shithub: zelda3

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ref: 2ff515fb66263fc50bb9285208192bb22234267e
parent: 128557c6f6483795e36a8a0cd0196ffa2d888cf2
author: Snesrev <[email protected]>
date: Wed Oct 12 14:24:05 EDT 2022

Queued apu commands weren't properly saved in snapshot. (Fixes #138)

--- a/zelda_rtl.c
+++ b/zelda_rtl.c
@@ -478,6 +478,11 @@
   // This is not stored in the snapshot
   g_zenv.player->timer_cycles = 0;
+  // Restore input ports state
+  SpcPlayer *spc_player = g_zenv.player;
+  memcpy(spc_player->input_ports, &spc_player->ram[0x410], 4);
+  memcpy(g_apu_write.ports, spc_player->input_ports, 4);
   // Ensure emulator has the up-to-date state too
@@ -488,6 +493,13 @@
 static void SaveSnesState(SaveLoadFunc *func, void *ctx) {
   memcpy(g_zenv.ram + 0x1b00, g_zenv.ram + 0x1DBA0, 224 * 2); // hdma table was moved
+  // SpcPlayer.input_ports is not saved to the SpcPlayer ram by SpcPlayer_CopyVariablesToRam,
+  // in any case, we want to save the most recently written data, and that might still
+  // be in the queue. 0x410 is a free memory location in the SPC ram, so store it there.
+  SpcPlayer *spc_player = g_zenv.player;
+  memcpy(&spc_player->ram[0x410], g_apu_write.ports, 4);
   InternalSaveLoad(func, ctx);