ref: 75f8b16f334ba23fee68658c23ce65a43a8c9ba9
parent: 188027bccce01fc744a845c0626c7c6c8559966c
author: ISSOtm <[email protected]>
date: Sun Mar 27 09:53:08 EDT 2022
Implement "at-files" for RGBGFX Useful for persisting flags outside of the build system
--- a/man/rgbgfx.1
+++ b/man/rgbgfx.1
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
.Ql 0x2a .
TODO: add "palette map" output.
-TODO: implement "at-files", and document them.
The following options are accepted:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
@@ -302,6 +301,51 @@
Read squares from the PNG in column-major order (column by column), instead of the default row-major order (line by line).
This primarily affects tile map and attribute map output, although it may also change generated tile data and palettes.
+.Ss At-files
+In a given project, many images are to be converted with different flags.
+The traditional way of solving this problem has been to specify the different flags for each image in the Makefile / build script; this can be inconvenient, as it centralizes all those flags away from the images they concern.
+To avoid these drawbacks,
+.Dq at-files :
+any command-line argument that begins with an at sign
+.Pq Ql @
+is interpreted as one.
+The rest of the argument (without the @, that is) is interpreted as the path to a file, whose contents are interpreted as if given on the command line.
+At-files can be stored right next to the corresponding image, for example.
+Since the contents of at-files are interpreted by
+.Nm ,
+.Sy no shell processing is performed ;
+for example, shell variables are not expanded
+.Ql ( $PWD ,
+.Ql %WINDIR% ,
+In at-files, lines that are empty or contain only whitespace are ignored; lines that begin with a hash sign
+.Pq Ql # ,
+optionally preceded by whitespace, are considered comments and also ignored.
+Each line can contain any number of arguments, which are separated by whitespace.
+.Pq \&No quoting feature to prevent this is provided.
+Note that this special meaning given to arguments has less precedence than option arguments, and that the standard
+.Ql --
+to stop option processing also disables at-file processing.
+For example, the following command line processes
+.Ql @tilesets/town.png ,
+outputs tile data to
+.Ql @tilesets/town.2bpp ,
+and reads command-line options from
+.Ql tilesets/town.flags
+.Ql tilesets.flags :
+.Dl $ rgbgfx -o @tilesets/town.2bpp @tilesets/town.flags @tilesets.flags -- @tilesets/town.png
+At-files can also specify the input image directly, and call for more at-files, both using the regular syntax.
+Note that while
+.Ql --
+can be used in an at-file (with identical semantics), it is only effective inside of it\(emnormal option processing continues in the parent scope.
--- a/src/gfx/main.cpp
+++ b/src/gfx/main.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <ios>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdarg.h>
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@
// Short options
-static char const *optstring = "Aa:b:Cc:Dd:FfhL:mN:n:o:Pp:s:Tt:U:uVvx:Z";
+static char const *optstring = "-Aa:b:Cc:Dd:FfhL:mN:n:o:Pp:s:Tt:U:uVvx:Z";
* Equivalent long options
@@ -233,9 +235,103 @@
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+static void registerInput(char const *arg) {
+ if (!options.input.empty()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "FATAL: input image specified more than once! (first \"%s\", then "
+ "\"%s\")\n",
+ options.input.c_str(), arg);
+ printUsage();
+ exit(1);
+ } else if (arg[0] == '\0') { // Empty input path
+ fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: input image path cannot be empty!\n");
+ printUsage();
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ options.input = arg;
+ }
+ * Turn an "at-file"'s contents into an argv that `getopt` can handle
+ * @param argPool Argument characters will be appended to this vector, for storage purposes.
+ */
+static std::vector<size_t> readAtFile(std::string const &path, std::vector<char> &argPool) {
+ std::filebuf file;
+, std::ios_base::in);
+ static_assert(decltype(file)::traits_type::eof() == EOF,
+ "isblank(char_traits<...>::eof()) is UB!");
+ std::vector<size_t> argvOfs;
+ for (;;) {
+ int c;
+ // First, discard any leading whitespace
+ do {
+ c = file.sbumpc();
+ if (c == EOF) {
+ return argvOfs;
+ }
+ } while (isblank(c));
+ switch (c) {
+ case '#': // If it's a comment, discard everything until EOL
+ while ((c = file.sbumpc()) != '\n') {
+ if (c == EOF) {
+ return argvOfs;
+ }
+ }
+ continue; // Start processing the next line
+ // If it's an empty line, ignore it
+ case '\r': // Assuming CRLF here
+ file.sbumpc(); // Discard the upcoming '\n'
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case '\n':
+ continue; // Start processing the next line
+ }
+ // Alright, now we can parse the line
+ do {
+ // Read one argument (until the next whitespace char).
+ // We know there is one because we already have its first character in `c`.
+ argvOfs.push_back(argPool.size());
+ // Reading and appending characters one at a time may be inefficient, but I'm counting
+ // on `vector` and `sbumpc` to do the right thing here.
