shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: b18beef4d58a04dea8830f946f59c17d2ecc28c7
parent: 400ced34f054c44b505e69c025499a2a0bf2cf91
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Thu Nov 28 19:38:22 EST 2013

more landmark constants and rename FlypointPerms -> VisitedSpawns

--- a/engine/engine_flags.asm
+++ b/engine/engine_flags.asm
@@ -69,33 +69,33 @@
 	dwb UnlockedUnowns, %10000000 ; 8
 	; fly
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %00000001 ; your house
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %00000010 ; viridian pokecenter
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %00000100 ; pallet
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %00001000 ; viridian
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %00010000 ; pewter
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %00100000 ; cerulean ; $38
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %01000000 ; rock tunnel
-	dwb FlypointPerms, %10000000 ; vermilion
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %00000001 ; lavender
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %00000010 ; saffron
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %00000100 ; celadon
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %00001000 ; fuchsia
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %00010000 ; cinnabar
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %00100000 ; indigo plateau ; $40
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %01000000 ; new bark
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 1, %10000000 ; cherrygrove
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %00000001 ; violet
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %00000100 ; azalea
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %00001000 ; cianwood
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %00010000 ; goldenrod
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %00100000 ; olivine
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %01000000 ; ecruteak  ; $48
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 2, %10000000 ; mahogany
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 3, %00000001 ; lake of rage
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 3, %00000010 ; blackthorn
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 3, %00000100 ; silver cave
-	dwb FlypointPerms + 3, %00010000 ; unused
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %00000001 ; your house
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %00000010 ; viridian pokecenter
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %00000100 ; pallet
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %00001000 ; viridian
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %00010000 ; pewter
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %00100000 ; cerulean ; $38
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %01000000 ; rock tunnel
+	dwb VisitedSpawns, %10000000 ; vermilion
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %00000001 ; lavender
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %00000010 ; saffron
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %00000100 ; celadon
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %00001000 ; fuchsia
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %00010000 ; cinnabar
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %00100000 ; indigo plateau ; $40
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %01000000 ; new bark
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 1, %10000000 ; cherrygrove
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %00000001 ; violet
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %00000100 ; azalea
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %00001000 ; cianwood
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %00010000 ; goldenrod
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %00100000 ; olivine
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %01000000 ; ecruteak  ; $48
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 2, %10000000 ; mahogany
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 3, %00000001 ; lake of rage
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 3, %00000010 ; blackthorn
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 3, %00000100 ; silver cave
+	dwb VisitedSpawns + 3, %00010000 ; unused
 	dwb $dc9d, %00000001 ; lucky number show
 	dwb $d84d, %00001000
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
 	ld c, a
 	call GetWorldMapLocation
-	cp $5f ; SS Aqua
 	jr z, .Johto
-	cp $0 ; Poke Center 2F
 	jr nz, .CheckRegion
 	ld a, [BackupMapGroup]
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 	call GetWorldMapLocation
-	cp $2f ; Pallet Town
 	jr nc, .Kanto
@@ -26533,7 +26533,7 @@
 	ld de, $a009
 	ld bc, $082a
 	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, FlypointPerms
+	ld hl, VisitedSpawns
 	ld de, $a833
 	ld bc, $0032
 	call CopyBytes
@@ -26600,7 +26600,7 @@
 	ld de, $b209
 	ld bc, $082a
 	call CopyBytes
-	ld hl, FlypointPerms
+	ld hl, VisitedSpawns
 	ld de, $ba33
 	ld bc, $0032
 	call CopyBytes
@@ -26783,7 +26783,7 @@
 	ld bc, $82a
 	call CopyBytes
 	ld hl, $a833
-	ld de, FlypointPerms ; $dca5
+	ld de, VisitedSpawns ; $dca5
 	ld bc, $32
 	call CopyBytes
 	call CloseSRAM
@@ -26843,7 +26843,7 @@
 	ld bc, $82a
 	call CopyBytes
 	ld hl, $ba33
-	ld de, FlypointPerms ; $dca5
+	ld de, VisitedSpawns ; $dca5
 	ld bc, $32
 	call CopyBytes
 	call CloseSRAM
@@ -83085,7 +83085,7 @@
 	ld de, Flypoints + 1
 	add hl, de
 	ld c, [hl]
-	call GetSpawnPermission
+	call HasVisitedSpawn
 	pop hl
 	pop de
 	pop bc
@@ -83093,12 +83093,12 @@
 ; 91c50
-GetSpawnPermission: ; 91c50
-; Return spawn point c permission flag in a
-	ld hl, FlypointPerms
-	ld b, $2
-	ld d, $0
-	ld a, 3 ; PREDEF_GET_FLAG_NO
+HasVisitedSpawn: ; 91c50
+; Check if spawn point c has been visited.
+	ld hl, VisitedSpawns
+	ld b, CHECK_FLAG
+	ld d, 0
 	call Predef
 	ld a, c
@@ -83231,7 +83231,7 @@
 	push af
-	call GetSpawnPermission
+	call HasVisitedSpawn
 	and a
 	jr z, .NoKanto
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -1870,8 +1870,8 @@
 PoisonStepCount: ; dc74
 	ds 1
-SECTION "FlypointPermissions", WRAMX[$dca5],BANK[1]
-FlypointPerms: ; dca5
+SECTION "Visited Spawn Points", WRAMX[$dca5],BANK[1]
+VisitedSpawns: ; dca5
 	ds 4
 SECTION "BackupMapInfo", WRAMX[$dcad],BANK[1]