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ref: faf8b47f415acb6c1492798d86d4e2fa6eb500c6
parent: 0a229586f2d576bd0595bd783ccc800d2cb11fe6
author: cinap_lenrek <cinap_lenrek@centraldogma>
date: Sat Sep 10 19:15:39 EDT 2011

adding experimental page(1) replacement npage

--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/npage.c
@@ -1,0 +1,930 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <event.h>
+#include <cursor.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include <plumb.h>
+typedef struct Page Page;
+struct Page {
+	char	*label;
+	QLock;
+	void	*data;
+	int	(*open)(Page *);
+	char	*text;
+	Image	*image;
+	int	fd;
+	int	gen;
+	Page	*up;
+	Page	*next;
+	Page	*down;
+	Page	*tail;
+int rotate = 0;
+int viewgen = 0;
+int pagegen = 0;
+Point resize, pos;
+Page *root, *current;
+QLock pagelock;
+int nullfd;
+enum {
+	NPROC = 4,
+	NAHEAD = 2,
+char *pagemenugen(int i);
+char *menuitems[] = {
+	"rotate 90",
+	"rotate 180",
+	"",
+	"fit to width",
+	"fit to height",
+	"original size",
+	"",
+	"next",
+	"prev",
+	"",
+	"quit",
+	nil
+Menu pagemenu = {
+	nil,
+	pagemenugen,
+	-1,
+Menu menu = {
+	menuitems,
+	nil,
+	-1,
+Cursor reading = {
+	{-1, -1},
+	{0xff, 0x80, 0xff, 0x80, 0xff, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 
+	 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x80, 0xff, 0xc0, 0xef, 0xe0, 
+	 0xc7, 0xf0, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xc0, 
+	 0x03, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, },
+	{0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 
+	 0x7e, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x80, 0x47, 0xc0, 
+	 0x03, 0xe0, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x40, 
+	 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xb6, 0x01, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, }
+setpage(Page *);
+addpage(Page *up, char *label, int (*popen)(Page *), void *pdata, int fd)
+	Page *p;
+	p = mallocz(sizeof(*p), 1);
+	p->label = strdup(label);
+	p->gen = pagegen;
+	p->text = nil;
+	p->image = nil;
+	p->data = pdata;
+	p->open = popen;
+	p->fd = fd;
+	p->down = nil;
+	p->tail = nil;
+	p->next = nil;
+	qlock(&pagelock);
+	if(p->up = up){
+		if(up->tail == nil)
+			up->down = up->tail = p;
+		else {
+			up->tail->next = p;
+			up->tail = p;
+		}
+	}
+	qunlock(&pagelock);
+	if(up && current == up)
+		setpage(p);
+	return p;
+createtmp(ulong id, char *pfx)
+	char nam[64];
+	sprint(nam, "/tmp/page%s%.12d%.8lux", pfx, getpid(), id ^ 0xcafebabe);
+	return create(nam, OEXCL|ORCLOSE|ORDWR, 0600);
+pipeline(int fd, char *fmt, ...)
