ref: c3efc17bf8c5dd8514f77ec4240bae99e827ebf5
parent: d6597fab7b080839f3bfb1b8b392cba4c37af2dd
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Sun Mar 2 18:26:00 EST 2014
Mom (DST, money) and daycare text.
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -28035,8 +28035,8 @@
Function16233: ; 16233
ld a, [$cf63]
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $6242
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, Jumptable_16242
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
@@ -28045,8 +28045,718 @@
jp [hl]
; 16242
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$16242,$166d6 - $16242
+Jumptable_16242: ; 16242
+ dw Function16254
+ dw Function1626a
+ dw Function16290
+ dw Function162a8
+ dw Function162e0
+ dw Function16373
+ dw Function16406
+ dw Function1642d
+ dw Function16433
+; 16254
+Function16254: ; 16254
+ ld a, [$d854]
+ bit 7, a
+ jr nz, .asm_16264
+ set 7, a
+ ld [$d854], a
+ ld a, $1
+ jr .asm_16266
+ ld a, $2
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 1626a
+Function1626a: ; 1626a
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16649
+ call PrintText
+ call YesNoBox
+ jr c, .asm_1627f
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1664e
+ call PrintText
+ ld a, $81
+ jr .asm_16281
+ ld a, $80
+ ld [$d854], a
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16653
+ call PrintText
+ ld a, $8
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 16290
+Function16290: ; 16290
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16658
+ call PrintText
+ call YesNoBox
+ jr c, .asm_1629f
+ ld a, $3
+ jr .asm_162a4
+ call Function16439
+ ld a, $7
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 162a8
+Function162a8: ; 162a8
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1665d
+ call PrintText
+ call Function1d6e
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x166b5
+ call Function1d3c
+ call Function1d81
+ call Function1c17
+ jr c, .asm_162ce
+ ld a, [$cfa9]
+ cp $1
+ jr z, .asm_162d2
+ cp $2
+ jr z, .asm_162d6
+ cp $3
+ jr z, .asm_162da
+ ld a, $7
+ jr .asm_162dc
+ ld a, $5
+ jr .asm_162dc
+ ld a, $4
+ jr .asm_162dc
+ ld a, $6
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 162e0
+Function162e0: ; 162e0
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16662
+ call PrintText
+ xor a
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld a, $5
+ ld [$cf64], a
+ call Function1d6e
+ call Function16517
+ call Function1656b
+ call Function16571
+ call Function1c17
+ jr c, .asm_1636d
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld a, [hli]
+ or [hl]
+ inc hl
+ or [hl]
+ jr z, .asm_1636d
+ ld de, Money
+ ld bc, StringBuffer2
+ callba Function1600b
+ jr c, .asm_1635f
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld de, $d089
+ ld bc, $0003
+ call CopyBytes
+ ld bc, $d851
+ ld de, StringBuffer2
+ callba Function15fd7
+ jr c, .asm_16366
+ ld bc, $d089
+ ld de, Money
+ callba Function15ffa
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld de, $d851
+ ld bc, $0003
+ call CopyBytes
+ call PlaySFX
+ call WaitSFX
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1668a
+ call PrintText
+ ld a, $8
+ jr .asm_1636f
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1667b
+ call PrintText
+ ret
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16680
+ call PrintText
+ ret
+ ld a, $7
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 16373
+Function16373: ; 16373
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16667
+ call PrintText
+ xor a
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld [hl], a
