ref: 93b1361dffaff4fae83f4f283fa7a39ab414d73d
parent: 188ac8a9b4816dd98df0108314e58885c3b07452
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Fri May 30 14:30:25 EDT 2014
Split out joypad and overworld code from home.asm.
--- a/home.asm
+++ b/home.asm
@@ -124,2468 +124,11 @@
jp Init
-; Poll joypad input.
-; Unlike the hardware register, button
-; presses are indicated by a set bit.
+INCLUDE "home/joypad.asm"
- ld a, 1 << 5 ; select direction keys
- ld c, 0
- ld [rJOYP], a
- rept 6
- ld a, [rJOYP]
- endr
- cpl
- and %1111
- swap a
- ld b, a
- ld a, 1 << 4 ; select button keys
- ld [rJOYP], a
- rept 10
- ld a, [rJOYP]
- endr
- cpl
- and %1111
- or b
- ld [hJoyInput], a
- ld a, 1 << 4 + 1 << 5 ; deselect keys
- ld [rJOYP], a
- ret
-; Update the joypad state variables:
-; [hJoyReleased] keys released since last time
-; [hJoyPressed] keys pressed since last time
-; [hJoyHeld] currently pressed keys
- homecall _Joypad
- ret
INCLUDE "data/map_header_pointers.asm"
-; Handle the player jumping down
-; a ledge in the overworld.
- ld b, BANK(_HandleMidJump)
- ld hl, _HandleMidJump
- jp Bankswitch
-; Load a new map.
- ld a, $ff
- ld [wJoyIgnore], a
- call LoadMapData
- callba Func_c335 ; initialize map variables
- ld hl, wd72c
- bit 0, [hl]
- jr z, .doNotCountSteps
- ld a, 3
- ld [wd13c], a ; some kind of step counter (counts up to 3 steps?)
- ld hl, wd72e
- bit 5, [hl] ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
- res 5, [hl] ; unset the "battle just happened" flag
- call z, Func_12e7
- call nz, MapEntryAfterBattle
- ld hl, wd732
- ld a, [hl]
- and 1 << 4 | 1 << 3
- jr z, .didNotFlyOrTeleportIn
- res 3, [hl]
- callba Func_70510 ; display fly/teleport in graphical effect
- call UpdateSprites
- callba CheckForceBikeOrSurf ; handle currents in SF islands and forced bike riding in cycling road
- ld hl, wd72d
- res 5, [hl]
- call UpdateSprites
- ld hl, wd126
- set 5, [hl]
- set 6, [hl]
- xor a
- ld [wJoyIgnore], a
- call DelayFrame
- call DelayFrame
- call LoadGBPal
- ld a,[wd736]
- bit 6,a ; jumping down a ledge?
- call nz, HandleMidJump
- ld a,[wWalkCounter]
- and a
- jp nz,.moveAhead ; if the player sprite has not yet completed the walking animation
- call JoypadOverworld ; get joypad state (which is possibly simulated)
- callba SafariZoneCheck
- ld a,[wda46]
- and a
- jp nz,WarpFound2
- ld hl,wd72d
- bit 3,[hl]
- res 3,[hl]
- jp nz,WarpFound2
- ld a,[wd732]
- and a,$18
- jp nz,HandleFlyOrTeleportAway
- and a
- jp nz,.newBattle
- ld a,[wd730]
- bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
- jr z,.notSimulating
- ld a,[hJoyHeld]
- jr .checkIfStartIsPressed
- ld a,[hJoyPressed]
- bit 3,a ; start button
- jr z,.startButtonNotPressed
-; if START is pressed
- xor a
- ld [$ff8c],a ; the $2920 ID for the start menu is 0
- jp .displayDialogue
- bit 0,a ; A button
- jp z,.checkIfDownButtonIsPressed
-; if A is pressed
- ld a,[wd730]
- bit 2,a
- jp nz,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
- call Func_30fd
- jr nz,.checkForOpponent
- call Func_3eb5 ; check for hidden items, PC's, etc.
- ld a,[$ffeb]
- and a
- jp z,OverworldLoop
- call IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sign or sprite in front of the player
- ld a,[$ff8c] ; $2920 ID for NPC/sign text, if any
- and a
- jp z,OverworldLoop
- ld a,$35
- call Predef ; check what is in front of the player
- call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
- ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
- bit 2,a
- jr nz,.checkForOpponent
- bit 0,a
- jr nz,.checkForOpponent
- FuncCoord 8, 9
- ld a,[Coord]
- ld [wcf0e],a
- call DisplayTextID ; display either the start menu or the NPC/sign text
- ld a,[wcc47]
- and a
- jr z,.checkForOpponent
- dec a
- ld a,$00
- ld [wcc47],a
- jr z,.changeMap
- ld a,$52
- call Predef
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- ld [wd71a],a
- call Func_62ce
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- call SwitchToMapRomBank ; switch to the ROM bank of the current map
- set 7,[hl]
- jp EnterMap
- and a
- jp nz,.newBattle
- jp OverworldLoop
- ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
- res 2,[hl]
- call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
- ld a,$01
- ld [wcc4b],a
- ld a,[wd528] ; the direction that was pressed last time
- and a
- jp z,OverworldLoop
-; if a direction was pressed last time
- ld [wd529],a ; save the last direction
- xor a
- ld [wd528],a ; zero the direction
- jp OverworldLoop
- ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
- bit 7,a ; down button
- jr z,.checkIfUpButtonIsPressed
- ld a,$01
- ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
- ld a,$04
- jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
- bit 6,a ; up button
- jr z,.checkIfLeftButtonIsPressed
- ld a,$ff
- ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
- ld a,$08
- jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
- bit 5,a ; left button
- jr z,.checkIfRightButtonIsPressed
- ld a,$ff
- ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
- ld a,$02
- jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
- bit 4,a ; right button
- jr z,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
- ld a,$01
- ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
- ld [wd52a],a ; new direction
- ld a,[wd730]
- bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
- jr nz,.noDirectionChange ; ignore direction changes if we are
- ld a,[wcc4b]
- and a
- jr z,.noDirectionChange
- ld a,[wd52a] ; new direction
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wd529] ; old direction
- cp b
- jr z,.noDirectionChange
-; the code below is strange
-; it computes whether or not the player did a 180 degree turn, but then overwrites the result
-; also, it does a seemingly pointless loop afterwards
- swap a ; put old direction in upper half
- or b ; put new direction in lower half
- cp a,$48 ; change dir from down to up
- jr nz,.notDownToUp
- ld a,$02
- ld [wd528],a
- jr .oddLoop
- cp a,$84 ; change dir from up to down
- jr nz,.notUpToDown
- ld a,$01
- ld [wd528],a
- jr .oddLoop
- cp a,$12 ; change dir from right to left
- jr nz,.notRightToLeft
- ld a,$04
- ld [wd528],a
- jr .oddLoop
- cp a,$21 ; change dir from left to right
- jr nz,.oddLoop
- ld a,$08
- ld [wd528],a
- ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
- set 2,[hl]
- ld hl,wcc4b
- dec [hl]
- jr nz,.oddLoop
- ld a,[wd52a]
- ld [wd528],a
- call NewBattle
- jp c,.battleOccurred
- jp OverworldLoop
- ld a,[wd52a] ; current direction
- ld [wd528],a ; save direction
- call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
- ld a,[wd700]
- cp a,$02 ; surfing
- jr z,.surfing
-; not surfing
- call CollisionCheckOnLand
- jr nc,.noCollision
- push hl
- ld hl,wd736
- bit 2,[hl]
- pop hl
- jp z,OverworldLoop
- push hl
- call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if there is a potential to warp
- pop hl
- jp c,CheckWarpsCollision
- jp OverworldLoop
- call CollisionCheckOnWater
- jp c,OverworldLoop
- ld a,$08
- ld [wWalkCounter],a
- jr .moveAhead2
- ld a,[wd736]
- bit 7,a
- jr z,.noSpinning
- callba LoadSpinnerArrowTiles ; spin while moving
- call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
- ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
- res 2,[hl]
- ld a,[wd700]
- dec a ; riding a bike?
- jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
- ld a,[wd736]
- bit 6,a ; jumping a ledge?
- jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
- call BikeSpeedup ; if riding a bike and not jumping a ledge
- call AdvancePlayerSprite
- ld a,[wWalkCounter]
- and a
- jp nz,CheckMapConnections ; it seems like this check will never succeed (the other place where CheckMapConnections is run works)
-; walking animation finished
- ld a,[wd730]
- bit 7,a
- jr nz,.doneStepCounting ; if button presses are being simulated, don't count steps
-; step counting
- ld hl,wd13b ; step counter
- dec [hl]
- ld a,[wd72c]
- bit 0,a
- jr z,.doneStepCounting
- ld hl,wd13c
- dec [hl]
- jr nz,.doneStepCounting
- ld hl,wd72c
- res 0,[hl]
- ld a,[wd790]
- bit 7,a ; in the safari zone?
- jr z,.notSafariZone
- callba SafariZoneCheckSteps
- ld a,[wda46]
- and a
- jp nz,WarpFound2
- and a
- jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollision
- ld a,$13
- call Predef ; decrement HP of poisoned pokemon
- ld a,[wd12d]
- and a
- jp nz,HandleBlackOut ; if all pokemon fainted
- call NewBattle
- ld hl,wd736
- res 2,[hl]
- jp nc,CheckWarpsNoCollision ; check for warps if there was no battle
- ld hl,wd72d
- res 6,[hl]
- ld hl,W_FLAGS_D733
- res 3,[hl]
- ld hl,wd126
- set 5,[hl]
- set 6,[hl]
- xor a
- ld [hJoyHeld],a ; clear joypad state
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- jr nz,.notCinnabarGym
- ld hl,wd79b
- set 7,[hl]
- ld hl,wd72e
- set 5,[hl]
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- cp a,OAKS_LAB
- jp z,.noFaintCheck
- callab AnyPlayerPokemonAliveCheck ; check if all the player's pokemon fainted
- ld a,d
- and a
- jr z,.allPokemonFainted
- ld c,$0a
- call DelayFrames
- jp EnterMap
- ld a,$ff
- call RunMapScript
- jp HandleBlackOut
-; function to determine if there will be a battle and execute it (either a trainer battle or wild battle)
-; sets carry if a battle occurred and unsets carry if not
-NewBattle:: ; 0683 (0:0683)
- ld a,[wd72d]
- bit 4,a
- jr nz,.noBattle
- call Func_30fd
- jr nz,.noBattle
- ld a,[wd72e]
- bit 4,a
- jr nz,.noBattle
- ld b, BANK(InitBattle)
- ld hl, InitBattle
- jp Bankswitch ; determines if a battle will occur and runs the battle if so
- and a
- ret
-; function to make bikes twice as fast as walking
-BikeSpeedup:: ; 06a0 (0:06a0)
- ld a,[wcc57]
- and a
- ret nz
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
- jr nz,.goFaster
- ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
- and a,%01110000 ; bit mask for up, left, right buttons
- ret nz
- jp AdvancePlayerSprite
-; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having not collided
-CheckWarpsNoCollision:: ; 06b4 (0:06b4)
- ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
- and a
- jp z,CheckMapConnections
- ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
- ld b,$00
- ld c,a
- ld a,[W_YCOORD]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[W_XCOORD]
- ld e,a
- ld hl,wd3af ; start of warp entries
-CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 06cc (0:06cc)
- ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's Y position matches
- cp d
- jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1
- ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's X position matches
- cp e
- jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
-; if a match was found
- push hl
- push bc
- ld hl,wd736
- set 2,[hl]
- callba Func_c49d ; check if the player sprite is standing on a "door" tile
- pop bc
- pop hl
- jr c,WarpFound1 ; if it is, go to 0735
- push hl
- push bc
- call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if the warp is confirmed
- pop bc
- pop hl
- jr nc,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
-; if the extra check passed
- ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
- bit 2,a
- jr nz,WarpFound1
- push de
- push bc
- call Joypad
- pop bc
- pop de
- ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
- and a,%11110000 ; bit mask for directional buttons
- jr z,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if directional buttons aren't being pressed, do not pass through the warp
- jr WarpFound1
-; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having collided
-CheckWarpsCollision:: ; 0706 (0:0706)
- ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
- ld c,a
- ld hl,wd3af ; start of warp entries
- ld a,[hli] ; Y coordinate of warp
- ld b,a
- ld a,[W_YCOORD]
- cp b
- jr nz,.retry1
- ld a,[hli] ; X coordinate of warp
- ld b,a
- ld a,[W_XCOORD]
- cp b
- jr nz,.retry2
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wd42f],a ; save target warp ID
- ld a,[hl]
- ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
- jr WarpFound2
- inc hl
- inc hl
- inc hl
- dec c
- jr nz,.loop
- jp OverworldLoop
-CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1:: ; 072f (0:072f)
- inc hl
-CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2:: ; 0730 (0:0730)
- inc hl
- inc hl
- jp ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
-WarpFound1:: ; 0735 (0:0735)
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wd42f],a ; save target warp ID
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
-WarpFound2:: ; 073c (0:073c)
- ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
- sub c
- ld [wd73b],a ; save ID of used warp
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- ld [wd73c],a
- call CheckIfInOutsideMap
- jr nz,.indoorMaps
-; this is for handling "outside" maps that can't have the 0xFF destination map
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- ld [wLastMap],a
- ld [wd366],a
- ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map number
- ld [W_CURMAP],a ; change current map to destination map
- cp a,ROCK_TUNNEL_1
- jr nz,.notRockTunnel
- ld a,$06
- ld [wd35d],a
- call GBFadeIn1
- call PlayMapChangeSound
- jr .done
-; for maps that can have the 0xFF destination map, which means to return to the outside map; not all these maps are necessarily indoors, though
- ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.goBackOutside
-; if not going back to the previous map
- ld [W_CURMAP],a ; current map number
- callba Func_70787 ; check if the warp was a Silph Co. teleporter
- ld a,[wcd5b]
- dec a
- jr nz,.notTeleporter
-; if it's a Silph Co. teleporter
- ld hl,wd732
- set 3,[hl]
- call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
- jr .skipMapChangeSound
- call PlayMapChangeSound
- ld hl,wd736
- res 0,[hl]
- res 1,[hl]
- jr .done
- ld a,[wLastMap]
- ld [W_CURMAP],a
- call PlayMapChangeSound
- xor a
- ld [wd35d],a
- ld hl,wd736
- set 0,[hl]
- call Func_12da
- jp EnterMap
-ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 07b5 (0:07b5)
- inc b ; increment warp number
- dec c ; decrement number of warps
- jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
-; if no matching warp was found
-CheckMapConnections:: ; 07ba (0:07ba)
- ld a,[W_XCOORD]
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.checkEastMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN3PTR]
- ld [W_CURMAP],a
- ld a,[wd38f] ; new X coordinate upon entering west map
- ld [W_XCOORD],a
- ld a,[W_YCOORD]
- ld c,a
- ld a,[wd38e] ; Y adjustment upon entering west map
- add c
- ld c,a
- ld [W_YCOORD],a
- ld a,[wd390] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd391]
- ld h,a
- srl c
- jr z,.savePointer1
- ld a,[wd38d] ; width of connected map
- add a,$06
- ld e,a
- ld d,$00
- ld b,$00
- add hl,de
- dec c
- jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop1
- ld a,l
- ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
- ld a,h
- ld [wd360],a
- jp .loadNewMap
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wd525] ; map width
- cp b
- jr nz,.checkNorthMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN4PTR]
- ld [W_CURMAP],a
- ld a,[wd39a] ; new X coordinate upon entering east map
- ld [W_XCOORD],a
- ld a,[W_YCOORD]
- ld c,a
- ld a,[wd399] ; Y adjustment upon entering east map
- add c
- ld c,a
- ld [W_YCOORD],a
- ld a,[wd39b] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd39c]
- ld h,a
- srl c
- jr z,.savePointer2
- ld a,[wd398]
- add a,$06
- ld e,a
- ld d,$00
- ld b,$00
- add hl,de
- dec c
- jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop2
- ld a,l
- ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
- ld a,h
- ld [wd360],a
- jp .loadNewMap
- ld a,[W_YCOORD]
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.checkSouthMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN1PTR]
- ld [W_CURMAP],a
- ld a,[wd378] ; new Y coordinate upon entering north map
- ld [W_YCOORD],a
- ld a,[W_XCOORD]
- ld c,a
- ld a,[wd379] ; X adjustment upon entering north map
- add c
- ld c,a
- ld [W_XCOORD],a
- ld a,[wd37a] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd37b]
- ld h,a
- ld b,$00
- srl c
- add hl,bc
- ld a,l
- ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
- ld a,h
- ld [wd360],a
- jp .loadNewMap
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wd524]
- cp b
- jr nz,.didNotEnterConnectedMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN2PTR]
- ld [W_CURMAP],a
- ld a,[wd383] ; new Y coordinate upon entering south map
- ld [W_YCOORD],a
- ld a,[W_XCOORD]
- ld c,a
- ld a,[wd384] ; X adjustment upon entering south map
- add c
- ld c,a
- ld [W_XCOORD],a
- ld a,[wd385] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd386]
- ld h,a
- ld b,$00
- srl c
- add hl,bc
- ld a,l
- ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
- ld a,h
- ld [wd360],a
-.loadNewMap ; load the connected map that was entered
- call LoadMapHeader
- call Func_2312 ; music
- ld b,$09
- call GoPAL_SET
-; Since the sprite set shouldn't change, this will just update VRAM slots at
-; $C2XE without loading any tile patterns.
