ref: b7c788c6541307536b579ad308a45908afefed72
parent: 22ac1dfaf0824b5530da6d754615833710eb86d2
author: padz <[email protected]>
date: Fri Nov 2 23:25:08 EDT 2012
move musicdata to files in /music, data removed fn
--- a/constants.asm
+++ b/constants.asm
@@ -3198,7 +3198,6 @@
notetype: MACRO
db $d8
db \1
- db \2
forceoctave: MACRO
db $d9
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -77540,7 +77540,7 @@
dbw BANK(Music_RivalBattle), Music_RivalBattle ; 0xe974f
dbw BANK(Music_RocketBattle), Music_RocketBattle ; 0xe9b6f
dbw BANK(Music_ElmsLab), Music_ElmsLab ; 0xea040
- dbw BANK(Music_DarkCave), Music_DarkCave
+ dbw BANK(Music_DarkCave), Music_DarkCave ; 0x
dbw $3c, $4386
dbw BANK(Music_Route36), Music_Route36 ; 0xe94e9
dbw BANK(Music_SSAqua), Music_SSAqua ; 0xead99
@@ -77595,17 +77595,7 @@
; e91a3
Music_Nothing: ; 0xe91a3
- dbw $c0, Music_Nothing_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_Nothing_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_Nothing_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_Nothing_Ch4
-Music_Nothing_Ch1: ; 0xe91af
-Music_Nothing_Ch2: ; 0xe91af
-Music_Nothing_Ch3: ; 0xe91af
-Music_Nothing_Ch4: ; 0xe91af
- endchannel ; end
+INCLUDE "music/nothing.asm"
; 0xe91b0
Cries: ; e91b0
@@ -77891,7242 +77881,63 @@
; e94e9
Music_Route36: ; 0xe94e9
- dbw $c0, Music_Route36_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_Route36_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_Route36_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_Route36_Ch4
-; 0xe94f5
+INCLUDE "music/route36.asm"
+; 0xe974f
-Music_Route36_Ch1: ; 0xe94f5
- tempo $0090
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0001
- vibrato $10, $15
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $b3
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $15
- note $60
- note $50
- intensity $b5
- note $67
- intensity $b3
- note $65
- note $b0
- note $a0
- intensity $5d
- note $b3
- intensity $b5
- note $63
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $41
- note $b3
- note $a3
- note $81
- note $b3
- note $63
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $b3
- note $a3
- octave 4
- note $43
- octave 3
- note $b1
- intensity $b6
- octave 4
- note $69
- intensity $b5
- note $11
- note $61
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $43
- note $33
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b3
- intensity $b4
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- intensity $a4
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $71
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $71
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $95
- octave 3
- note $35
- octave 2
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $35
- note $53
- intensity $b5
- note $35
- note $a5
- note $83
- intensity $a5
- octave 2
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $75
- note $53
- note $35
- octave 2
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $33
- intensity $b5
- note $75
- note $55
- note $23
- note $35
- note $a5
- note $83
- octave 2
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $75
- note $33
- note $15
- note $85
- note $11
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $15
- note $83
- note $31
- note $51
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $35
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $c1
- note $a5
- note $35
- stereopanning $0f
- intensity $b5
- note $41
- note $51
- loopchannel $00, $5517 ; end
-; 0xe95af
-Music_Route36_Ch2: ; 0xe95af
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $10, $36
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $c2
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $10
- note $60
- intensity $c7
- note $a7
- note $13
- intensity $c3
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $a0
- octave 4
- note $10
- intensity $c7
- note $67
- octave 3
- note $83
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $19
- intensity $c4
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $82
- intensity $c2
- note $40
- intensity $c7
- note $4b
- note $19
- intensity $c4
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $61
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $40
- note $60
- intensity $c7
- note $8b
- note $a9
- intensity $c4
- note $61
- note $a1
- octave 5
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $b2
- note $a0
- intensity $c7
- note $87
- note $b3
- intensity $b0
- note $af
- intensity $b7
- note $af
- stereopanning $0f
- intensity $a4
- octave 3
- note $a5
- note $85
- note $73
- note $55
- note $75
- note $83
- intensity $b3
- note $a1
- note $70
- note $a0
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $3b
- intensity $a4
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $30
- note $70
- intensity $a7
- note $ab
- intensity $c7
- note $a5
- note $85
- note $73
- note $c5
- note $a5
- note $83
- intensity $c3
- note $a1
- note $70
- note $a0
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $3b
- intensity $c3
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $30
- note $70
- intensity $c7
- note $ab
- intensity $c2
- note $81
- note $50
- note $80
- intensity $b0
- octave 4
- note $11
- intensity $b7
- note $19
- intensity $c5
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $50
- note $80
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $17
- note $23
- stereopanning $ff
- note $35
- note $a5
- note $81
- note $71
- intensity $b0
- note $33
- intensity $b7
- note $37
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $c4
- octave 3
- note $70
- note $80
- note $a0
- note $c0
- loopchannel $00, $55ce ; end
-; 0xe966b
-Music_Route36_Ch3: ; 0xe966b
- notetype $0c, $25
- octave 3
- note $60
- note $02
- note $60
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $61
- note $11
- note $40
- note $02
- note $40
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $63
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $51
- note $63
- note $11
- note $63
- note $11
- note $61
- note $11
- note $83
- note $41
- note $83
- note $41
- note $81
- note $41
- note $63
- note $11
- note $63
- note $11
- note $61
- note $11
- note $83
- note $41
- note $83
- note $41
- note $81
- note $41
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $b3
- note $81
- note $b3
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $71
- note $31
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $71
- note $31
- note $83
- note $51
- note $83
- note $51
- note $81
- note $51
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $71
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $51
- note $a1
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $71
- note $31
- note $83
- note $51
- note $83
- note $51
- note $81
- note $51
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $71
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $73
- note $31
- note $71
- note $31
- note $83
- note $11
- note $83
- note $11
- note $81
- note $11
- note $83
- note $11
- note $83
- note $11
- note $51
- note $81
- note $a5
- octave 4
- note $73
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $12
- note $50
- note $75
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $41
- note $51
- loopchannel $00, $5684 ; end
-; 0xe9709
-Music_Route36_Ch4: ; 0xe9709
- togglenoise
- db $01
- notetype $0c, $fe
- note $34
- note $57
- callchannel $5741
- callchannel $5734
- callchannel $573b
- callchannel $5734
- callchannel $5741
- loopchannel $02, $5713
- note $b3
- note $a1
- note $63
- note $c0
- note $c0
- note $a3
- loopchannel $0b, $5723
- callchannel $5741
- loopchannel $00, $5713 ; end
-; 0xe9734
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9734,$e974f - $e9734
Music_RivalBattle: ; 0xe974f
- dbw $80, Music_RivalBattle_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_RivalBattle_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_RivalBattle_Ch3
-; 0xe9758
+INCLUDE "music/rivalbattle.asm"
+; 0xe9b6f
-Music_RivalBattle_Ch1: ; 0xe9758
- tempo $0066
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0002
- vibrato $08, $15
- notetype $0c, $b2
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $b3
- intensity $b7
- note $b9
- intensity $b2
- note $71
- octave 4
- note $23
- intensity $b7
- note $25
- note $53
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b5
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $25
- intensity $b2
- note $43
- loopchannel $03, $5777
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $23
- intensity $b7
- note $29
- intensity $b2
- octave 3
- note $95
- intensity $b7
- note $c5
- intensity $b2
- octave 4
- note $23
- loopchannel $03, $578f
- intensity $b2
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $c3
- intensity $4d
- note $c9
- intensity $b7
- note $b5
- note $75
- note $43
- note $63
- note $73
- note $91
- note $b5
- intensity $b2
- note $60
- note $40
- note $20
- note $40
- intensity $b7
- note $63
- intensity $b2
- note $90
- note $70
- note $60
- note $70
- intensity $b7
- note $93
- intensity $b6
- note $91
- note $b1
- note $c1
- note $b1
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $b5
- note $75
- note $b3
- octave 4
- note $23
- octave 3
- note $c3
- note $b1
- note $95
- note $65
- octave 4
- note $25
- octave 3
- note $93
- intensity $b5
- note $21
- note $61
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $61
- note $91
- intensity $b7
- note $79
- intensity $b4
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $71
- intensity $b7
- note $63
- note $43
- note $21
- note $45
- intensity $a0
- note $67
- intensity $a7
- note $67
- intensity $a0
- octave 2
- note $b7
- intensity $a7
- note $b7
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $79
- intensity $b5
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $71
- note $61
- note $41
- note $21
- note $41
- note $91
- note $71
- note $61
- note $91
- intensity $a0
- note $bf
- intensity $a7
- note $bf
- intensity $a0
- note $c7
- intensity $a7
- note $c3
- intensity $b7
- note $93
- intensity $b5
- octave 4
- note $51
- note $41
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $71
- note $51
- note $41
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $51
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $51
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $51
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $41
- loopchannel $02, $5837
- intensity $94
- octave 3
- note $47
- octave 2
- note $b7
- octave 3
- note $87
- note $67
- intensity $96
- octave 2
- note $97
- note $b7
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $27
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $47
- octave 3
- note $b7
- octave 4
- note $87
- note $67
- octave 3
- note $97
- note $b7
- note $c7
- octave 4
- note $27
- intensity $a0
- note $47
- intensity $a7
- note $47
- intensity $a0
- octave 3
- note $87
- intensity $a7
- note $87
- intensity $b7
- note $47
- note $27
- note $43
- note $23
- octave 2
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $23
- intensity $c7
- octave 2
- note $b5
- octave 3
- note $25
- note $43
- note $55
- note $45
- note $23
- note $95
- note $55
- note $43
- note $25
- note $45
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $95
- note $c5
- octave 3
- note $23
- note $35
- note $25
- octave 2
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $75
- note $35
- note $23
- octave 2
- note $c5
- octave 3
- note $29
- loopchannel $00, $57a6 ; end
-; 0xe98af
-Music_RivalBattle_Ch2: ; 0xe98af
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $08, $36
- tone $0001
- notetype $0c, $c2
- octave 4
- note $50
- note $40
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $20
- note $10
- octave 3
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $10
- octave 3
- note $c0
- note $b0
- note $a0
- note $b0
- note $a0
- note $90
- note $80
- note $90
- note $80
- note $70
- note $60
- note $70
- note $60
- note $50
- note $40
- note $50
- note $40
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $20
- note $10
- octave 2
- note $c0
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $45
- intensity $c7
- octave 3
- note $75
- intensity $c2
- note $93
- intensity $c2
- note $45
- intensity $c7
- note $75
- intensity $c2
- note $93
- loopchannel $02, $58ea
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $73
- intensity $c7
- note $77
- intensity $a2
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $10
- intensity $c2
- note $25
