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ref: f4a31b3e0b7ca89e14c4e3836f3d3ad15f38e5ce
parent: cd649184f556db777d592671a7274bfa4a8423d7
author: U-Daniel-PC\Daniel <[email protected]>
date: Fri Jul 3 10:38:12 EDT 2015

Rename/organize part 2 of 4
rename functions, clean up address/wram comments, other misc
only broken up so that all changes are viewable on github

--- a/scripts/agatha.asm
+++ b/scripts/agatha.asm
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 AgathaScript4: ; 76473 (1d:6473)
-asm_76474: ; 76474 (1d:6474)
+AgathaScript_76474: ; 76474 (1d:6474)
 	ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd
 	ld a, D_UP
 	ld [hli], a
@@ -66,16 +67,16 @@
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $3
 	jr c, .asm_764b4
 	ld hl, wd865
 	bit 6, [hl]
 	set 6, [hl]
-	jr z, asm_76474
+	jr z, AgathaScript_76474
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, D_UP
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
@@ -107,11 +108,11 @@
 AgathaScript2: ; 764ed (1d:64ed)
 	call EndTrainerBattle
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, AgathaScript_76464
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, $1
@@ -126,10 +127,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd865 ; flag's byte
-	dw AgathaBeforeBattleText ; 0x6520 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw AgathaAfterBattleText ; 0x652a TextAfterBattle
-	dw AgathaEndBattleText ; 0x6525 TextEndBattle
-	dw AgathaEndBattleText ; 0x6525 TextEndBattle
+	dw AgathaBeforeBattleText ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw AgathaAfterBattleText ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw AgathaEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
+	dw AgathaEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/battlecenterm.asm
+++ b/scripts/battlecenterm.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	ld a, [$ffaa]
 	cp $2
 	ld a, $8
-	jr z, .asm_4fd1d ; 0x4fd19 $2
+	jr z, .asm_4fd1d
 	ld a, $c
 	ld [$ff8d], a
--- a/scripts/bikeshop.asm
+++ b/scripts/bikeshop.asm
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd75f]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr z, .asm_260d4 ; 0x1d74b
+	jr z, .asm_260d4
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d82f
 	call PrintText
 	jp .Done
-.asm_260d4 ; 0x1d756
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_41190 ; 0x1d75b
+	jr z, .asm_41190
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d81f
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (BICYCLE << 8) | 1
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d834
 	call PrintText
 	jr .Done
-.asm_41190 ; 0x1d78c
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d810
 	call PrintText
 	xor a
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	call HandleMenuInput
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_b7579 ; 0x1d7dc
+	jr nz, .asm_b7579
 	ld hl, wd730
 	res 6, [hl]
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_b7579 ; 0x1d7e7
+	jr nz, .asm_b7579
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d81a
 	call PrintText
-.asm_b7579 ; 0x1d7ef
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d82a
 	call PrintText
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 	db "@"
 BikeShopText_1d824: ; 1d824 (7:5824)
-	TX_FAR _BikeShopText_1d824 ; 0x98eb2
+	TX_FAR _BikeShopText_1d824
 	db $11, "@"
 BikeShopText_1d82a: ; 1d82a (7:582a)
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@
 	ld a, [wd75f]
 	bit 0, a
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d861
-	jr nz, .asm_34d2d ; 0x1d851
+	jr nz, .asm_34d2d
 	ld hl, BikeShopText_1d85c
-.asm_34d2d ; 0x1d856
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/billshouse.asm
+++ b/scripts/billshouse.asm
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9]
 	and a
 	ld de, MovementData_1e79c
-	jr nz, .asm_1e78f ; 0x1e78a $3
+	jr nz, .asm_1e78f
 	ld de, MovementData_1e7a0
 	ld a, $1
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 	ld a, HS_BILL_1
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef ShowObject
-	ld c, $8
+	ld c, 8
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld a, $2
 	ld [$ff8c], a
@@ -121,30 +121,30 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, asm_6b196 ; 0x1e84b $d
-asm_4d03c: ; 1e84d (7:684d)
+	jr nz, .asm_1e85a
 	ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e86a
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $1
-	jr asm_fd4e2 ; 0x1e858 $8
-asm_6b196: ; 1e85a (7:685a)
+	jr .asm_1e862
 	ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e86f
 	call PrintText
-	jr asm_4d03c ; 0x1e860 $eb
-asm_fd4e2 ; 0x1e862
+	jr .asm_1e84d
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 BillsHouseText_1e865: ; 1e865 (7:6865)
-	TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e865 ; 0x8d267
+	TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e865
 	db "@"
 BillsHouseText_1e86a: ; 1e86a (7:686a)
-	TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e86a ; 0x8d345
+	TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e86a
 	db "@"
 BillsHouseText_1e86f: ; 1e86f (7:686f)
-	TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e86f ; 0x8d391
+	TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e86f
 	db "@"
 BillsHouseText2: ; 1e874 (7:6874)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7f2]
 	bit 4, a
-	jr nz, .asm_5491f ; 0x1e87a
+	jr nz, .asm_1e8a9
 	ld hl, BillThankYouText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (S_S__TICKET << 8) | 1
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
-.asm_5491f ; 0x1e8a9
 	ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e8cb
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_bd408 ; 0x1e8af
+	jr .asm_1e8b7
 	ld hl, SSTicketNoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_bd408 ; 0x1e8b7
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 BillThankYouText: ; 1e8ba (7:68ba)
--- a/scripts/bruno.asm
+++ b/scripts/bruno.asm
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 BrunoScript4: ; 7631c (1d:631c)
-asm_7631d: ; 7631d (1d:631d)
+BrunoScript_7631d: ; 7631d (1d:631d)
 	ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd
 	ld a, D_UP
 	ld [hli], a
@@ -66,16 +67,16 @@
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $3
 	jr c, .asm_7635d
 	ld hl, wd864
 	bit 6, [hl]
 	set 6, [hl]
-	jr z, asm_7631d
+	jr z, BrunoScript_7631d
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, D_UP
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
@@ -107,11 +108,11 @@
 BrunoScript2: ; 76396 (1d:6396)
 	call EndTrainerBattle
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, BrunoScript_7630d
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 BrunoTextPointers: ; 763a8 (1d:63a8)
@@ -123,10 +124,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd864 ; flag's byte
-	dw BrunoBeforeBattleText ; 0x63c3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw BrunoAfterBattleText ; 0x63cd TextAfterBattle
-	dw BrunoEndBattleText ; 0x63c8 TextEndBattle
-	dw BrunoEndBattleText ; 0x63c8 TextEndBattle
+	dw BrunoBeforeBattleText ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw BrunoAfterBattleText ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw BrunoEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
+	dw BrunoEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/celadoncity.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadoncity.asm
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd777]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_7053f ; 0x199a4
+	jr nz, .asm_7053f
 	ld hl, TM41PreText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_41 << 8) | 1
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	ld hl, wd777
 	set 0, [hl]
 	jr .Done
-.asm_7053f ; 0x199c9
 	ld hl, TM41ExplanationText
 	call PrintText
--- a/scripts/celadondiner.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadondiner.asm
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd783]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_eb14d ; 0x49179
+	jr nz, .asm_eb14d
 	ld hl, CeladonDinerText_491a7
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (COIN_CASE << 8) | 1
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@
 	set 0, [hl]
 	ld hl, ReceivedCoinCaseText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_68b61 ; 0x49194
+	jr .asm_68b61
 	ld hl, CoinCaseNoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_68b61 ; 0x4919c
-.asm_eb14d ; 0x4919e
+	jr .asm_68b61
 	ld hl, CeladonDinerText_491b7
 	call PrintText
-.asm_68b61 ; 0x491a4
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeladonDinerText_491a7: ; 491a7 (12:51a7)
--- a/scripts/celadongamecorner.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadongamecorner.asm
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_c650b ; 0x48cba
+	jr nz, .asm_48d0f
 	ld b,COIN_CASE
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_ed086 ; 0x48cc1
+	jr z, .asm_48d19
 	call Has9990Coins
-	jr nc, .asm_31338 ; 0x48cc6
+	jr nc, .asm_48d14
 	xor a
 	ldh [$9f], a
 	ldh [$a1], a
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@
 	ld a, $10
 	ldh [$a0], a
 	call HasEnoughMoney
-	jr nc, .asm_b6ef0 ; 0x48cd4
-	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d31 ; $4d31
-	jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48cd9
-.asm_b6ef0 ; 0x48cdb
+	jr nc, .asm_48cdb
+	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d31
+	jr .asm_48d1c
 	xor a
 	ldh [$9f], a
 	ldh [$a1], a
@@ -167,16 +167,16 @@
 	predef AddBCDPredef
 	call CeladonGameCornerScript_48f1e
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d27
-	jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48d0d
-.asm_c650b ; 0x48d0f
+	jr .asm_48d1c
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d2c
-	jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48d12
-.asm_31338 ; 0x48d14
+	jr .asm_48d1c
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d36
-	jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48d17
-.asm_ed086 ; 0x48d19
+	jr .asm_48d1c
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d3b
-.asm_e2afd ; 0x48d1c
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd77e]
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_d0957 ; 0x48d50
+	jr nz, .asm_48d89
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d9c
 	call PrintText
 	ld b, COIN_CASE
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_5aef9 ; 0x48d5d
+	jr z, .asm_48d93
 	call Has9990Coins
-	jr nc, .asm_98546 ; 0x48d62
+	jr nc, .asm_48d8e
 	xor a
 	ldh [$9f], a
 	ldh [$a0], a
@@ -238,16 +238,16 @@
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, Received10CoinsText
-	jr .asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d87
-.asm_d0957 ; 0x48d89
+	jr .asm_48d96
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dac
-	jr .asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d8c
-.asm_98546 ; 0x48d8e
+	jr .asm_48d96
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48da7
-	jr .asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d91
-.asm_5aef9 ; 0x48d93
+	jr .asm_48d96
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
-.asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d96
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd77c]
 	bit 1, a
-	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dca ; $4dca
-	jr z, .asm_be3fd ; 0x48dbf
-	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dcf ; $4dcf
-.asm_be3fd ; 0x48dc4
+	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dca
+	jr z, .asm_48dc4
+	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dcf
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -298,14 +298,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd77e]
 	bit 4, a
-	jr nz, .asm_ed8bc ; 0x48ddf
+	jr nz, .asm_48e13
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e26
 	call PrintText
 	ld b, COIN_CASE
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_df794 ; 0x48dec
+	jr z, .asm_48e1d
 	call Has9990Coins
-	jr nc, .asm_f17c3 ; 0x48df1
+	jr nc, .asm_48e18
 	xor a
 	ldh [$9f], a
 	ldh [$a0], a
@@ -318,16 +318,16 @@
 	ld hl, wd77e
 	set 4, [hl]
 	ld hl, Received20CoinsText
-	jr .asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e11
-.asm_ed8bc ; 0x48e13
+	jr .asm_48e20
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e36
-	jr .asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e16
-.asm_f17c3 ; 0x48e18
+	jr .asm_48e20
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e31
-	jr .asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e1b
-.asm_df794 ; 0x48e1d
+	jr .asm_48e20
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
-.asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e20
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -351,14 +351,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd77e]
 	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_ff080 ; 0x48e41
-	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e88 ; $4e88
+	jr nz, .asm_48e75
+	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e88
 	call PrintText
 	ld b,COIN_CASE
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_4fb0c ; 0x48e4e
+	jr z, .asm_48e7f
 	call Has9990Coins
-	jr z, .asm_9505a ; 0x48e53
+	jr z, .asm_48e7a
 	xor a
 	ldh [$9f], a
 	ldh [$a0], a
@@ -371,16 +371,16 @@
 	ld hl, wd77e
 	set 3, [hl]
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d
-	jr .asm_78d65 ; 0x48e73
-.asm_ff080 ; 0x48e75
+	jr .asm_48e82
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e98
-	jr .asm_78d65 ; 0x48e78
-.asm_9505a ; 0x48e7a
+	jr .asm_48e82
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e93
-	jr .asm_78d65 ; 0x48e7d
-.asm_4fb0c ; 0x48e7f
+	jr .asm_48e82
 	ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
-.asm_78d65 ; 0x48e82
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 	db "@"
 CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d: ; 48e8d (12:4e8d)
-	TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d ; 0x9dceb
+	TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d
 	db $0B, "@"
 CeladonGameCornerText_48e93: ; 48e93 (12:4e93)
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeladonGameCornerText_48f09: ; 48f09 (12:4f09)
-	TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48f09 ; 0x9ddb0
+	TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48f09
 	db $8
 	ld a, (SFX_02_49 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
 	call PlaySound
--- a/scripts/celadongym.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadongym.asm
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 CeladonGymScript_48927: ; 48927 (12:4927)
-	ld hl, Gym4CityName ; $4930
-	ld de, Gym4LeaderName ; $493d
+	ld hl, Gym4CityName
+	ld de, Gym4LeaderName
 	jp LoadGymLeaderAndCityName
 Gym4CityName: ; 48930 (12:4930)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	dw CeladonGymScript3
 CeladonGymScript3: ; 48956 (12:4956)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, CeladonGymText_48943
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 CeladonGymText_48963: ; 48963 (12:4963)
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd77c
 	set 1, [hl]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $a
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd77c
 	set 0, [hl]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	jr .asm_4898c
 	ld a, $b
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -94,64 +94,64 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText2 ; 0x4a8b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText2 ; 0x4a95 TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4a90 TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4a90 TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 CeladonGymTrainerHeader2: ; 489c8 (12:49c8)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText3 ; 0x4aa4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText3 ; 0x4aae TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x4aa9 TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x4aa9 TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 CeladonGymTrainerHeader3: ; 489d4 (12:49d4)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText4 ; 0x4abd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText4 ; 0x4ac7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x4ac2 TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x4ac2 TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 CeladonGymTrainerHeader4: ; 489e0 (12:49e0)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText5 ; 0x4ad6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText5 ; 0x4ae0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x4adb TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x4adb TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 CeladonGymTrainerHeader5: ; 489ec (12:49ec)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText6 ; 0x4aef TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText6 ; 0x4af9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x4af4 TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x4af4 TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 CeladonGymTrainerHeader6: ; 489f8 (12:49f8)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText7 ; 0x4b08 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText7 ; 0x4b12 TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText7 ; 0x4b0d TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText7 ; 0x4b0d TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 CeladonGymTrainerHeader7: ; 48a04 (12:4a04)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd77c ; flag's byte
-	dw CeladonGymBattleText8 ; 0x4b21 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText8 ; 0x4b2b TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText8 ; 0x4b26 TextEndBattle
-	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText8 ; 0x4b26 TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymBattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeladonGymAfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeladonGymEndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -159,17 +159,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd77c]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_16064 ; 0x48a17
+	jr z, .asm_48a2d
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3b22c ; 0x48a1b
+	jr nz, .asm_48a25
 	call z, CeladonGymText_48963
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_96252 ; 0x48a23
-.asm_3b22c ; 0x48a25
+	jr .asm_48a5b
 	ld hl, CeladonGymText_48a68
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_96252 ; 0x48a2b
-.asm_16064 ; 0x48a2d
+	jr .asm_48a5b
 	ld hl, CeladonGymText_48a5e
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_96252 ; 0x48a5b
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeladonGymText_48a5e: ; 48a5e (12:4a5e)
--- a/scripts/celadonmansion5.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadonmansion5.asm
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld bc,(EEVEE << 8) | 25
 	call GivePokemon
-	jr nc, .asm_24365 ; 0x1dd4d
+	jr nc, .asm_24365
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
-.asm_24365 ; 0x1dd59
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/celadonmart3.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadonmart3.asm
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd778]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_a5463 ; 0x48250
+	jr nz, .asm_a5463
 	ld hl, TM18PreReceiveText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_18 << 8) | 1
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
 	ld hl, wd778
 	set 7, [hl]
 	ld hl, ReceivedTM18Text
-	jr .asm_81359 ; 0x48268
+	jr .asm_81359
 	ld hl, TM18NoRoomText
-	jr .asm_81359 ; 0x4826d
-.asm_a5463 ; 0x4826f
+	jr .asm_81359
 	ld hl, TM18ExplanationText
-.asm_81359 ; 0x48272
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/celadonmartelevator.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadonmartelevator.asm
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
 CeladonMartElevatorScript_48631: ; 48631 (12:4631)
-	ld hl, CeladonMartElavatorFloors ; $4643
+	ld hl, CeladonMartElavatorFloors
 	call LoadItemList
-	ld hl, CeldaonMartElevatorWarpMaps ; $464a
+	ld hl, CeldaonMartElevatorWarpMaps
 	ld de, wcc5b
 	ld bc, $000a
 	jp CopyData
@@ -65,6 +65,6 @@
 CeladonMartElevatorText1: ; 4865e (12:465e)
 	db $08 ; asm
 	call CeladonMartElevatorScript_48631
-	ld hl, CeldaonMartElevatorWarpMaps ; $464a
+	ld hl, CeldaonMartElevatorWarpMaps
 	predef Func_1c9c6
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/celadonmartroof.asm
+++ b/scripts/celadonmartroof.asm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [wcd37], a
 	ld de, wcc5b
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofDrinkList ; $4408
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofDrinkList
 	ld a, [hli]
 	and a
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@
 CeladonMartRoofScript_4840c: ; 4840c (12:440c)
 	ld hl, wd730
 	set 6, [hl]
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_484ee ; $44ee
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_484ee
 	call PrintText
 	xor a
-	ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; wCurrentMenuItem
+	ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
 	ld a, $3
-	ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ; wMenuWatchedKeys
+	ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a
 	ld a, [wcd37]
 	dec a
-	ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ; wMaxMenuItem
+	ld [wMaxMenuItem], a
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ; wTopMenuItemY
+	ld [wTopMenuItemY], a
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [wTopMenuItemX], a ; wTopMenuItemX
+	ld [wTopMenuItemX], a
 	ld a, [wcd37]
 	dec a
 	ld bc, $2
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 	bit 1, a
 	ret nz
 	ld hl, wcc5b
-	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; wCurrentMenuItem
+	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	ld d, $0
 	ld e, a
 	add hl, de
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd778]
 	bit 6, a
 	jr nz, .asm_484e0
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_48515 ; $4515
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_48515
 	call PrintText
 	call RemoveItemByIDBank12
 	ld bc, (TM_49 << 8) | 1
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@
 	ld a, [wd778]
 	bit 5, a
 	jr nz, .asm_484e0
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_48504 ; $4504
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_48504
 	call PrintText
 	call RemoveItemByIDBank12
 	ld bc, (TM_48 << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_4850a ; $450a
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_4850a
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd778
 	set 5, [hl]
@@ -116,22 +116,22 @@
 	ld a, [wd778]
 	bit 4, a
 	jr nz, .asm_484e0
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_484f3 ; $44f3
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_484f3
 	call PrintText
 	call RemoveItemByIDBank12
 	ld bc, (TM_13 << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_484f9 ; $44f9
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_484f9
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd778
 	set 4, [hl]
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_48526 ; $4526
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_48526
 	jp PrintText
-	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_4852c ; $452c
+	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText_4852c
 	jp PrintText
 RemoveItemByIDBank12: ; 484e6 (12:44e6)
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 	call CeladonMartRoofScript_483d8
 	ld a, [wcd37]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_914b9 ; 0x48574
+	jr z, .asm_4858f
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText4
@@ -236,13 +236,13 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_05aa4 ; 0x48588
+	jr nz, .asm_48595
 	call CeladonMartRoofScript_4840c
-	jr .asm_05aa4 ; 0x4858d
-.asm_914b9 ; 0x4858f
+	jr .asm_48595
 	ld hl, CeladonMartRoofText3
 	call PrintText
-.asm_05aa4 ; 0x48595
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeladonMartRoofText3: ; 48598 (12:4598)
--- a/scripts/ceruleancity.asm
+++ b/scripts/ceruleancity.asm
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@
 CeruleanCityScript0: ; 194c8 (6:54c8)
 	ld a, [wd75b]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_194f7 ; 0x194cd $28
+	jr nz, .asm_194f7
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityCoords1
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
-	jr nc, .asm_194f7 ; 0x194d5 $20
+	jr nc, .asm_194f7
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
 	ld a, $8
 	ld b, $0
-	jr nz, .asm_194e6 ; 0x194e0 $4
+	jr nz, .asm_194e6
 	ld a, $4
 	ld b, $4
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 	ret nc
 	ld a, [wWalkBikeSurfState]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_19512 ; 0x19508 $8
+	jr z, .asm_19512
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wc0ee], a
 	call PlaySound
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $14
-	jr z, .asm_19535 ; 0x19526 $d
+	jr z, .asm_19535
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	ld a, $5
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 	; select which team to use during the encounter
-	jr nz, .NotSquirtle ; 0x19592 $4
+	jr nz, .NotSquirtle
 	ld a, $7
 	jr .done
-	jr nz, .Charmander ; 0x1959a $4
+	jr nz, .Charmander
 	ld a, $8
 	jr .done
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@
 	call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $14
-	jr nz, .asm_195f0 ; 0x195e9 $5
+	jr nz, .asm_195f0
 	ld de, CeruleanCityMovement4
-	jr .asm_195f3 ; 0x195ee $3
+	jr .asm_195f3
 	ld de, CeruleanCityMovement3
@@ -242,11 +242,11 @@
 	; or talk about bill
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_19677
 	call PrintText
-	jr .end ; 0x1965d
-.PreBattleText ; 0x1965f
+	jr .end
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_19668
 	call PrintText
-.end ; 0x19665
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeruleanCityText_19668: ; 19668 (6:5668)
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, [wd75b]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_4ca20 ; 0x19682 $29
+	jr nz, .asm_4ca20
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_196d9
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
 	ld a, $4
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-.asm_4ca20 ; 0x196ad
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_196f3
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_28 << 8) + 1
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, ReceivedTM28Text
 	call PrintText
-	callba Func_74872
+	callba CeruleanHideRocket
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -346,20 +346,20 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ldh a, [$d3]
 	cp $b4
-	jr c, .asm_e9fc9 ; 0x19711
+	jr c, .asm_e9fc9
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_19730
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_d486e ; 0x19719
-.asm_e9fc9 ; 0x1971b
+	jr .asm_d486e
 	cp $64
-	jr c, .asm_df99b ; 0x1971d
+	jr c, .asm_df99b
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_19735
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_d486e ; 0x19725
-.asm_df99b ; 0x19727
+	jr .asm_d486e
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_1973a
 	call PrintText
-.asm_d486e ; 0x1972d
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeruleanCityText_19730: ; 19730 (6:5730)
@@ -376,28 +376,28 @@
 CeruleanCityText8: ; 1973f (6:573f)
 	db $08 ; asm
-	ldh a, [$d3]
+	ld a, [hRandomAdd]
 	cp $b4
-	jr c, .asm_e28da ; 0x19744
+	jr c, .asm_e28da
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_1976f
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_f2f38 ; 0x1974c
-.asm_e28da ; 0x1974e
+	jr .asm_f2f38
 	cp $78
-	jr c, .asm_15d08 ; 0x19750
+	jr c, .asm_15d08
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_19774
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_f2f38 ; 0x19758
-.asm_15d08 ; 0x1975a
+	jr .asm_f2f38
 	cp $3c
-	jr c, .asm_d7fea ; 0x1975c
+	jr c, .asm_d7fea
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_19779
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_f2f38 ; 0x19764
-.asm_d7fea ; 0x19766
+	jr .asm_f2f38
 	ld hl, CeruleanCityText_1977e
 	call PrintText
-.asm_f2f38 ; 0x1976c
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeruleanCityText_1976f: ; 1976f (6:576f)
--- a/scripts/ceruleancity2.asm
+++ b/scripts/ceruleancity2.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Func_74872: ; 74872 (1d:4872)
+CeruleanHideRocket: ; 74872 (1d:4872)
 ; code similar to this appears in a lot of banks; this particular
 ; one is called after you beat the Rocket that gives you TM28 DIG.
