ref: fcf2f14760571f495aa25cd54909c449d1df0215
parent: 469b381b1a795c804c73fa4a124a6f1fb02183f3
author: cinap_lenrek <cinap_lenrek@localhost>
date: Fri Apr 22 00:58:05 EDT 2011
kernel: remove obsolete kernel configurations
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pcauth
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +1,0 @@
-# pcauth - pccpuf specialised for our auth servers
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- dup
- rtc
- ssl
- tls
- cap
- kprof
- fs
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
- draw screen vga vgax
- mouse mouse
- vga
- sd
- floppy dma
- uart
- usb
- kbin
- apm apmjump
- etherdp83820 pci
- ether82557 pci
- ethervt6102 pci ethermii
- ethervt6105m pci ethermii
- ethermedium
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
- usbuhci
- usbohci
- usbehci usbehcipc
- realmode
- mtrr
- sdata pci sdscsi
- uarti8250
- uartpci
- vgamach64xx +cur
- vgas3 +cur vgasavage
- tcp
- udp
- rudp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- gre
- ipmux
- esp
- int cpuserver = 1;
-boot cpu boot #S/sdC0/
- tcp
- local
- bootpcauth.out boot
- /386/bin/ip/ipconfig
- /386/bin/auth/factotum
- /386/bin/fossil/fossil
- /386/bin/venti/venti
- /386/bin/usb/usbd
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pccpuf
+++ b/sys/src/9/pc/pccpuf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pccpuf - pc cpu server with fossil root and maybe venti block store
+# pccpuf - pc cpu server with local disk
@@ -124,9 +124,7 @@
bootpccpuf.out boot
- /386/bin/ip/ipconfig
+ /386/bin/bzfs
+ /386/bin/mntgen
-# /386/bin/disk/kfs
- /386/bin/fossil/fossil
- /386/bin/venti/venti
- /386/bin/usb/usbd
+ rootfs.bz2
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pcdisk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +1,0 @@
-# pcdisk - pc terminal with kfs or cfs root
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- dup
- rtc
- ssl
- tls
- cap
- kprof
- fs
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
- draw screen vga vgax
- mouse mouse
- vga
- kbmap
- kbin
- sd
- floppy dma
- lpt
- audio dma
- pccard
- i82365 cis
- uart
- usb
- aoe
- realmode
- devpccard
- devi82365
- apm apmjump
- ether2000 ether8390
- ether2114x pci
- ether589 etherelnk3
- ether79c970 pci
- ether8003 ether8390
- ether8139
- ether8169 pci ethermii
- ether82543gc pci
- ether82563 pci
- ether82557 pci
- ether83815 pci
- etherec2t ether8390
- etherelnk3 pci
- etherga620 pci
- etherigbe pci ethermii
- ethervgbe pci ethermii
- ethervt6102 pci ethermii
- ethervt6105m pci ethermii
- ethersink
- ethersmc devi82365 cis
- etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci
- ethermedium
- pcmciamodem
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
- usbuhci
- usbohci
- usbehci usbehcipc
- archmp mp apic
- mtrr
- sdata pci sdscsi
- sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- sdmylex pci sdscsi
- sdiahci pci sdscsi
- sdaoe
- uarti8250
- uartpci pci
- vga3dfx +cur
- vgaark2000pv +cur
- vgabt485 =cur
- vgaclgd542x +cur
- vgaclgd546x +cur
- vgact65545 +cur
- vgacyber938x +cur
- vgaet4000 +cur
- vgahiqvideo +cur
- vgai81x +cur
- vgamach64xx +cur
- vgamga2164w +cur
- vgamga4xx +cur
- vganeomagic +cur
- vganvidia +cur
- vgargb524 =cur
- vgas3 +cur vgasavage
- vgat2r4 +cur
- vgatvp3020 =cur
- vgatvp3026 =cur
- vgavesa
- vgavmware +cur
- tcp
- udp
- rudp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- gre
- ipmux
- esp
- int cpuserver = 0;
-boot boot #S/sdC0/
- tcp
- local
- bootpcdisk.out boot
- /386/bin/ip/ipconfig
- /386/bin/auth/factotum
- /386/bin/disk/kfs
- /386/bin/cfs
- /386/bin/usb/usbd
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pcflop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +1,0 @@
-# tiny kernel used to install from floppy.
-# has minimal vga drivers, no usb support and only some ether drivers,
-# and in general no frills. probably only useful in quite old systems.
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- dup
- rtc
-# ssl
-# tls
- cap
-# kprof
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
- draw screen vga vgax
- mouse mouse
- vga
-# kbmap
- sd
- floppy dma
- pccard
- i82365 cis
- uart
- realmode
- devpccard
- devi82365
- ether2000 ether8390
- ether2114x pci
- ether589 etherelnk3
- ether79c970 pci
- ether8003 ether8390
- ether8139 pci
- ether8169 pci ethermii
-# ether82563 pci
- ether82557 pci
- ether83815 pci
-# etherdp83820 pci
- etherec2t ether8390
- etherelnk3 pci
-# has vast firmware
-# etherga620 pci
- etherigbe pci ethermii
- ethervgbe pci ethermii
- ethervt6102 pci ethermii
-# ethervt6105m pci ethermii
-# ethersink
- ethersmc devi82365 cis
- etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci
- ethermedium
- pcmciamodem
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
-# archmp mp apic
- mtrr
- sdata pci sdscsi
- sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- sdmylex pci sdscsi
-# sdiahci pci sdscsi
- uarti8250
-# uartpci pci
- vgavesa
-# vgavmware +cur
- tcp
- udp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- int cpuserver = 0;
-boot glenda boot #f/fd0disk
- local
- bootpcflop.out boot
- /sys/lib/dist/bin/386/bzfs kfs
- /sys/lib/dist/pc/root.bz2 bzroot
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pcfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +1,0 @@
-# pcfs - pccpuf variant with venti, fossil, boot script & more compiled in.
-# for use on file servers, including standalone ones
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- dup
- rtc
- ssl
- tls
- cap
- fs
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
- sd
- floppy dma
- aoe
- uart
- usb
- kbin
- ether82557 pci
- ether82563 pci
- etherdp83820 pci
- etherga620 pci
- etherigbe pci ethermii
- ethervt6105m
- ethersink
- ethermedium
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
- usbuhci
- usbohci
- usbehci usbehcipc
- realmode
- archmp mp apic
- mtrr
- uarti8250
- sdaoe
- sdata pci sdscsi
- sdiahci pci sdscsi
- sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- sdmylex pci sdscsi
- tcp
- udp
- rudp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- ipmux
- esp
- int cpuserver = 1;
-boot boot #S/sdC0/
- tcp
- local
- boot.fs boot
- /386/bin/rc
- /rc/lib/rcmain
- /386/bin/ip/ipconfig
- /386/bin/auth/factotum
- /386/bin/venti/venti
- /386/bin/fossil/fossil
- /386/bin/auth/aescbc
- /386/bin/aux/zerotrunc
- /386/bin/bind
- /386/bin/cat
- /386/bin/cp
- /386/bin/disk/fdisk
- /386/bin/disk/prep
- /386/bin/echo
- /386/bin/ls
- /386/bin/mount
- /386/bin/read
- /386/bin/sed
- /386/bin/sleep
- /386/bin/srv
- /386/bin/test
- /386/bin/usb/usbd