "duce myself. I am", $55 db "WILL.", $51 db "I have trained all", $4f db "around the world,", $51 db "making my psychic", $4f db "#MON powerful.", $51 db "And, at last, I've", $4f db "been accepted into", $55 db "the ELITE FOUR.", $51 db "I can only keep", $4f db "getting better!", $51 db "Losing is not an", $4f db "option!", $57 ; 0x18062c UnknownText_0x18062c: ; 0x18062c db $0, "I… I can't…", $4f db "believe it…", $57 ; 0x180644 UnknownText_0x180644: ; 0x180644 db $0, "Even though I was", $4f db "defeated, I won't", $55 db "change my course.", $51 db "I will continue", $4f db "battling until I", $51 db "stand above all", $4f db "trainers!", $51 db "Now, ", $52, ", move", $4f db "on and experience", $51 db "the true ferocity", $4f db "of the ELITE FOUR.", $57 ; 0x1806f9 WillsRoom_MapEventHeader: ; 0x1806f9 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $11, $5, 4, GROUP_INDIGO_PLATEAU_POKECENTER_1F, MAP_INDIGO_PLATEAU_POKECENTER_1F warp_def $2, $4, 1, GROUP_KOGAS_ROOM, MAP_KOGAS_ROOM warp_def $2, $5, 2, GROUP_KOGAS_ROOM, MAP_KOGAS_ROOM ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 1 person_event SPRITE_WILL, 11, 9, $6, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, WillScript_0x1804f8, $ffff ; 0x18071b