- callba InitMapSprites
- call LoadTileBlockMap
- jp OverworldLoopLessDelay
- jp OverworldLoop
-; function to play a sound when changing maps
-PlayMapChangeSound:: ; 08c9 (0:08c9)
- FuncCoord 8, 8
- ld a,[Coord] ; upper left tile of the 4x4 square the player's sprite is standing on
- cp a,$0b ; door tile in tileset 0
- jr nz,.didNotGoThroughDoor
- ld a,(SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- jr .playSound
- ld a,(SFX_02_5c - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- call PlaySound
- ld a,[wd35d]
- and a
- ret nz
- jp GBFadeIn1
-CheckIfInOutsideMap:: ; 08e1 (0:08e1)
-; If the player is in an outside map (a town or route), set the z flag
- and a ; most towns/routes have tileset 0 (OVERWORLD)
- ret z
- cp PLATEAU ; Route 23 / Indigo Plateau
- ret
-; this function is an extra check that sometimes has to pass in order to warp, beyond just standing on a warp
-; the "sometimes" qualification is necessary because of CheckWarpsNoCollision's behavior
-; depending on the map, either "function 1" or "function 2" is used for the check
-; "function 1" passes when the player is at the edge of the map and is facing towards the outside of the map
-; "function 2" passes when the the tile in front of the player is among a certain set
-; sets carry if the check passes, otherwise clears carry
-ExtraWarpCheck:: ; 08e9 (0:08e9)
- ld a, [W_CURMAP]
- cp SS_ANNE_3
- jr z, .useFunction1
- jr z, .useFunction2
- jr z, .useFunction2
- jr z, .useFunction2
- jr z, .useFunction2
- and a ; outside tileset (OVERWORLD)
- jr z, .useFunction2
- cp SHIP ; S.S. Anne tileset
- jr z, .useFunction2
- cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Port tileset
- jr z, .useFunction2
- cp PLATEAU ; Indigo Plateau tileset
- jr z, .useFunction2
- ld hl, Func_c3ff
- jr .doBankswitch
- ld hl, Func_c44e
- ld b, BANK(Func_c44e)
- jp Bankswitch
-MapEntryAfterBattle:: ; 091f (0:091f)
- callba Func_c35f ; function that appears to disable warp testing after collisions if the player is standing on a warp
- ld a,[wd35d]
- and a
- jp z,GBFadeIn2
- jp LoadGBPal
-; For when all the player's pokemon faint.
-; Does not print the "blacked out" message.
- call GBFadeIn1
- ld a, $08
- call StopMusic
- ld hl, wd72e
- res 5, [hl]
- ld a, Bank(Func_40b0) ; also Bank(Func_62ce) and Bank(Func_5d5f)
- ld [MBC3RomBank], a
- call Func_40b0
- call Func_62ce
- call Func_2312
- jp Func_5d5f
- ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
- ld a, $ff
- ld [wc0ee], a
- call PlaySound
- ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
- and a
- jr nz, .wait
- jp StopAllSounds
- call UpdateSprites
- call Delay3
- xor a
- ld [wcf0b], a
- ld [wd700], a
- ld [W_ISINBATTLE], a
- ld [wd35d], a
- ld hl, wd732
- set 2, [hl]
- res 5, [hl]
- call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
- ld a, Bank(Func_62ce)
- ld [$2000], a
- call Func_62ce
- jp Func_5d5f
- ld b, BANK(_DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics)
- ld hl, _DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
- jp Bankswitch
-; Load sprite graphics based on whether the player is standing, biking, or surfing.
- ; 0: standing
- ; 1: biking
- ; 2: surfing
- ld a, [wd700]
- dec a
- jr z, .ridingBike
- ld a, [$ffd7]
- and a
- jr nz, .determineGraphics
- jr .startWalking
- ; If the bike can't be used,
- ; start walking instead.
- call IsBikeRidingAllowed
- jr c, .determineGraphics
- xor a
- ld [wd700], a
- ld [wd11a], a
- jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
- ld a, [wd700]
- and a
- jp z, LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
- dec a
- jp z, LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics
- dec a
- jp z, LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics
- jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
-; The bike can be used on Route 23 and Indigo Plateau,
-; or maps with tilesets in BikeRidingTilesets.
-; Return carry if biking is allowed.
- ld a, [W_CURMAP]
- cp ROUTE_23
- jr z, .allowed
- jr z, .allowed
- ld b, a
- ld hl, BikeRidingTilesets
- ld a, [hli]
- cp b
- jr z, .allowed
- inc a
- jr nz, .loop
- and a
- ret
- scf
- ret
-INCLUDE "data/bike_riding_tilesets.asm"
-; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM
-LoadTilesetTilePatternData:: ; 09e8 (0:09e8)
- ld l,a
- ld a,[W_TILESETGFXPTR + 1]
- ld h,a
- ld de,vTileset
- ld bc,$600
- jp FarCopyData2
-; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8
-; it can also load partial tile maps of connected maps into a border of length 3 around the current map
-LoadTileBlockMap:: ; 09fc (0:09fc)
-; fill C6E8-CBFB with the background tile
- ld hl,wOverworldMap
- ld a,[wd3ad] ; background tile number
- ld d,a
- ld bc,$0514
- ld a,d
- ld [hli],a
- dec bc
- ld a,c
- or b
- jr nz,.backgroundTileLoop
-; load tile map of current map (made of tile block IDs)
-; a 3-byte border at the edges of the map is kept so that there is space for map connections
- ld hl,wOverworldMap
- ld [$ff8c],a
- add a,$06 ; border (east and west)
- ld [$ff8b],a ; map width + border
- ld b,$00
- ld c,a
-; make space for north border (next 3 lines)
- add hl,bc
- add hl,bc
- add hl,bc
- ld c,$03
- add hl,bc ; this puts us past the (west) border
- ld a,[W_MAPDATAPTR] ; tile map pointer
- ld e,a
- ld a,[W_MAPDATAPTR + 1]
- ld d,a ; de = tile map pointer
- ld b,a
-.rowLoop ; copy one row each iteration
- push hl
- ld a,[$ff8c] ; map width (without border)
- ld c,a
- ld a,[de]
- inc de
- ld [hli],a
- dec c
- jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
-; add the map width plus the border to the base address of the current row to get the next row's address
- pop hl
- ld a,[$ff8b] ; map width + border
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry
- inc h
- dec b
- jr nz,.rowLoop
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN1PTR]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.southConnection
- call SwitchToMapRomBank
- ld a,[wd372]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd373]
- ld h,a
- ld a,[wd374]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[wd375]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[wd376]
- ld [$ff8b],a
- ld a,[wd377]
- ld [$ff8c],a
- call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN2PTR]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.westConnection
- call SwitchToMapRomBank
- ld a,[wd37d]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd37e]
- ld h,a
- ld a,[wd37f]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[wd380]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[wd381]
- ld [$ff8b],a
- ld a,[wd382]
- ld [$ff8c],a
- call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN3PTR]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.eastConnection
- call SwitchToMapRomBank
- ld a,[wd388]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd389]
- ld h,a
- ld a,[wd38a]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[wd38b]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[wd38c]
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wd38d]
- ld [$ff8b],a
- call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
- ld a,[W_MAPCONN4PTR]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.done
- call SwitchToMapRomBank
- ld a,[wd393]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd394]
- ld h,a
- ld a,[wd395]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[wd396]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[wd397]
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wd398]
- ld [$ff8b],a
- call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
- ret
-LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0ade (0:0ade)
- ld c,$03
- push de
- push hl
- ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connection
- ld b,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec b
- jr nz,.innerLoop
- pop hl
- pop de
- ld a,[$ff8c] ; width of connected map
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry1
- inc h
- add a,$06
- add e
- ld e,a
- jr nc,.noCarry2
- inc d
- dec c
- jr nz,.loop
- ret
-LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0b02 (0:0b02)
- push hl
- push de
- ld c,$03
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec c
- jr nz,.innerLoop
- pop de
- pop hl
- ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connected map
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry1
- inc h
- add a,$06
- add e
- ld e,a
- jr nc,.noCarry2
- inc d
- dec b
- jr nz,LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
- ret
-; function to check if there is a sign or sprite in front of the player
-; if so, it is stored in [$FF8C]
-; if not, [$FF8C] is set to 0
-IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b23 (0:0b23)
- xor a
- ld [$ff8c],a
- ld a,[wd4b0] ; number of signs in the map
- and a
- jr z,.extendRangeOverCounter
-; if there are signs
- ld a,$35
- call Predef ; get the coordinates in front of the player in de
- ld hl,wd4b1 ; start of sign coordinates
- ld a,[wd4b0] ; number of signs in the map
- ld b,a
- ld c,$00
- inc c
- ld a,[hli] ; sign Y
- cp d
- jr z,.yCoordMatched
- inc hl
- jr .retry
- ld a,[hli] ; sign X
- cp e
- jr nz,.retry
-; found sign
- push hl
- push bc
- ld hl,wd4d1 ; start of sign text ID's
- ld b,$00
- dec c
- add hl,bc
- ld a,[hl]
- ld [$ff8c],a ; store sign text ID
- pop bc
- pop hl
- ret
- dec b
- jr nz,.signLoop
-; check if the player is front of a counter in a pokemon center, pokemart, etc. and if so, extend the range at which he can talk to the NPC
- ld a,$35
- call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player in c
- ld hl,W_TILESETTALKINGOVERTILES ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles)
- ld b,$03
- ld d,$20 ; talking range in pixels (long range)
- ld a,[hli]
- cp c
- jr z,IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2 ; jumps if the tile in front of the player is a counter tile
- dec b
- jr nz,.counterTilesLoop
-; part of the above function, but sometimes its called on its own, when signs are irrelevant
-; the caller must zero [$FF8C]
-IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b6b (0:0b6b)
- ld d,$10 ; talking range in pixels (normal range)
-IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2:: ; 0b6d (0:0b6d)
- ld bc,$3c40 ; Y and X position of player sprite
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 9] ; direction the player is facing
- cp a,$04
- jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingDown
-; facing up
- ld a,b
- sub d
- ld b,a
- ld a,$08
- jr .doneCheckingDirection
- cp a,$00
- jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingRight
-; facing down
- ld a,b
- add d
- ld b,a
- ld a,$04
- jr .doneCheckingDirection
- cp a,$0c
- jr nz,.playerFacingLeft
-; facing right
- ld a,c
- add d
- ld c,a
- ld a,$01
- jr .doneCheckingDirection
-; facing left
- ld a,c
- sub d
- ld c,a
- ld a,$02
- ld [wd52a],a
- ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
- and a
- ret z
-; if there are sprites
- ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
- ld d,a
- ld e,$01
- push hl
- ld a,[hli] ; image (0 if no sprite)
- and a
- jr z,.nextSprite
- inc l
- ld a,[hli] ; sprite visibility
- inc a
- jr z,.nextSprite
- inc l
- ld a,[hli] ; Y location
- cp b
- jr nz,.nextSprite
- inc l
- ld a,[hl] ; X location
- cp c
- jr z,.foundSpriteInFrontOfPlayer
- pop hl
- ld a,l
- add a,$10
- ld l,a
- inc e
- dec d
- jr nz,.spriteLoop
- ret
- pop hl
- ld a,l
- and a,$f0
- inc a
- ld l,a
- set 7,[hl]
- ld a,e
- ld [$ff8c],a ; store sprite ID
- ret
-; function to check if the player will jump down a ledge and check if the tile ahead is passable (when not surfing)
-; sets the carry flag if there is a collision, and unsets it if there isn't a collision
-CollisionCheckOnLand:: ; 0bd1 (0:0bd1)
- ld a,[wd736]
- bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
- jr nz,.noCollision
-; if not jumping a ledge
- ld a,[wcd38]
- and a
- jr nz,.noCollision
- ld a,[wd52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
- ld d,a
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 12] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
- and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
- jr nz,.collision
- xor a
- ld [$ff8c],a
- call IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sprite collisions again? when does the above check fail to detect a sprite collision?
