shithub: pokered

Download patch

ref: ff60685f4e08699ba9655bbdd9773b6f4a8d9140
parent: 20c54ccd583d2f847e6f264d7ced057f652dd095
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jan 7 10:13:24 EST 2012

text analysis and insertion code (TX_FAR targets only)

hg-commit-id: e4c007ad1c11

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -204,6 +204,32 @@
         print "Inserting map id=" + str(map_id)
+def reset_incbins():
+    "reset asm before inserting another diff"
+    asm = None
+    incbin_lines = []
+    processed_incbins = {}
+    load_asm()
+    isolate_incbins()
+    process_incbins()
+def apply_diff(diff):
+    print "... Applying diff."
+    #write the diff to a file
+    fh = open("temp.patch", "w")
+    fh.write(diff)
+    fh.close()
+    #apply the patch
+    os.system("patch ../pokered.asm temp.patch")
+    #remove the patch
+    os.system("rm temp.patch")
+    #confirm it's working
+    subprocess.check_call("cd ../; make clean; LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 make", shell=True)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     #load map headers
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/
@@ -1,0 +1,118 @@
+#author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
+#date: 2012-01-07
+#insert TX_FAR targets into pokered.asm
+import extract_maps
+from analyze_texts import analyze_texts
+from pretty_map_headers import map_name_cleaner, make_text_label, map_constants, find_all_tx_fars, tx_far_pretty_printer, tx_far_label_maker
+import pretty_map_headers
+from analyze_incbins import asm, offset_to_pointer, find_incbin_to_replace_for, split_incbin_line_into_three, generate_diff_insert, load_asm, isolate_incbins, process_incbins, reset_incbins, apply_diff
+import analyze_incbins
+import os, sys
+import subprocess
+spacing = "    "
+tx_fars = None
+def find_tx_far_entry(map_id, text_id):
+    for tx_far_line in tx_fars:
+        if tx_far_line[0] == map_id and tx_far_line[1] == text_id:
+            return tx_far_line
+def insert_tx_far(map_id, text_id, tx_far_line=None):
+    "inserts a tx_far"
+    global tx_fars
+    if tx_far_line == None:
+        tx_far_line = find_tx_far_entry(map_id, text_id)
+    text_pointer = tx_far_line[2]
+    start_address = tx_far_line[3]
+    tx_far_object = tx_far_line[4]
+    end_address = tx_far_object[1]["end_address"] + 1 #the end byte; +1 because of a bug somewhere :(
+    line_number = find_incbin_to_replace_for(start_address)
+    if line_number == None:
+        print "skipping tx_far for map_id=" + str(map_id) + " text_id=" + str(text_id) + " text_pointer=" + hex(text_pointer) + " tx_far_start_address=" + hex(start_address)
+        return
+    #also do a name check
+    label = tx_far_label_maker(extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]["name"], text_id)
+    if (label + ":") in "\n".join(analyze_incbins.asm):
+        print "skipping tx_far for map_id=" + str(map_id) + " text_id=" + str(text_id) + " text_pointer=" + hex(text_pointer) + " tx_far_start_address=" + hex(start_address)
+        return
+    newlines = split_incbin_line_into_three(line_number, start_address, end_address - start_address)
+    tx_far_asm = tx_far_pretty_printer(tx_far_line)
+    newlines = newlines.split("\n")
+    if len(newlines) == 2: index = 0 #replace the 1st line with new content
+    elif len(newlines) == 3: index = 1 #replace the 2nd line with new content
+    newlines[index] = tx_far_asm
+    if len(newlines) == 3 and newlines[2][-2:] == "$0":
+        #get rid of the last incbin line if it is only including 0 bytes
+        del newlines[2]
+        #note that this has to be done after adding in the new asm
+    newlines = "\n".join(line for line in newlines)
+    newlines = newlines.replace("$x", "$") #where does this keep coming from??
+    #signs are dumb; cluster the labels please
+    if "\"needs fulfilled!\", $55" in newlines:
+        newlines = "\n" + label + ": "
+        line_number += 1
+    if ("STRENGTH to move!" in newlines) or ("it the way it is." in newlines):
+        newlines = "\n" + label + ": "
+        line_number += 1
+    if "@\"" in newlines and not "@@\"" in newlines:
+        newlines = newlines.replace("@", "@@")
+    #Char52 doesn't work yet? oh well
+    newlines = newlines.replace("Char52", "$52")
+    diff = generate_diff_insert(line_number, newlines)
+    print "working on map_id=" + str(map_id) + " text_id=" + str(text_id)