 ; the screen then fades out, he disappears, and fades back in
--- a/scripts/ceruleangym.asm
+++ b/scripts/ceruleangym.asm
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 CeruleanGymScript_5c6d0: ; 5c6d0 (17:46d0)
-	ld hl, Gym2CityName ; $46d9
-	ld de, Gym2LeaderName ; $46e7
+	ld hl, Gym2CityName
+	ld de, Gym2LeaderName
 	jp LoadGymLeaderAndCityName
 Gym2CityName: ; 5c6d9 (17:46d9)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	dw CeruleanGymScript3
 CeruleanGymScript3: ; 5c700 (17:4700)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, CeruleanGymScript_5c6ed
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 CeruleanGymScript_5c70d: ; 5c70d (17:470d)
 	ld a, $5
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd75e
 	set 7, [hl]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $6
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd75e
 	set 6, [hl]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	jr .asm_5c736
 	ld a, $7
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -88,19 +88,19 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd75e ; flag's byte
-	dw CeruleanGymBattleText1 ; 0x47e9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeruleanGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x47f3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x47ee TextEndBattle
-	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x47ee TextEndBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 CeruleanGymTrainerHeader1: ; 5c764 (17:4764)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd75e ; flag's byte
-	dw CeruleanGymBattleText2 ; 0x4802 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw CeruleanGymAfterBattleText2 ; 0x480c TextAfterBattle
-	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4807 TextEndBattle
-	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4807 TextEndBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw CeruleanGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd75e]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_10854 ; 0x5c777
+	jr z, .asm_5c78d
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_37a1b ; 0x5c77b
+	jr nz, .asm_5c785
 	call z, CeruleanGymScript_5c70d
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_95b04 ; 0x5c783
-.asm_37a1b ; 0x5c785
+	jr .asm_5c7bb
 	ld hl, CeruleanGymText_5c7c3
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_95b04 ; 0x5c78b
-.asm_10854 ; 0x5c78d
+	jr .asm_5c7bb
 	ld hl, CeruleanGymText_5c7be
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 	ldh [$b4], a
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_95b04 ; 0x5c7bb
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeruleanGymText_5c7be: ; 5c7be (17:47be)
@@ -205,14 +205,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd75e]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_f80ce ; 0x5c817
+	jr nz, .asm_5c821
 	ld hl, CeruleanGymText_5c82a
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_18a31 ; 0x5c81f
-.asm_f80ce ; 0x5c821
+	jr .asm_5c827
 	ld hl, CeruleanGymText_5c82f
 	call PrintText
-.asm_18a31 ; 0x5c827
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeruleanGymText_5c82a: ; 5c82a (17:482a)
--- a/scripts/ceruleanhouse2.asm
+++ b/scripts/ceruleanhouse2.asm
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 	ld [wListMenuID], a
 	call DisplayListMenuID
-	jr c, .asm_74e60 ; 0x74e49 $15
+	jr c, .asm_74e60
 	ld hl, TextPointers_74e86
 	ld a, [wcf91]
 	sub $15
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 	ld h, [hl]
 	ld l, a
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_74e23 ; 0x74e5e $c3
+	jr .asm_74e23
 	xor a
 	ld [wListScrollOffset], a
--- a/scripts/ceruleanhousetrashed.asm
+++ b/scripts/ceruleanhousetrashed.asm
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
 	ld b, $e4
 	predef IsItemInBag_
 	and b
-	jr z, .asm_f8734 ; 0x1d698
+	jr z, .asm_f8734
 	ld hl, CeruleanHouseTrashedText_1d6b0
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_8dfe9 ; 0x1d6a0
-.asm_f8734 ; 0x1d6a2
+	jr .asm_8dfe9
 	ld hl, CeruleanHouseTrashedText_1d6ab
 	call PrintText
-.asm_8dfe9 ; 0x1d6a8
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CeruleanHouseTrashedText_1d6ab: ; 1d6ab (7:56ab)
--- a/scripts/cinnabargym.asm
+++ b/scripts/cinnabargym.asm
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 CinnabarGymScript_757a0: ; 757a0 (1d:57a0)
-	ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
 	ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
 	ret z
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_757c3 ; 0x757b7 $a
+	jr nz, .asm_757c3
 	ld a, $4
 	ld [wd528], a
 	ld de, MovementData_757d7
-	jr .asm_757cb ; 0x757c1 $8
+	jr .asm_757cb
 	ld de, MovementData_757da
 	ld a, $1
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757f1
 	ld a, c
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_7581b ; 0x7580e $b
+	jr nz, .asm_7581b
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
 	ld a, (SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
 	call PlaySound
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd79a
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_75880 ; 0x75877 $7
+	jr .asm_75880
 	ld a, $c
 	ld [$ff8c], a
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 	dw TM38NoRoomText
 CinnabarGymScript_758b7: ; 758b7 (1d:58b7)
-	ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
 	ld [wSpriteIndex], a
 	call EngageMapTrainer
 	call InitBattleEnemyParameters
@@ -209,17 +209,17 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_d9332 ; 0x758e5 $16
+	jr z, .asm_d9332
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3012f ; 0x758e9 $9
+	jr nz, .asm_3012f
 	call z, CinnabarGymScript3_75857
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-.asm_3012f ; 0x758f4
 	ld hl, BlaineFireBlastText
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-.asm_d9332 ; 0x758fd
 	ld hl, BlaineBattleText
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, BlaineEndBattleText
@@ -262,14 +262,14 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_46bb4 ; 0x75942
+	jr nz, .asm_46bb4
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_7595f
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75964
-	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75964 ; $5964 XXX
+	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75964
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_46bb4 ; 0x75956
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75969
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -291,14 +291,14 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_4b406 ; 0x75977
+	jr nz, .asm_4b406
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75994
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75999
-	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75999 ; $5999 XXX
+	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75999
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_4b406 ; 0x7598b
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_7599e
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -320,14 +320,14 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 4, a
-	jr nz, .asm_c0673 ; 0x759ac
+	jr nz, .asm_c0673
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_759c9
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_759ce
-	ld de, CinnabarGymText_759ce ; $59ce XXX
+	ld de, CinnabarGymText_759ce
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_c0673 ; 0x759c0
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_759d3
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -349,14 +349,14 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 5, a
-	jr nz, .asm_5cfd7 ; 0x759e1
+	jr nz, .asm_5cfd7
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_759fe
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a03
-	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75a03 ; $5a03 XXX
+	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75a03
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_5cfd7 ; 0x759f5
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a08
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_776b4 ; 0x75a16
+	jr nz, .asm_776b4
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a33
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a38
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
 	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75a38
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_776b4 ; 0x75a2a
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a3d
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_2f755 ; 0x75a4b
+	jr nz, .asm_2f755
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a68
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a6d
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75a6d
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_2f755 ; 0x75a5f
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a72
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -436,14 +436,14 @@
 	call CinnabarGymScript_757a0
 	ld a, [wd79b]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_d87be ; 0x75a80
+	jr nz, .asm_d87be
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75a9d
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75aa2
-	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75aa2 ; $5aa2 XXX
+	ld de, CinnabarGymText_75aa2
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	jp CinnabarGymScript_758b7
-.asm_d87be ; 0x75a94
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75aa7
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -464,12 +464,12 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd79a]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_627d9 ; 0x75ab2
+	jr nz, .asm_627d9
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75ac2
-	jr .asm_0b11d ; 0x75ab7
-.asm_627d9 ; 0x75ab9
+	jr .asm_0b11d
 	ld hl, CinnabarGymText_75ac7
-.asm_0b11d ; 0x75abc
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/copycatshouse2f.asm
+++ b/scripts/copycatshouse2f.asm
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7af]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_7ccf3 ; 0x5cc88
+	jr nz, .asm_7ccf3
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, CopycatsHouse2FText_5ccd4
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld b, POKE_DOLL
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_62ecd ; 0x5cc9a
+	jr z, .asm_62ecd
 	ld hl, TM31PreReceiveText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_31 << 8) | 1
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@
 	callba RemoveItemByID
 	ld hl, wd7af
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_62ecd ; 0x5ccc1
+	jr .asm_62ecd
 	ld hl, TM31NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_62ecd ; 0x5ccc9
-.asm_7ccf3 ; 0x5cccb
+	jr .asm_62ecd
 	ld hl, TM31ExplanationText2
 	call PrintText
-.asm_62ecd ; 0x5ccd1
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 CopycatsHouse2FText_5ccd4: ; 5ccd4 (17:4cd4)
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
 	ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9]
 	cp $4
 	ld hl, CopycatsHouse2FText_5cd1c
-	jr nz, .asm_399a4 ; 0x5cd0c
+	jr nz, .asm_399a4
 	ld hl, CopycatsHouse2FText_5cd17
-.asm_399a4 ; 0x5cd11
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/daycarem.asm
+++ b/scripts/daycarem.asm
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@
 	db "@"
 DayCareMText_56437: ; 56437 (15:6437)
-	TX_FAR _DayCareMText_56437 ; 0x8c000
+	TX_FAR _DayCareMText_56437
 DayCareMText_5643b: ; 5643b (15:643b)
-	TX_FAR _DayCareMText_5643b ; 0x8c013
+	TX_FAR _DayCareMText_5643b
 	db "@"
 DayCareMText_56440: ; 56440 (15:6440)
--- a/scripts/fightingdojo.asm
+++ b/scripts/fightingdojo.asm
@@ -99,37 +99,37 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte
-	dw FightingDojoBattleText1 ; 0x4eac TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText1 ; 0x4eb6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText1 ; 0x4eb1 TextEndBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText1 ; 0x4eb1 TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 FightingDojoTrainerHeader1: ; 5ce1f (17:4e1f)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte
-	dw FightingDojoBattleText2 ; 0x4ec5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText2 ; 0x4ecf TextAfterBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText2 ; 0x4eca TextEndBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText2 ; 0x4eca TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 FightingDojoTrainerHeader2: ; 5ce2b (17:4e2b)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte
-	dw FightingDojoBattleText3 ; 0x4ede TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText3 ; 0x4ee8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText3 ; 0x4ee3 TextEndBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText3 ; 0x4ee3 TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 FightingDojoTrainerHeader3: ; 5ce37 (17:4e37)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte
-	dw FightingDojoBattleText4 ; 0x4ef7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText4 ; 0x4f01 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText4 ; 0x4efc TextEndBattle
-	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText4 ; 0x4efc TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoBattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FightingDojoEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@
 	ld a, $3
-	jr .asm_9dba4 ; 0x5ce7b
-.continue1 ; 0x5ce7d
+	jr .asm_9dba4
 	ld hl, FightingDojoText_5ce9d
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_9dba4 ; 0x5ce83
-.continue2 ; 0x5ce85f
+	jr .asm_9dba4
 	ld hl, FightingDojoText8
 	call PrintText
-.asm_9dba4 ; 0x5ce8b
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 FightingDojoText_5ce8e: ; 5ce8e (17:4e8e)
--- a/scripts/fuchsiacity.asm
+++ b/scripts/fuchsiacity.asm
@@ -137,24 +137,24 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7f6]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3b4e8 ; 0x19afa
+	jr nz, .asm_3b4e8
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_667d5 ; 0x19afe
+	jr nz, .asm_667d5
 	ld hl, FuchsiaCityText_19b2a
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_4343f ; 0x19b06
-.asm_3b4e8 ; 0x19b08
+	jr .asm_4343f
 	ld hl, FuchsiaCityOmanyteText
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, OMANYTE
-	jr .asm_81556 ; 0x19b10
-.asm_667d5 ; 0x19b12
+	jr .asm_81556
 	ld hl, FuchsiaCityKabutoText
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, KABUTO
-.asm_81556 ; 0x19b1a
 	call DisplayPokedex
-.asm_4343f ; 0x19b1d
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 FuchsiaCityOmanyteText: ; 19b20 (6:5b20)
--- a/scripts/fuchsiagym.asm
+++ b/scripts/fuchsiagym.asm
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	dw FuchsiaGymScript3
 FuchsiaGymScript3: ; 7548a (1d:548a)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, FuchsiaGymScript_75477
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 FuchsiaGymScript3_75497: ; 75497 (1d:5497)
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd792
 	set 1, [hl]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $a
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd792
 	set 0, [hl]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	jr .asm_754c0
 	ld a, $b
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -92,55 +92,55 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd792 ; flag's byte
-	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText1 ; 0x55ae TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x55b8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x55b3 TextEndBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x55b3 TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 FuchsiaGymTrainerHeader2: ; 754f7 (1d:54f7)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd792 ; flag's byte
-	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText2 ; 0x55c7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText2 ; 0x55d1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x55cc TextEndBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x55cc TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 FuchsiaGymTrainerHeader3: ; 75503 (1d:5503)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd792 ; flag's byte
-	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText3 ; 0x55e0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText3 ; 0x55ea TextAfterBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x55e5 TextEndBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x55e5 TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 FuchsiaGymTrainerHeader4: ; 7550f (1d:550f)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd792 ; flag's byte
-	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText4 ; 0x55f9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText4 ; 0x5603 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x55fe TextEndBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x55fe TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 FuchsiaGymTrainerHeader5: ; 7551b (1d:551b)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd792 ; flag's byte
-	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText5 ; 0x5612 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText5 ; 0x561c TextAfterBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x5617 TextEndBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x5617 TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 FuchsiaGymTrainerHeader6: ; 75527 (1d:5527)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd792 ; flag's byte
-	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText6 ; 0x562b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText6 ; 0x5635 TextAfterBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x5630 TextEndBattle
-	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x5630 TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymBattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymAfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw FuchsiaGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -148,17 +148,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd792]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_181b6 ; 0x7553a
+	jr z, .asm_181b6
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_adc3b ; 0x7553e
+	jr nz, .asm_adc3b
 	call z, FuchsiaGymScript3_75497
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_e84c6 ; 0x75546
-.asm_adc3b ; 0x75548
+	jr .asm_e84c6
 	ld hl, KogaExplainToxicText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_e84c6 ; 0x7554e
-.asm_181b6 ; 0x75550
+	jr .asm_e84c6
 	ld hl, KogaBeforeBattleText
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
 	ldh [$b4], a
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_e84c6 ; 0x7557e
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 KogaBeforeBattleText: ; 75581 (1d:5581)
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@
 	ld a, [wd792]
 	bit 1, a
 	ld hl, FuchsiaGymText_75653
-	jr nz, .asm_50671 ; 0x75643
+	jr nz, .asm_50671
 	ld hl, FuchsiaGymText_7564e
-.asm_50671 ; 0x75648
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/fuchsiahouse2.asm
+++ b/scripts/fuchsiahouse2.asm
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd78e]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .subtract ; 0x750c8
+	jr nz, .subtract
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr nz, .asm_3f30f ; 0x750cf
+	jr nz, .asm_3f30f
 	ld a, [wd78e]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_60cba ; 0x750d6
+	jr nz, .asm_60cba
 	ld hl, WardenGibberishText1
 	call PrintText
 	call YesNoChoice
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
 	ld hl, WardenGibberishText3
-	jr nz, .asm_61238 ; 0x750e8
+	jr nz, .asm_61238
 	ld hl, WardenGibberishText2
-.asm_61238 ; 0x750ed
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_52039 ; 0x750f0
-.asm_3f30f ; 0x750f2
+	jr .asm_52039
 	ld hl, WardenTeethText1
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, GOLD_TEETH
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	callba RemoveItemByID
 	ld hl, wd78e
 	set 1, [hl]
-.asm_60cba ; 0x75109
 	ld hl, WardenThankYouText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc,(HM_04 << 8) | 1
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd78e
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_52039 ; 0x75122
-.subtract ; 0x75124
+	jr .asm_52039
 	ld hl, HM04ExplanationText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_52039 ; 0x7512a
+	jr .asm_52039
 	ld hl, HM04NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_52039 ; 0x75132
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 WardenGibberishText1: ; 75135 (1d:5135)
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@
 	ldh a, [$8c]
 	cp $4
 	ld hl, FuchsiaHouse2Text_7517b
-	jr nz, .asm_4c9a2 ; 0x7516b
+	jr nz, .asm_4c9a2
 	ld hl, FuchsiaHouse2Text_75176
-.asm_4c9a2 ; 0x75170
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/fuchsiahouse3.asm
+++ b/scripts/fuchsiahouse3.asm
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 	db "@"
 FuchsiaHouse3Text_561c2: ; 561c2 (15:61c2)
-	TX_FAR _FuchsiaHouse3Text_561c2 ; 0xa06e8
+	TX_FAR _FuchsiaHouse3Text_561c2
 	db $0B
 	db "@"
--- a/scripts/gary.asm
+++ b/scripts/gary.asm
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
 	; select which team to use during the encounter
-	jr nz, .NotSquirtle ; 0x75f9f $4
+	jr nz, .NotSquirtle
 	ld a, $1
 	jr .done
-	jr nz, .Charmander ; 0x75fa7 $4
+	jr nz, .Charmander
 	ld a, $2
 	jr .done
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, GaryScript_75f29
-	call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
+	call UpdateSprites
 	ld hl, wd867
 	set 1, [hl]
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
-RLEMovement760b4 ; 760b4 (1d:60b4)
+RLEMovement760b4: ; 760b4 (1d:60b4)
 	db $40,4
 	db $20,1
 	db $ff
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
-GaryScript_760c8 ; 760c8 (1d:60c8)
+GaryScript_760c8: ; 760c8 (1d:60c8)
 	ld a, $f0
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@
 	ld a, [wd867]
 	bit 1, a
 	ld hl, GaryText_760f4
-	jr z, .asm_17e9f ; 0x760e9
+	jr z, .asm_17e9f
 	ld hl, GaryText_76103
-.asm_17e9f ; 0x760ee
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/halloffameroom.asm
+++ b/scripts/halloffameroom.asm
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 	ld c, 600 / 5
 	call DelayFrames
 	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_5a4ff ; 0x5a505 $f8
+	jr nz, .asm_5a4ff
 	call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress
 	jp Init
--- a/scripts/lab2.asm
+++ b/scripts/lab2.asm
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, $7
 	ld [wWhichTrade], a
-	jr asm_78552 ; 0x75c35 $6
+	jr Lab2DoTrade
 Lab2Text3: ; 75c37 (1d:5c37)
 	db $8
 	ld a, $8
 	ld [wWhichTrade], a
-asm_78552: ; 75c3d (1d:5c3d)
+Lab2DoTrade: ; 75c3d (1d:5c3d)
 	predef DoInGameTradeDialogue
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/lab3.asm
+++ b/scripts/lab3.asm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7a1]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_e551a ; 0x75c9a
+	jr nz, .asm_e551a
 	ld hl, TM35PreReceiveText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_35 << 8) | 1
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd7a1
 	set 7, [hl]
-	jr .asm_eb896 ; 0x75cb5
+	jr .asm_eb896
 	ld hl, TM35NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_eb896 ; 0x75cbd
-.asm_e551a ; 0x75cbf
+	jr .asm_eb896
 	ld hl, TM35ExplanationText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_eb896 ; 0x75cc5
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 TM35PreReceiveText: ; 75cc8 (1d:5cc8)
--- a/scripts/lab4.asm
+++ b/scripts/lab4.asm
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, [wd7a3]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_75d96 ; 0x75d72 $22
+	jr nz, .asm_75d96
 	ld hl, Lab4Text_75dc6
 	call PrintText
 	call Lab4Script_75d38
 	ld a, [wcd37]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_75d8d ; 0x75d81 $a
+	jr z, .asm_75d8d
 	callba GiveFossilToCinnabarLab
-	jr .asm_75d93 ; 0x75d8b $6
+	jr .asm_75d93
 	ld hl, Lab4Text_75dcb
 	call PrintText
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_75da2 ; 0x75d98 $8
+	jr z, .asm_75da2
 	ld hl, Lab4Text_75dd0
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_75d93 ; 0x75da0 $f1
+	jr .asm_75d93
 	call LoadFossilItemAndMonNameBank1D
 	ld hl, Lab4Text_75dd5
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
 	ld b, a
 	ld c, 30
 	call GivePokemon
-	jr nc, .asm_75d93 ; 0x75db9 $d8
+	jr nc, .asm_75d93
 	ld hl, wd7a3
 	res 0, [hl]
 	res 1, [hl]
 	res 2, [hl]
-	jr .asm_75d93 ; 0x75dc4 $cd
+	jr .asm_75d93
 Lab4Text_75dc6: ; 75dc6 (1d:5dc6)
 	TX_FAR _Lab4Text_75dc6
--- a/scripts/lance.asm
+++ b/scripts/lance.asm
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
 	jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $3
 	jr nc, .asm_5a325
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 	cp $5
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
 LanceScript2: ; 5a349 (16:6349)
 	call EndTrainerBattle
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, LanceScript_5a2f5
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 LanceScript_5a35b: ; 5a35b (16:635b)
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd866 ; flag's byte
-	dw LanceBeforeBattleText ; 0x63ae TextBeforeBattle
-	dw LanceAfterBattleText ; 0x63b8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw LanceEndBattleText ; 0x63b3 TextEndBattle
-	dw LanceEndBattleText ; 0x63b3 TextEndBattle
+	dw LanceBeforeBattleText ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw LanceAfterBattleText ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw LanceEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
+	dw LanceEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/lavenderhouse1.asm
+++ b/scripts/lavenderhouse1.asm
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7e0]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_72e5d ; 0x1d8be
+	jr nz, .asm_72e5d
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse1Text_1d8d1
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_6957f ; 0x1d8c6
-.asm_72e5d ; 0x1d8c8
+	jr .asm_6957f
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse1Text_1d8d6
 	call PrintText
-.asm_6957f ; 0x1d8ce
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 LavenderHouse1Text_1d8d1: ; 1d8d1 (7:58d1)
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7e0]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_06470 ; 0x1d8e1
+	jr nz, .asm_06470
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse1Text_1d8f4
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_3d208 ; 0x1d8e9
-.asm_06470 ; 0x1d8eb
+	jr .asm_3d208
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse1Text_1d8f9
 	call PrintText
-.asm_3d208 ; 0x1d8f1
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 LavenderHouse1Text_1d8f4: ; 1d8f4 (7:58f4)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd76c]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_15ac2 ; 0x1d91e
+	jr nz, .asm_15ac2
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse1Text_1d94c
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (POKE_FLUTE << 8) | 1
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd76c
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_da749 ; 0x1d939
+	jr .asm_da749
 	ld hl, FluteNoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_da749 ; 0x1d941
-.asm_15ac2 ; 0x1d943
+	jr .asm_da749
 	ld hl, MrFujiAfterFluteText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_da749 ; 0x1d949
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 LavenderHouse1Text_1d94c: ; 1d94c (7:594c)
--- a/scripts/lavenderhouse2.asm
+++ b/scripts/lavenderhouse2.asm
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7e0]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_65711 ; 0x1d9c9
+	jr nz, .asm_65711
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse2Text_1d9dc
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_64be1 ; 0x1d9d1
-.asm_65711 ; 0x1d9d3
+	jr .asm_64be1
 	ld hl, LavenderHouse2Text_1d9e1
 	call PrintText
-.asm_64be1 ; 0x1d9d9
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 LavenderHouse2Text_1d9dc: ; 1d9dc (7:59dc)
--- a/scripts/lavendermart.asm
+++ b/scripts/lavendermart.asm
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7e0]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_c88d4 ; 0x5c940
+	jr nz, .asm_c88d4
 	ld hl, LavenderMart_5c953
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_6d225 ; 0x5c948
-.asm_c88d4 ; 0x5c94a
+	jr .asm_6d225
 	ld hl, LavenderMart_5c958
 	call PrintText
-.asm_6d225 ; 0x5c950
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 LavenderMart_5c953: ; 5c953 (17:4953)
--- a/scripts/lavendertown.asm
+++ b/scripts/lavendertown.asm
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
 	ld hl, LavenderTownText_44146
-	jr nz, .asm_40831 ; 0x44131
+	jr nz, .asm_40831
 	ld hl, LavenderTownText_44141
-.asm_40831 ; 0x44136
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/lorelei.asm
+++ b/scripts/lorelei.asm
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
 LoreleiScript4: ; 761c5 (1d:61c5)
-asm_761c6: ; 761c6 (1d:61c6)
+LoreleiScript_761c6: ; 761c6 (1d:61c6)
 	ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd
 	ld a, D_UP
 	ld [hli], a
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
 LoreleiScript0: ; 761e2 (1d:61e2)
 	ld hl, CoordsData_76223
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
@@ -66,16 +68,16 @@
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $3
 	jr c, .asm_76206
 	ld hl, wd863
 	bit 6, [hl]
 	set 6, [hl]
-	jr z, asm_761c6
+	jr z, LoreleiScript_761c6
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, D_UP
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
@@ -106,11 +108,11 @@
 LoreleiScript2: ; 7623f (1d:623f)
 	call EndTrainerBattle
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, LoreleiScript_761b6
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 LoreleiTextPointers: ; 76251 (1d:6251)
@@ -122,10 +124,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd863 ; flag's byte
-	dw LoreleiBeforeBattleText ; 0x626c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw LoreleiAfterBattleText ; 0x6276 TextAfterBattle
-	dw LoreleiEndBattleText ; 0x6271 TextEndBattle
-	dw LoreleiEndBattleText ; 0x6271 TextEndBattle
+	dw LoreleiBeforeBattleText ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw LoreleiAfterBattleText ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw LoreleiEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
+	dw LoreleiEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/mansion1.asm
+++ b/scripts/mansion1.asm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	ret z
 	ld a, [wd796]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_442ec ; 0x442d2 $18
+	jr nz, .asm_442ec
 	ld bc, $060c
 	call Mansion1Script_4430b
 	ld bc, $0308
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
 Mansion1Script_44304: ; 44304 (11:4304)
 	ld a, $2d
 	ld [wd09f], a
-	jr asm_44310
+	jr Mansion1ReplaceBlock
 Mansion1Script_4430b: ; 4430b (11:430b)
 	ld a, $e
 	ld [wd09f], a
-asm_44310: ; 44310 (11:4310)
+Mansion1ReplaceBlock: ; 44310 (11:4310)
 	predef ReplaceTileBlock
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd798 ; flag's byte
-	dw Mansion1BattleText2 ; 0x434b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Mansion1AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4355 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Mansion1EndBattleText2 ; 0x4350 TextEndBattle
-	dw Mansion1EndBattleText2 ; 0x4350 TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion1BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Mansion1AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Mansion1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_4438c ; 0x44368 $22
+	jr nz, .asm_4438c
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, wd126
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
 	ld hl, wd796
 	bit 0, [hl]
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_44392 ; 0x44386 $a
+	jr z, .asm_44392
 	res 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_44392 ; 0x4438a $6
+	jr .asm_44392
 	ld hl, MansionSwitchNotPressedText
 	call PrintText
--- a/scripts/mansion2.asm
+++ b/scripts/mansion2.asm
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd847 ; flag's byte
-	dw Mansion2BattleText1 ; 0x606e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Mansion2AfterBattleText1 ; 0x6078 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Mansion2EndBattleText1 ; 0x6073 TextEndBattle
-	dw Mansion2EndBattleText1 ; 0x6073 TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion2BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Mansion2AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Mansion2EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion2EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_520b9 ; 0x52095 $22
+	jr nz, .asm_520b9
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, wd126
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
 	ld hl, wd796
 	bit 0, [hl]
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_520bf ; 0x520b3 $a
+	jr z, .asm_520bf
 	res 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_520bf ; 0x520b7 $6
+	jr .asm_520bf
 	ld hl, Mansion2Text_520cc
 	call PrintText
--- a/scripts/mansion3.asm
+++ b/scripts/mansion3.asm
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	ret nz
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	ret nc
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	ld [wWhichDungeonWarp], a
 	ld hl, wd72d
 	set 4, [hl]
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, $6
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 Mansion3TextPointers: ; 5228a (14:628a)
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd849 ; flag's byte
-	dw Mansion3BattleText1 ; 0x62c3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Mansion3AfterBattleText1 ; 0x62cd TextAfterBattle
-	dw Mansion3EndBattleText1 ; 0x62c8 TextEndBattle
-	dw Mansion3EndBattleText1 ; 0x62c8 TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion3BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Mansion3AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Mansion3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Mansion3TrainerHeader2: ; 522a2 (14:62a2)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd849 ; flag's byte
-	dw Mansion3BattleText2 ; 0x62d2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Mansion3AfterBattleText2 ; 0x62dc TextAfterBattle
-	dw Mansion3EndBattleText2 ; 0x62d7 TextEndBattle
-	dw Mansion3EndBattleText2 ; 0x62d7 TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Mansion3AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Mansion3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/mansion4.asm
+++ b/scripts/mansion4.asm
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 Mansion4ScriptPointers: ; 52430 (14:6430)
@@ -75,19 +75,19 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd84b ; flag's byte
-	dw Mansion4BattleText1 ; 0x6475 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Mansion4AfterBattleText1 ; 0x647f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Mansion4EndBattleText1 ; 0x647a TextEndBattle
-	dw Mansion4EndBattleText1 ; 0x647a TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion4BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Mansion4AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Mansion4EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion4EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Mansion4TrainerHeader2: ; 52454 (14:6454)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd84b ; flag's byte
-	dw Mansion4BattleText2 ; 0x6484 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Mansion4AfterBattleText2 ; 0x648e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Mansion4EndBattleText2 ; 0x6489 TextEndBattle
-	dw Mansion4EndBattleText2 ; 0x6489 TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion4BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Mansion4AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Mansion4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Mansion4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/mtmoon1.asm
+++ b/scripts/mtmoon1.asm