- ld a,[$ff8c]
- and a ; was there a sprite collision?
- jr nz,.collision
-; if no sprite collision
- ld hl,TilePairCollisionsLand
- call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
- jr c,.collision
- call CheckTilePassable
- jr nc,.noCollision
- ld a,[wc02a]
- cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
- jr z,.setCarry
- ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
- scf
- ret
- and a
- ret
-; function that checks if the tile in front of the player is passable
-; clears carry if it is, sets carry if not
-CheckTilePassable:: ; 0c10 (0:0c10)
- ld a,$35
- call Predef ; get tile in front of player
- ld a,[wcfc6] ; tile in front of player
- ld c,a
- ld hl,W_TILESETCOLLISIONPTR ; pointer to list of passable tiles
- ld a,[hli]
- ld h,[hl]
- ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles
- ld a,[hli]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.tileNotPassable
- cp c
- ret z
- jr .loop
- scf
- ret
-; check if the player is going to jump down a small ledge
-; and check for collisions that only occur between certain pairs of tiles
-; Input: hl - address of directional collision data
-; sets carry if there is a collision and unsets carry if not
-CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c2a (0:0c2a)
- push hl
- ld a,$35
- call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player
- push de
- push bc
- callba HandleLedges ; check if the player is trying to jump a ledge
- pop bc
- pop de
- pop hl
- and a
- ld a,[wd736]
- bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
- ret nz
-; if not jumping
-Func_c44:: ; 0c44 (0:0c44)
- FuncCoord 8, 9
- ld a,[Coord] ; tile the player is on
- ld [wcf0e],a
-CheckForTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c4a (0:0c4a)
- ld a,[wcfc6] ; tile in front of the player
- ld c,a
- ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset number
- ld b,a
- ld a,[hli]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.noMatch
- cp b
- jr z,.tilesetMatches
- inc hl
- inc hl
- jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
- ld a,[wcf0e] ; tile the player is on
- ld b,a
- ld a,[hl]
- cp b
- jr z,.currentTileMatchesFirstInPair
- inc hl
- ld a,[hl]
- cp b
- jr z,.currentTileMatchesSecondInPair
- jr .retry
- inc hl
- ld a,[hl]
- cp c
- jr z,.foundMatch
- jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
- dec hl
- ld a,[hli]
- cp c
- inc hl
- jr nz,.tilePairCollisionLoop
- scf
- ret
- and a
- ret
-; FORMAT: tileset number, tile 1, tile 2
-; terminated by 0xFF
-; these entries indicate that the player may not cross between tile 1 and tile 2
-; it's mainly used to simulate differences in elevation
-TilePairCollisionsLand:: ; 0c7e (0:0c7e)
- db CAVERN, $20, $05
- db CAVERN, $41, $05
- db FOREST, $30, $2E
- db CAVERN, $2A, $05
- db CAVERN, $05, $21
- db FOREST, $52, $2E
- db FOREST, $55, $2E
- db FOREST, $56, $2E
- db FOREST, $20, $2E
- db FOREST, $5E, $2E
- db FOREST, $5F, $2E
- db $FF
-TilePairCollisionsWater:: ; 0ca0 (0:0ca0)
- db FOREST, $14, $2E
- db FOREST, $48, $2E
- db CAVERN, $14, $05
- db $FF
-; this builds a tile map from the tile block map based on the current X/Y coordinates of the player's character
-LoadCurrentMapView:: ; 0caa (0:0caa)
- push af
- ld a,[W_TILESETBANK] ; tile data ROM bank
- ld [$2000],a ; switch to ROM bank that contains tile data
- ld a,[wd35f] ; address of upper left corner of current map view
- ld e,a
- ld a,[wd360]
- ld d,a
- ld hl,wTileMapBackup
- ld b,$05
-.rowLoop ; each loop iteration fills in one row of tile blocks
- push hl
- push de
- ld c,$06
-.rowInnerLoop ; loop to draw each tile block of the current row
- push bc
- push de
- push hl
- ld a,[de]
- ld c,a ; tile block number
- call DrawTileBlock
- pop hl
- pop de
- pop bc
- inc hl
- inc hl
- inc hl
- inc hl
- inc de
- dec c
- jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
-; update tile block map pointer to next row's address
- pop de
- add a,$06
- add e
- ld e,a
- jr nc,.noCarry
- inc d
-; update tile map pointer to next row's address
- pop hl
- ld a,$60
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry2
- inc h
- dec b
- jr nz,.rowLoop
- ld hl,wTileMapBackup
- ld bc,$0000
- and a
- jr z,.adjustForXCoordWithinTileBlock
- ld bc,$0030
- add hl,bc
- and a
- jr z,.copyToVisibleAreaBuffer
- ld bc,$0002
- add hl,bc
- ld de,wTileMap ; base address for the tiles that are directly transfered to VRAM during V-blank
- ld b,$12
- ld c,$14
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec c
- jr nz,.rowInnerLoop2
- ld a,$04
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry3
- inc h
- dec b
- jr nz,.rowLoop2
- pop af
- ld [$2000],a ; restore previous ROM bank
- ret
-AdvancePlayerSprite:: ; 0d27 (0:0d27)
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
- ld c,a
- ld hl,wWalkCounter ; walking animation counter
- dec [hl]
- jr nz,.afterUpdateMapCoords
-; if it's the end of the animation, update the player's map coordinates
- ld a,[W_YCOORD]
- add b
- ld [W_YCOORD],a
- ld a,[W_XCOORD]
- add c
- ld [W_XCOORD],a
- ld a,[wWalkCounter] ; walking animation counter
- cp a,$07
- jp nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
-; if this is the first iteration of the animation
- ld a,c
- cp a,$01
- jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest
-; moving east
- ld a,[wd526]
- ld e,a
- and a,$e0
- ld d,a
- ld a,e
- add a,$02
- and a,$1f
- or d
- ld [wd526],a
- jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.checkIfMovingSouth
-; moving west
- ld a,[wd526]
- ld e,a
- and a,$e0
- ld d,a
- ld a,e
- sub a,$02
- and a,$1f
- or d
- ld [wd526],a
- jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
- ld a,b
- cp a,$01
- jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth
-; moving south
- ld a,[wd526]
- add a,$40
- ld [wd526],a
- jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
- ld a,[wd527]
- inc a
- and a,$03
- or a,$98
- ld [wd527],a
- jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
-; moving north
- ld a,[wd526]
- sub a,$40
- ld [wd526],a
- jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
- ld a,[wd527]
- dec a
- and a,$03
- or a,$98
- ld [wd527],a
- ld a,c
- and a
- jr z,.pointlessJump ; mistake?
- ld a,[hl]
- add c
- ld [hl],a
- cp a,$02
- jr nz,.checkForMoveToWestBlock
-; moved into the tile block to the east
- xor a
- ld [hl],a
- ld hl,wd4e3
- inc [hl]
- ld de,wd35f
- call MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast
- jr .updateMapView
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.adjustYCoordWithinBlock
-; moved into the tile block to the west
- ld a,$01
- ld [hl],a
- ld hl,wd4e3
- dec [hl]
- ld de,wd35f
- call MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest
- jr .updateMapView
- ld a,[hl]
- add b
- ld [hl],a
- cp a,$02
- jr nz,.checkForMoveToNorthBlock
-; moved into the tile block to the south
- xor a
- ld [hl],a
- ld hl,wd4e2
- inc [hl]
- ld de,wd35f
- call MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth
- jr .updateMapView
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.updateMapView
-; moved into the tile block to the north
- ld a,$01
- ld [hl],a
- ld hl,wd4e2
- dec [hl]
- ld de,wd35f
- call MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth
- call LoadCurrentMapView
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
- cp a,$01
- jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth2
-; if moving south
- call ScheduleSouthRowRedraw
- jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.checkIfMovingEast2
-; if moving north
- call ScheduleNorthRowRedraw
- jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
- cp a,$01
- jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest2
-; if moving east
- call ScheduleEastColumnRedraw
- jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
- cp a,$ff
- jr nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
-; if moving west
- call ScheduleWestColumnRedraw
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
- ld c,a
- sla b
- sla c
- ld a,[$ffaf]
- add b
- ld [$ffaf],a ; update background scroll Y
- ld a,[$ffae]
- add c
- ld [$ffae],a ; update background scroll X
-; shift all the sprites in the direction opposite of the player's motion
-; so that the player appears to move relative to them
- ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $14
- ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
- and a ; are there any sprites?
- jr z,.done
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hl]
- sub b
- ld [hli],a
- inc l
- ld a,[hl]
- sub c
- ld [hl],a
- ld a,$0e
- add l
- ld l,a
- dec e
- jr nz,.spriteShiftLoop
- ret
-; the following four functions are used to move the pointer to the upper left
-; corner of the tile block map in the direction of motion
-MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast:: ; 0e65 (0:0e65)
- ld a,[de]
- add a,$01
- ld [de],a
- ret nc
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- inc a
- ld [de],a
- ret
-MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest:: ; 0e6f (0:0e6f)
- ld a,[de]
- sub a,$01
- ld [de],a
- ret nc
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- dec a
- ld [de],a
- ret
-MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth:: ; 0e79 (0:0e79)
- add a,$06
- ld b,a
- ld a,[de]
- add b
- ld [de],a
- ret nc
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- inc a
- ld [de],a
- ret
-MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth:: ; 0e85 (0:0e85)
- add a,$06
- ld b,a
- ld a,[de]
- sub b
- ld [de],a
- ret nc
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- dec a
- ld [de],a
- ret
-; the following 6 functions are used to tell the V-blank handler to redraw
-; the portion of the map that was newly exposed due to the player's movement
-ScheduleNorthRowRedraw:: ; 0e91 (0:0e91)
- FuncCoord 0, 0
- ld hl,Coord
- call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
- ld a,[wd526]
- ld a,[wd527]
- ret
-ScheduleRowRedrawHelper:: ; 0ea6 (0:0ea6)
- ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
- ld c,$28
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec c
- jr nz,.loop
- ret
-ScheduleSouthRowRedraw:: ; 0eb2 (0:0eb2)
- FuncCoord 0,16
- ld hl,Coord
- call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
- ld a,[wd526]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd527]
- ld h,a
- ld bc,$0200
- add hl,bc
- ld a,h
- and a,$03
- or a,$98
- ld a,l
- ret
-ScheduleEastColumnRedraw:: ; 0ed3 (0:0ed3)
- FuncCoord 18,0
- ld hl,Coord
- call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
- ld a,[wd526]
- ld c,a
- and a,$e0
- ld b,a
- ld a,c
- add a,18
- and a,$1f
- or b
- ld a,[wd527]
- ret
-ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper:: ; 0ef2 (0:0ef2)
- ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
- ld c,$12
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- ld a,[hl]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- ld a,19
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry
- inc h
- dec c
- jr nz,.loop
- ret
-ScheduleWestColumnRedraw:: ; 0f08 (0:0f08)
- FuncCoord 0,0
- ld hl,Coord
- call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
- ld a,[wd526]
- ld a,[wd527]
- ret
-; function to write the tiles that make up a tile block to memory
-; Input: c = tile block ID, hl = destination address
-DrawTileBlock:: ; 0f1d (0:0f1d)
- push hl
- ld a,[W_TILESETBLOCKSPTR] ; pointer to tiles
- ld l,a
- ld h,a
- ld a,c
- swap a
- ld b,a
- and a,$f0
- ld c,a
- ld a,b
- and a,$0f
- ld b,a ; bc = tile block ID * 0x10
- add hl,bc
- ld d,h
- ld e,l ; de = address of the tile block's tiles
- pop hl
- ld c,$04 ; 4 loop iterations
-.loop ; each loop iteration, write 4 tile numbers
- push bc
- ld a,[de]
- ld [hli],a
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- ld [hli],a
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- ld [hli],a
- inc de
- ld a,[de]
- ld [hl],a
- inc de
- ld bc,$0015
- add hl,bc
- pop bc
- dec c
- jr nz,.loop
- ret
-; function to update joypad state and simulate button presses
-JoypadOverworld:: ; 0f4d (0:0f4d)
- xor a
- ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
- ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
- call RunMapScript
- call Joypad
- ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
- bit 3,a ; check if a trainer wants a challenge
- jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
- jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
- ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
- and a,%11110011 ; bit mask for all directions and A/B
- jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
- ld a,%10000000 ; down pressed
- ld [hJoyHeld],a ; on the cycling road, if there isn't a trainer and the player isn't pressing buttons, simulate a down press
- ld a,[wd730]
- bit 7,a
- ret z
-; if simulating button presses
- ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
- ld b,a
- ld a,[wcd3b] ; bit mask for button presses that override simulated ones
- and b
- ret nz ; return if the simulated button presses are overridden
- ld hl,wcd38 ; index of current simulated button press
- dec [hl]
- ld a,[hl]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.doneSimulating ; if the end of the simulated button presses has been reached
- ld hl,wccd3 ; base address of simulated button presses
-; add offset to base address
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry
- inc h
- ld a,[hl]
- ld [hJoyHeld],a ; store simulated button press in joypad state
- and a
- ret nz
- ld [hJoyPressed],a
- ld [hJoyReleased],a
- ret
-; if done simulating button presses
- xor a
- ld [wcd3a],a
- ld [wcd38],a
- ld [wccd3],a
- ld [wJoyIgnore],a
- ld [hJoyHeld],a
- ld hl,wd736
- ld a,[hl]
- and a,$f8
- ld [hl],a
- ld hl,wd730
- res 7,[hl]
- ret
-; function to check the tile ahead to determine if the character should get on land or keep surfing
-; sets carry if there is a collision and clears carry otherwise
-; It seems that this function has a bug in it, but due to luck, it doesn't
-; show up. After detecting a sprite collision, it jumps to the code that
-; checks if the next tile is passable instead of just directly jumping to the
-; "collision detected" code. However, it doesn't store the next tile in c,
-; so the old value of c is used. 2429 is always called before this function,
-; and 2429 always sets c to 0xF0. There is no 0xF0 background tile, so it
-; is considered impassable and it is detected as a collision.