+	char buf[128], *argv[4];
+	va_list arg;
+	int pfd[2];
+	if(pipe(pfd) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "pipe: %r\n");
+	Err:
+		dup(nullfd, fd);
+		return;
+	}
+	switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFFDG|RFNOWAIT)){
+	case -1:
+		fprint(2, "rfork: %r\n");
+		close(pfd[0]);
+		close(pfd[1]);
+		goto Err;
+	case 0:
+		if(dup(fd, 0)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		if(dup(pfd[1], 1)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		close(fd);
+		close(pfd[1]);
+		close(pfd[0]);
+		va_start(arg, fmt);
+		vsnprint(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, arg);
+		va_end(arg);
+		argv[0] = "rc";
+		argv[1] = "-c";
+		argv[2] = buf;
+		argv[3] = nil;
+		exec("/bin/rc", argv);
+		exits(nil);
+	}
+	close(pfd[1]);
+	dup(pfd[0], fd);
+	close(pfd[0]);
+popenconv(Page *p)
+	int fd;
+	if((fd = dup(p->fd, -1)) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "popenconv: dup: %r\n");
+		close(p->fd);
+		p->fd = -1;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	seek(fd, 0, 0);
+	if(p->data)
+		pipeline(fd, "%s", (char*)p->data);
+	return fd;
+popengs(Page *p)
+	int n, i, ifd, ofd, pin[2], pout[2], pdat[2];
+	char buf[8*1024], nam[32], *argv[12];
+	ifd = p->fd;
+	seek(ifd, 0, 0);
+	p->fd = -1;
+	p->text = strdup(p->label);
+	if(p->data)
+		pipeline(ifd, "%s", (char*)p->data);
+	if(pipe(pin) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "popengs: pipe: %r\n");
+	Err0:
+		close(ifd);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(pipe(pout) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "popengs: pipe: %r\n");
+	Err1:
+		close(pin[0]);
+		close(pin[1]);
+		goto Err0;
+	}
+	if(pipe(pdat) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "popengs: pipe: %r\n");
+	Err2:
+		close(pdat[0]);
+		close(pdat[1]);
+		goto Err1;
+	}
+	switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFFDG)){
+	case -1:
+		fprint(2, "popengs: rfork: %r\n");
+		goto Err2;
+	case 0:
+		if(dup(pin[1], 0)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		if(dup(pout[1], 1)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		if(dup(nullfd, 2)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		if(dup(pdat[1], 3)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		if(dup(ifd, 4)<0)
+			exits("dup");
+		close(pin[0]);
+		close(pin[1]);
+		close(pout[0]);
+		close(pout[1]);
+		close(pdat[0]);
+		close(pdat[1]);
+		close(ifd);
+		argv[0] = "gs";
+		argv[1] = "-q";
+		argv[2] = "-sDEVICE=plan9";
+		argv[3] = "-sOutputFile=/fd/3";
+		argv[4] = "-dBATCH";
+		argv[5] = "-dSAFER";
+		argv[6] = "-dQUIET";
+		argv[7] = "-dTextAlphaBits=4";
+		argv[8] = "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4";
+		argv[9] = "-r100";
+		argv[10] = "/fd/4";
+		argv[11] = nil;
+		exec("/bin/gs", argv);
+		exits("exec");
+	}
+	close(pin[1]);
+	close(pout[1]);
+	close(pdat[1]);
+	close(ifd);
+	if(rfork(RFMEM|RFPROC) == 0){
+		i = 0;
+		ofd = -1;
+		while((n = read(pdat[0], buf, sizeof(buf))) >= 0){
+			if(ofd >= 0 && (n <= 0 || memcmp(buf, "compressed\n", 11) == 0)){
+				snprint(nam, sizeof nam, "%d", i);
+				addpage(p, nam, popenconv, nil, ofd);
+				ofd = -1;
+			}
+			if(n <= 0)
+				break;
+			if(ofd < 0){
+				snprint(nam, sizeof nam, "%.4d", ++i);
+				if((ofd = createtmp((ulong)p, nam)) < 0){
+					fprint(2, "popengs: createtmp: %r\n");
+					ofd = dup(nullfd, -1);
+				}
+			}
+			if(write(ofd, buf, n) != n)
+				fprint(2, "popengs: write tmp: %r\n");
+		}
+		if(ofd >= 0)
+			close(ofd);
+		close(pdat[0]);
+		exits(nil);
+	}
+	for(;;){
+		if((n = read(pout[0], buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) <= 0){
+			if(n < 0)
+				fprint(2, "popengs: read: %r\n");
+			break;
+		}
+		buf[n] = 0;
+		if(strstr(buf, "showpage") == 0)
+			continue;
+		if(write(pin[0], "\n", 1) != 1){
+			fprint(2, "popengs: write: %r\n");
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	close(pin[0]);
+	close(pout[0]);
+	waitpid();
+	waitpid();
+	return -1;
+popenfile(Page *p)
+	char tmp[8*1024], *file;
+	int i, n, fd, tfd;
+	Dir *d;
+	fd = p->fd;
+	p->fd = -1;
+	file = p->data;
+	if(fd < 0){
+		if((fd = open(file, OREAD)) < 0){
+		Err0:
+			p->data = nil;
+			free(file);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	seek(fd, 0, 0);
+	if((d = dirfstat(fd)) == nil){
+	Err1:
+		close(fd);
+		goto Err0;
+	}
+	if(d->mode & DMDIR){
+		free(d);
+		d = nil;
+		if((n = dirreadall(fd, &d)) < 0)
+			goto Err1;
+		for(i = 0; i<n; i++)
+			addpage(p, d[i].name, popenfile, smprint("%s/%s", file, d[i].name), -1);
+		free(d);
+		p->text = strdup(p->label);
+		goto Err1;
+	}
+	free(d);
+	memset(tmp, 0, 32+1);
+	if((n = read(fd, tmp, 32)) <= 0)
+		goto Err1;
+	p->fd = fd;
+	p->data = nil;
+	p->open = popenconv;
+	if(memcmp(tmp, "%PDF-", 5) == 0 || strstr(tmp, "%!"))