+ ld a, $5
+ ld [$cf64], a
+ call Function1d6e
+ call Function16512
+ call Function1656b
+ call Function16571
+ call Function1c17
+ jr c, .asm_16400
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld a, [hli]
+ or [hl]
+ inc hl
+ or [hl]
+ jr z, .asm_16400
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld de, $d089
+ ld bc, $0003
+ call CopyBytes
+ ld de, $d851
+ ld bc, StringBuffer2
+ callba Function1600b
+ jr c, .asm_163f2
+ ld bc, Money
+ ld de, StringBuffer2
+ callba Function15fd7
+ jr c, .asm_163f9
+ ld bc, $d089
+ ld de, $d851
+ callba Function15ffa
+ ld hl, StringBuffer2
+ ld de, Money
+ ld bc, $0003
+ call CopyBytes
+ call PlaySFX
+ call WaitSFX
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1668f
+ call PrintText
+ ld a, $8
+ jr .asm_16402
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16671
+ call PrintText
+ ret
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16676
+ call PrintText
+ ret
+ ld a, $7
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 16406
+Function16406: ; 16406
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1666c
+ call PrintText
+ call YesNoBox
+ jr c, .asm_16422
+ ld a, $81
+ ld [$d854], a
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16685
+ call PrintText
+ ld a, $8
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+ ld a, $80
+ ld [$d854], a
+ ld a, $7
+ ld [$cf63], a
+ ret
+; 1642d
+Function1642d: ; 1642d
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16694
+ call PrintText
+Function16433: ; 16433
+ ld hl, $cf63
+ set 7, [hl]
+ ret
+; 16439
+Function16439: ; 16439
+ ld a, [$d4c2]
+ bit 7, a
+ ld a, [hHours]
+ jr z, .asm_16447
+ and a
+ jr z, .asm_1644b
+ jr .asm_16468
+ cp $17
+ jr nz, .asm_16468
+ call Function164ea
+ ld bc, $c5b9
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x164f4
+ call Function13e5
+ call YesNoBox
+ ret c
+ call Function164ea
+ ld bc, $c5b9
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x164f9
+ call Function13e5
+ ret
+ call Function164ea
+ ld bc, $c5b9
+ ld a, [$d4c2]
+ bit 7, a
+ jr z, .asm_16497
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16508
+ call Function13e5
+ call YesNoBox
+ ret c
+ ld a, [$d4c2]
+ res 7, a
+ ld [$d4c2], a
+ call Function164d1
+ call Function164ea
+ ld bc, $c5b9
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1650d
+ call Function13e5
+ ret
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x164fe
+ call Function13e5
+ call YesNoBox
+ ret c
+ ld a, [$d4c2]
+ set 7, a
+ ld [$d4c2], a
+ call Function164b9
+ call Function164ea
+ ld bc, $c5b9
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16503
+ call Function13e5
+ ret
+; 164b9
+Function164b9: ; 164b9
+ ld a, [StartHour]
+ add 1
+ sub 24
+ jr nc, .asm_164c4
+ add 24
+ ld [StartHour], a
+ ccf
+ ld a, [StartDay]
+ adc 0
+ ld [StartDay], a
+ ret
+; 164d1
+Function164d1: ; 164d1
+ ld a, [StartHour]
+ sub 1
+ jr nc, .asm_164da
+ add 24
+ ld [StartHour], a
+ ld a, [StartDay]
+ sbc 0
+ jr nc, .asm_164e6
+ add 7
+ ld [StartDay], a
+ ret
+; 164ea
+Function164ea: ; 164ea
+ ld hl, $c5b9
+ ld bc, $0312
+ call ClearBox
+ ret
+; 164f4
+UnknownText_0x164f4: ; 0x164f4
+ ; Do you want to adjust your clock for Daylight Saving Time?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6095
+ db "@"
+; 0x164f9
+UnknownText_0x164f9: ; 0x164f9
+ ; I lost the in- struction booklet for the #GEAR. Come back again in a while.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c60d1
+ db "@"
+; 0x164fe
+UnknownText_0x164fe: ; 0x164fe
+ ; Do you want to switch to Daylight Saving Time?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6000
