shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: d8eed222b7cbe1a481289d19d17ca52713df4b36
parent: c1096d08f6620d83b382e5270af478301d40c7ef
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Wed Dec 25 21:09:58 EST 2013

split out tileset animations

--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -80656,1033 +80656,7 @@
 SECTION "bank3F", ROMX, BANK[$3F]
-_AnimateTileset: ; fc000
-; Iterate over a given pointer array of
-; animation functions (one per frame).
-; Typically in wra1, vra0
-	ld a, [TilesetAnim]
-	ld e, a
-	ld a, [TilesetAnim + 1]
-	ld d, a
-	ld a, [hTileAnimFrame]
-	ld l, a
-	inc a
-	ld [hTileAnimFrame], a
-	ld h, 0
-	add hl, hl
-	add hl, hl
-	add hl, de
-; 2-byte parameter
-; All functions take input de.
-	ld e, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld d, [hl]
-	inc hl
-; Function address
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	jp [hl]
-; fc01b
-Tileset00Anim: ; 0xfc01b
-Tileset02Anim: ; 0xfc01b
-Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b
-;	   param, function
-	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc047
-Tileset25Anim: ; 0xfc047
-;	   param, function
-	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw $95f0, AnimateFountain
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc073
-Tileset31Anim: ; 0xfc073
-;	   param, function
-	dw NULL,  ForestTreeLeftAnimation
-	dw NULL,  ForestTreeRightAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  ForestTreeLeftAnimation2
-	dw NULL,  ForestTreeRightAnimation2
-	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
-	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc0a3
-Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3
-;	   param, function
-	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
-	dw $4a98, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
-	dw $4a9c, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
-	dw $4aa0, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
-	dw $4aa4, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc0d7
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc0d7,$fc12f - $fc0d7
-Tileset09Anim: ; 0xfc12f
-;	   param, function
-	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc15f
-Tileset15Anim: ; 0xfc15f
-;	   param, function
-	dw NULL,  SafariFountainAnim2
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  SafariFountainAnim1
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc17f
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc17f,$fc1e7 - $fc17f
-Tileset24Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
-Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
-;	   param, function
-	dw $9140, WriteTileToBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $9140, WriteTileFromBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $9400, WriteTileToBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $9400, WriteTileFromBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc233
-Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233
-;	   param, function
-	dw $9350, WriteTileToBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $9350, WriteTileFromBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $9310, WriteTileToBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw $9310, WriteTileFromBuffer
-	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc27f
-Tileset23Anim: ; 0xfc27f
-;	   param, function
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer9,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer10, AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer7,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer8,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer5,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer6,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer3,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer4,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer1,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw SproutPillarTilePointer2,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
-	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc2bf
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc2bf,$fc2e7 - $fc2bf
-Tileset04Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset05Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset06Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset07Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset08Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset10Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset11Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset12Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset13Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset14Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset16Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset17Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset18Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset19Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset20Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset21Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset22Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset26Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset27Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset28Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset32Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset33Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset34Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset35Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-Tileset36Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
-;	   param, function
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
-	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
-; 0xfc2fb
-DoneTileAnimation: ; fc2fb
-; Reset the animation command loop.
-	xor a
-	ld [hTileAnimFrame], a
-WaitTileAnimation: ; fc2fe
-; Do nothing this frame.
-	ret
-; fc2ff
-NextTileFrame8: ; fc2ff
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	inc a
-	and a, 7
-	ld [TileAnimationTimer], a
-	ret
-; fc309
-ScrollTileRightLeft: ; fc309
-; Scroll right for 4 ticks, then left for 4 ticks.
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	inc a
-	and 7
-	ld [TileAnimationTimer], a
-	and 4
-	jr nz, ScrollTileLeft
-	jr ScrollTileRight
-; fc318
-ScrollTileUpDown: ; fc318
-; Scroll up for 4 ticks, then down for 4 ticks.