+		p->open = popengs;
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "x T ", 4) == 0){
+		p->data = "lp -dstdout";
+		p->open = popengs;
+	}
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\xF7\x02\x01\x83\x92\xC0\x1C;", 8) == 0){
+		p->data = "dvips -Pps -r0 -q1 -f1";
+		p->open = popengs;
+	}
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1", 8) == 0){
+		p->data = "doc2ps";
+		p->open = popengs;
+	}
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "GIF", 3) == 0)
+		p->data = "gif -t9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\111\111\052\000", 4) == 0) 
+		p->data = "fb/tiff2pic | fb/3to1 rgbv | fb/pcp -tplan9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\115\115\000\052", 4) == 0)
+		p->data = "fb/tiff2pic | fb/3to1 rgbv | fb/pcp -tplan9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\377\330\377", 3) == 0)
+		p->data = "jpg -t9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\211PNG\r\n\032\n", 3) == 0)
+		p->data = "png -t9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "compressed\n", 11) == 0)
+		p->data = nil;
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "\0PC Research, Inc", 17) == 0)
+		p->data = "aux/g3p9bit -g";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "TYPE=ccitt-g31", 14) == 0)
+		p->data = "aux/g3p9bit -g";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "II*", 3) == 0)
+		p->data = "aux/g3p9bit -g";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "TYPE=", 5) == 0)
+		p->data = "fb/3to1 rgbv |fb/pcp -tplan9";
+	else if(tmp[0] == 'P' && '0' <= tmp[1] && tmp[1] <= '9')
+		p->data = "ppm -t9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "BM", 2) == 0)
+		p->data = "bmp -t9";
+	else if(memcmp(tmp, "          ", 10) == 0 &&
+		'0' <= tmp[10] && tmp[10] <= '9' &&
+		tmp[11] == ' ')
+		p->data = nil;
+	else if(strtochan((char*)tmp) != 0)
+		p->data = nil;
+	else {
+		werrstr("unknown image format");
+		goto Err1;
+	}
+	if(seek(fd, 0, 0) < 0)
+		goto Noseek;
+	if((i = read(fd, tmp+n, n)) < 0)
+		goto Err1;
+	if(i != n || memcmp(tmp, tmp+n, i)){
+		n += i;
+	Noseek:
+		if((tfd = createtmp((ulong)p, "spool")) < 0)
+			goto Err1;
+		while(n > 0){
+			if(write(tfd, tmp, n) != n)
+				goto Err2;
+			if((n = read(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) < 0)
+				goto Err2;
+		}
+		if(dup(tfd, fd) < 0){
+		Err2:
+			close(tfd);
+			goto Err1;
+		}
+		close(tfd);
+	}
+	free(file);
+	return p->open(p);
+nextpage(Page *p)
+	if(p){
+		if(p->down)
+			return p->down;
+		if(p->next)
+			return p->next;
+		if(p->up)
+			return p->up->next;
+	}
+	return nil;
+prevpage(Page *x)
+	Page *p, *t;
+	if(x){
+		for(p = root->down; p; p = t)
+			if((t = nextpage(p)) == x)
+				return p;
+	}
+	return nil;
+loadpage(Page *p)
+	int fd;
+	if(p->open && p->image == nil && p->text == nil){
+		if((fd = p->open(p)) < 0)
+			p->open = nil;
+		else {
+			pagegen++;
+			if(rotate)
+				pipeline(fd, "rotate -r %d", rotate);
+			if(resize.x && resize.y)
+				pipeline(fd, "resize -x %d -y %d", resize.x, resize.y);
+			else if(resize.x)
+				pipeline(fd, "resize -x %d", resize.x);
+			else if(resize.y)
+				pipeline(fd, "resize -y %d", resize.y);
+			p->image = readimage(display, fd, 1);
+			close(fd);
+		}
+		if(p->image == nil && p->text == nil)
+			p->text = smprint("error: %r");
