shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: ded477e69ec753a3d637e7d590b7fc3cabccf86e
parent: e57e1ba63b2a2d966e516c8007a18463b0964b80
author: IIMarckus <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 25 18:35:06 EDT 2015

Delete unused file.

--- a/maps/FastShipCabins.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +1,0 @@
-FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x75ea4
-	; trigger count
-	db 0
-	; callback count
-	db 0
-; 0x75ea6
-UnknownScript_0x75ea6: ; 0x75ea6
-	end
-; 0x75ea7
-CaptainScript_0x75ea7: ; 0x75ea7
-	faceplayer
-	loadfont
-	checkevent $0030
-	iftrue UnknownScript_0x75eb5
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76012
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75eb5
-UnknownScript_0x75eb5: ; 0x75eb5
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76064
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75ebb
-TwinScript_0x75ebb: ; 0x75ebb
-	spriteface $5, $3
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x761e0
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	faceplayer
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7621f
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	special Function8c0b6
-	special Functiond91
-	disappear $5
-	applymovement $0, MovementData_0x76004
-	moveperson $4, $3, $13
-	appear $4
-	spriteface $0, $1
-	spriteface $4, $1
-	special Function8c0ab
-	spriteface $3, $0
-	showemote $0, $3, 15
-	applymovement $4, MovementData_0x7600c
-	spriteface $3, $3
-	checkflag $0063
-	iftrue UnknownScript_0x75f03
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76284
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	jump UnknownScript_0x75f09
-; 0x75f03
-UnknownScript_0x75f03: ; 0x75f03
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x762c6
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-UnknownScript_0x75f09: ; 0x75f09
-	spriteface $5, $0
-	applymovement $3, MovementData_0x76010
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76143
-	keeptextopen
-	setevent $072b
-	domaptrigger GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F, $0
-	jump UnknownScript_0x75f37
-; 0x75f1f
-GentlemanScript_0x75f1f: ; 0x75f1f
-	faceplayer
-	loadfont
-	iftrue UnknownScript_0x75f67
-	checkevent $0732
-	iftrue UnknownScript_0x75f58
-	writetext UnknownText_0x760ae
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	domaptrigger GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F, $0
-	end
-; 0x75f37
-UnknownScript_0x75f37: ; 0x75f37
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7619b
-	keeptextopen
-	verbosegiveitem METAL_COAT, 1
-	iffalse UnknownScript_0x75f44
-UnknownScript_0x75f44: ; 0x75f44
-	loadmovesprites
-	waitbutton
-	playsound SFX_ELEVATOR_END
-	pause 30
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76645
-	closetext
-	setevent $0031
-	setevent $0032
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75f58
-UnknownScript_0x75f58: ; 0x75f58
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7619b
-	keeptextopen
-	verbosegiveitem METAL_COAT, 1
-	iffalse UnknownScript_0x75f65
-UnknownScript_0x75f65: ; 0x75f65
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75f67
-UnknownScript_0x75f67: ; 0x75f67
-	writetext UnknownText_0x761be
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75f6d
-TwinScript_0x75f6d: ; 0x75f6d
-	faceplayer
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7630d
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75f75
-TrainerPokefanmColin: ; 0x75f75
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $4d5
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw PokefanmColinSeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw PokefanmColinBeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw PokefanmColinScript
-; 0x75f81
-PokefanmColinScript: ; 0x75f81
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7635b
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75f89
-TrainerTwinsMegandpeg1: ; 0x75f89
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $46a
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw TwinsMegandpeg1SeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw TwinsMegandpeg1BeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw TwinsMegandpeg1Script
-; 0x75f95
-TwinsMegandpeg1Script: ; 0x75f95
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x763c2
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75f9d
-TrainerTwinsMegandpeg2: ; 0x75f9d
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $46a
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw TwinsMegandpeg2SeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw TwinsMegandpeg2BeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw TwinsMegandpeg2Script
