ref: fe3bcd62eec9c4ac8515d0bfb762fee363f35059
parent: 6b7c196dfb4a7d870335ffcad1ab4069ef1c69b5
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Fri Apr 18 23:08:26 EDT 2014
Trainer card graphics and misc incbins in banks 21 and 22.
binary files /dev/null b/gfx/misc/chris.5x7.2bpp differ
binary files /dev/null b/gfx/misc/chris.7x7.2bpp differ
binary files /dev/null b/gfx/misc/kris.5x7.2bpp differ
binary files /dev/null b/gfx/misc/kris.7x7.2bpp differ
binary files /dev/null b/gfx/misc/kris_back.6x6.2bpp differ
binary files /dev/null b/gfx/misc/trainer_card.2bpp differ
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -64852,7 +64852,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function84077: ; 84077 (21:4077)
call Function841fb
- ld hl, $42b7
+ ld hl, Unknown_842b7
call Function841e2
xor a
ld [$ca8e], a
@@ -64872,7 +64872,7 @@
ld a, [hl]
and a
jr z, Function840c5
- ld hl, $42c3
+ ld hl, Unknown_842c3
call Function841e2
call Function84260
ld a, $80
@@ -64890,7 +64890,7 @@
Function840c5: ; 840c5 (21:40c5)
ld a, $6
ld [$cf63], a
- ld hl, $42c9
+ ld hl, Unknown_842c9
call Function841e2
xor a
ld [$ca8e], a
@@ -64902,7 +64902,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function840de: ; 840de (21:40de)
call Function841fb
- ld hl, $42bd
+ ld hl, Unknown_842bd
call Function841e2
call Function84249
ld a, $4
@@ -64919,7 +64919,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function84103: ; 84103 (21:4103)
call Function841fb
- ld hl, $42b7
+ ld hl, Unknown_842b7
call Function841e2
xor a
ld [$ca8e], a
@@ -65178,7 +65178,7 @@
or $80
ld d, a
- ld bc, $2101
+ lb bc, $21, 1
call Request2bpp
pop hl
ld de, $10
@@ -65204,7 +65204,13 @@
; 842b7
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$842b7,$842db - $842b7
+Unknown_842b7: db 1, 0, $00, 0, 1, 0
+Unknown_842bd: db 2, 0, $04, 0, 0, 0
+Unknown_842c3: db 4, 0, $80, 2, 0, 0
+Unknown_842c9: db 4, 0, $00, 0, 4, 0
+Unknown_842cf: db 8, 0, $00, 0, 8, 0 ; unused
+Unknown_842d5: db 15, 0, $00, 0, 15, 0 ; unused
+; 842db
Function842db:: ; 842db
@@ -65456,8 +65462,8 @@
ld a, [$cf65]
push af
ld hl, VTiles1
- ld de, Function84000
- ld bc, $3680
+ ld de, FontInversed
+ lb bc, BANK(FontInversed), $80
call Request1bpp
xor a
ld [$ffac], a
@@ -66784,8 +66790,8 @@
Function86810: ; 86810
call WhiteBGMap
ld hl, $9630
- ld de, $40d0
- ld bc, $3e01
+ ld de, FontExtra + $d0
+ lb bc, BANK(FontExtra), 1
call Request2bpp
ld hl, TileMap
ld bc, $0168
@@ -66876,20 +66882,28 @@
SECTION "bank22", ROMX, BANK[$22]
Function88000: ; 88000
- ld hl, $4007
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x88007
call PrintText
; 88007
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88007,$8800c - $88007
+UnknownText_0x88007: ; 0x88007
+ ; Which APRICORN should I use?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bc06b
+ db "@"
+; 0x8800c
Function8800c: ; 8800c
- ld hl, $4013
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x88013
call PrintText
; 88013
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88013,$88018 - $88013
+UnknownText_0x88013: ; 0x88013
+ ; How many should I make?