+	}
+	p->gen = pagegen;
+unloadpage(Page *p)
+	if(p->open){
+		if(p->text)
+			free(p->text);
+		p->text = nil;
+		if(p->image){
+			lockdisplay(display);
+			freeimage(p->image);
+			unlockdisplay(display);
+		}
+		p->image = nil;
+	}
+unloadpages(int age)
+	Page *p;
+	for(p = root->down; p; p = nextpage(p)){
+		if(!canqlock(p))
+			continue;
+		if((pagegen - p->gen) >= age)
+			unloadpage(p);
+		qunlock(p);
+	}
+loadpages(Page *p, int ahead, int oviewgen)
+	int i;
+	unloadpages(NAHEAD*2);
+	ahead++;	/* load at least one */
+	for(i = 0; i < ahead && p; p = nextpage(p)){
+		if(viewgen != oviewgen)
+			break;
+		if(canqlock(p)){
+			loadpage(p);
+			if(viewgen != oviewgen){
+				unloadpage(p);
+				qunlock(p);
+				break;
+			}
+			qunlock(p);
+			if(p == current)
+				eresized(0);
+			i++;
+		}
+	}
+ * A draw operation that touches only the area contained in bot but not in top.
+ * mp and sp get aligned with bot.min.
+ */
+static void
+gendrawdiff(Image *dst, Rectangle bot, Rectangle top, 
+	Image *src, Point sp, Image *mask, Point mp, int op)
+	Rectangle r;
+	Point origin;
+	Point delta;
+	USED(op);
+	if(Dx(bot)*Dy(bot) == 0)
+		return;
+	/* no points in bot - top */
+	if(rectinrect(bot, top))
+		return;
+	/* bot - top ≡ bot */
+	if(Dx(top)*Dy(top)==0 || rectXrect(bot, top)==0){
+		gendrawop(dst, bot, src, sp, mask, mp, op);
+		return;
+	}
+	origin = bot.min;
+	/* split bot into rectangles that don't intersect top */
+	/* left side */
+	if(bot.min.x < top.min.x){
+		r = Rect(bot.min.x, bot.min.y, top.min.x, bot.max.y);
+		delta = subpt(r.min, origin);
+		gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op);
+		bot.min.x = top.min.x;
+	}
+	/* right side */
+	if(bot.max.x > top.max.x){
+		r = Rect(top.max.x, bot.min.y, bot.max.x, bot.max.y);
+		delta = subpt(r.min, origin);
+		gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op);
+		bot.max.x = top.max.x;
+	}
+	/* top */
+	if(bot.min.y < top.min.y){
+		r = Rect(bot.min.x, bot.min.y, bot.max.x, top.min.y);
+		delta = subpt(r.min, origin);
+		gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op);
+		bot.min.y = top.min.y;
+	}
+	/* bottom */
+	if(bot.max.y > top.max.y){
+		r = Rect(bot.min.x, top.max.y, bot.max.x, bot.max.y);
+		delta = subpt(r.min, origin);
+		gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op);
+		bot.max.y = top.max.y;
+	}
+void eresized(int new)
+	Rectangle r;
+	Image *i;
+	Page *p;
+	if(new){
+		lockdisplay(display);
+		if(getwindow(display, Refnone) == -1) {
+			fprint(2, "getwindow: %r\n");
+			exits("getwindow");
+		}
+		unlockdisplay(display);
+	}
+	if((p = current) == nil)
+		return;
+	qlock(p);
+	lockdisplay(display);
+	if((i = p->image) == nil){
+		char *s;
+		if((s = p->text) == nil)
+			goto Out;
+		r.min = ZP;
+		r.max = stringsize(font, p->text);
+		if((i = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, DWhite)) == nil)
+			goto Out;
+		string(i, r.min, display->black, ZP, font, s);
+		p->image = i;
+	}
+	r = rectaddpt(rectaddpt(Rpt(ZP, subpt(i->r.max, i->r.min)), screen->r.min), pos);
+	draw(screen, r, i, nil, i->r.min);
+	gendrawdiff(screen, screen->r, r, display->white, ZP, nil, ZP, S);
+	border(screen, r, -4, display->black, ZP);
+	flushimage(display, 1);
+	esetcursor(nil);
+	unlockdisplay(display);
+	qunlock(p);
