shithub: pokered

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ref: 6f2fb6f238257c6ccb896c3aab95b211a30beac7
parent: 7c34b9d74b12d9d70cbf8cb2eb71feaef6e55756
author: YamaArashi <devnull@localhost>
date: Sun Jan 22 14:08:37 EST 2012

display start menu function

hg-commit-id: c786162e5d68

--- a/common.asm
+++ b/common.asm
@@ -5229,7 +5229,101 @@
 	db $50
 ; 0x7073 + 5 bytes
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7078,$72b3 - $7078
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7078,$710b - $7078
+; function that displays the start menu
+DrawStartMenu: ; 710B
+	ld a,[$d74b]
+	bit 5,a ; does the player have the pokedex?
+; menu with pokedex
+	ld hl,$c3aa
+	ld b,$0e
+	ld c,$08
+	jr nz,.drawTextBoxBorder\@
+; shorter menu if the player doesn't have the pokedex
+	ld hl,$c3aa
+	ld b,$0c
+	ld c,$08
+	call TextBoxBorder
+	ld a,%11001011 ; bit mask for down, up, start, B, and A buttons
+	ld [$cc29],a
+	ld a,$02
+	ld [$cc24],a ; Y position of first menu choice
+	ld a,$0b
+	ld [$cc25],a ; X position of first menu choice
+	ld a,[$cc2d] ; remembered menu selection from last time
+	ld [$cc26],a
+	ld [$cc2a],a
+	xor a
+	ld [$cc37],a
+	ld hl,$d730
+	set 6,[hl] ; no pauses between printing each letter
+	ld hl,$c3d4
+	ld a,[$d74b]
+	bit 5,a ; does the player have the pokedex?
+; case for not having pokdex
+	ld a,$06
+	jr z,.storeMenuItemCount\@
+; case for having pokedex
+	ld de,StartMenuPokedexText
+	call PrintStartMenuItem
+	ld a,$07
+	ld [$cc28],a ; number of menu items
+	ld de,StartMenuPokemonText
+	call PrintStartMenuItem
+	ld de,StartMenuItemText
+	call PrintStartMenuItem
+	ld de,$d158 ; player's name
+	call PrintStartMenuItem
+	ld a,[$d72e]
+	bit 6,a ; is the player using the link feature?
+; case for not using link feature
+	ld de,StartMenuSaveText
+	jr z,.printSaveOrResetText\@
+; case for using link feature
+	ld de,StartMenuResetText
+	call PrintStartMenuItem
+	ld de,StartMenuOptionText
+	call PrintStartMenuItem
+	ld de,StartMenuExitText
+	call PlaceString
+	ld hl,$d730
+	res 6,[hl] ; turn pauses between printing letters back on
+	ret
+StartMenuPokedexText: ; 718F
+db "POKéDEX@"
+StartMenuPokemonText: ; 7197
+db "POKéMON@"
+StartMenuItemText: ; 719F
+db "ITEM@"
+StartMenuSaveText: ; 71A4
+db "SAVE@"
+StartMenuResetText: ; 71A9
+db "RESET@"
+StartMenuExitText: ; 71AF
+db "EXIT@"
+StartMenuOptionText: ; 71B4
+db "OPTION@"
+PrintStartMenuItem: ; 71BB
+	push hl
+	call PlaceString
+	pop hl
+	ld de,$28
+	add hl,de
+	ret
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$71c5,$72b3 - $71c5
 UnnamedText_72b3: ; 0x72b3
 	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_72b3