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	inc a
-	and 7
-	ld [TileAnimationTimer], a
-	and 4
-	jr nz, ScrollTileDown
-	jr ScrollTileUp
-; fc327
-ScrollTileLeft: ; fc327
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld c, 4
-	rept 4
-	ld a, [hl]
-	rlca
-	ld [hli], a
-	endr
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .loop
-	ret
-; fc33b
-ScrollTileRight: ; fc33b
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld c, 4
-	rept 4
-	ld a, [hl]
-	rrca
-	ld [hli], a
-	endr
-	dec c
-	jr nz, .loop
-	ret
-; fc34f
-ScrollTileUp: ; fc34f
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld d, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld e, [hl]
-	ld bc, $e
-	add hl, bc
-	ld a, 4
-	ld c, [hl]
-	ld [hl], e
-	dec hl
-	ld b, [hl]
-	ld [hl], d
-	dec hl
-	ld e, [hl]
-	ld [hl], c
-	dec hl
-	ld d, [hl]
-	ld [hl], b
-	dec hl
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .loop
-	ret
-; fc36a
-ScrollTileDown: ; fc36a
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld de, $e
-	push hl
-	add hl, de
-	ld d, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld e, [hl]
-	pop hl
-	ld a, 4
-	ld b, [hl]
-	ld [hl], d
-	inc hl
-	ld c, [hl]
-	ld [hl], e
-	inc hl
-	ld d, [hl]
-	ld [hl], b
-	inc hl
-	ld e, [hl]
-	ld [hl], c
-	inc hl
-	dec a
-	jr nz, .loop
-	ret
-; fc387
-AnimateFountain: ; fc387
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld hl, .frames
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	and 7
-	add a
-	add l
-	ld l, a
-	jr nc, .asm_fc399
-	inc h
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld l, e
-	ld h, d
-	jp WriteTile
-	dw .frame1
-	dw .frame2
-	dw .frame3
-	dw .frame4
-	dw .frame3
-	dw .frame4
-	dw .frame5
-	dw .frame1
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/1.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/2.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/3.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/4.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/5.2bpp"
-; fc402
-AnimateWaterTile: ; fc402
-; Draw a water tile for the current frame in VRAM tile at de.
-; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile).
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-; 4 tile graphics, updated every other frame.
-	and 3 << 1
-; 2 x 8 = 16 bytes per tile
-	add a
-	add a
-	add a
-	add WaterTileFrames % $100
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc WaterTileFrames / $100
-	ld h, a
-; Stack now points to the start of the tile for this frame.
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld l, e
-	ld h, d
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc41c
-WaterTileFrames: ; fc41c
-; Frames 0-3
-; INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/water.2bpp"
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc41c,$fc45c - $fc41c
-; fc45c
-ForestTreeLeftAnimation: ; fc45c
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-; Only during the Celebi event.
-	ld a, [$dbf3]
-	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_fc46c
-	ld hl, ForestTreeLeftFrames
-	jr .asm_fc47d
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	call GetForestTreeFrame
-	add a
-	add a
-	add a
-	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
-	ld h, a
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $90c0
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc484
-ForestTreeLeftFrames: ; fc484
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/1.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/2.2bpp"
-; fc4a4
-ForestTreeRightFrames: ; fc4a4
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/3.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/4.2bpp"
-; fc4c4
-ForestTreeRightAnimation: ; fc4c4
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-; Only during the Celebi event.
-	ld a, [$dbf3]
-	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_fc4d4
-	ld hl, ForestTreeRightFrames
-	jr .asm_fc4eb
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	call GetForestTreeFrame
-	add a
-	add a
-	add a
-	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
-	ld h, a
-	push bc
-	ld bc, ForestTreeRightFrames - ForestTreeLeftFrames
-	add hl, bc
-	pop bc
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $90f0
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc4f2
-ForestTreeLeftAnimation2: ; fc4f2
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-; Only during the Celebi event.
