shithub: pokered

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ref: b84ee8468cde7ecf0641adbe1f6d8da5ab2660db
parent: 03686856112fda5bffb5a81ce60076f037508552
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jan 23 10:41:14 EST 2014

Move text banks into text.asm

--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -115622,3200 +115622,5 @@
 	db $22, $52, $24, $34, $42
-SECTION "bank20",ROMX,BANK[$20]
-_CardKeySuccessText1: ; 80000 (20:4000)
-	text "Bingo!@@"
-_CardKeySuccessText2: ; 80009 (20:4009)
-	db $0
-	line "The CARD KEY"
-	cont "opened the door!"
-	done
-_CardKeyFailText: ; 80029 (20:4029)
-	text "Darn! It needs a"
-	line "CARD KEY!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_33cf: ; 80045 (20:4045)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text ": @@"
-_UnnamedText_70847: ; 8004d (20:404d)
-	text "Not even a nibble!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7084c: ; 80061 (20:4061)
-	text "Looks like there's"
-	line "nothing here."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_70851: ; 80082 (20:4082)
-	text "Oh!"
-	line "It's a bite!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_24db: ; 80093 (20:4093)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_24e0: ; 80096 (20:4096)
-	text "Ground rose up"
-	line "somewhere!"
-	done
-_BoulderText: ; 800b1 (20:40b1)
-	text "This requires"
-	line "STRENGTH to move!"
-	done
-_MartSignText: ; 800d2 (20:40d2)
-	text "All your item"
-	line "needs fulfilled!"
-	cont "#MON MART"
-	done
-_PokeCenterSignText: ; 800fc (20:40fc)
-	text "Heal Your #MON!"
-	line "#MON CENTER"
-	done
-_FoundItemText: ; 80119 (20:4119)
-	text $52, " found"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!@@"
-_NoMoreRoomForItemText: ; 8012a (20:412a)
-	text "No more room for"
-	line "items!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_59091: ; 80143 (20:4143)
-	text "Hi! Remember me?"
-	line "I'm PROF.OAK's"
-	cont "AIDE!"
-	para "If you caught @"
-	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
-	db $0
-	line "kinds of #MON,"
-	cont "I'm supposed to"
-	cont "give you an"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cc5b
-	text "!"
-	para "So, ", $52, "! Have"
-	line "you caught at"
-	cont "least @"
-	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
-	text " kinds of"
-	cont "#MON?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_59096: ; 801e4 (20:41e4)
-	text "Let's see..."
-	line "Uh-oh! You have"
-	cont "caught only @"
-UnnamedText_8020e: ; 8020e (20:420e)
-	TX_NUM $ffdd, 1, 3
-	db $0
-	cont "kinds of #MON!"
-	para "You need @"
-	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
-	text " kinds"
-	line "if you want the"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cc5b
-	text "."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_5909b: ; 80250 (20:4250)
-	text "Oh. I see."
-	para "When you get @"
-	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
-	db $0
-	line "kinds, come back"
-	cont "for @"
-	TX_RAM $cc5b
-	text "."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_590a0: ; 8028c (20:428c)
-	text "Great! You have"
-	line "caught @"
-	TX_NUM $ffdd, 1, 3
-	text " kinds "
-	cont "of #MON!"
-	cont "Congratulations!"
-	para "Here you go!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_590a5: ; 802d9 (20:42d9)
-	text $52, " got the"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cc5b
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_590ab: ; 802ec (20:42ec)
-	text "Oh! I see you"
-	line "don't have any"
-	cont "room for the"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cc5b
-	text "."
-	done
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_4.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_5.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_6.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_7.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_8.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_9.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_10.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b4f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_elevator.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_4f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank21",ROMX,BANK[$21]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_6f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_7f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_8f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_9f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_10f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_11f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_b1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_east.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_north.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_west.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_center.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_secret_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_4.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_b1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/lance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/hall_of_fame.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/champion.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/lorelei.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/bruno.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/agatha.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank22",ROMX,BANK[$22]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b4f.asm"
-_AIBattleWithdrawText: ; 880be (22:40be)
-	text " with-"
-	line "drew @"
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_AIBattleUseItemText: ; 880d5 (22:40d5)
-	db $0
-	line "used @"
-	db $0
-	cont "on @"
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_4160c: ; 880ef (22:40ef)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " went"
-	line "to @"
-	TX_RAM $d887
-	text "."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_41623: ; 88103 (22:4103)
-	text "For ", $52, "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text ","
-	done
-_UnnamedText_41628: ; 88112 (22:4112)
-	TX_RAM $d887
-	text " sends"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_41642: ; 88124 (22:4124)
-	TX_RAM $d887
-	text " waves"
-	line "farewell as"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_41647: ; 8813b (22:413b)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " is"
-	line "transferred."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_41655: ; 88150 (22:4150)
-	text "Take good care of"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_4166c: ; 8816a (22:416a)
-	TX_RAM $d887
-	text " will"
-	line "trade @"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	db $0
-	done
-_UnnamedText_41671: ; 88180 (22:4180)
-	text "for ", $52, "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "."
-	done
-_PlaySlotMachineText: ; 8818f (22:418f)
-	text "A slot machine!"
-	line "Want to play?"
-	done
-_OutOfCoinsSlotMachineText: ; 881ae (22:41ae)
-	text "Darn!"
-	line "Ran out of coins!"
-	done
-_BetHowManySlotMachineText: ; 881c7 (22:41c7)
-	text "Bet how many"
-	line "coins?"
-	done
-_StartSlotMachineText: ; 881dc (22:41dc)
-	text "Start!"
-	done
-_NotEnoughCoinsSlotMachineText: ; 881e4 (22:41e4)
-	text "Not enough"
-	line "coins!"
-	prompt
-_OneMoreGoSlotMachineText: ; 881f7 (22:41f7)
-	text "One more "
-	line "go?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_37673: ; 88206 (22:4206)
-	text " lined up!"
-	line "Scored @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " coins!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3769d: ; 88226 (22:4226)
-	text "Not this time!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_37722: ; 88236 (22:4236)
-	text "Yeah!@@"
-_UnnamedText_703fa: ; 8823e (22:423e)
-	text "#DEX   Seen:@"
-	TX_NUM $cc5b, 1, 3
-	db $0
-	line "         Owned:@"
-	TX_NUM $cc5c, 1, 3
-	db "@"
-_UnnamedText_703ff: ; 88267 (22:4267)
-	text "#DEX Rating", $6d
-	done
-_GymStatueText1: ; 88275 (22:4275)
-	TX_RAM wGymCityName
-	db $0
-	line "#MON GYM"
-	cont "LEADER: @"
-	TX_RAM wGymLeaderName
-	db $0
-	line $53
-	done
-_GymStatueText2: ; 882a5 (22:42a5)
-	TX_RAM wGymCityName
-	db $0
-	line "#MON GYM"
-	cont "LEADER: @"
-	TX_RAM wGymLeaderName
-	db $0
-	line $53
-	cont $52
-	done
-_ViridianCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 882d7 (22:42d7)
-	text "#MON CENTERs"
-	line "heal your tired,"
-	cont "hurt or fainted"
-	cont "#MON!"
-	done
-_PewterCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 8830c (22:430c)
-	text "Yawn!"
-	para "When JIGGLYPUFF"
-	line "sings, #MON"
-	cont "get drowsy..."
-	para "...Me too..."
-	line "Snore..."
-	done
-_CeruleanPokecenterGuyText: ; 88353 (22:4353)
-	text "BILL has lots of"
-	line "#MON!"
-	para "He collects rare"
-	line "ones too!"
-	done
-_LavenderPokecenterGuyText: ; 88386 (22:4386)
-	text "CUBONEs wear"
-	line "skulls, right?"
-	para "People will pay a"
-	line "lot for one!"
-	done
-_MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 883c2 (22:43c2)
-	text "If you have too"
-	line "many #MON, you"
-	cont "should store them"
-	cont "via PC!"
-	done
-_RockTunnelPokecenterGuyText: ; 883fc (22:43fc)
-	text "I heard that"
-	line "GHOSTs haunt"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_624c1: ; 88426 (22:4426)
-	text "I wish I could"
-	line "catch #MON."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_624c6: ; 88442 (22:4442)
-	text "I'm tired from"
-	line "all the fun..."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_624cb: ; 88460 (22:4460)
-	text "SILPH's manager"
-	line "is hiding in the"
-	cont "SAFARI ZONE."
-	done
-_VermilionPokecenterGuyText: ; 8848e (22:448e)
-	text "It is true that a"
-	line "higher level"
-	cont "#MON will be"
-	cont "more powerful..."
-	para "But, all #MON"
-	line "will have weak"
-	cont "points against"
-	cont "specific types."
-	para "So, there is no"
-	line "universally"
-	cont "strong #MON."
-	done
-_CeladonCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 88531 (22:4531)
-	text "If I had a BIKE,"
-	line "I would go to"
-	cont "CYCLING ROAD!"
-	done
-_FuchsiaCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 8855f (22:455f)
-	text "If you're studying "
-	line "#MON, visit"
-	cont "the SAFARI ZONE."
-	para "It has all sorts"
-	line "of rare #MON."
-	done
-_CinnabarPokecenterGuyText: ; 885af (22:45af)
-	text "#MON can still"
-	line "learn techniques"
-	cont "after canceling"
-	cont "evolution."
-	para "Evolution can wait"
-	line "until new moves"
-	cont "have been learned."
-	done
-_SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText1: ; 88621 (22:4621)
-	text "It would be great"
-	line "if the ELITE FOUR"
-	cont "came and stomped"
-	cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
-	done
-_SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText2: ; 88664 (22:4664)
-	text "TEAM ROCKET took"
-	line "off! We can go"
-	cont "out safely again!"
-	cont "That's great!"
-	done
-_CeladonCityHotelText: ; 886a4 (22:46a4)
-	text "My sis brought me"
-	line "on this vacation!"
-	done
-_BookcaseText: ; 886c9 (22:46c9)
-	text "Crammed full of"
-	line "#MON books!"
-	done
-_NewBicycleText: ; 886e6 (22:46e6)
-	text "A shiny new"
-	line "BICYCLE!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_1e960: ; 886fc (22:46fc)
-	text "Push START to"
-	line "open the MENU!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_1e97e: ; 8871a (22:471a)
-	text "The SAVE option is"
-	line "on the MENU"
-	cont "screen."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_1e983: ; 88742 (22:4742)
-	text "All #MON types"
-	line "have strong and"
-	cont "weak points"
-	cont "against others."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_1ea0d: ; 8877e (22:477e)
-	text "PA: Ding-dong!"
-	para "Time's up!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_1ea12: ; 88798 (22:4798)
-	text "PA: Your SAFARI"
-	line "GAME is over!"
-	done
-_CinnabarGymQuizIntroText: ; 887b7 (22:47b7)
-	text "#MON Quiz!"
-	para "Get it right and"
-	line "the door opens to"
-	cont "the next room!"
-	para "Get it wrong and"
-	line "face a trainer!"
-	para "If you want to"
-	line "conserve your"
-	cont "#MON for the"
-	cont "GYM LEADER..."
-	para "Then get it right!"
-	line "Here we go!"
-	prompt
-_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText1: ; 8886d (22:486d)
-	text "CATERPIE evolves"
-	line "into BUTTERFREE?"
-	done
-_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText2: ; 88890 (22:4890)
-	text "There are 9"
-	line "certified #MON"
-	cont "LEAGUE BADGEs?"
-	done
-_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText3: ; 888bb (22:48bb)
-	text "POLIWAG evolves 3"
-	line "times?"
-	done
-_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText4: ; 888d5 (22:48d5)
-	text "Are thunder moves"
-	line "effective against"
-	cont "ground element-"
-	cont "type #MON?"
-	done
-_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText5: ; 88915 (22:4915)
-	text "#MON of the"
-	line "same kind and"
-	cont "level are not"
-	cont "identical?"
-	done
-_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText6: ; 88949 (22:4949)
-	text "TM28 contains"
-	line "TOMBSTONER?"
-	done
-_CinnabarGymQuizCorrectText: ; 88964 (22:4964)
-	text "You're absolutely"
-	line "correct!"
-	para "Go on through!@@"
-_CinnabarGymQuizIncorrectText: ; 8898f (22:498f)
-	text "Sorry! Bad call!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_1eb69: ; 889a1 (22:49a1)
-	text "#MON magazines!"
-	para "#MON notebooks!"
-	para "#MON graphs!"
-	done
-_BillsHouseMonitorText: ; 889cf (22:49cf)
-	text "TELEPORTER is"
-	line "displayed on the"
-	cont "PC monitor."
-	done
-_BillsHouseInitiatedText: ; 889fb (22:49fb)
-	text $52, " initiated"
-	line "TELEPORTER's Cell"
-	cont "Separator!@@"
-_BillsHousePokemonListText1: ; 88a25 (22:4a25)
-	text "BILL's favorite"
-	line "#MON list!"
-	prompt
-_BillsHousePokemonListText2: ; 88a40 (22:4a40)
-	text "Which #MON do"
-	line "you want to see?"
-	done
-_OakLabEmailText: ; 88a60 (22:4a60)
-	text "There's an e-mail"
-	line "message here!"
-	para "..."
-	para "Calling all"
-	line "#MON trainers!"
-	para "The elite trainers"
-	line "of #MON LEAGUE"
-	cont "are ready to take"
-	cont "on all comers!"
-	para "Bring your best"
-	line "#MON and see"
-	cont "how you rate as a"
-	cont "trainer!"
-	para "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
-	para "PS: PROF.OAK,"
-	line "please visit us!"
-	cont "..."
-	done
-_GameCornerCoinCaseText: ; 88b5b (22:4b5b)
-	text "A COIN CASE is"
-	line "required!"
-	done
-_GameCornerNoCoinsText: ; 88b75 (22:4b75)
-	text "You don't have"
-	line "any coins!"
-	done
-_GameCornerOutOfOrderText: ; 88b8f (22:4b8f)
-	text "OUT OF ORDER"
-	line "This is broken."
-	done
-_GameCornerOutToLunchText: ; 88bad (22:4bad)
-	text "OUT TO LUNCH"
-	line "This is reserved."
-	done
-_GameCornerSomeonesKeysText: ; 88bcd (22:4bcd)
-	text "Someone's keys!"
-	line "They'll be back."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_21865: ; 88bed (22:4bed)
-	text "Just a moment."
-	done
-TMNotebookText: ; 88bfd (22:4bfd)
-	text "It's a pamphlet"
-	line "on TMs."
-	para "..."
-	para "There are 50 TMs"
-	line "in all."
-	para "There are also 5"
-	line "HMs that can be"
-	cont "used repeatedly."
-	para "SILPH CO.@@"
-_TurnPageText: ; 88c6f (22:4c6f)
-	text "Turn the page?"
-	done
-_ViridianSchoolNotebookText5: ; 88c7f (22:4c7f)
-	text "GIRL: Hey! Don't"
-	line "look at my notes!@@"
-_ViridianSchoolNotebookText1: ; 88ca3 (22:4ca3)
-	text "Looked at the"
-	line "notebook!"
-	para "First page..."
-	para "# BALLs are"
-	line "used to catch"
-	cont "#MON."
-	para "Up to 6 #MON"
-	line "can be carried."
-	para "People who raise"
-	line "and make #MON"
-	cont "fight are called"
-	cont "#MON trainers."
-	prompt
-_ViridianSchoolNotebookText2: ; 88d46 (22:4d46)
-	text "Second page..."
-	para "A healthy #MON"
-	line "may be hard to"
-	cont "catch, so weaken"
-	cont "it first!"
-	para "Poison, burns and"
-	line "other damage are"
-	cont "effective!"
-	prompt
-_ViridianSchoolNotebookText3: ; 88dbd (22:4dbd)
-	text "Third page..."
-	para "#MON trainers"
-	line "seek others to"
-	cont "engage in #MON"
-	cont "fights."
-	para "Battles are"
-	line "constantly fought"
-	cont "at #MON GYMs."
-	prompt
-_ViridianSchoolNotebookText4: ; 88e2c (22:4e2c)
-	text "Fourth page..."
-	para "The goal for"
-	line "#MON trainers"
-	cont "is to beat the "
-	cont "top 8 #MON"
-	cont "GYM LEADERs."
-	para "Do so to earn the"
-	line "right to face..."