- intensity $c7
- note $55
- intensity $c2
- note $73
- loopchannel $03, $5903
- intensity $c2
- note $21
- note $53
- intensity $b0
- note $53
- intensity $b7
- note $55
- callchannel $59e0
- intensity $b0
- note $97
- intensity $b7
- note $97
- callchannel $59e0
- intensity $4e
- note $97
- intensity $b7
- note $97
- intensity $b0
- octave 3
- note $c9
- intensity $b7
- note $c5
- intensity $b0
- octave 4
- note $27
- octave 3
- note $c7
- intensity $b0
- note $b9
- intensity $b7
- note $b5
- intensity $2f
- note $49
- intensity $b7
- note $45
- intensity $b0
- note $c9
- intensity $b7
- note $c5
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $27
- octave 3
- note $c7
- intensity $b0
- octave 4
- note $4f
- intensity $b7
- note $4f
- intensity $b0
- note $53
- intensity $b7
- note $55
- intensity $c7
- note $51
- note $91
- note $c1
- octave 5
- note $27
- octave 4
- note $c7
- intensity $b0
- note $b9
- intensity $b7
- note $b5
- intensity $b0
- note $a9
- intensity $b7
- note $a5
- intensity $b0
- note $99
- intensity $b7
- note $95
- intensity $b0
- note $89
- intensity $b7
- note $85
- intensity $a4
- octave 3
- note $87
- note $47
- note $b7
- note $97
- intensity $a6
- octave 2
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $27
- note $47
- note $67
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $87
- note $47
- note $b7
- note $97
- octave 3
- note $c7
- octave 4
- note $27
- note $47
- note $67
- intensity $b0
- note $8f
- note $4f
- octave 3
- note $c7
- note $b7
- note $97
- intensity $c7
- note $67
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $b5
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $25
- intensity $c2
- note $43
- loopchannel $03, $59a6
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $23
- intensity $b7
- note $25
- intensity $9a
- note $23
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $95
- intensity $c7
- note $c5
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $23
- loopchannel $03, $59c1
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $c3
- intensity $c7
- note $c5
- intensity $6a
- octave 4
- note $33
- loopchannel $00, $591a ; end
-; 0xe99e0
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e99e0,$e99fb - $e99e0
-Music_RivalBattle_Ch3: ; 0xe99fb
- notetype $0c, $19
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $b1
- note $01
- note $b9
- octave 3
- note $71
- octave 4
- note $21
- note $01
- note $25
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $31
- note $41
- note $21
- note $41
- note $73
- note $51
- note $41
- note $21
- loopchannel $04, $5a0c
- octave 3
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $53
- note $31
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $c1
- loopchannel $03, $5a17
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $51
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $21
- note $31
- callchannel $5b47
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $c1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $91
- callchannel $5b50
- note $21
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $93
- note $21
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c1
- callchannel $5b47
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $71
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- callchannel $5b50
- note $21
- note $91
- loopchannel $04, $5a66
- callchannel $5b5c
- note $91
- note $71
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- loopchannel $04, $5a71
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $71
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $71
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $61
- note $41
- callchannel $5b5c
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $31
- callchannel $5b65
- octave 3
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $41
- callchannel $5b65
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $b1
- note $51
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $51
- note $71
- note $81
- note $91
- note $41
- note $b1
- loopchannel $04, $5ab3
- note $41
- note $a1
- loopchannel $04, $5ab9
- note $41
- note $91
- loopchannel $04, $5abf
- note $41
- note $81
- loopchannel $0c, $5ac5
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $41
- loopchannel $04, $5acb
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $71
- loopchannel $04, $5ad3
- note $41
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $c1
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $c1
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $c1
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $c1
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $c1
- note $91
- note $87
- note $47
- note $b7
- note $87
- octave 2
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $27
- note $47
- note $67
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $41
- loopchannel $07, $5b10
- note $51
- note $41
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $41
- loopchannel $06, $5b1a
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $71
- note $61
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $91
- octave 3
- note $21
- loopchannel $07, $5b28
- note $31
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $91
- octave 3
- note $21
- loopchannel $04, $5b32
- octave 2
- note $c1
- note $91
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $63
- note $51
- note $41
- note $31
- loopchannel $00, $5a30 ; end
-; 0xe9b47
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9b47,$e9b6f - $e9b47
Music_RocketBattle: ; 0xe9b6f
- dbw $80, Music_RocketBattle_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_RocketBattle_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_RocketBattle_Ch3
-; 0xe9b78
+INCLUDE "music/rocketbattle.asm"
+; 0xea040
-Music_RocketBattle_Ch1: ; 0xe9b78
- tempo $0065
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0002
- vibrato $10, $15
- notetype $0c, $b2
- octave 4
- note $50
- note $40
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $20
- note $10
- octave 3
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $10
- octave 3
- note $c0
- note $b0
- note $a0
- note $b0
- note $a0
- note $90
- note $80
- note $90
- note $80
- note $70
- note $60
- note $70
- note $60
- note $50
- note $40
- note $50
- note $40
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $20
- note $10
- octave 2
- note $c0
- intensity $b2
- octave 3
- note $15
- note $13
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $33
- loopchannel $03, $5bad
- intensity $b2
- note $15
- note $15
- intensity $b7
- note $33
- intensity $b2
- octave 4
- note $55
- note $53
- note $81
- intensity $b7
- note $63
- loopchannel $03, $5bc1
- intensity $b2
- note $55
- note $53
- intensity $b7
- note $31
- note $43
- intensity $b3
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $51
- note $b1
- note $61
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $31
- note $31
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $51
- note $a1
- note $51
- note $31
- note $51
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- intensity $b5
- note $83
- intensity $b3
- note $81
- note $61
- note $41
- note $31
- note $21
- note $31
- intensity $b5
- note $43
- intensity $b3
- note $41
- note $31
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $31
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $31
- note $51
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- intensity $b5
- note $83
- intensity $b3
- note $81
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $31
- note $11
- note $31
- intensity $b5
- note $63
- intensity $b2
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $81
- note $93
- intensity $b5
- note $33
- note $13
- note $33
- note $51
- intensity $b2
- note $61
- note $a3
- intensity $b7
- note $a3
- intensity $b5
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $63
- note $33
- note $13
- note $33
- note $51
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- note $11
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $55
- note $33
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $b3
- note $a5
- note $83
- note $51
- note $63
- note $55
- note $35
- note $43
- intensity $a0
- note $57
- intensity $a7
- note $57
- intensity $b7
- octave 2
- note $a7
- note $87
- note $a7
- note $b7
- note $a7
- note $87
- note $a7
- octave 3
- note $27
- note $37
- note $27
- octave 2
- note $b7
- note $a7
- octave 3
- note $37
- note $27
- note $37
- note $57
- octave 2
- note $b5
- octave 3
- note $35
- note $13
- intensity $b5
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $31
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $51
- note $a1
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $51
- note $31
- note $51
- note $a1
- note $51
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $21
- note $31
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $81
- intensity $b2
- note $55
- note $55
- note $53
- note $55
- note $53
- intensity $b7
- note $81
- note $63
- intensity $b2
- note $55
- note $53
- intensity $b7
- note $81
- note $63
- intensity $b2
- note $55
- octave 4
- note $30
- note $40
- intensity $a0
- note $57
- intensity $b2
- octave 3
- note $65
- note $63
- intensity $b7
- note $b1
- note $83
- intensity $b2
- note $65
- note $63
- intensity $b7
- note $a1
- note $83
- loopchannel $02, $5cc5
- intensity $b2
- note $65
- octave 4
- note $30
- note $50
- intensity $a0
- note $67
- intensity $b3
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $51
- note $a3
- note $a1
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $33
- intensity $b3
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $b3
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $33
- intensity $b3
- note $51
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $11
- intensity $b7
- note $43
- intensity $a0
- note $53
- intensity $a7
- note $55
- intensity $a0
- octave 3
- note $95
- intensity $b3
- note $11
- note $51
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $61
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $31
- note $11
- note $51
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $31
- note $11
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $11
- intensity $b5
- note $33
- intensity $b3
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $21
- note $31
- intensity $b5
- note $43
- intensity $b3
- note $41
- note $31
- note $61
- loopchannel $00, $5c02 ; end
-; 0xe9d3e
-Music_RocketBattle_Ch2: ; 0xe9d3e
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $08, $36
- tone $0001
- notetype $0c, $b2
- octave 4
- note $a3
- note $b3
- note $c3
- octave 5
- note $10
- intensity $82
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $a0
- note $90
- intensity $c2
- octave 5
- note $20
- intensity $92
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $a0
- note $90
- intensity $c2
- octave 5
- note $30
- intensity $a2
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $a0
- note $90
- intensity $c2
- octave 5
- note $40
- intensity $b2
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $a0
- note $90
- intensity $c2
- octave 5
- note $50
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $a0
- note $90
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $a5
- note $a3
- octave 4
- note $11
- intensity $c7
- octave 3
- note $b3
- loopchannel $03, $5d7b
- intensity $c2
- note $a5
- note $a5
- intensity $4a
- note $93
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $a5
- note $a3
- octave 5
- note $11
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $b3
- loopchannel $03, $5d91
- intensity $c2
- note $a5
- note $a3
- intensity $c7
- note $81
- note $93
- callchannel $5ea0
- intensity $b0
- note $6f
- intensity $b7
- note $6f
- callchannel $5ea0
- intensity $b0
- note $67
- intensity $b7
- note $67
- intensity $b0
- note $b7
- intensity $b7
- note $b7
- intensity $c4
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $a1
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $81
- intensity $c2
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $13
- intensity $b0
- note $15
- intensity $b7
- note $13
- intensity $c4
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $b1
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $a1
- intensity $c2
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $33
- intensity $b0
- note $33
- intensity $b7
- note $35
- intensity $4f
- note $a5
- intensity $a0
- note $85
- note $63
- note $55