-	ld a, [$dbf3]
-	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_fc502
-	ld hl, ForestTreeLeftFrames
-	jr .asm_fc515
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	call GetForestTreeFrame
-	xor 2
-	add a
-	add a
-	add a
-	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
-	ld h, a
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $90c0
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc51c
-ForestTreeRightAnimation2: ; fc51c
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-; Only during the Celebi event.
-	ld a, [$dbf3]
-	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_fc52c
-	ld hl, ForestTreeRightFrames
-	jr .asm_fc545
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	call GetForestTreeFrame
-	xor 2
-	add a
-	add a
-	add a
-	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
-	ld h, a
-	push bc
-	ld bc, ForestTreeRightFrames - ForestTreeLeftFrames
-	add hl, bc
-	pop bc
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $90f0
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc54c
-GetForestTreeFrame: ; fc54c
-; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd.
-	and a
-	jr z, .even
-	cp 1
-	jr z, .odd
-	cp 2
-	jr z, .even
-	cp 3
-	jr z, .odd
-	cp 4
-	jr z, .even
-	cp 5
-	jr z, .odd
-	cp 6
-	jr z, .even
-	ld a, 2
-	scf
-	ret
-	xor a
-	ret
-; fc56d
-AnimateFlowerTile: ; fc56d
-; No parameters.
-; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile).
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-; Alternate tile graphc every other frame
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	and 1 << 1
-	ld e, a
-; CGB has different color mappings for flowers.
-	ld a, [hCGB]
-	and 1
-	add e
-	swap a ; << 4 (16 bytes)
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, 0
-	ld hl, FlowerTileFrames
-	add hl, de
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, VTiles2 + $30 ; tile 4
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc58c
-FlowerTileFrames: ; fc58c
-; frame 0 dmg
-; frame 0 cgb
-; frame 1 dmg
-; frame 1 sgb
-; INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower.2bpp"
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc58c,$fc5cc - $fc58c
-; fc5cc
-SafariFountainAnim1: ; fc5cc
-; Splash in the bottom-right corner of the fountain.
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	and 6
-	srl a
-	inc a
-	inc a
-	and 3
-	swap a
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, 0
-	ld hl, SafariFountainFrames
-	add hl, de
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $95b0
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc5eb
-SafariFountainAnim2: ; fc5eb
-; Splash in the top-left corner of the fountain.
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	and 6
-	add a
-	add a
-	add a
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, 0
-	ld hl, SafariFountainFrames
-	add hl, de
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $9380
-	jp WriteTile
-; fc605
-SafariFountainFrames: ; fc605
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/1.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/2.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/3.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/4.2bpp"
-; fc645
-AnimateSproutPillarTile: ; fc645
-; Read from struct at de:
-; 	Destination (VRAM)
-;	Address of the first tile in the frame array
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	and 7
-; Get frame index a
-	ld hl, .frames
-	add l
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc h
-	ld h, a
-	ld a, [hl]
-; Destination
-	ld l, e
-	ld h, d
-	ld e, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld d, [hl]
-	inc hl
-; Add the frame index to the starting address
-	add [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc h
-	ld h, a
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld l, e
-	ld h, d
-	jr WriteTile
-	db $00, $10, $20, $30, $40, $30, $20, $10
-; fc673
-NextTileFrame: ; fc673
-	ld hl, TileAnimationTimer
-	inc [hl]
-	ret
-; fc678
-AnimateWhirlpoolTile: ; fc678
-; Update whirlpool tile using struct at de.
-; Struct:
-; 	VRAM address
-;	Address of the first tile
-; Only does one of 4 tiles at a time.
-; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile).
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-; de = VRAM address
-	ld l, e
-	ld h, d
-	ld e, [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld d, [hl]
-	inc hl
-; Tile address is now at hl.
-; Get the tile for this frame.
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	and %11 ; 4 frames x2
-	swap a  ; * 16 bytes per tile
-	add [hl]
-	inc hl
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	ld a, 0
-	adc h
-	ld h, a
-; Stack now points to the desired frame.
