ref: c7d9da8f5a41b833946027c802e0e8d7dd014b22
dir: /sys/src/cmd/spin/tl_main.c/
/***** tl_spin: tl_main.c *****/ /* * This file is part of the public release of Spin. It is subject to the * terms in the LICENSE file that is included in this source directory. * Tool documentation is available at * * Based on the translation algorithm by Gerth, Peled, Vardi, and Wolper, * presented at the PSTV Conference, held in 1995, Warsaw, Poland 1995. */ #include "tl.h" extern FILE *tl_out; int newstates = 0; /* debugging only */ int tl_errs = 0; int tl_verbose = 0; int tl_terse = 0; int tl_clutter = 0; int state_cnt = 0; unsigned long All_Mem = 0; char *claim_name; static char uform[4096]; static int hasuform=0, cnt=0; extern void cache_stats(void); extern void a_stats(void); int tl_Getchar(void) { if (cnt < hasuform) return uform[cnt++]; cnt++; return -1; } int tl_peek(int n) { if (cnt+n < hasuform) { return uform[cnt+n]; } return -1; } void tl_balanced(void) { int i; int k = 0; for (i = 0; i < hasuform; i++) { if (uform[i] == '(') { if (i > 0 && ((uform[i-1] == '"' && uform[i+1] == '"') || (uform[i-1] == '\'' && uform[i+1] == '\''))) { continue; } k++; } else if (uform[i] == ')') { if (i > 0 && ((uform[i-1] == '"' && uform[i+1] == '"') || (uform[i-1] == '\'' && uform[i+1] == '\''))) { continue; } k--; } } if (k != 0) { tl_errs++; tl_yyerror("parentheses not balanced"); } } void put_uform(void) { fprintf(tl_out, "%s", uform); } void tl_UnGetchar(void) { if (cnt > 0) cnt--; } static void tl_stats(void) { extern int Stack_mx; printf("total memory used: %9ld\n", All_Mem); printf("largest stack sze: %9d\n", Stack_mx); cache_stats(); a_stats(); } int tl_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; extern int xspin, s_trail; tl_verbose = 0; /* was: tl_verbose = verbose; */ if (xspin && s_trail) { tl_clutter = 1; /* generating claims for a replay should be done the same as when generating the pan.c that produced the error-trail */ } else { tl_clutter = 1-xspin; /* use -X -f to turn off uncluttering */ } newstates = 0; state_cnt = 0; tl_errs = 0; tl_terse = 0; All_Mem = 0; memset(uform, 0, sizeof(uform)); hasuform=0; cnt=0; claim_name = (char *) 0; ini_buchi(); ini_cache(); ini_rewrt(); ini_trans(); while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'd': newstates = 1; /* debugging mode */ break; case 'f': argc--; argv++; for (i = 0; argv[1][i]; i++) { if (argv[1][i] == '\t' || argv[1][i] == '\n') argv[1][i] = ' '; } strcpy(uform, argv[1]); hasuform = (int) strlen(uform); break; case 'v': tl_verbose++; break; case 'n': tl_terse = 1; break; case 'c': argc--; argv++; claim_name = (char *) emalloc(strlen(argv[1])+1); strcpy(claim_name, argv[1]); break; default : printf("spin -f: saw '-%c'\n", argv[1][1]); goto nogood; } argc--; argv++; } if (hasuform == 0) { nogood: printf("usage:\tspin [-v] [-n] -f formula\n"); printf(" -v verbose translation\n"); printf(" -n normalize tl formula and exit\n"); exit(1); } tl_balanced(); if (tl_errs == 0) tl_parse(); if (tl_verbose) tl_stats(); return tl_errs; } #define Binop(a) \ fprintf(tl_out, "("); \ dump(n->lft); \ fprintf(tl_out, a); \ dump(n->rgt); \ fprintf(tl_out, ")") void dump(Node *n) { if (!n) return; switch(n->ntyp) { case OR: Binop(" || "); break; case AND: Binop(" && "); break; case U_OPER: Binop(" U "); break; case V_OPER: Binop(" V "); break; #ifdef NXT case NEXT: fprintf(tl_out, "X"); fprintf(tl_out, " ("); dump(n->lft); fprintf(tl_out, ")"); break; #endif case NOT: fprintf(tl_out, "!"); fprintf(tl_out, " ("); dump(n->lft); fprintf(tl_out, ")"); break; case FALSE: fprintf(tl_out, "false"); break; case TRUE: fprintf(tl_out, "true"); break; case PREDICATE: fprintf(tl_out, "(%s)", n->sym->name); break; case CEXPR: fprintf(tl_out, "c_expr"); fprintf(tl_out, " {"); dump(n->lft); fprintf(tl_out, "}"); break; case -1: fprintf(tl_out, " D "); break; default: printf("Unknown token: "); tl_explain(n->ntyp); break; } } void tl_explain(int n) { switch (n) { case ALWAYS: printf("[]"); break; case EVENTUALLY: printf("<>"); break; case IMPLIES: printf("->"); break; case EQUIV: printf("<->"); break; case PREDICATE: printf("predicate"); break; case OR: printf("||"); break; case AND: printf("&&"); break; case NOT: printf("!"); break; case U_OPER: printf("U"); break; case V_OPER: printf("V"); break; #ifdef NXT case NEXT: printf("X"); break; #endif case CEXPR: printf("c_expr"); break; case TRUE: printf("true"); break; case FALSE: printf("false"); break; case ';': printf("end of formula"); break; default: printf("%c", n); break; } } static void tl_non_fatal(char *s1, char *s2) { extern int tl_yychar; int i; printf("tl_spin: "); #if 1 printf(s1, s2); /* prevent a compiler warning */ #else if (s2) printf(s1, s2); else printf(s1); #endif if (tl_yychar != -1 && tl_yychar != 0) { printf(", saw '"); tl_explain(tl_yychar); printf("'"); } printf("\ntl_spin: %s\n---------", uform); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) printf("-"); printf("^\n"); fflush(stdout); tl_errs++; } void tl_yyerror(char *s1) { Fatal(s1, (char *) 0); } void Fatal(char *s1, char *s2) { tl_non_fatal(s1, s2); /* tl_stats(); */ exit(1); }