- note $65
- note $83
- note $a5
- note $b5
- note $93
- note $a5
- intensity $a7
- note $a9
- intensity $3f
- octave 3
- note $37
- intensity $b7
- note $37
- intensity $3f
- note $27
- intensity $b7
- note $27
- intensity $3f
- note $37
- intensity $b7
- note $37
- intensity $3f
- note $57
- intensity $b7
- note $57
- intensity $4e
- note $67
- intensity $a0
- note $67
- note $5f
- note $6f
- note $af
- intensity $3f
- note $6f
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $37
- note $27
- intensity $b0
- note $57
- intensity $b7
- note $57
- intensity $3c
- note $a5
- intensity $c7
- note $a9
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $a5
- note $a5
- note $a3
- note $a5
- note $a3
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b3
- intensity $c2
- note $a5
- note $a3
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b3
- intensity $c2
- note $a5
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $90
- note $a7
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $b5
- note $b3
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $13
- loopchannel $03, $5e5a
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $b5
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $a0
- note $b7
- intensity $c7
- note $a5
- note $85
- note $a3
- note $b5
- octave 5
- note $35
- octave 4
- note $b3
- note $a5
- note $85
- intensity $c5
- note $a3
- intensity $b0
- note $a7
- intensity $b7
- note $a7
- intensity $c6
- octave 3
- note $a5
- note $95
- note $53
- note $a5
- note $95
- note $53
- intensity $b0
- note $67
- intensity $b7
- note $67
- intensity $3d
- note $b7
- intensity $c7
- note $b7
- loopchannel $00, $5db1 ; end
-; 0xe9ea0
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9ea0,$e9eaa -$e9ea0
-Music_RocketBattle_Ch3: ; 0xe9eaa
- notetype $0c, $19
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $81
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $71
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c1
- note $b1
- callchannel $5fe6
- loopchannel $03, $5ecc
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- callchannel $5fe6
- loopchannel $03, $5edf
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $81
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $b1
- callchannel $5ff3
- callchannel $6010
- octave 3
- note $61
- callchannel $601d
- callchannel $5ff3
- callchannel $6010
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- callchannel $602a
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $a1
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $a1
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- loopchannel $05, $5f25
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $b1
- callchannel $602a
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- callchannel $602a
- callchannel $602a
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $81
- note $61
- loopchannel $07, $5f4e
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $61
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- loopchannel $04, $5f6a
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- note $21
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- loopchannel $0d, $5f7c
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $53
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- loopchannel $04, $5f8c
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $b3
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $b1
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- loopchannel $07, $5f9e
- note $51
- note $61
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $61
- loopchannel $05, $5fa8
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $81
- callchannel $6033
- octave 3
- note $51
- callchannel $6010
- octave 3
- note $61
- callchannel $6033
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $51
- callchannel $5ff3
- callchannel $6010
- octave 3
- note $61
- callchannel $601d
- loopchannel $00, $5efe ; end
-; 0xe9fe6
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9fe6,$ea040 -$e9fe6
Music_ElmsLab: ; 0xea040
- dbw $c0, Music_ElmsLab_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_ElmsLab_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_ElmsLab_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_ElmsLab_Ch4
-; 0xea04c
-Music_ElmsLab_Ch1: ; 0xea04c
- tempo $0090
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0001
- vibrato $10, $15
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $b2
- octave 2
- note $61
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $c1
- intensity $b6
- octave 3
- note $17
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $81
- octave 3
- note $17
- note $63
- note $63
- note $67
- note $a3
- note $a3
- note $a1
- note $01
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $a1
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $13
- intensity $b5
- octave 3
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $11
- intensity $b4
- note $67
- intensity $b5
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $a1
- note $61
- intensity $b7
- note $67
- intensity $b5
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $61
- intensity $b2
- note $83
- intensity $b5
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $a1
- intensity $b7
- note $63
- intensity $b5
- note $13
- intensity $b7
- note $37
- intensity $b4
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- note $61
- intensity $b7
- note $57
- intensity $b4
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $81
- intensity $b7
- note $67
- intensity $b4
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $b1
- note $a1
- intensity $b2
- note $83
- intensity $b4
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- intensity $b2
- note $85
- intensity $b7
- note $63
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $63
- note $31
- note $b3
- note $a3
- intensity $b4
- note $81
- note $61
- note $81
- intensity $b2
- note $a5
- intensity $b7
- note $53
- note $b1
- note $55
- intensity $b3
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $81
- intensity $b2
- note $55
- intensity $b4
- note $63
- octave 4
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $a1
- intensity $b7
- note $b7
- octave 4
- note $53
- note $33
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $b3
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $33
- note $43
- note $53
- intensity $b4
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $a1
- intensity $b2
- note $61
- note $63
- loopchannel $00, $6075 ; end
-; 0xea128
-Music_ElmsLab_Ch2: ; 0xea128
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $10, $26
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $c3
- octave 4
- note $61
- note $51
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $c1
- intensity $c5
- octave 4
- note $17
- intensity $c3
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $51
- intensity $c2
- note $65
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $13
- note $17
- note $13
- note $13
- note $11
- stereopanning $ff
- intensity $c6
- octave 4
- note $65
- intensity $c2
- note $51
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- intensity $c7
- note $a5
- intensity $c2
- note $61
- intensity $c7
- note $17
- intensity $c7
- note $35
- intensity $c3
- note $21
- note $31
- note $21
- note $31
- note $51
- intensity $c7
- note $65
- intensity $c3
- note $11
- intensity $c7
- octave 3
- note $a9
- intensity $c3
- note $b1
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $31
- intensity $c5
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $b5
- intensity $c3
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $11
- note $51
- intensity $c4
- note $33
- note $15
- intensity $c2
- note $31
- note $31
- note $61
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- intensity $c2
- note $83
- intensity $c6
- note $13
- note $33
- intensity $c4
- note $55
- intensity $c3
- note $61
- note $61
- note $81
- intensity $c7
- note $a3
- intensity $c3
- note $81
- note $71
- note $81
- note $71
- note $80
- note $61
- intensity $c7
- note $3a
- intensity $c3
- note $51
- note $51
- note $61
- intensity $c7
- note $83
- intensity $c3
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- note $60
- note $31
- intensity $c7
- note $1a
- intensity $c4
- note $61
- note $61
- note $81
- intensity $c7
- note $a3
- intensity $c4
- note $81
- note $61
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $b0
- octave 5
- note $11
- note $34
- intensity $c3
- note $51
- note $31
- intensity $c7
- note $13
- octave 4
- note $b3
- note $a3
- note $83
- octave 5
- note $13
- octave 4
- note $b3
- note $a3
- note $83
- intensity $b0
- note $67
- intensity $a0
- note $67
- intensity $a7
- note $69
- intensity $c2
- note $11
- note $61
- intensity $c4
- octave 3
- note $51
- loopchannel $00, $614f ; end
-; 0xea1fd
-Music_ElmsLab_Ch3: ; 0xea1fd
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $25
- note $07
- note $0d
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $11
- note $31
- note $51
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $a1
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $31
- note $a1
- note $31
- note $51
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $11
- note $31
- note $51
- note $61
- note $b1
- note $31
- note $b1
- note $61
- note $b1
- note $31
- note $b1
- note $81
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $81
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $a1
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $01
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $b3
- note $83
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $31
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $31
- note $a1
- note $51
- note $81
- note $11
- note $81
- note $51
- note $81
- note $11
- note $81
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $51
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $31
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $13
- note $33
- note $53
- note $83
- note $53
- note $63
- note $73
- note $83
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $11
- note $61
- note $a1
- loopchannel $00, $6216 ; end
-; 0xea2b1
-Music_ElmsLab_Ch4: ; 0xea2b1
- stereopanning $f0
- togglenoise
- db $00
- notetype $0c, $0f
- note $01
- note $83
- loopchannel $00, $62b9 ; end
+INCLUDE "music/elmslab.asm"
; 0xea2be
Music_DarkCave: ; 0xea2be
- dbw $c0, Music_DarkCave_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_DarkCave_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_DarkCave_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_DarkCave_Ch4
-; 0xea2ca
+INCLUDE "music/darkcave.asm"
+; 0xea50d
-Music_DarkCave_Ch1: ; 0xea2ca
- tempo $0080
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0001
- vibrato $11, $15
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $a7
- note $0f
- loopchannel $04, $62dc
- octave 3
- note $4f
- note $3f
- note $2f
- note $1f
- intensity $a3
- callchannel $6333
- loopchannel $03, $62e8
- intensity $b7
- note $97
- note $47
- note $87
- note $37
- note $67
- note $27
- note $47
- note $87
- note $97
- note $47
- note $87
- note $37
- note $67
- note $27
- note $47
- note $17
- intensity $a3
- callchannel $6333
- loopchannel $02, $6303
- note $0f
- note $07
- intensity $b7
- octave 2
- note $61
- note $81
- note $93
- octave 3
- note $4f
- note $07
- octave 2
- note $91
- note $81
- note $93
- octave 3
- note $4f
- note $81
- note $05
- note $61
- note $81
- note $93
- note $8f
- note $61
- note $05
- note $91
- note $81
- note $93
- intensity $a3
- callchannel $6333
- loopchannel $02, $6328
- loopchannel $00, $62e8 ; end
-; 0xea333
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea333,$ea36a - $ea333
-Music_DarkCave_Ch2: ; 0xea36a
- dutycycle $01
- vibrato $12, $36
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $a7
- note $0f
- loopchannel $04, $6374
- octave 3
- note $8f
- note $bf
- note $6f
- note $8f
- note $0f
- loopchannel $04, $637e
- note $07
- stereopanning $ff
- intensity $c7
- octave 5
- note $17
- intensity $c4
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $b1
- note $83
- note $b1
- octave 5
- note $33
- intensity $b0
- note $23
- intensity $b7
- note $2b
- intensity $59
- note $17
- intensity $c7
- note $17
- note $07
- intensity $c7
- note $17
- intensity $c4
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $81
- note $b1
- octave 5
- note $33
- intensity $c7
- note $2b
- intensity $c3
- note $11