-	para "The ELITE FOUR of"
-	line "#MON LEAGUE!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_52a10: ; 88ec1 (22:4ec1)
-	text "Enemies on every"
-	line "side!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_52a1d: ; 88ed9 (22:4ed9)
-	text "What goes around"
-	line "comes around!"
-	done
-_FightingDojoText: ; 88ef9 (22:4ef9)
-	done
-_IndigoPlateauHQText: ; 88f08 (22:4f08)
-	line "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
-	done
-_RedBedroomSNESText: ; 88f27 (22:4f27)
-	text $52, " is"
-	line "playing the SNES!"
-	cont "...Okay!"
-	cont "It's time to go!"
-	done
-_Route15UpstairsBinocularsText: ; 88f58 (22:4f58)
-	text "Looked into the"
-	line "binoculars..."
-	para "A large, shining"
-	line "bird is flying"
-	cont "toward the sea."
-	done
-_AerodactylFossilText: ; 88fa7 (22:4fa7)
-	text "AERODACTYL Fossil"
-	line "A primitive and"
-	cont "rare #MON."
-	done
-_KabutopsFossilText: ; 88fd5 (22:4fd5)
-	text "KABUTOPS Fossil"
-	line "A primitive and"
-	cont "rare #MON."
-	done
-_LinkCableHelpText1: ; 89001 (22:5001)
-	para "Using a Game Link"
-	line "Cable"
-	prompt
-_LinkCableHelpText2: ; 89027 (22:5027)
-	text "Which heading do"
-	line "you want to read?"
-	done
-_LinkCableInfoText1: ; 8904b (22:504b)
-	text "When you have"
-	line "linked your GAME"
-	cont "BOY with another"
-	cont "GAME BOY, talk to"
-	cont "the attendant on"
-	cont "the right in any"
-	cont "#MON CENTER."
-	prompt
-_LinkCableInfoText2: ; 890bd (22:50bd)
-	text "COLOSSEUM lets"
-	line "you play against"
-	cont "a friend."
-	prompt
-_LinkCableInfoText3: ; 890e8 (22:50e8)
-	text "TRADE CENTER is"
-	line "used for trading"
-	cont "#MON."
-	prompt
-_ViridianSchoolBlackboardText1: ; 89110 (22:5110)
-	text "The blackboard"
-	line "describes #MON"
-	cont "STATUS changes"
-	cont "during battles."
-	prompt
-_ViridianSchoolBlackboardText2: ; 8914e (22:514e)
-	text "Which heading do"
-	line "you want to read?"
-	done
-_ViridianBlackboardSleepText: ; 89172 (22:5172)
-	text "A #MON can't"
-	line "attack if it's"
-	cont "asleep!"
-	para "#MON will stay"
-	line "asleep even after"
-	cont "battles."
-	para "Use AWAKENING to"
-	line "wake them up!"
-	prompt
-_ViridianBlackboardPoisonText: ; 891de (22:51de)
-	text "When poisoned, a"
-	line "#MON's health"
-	cont "steadily drops."
-	para "Poison lingers"
-	line "after battles."
-	para "Use an ANTIDOTE"
-	line "to cure poison!"
-	prompt
-_ViridianBlackbaordPrlzText: ; 8924b (22:524b)
-	text "Paralysis could"
-	line "make #MON"
-	cont "moves misfire!"
-	para "Paralysis remains"
-	line "after battles."
-	para "Use PARLYZ HEAL"
-	line "for treatment!"
-	prompt
-_ViridianBlackboardBurnText: ; 892b5 (22:52b5)
-	text "A burn reduces"
-	line "power and speed."
-	cont "It also causes"
-	cont "ongoing damage."
-	para "Burns remain"
-	line "after battles."
-	para "Use BURN HEAL to"
-	line "cure a burn!"
-	prompt
-_ViridianBlackboardFrozenText: ; 8932f (22:532f)
-	text "If frozen, a"
-	line "#MON becomes"
-	cont "totally immobile!"
-	para "It stays frozen"
-	line "even after the"
-	cont "battle ends."
-	para "Use ICE HEAL to"
-	line "thaw out #MON!"
-	prompt
-_VermilionGymTrashText: ; 893a7 (22:53a7)
-	text "Nope, there's"
-	line "only trash here."
-	done
-_VermilionGymTrashSuccesText1: ; 893c6 (22:53c6)
-	text "Hey! There's a"
-	line "switch under the"
-	cont "trash!"
-	cont "Turn it on!"
-	para "The 1st electric"
-	line "lock opened!@@"
-_VermilionGymTrashSuccesText2: ; 89418 (22:5418)
-	text "Hey! There's"
-	line "another switch"
-	cont "under the trash!"
-	cont "Turn it on!"
-	prompt
-_VermilionGymTrashSuccesText3: ; 89451 (22:5451)
-	text "The 2nd electric"
-	line "lock opened!"
-	para "The motorized door"
-	line "opened!@@"
-_VermilionGymTrashFailText: ; 8948c (22:548c)
-	text "Nope! There's"
-	line "only trash here."
-	cont "Hey! The electric"
-	cont "locks were reset!@@"
-UnnamedText_894d0: ; 894d0 (22:54d0)
-	text $52, " found"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_76794: ; 894e1 (22:54e1)
-	text "But, ", $52, " has"
-	line "no more room for"
-	cont "other items!"
-	done
-_FoundHiddenCoinsText: ; 8950b (22:550b)
-	text $52, " found"
-	line "@"
-	db $2, $a0, $ff, $c2 ; XXX $2
-	text " coins!@@"
-_FoundHiddenCoins2Text: ; 89523 (22:5523)
-	text $52, " found"
-	line "@"
-	db $2, $a0, $ff, $c2 ; XXX $2 probably coins
-	text " coins!@@"
-_DroppedHiddenCoinsText: ; 8953b (22:553b)
-	db $0
-	para "Oops! Dropped"
-	line "some coins!"
-	done
-_IndigoPlateauStatuesText1: ; 89557 (22:5557)
-	prompt
-_IndigoPlateauStatuesText2: ; 89567 (22:5567)
-	text "The ultimate goal"
-	line "of trainers!"
-	cont "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
-	done
-_IndigoPlateauStatuesText3: ; 89596 (22:5596)
-	text "The highest"
-	line "#MON authority"
-	cont "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
-	done
-_PokemonBooksText: ; 895c1 (22:55c1)
-	text "Crammed full of"
-	line "#MON books!"
-	done
-_DiglettSculptureText: ; 895de (22:55de)
-	text "It's a sculpture"
-	line "of DIGLETT."
-	done
-_ElevatorText: ; 895fb (22:55fb)
-	text "This is an"
-	line "elevator."
-	done
-_TownMapText: ; 89611 (22:5611)
-	text "A TOWN MAP.@@"
-_PokemonStuffText: ; 8961f (22:561f)
-	text "Wow! Tons of"
-	line "#MON stuff!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3c1a8: ; 89639 (22:5639)
-	text "PA: Ding-dong!"
-	para "You are out of"
-	line "SAFARI BALLs!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3c229: ; 89666 (22:5666)
-	text "Wild @"
-	db $0
-	line "ran!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3c22e: ; 89677 (22:5677)
-	text "Enemy @"
-	db $0
-	line "ran!"
-	prompt
-_HurtByPoisonText: ; 89689 (22:5689)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "hurt by poison!"
-	prompt
-_HurtByBurnText: ; 8969d (22:569d)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "hurt by the burn!"
-	prompt
-_HurtByLeechSeedText: ; 896b3 (22:56b3)
-	text "LEECH SEED saps"
-	line $5a, "!"
-	prompt
-_EnemyMonFainted: ; 0x896c7
-	text "Enemy @"
-	db $0
-	line "fainted!"
-	prompt
-_MoneyForWinningText: ; 896dd (22:56dd)
-	text $52, " got ¥@"
-	;XXX $2
-	db $2, $79, $d0, $c3
-	db $0
-	line "for winning!"
-	prompt
-_TrainerDefeatedText: ; 896f9 (22:56f9)
-	text $52, " defeated"
-	line "@"
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_PlayerMonFaintedText: ; 8970c (22:570c)
-	db $0
-	line "fainted!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3c7d3: ; 8971a (22:571a)
-	text "Use next #MON?"
-	done
-_Sony1WinText: ; 8972a (22:572a)
-	text $53, ": Yeah! Am"
-	line "I great or what?"
-	prompt
-_PlayerBlackedOutText2: ; 89748 (22:5748)
-	text $52, " is out of"
-	line "useable #MON!"
-	para $52, " blacked"
-	line "out!"
-	prompt
-_LinkBattleLostText: ; 89772 (22:5772)
-	text $52, " lost to"
-	line "@"
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_TrainerAboutToUseText: ; 89784 (22:5784)
-	text " is"
-	line "about to use"
-	cont"@"
-	text "!"
-	para "Will ", $52
-	line "change #MON?"
-	done
-_TrainerSentOutText: ; 897b4 (22:57b4)
-	text " sent"
-	line "out @"
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3cab4: ; 897c9 (22:57c9)
-	text "There's no will"
-	line "to fight!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3cb97: ; 897e3 (22:57e3)
-	text "Can't escape!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3cb9c: ; 897f1 (22:57f1)
-	text "No! There's no"
-	line "running from a"
-	cont "trainer battle!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3cba1: ; 8981f (22:581f)
-	text "Got away safely!"
-	prompt
-ItemsCantBeUsedHere_: ; 89831 (22:5831)
-	text "Items can't be"
-	line "used here."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3d1f5: ; 8984b (22:584b)
-	text " is"
-	line "already out!"
-	prompt
-_MoveNoPPText: ; 89860 (22:5860)
-	text "No PP left for"
-	line "this move!"
-	prompt
-_MoveDisabledText: ; 8987b (22:587b)
-	text "The move is"
-	line "disabled!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3d430: ; 89892 (22:5892)
-	text " has no"
-	line "moves left!"
-	done
-_MultiHitText: ; 898aa (22:58aa)
-	text "Hit the enemy"
-	line "@"
-	text " times!"
-	prompt
-_ScaredText: ; 898c7 (22:58c7)
-	text " is too"
-	line "scared to move!"
-	prompt
-_GetOutText: ; 898e3 (22:58e3)
-	text "GHOST: Get out..."
-	line "Get out..."
-	prompt
-_FastAsleepText: ; 89901 (22:5901)
-	text $5A
-	line "is fast asleep!"
-	prompt
-_WokeUpText: ; 89914 (22:5914)
-	text $5A
-	line "woke up!"
-	prompt
-_FrozenText: ; 89920 (22:5920)
-	text $5A
-	line "is frozen solid!"
-	prompt
-_FullyParalyzedText: ; 89934 (22:5934)
-	text $5A,"'s"
-	line "fully paralyzed!"
-	prompt
-_FlinchedText: ; 89949 (22:5949)
-	text $5A
-	line "flinched!"
-	prompt
-_MustRechargeText: ; 89956 (22:5956)
-	text $5A
-	line "must recharge!"
-	prompt
-_DisabledNoMoreText: ; 89968 (22:5968)
-	text $5A,"'s"
-	line "disabled no more!"
-	prompt
-_IsConfusedText: ; 8997e (22:597e)
-	text $5A
-	line "is confused!"
-	prompt
-_HurtItselfText: ; 8998e (22:598e)
-	text "It hurt itself in"
-	line "its confusion!"
-	prompt
-_ConfusedNoMoreText: ; 899b0 (22:59b0)
-	text $5A,"'s"
-	line "confused no more!"
-	prompt
-_SavingEnergyText: ; 899c6 (22:59c6)
-	text $5A
-	line "is saving energy!"
-	prompt
-_UnleashedEnergyText: ; 899db (22:59db)
-	text $5A
-	line "unleashed energy!"
-	prompt
-_ThrashingAboutText: ; 899f0 (22:59f0)
-	text $5A,"'s"
-	line "thrashing about!"
-	done
-_AttackContinuesText: ; 89a05 (22:5a05)
-	text $5A,"'s"
-	line "attack continues!"
-	done
-_CantMoveText: ; 89a1b (22:5a1b)
-	text $5A
-	line "can't move!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3daa8: ; 89a29 (22:5a29)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " is"
-	cont "disabled!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3dafb: ; 89a40 (22:5a40)
-	text $5a, "@@"
-_UnnamedText_3db2d: ; 89a44 (22:5a44)
-	db $0
-	line "used @@"
-_UnnamedText_3db34: ; 89a4d (22:5a4d)
-	db $0
-	line "used @@"
-_UnnamedText_3db43: ; 89a56 (22:5a56)
-	text "instead,"
-	cont "@@"
-_UnnamedText_3db4c: ; 89a62 (22:5a62)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "@"
-_UnnamedText_3db6c: ; 89a67 (22:5a67)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3db71: ; 89a6a (22:5a6a)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3db76: ; 89a6d (22:5a6d)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3db7b: ; 89a70 (22:5a70)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3db80: ; 89a73 (22:5a73)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3dc42: ; 89a76 (22:5a76)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "attack missed!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3dc47: ; 89a89 (22:5a89)
-	text $5a
-	line "kept going and"
-	cont "crashed!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3dc4c: ; 89aa4 (22:5aa4)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "unaffected!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3dc57: ; 89ab4 (22:5ab4)
-	text "It doesn't affect"
-	line $59, "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3dc7e: ; 89ac9 (22:5ac9)
-	text "Critical hit!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3dc83: ; 89ad8 (22:5ad8)
-	text "One-hit KO!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3ddb6: ; 89ae5 (22:5ae5)
-	text " is"
-	line "loafing around."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3ddbb: ; 89afd (22:5afd)
-	text " began"
-	line "to nap!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3ddc0: ; 89b10 (22:5b10)
-	text " won't"
-	line "obey!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3ddc5: ; 89b20 (22:5b20)
-	text " turned"
-	line "away!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3ddca: ; 89b32 (22:5b32)
-	db $0
-	line "ignored orders!"
-	prompt
-_SubstituteTookDamageText: ; 89b47 (22:5b47)
-	text "The SUBSTITUTE"
-	line "took damage for"
-	cont $59, "!"
-	prompt
-_SubstituteBrokeText: ; 89b6a (22:5b6a)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "SUBSTITUTE broke!"
-	prompt
-_BuildingRageText: ; 89b80 (22:5b80)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "RAGE is building!"
-	prompt
-_MirrorMoveFailedText: ; 89b96 (22:5b96)
-	text "The MIRROR MOVE"
-	next "failed!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3e887: ; 89baf (22:5baf)
-	text "Hit @"
-	TX_NUM $cd05, 1, 1
-	text " times!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_554b2: ; 89bc2 (22:5bc2)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " gained"
-	line "@@"
-_UnnamedText_554cb: ; 89bd0 (22:5bd0)
-	text "with EXP.ALL,"
-	cont "@@"
-_UnnamedText_554d4: ; 89be1 (22:5be1)
-	text "a boosted"
-	cont "@@"
-_UnnamedText_554d8: ; 89bee (22:5bee)
-	TX_NUM $cf4b, 2, 4
-	text " EXP. Points!"
-	prompt
-UnnamedText_89c01: ; 89c01 (22:5c01)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " grew"
-	line "to level @"
-	TX_NUM $d127, 1, 3
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_58e3b: ; 89c1d (22:5c1d)
-	text "Wild @"
-	db $0
-	line "appeared!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_58e40: ; 89c33 (22:5c33)
-	text "The hooked"
-	line "@"
-	db $0
-	cont "attacked!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_58e45: ; 89c4f (22:5c4f)
-	db $0
-	line "appeared!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_58e4a: ; 89c5e (22:5c5e)
-	text " wants"
-	line "to fight!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_58e4f: ; 89c73 (22:5c73)
-	text "SILPH SCOPE"
-	line "unveiled the"
-	cont "GHOST's identity!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_58e54: ; 89c9e (22:5c9e)
-	text "Darn! The GHOST"
-	line "can't be ID'd!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_58eae: ; 89cbc (22:5cbc)
-	text "Go! @@"
-_UnnamedText_58eb5: ; 89cc3 (22:5cc3)
-	text "Do it! @@"
-_UnnamedText_58ebc: ; 89ccd (22:5ccd)
-	text "Get'm! @@"
-_UnnamedText_58ec3: ; 89cd6 (22:5cd6)
-	text "The enemy's weak!"