@@ -33,64 +33,64 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText2 ; 0x5a98 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5aa2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText2 ; 0x5a9d TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText2 ; 0x5a9d TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon1TrainerHeader2: ; 49a09 (12:5a09)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText3 ; 0x5aa7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5ab1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText3 ; 0x5aac TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText3 ; 0x5aac TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon1TrainerHeader3: ; 49a15 (12:5a15)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText4 ; 0x5ab6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5ac0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText4 ; 0x5abb TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText4 ; 0x5abb TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon1TrainerHeader4: ; 49a21 (12:5a21)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText5 ; 0x5ac5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5acf TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText5 ; 0x5aca TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText5 ; 0x5aca TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon1TrainerHeader5: ; 49a2d (12:5a2d)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText6 ; 0x5ad4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5ade TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText6 ; 0x5ad9 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText6 ; 0x5ad9 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon1TrainerHeader6: ; 49a39 (12:5a39)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText7 ; 0x5ae3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText7 ; 0x5aed TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText7 ; 0x5ae8 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText7 ; 0x5ae8 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon1TrainerHeader7: ; 49a45 (12:5a45)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f5 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon1BattleText8 ; 0x5af2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5afc TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText8 ; 0x5af7 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText8 ; 0x5af7 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon1AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon1EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/mtmoon3.asm
+++ b/scripts/mtmoon3.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 MtMoon3Script: ; 49d0b (12:5d0b)
 	call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
-	ld hl, MtMoon3TrainerHeader0 ; $5e48
+	ld hl, MtMoon3TrainerHeader0
 	ld de, MtMoon3ScriptPointers
 	call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	ret z
 	ld hl, CoordsData_49d37
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
-	jr nc, .asm_49d31 ; 0x49d29 $6
+	jr nc, .asm_49d31
 	ld hl, wd72e
 	set 4, [hl]
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@
 	ld a, [wd7f6]
 	bit 1, a
 	jp nz, MtMoon3Script_49d91
-	ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; wd361
+	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	cp $8
 	jp nz, MtMoon3Script_49d91
-	ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; wd362
+	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $d
 	jp nz, MtMoon3Script_49d91
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp DisplayTextID
 MtMoon3Script_49d91: ; 49d91 (12:5d91)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 MtMoon3Script3: ; 49d9a (12:5d9a)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, MtMoon3Script_49d58
 	call UpdateSprites
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 MtMoon3Script4: ; 49dba (12:5dba)
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
 	ld hl, CoordsData_49dea
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 	ld de, MovementData_49df8
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call MoveSprite
 	ld a, $5
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld a, $a
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, [wd7f6]
 	bit 6, a
@@ -176,37 +176,37 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f6 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon3BattleText2 ; 0x5f9f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5fa9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText2 ; 0x5fa4 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText2 ; 0x5fa4 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon3TrainerHeader2: ; 49e54 (12:5e54)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f6 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon3BattleText3 ; 0x5fae TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5fb8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText3 ; 0x5fb3 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText3 ; 0x5fb3 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon3TrainerHeader3: ; 49e60 (12:5e60)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f6 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon3BattleText4 ; 0x5fbd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5fc7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText4 ; 0x5fc2 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText4 ; 0x5fc2 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 MtMoon3TrainerHeader4: ; 49e6c (12:5e6c)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f6 ; flag's byte
-	dw MtMoon3BattleText5 ; 0x5fcc TextBeforeBattle
-	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5fd6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText5 ; 0x5fd1 TextEndBattle
-	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText5 ; 0x5fd1 TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw MtMoon3AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw MtMoon3EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7f6]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_be1e0 ; 0x49e7f
+	jr z, .asm_49e8d
 	and $c0
-	jr nz, .asm_f8cd4 ; 0x49e83
+	jr nz, .asm_49eb8
 	ld hl, MtMoon3Text_49f8f
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_f1fba ; 0x49e8b
-.asm_be1e0 ; 0x49e8d
+	jr .asm_49ebe
 	ld hl, MtMoon3Text_49f85
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@
 	ld a, $3
-	jr .asm_f1fba ; 0x49eb6
-.asm_f8cd4 ; 0x49eb8
+	jr .asm_49ebe
 	ld hl, MtMoon3Text_49f94
 	call PrintText
-.asm_f1fba ; 0x49ebe
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 MtMoon3Text2: ; 49ec1 (12:5ec1)
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
 MtMoon3Text5: ; 49edf (12:5edf)
 	db $08 ; asm
-	ld hl, MtMoon3TrainerHeader4 ; $5e6c
+	ld hl, MtMoon3TrainerHeader4
 	call TalkToTrainer
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_1fa5e ; 0x49efc
+	jr nz, .asm_49f21
 	ld bc,(DOME_FOSSIL << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	jp nc, MtMoon3Script_49f76
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 	ld a, $4
-.asm_1fa5e ; 0x49f21
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 MtMoon3Text_49f24: ; 49f24 (12:5f24)
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_8e988 ; 0x49f3c
+	jr nz, .asm_49f61
 	ld bc, (HELIX_FOSSIL << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	jp nc, MtMoon3Script_49f76
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
 	ld a, $4
-.asm_8e988 ; 0x49f61
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 MtMoon3Text_49f64: ; 49f64 (12:5f64)
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
 	jp PrintText
 MtMoon3Text_49f6f: ; 49f6f (12:5f6f)
-	TX_FAR _MtMoon3Text_49f6f ; 0x80995
+	TX_FAR _MtMoon3Text_49f6f
 	db $11, $d, "@"
 MtMoon3Script_49f76: ; 49f76 (12:5f76)
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 MtMoon3Text_49f7f: ; 49f7f (12:5f7f)
-	TX_FAR _MtMoon3Text_49f7f ; 0x809a8
+	TX_FAR _MtMoon3Text_49f7f
 	db $d, "@"
 MtMoon3Text_49f85: ; 49f85 (12:5f85)
--- a/scripts/mtmoonpokecenter.asm
+++ b/scripts/mtmoonpokecenter.asm
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
 	ld a, $5
 	ldh [$a0], a
 	call HasEnoughMoney
-	jr nc, .asm_faa09 ; 0x49317
+	jr nc, .asm_faa09
 	ld hl, MtMoonPokecenterText_49366
-	jr .asm_49356 ; 0x4931c
-.asm_faa09 ; 0x4931e
+	jr .asm_49356
 	ld bc,(MAGIKARP << 8) | 5
 	call GivePokemon
-	jr nc, .asm_49359 ; 0x49324
+	jr nc, .asm_49359
 	xor a
 	ld [wWhichTrade], a
 	ld [wTrainerFacingDirection], a
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@
 	call DisplayTextBoxID
 	ld hl, wd7c6
 	set 7, [hl]
-	jr .asm_49359 ; 0x4934c
-.asm_4934e ; 0x4934e
+	jr .asm_49359
 	ld hl, MtMoonPokecenterText_49361
-	jr .asm_49356 ; 0x49351
-.asm_49353 ; 0x49353
+	jr .asm_49356
 	ld hl, MtMoonPokecenterText_4936b
-.asm_49356 ; 0x49356
 	call PrintText
-.asm_49359 ; 0x49359
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 MtMoonPokecenterText_4935c: ; 4935c (12:535c)
--- a/scripts/museum1f.asm
+++ b/scripts/museum1f.asm
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 	ret nz
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $9
-	jr z, .asm_5c120 ; 0x5c118 $6
+	jr z, .asm_5c120
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $a
 	ret nz
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	jr nz, .asm_31a16
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c23d
 	call PrintText
-	jp asm_d1145
+	jp Museum1FScriptEnd
 	ld a, [wd754]
 	bit 0, a
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c242
 	call PrintText
-	jp asm_d1145
+	jp Museum1FScriptEnd
 	ld a, $13
 	ld [wTextBoxID], a
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
 	jr .asm_0b094
-	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c21a ; $421a
+	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c21a
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
 	call StartSimulatingJoypadStates
 	call UpdateSprites
-	jr asm_d1145
+	jr Museum1FScriptEnd
 	ld a, $1
-	jr asm_d1145
+	jr Museum1FScriptEnd
 Museum1FScript_5c1f9: ; 5c1f9 (17:41f9)
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c22e
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@
 	jr nz, .asm_d1144
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c233
 	call PrintText
-	jr asm_d1145
+	jr Museum1FScriptEnd
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c238
 	call PrintText
-asm_d1145: ; 5c217 (17:4217)
+Museum1FScriptEnd: ; 5c217 (17:4217)
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Museum1FText_5c21a: ; 5c21a (17:421a)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd754]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_16599 ; 0x5c25c
+	jr nz, .asm_5c285
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c28e
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (OLD_AMBER << 8) | 1
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
 	ld hl, ReceivedOldAmberText
-	jr .asm_52e0f ; 0x5c27e
+	jr .asm_5c288
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c29e
-	jr .asm_52e0f ; 0x5c283
-.asm_16599 ; 0x5c285
+	jr .asm_5c288
 	ld hl, Museum1FText_5c299
-.asm_52e0f ; 0x5c288
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/namerater.asm
+++ b/scripts/namerater.asm
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 	ld de, wPlayerName
 	ld c, $b
 	call .asm_1da47
-	jr c, .asm_1da52 ; 0x1da34 $1c
+	jr c, .asm_1da52
 	ld hl, wPartyMon1OTID
 	ld bc, $002c
 	ld a, [wWhichPokemon]
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 	ld a, [de]
 	cp [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_1da52 ; 0x1da49 $7
+	jr nz, .asm_1da52
 	inc hl
 	inc de
 	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_1da47 ; 0x1da4e $f7
+	jr nz, .asm_1da47
 	and a
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dab3
 	call NameRaterScript_1da15
-	jr nz, .asm_1daae ; 0x1da60 $4c
+	jr nz, .asm_1daae
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dab8
 	call PrintText
 	xor a
@@ -58,18 +58,18 @@
 	call RestoreScreenTilesAndReloadTilePatterns
 	call LoadGBPal
 	pop af
-	jr c, .asm_1daae ; 0x1da80 $2c
+	jr c, .asm_1daae
 	call GetPartyMonName2
 	call NameRaterScript_1da20
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dad1
-	jr c, .asm_1daa8 ; 0x1da8b $1b
+	jr c, .asm_1daa8
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dabd
 	call NameRaterScript_1da15
-	jr nz, .asm_1daae ; 0x1da93 $19
+	jr nz, .asm_1daae
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dac2
 	call PrintText
 	callba Func_655c
-	jr c, .asm_1daae ; 0x1daa3 $9
+	jr c, .asm_1daae
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dac7
 	call PrintText
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 	ld hl, NameRaterText_1dacc
-	jr .asm_1daa8 ; 0x1dab1 $f5
+	jr .asm_1daa8
 NameRaterText_1dab3: ; 1dab3 (7:5ab3)
 	TX_FAR _NameRaterText_1dab3
--- a/scripts/oakslab.asm
+++ b/scripts/oakslab.asm
@@ -194,17 +194,17 @@
 OaksLabScript8: ; 1cc80 (7:4c80)
-	jr z, .Charmander ; 0x1cc85 $6
+	jr z, .Charmander
-	jr z, .Squirtle ; 0x1cc89 $1d
-	jr .Bulbasaur ; 0x1cc8b $38
+	jr z, .Squirtle
+	jr .Bulbasaur
 	ld de, .MiddleBallMovement1
 	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	cp $4 ; is the player standing below the table?
-	jr z, .asm_1ccf3 ; 0x1cc95 $5c
+	jr z, .asm_1ccf3
 	ld de, .MiddleBallMovement2
-	jr .asm_1ccf3 ; 0x1cc9a $57
+	jr .asm_1ccf3
 	db 0,0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$40,$FF
@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@
 	ld de, .RightBallMovement1
 	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	cp $4 ; is the player standing below the table?
-	jr z, .asm_1ccf3 ; 0x1ccb0 $41
+	jr z, .asm_1ccf3
 	ld de, .RightBallMovement2
-	jr .asm_1ccf3 ; 0x1ccb5 $3c
+	jr .asm_1ccf3
 	db 0,0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$40,$FF
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 	ld de, .LeftBallMovement1
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $9 ; is the player standing to the right of the table?
-	jr nz, .asm_1ccf3 ; 0x1cccd $24
+	jr nz, .asm_1ccf3
 	push hl
 	ld a, $1
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 	ld [hl], $9
 	ld de, .LeftBallMovement2 ; the rival is not currently onscreen, so account for that
 	pop hl
-	jr .asm_1ccf3 ; 0x1cced $4
+	jr .asm_1ccf3
 	db $00,$C0 ; not yet terminated!
@@ -279,14 +279,14 @@
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance]
 	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_1cd28 ; 0x1cd22 $4
+	jr nz, .asm_1cd28
-	jr .asm_1cd32 ; 0x1cd26 $a
+	jr .asm_1cd32
 	cp $3
-	jr nz, .asm_1cd30 ; 0x1cd2a $4
+	jr nz, .asm_1cd30
-	jr .asm_1cd32 ; 0x1cd2e $2
+	jr .asm_1cd32
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 	ld [wd528], a
 	ld c, BANK(Music_MeetRival)
-	call PlayMusic ; play music
+	call PlayMusic
 	ld a, $f
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -361,14 +361,14 @@
-	jr nz, .NotSquirtle ; 0x1cdc9 $4
+	jr nz, .NotSquirtle
 	ld a, $1
-	jr .done ; 0x1cdcd $a
+	jr .done
-	jr nz, .Charmander ; 0x1cdd1 $4
+	jr nz, .Charmander
 	ld a, $2
-	jr .done ; 0x1cdd5 $2
+	jr .done
 	ld a, $3
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 OaksLabScript13: ; 1ce32 (7:4e32)
-	ld c, $14
+	ld c, 20
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld a, $10
 	ld [$ff8c], a
@@ -426,9 +426,9 @@
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $4
 	; move left or right depending on where the player is standing
-	jr nz, .asm_1ce5b ; 0x1ce55 $4
+	jr nz, .asm_1ce5b
 	ld a, $c0
-	jr .asm_1ce5d ; 0x1ce59 $2
+	jr .asm_1ce5d
 	ld a, $80
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
 OaksLabScript14: ; 1ce6d (7:4e6d)
 	ld a, [wd730]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_1ce8c ; 0x1ce72 $18
+	jr nz, .asm_1ce8c
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
@@ -453,21 +453,21 @@
 	call PlayDefaultMusic ; reset to map music
 	ld a, $12
-	jr .done ; 0x1ce8a $23
+	jr .done
 	ld a, [wcf0f]
 	cp $5
-	jr nz, .asm_1cea8 ; 0x1ce91 $15
+	jr nz, .asm_1cea8
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_1cea1 ; 0x1ce98 $7
+	jr nz, .asm_1cea1
 	ld a, $c
 	ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a
-	jr .done ; 0x1ce9f $e
+	jr .done
 	ld a, $8
 	ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a
-	jr .done ; 0x1cea6 $7
+	jr .done
 	cp $4
 	ret nz
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
-OaksLabScript_1cefd ; 1cefd (7:4efd)
+OaksLabScript_1cefd: ; 1cefd (7:4efd)
 	ld a, $1
 	ld a, $4
@@ -631,10 +631,10 @@
 	cp $ff
 	ret z
-	jr z, .GotParcel ; 0x1d016 $4
+	jr z, .GotParcel
 	inc hl
 	inc c
-	jr .asm_1d010 ; 0x1d01a $f4
+	jr .asm_1d010
 	ld hl, wNumBagItems
 	ld a, c
@@ -650,20 +650,20 @@
 	ld [$ffee], a
 	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	cp $3
-	jr nz, .asm_1d045 ; 0x1d038 $b
+	jr nz, .asm_1d045
 	ld a, $4
 	ld [wNPCMovementDirections2Index], a
 	ld a, $30
 	ld b, $b
-	jr .asm_1d068 ; 0x1d043 $23
+	jr .asm_1d068
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_1d054 ; 0x1d047 $b
+	jr nz, .asm_1d054
 	ld a, $2
 	ld [wNPCMovementDirections2Index], a
 	ld a, $30
 	ld b, $9
-	jr .asm_1d068 ; 0x1d052 $14
+	jr .asm_1d068
 	ld a, $3
 	ld [wNPCMovementDirections2Index], a
@@ -670,9 +670,9 @@
 	ld b, $a
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_1d066 ; 0x1d060 $4
+	jr nz, .asm_1d066
 	ld a, $40
-	jr .asm_1d068 ; 0x1d064 $2
+	jr .asm_1d068
 	ld a, $20
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
 OaksLabScript_1d076: ; 1d076 (7:5076)
-	ld hl, OaksLabTextPointers + $36 ; $50b8 ; starts at OaksLabText28
+	ld hl, OaksLabTextPointers + $36 ; starts at OaksLabText28
 	ld a, l
 	ld [W_MAPTEXTPTR], a
 	ld a, h
@@ -737,20 +737,20 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd74b]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_1d0de ; 0x1d0d4
+	jr nz, .asm_1d0de
 	ld hl, OaksLabGaryText1
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_1d0f0 ; 0x1d0dc
-.asm_1d0de ; 0x1d0de
+	jr .asm_1d0f0
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_1d0ea ; 0x1d0e0
+	jr nz, .asm_1d0ea
 	ld hl, OaksLabText40
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_1d0f0 ; 0x1d0e8
-.asm_1d0ea ; 0x1d0ea
+	jr .asm_1d0f0
 	ld hl, OaksLabText41
 	call PrintText
-.asm_1d0f0 ; 0x1d0f0
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 OaksLabGaryText1: ; 1d0f3 (7:50f3)
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
 	ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a
 	ld a, STARTER1
 	ld b, $2
-	jr OaksLabScript_1d133 ; 0x1d111 $20
+	jr OaksLabScript_1d133
 OaksLabText30: ; 1d113 (7:5113)
 OaksLabText3: ; 1d113 (7:5113)
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
 	ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a
 	ld a, STARTER2
 	ld b, $3
-	jr OaksLabScript_1d133 ; 0x1d122 $f
+	jr OaksLabScript_1d133
 OaksLabText31: ; 1d124 (7:5124)
 OaksLabText4: ; 1d124 (7:5124)
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@
 	bit 2, a
 	jp nz, OaksLabScript_1d22d
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, OaksLabScript_1d157 ; 0x1d147 $e
+	jr nz, OaksLabScript_1d157
 	ld hl, OaksLabText39
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -822,7 +822,6 @@
 	ld [$ff8b], a
 	call GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1
 	ld [hl], $0
-	; manually fixed some disassembler issues around here
 	ld a, $1
 	ld a, $9
@@ -835,7 +834,7 @@
 	ld hl, wd730
 	res 6, [hl]
 	call ReloadMapData
-	ld c, $a
+	ld c, 10
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld a, [wSpriteIndex]
 	cp $2
@@ -844,7 +843,7 @@
 	jr z, OaksLabLookAtSquirtle
 	jr OaksLabLookAtBulbasaur
-OaksLabLookAtCharmander ; 0x1d195
+OaksLabLookAtCharmander: ; 1d195 (7:5195)
 	ld hl, OaksLabCharmanderText
 	jr OaksLabMonChoiceMenu
 OaksLabCharmanderText: ; 1d19a (7:519a)
@@ -879,17 +878,17 @@
 	call GetMonName
 	ld a, [wSpriteIndex]
 	cp $2
-	jr nz, asm_1d1db ; 0x1d1d5 $4
+	jr nz, .asm_1d1db
-	jr asm_1d1e5 ; 0x1d1d9 $a
-asm_1d1db: ; 1d1db (7:51db)
+	jr .asm_1d1e5
 	cp $3
-	jr nz, asm_1d1e3 ; 0x1d1dd $4
+	jr nz, .asm_1d1e3
-	jr asm_1d1e5 ; 0x1d1e1 $2
-asm_1d1e3: ; 1d1e3 (7:51e3)
+	jr .asm_1d1e5
-asm_1d1e5: ; 1d1e5 (7:51e5)
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
 	ld a, $1
@@ -942,77 +941,77 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd747]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_50e81 ; 0x1d24e
+	jr nz, .asm_1d266
 	ld hl, wPokedexOwned
 	ld b, wPokedexOwnedEnd - wPokedexOwned
 	call CountSetBits
 	ld a, [wd11e]
 	cp $2
-	jr c, .asm_b28b0 ; 0x1d25d
+	jr c, .asm_1d279
 	ld a, [wd74b]
 	bit 5, a
-	jr z, .asm_b28b0 ; 0x1d264
-.asm_50e81 ; 0x1d266
+	jr z, .asm_1d279
 	ld hl, OaksLabText_1d31d
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	predef DisplayDexRating
-	jp .asm_0f042
-.asm_b28b0 ; 0x1d279
+	jp .asm_1d2ed
 	ld b,POKE_BALL
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr nz, .asm_17c30 ; 0x1d27e
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2e7
 	ld a, [wd7eb]
 	bit 5, a
-	jr nz, .asm_f1adc ; 0x1d285
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2d0
 	ld a, [wd74b]
 	bit 5, a
-	jr nz, .asm_333a2 ; 0x1d28c
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2c8
 	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_76269 ; 0x1d290
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2a9
 	ld a, [wd72e]
 	bit 3, a
-	jr nz, .asm_4a5e0 ; 0x1d297
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2a1
 	ld hl, OaksLabText_1d2f0
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_0f042 ; 0x1d29f
-.asm_4a5e0 ; 0x1d2a1
+	jr .asm_1d2ed
 	ld hl, OaksLabText_1d2f5
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_0f042 ; 0x1d2a7
-.asm_76269 ; 0x1d2a9
+	jr .asm_1d2ed
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr nz, .asm_a8fcf ; 0x1d2ae
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2b8
 	ld hl, OaksLabText_1d2fa
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_0f042 ; 0x1d2b6
-.asm_a8fcf ; 0x1d2b8
+	jr .asm_1d2ed
 	ld hl, OaksLabDeliverParcelText
 	call PrintText
 	call OaksLabScript_1d00a
 	ld a, $f
-	jr .asm_0f042 ; 0x1d2c6
-.asm_333a2 ; 0x1d2c8
+	jr .asm_1d2ed
 	ld hl, OaksLabAroundWorldText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_0f042 ; 0x1d2ce
-.asm_f1adc ; 0x1d2d0
+	jr .asm_1d2ed
 	ld hl, wd74b
 	bit 4, [hl]
 	set 4, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_17c30 ; 0x1d2d7
+	jr nz, .asm_1d2e7
 	ld bc, (POKE_BALL << 8) | 5
 	call GiveItem
 	ld hl, OaksLabGivePokeballsText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_0f042 ; 0x1d2e5
-.asm_17c30 ; 0x1d2e7
+	jr .asm_1d2ed
 	ld hl, OaksLabPleaseVisitText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_0f042 ; 0x1d2ed
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 OaksLabText_1d2f0: ; 1d2f0 (7:52f0)
--- a/scripts/pallettown.asm
+++ b/scripts/pallettown.asm
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	ld a, BANK(Music_MeetProfOak)
 	ld c,a ; song bank
 	ld a, MUSIC_MEET_PROF_OAK ; “oak appears” music
-	call PlayMusic ; plays music
+	call PlayMusic
 	ld a,$FC
 	ld [wJoyIgnore],a
 	ld hl,wd74b
--- a/scripts/pewtercity.asm
+++ b/scripts/pewtercity.asm
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 	call SetSpritePosition1
 	ld a, $3
 	ld [$ff8c], a
-	ld de, MovementData_PewterMuseumGuyExit ; $52ce
+	ld de, MovementData_PewterMuseumGuyExit
 	call MoveSprite
 	ld a, $2
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_f46a9 ; 0x193bf
+	jr nz, .asm_193c9
 	ld hl, PewterCityText_193f6
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_ac429 ; 0x193c7
-.asm_f46a9 ; 0x193c9
+	jr .asm_193ee
 	ld hl, PewterCityText_193fb
 	call PrintText
 	xor a
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 	call GetSpritePosition2
 	ld a, $1
-.asm_ac429 ; 0x193ee
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 PewterCityText_193f1: ; 193f1 (6:53f1)
@@ -246,14 +246,14 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	cp $0
-	jr nz, .asm_e4603
+	jr nz, .asm_1941e
 	ld hl, PewterCityText_1942c
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_e4604 ; 0x1941c $6
+	jr .asm_19424
 	ld hl, PewterCityText_19431
 	call PrintText
-.asm_e4604 ; 0x19424
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 PewterCityText_19427: ; 19427 (6:5427)
--- a/scripts/pewtergym.asm
+++ b/scripts/pewtergym.asm
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 PewterGymScript_5c3a4: ; 5c3a4 (17:43a4)
-	ld hl, Gym1CityName ; $43ad
-	ld de, Gym1LeaderName ; $43b9
+	ld hl, Gym1CityName
+	ld de, Gym1LeaderName
 	jp LoadGymLeaderAndCityName
 Gym1CityName: ; 5c3ad (17:43ad)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	dw PewterGymScript3
 PewterGymScript3: ; 5c3d2 (17:43d2)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, PewterGymScript_5c3bf
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 PewterGymScript_5c3df: ; 5c3df (17:43df)
 	ld a, $4
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd755
 	set 7, [hl]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $5
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd755
 	set 6, [hl]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	jr .asm_5c408
 	ld a, $6
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($5 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd755 ; flag's byte
-	dw PewterGymBattleText1 ; 0x44d0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PewterGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x44da TextAfterBattle
-	dw PewterGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x44d5 TextEndBattle
-	dw PewterGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x44d5 TextEndBattle
+	dw PewterGymBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PewterGymAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PewterGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PewterGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd755]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_4a735 ; 0x5c454
+	jr z, .asm_5c46a
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_ff7d0 ; 0x5c458
+	jr nz, .asm_5c462
 	call z, PewterGymScript_5c3df
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_e0ffb ; 0x5c460
-.asm_ff7d0 ; 0x5c462
+	jr .asm_5c49b
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c4a3
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_e0ffb ; 0x5c468
-.asm_4a735 ; 0x5c46a
+	jr .asm_5c49b
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c49e
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_e0ffb ; 0x5c49b
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 PewterGymText_5c49e: ; 5c49e (17:449e)
@@ -191,27 +191,27 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd72a]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_71369 ; 0x5c4e5
+	jr nz, .asm_5c50c
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c515
 	call PrintText
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_6123a ; 0x5c4f4
+	jr nz, .asm_5c4fe
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c51a
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_d1578 ; 0x5c4fc
-.asm_6123a ; 0x5c4fe
+	jr .asm_5c504
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c524
 	call PrintText
-.asm_d1578 ; 0x5c504
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c51f
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_07013 ; 0x5c50a
-.asm_71369 ; 0x5c50c
+	jr .asm_5c512
 	ld hl, PewterGymText_5c529
 	call PrintText
-.asm_07013 ; 0x5c512
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 PewterGymText_5c515: ; 5c515 (17:4515)
--- a/scripts/pewterpokecenter.asm
+++ b/scripts/pewterpokecenter.asm
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $ff
 	call PlaySound
-	ld c, $20
+	ld c, 32
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld hl, JigglypuffFacingDirections
 	ld de, wTrainerFacingDirection
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	cp [hl]
 	inc hl
-	jr nz, .asm_5c5c3 ; 0x5c5c5 $fc
+	jr nz, .asm_5c5c3
 	dec hl
 	push hl
 	ld c, BANK(Music_JigglypuffSong)
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@
 	ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance]
 	ld [wcd42], a
 	pop hl
-	ld c, $18
+	ld c, 24
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld a, [wc026]
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, [wc027]
 	or b
-	jr nz, .asm_5c5d1 ; 0x5c5f6 $d9
-	ld c, $30
+	jr nz, .asm_5c5d1
+	ld c, 48
 	call DelayFrames
 	call PlayDefaultMusic
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/pokemontower2.asm
+++ b/scripts/pokemontower2.asm
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd764]
 	bit 7, a
 	ret nz
-	ld hl, CoordsData_6055e ; $455e
+	ld hl, CoordsData_6055e
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	ret nc
 	ld a, $ff
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	cp $1
 	ld a, $8
 	ld b, $0
-	jr nz, .asm_60544 ; 0x60539 $9
+	jr nz, .asm_60544
 	ld hl, wd764
 	set 6, [hl]
 	ld a, $2
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	ld de, MovementData_605b2
 	ld a, [wd764]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_60589 ; 0x60584 $3
+	jr nz, .asm_60589
 	ld de, MovementData_605a9
 	ld a, $1
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd764]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_16f24 ; 0x605e5
+	jr z, .asm_16f24
 	ld hl, PokemonTower2Text_6063c
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_41852 ; 0x605ed
-.asm_16f24 ; 0x605ef
+	jr .asm_41852
 	ld hl, PokemonTower2Text_6062d
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 	set 6, [hl]
 	set 7, [hl]
 	ld hl, PokemonTower2Text_60632
-	ld de, PokemonTower2Text_60637 ; XXX $4637
+	ld de, PokemonTower2Text_60637
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	ld a, SONY2 + $c8
@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@
 	; select which team to use during the encounter
-	jr nz, .NotSquirtle ; 0x6060f
+	jr nz, .NotSquirtle
 	ld a, $4
 	jr .done
-.NotSquirtle ; 0x60615
-	jr nz, .Charmander ; 0x60617
+	jr nz, .Charmander
 	ld a, $5
 	jr .done
-.Charmander ; 0x6061d
 	ld a, $6
 	ld [W_TRAINERNO], a
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 	ld a, $1
-.asm_41852 ; 0x6062a
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 PokemonTower2Text_6062d: ; 6062d (18:462d)
--- a/scripts/pokemontower3.asm
+++ b/scripts/pokemontower3.asm
@@ -23,28 +23,28 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd765 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower3BattleText1 ; 0x4730 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3AfterBattleText1 ; 0x473a TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText1 ; 0x4735 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText1 ; 0x4735 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower3TrainerHeader1: ; 606f9 (18:46f9)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd765 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower3BattleText2 ; 0x473f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4749 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText2 ; 0x4744 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText2 ; 0x4744 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower3TrainerHeader2: ; 60705 (18:4705)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd765 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower3BattleText3 ; 0x474e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4758 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText3 ; 0x4753 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText3 ; 0x4753 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
 PokemonTower3Text1: ; 60712 (18:4712)
--- a/scripts/pokemontower4.asm
+++ b/scripts/pokemontower4.asm
@@ -25,28 +25,28 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd766 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower4BattleText1 ; 0x485e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4AfterBattleText1 ; 0x4868 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText1 ; 0x4863 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText1 ; 0x4863 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower4TrainerHeader1: ; 60827 (18:4827)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd766 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower4BattleText2 ; 0x486d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4877 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText2 ; 0x4872 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText2 ; 0x4872 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower4TrainerHeader2: ; 60833 (18:4833)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd766 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower4BattleText3 ; 0x487c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4886 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText3 ; 0x4881 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText3 ; 0x4881 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower4EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/pokemontower5.asm
+++ b/scripts/pokemontower5.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	dw EndTrainerBattle
 PokemonTower5Script0: ; 6094b (18:494b)
-	ld hl, CoordsData_60992 ; $4992
+	ld hl, CoordsData_60992
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	jr c, .asm_60960
 	ld hl, wd72e
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	call Delay3
 	call GBFadeInFromWhite
 	ld a, $7
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	xor a
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
@@ -65,37 +65,37 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd767 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower5BattleText1 ; 0x49e9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText1 ; 0x49f3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText1 ; 0x49ee TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText1 ; 0x49ee TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower5TrainerHeader1: ; 609b5 (18:49b5)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd767 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower5BattleText2 ; 0x4a02 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4a0c TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText2 ; 0x4a07 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText2 ; 0x4a07 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower5TrainerHeader2: ; 609c1 (18:49c1)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd767 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower5BattleText3 ; 0x4a1b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4a25 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText3 ; 0x4a20 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText3 ; 0x4a20 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower5TrainerHeader3: ; 609cd (18:49cd)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd767 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower5BattleText4 ; 0x4a34 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText4 ; 0x4a3e TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText4 ; 0x4a39 TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText4 ; 0x4a39 TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower5EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 PokemonTower5Text5: ; 60a2a (18:4a2a)
 	db $08 ; asm
-	ld hl, PokemonTower5TrainerHeader3 ; $49cd
+	ld hl, PokemonTower5TrainerHeader3
 	call TalkToTrainer
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/pokemontower6.asm
+++ b/scripts/pokemontower6.asm
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@
 	ld a, [wd768]
 	bit 7, a
 	jp nz, CheckFightingMapTrainers
-	ld hl, CoordsData_60b45 ; $4b45
+	ld hl, CoordsData_60b45
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, $6
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, MAROWAK
-	ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; wd059
 	ld a, 30
 	ld a, $4
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 	db $10,$0A,$FF
 PokemonTower6Script4: ; 60b48 (18:4b48)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, PokemonTower6Script_60b02
 	ld a, $ff
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 	ld hl, wd768
 	set 7, [hl]
 	ld a, $7
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	xor a
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
@@ -110,28 +110,28 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd768 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower6BattleText1 ; 0x4c29 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6AfterBattleText1 ; 0x4c33 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText1 ; 0x4c2e TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText1 ; 0x4c2e TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower6TrainerHeader1: ; 60bcb (18:4bcb)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd768 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower6BattleText2 ; 0x4c38 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4c42 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText2 ; 0x4c3d TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText2 ; 0x4c3d TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower6TrainerHeader2: ; 60bd7 (18:4bd7)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd768 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower6BattleText3 ; 0x4c47 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4c51 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText3 ; 0x4c4c TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText3 ; 0x4c4c TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower6EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 	ld a, MAROWAK