- note $21
- intensity $b0
- note $49
- intensity $b7
- note $45
- stereopanning $0f
- intensity $c4
- octave 4
- note $63
- note $41
- note $31
- note $43
- note $31
- note $11
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $33
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $27
- octave 3
- note $b7
- intensity $b0
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $17
- note $63
- note $41
- note $31
- note $43
- note $31
- note $11
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $33
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $23
- note $11
- note $21
- note $11
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $21
- intensity $b0
- note $17
- intensity $b7
- note $17
- intensity $c7
- stereopanning $ff
- note $07
- octave 5
- note $17
- intensity $c4
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $b1
- note $83
- note $b1
- octave 5
- note $33
- intensity $49
- note $27
- intensity $c7
- note $27
- intensity $b0
- note $17
- intensity $b7
- note $17
- note $07
- intensity $c7
- note $17
- intensity $c4
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $81
- note $b1
- octave 5
- note $33
- intensity $b0
- note $27
- intensity $b7
- note $27
- intensity $b0
- note $17
- intensity $b7
- note $17
- intensity $c7
- note $0f
- stereopanning $0f
- note $07
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $23
- note $1f
- note $07
- note $21
- note $11
- note $23
- note $1f
- intensity $c2
- note $47
- intensity $c7
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $23
- note $1f
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $b7
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $21
- note $11
- intensity $c4
- note $2f
- note $03
- note $0f
- note $0f
- note $0f
- intensity $b7
- octave 5
- note $4f
- note $3f
- note $6f
- note $4f
- loopchannel $00, $637e ; end
-; 0xea46e
-Music_DarkCave_Ch3: ; 0xea46e
- notetype $0c, $27
- callchannel $64ce
- loopchannel $02, $6471
- callchannel $64ce
- loopchannel $07, $6478
- callchannel $64c3
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $81
- note $43
- note $81
- note $43
- note $61
- note $01
- octave 2
- note $bb
- callchannel $64c3
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $81
- note $43
- note $81
- note $43
- note $61
- note $01
- octave 2
- note $b3
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $11
- note $23
- callchannel $64a7
- callchannel $64a7
- loopchannel $00, $6478 ; end
-; 0xea4a7
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea4a7,$ea4ea - $ea4a7
-Music_DarkCave_Ch4: ; 0xea4ea
- togglenoise
- db $03
- notetype $0c, $ef
- endchannel ; end
-; 0xea4f0
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea4f0,$ea50d - $ea4f0
Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle: ; 0xea50d
- dbw $80, Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch3
-; 0xea516
+INCLUDE "music/johtogymleaderbattle.asm"
+; 0xea9c1
-Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch1: ; 0xea516
- tempo $0065
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0002
- vibrato $12, $15
- notetype $0c, $b2
- octave 3
- note $b0
- note $a0
- note $90
- note $a0
- loopchannel $04, $6526
- note $20
- note $10
- octave 2
- note $b0
- octave 3
- note $10
- loopchannel $03, $652f
- intensity $4b
- note $23
- intensity $b2
- note $35
- note $45
- note $13
- note $65
- note $35
- note $43
- note $35
- note $45
- note $13
- note $65
- note $85
- intensity $b7
- note $13
- intensity $b2
- note $85
- note $95
- note $63
- note $95
- note $65
- note $93
- note $85
- note $95
- note $63
- note $95
- octave 4
- note $15
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $61
- intensity $b5
- note $35
- note $85
- note $61
- note $81
- note $93
- note $83
- note $63
- note $83
- intensity $b7
- note $9b
- intensity $b2
- note $83
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $2b
- intensity $b2
- note $13
- intensity $b5
- octave 3
- note $35
- note $85
- note $61
- note $81
- note $93
- note $83
- note $63
- note $83
- intensity $b7
- note $97
- note $87
- note $67
- note $47
- intensity $70
- note $17
- intensity $77
- note $17
- intensity $b4
- note $41
- note $51
- note $65
- note $81
- note $43
- intensity $77
- octave 2
- note $b7
- note $b7
- intensity $c5
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $91
- note $b5
- note $b1
- note $93
- intensity $c7
- note $87
- note $63
- note $51
- note $21
- intensity $a0
- note $17
- intensity $a7
- note $17
- intensity $b2
- note $65
- note $63
- note $51
- note $63
- note $65
- note $65
- note $61
- note $91
- note $55
- note $53
- note $61
- note $51
- note $21
- note $15
- note $15
- note $13
- note $65
- note $61
- note $91
- note $51
- note $61
- note $91
- note $61
- note $13
- note $65
- note $51
- note $91
- note $51
- note $83
- note $53
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $85
- note $83
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $11
- note $15
- note $15
- note $13
- note $25
- note $25
- note $23
- note $35
- note $35
- note $33
- note $45
- note $45
- note $43
- intensity $80
- note $8f
- intensity $90
- note $9f
- intensity $a0
- note $a7
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $a1
- intensity $b0
- note $b7
- note $c1
- note $b1
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $21
- intensity $b7
- note $17
- note $23
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $93
- note $43
- note $93
- note $43
- note $43
- octave 3
- note $93
- octave 4
- note $43
- octave 3
- note $93
- note $97
- note $a3
- note $93
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $a1
- note $41
- note $81
- octave 4
- note $23
- octave 3
- note $93
- octave 4
- note $23
- octave 3
- note $93
- note $93
- note $23
- note $93
- note $23
- note $c7
- note $a7
- note $97
- note $77
- intensity $b4
- note $a3
- octave 4
- note $23
- octave 3
- note $c3
- octave 4
- note $53
- intensity $92
- note $41
- note $41
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $b2
- note $41
- note $41
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c2
- note $4f
- intensity $50
- octave 3
- note $1f
- note $6f
- note $5f
- intensity $97
- note $49
- intensity $b4
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $71
- loopchannel $00, $655d ; end
-; 0xea65f
-Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch2: ; 0xea65f
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $08, $36
- tone $0001
- notetype $0c, $c2
- octave 4
- note $70
- note $60
- note $50
- note $b0
- loopchannel $04, $666a
- note $70
- note $60
- note $70
- note $b0
- loopchannel $04, $6673
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $b5
- note $83
- octave 4
- note $35
- octave 3
- note $a5
- note $b3
- note $a5
- note $b5
- note $83
- octave 4
- note $35
- note $45
- intensity $b0
- octave 3
- note $43
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $31
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $31
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $43
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $31
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $81
- notetype $0c, $92
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $31
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $33
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $31
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $41
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $41
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $31
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $31
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $43
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $31
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $11
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $41
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $81
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $61
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $91
- intensity $92
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $61
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $71
- intensity $b2
- octave 3
- note $90
- note $a0
- intensity $c7
- note $b7
- intensity $c4
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $11
- intensity $c7
- note $27
- intensity $c4
- note $61
- note $41
- note $21
- note $41
- intensity $b0
- note $65
- intensity $b7
- note $65
- intensity $c2
- note $43
- intensity $b0
- note $95
- intensity $b7
- note $95
- intensity $c2
- note $63
- intensity $c7
- octave 3
- note $b7
- intensity $c4
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $11
- intensity $c7
- note $27
- intensity $c4
- note $61
- note $41
- note $21
- note $41
- intensity $b0
- note $2f
- intensity $b7
- note $2f
- intensity $a4
- octave 3
- note $65
- note $45
- note $63
- intensity $c6
- octave 4
- note $15
- octave 3
- note $b5
- octave 4
- note $13
- intensity $a4
- octave 3
- note $25
- note $15
- note $23
- intensity $c6
- octave 4
- note $25
- note $15
- note $23
- intensity $3c
- note $19
- intensity $b7
- note $15
- intensity $b0
- note $57
- intensity $b7
- note $57
- intensity $b0
- octave 3
- note $2f
- octave 2
- note $b7
- octave 3
- note $25
- note $41
- note $1f
- note $5f
- intensity $a0
- octave 5
- note $23
- intensity $a7
- octave 5
- note $2b
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $b7
- octave 5
- note $25
- note $41
- intensity $a0
- note $17
- intensity $a7
- note $17
- intensity $3e
- note $55
- intensity $a6
- note $59
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $65
- note $65
- note $63
- note $75
- note $75
- note $73
- note $85
- note $85
- note $83
- note $95
- note $95
- note $93
- intensity $90
- octave 4
- note $1f
- intensity $a0
- note $2f
- intensity $b0
- note $3f
- intensity $b7
- note $47
- intensity $4c
- note $45
- intensity $c2
- note $70
- note $80
- intensity $c7
- note $97
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $71
- note $a1
- note $93
- octave 5
- note $13
- octave 4
- note $a3
- note $93
- octave 5
- note $43
- octave 4
- note $93
- octave 5
- note $43
- octave 4
- note $93
- octave 5
- note $41
- note $21
- note $11
- note $21
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $a1
- note $47
- note $51
- note $41
- note $21
- note $51
- note $43
- note $93
- note $53
- note $23
- note $93
- note $23
- note $93
- note $23
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $71
- note $51
- note $41
- note $51
- note $41
- note $21
- note $47
- note $27
- octave 3
- note $c7
- note $a7
- octave 4
- note $43
- note $93
- note $53
- note $a3
- intensity $c0
- note $97
- intensity $c7
- note $97
- intensity $c2
- note $9f
- intensity $80
- octave 3
- note $6f
- octave 4
- note $1f
- octave 3
- note $cf
- note $8f
- loopchannel $00, $66ee ; end
-; 0xea7f4
-Music_JohtoGymLeaderBattle_Ch3: ; 0xea7f4
- notetype $0c, $19
- octave 4
- note $60
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $60
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $60
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $81
- octave 4
- note $60
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $71
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 4
- note $90
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- note $93
- callchannel $6952
- note $81
- note $31
- note $61
- note $81
- note $91
- note $91
- note $81
- note $61
- note $81
- note $31
- note $61
- note $81
- note $91
- note $41
- note $73
- callchannel $6952
- note $81
- note $31
- note $61
- note $81
- note $91
- note $91
- note $81
- note $61
- note $81
- note $31
- note $61
- note $81
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $91
- callchannel $6963
- callchannel $6963
- callchannel $696a
- note $21
- note $91
- note $21
- note $91
- note $21
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $91
- callchannel $6963
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $81
- note $91
- note $81
- callchannel $696a
- callchannel $696a
- note $11
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $11
- note $41
- note $61
- note $81
- note $b1
- callchannel $6971
- callchannel $696a
- callchannel $6978
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $91
- note $61
- callchannel $6971
- note $11
- note $81
- note $11
- note $81
- note $11
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- callchannel $696a
- callchannel $6978
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $21
- note $91
- callchannel $6971
- note $11
- note $81
