ref: dd08b8dd6b526cb191e921ba5a7b0b64d04d911f
parent: 453bb5c38e8cdd7e1ba76e9931def26c0ba0abb5
author: Rangi <[email protected]>
date: Mon Jul 6 17:13:17 EDT 2020
Use labels for HRAM and VRAM
--- a/constants.asm
+++ b/constants.asm
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
INCLUDE "macros.asm"
-INCLUDE "hram.asm"
-INCLUDE "vram.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/hardware_constants.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/oam_constants.asm"
INCLUDE "constants/misc_constants.asm"
--- a/constants/gfx_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/gfx_constants.asm
@@ -20,3 +20,12 @@
+; hAutoBGTransferEnabled
+; hRedrawRowOrColumnMode
--- a/hram.asm
+++ b/hram.asm
@@ -1,157 +1,149 @@
-hDMARoutine EQU $FF80
-hSoftReset EQU $FF8A
+hDMARoutine:: ds 10
; Initialized to 16.
; Decremented each input iteration if the player
; presses the reset sequence (A+B+SEL+START).
; Soft reset when 0 is reached.
+hSoftReset:: db
-; base tile ID to which offsets are added
-hBaseTileID EQU $FF8B
+hBaseTileID:: ; base tile ID to which offsets are added
+ db
-; 3-byte BCD number
-hItemPrice EQU $FF8B
+hSpriteIndexOrTextID:: ; DisplayTextID's argument
+ db
-hDexWeight EQU $FF8B
+ db
-hWarpDestinationMap EQU $FF8B
+ db
+hItemPrice:: ds 3 ; BCD number
-hROMBankTemp EQU $FF8B
+hSlideAmount:: db
-hPreviousTileset EQU $FF8B
-hEastWestConnectedMapWidth EQU $FF8B
-hSlideAmount EQU $FF8B
-hRLEByteValue EQU $FF8B
-hSpriteWidth EQU $FF8B ; in tiles
-hSpriteInterlaceCounter EQU $FF8B
-hSpriteHeight EQU $FF8C ; in tiles
-hSpriteOffset EQU $FF8D
-; counters for blinking down arrow
-hDownArrowBlinkCount1 EQU $FF8B
-hDownArrowBlinkCount2 EQU $FF8C
-hSpriteDataOffset EQU $FF8B
-hSpriteIndex EQU $FF8C
-hMapStride EQU $FF8B
-hMapWidth EQU $FF8C
-hNorthSouthConnectionStripWidth EQU $FF8B
-hNorthSouthConnectedMapWidth EQU $FF8C
-; DisplayTextID's argument
-hSpriteIndexOrTextID EQU $FF8C
-hPartyMonIndex EQU $FF8C
; the total number of tiles being shifted each time the pic slides by one tile
-hSlidingRegionSize EQU $FF8C
+hSlidingRegionSize:: db
-; 2 bytes
-hEnemySpeed EQU $FF8D
-hFourTileSpriteCount EQU $FF8E
; -1 = left
; 0 = right
-hSlideDirection EQU $FF8D
+hSlideDirection:: db
-hSpriteFacingDirection EQU $FF8D
+hSpriteWidth:: db ; in tiles
+hSpriteHeight:: db ; in tiles
+hSpriteOffset:: db
-hSpriteMovementByte2 EQU $FF8D
+; counters for blinking down arrow
+hDownArrowBlinkCount1:: db
+hDownArrowBlinkCount2:: db
-hSpriteImageIndex EQU $FF8D
+ db
+ db
-hLoadSpriteTemp1 EQU $FF8D
-hLoadSpriteTemp2 EQU $FF8E
+hSpriteDataOffset:: db
+hSpriteIndex:: db
+ db
-hHalveItemPrices EQU $FF8E
+ ds 2
+hLoadSpriteTemp1:: db
+hLoadSpriteTemp2:: db
-hSpriteOffset2 EQU $FF8F
+ ds 2
+hEnemySpeed:: dw
-hOAMBufferOffset EQU $FF90
+hSpriteOffset2:: db
+hOAMBufferOffset:: db
+hSpriteScreenX:: db
+hSpriteScreenY:: db
-hSpriteScreenX EQU $FF91
-hSpriteScreenY EQU $FF92
+hFF8F:: db
+hFF90:: db
+hFF91:: db
+hFF92:: db
-hFF90 EQU $FF90
-hFF91 EQU $FF91
-hFF92 EQU $FF92
+hTilePlayerStandingOn:: db
-hTilePlayerStandingOn EQU $FF93
+hSpritePriority:: db
-hSpritePriority EQU $FF94
+;; Multiplication and division variables are meant
+;; to overlap for back-to-back usage. Big endian.