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1bc089
+ db "@"
+; 0x88018
Function88018: ; 88018
call Function1d6e
@@ -66928,7 +66942,7 @@
Function88055: ; 88055
callba Function24c64
jr c, .asm_88083
- ld hl, $4086
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x88086
call Function1d3c
ld a, [MenuSelection]
ld [$cf88], a
@@ -66952,8 +66966,44 @@
; 88086
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88086,$880c2 - $88086
+MenuDataHeader_0x88086: ; 0x88086
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 01, 01 ; start coords
+ db 10, 13 ; end coords
+ dw MenuData2_0x8808f
+ db 1 ; default option
+; 0x8808e
+ db 0
+MenuData2_0x8808f: ; 0x8808f
+ db $10 ; flags
+ db 4, 7
+ db 1
+ dbw 0, $d1ea
+ dbw BANK(Function8809f), Function8809f
+ dbw BANK(Function880ab), Function880ab
+Function8809f: ; 8809f
+ ld a, [MenuSelection]
+ and a
+ ret z
+ callba Function24ab4
+ ret
+; 880ab
+Function880ab: ; 880ab
+ ld a, [MenuSelection]
+ ld [CurItem], a
+ call Function88139
+ ret z
+ ld a, [$d10c]
+ ld [$cf75], a
+ callba Function24ac3
+ ret
+; 880c2
Function880c2: ; 880c2
ld a, [CurItem]
ld [MenuSelection], a
@@ -66963,7 +67013,7 @@
ld [$d10d], a
ld a, $1
ld [$d10c], a
- ld hl, $410d
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x8810d
call LoadMenuDataHeader
xor a
@@ -66990,8 +67040,13 @@
; 8810d
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8810d,$88116 - $8810d
+MenuDataHeader_0x8810d: ; 0x8810d
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 09, 06 ; start coords
+ db 12, 19 ; end coords
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88112,$88116 - $88112
Function88116: ; 88116
call Function1cfd
ld de, $0015
@@ -67226,8 +67281,20 @@
; 88248
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88248,$88258 - $88248
+Function88248: ; 88248
+ ld c, $c
+ ld a, [PlayerGender]
+ bit 0, a
+ jr z, .asm_88253
+ ld c, $e
+ ld a, c
+ ld [TrainerClass], a
+ ret
+; 88258
MovePlayerPicRight: ; 88258
hlcoord 6, 4
ld de, 1
@@ -67304,6 +67371,7 @@
db $91 ; flags
db 5 ; items
db "NEW NAME@"
+Unknown_882c9: ; 882c9
db "CHRIS@"
db "MAT@"
db "ALLAN@"
@@ -67325,6 +67393,7 @@
db $91 ; flags
db 5 ; items
db "NEW NAME@"
+Unknown_882f9: ; 882f9
db "KRIS@"
db "AMANDA@"
db "JUANA@"
@@ -67333,8 +67402,19 @@
db " NAME @" ; title
; 88318
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88318,$8832c - $88318
+Function88318: ; 88318
+ ld hl, PlayerName
+ ld de, Unknown_882c9
+ ld a, [PlayerGender]
+ bit 0, a
+ jr z, .asm_88328
+ ld de, Unknown_882f9
+ call InitName
+ ret
+; 8832c
GetPlayerIcon: ; 8832c
; Get the player icon corresponding to gender
@@ -67355,35 +67435,45 @@
; 8833e
Function8833e: ; 8833e
- ld hl, $4365
+ ld hl, ChrisCardPic
ld a, [PlayerGender] ; $d472
bit 0, a
jr z, .asm_8834b
- ld hl, $4595
+ ld hl, KrisCardPic
ld de, $9000
ld bc, $230
- ld a, $22
+ ld a, BANK(ChrisCardPic) ; BANK(KrisCardPic)
call FarCopyBytes
- ld hl, $47c5
+ ld hl, CardGFX
ld de, $9230
ld bc, $60
- ld a, $22
+ ld a, BANK(CardGFX)
call FarCopyBytes
; 88365 (22:4365)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88365,$88825 - $88365