-	line "Get'm! @@"
-_UnnamedText_58ecc: ; 89cf0 (22:5cf0)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_58ed7: ; 89cf6 (22:5cf6)
-	text " @@"
-_UnnamedText_58f25: ; 89cfd (22:5cfd)
-	text "enough!@@"
-_UnnamedText_58f2c: ; 89d07 (22:5d07)
-	text "OK!@@"
-_UnnamedText_58f33: ; 89d0d (22:5d0d)
-	text "good!@@"
-_UnnamedText_58f3e: ; 89d15 (22:5d15)
-	db $0
-	line "Come back!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_2fb8e: ; 89d22 (22:5d22)
-	text "It's super"
-	line "effective!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_2fb93: ; 89d38 (22:5d38)
-	text "It's not very"
-	line "effective..."
-	prompt
-SafariZoneEatingText: ; 89d53 (22:5d53)
-	text "Wild @"
-	db $0
-	line "is eating!"
-	prompt
-SafariZoneAngryText: ; 89d6a (22:5d6a)
-	text "Wild @"
-	db $0
-	line "is angry!"
-	prompt
-; money related
-; XXX $2 BCD macro
-; $2, pointer, byte
-_UnnamedText_1386b: ; 89d80 (22:5d80)
-	text $52, " picked up"
-	line "¥@"
-	db $2, $e5, $cc, $c3
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_1c9c1: ; 89d96 (22:5d96)
-	text "Clear all saved"
-	line "data?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_1ca14: ; 89dad (22:5dad)
-	text "Which floor do"
-	line "you want? "
-	done
-_PartyMenuNormalText: ; 89dc8 (22:5dc8)
-	text "Choose a #MON."
-	done
-_PartyMenuItemUseText: ; 89dd8 (22:5dd8)
-	text "Use item on which"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-_PartyMenuBattleText: ; 89df1 (22:5df1)
-	text "Bring out which"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-_PartyMenuUseTMText: ; 89e08 (22:5e08)
-	text "Use TM on which"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-_PartyMenuSwapMonText: ; 89e1f (22:5e1f)
-	text "Move #MON"
-	line "where?"
-	done
-_PotionText: ; 89e31 (22:5e31)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	db $0
-	line "recovered by @"
-	TX_NUM wHPBarHPDifference, 2, 3
-	text "!"
-	done
-_AntidoteText: ; 89e4b (22:5e4b)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " was"
-	line "cured of poison!"
-	done
-_ParlyzHealText: ; 89e65 (22:5e65)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "'s"
-	line "rid of paralysis!"
-	done
-_BurnHealText: ; 89e7d (22:5e7d)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "'s"
-	line "burn was healed!"
-	done
-_IceHealText: ; 89e94 (22:5e94)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " was"
-	line "defrosted!"
-	done
-_AwakeningText: ; 89ea8 (22:5ea8)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	db $0
-	line "woke up!"
-	done
-_FullHealText: ; 89eb6 (22:5eb6)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "'s"
-	line "health returned!"
-	done
-_ReviveText: ; 89ecd (22:5ecd)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	db $0
-	line "is revitalized!"
-	done
-_RareCandyText: ; 89ee2 (22:5ee2)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " grew"
-	line "to level @"
-	TX_NUM $d127, $1,$3
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_17f23: ; 89efe (22:5efe)
-	text $52, " turned on"
-	line "the PC."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_17f28: ; 89f13 (22:5f13)
-	text "Accessed BILL's"
-	line "PC."
-	para "Accessed #MON"
-	line "Storage System."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_17f2d: ; 89f45 (22:5f45)
-	text "Accessed someone's"
-	line "PC."
-	para "Accessed #MON"
-	line "Storage System."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_17f32: ; 89f7a (22:5f7a)
-	text "Accessed my PC."
-	para "Accessed Item"
-	line "Storage System."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b22: ; 89fa9 (22:5fa9)
-	text $52, " turned on"
-	line "the PC."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b27: ; 89fbe (22:5fbe)
-	text "What do you want"
-	line "to do?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_7b2c: ; 89fd7 (22:5fd7)
-	text "What do you want"
-	line "to deposit?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_7b31: ; 89ff5 (22:5ff5)
-	text "How many?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_7b36: ; 8a000 (22:6000)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " was"
-	line "stored via PC."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b3b: ; 8a018 (22:6018)
-	text "You have nothing"
-	line "to deposit."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b40: ; 8a036 (22:6036)
-	text "No room left to"
-	line "store items."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b45: ; 8a054 (22:6054)
-	text "What do you want"
-	line "to withdraw?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_7b4a: ; 8a073 (22:6073)
-	text "How many?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_7b4f: ; 8a07e (22:607e)
-	text "Withdrew"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b54: ; 8a08f (22:608f)
-	text "There is nothing"
-	line "stored."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b59: ; 8a0a9 (22:60a9)
-	text "You can't carry"
-	line "any more items."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_7b5e: ; 8a0c9 (22:60c9)
-	text "What do you want"
-	line "to toss away?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_7b63: ; 8a0e9 (22:60e9)
-	text "How many?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_76683: ; 8a0f4 (22:60f4)
-	text "Accessed #MON"
-	line "LEAGUE's site."
-	para "Accessed the HALL"
-	line "OF FAME List."
-	prompt
-_SwitchOnText: ; 0x8a131
-	text "Switch on!"
-	prompt
-_WhatText: ; 0x8a13d
-	text "What?"
-	done
-_DepositWhichMonText: ; 0x8a144
-	text "Deposit which"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-_MonWasStoredText: ; 0x8a159
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " was"
-	line "stored in Box @"
-	TX_RAM $cd3d
-	text "."
-	prompt
-_CantDepositLastMonText: ; 0x8a177
-	text "You can't deposit"
-	line "the last #MON!"
-	prompt
-_BoxFullText: ; 0x8a198
-	text "Oops! This Box is"
-	line "full of #MON."
-	prompt
-_MonIsTakenOutText: ; 0x8a1b9
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " is"
-	line "taken out."
-	cont "Got @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "."
-	prompt
-_NoMonText: ; 0x8a1d7
-	text "What? There are"
-	line "no #MON here!"
-	prompt
-_CantTakeMonText: ; 0x8a1f6
-	text "You can't take"
-	line "any more #MON."
-	para "Deposit #MON"
-	line "first."
-	prompt
-_ReleaseWhichMonText: ; 0x8a228
-	text "Release which"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-_OnceReleasedText: ; 0x8a23d
-	text "Once released,"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " is"
-	cont "gone forever. OK?"
-	done
-_MonWasReleasedText: ; 0x8a268
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " was"
-	line "released outside."
-	cont "Bye @"
-_UnnamedText_8a288: ; 8a288 (22:6288)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_RequireCoinCaseText: ; 8a28e (22:628e)
-	text "A COIN CASE is"
-	line "required!@@"
-_ExchangeCoinsForPrizesText: ; 8a2a9 (22:62a9)
-	text "We exchange your"
-	line "coins for prizes."
-	prompt
-_WhichPrizeText: ; 8a2cd (22:62cd)
-	text "Which prize do"
-	line "you want?"
-	done
-_HereYouGoText: ; 8a2e7 (22:62e7)
-	text "Here you go!@@"
-_SoYouWantPrizeText: ; 8a2f6 (22:62f6)
-	text "So, you want"
-	line "@"
-	text "?"
-	done
-_SorryNeedMoreCoins: ; 8a30b (22:630b)
-	text "Sorry, you need"
-	line "more coins.@@"
-_OopsYouDontHaveEnoughRoomText: ; 8a329 (22:6329)
-	text "Oops! You don't"
-	line "have enough room.@@"
-_OhFineThenText: ; 8a34c (22:634c)
-	text "Oh, fine then.@@"
-_UnnamedText_1e93b: ; 8a35d (22:635d)
-	text "Want to get your"
-	line "#DEX rated?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_1e940: ; 8a37b (22:637b)
-	text "Closed link to"
-	line "PROF.OAK's PC.@@"
-_UnnamedText_1e946: ; 8a39a (22:639a)
-	text "Accessed PROF."
-	line "OAK's PC."
-	para "Accessed #DEX"
-	line "Rating System."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_5d43: ; 8a3d0 (22:63d0)
-	text "Where would you"
-	line "like to go?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_5d48: ; 8a3ed (22:63ed)
-	text "OK, please wait"
-	line "just a moment."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_5d4d: ; 8a40d (22:640d)
-	text "The link was"
-	line "canceled."
-	done
-INCLUDE "text/oakspeech.asm"
-_DoYouWantToNicknameText: ; 0x8a605
-	text "Do you want to"
-	line "give a nickname"
-	cont "to @"
-UnnamedText_8a629: ; 8a629 (22:6629)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_699f: ; 8a62f (22:662f)
-	text "Right! So your"
-	line "name is ", $52, "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_69e7: ; 8a64a (22:664a)
-	text "That's right! I"
-	line "remember now! His"
-	cont "name is ", $53, "!"
-	prompt
-_SSAnne8AfterBattleText2: ; 8a677 (22:6677)
-	TX_RAM $cd3f
-	text " and"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " will"
-	cont "be traded."
-	done
-_Char00Text: ; 8a696 (22:6696)
-	TX_NUM $FF8C,1,2
-	text " ERROR."
-	done
-_Char55Text: ; 8a6a3 (22:66a3)
-	text $4B,"@@"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/digletts_cave_route_2_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest_exit.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_gates.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/daycare_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank23",ROMX,BANK[$23]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/daycare_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_5_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_6_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_7_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_7_entrance_unused.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_8_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/power_plant.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_gate_upstairs.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/digletts_cave_route_11_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_gate_upstairs.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15_gate_upstairs.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_gate_upstairs.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18_gate_upstairs.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_league_gate.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/bills_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_4.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_5.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_6.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_7.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_8.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_9.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_10.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank24",ROMX,BANK[$24]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_13.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_14.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_17.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_19.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_20.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_21.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_22.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_23.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank25",ROMX,BANK[$25]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/route_25.asm"
-_FileDataDestroyedText: ; 945f1 (25:45f1)
-	text "The file data is"
-	line "destroyed!"
-	prompt
-_WouldYouLikeToSaveText: ; 9460e (25:460e)
-	text "Would you like to"
-	line "SAVE the game?"
-	done
-_GameSavedText: ; 94630 (25:4630)
-	text $52, " saved"
-	line "the game!"
-	done
-_OlderFileWillBeErasedText: ; 94643 (25:4643)
-	text "The older file"
-	line "will be erased to"
-	cont "save. Okay?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_73909: ; 94671 (25:4671)
-	text "When you change a"
-	line "#MON BOX, data"
-	cont "will be saved."
-	para "Is that okay?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_739d4: ; 946b0 (25:46b0)
-	text "Choose a"
-	line $4a, " BOX.@@"
-_UnnamedText_3af3e: ; 946c2 (25:46c2)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " evolved"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3af43: ; 946cf (25:46cf)
-	db $0
-	line "into @"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3af48: ; 946dd (25:46dd)
-	text "Huh? @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	db $0
-	line "stopped evolving!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3af4d: ; 946fb (25:46fb)
-	text "What? @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	db $0
-	line "is evolving!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3f245: ; 94715 (25:4715)
-	text $59
-	line "fell asleep!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f24a: ; 94725 (25:4725)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "already asleep!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f2df: ; 94739 (25:4739)
-	text $59
-	line "was poisoned!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f2e4: ; 9474a (25:474a)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "badly poisoned!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f3d8: ; 9475e (25:475e)
-	text $59
-	line "was burned!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f3dd: ; 9476d (25:476d)
-	text $59
-	line "was frozen solid!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f423: ; 94782 (25:4782)
-	text "Fire defrosted"
-	line $59, "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f528: ; 94795 (25:4795)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "@@"
-_UnnamedText_3f542: ; 947a0 (25:47a0)
-	text $4c, "greatly@@"
-_UnnamedText_3f547: ; 947ab (25:47ab)
-	text " rose!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f661: ; 947b3 (25:47b3)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "@@"
-_UnnamedText_3f67e: ; 947be (25:47be)
-	text $4c, "greatly@@"
-_UnnamedText_3f683: ; 947c9 (25:47c9)
-	text " fell!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f802: ; 947d1 (25:47d1)
-	text $5a
-	line "ran from battle!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f807: ; 947e5 (25:47e5)
-	text $59
-	line "ran away scared!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f80c: ; 947f9 (25:47f9)
-	text $59
-	line "was blown away!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f8c8: ; 9480c (25:480c)
-	text $5a, "@@"
-_UnnamedText_3f8f9: ; 94810 (25:4810)
-	db $0
-	line "made a whirlwind!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f8fe: ; 94824 (25:4824)
-	db $0
-	line "took in sunlight!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f903: ; 94838 (25:4838)
-	db $0
-	line "lowered its head!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f908: ; 9484c (25:484c)
-	db $0
-	line "is glowing!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f90d: ; 9485a (25:485a)
-	db $0
-	line "flew up high!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f912: ; 9486a (25:486a)
-	db $0
-	line "dug a hole!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3f9a1: ; 94878 (25:4878)
-	text $59
-	line "became confused!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fa77: ; 9488c (25:488c)
-	text $5a
-	line "learned"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb09: ; 9489e (25:489e)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " was"
-	cont "disabled!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb3e: ; 948b6 (25:48b6)
-	text "Nothing happened!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb49: ; 948c9 (25:48c9)
-	text "No effect!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb59: ; 948d5 (25:48d5)
-	text "But, it failed! "
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb64: ; 948e7 (25:48e7)
-	text "It didn't affect"
-	line $59, "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb69: ; 948fb (25:48fb)
-	text $59
-	line "is unaffected!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3fb74: ; 9490d (25:490d)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "paralyzed! It may"
-	cont "not attack!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_17e1d: ; 9492f (25:492f)
-	text "It created a"
-	line "SUBSTITUTE!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_17e22: ; 94949 (25:4949)
-	text $5a
-	line "has a SUBSTITUTE!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_17e27: ; 9495e (25:495e)
-	text "Too weak to make"
-	line "a SUBSTITUTE!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_2ff04: ; 9497e (25:497e)
-	text "Coins scattered"
-	line "everywhere!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_27fb3: ; 9499b (25:499b)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "getting pumped!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_2bef2: ; 949af (25:49af)
-	text $59
-	line "was seeded!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_2bef7: ; 949be (25:49be)
-	text $59
-	line "evaded attack!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_1399e: ; 949d0 (25:49d0)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "hit with recoil!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_139cd: ; 949e5 (25:49e5)
-	text "Converted type to"
-	line $59, "'s!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_13a53: ; 949fc (25:49fc)
-	text "All STATUS changes"
-	line "are eliminated!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3baa2: ; 94a20 (25:4a20)
-	text $5a
-	line "started sleeping!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3baa7: ; 94a35 (25:4a35)
-	text $5a
-	line "fell asleep and"
-	cont "became healthy!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_3baac: ; 94a58 (25:4a58)
-	text $5a
-	line "regained health!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3bb92: ; 94a6c (25:4a6c)
-	text $5a
-	line "transformed into"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3bbd7: ; 94a87 (25:4a87)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "protected against"
-	cont "special attacks!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_3bbdc: ; 94aae (25:4aae)
-	text $5a
-	line "gained armor!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_33f52: ; 94abf (25:4abf)
-	text $5a, "'s"
-	line "shrouded in mist!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_78dc: ; 94ad5 (25:4ad5)
-	text "Sucked health from"
-	line $59, "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_78e1: ; 94aec (25:4aec)
-	text $59, "'s"
-	line "dream was eaten!"
-	prompt
-_BattleCenterMText1: ; 94b01 (25:4b01)
-	text "!"
-	done
-_TradeCenterMText1: ; 94b04 (25:4b04)
-	text "!"
-	done
-INCLUDE "text/maps/reds_house_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/blues_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/oaks_lab.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/school.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_gym.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_gym_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank26",ROMX,BANK[$26]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_gym_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_house_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_house_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_trashed_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_trade_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_gym.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/bike_shop.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_badge_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_4f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_5f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_6f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_7f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fujis_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/name_rater.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fan_club.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_gym_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank27",ROMX,BANK[$27]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_gym_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_dock.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_fishing_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_4f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_roof.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_3f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_4f_outside.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_4f_inside.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_gym.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_game_corner.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_5f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_prize_room.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_diner.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_hotel.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/wardens_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_entrance.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_gym_1.asm"
-SECTION "bank28",ROMX,BANK[$28]
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_gym_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_meeting_room.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_fishing_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_gym.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_trade_room.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_metronome_room.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_fossil_room.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/indigo_plateau_lobby.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/copycats_house_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/copycats_house_2f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fighting_dojo.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_gym.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_house.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_mart.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_1f.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_pokecenter.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/mr_psychics_house.asm"
-_PokemartGreetingText: ; a259c (28:659c)
-	text "Hi there!"
