shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: b7cca3a54857506f49975e7df5dc47b47f174d51
parent: b7295080d5713e589da7fbd1b1465870c83e889e
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Wed Apr 18 19:20:28 EDT 2012

make unit tests work again

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -1095,20 +1095,20 @@
     #TODO: recursively follow any jumps in the script
     if script == None: return []
     addresses = set()
-    for (k, command) in script.commands.items():
+    for (k, command) in enumerate(script.commands):
         if debug:
             print "command is: " + str(command)
-        if   command["type"] == 0x4B:
-            addresses.add(command["pointer"])
-        elif command["type"] == 0x4C:
-            addresses.add(command["pointer"])
-        elif command["type"] == 0x51:
-            addresses.add(command["pointer"])
-        elif command["type"] == 0x53:
-            addresses.add(command["pointer"])
-        elif command["type"] == 0x64:
-            addresses.add(command["won_pointer"])
-            addresses.add(command["lost_pointer"])
+        if == 0x4B:
+            addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address)
+        elif == 0x4C:
+            addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address)
+        elif == 0x51:
+            addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address)
+        elif == 0x53:
+            addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address)
+        elif == 0x64:
+            addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address)
+            addresses.add(command.params[1].parsed_address)
     return addresses
 def translate_command_byte(crystal=None, gold=None):
@@ -1167,15 +1167,10 @@
         else: return str(self.byte)
-class HexByte(SingleByteParam):
-    def to_asm(self): return "$%.2x" % (self.byte)
 class DollarSignByte(SingleByteParam):
-    #def to_asm(self): return "$%.2x"%self.byte
     def to_asm(self): return hex(self.byte).replace("0x", "$")
 class ItemLabelByte(DollarSignByte):
     def to_asm(self):
         label = find_item_label_by_id(self.byte)
@@ -1206,7 +1201,12 @@
             raise Exception, "don't know how many bytes to read (size)"
-    def parse(self): self.bytes = rom_interval(self.address, self.size, strings=False)
+    def parse(self):
+        self.bytes = rom_interval(self.address, self.size, strings=False)
+        if hasattr(self, "bank"):
+            self.parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address,
+        else:
+            self.parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, bank=None)
     #you won't actually use this to_asm because it's too generic
     #def to_asm(self): return ", ".join([(self.prefix+"%.2x")%x for x in self.bytes])
@@ -1239,6 +1239,10 @@
         #continue instantiation.. will be set down the road
         MultiByteParam.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    def parse(self):
+        self.parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address,
+        MultiByteParam.parse(self)
     def to_asm(self):
         bank =
         #we pass bank= for whether or not to include a bank byte when reading
@@ -1443,8 +1447,6 @@
 class MapDataPointerParam(PointerLabelParam):
 class Command:
     Note: when dumping to asm, anything in script_parse_table that directly
@@ -4019,7 +4021,6 @@
 #generate map constants (like 1=PALLET_TOWN)
 #### asm utilities ####
 #these are pulled in from pokered/extras/
@@ -4284,7 +4285,8 @@
             return "AlreadyParsedNoDefaultUnknownLabel_" + hex(address)
-    return "NotYetParsed_"+hex(address)
+    #return "NotYetParsed_"+hex(address)
+    return "$%.2x"%(address)
 def remove_quoted_text(line):
     """get rid of content inside quotes
@@ -5106,39 +5108,26 @@
 class TestMapParsing(unittest.TestCase):
-    #def test_parse_warp_bytes(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_xy_trigger_bytes(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_people_event_bytes(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_map_header_at(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_second_map_header_at(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_map_event_header_at(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_map_script_header_at(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
-    #def test_parse_map_header_by_id(self):
-    #    pass #or raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
     def test_parse_all_map_headers(self):
-        global parse_map_header_at, counter
+        global parse_map_header_at, old_parse_map_header_at, counter
         counter = 0
         for k in map_names.keys():
             if "offset" not in map_names[k].keys():
                 map_names[k]["offset"] = 0
         temp = parse_map_header_at
+        temp2 = old_parse_map_header_at
         def parse_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False):
             global counter
             counter += 1
             return {}
+        old_parse_map_header_at = parse_map_header_at
-        self.assertEqual(counter, 388)
+        #parse_all_map_headers is currently doing it 2x
+        #because of the new/old map header parsing routines
+        self.assertEqual(counter, 388 * 2)
         parse_map_header_at = temp
+        old_parse_map_header_at = temp2
 class TestTextScript(unittest.TestCase):
     """for testing 'in-script' commands, etc."""
     #def test_to_asm(self):
@@ -5166,8 +5155,8 @@
     def test_parse_text_engine_script_at(self):
         p = parse_text_engine_script_at(0x197185, debug=False)
-        self.assertEqual(len(p), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(len(p[0]["lines"]), 41)
+        self.assertEqual(len(p.commands), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(p.commands[0]["lines"]), 41)
     #don't really care about these other two
     def test_parse_text_from_bytes(self): pass
@@ -5230,10 +5219,11 @@
         self.sbp.should_be_decimal = True
         self.assertEqual(self.sbp.to_asm(), str(45))
+    #HexByte and DollarSignByte are the same now
     def test_HexByte_to_asm(self):
         h = HexByte(address=10)
         a = h.to_asm()
-        self.assertEqual(a, "0x2d")
+        self.assertEqual(a, "$2d")
     def test_DollarSignByte_to_asm(self):
         d = DollarSignByte(address=10)