shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: e733c4234c0064102f9732f23ed869660c847d31
parent: f3340de6dc30fb1c889421bdb8a3d22c1b64fa24
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 20 20:58:35 EDT 2013

preprocess asm files individually

this fixes a lot of previous hacks

first off, rgbds requires that labels from includes be marked as globals.
instead, 3626ddeb stuffed includes into the parent file in the preprocessor.
this meant one huge file got preprocessed every time, adding an additional
ten seconds to compile time.

running the preprocessor once for each file would create too much overhead,
so a list is fed into, which then makes calls to

this paves the way for compiling source files separately some day.

next, compiling previously required `make clean` to be executed first.
f3340de6 touched main.asm to force a fresh compile instead. this behavior
has been reverted. now, `make all` will only attempt to recompile if a
source file has changed. has some marginal changes. is created to keep
the original functionality of intact. so many files are
preprocessed on first compile (1951 as of this commit) that the prequeue
call has been hidden.

compile time is reduced to 15-30 seconds on first compile, and 5-10 seconds
subsequently. the majority of this time is spent in rgbasm.

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,33 +1,23 @@
 .SUFFIXES: .asm .tx .o .gbc .png .2bpp .lz
-		text/sweethoney.tx \
-		text/phone/bill.tx \
-		text/phone/elm.tx \
-		text/phone/mom.tx \
-		text/phone/trainers1.tx \
-		text/common.tx \
-		text/common_2.tx \
-		text/common_3.tx \
-		main.tx
+TEXTFILES := $(shell find ./ -type f -name '*.asm' | grep -v pokecrystal.asm | grep -v constants.asm | grep -v gbhw.asm | grep -v hram.asm | grep -v constants | grep -v wram.asm)
-PNG_GFX    = $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.png')
-LZ_GFX     = $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.lz')
-TWOBPP_GFX = $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.2bpp')
+PNG_GFX    := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.png')
+LZ_GFX     := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.lz')
+TWOBPP_GFX := $(shell find gfx/ -type f -name '*.2bpp')
 all: pokecrystal.gbc
 	cmp baserom.gbc $<
-	rm -f main.tx pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.gbc ${TEXTFILES}
-pokecrystal.o: pokecrystal.asm constants.asm wram.asm ${TEXTFILES} lzs
+	rm -f pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.gbc
+	@echo rm -f $$\(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx\)
+	@rm -f $(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx)
+pokecrystal.o: $(TEXTFILES:.asm=.tx) pokecrystal.asm constants.asm wram.asm lzs
+	python $(TEXTQUEUE)
 	rgbasm -o pokecrystal.o pokecrystal.asm
-pokecrystal.asm: depend
-	@touch main.asm
-	python < $< > $@
+	$(eval TEXTQUEUE := $(TEXTQUEUE) $<)
 pokecrystal.gbc: pokecrystal.o
 	rgblink -o $@ $<
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -310,25 +310,15 @@
     Separates asm and comments on a single line.
-    asm        = ""
-    comment    = None
     in_quotes  = False
+    for i in xrange(len(l)):
+        if not in_quotes:
+            if l[i] == ";":
+                break
+        if l[i] == "\"":
+            in_quotes = not in_quotes
+    return i
-    # token either belongs to the line or to the comment
-    for token in l:
-        if comment:
-            comment += token
-        else:
-            if not in_quotes:
-                if token == ";":
-                    comment = ";"
-                    continue
-            if token == "\"":
-                in_quotes = not in_quotes
-            asm += token
-    return asm, comment
 def quote_translator(asm):
     Writes asm with quoted text translated into bytes.
@@ -335,27 +325,22 @@
     # split by quotes
-    asms = asm.split("\"")
+    asms = asm.split('"')
     # skip asm that actually does use ASCII in quotes
-    lowasm = asms[0].lower()
+    if "SECTION" in asms[0]\
+    or "INCBIN"  in asms[0]\
+    or "INCLUDE" in asms[0]:
+        return asm
-    if "section" in lowasm \
-    or "incbin" in lowasm:
-        sys.stdout.write(asm)
-        return
     print_macro = False
     if asms[0].strip() == 'print':
         asms[0] = asms[0].replace('print','db 0,')
         print_macro = True
-    output = ""
+    output = ''
     even = False
-    i = 0
     for token in asms:
-        i = i + 1
         if even:
             characters = []
             # token is a string to convert to byte values
@@ -362,36 +347,28 @@
             while len(token):
                 # read a single UTF-8 codepoint
                 char = token[0]
-                if ord(char) >= 0xFC:
-                    char = char + token[1:6]
-                    token = token[6:]
-                elif ord(char) >= 0xF8:
-                    char = char + token[1:5]
-                    token = token[5:]
-                elif ord(char) >= 0xF0:
-                    char = char + token[1:4]
-                    token = token[4:]