+void translate(Page *p, Point d)
+	Rectangle r, or, nr;
+	Image *i;
+	if(p == nil || d.x==0 && d.y==0)
+		return;
+	if(!canqlock(p))
+		return;
+	if(i = p->image){
+		r = rectaddpt(rectaddpt(Rpt(ZP, subpt(i->r.max, i->r.min)), screen->r.min), pos);
+		pos = addpt(pos, d);
+		nr = rectaddpt(r, d);
+		or = r;
+		rectclip(&or, screen->r);
+		draw(screen, rectaddpt(or, d), screen, nil, or.min);
+		gendrawdiff(screen, nr, rectaddpt(or, d), i, i->r.min, nil, ZP, S);
+		gendrawdiff(screen, screen->r, nr, display->white, ZP, nil, ZP, S);
+		border(screen, nr, -4, display->black, ZP);
+		flushimage(display, 1);
+	}
+	qunlock(p);
+pagesize(Page *p)
+	Point t = ZP;
+	if(p && canqlock(p)){
+		if(p->image)
+			t = subpt(p->image->r.max, p->image->r.min);
+		qunlock(p);
+	}
+	return t;
+pageat(int i)
+	Page *p;
+	for(p = root->down; i > 0 && p; p = nextpage(p))
+		i--;
+	return i ? nil : p;
+pageindex(Page *x)
+	Page *p;
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0, p = root->down; p && p != x; p = nextpage(p))
+		i++;
+	return (p == x) ? i : -1;
+pagemenugen(int i)
+	Page *p;
+	if(p = pageat(i))
+		return p->label;
+	return nil;
+setpage(Page *p)
+	static int nproc;
+	int oviewgen;
+	if(p == nil)
+		return;
+	current = p;
+	oviewgen = viewgen;
+	esetcursor(&reading);
+	if(++nproc > NPROC)
+		if(waitpid() > 0)
+			nproc--;
+	switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM)){
+	case -1:
+		sysfatal("rfork: %r");
+	case 0:
+		loadpages(p, NAHEAD, oviewgen);
+		exits(nil);
+	}
+void killcohort(void)
+	int i;
+	for(i=0;i!=3;i++){	/* It's a long way to the kitchen */
+		postnote(PNGROUP, getpid(), "kill");
+		sleep(1);
+	}
+void drawerr(Display *, char *msg)
+	sysfatal("draw: %s", msg);
+shortname(char *s)
+	char *x;
+	if(x = strrchr(s, '/'))
+		if(x[1] != 0)
+			return x+1;
+	return s;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	enum { Eplumb = 4 };
+	Plumbmsg *pm;
+	Point o;
+	Mouse m;
+	Event e;
+	char *s;
+	int i;
+	/*
+	 * so that we can stop all subprocesses with a note,
+	 * and to isolate rendezvous from other processes
+	 */
+	atexit(killcohort);
+	nullfd = open("/dev/null", ORDWR);
+	initdraw(drawerr, nil, "npage");
+	display->locking = 1;
+	unlockdisplay(display);
+	einit(Ekeyboard|Emouse);
+	eplumb(Eplumb, "image");
+	current = root = addpage(nil, "root", nil, nil, -1);
+	if(*argv == nil)
+		addpage(root, "-", popenfile, strdup("/fd/0"), -1);
+	for(; *argv; argv++)
+		addpage(root, shortname(*argv), popenfile, strdup(*argv), -1);
+	for(;;){
+		i=event(&e);
+		switch(i){
+		case Emouse:
+			lockdisplay(display);
+			m = e.mouse;
+			if(m.buttons & 1){
+				for(;;) {
+					o = m.xy;
+					m = emouse();
+					if((m.buttons & 1) == 0)
+						break;
+					translate(current, subpt(m.xy, o));
+				}
+				unlockdisplay(display);
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(m.buttons & 2){
+				i = emenuhit(2, &m, &menu);
+				unlockdisplay(display);
+				if(i < 0 || i >= nelem(menuitems) || menuitems[i]==nil)
+					continue;
+				s = menuitems[i];
+				if(strncmp(s, "rotate ", 7)==0){
+					rotate += atoi(s+7);
+					rotate %= 360;
+					goto Unload;
+				}
+				if(strcmp(s, "fit to width")==0){
+					pos = ZP;
+					resize = subpt(screen->r.max, screen->r.min);
+					resize.y = 0;
+					goto Unload;
+				}