+ChrisCardPic: ; 88365
+INCBIN "gfx/misc/chris.5x7.2bpp"
+; 88595
+KrisCardPic: ; 88595
+INCBIN "gfx/misc/kris.5x7.2bpp"
+; 887c5
+CardGFX: ; 887c5
+INCBIN "gfx/misc/trainer_card.2bpp"
+; 88825
GetPlayerBackpic: ; 88825
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
- jr z, .asm_88830
+ jr z, GetChrisBackpic
call GetKrisBackpic
+GetChrisBackpic: ; 88830
ld hl, ChrisBackpic
ld b, BANK(ChrisBackpic)
ld de, $9310
@@ -67397,11 +67487,11 @@
call WaitBGMap
xor a
ld [hBGMapMode], a
- ld e, $0
+ ld e, 0
ld a, [PlayerGender]
bit 0, a
jr z, .asm_88851
- ld e, $1
+ ld e, 1
ld a, e
@@ -67414,7 +67504,7 @@
ld hl, VTiles2
- ld b, $22
+ ld b, BANK(ChrisPic) ; BANK(KrisPic)
ld c, $31
call Get2bpp
call WaitBGMap
@@ -67446,7 +67536,7 @@
ld de, KrisPic
ld hl, VTiles2
- ld b, BANK(ChrisPic)
+ ld b, BANK(ChrisPic) ; BANK(KrisPic)
ld c, 7 * 7 ; dimensions
call Get2bpp
@@ -67462,11 +67552,11 @@
ChrisPic: ; 888a9
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$888a9,$88bb9 - $888a9
+INCBIN "gfx/misc/chris.7x7.2bpp"
; 88bb9
KrisPic: ; 88bb9
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88bb9,$88ec9 - $88bb9
+INCBIN "gfx/misc/kris.7x7.2bpp"
; 88ec9
@@ -67480,12 +67570,28 @@
; 88ed6
KrisBackpic: ; 88ed6
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$88ed6,$89116 - $88ed6
+INCBIN "gfx/misc/kris_back.6x6.2bpp"
; 89116
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89116,$89160 - $89116
+ db "-----@"
+; 8911c
+String_8911c: ; 8911c
+ db "でんわばんごうが ただしく" ; Phone number is not
+ next "はいって いません!@" ; entered correctly!
+; 89135
+String_89135: ; 89135
+ db "データが かわって いますが" ; The data has changed.
+ next "かきかえないで やめますか?@" ; Quit anyway?
+; 89153
+String_89153: ; 89153
+ db "メッセージは ありません@" ; No message
+; 89160
Function89160: ; 89160
push af
ld a, $4
@@ -67714,7 +67820,7 @@
Function89261: ; 89261
push af
push bc
- ld hl, $52a3
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x892a3
call Function1d3c
pop bc
ld hl, $cf82
@@ -67752,8 +67858,21 @@
; 892a3
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$892a3,$892b4 - $892a3
+MenuDataHeader_0x892a3: ; 0x892a3
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 05, 10 ; start coords
+ db 09, 15 ; end coords
+ dw MenuData2_0x892ab
+ db 1 ; default option
+; 0x892ab
+MenuData2_0x892ab: ; 0x892ab
+ db $c0 ; flags
+ db 2 ; items
+ db "はい@"
+ db "いいえ@"
+; 0x892b4
; known jump sources: 89313 (22:5313), 8a8f4 (22:68f4), 8b9ff (22:79ff)
Function892b4: ; 892b4 (22:52b4)
call Function8931b
@@ -67999,15 +68118,25 @@
Function893ef: ; 893ef
ld de, VTiles0
- ld hl, $540b
+ ld hl, GFX_8940b
ld bc, $0020
- ld a, $22
+ ld a, BANK(GFX_8940b)
call FarCopyBytes
; 893fe
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$893fe,$8942b - $893fe
+Function893fe: ; 893fe
+ call DisableLCD
+ call Function893ef
+ call EnableLCD
+ call DelayFrame
+ ret
+; 8940b
+GFX_8940b: ; 8940b
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8940b,$8942b - $8940b
+; 8942b
; known jump sources: 893c2 (22:53c2)
Function8942b: ; 8942b (22:542b)
ld de, $8020
@@ -68086,7 +68215,7 @@
push af