-CollisionCheckOnWater:: ; 0fb7 (0:0fb7)
- ld a,[wd730]
- bit 7,a
- jp nz,.noCollision ; return and clear carry if button presses are being simulated
- ld a,[wd52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
- ld d,a
- ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 12] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
- and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
- jr nz,.checkIfNextTileIsPassable ; bug?
- ld hl,TilePairCollisionsWater
- call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
- jr c,.collision
- ld a,$35
- call Predef ; get tile in front of player (puts it in c and [wcfc6])
- ld a,[wcfc6] ; tile in front of player
- cp a,$14 ; water tile
- jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing if it's a water tile
- cp a,$32 ; either the left tile of the S.S. Anne boarding platform or the tile on eastern coastlines (depending on the current tileset)
- jr z,.checkIfVermilionDockTileset
- cp a,$48 ; tile on right on coast lines in Safari Zone
- jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing
-; check if the [land] tile in front of the player is passable
- ld hl,W_TILESETCOLLISIONPTR ; pointer to list of passable tiles
- ld a,[hli]
- ld h,[hl]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[hli]
- cp a,$ff
- jr z,.collision
- cp c
- jr z,.stopSurfing ; stop surfing if the tile is passable
- jr .loop
- ld a,[wc02a]
- cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
- jr z,.setCarry
- ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
- scf
- jr .done
- and a
- ret
- xor a
- ld [wd700],a
- call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
- call Func_2307
- jr .noCollision
- ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset
- cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Dock tileset
- jr nz, .noCollision ; keep surfing if it's not the boarding platform tile
- jr .stopSurfing ; if it is the boarding platform tile, stop surfing
-; function to run the current map's script
-RunMapScript:: ; 101b (0:101b)
- push hl
- push de
- push bc
- callba Func_f225 ; check if the player is pushing a boulder
- ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
- bit 1,a ; is the player pushing a boulder?
- jr z,.afterBoulderEffect
- callba Func_f2b5 ; displays dust effect when pushing a boulder
- pop bc
- pop de
- pop hl
- call Func_310e
- ld a,[W_CURMAP] ; current map number
- call SwitchToMapRomBank ; change to the ROM bank the map's data is in
- ld a,[hli]
- ld h,[hl]
- ld l,a
- ld de,.return
- push de
- jp [hl] ; jump to script
- ret
-LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 104d (0:104d)
- ld de,RedSprite ; $4180
- ld hl,vNPCSprites
- jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
-LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 1055 (0:1055)
- ld de,SeelSprite
- ld hl,vNPCSprites
- jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
-LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 105d (0:105d)
- ld de,RedCyclingSprite
- ld hl,vNPCSprites
-LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon:: ; 1063 (0:1063)
- push de
- push hl
- ld bc,(BANK(RedSprite) << 8) + $0c
- call CopyVideoData
- pop hl
- pop de
- ld a,$c0
- add e
- ld e,a
- jr nc,.noCarry
- inc d
- set 3,h
- ld bc,$050c
- jp CopyVideoData
-; function to load data from the map header
-LoadMapHeader:: ; 107c (0:107c)
- callba Func_f113
- ld [wd119],a
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- call SwitchToMapRomBank
- ld b,a
- res 7,a
- ld [$ff8b],a
- bit 7,b
- ret nz
- ld hl,MapHeaderPointers
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- sla a
- jr nc,.noCarry1
- inc h
- add l
- ld l,a
- jr nc,.noCarry2
- inc h
- ld a,[hli]
- ld h,[hl]
- ld l,a ; hl = base of map header
-; copy the first 10 bytes (the fixed area) of the map data to D367-D370
- ld c,$0a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec c
- jr nz,.copyFixedHeaderLoop
-; initialize all the connected maps to disabled at first, before loading the actual values
- ld a,$ff
- ld [W_MAPCONN1PTR],a
- ld [W_MAPCONN2PTR],a
- ld [W_MAPCONN3PTR],a
- ld [W_MAPCONN4PTR],a
-; copy connection data (if any) to WRAM
- ld b,a
- bit 3,b
- jr z,.checkSouth
- call CopyMapConnectionHeader
- bit 2,b
- jr z,.checkWest
- call CopyMapConnectionHeader
- bit 1,b
- jr z,.checkEast
- call CopyMapConnectionHeader
- bit 0,b
- jr z,.getObjectDataPointer
- call CopyMapConnectionHeader
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wd3a9],a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wd3aa],a
- push hl
- ld a,[wd3a9]
- ld l,a
- ld a,[wd3aa]
- ld h,a ; hl = base of object data
- ld de,wd3ad ; background tile ID
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a ; save background tile ID
- ld a,[hli] ; number of warps
- ld [wd3ae],a ; save the number of warps
- and a ; are there any warps?
- jr z,.loadSignData ; if not, skip this
- ld c,a
- ld de,wd3af ; base address of warps
-.warpLoop ; one warp per loop iteration
- ld b,$04
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec b
- jr nz,.warpInnerLoop
- dec c
- jr nz,.warpLoop
- ld a,[hli] ; number of signs
- ld [wd4b0],a ; save the number of signs
- and a ; are there any signs?
- jr z,.loadSpriteData ; if not, skip this
- ld c,a
- ld de,wd4d1 ; base address of sign text IDs
- ld a,d
- ld [$ff95],a
- ld a,e
- ld [$ff96],a
- ld de,wd4b1 ; base address of sign coordinates
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- push de
- ld a,[$ff95]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[$ff96]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- ld a,d
- ld [$ff95],a
- ld a,e
- ld [$ff96],a
- pop de
- dec c
- jr nz,.signLoop
- ld a,[wd72e]
- bit 5,a ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
- jp nz,.finishUp ; if so, skip this because battles don't destroy this data
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [W_NUMSPRITES],a ; save the number of sprites
- push hl
-; zero C110-C1FF and C210-C2FF
- ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
- ld de,wSpriteStateData2 + $10
- xor a
- ld b,$f0
- ld [hli],a
- ld [de],a
- inc e
- dec b
- jr nz,.zeroSpriteDataLoop
-; initialize all C100-C1FF sprite entries to disabled (other than player's)
- ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $12
- ld de,$0010
- ld c,$0f
- ld [hl],$ff
- add hl,de
- dec c
- jr nz,.disableSpriteEntriesLoop
- pop hl
- ld de,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
- ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
- and a ; are there any sprites?
- jp z,.finishUp ; if there are no sprites, skip the rest
- ld b,a
- ld c,$00
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a ; store picture ID at C1X0
- inc d
- ld a,$04
- add e
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a ; store Y position at C2X4
- inc e
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a ; store X position at C2X5
- inc e
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a ; store movement byte 1 at C2X6
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$ff8d],a ; save movement byte 2
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$ff8e],a ; save text ID and flags byte
- push bc
- push hl
- ld b,$00
- add hl,bc
- ld a,[$ff8d]
- ld [hli],a ; store movement byte 2 in byte 0 of sprite entry
- ld a,[$ff8e]
- ld [hl],a ; this appears pointless, since the value is overwritten immediately after
- ld a,[$ff8e]
- ld [$ff8d],a
- and a,$3f
- ld [hl],a ; store text ID in byte 1 of sprite entry
- pop hl
- ld a,[$ff8d]
- bit 6,a
- jr nz,.trainerSprite
- bit 7,a
- jr nz,.itemBallSprite
- jr .regularSprite
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$ff8d],a ; save trainer class
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$ff8e],a ; save trainer number (within class)
- push hl
- add hl,bc
- ld a,[$ff8d]
- ld [hli],a ; store trainer class in byte 0 of the entry
- ld a,[$ff8e]
- ld [hl],a ; store trainer number in byte 1 of the entry
- pop hl
- jr .nextSprite
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$ff8d],a ; save item number
- push hl
- add hl,bc
- ld a,[$ff8d]
- ld [hli],a ; store item number in byte 0 of the entry
- xor a
- ld [hl],a ; zero byte 1, since it is not used
- pop hl
- jr .nextSprite
- push hl
- add hl,bc
-; zero both bytes, since regular sprites don't use this extra space
- xor a
- ld [hli],a
- ld [hl],a
- pop hl
- pop bc
- dec d
- ld a,$0a
- add e
- ld e,a
- inc c
- inc c
- dec b
- jp nz,.loadSpriteLoop
- ld a,$19
- call Predef ; load tileset data
- callab LoadWildData ; load wild pokemon data
- pop hl ; restore hl from before going to the warp/sign/sprite data (this value was saved for seemingly no purpose)
- ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; map height in 4x4 tile blocks
- add a ; double it
- ld [wd524],a ; store map height in 2x2 tile blocks
- ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; map width in 4x4 tile blocks
- add a ; double it
- ld [wd525],a ; map width in 2x2 tile blocks
- ld a,[W_CURMAP]
- ld c,a
- ld b,$00
- push af
- ld a, BANK(MapSongBanks)
- ld [$2000],a
- ld hl, MapSongBanks
- add hl,bc
- add hl,bc
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wd35b],a ; music 1
- ld a,[hl]
- ld [wd35c],a ; music 2
- pop af
- ld [$2000],a
- ret
-; function to copy map connection data from ROM to WRAM
-; Input: hl = source, de = destination
-CopyMapConnectionHeader:: ; 1238 (0:1238)
- ld c,$0b
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec c
- jr nz,.loop
- ret
-; function to load map data
-LoadMapData:: ; 1241 (0:1241)
- push af
- call DisableLCD
- ld a,$98
- ld [wd527],a
- xor a
- ld [wd526],a
- ld [$ffaf],a
- ld [$ffae],a
- ld [wWalkCounter],a
- ld [wd119],a
- ld [wd11a],a
- call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
- call LoadMapHeader
- callba InitMapSprites ; load tile pattern data for sprites
- call LoadTileBlockMap
- call LoadTilesetTilePatternData
- call LoadCurrentMapView
-; copy current map view to VRAM
- ld hl,wTileMap
- ld de,vBGMap0
- ld b,18
- ld c,20
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc e
- dec c
- jr nz,.vramCopyInnerLoop
- ld a,32 - 20
- add e
- ld e,a
- jr nc,.noCarry
- inc d
- dec b
- jr nz,.vramCopyLoop
- ld a,$01
- ld [wcfcb],a
- call EnableLCD
- ld b,$09
- call GoPAL_SET
- call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
- ld a,[wd732]
- and a,$18 ; did the player fly or teleport in?
- jr nz,.restoreRomBank
- ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
- bit 1,a
- jr nz,.restoreRomBank
- call Func_235f ; music related
- call Func_2312 ; music related
- pop af
- ld [$2000],a
- ret
-; function to switch to the ROM bank that a map is stored in
-; Input: a = map number
-SwitchToMapRomBank:: ; 12bc (0:12bc)
- push hl
- push bc
- ld c,a
- ld b,$00
- ld a,Bank(MapHeaderBanks)
- call BankswitchHome ; switch to ROM bank 3
- ld hl,MapHeaderBanks
- add hl,bc
- ld a,[hl]
- ld [$ffe8],a ; save map ROM bank
- call BankswitchBack
- ld a,[$ffe8]
- ld [$2000],a ; switch to map ROM bank
- pop bc
- pop hl
- ret
-Func_12da:: ; 12da (0:12da)
- ld a, $1e
- ld [wd13a], a
- ld hl, wd730
- ld a, [hl]
- or $26
- ld [hl], a
- ret
-Func_12e7:: ; 12e7 (0:12e7)
- ld hl, wd728
- res 0, [hl]
- ret
-ForceBikeOrSurf:: ; 12ed (0:12ed)
- ld b, BANK(RedSprite)
- ld hl, LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
- call Bankswitch
- jp Func_2307 ; update map/player state?