+				if(strcmp(s, "fit to height")==0){
+					pos = ZP;
+					resize = subpt(screen->r.max, screen->r.min);
+					resize.x = 0;
+					goto Unload;
+				}
+				if(strcmp(s, "original size")==0){
+					pos = ZP;
+					resize = ZP;
+					rotate = 0;
+				Unload:
+					viewgen++;
+					unloadpages(0);
+					setpage(current);
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(strcmp(s, "next")==0)
+					setpage(nextpage(current));
+				if(strcmp(s, "prev")==0)
+					setpage(prevpage(current));
+				if(strcmp(s, "quit")==0)
+					exits(0);
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(m.buttons & 4){
+				pagemenu.lasthit = pageindex(current);
+				i = emenuhit(3, &m, &pagemenu);
+				unlockdisplay(display);
+				if(i != -1)
+					setpage(pageat(i));
+				continue;
+			}
+			unlockdisplay(display);
+			break;
+		case Ekeyboard:
+			switch(e.kbdc){
+			case 'q':
+			case Kdel:
+				exits(0);
+			case Kup:
+				lockdisplay(display);
+				if(pos.y < 0){
+					translate(current, Pt(0, Dy(screen->r)/2));
+					unlockdisplay(display);
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(prevpage(current))
+					pos.y = 0;
+				unlockdisplay(display);
+			case Kleft:
+				setpage(prevpage(current));
+				break;
+			case Kdown:
+				lockdisplay(display);
+				o = addpt(pos, pagesize(current));
+				if(o.y >= Dy(screen->r)){
+					translate(current, Pt(0, -Dy(screen->r)/2));
+					unlockdisplay(display);
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(nextpage(current))
+					pos.y = 0;
+				unlockdisplay(display);
+			case ' ':
+			case Kright:
+				setpage(nextpage(current));
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case Eplumb:
+			pm = e.v;
+			if(pm && pm->ndata > 0){
+				int fd;
+				fd = -1;
+				s = plumblookup(pm->attr, "action");
+				if(s && strcmp(s, "showdata")==0){
+					static ulong plumbid;
+					if((fd = createtmp(plumbid++, "plumb")) < 0){
+						fprint(2, "plumb: createtmp: %r\n");
+						goto Plumbfree;
+					}
+					s = mallocz(1024, 1);
+					fd2path(fd, s, 1024);
+					write(fd, pm->data, pm->ndata);
+				}else if(pm->data[0] == '/'){
+					s = strdup(pm->data);
+				}else{
+					s = malloc(strlen(pm->wdir)+1+pm->ndata+1);
+					sprint(s, "%s/%s", pm->wdir, pm->data);
+					cleanname(s);
+				}
+				setpage(addpage(root, shortname(s), popenfile, s, fd));
+			}
+		Plumbfree:
+			plumbfree(pm);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
--- a/sys/src/cmd/rotate.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/rotate.c
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-rot180(Memimage *m)
+upsidedown(Memimage *m)
 	uchar *s, *d, *t;
 	int w, y, dy;
@@ -94,12 +94,6 @@
 	return m;
-rot270(Memimage *m)
-	return rot90(rot180(m));
@@ -112,10 +106,18 @@
 	Memimage *m;
 	int fd, r;
+	char f;
+	f = 0;
 	r = 0;
 	fd = 0;
+	case 'u':
+		f = 'u';
+		break;
+	case 'l':
+		f = 'l';
+		break;
 	case 'r':
 		r = atoi(EARGF(usage()));
@@ -130,15 +132,18 @@
 	if((m = readmemimage(fd)) == nil)
 		sysfatal("readmemimage: %r");
+	if(f == 'u' || f == 'l'){
+		m = upsidedown(m);
+		if(f == 'l')
+			r = 180;
+	}
 	switch(r % 360){
-	case 90:
+	case 270:
 		m = rot90(m);
-		break;
 	case 180:
-		m = rot180(m);
-		break;
-	case 270:
-		m = rot270(m);
+		m = rot90(m);
+	case 90:
+		m = rot90(m);
 	if(writememimage(1, m) < 0)