shithub: riscv

Download patch

ref: 7d87f85671fa453b83edbf578d5324c8f354850c
parent: fa9a40027b8ced000ea1c3d2dc5ed8eb44c6ad90
author: cinap_lenrek <cinap_lenrek@centraldogma>
date: Sun May 1 23:01:52 EDT 2011

inst: reintroduce iso mounting for usb, replace /rc/bin/inst/isxxx with /rc/bin/fstype, remove fossil/venti specific code, rename plan9.iso to 9front.iso

--- a/rc/bin/inst/bootsetup
+++ b/rc/bin/inst/bootsetup
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-	if(! isfat $fat)
+	if(! ~ `{fstype $fat} dos)
 	if(! test -f /srv/dos)
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
 case checkdone
-	if(! isfat $xxxfat(1) || ! ~ $didbootsetup 1){
+	xxxfat=$xxxfat(1)
+	if(! ~ `{fstype $xxxfat} dos || ! ~ $didbootsetup 1){
 		export bootsetup
--- a/rc/bin/inst/download
+++ b/rc/bin/inst/download
@@ -33,22 +33,20 @@
 	baropt='-w 145,129,445,168'
 	if(~ $textinst 1)
-	if(! hget -vo /n/newfs/dist/_plan9.iso.bz2 $installurl/plan9.iso.bz2 |[2] aux/statusbar $baropt 'downloading '^plan9.iso.bz2)
+	mkdir -p /n/newfs/dist
+	if(! hget -vo /n/newfs/dist/_9front.iso.bz2 $installurl/9front.iso.bz2 |[2] aux/statusbar $baropt 'downloading '^9front.iso.bz2)
-	mv /n/newfs/dist/_plan9.iso.bz2 /n/newfs/dist/plan9.iso.bz2
-	if(~ $fstype fossil){
-		echo fsys main sync >>/srv/fscons
-	}
+	mv /n/newfs/dist/_9front.iso.bz2 /n/newfs/dist/9front.iso.bz2
 	echo 'The distribution is downloaded.'
-	mountmedia=(mount /srv/fossil /n/distmedia)
+	mountmedia=(mount /srv/cwfs /n/distmedia)
 	export distmediadir mountmedia distmedia
 case checkdone
-	if(! test -f /n/newfs/dist/plan9.iso.bz2) {
+	if(! test -f /n/newfs/dist/9front.iso.bz2) {
 		export download
--- a/rc/bin/inst/fmtfossil
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +1,0 @@
-# desc: initialize disks for a fossil server
-# prereq: configfs
-case checkready checkdone
-	if(! ~ $fstype fossil+venti fossil){
-		fmtfossil=notdone
-		export fmtfossil
-		exit
-	}
-	ff=`{ls /dev/sd*/fossil* /dev/fs/fossil* >[2]/dev/null}
-	if(~ $#ff 0){
-		fmtfossil=notdone
-		export fmtfossil
-		exit
-	}
-	gg=()
-	for(f in $ff)
-		if(isfossil $f)
-			gg=($gg $f)
-	if(~ $#gg 0){
-		fmtfossil=ready
-		export fmtfossil
-		exit
-	}
-	fmtfossil=done
-	export fmtfossil
-	exit
-case go
-	ff=`{ls /dev/sd*/fossil* /dev/fs/fossil* >[2]/dev/null}
-	if(~ $#ff 0){
-		echo 'You need to create a partition or partitions to hold the Fossil write cache.'
-		echo 'The partition name must begin with "fossil".'
-		echo
-		fmtfossil=notdone
-		export fmtfossil
-		exit
-	}
-	default=()
-	if(~ $#ff 1){
-		default=(-d $ff)
-	}
-	echo You have the following fossil partitions.
-	echo
-	prompt $default 'Fossil partition to format' $ff
-	f=$rd
-	do=yes
-	if(isfossil $f){
-		echo $f appears to already be formatted as Fossil file system.
-		echo Do you really want to reformat it?