-; 0x75fa9
-TwinsMegandpeg2Script: ; 0x75fa9
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76428
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75fb1
-TrainerPsychicRodney: ; 0x75fb1
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $445
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw PsychicRodneySeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw PsychicRodneyBeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw PsychicRodneyScript
-; 0x75fbd
-PsychicRodneyScript: ; 0x75fbd
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76497
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75fc5
-TrainerPokefanmJeremy: ; 0x75fc5
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $4d4
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw PokefanmJeremySeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw PokefanmJeremyBeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw PokefanmJeremyScript
-; 0x75fd1
-PokefanmJeremyScript: ; 0x75fd1
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7651c
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75fd9
-TrainerPokefanfGeorgia: ; 0x75fd9
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $4dd
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw PokefanfGeorgiaSeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw PokefanfGeorgiaBeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw PokefanfGeorgiaScript
-; 0x75fe5
-PokefanfGeorgiaScript: ; 0x75fe5
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x76596
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x75fed
-TrainerSupernerdShawn: ; 0x75fed
-	; bit/flag number
-	dw $589
-	; trainer group && trainer id
-	; text when seen
-	dw SupernerdShawnSeenText
-	; text when trainer beaten
-	dw SupernerdShawnBeatenText
-	; script when lost
-	dw $0000
-	; script when talk again
-	dw SupernerdShawnScript
-; 0x75ff9
-SupernerdShawnScript: ; 0x75ff9
-	talkaftercancel
-	loadfont
-	writetext UnknownText_0x7660f
-	closetext
-	loadmovesprites
-	end
-; 0x76001
-	jumpstd trashcan
-MovementData_0x76004: ; 0x76004
-	big_step_right
-	big_step_up
-	big_step_up
-	big_step_up
-	big_step_up
-	big_step_up
-	big_step_up
-	step_end
-; 0x7600c
-MovementData_0x7600c: ; 0x7600c
-	step_up
-	step_up
-	turn_head_left
-	step_end
-; 0x76010
-MovementData_0x76010: ; 0x76010
-	step_down
-	step_end
-; 0x76012
-UnknownText_0x76012: ; 0x76012
-	text "Whew! Thanks for"
-	line "coming along."
-	para "Keeping that lit-"
-	line "tle girl amused"
-	cont "was exhausting."
-	done
-; 0x76064
-UnknownText_0x76064: ; 0x76064
-	text "How do you like"
-	line "S.S.AQUA's ride?"
-	para "She practically"
-	line "skates across the"
-	cont "waves."
-	done
-; 0x760ae
-UnknownText_0x760ae: ; 0x760ae
-	text "Oh, hello…"
-	para "I still can't find"
-	line "my granddaughter."
-	para "If she's on the"
-	line "ship, that's OK."
-	para "She's an energetic"
-	line "child, so she may"
-	para "be bugging some-"
-	line "one. I'm worried…"
-	done
-; 0x76143
-UnknownText_0x76143: ; 0x76143
-	text $14, ", was it?"
-	line "I heard you enter-"
-	cont "tained my grand-"
-	cont "daughter."
-	para "I want to thank"
-	line "you for that."
-	done
-; 0x7619b
-UnknownText_0x7619b: ; 0x7619b
-	text "I know! I'd like"
-	line "you to have this!"
-	done
-; 0x761be
-UnknownText_0x761be: ; 0x761be
-	text "We're traveling"
-	line "around the world."
-	done
-; 0x761e0
-UnknownText_0x761e0: ; 0x761e0
-	text "CAPTAIN, play with"
-	line "me, please?"
-	para "I'm bored! I want"
-	line "to play more!"
-	done
-; 0x7621f
-UnknownText_0x7621f: ; 0x7621f
-	text "Hi! Will you play"
-	line "with me?"
-	para "…Oh!"
-	para "Grandpa's worried"
-	line "about me?"
-	para "I have to go!"
-	para "I have to go find"
-	line "Grandpa!"
-	done
-; 0x76284
-UnknownText_0x76284: ; 0x76284
-	text "Grandpa, here I"
-	line "am! I was playing"
-	para "with the CAPTAIN"
-	line "and this guy!"
-	done
-; 0x762c6
-UnknownText_0x762c6: ; 0x762c6
-	text "Grandpa, here I"
-	line "am! I was playing"
-	para "with the CAPTAIN"
-	line "and this big girl!"
-	done
-; 0x7630d
-UnknownText_0x7630d: ; 0x7630d
-	text "I had lots of fun"
-	line "playing!"
-	done
-; 0x76329
-PokefanmColinSeenText: ; 0x76329
-	text "Hey, kid! Want to"
-	line "battle with me?"
-	done
-; 0x7634c
-PokefanmColinBeatenText: ; 0x7634c
-	text "You're strong!"
-	done
-; 0x7635b
-UnknownText_0x7635b: ; 0x7635b
-	text "You're traveling"
-	line "all alone?"
-	para "Isn't your mom"
-	line "worried?"
-	done
-; 0x7638e
-TwinsMegandpeg1SeenText: ; 0x7638e
-	text "You think I'm a"
-	line "baby?"
-	cont "That's not fair!"
-	done
-; 0x763b4
-TwinsMegandpeg1BeatenText: ; 0x763b4
-	text "Oh! We lost!"