-	next "May I help you?"
-	done
-_PokemonFaintedText: ; a25b7 (28:65b7)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	db $0
-	line "fainted!"
-	done
-_PlayerBlackedOutText: ; a25c5 (28:65c5)
-	text $52, " is out of"
-	line "useable #MON!"
-	para $52, " blacked"
-	line "out!"
-	prompt
-_RepelWoreOffText: ; a25ef (28:65ef)
-	text "REPEL's effect"
-	line "wore off."
-	done
-_PokemartBuyingGreetingText: ; a2608 (28:6608)
-	text "Take your time."
-	done
-_PokemartTellBuyPrice: ; a2619 (28:6619)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "?"
-	line "That will be"
-	cont "¥@"
-	db $2, $9f, $ff, $c3
-	text ". OK?"
-	done
-_PokemartBoughtItemText: ; a2639 (28:6639)
-	text "Here you are!"
-	line "Thank you!"
-	prompt
-_PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText: ; a2653 (28:6653)
-	text "You don't have"
-	line "enough money."
-	prompt
-_PokemartItemBagFullText: ; a2670 (28:6670)
-	text "You can't carry"
-	line "any more items."
-	prompt
-_PokemonSellingGreetingText: ; a2690 (28:6690)
-	text "What would you"
-	line "like to sell?"
-	done
-_PokemartTellSellPrice: ; a26ae (28:66ae)
-	text "I can pay you"
-	line "¥@"
-	db $2, $9f, $ff, $c3 ; XXX
-	text " for that."
-	done
-_PokemartItemBagEmptyText: ; a26cf (28:66cf)
-	text "You don't have"
-	line "anything to sell."
-	prompt
-_PokemartUnsellableItemText: ; a26f0 (28:66f0)
-	text "I can't put a"
-	line "price on that."
-	prompt
-_PokemartThankYouText: ; a270d (28:670d)
-	text "Thank you!"
-	done
-_PokemartAnythingElseText: ; a2719 (28:6719)
-	text "Is there anything"
-	line "else I can do?"
-	done
-UnnamedText_a273b: ; a273b (28:673b)
-	TX_RAM $d036
-	text " learned"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_6fb4: ; a2750 (28:6750)
-	text "Which move should"
-	next "be forgotten?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_6fb9: ; a2771 (28:6771)
-	text "Abandon learning"
-	line "@"
-UnnamedText_a2784: ; a2784 (28:6784)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_6fbe: ; a278a (28:678a)
-	TX_RAM $d036
-	db $0
-	line "did not learn"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_6fc3: ; a27a4 (28:67a4)
-	TX_RAM $d036
-	text " is"
-	line "trying to learn"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	para "But, @"
-	TX_RAM $d036
-	db $0
-	line "can't learn more"
-	cont "than 4 moves!"
-	para "Delete an older"
-	line "move to make room"
-	cont "for @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_6fc8: ; a2819 (28:6819)
-	text "1, 2 and...@@"
-_UnnamedText_6fd7: ; a2827 (28:6827)
-	text " Poof!@@"
-_UnnamedText_6fdc: ; a2830 (28:6830)
-	db $0
-	para "@"
-	TX_RAM $d036
-	text " forgot"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!"
-	para "And..."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_6fe1: ; a284d (28:684d)
-	text "HM techniques"
-	line "can't be deleted!"
-	prompt
-_PokemonCenterWelcomeText: ; a286d (28:686d)
-	text "Welcome to our"
-	line "#MON CENTER!"
-	para "We heal your"
-	line "#MON back to"
-	cont "perfect health!"
-	prompt
-_ShallWeHealYourPokemonText: ; a28b4 (28:68b4)
-	text "Shall we heal your"
-	line "#MON?"
-	done
-_NeedYourPokemonText: ; a28ce (28:68ce)
-	text "OK. We'll need"
-	line "your #MON."
-	done
-_PokemonFightingFitText: ; a28e8 (28:68e8)
-	text "Thank you!"
-	line "Your #MON are"
-	cont "fighting fit!"
-	prompt
-_PokemonCenterFarewellText: ; a2910 (28:6910)
-	text "We hope to see"
-	line "you again!"
-	done
-_CableClubNPCText7: ; a292b (28:692b)
-	text "This area is"
-	line "reserved for 2"
-	cont "friends who are"
-	cont "linked by cable."
-	done
-_CableClubNPCText1: ; a2969 (28:6969)
-	text "Welcome to the"
-	line "Cable Club!"
-	done
-_CableClubNPCText2: ; a2985 (28:6985)
-	text "Please apply here."
-	para "Before opening"
-	line "the link, we have"
-	cont "to save the game."
-	done
-_CableClubNPCText3: ; a29cc (28:69cc)
-	text "Please wait.@@"
-_CableClubNPCText4: ; a29db (28:69db)
-	text "The link has been"
-	line "closed because of"
-	cont "inactivity."
-	para "Please contact"
-	line "your friend and"
-	cont "come again!"
-	done
-SECTION "bank29",ROMX,BANK[$29]
-_CableClubNPCText5: ; a4000 (29:4000)
-	text "Please come again!"
-	done
-_CableClubNPCText6: ; a4014 (29:4014)
-	text "We're making"
-	line "preparations."
-	cont "Please wait."
-	done
-_UsedStrengthText: ; a403c (29:403c)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " used"
-	line "STRENGTH.@@"
-_UnnamedText_cdbb: ; a4051 (29:4051)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " can"
-	line "move boulders."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_cdfa: ; a4069 (29:4069)
-	text "The current is"
-	line "much too fast!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_cdff: ; a4088 (29:4088)
-	text "Cycling is fun!"
-	line "Forget SURFing!"
-	prompt
-_FlashLightsAreaText: ; a40a9 (29:40a9)
-	text "A blinding FLASH"
-	line "lights the area!"
-	prompt
-_WarpToLastPokemonCenterText: ; a40cc (29:40cc)
-	text "Warp to the last"
-	line "#MON CENTER."
-	done
-_CannotUseTeleportNowText: ; a40eb (29:40eb)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " can't"
-	line "use TELEPORT now."
-	prompt
-_CannotFlyHereText: ; a4107 (29:4107)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " can't"
-	line "FLY here."
-	prompt
-_NotHealthyEnoughText: ; a411b (29:411b)
-	text "Not healthy"
-	line "enough."
-	prompt
-_NewBadgeRequiredText: ; a4130 (29:4130)
-	text "No! A new BADGE"
-	line "is required."
-	prompt
-_CannotUseItemsHereText: ; a414e (29:414e)
-	text "You can't use items"
-	line "here."
-	prompt
-_CannotGetOffHereText: ; a4168 (29:4168)
-	text "You can't get off"
-	line "here."
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_4fe39: ; a4180 (29:4180)
-	text $52, " got"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_4fe3f: ; a418f (29:418f)
-	text "There's no more"
-	line "room for #MON!"
-	cont "@"
-	text " was"
-	cont "sent to #MON"
-	cont "BOX @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " on PC!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_4fe44: ; a41d6 (29:41d6)
-	text "There's no more"
-	line "room for #MON!"
-	para "The #MON BOX"
-	line "is full and can't"
-	cont "accept any more!"
-	para "Change the BOX at"
-	line "a #MON CENTER!"
-	done
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pallet_town.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_city.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_city.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_city.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_town.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_city.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_city.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_city.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_island.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_city.asm"
-_ItemUseBallText00: ; a6729 (29:6729)
-	text "It dodged the"
-	line "thrown BALL!"
-	para "This #MON"
-	line "can't be caught!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText01: ; a675f (29:675f)
-	text "You missed the"
-	line "#MON!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText02: ; a6775 (29:6775)
-	text "Darn! The #MON"
-	line "broke free!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText03: ; a6791 (29:6791)
-	text "Aww! It appeared"
-	line "to be caught! "
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText04: ; a67b2 (29:67b2)
-	text "Shoot! It was so"
-	line "close too!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText05: ; a67cf (29:67cf)
-	text "All right!"
-	line "@"
-	text " was"
-	cont "caught!@@"
-_ItemUseBallText07: ; a67ee (29:67ee)
-	text " was"
-	line "transferred to"
-	cont "BILL's PC!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText08: ; a6810 (29:6810)
-	text " was"
-	line "transferred to"
-	cont "someone's PC!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseBallText06: ; a6835 (29:6835)
-	text "New #DEX data"
-	line "will be added for"
-	cont "@"
-	text "!@@"
-_SurfingGotOnText: ; a685e (29:685e)
-	text $52, " got on"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_SurfingNoPlaceToGetOffText: ; a686f (29:686f)
-	text "There's no place"
-	line "to get off!"
-	prompt
-_VitaminStatRoseText: ; a688c (29:688c)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "'s"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text " rose."
-	prompt
-_VitaminNoEffectText: ; a689e (29:689e)
-	text "It won't have any"
-	line "effect."
-	prompt
-_ThrewBaitText: ; a68b8 (29:68b8)
-	text $52, " threw"
-	line "some BAIT."
-	done
-_ThrewRockText: ; a68cc (29:68cc)
-	text $52, " threw a"
-	line "ROCK."
-	done
-_PlayedFluteNoEffectText: ; a68dd (29:68dd)
-	text "Played the #"
-	line "FLUTE."
-	para "Now, that's a"
-	line "catchy tune!"
-	prompt
-_FluteWokeUpText: ; a690c (29:690c)
-	text "All sleeping"
-	line "#MON woke up."
-	prompt
-_PlayedFluteHadEffectText: ; a6928 (29:6928)
-	text $52, " played the"
-	line "# FLUTE.@@"
-_CoinCaseNumCoinsText: ; a6940 (29:6940)
-	text "Coins"
-	line "@"
-	db $2, $a4, $d5, $c2 ; print BCD number
-	text " "
-	prompt
-_ItemfinderFoundItemText: ; a694f (29:694f)
-	text "Yes! ITEMFINDER"
-	line "indicates there's"
-	cont "an item nearby."
-	prompt
-_ItemfinderFoundNothingText: ; a6981 (29:6981)
-	text "Nope! ITEMFINDER"
-	line "isn't responding."
-	prompt
-_RaisePPWhichTechniqueText: ; a69a4 (29:69a4)
-	text "Raise PP of which"
-	line "technique?"
-	done
-_RestorePPWhichTechniqueText: ; a69c2 (29:69c2)
-	text "Restore PP of"
-	line "which technique?"
-	done
-_PPMaxedOutText: ; a69e2 (29:69e2)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "'s PP"
-	line "is maxed out."
-	prompt
-_PPIncreasedText: ; a69f9 (29:69f9)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "'s PP"
-	line "increased."
-	prompt
-_PPRestoredText: ; a6a0d (29:6a0d)
-	text "PP was restored."
-	prompt
-_BootedUpTMText: ; a6a1f (29:6a1f)
-	text "Booted up a TM!"
-	prompt
-_BootedUpHMText: ; a6a30 (29:6a30)
-	text "Booted up an HM!"
-	prompt
-_TeachMachineMoveText: ; a6a42 (29:6a42)
-	text "It contained"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	para "Teach @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	db $0
-	line "to a #MON?"
-	done
-_MonCannotLearnMachineMoveText: ; a6a6e (29:6a6e)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " is not"
-	line "compatible with"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "."
-	para "It can't learn"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "."
-	prompt
-_ItemUseNotTimeText: ; a6aa6 (29:6aa6)
-	text "OAK: ", $52, "!"
-	line "This isn't the"
-	cont "time to use that! "
-	prompt
-_ItemUseNotYoursToUseText: ; a6ad0 (29:6ad0)
-	text "This isn't yours"
-	line "to use!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseNoEffectText: ; a6ae9 (29:6ae9)
-	text "It won't have any"
-	line "effect."
-	prompt
-_ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText1: ; a6b03 (29:6b03)
-	text "The trainer"
-	line "blocked the BALL!"
-	prompt
-_ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText2: ; a6b22 (29:6b22)
-	text "Don't be a thief!"
-	prompt
-_NoCyclingAllowedHereText: ; a6b34 (29:6b34)
-	text "No cycling"
-	next "allowed here."
-	prompt
-_NoSurfingHereText: ; a6b4e (29:6b4e)
-	text "No SURFing on"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " here!"
-	prompt
-_BoxFullCannotThrowBallText: ; a6b69 (29:6b69)
-	text "The #MON BOX"
-	line "is full! Can't"
-	cont "use that item!"
-	prompt
-_ItemUseText001: ; a8000 (2a:4000)
-	text $52," used@@"
-_ItemUseText002: ; a8009 (2a:4009)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	done
-_GotOnBicycleText1: ; a800f (2a:400f)
-	text $52, " got on the@@"
-_GotOnBicycleText2: ; a801e (2a:401e)
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_GotOffBicycleText1: ; a8024 (2a:4024)
-	text $52, " got off@@"
-_GotOffBicycleText2: ; a8030 (2a:4030)
-	text "the @"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "."
-	prompt
-_ThrewAwayItemText: ; a803c (2a:403c)
-	text "Threw away"
-	line "@"
-UnnamedText_a8049: ; a8049 (2a:4049)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text "."
-	prompt
-_IsItOKToTossItemText: ; a804f (2a:404f)
-	text "Is it OK to toss"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "?"
-	prompt
-_TooImportantToTossText: ; a8068 (2a:4068)
-	text "That's too impor-"
-	line "tant to toss!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_2fe3b: ; a8088 (2a:4088)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " knows"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cf4b
-	text "!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_71d88: ; a809a (2a:409a)
-	text "Okay, connect the"
-	line "cable like so!"
-	prompt
-_UnnamedText_71d8d: ; a80bc (2a:40bc)
-	text $52, " traded"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text " for"
-	cont "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd1e
-	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_71d94: ; a80d8 (2a:40d8)
-	text "I'm looking for"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text "! Wanna"
-	para "trade one for"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd1e
-	text "? "
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71d99: ; a810b (2a:410b)
-	text "Awww!"
-	line "Oh well..."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71d9e: ; a811d (2a:411d)
-	text "What? That's not"
-	line "@"
-UnnamedText_a812f: ; a812f (2a:412f)
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text "!"
-	para "If you get one,"
-	line "come back here!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71da3: ; a8155 (2a:4155)
-	text "Hey thanks!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71da8: ; a8162 (2a:4162)
-	text "Isn't my old"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd1e
-	text " great?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dad: ; a817c (2a:417c)
-	text "Hello there! Do"
-	line "you want to trade"
-	para "your @"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	db $0
-	line "for @"
-	TX_RAM $cd1e
-	text "?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71db2: ; a81b5 (2a:41b5)
-	text "Well, if you"
-	line "don't want to..."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71db7: ; a81d3 (2a:41d3)
-	text "Hmmm? This isn't"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text "."
-	para "Think of me when"
-	line "you get one."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dbc: ; a8209 (2a:4209)
-	text "Thanks!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dc1: ; a8212 (2a:4212)
-	text "The @"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text " you"
-	line "traded to me"
-	para "went and evolved!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dc6: ; a8240 (2a:4240)
-	text "Hi! Do you have"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text "?"
-	para "Want to trade it"
-	line "for @"
-	TX_RAM $cd1e
-	text "?"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dcb: ; a8274 (2a:4274)
-	text "That's too bad."
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dd0: ; a8284 (2a:4284)
-	text "...This is no"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text "."
-	para "If you get one,"
-	line "trade it with me!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dd5: ; a82bc (2a:42bc)
-	text "Thanks pal!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_71dda: ; a82c9 (2a:42c9)
-	text "How is my old"
-	line "@"
-	TX_RAM $cd1e
-	text "?"
-	para "My @"
-	TX_RAM $cd13
-	text " is"
-	line "doing great!"
-	done
-_UnnamedText_ef7d ; a82f8 (2a:42f8)
-	text "There isn't"
-	line "anything to CUT!"
