ref: 5facf8377aeda68cb3fca389cb1784cf9c2d406b
parent: 38065a744de1065cc021a4cafe22476f8425448d
author: dannye <[email protected]>
date: Sun Aug 30 18:04:08 EDT 2015
No more wram_constants.asm unfortunately, this means manually declaring the wEnemyMon1 party struct
--- a/constants.asm
+++ b/constants.asm
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
INCLUDE "constants/oam_constants.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/misc_constants.asm"
-INCLUDE "constants/wram_constants.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/pokemon_constants.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/pokedex_constants.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/trainer_constants.asm"
--- a/constants/misc_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/misc_constants.asm
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
+SPRITEBUFFERSIZE EQU 7*7 * 8 ; 7 * 7 (tiles) * 8 (bytes per tile)
--- a/constants/wram_constants.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-SPRITEBUFFERSIZE EQU 7*7 * 8 ; 7 * 7 (tiles) * 8 (bytes per tile)
-; Overload wGrassMons
-wSerialEnemyDataBlock EQU $d893 ; wGrassMons + 11
-; Overload enemy party data
-W_WATERRATE EQU $d8a4 ; wEnemyMon1Species
-W_WATERMONS EQU $d8a5 ; wEnemyMon1Species + 1
--- a/engine/battle/wild_encounters.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/wild_encounters.asm
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
jr z, .CanEncounter
ld a, $14 ; in all tilesets with a water tile, this is its id
cp c
- ld a, [W_WATERRATE]
+ ld a, [wWaterRate]
jr z, .CanEncounter
; even if not in grass/water, standing anywhere we can encounter pokemon
; so long as the map is "indoor" and has wild pokemon defined.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
aCoord 8, 9
cp $14 ; is the bottom left tile (8,9) of the half-block we're standing in a water tile?
jr nz, .gotWildEncounterType ; else, it's treated as a grass tile by default
- ld hl, W_WATERMONS
+ ld hl, wWaterMons
; since the bottom right tile of a "left shore" half-block is $14 but the bottom left tile is not,
; "left shore" half-blocks (such as the one in the east coast of Cinnabar) load grass encounters.
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -2967,10 +2967,10 @@
add hl,bc
ld a,[hli]
- ld [W_WATERRATE],a
+ ld [wWaterRate],a
and a
ret z ; if no water data, we're done
- ld de,W_WATERMONS ; otherwise, load surfing data
+ ld de,wWaterMons ; otherwise, load surfing data
ld bc,$0014
jp CopyData
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -3062,13 +3062,49 @@
ds 1
wGrassMons:: ; d888
- ds 20
+ ;ds 20
+ ds 11
+; Overload wGrassMons
+wSerialEnemyDataBlock:: ; d893
+ ds 9
wEnemyPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d89c
wEnemyPartyMons:: ds PARTY_LENGTH + 1 ; d89d
wEnemyMons:: ; d8a4
-wEnemyMon1:: party_struct wEnemyMon1
+; Overload enemy party data
+wWaterRate:: db ; d8a4
+wWaterMons:: ; d8a5
+wEnemyMon1HP:: dw
+wEnemyMon1BoxLevel:: db
+wEnemyMon1Status:: db
+wEnemyMon1Type1:: db
+wEnemyMon1Type2:: db
+wEnemyMon1CatchRate:: db
+wEnemyMon1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES
+wEnemyMon1OTID:: dw
+wEnemyMon1Exp:: ds 3
+wEnemyMon1HPExp:: dw
+wEnemyMon1AttackExp:: dw
+wEnemyMon1DefenseExp:: dw
+wEnemyMon1SpeedExp:: dw
+wEnemyMon1SpecialExp:: dw
+wEnemyMon1DVs:: ds 2
+wEnemyMon1PP:: ds NUM_MOVES
+wEnemyMon1Level:: db
+wEnemyMon1MaxHP:: dw
+wEnemyMon1Attack:: dw
+wEnemyMon1Defense:: dw
+wEnemyMon1Speed:: dw
+wEnemyMon1Special:: dw
wEnemyMon2:: party_struct wEnemyMon2
wEnemyMon3:: party_struct wEnemyMon3
wEnemyMon4:: party_struct wEnemyMon4