-                elif ord(char) >= 0xE0:
-                    char = char + token[1:3]
-                    token = token[3:]
-                elif ord(char) >= 0xC0:
+                if ord(char) < 0xc0:
+                    token = token[1:]
+                    # certain apostrophe-letter pairs are considered a single character
+                    if char == "'" and token:
+                        if token[0] in 'dlmrstv':
+                            char += token[0]
+                            token = token[1:]
+                elif ord(char) < 0xe0:
                     char = char + token[1:2]
                     token = token[2:]
+                elif ord(char) < 0xf0:
+                    char = char + token[1:3]
+                    token = token[3:]
+                elif ord(char) < 0xf8:
+                    char = char + token[1:4]
+                    token = token[4:]
+                elif ord(char) < 0xfc:
+                    char = char + token[1:5]
+                    token = token[5:]
-                    token = token[1:]
-                    # certain apostrophe-letter pairs are only a single byte
-                    if char == "'" and len(token) > 0 and \
-                        (token[0] == "d" or \
-                         token[0] == "l" or \
-                         token[0] == "m" or \
-                         token[0] == "r" or \
-                         token[0] == "s" or \
-                         token[0] == "t" or \
-                         token[0] == "v"):
-                        char = char + token[0]
-                        token = token[1:]
+                    char = char + token[1:6]
+                    token = token[6:]
                 characters += [char]
             if print_macro:
@@ -421,22 +398,18 @@
             output += ", ".join(["${0:02X}".format(chars[char]) for char in characters])
-        # if not even
-            output += (token)
+            output += token
         even = not even
-    sys.stdout.write(output)
+    return output
-    return
 def extract_token(asm):
-    token = asm.split(" ")[0].replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "")
-    return token
+    return asm.split(" ")[0].strip()
 def make_macro_table():
-    return dict([(macro.macro_name, macro) for macro in macros])
+    return dict(((macro.macro_name, macro) for macro in macros))
 macro_table = make_macro_table()
 def macro_test(asm):
@@ -443,10 +416,8 @@
     Returns a matching macro, or None/False.
     # macros are determined by the first symbol on the line
     token = extract_token(asm)
     # check against all names
     if token in macro_table:
         return (macro_table[token], token)
@@ -600,64 +571,45 @@
-def include_file(asm):
-    """This is more reliable than rgbasm/rgbds including files on its own."""
-    prefix = asm.split("INCLUDE \"")[0] + '\n'
-    filename = asm.split("\"")[1]
-    suffix = asm.split("\"")[2]
-    read_line(prefix)
-    lines = open(filename, "r").readlines()
-    for line in lines:
-        read_line(line)
-    read_line(suffix)
 def read_line(l):
     """Preprocesses a given line of asm."""
-    # strip and store any comment on this line
-    if ";" in l:
-        asm, comment = separate_comment(l)
-    else:
-        asm     = l
-        comment = None
+    # strip comments
+    asm, comment = l[:separate_comment(l)], l[separate_comment(l):]
-    # handle INCLUDE as a special case
-    if "INCLUDE \"" in l:
-        include_file(asm)
+    # export all labels
+    if ':' in asm[:asm.find('"')]:
+    	sys.stdout.write('GLOBAL ' + asm.split(':')[0] + '\n')
+    # expect preprocessed .asm files
+    if "INCLUDE" in asm:
+        asm = asm.replace('.asm','.tx')
+        sys.stdout.write(asm)
     # ascii string macro preserves the bytes as ascii (skip the translator)
-    elif len(asm) > 6 and "\tascii " in [asm[:7], "\t" + asm[:6]]:
+    elif len(asm) > 6 and "ascii " == asm[:6] or "\tascii " == asm[:7]:
         asm = asm.replace("ascii", "db", 1)
     # convert text to bytes when a quote appears (not in a comment)
     elif "\"" in asm:
-        quote_translator(asm)
+        sys.stdout.write(quote_translator(asm))
     # check against other preprocessor features
         macro, token = macro_test(asm)
         if macro:
             macro_translator(macro, token, asm)
+    sys.stdout.write(comment)
-    # show line comment
-    if comment != None:
-        sys.stdout.write(comment)
 def preprocess(lines=None):
     """Main entry point for the preprocessor."""
     if not lines:
         # read each line from stdin
-        lines = sys.stdin
+        lines = (sys.stdin.readlines())
     elif not isinstance(lines, list):
         # split up the input into individual lines
         lines = lines.split("\n")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import preprocessor
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	for source in sys.argv[1:]:
+		dest = os.path.splitext(source)[0] + '.tx'
+		sys.stdin  = open(source, 'r')
+		sys.stdout = open(dest, 'w')
+		preprocessor.preprocess()