-	prompt
-_UsedCutText: ; a8315 (2a:4315)
-	TX_RAM $cd6d
-	text " hacked"
-	line "away with CUT!"
-	prompt
-INCLUDE "text/pokedex.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/move_names.asm"
+INCLUDE "text.asm"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3197 @@
+SECTION "bank20",ROMX,BANK[$20]
+_CardKeySuccessText1: ; 80000 (20:4000)
+	text "Bingo!@@"
+_CardKeySuccessText2: ; 80009 (20:4009)
+	db $0
+	line "The CARD KEY"
+	cont "opened the door!"
+	done
+_CardKeyFailText: ; 80029 (20:4029)
+	text "Darn! It needs a"
+	line "CARD KEY!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_33cf: ; 80045 (20:4045)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text ": @@"
+_UnnamedText_70847: ; 8004d (20:404d)
+	text "Not even a nibble!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7084c: ; 80061 (20:4061)
+	text "Looks like there's"
+	line "nothing here."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_70851: ; 80082 (20:4082)
+	text "Oh!"
+	line "It's a bite!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_24db: ; 80093 (20:4093)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_24e0: ; 80096 (20:4096)
+	text "Ground rose up"
+	line "somewhere!"
+	done
+_BoulderText: ; 800b1 (20:40b1)
+	text "This requires"
+	line "STRENGTH to move!"
+	done
+_MartSignText: ; 800d2 (20:40d2)
+	text "All your item"
+	line "needs fulfilled!"
+	cont "#MON MART"
+	done
+_PokeCenterSignText: ; 800fc (20:40fc)
+	text "Heal Your #MON!"
+	line "#MON CENTER"
+	done
+_FoundItemText: ; 80119 (20:4119)
+	text $52, " found"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!@@"
+_NoMoreRoomForItemText: ; 8012a (20:412a)
+	text "No more room for"
+	line "items!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_59091: ; 80143 (20:4143)
+	text "Hi! Remember me?"
+	line "I'm PROF.OAK's"
+	cont "AIDE!"
+	para "If you caught @"
+	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
+	db $0
+	line "kinds of #MON,"
+	cont "I'm supposed to"
+	cont "give you an"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cc5b
+	text "!"
+	para "So, ", $52, "! Have"
+	line "you caught at"
+	cont "least @"
+	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
+	text " kinds of"
+	cont "#MON?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_59096: ; 801e4 (20:41e4)
+	text "Let's see..."
+	line "Uh-oh! You have"
+	cont "caught only @"
+UnnamedText_8020e: ; 8020e (20:420e)
+	TX_NUM $ffdd, 1, 3
+	db $0
+	cont "kinds of #MON!"
+	para "You need @"
+	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
+	text " kinds"
+	line "if you want the"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cc5b
+	text "."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_5909b: ; 80250 (20:4250)
+	text "Oh. I see."
+	para "When you get @"
+	TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
+	db $0
+	line "kinds, come back"
+	cont "for @"
+	TX_RAM $cc5b
+	text "."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_590a0: ; 8028c (20:428c)
+	text "Great! You have"
+	line "caught @"
+	TX_NUM $ffdd, 1, 3
+	text " kinds "
+	cont "of #MON!"
+	cont "Congratulations!"
+	para "Here you go!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_590a5: ; 802d9 (20:42d9)
+	text $52, " got the"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cc5b
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_590ab: ; 802ec (20:42ec)
+	text "Oh! I see you"
+	line "don't have any"
+	cont "room for the"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cc5b
+	text "."
+	done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_4.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_5.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_6.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_7.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_8.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_9.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_10.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b4f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_elevator.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_4f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank21",ROMX,BANK[$21]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_6f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_7f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_8f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_9f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_10f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_11f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_east.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_north.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_west.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_center.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_secret_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_4.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/hall_of_fame.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/champion.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lorelei.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/bruno.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/agatha.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank22",ROMX,BANK[$22]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b4f.asm"
+_AIBattleWithdrawText: ; 880be (22:40be)
+	text " with-"
+	line "drew @"
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_AIBattleUseItemText: ; 880d5 (22:40d5)
+	db $0
+	line "used @"
+	db $0
+	cont "on @"
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_4160c: ; 880ef (22:40ef)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " went"
+	line "to @"
+	TX_RAM $d887
+	text "."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_41623: ; 88103 (22:4103)
+	text "For ", $52, "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text ","
+	done
+_UnnamedText_41628: ; 88112 (22:4112)
+	TX_RAM $d887
+	text " sends"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_41642: ; 88124 (22:4124)
+	TX_RAM $d887
+	text " waves"
+	line "farewell as"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_41647: ; 8813b (22:413b)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " is"
+	line "transferred."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_41655: ; 88150 (22:4150)
+	text "Take good care of"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_4166c: ; 8816a (22:416a)
+	TX_RAM $d887
+	text " will"
+	line "trade @"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	db $0
+	done
+_UnnamedText_41671: ; 88180 (22:4180)
+	text "for ", $52, "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "."
+	done
+_PlaySlotMachineText: ; 8818f (22:418f)
+	text "A slot machine!"
+	line "Want to play?"
+	done
+_OutOfCoinsSlotMachineText: ; 881ae (22:41ae)
+	text "Darn!"
+	line "Ran out of coins!"
+	done
+_BetHowManySlotMachineText: ; 881c7 (22:41c7)
+	text "Bet how many"
+	line "coins?"
+	done
+_StartSlotMachineText: ; 881dc (22:41dc)
+	text "Start!"
+	done
+_NotEnoughCoinsSlotMachineText: ; 881e4 (22:41e4)
+	text "Not enough"
+	line "coins!"
+	prompt
+_OneMoreGoSlotMachineText: ; 881f7 (22:41f7)
+	text "One more "
+	line "go?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_37673: ; 88206 (22:4206)
+	text " lined up!"
+	line "Scored @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " coins!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3769d: ; 88226 (22:4226)
+	text "Not this time!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_37722: ; 88236 (22:4236)
+	text "Yeah!@@"
+_UnnamedText_703fa: ; 8823e (22:423e)
+	text "#DEX   Seen:@"
+	TX_NUM $cc5b, 1, 3
+	db $0
+	line "         Owned:@"
+	TX_NUM $cc5c, 1, 3
+	db "@"
+_UnnamedText_703ff: ; 88267 (22:4267)
+	text "#DEX Rating", $6d
+	done
+_GymStatueText1: ; 88275 (22:4275)
+	TX_RAM wGymCityName
+	db $0
+	line "#MON GYM"
+	cont "LEADER: @"
+	TX_RAM wGymLeaderName
+	db $0
+	line $53
+	done
+_GymStatueText2: ; 882a5 (22:42a5)
+	TX_RAM wGymCityName
+	db $0
+	line "#MON GYM"
+	cont "LEADER: @"
+	TX_RAM wGymLeaderName
+	db $0
+	line $53
+	cont $52
+	done
+_ViridianCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 882d7 (22:42d7)
+	text "#MON CENTERs"
+	line "heal your tired,"
+	cont "hurt or fainted"
+	cont "#MON!"
+	done
+_PewterCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 8830c (22:430c)
+	text "Yawn!"
+	para "When JIGGLYPUFF"
+	line "sings, #MON"
+	cont "get drowsy..."
+	para "...Me too..."
+	line "Snore..."
+	done
+_CeruleanPokecenterGuyText: ; 88353 (22:4353)
+	text "BILL has lots of"
+	line "#MON!"
+	para "He collects rare"
+	line "ones too!"
+	done
+_LavenderPokecenterGuyText: ; 88386 (22:4386)
+	text "CUBONEs wear"
+	line "skulls, right?"
+	para "People will pay a"
+	line "lot for one!"
+	done
+_MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 883c2 (22:43c2)
+	text "If you have too"
+	line "many #MON, you"
+	cont "should store them"
+	cont "via PC!"
+	done
+_RockTunnelPokecenterGuyText: ; 883fc (22:43fc)
+	text "I heard that"
+	line "GHOSTs haunt"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_624c1: ; 88426 (22:4426)
+	text "I wish I could"
+	line "catch #MON."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_624c6: ; 88442 (22:4442)
+	text "I'm tired from"
+	line "all the fun..."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_624cb: ; 88460 (22:4460)
+	text "SILPH's manager"
+	line "is hiding in the"
+	cont "SAFARI ZONE."
+	done
+_VermilionPokecenterGuyText: ; 8848e (22:448e)
+	text "It is true that a"
+	line "higher level"
+	cont "#MON will be"
+	cont "more powerful..."
+	para "But, all #MON"
+	line "will have weak"
+	cont "points against"
+	cont "specific types."
+	para "So, there is no"
+	line "universally"
+	cont "strong #MON."
+	done
+_CeladonCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 88531 (22:4531)
+	text "If I had a BIKE,"
+	line "I would go to"
+	cont "CYCLING ROAD!"
+	done
+_FuchsiaCityPokecenterGuyText: ; 8855f (22:455f)
+	text "If you're studying "
+	line "#MON, visit"
+	cont "the SAFARI ZONE."
+	para "It has all sorts"
+	line "of rare #MON."
+	done
+_CinnabarPokecenterGuyText: ; 885af (22:45af)
+	text "#MON can still"
+	line "learn techniques"
+	cont "after canceling"
+	cont "evolution."
+	para "Evolution can wait"
+	line "until new moves"
+	cont "have been learned."
+	done
+_SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText1: ; 88621 (22:4621)
+	text "It would be great"
+	line "if the ELITE FOUR"
+	cont "came and stomped"
+	cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
+	done
+_SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText2: ; 88664 (22:4664)
+	text "TEAM ROCKET took"
+	line "off! We can go"
+	cont "out safely again!"
+	cont "That's great!"
+	done
+_CeladonCityHotelText: ; 886a4 (22:46a4)
+	text "My sis brought me"
+	line "on this vacation!"
+	done
+_BookcaseText: ; 886c9 (22:46c9)
+	text "Crammed full of"
+	line "#MON books!"
+	done
+_NewBicycleText: ; 886e6 (22:46e6)
+	text "A shiny new"
+	line "BICYCLE!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_1e960: ; 886fc (22:46fc)
+	text "Push START to"
+	line "open the MENU!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_1e97e: ; 8871a (22:471a)
+	text "The SAVE option is"
+	line "on the MENU"
+	cont "screen."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_1e983: ; 88742 (22:4742)
+	text "All #MON types"
+	line "have strong and"
+	cont "weak points"
+	cont "against others."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_1ea0d: ; 8877e (22:477e)
+	text "PA: Ding-dong!"
+	para "Time's up!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_1ea12: ; 88798 (22:4798)
+	text "PA: Your SAFARI"
+	line "GAME is over!"
+	done
+_CinnabarGymQuizIntroText: ; 887b7 (22:47b7)
+	text "#MON Quiz!"
+	para "Get it right and"
+	line "the door opens to"
+	cont "the next room!"
+	para "Get it wrong and"
+	line "face a trainer!"
+	para "If you want to"
+	line "conserve your"
+	cont "#MON for the"
+	cont "GYM LEADER..."
+	para "Then get it right!"
+	line "Here we go!"
+	prompt
+_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText1: ; 8886d (22:486d)
+	text "CATERPIE evolves"
+	line "into BUTTERFREE?"
+	done
+_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText2: ; 88890 (22:4890)
+	text "There are 9"
+	line "certified #MON"
+	cont "LEAGUE BADGEs?"
+	done
+_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText3: ; 888bb (22:48bb)
+	text "POLIWAG evolves 3"
+	line "times?"
+	done
+_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText4: ; 888d5 (22:48d5)
+	text "Are thunder moves"
+	line "effective against"
+	cont "ground element-"
+	cont "type #MON?"
+	done
+_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText5: ; 88915 (22:4915)
+	text "#MON of the"
+	line "same kind and"
+	cont "level are not"
+	cont "identical?"
+	done
+_CinnabarQuizQuestionsText6: ; 88949 (22:4949)
+	text "TM28 contains"
+	line "TOMBSTONER?"
+	done
+_CinnabarGymQuizCorrectText: ; 88964 (22:4964)
+	text "You're absolutely"
+	line "correct!"
+	para "Go on through!@@"
+_CinnabarGymQuizIncorrectText: ; 8898f (22:498f)
+	text "Sorry! Bad call!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_1eb69: ; 889a1 (22:49a1)
+	text "#MON magazines!"
+	para "#MON notebooks!"
+	para "#MON graphs!"
+	done
+_BillsHouseMonitorText: ; 889cf (22:49cf)
+	text "TELEPORTER is"
+	line "displayed on the"
+	cont "PC monitor."
+	done
+_BillsHouseInitiatedText: ; 889fb (22:49fb)
+	text $52, " initiated"
+	line "TELEPORTER's Cell"
+	cont "Separator!@@"
+_BillsHousePokemonListText1: ; 88a25 (22:4a25)
+	text "BILL's favorite"
+	line "#MON list!"
+	prompt
+_BillsHousePokemonListText2: ; 88a40 (22:4a40)
+	text "Which #MON do"
+	line "you want to see?"
+	done
+_OakLabEmailText: ; 88a60 (22:4a60)
+	text "There's an e-mail"
+	line "message here!"
+	para "..."
+	para "Calling all"
+	line "#MON trainers!"
+	para "The elite trainers"
+	line "of #MON LEAGUE"
+	cont "are ready to take"
+	cont "on all comers!"
+	para "Bring your best"
+	line "#MON and see"
+	cont "how you rate as a"
+	cont "trainer!"
+	para "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
+	para "PS: PROF.OAK,"
+	line "please visit us!"
+	cont "..."
+	done
+_GameCornerCoinCaseText: ; 88b5b (22:4b5b)
+	text "A COIN CASE is"
+	line "required!"
+	done
+_GameCornerNoCoinsText: ; 88b75 (22:4b75)
+	text "You don't have"
+	line "any coins!"
+	done
+_GameCornerOutOfOrderText: ; 88b8f (22:4b8f)
+	text "OUT OF ORDER"
+	line "This is broken."
+	done
+_GameCornerOutToLunchText: ; 88bad (22:4bad)
+	text "OUT TO LUNCH"
+	line "This is reserved."
+	done
+_GameCornerSomeonesKeysText: ; 88bcd (22:4bcd)
+	text "Someone's keys!"
+	line "They'll be back."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_21865: ; 88bed (22:4bed)
+	text "Just a moment."
+	done
+TMNotebookText: ; 88bfd (22:4bfd)
+	text "It's a pamphlet"
+	line "on TMs."
+	para "..."
+	para "There are 50 TMs"
+	line "in all."
+	para "There are also 5"
+	line "HMs that can be"
+	cont "used repeatedly."
+	para "SILPH CO.@@"
+_TurnPageText: ; 88c6f (22:4c6f)
+	text "Turn the page?"
+	done
+_ViridianSchoolNotebookText5: ; 88c7f (22:4c7f)
+	text "GIRL: Hey! Don't"
+	line "look at my notes!@@"
+_ViridianSchoolNotebookText1: ; 88ca3 (22:4ca3)
+	text "Looked at the"
+	line "notebook!"
+	para "First page..."
+	para "# BALLs are"
+	line "used to catch"
+	cont "#MON."
+	para "Up to 6 #MON"
+	line "can be carried."
+	para "People who raise"
+	line "and make #MON"
+	cont "fight are called"
+	cont "#MON trainers."
+	prompt
+_ViridianSchoolNotebookText2: ; 88d46 (22:4d46)
+	text "Second page..."
+	para "A healthy #MON"
+	line "may be hard to"
+	cont "catch, so weaken"
+	cont "it first!"
+	para "Poison, burns and"
+	line "other damage are"
+	cont "effective!"
+	prompt
+_ViridianSchoolNotebookText3: ; 88dbd (22:4dbd)
+	text "Third page..."
+	para "#MON trainers"
+	line "seek others to"
+	cont "engage in #MON"
+	cont "fights."
+	para "Battles are"
+	line "constantly fought"
+	cont "at #MON GYMs."
+	prompt
+_ViridianSchoolNotebookText4: ; 88e2c (22:4e2c)
+	text "Fourth page..."
+	para "The goal for"
+	line "#MON trainers"
+	cont "is to beat the "
+	cont "top 8 #MON"
+	cont "GYM LEADERs."
+	para "Do so to earn the"
+	line "right to face..."