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld l, e
-	ld h, d
-	jr WriteTile
-; fc696
-WriteTileFromBuffer: ; fc696
-; Write tiledata at $cf41 to de.
-; $cf41 is loaded to sp for WriteTile.
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld hl, $cf41
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	jr WriteTile
-; fc6a2
-WriteTileToBuffer: ; fc6a2
-; Write tiledata de to $cf41.
-; de is loaded to sp for WriteTile.
-	ld hl, [sp+0]
-	ld b, h
-	ld c, l
-	ld h, d
-	ld l, e
-	ld sp, hl
-	ld hl, $cf41
-	; fallthrough
-WriteTile: ; fc6ac
-; Write one 8x8 tile ($10 bytes) from sp to hl.
-; Warning: sp is saved in bc so we can abuse pop.
-; sp is restored to address bc. Save sp in bc before calling.
-	pop de
-	ld [hl], e
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d
-rept 7
-	pop de
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], e
-	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d
-; restore sp
-	ld h, b
-	ld l, c
-	ld sp, hl
-	ret
-; fc6d7
-TileAnimationPalette: ; fc6d7
-; Transition between color values 0-2 for color 0 in palette 3.
-; No palette changes on DMG.
-	ld a, [hCGB]
-	and a
-	ret z
-; We don't want to mess with non-standard palettes.
-	ld a, [rBGP] ; BGP
-	cp %11100100
-	ret nz
-; Only update on even frames.
-	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
-	ld l, a
-	and 1 ; odd
-	ret nz
-; Ready for BGPD input...
-	ld a, %10011000 ; auto increment, index $18 (pal 3 color 0)
-	ld [rBGPI], a
-	ld a, [rSVBK]
-	push af
-	ld a, 5 ; wra5: gfx
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-; Update color 0 in order 0 1 2 1
-	ld a, l
-	and %110 ; frames 0 2 4 6
-	jr z, .color0
-	cp 4
-	jr z, .color2
-	ld hl, $d01a ; pal 3 color 1
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	jr .end
-	ld hl, $d018 ; pal 3 color 0
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	jr .end
-	ld hl, $d01c ; pal 3 color 2
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	pop af
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ret
-; fc71e
-Functionfc71e: ; fc71e
-	ld a, [hCGB]
-	and a
-	ret z
-	ld a, [rBGP]
-	cp $e4
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [$d847]
-	cp $ff
-	ret nz
-	ld a, [rSVBK]
-	push af
-	ld a, 5
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ld a, $a0
-	ld [rBGPI], a
-	ld a, [$ff9b]
-	and 2
-	jr nz, .asm_fc743
-	ld hl, $d020
-	jr .asm_fc746
-	ld hl, $d022
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld [rBGPD], a
-	pop af
-	ld [rSVBK], a
-	ret
-; fc750
-SproutPillarTilePointers: ; fc750
-	dw $92d0, SproutPillarTile1
-	dw $92f0, SproutPillarTile2
-	dw $93d0, SproutPillarTile3
-	dw $93f0, SproutPillarTile4
-	dw $93c0, SproutPillarTile5
-	dw $92c0, SproutPillarTile6
-	dw $94d0, SproutPillarTile7
-	dw $94f0, SproutPillarTile8
-	dw $95d0, SproutPillarTile9
-	dw $95f0, SproutPillarTile10
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/1.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/2.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/3.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/4.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/5.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/6.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/7.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/8.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/9.2bpp"
-	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/10.2bpp"
-; fca98
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fca98,$fcba8 - $fca98
+INCLUDE "tilesets/animations.asm"
 Functionfcba8: ; fcba8
 	ld a, e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tilesets/animations.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,1028 @@
+_AnimateTileset: ; fc000
+; Iterate over a given pointer array of
+; animation functions (one per frame).