+INCLUDE "home/overworld.asm"
; this is used to check if the player wants to interrupt the opening sequence at several points
; XXX is this used anywhere else?
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/joypad.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+; Poll joypad input.
+; Unlike the hardware register, button
+; presses are indicated by a set bit.
+ ld a, 1 << 5 ; select direction keys
+ ld c, 0
+ ld [rJOYP], a
+ rept 6
+ ld a, [rJOYP]
+ endr
+ cpl
+ and %1111
+ swap a
+ ld b, a
+ ld a, 1 << 4 ; select button keys
+ ld [rJOYP], a
+ rept 10
+ ld a, [rJOYP]
+ endr
+ cpl
+ and %1111
+ or b
+ ld [hJoyInput], a
+ ld a, 1 << 4 + 1 << 5 ; deselect keys
+ ld [rJOYP], a
+ ret
+; Update the joypad state variables:
+; [hJoyReleased] keys released since last time
+; [hJoyPressed] keys pressed since last time
+; [hJoyHeld] currently pressed keys
+ homecall _Joypad
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/overworld.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2419 @@
+; Handle the player jumping down
+; a ledge in the overworld.
+ ld b, BANK(_HandleMidJump)
+ ld hl, _HandleMidJump
+ jp Bankswitch
+; Load a new map.
+ ld a, $ff
+ ld [wJoyIgnore], a
+ call LoadMapData
+ callba Func_c335 ; initialize map variables
+ ld hl, wd72c
+ bit 0, [hl]
+ jr z, .doNotCountSteps
+ ld a, 3
+ ld [wd13c], a ; some kind of step counter (counts up to 3 steps?)
+ ld hl, wd72e
+ bit 5, [hl] ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
+ res 5, [hl] ; unset the "battle just happened" flag
+ call z, Func_12e7
+ call nz, MapEntryAfterBattle
+ ld hl, wd732
+ ld a, [hl]
+ and 1 << 4 | 1 << 3
+ jr z, .didNotFlyOrTeleportIn
+ res 3, [hl]
+ callba Func_70510 ; display fly/teleport in graphical effect
+ call UpdateSprites
+ callba CheckForceBikeOrSurf ; handle currents in SF islands and forced bike riding in cycling road
+ ld hl, wd72d
+ res 5, [hl]
+ call UpdateSprites
+ ld hl, wd126
+ set 5, [hl]
+ set 6, [hl]
+ xor a
+ ld [wJoyIgnore], a
+ call DelayFrame
+ call DelayFrame
+ call LoadGBPal
+ ld a,[wd736]
+ bit 6,a ; jumping down a ledge?
+ call nz, HandleMidJump
+ ld a,[wWalkCounter]
+ and a
+ jp nz,.moveAhead ; if the player sprite has not yet completed the walking animation
+ call JoypadOverworld ; get joypad state (which is possibly simulated)
+ callba SafariZoneCheck
+ ld a,[wda46]
+ and a
+ jp nz,WarpFound2
+ ld hl,wd72d
+ bit 3,[hl]
+ res 3,[hl]
+ jp nz,WarpFound2
+ ld a,[wd732]
+ and a,$18
+ jp nz,HandleFlyOrTeleportAway
+ and a
+ jp nz,.newBattle
+ ld a,[wd730]
+ bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
+ jr z,.notSimulating
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld]
+ jr .checkIfStartIsPressed
+ ld a,[hJoyPressed]
+ bit 3,a ; start button
+ jr z,.startButtonNotPressed
+; if START is pressed
+ xor a
+ ld [$ff8c],a ; the $2920 ID for the start menu is 0
+ jp .displayDialogue
+ bit 0,a ; A button
+ jp z,.checkIfDownButtonIsPressed
+; if A is pressed
+ ld a,[wd730]
+ bit 2,a
+ jp nz,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
+ call Func_30fd
+ jr nz,.checkForOpponent
+ call Func_3eb5 ; check for hidden items, PC's, etc.
+ ld a,[$ffeb]
+ and a
+ jp z,OverworldLoop
+ call IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sign or sprite in front of the player
+ ld a,[$ff8c] ; $2920 ID for NPC/sign text, if any
+ and a
+ jp z,OverworldLoop
+ ld a,$35
+ call Predef ; check what is in front of the player
+ call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
+ ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
+ bit 2,a
+ jr nz,.checkForOpponent
+ bit 0,a
+ jr nz,.checkForOpponent
+ FuncCoord 8, 9
+ ld a,[Coord]
+ ld [wcf0e],a
+ call DisplayTextID ; display either the start menu or the NPC/sign text
+ ld a,[wcc47]
+ and a
+ jr z,.checkForOpponent
+ dec a
+ ld a,$00
+ ld [wcc47],a
+ jr z,.changeMap
+ ld a,$52
+ call Predef
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ ld [wd71a],a
+ call Func_62ce
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank ; switch to the ROM bank of the current map
+ set 7,[hl]
+ jp EnterMap
+ and a
+ jp nz,.newBattle
+ jp OverworldLoop
+ ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
+ res 2,[hl]
+ call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [wcc4b],a
+ ld a,[wd528] ; the direction that was pressed last time
+ and a
+ jp z,OverworldLoop
+; if a direction was pressed last time
+ ld [wd529],a ; save the last direction
+ xor a
+ ld [wd528],a ; zero the direction
+ jp OverworldLoop
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
+ bit 7,a ; down button
+ jr z,.checkIfUpButtonIsPressed
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
+ ld a,$04
+ jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
+ bit 6,a ; up button
+ jr z,.checkIfLeftButtonIsPressed
+ ld a,$ff
+ ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
+ ld a,$08
+ jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
+ bit 5,a ; left button
+ jr z,.checkIfRightButtonIsPressed
+ ld a,$ff
+ ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
+ ld a,$02
+ jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
+ bit 4,a ; right button
+ jr z,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
+ ld [wd52a],a ; new direction
+ ld a,[wd730]
+ bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
+ jr nz,.noDirectionChange ; ignore direction changes if we are
+ ld a,[wcc4b]
+ and a
+ jr z,.noDirectionChange
+ ld a,[wd52a] ; new direction
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wd529] ; old direction
+ cp b
+ jr z,.noDirectionChange
+; the code below is strange
+; it computes whether or not the player did a 180 degree turn, but then overwrites the result
+; also, it does a seemingly pointless loop afterwards
+ swap a ; put old direction in upper half
+ or b ; put new direction in lower half
+ cp a,$48 ; change dir from down to up
+ jr nz,.notDownToUp
+ ld a,$02
+ ld [wd528],a
+ jr .oddLoop
+ cp a,$84 ; change dir from up to down
+ jr nz,.notUpToDown
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [wd528],a
+ jr .oddLoop
+ cp a,$12 ; change dir from right to left
+ jr nz,.notRightToLeft
+ ld a,$04
+ ld [wd528],a
+ jr .oddLoop
+ cp a,$21 ; change dir from left to right
+ jr nz,.oddLoop
+ ld a,$08
+ ld [wd528],a
+ ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
+ set 2,[hl]
+ ld hl,wcc4b
+ dec [hl]
+ jr nz,.oddLoop
+ ld a,[wd52a]
+ ld [wd528],a
+ call NewBattle
+ jp c,.battleOccurred
+ jp OverworldLoop
+ ld a,[wd52a] ; current direction
+ ld [wd528],a ; save direction
+ call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
+ ld a,[wd700]
+ cp a,$02 ; surfing
+ jr z,.surfing
+; not surfing
+ call CollisionCheckOnLand
+ jr nc,.noCollision
+ push hl
+ ld hl,wd736
+ bit 2,[hl]
+ pop hl
+ jp z,OverworldLoop
+ push hl
+ call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if there is a potential to warp
+ pop hl
+ jp c,CheckWarpsCollision
+ jp OverworldLoop
+ call CollisionCheckOnWater
+ jp c,OverworldLoop
+ ld a,$08
+ ld [wWalkCounter],a
+ jr .moveAhead2
+ ld a,[wd736]
+ bit 7,a
+ jr z,.noSpinning
+ callba LoadSpinnerArrowTiles ; spin while moving
+ call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
+ ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
+ res 2,[hl]
+ ld a,[wd700]
+ dec a ; riding a bike?
+ jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
+ ld a,[wd736]
+ bit 6,a ; jumping a ledge?
+ jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
+ call BikeSpeedup ; if riding a bike and not jumping a ledge
+ call AdvancePlayerSprite
+ ld a,[wWalkCounter]
+ and a
+ jp nz,CheckMapConnections ; it seems like this check will never succeed (the other place where CheckMapConnections is run works)
+; walking animation finished
+ ld a,[wd730]
+ bit 7,a
+ jr nz,.doneStepCounting ; if button presses are being simulated, don't count steps
+; step counting
+ ld hl,wd13b ; step counter
+ dec [hl]
+ ld a,[wd72c]
+ bit 0,a
+ jr z,.doneStepCounting
+ ld hl,wd13c
+ dec [hl]
+ jr nz,.doneStepCounting
+ ld hl,wd72c
+ res 0,[hl]
+ ld a,[wd790]
+ bit 7,a ; in the safari zone?
+ jr z,.notSafariZone
+ callba SafariZoneCheckSteps
+ ld a,[wda46]
+ and a
+ jp nz,WarpFound2
+ and a
+ jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollision
+ ld a,$13
+ call Predef ; decrement HP of poisoned pokemon
+ ld a,[wd12d]
+ and a
+ jp nz,HandleBlackOut ; if all pokemon fainted
+ call NewBattle
+ ld hl,wd736
+ res 2,[hl]
+ jp nc,CheckWarpsNoCollision ; check for warps if there was no battle
+ ld hl,wd72d
+ res 6,[hl]
+ ld hl,W_FLAGS_D733
+ res 3,[hl]
+ ld hl,wd126
+ set 5,[hl]
+ set 6,[hl]
+ xor a
+ ld [hJoyHeld],a ; clear joypad state
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ jr nz,.notCinnabarGym
+ ld hl,wd79b
+ set 7,[hl]
+ ld hl,wd72e
+ set 5,[hl]
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ cp a,OAKS_LAB
+ jp z,.noFaintCheck
+ callab AnyPlayerPokemonAliveCheck ; check if all the player's pokemon fainted
+ ld a,d
+ and a
+ jr z,.allPokemonFainted
+ ld c,$0a
+ call DelayFrames
+ jp EnterMap
+ ld a,$ff
+ call RunMapScript
+ jp HandleBlackOut
+; function to determine if there will be a battle and execute it (either a trainer battle or wild battle)
+; sets carry if a battle occurred and unsets carry if not
+NewBattle:: ; 0683 (0:0683)
+ ld a,[wd72d]
+ bit 4,a
+ jr nz,.noBattle
+ call Func_30fd
+ jr nz,.noBattle
+ ld a,[wd72e]
+ bit 4,a
+ jr nz,.noBattle
+ ld b, BANK(InitBattle)
+ ld hl, InitBattle
+ jp Bankswitch ; determines if a battle will occur and runs the battle if so
+ and a
+ ret
+; function to make bikes twice as fast as walking
+BikeSpeedup:: ; 06a0 (0:06a0)
+ ld a,[wcc57]
+ and a
+ ret nz
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
+ jr nz,.goFaster
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
+ and a,%01110000 ; bit mask for up, left, right buttons
+ ret nz
+ jp AdvancePlayerSprite
+; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having not collided
+CheckWarpsNoCollision:: ; 06b4 (0:06b4)
+ ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
+ and a
+ jp z,CheckMapConnections
+ ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
+ ld b,$00
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[W_YCOORD]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[W_XCOORD]
+ ld e,a
+ ld hl,wd3af ; start of warp entries
+CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 06cc (0:06cc)
+ ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's Y position matches
+ cp d
+ jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1
+ ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's X position matches
+ cp e
+ jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
+; if a match was found
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ ld hl,wd736
+ set 2,[hl]
+ callba Func_c49d ; check if the player sprite is standing on a "door" tile
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ jr c,WarpFound1 ; if it is, go to 0735
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if the warp is confirmed
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ jr nc,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
+; if the extra check passed
+ ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
+ bit 2,a
+ jr nz,WarpFound1
+ push de
+ push bc
+ call Joypad
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
+ and a,%11110000 ; bit mask for directional buttons
+ jr z,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if directional buttons aren't being pressed, do not pass through the warp
+ jr WarpFound1
+; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having collided
+CheckWarpsCollision:: ; 0706 (0:0706)
+ ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
+ ld c,a
+ ld hl,wd3af ; start of warp entries
+ ld a,[hli] ; Y coordinate of warp
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[W_YCOORD]
+ cp b
+ jr nz,.retry1
+ ld a,[hli] ; X coordinate of warp
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[W_XCOORD]
+ cp b
+ jr nz,.retry2
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wd42f],a ; save target warp ID
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
+ jr WarpFound2
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.loop
+ jp OverworldLoop
+CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1:: ; 072f (0:072f)
+ inc hl
+CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2:: ; 0730 (0:0730)
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ jp ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
+WarpFound1:: ; 0735 (0:0735)
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wd42f],a ; save target warp ID
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
+WarpFound2:: ; 073c (0:073c)
+ ld a,[wd3ae] ; number of warps
+ sub c
+ ld [wd73b],a ; save ID of used warp
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ ld [wd73c],a
+ call CheckIfInOutsideMap
+ jr nz,.indoorMaps
+; this is for handling "outside" maps that can't have the 0xFF destination map
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ ld [wLastMap],a
+ ld [wd366],a
+ ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map number
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a ; change current map to destination map
+ cp a,ROCK_TUNNEL_1
+ jr nz,.notRockTunnel
+ ld a,$06
+ ld [wd35d],a
+ call GBFadeIn1
+ call PlayMapChangeSound
+ jr .done
+; for maps that can have the 0xFF destination map, which means to return to the outside map; not all these maps are necessarily indoors, though
+ ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.goBackOutside
+; if not going back to the previous map
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a ; current map number
+ callba Func_70787 ; check if the warp was a Silph Co. teleporter
+ ld a,[wcd5b]
+ dec a
+ jr nz,.notTeleporter
+; if it's a Silph Co. teleporter
+ ld hl,wd732
+ set 3,[hl]
+ call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
+ jr .skipMapChangeSound
+ call PlayMapChangeSound
+ ld hl,wd736
+ res 0,[hl]
+ res 1,[hl]
+ jr .done
+ ld a,[wLastMap]
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a
+ call PlayMapChangeSound
+ xor a
+ ld [wd35d],a
+ ld hl,wd736
+ set 0,[hl]
+ call Func_12da
+ jp EnterMap
+ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 07b5 (0:07b5)
+ inc b ; increment warp number
+ dec c ; decrement number of warps
+ jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
+; if no matching warp was found
+CheckMapConnections:: ; 07ba (0:07ba)
+ ld a,[W_XCOORD]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.checkEastMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN3PTR]
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a
+ ld a,[wd38f] ; new X coordinate upon entering west map
+ ld [W_XCOORD],a
+ ld a,[W_YCOORD]
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[wd38e] ; Y adjustment upon entering west map
+ add c
+ ld c,a
+ ld [W_YCOORD],a
+ ld a,[wd390] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd391]
+ ld h,a
+ srl c
+ jr z,.savePointer1
+ ld a,[wd38d] ; width of connected map
+ add a,$06
+ ld e,a
+ ld d,$00
+ ld b,$00
+ add hl,de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop1
+ ld a,l
+ ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
+ ld a,h
+ ld [wd360],a
+ jp .loadNewMap
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wd525] ; map width
