ref: f66f4d51c78274e7aec80cf303a70fb97bdc8e3a
dir: /macros.asm/
text EQUS "db $00," ; Start writing text. next EQUS "db $4e," ; Move a line down. line EQUS "db $4f," ; Start writing at the bottom line. para EQUS "db $51," ; Start a new paragraph. cont EQUS "db $55," ; Scroll to the next line. done EQUS "db $57" ; End a text box. prompt EQUS "db $58" ; Prompt the player to end a text box (initiating some other event). ; Pokedex text commands are only used with pokered. ; They are included for compatibility. page EQUS "db $50," ; Start a new Pokedex page. dex EQUS "db $e8, $50" ; End a Pokedex entry. ; macros require rst vectors to be defined FarCall EQU $08 Bankswitch EQU $10 JumpTable EQU $28 NONE EQU 0 dwb: MACRO dw \1 db \2 ENDM dbw: MACRO db \1 dw \2 ENDM dbbw: MACRO db \1, \2 dw \3 ENDM dn: MACRO db \1 << 4 + \2 ENDM dt: MACRO ; three-byte (big-endian) db (\1 >> 16) & $ff db (\1 >> 8) & $ff db \1 & $ff ENDM bigdw: MACRO ; big-endian word dw ((\1)/$100) + (((\1)&$ff)*$100) ENDM callab: MACRO ; address, bank ld hl, \1 ld a, BANK(\1) rst FarCall ENDM callba: MACRO ; bank, address ld a, BANK(\1) ld hl, \1 rst FarCall ENDM lb: MACRO ; r, hi, lo ld \1, \2 << 8 + \3 ENDM ; Constant enumeration const_def: MACRO const_value SET 0 ENDM const: MACRO \1 EQU const_value const_value SET const_value + 1 ENDM TX_RAM: MACRO db 1 dw \1 ENDM TX_FAR: MACRO db $16 dw \1 db BANK(\1) ENDM RGB: MACRO dw ((\3 << 10) | (\2 << 5) | (\1)) ENDM note: MACRO db \1 << 4 + (\2 - 1) ENDM ; pitch __ EQU 0 C_ EQU 1 C# EQU 2 D_ EQU 3 D# EQU 4 E_ EQU 5 F_ EQU 6 F# EQU 7 G_ EQU 8 G# EQU 9 A_ EQU 10 A# EQU 11 B_ EQU 12 ; It's better to use *coord than FuncCoord. FuncCoord: MACRO Coord = $c4a0 + 20 * \2 + \1 ENDM bccoord: MACRO FuncCoord \1, \2 ld bc, Coord ENDM decoord: MACRO FuncCoord \1, \2 ld de, Coord ENDM hlcoord: MACRO FuncCoord \1, \2 ld hl, Coord ENDM ; pic animations frame: MACRO db \1 db \2 ENDM setrepeat: MACRO db $fe db \1 ENDM dorepeat: MACRO db $fd db \1 ENDM endanim: MACRO db $ff ENDM ; maps map: MACRO ; This is a really silly hack to get around an rgbds bug. ; Ideally: ; db GROUP_\1, MAP_\1 \1\@ EQUS "GROUP_\1" \1\@2 EQUS "MAP_\1" db \1\@, \1\@2 ENDM roam_map: MACRO ; A map and an arbitrary number of some more maps. map \1 db \2 IF \2 > 0 map \3 ENDC IF \2 > 1 map \4 ENDC IF \2 > 2 map \5 ENDC IF \2 > 3 map \6 ENDC db 0 ENDM