+ db "@"
+; 0x16503
+UnknownText_0x16503: ; 0x16503
+ ; I set the clock forward by one hour.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6030
+ db "@"
+; 0x16508
+UnknownText_0x16508: ; 0x16508
+ ; Is Daylight Saving Time over?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6056
+ db "@"
+; 0x1650d
+UnknownText_0x1650d: ; 0x1650d
+ ; I put the clock back one hour.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c6075
+ db "@"
+; 0x16512
+Function16512: ; 16512
+ ld de, String_1669f
+ jr Function1651a
+Function16517: ; 16517
+ ld de, String_166a8
+Function1651a: ; 1651a
+ push de
+ xor a
+ ld [hBGMapMode], a
+ ld hl, TileMap
+ ld bc, $0612
+ call TextBox
+ ld hl, $c4c9
+ ld de, String_16699
+ call PlaceString
+ ld hl, $c4d4
+ ld de, $d851
+ ld bc, $2306
+ call PrintNum
+ ld hl, $c4f1
+ ld de, String_166b0
+ call PlaceString
+ ld hl, $c4fc
+ ld de, Money
+ ld bc, $2306
+ call PrintNum
+ ld hl, $c519
+ pop de
+ call PlaceString
+ ld hl, $c524
+ ld de, StringBuffer2
+ ld bc, $a306
+ call PrintNum
+ call Function1ad2
+ call Function3238
+ ret
+; 1656b
+Function1656b: ; 1656b
+ ld c, $a
+ call DelayFrames
+ ret
+; 16571
+Function16571: ; 16571
+ call Functiona57
+ ld hl, hJoyPressed
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and $2
+ jr nz, .asm_165b5
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and $1
+ jr nz, .asm_165b7
+ call Function165b9
+ xor a
+ ld [hBGMapMode], a
+ ld hl, $c524
+ ld bc, $0007
+ ld a, $7f
+ call ByteFill
+ ld hl, $c524
+ ld de, StringBuffer2
+ ld bc, $a306
+ call PrintNum
+ ld a, [$ff9b]
+ and $10
+ jr nz, .asm_165b0
+ ld hl, $c525
+ ld a, [$cf64]
+ ld c, a
+ ld b, $0
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], $7f
+ call WaitBGMap
+ jr .asm_16571
+ scf
+ ret
+ and a
+ ret
+; 165b9
+Function165b9: ; 165b9
+ ld hl, $ffa9
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and $40
+ jr nz, .asm_165e3
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and $80
+ jr nz, .asm_165f5
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and $20
+ jr nz, .asm_165d2
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and $10
+ jr nz, .asm_165da
+ and a
+ ret
+ ld hl, $cf64
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and a
+ ret z
+ dec [hl]
+ ret
+ ld hl, $cf64
+ ld a, [hl]
+ cp $5
+ ret nc
+ inc [hl]
+ ret
+ ld hl, Unknown_16613
+ call Function16607
+ ld c, l
+ ld b, h
+ ld de, StringBuffer2
+ callba Function15fd7
+ ret
+ ld hl, Unknown_16613
+ call Function16607
+ ld c, l
+ ld b, h
+ ld de, StringBuffer2
+ callba Function15ffa
+ ret
+; 16607
+Function16607: ; 16607
+ ld a, [$cf64]
+ push de
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, 0
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ pop de
+ ret
+; 16613
+Unknown_16613: ; 16613
+ dt 100000
+ dt 10000
+ dt 1000
+ dt 100
+ dt 10
+ dt 1
+ dt 100000
+ dt 10000
+ dt 1000
+ dt 100
+ dt 10
+ dt 1
+ dt 900000
+ dt 90000
+ dt 9000
+ dt 900
+ dt 90
+ dt 9
+; 16649
+UnknownText_0x16649: ; 0x16649
+ ; Wow, that's a cute #MON. Where did you get it? … So, you're leaving on an adventure… OK! I'll help too. But what can I do for you? I know! I'll save money for you. On a long journey, money's important. Do you want me to save your money?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd77f
+ db "@"
+; 0x1664e
+UnknownText_0x1664e: ; 0x1664e
+ ; OK, I'll take care of your money.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd868
+ db "@"
+; 0x16653
+UnknownText_0x16653: ; 0x16653
+ ; Be careful. #MON are your friends. You need to work as a team. Now, go on!