+ cp b
+ jr nz,.checkNorthMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN4PTR]
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a
+ ld a,[wd39a] ; new X coordinate upon entering east map
+ ld [W_XCOORD],a
+ ld a,[W_YCOORD]
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[wd399] ; Y adjustment upon entering east map
+ add c
+ ld c,a
+ ld [W_YCOORD],a
+ ld a,[wd39b] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd39c]
+ ld h,a
+ srl c
+ jr z,.savePointer2
+ ld a,[wd398]
+ add a,$06
+ ld e,a
+ ld d,$00
+ ld b,$00
+ add hl,de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop2
+ ld a,l
+ ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
+ ld a,h
+ ld [wd360],a
+ jp .loadNewMap
+ ld a,[W_YCOORD]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.checkSouthMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN1PTR]
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a
+ ld a,[wd378] ; new Y coordinate upon entering north map
+ ld [W_YCOORD],a
+ ld a,[W_XCOORD]
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[wd379] ; X adjustment upon entering north map
+ add c
+ ld c,a
+ ld [W_XCOORD],a
+ ld a,[wd37a] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd37b]
+ ld h,a
+ ld b,$00
+ srl c
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,l
+ ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
+ ld a,h
+ ld [wd360],a
+ jp .loadNewMap
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wd524]
+ cp b
+ jr nz,.didNotEnterConnectedMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN2PTR]
+ ld [W_CURMAP],a
+ ld a,[wd383] ; new Y coordinate upon entering south map
+ ld [W_YCOORD],a
+ ld a,[W_XCOORD]
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[wd384] ; X adjustment upon entering south map
+ add c
+ ld c,a
+ ld [W_XCOORD],a
+ ld a,[wd385] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd386]
+ ld h,a
+ ld b,$00
+ srl c
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,l
+ ld [wd35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
+ ld a,h
+ ld [wd360],a
+.loadNewMap ; load the connected map that was entered
+ call LoadMapHeader
+ call Func_2312 ; music
+ ld b,$09
+ call GoPAL_SET
+; Since the sprite set shouldn't change, this will just update VRAM slots at
+; $C2XE without loading any tile patterns.
+ callba InitMapSprites
+ call LoadTileBlockMap
+ jp OverworldLoopLessDelay
+ jp OverworldLoop
+; function to play a sound when changing maps
+PlayMapChangeSound:: ; 08c9 (0:08c9)
+ FuncCoord 8, 8
+ ld a,[Coord] ; upper left tile of the 4x4 square the player's sprite is standing on
+ cp a,$0b ; door tile in tileset 0
+ jr nz,.didNotGoThroughDoor
+ ld a,(SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ jr .playSound
+ ld a,(SFX_02_5c - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ call PlaySound
+ ld a,[wd35d]
+ and a
+ ret nz
+ jp GBFadeIn1
+CheckIfInOutsideMap:: ; 08e1 (0:08e1)
+; If the player is in an outside map (a town or route), set the z flag
+ and a ; most towns/routes have tileset 0 (OVERWORLD)
+ ret z
+ cp PLATEAU ; Route 23 / Indigo Plateau
+ ret
+; this function is an extra check that sometimes has to pass in order to warp, beyond just standing on a warp
+; the "sometimes" qualification is necessary because of CheckWarpsNoCollision's behavior
+; depending on the map, either "function 1" or "function 2" is used for the check
+; "function 1" passes when the player is at the edge of the map and is facing towards the outside of the map
+; "function 2" passes when the the tile in front of the player is among a certain set
+; sets carry if the check passes, otherwise clears carry
+ExtraWarpCheck:: ; 08e9 (0:08e9)
+ ld a, [W_CURMAP]
+ cp SS_ANNE_3
+ jr z, .useFunction1
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ and a ; outside tileset (OVERWORLD)
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ cp SHIP ; S.S. Anne tileset
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Port tileset
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ cp PLATEAU ; Indigo Plateau tileset
+ jr z, .useFunction2
+ ld hl, Func_c3ff
+ jr .doBankswitch
+ ld hl, Func_c44e
+ ld b, BANK(Func_c44e)
+ jp Bankswitch
+MapEntryAfterBattle:: ; 091f (0:091f)
+ callba Func_c35f ; function that appears to disable warp testing after collisions if the player is standing on a warp
+ ld a,[wd35d]
+ and a
+ jp z,GBFadeIn2
+ jp LoadGBPal
+; For when all the player's pokemon faint.
+; Does not print the "blacked out" message.
+ call GBFadeIn1
+ ld a, $08
+ call StopMusic
+ ld hl, wd72e
+ res 5, [hl]
+ ld a, Bank(Func_40b0) ; also Bank(Func_62ce) and Bank(Func_5d5f)
+ ld [MBC3RomBank], a
+ call Func_40b0
+ call Func_62ce
+ call Func_2312
+ jp Func_5d5f
+ ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
+ ld a, $ff
+ ld [wc0ee], a
+ call PlaySound
+ ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
+ and a
+ jr nz, .wait
+ jp StopAllSounds
+ call UpdateSprites
+ call Delay3
+ xor a
+ ld [wcf0b], a
+ ld [wd700], a
+ ld [W_ISINBATTLE], a
+ ld [wd35d], a
+ ld hl, wd732
+ set 2, [hl]
+ res 5, [hl]
+ call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
+ ld a, Bank(Func_62ce)
+ ld [$2000], a
+ call Func_62ce
+ jp Func_5d5f
+ ld b, BANK(_DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics)
+ ld hl, _DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics
+ jp Bankswitch
+; Load sprite graphics based on whether the player is standing, biking, or surfing.
+ ; 0: standing
+ ; 1: biking
+ ; 2: surfing
+ ld a, [wd700]
+ dec a
+ jr z, .ridingBike
+ ld a, [$ffd7]
+ and a
+ jr nz, .determineGraphics
+ jr .startWalking
+ ; If the bike can't be used,
+ ; start walking instead.
+ call IsBikeRidingAllowed
+ jr c, .determineGraphics
+ xor a
+ ld [wd700], a
+ ld [wd11a], a
+ jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
+ ld a, [wd700]
+ and a
+ jp z, LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
+ dec a
+ jp z, LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics
+ dec a
+ jp z, LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics
+ jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
+; The bike can be used on Route 23 and Indigo Plateau,
+; or maps with tilesets in BikeRidingTilesets.
+; Return carry if biking is allowed.
+ ld a, [W_CURMAP]
+ cp ROUTE_23
+ jr z, .allowed
+ jr z, .allowed
+ ld b, a
+ ld hl, BikeRidingTilesets
+ ld a, [hli]
+ cp b
+ jr z, .allowed
+ inc a
+ jr nz, .loop
+ and a
+ ret
+ scf
+ ret
+INCLUDE "data/bike_riding_tilesets.asm"
+; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM
+LoadTilesetTilePatternData:: ; 09e8 (0:09e8)
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[W_TILESETGFXPTR + 1]
+ ld h,a
+ ld de,vTileset
+ ld bc,$600
+ jp FarCopyData2
+; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8
+; it can also load partial tile maps of connected maps into a border of length 3 around the current map
+LoadTileBlockMap:: ; 09fc (0:09fc)
+; fill C6E8-CBFB with the background tile
+ ld hl,wOverworldMap
+ ld a,[wd3ad] ; background tile number
+ ld d,a
+ ld bc,$0514
+ ld a,d
+ ld [hli],a
+ dec bc
+ ld a,c
+ or b
+ jr nz,.backgroundTileLoop
+; load tile map of current map (made of tile block IDs)
+; a 3-byte border at the edges of the map is kept so that there is space for map connections
+ ld hl,wOverworldMap
+ ld [$ff8c],a
+ add a,$06 ; border (east and west)
+ ld [$ff8b],a ; map width + border
+ ld b,$00
+ ld c,a
+; make space for north border (next 3 lines)
+ add hl,bc
+ add hl,bc
+ add hl,bc
+ ld c,$03
+ add hl,bc ; this puts us past the (west) border
+ ld a,[W_MAPDATAPTR] ; tile map pointer
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[W_MAPDATAPTR + 1]
+ ld d,a ; de = tile map pointer
+ ld b,a
+.rowLoop ; copy one row each iteration
+ push hl
+ ld a,[$ff8c] ; map width (without border)
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[de]
+ inc de
+ ld [hli],a
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
+; add the map width plus the border to the base address of the current row to get the next row's address
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[$ff8b] ; map width + border
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry
+ inc h
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.rowLoop
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN1PTR]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.southConnection
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank
+ ld a,[wd372]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd373]
+ ld h,a
+ ld a,[wd374]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[wd375]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[wd376]
+ ld [$ff8b],a
+ ld a,[wd377]
+ ld [$ff8c],a
+ call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN2PTR]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.westConnection
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank
+ ld a,[wd37d]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd37e]
+ ld h,a
+ ld a,[wd37f]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[wd380]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[wd381]
+ ld [$ff8b],a
+ ld a,[wd382]
+ ld [$ff8c],a
+ call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN3PTR]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.eastConnection
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank
+ ld a,[wd388]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd389]
+ ld h,a
+ ld a,[wd38a]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[wd38b]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[wd38c]
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wd38d]
+ ld [$ff8b],a
+ call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
+ ld a,[W_MAPCONN4PTR]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.done
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank
+ ld a,[wd393]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd394]
+ ld h,a
+ ld a,[wd395]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[wd396]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[wd397]
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wd398]
+ ld [$ff8b],a
+ call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
+ ret
+LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0ade (0:0ade)
+ ld c,$03
+ push de
+ push hl
+ ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connection
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.innerLoop
+ pop hl
+ pop de
+ ld a,[$ff8c] ; width of connected map
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry1
+ inc h
+ add a,$06
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry2
+ inc d
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.loop
+ ret
+LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0b02 (0:0b02)
+ push hl
+ push de
+ ld c,$03
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.innerLoop
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connected map
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry1
+ inc h
+ add a,$06
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry2
+ inc d
+ dec b
+ jr nz,LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
+ ret
+; function to check if there is a sign or sprite in front of the player
+; if so, it is stored in [$FF8C]
+; if not, [$FF8C] is set to 0
+IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b23 (0:0b23)
+ xor a
+ ld [$ff8c],a
+ ld a,[wd4b0] ; number of signs in the map
+ and a
+ jr z,.extendRangeOverCounter
+; if there are signs
+ ld a,$35
+ call Predef ; get the coordinates in front of the player in de
+ ld hl,wd4b1 ; start of sign coordinates
+ ld a,[wd4b0] ; number of signs in the map
+ ld b,a
+ ld c,$00
+ inc c
+ ld a,[hli] ; sign Y
+ cp d
+ jr z,.yCoordMatched
+ inc hl
+ jr .retry
+ ld a,[hli] ; sign X
+ cp e
+ jr nz,.retry
+; found sign
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ ld hl,wd4d1 ; start of sign text ID's
+ ld b,$00
+ dec c
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld [$ff8c],a ; store sign text ID
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ ret
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.signLoop
+; check if the player is front of a counter in a pokemon center, pokemart, etc. and if so, extend the range at which he can talk to the NPC
+ ld a,$35
+ call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player in c
+ ld hl,W_TILESETTALKINGOVERTILES ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles)
+ ld b,$03
+ ld d,$20 ; talking range in pixels (long range)
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp c
+ jr z,IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2 ; jumps if the tile in front of the player is a counter tile
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.counterTilesLoop
+; part of the above function, but sometimes its called on its own, when signs are irrelevant
+; the caller must zero [$FF8C]
+IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b6b (0:0b6b)
+ ld d,$10 ; talking range in pixels (normal range)
+IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2:: ; 0b6d (0:0b6d)
+ ld bc,$3c40 ; Y and X position of player sprite
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 9] ; direction the player is facing
+ cp a,$04
+ jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingDown
+; facing up
+ ld a,b
+ sub d
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,$08
+ jr .doneCheckingDirection
+ cp a,$00
+ jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingRight
+; facing down
+ ld a,b
+ add d
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,$04
+ jr .doneCheckingDirection
+ cp a,$0c
+ jr nz,.playerFacingLeft
+; facing right
+ ld a,c
+ add d
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,$01
+ jr .doneCheckingDirection
+; facing left
+ ld a,c
+ sub d
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,$02
+ ld [wd52a],a
+ ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
+ and a
+ ret z
+; if there are sprites
+ ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
+ ld d,a
+ ld e,$01
+ push hl
+ ld a,[hli] ; image (0 if no sprite)
+ and a
+ jr z,.nextSprite
+ inc l
+ ld a,[hli] ; sprite visibility
+ inc a
+ jr z,.nextSprite
+ inc l
+ ld a,[hli] ; Y location
+ cp b
+ jr nz,.nextSprite
+ inc l
+ ld a,[hl] ; X location
+ cp c
+ jr z,.foundSpriteInFrontOfPlayer
+ pop hl
+ ld a,l
+ add a,$10
+ ld l,a
+ inc e
+ dec d
+ jr nz,.spriteLoop
+ ret
+ pop hl
+ ld a,l
+ and a,$f0
+ inc a
+ ld l,a
+ set 7,[hl]
+ ld a,e
+ ld [$ff8c],a ; store sprite ID
+ ret
+; function to check if the player will jump down a ledge and check if the tile ahead is passable (when not surfing)
+; sets the carry flag if there is a collision, and unsets it if there isn't a collision
+CollisionCheckOnLand:: ; 0bd1 (0:0bd1)
+ ld a,[wd736]
+ bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
+ jr nz,.noCollision
+; if not jumping a ledge
+ ld a,[wcd38]
+ and a
+ jr nz,.noCollision
+ ld a,[wd52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 12] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
+ and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
+ jr nz,.collision
+ xor a
+ ld [$ff8c],a
+ call IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sprite collisions again? when does the above check fail to detect a sprite collision?