 	call PlayCry
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
-	ld c, $1e
+	ld c, 30
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld hl, PokemonTower2Text_60c24
 	call PrintText
--- a/scripts/pokemontower7.asm
+++ b/scripts/pokemontower7.asm
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 PokemonTower7Script2: ; 60d23 (18:4d23)
 	ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
 	res 0, [hl]
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, PokemonTower7Script_60d18
 	call EndTrainerBattle
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 	ld a, $f0
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, [wSpriteIndex]
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	call PokemonTower7Script_60db6
 	ld a, $3
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 	ld a, $4
 	ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDestinationWarpID], a
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 PokemonTower7Script_60db6: ; 60db6 (18:4db6)
-	ld hl, CoordsData_60de3 ; $4de3
+	ld hl, CoordsData_60de3
 	ld a, [wSpriteIndex]
 	dec a
 	swap a
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@
 	ld d, $0
 	ld e, a
 	add hl, de
-	ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; wd361
+	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	ld b, a
-	ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; wd362
+	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	ld c, a
 	ld a, [hli]
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, [wSpriteIndex]
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp MoveSprite
 	inc hl
@@ -171,28 +171,28 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd769 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower7BattleText1 ; 0x4ec9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7AfterBattleText1 ; 0x4ed3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText1 ; 0x4ece TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText1 ; 0x4ece TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower7TrainerHeader1: ; 60e53 (18:4e53)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd769 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower7BattleText2 ; 0x4ed8 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4ee2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText2 ; 0x4edd TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText2 ; 0x4edd TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 PokemonTower7TrainerHeader2: ; 60e5f (18:4e5f)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd769 ; flag's byte
-	dw PokemonTower7BattleText3 ; 0x4ee7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4ef1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText3 ; 0x4eec TextEndBattle
-	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText3 ; 0x4eec TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw PokemonTower7EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/powerplant.asm
+++ b/scripts/powerplant.asm
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 	db $ff
-asm_234cc: ; 1e368 (7:6368)
+InitVoltorbBattle: ; 1e368 (7:6368)
 	call TalkToTrainer
@@ -120,48 +120,48 @@
 PowerPlantText1: ; 1e374 (7:6374)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader0 ; $62fb
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e378 $ee
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader0
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText2: ; 1e37a (7:637a)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader1 ; $6307
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e37e $e8
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader1
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText3: ; 1e380 (7:6380)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader2 ; $6313
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e384 $e2
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader2
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText4: ; 1e386 (7:6386)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader3 ; $631f
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e38a $dc
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader3
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText5: ; 1e38c (7:638c)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader4 ; $632b
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e390 $d6
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader4
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText6: ; 1e392 (7:6392)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader5 ; $6337
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e396 $d0
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader5
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText7: ; 1e398 (7:6398)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader6 ; $6343
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e39c $ca
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader6
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText8: ; 1e39e (7:639e)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader7 ; $634f
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e3a2 $c4
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader7
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 PowerPlantText9: ; 1e3a4 (7:63a4)
 	db $8 ; asm
-	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader8 ; $635b
-	jr asm_234cc ; 0x1e3a8 $be
+	ld hl, PowerPlantTrainerHeader8
+	jr InitVoltorbBattle
 VoltorbBattleText: ; 1e3aa (7:63aa)
 	TX_FAR _VoltorbBattleText
--- a/scripts/redshouse1f.asm
+++ b/scripts/redshouse1f.asm
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 	predef HealParty
 	ld [wc0ee], a
-	call PlaySound ; play sound?
+	call PlaySound
 	ld a, [wc026]
--- a/scripts/rockethideout1.asm
+++ b/scripts/rockethideout1.asm
@@ -51,46 +51,46 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd815 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout1BattleText2 ; 0x4ca1 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt2 ; 0x4cab TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText2 ; 0x4ca6 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText2 ; 0x4ca6 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout1TrainerHeader2: ; 44c2e (11:4c2e)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd815 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout1BattleText3 ; 0x4cb0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt3 ; 0x4cba TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText3 ; 0x4cb5 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText3 ; 0x4cb5 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout1TrainerHeader3: ; 44c3a (11:4c3a)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd815 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout1BattleText4 ; 0x4cbf TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt4 ; 0x4cc9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText4 ; 0x4cc4 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText4 ; 0x4cc4 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout1TrainerHeader4: ; 44c46 (11:4c46)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd815 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout1BattleText5 ; 0x4cce TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt5 ; 0x4cd8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText5 ; 0x4cd3 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText5 ; 0x4cd3 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout1TrainerHeader5: ; 44c52 (11:4c52)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd815 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout1BattleText6 ; 0x4cdd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt6 ; 0x4ce2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText6 ; 0x4c91 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText6 ; 0x4c91 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout1EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/rockethideout2.asm
+++ b/scripts/rockethideout2.asm
@@ -321,17 +321,17 @@
 	ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 2]
 	srl a
 	srl a
-	ld hl, SpinnerPlayerFacingDirections ; $5083
+	ld hl, SpinnerPlayerFacingDirections
 	ld c, a
 	ld b, $0
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 2], a
-	ld hl, FacilitySpinnerArrows ; $5023
+	ld hl, FacilitySpinnerArrows
 	jr z, .asm_44ff6
-	ld hl, GymSpinnerArrows ; $5053
+	ld hl, GymSpinnerArrows
 	ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex]
 	bit 0, a
@@ -429,10 +429,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd817 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout2BattleText2 ; 0x50e8 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout2AfterBattleTxt2 ; 0x50f2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout2EndBattleText2 ; 0x50ed TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout2EndBattleText2 ; 0x50ed TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout2BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout2AfterBattleTxt2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/rockethideout3.asm
+++ b/scripts/rockethideout3.asm
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 	db $40,$01
 	db $FF
-RocketHideout3Script3 ; 452e4 (11:452e4)
+RocketHideout3Script3: ; 452e4 (11:452e4)
 	ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex]
 	and a
 	jp nz, LoadSpinnerArrowTiles
@@ -158,19 +158,19 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd819 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout3BattleText2 ; 0x5325 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout3AfterBattleTxt2 ; 0x532f TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText2 ; 0x532a TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText2 ; 0x532a TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3AfterBattleTxt2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout3TrainerHeader2: ; 4530e (11:530e)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd819 ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout3BattleTxt ; 0x533e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout3AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5348 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText3 ; 0x5343 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText3 ; 0x5343 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3BattleTxt ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/rockethideout4.asm
+++ b/scripts/rockethideout4.asm
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd81b ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout4BattleText2 ; 0x5593 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4AfterBattleText2 ; 0x559d TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText2 ; 0x5598 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText2 ; 0x5598 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout4TrainerHeader2: ; 45521 (11:5521)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd81b ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout4BattleText3 ; 0x55ac TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4AfterBattleText3 ; 0x55b6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText3 ; 0x55b1 TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText3 ; 0x55b1 TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 RocketHideout4TrainerHeader3: ; 4552d (11:552d)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd81b ; flag's byte
-	dw RocketHideout4BattleText4 ; 0x55c5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4AfterBattleText4 ; 0x55cf TextAfterBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText4 ; 0x55ca TextEndBattle
-	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText4 ; 0x55ca TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RocketHideout4EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -140,11 +140,11 @@
 	ld a, $3
-	jr .asm_209f0 ; 0x4556f
+	jr .asm_209f0
 	ld hl, RocketHideout4Text10
 	call PrintText
-.asm_209f0 ; 0x45577
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 RocketHideout4Text_4557a: ; 4557a (11:557a)
@@ -211,12 +211,12 @@
 RocketHideout4AfterBattleText4: ; 455cf (11:55cf)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RocketHideout4Text_455ec ; $55ec
+	ld hl, RocketHideout4Text_455ec
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd81b
 	bit 6, [hl]
 	set 6, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_455e9 ; 0x455dd $a
+	jr nz, .asm_455e9
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef ShowObject
--- a/scripts/rockethideoutelevator.asm
+++ b/scripts/rockethideoutelevator.asm
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
 RocketHideoutElevatorScript_45741: ; 45741 (11:5741)
-	ld hl, RocketHideoutElavatorFloors ; $5754
+	ld hl, RocketHideoutElavatorFloors
 	call LoadItemList
-	ld hl, RocketHideoutElevatorWarpMaps ; $5759
+	ld hl, RocketHideoutElevatorWarpMaps
 	ld de, wcc5b
 	ld bc, $0006
 	call CopyData
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld b, LIFT_KEY
 	call IsItemInBag
-	jr z, .asm_8d8f0 ; 0x45773
+	jr z, .asm_45782
 	call RocketHideoutElevatorScript_45741
-	ld hl, RocketHideoutElevatorWarpMaps ; $5759
+	ld hl, RocketHideoutElevatorWarpMaps
 	predef Func_1c9c6
-	jr .asm_46c43 ; 0x45780
-.asm_8d8f0 ; 0x45782
+	jr .asm_45788
 	ld hl, RocketHideoutElevatorText_4578b
 	call PrintText
-.asm_46c43 ; 0x45788
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 RocketHideoutElevatorText_4578b: ; 4578b (11:578b)
-	TX_FAR _RocketElevatorText_4578b ; 0x82438
+	TX_FAR _RocketElevatorText_4578b
 	db $d, "@"
--- a/scripts/rocktunnel1.asm
+++ b/scripts/rocktunnel1.asm
@@ -27,101 +27,101 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText1 ; 0x4588 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText1 ; 0x4592 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText1 ; 0x458d TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText1 ; 0x458d TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel1TrainerHeader2: ; 44511 (11:4511)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText2 ; 0x4597 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText2 ; 0x45a1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText2 ; 0x459c TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText2 ; 0x459c TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel1TrainerHeader3: ; 4451d (11:451d)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText3 ; 0x45a6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText3 ; 0x45b0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText3 ; 0x45ab TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText3 ; 0x45ab TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel1TrainerHeader4: ; 44529 (11:4529)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText4 ; 0x45b5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText4 ; 0x45bf TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText4 ; 0x45ba TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText4 ; 0x45ba TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel1TrainerHeader5: ; 44535 (11:4535)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText5 ; 0x45c4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText5 ; 0x45ce TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText5 ; 0x45c9 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText5 ; 0x45c9 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel1TrainerHeader6: ; 44541 (11:4541)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText6 ; 0x45d3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText6 ; 0x45dd TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText6 ; 0x45d8 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText6 ; 0x45d8 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel1TrainerHeader7: ; 4454d (11:454d)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d2 ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel1BattleText7 ; 0x45e2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText7 ; 0x45ec TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText7 ; 0x45e7 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText7 ; 0x45e7 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel1EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
 RockTunnel1Text1: ; 4455a (11:455a)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader1 ; $4505
-	jr asm_0c916 ; 0x4455e $22
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader1
+	jr RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer
 RockTunnel1Text2: ; 44560 (11:4560)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader2 ; $4511
-	jr asm_0c916 ; 0x44564 $1c
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader2
+	jr RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer
 RockTunnel1Text3: ; 44566 (11:4566)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader3 ; $451d
-	jr asm_0c916 ; 0x4456a $16
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader3
+	jr RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer
 RockTunnel1Text4: ; 4456c (11:456c)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader4 ; $4529
-	jr asm_0c916 ; 0x44570 $10
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader4
+	jr RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer
 RockTunnel1Text5: ; 44572 (11:4572)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader5 ; $4535
-	jr asm_0c916 ; 0x44576 $a
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader5
+	jr RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer
 RockTunnel1Text6: ; 44578 (11:4578)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader6 ; $4541
-	jr asm_0c916 ; 0x4457c $4
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader6
+	jr RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer
 RockTunnel1Text7: ; 4457e (11:457e)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader7 ; $454d
-asm_0c916: ; 44582 (11:4582)
+	ld hl, RockTunnel1TrainerHeader7
+RockTunnel1TalkToTrainer: ; 44582 (11:4582)
 	call TalkToTrainer
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/rocktunnel2.asm
+++ b/scripts/rocktunnel2.asm
@@ -27,73 +27,73 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText2 ; 0x60c5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText2 ; 0x60cf TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText2 ; 0x60ca TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText2 ; 0x60ca TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader2: ; 46020 (11:6020)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText3 ; 0x60d4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText3 ; 0x60de TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText3 ; 0x60d9 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText3 ; 0x60d9 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader3: ; 4602c (11:602c)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText4 ; 0x60e3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText4 ; 0x60ed TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText4 ; 0x60e8 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText4 ; 0x60e8 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader4: ; 46038 (11:6038)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText5 ; 0x60f2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText5 ; 0x60fc TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText5 ; 0x60f7 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText5 ; 0x60f7 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader5: ; 46044 (11:6044)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText6 ; 0x6101 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText6 ; 0x610b TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText6 ; 0x6106 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText6 ; 0x6106 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader6: ; 46050 (11:6050)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText7 ; 0x6110 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText7 ; 0x611a TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText7 ; 0x6115 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText7 ; 0x6115 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader7: ; 4605c (11:605c)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText8 ; 0x611f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText8 ; 0x6129 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText8 ; 0x6124 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText8 ; 0x6124 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 RockTunnel2TrainerHeader8: ; 46068 (11:6068)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd87d ; flag's byte
-	dw RockTunnel2BattleText9 ; 0x612e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText9 ; 0x6138 TextAfterBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText9 ; 0x6133 TextEndBattle
-	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText9 ; 0x6133 TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw RockTunnel2EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route1.asm
+++ b/scripts/route1.asm
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
 	ld hl, wd7bf
 	bit 0, [hl]
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_02840 ; 0x1cac0
+	jr nz, .asm_1cada
 	ld hl, Route1ViridianMartSampleText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (POTION << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
-	ld hl, Route1Text_1cae8 ; $4ae8
-	jr .asm_46d43 ; 0x1cad3
+	ld hl, Route1Text_1cae8
+	jr .asm_1cadd
-	ld hl, Route1Text_1caf3 ; $4af3
-	jr .asm_46d43 ; 0x1cad8
-.asm_02840 ; 0x1cada
-	ld hl, Route1Text_1caee ; $4aee
-.asm_46d43 ; 0x1cadd
+	ld hl, Route1Text_1caf3
+	jr .asm_1cadd
+	ld hl, Route1Text_1caee
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/route10.asm
+++ b/scripts/route10.asm
@@ -29,55 +29,55 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route10BattleText1 ; 0x53b6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route10AfterBattleText1 ; 0x53c0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText1 ; 0x53bb TextEndBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText1 ; 0x53bb TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route10AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route10TrainerHeader1: ; 5936f (16:536f)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route10BattleText2 ; 0x53cf TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route10AfterBattleText2 ; 0x53d9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText2 ; 0x53d4 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText2 ; 0x53d4 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route10AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route10TrainerHeader2: ; 5937b (16:537b)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route10BattleText3 ; 0x53e8 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route10AfterBattleText3 ; 0x53f2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText3 ; 0x53ed TextEndBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText3 ; 0x53ed TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route10AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route10TrainerHeader3: ; 59387 (16:5387)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route10BattleText4 ; 0x5401 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route10AfterBattleText4 ; 0x540b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText4 ; 0x5406 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText4 ; 0x5406 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route10AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route10TrainerHeader4: ; 59393 (16:5393)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route10BattleText5 ; 0x541a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route10AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5424 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText5 ; 0x541f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText5 ; 0x541f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route10AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route10TrainerHeader5: ; 5939f (16:539f)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route10BattleText6 ; 0x5433 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route10AfterBattleText6 ; 0x543d TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText6 ; 0x5438 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route10EndBattleText6 ; 0x5438 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route10AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route10EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route11.asm
+++ b/scripts/route11.asm
@@ -30,91 +30,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText1 ; 0x54fe TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5508 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText1 ; 0x5503 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText1 ; 0x5503 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader1: ; 59487 (16:5487)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText2 ; 0x5517 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5521 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText2 ; 0x551c TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText2 ; 0x551c TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader2: ; 59493 (16:5493)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText3 ; 0x5530 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText3 ; 0x553a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText3 ; 0x5535 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText3 ; 0x5535 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader3: ; 5949f (16:549f)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText4 ; 0x5549 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5553 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText4 ; 0x554e TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText4 ; 0x554e TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader4: ; 594ab (16:54ab)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText5 ; 0x5562 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText5 ; 0x556c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText5 ; 0x5567 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText5 ; 0x5567 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader5: ; 594b7 (16:54b7)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText6 ; 0x557b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5585 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText6 ; 0x5580 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText6 ; 0x5580 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader6: ; 594c3 (16:54c3)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText7 ; 0x5594 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText7 ; 0x559e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText7 ; 0x5599 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText7 ; 0x5599 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader7: ; 594cf (16:54cf)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText8 ; 0x55ad TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText8 ; 0x55b7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText8 ; 0x55b2 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText8 ; 0x55b2 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader8: ; 594db (16:54db)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText9 ; 0x55c6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText9 ; 0x55d0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText9 ; 0x55cb TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText9 ; 0x55cb TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route11TrainerHeader9: ; 594e7 (16:54e7)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route11BattleText10 ; 0x55df TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route11AfterBattleText10 ; 0x55e9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText10 ; 0x55e4 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route11EndBattleText10 ; 0x55e4 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route11AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route11EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route11gateupstairs.asm
+++ b/scripts/route11gateupstairs.asm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [wWhichTrade], a
 	predef DoInGameTradeDialogue
-asm_49469: ; 49469 (12:5469)
+Route11GateUpstairsScriptEnd: ; 49469 (12:5469)
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route11GateUpstairsText2: ; 4946c (12:546c)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, [wd7d6]
 	add a
-	jr c, .asm_4949b ; 0x49471 $28
+	jr c, .asm_4949b
 	ld a, 30 ; pokemon needed
 	ld [$ffdb], a
 	ld a, ITEMFINDER ; oak's aide reward
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	predef OaksAideScript ; call oak's aide script
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	dec a
-	jr nz, .asm_494a1 ; 0x49494 $b
+	jr nz, .asm_494a1
 	ld hl, wd7d6
 	set 7, [hl]
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	ld hl, Route11GateUpstairsText_494a3
 	call PrintText
-	jr asm_49469 ; 0x494a1 $c6
+	jr Route11GateUpstairsScriptEnd
 Route11GateUpstairsText_494a3: ; 494a3 (12:54a3)
 	TX_FAR _Route11GateUpstairsText_494a3
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 Route11GateUpstairsText4: ; 494ce (12:54ce)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, Route11GateUpstairsText_494d5 ; $54d5
+	ld hl, Route11GateUpstairsText_494d5
 	jp Route12GateUpstairsScript_495c9
 Route11GateUpstairsText_494d5: ; 494d5 (12:54d5)
--- a/scripts/route12.asm
+++ b/scripts/route12.asm
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
 	res 6, [hl]
 	jp z, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	ld a, $d
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, SNORLAX
-	ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; wd059
 	ld a, 30
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 Route12Script3: ; 5964c (16:564c)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jr z, Route12Script_59606
 	call UpdateSprites
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 	cp $2
 	jr z, .asm_59664
 	ld a, $e
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd7d8
@@ -83,64 +83,64 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText1 ; 0x56ff TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5709 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText1 ; 0x5704 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText1 ; 0x5704 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route12TrainerHeader1: ; 5969d (16:569d)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText2 ; 0x5718 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5722 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText2 ; 0x571d TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText2 ; 0x571d TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route12TrainerHeader2: ; 596a9 (16:56a9)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText3 ; 0x5731 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText3 ; 0x573b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText3 ; 0x5736 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText3 ; 0x5736 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route12TrainerHeader3: ; 596b5 (16:56b5)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText4 ; 0x574a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5754 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText4 ; 0x574f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText4 ; 0x574f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route12TrainerHeader4: ; 596c1 (16:56c1)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText5 ; 0x5763 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText5 ; 0x576d TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText5 ; 0x5768 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText5 ; 0x5768 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route12TrainerHeader5: ; 596cd (16:56cd)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText6 ; 0x577c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5786 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText6 ; 0x5781 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText6 ; 0x5781 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route12TrainerHeader6: ; 596d9 (16:56d9)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route12BattleText7 ; 0x5795 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route12AfterBattleText7 ; 0x579f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText7 ; 0x579a TextEndBattle
-	dw Route12EndBattleText7 ; 0x579a TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route12AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route12EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route12gateupstairs.asm
+++ b/scripts/route12gateupstairs.asm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7d7]
-	jr c, .asm_0ad3c ; 0x4956e
+	jr c, .asm_0ad3c
 	ld hl, TM39PreReceiveText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_39 << 8) | 1
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd7d7
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_4ba56 ; 0x49589
+	jr .asm_4ba56
 	ld hl, TM39NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_4ba56 ; 0x49591
-.asm_0ad3c ; 0x49593
+	jr .asm_4ba56
 	ld hl, TM39ExplanationText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_4ba56 ; 0x49599
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 TM39PreReceiveText: ; 4959c (12:559c)
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
 Route12GateUpstairsScript_495c9: ; 495c9 (12:55c9)
 	ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9]
 	cp $4
-	jr z, .asm_495d4 ; 0x495ce $4
+	jr z, .asm_495d4
 	ld a, $1
-	jr .asm_495d8 ; 0x495d2 $4
+	jr .asm_495d8
 	call PrintText
 	xor a
--- a/scripts/route12house.asm
+++ b/scripts/route12house.asm
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 	jr .asm_df984
 	ld hl, Route12HouseText_564cf
-	jr .asm_df984 ; 0x564b5
+	jr .asm_df984
 	ld hl, Route12HouseText_564d4
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
 	db "@"
 Route12HouseText_564c5: ; 564c5 (15:64c5)
-	TX_FAR _Route12HouseText_564c5 ; 0x8ca00
+	TX_FAR _Route12HouseText_564c5
 	db $0B
-	TX_FAR _Route12HouseText_564ca ; 0x8ca4f
+	TX_FAR _Route12HouseText_564ca
 	db "@"
 Route12HouseText_564cf: ; 564cf (15:64cf)
--- a/scripts/route13.asm
+++ b/scripts/route13.asm
@@ -32,91 +32,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText2 ; 0x58d4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText2 ; 0x58de TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText2 ; 0x58d9 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText2 ; 0x58d9 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader2: ; 5585d (15:585d)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText3 ; 0x58ed TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText3 ; 0x58f7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText3 ; 0x58f2 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText3 ; 0x58f2 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader3: ; 55869 (15:5869)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText4 ; 0x5906 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5910 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText4 ; 0x590b TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText4 ; 0x590b TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader4: ; 55875 (15:5875)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText5 ; 0x591f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5929 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText5 ; 0x5924 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText5 ; 0x5924 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader5: ; 55881 (15:5881)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText6 ; 0x5938 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5942 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText6 ; 0x593d TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText6 ; 0x593d TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader6: ; 5588d (15:588d)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText7 ; 0x5951 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText7 ; 0x595b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText7 ; 0x5956 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText7 ; 0x5956 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader7: ; 55899 (15:5899)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText8 ; 0x596a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5974 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText8 ; 0x596f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText8 ; 0x596f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader8: ; 558a5 (15:58a5)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText9 ; 0x5983 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText9 ; 0x598d TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText9 ; 0x5988 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText9 ; 0x5988 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader9: ; 558b1 (15:58b1)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText10 ; 0x599c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText10 ; 0x59a6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText10 ; 0x59a1 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText10 ; 0x59a1 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 Route13TrainerHeader10: ; 558bd (15:58bd)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7d9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route13BattleText11 ; 0x59b5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route13AfterBattleText11 ; 0x59bf TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText11 ; 0x59ba TextEndBattle
