shithub: pokered

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ref: fd8bfbd633376445efe501870a6ddbf3684af99f
parent: ce40c8ca874a2098574a4349570550191b516186
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jan 14 06:56:04 EST 2012

add labels and block file to Mansion1

hg-commit-id: 8092d8b19c96

--- a/pokered.asm
+++ b/pokered.asm
@@ -20467,13 +20467,54 @@
 Mansion1_h: ; 0x442a3 to 0x442af (12 bytes) (bank=11) (id=165)
     db $16 ; tileset
     db $0e, $0f ; dimensions (y, x)
-    dw $43fe, $432c, $42af ; blocks, texts, scripts
+    dw Mansion1Blocks, Mansion1Texts, Mansion1Script ; blocks, texts, scripts
     db $00 ; connections
     dw Mansion1Object ; objects
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$442af,$44341 - $442af
+    call Mansion1Subscript1
+    call $3c3c
+    ld hl, $4334
+    ld de, $4326
+    ld a, [$d63a]
+    call $3160
+    ld [$d63a], a
+    ret
+; 0x442c5
+Mansion1Subscript1: ; 0x442c5
+    ld hl, $d126
+    bit 5, [hl]
+    res 5, [hl]
+    ret z
+    ld a, [$d796]
+    bit 0, a
+    jr nz, .asm_442ec ; 0x442d2 $18
+    ld bc, $060c
+    call $430b
+    ld bc, $0308
+    call $4304
+    ld bc, $080a
+    call $4304
+    ld bc, $0d0d
+    jp $4304
+    ld bc, $060c
+    call $4304
+    ld bc, $0308
+    call $430b
+    ld bc, $080a
+    call $430b
+    ld bc, $0d0d
+    jp $430b
+; 0x44304
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$44304,$4432c - $44304
+Mansion1Texts: ; 4432c
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4432c,$44341 - $4432c
 Mansion1Text1: ; 0x44341
     db $08 ; asm
     ld hl, $4334
@@ -20512,7 +20553,8 @@
     EVENT_DISP $f, $1b, $1a
     EVENT_DISP $f, $1b, $1b
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$443fe,$d2
+Mansion1Blocks: ; 203
+    INCBIN "maps/mansion1.blk"
 RockTunnel1_h: ; 0x444d0 to 0x444dc (12 bytes) (bank=11) (id=82)
     db $11 ; tileset