ref: ddc665a31ac203315c0359b5ef161b731c5c5eda
dir: /maps/DiglettsCave.asm/
DiglettsCave_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x74000 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x74002 PokefanMScript_0x74002: ; 0x74002 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x74008 ; 0x74005 MapDiglettsCaveSignpostItem0: ; 0x74005 dw $00e4 db MAX_REVIVE ; 0x74008 UnknownText_0x74008: ; 0x74008 db $0, "A bunch of DIGLETT", $4f db "popped out of the", $51 db "ground! That was", $4f db "shocking.", $57 ; 0x74049 DiglettsCave_MapEventHeader: ; 0x74049 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 6 warp_def $21, $3, 10, GROUP_VERMILION_CITY, MAP_VERMILION_CITY warp_def $1f, $5, 5, GROUP_DIGLETTS_CAVE, MAP_DIGLETTS_CAVE warp_def $5, $f, 5, GROUP_ROUTE_2, MAP_ROUTE_2 warp_def $3, $11, 6, GROUP_DIGLETTS_CAVE, MAP_DIGLETTS_CAVE warp_def $21, $11, 2, GROUP_DIGLETTS_CAVE, MAP_DIGLETTS_CAVE warp_def $3, $3, 4, GROUP_DIGLETTS_CAVE, MAP_DIGLETTS_CAVE ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 1 signpost 11, 6, $7, MapDiglettsCaveSignpostItem0 ; people-events db 1 person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, 35, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, PokefanMScript_0x74002, $ffff ; 0x7407f