+ ds 1
+hMultiplicand:: ds 3
+hMultiplier:: db
+ ds 1
+hMultiplyBuffer:: ds 4
+hProduct:: ds 4
+hDividend:: ds 4
+hDivisor:: db
+hDivideBuffer:: ds 5
+hQuotient:: ds 4
+hRemainder:: db
-; 2 bytes
-hSignCoordPointer EQU $FF95
-hNPCMovementDirections2Index EQU $FF95
-hSwapItemID EQU $FF95
-hSwapItemQuantity EQU $FF96
-; CalcPositionOfPlayerRelativeToNPC
-hNPCSpriteOffset EQU $FF95
-; temp value used when swapping bytes or words
-hSwapTemp EQU $FF95
-hExperience EQU $FF96 ; 3 bytes, big endian
-hMutateWY EQU $FF96
-hMutateWX EQU $FF97
-; Multiplication and division variables are meant
-; to overlap for back-to-back usage. Big endian.
-hMultiplicand EQU $FF96 ; 3 bytes
-hMultiplier EQU $FF99 ; 1 byte
-hProduct EQU $FF95 ; 4 bytes
-hDividend EQU $FF95 ; 4 bytes
-hDivisor EQU $FF99 ; 1 byte
-hQuotient EQU $FF95 ; 4 bytes
-hRemainder EQU $FF99 ; 1 byte
-hDivideBuffer EQU $FF9A
-hMultiplyBuffer EQU $FF9B
; PrintNumber (big endian).
-hPastLeadingZeros EQU $FF95 ; last char printed
-hNumToPrint EQU $FF96 ; 3 bytes
-hPowerOf10 EQU $FF99 ; 3 bytes
-hSavedNumToPrint EQU $FF9C ; 3 bytes
+hPastLeadingZeros:: db ; last char printed
+hNumToPrint:: ds 3
+hPowerOf10:: ds 3
+hSavedNumToPrint:: ds 3
; distance in steps between NPC and player
-hNPCPlayerYDistance EQU $FF95
-hNPCPlayerXDistance EQU $FF96
-hFindPathNumSteps EQU $FF97
+ db
+ db
+hFindPathNumSteps:: db
; bit 0: set when the end of the path's Y coordinate matches the target's
; bit 1: set when the end of the path's X coordinate matches the target's
; When both bits are set, the end of the path is at the target's position
; (i.e. the path has been found).