- note $11
- note $81
- note $61
- note $51
- note $61
- note $81
- callchannel $696a
- callchannel $6978
- octave 3
- note $61
- octave 2
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $91
- callchannel $6971
- note $11
- note $81
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $61
- note $81
- callchannel $6983
- note $01
- callchannel $6990
- octave 4
- note $21
- callchannel $699c
- note $01
- note $41
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $41
- callchannel $6983
- note $81
- callchannel $6990
- note $91
- callchannel $699c
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $33
- callchannel $69a9
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $a1
- note $41
- note $91
- callchannel $69a9
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $71
- callchannel $69b1
- note $21
- note $71
- note $21
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $a1
- note $21
- note $81
- callchannel $69b1
- note $21
- note $71
- note $21
- note $71
- note $21
- note $41
- note $51
- note $a1
- callchannel $69a9
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- note $91
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $91
- note $41
- note $a1
- note $41
- note $c1
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $41
- note $71
- note $91
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $91
- note $71
- note $91
- note $41
- note $71
- note $91
- note $71
- note $71
- note $51
- note $71
- callchannel $69b8
- note $61
- note $11
- note $41
- note $61
- note $41
- note $41
- note $21
- note $41
- callchannel $69b8
- note $61
- note $11
- note $41
- note $61
- note $41
- note $71
- note $61
- note $41
- loopchannel $00, $683f ; end
-; 0xea952
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea952,$ea9c1 - $ea952
Music_ChampionBattle: ; 0xea9c1
- dbw $80, Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3
-; 0xea9ca
+INCLUDE "music/championbattle.asm"
+; 0xead99
-Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1: ; 0xea9ca
- tempo $0062
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0002
- vibrato $12, $15
- notetype $0c, $b2
- octave 2
- note $b7
- note $b7
- note $b7
- note $b3
- intensity $b7
- note $c3
- callchannel $6aee
- octave 3
- note $43
- loopchannel $02, $69e2
- callchannel $6aee
- octave 3
- note $53
- callchannel $6afc
- loopchannel $03, $69f0
- callchannel $6b06
- callchannel $6afc
- loopchannel $07, $69fa
- callchannel $6b06
- intensity $b2
- note $b1
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $43
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $53
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $73
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $93
- intensity $a0
- note $b7
- octave 2
- note $b7
- octave 3
- note $cb
- intensity $b2
- note $b0
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $20
- callchannel $6b0f
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $73
- intensity $b2
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $93
- loopchannel $02, $6a3d
- intensity $b2
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $c3
- callchannel $6b0f
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $73
- intensity $b2
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $93
- intensity $b2
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- note $c3
- intensity $b2
- note $51
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $53
- callchannel $6b24
- note $c3
- note $93
- callchannel $6b24
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $33
- intensity $a0
- octave 3
- note $b7
- octave 2
- note $b7
- octave 3
- note $77
- octave 2
- note $77
- intensity $60
- note $cf
- intensity $70
- note $cf
- intensity $80
- octave 3
- note $2f
- intensity $a0
- note $4f
- intensity $b4
- octave 4
- note $73
- note $63
- note $53
- note $43
- note $33
- note $23
- note $73
- note $73
- note $73
- note $63
- note $53
- note $43
- note $71
- note $91
- note $41
- note $51
- note $73
- note $73
- note $0f
- intensity $90
- octave 3
- note $77
- intensity $b4
- note $53
- note $53
- intensity $90
- note $4f
- note $2f
- intensity $b2
- octave 2
- note $b1
- note $b1
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $43
- loopchannel $04, $6ab1
- intensity $b2
- note $11
- note $11
- intensity $b7
- note $43
- loopchannel $02, $6abe
- intensity $b2
- note $11
- note $11
- intensity $b7
- note $73
- intensity $b2
- note $11
- note $11
- intensity $b7
- note $93
- callchannel $6b31
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $b7
- note $c3
- callchannel $6b31
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $b7
- octave 4
- note $33
- loopchannel $00, $6a35 ; end
-; 0xeaaee
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eaaee,$eab4a - $eaaee
-Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2: ; 0xeab4a
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $08, $36
- tone $0001
- notetype $0c, $c2
- octave 3
- note $47
- note $47
- note $47
- note $43
- intensity $c7
- note $33
- callchannel $6c4f
- note $b3
- callchannel $6c4f
- note $c3
- callchannel $6c4f
- octave 4
- note $23
- callchannel $6c5c
- note $33
- callchannel $6c5c
- note $63
- callchannel $6c5c
- note $33
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $b3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $c3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $13
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $23
- note $47
- octave 3
- note $47
- octave 4
- note $57
- intensity $3c
- note $57
- intensity $c5
- note $45
- octave 3
- note $b5
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $31
- note $23
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $c3
- note $b3
- intensity $c7
- note $c7
- octave 4
- note $57
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $91
- intensity $c7
- note $c3
- intensity $c2
- note $91
- note $91
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $23
- intensity $c5
- note $45
- octave 3
- note $b5
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $31
- note $23
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $c3
- note $b1
- note $c1
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $57
- note $97
- note $57
- note $c7
- callchannel $6c79
- note $53
- note $53
- callchannel $6c79
- note $73
- note $73
- intensity $c7
- note $47
- octave 3
- note $47
- octave 4
- note $27
- octave 3
- note $27
- intensity $b0
- note $4f
- note $4f
- note $6f
- note $7f
- intensity $c4
- octave 5
- note $43
- note $33
- note $23
- note $13
- note $41
- note $31
- note $21
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $c3
- note $c3
- loopchannel $02, $6bef
- intensity $b0
- octave 3
- note $4f
- note $cf
- note $bf
- note $9f
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $b3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $c3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $b3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $a3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $b3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- note $c3
- intensity $c2
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $23
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $41
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $33
- intensity $b0
- note $47
- note $57
- note $77
- note $57
- note $47
- note $57
- note $77
- note $97
- loopchannel $00, $6b9d ; end
-; 0xeac4f
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eac4f,$eac85 - $eac4f
-Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3: ; 0xeac85
- notetype $0c, $14
- octave 3
- note $40
- note $06
- loopchannel $03, $6c88
- note $40
- note $02
- note $53
- callchannel $6d61
- callchannel $6d61
- callchannel $6d61
- callchannel $6d6f
- note $33
- callchannel $6d6f
- note $a3
- callchannel $6d6f
- note $33
- note $40
- note $00
- note $40
- note $00
- note $b3
- note $40
- note $00
- note $40
- note $00
- note $b3
- note $40
- note $00
- note $40
- note $00
- note $c3
- note $40
- note $00
- note $40
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $23
- note $47
- octave 3
- note $47
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c1
- note $71
- note $b1
- note $61
- note $a1
- note $41
- note $b1
- loopchannel $08, $6cc6
- note $51
- note $c1
- loopchannel $05, $6ccc
- note $51
- octave 4
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $c1
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $41
- note $b1
- loopchannel $08, $6cda
- note $51
- note $c1
- loopchannel $08, $6ce0
- callchannel $6d83
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $51
- note $41
- note $51
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $21
- note $11
- callchannel $6d83
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $b1
- note $41
- note $b1
- note $41
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $21
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b7
- note $47
- note $c7
- note $47
- note $41
- note $71
- loopchannel $10, $6d05
- callchannel $6d8e
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $51
- note $71
- octave 3
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $41
- note $51
- callchannel $6d8e
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $c1
- loopchannel $04, $6d1d
- note $41
- note $b1
- loopchannel $05, $6d24
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $41
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $01
- note $41
- note $01
- note $51
- note $c1
- loopchannel $05, $6d32
- octave 4
- note $21
- note $51
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $01
- note $51
- note $01
- note $41
- note $91
- loopchannel $08, $6d40
- note $41
- note $b1
- loopchannel $07, $6d46
- note $c1
- note $b1
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $41
- loopchannel $07, $6d4e
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $c1
- note $b1
- note $91
- loopchannel $00, $6cc6 ; end
-; 0xead61
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ead61,$ead99 - $ead61
Music_SSAqua: ; 0xead99
- dbw $c0, Music_SSAqua_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_SSAqua_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_SSAqua_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_SSAqua_Ch4
-; 0xeada5
+INCLUDE "music/ssaqua.asm"
+; 0xeb2d3
-Music_SSAqua_Ch1: ; 0xeada5
- tempo $0075
- volume $77
- stereopanning $0f
- tone $0001
- vibrato $12, $33
- dutycycle $02
- notetype $06, $97
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- octave 2
- note $8f
- note $07
- note $81
- note $01
- notetype $0c, $97
- note $81
- note $89
- note $03
- notetype $06, $97
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- note $8f
- note $07
- note $81
- note $01
- notetype $0c, $97
- note $81
- note $87
- note $07
- dutycycle $01
- intensity $61
- callchannel $6ff5
- octave 5
- note $80
- octave 4
- note $c0
- note $a0
- note $80
- octave 5
- note $80
- octave 4
- note $c0
- note $a0
- note $80
- octave 5
- note $80
- octave 4
- note $c0
- note $a0
- note $80
- octave 5
- note $80
- octave 4
- note $c0
- note $a0
- note $80
- callchannel $6ff5
- callchannel $703e
- note $0f
- note $0f
- note $0f
- intensity $97
- note $0d
- notetype $06, $97
- note $30
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $b0
- note $00
- notetype $0c, $97
- note $0f
- note $0f
- intensity $95
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $50
- note $80
- note $00
- note $50
- note $10
- octave 3
- note $50
- note $10
- note $50
- note $80
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $50
- note $80
- octave 5
- note $10
- octave 4
- note $55
- note $31
- note $10
- note $30
- note $70
- note $a0
- octave 5
- note $10
- note $30
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $70
- dutycycle $02
- intensity $97
- note $87
- note $77
- note $57
- note $37
- octave 3
- note $c7
- note $b1
- note $01
- note $c0
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $71
- intensity $75
- octave 5
- note $a3
- note $73
- note $33
- octave 4
- note $b1
- notetype $06, $97
- note $30
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $b0
- note $00
- intensity $97
- note $8f
- note $af
- note $c3
- note $03
- note $c3
- note $03
- octave 4
- note $57
- note $87
- note $70
- vibrato $00, $00
- intensity $88
- note $89
- vibrato $02, $23
- intensity $87
- note $88
- vibrato $08, $33
- note $13
- note $53
- note $13
- note $3b
- note $7b
- note $07
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $71
- note $a1