+; Typically in wra1, vra0
+	ld a, [TilesetAnim]
+	ld e, a
+	ld a, [TilesetAnim + 1]
+	ld d, a
+	ld a, [hTileAnimFrame]
+	ld l, a
+	inc a
+	ld [hTileAnimFrame], a
+	ld h, 0
+	add hl, hl
+	add hl, hl
+	add hl, de
+; 2-byte parameter
+; All functions take input de.
+	ld e, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld d, [hl]
+	inc hl
+; Function address
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	jp [hl]
+; fc01b
+Tileset00Anim: ; 0xfc01b
+Tileset02Anim: ; 0xfc01b
+Tileset03Anim: ; 0xfc01b
+;	   param, function
+	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc047
+Tileset25Anim: ; 0xfc047
+;	   param, function
+	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw $95f0, AnimateFountain
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc073
+Tileset31Anim: ; 0xfc073
+;	   param, function
+	dw NULL,  ForestTreeLeftAnimation
+	dw NULL,  ForestTreeRightAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  ForestTreeLeftAnimation2
+	dw NULL,  ForestTreeRightAnimation2
+	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
+	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc0a3
+Tileset01Anim: ; 0xfc0a3
+;	   param, function
+	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  AnimateFlowerTile
+	dw $4a98, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
+	dw $4a9c, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
+	dw $4aa0, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
+	dw $4aa4, AnimateWhirlpoolTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc0d7
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc0d7,$fc12f - $fc0d7
+Tileset09Anim: ; 0xfc12f
+;	   param, function
+	dw $9140, AnimateWaterTile
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc15f
+Tileset15Anim: ; 0xfc15f
+;	   param, function
+	dw NULL,  SafariFountainAnim2
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  SafariFountainAnim1
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame8
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc17f
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc17f,$fc1e7 - $fc17f
+Tileset24Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
+Tileset30Anim: ; 0xfc1e7
+;	   param, function
+	dw $9140, WriteTileToBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $9140, WriteTileFromBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $9400, WriteTileToBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $9400, WriteTileFromBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc233
+Tileset29Anim: ; 0xfc233
+;	   param, function
+	dw $9350, WriteTileToBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileRightLeft
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $9350, WriteTileFromBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw NULL,  TileAnimationPalette
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $9310, WriteTileToBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $cf41, ScrollTileDown
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw $9310, WriteTileFromBuffer
+	dw NULL,  Functionfc71e
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc27f
+Tileset23Anim: ; 0xfc27f
+;	   param, function
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer9,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer10, AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer7,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer8,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer5,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer6,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer3,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer4,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer1,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw SproutPillarTilePointer2,  AnimateSproutPillarTile
+	dw NULL,  NextTileFrame
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc2bf
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc2bf,$fc2e7 - $fc2bf
+Tileset04Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset05Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset06Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset07Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset08Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset10Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset11Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset12Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset13Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset14Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset16Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset17Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset18Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset19Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset20Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset21Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset22Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset26Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset27Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset28Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset32Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset33Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset34Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset35Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+Tileset36Anim: ; 0xfc2e7
+;	   param, function
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  WaitTileAnimation
+	dw NULL,  DoneTileAnimation
+; 0xfc2fb
+DoneTileAnimation: ; fc2fb
+; Reset the animation command loop.
+	xor a
+	ld [hTileAnimFrame], a
+WaitTileAnimation: ; fc2fe
+; Do nothing this frame.
+	ret
+; fc2ff
+NextTileFrame8: ; fc2ff
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	inc a
+	and a, 7
+	ld [TileAnimationTimer], a
+	ret
+; fc309
+ScrollTileRightLeft: ; fc309
+; Scroll right for 4 ticks, then left for 4 ticks.
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	inc a
+	and 7
+	ld [TileAnimationTimer], a
+	and 4
+	jr nz, ScrollTileLeft
+	jr ScrollTileRight
+; fc318
+ScrollTileUpDown: ; fc318
+; Scroll up for 4 ticks, then down for 4 ticks.
