ref: cb8d49e3c2026324252377e601550758dfa30b83
parent: 08cd0ea8d4cb921004e8f06caf0f99c944057bdf
author: stanley lieber <[email protected]>
date: Sat Nov 17 09:24:01 EST 2012
fortunes: did anyone at iwp9 give an update about osprey? anyone ask when it'll be available?
--- a/lib/theo
+++ b/lib/theo
@@ -220,3 +220,4 @@
I don't see any problem.
As developers we make decisions which we believe serve our users the best.
Wow, what's that got to do with anything?
+c++ is a pile of crap.
--- a/lib/troll
+++ b/lib/troll
@@ -110,3 +110,4 @@
Re: [ZS] Bitcoin - A Means for Redistribution of Wealth
Subject: [go-nuts] Re: php eval equivalent in go
[go-nuts] Why is this binary so large?
+did anyone at iwp9 give an update about osprey? anyone ask when it'll be available?
--- a/sys/games/lib/fortunes
+++ b/sys/games/lib/fortunes
@@ -4775,3 +4775,12 @@
/usr/local/plan9/bin/:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/Users/npe/src/mambo/bin:/Users/npe/src/depot_tools/:/Users/npe/nix/sys/src/osprey/MacOSX/386/bin:/Users/npe/src/hare/usr/brasil/MacOSX/386/bin:/Users/npe/src/hare/usr/inferno/appl/cmd/scripts/anl/linux/deploy/:/Users/npe/bin:/opt/local/bin:/Users/npe/.cabal/bin:/Users/npe/bin:/Applications/Sublime Text Scheme v370/bin:usr/local/bin:/usr/local/plan9/bin/:/Users/npe/Inferno/MacOSX/386/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin:/Users/npe/acme/dock:/usr/local/git/bin/:/Users/npe/.ec2/bin:/Users/npe/go/bin:/opt/local/devkitPro/devkitARM/bin
(#plan9) anth_r → well, it's weird, but i don't care enough about irc to look into it more.
(#plan9) uriel → the war is over
+I've got news for ya sunshine, there's this thing called Linux where it's easy. Applications install with one command and all of the dependencies come on board automatically. It's just as easy as Windows and Mac. -- IGnatius T Foobar
+Go is the first language that truly excites me since Python.
+The plan is to create a common format, based on the Election Markup Language (EML) already recommended for use in Europe.
+Feeling safe when searching the web is important.
+// Factory Pattern
+(#cat-v) eekee → finally, a use for ubuntu: downloading 9front iso
+(#go-nuts) pietro10 → it looks like firefox browser history is in a SQLite database. what is the best go package for that?
+All the jobs I find are for C++, my father gets on my case for not using it, and now with a family I'm scared if I'll be able to support them.
+Languages ought to be viewed independently from editors. -- Alpheus