-	dw Route13EndBattleText11 ; 0x59ba TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13BattleText11 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route13AfterBattleText11 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText11 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route13EndBattleText11 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route14.asm
+++ b/scripts/route14.asm
@@ -30,91 +30,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText1 ; 0x5a85 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5a8f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a8a TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a8a TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader1: ; 55a0e (15:5a0e)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText2 ; 0x5a9e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5aa8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText2 ; 0x5aa3 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText2 ; 0x5aa3 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader2: ; 55a1a (15:5a1a)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText3 ; 0x5ab7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5ac1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText3 ; 0x5abc TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText3 ; 0x5abc TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader3: ; 55a26 (15:5a26)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText4 ; 0x5ad0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5ada TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText4 ; 0x5ad5 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText4 ; 0x5ad5 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader4: ; 55a32 (15:5a32)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText5 ; 0x5ae9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5af3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText5 ; 0x5aee TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText5 ; 0x5aee TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader5: ; 55a3e (15:5a3e)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText6 ; 0x5b02 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5b0c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText6 ; 0x5b07 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText6 ; 0x5b07 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader6: ; 55a4a (15:5a4a)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText7 ; 0x5b1b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText7 ; 0x5b25 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText7 ; 0x5b20 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText7 ; 0x5b20 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader7: ; 55a56 (15:5a56)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText8 ; 0x5b34 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5b3e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText8 ; 0x5b39 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText8 ; 0x5b39 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader8: ; 55a62 (15:5a62)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText9 ; 0x5b4d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText9 ; 0x5b57 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText9 ; 0x5b52 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText9 ; 0x5b52 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route14TrainerHeader9: ; 55a6e (15:5a6e)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7db ; flag's byte
-	dw Route14BattleText10 ; 0x5b66 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route14AfterBattleText10 ; 0x5b70 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText10 ; 0x5b6b TextEndBattle
-	dw Route14EndBattleText10 ; 0x5b6b TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route14AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route14EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route15.asm
+++ b/scripts/route15.asm
@@ -31,91 +31,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText1 ; 0x5898 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText1 ; 0x58a2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText1 ; 0x589d TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText1 ; 0x589d TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader1: ; 597eb (16:57eb)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText2 ; 0x58a7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText2 ; 0x58b1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText2 ; 0x58ac TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText2 ; 0x58ac TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader2: ; 597f7 (16:57f7)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText3 ; 0x58b6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText3 ; 0x58c0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText3 ; 0x58bb TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText3 ; 0x58bb TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader3: ; 59803 (16:5803)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText4 ; 0x58c5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText4 ; 0x58cf TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText4 ; 0x58ca TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText4 ; 0x58ca TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader4: ; 5980f (16:580f)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText5 ; 0x58d4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText5 ; 0x58de TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText5 ; 0x58d9 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText5 ; 0x58d9 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader5: ; 5981b (16:581b)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText6 ; 0x58e3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText6 ; 0x58ed TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText6 ; 0x58e8 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText6 ; 0x58e8 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader6: ; 59827 (16:5827)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText7 ; 0x58f2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText7 ; 0x58fc TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText7 ; 0x58f7 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText7 ; 0x58f7 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader7: ; 59833 (16:5833)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText8 ; 0x5901 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText8 ; 0x590b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText8 ; 0x5906 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText8 ; 0x5906 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader8: ; 5983f (16:583f)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText9 ; 0x5910 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText9 ; 0x591a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText9 ; 0x5915 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText9 ; 0x5915 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route15TrainerHeader9: ; 5984b (16:584b)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7dd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route15BattleText10 ; 0x591f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route15AfterBattleText10 ; 0x5929 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText10 ; 0x5924 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route15EndBattleText10 ; 0x5924 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route15AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route15EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -122,52 +122,52 @@
 Route15Text1: ; 59858 (16:5858)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader0
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x5985c $34
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text2: ; 5985e (16:585e)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader1
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x59862 $2e
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text3: ; 59864 (16:5864)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader2
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x59868 $28
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text4: ; 5986a (16:586a)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader3
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x5986e $22
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text5: ; 59870 (16:5870)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader4
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x59874 $1c
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text6: ; 59876 (16:5876)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader5
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x5987a $16
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text7: ; 5987c (16:587c)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader6
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x59880 $10
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text8: ; 59882 (16:5882)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader7
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x59886 $a
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text9: ; 59888 (16:5888)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader8
-	jr asm_33cb7 ; 0x5988c $4
+	jr Route15TalkToTrainer
 Route15Text10: ; 5988e (16:588e)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route15TrainerHeader9
-asm_33cb7: ; 59892 (16:5892)
+Route15TalkToTrainer: ; 59892 (16:5892)
 	call TalkToTrainer
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/route15gateupstairs.asm
+++ b/scripts/route15gateupstairs.asm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, [wd7dd]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_49683 ; 0x49657 $2a
+	jr nz, .asm_49683
 	ld a, 50 ; pokemon needed
 	ld [$ffdb], a
 	ld a, EXP__ALL ; oak's aide reward
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 	predef OaksAideScript ; call oak's aide script
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_49689 ; 0x4967c $b
+	jr nz, .asm_49689
 	ld hl, wd7dd
 	set 0, [hl]
--- a/scripts/route16.asm
+++ b/scripts/route16.asm
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
 	res 0, [hl]
 	jp z, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	ld a, $a
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, SNORLAX
-	ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; wd059
 	ld a, 30
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef HideObject
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 Route16Script3: ; 5998f (16:598f)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, Route16Script_59946
 	call UpdateSprites
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	cp $2
 	jr z, .asm_599a8
 	ld a, $b
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd7e0
@@ -81,55 +81,55 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7df ; flag's byte
-	dw Route16BattleText1 ; 0x5a22 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route16AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5a2c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a27 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a27 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route16AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route16TrainerHeader1: ; 599db (16:59db)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7df ; flag's byte
-	dw Route16BattleText2 ; 0x5a3b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route16AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5a45 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText2 ; 0x5a40 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText2 ; 0x5a40 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route16AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route16TrainerHeader2: ; 599e7 (16:59e7)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7df ; flag's byte
-	dw Route16BattleText3 ; 0x5a54 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route16AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5a5e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText3 ; 0x5a59 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText3 ; 0x5a59 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route16AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route16TrainerHeader3: ; 599f3 (16:59f3)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7df ; flag's byte
-	dw Route16BattleText4 ; 0x5a6d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route16AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5a77 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText4 ; 0x5a72 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText4 ; 0x5a72 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route16AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route16TrainerHeader4: ; 599ff (16:59ff)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7df ; flag's byte
-	dw Route16BattleText5 ; 0x5a86 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route16AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5a90 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText5 ; 0x5a8b TextEndBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText5 ; 0x5a8b TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route16AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route16TrainerHeader5: ; 59a0b (16:5a0b)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7df ; flag's byte
-	dw Route16BattleText6 ; 0x5a9f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route16AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5aa9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText6 ; 0x5aa4 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route16EndBattleText6 ; 0x5aa4 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route16AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route16EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route16gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route16gate.asm
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_4970e ; 0x496f1 $1b
+	jr z, .asm_4970e
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	dec a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
 Route16GateText1: ; 49760 (12:5760)
 	db $08 ; asm
 	call Route16GateScript_49755
-	jr z, .asm_0bdf3 ; 0x49764
+	jr z, .asm_0bdf3
 	ld hl, Route16GateText_4977c
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_56c9d ; 0x4976c
-.asm_0bdf3 ; 0x4976e
+	jr .asm_56c9d
 	ld hl, Route16GateText_49777
 	call PrintText
-.asm_56c9d ; 0x49774
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route16GateText_49777: ; 49777 (12:5777)
--- a/scripts/route16gateupstairs.asm
+++ b/scripts/route16gateupstairs.asm
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 Route16GateUpstairsText4: ; 49840 (12:5840)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, Route16GateUpstairsText_49847 ; $5847
+	ld hl, Route16GateUpstairsText_49847
 	jp Route12GateUpstairsScript_495c9
 Route16GateUpstairsText_49847: ; 49847 (12:5847)
--- a/scripts/route16house.asm
+++ b/scripts/route16house.asm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd7e0]
 	bit 6, a
 	ld hl, HM02ExplanationText
-	jr nz, .asm_13616 ; 0x1e608
+	jr nz, .asm_13616
 	ld hl, Route16HouseText3
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (HM_02 << 8) | 1
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 	ld hl, wd7e0
 	set 6, [hl]
 	ld hl, ReceivedHM02Text
-	jr .asm_13616 ; 0x1e620
+	jr .asm_13616
 	ld hl, HM02NoRoomText
-.asm_13616 ; 0x1e625
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/route17.asm
+++ b/scripts/route17.asm
@@ -35,91 +35,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText1 ; 0x5c36 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5c40 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText1 ; 0x5c3b TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText1 ; 0x5c3b TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader1: ; 55bbf (15:5bbf)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText2 ; 0x5c4f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5c59 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText2 ; 0x5c54 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText2 ; 0x5c54 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader2: ; 55bcb (15:5bcb)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText3 ; 0x5c68 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5c72 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText3 ; 0x5c6d TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText3 ; 0x5c6d TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader3: ; 55bd7 (15:5bd7)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText4 ; 0x5c81 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5c8b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText4 ; 0x5c86 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText4 ; 0x5c86 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader4: ; 55be3 (15:5be3)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText5 ; 0x5c9a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5ca4 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText5 ; 0x5c9f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText5 ; 0x5c9f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader5: ; 55bef (15:5bef)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText6 ; 0x5cb3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5cbd TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText6 ; 0x5cb8 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText6 ; 0x5cb8 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader6: ; 55bfb (15:5bfb)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText7 ; 0x5ccc TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText7 ; 0x5cd6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText7 ; 0x5cd1 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText7 ; 0x5cd1 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader7: ; 55c07 (15:5c07)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText8 ; 0x5ce5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5cef TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText8 ; 0x5cea TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText8 ; 0x5cea TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader8: ; 55c13 (15:5c13)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText9 ; 0x5cfe TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText9 ; 0x5d08 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText9 ; 0x5d03 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText9 ; 0x5d03 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route17TrainerHeader9: ; 55c1f (15:5c1f)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route17BattleText10 ; 0x5d17 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route17AfterBattleText10 ; 0x5d21 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText10 ; 0x5d1c TextEndBattle
-	dw Route17EndBattleText10 ; 0x5d1c TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route17AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route17EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route18.asm
+++ b/scripts/route18.asm
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route18BattleText1 ; 0x5b19 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route18AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5b23 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route18EndBattleText1 ; 0x5b1e TextEndBattle
-	dw Route18EndBattleText1 ; 0x5b1e TextEndBattle
+	dw Route18BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route18AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route18EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route18EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route18TrainerHeader1: ; 59af6 (16:5af6)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route18BattleText2 ; 0x5b32 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route18AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5b3c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route18EndBattleText2 ; 0x5b37 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route18EndBattleText2 ; 0x5b37 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route18BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route18AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route18EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route18EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route18TrainerHeader2: ; 59b02 (16:5b02)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route18BattleText3 ; 0x5b4b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route18AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5b55 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route18EndBattleText3 ; 0x5b50 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route18EndBattleText3 ; 0x5b50 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route18BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route18AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route18EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route18EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route18gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route18gate.asm
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_498c6 ; 0x498a9 $1b
+	jr z, .asm_498c6
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	dec a
 	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
 Route18GateText1: ; 49911 (12:5911)
 	db $08 ; asm
 	call Route16GateScript_49755
-	jr z, .asm_3c84d ; 0x49915
+	jr z, .asm_3c84d
 	ld hl, Route18GateText_4992d
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_a8410 ; 0x4991d
-.asm_3c84d ; 0x4991f
+	jr .asm_a8410
 	ld hl, Route18GateText_49928
 	call PrintText
-.asm_a8410 ; 0x49925
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route18GateText_49928: ; 49928 (12:5928)
--- a/scripts/route18gateupstairs.asm
+++ b/scripts/route18gateupstairs.asm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 Route18GateUpstairsText2: ; 4998c (12:598c)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, Route18GateUpstairsText_49993 ; $5993
+	ld hl, Route18GateUpstairsText_49993
 	jp Route12GateUpstairsScript_495c9
 Route18GateUpstairsText_49993: ; 49993 (12:5993)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 Route18GateUpstairsText3: ; 49998 (12:5998)
 	db $8
-	ld hl, Route18GateUpstairsText_4999f ; $599f
+	ld hl, Route18GateUpstairsText_4999f
 	jp Route12GateUpstairsScript_495c9
 Route18GateUpstairsText_4999f: ; 4999f (12:599f)
--- a/scripts/route19.asm
+++ b/scripts/route19.asm
@@ -30,91 +30,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText1 ; 0x5e50 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5e5a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e55 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e55 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader1: ; 55d7f (15:5d7f)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText2 ; 0x5e5f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5e69 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e64 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e64 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader2: ; 55d8b (15:5d8b)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText3 ; 0x5e6e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5e78 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e73 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e73 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader3: ; 55d97 (15:5d97)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText4 ; 0x5e7d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5e87 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e82 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e82 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader4: ; 55da3 (15:5da3)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText5 ; 0x5e8c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5e96 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText5 ; 0x5e91 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText5 ; 0x5e91 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader5: ; 55daf (15:5daf)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText6 ; 0x5e9b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5ea5 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText6 ; 0x5ea0 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText6 ; 0x5ea0 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader6: ; 55dbb (15:5dbb)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText7 ; 0x5eaa TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText7 ; 0x5eb4 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText7 ; 0x5eaf TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText7 ; 0x5eaf TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader7: ; 55dc7 (15:5dc7)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText8 ; 0x5eb9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5ec3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText8 ; 0x5ebe TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText8 ; 0x5ebe TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader8: ; 55dd3 (15:5dd3)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText9 ; 0x5ec8 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText9 ; 0x5ed2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText9 ; 0x5ecd TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText9 ; 0x5ecd TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route19TrainerHeader9: ; 55ddf (15:5ddf)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route19BattleText10 ; 0x5ed7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route19AfterBattleText10 ; 0x5ee1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText10 ; 0x5edc TextEndBattle
-	dw Route19EndBattleText10 ; 0x5edc TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route19AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route19EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route20.asm
+++ b/scripts/route20.asm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 	res 0, [hl]
 	call nz, Route20Script_50cc6
 	call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
-	ld hl, Route20TrainerHeader0 ; $4d3a
+	ld hl, Route20TrainerHeader0
 	ld de, Route20ScriptPointers
 	call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 	and $3
 	cp $3
 	jr z, .asm_50cef
-	ld a, $d7
 	call Route20Script_50d0c
-	ld a, $d8
 	call Route20Script_50d0c
-	ld hl, .MissableObjectIDs ; $4ce8
+	ld hl, .MissableObjectIDs
 	ld a, [hli]
 	cp $ff
@@ -86,91 +86,91 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText1 ; 0x4e17 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText1 ; 0x4e21 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText1 ; 0x4e1c TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText1 ; 0x4e1c TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader2: ; 50d46 (14:4d46)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText2 ; 0x4e26 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4e30 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText2 ; 0x4e2b TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText2 ; 0x4e2b TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader3: ; 50d52 (14:4d52)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText3 ; 0x4e35 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4e3f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText3 ; 0x4e3a TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText3 ; 0x4e3a TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader4: ; 50d5e (14:4d5e)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText4 ; 0x4e44 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText4 ; 0x4e4e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText4 ; 0x4e49 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText4 ; 0x4e49 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader5: ; 50d6a (14:4d6a)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText5 ; 0x4e53 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText5 ; 0x4e5d TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText5 ; 0x4e58 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText5 ; 0x4e58 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader6: ; 50d76 (14:4d76)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText6 ; 0x4e62 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText6 ; 0x4e6c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText6 ; 0x4e67 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText6 ; 0x4e67 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader7: ; 50d82 (14:4d82)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText7 ; 0x4e71 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText7 ; 0x4e7b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText7 ; 0x4e76 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText7 ; 0x4e76 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader8: ; 50d8e (14:4d8e)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText8 ; 0x4e80 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText8 ; 0x4e8a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText8 ; 0x4e85 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText8 ; 0x4e85 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader9: ; 50d9a (14:4d9a)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText9 ; 0x4e8f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText9 ; 0x4e99 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText9 ; 0x4e94 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText9 ; 0x4e94 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 Route20TrainerHeader10: ; 50da6 (14:4da6)
 	db $a ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e7 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route20BattleText10 ; 0x4e9e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route20AfterBattleText10 ; 0x4ea8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText10 ; 0x4ea3 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route20EndBattleText10 ; 0x4ea3 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20BattleText10 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route20AfterBattleText10 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route20EndBattleText10 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route21.asm
+++ b/scripts/route21.asm
@@ -28,82 +28,82 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText1 ; 0x5fdd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5fe7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText1 ; 0x5fe2 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText1 ; 0x5fe2 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader1: ; 55f22 (15:5f22)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText2 ; 0x5fec TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5ff6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText2 ; 0x5ff1 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText2 ; 0x5ff1 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader2: ; 55f2e (15:5f2e)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText3 ; 0x5ffb TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText3 ; 0x6005 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText3 ; 0x6000 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText3 ; 0x6000 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader3: ; 55f3a (15:5f3a)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText4 ; 0x600a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText4 ; 0x6014 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText4 ; 0x600f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText4 ; 0x600f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader4: ; 55f46 (15:5f46)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText5 ; 0x6019 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText5 ; 0x6023 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText5 ; 0x601e TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText5 ; 0x601e TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader5: ; 55f52 (15:5f52)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText6 ; 0x6028 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText6 ; 0x6032 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText6 ; 0x602d TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText6 ; 0x602d TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader6: ; 55f5e (15:5f5e)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText7 ; 0x6037 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText7 ; 0x6041 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText7 ; 0x603c TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText7 ; 0x603c TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader7: ; 55f6a (15:5f6a)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText8 ; 0x6046 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText8 ; 0x6050 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText8 ; 0x604b TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText8 ; 0x604b TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route21TrainerHeader8: ; 55f76 (15:5f76)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7e9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route21BattleText9 ; 0x6055 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route21AfterBattleText9 ; 0x605f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText9 ; 0x605a TextEndBattle
-	dw Route21EndBattleText9 ; 0x605a TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route21AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route21EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route22.asm
+++ b/scripts/route22.asm
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 Route22Script_50ed6: ; 50ed6 (14:4ed6)
-	ld a, [W_RIVALSTARTER] ; wd715
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, [hli]
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
 	jr .asm_50eda
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld [W_TRAINERNO], a ; wd05d
+	ld [W_TRAINERNO], a
 Route22MoveRivalSprite: ; 50ee6 (14:4ee6)
-	ld de, Route22RivalMovementData ; $4efb
+	ld de, Route22RivalMovementData
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
 	cp $1
 	jr z, .asm_50ef1
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd7eb]
 	bit 7, a
 	ret z
-	ld hl, .Route22RivalBattleCoords  ; $4f2d
+	ld hl, .Route22RivalBattleCoords
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	ret nc
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 	ld [wd528], a
 	ld a, [wd7eb]
 	bit 0, a ; is this the rival battle at the beginning of the game?