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	inc a
+	and 7
+	ld [TileAnimationTimer], a
+	and 4
+	jr nz, ScrollTileDown
+	jr ScrollTileUp
+; fc327
+ScrollTileLeft: ; fc327
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld c, 4
+	rept 4
+	ld a, [hl]
+	rlca
+	ld [hli], a
+	endr
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .loop
+	ret
+; fc33b
+ScrollTileRight: ; fc33b
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld c, 4
+	rept 4
+	ld a, [hl]
+	rrca
+	ld [hli], a
+	endr
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .loop
+	ret
+; fc34f
+ScrollTileUp: ; fc34f
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld d, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld e, [hl]
+	ld bc, $e
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, 4
+	ld c, [hl]
+	ld [hl], e
+	dec hl
+	ld b, [hl]
+	ld [hl], d
+	dec hl
+	ld e, [hl]
+	ld [hl], c
+	dec hl
+	ld d, [hl]
+	ld [hl], b
+	dec hl
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .loop
+	ret
+; fc36a
+ScrollTileDown: ; fc36a
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld de, $e
+	push hl
+	add hl, de
+	ld d, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld e, [hl]
+	pop hl
+	ld a, 4
+	ld b, [hl]
+	ld [hl], d
+	inc hl
+	ld c, [hl]
+	ld [hl], e
+	inc hl
+	ld d, [hl]
+	ld [hl], b
+	inc hl
+	ld e, [hl]
+	ld [hl], c
+	inc hl
+	dec a
+	jr nz, .loop
+	ret
+; fc387
+AnimateFountain: ; fc387
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld hl, .frames
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	and 7
+	add a
+	add l
+	ld l, a
+	jr nc, .asm_fc399
+	inc h
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld l, e
+	ld h, d
+	jp WriteTile
+	dw .frame1
+	dw .frame2
+	dw .frame3
+	dw .frame4
+	dw .frame3
+	dw .frame4
+	dw .frame5
+	dw .frame1
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/1.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/2.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/3.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/4.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/5.2bpp"
+; fc402
+AnimateWaterTile: ; fc402
+; Draw a water tile for the current frame in VRAM tile at de.
+; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile).
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+; 4 tile graphics, updated every other frame.
+	and 3 << 1
+; 2 x 8 = 16 bytes per tile
+	add a
+	add a
+	add a
+	add WaterTileFrames % $100
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc WaterTileFrames / $100
+	ld h, a
+; Stack now points to the start of the tile for this frame.
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld l, e
+	ld h, d
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc41c
+WaterTileFrames: ; fc41c
+; Frames 0-3
+; INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/water.2bpp"
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc41c,$fc45c - $fc41c
+; fc45c
+ForestTreeLeftAnimation: ; fc45c
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+; Only during the Celebi event.
+	ld a, [$dbf3]
+	bit 2, a
+	jr nz, .asm_fc46c
+	ld hl, ForestTreeLeftFrames
+	jr .asm_fc47d
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	call GetForestTreeFrame
+	add a
+	add a
+	add a
+	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
+	ld h, a
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $90c0
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc484
+ForestTreeLeftFrames: ; fc484
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/1.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/2.2bpp"
+; fc4a4
+ForestTreeRightFrames: ; fc4a4
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/3.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/4.2bpp"
+; fc4c4
+ForestTreeRightAnimation: ; fc4c4
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+; Only during the Celebi event.
+	ld a, [$dbf3]
+	bit 2, a
+	jr nz, .asm_fc4d4
+	ld hl, ForestTreeRightFrames
+	jr .asm_fc4eb
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	call GetForestTreeFrame
+	add a
+	add a
+	add a
+	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
+	ld h, a
+	push bc
+	ld bc, ForestTreeRightFrames - ForestTreeLeftFrames
+	add hl, bc
+	pop bc
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $90f0
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc4f2
+ForestTreeLeftAnimation2: ; fc4f2
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+; Only during the Celebi event.