- note $31
- note $71
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $71
- notetype $0c, $97
- note $06
- note $0f
- note $0f
- note $87
- note $70
- note $30
- octave 3
- note $a0
- octave 4
- note $30
- octave 3
- note $a0
- note $70
- note $30
- octave 2
- note $a0
- note $c0
- octave 3
- note $30
- note $70
- note $a0
- note $30
- note $70
- note $a0
- octave 4
- note $30
- note $70
- note $06
- note $0f
- note $01
- note $51
- note $80
- note $00
- note $50
- notetype $06, $97
- note $00
- note $10
- note $23
- octave 3
- note $c1
- note $01
- note $a2
- note $00
- note $81
- note $01
- note $71
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $a1
- note $71
- note $31
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $71
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $11
- note $31
- note $71
- note $a1
- loopchannel $00, $6dbc ; end
-; 0xeaeca
-Music_SSAqua_Ch2: ; 0xeaeca
- stereopanning $f0
- dutycycle $02
- vibrato $08, $33
- notetype $0c, $b7
- note $01
- notetype $0c, $b7
- dutycycle $01
- intensity $61
- callchannel $6ff5
- callchannel $703e
- dutycycle $02
- intensity $d7
- callchannel $6fe0
- note $c0
- note $00
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $85
- note $80
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $20
- note $50
- forceoctave $0c
- callchannel $6fe0
- forceoctave $00
- octave 3
- note $c0
- note $00
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 4
- note $85
- note $01
- dutycycle $03
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $10
- callchannel $6f88
- note $83
- note $03
- note $87
- note $a7
- note $c7
- notetype $0c, $b7
- octave 5
- note $19
- note $31
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $81
- note $c5
- note $a5
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $10
- callchannel $6f88
- note $83
- note $03
- note $87
- note $a7
- note $c7
- octave 5
- note $40
- vibrato $00, $00
- intensity $98
- note $59
- vibrato $04, $23
- intensity $97
- note $58
- vibrato $08, $23
- note $33
- note $13
- octave 4
- note $83
- note $cb
- note $ab
- note $03
- dutycycle $00
- note $c1
- note $a1
- callchannel $6fd5
- notetype $06, $b7
- note $90
- note $aa
- note $81
- note $71
- note $8b
- note $03
- note $03
- note $51
- note $01
- note $51
- note $01
- note $81
- note $01
- note $a1
- note $01
- note $51
- note $01
- note $71
- note $01
- note $81
- note $01
- note $af
- note $bb
- note $c1
- note $a1
- callchannel $6fd5
- notetype $06, $b7
- note $90
- note $aa
- note $c3
- note $8b
- note $03
- note $03
- octave 5
- note $13
- note $31
- note $01
- note $11
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $b0
- note $c3
- note $a1
- note $01
- note $83
- note $51
- note $01
- note $77
- note $87
- note $a7
- note $07
- loopchannel $00, $6ed5 ; end
-; 0xeaf88
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eaf88, $eb056 - $eaf88
-Music_SSAqua_Ch3: ; 0xeb056
- stereopanning $ff
- vibrato $08, $34
- notetype $06, $15
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- note $8f
- note $07
- note $81
- note $01
- notetype $0c, $15
- note $81
- note $89
- note $03
- notetype $06, $15
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- note $8f
- note $07
- note $81
- note $01
- notetype $0c, $15
- note $81
- note $87
- note $c0
- octave 3
- note $20
- note $30
- note $80
- note $30
- note $80
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $50
- callchannel $714d
- callchannel $714d
- note $81
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $80
- note $00
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $00
- loopchannel $04, $708d
- callchannel $7172
- callchannel $7172
- callchannel $7230
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $50
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $40
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $30
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $41
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $40
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $20
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $20
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $70
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $70
- note $02
- callchannel $7230
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $50
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $51
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $40
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $20
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $20
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $70
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- loopchannel $00, $7063 ; end
-; 0xeb14d
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb14d, $eb249 - $eb14d
-Music_SSAqua_Ch4: ; 0xeb249
- togglenoise
- db $03
- notetype $0c, $01
- note $90
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $90
- note $80
- loopchannel $0c, $724e
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72bb
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72bb
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72bb
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72c7
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72bb
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72ae
- callchannel $72c7
- loopchannel $00, $724e ; end
-; 0xeb2ae
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb2ae,$eb2d3 - $eb2ae
Music_NewBarkTown: ; 0xeb2d3
- dbw $80, Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_NewBarkTown_Ch3
-; 0xeb2dc
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb2dc, $eb2dd - $eb2dc
-Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1: ; 0xeb2dd
- tempo $00bb
- volume $77
- stereopanning $0f
- vibrato $12, $23
- notetype $0c, $87
- note $03
- dutycycle $00
- callchannel $7349
- octave 3
- note $20
- note $00
- octave 2
- note $a0
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $81
- note $71
- dutycycle $02
- intensity $82
- note $50
- note $70
- note $50
- note $30
- note $20
- octave 2
- note $c0
- note $a0
- note $80
- dutycycle $00
- intensity $87
- callchannel $7349
- octave 3
- note $20
- note $00
- octave 2
- note $a0
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $51
- dutycycle $02
- intensity $82
- note $20
- note $00
- octave 2
- note $a0
- octave 3
- note $20
- note $50
- note $80
- note $a0
- octave 4
- note $20
- note $50
- note $a0
- dutycycle $01
- intensity $5e
- callchannel $737c
- callchannel $737c
- callchannel $737c
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $73
- note $83
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $51
- note $83
- note $a3
- note $c1
- intensity $87
- loopchannel $00, $72eb ; end
-; 0xeb349
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb349, $eb38d - $eb349
-Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2: ; 0xeb38d
- stereopanning $ff
- vibrato $12, $23
- notetype $06, $a7
- note $07
- dutycycle $02
- notetype $06, $a7
- callchannel $73bf
- callchannel $73bf
- callchannel $73f2
- intensity $87
- octave 5
- note $c5
- note $a5
- intensity $77
- octave 6
- note $33
- note $2f
- callchannel $73f2
- intensity $87
- octave 5
- note $c5
- note $a5
- intensity $77
- octave 6
- note $33
- note $5f
- loopchannel $00, $7396 ; end
-; 0xeb3bf
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb3bf, $eb400 - $eb3bf
-Music_NewBarkTown_Ch3: ; 0xeb400
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $10
- octave 5
- note $31
- note $51
- vibrato $16, $23
- note $73
- note $a3
- note $81
- note $71
- note $51
- note $81
- note $75
- note $31
- octave 4
- note $a5
- note $80
- note $a0
- note $c3
- octave 5
- note $33
- note $51
- note $31
- note $21
- note $31
- note $55
- note $71
- note $53
- note $01
- note $30
- note $50
- note $73
- note $a3
- note $b1
- note $a1
- note $81
- note $b1
- note $a5
- octave 6
- note $21
- note $35
- octave 5
- note $50
- note $70
- note $85
- note $a1
- note $c7
- note $a5
- note $80
- note $70
- note $53
- note $03
- intensity $25
- vibrato $12, $53
- octave 2
- note $8f
- note $af
- note $8f
- note $af
- note $8f
- note $af
- note $8f
- note $ad
- intensity $10
- vibrato $16, $23
- octave 5
- note $30
- note $50
- loopchannel $00, $7408 ; end
+INCLUDE "music/newbarktown.asm"
; 0xeb453
Music_GoldenrodCity: ; 0xeb453
- dbw $c0, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4
-; 0xeb45f
+INCLUDE "music/goldenrodcity.asm"
+; 0xeb676
-Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1: ; 0xeb45f
- stereopanning $0f
- tempo $00b0
- volume $77
- notetype $0c, $97
- note $0f
- note $0f
- note $0f
- note $0f
- dutycycle $00
- callchannel $74a9
- octave 3
- note $90
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $40
- note $70
- note $40
- note $70
- note $90
- octave 5
- note $10
- intensity $71
- dutycycle $00
- callchannel $74d1
- intensity $77
- note $41
- note $61
- note $71
- note $93
- intensity $71
- callchannel $74d1
- note $40
- note $70
- intensity $77
- octave 5
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $91
- note $71
- note $41
- dutycycle $02
- intensity $97
- callchannel $74a9
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $91
- octave 4
- note $11
- loopchannel $00, $746d ; end
-; 0xeb4a9
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb4a9, $eb519 - $eb4a9
-Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2: ; 0xeb519
- stereopanning $f0
- vibrato $12, $23
- dutycycle $02
- notetype $0c, $97
- intensity $97
- callchannel $7555
- octave 4
- note $61
- note $71
- note $91
- note $61
- note $47
- callchannel $7555
- note $91
- note $b1
- octave 5
- note $11
- note $21
- note $47
- dutycycle $02
- intensity $77
- callchannel $7572
- octave 4
- note $91
- note $b1
- note $c1
- octave 5
- note $13
- dutycycle $03
- intensity $77
- callchannel $7572
- note $61
- note $41
- note $21
- note $11
- octave 4
- note $91
- loopchannel $00, $7523 ; end
-; 0xeb555
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb555, $eb584 - $eb555
-Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3: ; 0xeb584
- stereopanning $ff
- vibrato $08, $23
- notetype $0c, $25
- callchannel $75aa
- callchannel $75aa
- callchannel $75d2
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $10
- note $40
- note $80
- note $90
- note $41
- callchannel $75d2
- note $00
- octave 3
- note $91
- note $71
- note $41
- octave 2
- note $91
- loopchannel $00, $758c ; end
-; 0xeb5aa
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb5aa, $eb606 - $eb5aa
-Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4: ; 0xeb606
- togglenoise
- db $03
- notetype $0c, $0f
- note $0f
- note $0f
- note $07
- note $31
- note $71
- note $30
- note $30
- note $71
- note $41
- note $71
- note $31
- note $71
- note $41
- note $71
- note $31
- note $71
- loopchannel $03, $7613
- callchannel $7663
- callchannel $766d
- note $80
- note $80
- note $71
- callchannel $766d
- note $31
- note $71
- callchannel $766d
- note $30
- note $30
- note $71
- callchannel $766d
- note $31
- note $30
- note $30
- callchannel $766d
- note $80
- note $80
- note $71
- callchannel $766d
- note $31
- note $71
- callchannel $766d
- note $30
- note $30
- note $71
- callchannel $766d
- note $31
- note $30
- note $30
- note $41
- note $71
- note $31
- note $71
- note $41
- note $71
- note $31
- note $71
- loopchannel $03, $7650
- callchannel $7663
- loopchannel $00, $7613 ; end
-; 0xeb663
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb663, $eb676 - $eb663
Music_VermilionCity: ; 0xeb676
- dbw $80, Music_VermilionCity_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_VermilionCity_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_VermilionCity_Ch3
-; 0xeb67f
+INCLUDE "music/vermilioncity.asm"
+; 0xeb808
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb67f, $eb680 - $eb67f
-Music_VermilionCity_Ch1: ; 0xeb680
- stereopanning $0f
- tempo $00b0
- volume $77
- dutycycle $02
- notetype $0c, $65
- octave 4
- note $c3
- note $93
- note $73
- note $53
- note $33
- octave 3
- note $c3
- note $a1
- note $c0
- octave 4
- note $30
- note $50
- note $90
- note $c0
- octave 5
- note $30
- vibrato $10, $23
- dutycycle $01
- notetype $0c, $85
- callchannel $76f9
- note $63
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $23
- note $53
- callchannel $76f9
- callchannel $7701
- dutycycle $02
- notetype $0c, $85
- callchannel $76f9
- note $63
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $50
- note $20
- octave 3
- note $a0