ld a, $5
ld [rSVBK], a
- ld hl, $54b3
+ ld hl, Palette_894b3
ld de, $d038
ld bc, $0008
call CopyBytes
@@ -68095,7 +68224,12 @@
; 894b3
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$894b3,$894bb - $894b3
+Palette_894b3: ; 894b3
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+; 894bb
Function894bb: ; 894bb
call Function894dc
@@ -68126,8 +68260,8 @@
ld a, $5
ld [rSVBK], a
ld c, d
- ld b, $0
- ld hl, $5509
+ ld b, 0
+ ld hl, Unknown_89509
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli]
@@ -68136,7 +68270,7 @@
ld de, Unkn1Pals
ld bc, $0018
call CopyBytes
- ld hl, $5557
+ ld hl, Palette_89557
ld de, $d018
ld bc, $0018
call CopyBytes
@@ -68146,8 +68280,77 @@
; 89509
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89509,$8956f - $89509
+Unknown_89509: ; 89509
+ dw Palette_8950f
+ dw Palette_89527
+ dw Palette_8953f
+; 8950f
+Palette_8950f: ; 8950f
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 10, 17, 13
+ RGB 10, 08, 22
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 20, 31
+ RGB 10, 08, 22
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 20, 31
+ RGB 10, 17, 13
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+Palette_89527: ; 89527
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 30, 22, 11
+ RGB 31, 08, 15
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 20, 31
+ RGB 31, 08, 15
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 20, 31
+ RGB 30, 22, 11
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+Palette_8953f: ; 8953f
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 15, 20, 26
+ RGB 25, 07, 20
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 20, 31
+ RGB 25, 07, 20
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 20, 31
+ RGB 15, 20, 26
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+Palette_89557: ; 89557
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 31, 13, 00
+ RGB 14, 08, 00
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 16, 16, 31
+ RGB 00, 00, 31
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 19, 31, 11
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+; 8956f
Function8956f: ; 8956f
push bc
ld hl, $0010
@@ -68177,7 +68380,7 @@
ld l, a
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
- ld de, $70ce
+ ld de, TrainerPalettes
add hl, de
ld a, [rSVBK]
push af
@@ -68186,7 +68389,7 @@
ld de, $d032
ld c, $4
- ld a, $2
+ ld a, BANK(TrainerPalettes)
call GetFarByte
ld [de], a
inc de
@@ -68210,7 +68413,7 @@
push af
ld a, $5
ld [rSVBK], a ; $ff00+$70
- ld hl, $55de
+ ld hl, Palette_895de
ld de, $d030
ld bc, $8
call CopyBytes
@@ -68219,8 +68422,21 @@
; 895de (22:55de)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$895de,$895f2 - $895de
+Palette_895de: ; 895de
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 07, 07, 06
+ RGB 07, 07, 06
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+; 895e6
+Function895e6: ; 895e6
+ ld a, $7
+ ld hl, AttrMap
+ ld bc, $0168
+ call ByteFill
+ ret
+; 895f2
Function895f2: ; 895f2
push bc
xor a
@@ -68747,7 +68963,7 @@
ld hl, DefaultFlypoint
call Function89331
