ref: bd30cc084d3b4c0fc77811bf8451838067ae22b3
dir: /maps/Route36.asm/
Route36_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x194000 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x19400d, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x19400e, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x19400f ; 0x19400d UnknownScript_0x19400d: ; 0x19400d end ; 0x19400e UnknownScript_0x19400e: ; 0x19400e end ; 0x19400f UnknownScript_0x19400f: ; 0x19400f checkcode $b if_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x194018 disappear $8 return ; 0x194018 UnknownScript_0x194018: ; 0x194018 appear $8 return ; 0x19401b UnknownScript_0x19401b: ; 0x19401b showemote $0, $0, 15 pause 15 playsound $0014 spriteface $0, $1 applymovement $a, MovementData_0x194262 disappear $a spriteface $0, $0 pause 10 dotrigger $0 clearevent EVENT_SAW_SUICUNE_AT_CIANWOOD_CITY domaptrigger GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY, $1 end ; 0x19403c WeirdTreeScript_0x19403c: ; 0x19403c checkitem SQUIRTBOTTLE iftrue UnknownScript_0x19404a waitbutton playsound $006d applymovement $4, MovementData_0x194249 end ; 0x19404a UnknownScript_0x19404a: ; 0x19404a loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x19426b yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x194079 loadmovesprites ; fallthrough ; 0x194053 WateredWeirdTreeScript:: ; 0x194053 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x194290 closetext loadmovesprites waitbutton playsound $006d applymovement $4, MovementData_0x194249 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1942aa closetext loadmovesprites loadpokedata SUDOWOODO, 20 startbattle setevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUDOWOODO if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x19407b disappear $4 variablesprite $4, $26 returnafterbattle end ; 0x194079 UnknownScript_0x194079: ; 0x194079 loadmovesprites end ; 0x19407b UnknownScript_0x19407b: ; 0x19407b returnafterbattle applymovement $4, MovementData_0x19424b disappear $4 variablesprite $4, $26 special $005e special $009e end ; 0x19408c LassScript_0x19408c: ; 0x19408c faceplayer loadfont checkevent $00ba iftrue UnknownScript_0x1940b3 setevent $00b9 2writetext UnknownText_0x1942f1 closetext loadmovesprites clearevent $0768 checkcode $9 if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x1940ac applymovement $9, MovementData_0x19424e disappear $9 end ; 0x1940ac UnknownScript_0x1940ac: ; 0x1940ac applymovement $9, MovementData_0x194258 disappear $9 end ; 0x1940b3 UnknownScript_0x1940b3: ; 0x1940b3 2writetext UnknownText_0x1943ed closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1940b9 FisherScript_0x1940b9: ; 0x1940b9 faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_GOT_TM08_ROCK_SMASH iftrue UnknownScript_0x1940da checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUDOWOODO iftrue UnknownScript_0x1940cd 2writetext UnknownText_0x19446f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1940cd UnknownScript_0x1940cd: ; 0x1940cd 2writetext UnknownText_0x1944d0 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem TM_08, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x1940de setevent EVENT_GOT_TM08_ROCK_SMASH UnknownScript_0x1940da: ; 0x1940da 2writetext UnknownText_0x19452c closetext UnknownScript_0x1940de: ; 0x1940de loadmovesprites end ; 0x1940e0 LassScript_0x1940e0: ; 0x1940e0 faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUDOWOODO iftrue UnknownScript_0x1940ee 2writetext UnknownText_0x194626 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1940ee UnknownScript_0x1940ee: ; 0x1940ee 2writetext UnknownText_0x19469e closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1940f4 TrainerSchoolboyAlan1: ; 0x1940f4 ; bit/flag number dw $46e ; trainer group && trainer id db SCHOOLBOY, ALAN1 ; text when seen dw SchoolboyAlan1SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw SchoolboyAlan1BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw SchoolboyAlan1Script ; 0x194100 SchoolboyAlan1Script: ; 0x194100 writecode $17, $18 talkaftercancel loadfont checkflag $0073 iftrue UnknownScript_0x194140 checkflag $0081 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1941b4 checkcellnum $18 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1941d5 checkevent $0285 iftrue UnknownScript_0x194129 2writetext UnknownText_0x1947aa keeptextopen setevent $0285 2call UnknownScript_0x1941c9 2jump UnknownScript_0x19412c ; 0x194129 UnknownScript_0x194129: ; 0x194129 2call UnknownScript_0x1941cd UnknownScript_0x19412c: ; 0x19412c askforphonenumber $18 if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x1941dd if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x1941d9 trainertotext SCHOOLBOY, ALAN1, $0 2call UnknownScript_0x1941d1 2jump UnknownScript_0x1941d5 ; 0x194140 UnknownScript_0x194140: ; 0x194140 2call UnknownScript_0x1941e1 winlosstext SchoolboyAlan1BeatenText, $0000 copybytetovar $da02 if_equal $4, UnknownScript_0x19415f if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0x194165 if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x19416b if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x194171 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x194177 UnknownScript_0x19415f: ; 0x19415f checkevent EVENT_RESTORED_POWER_TO_KANTO iftrue UnknownScript_0x1941ab UnknownScript_0x194165: ; 0x194165 checkevent $0044 iftrue UnknownScript_0x19419e UnknownScript_0x19416b: ; 0x19416b checkflag $004b iftrue UnknownScript_0x194191 UnknownScript_0x194171: ; 0x194171 checkflag $0047 iftrue UnknownScript_0x194184 UnknownScript_0x194177: ; 0x194177 loadtrainer SCHOOLBOY, ALAN1 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar $da02, $1 clearflag $0073 end ; 0x194184 UnknownScript_0x194184: ; 0x194184 loadtrainer SCHOOLBOY, ALAN2 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar $da02, $2 clearflag $0073 end ; 0x194191 UnknownScript_0x194191: ; 0x194191 loadtrainer SCHOOLBOY, ALAN3 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar $da02, $3 clearflag $0073 end ; 0x19419e UnknownScript_0x19419e: ; 0x19419e loadtrainer SCHOOLBOY, ALAN4 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar $da02, $4 clearflag $0073 end ; 0x1941ab UnknownScript_0x1941ab: ; 0x1941ab loadtrainer SCHOOLBOY, ALAN5 startbattle returnafterbattle clearflag $0073 end ; 0x1941b4 UnknownScript_0x1941b4: ; 0x1941b4 2call UnknownScript_0x1941e5 verbosegiveitem FIRE_STONE, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x1941c6 clearflag $0081 setevent $0101 2jump UnknownScript_0x1941d5 ; 0x1941c6 UnknownScript_0x1941c6: ; 0x1941c6 2jump UnknownScript_0x1941e9 ; 0x1941c9 UnknownScript_0x1941c9: ; 0x1941c9 jumpstd $0019 end ; 0x1941cd UnknownScript_0x1941cd: ; 0x1941cd jumpstd $001a end ; 0x1941d1 UnknownScript_0x1941d1: ; 0x1941d1 jumpstd $001b end ; 0x1941d5 UnknownScript_0x1941d5: ; 0x1941d5 jumpstd $001c end ; 0x1941d9 UnknownScript_0x1941d9: ; 0x1941d9 jumpstd $001d end ; 0x1941dd UnknownScript_0x1941dd: ; 0x1941dd jumpstd $001e end ; 0x1941e1 UnknownScript_0x1941e1: ; 0x1941e1 jumpstd $001f end ; 0x1941e5 UnknownScript_0x1941e5: ; 0x1941e5 jumpstd $0020 end ; 0x1941e9 UnknownScript_0x1941e9: ; 0x1941e9 jumpstd $0021 end ; 0x1941ed TrainerPsychicMark: ; 0x1941ed ; bit/flag number dw $440 ; trainer group && trainer id db PSYCHIC_T, MARK ; text when seen dw PsychicMarkSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PsychicMarkBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PsychicMarkScript ; 0x1941f9 PsychicMarkScript: ; 0x1941f9 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x19471e closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194201 YoungsterScript_0x194201: ; 0x194201 faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_GOT_HARD_STONE_FROM_ARTHUR iftrue UnknownScript_0x19422f checkcode $b if_not_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x194235 checkevent EVENT_MET_ARTHUR_OF_THURSDAY iftrue UnknownScript_0x19421c 2writetext UnknownText_0x194800 