+    print diff
+    apply_diff(diff)
+def insert_all_tx_fars():
+    for tx_far in tx_fars:
+        map_id = tx_far[0]
+        text_id = tx_far[1]
+        #if map_id <= 185: continue #i'm just trying to get it going faster
+        insert_tx_far(map_id, text_id, tx_far_line=tx_far)
+        reset_incbins()
+        analyze_incbins.reset_incbins()
+        asm = None
+        incbin_lines = []
+        processed_incbins = {}
+        analyze_incbins.asm = None
+        analyze_incbins.incbin_lines = []
+        analyze_incbins.processed_incbins = {}
+        load_asm()
+        isolate_incbins()
+        process_incbins()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    #load map headers and object data
+    extract_maps.load_rom()
+    extract_maps.load_map_pointers()
+    extract_maps.read_all_map_headers()
+    #load texts (these two have different formats)
+    all_texts = pretty_map_headers.analyze_texts.analyze_texts()
+    pretty_map_headers.all_texts = all_texts
+    tx_fars = pretty_map_headers.find_all_tx_fars()
+    #load incbins
+    reset_incbins()
+    #insert _ViridianCityText10
+    #insert_tx_far(1, 10)
+    insert_all_tx_fars()
+    #just me testing a pokemart sign duplicate
+    #insert_tx_far(3, 14)
--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
 def find_all_tx_fars():
     global all_texts
-    tx_fars = [] #[map_id, text_id, text_pointer, tx_far_pointer, tx_far_start_address, TX_FAR]
+    tx_fars = [] #[map_id, text_id, text_pointer, tx_far_pointer, TX_FAR]
     for map_id in all_texts:
         map2 = all_texts[map_id]
         for text_id in map2.keys():
@@ -643,10 +643,14 @@
                 if "TX_FAR" in command.keys():
                     TX_FAR = command["TX_FAR"]
                     if TX_FAR[0]["type"] == 0x0:
-                        tx_fars.append([map_id, text_id, analyze_texts.get_text_pointer(int(extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]["texts_pointer"], 16), text_id), TX_FAR[0]["start_address"], TX_FAR])
+                        tx_fars.append([map_id, text_id, analyze_texts.get_text_pointer(int(extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]["texts_pointer"], 16), text_id), command["pointer"], TX_FAR])
     return tx_fars
-def print_tx_far(tx_far):
+def tx_far_label_maker(map_name, text_id):
+    label = "_" + map_name_cleaner(map_name, None)[:-2] + "Text" + str(text_id)
+    return label
+def tx_far_pretty_printer(tx_far):
     "pretty output for a tx_far"
     map_id = tx_far[0]
     map2 = extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]
@@ -655,7 +659,7 @@
     tx_far_start_address = tx_far[3]
     text_far = tx_far[4]
     lines = text_far[0]["lines"]
-    label = "_" + map_name_cleaner(map2["name"], None)[:-2] + "Text" + str(text_id)
+    label = tx_far_label_maker(map2["name"], text_id)
     #add the ending byte on the next line
     #lines[len(lines.keys())+1] = [text_far[1]["type"]]
@@ -663,8 +667,8 @@
     #add the ending byte to the last line- always seems $57
-    output  = ""
-    output += label + ":\n"
+    output  = "\n"
+    output += label + ": ; " + hex(tx_far_start_address) + "\n"
     first = True
     for line_id in lines:
         line = lines[line_id]
@@ -701,7 +705,8 @@
                 #if you want the ending byte on the last line
                 #if not (byte == 0x57 or byte == 0x50 or byte == 0x58):
-                output += ", "
+                if not first_byte:
+                    output += ", "
                 output += "$" + hex(byte)[2:]
                 was_byte = True
@@ -719,8 +724,7 @@
         output += "\n"
-    #TODO: add $50 to the end of this
-    output += "\n"
+    #output += "\n"
     return output
 def print_all_headers():
@@ -753,6 +757,8 @@
     #print out only the object data for pallet town (map 0)
     #print object_data_pretty_printer(0)
+    #prepare to pretty print tx_fars
+    #first you must load all_texts
     tx_fars = find_all_tx_fars()
     for entry in tx_fars:
-        print print_tx_far(entry)
+        print tx_far_pretty_printer(entry)
--- a/textpre.awk
+++ b/textpre.awk
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@
 			    substr(f,1,1) == "t" ||
 			    substr(f,1,1) == "s" ||
 			    substr(f,1,1) == "v" ||
+                substr(f,1,1) == "d" ||
 			    substr(f,1,1) == "l") {
 				c = c substr(f,1,1)
 				f = substr(f,2,length(f) - 1)