-		echo
-		prompt -d no 'Reformat '$f yes no
-		do=$rd
-	}
-	if(~ $do yes){
-		fossil/flfmt -y $f
-		n=`{cat /dev/swap | grep ' user' | sed 's/^[0-9]+\/([0-9]+) .*/\1/'}
-		if(test $n -gt 32768)
-			m=3000	# if have at least 128 user MB, use 24MB for fossil
-		if not if(test $n -gt 16384)
-			m=1500	# 64 user MB => 12MB for fossil
-		if not if(test $n -gt 8192)
-			m=750	# 32 user MB => 6MB for fossil
-		if not
-			m=256	# 2MB for fossil (this will be slow)
-		# if we're using a venti in the back, take hourly snapshots
-		# that retire after three days, in addition to the daily dumps at 5am
-		if(~ $fstype fossil+venti){
-			v=''
-			snap='fsys main snaptime -s 60 -a 0500 -t 2880'
-		}
-		# otherwise, take the daily dumps but nothing else --
-		# we can't retire snapshots unless dumps are being archived
-		if not{
-			v='-V'
-			snap=''
-		}
-		echo \
-'fsys main config '^$f^'
-fsys main open '^$v^' -c '^$m^'
-'		| fossil/conf -w $f
-	}
-	echo Done.
--- a/rc/bin/inst/fmtventi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +1,0 @@
-# desc: initialize disks for a venti server
-# prereq: mountdist
-case checkready checkdone
-	if(! ~ $fstype fossil+venti){
-		fmtventi=notdone
-		export fmtventi
-		exit
-	}
-	if(! test -e /bin/venti/fmtarenas || ! test -e /bin/venti/fmtisect || ! test -e /bin/venti/fmtindex){
-		bind -a /n/dist/386/bin/venti /bin/venti
-		if(! test -e /bin/venti/fmtarenas || ! test -e /bin/venti/fmtisect || ! test -e /bin/venti/fmtindex){
-			fmtventi=notdone
-			export fmtventi
-			exit
-		}
-	}
-	ff=`{ls /dev/sd*/arenas* /dev/fs/arenas* >[2]/dev/null}
-	if(~ $#ff 0){
-		fmtventi=notdone
-		export fmtventi
-		exit
-	}
-	gg=()
-	for(f in $ff)
-		if(isventi $f)
-			gg=($gg $f)
-	if(~ $#gg 0){
-		fmtventi=ready
-		export fmtventi
-		exit
-	}
-	ventiarena=$gg(1)
-	export ventiarena
-	fmtventi=done
-	export fmtventi
-	exit
-case go
-	ff=`{ls /dev/sd*/arenas* /dev/fs/arenas* >[2]/dev/null}
-	if(~ $#ff 0){
-		echo 'You need to create a partition or partitions to hold the Venti arenas.'
-		echo 'The arena partition names must begin with "arenas".'
-		echo
-		fmtventi=notdone
-		export fmtventi
-		exit
-	}
-	default=(-d $"ff)
-	if(! ~ $#ventiarena 0){
-		default=(-d $"ventiarena)
-	}
-	echo You have the following Venti arena partitions.
-	ls -l $ff
-	echo
-	prompt $default 'Venti arena partitions to use'
-	aa=`{echo $rd}
-	bad=no
-	for(a in $aa){
-		if(! ~ $a $ff){
-			echo 'Bad venti arena partition' $a
-			fmtventi=notdone
-			export fmtventi
-			exit
-		}
-	}
-	ventiarena=$aa
-	export ventiarena
-	gg=`{ls /dev/sd*/isect* /dev/fs/isect* >[2]/dev/null}
-	if(~ $#gg 0){
-		echo 'You need to create a partition or partitions to hold the Venti indices.'
-		echo 'The index partition names must begin with "isect".'
-		echo
-		fmtventi=notdone
-		export fmtventi
-		exit
-	}
-	default=(-d $"gg)
-	if(! ~ $#ventiindex 0){
-		default=(-d $"ventiindex)
-	}
-	echo You have the following Venti index partitions.
-	ls -l $gg
-	echo
-	prompt $default 'Venti index partitions to use'
-	aa=`{echo $rd}
-	bad=no
-	for(a in $aa){
-		if(! ~ $a $gg){
-			echo 'Bad venti index partition' $a
-			fmtventi=notdone
-			export fmtventi
-			exit
-		}
-	}
-	ventiindex=$aa
-	export ventiindex
-	n=-1
-	fmta=()
-	for(a in $ventiarena){
-		do=yes
-		n=`{hoc -e 1+$n}
-		if(isventiarenas $a){
-			echo File $a is already formatted as a Venti arenas partition.
-			prompt -d no 'Reformat '$a yes no
-			do=$rd
-		}
-		if(~ $do yes)
-			fmta=($fmta arenas$n:$a)
-	}
-	n=-1
-	fmti=()
-	for(a in $ventiindex){
-		do=yes
-		n=`{hoc -e 1+$n}
-		if(isventiisect $a){
-			echo File $a is already formatted as a Venti index section.