+	para "The ELITE FOUR of"
+	line "#MON LEAGUE!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_52a10: ; 88ec1 (22:4ec1)
+	text "Enemies on every"
+	line "side!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_52a1d: ; 88ed9 (22:4ed9)
+	text "What goes around"
+	line "comes around!"
+	done
+_FightingDojoText: ; 88ef9 (22:4ef9)
+	done
+_IndigoPlateauHQText: ; 88f08 (22:4f08)
+	line "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
+	done
+_RedBedroomSNESText: ; 88f27 (22:4f27)
+	text $52, " is"
+	line "playing the SNES!"
+	cont "...Okay!"
+	cont "It's time to go!"
+	done
+_Route15UpstairsBinocularsText: ; 88f58 (22:4f58)
+	text "Looked into the"
+	line "binoculars..."
+	para "A large, shining"
+	line "bird is flying"
+	cont "toward the sea."
+	done
+_AerodactylFossilText: ; 88fa7 (22:4fa7)
+	text "AERODACTYL Fossil"
+	line "A primitive and"
+	cont "rare #MON."
+	done
+_KabutopsFossilText: ; 88fd5 (22:4fd5)
+	text "KABUTOPS Fossil"
+	line "A primitive and"
+	cont "rare #MON."
+	done
+_LinkCableHelpText1: ; 89001 (22:5001)
+	para "Using a Game Link"
+	line "Cable"
+	prompt
+_LinkCableHelpText2: ; 89027 (22:5027)
+	text "Which heading do"
+	line "you want to read?"
+	done
+_LinkCableInfoText1: ; 8904b (22:504b)
+	text "When you have"
+	line "linked your GAME"
+	cont "BOY with another"
+	cont "GAME BOY, talk to"
+	cont "the attendant on"
+	cont "the right in any"
+	cont "#MON CENTER."
+	prompt
+_LinkCableInfoText2: ; 890bd (22:50bd)
+	text "COLOSSEUM lets"
+	line "you play against"
+	cont "a friend."
+	prompt
+_LinkCableInfoText3: ; 890e8 (22:50e8)
+	text "TRADE CENTER is"
+	line "used for trading"
+	cont "#MON."
+	prompt
+_ViridianSchoolBlackboardText1: ; 89110 (22:5110)
+	text "The blackboard"
+	line "describes #MON"
+	cont "STATUS changes"
+	cont "during battles."
+	prompt
+_ViridianSchoolBlackboardText2: ; 8914e (22:514e)
+	text "Which heading do"
+	line "you want to read?"
+	done
+_ViridianBlackboardSleepText: ; 89172 (22:5172)
+	text "A #MON can't"
+	line "attack if it's"
+	cont "asleep!"
+	para "#MON will stay"
+	line "asleep even after"
+	cont "battles."
+	para "Use AWAKENING to"
+	line "wake them up!"
+	prompt
+_ViridianBlackboardPoisonText: ; 891de (22:51de)
+	text "When poisoned, a"
+	line "#MON's health"
+	cont "steadily drops."
+	para "Poison lingers"
+	line "after battles."
+	para "Use an ANTIDOTE"
+	line "to cure poison!"
+	prompt
+_ViridianBlackbaordPrlzText: ; 8924b (22:524b)
+	text "Paralysis could"
+	line "make #MON"
+	cont "moves misfire!"
+	para "Paralysis remains"
+	line "after battles."
+	para "Use PARLYZ HEAL"
+	line "for treatment!"
+	prompt
+_ViridianBlackboardBurnText: ; 892b5 (22:52b5)
+	text "A burn reduces"
+	line "power and speed."
+	cont "It also causes"
+	cont "ongoing damage."
+	para "Burns remain"
+	line "after battles."
+	para "Use BURN HEAL to"
+	line "cure a burn!"
+	prompt
+_ViridianBlackboardFrozenText: ; 8932f (22:532f)
+	text "If frozen, a"
+	line "#MON becomes"
+	cont "totally immobile!"
+	para "It stays frozen"
+	line "even after the"
+	cont "battle ends."
+	para "Use ICE HEAL to"
+	line "thaw out #MON!"
+	prompt
+_VermilionGymTrashText: ; 893a7 (22:53a7)
+	text "Nope, there's"
+	line "only trash here."
+	done
+_VermilionGymTrashSuccesText1: ; 893c6 (22:53c6)
+	text "Hey! There's a"
+	line "switch under the"
+	cont "trash!"
+	cont "Turn it on!"
+	para "The 1st electric"
+	line "lock opened!@@"
+_VermilionGymTrashSuccesText2: ; 89418 (22:5418)
+	text "Hey! There's"
+	line "another switch"
+	cont "under the trash!"
+	cont "Turn it on!"
+	prompt
+_VermilionGymTrashSuccesText3: ; 89451 (22:5451)
+	text "The 2nd electric"
+	line "lock opened!"
+	para "The motorized door"
+	line "opened!@@"
+_VermilionGymTrashFailText: ; 8948c (22:548c)
+	text "Nope! There's"
+	line "only trash here."
+	cont "Hey! The electric"
+	cont "locks were reset!@@"
+UnnamedText_894d0: ; 894d0 (22:54d0)
+	text $52, " found"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_76794: ; 894e1 (22:54e1)
+	text "But, ", $52, " has"
+	line "no more room for"
+	cont "other items!"
+	done
+_FoundHiddenCoinsText: ; 8950b (22:550b)
+	text $52, " found"
+	line "@"
+	db $2, $a0, $ff, $c2 ; XXX $2
+	text " coins!@@"
+_FoundHiddenCoins2Text: ; 89523 (22:5523)
+	text $52, " found"
+	line "@"
+	db $2, $a0, $ff, $c2 ; XXX $2 probably coins
+	text " coins!@@"
+_DroppedHiddenCoinsText: ; 8953b (22:553b)
+	db $0
+	para "Oops! Dropped"
+	line "some coins!"
+	done
+_IndigoPlateauStatuesText1: ; 89557 (22:5557)
+	prompt
+_IndigoPlateauStatuesText2: ; 89567 (22:5567)
+	text "The ultimate goal"
+	line "of trainers!"
+	cont "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
+	done
+_IndigoPlateauStatuesText3: ; 89596 (22:5596)
+	text "The highest"
+	line "#MON authority"
+	cont "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
+	done
+_PokemonBooksText: ; 895c1 (22:55c1)
+	text "Crammed full of"
+	line "#MON books!"
+	done
+_DiglettSculptureText: ; 895de (22:55de)
+	text "It's a sculpture"
+	line "of DIGLETT."
+	done
+_ElevatorText: ; 895fb (22:55fb)
+	text "This is an"
+	line "elevator."
+	done
+_TownMapText: ; 89611 (22:5611)
+	text "A TOWN MAP.@@"
+_PokemonStuffText: ; 8961f (22:561f)
+	text "Wow! Tons of"
+	line "#MON stuff!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3c1a8: ; 89639 (22:5639)
+	text "PA: Ding-dong!"
+	para "You are out of"
+	line "SAFARI BALLs!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3c229: ; 89666 (22:5666)
+	text "Wild @"
+	db $0
+	line "ran!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3c22e: ; 89677 (22:5677)
+	text "Enemy @"
+	db $0
+	line "ran!"
+	prompt
+_HurtByPoisonText: ; 89689 (22:5689)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "hurt by poison!"
+	prompt
+_HurtByBurnText: ; 8969d (22:569d)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "hurt by the burn!"
+	prompt
+_HurtByLeechSeedText: ; 896b3 (22:56b3)
+	text "LEECH SEED saps"
+	line $5a, "!"
+	prompt
+_EnemyMonFainted: ; 0x896c7
+	text "Enemy @"
+	db $0
+	line "fainted!"
+	prompt
+_MoneyForWinningText: ; 896dd (22:56dd)
+	text $52, " got ¥@"
+	;XXX $2
+	db $2, $79, $d0, $c3
+	db $0
+	line "for winning!"
+	prompt
+_TrainerDefeatedText: ; 896f9 (22:56f9)
+	text $52, " defeated"
+	line "@"
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_PlayerMonFaintedText: ; 8970c (22:570c)
+	db $0
+	line "fainted!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3c7d3: ; 8971a (22:571a)
+	text "Use next #MON?"
+	done
+_Sony1WinText: ; 8972a (22:572a)
+	text $53, ": Yeah! Am"
+	line "I great or what?"
+	prompt
+_PlayerBlackedOutText2: ; 89748 (22:5748)
+	text $52, " is out of"
+	line "useable #MON!"
+	para $52, " blacked"
+	line "out!"
+	prompt
+_LinkBattleLostText: ; 89772 (22:5772)
+	text $52, " lost to"
+	line "@"
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_TrainerAboutToUseText: ; 89784 (22:5784)
+	text " is"
+	line "about to use"
+	cont"@"
+	text "!"
+	para "Will ", $52
+	line "change #MON?"
+	done
+_TrainerSentOutText: ; 897b4 (22:57b4)
+	text " sent"
+	line "out @"
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3cab4: ; 897c9 (22:57c9)
+	text "There's no will"
+	line "to fight!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3cb97: ; 897e3 (22:57e3)
+	text "Can't escape!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3cb9c: ; 897f1 (22:57f1)
+	text "No! There's no"
+	line "running from a"
+	cont "trainer battle!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3cba1: ; 8981f (22:581f)
+	text "Got away safely!"
+	prompt
+ItemsCantBeUsedHere_: ; 89831 (22:5831)
+	text "Items can't be"
+	line "used here."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3d1f5: ; 8984b (22:584b)
+	text " is"
+	line "already out!"
+	prompt
+_MoveNoPPText: ; 89860 (22:5860)
+	text "No PP left for"
+	line "this move!"
+	prompt
+_MoveDisabledText: ; 8987b (22:587b)
+	text "The move is"
+	line "disabled!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3d430: ; 89892 (22:5892)
+	text " has no"
+	line "moves left!"
+	done
+_MultiHitText: ; 898aa (22:58aa)
+	text "Hit the enemy"
+	line "@"
+	text " times!"
+	prompt
+_ScaredText: ; 898c7 (22:58c7)
+	text " is too"
+	line "scared to move!"
+	prompt
+_GetOutText: ; 898e3 (22:58e3)
+	text "GHOST: Get out..."
+	line "Get out..."
+	prompt
+_FastAsleepText: ; 89901 (22:5901)
+	text $5A
+	line "is fast asleep!"
+	prompt
+_WokeUpText: ; 89914 (22:5914)
+	text $5A
+	line "woke up!"
+	prompt
+_FrozenText: ; 89920 (22:5920)
+	text $5A
+	line "is frozen solid!"
+	prompt
+_FullyParalyzedText: ; 89934 (22:5934)
+	text $5A,"'s"
+	line "fully paralyzed!"
+	prompt
+_FlinchedText: ; 89949 (22:5949)
+	text $5A
+	line "flinched!"
+	prompt
+_MustRechargeText: ; 89956 (22:5956)
+	text $5A
+	line "must recharge!"
+	prompt
+_DisabledNoMoreText: ; 89968 (22:5968)
+	text $5A,"'s"
+	line "disabled no more!"
+	prompt
+_IsConfusedText: ; 8997e (22:597e)
+	text $5A
+	line "is confused!"
+	prompt
+_HurtItselfText: ; 8998e (22:598e)
+	text "It hurt itself in"
+	line "its confusion!"
+	prompt
+_ConfusedNoMoreText: ; 899b0 (22:59b0)
+	text $5A,"'s"
+	line "confused no more!"
+	prompt
+_SavingEnergyText: ; 899c6 (22:59c6)
+	text $5A
+	line "is saving energy!"
+	prompt
+_UnleashedEnergyText: ; 899db (22:59db)
+	text $5A
+	line "unleashed energy!"
+	prompt
+_ThrashingAboutText: ; 899f0 (22:59f0)
+	text $5A,"'s"
+	line "thrashing about!"
+	done
+_AttackContinuesText: ; 89a05 (22:5a05)
+	text $5A,"'s"
+	line "attack continues!"
+	done
+_CantMoveText: ; 89a1b (22:5a1b)
+	text $5A
+	line "can't move!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3daa8: ; 89a29 (22:5a29)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " is"
+	cont "disabled!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3dafb: ; 89a40 (22:5a40)
+	text $5a, "@@"
+_UnnamedText_3db2d: ; 89a44 (22:5a44)
+	db $0
+	line "used @@"
+_UnnamedText_3db34: ; 89a4d (22:5a4d)
+	db $0
+	line "used @@"
+_UnnamedText_3db43: ; 89a56 (22:5a56)
+	text "instead,"
+	cont "@@"
+_UnnamedText_3db4c: ; 89a62 (22:5a62)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "@"
+_UnnamedText_3db6c: ; 89a67 (22:5a67)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3db71: ; 89a6a (22:5a6a)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3db76: ; 89a6d (22:5a6d)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3db7b: ; 89a70 (22:5a70)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3db80: ; 89a73 (22:5a73)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3dc42: ; 89a76 (22:5a76)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "attack missed!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3dc47: ; 89a89 (22:5a89)
+	text $5a
+	line "kept going and"
+	cont "crashed!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3dc4c: ; 89aa4 (22:5aa4)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "unaffected!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3dc57: ; 89ab4 (22:5ab4)
+	text "It doesn't affect"
+	line $59, "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3dc7e: ; 89ac9 (22:5ac9)
+	text "Critical hit!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3dc83: ; 89ad8 (22:5ad8)
+	text "One-hit KO!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3ddb6: ; 89ae5 (22:5ae5)
+	text " is"
+	line "loafing around."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3ddbb: ; 89afd (22:5afd)
+	text " began"
+	line "to nap!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3ddc0: ; 89b10 (22:5b10)
+	text " won't"
+	line "obey!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3ddc5: ; 89b20 (22:5b20)
+	text " turned"
+	line "away!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3ddca: ; 89b32 (22:5b32)
+	db $0
+	line "ignored orders!"
+	prompt
+_SubstituteTookDamageText: ; 89b47 (22:5b47)
+	text "The SUBSTITUTE"
+	line "took damage for"
+	cont $59, "!"
+	prompt
+_SubstituteBrokeText: ; 89b6a (22:5b6a)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "SUBSTITUTE broke!"
+	prompt
+_BuildingRageText: ; 89b80 (22:5b80)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "RAGE is building!"
+	prompt
+_MirrorMoveFailedText: ; 89b96 (22:5b96)
+	text "The MIRROR MOVE"
+	next "failed!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3e887: ; 89baf (22:5baf)
+	text "Hit @"
+	TX_NUM $cd05, 1, 1
+	text " times!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_554b2: ; 89bc2 (22:5bc2)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " gained"
+	line "@@"
+_UnnamedText_554cb: ; 89bd0 (22:5bd0)
+	text "with EXP.ALL,"
+	cont "@@"
+_UnnamedText_554d4: ; 89be1 (22:5be1)
+	text "a boosted"
+	cont "@@"
+_UnnamedText_554d8: ; 89bee (22:5bee)
+	TX_NUM $cf4b, 2, 4
+	text " EXP. Points!"
+	prompt
+UnnamedText_89c01: ; 89c01 (22:5c01)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " grew"
+	line "to level @"
+	TX_NUM $d127, 1, 3
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_58e3b: ; 89c1d (22:5c1d)
+	text "Wild @"
+	db $0
+	line "appeared!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_58e40: ; 89c33 (22:5c33)
+	text "The hooked"
+	line "@"
+	db $0
+	cont "attacked!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_58e45: ; 89c4f (22:5c4f)
+	db $0
+	line "appeared!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_58e4a: ; 89c5e (22:5c5e)
+	text " wants"
+	line "to fight!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_58e4f: ; 89c73 (22:5c73)
+	text "SILPH SCOPE"
+	line "unveiled the"
+	cont "GHOST's identity!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_58e54: ; 89c9e (22:5c9e)
+	text "Darn! The GHOST"
+	line "can't be ID'd!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_58eae: ; 89cbc (22:5cbc)
+	text "Go! @@"
+_UnnamedText_58eb5: ; 89cc3 (22:5cc3)
+	text "Do it! @@"
+_UnnamedText_58ebc: ; 89ccd (22:5ccd)
+	text "Get'm! @@"
+_UnnamedText_58ec3: ; 89cd6 (22:5cd6)
+	text "The enemy's weak!"