+ ld a,[$ff8c]
+ and a ; was there a sprite collision?
+ jr nz,.collision
+; if no sprite collision
+ ld hl,TilePairCollisionsLand
+ call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
+ jr c,.collision
+ call CheckTilePassable
+ jr nc,.noCollision
+ ld a,[wc02a]
+ cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
+ jr z,.setCarry
+ ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
+ scf
+ ret
+ and a
+ ret
+; function that checks if the tile in front of the player is passable
+; clears carry if it is, sets carry if not
+CheckTilePassable:: ; 0c10 (0:0c10)
+ ld a,$35
+ call Predef ; get tile in front of player
+ ld a,[wcfc6] ; tile in front of player
+ ld c,a
+ ld hl,W_TILESETCOLLISIONPTR ; pointer to list of passable tiles
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld h,[hl]
+ ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.tileNotPassable
+ cp c
+ ret z
+ jr .loop
+ scf
+ ret
+; check if the player is going to jump down a small ledge
+; and check for collisions that only occur between certain pairs of tiles
+; Input: hl - address of directional collision data
+; sets carry if there is a collision and unsets carry if not
+CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c2a (0:0c2a)
+ push hl
+ ld a,$35
+ call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player
+ push de
+ push bc
+ callba HandleLedges ; check if the player is trying to jump a ledge
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ and a
+ ld a,[wd736]
+ bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
+ ret nz
+; if not jumping
+Func_c44:: ; 0c44 (0:0c44)
+ FuncCoord 8, 9
+ ld a,[Coord] ; tile the player is on
+ ld [wcf0e],a
+CheckForTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c4a (0:0c4a)
+ ld a,[wcfc6] ; tile in front of the player
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset number
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.noMatch
+ cp b
+ jr z,.tilesetMatches
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
+ ld a,[wcf0e] ; tile the player is on
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[hl]
+ cp b
+ jr z,.currentTileMatchesFirstInPair
+ inc hl
+ ld a,[hl]
+ cp b
+ jr z,.currentTileMatchesSecondInPair
+ jr .retry
+ inc hl
+ ld a,[hl]
+ cp c
+ jr z,.foundMatch
+ jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
+ dec hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp c
+ inc hl
+ jr nz,.tilePairCollisionLoop
+ scf
+ ret
+ and a
+ ret
+; FORMAT: tileset number, tile 1, tile 2
+; terminated by 0xFF
+; these entries indicate that the player may not cross between tile 1 and tile 2
+; it's mainly used to simulate differences in elevation
+TilePairCollisionsLand:: ; 0c7e (0:0c7e)
+ db CAVERN, $20, $05
+ db CAVERN, $41, $05
+ db FOREST, $30, $2E
+ db CAVERN, $2A, $05
+ db CAVERN, $05, $21
+ db FOREST, $52, $2E
+ db FOREST, $55, $2E
+ db FOREST, $56, $2E
+ db FOREST, $20, $2E
+ db FOREST, $5E, $2E
+ db FOREST, $5F, $2E
+ db $FF
+TilePairCollisionsWater:: ; 0ca0 (0:0ca0)
+ db FOREST, $14, $2E
+ db FOREST, $48, $2E
+ db CAVERN, $14, $05
+ db $FF
+; this builds a tile map from the tile block map based on the current X/Y coordinates of the player's character
+LoadCurrentMapView:: ; 0caa (0:0caa)
+ push af
+ ld a,[W_TILESETBANK] ; tile data ROM bank
+ ld [$2000],a ; switch to ROM bank that contains tile data
+ ld a,[wd35f] ; address of upper left corner of current map view
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[wd360]
+ ld d,a
+ ld hl,wTileMapBackup
+ ld b,$05
+.rowLoop ; each loop iteration fills in one row of tile blocks
+ push hl
+ push de
+ ld c,$06
+.rowInnerLoop ; loop to draw each tile block of the current row
+ push bc
+ push de
+ push hl
+ ld a,[de]
+ ld c,a ; tile block number
+ call DrawTileBlock
+ pop hl
+ pop de
+ pop bc
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ inc de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
+; update tile block map pointer to next row's address
+ pop de
+ add a,$06
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry
+ inc d
+; update tile map pointer to next row's address
+ pop hl
+ ld a,$60
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry2
+ inc h
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.rowLoop
+ ld hl,wTileMapBackup
+ ld bc,$0000
+ and a
+ jr z,.adjustForXCoordWithinTileBlock
+ ld bc,$0030
+ add hl,bc
+ and a
+ jr z,.copyToVisibleAreaBuffer
+ ld bc,$0002
+ add hl,bc
+ ld de,wTileMap ; base address for the tiles that are directly transfered to VRAM during V-blank
+ ld b,$12
+ ld c,$14
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.rowInnerLoop2
+ ld a,$04
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry3
+ inc h
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.rowLoop2
+ pop af
+ ld [$2000],a ; restore previous ROM bank
+ ret
+AdvancePlayerSprite:: ; 0d27 (0:0d27)
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
+ ld c,a
+ ld hl,wWalkCounter ; walking animation counter
+ dec [hl]
+ jr nz,.afterUpdateMapCoords
+; if it's the end of the animation, update the player's map coordinates
+ ld a,[W_YCOORD]
+ add b
+ ld [W_YCOORD],a
+ ld a,[W_XCOORD]
+ add c
+ ld [W_XCOORD],a
+ ld a,[wWalkCounter] ; walking animation counter
+ cp a,$07
+ jp nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
+; if this is the first iteration of the animation
+ ld a,c
+ cp a,$01
+ jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest
+; moving east
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ ld e,a
+ and a,$e0
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,e
+ add a,$02
+ and a,$1f
+ or d
+ ld [wd526],a
+ jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.checkIfMovingSouth
+; moving west
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ ld e,a
+ and a,$e0
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,e
+ sub a,$02
+ and a,$1f
+ or d
+ ld [wd526],a
+ jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
+ ld a,b
+ cp a,$01
+ jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth
+; moving south
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ add a,$40
+ ld [wd526],a
+ jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
+ ld a,[wd527]
+ inc a
+ and a,$03
+ or a,$98
+ ld [wd527],a
+ jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
+; moving north
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ sub a,$40
+ ld [wd526],a
+ jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
+ ld a,[wd527]
+ dec a
+ and a,$03
+ or a,$98
+ ld [wd527],a
+ ld a,c
+ and a
+ jr z,.pointlessJump ; mistake?
+ ld a,[hl]
+ add c
+ ld [hl],a
+ cp a,$02
+ jr nz,.checkForMoveToWestBlock
+; moved into the tile block to the east
+ xor a
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld hl,wd4e3
+ inc [hl]
+ ld de,wd35f
+ call MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast
+ jr .updateMapView
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.adjustYCoordWithinBlock
+; moved into the tile block to the west
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld hl,wd4e3
+ dec [hl]
+ ld de,wd35f
+ call MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest
+ jr .updateMapView
+ ld a,[hl]
+ add b
+ ld [hl],a
+ cp a,$02
+ jr nz,.checkForMoveToNorthBlock
+; moved into the tile block to the south
+ xor a
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld hl,wd4e2
+ inc [hl]
+ ld de,wd35f
+ call MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth
+ jr .updateMapView
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.updateMapView
+; moved into the tile block to the north
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld hl,wd4e2
+ dec [hl]
+ ld de,wd35f
+ call MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth
+ call LoadCurrentMapView
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
+ cp a,$01
+ jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth2
+; if moving south
+ call ScheduleSouthRowRedraw
+ jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.checkIfMovingEast2
+; if moving north
+ call ScheduleNorthRowRedraw
+ jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
+ cp a,$01
+ jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest2
+; if moving east
+ call ScheduleEastColumnRedraw
+ jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
+; if moving west
+ call ScheduleWestColumnRedraw
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
+ ld c,a
+ sla b
+ sla c
+ ld a,[$ffaf]
+ add b
+ ld [$ffaf],a ; update background scroll Y
+ ld a,[$ffae]
+ add c
+ ld [$ffae],a ; update background scroll X
+; shift all the sprites in the direction opposite of the player's motion
+; so that the player appears to move relative to them
+ ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $14
+ ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
+ and a ; are there any sprites?
+ jr z,.done
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hl]
+ sub b
+ ld [hli],a
+ inc l
+ ld a,[hl]
+ sub c
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld a,$0e
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ dec e
+ jr nz,.spriteShiftLoop
+ ret
+; the following four functions are used to move the pointer to the upper left
+; corner of the tile block map in the direction of motion
+MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast:: ; 0e65 (0:0e65)
+ ld a,[de]
+ add a,$01
+ ld [de],a
+ ret nc
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ inc a
+ ld [de],a
+ ret
+MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest:: ; 0e6f (0:0e6f)
+ ld a,[de]
+ sub a,$01
+ ld [de],a
+ ret nc
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ dec a
+ ld [de],a
+ ret
+MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth:: ; 0e79 (0:0e79)
+ add a,$06
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[de]
+ add b
+ ld [de],a
+ ret nc
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ inc a
+ ld [de],a
+ ret
+MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth:: ; 0e85 (0:0e85)
+ add a,$06
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[de]
+ sub b
+ ld [de],a
+ ret nc
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ dec a
+ ld [de],a
+ ret
+; the following 6 functions are used to tell the V-blank handler to redraw
+; the portion of the map that was newly exposed due to the player's movement
+ScheduleNorthRowRedraw:: ; 0e91 (0:0e91)
+ FuncCoord 0, 0
+ ld hl,Coord
+ call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ ld a,[wd527]
+ ret
+ScheduleRowRedrawHelper:: ; 0ea6 (0:0ea6)
+ ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
+ ld c,$28
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.loop
+ ret
+ScheduleSouthRowRedraw:: ; 0eb2 (0:0eb2)
+ FuncCoord 0,16
+ ld hl,Coord
+ call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd527]
+ ld h,a
+ ld bc,$0200
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,h
+ and a,$03
+ or a,$98
+ ld a,l
+ ret
+ScheduleEastColumnRedraw:: ; 0ed3 (0:0ed3)
+ FuncCoord 18,0
+ ld hl,Coord
+ call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ ld c,a
+ and a,$e0
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,c
+ add a,18
+ and a,$1f
+ or b
+ ld a,[wd527]
+ ret
+ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper:: ; 0ef2 (0:0ef2)
+ ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
+ ld c,$12
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,19
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry
+ inc h
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.loop
+ ret
+ScheduleWestColumnRedraw:: ; 0f08 (0:0f08)
+ FuncCoord 0,0
+ ld hl,Coord
+ call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
+ ld a,[wd526]
+ ld a,[wd527]
+ ret
+; function to write the tiles that make up a tile block to memory
+; Input: c = tile block ID, hl = destination address
+DrawTileBlock:: ; 0f1d (0:0f1d)
+ push hl
+ ld a,[W_TILESETBLOCKSPTR] ; pointer to tiles
+ ld l,a
+ ld h,a
+ ld a,c
+ swap a
+ ld b,a
+ and a,$f0
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,b
+ and a,$0f
+ ld b,a ; bc = tile block ID * 0x10
+ add hl,bc
+ ld d,h
+ ld e,l ; de = address of the tile block's tiles
+ pop hl
+ ld c,$04 ; 4 loop iterations
+.loop ; each loop iteration, write 4 tile numbers
+ push bc
+ ld a,[de]
+ ld [hli],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ ld [hli],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ ld [hli],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,[de]
+ ld [hl],a
+ inc de
+ ld bc,$0015
+ add hl,bc
+ pop bc
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.loop
+ ret
+; function to update joypad state and simulate button presses
+JoypadOverworld:: ; 0f4d (0:0f4d)
+ xor a
+ ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
+ ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
+ call RunMapScript
+ call Joypad
+ ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
+ bit 3,a ; check if a trainer wants a challenge
+ jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
+ jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
+ and a,%11110011 ; bit mask for all directions and A/B
+ jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
+ ld a,%10000000 ; down pressed
+ ld [hJoyHeld],a ; on the cycling road, if there isn't a trainer and the player isn't pressing buttons, simulate a down press
+ ld a,[wd730]
+ bit 7,a
+ ret z
+; if simulating button presses
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[wcd3b] ; bit mask for button presses that override simulated ones
+ and b
+ ret nz ; return if the simulated button presses are overridden
+ ld hl,wcd38 ; index of current simulated button press
+ dec [hl]
+ ld a,[hl]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.doneSimulating ; if the end of the simulated button presses has been reached
+ ld hl,wccd3 ; base address of simulated button presses
+; add offset to base address
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry
+ inc h
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld [hJoyHeld],a ; store simulated button press in joypad state
+ and a
+ ret nz
+ ld [hJoyPressed],a
+ ld [hJoyReleased],a
+ ret
+; if done simulating button presses
+ xor a
+ ld [wcd3a],a
+ ld [wcd38],a
+ ld [wccd3],a
+ ld [wJoyIgnore],a
+ ld [hJoyHeld],a
+ ld hl,wd736
+ ld a,[hl]
+ and a,$f8
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld hl,wd730
+ res 7,[hl]
+ ret
+; function to check the tile ahead to determine if the character should get on land or keep surfing
+; sets carry if there is a collision and clears carry otherwise
+; It seems that this function has a bug in it, but due to luck, it doesn't
+; show up. After detecting a sprite collision, it jumps to the code that
+; checks if the next tile is passable instead of just directly jumping to the
+; "collision detected" code. However, it doesn't store the next tile in c,
+; so the old value of c is used. 2429 is always called before this function,
+; and 2429 always sets c to 0xF0. There is no 0xF0 background tile, so it
+; is considered impassable and it is detected as a collision.