-			prompt -d no 'Reformat '$a yes no
-			do=$rd
-		}
-		if(~ $do yes)
-			fmti=($fmti isect$n:$a)
-	}
-	echo Formatting Venti arenas and indices (this takes a while).
-	# do each disk in parallel
-	echo good >/tmp/fmt
-	dd=()
-	for(a in $fmta $fmti){
-		d=`{echo $a | sed 's!.*:(/.*/).*!\1!'}
-		if(! ~ $d $dd)
-			dd=($dd $d)
-	}
-	for(d in $dd){
-		{
-			for(a in $fmta){
-				i=`{echo $a | sed 's!(.*):(/.*/)(.*)!\1 \2 \2\3!'}
-				if(~ $i(2) $d){
-					echo $i(3) ...
-					venti/fmtarenas $i(1) $i(3) || echo bad >/tmp/fmt
-					echo done with $i(3)
-				}
-			}
-			for(a in $fmti){
-				i=`{echo $a | sed 's!(.*):(/.*/)(.*)!\1 \2 \2\3!'}
-				if(~ $i(2) $d){
-					echo $i(3) ...
-					venti/fmtisect $i(1) $i(3) || echo bad >/tmp/fmt
-					echo done with $i(3)
-				}
-			}
-		} &
-	}
-	wait
-	if(~ bad `{cat /tmp/fmt}){
-		echo There were errors formatting the indices and arenas.
-		fmtventi=ready
-		export fmtventi
-		exit errors
-	}
-	echo Done formatting Venti arenas and indices.
-	v=$ventiarena(1)
-	echo Storing Venti config on $v...
-	{
-		echo index main
-		for(i in $ventiindex)
-			echo isect $i
-		for(a in $ventiarena)
-			echo arenas $a
-	} | venti/conf -w $v
-	echo Initializing index...
-	venti/fmtindex $v
-	echo Done with Venti!
--- a/rc/bin/inst/is9660
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-# 0000000  01  C  D  0  0  1 01 00  P  L  A  N     9
-if(! ~ $#* 1) {
-	echo 'usage: is9660 /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-ifs=$nl {id=`{dd -if $1 -bs 2048 -skip 16>[2]/dev/null | xd -c | sed 1q | sed 's/.........(....................).*/\1/'}}
-~ $id '01  C  D  0  0  1 01'
-exit $status
--- a/rc/bin/inst/isext2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 1) {
-	echo 'usage: isext2 /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-cmp -s <{dd -if $1 -bs 1 -count 2 -skip 1080 >[2]/dev/null | xd -b |sed 1q} \
-	<{echo '0000000  53 ef'}
-exit $status
--- a/rc/bin/inst/isfat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-rfork e
-# 0000000  eb 3c 90  P  l  a  n  9  .  0  0 00 02 04 02 00
-# 0000010  02 00 02 02  P f8 14 00  ? 00 ff 00  ~ 04  } 00
-# 0000020  02  P 00 00 80 00  ) a8 04  } 00  C  Y  L  I  N
-# 0000030   D  R  I  C  A  L  F  A  T  1  6          fa 8c
-if(! ~ $#* 1) {
-	echo 'usage: isfat /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-fn fat {
-	cmp -s <{dd -if $arg -bs 1 -count 3 -skip $1 >[2]/dev/null} <{echo -n FAT}
-fat 54 || fat 82
-exit $status
--- a/rc/bin/inst/isfossil
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
-	echo 'usage: isfossil /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-if(! cmp -s <{dd -quiet 1 -if $arg -bs 1024 -iseek 127 |
-	dd -quiet 1 -bs 14 -count 1} <{echo 'fossil config'})
-	exit noconfig
-if(! cmp -s <{dd -quiet 1 -if $arg -bs 1024 -iseek 128 |
-	dd -quiet 1 -bs 4 -count 1 | xd -b | sed 1q} <{echo '0000000  37 76 ae 89'})
-	exit notwritebuffer
-exit 0
--- a/rc/bin/inst/isventi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