- note $50
- octave 4
- note $20
- octave 3
- note $a0
- note $50
- note $10
- callchannel $76f9
- callchannel $7701
- intensity $93
- dutycycle $00
- note $01
- note $71
- note $01
- note $71
- note $01
- note $71
- note $01
- note $71
- callchannel $770c
- callchannel $770c
- intensity $87
- dutycycle $02
- octave 4
- note $37
- octave 3
- note $97
- note $57
- note $c7
- note $a3
- note $93
- note $73
- note $53
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $93
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $33
- loopchannel $00, $76a0 ; end
-; 0xeb6f9
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb6f9, $eb721 - $eb6f9
-Music_VermilionCity_Ch2: ; 0xeb721
- stereopanning $ff
- dutycycle $03
- notetype $0c, $77
- vibrato $10, $23
- octave 5
- note $53
- note $33
- octave 4
- note $c3
- note $93
- note $73
- note $53
- note $73
- note $93
- notetype $0c, $97
- callchannel $7768
- note $91
- callchannel $7768
- note $51
- intensity $b7
- octave 3
- note $c3
- octave 4
- note $23
- note $33
- note $53
- callchannel $777e
- callchannel $777e
- note $75
- note $50
- note $70
- note $57
- note $a5
- note $90
- note $a0
- note $97
- note $9d
- notetype $06, $57
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $50
- note $90
- note $c0
- notetype $0c, $87
- octave 5
- note $5f
- loopchannel $00, $7735 ; end
-; 0xeb768
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb768, $eb785 - $eb768
-Music_VermilionCity_Ch3: ; 0xeb785
- stereopanning $f0
- vibrato $22, $23
- notetype $0c, $25
- octave 2
- note $53
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $53
- note $c3
- note $33
- note $53
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $c0
- note $90
- note $70
- note $50
- note $30
- octave 2
- note $c0
- notetype $0c, $22
- callchannel $77de
- octave 5
- note $a5
- intensity $24
- note $50
- note $90
- callchannel $77de
- note $a7
- intensity $14
- octave 3
- note $33
- note $23
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $a3
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $03
- note $30
- note $30
- callchannel $77f5
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $01
- note $31
- callchannel $77f5
- intensity $25
- octave 3
- note $57
- octave 4
- note $57
- octave 3
- note $c7
- octave 4
- note $57
- octave 2
- note $5f
- octave 3
- note $5d
- intensity $22
- octave 5
- note $50
- note $90
- loopchannel $00, $779e ; end
-; 0xeb7de
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $eb7de, $eb808 - $eb7de
Music_TitleScreen: ; 0xeb808
- dbw $c0, Music_TitleScreen_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_TitleScreen_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_TitleScreen_Ch3
- dbw $03, Music_TitleScreen_Ch4
-; 0xeb814
+INCLUDE "music/titlescreen.asm"
+; 0xebd9e
-Music_TitleScreen_Ch1: ; 0xeb814
- tempo $0086
- volume $77
- dutycycle $03
- tone $0002
- vibrato $10, $12
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $a7
- intensity $a0
- octave 3
- note $03
- intensity $a7
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $01
- note $a0
- note $c7
- note $83
- octave 3
- note $10
- note $01
- note $30
- note $57
- note $13
- octave 2
- note $c0
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $10
- octave 2
- note $c7
- note $a3
- note $a0
- note $01
- note $c0
- octave 3
- note $15
- note $53
- note $71
- stereopanning $ff
- octave 4
- note $80
- stereopanning $f0
- octave 3
- note $34
- octave 2
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $15
- note $65
- note $13
- note $35
- intensity $b7
- note $40
- note $50
- note $65
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- notetype $08, $a7
- note $13
- octave 2
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $38
- octave 2
- note $c2
- octave 3
- note $35
- octave 2
- note $c5
- octave 3
- note $12
- note $35
- note $52
- note $53
- note $53
- note $13
- notetype $08, $a0
- octave 2
- note $c5
- notetype $08, $a7
- note $c5
- notetype $08, $a7
- octave 3
- note $63
- note $53
- note $13
- notetype $08, $a0
- note $35
- notetype $08, $a7
- note $35
- notetype $08, $a7
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $c2
- octave 3
- note $12
- note $32
- note $38
- octave 2
- note $c2
- octave 3
- note $35
- octave 2
- note $c5
- octave 3
- note $18
- note $68
- note $15
- note $38
- notetype $0c, $b7
- note $40
- note $50
- note $65
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- notetype $08, $a7
- note $13
- octave 2
- note $c3
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $38
- octave 2
- note $c2
- octave 3
- note $38
- notetype $08, $b7
- note $82
- note $a3
- note $83
- note $63
- note $65
- note $55
- note $38
- note $62
- note $82
- note $35
- note $82
- notetype $08, $54
- octave 2
- note $82
- note $c2
- notetype $08, $94
- octave 3
- note $32
- note $82
- tempo $0088
- notetype $08, $b4
- note $62
- note $a2
- notetype $08, $d4
- octave 4
- note $12
- note $62
- tempo $008a
- notetype $08, $b4
- note $38
- note $18
- octave 3
- note $b5
- notetype $0c, $b7
- note $60
- note $50
- note $30
- note $50
- note $63
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $63
- note $55
- octave 3
- note $81
- notetype $08, $b7
- note $a3
- note $83
- note $63
- note $8b
- octave 4
- note $15
- tempo $0088
- note $25
- tempo $0086
- callchannel $796d
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $13
- note $23
- callchannel $796d
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $13
- note $23
- callchannel $796d
- octave 3
- note $53
- note $53
- note $13
- notetype $0c, $a0
- note $35
- notetype $0c, $a7
- note $39
- intensity $a0
- note $17
- intensity $a7
- note $17
- intensity $a0
- octave 2
- note $c7
- intensity $a7
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $17
- octave 2
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $37
- octave 2
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $17
- note $67
- note $a7
- note $85
- note $80
- note $70
- note $67
- note $57
- intensity $a0
- note $3f
- intensity $a7
- note $3f
- intensity $a3
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $04
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- notetype $08, $b2
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $71
- notetype $0c, $b7
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 1
- note $80
- note $0a
- endchannel ; end
-; 0xeb96d
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb96d,$eb984 - $eb96d
-Music_TitleScreen_Ch2: ; 0xeb984
- dutycycle $03
- vibrato $14, $12
- notetype $0c, $c7
- intensity $a4
- octave 1
- note $80
- octave 2
- note $30
- note $80
- octave 3
- note $10
- intensity $c2
- octave 3
- note $c0
- note $01
- note $a0
- intensity $b0
- note $85
- intensity $b7
- note $85
- note $0f
- note $0f
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $01
- note $30
- note $57
- note $71
- note $50
- note $70
- octave 3
- note $85
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $37
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $97
- octave 2
- note $a3
- note $63
- stereopanning $ff
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $65
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $97
- octave 2
- note $a5
- octave 3
- note $11
- stereopanning $0f
- intensity $a3
- octave 4
- note $33
- note $31
- note $13
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $c3
- stereopanning $ff
- intensity $c7
- octave 3
- note $85
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $37
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $97
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $63
- note $a1
- stereopanning $ff
- notetype $08, $c7
- octave 4
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $c3
- octave 4
- note $13
- note $3b
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $08, $b7
- octave 2
- note $a8
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $c7
- note $80
- note $a0
- note $c5
- note $50
- note $70
- note $83
- notetype $0c, $4b
- note $a3
- stereopanning $ff
- notetype $0c, $c7
- octave 3
- note $85
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $37
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $97
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $65
- stereopanning $ff
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $65
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- stereopanning $f0
- intensity $97
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $a5
- note $c5
- note $81
- notetype $08, $c7
- note $63
- note $83
- note $63
- stereopanning $ff
- octave 3
- note $88
- note $c2
- octave 4
- note $3b
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $08, $a7
- octave 3
- note $33
- note $13
- note $33
- stereopanning $ff
- notetype $08, $c7
- octave 4
- note $63
- note $53
- note $63
- note $88
- note $b2
- notetype $0c, $b0
- note $87
- notetype $0c, $b7
- note $87
- intensity $c6
- note $a3
- intensity $5d
- note $a3
- intensity $c7
- note $b5
- intensity $c3
- note $61
- intensity $c7
- note $67
- intensity $a7
- octave 3
- note $b7
- intensity $c7
- octave 4
- note $b3
- note $c3
- octave 5
- note $15
- intensity $c3
- octave 4
- note $81
- intensity $c7
- note $87
- intensity $a7
- octave 3
- note $57
- intensity $c7
- octave 5
- note $13
- note $23
- tone $0001
- stereopanning $0f
- callchannel $7ae7
- note $23
- callchannel $7ae7
- note $23
- callchannel $7ae7
- octave 4
- note $a3
- stereopanning $ff
- tone $0000
- notetype $0c, $b0
- octave 3
- note $c5
- notetype $0c, $b7
- note $c9
- intensity $c7
- note $a7
- note $65
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- note $87
- note $67
- note $a7
- intensity $b0
- note $87
- intensity $b7
- note $87
- intensity $c7
- note $67
- octave 4
- note $65
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- octave 2
- note $c7
- octave 3
- note $17
- note $a5
- note $60
- note $a0
- intensity $b0
- note $8f
- intensity $b7
- note $8f
- intensity $c2
- octave 4
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $04
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- intensity $90
- note $83
- notetype $08, $c2
- octave 3
- note $61
- note $61
- note $61
- note $61
- note $61
- note $71
- notetype $0c, $c7
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $0a
- endchannel ; end
-; 0xebae7
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebae7,$ebb01 - $ebae7
-Music_TitleScreen_Ch3: ; 0xebb01
- stereopanning $0f
- vibrato $10, $14
- tone $0001
- notetype $0c, $16
- octave 3
- octave 3
- note $03
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $00
- note $81
- note $30
- note $00
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $61
- note $10
- octave 1
- note $c0
- octave 2
- note $10
- note $00
- note $61
- note $10
- note $00
- note $11
- note $61
- note $11
- note $81
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $00
- note $81
- note $30
- note $00
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $a1
- note $60
- note $50
- note $60
- note $00
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a3
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $83
- note $31
- note $83
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c1
- note $81
- note $83
- note $c1
- note $a3
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $13
- octave 2
- note $83
- note $31
- note $83
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c1
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c3
- note $81
- octave 3
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $83
- note $31
- note $83
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c1
- note $81
- octave 3
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $81
- octave 3
- note $33
- octave 2
- note $81
- octave 3
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $83
- note $31
- note $83
- note $31
- note $81
- note $31
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a3
- note $61
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $11
- octave 2
- note $c3
- note $81
- note $c3
- note $81
- octave 3
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $81
- note $81
- note $31
- note $81
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $35
- octave 2
- note $b5
- octave 3
- note $63
- note $b5
- note $65
- note $33
- note $55
- note $15
- note $53
- octave 4
- note $15
- octave 3
- note $85
- note $53
- note $30
- note $00
- stereopanning $ff
- notetype $0c, $16
- tone $0000
- octave 4
- note $a1
- octave 5
- note $31
- note $a5