-	jr nz, .firstRivalBattle ; 0x50f25 $b
+	jr nz, .firstRivalBattle
 	bit 1, a ; is this the rival at the end of the game?
 	jp nz, Route22Script_5104e
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 	predef EmotionBubble
 	ld a, [wWalkBikeSurfState]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_50f4e ; 0x50f44 $8
+	jr z, .asm_50f4e
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wc0ee], a
 	call PlaySound
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
 	ret nz
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_50f78 ; 0x50f6d $9
+	jr nz, .asm_50f78
 	ld a, $4
 	ld [wd528], a
 	ld a, $4
-	jr .asm_50f7a ; 0x50f76 $2
+	jr .asm_50f7a
 	ld a, $c
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	ld a, SONY1 + $c8
-	ld hl, StarterMons_50faf ; $4faf
+	ld hl, StarterMons_50faf
 	call Route22Script_50ed6
 	ld a, $2
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@
 	jp z, Route22Script_50ece
 	ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_50fc7 ; 0x50fc1 $4
+	jr nz, .asm_50fc7
 	ld a, $4
-	jr .asm_50fc9 ; 0x50fc5 $2
+	jr .asm_50fc9
 	ld a, $c
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@
 	callba Music_RivalAlternateStart
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_50fff ; 0x50ff8 $5
+	jr nz, .asm_50fff
 	call Route22Script_51008
-	jr .asm_51002 ; 0x50ffd $3
+	jr .asm_51002
 	call Route22Script_5100d
@@ -183,12 +183,12 @@
 Route22Script_51008: ; 51008 (14:5008)
-	ld de, Route22RivalExitMovementData1 ; $5017
-	jr asm_51010
+	ld de, Route22RivalExitMovementData1
+	jr Route22MoveRival1
 Route22Script_5100d: ; 5100d (14:500d)
-	ld de, Route22RivalExitMovementData2 ; $501f
+	ld de, Route22RivalExitMovementData2
+Route22MoveRival1: ; 51010 (14:5010)
 	ld a, $1
 	jp MoveSprite
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 	call PlaySound
 	callba Music_RivalAlternateTempo
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call Route22MoveRivalSprite
 	ld a, $4
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
 	bit 0, a
 	ret nz
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
 	cp $1
 	jr nz, .asm_510a1
@@ -263,17 +263,17 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd72d
 	set 6, [hl]
 	set 7, [hl]
-	ld hl, Route22RivalDefeatedText2 ; $51cb
-	ld de, Route22Text_511d0 ; $51d0
+	ld hl, Route22RivalDefeatedText2
+	ld de, Route22Text_511d0
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	ld a, SONY2 + $c8
-	ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; wd059
-	ld hl, StarterMons_510d9 ; $50d9
+	ld hl, StarterMons_510d9
 	call Route22Script_50ed6
 	ld a, $5
@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@
 	db STARTER1,$0c
 Route22Script5: ; 510df (14:50df)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, Route22Script_50ece
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
 	cp $1
 	jr nz, .asm_510fb
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 	ld hl, wd7eb
 	set 6, [hl]
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wc0ee], a
@@ -328,14 +328,14 @@
 Route22Script_5113d: ; 5113d (14:513d)
-	ld de, MovementData_5114c ; $514c
-	jr asm_51145
+	ld de, MovementData_5114c
+	jr Route22MoveRival2
 Route22Script_51142: ; 51142 (14:5142)
-	ld de, MovementData_5114d ; $514d
-asm_51145: ; 51145 (14:5145)
+	ld de, MovementData_5114d
+Route22MoveRival2: ; 51145 (14:5145)
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp MoveSprite
 MovementData_5114c: ; 5114c (14:514c)
@@ -370,14 +370,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7eb]
 	bit 5, a
-	jr z, .asm_a88cf ; 0x51181
+	jr z, .asm_5118b
 	ld hl, Route22RivalAfterBattleText1
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_48088 ; 0x51189
-.asm_a88cf ; 0x5118b
+	jr .asm_51191
 	ld hl, Route22RivalBeforeBattleText1
 	call PrintText
-.asm_48088 ; 0x51191
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route22Text2: ; 51194 (14:5194)
@@ -384,14 +384,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7eb]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr z, .asm_58c0a ; 0x5119a
+	jr z, .asm_511a4
 	ld hl, Route22RivalAfterBattleText2
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_673ee ; 0x511a2
-.asm_58c0a ; 0x511a4
+	jr .asm_511aa
 	ld hl, Route22RivalBeforeBattleText2
 	call PrintText
-.asm_673ee ; 0x511aa
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route22RivalBeforeBattleText1: ; 511ad (14:51ad)
--- a/scripts/route22gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route22gate.asm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	cp $4
 	ld a, ROUTE_23
-	jr c, .asm_1e69a ; 0x1e696 $2
+	jr c, .asm_1e69a
 	ld a, ROUTE_22
 	ld [wLastMap], a
@@ -60,27 +60,27 @@
 	db $8
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_8a809 ; 0x1e6e7 $d
+	jr nz, .asm_1e6f6
 	ld hl, Route22GateText_1e704
 	call PrintText
 	call Route22GateScript_1e6ba
 	ld a, $1
-	jr .asm_20f7e ; 0x1e6f4 $8
-.asm_8a809 ; 0x1e6f6
+	jr .asm_1e6fe
 	ld hl, Route22GateText_1e71a
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $2
-.asm_20f7e ; 0x1e6fe
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route22GateText_1e704: ; 1e704 (7:6704)
-	TX_FAR _Route22GateText_1e704 ; 0x8cfbb
+	TX_FAR _Route22GateText_1e704
 	db $8
 	ld a, (SFX_02_51 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
 	call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
-	ld hl, Route22GateText_1e715 ; $6715
+	ld hl, Route22GateText_1e715
 Route22GateText_1e715: ; 1e715 (7:6715)
@@ -88,5 +88,5 @@
 	db "@"
 Route22GateText_1e71a: ; 1e71a (7:671a)
-	TX_FAR _Route22GateText_1e71a ; 0x8d03e
+	TX_FAR _Route22GateText_1e71a
 	db $0B, "@"
--- a/scripts/route23.asm
+++ b/scripts/route23.asm
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 	dw Route23Script2
 Route23Script0: ; 51219 (14:5219)
-	ld hl, YCoordsData_51255 ; $5255
+	ld hl, YCoordsData_51255
 	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	ld b, a
 	ld e, $0
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 	inc e
 	dec c
 	cp b
-	jr nz, .asm_51224 ; 0x5122b $f7
+	jr nz, .asm_51224
 	cp $23
-	jr nz, .asm_51237 ; 0x5122f $6
+	jr nz, .asm_51237
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $e
 	ret nc
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
 	db $23,$38,$55,$60,$69,$77,$88,$FF
 Route23Script_5125d: ; 5125d (14:525d)
-	ld hl, BadgeTextPointers ; $5276
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld hl, BadgeTextPointers
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	ld c, a
 	ld b, $0
 	add hl, bc
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route23Script_51346: ; 51346 (14:5346)
-	ld [wWhichTrade], a ; wWhichTrade
+	ld [wWhichTrade], a
 	call Route23Script_5125d
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	inc a
 	ld c, a
 	ld b, $2
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 	ld hl, VictoryRoadGuardText2
 	call PrintText
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	ld c, a
 	ld b, $1
 	ld hl, wd7ed
--- a/scripts/route24.asm
+++ b/scripts/route24.asm
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
 	ld a, [wd7ef]
 	bit 0, a
 	jp nz, CheckFightingMapTrainers
-	ld hl, CoordsData_5140e ; $540e
+	ld hl, CoordsData_5140e
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd7f0
 	bit 1, [hl]
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 Route24Script3: ; 51422 (14:5422)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, Route24Script_513c0
 	call UpdateSprites
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 	ld hl, wd7ef
 	set 1, [hl]
 	ld a, $1
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	xor a
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
@@ -94,55 +94,55 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ef ; flag's byte
-	dw Route24BattleText1 ; 0x5571 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route24AfterBattleText1 ; 0x557b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText1 ; 0x5576 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText1 ; 0x5576 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route24AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route24TrainerHeader2: ; 51467 (14:5467)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ef ; flag's byte
-	dw Route24BattleText2 ; 0x5580 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route24AfterBattleText2 ; 0x558a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText2 ; 0x5585 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText2 ; 0x5585 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route24AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route24TrainerHeader3: ; 51473 (14:5473)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ef ; flag's byte
-	dw Route24BattleText3 ; 0x558f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route24AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5599 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText3 ; 0x5594 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText3 ; 0x5594 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route24AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route24TrainerHeader4: ; 5147f (14:547f)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ef ; flag's byte
-	dw Route24BattleText4 ; 0x559e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route24AfterBattleText4 ; 0x55a8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText4 ; 0x55a3 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText4 ; 0x55a3 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route24AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route24TrainerHeader5: ; 5148b (14:548b)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ef ; flag's byte
-	dw Route24BattleText5 ; 0x55ad TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route24AfterBattleText5 ; 0x55b7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText5 ; 0x55b2 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText5 ; 0x55b2 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route24AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route24TrainerHeader6: ; 51497 (14:5497)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ef ; flag's byte
-	dw Route24BattleText6 ; 0x55bc TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route24AfterBattleText6 ; 0x55c6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText6 ; 0x55c1 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route24EndBattleText6 ; 0x55c1 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route24AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route24EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 	res 1, [hl]
 	ld a, [wd7ef]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_a03f5 ; 0x514af $48
+	jr nz, .asm_514f9
 	ld hl, Route24Text_51510
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (NUGGET << 8) | 1
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-.asm_a03f5 ; 0x514f9
 	ld hl, Route24Text_51530
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route24Text_51510: ; 51510 (14:5510)
-	TX_FAR _Route24Text_51510 ; 0x92721
+	TX_FAR _Route24Text_51510
 	db $0B
-	TX_FAR _Route24Text_51515 ; 0x92755
+	TX_FAR _Route24Text_51515
 	db "@"
 Route24Text_5151a: ; 5151a (14:551a)
-	TX_FAR _Route24Text_5151a ; 0x92779
+	TX_FAR _Route24Text_5151a
 	db $0B, $6, "@"
 Route24Text_51521: ; 51521 (14:5521)
--- a/scripts/route25.asm
+++ b/scripts/route25.asm
@@ -59,82 +59,82 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText1 ; 0x5705 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText1 ; 0x570f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText1 ; 0x570a TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText1 ; 0x570a TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader2: ; 5164a (14:564a)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText2 ; 0x5714 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText2 ; 0x571e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText2 ; 0x5719 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText2 ; 0x5719 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader3: ; 51656 (14:5656)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText3 ; 0x5723 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText3 ; 0x572d TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText3 ; 0x5728 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText3 ; 0x5728 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader4: ; 51662 (14:5662)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText4 ; 0x5732 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText4 ; 0x573c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText4 ; 0x5737 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText4 ; 0x5737 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader5: ; 5166e (14:566e)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText5 ; 0x5741 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText5 ; 0x574b TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText5 ; 0x5746 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText5 ; 0x5746 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader6: ; 5167a (14:567a)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText6 ; 0x5750 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText6 ; 0x575a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText6 ; 0x5755 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText6 ; 0x5755 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader7: ; 51686 (14:5686)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText7 ; 0x575f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText7 ; 0x5769 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText7 ; 0x5764 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText7 ; 0x5764 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader8: ; 51692 (14:5692)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText8 ; 0x576e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5778 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText8 ; 0x5773 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText8 ; 0x5773 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route25TrainerHeader9: ; 5169e (14:569e)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f1 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route25BattleText9 ; 0x577d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route25AfterBattleText9 ; 0x5787 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText9 ; 0x5782 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route25EndBattleText9 ; 0x5782 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route25AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route25EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route2gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route2gate.asm
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7c2]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_6592c ; 0x5d5e1
+	jr nz, .asm_5d60d
 	ld a, 10 ; pokemon needed
 	ldh [$db], a
 	ld a, HM_05 ; oak's aide reward
 	ldh [$dc], a
 	ld [wd11e], a
-	call GetItemName ; $2fcf
+	call GetItemName
 	ld hl, wcd6d
 	ld de, wcc5b
 	ld bc, $000d
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 	predef OaksAideScript ; call oak's aide script
 	ldh a, [$db]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_ad646 ; 0x5d606
+	jr nz, .asm_5d613
 	ld hl, wd7c2
 	set 0, [hl]
-.asm_6592c ; 0x5d60d
 	ld hl, Route2GateText_5d616
 	call PrintText
-.asm_ad646 ; 0x5d613
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 Route2GateText_5d616: ; 5d616 (17:5616)
--- a/scripts/route3.asm
+++ b/scripts/route3.asm
@@ -29,73 +29,73 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText1 ; 0x5595 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText1 ; 0x559f TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText1 ; 0x559a TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText1 ; 0x559a TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader2: ; 55531 (15:5531)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText2 ; 0x55ae TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText2 ; 0x55b8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText2 ; 0x55b3 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText2 ; 0x55b3 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader3: ; 5553d (15:553d)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText3 ; 0x55c7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText3 ; 0x55d1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText3 ; 0x55cc TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText3 ; 0x55cc TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader4: ; 55549 (15:5549)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText4 ; 0x55e0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText4 ; 0x55ea TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText4 ; 0x55e5 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText4 ; 0x55e5 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader5: ; 55555 (15:5555)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText5 ; 0x55f9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5603 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText5 ; 0x55fe TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText5 ; 0x55fe TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader6: ; 55561 (15:5561)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText6 ; 0x5612 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText6 ; 0x561c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText6 ; 0x5617 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText6 ; 0x5617 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader7: ; 5556d (15:556d)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText7 ; 0x562b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText7 ; 0x5635 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText7 ; 0x5630 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText7 ; 0x5630 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route3TrainerHeader8: ; 55579 (15:5579)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c3 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route3BattleText8 ; 0x5644 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route3AfterBattleText8 ; 0x564e TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText8 ; 0x5649 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route3EndBattleText8 ; 0x5649 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route3AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route3EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route4.asm
+++ b/scripts/route4.asm
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c5 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route4BattleText1 ; 0x5699 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route4AfterBattleText1 ; 0x56a3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route4EndBattleText1 ; 0x569e TextEndBattle
-	dw Route4EndBattleText1 ; 0x569e TextEndBattle
+	dw Route4BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route4AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route4EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route4EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route5gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route5gate.asm
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 	callba RemoveGuardDrink
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_1df82 ; 0x1df70 $10
+	jr nz, .asm_1df82
 	ld a, $2
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
 	db $8
 	ld a, [wd728]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_88856 ; 0x1dfb0 $2c
+	jr nz, .asm_88856
 	callba RemoveGuardDrink
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_768a2 ; 0x1dfbd $11
+	jr nz, .asm_768a2
 	ld hl, Route5GateText2
 	call PrintText
 	call Route5GateScript_1df43
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@
 	ld a, $1
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-.asm_768a2 ; 0x1dfd0
 	ld hl, Route5GateText3
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd728
 	set 6, [hl]
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-.asm_88856 ; 0x1dfde
 	ld hl, SaffronGateText_1dff6
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
 Route7GateText3: ; 1dfec (7:5fec)
 Route6GateText3: ; 1dfec (7:5fec)
 Route5GateText3: ; 1dfec (7:5fec)
-	TX_FAR _SaffronGateText_8aaa9 ; 0x8aaa9
+	TX_FAR _SaffronGateText_8aaa9
 	db $11
-	TX_FAR _SaffronGateText_1dff1 ; 0x8aaef
+	TX_FAR _SaffronGateText_1dff1
 	db "@"
 SaffronGateText_1dff6: ; 1dff6 (7:5ff6)
--- a/scripts/route6.asm
+++ b/scripts/route6.asm
@@ -26,55 +26,55 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route6BattleText1 ; 0x512a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route6AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5134 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText1 ; 0x512f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText1 ; 0x512f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route6AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route6TrainerHeader1: ; 590e3 (16:50e3)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route6BattleText2 ; 0x5143 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route6AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5134 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText2 ; 0x5148 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText2 ; 0x5148 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route6AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route6TrainerHeader2: ; 590ef (16:50ef)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route6BattleText3 ; 0x5157 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route6AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5161 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText3 ; 0x515c TextEndBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText3 ; 0x515c TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route6AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route6TrainerHeader3: ; 590fb (16:50fb)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route6BattleText4 ; 0x5170 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route6AfterBattleText4 ; 0x517a TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText4 ; 0x5175 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText4 ; 0x5175 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route6AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route6TrainerHeader4: ; 59107 (16:5107)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route6BattleText5 ; 0x5189 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route6AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5193 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText5 ; 0x518e TextEndBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText5 ; 0x518e TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route6AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route6TrainerHeader5: ; 59113 (16:5113)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7c9 ; flag's byte
-	dw Route6BattleText6 ; 0x51a2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route6AfterBattleText6 ; 0x51ac TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText6 ; 0x51a7 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route6EndBattleText6 ; 0x51a7 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route6AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route6EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route6gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route6gate.asm
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 	callba RemoveGuardDrink
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_1e080 ; 0x1e06e $10
+	jr nz, .asm_1e080
 	ld a, $2
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	call DisplayTextID
--- a/scripts/route7gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route7gate.asm
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	callba RemoveGuardDrink
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_1e15a ; 0x1e148 $10
+	jr nz, .asm_1e15a
 	ld a, $2
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	call DisplayTextID
--- a/scripts/route8.asm
+++ b/scripts/route8.asm
@@ -29,82 +29,82 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText1 ; 0x525a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5264 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText1 ; 0x525f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText1 ; 0x525f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader1: ; 591ef (16:51ef)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText2 ; 0x5273 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText2 ; 0x527d TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText2 ; 0x5278 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText2 ; 0x5278 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader2: ; 591fb (16:51fb)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText3 ; 0x528c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5296 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText3 ; 0x5291 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText3 ; 0x5291 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader3: ; 59207 (16:5207)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText4 ; 0x52a5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText4 ; 0x52af TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText4 ; 0x52aa TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText4 ; 0x52aa TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader4: ; 59213 (16:5213)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText5 ; 0x52be TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText5 ; 0x52c8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText5 ; 0x52c3 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText5 ; 0x52c3 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader5: ; 5921f (16:521f)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText6 ; 0x52d7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText6 ; 0x52e1 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText6 ; 0x52dc TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText6 ; 0x52dc TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader6: ; 5922b (16:522b)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText7 ; 0x52f0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText7 ; 0x52fa TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText7 ; 0x52f5 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText7 ; 0x52f5 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader7: ; 59237 (16:5237)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText8 ; 0x5309 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5313 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText8 ; 0x530e TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText8 ; 0x530e TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route8TrainerHeader8: ; 59243 (16:5243)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cd ; flag's byte
-	dw Route8BattleText9 ; 0x5322 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route8AfterBattleText9 ; 0x532c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText9 ; 0x5327 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route8EndBattleText9 ; 0x5327 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route8AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route8EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/route8gate.asm
+++ b/scripts/route8gate.asm
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	callba RemoveGuardDrink
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_1e220 ; 0x1e20e $10
+	jr nz, .asm_1e220
 	ld a, $2
 	ld [$ff8c], a
 	call DisplayTextID
--- a/scripts/route9.asm
+++ b/scripts/route9.asm
@@ -30,82 +30,82 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText1 ; 0x5792 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText1 ; 0x579c TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5797 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5797 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader2: ; 556f7 (15:56f7)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText2 ; 0x57a1 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText2 ; 0x57ab TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText2 ; 0x57a6 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText2 ; 0x57a6 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader3: ; 55703 (15:5703)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText3 ; 0x57b0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText3 ; 0x57ba TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText3 ; 0x57b5 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText3 ; 0x57b5 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader4: ; 5570f (15:570f)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText4 ; 0x57bf TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText4 ; 0x57c9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText4 ; 0x57c4 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText4 ; 0x57c4 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader5: ; 5571b (15:571b)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText5 ; 0x57ce TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText5 ; 0x57d8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText5 ; 0x57d3 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText5 ; 0x57d3 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader6: ; 55727 (15:5727)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText6 ; 0x57dd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText6 ; 0x57e7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText6 ; 0x57e2 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText6 ; 0x57e2 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader7: ; 55733 (15:5733)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText7 ; 0x57ec TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText7 ; 0x57f6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText7 ; 0x57f1 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText7 ; 0x57f1 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader8: ; 5573f (15:573f)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText8 ; 0x57fb TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText8 ; 0x5805 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText8 ; 0x5800 TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText8 ; 0x5800 TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 Route9TrainerHeader9: ; 5574b (15:574b)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7cf ; flag's byte
-	dw Route9BattleText9 ; 0x580a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw Route9AfterBattleText9 ; 0x5814 TextAfterBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText9 ; 0x580f TextEndBattle
-	dw Route9EndBattleText9 ; 0x580f TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9BattleText9 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw Route9AfterBattleText9 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw Route9EndBattleText9 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -112,47 +112,47 @@
 Route9Text1: ; 55758 (15:5758)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader0
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x5575c $2e
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text2: ; 5575e (15:575e)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader2
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x55762 $28
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text3: ; 55764 (15:5764)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader3
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x55768 $22
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text4: ; 5576a (15:576a)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader4
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x5576e $1c
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text5: ; 55770 (15:5770)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader5
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x55774 $16
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text6: ; 55776 (15:5776)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader6
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x5577a $10
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text7: ; 5577c (15:577c)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader7
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x55780 $a
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text8: ; 55782 (15:5782)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader8
-	jr asm_8be3d ; 0x55786 $4
+	jr Route9TalkToTrainer
 Route9Text9: ; 55788 (15:5788)
 	db $8 ; asm
 	ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader9
-asm_8be3d: ; 5578c (15:578c)
+Route9TalkToTrainer: ; 5578c (15:578c)
 	call TalkToTrainer
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/safarizoneentrance.asm
+++ b/scripts/safarizoneentrance.asm
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr z, .asm_7520f ; 0x75207 $6
+	jr z, .asm_7520f
 	ld a, $2
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 	ld hl, wd790
 	bit 6, [hl]
 	res 6, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_7527f ; 0x7525a $23
+	jr z, .asm_7527f
 	res 7, [hl]
 	call UpdateSprites
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 	call SafariZoneEntranceAutoWalk
 	ld a, $4
-	jr .asm_75286 ; 0x7527d $7
+	jr .asm_75286
 	ld a, $5
 	ld [$ff8c], a
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 	db "@"
-	TX_FAR SafariZoneEntranceText_9e6e4 ; 0x9e6e4
+	TX_FAR SafariZoneEntranceText_9e6e4
 	db $8
 	ld a, $13
 	ld [wTextBoxID],a
@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@
 	db "@"
-	TX_FAR SafariZoneEntranceText_9e814 ; 0x9e814
+	TX_FAR SafariZoneEntranceText_9e814
 	db $8
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_7539c ; 0x7537b $1f
+	jr nz, .asm_7539c
 	ld hl, .SafariZoneEntranceText_753bb
 	call PrintText
 	xor a
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
 	res 7, [hl]
 	ld a, $0
 	ld [wcf0d], a
-	jr .asm_753b3 ; 0x7539a $17
+	jr .asm_753b3
 	ld hl, .SafariZoneEntranceText_753c0
 	call PrintText
--- a/scripts/safarizonesecrethouse.asm
+++ b/scripts/safarizonesecrethouse.asm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd857]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_20a9b ; 0x4a322
+	jr nz, .asm_20a9b
 	ld hl, SafariZoneSecretHouseText_4a350
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (HM_03 << 8) | 1
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd857
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_8f1fc ; 0x4a33d
+	jr .asm_8f1fc
 	ld hl, HM03NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_8f1fc ; 0x4a345
-.asm_20a9b ; 0x4a347
+	jr .asm_8f1fc
 	ld hl, HM03ExplanationText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_8f1fc ; 0x4a34d
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 SafariZoneSecretHouseText_4a350: ; 4a350 (12:6350)
--- a/scripts/saffrongym.asm
+++ b/scripts/saffrongym.asm
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
-	ld hl, Gym6CityName ; $5033
-	ld de, Gym6LeaderName ; $5040
+	ld hl, Gym6CityName
+	ld de, Gym6LeaderName
 	jp LoadGymLeaderAndCityName
 Gym6CityName: ; 5d033 (17:5033)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	dw SaffronGymScript3
 SaffronGymScript3: ; 5d05b (17:505b)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, SaffronGymText_5d048
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 SaffronGymText_5d068: ; 5d068 (17:5068)
 	ld a, $a
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd7b3