-	echo 'usage: isventi /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-if(! cmp -s <{dd -quiet 1 -if $arg -bs 1024 -iseek 248 |
-	dd -quiet 1 -bs 13 -count 1} <{echo 'venti config'})
-	exit noconfig
-exit 0
--- a/rc/bin/inst/isventiarenas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
-	echo 'usage: isventiarenas /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-if(! cmp -s <{dd -quiet 1 -if $arg -bs 1024 -iseek 256 |
-	dd -quiet 1 -bs 4 -count 1 | xd -b | sed 1q} <{echo '0000000  a9 e4 a5 e7'})
-	exit notarenas
-exit 0
--- a/rc/bin/inst/isventiisect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
-	echo 'usage: isventiisect /dev/sdC0/part' >[1=2]
-	exit usage
-if(! cmp -s <{dd -quiet 1 -if $arg -bs 1024 -iseek 256 |
-	dd -quiet 1 -bs 4 -count 1 | xd -b | sed 1q} <{echo '0000000  d1 5c 5e c7'})
-	exit notisect
-exit 0
--- a/rc/bin/inst/main
+++ b/rc/bin/inst/main
@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@
 	partdisk prepdisk\
-	fmtfossil\
-	fmtventi\
 	bootsetup finish stop\
--- a/rc/bin/inst/mountdist
+++ b/rc/bin/inst/mountdist
@@ -16,9 +16,36 @@
 fn havedist {
-	test -f $1/LICENSE
+	test -f $1/LICENSE || test -f $1/9front.iso || test -f $1/9front.iso.bz2
+fn trycdimage{
+	if(test -f $1){
+		rm -f /srv/9660.dist
+		unmount /n/dist
+		9660srv 9660.dist >[2]/dev/null
+		logprog mount /srv/9660.dist /n/dist $1
+		exitifdone
+		mountdist=notdone
+		export mountdist
+		exit notdone
+	}
+fn trycdimagebz2 {
+	if(test -f $1){
+		echo -n 'bunzip2 < '^$1^' >/n/newfs/dist/9front.iso'
+		bunzip2 < $1 >/n/newfs/dist/_9front.iso &&
+		mv /n/newfs/dist/_9front.iso /n/newfs/dist/9front.iso
+		echo
+		trycdimage /n/newfs/dist/9front.iso
+		mountdist=notdone
+		export mountdist
+		exit notdone
+	}
 case checkready
 	if(! ~ $distisfrom local && ! ~ $download done){
@@ -40,23 +67,20 @@
 case go
-	ext2=()
 	echo Please wait... Scanning storage devices...
-	parts=`{ls /dev/sd[A-Z][0-9]*/* >[2]/dev/null | grep -v '/(plan9.*|ctl|log|raw)$'}
+	parts=`{ls /dev/sd*/* >[2]/dev/null | grep -v '/(plan9.*|nvram|ctl|log|raw)$'}
 	for (i in $parts) {
 		echo -n '	'^$i
-		n=`{echo $i | sed 's;/;_;g'}
-		if(! test -f /tmp/localpart.$n)
-			dd -if $i -bs 2048 -count 32 -of /tmp/localpart.$n >[2]/dev/null
-		if(isfat /tmp/localpart.$n)
+		t=`{fstype $i}
+		switch($t){
+		case dos
 			fat=($fat $i)
-		if(isext2 /tmp/localpart.$n)
-			ext2=($ext2 $i)
-		if(is9660 /tmp/localpart.$n)
+		case 9660
 			x9660=($x9660 $i)
+		}
@@ -67,8 +91,6 @@
 		case $fat
 			echo 	'	'^$i^' (microsoft fat)'
-		case $ext2
-			echo 	'	'^$i^' (linux ext2)'
 		case $x9660
 			echo 	'	'^$i^' (iso9660 cdrom)'
@@ -80,7 +102,7 @@
 		if(! ~ $#cdboot 0 && ! ~ $#x9660 0)
 			default=(-d $x9660(1))
-		prompt $default 'Distribution disk' $fat $x9660
+		prompt $default 'Distribution disk' $fat $x9660 $fs
@@ -91,9 +113,6 @@
 		case $fat
 			mountmedia=(mount /srv/dos /n/distmedia $disk)
-		case $ext2
-			srvmedia=(ext2srv -r)
-			mountmedia=(mount /srv/ext2 /n/distmedia $disk)
 		case $x9660
 			mountmedia=(mount /srv/9660 /n/distmedia $disk)
@@ -114,6 +133,8 @@
 			echo Which directory contains the distribution?