-hFindPathFlags EQU $FF98
-hFindPathYProgress EQU $FF99
-hFindPathXProgress EQU $FF9A
+hFindPathFlags:: db
+hFindPathYProgress:: db
+hFindPathXProgress:: db
; 0 = from player to NPC
; 1 = from NPC to player
-hNPCPlayerRelativePosPerspective EQU $FF9B
+hNPCPlayerRelativePosPerspective:: db
+ ds 1
; bit 0:
; 0 = target is to the south or aligned
; 1 = target is to the north
@@ -158,70 +150,85 @@
; bit 1:
; 0 = target is to the east or aligned
; 1 = target is to the west
-hNPCPlayerRelativePosFlags EQU $FF9D
+hNPCPlayerRelativePosFlags:: db
-; some code zeroes this for no reason when writing a coin amount
-hUnusedCoinsByte EQU $FF9F
+hSwapItemID:: db
+hSwapItemQuantity:: db
-hMoney EQU $FF9F ; 3-byte BCD number
-hCoins EQU $FFA0 ; 2-byte BCD number
+hSignCoordPointer:: dw
-hDivideBCDDivisor EQU $FFA2 ; 3-byte BCD number
-hDivideBCDQuotient EQU $FFA2 ; 3-byte BCD number
-hDivideBCDBuffer EQU $FFA5 ; 3-byte BCD number
+ ds 1
+hMutateWY:: db
+hMutateWX:: db
-hSerialReceivedNewData EQU $FFA9
+; temp value used when swapping bytes or words
+hSwapTemp:: db
+hExperience:: ds 3 ; big endian
+hMoney:: ds 3 ; BCD number
+; some code zeroes this for no reason when writing a coin amount
+hUnusedCoinsByte:: db
+hCoins:: ds 2 ; BCD number
+ ds 3 ; BCD number
+ ds 3 ; BCD number
+ ds 1
+hSerialReceivedNewData:: db
; $01 = using external clock
; $02 = using internal clock
; $ff = establishing connection
-hSerialConnectionStatus EQU $FFAA
+hSerialConnectionStatus:: db
+hSerialIgnoringInitialData:: db
+hSerialSendData:: db
+hSerialReceiveData:: db
-hSerialIgnoringInitialData EQU $FFAB
+; these values are copied to rSCX, rSCY, and rWY during V-blank
+hSCX:: db
+hSCY:: db
+hWY:: db
-hSerialSendData EQU $FFAC
+hJoyLast:: db
+hJoyReleased:: db
+hJoyPressed:: db
+hJoyHeld:: db
+hJoy5:: db
+hJoy6:: db
+hJoy7:: db
-hSerialReceiveData EQU $FFAD
+hLoadedROMBank:: db
+hSavedROMBank:: db
-; these values are copied to SCX, SCY, and WY during V-blank
-hJoyLast EQU $FFB1
-hJoyReleased EQU $FFB2
-hJoyPressed EQU $FFB3
-hJoyHeld EQU $FFB4
-hJoy5 EQU $FFB5
-hJoy6 EQU $FFB6
-hJoy7 EQU $FFB7
-hLoadedROMBank EQU $FFB8
-hSavedROMBank EQU $FFB9
; is automatic background transfer during V-blank enabled?
; if nonzero, yes
; if zero, no
-hAutoBGTransferEnabled EQU $FFBA
+hAutoBGTransferEnabled:: db
; 00 = top third of background
; 01 = middle third of background
; 02 = bottom third of background
-hAutoBGTransferPortion EQU $FFBB
+hAutoBGTransferPortion:: db
; the destination address of the automatic background transfer
-hAutoBGTransferDest EQU $FFBC ; 2 bytes
+hAutoBGTransferDest:: dw
-hRedrawMapViewRowOffset EQU $FFBE
+hRedrawMapViewRowOffset:: db
; temporary storage for stack pointer during memory transfers that use pop
; to increase speed
-hSPTemp EQU $FFBF ; 2 bytes
+hSPTemp:: dw
; source address for VBlankCopyBgMap function
; the first byte doubles as the byte that enabled the transfer.
@@ -228,143 +235,170 @@
; if it is 0, the transfer is disabled
; if it is not 0, the transfer is enabled
; this means that XX00 is not a valid source address
-hVBlankCopyBGSource EQU $FFC1 ; 2 bytes
+hVBlankCopyBGSource:: dw
; destination address for VBlankCopyBgMap function
-hVBlankCopyBGDest EQU $FFC3 ; 2 bytes
+hVBlankCopyBGDest:: dw
; number of rows for VBlankCopyBgMap to copy
-hVBlankCopyBGNumRows EQU $FFC5
+hVBlankCopyBGNumRows:: db
; size of VBlankCopy transfer in 16-byte units
-hVBlankCopySize EQU $FFC6
+hVBlankCopySize:: db
; source address for VBlankCopy function
-hVBlankCopySource EQU $FFC7
+hVBlankCopySource:: dw
; destination address for VBlankCopy function
-hVBlankCopyDest EQU $FFC9
+hVBlankCopyDest:: dw
; size of source data for VBlankCopyDouble in 8-byte units
-hVBlankCopyDoubleSize EQU $FFCB
+hVBlankCopyDoubleSize:: db
; source address for VBlankCopyDouble function
-hVBlankCopyDoubleSource EQU $FFCC
+hVBlankCopyDoubleSource:: dw
; destination address for VBlankCopyDouble function
-hVBlankCopyDoubleDest EQU $FFCE
+hVBlankCopyDoubleDest:: dw
; controls whether a row or column of 2x2 tile blocks is redrawn in V-blank
; 00 = no redraw
; 01 = redraw column
; 02 = redraw row
-hRedrawRowOrColumnMode EQU $FFD0
+hRedrawRowOrColumnMode:: db
+hRedrawRowOrColumnDest:: dw
-hRedrawRowOrColumnDest EQU $FFD1
+hRandomAdd:: db
+hRandomSub:: db
-hRandomAdd EQU $FFD3
-hRandomSub EQU $FFD4
+hFrameCounter:: db ; decremented every V-blank (used for delays)
-hFrameCounter EQU $FFD5 ; decremented every V-blank (used for delays)
; V-blank sets this to 0 each time it runs.