-	done
-; 0x763c2
-UnknownText_0x763c2: ; 0x763c2
-	text "Baby is a rude"
-	line "name to call us"
-	cont "girls!"
-	done
-; 0x763e9
-TwinsMegandpeg2SeenText: ; 0x763e9
-	text "I'm not a baby!"
-	para "That's not nice to"
-	line "say to a lady!"
-	done
-; 0x7641a
-TwinsMegandpeg2BeatenText: ; 0x7641a
-	text "Oh! We lost!"
-	done
-; 0x76428
-UnknownText_0x76428: ; 0x76428
-	text "Sometimes, kids"
-	line "are smarter than"
-	cont "grown-ups!"
-	done
-; 0x76455
-PsychicRodneySeenText: ; 0x76455
-	text "Ssh! My brain is"
-	line "picking up radio"
-	cont "signals!"
-	done
-; 0x76481
-PsychicRodneyBeatenText: ; 0x76481
-	text "…I hear some-"
-	line "thing!"
-	done
-; 0x76497
-UnknownText_0x76497: ; 0x76497
-	text "I get it. You can"
-	line "hear JOHTO's radio"
-	cont "on the FAST SHIP."
-	done
-; 0x764ce
-PokefanmJeremySeenText: ; 0x764ce
-	text "What do you think?"
-	line "My #MON are"
-	cont "beautiful, yes?"
-	done
-; 0x764fe
-PokefanmJeremyBeatenText: ; 0x764fe
-	text "Oh, no! My beauti-"
-	line "ful #MON!"
-	done
-; 0x7651c
-UnknownText_0x7651c: ; 0x7651c
-	text "I must go to the"
-	line "#MON SALON and"
-	cont "fix them up nice!"
-	done
-; 0x7654f
-PokefanfGeorgiaSeenText: ; 0x7654f
-	text "I'm going to shop"
-	line "at the DEPT.STORE"
-	cont "and then…"
-	done
-; 0x7657d
-PokefanfGeorgiaBeatenText: ; 0x7657d
-	text "What was I going"
-	line "to do?"
-	done
-; 0x76596
-UnknownText_0x76596: ; 0x76596
-	text "Oh, yes! I have to"
-	line "get my #MON out"
-	cont "of DAY-CARE!"
-	done
-; 0x765c7
-SupernerdShawnSeenText: ; 0x765c7
-	text "What kinds of #"
-	line "BALLS do you have"
-	cont "with you?"
-	done
-; 0x765f4
-SupernerdShawnBeatenText: ; 0x765f4
-	text "Wait! Stop! Don't!"
-	line "Please!"
-	done
-; 0x7660f
-UnknownText_0x7660f: ; 0x7660f
-	text "You should use the"
-	line "right BALLS to fit"
-	cont "the situation."
-	done
-; 0x76645
-UnknownText_0x76645: ; 0x76645
-	line "has arrived in"
-	done
-; 0x76678
-FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_MapEventHeader: ; 0x76678
-	; filler
-	db 0, 0
-	; warps
-	db 6
-	warp_def $7, $2, 8, GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F
-	warp_def $7, $3, 8, GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F
-	warp_def $13, $2, 9, GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F
-	warp_def $13, $3, 9, GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F
-	warp_def $21, $2, 10, GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F
-	warp_def $21, $3, 10, GROUP_FAST_SHIP_1F, MAP_FAST_SHIP_1F
-	; xy triggers
-	db 0
-	; signposts
-	db 1
-	signpost 25, 4, $0, FastShipCaptainsCabinTrashcan
-	; people-events
-	db 11
-	person_event SPRITE_CAPTAIN, 29, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, CaptainScript_0x75ea7, $ffff
-	person_event SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, 21, 6, $9, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, GentlemanScript_0x75f1f, $0730
-	person_event SPRITE_TWIN, 21, 7, $a, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, TwinScript_0x75f6d, $0731
-	person_event SPRITE_TWIN, 29, 6, $a, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, TwinScript_0x75ebb, $0732
-	person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, 10, 9, $8, $0, 255, 255, $82, 5, TrainerPokefanmColin, $0739
-	person_event SPRITE_TWIN, 8, 6, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, TrainerTwinsMegandpeg1, $0739
-	person_event SPRITE_TWIN, 8, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, TrainerTwinsMegandpeg2, $0739
-	person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 9, 9, $8, $0, 255, 255, $92, 5, TrainerPsychicRodney, $073a
-	person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, 7, 6, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerPokefanmJeremy, $073b
-	person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_F, 9, 9, $9, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, TrainerPokefanfGeorgia, $073b
-	person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 19, 5, $3, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 2, TrainerSupernerdShawn, $073a
-; 0x76730