jr nc, .asm_898cd
- ld de, $5116
+ ld de, String_89116
ld hl, $c4bd
@@ -68770,7 +68986,7 @@
ld e, l
call Function8934a
jr nc, .asm_898eb
- ld de, $5116
+ ld de, String_89116
ld hl, $c4f6
@@ -68794,7 +69010,7 @@
ld hl, $c509
- ld de, $5116
+ ld de, String_89116
call PlaceString
@@ -68805,7 +69021,7 @@
Function89915: ; 89915
push bc
push hl
- ld de, $5942
+ ld de, Unknown_89942
ld c, $8
ld a, [de]
@@ -68820,7 +69036,7 @@
ld b, $4
ld c, $2b
ld a, $8
- ld de, $594a
+ ld de, Unknown_8994a
push af
ld a, [de]
@@ -68838,7 +69054,11 @@
; 89942
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89942,$8994e - $89942
+Unknown_89942: ; 89942
+ db $24, $25, $26, " ", $27, $28, $29, $2a
+Unknown_8994a: ; 8994a
+ db $24, $27, $29, $ff
+; 8994e
Function8994e: ; 8994e
push hl
@@ -68921,12 +69141,14 @@
inc bc
ld h, b
ld l, c
- ld de, $59ac
+ ld de, String_899ac
call PlaceString
; 899ac (22:59ac)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$899ac,$899b2 - $899ac
+String_899ac: ; 899ac
+ db "の めいし@"
+; 899b2
; known jump sources: 89897 (22:5897)
Function899b2: ; 899b2 (22:59b2)
@@ -68936,7 +69158,7 @@
ld de, PlayerName ; $d47d
jr .asm_899c2
- ld de, $5116
+ ld de, String_89116
ld hl, $c4f6
call PlaceString
@@ -68991,7 +69213,7 @@
- ld de, $5153
+ ld de, String_89153
call PlaceString
; 89a23
@@ -69012,17 +69234,23 @@
ld c, $6
call TextBox
ld hl, $c5b1
- ld de, $5a4e
+ ld de, String_89a4e
call PlaceString
ld hl, $c5c5
- ld de, $5a53
+ ld de, String_89a53
call PlaceString
call Function89655
; 89a4e (22:5a4e)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89a4e,$89a57 - $89a4e
+String_89a4e: ; 89a4e
+ db "けってい@"
+; 89a53
+String_89a53: ; 89a53
+ db "やめる@"
+; 89a57
Function89a57: ; 89a57
call Function354b
bit 6, c
@@ -69063,7 +69291,7 @@
Function89a8a: ; 89a8a
push af
- ld de, $0062
+ ld de, SFX_UNKNOWN_62
call PlaySFX
pop af
@@ -69165,8 +69393,20 @@
; 89b07 (22:5b07)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89b07,$89b1e - $89b07
+Function89b07: ; 89b07
+ call Function8923c
+ call DelayFrame
+ callba Function4a3a7
+ ret
+; 89b14
+Function89b14: ; 89b14
+ call WhiteBGMap
+ call Function89b07
+ call Function89b00
+ ret
+; 89b1e
; known jump sources: 893e2 (22:53e2)
Function89b1e: ; 89b1e (22:5b1e)
callba Function4a485
@@ -69271,7 +69511,7 @@
ld a, [$d011]
- ld hl, $5bd8
+ ld hl, Unknown_89bd8
and a
jr z, .asm_89bae
@@ -69317,6 +69557,7 @@
jr .asm_89bb4
; 89bd8 (22:5bd8)
+Unknown_89bd8: ; 89bd8
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89bd8,$89c34 - $89bd8
; known jump sources: 89b97 (22:5b97), 89c44 (22:5c44)
@@ -69400,11 +69641,11 @@
dec a
ld c, a
ld d, $0
- ld hl, $5cbf
+ ld hl, Unknown_89cbf
ld a, [$d02f]
and a
jr z, .asm_89ca5
- ld hl, $5ccf
+ ld hl, Unknown_89ccf
ld a, [$d011]
and a
@@ -69427,8 +69668,13 @@
; 89cbf (22:5cbf)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89cbf,$89cdf - $89cbf
+Unknown_89cbf: ; 89cbf
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89cbf,$89ccf - $89cbf
+Unknown_89ccf: ; 89ccf
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89ccf,$89cdf - $89ccf
+; 89cdf