; So, by setting it to a nonzero value and waiting for it to become 0 again,
; you can detect that the V-blank handler has run since then.
-hVBlankOccurred EQU $FFD6
+hVBlankOccurred:: db
; 00 = indoor
; 01 = cave
; 02 = outdoor
; this is often set to 00 in order to turn off water and flower BG tile animations
-hTilesetType EQU $FFD7
+hTilesetType:: db
-hMovingBGTilesCounter1 EQU $FFD8
+hMovingBGTilesCounter1:: db
-hCurrentSpriteOffset EQU $FFDA ; multiple of $10
+ ds 1
-hItemCounter EQU $FFDB
+hCurrentSpriteOffset:: db ; multiple of $10
-hGymGateIndex EQU $FFDB
-hGymGateAnswer EQU $FFDC
+hPlayerFacing:: db
+hPlayerYCoord:: db
+hPlayerXCoord:: db
-hGymTrashCanRandNumMask EQU $FFDB
-hDexRatingNumMonsSeen EQU $FFDB
-hDexRatingNumMonsOwned EQU $FFDC
; $00 = bag full
; $01 = got item
; $80 = didn't meet required number of owned mons
; $FF = player cancelled
-hOaksAideResult EQU $FFDB
+hOaksAideRequirement:: ; required number of owned mons
+ db
+hOaksAideRewardItem:: db
+hOaksAideNumMonsOwned:: db
-hSavedCoordIndex EQU $FFDB
+hVendingMachineItem:: db
+hVendingMachinePrice:: ds 3 ; BCD number
-hOaksAideRequirement EQU $FFDB ; required number of owned mons
-hOaksAideRewardItem EQU $FFDC
-hOaksAideNumMonsOwned EQU $FFDD
+hGymGateIndex:: db
+hGymGateAnswer:: db
-hPlayerFacing EQU $FFDB
-hPlayerYCoord EQU $FFDC
-hPlayerXCoord EQU $FFDD
+hDexRatingNumMonsSeen:: db
+hDexRatingNumMonsOwned:: db
-hMissableObjectIndex EQU $FFDB
+hItemToRemoveID:: db
+hItemToRemoveIndex:: db
-hItemToRemoveID EQU $FFDB
-hItemToRemoveIndex EQU $FFDC
+ db
-hVendingMachineItem EQU $FFDB
-hVendingMachinePrice EQU $FFDC ; 3-byte BCD number
+hFFDB:: db
+hFFDC:: db
+ ds 1
-hBackupGymGateIndex EQU $FFE0
+ db
-hUnlockedSilphCoDoors EQU $FFE0
; the first tile ID in a sequence of tile IDs that increase by 1 each step
-hStartTileID EQU $FFE1
+hStartTileID:: db
-hNewPartyLength EQU $FFE4
+ ds 2
-hIsHiddenMissableObject EQU $FFE5
+hNewPartyLength:: db
-hDividend2 EQU $FFE5
-hDivisor2 EQU $FFE6
-hQuotient2 EQU $FFE7
+hDividend2:: db
+hDivisor2:: db
+hQuotient2:: db
-hMapROMBank EQU $FFE8
+hIsHiddenMissableObject:: db
-hSpriteVRAMSlotAndFacing EQU $FFE9
+hMapROMBank:: db
-hCoordsInFrontOfPlayerMatch EQU $FFEA
+hSpriteVRAMSlotAndFacing:: db
-hSpriteAnimFrameCounter EQU $FFEA
+ db
-hSpriteScreenYCoord EQU $FFEB
-hSpriteScreenXCoord EQU $FFEC
-hSpriteMapYCoord EQU $FFED
-hSpriteMapXCoord EQU $FFEE
+hSpriteScreenYCoord:: db
+hSpriteScreenXCoord:: db
+hSpriteMapYCoord:: db
+hSpriteMapXCoord:: db
-hItemAlreadyFound EQU $FFEB