 	set 1, [hl]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $b
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd7b3
 	set 0, [hl]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	jr .asm_5d091
 	ld a, $c
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -95,64 +95,64 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText1 ; 0x51f0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x51fa TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x51f5 TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x51f5 TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SaffronGymTrainerHeader1: ; 5d0cf (17:50cf)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText2 ; 0x51ff TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText2 ; 0x5209 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x5204 TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x5204 TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SaffronGymTrainerHeader2: ; 5d0db (17:50db)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText3 ; 0x520e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText3 ; 0x5218 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x5213 TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x5213 TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SaffronGymTrainerHeader3: ; 5d0e7 (17:50e7)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText4 ; 0x521d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText4 ; 0x5227 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x5222 TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x5222 TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 SaffronGymTrainerHeader4: ; 5d0f3 (17:50f3)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText5 ; 0x522c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText5 ; 0x5236 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x5231 TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x5231 TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 SaffronGymTrainerHeader5: ; 5d0ff (17:50ff)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText6 ; 0x523b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText6 ; 0x5245 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x5240 TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x5240 TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 SaffronGymTrainerHeader6: ; 5d10b (17:510b)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7b3 ; flag's byte
-	dw SaffronGymBattleText7 ; 0x524a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText7 ; 0x5254 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText7 ; 0x524f TextEndBattle
-	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText7 ; 0x524f TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymBattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SaffronGymAfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SaffronGymEndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -160,17 +160,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7b3]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_e3544 ; 0x5d11e
+	jr z, .asm_5d134
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_8d2f6 ; 0x5d122
+	jr nz, .asm_5d12c
 	call z, SaffronGymText_5d068
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_34c2c ; 0x5d12a
-.asm_8d2f6 ; 0x5d12c
+	jr .asm_5d15f
 	ld hl, SaffronGymText_5d16e
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_34c2c ; 0x5d132
-.asm_e3544 ; 0x5d134
+	jr .asm_5d15f
 	ld hl, SaffronGymText_5d162
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_34c2c ; 0x5d15f
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 SaffronGymText_5d162: ; 5d162 (17:5162)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 	db "@"
 SaffronGymText_5d167: ; 5d167 (17:5167)
-	TX_FAR _SaffronGymText_5d167 ; 0xa1c73
+	TX_FAR _SaffronGymText_5d167
 	db $11 ; play same sound as red giving oak parcel
 	db $6 ; wait for keypress
 	db "@"
@@ -264,14 +264,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7b3]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_13f3c ; 0x5d1d3
+	jr nz, .asm_5d1dd
 	ld hl, SaffronGymText_5d1e6
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_e9907 ; 0x5d1db
-.asm_13f3c ; 0x5d1dd
+	jr .asm_5d1e3
 	ld hl, SaffronGymText_5d1eb
 	call PrintText
-.asm_e9907 ; 0x5d1e3
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 SaffronGymText_5d1e6: ; 5d1e6 (17:51e6)
--- a/scripts/saffronhouse2.asm
+++ b/scripts/saffronhouse2.asm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd7bd]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_9e72b ; 0x1de47
+	jr nz, .asm_9e72b
 	ld hl, TM29PreReceiveText
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc,(TM_29 << 8) | 1
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd7bd
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_fe4e1 ; 0x1de62
+	jr .asm_fe4e1
 	ld hl, TM29NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_fe4e1 ; 0x1de6a
-.asm_9e72b ; 0x1de6c
+	jr .asm_fe4e1
 	ld hl, TM29ExplanationText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_fe4e1 ; 0x1de72
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 TM29PreReceiveText: ; 1de75 (7:5e75)
--- a/scripts/seafoamislands1.asm
+++ b/scripts/seafoamislands1.asm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 	ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
 	bit 7, [hl]
 	res 7, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_4483b ; 0x447f8 $41
+	jr z, .asm_4483b
 	ld hl, Seafoam1HolesCoords
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	ret nc
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 	ld hl, wd7e8
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_44819 ; 0x44809 $e
+	jr nz, .asm_44819
 	set 6, [hl]
 	ld [wd079], a
 	ld [wd07a], a
-	jr .asm_44825 ; 0x44817 $c
+	jr .asm_44825
 	set 7, [hl]
--- a/scripts/seafoamislands2.asm
+++ b/scripts/seafoamislands2.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
 	bit 7, [hl]
 	res 7, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_46362 ; 0x4631f $41
+	jr z, .asm_46362
 	ld hl, Seafoam2HolesCoords
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	ret nc
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 	ld hl, wd87f
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_46340 ; 0x46330 $e
+	jr nz, .asm_46340
 	set 0, [hl]
 	ld [wd079], a
 	ld [wd07a], a
-	jr .asm_4634c ; 0x4633e $c
+	jr .asm_4634c
 	set 1, [hl]
--- a/scripts/seafoamislands3.asm
+++ b/scripts/seafoamislands3.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
 	bit 7, [hl]
 	res 7, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_4649e ; 0x4645b $41
+	jr z, .asm_4649e
 	ld hl, Seafoam3HolesCoords
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	ret nc
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 	ld hl, wd880
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_4647c ; 0x4646c $e
+	jr nz, .asm_4647c
 	set 0, [hl]
 	ld [wd079], a
 	ld [wd07a], a
-	jr .asm_46488 ; 0x4647a $c
+	jr .asm_46488
 	set 1, [hl]
--- a/scripts/seafoamislands4.asm
+++ b/scripts/seafoamislands4.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
 	bit 7, [hl]
 	res 7, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_465dc ; 0x46597 $43
+	jr z, .asm_465dc
 	ld hl, Seafoam4HolesCoords
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	ret nc
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 	ld hl, wd881
 	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_465b8 ; 0x465a8 $e
+	jr nz, .asm_465b8
 	set 0, [hl]
 	ld [wd079], a
 	ld [wd07a], a
-	jr .asm_465c4 ; 0x465b6 $c
+	jr .asm_465c4
 	set 1, [hl]
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd07a]
 	ld [wcc4d], a
 	predef ShowObject
-	jr .asm_465ed ; 0x465da $11
+	jr .asm_465ed
 	ld a, $a2
 	ld [wDungeonWarpDestinationMap], a
--- a/scripts/seafoamislands5.asm
+++ b/scripts/seafoamislands5.asm
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd882 ; flag's byte
-	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; 0x68a2 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; 0x68a2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; 0x68a2 TextEndBattle
-	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; 0x68a2 TextEndBattle
+	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SeafoamIslands5BattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/silphco10.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco10.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	bit 5, [hl]
 	res 5, [hl]
 	ret z
-	ld hl, DataTable_5a173 ; $6173
+	ld hl, DataTable_5a173
 	call SilphCo2Script_59d43
 	call SilphCo10Text_5a176
 	ld a, [wd836]
@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd835 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo10BattleText1 ; 0x61dd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo10AfterBattleText1 ; 0x61e7 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText1 ; 0x61e2 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText1 ; 0x61e2 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo10BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo10AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo10TrainerHeader1: ; 5a19e (16:619e)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd835 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo10BattleText2 ; 0x61ec TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo10AfterBattleText2 ; 0x61f6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText2 ; 0x61f1 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText2 ; 0x61f1 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo10BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo10AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo10EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/silphco11.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco11.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	bit 5, [hl]
 	res 5, [hl]
 	ret z
-	ld hl, DataTable_62134 ; $6134
+	ld hl, DataTable_62134
 	call SilphCo11Script_62137
 	call SilphCo11Script_62163
 	ld a, [wd838]
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 SilphCo11Script_6216d: ; 6216d (18:616d)
-	ld hl, MissableObjectIDs_6219b ; $619b
+	ld hl, MissableObjectIDs_6219b
 	ld a, [hli]
 	cp $ff
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 	pop hl
 	jr .asm_62170
-	ld hl, MissableObjectIDs_62194 ; $6194
+	ld hl, MissableObjectIDs_62194
 	ld a, [hli]
 	cp $ff
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
 	ld a, [wd838]
 	bit 7, a
 	ret nz
-	ld hl, CoordsData_62211 ; $6211
+	ld hl, CoordsData_62211
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	ld [wcf0d], a
 	xor a
 	ld [hJoyHeld], a
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@
 	ld a, $f0
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, $3
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, $3
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
 	ld de, MovementData_62216
 	call MoveSprite
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
 SilphCo11Script_6221a: ; 6221a (18:621a)
 	ld [wd528], a
 	ld a, $3
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	ld a, b
 	ld [$ff8d], a
 	jp SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay
 SilphCo11Script5: ; 62227 (18:6227)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, SilphCo11Script_621c4
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 	ld a, $f0
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, $6
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	call GBFadeOutToBlack
 	call SilphCo11Script_6216d
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
 	bit 0, a
 	ret nz
 	ld a, $3
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
 	ld a, [wcf0d]
 	cp $1
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@
 	ld hl, wd72d
 	set 6, [hl]
 	set 7, [hl]
-	ld hl, SilphCo10Text_62330 ; $6330
-	ld de, SilphCo10Text_62330 ; $6330
+	ld hl, SilphCo10Text_62330
+	ld de, SilphCo10Text_62330
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
-	ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c
 	ld [wSpriteIndex], a
 	call EngageMapTrainer
 	call InitBattleEnemyParameters
@@ -285,19 +285,19 @@
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd837 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo11BattleText1 ; 0x6344 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo11AfterBattleText1 ; 0x634e TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText1 ; 0x6349 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText1 ; 0x6349 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo11BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo11AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo11TrainerHeader1: ; 622cf (18:62cf)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd837 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo11BattleText2 ; 0x635d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo11AfterBattleText2 ; 0x6367 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText2 ; 0x6362 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText2 ; 0x6362 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo11BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo11AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo11EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -315,15 +315,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd838
 	set 5, [hl]
-	jr .asm_fd405 ; 0x622fe
+	jr .asm_6230e
 	ld hl, SilphCoMasterBallNoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_fd405 ; 0x62306
-.asm_62308 ; 0x62308
+	jr .asm_6230e
 	ld hl, SilphCo10Text_6231c
 	call PrintText
-.asm_fd405 ; 0x6230e
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 SilphCoPresidentText: ; 62311 (18:6311)
--- a/scripts/silphco2.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco2.asm
@@ -102,37 +102,37 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd825 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo2BattleText1 ; 0x5e2a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5e34 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e2f TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e2f TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo2TrainerHeader1: ; 59d9c (16:5d9c)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd825 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo2BattleText2 ; 0x5e39 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5e43 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e3e TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e3e TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo2TrainerHeader2: ; 59da8 (16:5da8)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd825 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo2BattleText3 ; 0x5e48 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5e52 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e4d TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e4d TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo2TrainerHeader3: ; 59db4 (16:5db4)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd825 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo2BattleText4 ; 0x5e57 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5e61 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e5c TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e5c TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo2AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo2EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -140,20 +140,20 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd826]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, asm_b8a0d ; 0x59dc7
+	jr nz, .asm_59de4
 	ld hl, SilphCo2Text_59ded
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_36 << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	ld hl, TM36NoRoomText
-	jr nc, asm_2c1e0 ; 0x59dd8
+	jr nc, .asm_59de7
 	ld hl, wd826
 	set 7, [hl]
 	ld hl, ReceivedTM36Text
-	jr asm_2c1e0 ; 0x59de2
-asm_b8a0d ; 0x59de4
+	jr .asm_59de7
 	ld hl, TM36ExplanationText
-asm_2c1e0 ; 0x59de7
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/silphco3.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco3.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	bit 5, [hl]
 	res 5, [hl]
 	ret z
-	ld hl, DataTable_59fa8 ; $5fa8
+	ld hl, DataTable_59fa8
 	call SilphCo2Script_59d43
 	call SilphCo3Script_59fad
 	ld a, [wd828]
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd827 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo3BattleText1 ; 0x600d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo3AfterBattleText1 ; 0x6017 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText1 ; 0x6012 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText1 ; 0x6012 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo3BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo3AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo3TrainerHeader1: ; 59fd8 (16:5fd8)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd827 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo3BattleText2 ; 0x6026 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo3AfterBattleText2 ; 0x6030 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText2 ; 0x602b TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText2 ; 0x602b TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo3AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
 	ld a, [wd838]
 	bit 7, a
 	ld hl, SilphCo3Text_59ffe
-	jr nz, asm_8c56f ; 0x59fee
+	jr nz, .asm_59fee
 	ld hl, SilphCo3Text_59ff9
-asm_8c56f ; 0x59ff3
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/silphco4.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco4.asm
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
 	ld a, [hli]
 	cp $ff
-	jr z, .asm_19d85 ; 0x19d6c $17
+	jr z, .asm_19d85
 	push hl
 	ld hl, $ffe0
 	inc [hl]
 	pop hl
 	cp b
-	jr z, .asm_19d7a ; 0x19d75 $3
+	jr z, .asm_19d7a
 	inc hl
-	jr .asm_19d69 ; 0x19d78 $ef
+	jr .asm_19d69
 	ld a, [hli]
 	cp c
-	jr nz, .asm_19d69 ; 0x19d7c $eb
+	jr nz, .asm_19d69
 	ld hl, wCardKeyDoorY
 	xor a
 	ld [hli], a
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 	and a
 	ret z
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_19d97 ; 0x19d92 $3
+	jr nz, .asm_19d97
 	set 0, [hl]
@@ -104,28 +104,28 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd829 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo4BattleText2 ; 0x5df4 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo4AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5dfe TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText2 ; 0x5df9 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText2 ; 0x5df9 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo4BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo4AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo4TrainerHeader2: ; 19dba (6:5dba)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd829 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo4BattleText3 ; 0x5e0d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo4AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5e17 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e12 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e12 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo4BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo4AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo4TrainerHeader3: ; 19dc6 (6:5dc6)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd829 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo4BattleText4 ; 0x5e26 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo4AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5e30 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e2b TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e2b TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo4BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo4AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo4EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/silphco5.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco5.asm
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 	call SilphCo5Script_19f9e
 	ld a, [wd82c]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_19f74 ; 0x19f63 $f
+	jr nz, .asm_19f74
 	push af
 	ld a, $5f
 	ld [wd09f], a
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 	pop af
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_19f87 ; 0x19f76 $f
+	jr nz, .asm_19f87
 	push af
 	ld a, $5f
 	ld [wd09f], a
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 	ld bc, $0507
 	predef_jump ReplaceTileBlock
-SilphCo5Coords: ; 19f97 (6:5f97) ; coords?
+SilphCo5Coords: ; 19f97 (6:5f97)
 	db $02, $03, $06, $03, $05, $07, $ff
 SilphCo5Script_19f9e: ; 19f9e (6:5f9e)
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
 	and a
 	ret z
 	cp $1
-	jr nz, .asm_19fac ; 0x19fa7 $3
+	jr nz, .asm_19fac
 	set 0, [hl]
 	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_19fb3 ; 0x19fae $3
+	jr nz, .asm_19fb3
 	set 1, [hl]
@@ -86,37 +86,37 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82b ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo5BattleText2 ; 0x6024 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText2 ; 0x602e TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText2 ; 0x6029 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText2 ; 0x6029 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 Silphco5TrainerHeader2: ; 19fde (6:5fde)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82b ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo5BattleText3 ; 0x603d TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText3 ; 0x6047 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText3 ; 0x6042 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText3 ; 0x6042 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 Silphco5TrainerHeader3: ; 19fea (6:5fea)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82b ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo5BattleText4 ; 0x6056 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText4 ; 0x6060 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText4 ; 0x605b TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText4 ; 0x605b TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 Silphco5TrainerHeader4: ; 19ff6 (6:5ff6)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82b ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo5BattleText5 ; 0x606f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText5 ; 0x6079 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText5 ; 0x6074 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText5 ; 0x6074 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo5AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo5EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/silphco6.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco6.asm
@@ -58,28 +58,28 @@
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82d ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo6BattleText2 ; 0x62ba TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo6AfterBattleText2 ; 0x62c4 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText2 ; 0x62bf TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText2 ; 0x62bf TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo6BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo6AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo6TrainerHeader2: ; 1a216 (6:6216)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82d ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo6BattleText3 ; 0x62d3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo6AfterBattleText3 ; 0x62dd TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText3 ; 0x62d8 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText3 ; 0x62d8 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo6BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo6AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo6TrainerHeader3: ; 1a222 (6:6222)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82d ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo6BattleText4 ; 0x62ec TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo6AfterBattleText4 ; 0x62f6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText4 ; 0x62f1 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText4 ; 0x62f1 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo6BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo6AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo6EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
 SilphCo6Script_1a22f: ; 1a22f (6:622f)
 	ld a, [wd838]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_1a238 ; 0x1a234 $2
-	jr .asm_1a23a ; 0x1a236 $2
+	jr nz, .asm_1a238
+	jr .asm_1a23a
 	ld h, d
 	ld l, e
--- a/scripts/silphco7.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco7.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	bit 5, [hl]
 	res 5, [hl]
 	ret z
-	ld hl, DataTable_51bc1 ; $5bc1
+	ld hl, DataTable_51bc1
 	call SilphCo7Text_51bc8
 	call SilphCo7Text_51bf4
 	ld a, [wd830]
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@
 	call PlayMusic
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
 	ld de, MovementData_51c7d
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	ld [wcf0d], a
 	cp $1
 	jr z, .asm_51c6c
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 	inc de
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call MoveSprite
 	ld a, $3
 	jp SilphCo7Text_51c10
@@ -169,18 +169,18 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, $d
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	call Delay3
 	ld hl, wd72d
 	set 6, [hl]
 	set 7, [hl]
-	ld hl, SilphCo7Text14 ; $5ec8
-	ld de, SilphCo7Text_51ecd ; $5ecd
+	ld hl, SilphCo7Text14
+	ld de, SilphCo7Text_51ecd
 	call SaveEndBattleTextPointers
 	ld a, SONY2 + $c8
-	ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; wd059
-	ld a, [W_RIVALSTARTER] ; wd715
 	jr nz, .asm_51cb6
 	ld a, $7
@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [W_TRAINERNO], a ; wd05d
+	ld [W_TRAINERNO], a
 	ld a, $4
 	jp SilphCo7Text_51c10
 SilphCo7Script4: ; 51cc8 (14:5cc8)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, SilphCo7Text_51c0c
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@
 	ld a, $4
 	ld [wd528], a
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	ld a, $4
 	ld [$ff8d], a
 	call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay
 	ld a, $f
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wc0ee], a
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 	ld de, MovementData_51d1a
 	ld a, $9
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call MoveSprite
 	ld a, $5
 	jp SilphCo7Text_51c10
@@ -271,37 +271,37 @@
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82f ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo7BattleText1 ; 0x5e5a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5e64 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e5f TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e5f TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo7TrainerHeader2: ; 51d69 (14:5d69)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82f ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo7BattleText2 ; 0x5e73 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5e7d TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e78 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e78 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo7TrainerHeader3: ; 51d75 (14:5d75)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82f ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo7BattleText3 ; 0x5e8c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5e96 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e91 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e91 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo7TrainerHeader4: ; 51d81 (14:5d81)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd82f ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo7BattleText4 ; 0x5ea5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5eaf TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText4 ; 0x5eaa TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText4 ; 0x5eaa TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo7AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo7EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/silphco8.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco8.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	bit 5, [hl]
 	res 5, [hl]
 	ret z
-	ld hl, DataTable_5653e ; $653e
+	ld hl, DataTable_5653e
 	call SilphCo8Script_56541
 	call SilphCo8Script_5656d
 	ld a, [wd832]
@@ -87,28 +87,28 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd831 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo8BattleText1 ; 0x65e6 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo8AfterBattleText1 ; 0x65f0 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText1 ; 0x65eb TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText1 ; 0x65eb TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo8BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo8AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo8TrainerHeader1: ; 56591 (15:6591)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd831 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo8BattleText2 ; 0x65f5 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo8AfterBattleText2 ; 0x65ff TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText2 ; 0x65fa TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText2 ; 0x65fa TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo8BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo8AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo8TrainerHeader2: ; 5659d (15:659d)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd831 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo8BattleText3 ; 0x6604 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo8AfterBattleText3 ; 0x660e TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText3 ; 0x6609 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText3 ; 0x6609 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo8BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo8AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo8EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
 	ld a, [wd838]
 	bit 7, a
 	ld hl, SilphCo8Text_565c3
-	jr nz, asm_a468f ; 0x565b3
+	jr nz, .asm_565b8
 	ld hl, SilphCo8Text_565be
-asm_a468f ; 0x565b8
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/silphco9.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphco9.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	bit 5, [hl]
 	res 5, [hl]
 	ret z
-	ld hl, DataTable_5d82e ; $582e
+	ld hl, DataTable_5d82e
 	call SilphCo9Script_5d837
 	call SilphCo9Script_5d863
 	ld a, [wd834]
@@ -131,28 +131,28 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd833 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo9BattleText1 ; 0x5912 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText1 ; 0x591c TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5917 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5917 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo9BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo9TrainerHeader1: ; 5d89f (17:589f)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd833 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo9BattleText2 ; 0x5921 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText2 ; 0x592b TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText2 ; 0x5926 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText2 ; 0x5926 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo9BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SilphCo9TrainerHeader2: ; 5d8ab (17:58ab)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd833 ; flag's byte
-	dw SilphCo9BattleText3 ; 0x5930 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText3 ; 0x593a TextAfterBattle
-	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText3 ; 0x5935 TextEndBattle
-	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText3 ; 0x5935 TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo9BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SilphCo9EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd838]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, .asm_a14c3 ; 0x5d8be
+	jr nz, .asm_5d8dc
 	ld hl, SilphCo9Text_5d8e5
 	call PrintText
 	predef HealParty
@@ -169,11 +169,11 @@
 	call GBFadeInFromWhite
 	ld hl, SilphCo9Text_5d8ea
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_b6e28 ; 0x5d8da
-.asm_a14c3 ; 0x5d8dc
+	jr .asm_5d8e2
 	ld hl, SilphCo9Text_5d8ef
 	call PrintText
-.asm_b6e28 ; 0x5d8e2
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 SilphCo9Text_5d8e5: ; 5d8e5 (17:58e5)
--- a/scripts/silphcoelevator.asm
+++ b/scripts/silphcoelevator.asm
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
 SilphCoElevatorScript_457f1: ; 457f1 (11:57f1)
-	ld hl, SilphCoElavatorFloors ; $5804
+	ld hl, SilphCoElavatorFloors
 	call LoadItemList
-	ld hl, SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps ; $5811
+	ld hl, SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps
 	ld de, wcc5b
 	ld bc, $16
 	call CopyData
@@ -72,6 +72,6 @@
 SilphCoElevatorText1: ; 45835 (11:5835)
 	db $08 ; asm
 	call SilphCoElevatorScript_457f1
-	ld hl, SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps ; $5811
+	ld hl, SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps
 	predef Func_1c9c6
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/ssanne10.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne10.asm
@@ -30,55 +30,55 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd809 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne10BattleText1 ; 0x5e16 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5e20 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e1b TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText1 ; 0x5e1b TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne10TrainerHeader1: ; 61d90 (18:5d90)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd809 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne10BattleText2 ; 0x5e25 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5e2f TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e2a TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText2 ; 0x5e2a TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne10TrainerHeader2: ; 61d9c (18:5d9c)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd809 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne10BattleText3 ; 0x5e34 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5e3e TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e39 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText3 ; 0x5e39 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne10TrainerHeader3: ; 61da8 (18:5da8)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd809 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne10BattleText4 ; 0x5e43 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5e4d TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e48 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText4 ; 0x5e48 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne10TrainerHeader4: ; 61db4 (18:5db4)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd809 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne10BattleText5 ; 0x5e52 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5e5c TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText5 ; 0x5e57 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText5 ; 0x5e57 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne10TrainerHeader5: ; 61dc0 (18:5dc0)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd809 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne10BattleText6 ; 0x5e61 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText6 ; 0x5e6b TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText6 ; 0x5e66 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText6 ; 0x5e66 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne10AfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne10EndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 SSAnne10Text8: ; 61e09 (18:5e09)