+	line "Get'm! @@"
+_UnnamedText_58ecc: ; 89cf0 (22:5cf0)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_58ed7: ; 89cf6 (22:5cf6)
+	text " @@"
+_UnnamedText_58f25: ; 89cfd (22:5cfd)
+	text "enough!@@"
+_UnnamedText_58f2c: ; 89d07 (22:5d07)
+	text "OK!@@"
+_UnnamedText_58f33: ; 89d0d (22:5d0d)
+	text "good!@@"
+_UnnamedText_58f3e: ; 89d15 (22:5d15)
+	db $0
+	line "Come back!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_2fb8e: ; 89d22 (22:5d22)
+	text "It's super"
+	line "effective!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_2fb93: ; 89d38 (22:5d38)
+	text "It's not very"
+	line "effective..."
+	prompt
+SafariZoneEatingText: ; 89d53 (22:5d53)
+	text "Wild @"
+	db $0
+	line "is eating!"
+	prompt
+SafariZoneAngryText: ; 89d6a (22:5d6a)
+	text "Wild @"
+	db $0
+	line "is angry!"
+	prompt
+; money related
+; XXX $2 BCD macro
+; $2, pointer, byte
+_UnnamedText_1386b: ; 89d80 (22:5d80)
+	text $52, " picked up"
+	line "¥@"
+	db $2, $e5, $cc, $c3
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_1c9c1: ; 89d96 (22:5d96)
+	text "Clear all saved"
+	line "data?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_1ca14: ; 89dad (22:5dad)
+	text "Which floor do"
+	line "you want? "
+	done
+_PartyMenuNormalText: ; 89dc8 (22:5dc8)
+	text "Choose a #MON."
+	done
+_PartyMenuItemUseText: ; 89dd8 (22:5dd8)
+	text "Use item on which"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+_PartyMenuBattleText: ; 89df1 (22:5df1)
+	text "Bring out which"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+_PartyMenuUseTMText: ; 89e08 (22:5e08)
+	text "Use TM on which"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+_PartyMenuSwapMonText: ; 89e1f (22:5e1f)
+	text "Move #MON"
+	line "where?"
+	done
+_PotionText: ; 89e31 (22:5e31)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	db $0
+	line "recovered by @"
+	TX_NUM wHPBarHPDifference, 2, 3
+	text "!"
+	done
+_AntidoteText: ; 89e4b (22:5e4b)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " was"
+	line "cured of poison!"
+	done
+_ParlyzHealText: ; 89e65 (22:5e65)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "'s"
+	line "rid of paralysis!"
+	done
+_BurnHealText: ; 89e7d (22:5e7d)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "'s"
+	line "burn was healed!"
+	done
+_IceHealText: ; 89e94 (22:5e94)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " was"
+	line "defrosted!"
+	done
+_AwakeningText: ; 89ea8 (22:5ea8)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	db $0
+	line "woke up!"
+	done
+_FullHealText: ; 89eb6 (22:5eb6)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "'s"
+	line "health returned!"
+	done
+_ReviveText: ; 89ecd (22:5ecd)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	db $0
+	line "is revitalized!"
+	done
+_RareCandyText: ; 89ee2 (22:5ee2)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " grew"
+	line "to level @"
+	TX_NUM $d127, $1,$3
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_17f23: ; 89efe (22:5efe)
+	text $52, " turned on"
+	line "the PC."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_17f28: ; 89f13 (22:5f13)
+	text "Accessed BILL's"
+	line "PC."
+	para "Accessed #MON"
+	line "Storage System."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_17f2d: ; 89f45 (22:5f45)
+	text "Accessed someone's"
+	line "PC."
+	para "Accessed #MON"
+	line "Storage System."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_17f32: ; 89f7a (22:5f7a)
+	text "Accessed my PC."
+	para "Accessed Item"
+	line "Storage System."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b22: ; 89fa9 (22:5fa9)
+	text $52, " turned on"
+	line "the PC."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b27: ; 89fbe (22:5fbe)
+	text "What do you want"
+	line "to do?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_7b2c: ; 89fd7 (22:5fd7)
+	text "What do you want"
+	line "to deposit?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_7b31: ; 89ff5 (22:5ff5)
+	text "How many?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_7b36: ; 8a000 (22:6000)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " was"
+	line "stored via PC."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b3b: ; 8a018 (22:6018)
+	text "You have nothing"
+	line "to deposit."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b40: ; 8a036 (22:6036)
+	text "No room left to"
+	line "store items."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b45: ; 8a054 (22:6054)
+	text "What do you want"
+	line "to withdraw?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_7b4a: ; 8a073 (22:6073)
+	text "How many?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_7b4f: ; 8a07e (22:607e)
+	text "Withdrew"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b54: ; 8a08f (22:608f)
+	text "There is nothing"
+	line "stored."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b59: ; 8a0a9 (22:60a9)
+	text "You can't carry"
+	line "any more items."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_7b5e: ; 8a0c9 (22:60c9)
+	text "What do you want"
+	line "to toss away?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_7b63: ; 8a0e9 (22:60e9)
+	text "How many?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_76683: ; 8a0f4 (22:60f4)
+	text "Accessed #MON"
+	line "LEAGUE's site."
+	para "Accessed the HALL"
+	line "OF FAME List."
+	prompt
+_SwitchOnText: ; 0x8a131
+	text "Switch on!"
+	prompt
+_WhatText: ; 0x8a13d
+	text "What?"
+	done
+_DepositWhichMonText: ; 0x8a144
+	text "Deposit which"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+_MonWasStoredText: ; 0x8a159
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " was"
+	line "stored in Box @"
+	TX_RAM $cd3d
+	text "."
+	prompt
+_CantDepositLastMonText: ; 0x8a177
+	text "You can't deposit"
+	line "the last #MON!"
+	prompt
+_BoxFullText: ; 0x8a198
+	text "Oops! This Box is"
+	line "full of #MON."
+	prompt
+_MonIsTakenOutText: ; 0x8a1b9
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " is"
+	line "taken out."
+	cont "Got @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "."
+	prompt
+_NoMonText: ; 0x8a1d7
+	text "What? There are"
+	line "no #MON here!"
+	prompt
+_CantTakeMonText: ; 0x8a1f6
+	text "You can't take"
+	line "any more #MON."
+	para "Deposit #MON"
+	line "first."
+	prompt
+_ReleaseWhichMonText: ; 0x8a228
+	text "Release which"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+_OnceReleasedText: ; 0x8a23d
+	text "Once released,"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " is"
+	cont "gone forever. OK?"
+	done
+_MonWasReleasedText: ; 0x8a268
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " was"
+	line "released outside."
+	cont "Bye @"
+_UnnamedText_8a288: ; 8a288 (22:6288)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_RequireCoinCaseText: ; 8a28e (22:628e)
+	text "A COIN CASE is"
+	line "required!@@"
+_ExchangeCoinsForPrizesText: ; 8a2a9 (22:62a9)
+	text "We exchange your"
+	line "coins for prizes."
+	prompt
+_WhichPrizeText: ; 8a2cd (22:62cd)
+	text "Which prize do"
+	line "you want?"
+	done
+_HereYouGoText: ; 8a2e7 (22:62e7)
+	text "Here you go!@@"
+_SoYouWantPrizeText: ; 8a2f6 (22:62f6)
+	text "So, you want"
+	line "@"
+	text "?"
+	done
+_SorryNeedMoreCoins: ; 8a30b (22:630b)
+	text "Sorry, you need"
+	line "more coins.@@"
+_OopsYouDontHaveEnoughRoomText: ; 8a329 (22:6329)
+	text "Oops! You don't"
+	line "have enough room.@@"
+_OhFineThenText: ; 8a34c (22:634c)
+	text "Oh, fine then.@@"
+_UnnamedText_1e93b: ; 8a35d (22:635d)
+	text "Want to get your"
+	line "#DEX rated?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_1e940: ; 8a37b (22:637b)
+	text "Closed link to"
+	line "PROF.OAK's PC.@@"
+_UnnamedText_1e946: ; 8a39a (22:639a)
+	text "Accessed PROF."
+	line "OAK's PC."
+	para "Accessed #DEX"
+	line "Rating System."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_5d43: ; 8a3d0 (22:63d0)
+	text "Where would you"
+	line "like to go?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_5d48: ; 8a3ed (22:63ed)
+	text "OK, please wait"
+	line "just a moment."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_5d4d: ; 8a40d (22:640d)
+	text "The link was"
+	line "canceled."
+	done
+INCLUDE "text/oakspeech.asm"
+_DoYouWantToNicknameText: ; 0x8a605
+	text "Do you want to"
+	line "give a nickname"
+	cont "to @"
+UnnamedText_8a629: ; 8a629 (22:6629)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_699f: ; 8a62f (22:662f)
+	text "Right! So your"
+	line "name is ", $52, "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_69e7: ; 8a64a (22:664a)
+	text "That's right! I"
+	line "remember now! His"
+	cont "name is ", $53, "!"
+	prompt
+_SSAnne8AfterBattleText2: ; 8a677 (22:6677)
+	TX_RAM $cd3f
+	text " and"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " will"
+	cont "be traded."
+	done
+_Char00Text: ; 8a696 (22:6696)
+	TX_NUM $FF8C,1,2
+	text " ERROR."
+	done
+_Char55Text: ; 8a6a3 (22:66a3)
+	text $4B,"@@"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/digletts_cave_route_2_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest_exit.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_gates.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/daycare_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank23",ROMX,BANK[$23]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/daycare_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_5_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_6_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_7_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_7_entrance_unused.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_8_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/power_plant.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_gate_upstairs.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/digletts_cave_route_11_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_gate_upstairs.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15_gate_upstairs.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_gate_upstairs.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18_gate_upstairs.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_league_gate.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/bills_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_4.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_5.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_6.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_7.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_8.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_9.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_10.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank24",ROMX,BANK[$24]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_13.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_14.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_17.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_19.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_20.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_21.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_22.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_23.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank25",ROMX,BANK[$25]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_25.asm"
+_FileDataDestroyedText: ; 945f1 (25:45f1)
+	text "The file data is"
+	line "destroyed!"
+	prompt
+_WouldYouLikeToSaveText: ; 9460e (25:460e)
+	text "Would you like to"
+	line "SAVE the game?"
+	done
+_GameSavedText: ; 94630 (25:4630)
+	text $52, " saved"
+	line "the game!"
+	done
+_OlderFileWillBeErasedText: ; 94643 (25:4643)
+	text "The older file"
+	line "will be erased to"
+	cont "save. Okay?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_73909: ; 94671 (25:4671)
+	text "When you change a"
+	line "#MON BOX, data"
+	cont "will be saved."
+	para "Is that okay?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_739d4: ; 946b0 (25:46b0)
+	text "Choose a"
+	line $4a, " BOX.@@"
+_UnnamedText_3af3e: ; 946c2 (25:46c2)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " evolved"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3af43: ; 946cf (25:46cf)
+	db $0
+	line "into @"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3af48: ; 946dd (25:46dd)
+	text "Huh? @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	db $0
+	line "stopped evolving!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3af4d: ; 946fb (25:46fb)
+	text "What? @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	db $0
+	line "is evolving!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3f245: ; 94715 (25:4715)
+	text $59
+	line "fell asleep!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f24a: ; 94725 (25:4725)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "already asleep!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f2df: ; 94739 (25:4739)
+	text $59
+	line "was poisoned!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f2e4: ; 9474a (25:474a)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "badly poisoned!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f3d8: ; 9475e (25:475e)
+	text $59
+	line "was burned!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f3dd: ; 9476d (25:476d)
+	text $59
+	line "was frozen solid!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f423: ; 94782 (25:4782)
+	text "Fire defrosted"
+	line $59, "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f528: ; 94795 (25:4795)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "@@"
+_UnnamedText_3f542: ; 947a0 (25:47a0)
+	text $4c, "greatly@@"
+_UnnamedText_3f547: ; 947ab (25:47ab)
+	text " rose!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f661: ; 947b3 (25:47b3)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "@@"
+_UnnamedText_3f67e: ; 947be (25:47be)
+	text $4c, "greatly@@"
+_UnnamedText_3f683: ; 947c9 (25:47c9)
+	text " fell!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f802: ; 947d1 (25:47d1)
+	text $5a
+	line "ran from battle!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f807: ; 947e5 (25:47e5)
+	text $59
+	line "ran away scared!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f80c: ; 947f9 (25:47f9)
+	text $59
+	line "was blown away!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f8c8: ; 9480c (25:480c)
+	text $5a, "@@"
+_UnnamedText_3f8f9: ; 94810 (25:4810)
+	db $0
+	line "made a whirlwind!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f8fe: ; 94824 (25:4824)
+	db $0
+	line "took in sunlight!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f903: ; 94838 (25:4838)
+	db $0
+	line "lowered its head!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f908: ; 9484c (25:484c)
+	db $0
+	line "is glowing!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f90d: ; 9485a (25:485a)
+	db $0
+	line "flew up high!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f912: ; 9486a (25:486a)
+	db $0
+	line "dug a hole!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3f9a1: ; 94878 (25:4878)
+	text $59
+	line "became confused!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fa77: ; 9488c (25:488c)
+	text $5a
+	line "learned"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb09: ; 9489e (25:489e)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " was"
+	cont "disabled!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb3e: ; 948b6 (25:48b6)
+	text "Nothing happened!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb49: ; 948c9 (25:48c9)
+	text "No effect!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb59: ; 948d5 (25:48d5)
+	text "But, it failed! "
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb64: ; 948e7 (25:48e7)
+	text "It didn't affect"
+	line $59, "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb69: ; 948fb (25:48fb)
+	text $59
+	line "is unaffected!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3fb74: ; 9490d (25:490d)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "paralyzed! It may"
+	cont "not attack!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_17e1d: ; 9492f (25:492f)
+	text "It created a"
+	line "SUBSTITUTE!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_17e22: ; 94949 (25:4949)
+	text $5a
+	line "has a SUBSTITUTE!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_17e27: ; 9495e (25:495e)
+	text "Too weak to make"
+	line "a SUBSTITUTE!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_2ff04: ; 9497e (25:497e)
+	text "Coins scattered"
+	line "everywhere!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_27fb3: ; 9499b (25:499b)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "getting pumped!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_2bef2: ; 949af (25:49af)
+	text $59
+	line "was seeded!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_2bef7: ; 949be (25:49be)
+	text $59
+	line "evaded attack!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_1399e: ; 949d0 (25:49d0)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "hit with recoil!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_139cd: ; 949e5 (25:49e5)
+	text "Converted type to"
+	line $59, "'s!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_13a53: ; 949fc (25:49fc)
+	text "All STATUS changes"
+	line "are eliminated!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3baa2: ; 94a20 (25:4a20)
+	text $5a
+	line "started sleeping!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3baa7: ; 94a35 (25:4a35)
+	text $5a
+	line "fell asleep and"
+	cont "became healthy!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_3baac: ; 94a58 (25:4a58)
+	text $5a
+	line "regained health!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3bb92: ; 94a6c (25:4a6c)
+	text $5a
+	line "transformed into"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3bbd7: ; 94a87 (25:4a87)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "protected against"
+	cont "special attacks!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_3bbdc: ; 94aae (25:4aae)
+	text $5a
+	line "gained armor!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_33f52: ; 94abf (25:4abf)
+	text $5a, "'s"
+	line "shrouded in mist!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_78dc: ; 94ad5 (25:4ad5)
+	text "Sucked health from"
+	line $59, "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_78e1: ; 94aec (25:4aec)
+	text $59, "'s"
+	line "dream was eaten!"
+	prompt
+_BattleCenterMText1: ; 94b01 (25:4b01)
+	text "!"
+	done
+_TradeCenterMText1: ; 94b04 (25:4b04)
+	text "!"
+	done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/reds_house_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/blues_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/oaks_lab.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/school.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_gym.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_gym_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank26",ROMX,BANK[$26]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_gym_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_house_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_house_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_trashed_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_trade_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_gym.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/bike_shop.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_badge_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_4f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_5f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_6f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_7f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fujis_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/name_rater.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fan_club.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_gym_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank27",ROMX,BANK[$27]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_gym_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_dock.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_fishing_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_4f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_roof.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_4f_outside.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_4f_inside.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_gym.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_game_corner.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_5f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_prize_room.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_diner.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_hotel.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/wardens_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_entrance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_gym_1.asm"
+SECTION "bank28",ROMX,BANK[$28]
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_gym_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_meeting_room.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_fishing_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_gym.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_trade_room.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_metronome_room.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_fossil_room.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/indigo_plateau_lobby.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/copycats_house_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/copycats_house_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fighting_dojo.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_gym.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_pokecenter.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mr_psychics_house.asm"
+_PokemartGreetingText: ; a259c (28:659c)
+	text "Hi there!"