 			echo 'Any of the following will suffice (in order of preference):'
 			echo '	- the root directory of the cd image'
+			echo '	- the directory containing 9front.iso'
+			echo '	- the directory containing 9front.iso.bz2'
@@ -145,7 +166,7 @@
-	if(havedist /n/distmedia/$distmediadir){
+	if(test -f /n/distmedia/$distmediadir/LICENSE){
 		bind /n/distmedia/$distmediadir /n/dist
@@ -152,6 +173,12 @@
 		export mountdist
 		exit notdone
+	trycdimage /n/distmedia/$distmediadir/9front.iso
+	trycdimage /n/newfs/dist/9front.iso
+	trycdimagebz2 /n/distmedia/$distmediadir/9front.iso.bz2
+	trycdimagebz2 /n/newfs/dist/9front.iso.bz2
 	export mountdist
--- a/rc/bin/inst/mountfossil
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +1,0 @@
-case checkready checkdone
-	if(! ~ $fmtfossil done){
-		mountfs=notdone
-		export mountfs
-		exit
-	}
-	if(! test -f /dev/sd*/fossil* && ! test -f /dev/fs/fossil*){
-		mountfs=notdone
-		export mountfs
-		exit
-	}
-	if(! ~ $#fossil 1 || ! test -f $fossil){
-		mountfs=ready
-		export mountfs
-		exit
-	}
-	if(! ps | grep -s ' fossil$'){
-		echo 'srv -p fscons' > /env/fossilconf
-		echo 'srv -AP fossil' >> /env/fossilconf
-		fossil/conf $fossil | sed 's/^fsys main open .*/& -AWVP/' |
-			sed 's/^fsys main snaptime .*//' >> /env/fossilconf
-		if(! logprog fossil/fossil -c .' /env/fossilconf'>>[2]/srv/log){
-			echo 'fossil: '^$status
-			mountfs=ready
-			export mountfs
-			exit oops
-		}
-		if(! test -f /srv/fossil){
-			echo 'fossil did not create /srv/fossil'
-			mountfs=ready
-			exit oops
-		}
-		cat /srv/fscons >>/srv/log &
-		if(! logprog mount -c /srv/fossil /n/newfs){
-			echo 'mount: '^$status
-			mountfs=ready
-			export mountfs
-			exit oops
-		}
-		fs=$fossil
-		export fs
-	}
-	if(! test -s /n/newfs/adm/users){
-		echo fsys main create /active/adm adm sys d775 >>/srv/fscons
-		echo fsys main create /active/adm/users adm sys 664 >>/srv/fscons
-		echo uname upas :upas >>/srv/fscons
-		echo users -w >>/srv/fscons
-		sleep 2
-	}
-	if(! test -s /n/newfs/adm/users){
-		echo 'could not create /adm/users'
-		mountfs=ready
-		export mountfs
-		exit oops
-	}
-	for(i in dist dist/replica dist/replica/client){
-		if(! test -d /n/newfs/$i)
-			echo fsys main create /active/$i sys sys d775 >>/srv/fscons
-		sleep 2
-	}
-	if(! test -d /n/newfs/dist/replica/client){
-		echo 'could not create /dist/replica/client'
-		mountfs=ready
-		export mountfs
-		exit oops
-	}
-	if(! test -e /n/newfs/dist/replica/client/plan9.db){
-		echo fsys main create /active/dist/replica/client/plan9.db sys sys 664 >>/srv/fscons
-		echo fsys main create /active/dist/replica/client/plan9.log sys sys a664 >>/srv/fscons
-	}
-	if(test -d /n/newfs/dist/replica/client && test -f /n/newfs/adm/users){
-		mountfs=done
-		export mountfs
-		exit
-	}
-	mountfs=ready
-	export mountfs
-	exit
-case go
-	echo 'The following partitions named fossil* were found.'
-	echo
-	echo 'Please choose one to use as the installation file system'
-	echo 'for your Plan 9 installation.'
-	echo
-	files=(`{ls /dev/sd*/fossil* /dev/fs/fossil* >[2]/dev/null})
-	ls -l $files
-	echo
-	if(~ $#fossil 1 && ~ $fossil $files)
-		default=(-d $fossil)
-	if not if(~ $#files 1)
-		default=(-d $files)
-	if not
-		default=()
-	prompt $default 'Fossil partition' $files
-	slay fossil|rc
-	fossil=$rd
-	export fossil
--- a/rc/bin/inst/replcfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-fn servermount { status='' } 
-fn serverupdate { status='' }
-fn clientmount { status='' }
-applyopt=(-t -u -T$c/client/plan9.time)
--- a/sys/src/9/boot/local.rc
+++ b/sys/src/9/boot/local.rc
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 			for(i in `{ls -p $d}){
-				case ctl raw
+				case ctl raw log
 				case 9fat plan9 nvram
 					echo $p