keeptextopen setevent EVENT_MET_ARTHUR_OF_THURSDAY UnknownScript_0x19421c: ; 0x19421c 2writetext UnknownText_0x19482d keeptextopen verbosegiveitem HARD_STONE, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x194233 setevent EVENT_GOT_HARD_STONE_FROM_ARTHUR 2writetext UnknownText_0x194847 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x19422f UnknownScript_0x19422f: ; 0x19422f 2writetext UnknownText_0x1948aa closetext UnknownScript_0x194233: ; 0x194233 loadmovesprites end ; 0x194235 UnknownScript_0x194235: ; 0x194235 2writetext UnknownText_0x1948f3 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x19423b MapRoute36Signpost2Script: ; 0x19423b jumptext UnknownText_0x194924 ; 0x19423e MapRoute36Signpost1Script: ; 0x19423e jumptext UnknownText_0x19492e ; 0x194241 MapRoute36Signpost3Script: ; 0x194241 jumptext UnknownText_0x19494c ; 0x194244 MapRoute36Signpost0Script: ; 0x194244 jumptext UnknownText_0x1949ee ; 0x194247 FruitTreeScript_0x194247: ; 0x194247 fruittree $d ; 0x194249 MovementData_0x194249: ; 0x194249 db $56 ; movement step_end ; 0x19424b MovementData_0x19424b: ; 0x19424b fast_jump_step_up fast_jump_step_up step_end ; 0x19424e MovementData_0x19424e: ; 0x19424e step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end ; 0x194258 MovementData_0x194258: ; 0x194258 step_left step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end ; 0x194262 MovementData_0x194262: ; 0x194262 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_right fast_jump_step_right fast_jump_step_right db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x19426b UnknownText_0x19426b: ; 0x19426b text "It's a weird tree." line "Use SQUIRTBOTTLE?" done ; 0x194290 UnknownText_0x194290: ; 0x194290 text $52, " used the" line "SQUIRTBOTTLE." done ; 0x1942aa UnknownText_0x1942aa: ; 0x1942aa text "The weird tree" line "doesn't like the" cont "SQUIRTBOTTLE!" para "The weird tree" line "attacked!" done ; 0x1942f1 UnknownText_0x1942f1: ; 0x1942f1 text "I'm the FLOWER" line "SHOP's FLORIA!" para "Listen, listen!" para "When I sprinkled" line "water on that" para "wiggly tree, it" line "jumped right up!" para "It just has to be" line "a #MON." para "I bet it would be" line "shocked out of its" para "disguise if you" line "soaked it!" para "I know! I'll tell" line "my sis and borrow" cont "her water bottle!" done ; 0x1943ed UnknownText_0x1943ed: ; 0x1943ed text "When I told my sis" line "about the jiggly" para "tree, she said" line "it's dangerous." para "If I beat WHITNEY," line "I wonder if she'll" para "lend me her water" line "bottle…" done ; 0x19446f UnknownText_0x19446f: ; 0x19446f text "Wa-hey!" para "I was going to" line "snap that tree" para "with my straight-" line "arm punch." para "But I couldn't!" line "I'm a failure!" done ; 0x1944d0 UnknownText_0x1944d0: ; 0x1944d0 text "Did you clear that" line "wretched tree?" para "I'm impressed!" line "I want you to" cont "have this." done ; 0x19451a UnknownText_0x19451a: ; 0x19451a text $52, " received" line "TM08." done ; 0x19452c UnknownText_0x19452c: ; 0x19452c text "That happens to be" line "ROCK SMASH." para "You can shatter" line "rocks with just a" para "single well-aimed" line "smack." para "If any rocks are" line "in your way, just" cont "smash 'em up!" done ; 0x1945b8 UnknownText_0x1945b8: ; 0x1945b8 text "An odd tree is" line "blocking the way" cont "to GOLDENROD CITY." para "I wanted to go see" line "the huge #MON" para "CENTER they just" line "opened…" done ; 0x194626 UnknownText_0x194626: ; 0x194626 text "An odd tree is" line "blocking the way" cont "to GOLDENROD CITY." para "It's preventing" line "me from shopping." para "Something should" line "be done about it." done ; 0x19469e UnknownText_0x19469e: ; 0x19469e text "That odd tree dis-" line "appeared without a" cont "trace." para "Oh! That tree was" line "really a #MON?" done ; 0x1946ed PsychicMarkSeenText: ; 0x1946ed text "I'm going to read" line "your thoughts!" done ; 0x19470e PsychicMarkBeatenText: ; 0x19470e