-hDidntFindAnyHiddenObject EQU $FFEE
+hItemAlreadyFound:: db
+ ds 2
+hDidntFindAnyHiddenObject:: db
-hSavedMapTextPtr EQU $FFEC
+ ds 1
+hSavedMapTextPtr:: dw
+ ds 1
-hWhoseTurn EQU $FFF3 ; 0 on player’s turn, 1 on enemy’s turn
+ ds 4
-hClearLetterPrintingDelayFlags EQU $FFF4
+hWhoseTurn:: db ; 0 on player's turn, 1 on enemy's turn
+hClearLetterPrintingDelayFlags:: db
+ ds 1
; bit 0: draw HP fraction to the right of bar instead of below (for party menu)
; bit 1: menu is double spaced
-hFlagsFFF6 EQU $FFF6
+hFlagsFFF6:: db
-hFieldMoveMonMenuTopMenuItemX EQU $FFF7
+hFieldMoveMonMenuTopMenuItemX:: db
-hDisableJoypadPolling EQU $FFF9
+hJoyInput:: db
-hJoyInput EQU $FFF8
+hDisableJoypadPolling:: db
+ ds 5
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -228,6 +228,9 @@
org $dfff
+ "VRAM"
"Sprite Buffers"
@@ -239,3 +242,6 @@
"Saved Boxes 2"
+ "HRAM"
--- a/scripts/RocketHideoutB2F.asm
+++ b/scripts/RocketHideoutB2F.asm
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
-vFacilitySpinner EQU vTileset + FACILITY_SPINNER
+vFacilitySpinner EQUS "vTileset + FACILITY_SPINNER"
spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, $00, 1, vFacilitySpinner
spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, $10, 1, vFacilitySpinner + $10
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
-vGymSpinner EQU vTileset + GYM_SPINNER
+vGymSpinner EQUS "vTileset + GYM_SPINNER"
spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, $10, 1, vGymSpinner
spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, $30, 1, vGymSpinner + $10
--- a/vram.asm
+++ b/vram.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,31 @@
-vChars0 EQU $8000
-vChars1 EQU $8800
-vChars2 EQU $9000
-vBGMap0 EQU $9800
-vBGMap1 EQU $9c00
-; Battle/Menu
-vSprites EQU vChars0
-vFont EQU vChars1
-vFrontPic EQU vChars2
-vBackPic EQU vFrontPic + 7 * 7 * $10
+; generic
+vChars0:: ds $800
+vChars1:: ds $800
+vChars2:: ds $800
+vBGMap0:: ds $400
+vBGMap1:: ds $400
-; Overworld
-vNPCSprites EQU vChars0
-vNPCSprites2 EQU vChars1
-vTileset EQU vChars2
+; battle/menu
+vSprites:: ds $800
+vFont:: ds $800
+vFrontPic:: ds 7 * 7 * $10
+vBackPic:: ds 7 * 7 * $10
-; Title
-vTitleLogo EQU vChars1
-vTitleLogo2 EQU vFrontPic + 7 * 7 * $10
+; overworld
+vNPCSprites:: ds $800
+vNPCSprites2:: ds $800
+vTileset:: ds $800
+; title
+ ds $800
+vTitleLogo:: ds $800
+ ds 7 * 7 * $10
+vTitleLogo2:: ds $1e0
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
INCLUDE "macros/wram.asm"
+INCLUDE "vram.asm"
@@ -3112,3 +3115,5 @@
INCLUDE "sram.asm"
+INCLUDE "hram.asm"