ref: ff96e5590a93a6a0ba3863f8e00aaa4463917e39
parent: ec1f8e1f94b3aae0c47b982ec12d094497c3d306
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Fri Apr 26 14:16:13 EDT 2013
type printing functions
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -8546,12 +8546,94 @@
YouHaveNoPKMNString: ; 0x50556
db "You have no ", $e1, $e2, "!@"
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50566, $5097B-$50566
-dw Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bird, Bug, Ghost, Steel
-dw Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal
-dw UnknownType, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50566, $5093a - $50566
+PrintMoveType: ; 5093a
+; Print the type of move b at hl.
+ push hl
+ ld a, b
+ dec a
+ ld bc, Move2 - Move1
+ ld hl, Moves
+ call AddNTimes
+ ld de, StringBuffer1
+ ld a, BANK(Moves)
+ call FarCopyBytes
+ ld a, [StringBuffer1 + PlayerMoveType - PlayerMoveStruct]
+ pop hl
+ ld b, a
+; 50953
+PrintType: ; 50953
+; Print type b at hl.
+ ld a, b
+ push hl
+ add a
+ ld hl, TypeNames
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, 0
+ add hl, de
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, [hl]
+ pop hl
+ jp PlaceString
+; 50964
+LoadTypeName: ; 50964
+; Copy the name of type $d265 to StringBuffer1.
+ ld a, [$d265]
+ ld hl, TypeNames
+ ld e, a
+ ld d, 0
+ add hl, de
+ add hl, de
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ ld de, StringBuffer1
+ ld bc, $000d
+ jp CopyBytes
+; 5097b
+TypeNames: ; 5097b
+ dw Normal
+ dw Fighting
+ dw Flying
+ dw Poison
+ dw Ground
+ dw Rock
+ dw Bird
+ dw Bug
+ dw Ghost
+ dw Steel
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw Normal
+ dw UnknownType
+ dw Fire
+ dw Water
+ dw Grass
+ dw Electric
+ dw Psychic
+ dw Ice
+ dw Dragon
+ dw Dark
db "NORMAL@"
@@ -8590,6 +8672,8 @@
db "DRAGON@"
db "DARK@"
+; 50a28
INCBIN "baserom.gbc", $50a28, $50bdd - $50a28