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ref: 6c1dd85c9a742589d2142be72257a7380a4786dd
parent: 7d0dd140c3f81fa903f8becfb8981bbe8943a076
author: Anthony Bentley <[email protected]>
date: Sat Sep 12 14:46:08 EDT 2009

add support for partial binary includes (from lmod00)

--- a/src/asm/output.c
+++ b/src/asm/output.c
@@ -959,3 +959,52 @@
 	} else
 		fatalerror("File not found");
+void	out_BinaryFileSlice(char *s, SLONG start_pos, SLONG length)
+	FILE *f;
+	if (start_pos < 0)
+		fatalerror("Start position cannot be negative");
+	if (length < 0)
+		fatalerror("Number of bytes to read must be greater than zero");
+	fstk_FindFile (s);
+	if( (f=fopen(s,"rb"))!=NULL )
+	{
+					SLONG		fsize;
+					fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
+					fsize = ftell (f);
+					if (start_pos >= fsize)
+								fatalerror("Specified start position is greater than length of file");
+					if( (start_pos + length) > fsize )
+								fatalerror("Specified range in INCBIN is out of bounds");
+					fseek (f, start_pos, SEEK_SET);
+					checkcodesection (length);
+					if (nPass == 2)
+					{
+						SLONG		dest = nPC;
+						SLONG		todo = length;
+						while (todo--)
+										pCurrentSection->tData[dest++] = fgetc (f);
+					}
+					pCurrentSection->nPC += length;
+					nPC += length;
+					pPCSymbol->nValue += length;
+					fclose (f);
+			}
+			else
+					fatalerror ("File not found");
--- a/src/asm/yaccprt3.y
+++ b/src/asm/yaccprt3.y
@@ -274,6 +274,10 @@
 incbin			:	T_POP_INCBIN string
 					{ out_BinaryFile( $2 ); }
+				|	T_POP_INCBIN string ',' const ',' const
+					{
+						out_BinaryFileSlice( $2, $4, $6 );
+					}
 printt			:	T_POP_PRINTT string