+ argPool.push_back(c); // Push the character we've already read
+ for (;;) {
+ c = file.sbumpc();
+ if (isblank(c) || c == '\n' || c == EOF) {
+ break;
+ } else if (c == '\r') {
+ file.sbumpc(); // Discard the '\n'
+ break;
+ }
+ argPool.push_back(c);
+ }
+ argPool.push_back('\0');
+ // Discard whitespace until the next argument (candidate)
+ while (isblank(c)) {
+ c = file.sbumpc();
+ }
+ if (c == '\r') {
+ c = file.sbumpc(); // Skip the '\n'
+ }
+ } while (c != '\n' && c != EOF); // End if we reached EOL
+ }
+ * Parses an arg vector, modifying `options` as options are read.
+ * The three booleans are for the "auto path" flags, since their processing must be deferred to the
+ * end of option parsing.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL if the vector was fully parsed, or a pointer (which is part of the arg vector) to an
+ * "at-file" path if one is encountered.
+ */
+static char *parseArgv(int argc, char **argv, bool &autoAttrmap, bool &autoTilemap,
+ bool &autoPalettes) {
int opt;
- bool autoAttrmap = false, autoTilemap = false, autoPalettes = false;
while ((opt = musl_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, nullptr)) != -1) {
char *arg = musl_optarg; // Make a copy for scanning
@@ -383,6 +479,14 @@
case 'Z':
options.columnMajor = true;
+ case 1: // Positional argument, requested by leading `-` in opt string
+ if (musl_optarg[0] == '@') {
+ // Instruct the caller to process that at-file
+ return &musl_optarg[1];
+ } else {
+ registerInput(musl_optarg);
+ }
+ break;
@@ -389,6 +493,71 @@
+ return nullptr; // Done processing this argv
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ bool autoAttrmap = false, autoTilemap = false, autoPalettes = false;
+ struct AtFileStackEntry {
+ int parentInd; // Saved offset into parent argv
+ std::vector<char *> argv; // This context's arg pointer vec
+ std::vector<char> argPool;
+ AtFileStackEntry(int parentInd_, std::vector<char *> argv_)
+ : parentInd(parentInd_), argv(argv_) {}
+ };
+ std::vector<AtFileStackEntry> atFileStack;
+ int curArgc = argc;
+ char **curArgv = argv;
+ for (;;) {
+ char *atFileName = parseArgv(curArgc, curArgv, autoAttrmap, autoTilemap, autoPalettes);
+ if (atFileName) {
+ // Copy `argv[0]` for error reporting, and because option parsing skips it
+ AtFileStackEntry &stackEntry =
+ atFileStack.emplace_back(musl_optind, std::vector{atFileName});
+ // It would be nice to compute the char pointers on the fly, but reallocs don't allow
+ // that; so we must compute the offsets after the pool is fixed
+ auto offsets = readAtFile(&musl_optarg[1], stackEntry.argPool);
+ stackEntry.argv.reserve(offsets.size() + 2); // Avoid a bunch of reallocs
+ for (size_t ofs : offsets) {
+ stackEntry.argv.push_back(&[ofs]);
+ }
+ stackEntry.argv.push_back(nullptr); // Don't forget the arg vector terminator!
+ curArgc = stackEntry.argv.size() - 1;
+ curArgv =;
+ musl_optind = 1; // Don't use 0 because we're not scanning a different argv per se
+ continue; // Begin scanning that arg vector
+ }
+ if (musl_optind != curArgc) {
+ // This happens if `--` is passed, process the remaining arg(s) as positional
+ assert(musl_optind < curArgc);
+ for (int i = musl_optind; i < curArgc; ++i) {
+ registerInput(argv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Pop off the top stack entry, or end parsing if none
+ if (atFileStack.empty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // OK to restore `optind` directly, because `optpos` must be 0 right now.
+ // (Providing 0 would be a "proper" reset, but we want to resume parsing)
+ musl_optind = atFileStack.back().parentInd;
+ atFileStack.pop_back();
+ if (atFileStack.empty()) {
+ curArgc = argc;
+ curArgv = argv;
+ } else {
+ auto &vec = atFileStack.back().argv;
+ curArgc = vec.size();
+ curArgv =;
+ }
+ }
if (options.nbColorsPerPal == 0) {
options.nbColorsPerPal = 1u << options.bitDepth;
} else if (options.nbColorsPerPal > 1u << options.bitDepth) {
@@ -395,18 +564,6 @@
error("%" PRIu8 "bpp palettes can only contain %u colors, not %" PRIu8, options.bitDepth,
1u << options.bitDepth, options.nbColorsPerPal);
- if (musl_optind == argc) {
- fputs("FATAL: No input image specified\n", stderr);
- printUsage();
- exit(1);
- } else if (argc - musl_optind != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: %d input images were specified instead of 1\n", argc - musl_optind);
- printUsage();
- exit(1);
- }
- options.input = argv[argc - 1];
auto autoOutPath = [](bool autoOptEnabled, std::string &path, char const *extension) {
if (autoOptEnabled) {