+	next "May I help you?"
+	done
+_PokemonFaintedText: ; a25b7 (28:65b7)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	db $0
+	line "fainted!"
+	done
+_PlayerBlackedOutText: ; a25c5 (28:65c5)
+	text $52, " is out of"
+	line "useable #MON!"
+	para $52, " blacked"
+	line "out!"
+	prompt
+_RepelWoreOffText: ; a25ef (28:65ef)
+	text "REPEL's effect"
+	line "wore off."
+	done
+_PokemartBuyingGreetingText: ; a2608 (28:6608)
+	text "Take your time."
+	done
+_PokemartTellBuyPrice: ; a2619 (28:6619)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "?"
+	line "That will be"
+	cont "¥@"
+	db $2, $9f, $ff, $c3
+	text ". OK?"
+	done
+_PokemartBoughtItemText: ; a2639 (28:6639)
+	text "Here you are!"
+	line "Thank you!"
+	prompt
+_PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText: ; a2653 (28:6653)
+	text "You don't have"
+	line "enough money."
+	prompt
+_PokemartItemBagFullText: ; a2670 (28:6670)
+	text "You can't carry"
+	line "any more items."
+	prompt
+_PokemonSellingGreetingText: ; a2690 (28:6690)
+	text "What would you"
+	line "like to sell?"
+	done
+_PokemartTellSellPrice: ; a26ae (28:66ae)
+	text "I can pay you"
+	line "¥@"
+	db $2, $9f, $ff, $c3 ; XXX
+	text " for that."
+	done
+_PokemartItemBagEmptyText: ; a26cf (28:66cf)
+	text "You don't have"
+	line "anything to sell."
+	prompt
+_PokemartUnsellableItemText: ; a26f0 (28:66f0)
+	text "I can't put a"
+	line "price on that."
+	prompt
+_PokemartThankYouText: ; a270d (28:670d)
+	text "Thank you!"
+	done
+_PokemartAnythingElseText: ; a2719 (28:6719)
+	text "Is there anything"
+	line "else I can do?"
+	done
+UnnamedText_a273b: ; a273b (28:673b)
+	TX_RAM $d036
+	text " learned"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_6fb4: ; a2750 (28:6750)
+	text "Which move should"
+	next "be forgotten?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_6fb9: ; a2771 (28:6771)
+	text "Abandon learning"
+	line "@"
+UnnamedText_a2784: ; a2784 (28:6784)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_6fbe: ; a278a (28:678a)
+	TX_RAM $d036
+	db $0
+	line "did not learn"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_6fc3: ; a27a4 (28:67a4)
+	TX_RAM $d036
+	text " is"
+	line "trying to learn"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	para "But, @"
+	TX_RAM $d036
+	db $0
+	line "can't learn more"
+	cont "than 4 moves!"
+	para "Delete an older"
+	line "move to make room"
+	cont "for @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_6fc8: ; a2819 (28:6819)
+	text "1, 2 and...@@"
+_UnnamedText_6fd7: ; a2827 (28:6827)
+	text " Poof!@@"
+_UnnamedText_6fdc: ; a2830 (28:6830)
+	db $0
+	para "@"
+	TX_RAM $d036
+	text " forgot"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!"
+	para "And..."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_6fe1: ; a284d (28:684d)
+	text "HM techniques"
+	line "can't be deleted!"
+	prompt
+_PokemonCenterWelcomeText: ; a286d (28:686d)
+	text "Welcome to our"
+	line "#MON CENTER!"
+	para "We heal your"
+	line "#MON back to"
+	cont "perfect health!"
+	prompt
+_ShallWeHealYourPokemonText: ; a28b4 (28:68b4)
+	text "Shall we heal your"
+	line "#MON?"
+	done
+_NeedYourPokemonText: ; a28ce (28:68ce)
+	text "OK. We'll need"
+	line "your #MON."
+	done
+_PokemonFightingFitText: ; a28e8 (28:68e8)
+	text "Thank you!"
+	line "Your #MON are"
+	cont "fighting fit!"
+	prompt
+_PokemonCenterFarewellText: ; a2910 (28:6910)
+	text "We hope to see"
+	line "you again!"
+	done
+_CableClubNPCText7: ; a292b (28:692b)
+	text "This area is"
+	line "reserved for 2"
+	cont "friends who are"
+	cont "linked by cable."
+	done
+_CableClubNPCText1: ; a2969 (28:6969)
+	text "Welcome to the"
+	line "Cable Club!"
+	done
+_CableClubNPCText2: ; a2985 (28:6985)
+	text "Please apply here."
+	para "Before opening"
+	line "the link, we have"
+	cont "to save the game."
+	done
+_CableClubNPCText3: ; a29cc (28:69cc)
+	text "Please wait.@@"
+_CableClubNPCText4: ; a29db (28:69db)
+	text "The link has been"
+	line "closed because of"
+	cont "inactivity."
+	para "Please contact"
+	line "your friend and"
+	cont "come again!"
+	done
+SECTION "bank29",ROMX,BANK[$29]
+_CableClubNPCText5: ; a4000 (29:4000)
+	text "Please come again!"
+	done
+_CableClubNPCText6: ; a4014 (29:4014)
+	text "We're making"
+	line "preparations."
+	cont "Please wait."
+	done
+_UsedStrengthText: ; a403c (29:403c)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " used"
+	line "STRENGTH.@@"
+_UnnamedText_cdbb: ; a4051 (29:4051)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " can"
+	line "move boulders."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_cdfa: ; a4069 (29:4069)
+	text "The current is"
+	line "much too fast!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_cdff: ; a4088 (29:4088)
+	text "Cycling is fun!"
+	line "Forget SURFing!"
+	prompt
+_FlashLightsAreaText: ; a40a9 (29:40a9)
+	text "A blinding FLASH"
+	line "lights the area!"
+	prompt
+_WarpToLastPokemonCenterText: ; a40cc (29:40cc)
+	text "Warp to the last"
+	line "#MON CENTER."
+	done
+_CannotUseTeleportNowText: ; a40eb (29:40eb)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " can't"
+	line "use TELEPORT now."
+	prompt
+_CannotFlyHereText: ; a4107 (29:4107)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " can't"
+	line "FLY here."
+	prompt
+_NotHealthyEnoughText: ; a411b (29:411b)
+	text "Not healthy"
+	line "enough."
+	prompt
+_NewBadgeRequiredText: ; a4130 (29:4130)
+	text "No! A new BADGE"
+	line "is required."
+	prompt
+_CannotUseItemsHereText: ; a414e (29:414e)
+	text "You can't use items"
+	line "here."
+	prompt
+_CannotGetOffHereText: ; a4168 (29:4168)
+	text "You can't get off"
+	line "here."
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_4fe39: ; a4180 (29:4180)
+	text $52, " got"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_4fe3f: ; a418f (29:418f)
+	text "There's no more"
+	line "room for #MON!"
+	cont "@"
+	text " was"
+	cont "sent to #MON"
+	cont "BOX @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " on PC!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_4fe44: ; a41d6 (29:41d6)
+	text "There's no more"
+	line "room for #MON!"
+	para "The #MON BOX"
+	line "is full and can't"
+	cont "accept any more!"
+	para "Change the BOX at"
+	line "a #MON CENTER!"
+	done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pallet_town.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_city.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_city.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_city.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_town.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_city.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_city.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_city.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_island.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_city.asm"
+_ItemUseBallText00: ; a6729 (29:6729)
+	text "It dodged the"
+	line "thrown BALL!"
+	para "This #MON"
+	line "can't be caught!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText01: ; a675f (29:675f)
+	text "You missed the"
+	line "#MON!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText02: ; a6775 (29:6775)
+	text "Darn! The #MON"
+	line "broke free!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText03: ; a6791 (29:6791)
+	text "Aww! It appeared"
+	line "to be caught! "
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText04: ; a67b2 (29:67b2)
+	text "Shoot! It was so"
+	line "close too!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText05: ; a67cf (29:67cf)
+	text "All right!"
+	line "@"
+	text " was"
+	cont "caught!@@"
+_ItemUseBallText07: ; a67ee (29:67ee)
+	text " was"
+	line "transferred to"
+	cont "BILL's PC!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText08: ; a6810 (29:6810)
+	text " was"
+	line "transferred to"
+	cont "someone's PC!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseBallText06: ; a6835 (29:6835)
+	text "New #DEX data"
+	line "will be added for"
+	cont "@"
+	text "!@@"
+_SurfingGotOnText: ; a685e (29:685e)
+	text $52, " got on"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_SurfingNoPlaceToGetOffText: ; a686f (29:686f)
+	text "There's no place"
+	line "to get off!"
+	prompt
+_VitaminStatRoseText: ; a688c (29:688c)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "'s"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text " rose."
+	prompt
+_VitaminNoEffectText: ; a689e (29:689e)
+	text "It won't have any"
+	line "effect."
+	prompt
+_ThrewBaitText: ; a68b8 (29:68b8)
+	text $52, " threw"
+	line "some BAIT."
+	done
+_ThrewRockText: ; a68cc (29:68cc)
+	text $52, " threw a"
+	line "ROCK."
+	done
+_PlayedFluteNoEffectText: ; a68dd (29:68dd)
+	text "Played the #"
+	line "FLUTE."
+	para "Now, that's a"
+	line "catchy tune!"
+	prompt
+_FluteWokeUpText: ; a690c (29:690c)
+	text "All sleeping"
+	line "#MON woke up."
+	prompt
+_PlayedFluteHadEffectText: ; a6928 (29:6928)
+	text $52, " played the"
+	line "# FLUTE.@@"
+_CoinCaseNumCoinsText: ; a6940 (29:6940)
+	text "Coins"
+	line "@"
+	db $2, $a4, $d5, $c2 ; print BCD number
+	text " "
+	prompt
+_ItemfinderFoundItemText: ; a694f (29:694f)
+	text "Yes! ITEMFINDER"
+	line "indicates there's"
+	cont "an item nearby."
+	prompt
+_ItemfinderFoundNothingText: ; a6981 (29:6981)
+	text "Nope! ITEMFINDER"
+	line "isn't responding."
+	prompt
+_RaisePPWhichTechniqueText: ; a69a4 (29:69a4)
+	text "Raise PP of which"
+	line "technique?"
+	done
+_RestorePPWhichTechniqueText: ; a69c2 (29:69c2)
+	text "Restore PP of"
+	line "which technique?"
+	done
+_PPMaxedOutText: ; a69e2 (29:69e2)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "'s PP"
+	line "is maxed out."
+	prompt
+_PPIncreasedText: ; a69f9 (29:69f9)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "'s PP"
+	line "increased."
+	prompt
+_PPRestoredText: ; a6a0d (29:6a0d)
+	text "PP was restored."
+	prompt
+_BootedUpTMText: ; a6a1f (29:6a1f)
+	text "Booted up a TM!"
+	prompt
+_BootedUpHMText: ; a6a30 (29:6a30)
+	text "Booted up an HM!"
+	prompt
+_TeachMachineMoveText: ; a6a42 (29:6a42)
+	text "It contained"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	para "Teach @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	db $0
+	line "to a #MON?"
+	done
+_MonCannotLearnMachineMoveText: ; a6a6e (29:6a6e)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " is not"
+	line "compatible with"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "."
+	para "It can't learn"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "."
+	prompt
+_ItemUseNotTimeText: ; a6aa6 (29:6aa6)
+	text "OAK: ", $52, "!"
+	line "This isn't the"
+	cont "time to use that! "
+	prompt
+_ItemUseNotYoursToUseText: ; a6ad0 (29:6ad0)
+	text "This isn't yours"
+	line "to use!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseNoEffectText: ; a6ae9 (29:6ae9)
+	text "It won't have any"
+	line "effect."
+	prompt
+_ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText1: ; a6b03 (29:6b03)
+	text "The trainer"
+	line "blocked the BALL!"
+	prompt
+_ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText2: ; a6b22 (29:6b22)
+	text "Don't be a thief!"
+	prompt
+_NoCyclingAllowedHereText: ; a6b34 (29:6b34)
+	text "No cycling"
+	next "allowed here."
+	prompt
+_NoSurfingHereText: ; a6b4e (29:6b4e)
+	text "No SURFing on"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " here!"
+	prompt
+_BoxFullCannotThrowBallText: ; a6b69 (29:6b69)
+	text "The #MON BOX"
+	line "is full! Can't"
+	cont "use that item!"
+	prompt
+_ItemUseText001: ; a8000 (2a:4000)
+	text $52," used@@"
+_ItemUseText002: ; a8009 (2a:4009)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	done
+_GotOnBicycleText1: ; a800f (2a:400f)
+	text $52, " got on the@@"
+_GotOnBicycleText2: ; a801e (2a:401e)
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_GotOffBicycleText1: ; a8024 (2a:4024)
+	text $52, " got off@@"
+_GotOffBicycleText2: ; a8030 (2a:4030)
+	text "the @"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "."
+	prompt
+_ThrewAwayItemText: ; a803c (2a:403c)
+	text "Threw away"
+	line "@"
+UnnamedText_a8049: ; a8049 (2a:4049)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text "."
+	prompt
+_IsItOKToTossItemText: ; a804f (2a:404f)
+	text "Is it OK to toss"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "?"
+	prompt
+_TooImportantToTossText: ; a8068 (2a:4068)
+	text "That's too impor-"
+	line "tant to toss!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_2fe3b: ; a8088 (2a:4088)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " knows"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cf4b
+	text "!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_71d88: ; a809a (2a:409a)
+	text "Okay, connect the"
+	line "cable like so!"
+	prompt
+_UnnamedText_71d8d: ; a80bc (2a:40bc)
+	text $52, " traded"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text " for"
+	cont "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd1e
+	text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_71d94: ; a80d8 (2a:40d8)
+	text "I'm looking for"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text "! Wanna"
+	para "trade one for"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd1e
+	text "? "
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71d99: ; a810b (2a:410b)
+	text "Awww!"
+	line "Oh well..."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71d9e: ; a811d (2a:411d)
+	text "What? That's not"
+	line "@"
+UnnamedText_a812f: ; a812f (2a:412f)
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text "!"
+	para "If you get one,"
+	line "come back here!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71da3: ; a8155 (2a:4155)
+	text "Hey thanks!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71da8: ; a8162 (2a:4162)
+	text "Isn't my old"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd1e
+	text " great?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dad: ; a817c (2a:417c)
+	text "Hello there! Do"
+	line "you want to trade"
+	para "your @"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	db $0
+	line "for @"
+	TX_RAM $cd1e
+	text "?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71db2: ; a81b5 (2a:41b5)
+	text "Well, if you"
+	line "don't want to..."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71db7: ; a81d3 (2a:41d3)
+	text "Hmmm? This isn't"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text "."
+	para "Think of me when"
+	line "you get one."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dbc: ; a8209 (2a:4209)
+	text "Thanks!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dc1: ; a8212 (2a:4212)
+	text "The @"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text " you"
+	line "traded to me"
+	para "went and evolved!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dc6: ; a8240 (2a:4240)
+	text "Hi! Do you have"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text "?"
+	para "Want to trade it"
+	line "for @"
+	TX_RAM $cd1e
+	text "?"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dcb: ; a8274 (2a:4274)
+	text "That's too bad."
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dd0: ; a8284 (2a:4284)
+	text "...This is no"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text "."
+	para "If you get one,"
+	line "trade it with me!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dd5: ; a82bc (2a:42bc)
+	text "Thanks pal!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_71dda: ; a82c9 (2a:42c9)
+	text "How is my old"
+	line "@"
+	TX_RAM $cd1e
+	text "?"
+	para "My @"
+	TX_RAM $cd13
+	text " is"
+	line "doing great!"
+	done
+_UnnamedText_ef7d ; a82f8 (2a:42f8)
+	text "There isn't"
+	line "anything to CUT!"
+	prompt
+_UsedCutText: ; a8315 (2a:4315)
+	TX_RAM $cd6d
+	text " hacked"
+	line "away with CUT!"
+	prompt
+INCLUDE "text/pokedex.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/move_names.asm"