+CollisionCheckOnWater:: ; 0fb7 (0:0fb7)
+ ld a,[wd730]
+ bit 7,a
+ jp nz,.noCollision ; return and clear carry if button presses are being simulated
+ ld a,[wd52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 12] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
+ and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
+ jr nz,.checkIfNextTileIsPassable ; bug?
+ ld hl,TilePairCollisionsWater
+ call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
+ jr c,.collision
+ ld a,$35
+ call Predef ; get tile in front of player (puts it in c and [wcfc6])
+ ld a,[wcfc6] ; tile in front of player
+ cp a,$14 ; water tile
+ jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing if it's a water tile
+ cp a,$32 ; either the left tile of the S.S. Anne boarding platform or the tile on eastern coastlines (depending on the current tileset)
+ jr z,.checkIfVermilionDockTileset
+ cp a,$48 ; tile on right on coast lines in Safari Zone
+ jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing
+; check if the [land] tile in front of the player is passable
+ ld hl,W_TILESETCOLLISIONPTR ; pointer to list of passable tiles
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld h,[hl]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp a,$ff
+ jr z,.collision
+ cp c
+ jr z,.stopSurfing ; stop surfing if the tile is passable
+ jr .loop
+ ld a,[wc02a]
+ cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
+ jr z,.setCarry
+ ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
+ scf
+ jr .done
+ and a
+ ret
+ xor a
+ ld [wd700],a
+ call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
+ call Func_2307
+ jr .noCollision
+ ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset
+ cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Dock tileset
+ jr nz, .noCollision ; keep surfing if it's not the boarding platform tile
+ jr .stopSurfing ; if it is the boarding platform tile, stop surfing
+; function to run the current map's script
+RunMapScript:: ; 101b (0:101b)
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ callba Func_f225 ; check if the player is pushing a boulder
+ ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
+ bit 1,a ; is the player pushing a boulder?
+ jr z,.afterBoulderEffect
+ callba Func_f2b5 ; displays dust effect when pushing a boulder
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ call Func_310e
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP] ; current map number
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank ; change to the ROM bank the map's data is in
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld h,[hl]
+ ld l,a
+ ld de,.return
+ push de
+ jp [hl] ; jump to script
+ ret
+LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 104d (0:104d)
+ ld de,RedSprite ; $4180
+ ld hl,vNPCSprites
+ jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
+LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 1055 (0:1055)
+ ld de,SeelSprite
+ ld hl,vNPCSprites
+ jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
+LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 105d (0:105d)
+ ld de,RedCyclingSprite
+ ld hl,vNPCSprites
+LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon:: ; 1063 (0:1063)
+ push de
+ push hl
+ ld bc,(BANK(RedSprite) << 8) + $0c
+ call CopyVideoData
+ pop hl
+ pop de
+ ld a,$c0
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry
+ inc d
+ set 3,h
+ ld bc,$050c
+ jp CopyVideoData
+; function to load data from the map header
+LoadMapHeader:: ; 107c (0:107c)
+ callba Func_f113
+ ld [wd119],a
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ call SwitchToMapRomBank
+ ld b,a
+ res 7,a
+ ld [$ff8b],a
+ bit 7,b
+ ret nz
+ ld hl,MapHeaderPointers
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ sla a
+ jr nc,.noCarry1
+ inc h
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry2
+ inc h
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld h,[hl]
+ ld l,a ; hl = base of map header
+; copy the first 10 bytes (the fixed area) of the map data to D367-D370
+ ld c,$0a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.copyFixedHeaderLoop
+; initialize all the connected maps to disabled at first, before loading the actual values
+ ld a,$ff
+ ld [W_MAPCONN1PTR],a
+ ld [W_MAPCONN2PTR],a
+ ld [W_MAPCONN3PTR],a
+ ld [W_MAPCONN4PTR],a
+; copy connection data (if any) to WRAM
+ ld b,a
+ bit 3,b
+ jr z,.checkSouth
+ call CopyMapConnectionHeader
+ bit 2,b
+ jr z,.checkWest
+ call CopyMapConnectionHeader
+ bit 1,b
+ jr z,.checkEast
+ call CopyMapConnectionHeader
+ bit 0,b
+ jr z,.getObjectDataPointer
+ call CopyMapConnectionHeader
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wd3a9],a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wd3aa],a
+ push hl
+ ld a,[wd3a9]
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,[wd3aa]
+ ld h,a ; hl = base of object data
+ ld de,wd3ad ; background tile ID
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a ; save background tile ID
+ ld a,[hli] ; number of warps
+ ld [wd3ae],a ; save the number of warps
+ and a ; are there any warps?
+ jr z,.loadSignData ; if not, skip this
+ ld c,a
+ ld de,wd3af ; base address of warps
+.warpLoop ; one warp per loop iteration
+ ld b,$04
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.warpInnerLoop
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.warpLoop
+ ld a,[hli] ; number of signs
+ ld [wd4b0],a ; save the number of signs
+ and a ; are there any signs?
+ jr z,.loadSpriteData ; if not, skip this
+ ld c,a
+ ld de,wd4d1 ; base address of sign text IDs
+ ld a,d
+ ld [$ff95],a
+ ld a,e
+ ld [$ff96],a
+ ld de,wd4b1 ; base address of sign coordinates
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ push de
+ ld a,[$ff95]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[$ff96]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,d
+ ld [$ff95],a
+ ld a,e
+ ld [$ff96],a
+ pop de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.signLoop
+ ld a,[wd72e]
+ bit 5,a ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
+ jp nz,.finishUp ; if so, skip this because battles don't destroy this data
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [W_NUMSPRITES],a ; save the number of sprites
+ push hl
+; zero C110-C1FF and C210-C2FF
+ ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
+ ld de,wSpriteStateData2 + $10
+ xor a
+ ld b,$f0
+ ld [hli],a
+ ld [de],a
+ inc e
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.zeroSpriteDataLoop
+; initialize all C100-C1FF sprite entries to disabled (other than player's)
+ ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $12
+ ld de,$0010
+ ld c,$0f
+ ld [hl],$ff
+ add hl,de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.disableSpriteEntriesLoop
+ pop hl
+ ld de,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
+ ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
+ and a ; are there any sprites?
+ jp z,.finishUp ; if there are no sprites, skip the rest
+ ld b,a
+ ld c,$00
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a ; store picture ID at C1X0
+ inc d
+ ld a,$04
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a ; store Y position at C2X4
+ inc e
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a ; store X position at C2X5
+ inc e
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a ; store movement byte 1 at C2X6
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ff8d],a ; save movement byte 2
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ff8e],a ; save text ID and flags byte
+ push bc
+ push hl
+ ld b,$00
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,[$ff8d]
+ ld [hli],a ; store movement byte 2 in byte 0 of sprite entry
+ ld a,[$ff8e]
+ ld [hl],a ; this appears pointless, since the value is overwritten immediately after
+ ld a,[$ff8e]
+ ld [$ff8d],a
+ and a,$3f
+ ld [hl],a ; store text ID in byte 1 of sprite entry
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[$ff8d]
+ bit 6,a
+ jr nz,.trainerSprite
+ bit 7,a
+ jr nz,.itemBallSprite
+ jr .regularSprite
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ff8d],a ; save trainer class
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ff8e],a ; save trainer number (within class)
+ push hl
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,[$ff8d]
+ ld [hli],a ; store trainer class in byte 0 of the entry
+ ld a,[$ff8e]
+ ld [hl],a ; store trainer number in byte 1 of the entry
+ pop hl
+ jr .nextSprite
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ff8d],a ; save item number
+ push hl
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,[$ff8d]
+ ld [hli],a ; store item number in byte 0 of the entry
+ xor a
+ ld [hl],a ; zero byte 1, since it is not used
+ pop hl
+ jr .nextSprite
+ push hl
+ add hl,bc
+; zero both bytes, since regular sprites don't use this extra space
+ xor a
+ ld [hli],a
+ ld [hl],a
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ dec d
+ ld a,$0a
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ inc c
+ inc c
+ dec b
+ jp nz,.loadSpriteLoop
+ ld a,$19
+ call Predef ; load tileset data
+ callab LoadWildData ; load wild pokemon data
+ pop hl ; restore hl from before going to the warp/sign/sprite data (this value was saved for seemingly no purpose)
+ ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; map height in 4x4 tile blocks
+ add a ; double it
+ ld [wd524],a ; store map height in 2x2 tile blocks
+ ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; map width in 4x4 tile blocks
+ add a ; double it
+ ld [wd525],a ; map width in 2x2 tile blocks
+ ld a,[W_CURMAP]
+ ld c,a
+ ld b,$00
+ push af
+ ld a, BANK(MapSongBanks)
+ ld [$2000],a
+ ld hl, MapSongBanks
+ add hl,bc
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wd35b],a ; music 1
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld [wd35c],a ; music 2
+ pop af
+ ld [$2000],a
+ ret
+; function to copy map connection data from ROM to WRAM
+; Input: hl = source, de = destination
+CopyMapConnectionHeader:: ; 1238 (0:1238)
+ ld c,$0b
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.loop
+ ret
+; function to load map data
+LoadMapData:: ; 1241 (0:1241)
+ push af
+ call DisableLCD
+ ld a,$98
+ ld [wd527],a
+ xor a
+ ld [wd526],a
+ ld [$ffaf],a
+ ld [$ffae],a
+ ld [wWalkCounter],a
+ ld [wd119],a
+ ld [wd11a],a
+ call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
+ call LoadMapHeader
+ callba InitMapSprites ; load tile pattern data for sprites
+ call LoadTileBlockMap
+ call LoadTilesetTilePatternData
+ call LoadCurrentMapView
+; copy current map view to VRAM
+ ld hl,wTileMap
+ ld de,vBGMap0
+ ld b,18
+ ld c,20
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc e
+ dec c
+ jr nz,.vramCopyInnerLoop
+ ld a,32 - 20
+ add e
+ ld e,a
+ jr nc,.noCarry
+ inc d
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.vramCopyLoop
+ ld a,$01
+ ld [wcfcb],a
+ call EnableLCD
+ ld b,$09
+ call GoPAL_SET
+ call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
+ ld a,[wd732]
+ and a,$18 ; did the player fly or teleport in?
+ jr nz,.restoreRomBank
+ ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
+ bit 1,a
+ jr nz,.restoreRomBank
+ call Func_235f ; music related
+ call Func_2312 ; music related
+ pop af
+ ld [$2000],a
+ ret
+; function to switch to the ROM bank that a map is stored in
+; Input: a = map number
+SwitchToMapRomBank:: ; 12bc (0:12bc)
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ ld c,a
+ ld b,$00
+ ld a,Bank(MapHeaderBanks)
+ call BankswitchHome ; switch to ROM bank 3
+ ld hl,MapHeaderBanks
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld [$ffe8],a ; save map ROM bank
+ call BankswitchBack
+ ld a,[$ffe8]
+ ld [$2000],a ; switch to map ROM bank
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ ret
+Func_12da:: ; 12da (0:12da)
+ ld a, $1e
+ ld [wd13a], a
+ ld hl, wd730
+ ld a, [hl]
+ or $26
+ ld [hl], a
+ ret
+Func_12e7:: ; 12e7 (0:12e7)
+ ld hl, wd728
+ res 0, [hl]
+ ret
+ForceBikeOrSurf:: ; 12ed (0:12ed)
+ ld b, BANK(RedSprite)
+ ld hl, LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
+ call Bankswitch
+ jp Func_2307 ; update map/player state?