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd88e
+ db "@"
+; 0x16658
+UnknownText_0x16658: ; 0x16658
+ ; Hi! Welcome home! You're trying very hard, I see. I've kept your room tidy. Or is this about your money?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd8da
+ db "@"
+; 0x1665d
+UnknownText_0x1665d: ; 0x1665d
+ ; What do you want to do?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd942
+ db "@"
+; 0x16662
+UnknownText_0x16662: ; 0x16662
+ ; How much do you want to save?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd95b
+ db "@"
+; 0x16667
+UnknownText_0x16667: ; 0x16667
+ ; How much do you want to take?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd97a
+ db "@"
+; 0x1666c
+UnknownText_0x1666c: ; 0x1666c
+ ; Do you want to save some money?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd999
+ db "@"
+; 0x16671
+UnknownText_0x16671: ; 0x16671
+ ; You haven't saved that much.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd9ba
+ db "@"
+; 0x16676
+UnknownText_0x16676: ; 0x16676
+ ; You can't take that much.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd9d7
+ db "@"
+; 0x1667b
+UnknownText_0x1667b: ; 0x1667b
+ ; You don't have that much.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bd9f1
+ db "@"
+; 0x16680
+UnknownText_0x16680: ; 0x16680
+ ; You can't save that much.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda0b
+ db "@"
+; 0x16685
+UnknownText_0x16685: ; 0x16685
+ ; OK, I'll save your money. Trust me! , stick with it!
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda25
+ db "@"
+; 0x1668a
+UnknownText_0x1668a: ; 0x1668a
+ ; Your money's safe here! Get going!
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda5b
+ db "@"
+; 0x1668f
+UnknownText_0x1668f: ; 0x1668f
+ ; , don't give up!
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda7e
+ db "@"
+; 0x16694
+UnknownText_0x16694: ; 0x16694
+ ; Just do what you can.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bda90
+ db "@"
+; 0x16699
+String_16699: ; 16699
+ db "SAVED@"
+; 1669f
+String_1669f: ; 1669f
+ db "WITHDRAW@"
+; 166a8
+String_166a8: ; 166a8
+ db "DEPOSIT@"
+; 166b0
+String_166b0: ; 166b0
+ db "HELD@"
+; 166b5
+MenuDataHeader_0x166b5: ; 0x166b5
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 00, 00 ; start coords
+ db 10, 10 ; end coords
+ dw MenuData2_0x166bd
+ db 1 ; default option
+; 0x166bd
+MenuData2_0x166bd: ; 0x166bd
+ db $80 ; flags
+ db 4 ; items
+ db "GET@"
+ db "SAVE@"
+ db "CHANGE@"
+ db "CANCEL@"
+; 0x166d6
Function166d6: ; 166d6
ld hl, DaycareMan
bit 0, [hl]
@@ -28155,7 +28865,7 @@
callba Function5001d
jr c, .asm_167dd
ld a, [CurPartySpecies]
- cp $fd
+ cp EGG
jr z, .asm_167e1
callba Functione538
jr c, .asm_167e9
@@ -28198,7 +28908,11 @@
; 167f1
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$167f1,$167f6 - $167f1
+UnknownText_0x167f1: ; 0x167f1
+ ;
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdaa7
+ db "@"
+; 0x167f6
Function167f6: ; 167f6
ld a, $5
@@ -28295,8 +29009,8 @@
Function1689b: ; 1689b
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $68aa
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, TextTable_168aa