 	TX_FAR _SSAnne10Text8
-	db $8 ; 0x61e0d
+	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, MACHOKE
 	call PlayCry
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/ssanne2.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne2.asm
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 SSAnne2Script0: ; 613be (18:53be)
-	ld hl, CoordsData_61411 ; $5411
+	ld hl, CoordsData_61411
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
 	ret nc
 	ld a, $ff
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 	ld a, [$ffdb]
 	cp $2
-	jr nz, .asm_61400 ; 0x613f9 $5
+	jr nz, .asm_61400
 	ld de, MovementData_6140c
-	jr .asm_61403 ; 0x613fe $3
+	jr .asm_61403
 	ld de, MovementData_6140d
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 	db $08,$24,$08,$25,$FF
 SSAnne2Script_61416: ; 61416 (18:5416)
-	ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; wd362
+	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $25
 	jr nz, .asm_61426
 	ld a, $2
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 	ld [$ff8d], a
 	ld a, $2
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	jp SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay
 SSAnne2Script1: ; 61430 (18:5430)
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@
 	; select which team to use during the encounter
-	jr nz, .NotSquirtle ; 0x61451 $4
+	jr nz, .NotSquirtle
 	ld a, $1
 	jr .done
-	jr nz, .Charmander ; 0x61459 $4
+	jr nz, .Charmander
 	ld a, $2
 	jr .done
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
 	call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
 	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	cp $25
-	jr nz, .asm_61497 ; 0x61490 $5
+	jr nz, .asm_61497
 	ld de, MovementData_614b9
-	jr .asm_6149a ; 0x61495 $3
+	jr .asm_6149a
 	ld de, MovementData_614b7
--- a/scripts/ssanne5.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne5.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 SSAnne5Script: ; 616ae (18:56ae)
 	call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
-	ld hl, SSAnne5TrainerHeader0 ; $56d1
+	ld hl, SSAnne5TrainerHeader0
 	ld de, SSAnne5ScriptPointers
 	call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ff ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne5BattleText1 ; 0x5703 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne5AfterBattleText1 ; 0x570d TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText1 ; 0x5708 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText1 ; 0x5708 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne5BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne5AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne5TrainerHeader1: ; 616dd (18:56dd)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ff ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne5BattleText2 ; 0x571c TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne5AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5726 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText2 ; 0x5721 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText2 ; 0x5721 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne5BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne5AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne5EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/ssanne6.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne6.asm
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ldh a, [$d3]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_93eb1 ; 0x617ee
+	jr z, .asm_93eb1
 	ld hl, SSAnne6Text_6180c
-	jr .asm_63292 ; 0x617f3
-.asm_93eb1 ; 0x617f5
+	jr .asm_63292
 	bit 4, a
-	jr z, .asm_7436c ; 0x617f7
+	jr z, .asm_7436c
 	ld hl, SSAnne6Text_61811
-	jr .asm_63292 ; 0x617fc
-.asm_7436c ; 0x617fe
+	jr .asm_63292
 	ld hl, SSAnne6Text_61816
-.asm_63292 ; 0x61801
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
--- a/scripts/ssanne7.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne7.asm
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd803]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_797c4 ; 0x618b3
+	jr nz, .asm_797c4
 	ld hl, SSAnne7RubText
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, ReceivingHM01Text
@@ -31,17 +31,17 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd803
 	set 0, [hl]
-	jr .asm_0faf5 ; 0x618d4
+	jr .asm_0faf5
 	ld hl, HM01NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
 	set 5, [hl]
-	jr .asm_0faf5 ; 0x618e1
-.asm_797c4 ; 0x618e3
+	jr .asm_0faf5
 	ld hl, SSAnne7Text_61932
 	call PrintText
-.asm_0faf5 ; 0x618e9
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 SSAnne7RubText: ; 618ec (18:58ec)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 	ld a, [wc0ef]
 	cp BANK(Music1f_UpdateMusic)
 	ld [wc0f0], a
-	jr nz, .asm_61908 ; 0x618f9 $d
+	jr nz, .asm_61908
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wc0ee], a
 	call PlaySound
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 	ld a, [wc026]
-	jr z, .asm_61910 ; 0x61915 $f9
+	jr z, .asm_61910
 	call PlayDefaultMusic
 	ld hl, wd803
 	set 1, [hl]
--- a/scripts/ssanne8.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne8.asm
@@ -30,37 +30,37 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd805 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne8BattleText1 ; 0x5a0b TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5a15 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a10 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a10 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne8TrainerHeader1: ; 619b1 (18:59b1)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd805 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne8BattleText2 ; 0x5a1a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5a24 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText2 ; 0x5a1f TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText2 ; 0x5a1f TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne8TrainerHeader2: ; 619bd (18:59bd)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd805 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne8BattleText3 ; 0x5a29 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5a33 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText3 ; 0x5a2e TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText3 ; 0x5a2e TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne8TrainerHeader3: ; 619c9 (18:59c9)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd805 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne8BattleText4 ; 0x5a38 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5a42 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText4 ; 0x5a3d TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText4 ; 0x5a3d TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne8AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne8EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/ssanne9.asm
+++ b/scripts/ssanne9.asm
@@ -35,37 +35,37 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd807 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne9BattleText1 ; 0x5c51 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5c5b TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5c56 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5c56 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne9TrainerHeader1: ; 61b90 (18:5b90)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd807 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne9BattleText2 ; 0x5c60 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5c6a TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText2 ; 0x5c65 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText2 ; 0x5c65 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne9TrainerHeader2: ; 61b9c (18:5b9c)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd807 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne9BattleText3 ; 0x5c6f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText3 ; 0x5c79 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText3 ; 0x5c74 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText3 ; 0x5c74 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 SSAnne9TrainerHeader3: ; 61ba8 (18:5ba8)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd807 ; flag's byte
-	dw SSAnne9BattleText4 ; 0x5c7e TextBeforeBattle
-	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5c88 TextAfterBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText4 ; 0x5c83 TextEndBattle
-	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText4 ; 0x5c83 TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw SSAnne9AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw SSAnne9EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/unknowndungeon3.asm
+++ b/scripts/unknowndungeon3.asm
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd85f ; flag's byte
-	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; 0x5f26 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; 0x5f26 TextAfterBattle
-	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; 0x5f26 TextEndBattle
-	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; 0x5f26 TextEndBattle
+	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; TextEndBattle
+	dw UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/vermilioncity.asm
+++ b/scripts/vermilioncity.asm
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld a, [wd803]
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_19810 ; 0x19804 $a
+	jr nz, .asm_19810
 	ld b, $3f
 	predef IsItemInBag_
 	ld a, b
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 	ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex]
 	and a
 	ret nz
-	ld c, $a
+	ld c, 10
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld a, $0
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd803]
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_359bd ; 0x19894
+	jr nz, .asm_1989e
 	ld hl, VermilionCityText_198a7
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_735d9 ; 0x1989c
-.asm_359bd ; 0x1989e
+	jr .asm_198a4
 	ld hl, VermilionCityText_198ac
 	call PrintText
-.asm_735d9 ; 0x198a4
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 VermilionCityText_198a7: ; 198a7 (6:58a7)
@@ -160,18 +160,18 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd803]
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_3e0e9 ; 0x198b7
+	jr nz, .asm_198f6
 	ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9]
 	cp $c
-	jr z, .asm_07af3 ; 0x198be
+	jr z, .asm_198c8
 	ld hl, VermilionCityCoords1
 	call ArePlayerCoordsInArray
-	jr nc, .asm_57b73 ; 0x198c6
-.asm_07af3 ; 0x198c8
+	jr nc, .asm_198d0
 	ld hl, SSAnneWelcomeText4
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_79bd1 ; 0x198ce
-.asm_57b73 ; 0x198d0
+	jr .asm_198fc
 	ld hl, SSAnneWelcomeText9
 	call PrintText
 	ld b, S_S__TICKET
@@ -178,20 +178,20 @@
 	predef IsItemInBag_
 	ld a, b
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_0419b ; 0x198df
+	jr nz, .asm_198e9
 	ld hl, SSAnneNoTicketText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_79bd1 ; 0x198e7
-.asm_0419b ; 0x198e9
+	jr .asm_198fc
 	ld hl, SSAnneFlashedTicketText
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $4
-	jr .asm_79bd1 ; 0x198f4
-.asm_3e0e9 ; 0x198f6
+	jr .asm_198fc
 	ld hl, SSAnneNotHereText
 	call PrintText
-.asm_79bd1 ; 0x198fc
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 VermilionCityCoords1: ; 198ff (6:58ff)
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
 	ld a, MACHOP
 	call PlayCry
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
-	ld hl, VermilionCityText14 ; $5933
+	ld hl, VermilionCityText14
 VermilionCityText14: ; 19933 (6:5933)
--- a/scripts/vermiliondock.asm
+++ b/scripts/vermiliondock.asm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
 	ld hl, wd803
 	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr nz, .asm_1db8d ; 0x1db5a $31
+	jr nz, .asm_1db8d
 	bit 0, [hl]
 	ret z
 	ld a, [wDestinationWarpID]
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	callba LoadSmokeTileFourTimes
 	xor a
 	ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 2], a
-	ld c, $78
+	ld c, 120
 	call DelayFrames
 	ld b, $9c
 	call CopyScreenTileBufferToVRAM
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
 	call VermilionDock_1dc7c
 	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_1dc16 ; 0x1dc1a $fa
+	jr nz, .asm_1dc16
 	inc d
 	dec b
-	jr nz, .asm_1dc11 ; 0x1dc1e $f1
+	jr nz, .asm_1dc11
 	pop bc
 	dec e
-	jr nz, .asm_1dbfa ; 0x1dc22 $d6
+	jr nz, .asm_1dbfa
 	xor a
 	ld [$ff4a], a
 	ld [hWY], a
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 	inc [hl]
 	add hl, de
 	dec c
-	jr nz, .asm_1dc50 ; 0x1dc54 $fa
+	jr nz, .asm_1dc50
 	pop de
 	pop bc
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@
 	ld a, [$ff44]
 	cp l
-	jr nz, .asm_1dc86 ; 0x1dc89 $fb
+	jr nz, .asm_1dc86
 	ld a, h
 	ld [$ff43], a
 	ld a, [$ff44]
 	cp h
-	jr z, .asm_1dc8e ; 0x1dc91 $fb
+	jr z, .asm_1dc8e
 VermilionDock_1dc94: ; 1dc94 (7:5c94)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, (SFX_02_54 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
 	call PlaySound
-	ld c, $78
+	ld c, 120
 	call DelayFrames
--- a/scripts/vermiliongym.asm
+++ b/scripts/vermiliongym.asm
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 VermilionGymScript_5ca4c: ; 5ca4c (17:4a4c)
-	ld hl, Gym3CityName ; $4a55
-	ld de, Gym3LeaderName ; $4a64
+	ld hl, Gym3CityName
+	ld de, Gym3LeaderName
 	jp LoadGymLeaderAndCityName
 Gym3CityName: ; 5ca55 (17:4a55)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 	dw VermilionGymScript3
 VermilionGymScript3: ; 5ca9d (17:4a9d)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, VermilionGymScript_5ca8a
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 VermilionGymScript_5caaa: ; 5caaa (17:4aaa)
 	ld a, $6
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd773
 	set 7, [hl]
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $7
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd773
 	set 6, [hl]
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 	jr .asm_5cad3
 	ld a, $8
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -109,28 +109,28 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd773 ; flag's byte
-	dw VermilionGymBattleText1 ; 0x4b9a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VermilionGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x4ba4 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x4b9f TextEndBattle
-	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x4b9f TextEndBattle
+	dw VermilionGymBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VermilionGymAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 VermilionGymTrainerHeader1: ; 5cb04 (17:4b04)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd773 ; flag's byte
-	dw VermilionGymBattleText2 ; 0x4bb3 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VermilionGymAfterBattleText2 ; 0x4bbd TextAfterBattle
-	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4bb8 TextEndBattle
-	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4bb8 TextEndBattle
+	dw VermilionGymBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VermilionGymAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 VermilionGymTrainerHeader2: ; 5cb10 (17:4b10)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd773 ; flag's byte
-	dw VermilionGymBattleText3 ; 0x4bcc TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VermilionGymAfterBattleText3 ; 0x4bd6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x4bd1 TextEndBattle
-	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x4bd1 TextEndBattle
+	dw VermilionGymBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VermilionGymAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VermilionGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -138,17 +138,17 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd773]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_7cc29 ; 0x5cb23
+	jr z, .asm_5cb39
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, .asm_41203 ; 0x5cb27
+	jr nz, .asm_5cb31
 	call z, VermilionGymScript_5caaa
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_23621 ; 0x5cb2f
-.asm_41203 ; 0x5cb31
+	jr .asm_5cb6a
 	ld hl, VermilionGymText_5cb72
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_23621 ; 0x5cb37
-.asm_7cc29 ; 0x5cb39
+	jr .asm_5cb6a
 	ld hl, VermilionGymText_5cb6d
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_23621 ; 0x5cb6a
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 VermilionGymText_5cb6d: ; 5cb6d (17:4b6d)
@@ -255,14 +255,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd72a]
 	bit 2, a
-	jr nz, .asm_13b67 ; 0x5cbe1
+	jr nz, .asm_5cbeb
 	ld hl, VermilionGymText_5cbf4
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_c2b38 ; 0x5cbe9
-.asm_13b67 ; 0x5cbeb
+	jr .asm_5cbf1
 	ld hl, VermilionGymText_5cbf9
 	call PrintText
-.asm_c2b38 ; 0x5cbf1
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 VermilionGymText_5cbf4: ; 5cbf4 (17:4bf4)
--- a/scripts/vermilionhouse2.asm
+++ b/scripts/vermilionhouse2.asm
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
 	db "@"
 VermilionHouse2Text_560b6: ; 560b6 (15:60b6)
-	TX_FAR _VermilionHouse2Text_560b6 ; 0x9c554
+	TX_FAR _VermilionHouse2Text_560b6
 	db $0B
-	TX_FAR _VermilionHouse2Text_560bb ; 0x9c5a4
+	TX_FAR _VermilionHouse2Text_560bb
 	db "@"
 VermilionHouse2Text_560c0: ; 560c0 (15:60c0)
--- a/scripts/victoryroad1.asm
+++ b/scripts/victoryroad1.asm
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd869]
 	bit 7, a
 	jp nz, CheckFightingMapTrainers
-	ld hl, CoordsData_5da5c ; $5a5c
+	ld hl, CoordsData_5da5c
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	ld hl, wd126
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd869 ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad1BattleText1 ; 0x5a9a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText1 ; 0x5aa4 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a9f TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText1 ; 0x5a9f TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad1TrainerHeader1: ; 5da79 (17:5a79)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd869 ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad1BattleText2 ; 0x5aa9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText2 ; 0x5ab3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText2 ; 0x5aae TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText2 ; 0x5aae TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad1EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/victoryroad2.asm
+++ b/scripts/victoryroad2.asm
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
 	dw EndTrainerBattle
 VictoryRoad2Script0: ; 517f1 (14:57f1)
-	ld hl, CoordsData_51816 ; $5816
+	ld hl, CoordsData_51816
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers
 	ld hl, wd7ee
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $2
 	jr z, .asm_5180b
 	bit 0, [hl]
@@ -90,55 +90,55 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ee ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText1 ; 0x58ca TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText1 ; 0x58d4 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText1 ; 0x58cf TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText1 ; 0x58cf TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad2TrainerHeader2: ; 51841 (14:5841)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ee ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText2 ; 0x58d9 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText2 ; 0x58e3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText2 ; 0x58de TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText2 ; 0x58de TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad2TrainerHeader3: ; 5184d (14:584d)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ee ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText3 ; 0x58e8 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText3 ; 0x58f2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText3 ; 0x58ed TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText3 ; 0x58ed TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad2TrainerHeader4: ; 51859 (14:5859)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ee ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText4 ; 0x58f7 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText4 ; 0x5901 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText4 ; 0x58fc TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText4 ; 0x58fc TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad2TrainerHeader5: ; 51865 (14:5865)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ee ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText5 ; 0x5906 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText5 ; 0x5910 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText5 ; 0x590b TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText5 ; 0x590b TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad2TrainerHeader6: ; 51871 (14:5871)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7ee ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; 0x58ba TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; 0x58ba TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; 0x58ba TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; 0x58ba TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad2BattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/victoryroad3.asm
+++ b/scripts/victoryroad3.asm
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 	bit 7, [hl]
 	res 7, [hl]
 	jp z, .asm_449fe
-	ld hl, .coordsData_449f9 ; $49f9
+	ld hl, .coordsData_449f9
 	call CheckBoulderCoords
 	jp nc, .asm_449fe
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
 	jr nz, .asm_449dc
 	ld hl, wd126
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
 	ld a, $c2
 	ld [wDungeonWarpDestinationMap], a
-	ld hl, .coordsData_449f9 ; $49f9
+	ld hl, .coordsData_449f9
 	call Func_46981
-	ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
+	ld a, [wWhichTrade]
 	cp $1
 	jr nz, .asm_44a1b
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -95,37 +95,37 @@
 	db $1 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd813 ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText2 ; 0x4a91 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText2 ; 0x4a9b TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText2 ; 0x4a96 TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText2 ; 0x4a96 TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad3TrainerHeader2: ; 44a44 (11:4a44)
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd813 ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText3 ; 0x4aa0 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText3 ; 0x4aaa TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText3 ; 0x4aa5 TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText3 ; 0x4aa5 TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad3TrainerHeader3: ; 44a50 (11:4a50)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd813 ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText4 ; 0x4aaf TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText4 ; 0x4ab9 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText4 ; 0x4ab4 TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText4 ; 0x4ab4 TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 VictoryRoad3TrainerHeader4: ; 44a5c (11:4a5c)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd813 ; flag's byte
-	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText5 ; 0x4abe TextBeforeBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText5 ; 0x4ac8 TextAfterBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText5 ; 0x4ac3 TextEndBattle
-	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText5 ; 0x4ac3 TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3BattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw VictoryRoad3EndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/viridiancity.asm
+++ b/scripts/viridiancity.asm
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 	ret nz
 	cp %01111111
-	jr nz, .asm_1901e ; 0x19016 $6
+	jr nz, .asm_1901e
 	ld hl, wd74c
 	set 0, [hl]
@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@
 	cp %01111111
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_19127
-	jr z, .asm_ae9fe ; 0x19110
+	jr z, .asm_ae9fe
 	ld a, [wd751]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_ae9fe ; 0x19117
+	jr nz, .asm_ae9fe
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_19122
-.asm_ae9fe ; 0x1911c
 	call PrintText
 	jp TextScriptEnd
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_6dfea ; 0x1913a
+	jr nz, .asm_6dfea
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_19157
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_d611f ; 0x19142
-.asm_6dfea ; 0x19144
+	jr .asm_d611f
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_19152
 	call PrintText
-.asm_d611f ; 0x1914a
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 ViridianCityText_1914d: ; 1914d (6:514d)
@@ -203,14 +203,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd74b]
 	bit 5, a
-	jr nz, .asm_83894 ; 0x19162
+	jr nz, .asm_83894
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_19175
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_700a6 ; 0x1916a
-.asm_83894 ; 0x1916c
+	jr .asm_700a6
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_1917a
 	call PrintText
-.asm_700a6 ; 0x19172
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 ViridianCityText_19175: ; 19175 (6:5175)
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd74c]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_4e5a0 ; 0x1919c
+	jr nz, .asm_4e5a0
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_191ca
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (TM_42 << 8) | 1
@@ -248,15 +248,15 @@
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd74c
 	set 1, [hl]
-	jr .asm_3c73c ; 0x191b7
+	jr .asm_3c73c
 	ld hl, TM42NoRoomText
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_3c73c ; 0x191bf
-.asm_4e5a0 ; 0x191c1
+	jr .asm_3c73c
 	ld hl, TM42Explanation
 	call PrintText
-.asm_3c73c ; 0x191c7
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 ViridianCityText_191ca: ; 191ca (6:51ca)
@@ -279,21 +279,21 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_1920a
 	call PrintText
-	ld c, $2
+	ld c, 2
 	call DelayFrames
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_42f68 ; 0x191f2
+	jr z, .asm_42f68
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_1920f
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, $1
-	jr .asm_2413a ; 0x191ff
-.asm_42f68 ; 0x19201
+	jr .asm_2413a
 	ld hl, ViridianCityText_19214
 	call PrintText
-.asm_2413a ; 0x19207
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 ViridianCityText_1920a: ; 1920a (6:520a)
--- a/scripts/viridianforest.asm
+++ b/scripts/viridianforest.asm
@@ -33,28 +33,28 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f3 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianForestBattleText1 ; 0x518a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianForestAfterBattleText1 ; 0x5194 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText1 ; 0x518f TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText1 ; 0x518f TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianForestBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianForestAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianForestTrainerHeader1: ; 6114e (18:514e)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f3 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianForestBattleText2 ; 0x5199 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianForestAfterBattleText2 ; 0x51a3 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText2 ; 0x519e TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText2 ; 0x519e TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianForestBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianForestAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianForestTrainerHeader2: ; 6115a (18:515a)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($1 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd7f3 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianForestBattleText3 ; 0x51a8 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianForestAfterBattleText3 ; 0x51b2 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText3 ; 0x51ad TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText3 ; 0x51ad TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianForestBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianForestAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianForestEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
--- a/scripts/viridiangym.asm
+++ b/scripts/viridiangym.asm
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
 	dw ViridianGymScript4
 ViridianGymScript0: ; 748eb (1d:48eb)
-	ld a, [W_YCOORD] ; wd361
+	ld a, [W_YCOORD]
 	ld b, a
-	ld a, [W_XCOORD] ; wd362
+	ld a, [W_XCOORD]
 	ld c, a
 	ld hl, ViridianGymArrowTilePlayerMovement
 	call DecodeArrowMovementRLE
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 	jp Bankswitch
 ViridianGymScript3: ; 74988 (1d:4988)
+	ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE]
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, ViridianGymScript_748d6
 	ld a, $f0
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
 ViridianGymScript3_74995: ; 74995 (1d:4995)
 	ld a, $c
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd751
 	set 1, [hl]
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
 	ld a, $d
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
 	ld hl, wd751
 	set 0, [hl]
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 	jr .asm_749be
 	ld a, $e
-	ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c
 	call DisplayTextID
@@ -204,73 +204,73 @@
 	db $2 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText1 ; 0x4afd TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText1 ; 0x4b07 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x4b02 TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText1 ; 0x4b02 TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader1: ; 74a14 (1d:4a14)
 	db $3 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText2 ; 0x4b16 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText2 ; 0x4b20 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4b1b TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText2 ; 0x4b1b TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader2: ; 74a20 (1d:4a20)
 	db $4 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText3 ; 0x4b2f TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText3 ; 0x4b39 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x4b34 TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText3 ; 0x4b34 TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader3: ; 74a2c (1d:4a2c)
 	db $5 ; flag's bit
 	db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText4 ; 0x4b48 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText4 ; 0x4b52 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x4b4d TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText4 ; 0x4b4d TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader4: ; 74a38 (1d:4a38)
 	db $6 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText5 ; 0x4b61 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText5 ; 0x4b6b TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x4b66 TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText5 ; 0x4b66 TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText5 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText5 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText5 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader5: ; 74a44 (1d:4a44)
 	db $7 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText6 ; 0x4b7a TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText6 ; 0x4b84 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x4b7f TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText6 ; 0x4b7f TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText6 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText6 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText6 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader6: ; 74a50 (1d:4a50)
 	db $8 ; flag's bit
 	db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText7 ; 0x4b93 TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText7 ; 0x4b9d TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText7 ; 0x4b98 TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText7 ; 0x4b98 TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText7 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText7 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText7 ; TextEndBattle
 ViridianGymTrainerHeader7: ; 74a5c (1d:4a5c)
 	db $9 ; flag's bit
 	db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range
 	dw wd751 ; flag's byte
-	dw ViridianGymBattleText8 ; 0x4bac TextBeforeBattle
-	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText8 ; 0x4bb6 TextAfterBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText8 ; 0x4bb1 TextEndBattle
-	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText8 ; 0x4bb1 TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymBattleText8 ; TextBeforeBattle
+	dw ViridianGymAfterBattleText8 ; TextAfterBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
+	dw ViridianGymEndBattleText8 ; TextEndBattle
 	db $ff
@@ -278,13 +278,13 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd751]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr z, .asm_6de66 ; 0x74a6f
+	jr z, .asm_6de66
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_9fc95 ; 0x74a73
+	jr nz, .asm_9fc95
 	call z, ViridianGymScript3_74995
 	call DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay
-	jr .asm_6dff7 ; 0x74a7b
-.asm_9fc95 ; 0x74a7d
+	jr .asm_6dff7
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
 	ld hl, ViridianGymText_74ad9
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@
 	call UpdateSprites
 	call Delay3
 	call GBFadeInFromBlack
-	jr .asm_6dff7 ; 0x74a9e
-.asm_6de66 ; 0x74aa0
+	jr .asm_6dff7
 	ld hl, ViridianGymText_74ace
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, wd72d
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
 	ld a, $3
-.asm_6dff7 ; 0x74acb
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 ViridianGymText_74ace: ; 74ace (1d:4ace)
@@ -493,14 +493,14 @@
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [wd751]
 	bit 1, a
-	jr nz, .asm_1abd1 ; 0x74bc1
+	jr nz, .asm_1abd1
 	ld hl, ViridianGymText_74bd4
 	call PrintText
-	jr .asm_6064d ; 0x74bc9
-.asm_1abd1 ; 0x74bcb
+	jr .asm_6064d
 	ld hl, ViridianGymText_74bd9
 	call PrintText
-.asm_6064d ; 0x74bd1
 	jp TextScriptEnd
 ViridianGymText_74bd4: ; 74bd4 (1d:4bd4)
--- a/scripts/viridianmart.asm
+++ b/scripts/viridianmart.asm
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
 ViridianMartScript_1d47d: ; 1d47d (7:547d)
 	ld a, [wd74e]
 	bit 0, a
-	jr nz, .asm_1d489 ; 0x1d482 $5
-	ld hl, ViridianMartTextPointers ; $54e0
-	jr .asm_1d48c ; 0x1d487 $3
+	jr nz, .asm_1d489
+	ld hl, ViridianMartTextPointers
+	jr .asm_1d48c
-	ld hl, ViridianMartTextPointers + $a ; $54ea ; starts at ViridianMartText6
+	ld hl, ViridianMartTextPointers + $a ; starts at ViridianMartText6
 	ld a, l
 	ld [W_MAPTEXTPTR], a