text "I misread you!" done ; 0x19471e UnknownText_0x19471e: ; 0x19471e text "I'd be strong if" line "only I could tell" para "what my opponent" line "was thinking." done ; 0x194760 SchoolboyAlan1SeenText: ; 0x194760 text "Thanks to my stud-" line "ies, I'm ready for" cont "any #MON!" done ; 0x194790 SchoolboyAlan1BeatenText: ; 0x194790 text "Oops! Computation" line "error?" done ; 0x1947aa UnknownText_0x1947aa: ; 0x1947aa text "Darn. I study five" line "hours a day too." para "There's more to" line "learning than just" cont "reading books." done ; 0x194800 UnknownText_0x194800: ; 0x194800 text "ARTHUR: Who are" line "you?" para "I'm ARTHUR of" line "Thursday." done ; 0x19482d UnknownText_0x19482d: ; 0x19482d text "Here. You can have" line "this." done ; 0x194847 UnknownText_0x194847: ; 0x194847 text "ARTHUR: A #MON" line "that uses rock-" para "type moves should" line "hold on to that." para "It pumps up rock-" line "type attacks." done ; 0x1948aa UnknownText_0x1948aa: ; 0x1948aa text "ARTHUR: I'm ARTHUR" line "of Thursday. I'm" para "the second son out" line "of seven children." done ; 0x1948f3 UnknownText_0x1948f3: ; 0x1948f3 text "ARTHUR: Today's" line "not Thursday. How" cont "disappointing." done ; 0x194924 UnknownText_0x194924: ; 0x194924 text "ROUTE 36" done ; 0x19492e UnknownText_0x19492e: ; 0x19492e text "RUINS OF ALPH" line "NORTH ENTRANCE" done ; 0x19494c UnknownText_0x19494c: ; 0x19494c text "TRAINER TIPS" para "#MON stats" line "vary--even within" cont "the same species." para "Their stats may be" line "similar at first." para "However, differ-" line "ences will become" para "pronounced as the" line "#MON grow." done ; 0x1949ee UnknownText_0x1949ee: ; 0x1949ee text "TRAINER TIPS" para "Use DIG to return" line "to the entrance of" cont "any place." para "It is convenient" line "for exploring" para "caves and other" line "landmarks." done ; 0x194a66 Route36_MapEventHeader: ; 0x194a66 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 4 warp_def $8, $12, 3, GROUP_ROUTE_36_NATIONAL_PARK_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_36_NATIONAL_PARK_GATE warp_def $9, $12, 4, GROUP_ROUTE_36_NATIONAL_PARK_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_36_NATIONAL_PARK_GATE warp_def $d, $2f, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_36_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_36_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE warp_def $d, $30, 2, GROUP_ROUTE_36_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_36_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE ; xy triggers db 2 xy_trigger 1, $7, $14, $0, UnknownScript_0x19401b, $0, $0 xy_trigger 1, $7, $16, $0, UnknownScript_0x19401b, $0, $0 ; signposts db 4 signpost 1, 29, $0, MapRoute36Signpost0Script signpost 11, 45, $0, MapRoute36Signpost1Script signpost 7, 55, $0, MapRoute36Signpost2Script signpost 7, 21, $0, MapRoute36Signpost3Script ; people-events db 9 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 17, 24, $9, $0, 255, 255, $92, 3, TrainerPsychicMark, $ffff person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 18, 35, $8, $0, 255, 255, $92, 5, TrainerSchoolboyAlan1, $ffff person_event SPRITE_WEIRD_TREE, 13, 39, $17, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, WeirdTreeScript_0x19403c, $06f8 person_event SPRITE_LASS, 12, 55, $5, $2, 255, 255, $0, 0, LassScript_0x1940e0, $ffff person_event SPRITE_FISHER, 13, 48, $8, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, FisherScript_0x1940b9, $ffff person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 8, 25, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x194247, $ffff person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 10, 50, $2, $11, 255, 255, $0, 0, YoungsterScript_0x194201, $075a person_event SPRITE_LASS, 16, 37, $6, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, LassScript_0x19408c, $0769 person_event SPRITE_SUICUNE, 10, 25, $1, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b0 ; 0x194b19