+	ld a, [$dbf3]
+	bit 2, a
+	jr nz, .asm_fc502
+	ld hl, ForestTreeLeftFrames
+	jr .asm_fc515
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	call GetForestTreeFrame
+	xor 2
+	add a
+	add a
+	add a
+	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
+	ld h, a
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $90c0
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc51c
+ForestTreeRightAnimation2: ; fc51c
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+; Only during the Celebi event.
+	ld a, [$dbf3]
+	bit 2, a
+	jr nz, .asm_fc52c
+	ld hl, ForestTreeRightFrames
+	jr .asm_fc545
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	call GetForestTreeFrame
+	xor 2
+	add a
+	add a
+	add a
+	add ForestTreeLeftFrames % $100
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc ForestTreeLeftFrames / $100
+	ld h, a
+	push bc
+	ld bc, ForestTreeRightFrames - ForestTreeLeftFrames
+	add hl, bc
+	pop bc
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $90f0
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc54c
+GetForestTreeFrame: ; fc54c
+; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd.
+	and a
+	jr z, .even
+	cp 1
+	jr z, .odd
+	cp 2
+	jr z, .even
+	cp 3
+	jr z, .odd
+	cp 4
+	jr z, .even
+	cp 5
+	jr z, .odd
+	cp 6
+	jr z, .even
+	ld a, 2
+	scf
+	ret
+	xor a
+	ret
+; fc56d
+AnimateFlowerTile: ; fc56d
+; No parameters.
+; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile).
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+; Alternate tile graphc every other frame
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	and 1 << 1
+	ld e, a
+; CGB has different color mappings for flowers.
+	ld a, [hCGB]
+	and 1
+	add e
+	swap a ; << 4 (16 bytes)
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, 0
+	ld hl, FlowerTileFrames
+	add hl, de
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, VTiles2 + $30 ; tile 4
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc58c
+FlowerTileFrames: ; fc58c
+; frame 0 dmg
+; frame 0 cgb
+; frame 1 dmg
+; frame 1 sgb
+; INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower.2bpp"
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$fc58c,$fc5cc - $fc58c
+; fc5cc
+SafariFountainAnim1: ; fc5cc
+; Splash in the bottom-right corner of the fountain.
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	and 6
+	srl a
+	inc a
+	inc a
+	and 3
+	swap a
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, 0
+	ld hl, SafariFountainFrames
+	add hl, de
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $95b0
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc5eb
+SafariFountainAnim2: ; fc5eb
+; Splash in the top-left corner of the fountain.
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	and 6
+	add a
+	add a
+	add a
+	ld e, a
+	ld d, 0
+	ld hl, SafariFountainFrames
+	add hl, de
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $9380
+	jp WriteTile
+; fc605
+SafariFountainFrames: ; fc605
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/1.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/2.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/3.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/safari/4.2bpp"
+; fc645
+AnimateSproutPillarTile: ; fc645
+; Read from struct at de:
+; 	Destination (VRAM)
+;	Address of the first tile in the frame array
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	and 7
+; Get frame index a
+	ld hl, .frames
+	add l
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc h
+	ld h, a
+	ld a, [hl]
+; Destination
+	ld l, e
+	ld h, d
+	ld e, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld d, [hl]
+	inc hl
+; Add the frame index to the starting address
+	add [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc h
+	ld h, a
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld l, e
+	ld h, d
+	jr WriteTile
+	db $00, $10, $20, $30, $40, $30, $20, $10
+; fc673
+NextTileFrame: ; fc673
+	ld hl, TileAnimationTimer
+	inc [hl]
+	ret
+; fc678
+AnimateWhirlpoolTile: ; fc678
+; Update whirlpool tile using struct at de.
+; Struct:
+; 	VRAM address
+;	Address of the first tile
+; Only does one of 4 tiles at a time.
+; Save sp in bc (see WriteTile).
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+; de = VRAM address
+	ld l, e
+	ld h, d
+	ld e, [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld d, [hl]
+	inc hl
+; Tile address is now at hl.