; known jump sources: 8a50e (22:650e)
Function89cdf: ; 89cdf (22:5cdf)
ld a, $10
@@ -69479,13 +69725,13 @@
ld de, Unkn1Pals ; $d000
push bc
- ld hl, $5d4e
+ ld hl, Palette_89d4e
ld bc, $8
call CopyBytes
pop bc
dec c
jr nz, .asm_89d1c
- ld hl, $5d56
+ ld hl, Palette_89d56
ld de, $d010
ld bc, $8
call CopyBytes
@@ -69500,8 +69746,20 @@
; 89d4e (22:5d4e)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89d4e,$89d5e - $89d4e
+Palette_89d4e: ; 89d4e
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 19, 19, 19
+ RGB 15, 15, 15
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+; 89d56
+Palette_89d56: ; 89d56
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 19, 19, 19
+ RGB 19, 19, 19
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+; 89d5e
; known jump sources: 8a18b (22:618b), 8a9de (22:69de), 8b989 (22:7989)
Function89d5e: ; 89d5e (22:5d5e)
push af
@@ -69710,7 +69968,7 @@
push af
ld a, $5
ld [rSVBK], a ; $ff00+$70
- ld hl, $5eb1
+ ld hl, Palette_89eb1
ld de, $d028
ld bc, $8
call CopyBytes
@@ -69719,7 +69977,12 @@
; 89eb1 (22:5eb1)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89eb1,$89eb9 - $89eb1
+Palette_89eb1: ; 89eb1
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 31, 31, 31
+ RGB 27, 19, 00
+ RGB 00, 00, 00
+; 89eb9
; no known jump sources
Function89eb9: ; 89eb9 (22:5eb9)
@@ -69929,7 +70192,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function89fed: ; 89fed (22:5fed)
- ld hl, $6102
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x8a102
call PrintText
jp Function89e36
@@ -69962,7 +70225,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function8a03d: ; 8a03d (22:603d)
- ld hl, $6107
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x8a107
call Function89209
call PrintText
call Function8920f
@@ -69970,7 +70233,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function8a04c: ; 8a04c (22:604c)
- ld hl, $610c
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x8a10c
call PrintText
jp Function89e36
@@ -70078,7 +70341,7 @@
; no known jump sources
Function8a0ec: ; 8a0ec (22:60ec)
- ld hl, $6111
+ ld hl, UnknownText_0x8a111
call PrintText
jp Function89e36
@@ -70094,8 +70357,30 @@
jp Function89e36
; 8a102 (22:6102)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8a102,$8a116 - $8a102
+UnknownText_0x8a102: ; 0x8a102
+ ; The CARD FOLDER stores your and your friends' CARDS. A CARD contains information like the person's name, phone number and profile.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5238
+ db "@"
+; 0x8a107
+UnknownText_0x8a107: ; 0x8a107
+ ; This is your CARD. Once you've entered your phone number, you can trade CARDS with your friends.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c52bc
+ db "@"
+; 0x8a10c
+UnknownText_0x8a10c: ; 0x8a10c
+ ; If you have your friend's CARD, you can use it to make a call from a mobile phone on the 2nd floor of a #MON CENTER.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c531e
+ db "@"
+; 0x8a111
+UnknownText_0x8a111: ; 0x8a111
+ ; To safely store your collection of CARDS, you must set a PASSCODE for your CARD FOLDER.
+ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5394
+ db "@"
+; 0x8a116
; no known jump sources
Function8a116: ; 8a116 (22:6116)
ld a, $1
@@ -73029,7 +73314,7 @@
; known jump sources: 8a656 (22:6656)
Function8b960: ; 8b960 (22:7960)
- ld hl, $79ac
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x8b9ac
call LoadMenuDataHeader
call Function8b9e9
jr c, .asm_8b97a
@@ -73037,7 +73322,7 @@
ld b, $6
ld c, $7
call Function8b703
- ld hl, $79b1
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x8b9b1
jr .asm_8b987
ld hl, $c4ab
@@ -73044,11 +73329,11 @@
ld b, $a
ld c, $7
call Function8b703
- ld hl, $79ca
+ ld hl, MenuDataHeader_0x8b9ca
ld a, $1
call Function89d5e
- ld hl, $79ab
+ ld hl, Function8b9ab
call Function89d85
call Function1c07
jr c, .asm_8b99c
@@ -73072,8 +73357,49 @@
; 8b9ab (22:79ab)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8b9ab,$8b9e9 - $8b9ab
+Function8b9ab: ; 8b9ab
+ ret
+; 8b9ac
+MenuDataHeader_0x8b9ac: ; 0x8b9ac
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 00, 11 ; start coords
+ db 11, 19 ; end coords
+MenuDataHeader_0x8b9b1: ; 0x8b9b1
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 00, 11 ; start coords
+ db 07, 19 ; end coords
+ dw MenuData2_0x8b9b9
+ db 1 ; default option
+; 0x8b9b9
+MenuData2_0x8b9b9: ; 0x8b9b9
+ db $a0 ; flags
+ db 3 ; items
+ db "へんしゅう@" ; EDIT
+ db "いれかえ@" ; REPLACE
+ db "やめる@" ; QUIT
+; 0x8b9ca
+MenuDataHeader_0x8b9ca: ; 0x8b9ca
+ db $40 ; flags
+ db 00, 11 ; start coords
+ db 11, 19 ; end coords
+ dw MenuData2_0x8b9d2
+ db 1 ; default option
+; 0x8b9d2
+MenuData2_0x8b9d2: ; 0x8b9d2
+ db $a0 ; flags
+ db 5 ; items
+ db "みる@" ; VIEW
+ db "へんしゅう@" ; EDIT
+ db "いれかえ@" ; REPLACE
+ db "けす@" ; ERASE
+ db "やめる@" ; QUIT
+; 0x8b9e9
; known jump sources: 8b966 (22:7966)
Function8b9e9: ; 8b9e9 (22:79e9)
call Function89160
@@ -73089,10 +73415,10 @@
call Function892b4
and a
- ld de, $7a1c
+ ld de, Unknown_8ba1c
jr .asm_8ba0c
- ld de, $7a1f
+ ld de, Unknown_8ba1f
push af
@@ -73108,9 +73434,14 @@
; 8ba1c (22:7a1c)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8ba1c,$8ba24 - $8ba1c
+Unknown_8ba1c: ; 8b1ac
+ db 2, 4, -1
+Unknown_8ba1f: ; 8ba1f
+ db 1, 2, 4, 3, -1
+; 8ba24
SECTION "bank23", ROMX, BANK[$23]
Function8c000: ; 8c000
@@ -73720,10 +74051,10 @@
; 8c2aa
Function8c2aa: ; 8c2aa
- ld de, $42f4
+ ld de, GFX_8c2f4
ld hl, $8fe0
- ld b, $23
- ld c, $2
+ ld b, BANK(GFX_8c2f4)
+ ld c, 2
call Request2bpp
ld a, [rVBK]
push af
@@ -73764,6 +74095,7 @@
; 8c2f4
+GFX_8c2f4: ; 8c2f4
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c2f4,$8c314 - $8c2f4
Function8c314: ; 8c314
@@ -73836,7 +74168,7 @@
jr z, .asm_8c386
set 1, e
- ld hl, $438f
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c38f
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
ld [$cf63], a
@@ -73843,6 +74175,7 @@
; 8c38f (23:438f)
+Unknown_8c38f: ; 8c38f
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c38f,$8c393 - $8c38f
; no known jump sources
@@ -73883,8 +74216,8 @@
inc [hl]
srl a
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $43db
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c3db
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
cp $1
@@ -73900,6 +74233,7 @@
; 8c3db (23:43db)
+Unknown_8c3db: ; 8c3db
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c3db,$8c3e8 - $8c3db
; no known jump sources
@@ -73975,8 +74309,8 @@
ld [hBGMapMode], a ; $ff00+$d4
ld a, [$cf64]
ld e, a
- ld d, $0
- ld hl, $4490
+ ld d, 0
+ ld hl, Unknown_8c490
add hl, de
add hl, de
add hl, de
@@ -74007,6 +74341,7 @@
; 8c490 (23:4490)
+Unknown_8c490: ; 8c490
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8c490,$8c4f5 - $8c490
; known jump sources: 8c468 (23:4468)