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
@@ -28306,25 +29020,165 @@
; 168aa
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$168aa,$16936 - $168aa
+TextTable_168aa: ; 168aa
+ dw UnknownText_0x168d2
+ dw UnknownText_0x168d7
+ dw UnknownText_0x168dc
+ dw UnknownText_0x168e1
+ dw UnknownText_0x168e6
+ dw UnknownText_0x168ff
+ dw UnknownText_0x168f0
+ dw UnknownText_0x168eb
+ dw UnknownText_0x168fa
+ dw UnknownText_0x16904
+ dw UnknownText_0x168f5
+ dw UnknownText_0x16909
+ dw UnknownText_0x1690e
+ dw UnknownText_0x16913
+ dw UnknownText_0x16918
+ dw UnknownText_0x1691d
+ dw UnknownText_0x16922
+ dw UnknownText_0x16927
+ dw UnknownText_0x1692c
+ dw UnknownText_0x16931
+; 168d2
+UnknownText_0x168d2: ; 0x168d2
+ ; I'm the DAY-CARE MAN. Want me to raise a #MON?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdaa9
+ db "@"
+; 0x168d7
+UnknownText_0x168d7: ; 0x168d7
+ ; I'm the DAY-CARE MAN. Do you know about EGGS? I was raising #MON with my wife, you see. We were shocked to find an EGG! How incredible is that? So, want me to raise a #MON?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdad8
+ db "@"
+; 0x168dc
+UnknownText_0x168dc: ; 0x168dc
+ ; I'm the DAY-CARE LADY. Should I raise a #MON for you?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdb85
+ db "@"
+; 0x168e1
+UnknownText_0x168e1: ; 0x168e1
+ ; I'm the DAY-CARE LADY. Do you know about EGGS? My husband and I were raising some #MON, you see. We were shocked to find an EGG! How incredible could that be? Should I raise a #MON for you?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdbbb
+ db "@"
+; 0x168e6
+UnknownText_0x168e6: ; 0x168e6
+ ; What should I raise for you?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdc79
+ db "@"
+; 0x168eb
+UnknownText_0x168eb: ; 0x168eb
+ ; Oh? But you have just one #MON.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdc97
+ db "@"
+; 0x168f0
+UnknownText_0x168f0: ; 0x168f0
+ ; Sorry, but I can't accept an EGG.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdcb8
+ db "@"
+; 0x168f5
+UnknownText_0x168f5: ; 0x168f5
+ ; Remove MAIL before you come see me.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdcda
+ db "@"
+; 0x168fa
+UnknownText_0x168fa: ; 0x168fa
+ ; If you give me that, what will you battle with?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdcff
+ db "@"
+; 0x168ff
+UnknownText_0x168ff: ; 0x168ff
+ ; OK. I'll raise your @ .
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdd30
+ db "@"
+; 0x16904
+UnknownText_0x16904: ; 0x16904
+ ; Come back for it later.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdd4b
+ db "@"
+; 0x16909
+UnknownText_0x16909: ; 0x16909
+ ; Are we geniuses or what? Want to see your @ ?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdd64
+ db "@"
+; 0x1690e
+UnknownText_0x1690e: ; 0x1690e
+ ; Your @ has grown a lot. By level, it's grown by @ . If you want your #MON back, it will cost ¥@ .
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdd96
+ db "@"
+; 0x16913
+UnknownText_0x16913: ; 0x16913
+ ; Perfect! Here's your #MON.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bde04
+ db "@"
+; 0x16918
+UnknownText_0x16918: ; 0x16918
+ ; got back @ .