- note $81
- note $71
- note $30
- note $01
- note $50
- note $73
- notetype $08, $16
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $13
- note $23
- notetype $0c, $16
- note $30
- note $00
- octave 4
- note $a1
- octave 5
- note $31
- note $a5
- note $81
- note $71
- note $c0
- note $01
- note $a0
- note $a3
- notetype $08, $16
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $13
- note $23
- notetype $0c, $16
- note $30
- note $00
- notetype $0c, $16
- octave 4
- note $a1
- octave 5
- note $31
- note $85
- note $51
- note $81
- note $70
- note $50
- note $35
- tone $0001
- notetype $08, $16
- octave 3
- note $13
- note $13
- note $51
- note $71
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $16
- note $8f
- note $6f
- note $87
- note $35
- note $30
- note $50
- note $61
- note $6b
- note $50
- note $40
- note $37
- note $87
- note $67
- note $a7
- note $87
- note $35
- note $30
- note $50
- note $6f
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $04
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $04
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 2
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $04
- note $80
- note $80
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- notetype $08, $16
- note $61
- note $61
- note $61
- note $61
- note $61
- note $a1
- notetype $0c, $16
- note $80
- note $02
- octave 1
- note $80
- note $0a
- endchannel ; end
-; 0xebc5c
-Music_TitleScreen_Ch4: ; 0xebc5c
- togglenoise
- db $05
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $03
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $15
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $12
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $13
- note $41
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- notetype $06, $30
- note $30
- note $20
- note $20
- note $20
- note $20
- note $10
- note $10
- notetype $0c, $fe
- note $77
- note $7d
- callchannel $7d81
- callchannel $7d81
- note $11
- note $41
- note $11
- note $41
- note $41
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- notetype $06, $20
- note $20
- note $10
- note $10
- notetype $0c, $fe
- note $77
- note $7d
- note $11
- note $41
- note $11
- note $61
- note $41
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $11
- callchannel $7d81
- note $11
- note $41
- note $11
- note $41
- note $41
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- callchannel $7d77
- callchannel $7d81
- callchannel $7d81
- note $11
- note $41
- note $11
- note $41
- note $41
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- notetype $06, $20
- note $30
- note $30
- note $20
- notetype $0c, $fe
- note $77
- note $7d
- callchannel $7d81
- note $11
- note $41
- note $11
- note $61
- note $41
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- note $41
- note $11
- note $41
- note $41
- note $10
- note $10
- note $11
- notetype $06, $30
- note $30
- note $20
- note $20
- notetype $0c, $a1
- note $43
- note $a3
- note $41
- note $a3
- note $a1
- note $43
- note $a3
- note $41
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $43
- note $a3
- note $41
- note $a3
- note $a3
- note $a3
- note $a1
- note $30
- note $30
- note $20
- note $20
- note $10
- note $10
- callchannel $7d8b
- callchannel $7d93
- note $20
- note $30
- note $30
- note $20
- notetype $0c, $fe
- note $8b
- note $7d
- callchannel $7d93
- note $30
- note $30
- note $20
- note $20
- notetype $0c, $fe
- note $8b
- note $7d
- callchannel $7d93
- note $20
- note $20
- note $20
- note $20
- notetype $0c, $9f
- note $0f
- loopchannel $06, $7d40
- note $0b
- notetype $06, $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $20
- note $30
- note $20
- note $10
- note $10
- notetype $0c, $13
- note $15
- note $10
- note $10
- note $13
- note $13
- note $15
- note $10
- note $10
- note $13
- note $13
- note $15
- note $10
- note $10
- note $13
- note $13
- note $13
- notetype $08, $11
- note $11
- note $11
- notetype $06, $20
- note $20
- note $30
- note $30
- note $20
- note $20
- note $10
- note $10
- notetype $0c, $13
- note $c3
- endchannel ; end
-; 0xebd77
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebd77,$ebd9e - $ebd77
Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior: ; 0xebd9e
- dbw $80, Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch3
-; 0xebda7
-Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch1: ; 0xebda7
- tempo $00e0
- volume $77
- dutycycle $00
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $0c, $44
- note $00
- loopchannel $00, $7dc2 ; end
-; 0xebdb8
-Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch2: ; 0xebdb8
- tone $0002
- dutycycle $00
- stereopanning $0f
- notetype $0c, $a4
- octave 4
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $b3
- octave 4
- note $21
- note $41
- note $11
- octave 3
- note $b1
- octave 4
- note $13
- octave 3
- note $b3
- loopchannel $00, $7dc2 ; end
-; 0xebdd4
-Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch3: ; 0xebdd4
- notetype $0c, $10
- octave 2
- note $91
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $51
- note $09
- loopchannel $00, $7dd7 ; end
+INCLUDE "music/ruinsofalphinterior.asm"
; 0xebde1
Music_LookPokemaniac: ; 0xebde1
- dbw $80, Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3
-; 0xebdea
+INCLUDE "music/lookpokemaniac.asm"
-Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1: ; 0xebdea
- stereopanning $0f
- tempo $0090
- volume $77
- vibrato $02, $33
- tone $0002
- notetype $0c, $b3
- note $07
- note $03
- octave 3
- note $b0
- note $02
- note $b0
- note $02
- loopchannel $04, $7dfb
- note $03
- note $80
- note $02
- note $80
- note $02
- loopchannel $04, $7dfb
- loopchannel $00, $7dfb ; end
-; 0xebe12
-Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2: ; 0xebe12
- stereopanning $ff
- vibrato $02, $33
- tone $0001
- notetype $0c, $b3
- octave 2
- note $a0
- note $70
- note $40
- note $10
- octave 1
- note $a3
- octave 2
- note $11
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $70
- note $02
- note $a0
- note $02
- octave 1
- note $81
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $10
- note $02
- note $40
- note $02
- loopchannel $02, $7e24
- octave 1
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $40
- note $02
- note $70
- note $02
- octave 1
- note $51
- note $01
- octave 2
- note $a0
- note $02
- octave 3
- note $10
- note $02
- loopchannel $02, $7e38
- loopchannel $00, $7e24 ; end
-; 0xebe51
-Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3: ; 0xebe51
- stereopanning $f0
- vibrato $06, $33
- notetype $0c, $15
- octave 4
- note $10
- note $40
- note $70
- note $a0
- octave 5
- note $13
- intensity $10
- callchannel $7e70
- intensity $14
- callchannel $7e70
- intensity $10
- loopchannel $00, $7e62 ; end
-; 0xebe70
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebe70,$ebeab - $ebe70
Music_TrainerVictory: ; 0xebeab
- dbw $80, Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1
- dbw $01, Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2
- dbw $02, Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3
-; 0xebeb4
-Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1: ; 0xebeb4
- tempo $0078
- volume $77
- dutycycle $02
- tone $0001
- notetype $08, $b1
- octave 4
- note $51
- note $51
- note $51
- note $51
- note $71
- note $81
- intensity $b6
- note $ab
- stereopanning $0f
- intensity $72
- callchannel $7f11
- intensity $51
- note $21
- note $51
- note $71
- note $a1
- note $c1
- octave 4
- note $21
- intensity $72
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 4
- note $21
- note $55
- loopchannel $02, $7ecd
- callchannel $7f11
- note $a1
- note $01
- note $61
- note $a5
- note $b1
- note $01
- note $81
- note $b5
- intensity $72
- octave 4
- note $31
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $a1
- loopchannel $03, $7ef2
- note $71
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 4
- note $21
- octave 3
- note $c1
- note $a1
- loopchannel $03, $7f01
- note $51
- note $71
- note $81
- loopchannel $00, $7ecd ; end
-; 0xebf11
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebf11, $ebf1b - $ebf11
-Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2: ; 0xebf1b
- vibrato $12, $34
- dutycycle $03
- notetype $08, $d1
- octave 4
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $a1
- note $c1
- octave 5
- note $21
- intensity $d6
- note $3b
- stereopanning $f0
- notetype $08, $82
- callchannel $7f56
- note $71
- note $01
- note $81
- note $a5
- note $51
- note $01
- note $71
- note $85
- loopchannel $02, $7f30
- callchannel $7f56
- note $61
- note $01
- note $11
- note $65
- note $81
- note $01
- note $31
- note $85
- notetype $0c, $88
- note $7f
- note $5f
- loopchannel $00, $7f30 ; end
-; 0xebf56
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $ebf56, $ebf64 - $ebf56
-Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3: ; 0xebf64
- notetype $08, $25
- octave 3
- note $85
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- note $80
- note $00
- note $75
- note $31
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $c1
- callchannel $7fb1
- octave 3
- note $21
- note $01
- note $21
- note $a1
- note $71
- note $21
- octave 2
- note $a1
- note $01
- octave 3
- note $a0
- note $00
- note $a5
- loopchannel $02, $7f74
- callchannel $7fb1
- octave 3
- note $11
- note $01
- note $11
- note $a1
- note $61
- note $11
- note $31
- note $01
- note $31
- octave 4
- note $31
- octave 3
- note $b1
- note $81
- note $31
- note $71
- note $a1
- octave 4
- note $3b
- octave 3
- note $a1
- note $71
- note $31
- octave 2
- note $a1
- octave 3
- note $31
- note $51
- note $ab
- note $81
- note $51
- note $21
- loopchannel $00, $7f74 ; end
-; 0xebfb1
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebfb1,$ebfc3 - $ebfb1
+INCLUDE "music/trainervictory.asm"
+; 0xebfc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/championbattle.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea9c1,$ead99 - $ea9c1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/darkcave.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea2be,$ea50d - $ea2be
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/elmslab.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea040,$ea2be - $ea040
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/goldenrodcity.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb453,$eb676 - $eb453
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/johtogymleaderbattle.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ea50d,$ea9c1 - $ea50d
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/lookpokemaniac.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebde1,$ebeab - $ebde1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/newbarktown.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb2d3,$eb453 - $eb2d3
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/nothing.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+; 0xe91a3
+ db $c0
+ dw Music_Nothing_Ch1
+ db $01
+ dw Music_Nothing_Ch2
+ db $02
+ dw Music_Nothing_Ch3
+ db $03
+ dw Music_Nothing_Ch4
+; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch1: ; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch2: ; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch3: ; 0xe91af
+Music_Nothing_Ch4: ; 0xe91af
+ endchannel ; end
+; 0xe91b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/rivalbattle.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e974f,$e9b6f - $e974f
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/rocketbattle.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e9b6f,$ea040 - $e9b6f
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/route36.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$e94e9,$e974f - $e94e9
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/ruinsofalphinterior.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebd9e,$ebde1 - $ebd9e
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/ssaqua.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ead99,$eb2d3 - $ead99
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/titlescreen.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb808,$ebd9e - $eb808
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/trainervictory.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ebeab,$ebfc3 - $ebeab
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music/vermilioncity.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$eb676,$eb808 - $eb676
\ No newline at end of file