+; Get the tile for this frame.
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	and %11 ; 4 frames x2
+	swap a  ; * 16 bytes per tile
+	add [hl]
+	inc hl
+	ld h, [hl]
+	ld l, a
+	ld a, 0
+	adc h
+	ld h, a
+; Stack now points to the desired frame.
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld l, e
+	ld h, d
+	jr WriteTile
+; fc696
+WriteTileFromBuffer: ; fc696
+; Write tiledata at $cf41 to de.
+; $cf41 is loaded to sp for WriteTile.
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld hl, $cf41
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	jr WriteTile
+; fc6a2
+WriteTileToBuffer: ; fc6a2
+; Write tiledata de to $cf41.
+; de is loaded to sp for WriteTile.
+	ld hl, [sp+0]
+	ld b, h
+	ld c, l
+	ld h, d
+	ld l, e
+	ld sp, hl
+	ld hl, $cf41
+	; fallthrough
+WriteTile: ; fc6ac
+; Write one 8x8 tile ($10 bytes) from sp to hl.
+; Warning: sp is saved in bc so we can abuse pop.
+; sp is restored to address bc. Save sp in bc before calling.
+	pop de
+	ld [hl], e
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], d
+rept 7
+	pop de
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], e
+	inc hl
+	ld [hl], d
+; restore sp
+	ld h, b
+	ld l, c
+	ld sp, hl
+	ret
+; fc6d7
+TileAnimationPalette: ; fc6d7
+; Transition between color values 0-2 for color 0 in palette 3.
+; No palette changes on DMG.
+	ld a, [hCGB]
+	and a
+	ret z
+; We don't want to mess with non-standard palettes.
+	ld a, [rBGP] ; BGP
+	cp %11100100
+	ret nz
+; Only update on even frames.
+	ld a, [TileAnimationTimer]
+	ld l, a
+	and 1 ; odd
+	ret nz
+; Ready for BGPD input...
+	ld a, %10011000 ; auto increment, index $18 (pal 3 color 0)
+	ld [rBGPI], a
+	ld a, [rSVBK]
+	push af
+	ld a, 5 ; wra5: gfx
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+; Update color 0 in order 0 1 2 1
+	ld a, l
+	and %110 ; frames 0 2 4 6
+	jr z, .color0
+	cp 4
+	jr z, .color2
+	ld hl, $d01a ; pal 3 color 1
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	jr .end
+	ld hl, $d018 ; pal 3 color 0
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	jr .end
+	ld hl, $d01c ; pal 3 color 2
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	pop af
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ret
+; fc71e
+Functionfc71e: ; fc71e
+	ld a, [hCGB]
+	and a
+	ret z
+	ld a, [rBGP]
+	cp $e4
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [$d847]
+	cp $ff
+	ret nz
+	ld a, [rSVBK]
+	push af
+	ld a, 5
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ld a, $a0
+	ld [rBGPI], a
+	ld a, [$ff9b]
+	and 2
+	jr nz, .asm_fc743
+	ld hl, $d020
+	jr .asm_fc746
+	ld hl, $d022
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	ld a, [hli]
+	ld [rBGPD], a
+	pop af
+	ld [rSVBK], a
+	ret
+; fc750
+SproutPillarTilePointers: ; fc750
+	dw $92d0, SproutPillarTile1
+	dw $92f0, SproutPillarTile2
+	dw $93d0, SproutPillarTile3
+	dw $93f0, SproutPillarTile4
+	dw $93c0, SproutPillarTile5
+	dw $92c0, SproutPillarTile6
+	dw $94d0, SproutPillarTile7
+	dw $94f0, SproutPillarTile8
+	dw $95d0, SproutPillarTile9
+	dw $95f0, SproutPillarTile10
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/1.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/2.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/3.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/4.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/5.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/6.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/7.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/8.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/9.2bpp"
+	INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/sprout-pillar/10.2bpp"
+; fca98
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $fca98, $fcba8 - $fca98