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bde1f
+ db "@"
+; 0x1691d
+UnknownText_0x1691d: ; 0x1691d
+ ; Huh? Back already? Your @ needs a little more time with us. If you want your #MON back, it will cost ¥100.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bde32
+ db "@"
+; 0x16922
+UnknownText_0x16922: ; 0x16922
+ ; You have no room for it.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdea2
+ db "@"
+; 0x16927
+UnknownText_0x16927: ; 0x16927
+ ; You don't have enough money.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdebc
+ db "@"
+; 0x1692c
+UnknownText_0x1692c: ; 0x1692c
+ ; Oh, fine then.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bded9
+ db "@"
+; 0x16931
+UnknownText_0x16931: ; 0x16931
+ ; Come again.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdee9
+ db "@"
+; 0x16936
Function16936: ; 16936
ld hl, DaycareMan
bit 6, [hl]
- jr nz, .asm_16949
- ld hl, .data_16944
+ jr nz, Function16949
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16944
call PrintText
- db $16
- db $f6
- db $5e
- db $6f
- db $50
+UnknownText_0x16944: ; 0x16944
+ ; Not yet…
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdef6
+ db "@"
+; 0x16949
- ld hl, $6993
+Function16949: ; 16949
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16993
call PrintText
call YesNoBox
jr c, .asm_1697c
@@ -28335,17 +29189,17 @@
ld hl, DaycareMan
res 6, [hl]
call Function16a3b
- ld hl, $6998
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x16998
call PrintText
- ld de, $0096
call PlaySFX
ld c, $78
call DelayFrames
- ld hl, $699d
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x1699d
jr .asm_1697f
- ld hl, $69a2
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x169a2
call PrintText
@@ -28354,7 +29208,7 @@
- ld hl, $69a7
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x169a7
call PrintText
ld a, $1
ld [ScriptVar], a
@@ -28361,8 +29215,36 @@
; 16993
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$16993,$169ac - $16993
+UnknownText_0x16993: ; 0x16993
+ ; Ah, it's you! We were raising your #MON, and my goodness, were we surprised! Your #MON had an EGG! We don't know how it got there, but your #MON had it. You want it?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdf00
+ db "@"
+; 0x16998
+UnknownText_0x16998: ; 0x16998
+ ; received the EGG!
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdfa5
+ db "@"
+; 0x1699d
+UnknownText_0x1699d: ; 0x1699d
+ ; Take good care of it.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdfba
+ db "@"
+; 0x169a2
+UnknownText_0x169a2: ; 0x169a2
+ ; Well then, I'll keep it. Thanks!
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdfd1
+ db "@"
+; 0x169a7
+UnknownText_0x169a7: ; 0x169a7
+ ; You have no room in your party. Come back later.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bdff2
+ db "@"
+; 0x169ac
Function169ac: ; 169ac
ld a, [$df9a]
ld [CurPartyLevel], a
@@ -28373,9 +29255,9 @@
inc a
ld [hl], a
ld c, a
- ld b, $0
+ ld b, 0
add hl, bc
- ld a, $fd
+ ld a, EGG
ld [hli], a
ld a, [EggSpecies]
ld [CurSpecies], a
@@ -28458,7 +29340,7 @@
set 5, [hl]
call Random
- cp $96
+ cp 150
jr c, .asm_16a59
ld [StepsToEgg], a
jp Function16a66
@@ -28484,11 +29366,11 @@
ld a, $3
ld [MonType], a
ld a, [BreedMon1Species]
- cp $84
+ cp DITTO
ld a, $1
jr z, .asm_16ab6
ld a, [BreedMon2Species]
- cp $84
+ cp DITTO
ld a, $0
jr z, .asm_16ab6
callba GetGender
@@ -28524,7 +29406,7 @@
ld [EggSpecies], a
call GetBaseData
ld hl, EggNick
- ld de, $6be0
+ ld de, String_16be0
call CopyName2
ld hl, PlayerName
ld de, EggOT
@@ -28569,11 +29451,11 @@
ld [$d124], a
ld de, $df21
ld a, [BreedMon1Species]
- cp $84
+ cp DITTO
jr z, .asm_16b98
ld de, $df5a
ld a, [BreedMon2Species]
- cp $84
+ cp DITTO
jr z, .asm_16b98
ld a, $3
ld [MonType], a
@@ -28640,7 +29522,9 @@
; 16be0
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$16be0,$16be4 - $16be0
+String_16be0: ; 16be0
+ db "EGG@"
+; 16be4
Function16be4: ; 16be4
ld a, [UnownDex]